FALL 2015
Syllabus Snapshot
Student Preparation Strategy
BOPPPS Lesson Plan
Test Questions
Showcase Presentation
Lone Star College—North Harris FALL 2015
FALL 2015 SYLLABUS Contact:: Chris Trevino
(ABBREVIATED) Email thru D2L
[email protected]
See the D2L for complete syllabus Ph: 281-427-9063
Class Policies BOOK:
Attendance: In order for you to fully comprehend the material and grasp a lot of it, it is imperative for you “Culture and Values: A
to attend class even if it is online. You are going to love coming to class, and I encourage you to be fo- Survey of the Humani-
cused and stay on top of your assignments. It is part of your participation grade and is worth 10% of your ties” Vol. 1, 8th edition
grade. By Cunningham and
Late policy: NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS ARE ACCEPTED. Since everything is submitted online, there is Reich
never an excuse not to submit an assignment.
Desire2Learn Our class is heavily supplemented by the online learning system, Desire2Learn (D2L).If this ISBN:978-1-133-95244-2
is your first time to use D2L, you will need to complete the online student orientation to familiarize yourself
with the new format.
For technical assistance call the Service Desk Toll-Free at 1.866.614.5014 or visit
Class Description:
A study of the interpretation of human experience through an introduction to music,
literature, the visual arts, history, and philosophy. Focus is on gaining practical expe-
rience in inquiry, recognition, and assessment.
Meet your professor:
Call me Mrs. Trevino
Teaching since 2006
MLA degree from HBU
Love My Job!!
Enjoy Traveling World
Page 1 FALL 2015 SYLLABUS (abbreviated)
Assignment & Grades
Graded Assignment Percentage
of total grade
Discussions 20%
Chapter Quizzes 15%
Video Drop Box Assignments 20%
Mid-term Exam 10%
Research project including proposal 25%
Letter Grade Assignment: L See your complete syllabus for more de-
(A) 90-100 (B) 80-89 C) 70-79 tailed Information and basic guidelines
(D) 60-69 (F) 59-below
Partial Schedule: The most current & complete version of this
Schedule can be found in the D2L course under What’s Due on
The Content page. It also has interactive links to the assignments.
October 2015 FALL 2015 SYLLABUS (abbreviated)
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Class begins
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Page 2
Online Forum discussion questions will be posted weekly for each of the chapters, which will be based upon the week's readings and lecture notes provided
online. Forums open each Monday at 12:00 a.m. and replies are due Sundays at 11:59 p.m. Must contain a minimum of 200 words or NO CREDIT Will BE
GIVEN. This counts as 20% of your grade.
Chapter Quizzes:
You be expected to take a multiple-choice quiz for each chapter. This will count 15% of your final grade.
Video Drop Box Assignments:
You will be expected to view a video per chapter and answer questions in a Discussion Thread. Refer to the complete syllabus for more details. 20% of your final grade.
Mid-term Exam:
This mid-term exam will consist 100 multiple-choice questions over chapters 2-8. This will count 10% of your final grade.
Research project presentation including proposal:
A one paragraph (1/2 page max) proposal for your research presentation will be due before you begin the research presentation. You will not be able
to continue unless instructor approves your proposal. The proposal will provide a clear thesis statement and a thorough explanation of the desired topic to be
researched. Failure to submit a proposal will prevent the student from submitting a research presentation. The research presentation will cover material discussed
throughout the semester. The emphasis will be sifting through an entire semester's worth of information and selecting one very clearly defined topic for discussion.
The research presentation will cover material discussed throughout the semester. The emphasis will be on sifting through an entire semester's worth of inform-
mation and selecting one very clearly defined topic for discussion. Through research and the synthesis of that information, you will be asked to produce a cogent
and clear research product. The presentation will be worth a total of 25% of your final grade. (Research and presentation and proposal).
Refer to the complete syllabus for further details and basic guidelines.
Final Exam:
The Final exam will consist 100 multiple-choice questions over chapters 9-13. The will count 10% of your final grade.
