Made by 1Quinton
in Library Class
We learned to find our Google Drive,
make a Google Doc and change colors and
size of words. It was fun!
A is for apples, applesauce,
and apple pie.
This page was made by
the class.
B is for butter.
Butter melts in your mouth.
This page was made by Emmett.
c is for corn.
Corn on the cob is good.
This page was made by Jarrod.
D is for
are good
Mya Parvin
e is for egg
I like eggs a
. This page was made by jack m
F is for french fries
We eat lots of french fries
This page was made by Danielle.
G is for guakamole.
I have never seen
This page is made by Mason.
H is for hot dogs.
I love hotdogs.
This page was made by Briar.
I is for icecrem.
I love icecrem pepole love icecrem too. cats
eat icecrem if you give them icecrem. dogs
like icecrem too. some pepole dont like
this page was made by madie
J is for Jellybeens.
Jellybeans are
different colors.
. This page was made by keaton
K is for kiwi fruits.
i have never had kiwi
This page was made by Taylor.
L Lis for emens.
L emensare sauor I do not
Llike emens.
This page was made by Meredith.
M is for mellen.
Mellons are good. But be careful don’t
swallow the seed.
This page was made by Madelyn.
N is for Noodles.
Did you know that there is a
restaurant called Noodles?
You eat Noodles there.
this page was made byraegan.
O is for oatmeal.
Oatmeal is good for you oh
and it is good for breakfast.
This page was made by
P is for pie
Pie is delicious.
This page was made by hayze.
P is for pizza.
Pizza is good.
This page was made by Alex.
Q is for quiche.
Quiche is made from eggs. It looks
like pizza. It is yummy!
This page was made by the class.
R is for ravioli.
Ravioli is very, very tasty and it is
made with tomato sauce.
This page was made by the class.
S is for soup.
You can eat hot soup
at a restaurant.
This page was made by the class.
T is for tomatoes.
Round, red tomatoes are juicy and
they can be made into ketchup.
This page was made by the class.
U is for upsidedown cake.
I like to eat pineapple
upside down cake. It is
This page was made by Ms. Harris.
V is for veggy stikes
i love veggy stikes
This page was made by madie
W is for watermelon.
Watermelons have lots of
seeds. We read a book
called The Watermelon
This page was made by the class.
X is for xray fish.
We have never eaten an
xray fish. I wonder if they
taste good?
This page was made by the class.
Yis for yucky.
I think tomatoes are
This page was made by braxton.
Z is for zucchini.
Zucchini is green on the
outside. It can make lots of
things to eat. It is delicious.
This page was made by the class.