Page 3 FALL 2015 SYLLABUS (abbreviated)
Student Prep Strategy: Getting Them to Read!
Chapter 8 Islam needs to be read in its’ entirety before next class. When you arrive for your next class, I
will be assigning 4 groups with 5 students per group. This chapter will be divided into sections. Each
group will receive sections assigned specifically to them.
1. Each group has to present their assigned section.
2. Each person must present a section of the groups section.
3. For example: If group 1 has pages 1-4 and there are 5 topics for discussion, then, each person
breaks down their topic and must understand and know what their topic is about and work on
presenting their topic.
4. This means that you don’t have much time to read your section because each group has to
present their section before the end of class.
5. It helps to have read the chapter beforehand, so everyone can strategize and help each other
know what is going on in their section.
6. Each group will meet for about 30 minutes to gather and divide the section into parts between
each student and figure out how they will present.
7. Each group will be allotted 10 min. to present to the class their findings and explain their
thoughts to them.
8. This presentation is part of your participation grade. Each group will write their names on a
piece of paper and provide it to your professor for grading. You must present in order to receive
9. There will be no make up assignment.
10. Read, read, read before coming to class. This will save you lots of time, energy, and preparation.
Chris Trevino – HUMA 1301 BOPPPS LESSON PLAN
COURSE: HUMA 1301 Introduction to the Humanities
Lesson Title: Identify which religion it belongs
Bridge: Signs of religious images will be shown to check the students’ comprehension of which ones belong to Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. Students will
write down which ones apply to which religious group. A preview of the religious images will be replayed for students to recheck their answers. Then the
images will be reviewed one last time to check the correct answers.
BLOOM QUESTION: (KNOWLEDGE): What do we know about Muslims and other religious sects who are Monotheistic in belief?
End with: Today we will be learning about the three monotheistic religions two of which have the most members in the world following their traditions and
Estimated time: 5 minutes
Course Student Learning Outcome: Articulate an informed personal response and critically analyze works in the arts and humanities.
Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to
1. (Comprehension) Compare and contrast representative terms, works, figures, and artists in philosophy, literature, and the visual arts.
2. (Knowledge) Describe representative themes and developments in the humanities, expressing clearly and supporting convincingly an interpretation
or analysis of a literary, philosophical, or visual performing artwork.
Pre-Assessment: Carousel Brainstorm – Chart papers containing statements or issues for student consideration are posted around the classroom. Groups of
students brainstorm at one station and then rotate to the next position where they add additional comments. When the carousel “stops” the original team
prepares a summary and then presents the large group’s findings.
Estimated time: 15 minutes Learner Activities Lesson Materials
Participatory Learning: Present first 4 PPT slides
Time Instructor Activities Explain the 3 Monotheistic religions, show symbols, and and video clip
15 min. Judaism vs Christianity vs Islam video
BLOOM QUESTION (EVALUATION): With so many Slide + View short video clip
10 min. Judaism Ideals and traditions religions, how can we determine which religion is true?
Select a partner and give your opinion.
Breakdown of Judaism
View short video:
10 min. Christianity ideals and traditions BLOOM QUESTION (COMPREHENSION): Summarize in one Slide + view short video clip
10 min. Islam Ideals and traditions paragraph explaining why Jews follow the Sabbath so Slide + view short video clip
Breakdown of Christianity
View short video:
describe Jesus Christ to a non-Christian?
Make a list.
Breakdown of Islam
View short video:
your understanding of Islam?
Use a journal to explain in a short paragraph.
Post-assessment: New Technology Administer flashcard game: Show multiple images of religious buildings and iconography and check if student can identify
which one is Islamic, Judaic, or a Christian motif.
Estimated time: 5 minutes
Summary: Address any questions still lingering once the post-assessment has been administered. Show the 3 Monotheistic images showing their distinction.
CAT: Minute paper explaining the differences between Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.
Estimated time: 5 minutes
Learning Objectives (these should be the ones you wrote in Module 1): By the end of this lesson,
students will be able to:
1) Compare and contrast representative terms, works, figures, and artists in philosophy, literature, and
the visual arts
2) Describe representative themes and developments in the humanities. Expressing clearly and
supporting convincingly an interpretation or analysis of a literary, philosophical, or visual performing
I have chosen two CATs that I can use in my BOPPPS lesson plan:
1) Minute Paper: What was the most important thing you learned about Gothic during this class?
What surprised you the most about the term?
2) Word Journal: Summarize the Gothic style in a single word and then write 1-2 paragraphs
explaining the term.
I have chosen either one to address at the end of the class. This will help the instructor to get a good
grasp if the student understood the topic and terminology and how the student articulated his
comprehension of it.
Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1) Compare and contrast representative terms, works, figures, and artists in philosophy, literature, and
the visual arts.
2) Describe representative themes and developments in the humanities. Expressing clearly and
supporting convincingly an interpretation or analysis of a literary, philosophical, or visual performing
Formal Assessment:
1. Who is considered the founder of Islam? (Remembering)
a. Abdul
b. Elijah
c. Muhammad
d. Allah
2. What explanation is given for the rapid spread of Islam? (Understanding)
a. The simplicity of its original teachings.
b. The freedom granted to its adherents.
c. The beauty of Islamic writings.
d. The glorious afterlife promised in the Qur’an.
3. What is the difference between a “prophet” and a “seer”? What was the main function of
prophets in the Judeo-Christian traditions? (Analyzing)
4. Based on the beliefs and traditions of the three monotheistic religions, which would you pursue
after carefully examining all aspects and why? (Evaluating)
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Discussion Board Grading Rubric
Teacher Name: Trevino
Student Name: ________________________________________
CATEGORY 20 Pts 15 Pts 10 Pts 5 Pts
Promptness and Consistently Responds to most Responds to most Does not respond to
responds to postings postings within a 24 postings several most postings;
Initiative in less than 24 hours; hour period; requires days after initial rarely participates
demonstrates good occasional discussion; limited
self-initiative prompting to post initiative
Delivery of Post Consistently uses Few grammatical or Errors in spelling Utilizes poor spelling
grammatically correct spelling errors are and grammar and grammar in
posts with rare noted in posts evidenced in several most posts; posts
misspellings posts appear "hasty"
Relevance of Consistently posts Frequently posts Occasionally posts Posts topics which
Post topics related to topics that are off topic; most posts do not relate to the
discussion topic; related to discussion are short in length discussion content;
cites additional content; prompts and offer no further makes short or
references related to further discussion of insight into the topic irrelevant remarks
topic. topic
Expression Expresses opinions Opinions and ideas Unclear connection Does not express
within the post and ideas in a clear are stated clearly to topic evidenced in opinions or ideas
and concise manner with occasional lack minimal express of clearly, no
with obvious of connection to opinions or ideas connection to topic
connection to topic topic.
Contribution to Aware of needs of Frequently attempts Occasionally makes Does not make
the Learning community; to direct the meaningful reflection effort to participate
Community frequently attempts discussion and to on group's efforts; in learning
to motivate the group present relevant marginal effort to community as it
discussion; presents viewpoints for become involved develops; seems
creative approaches consideration by with group indifferent
to topic group; interacts
Date Created: November 04, 2015
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ACP Showc
Table of Contents
Student Preparation Strategy – Jigsaw
BOPPPS lesson – Identify which religion
CAT - Minute Paper
Questions - 4 questions on religion
Technology – Flash cards
w Technique
n it belongs
Student preparation
The student preparation strategy I cho
Students will be placed in groups of 5
given a section of the chapter to disc
Each group selects a leader and the
the chapter.
Each student in each group will partic
given to them to investigate and repo
Once all components of their section
group leader will present to the class
All the chapter will be presented due
by their team leader.
ose is the jigsaw technique.
5-6 and each group will be
cuss and present in the
dissection of their section of
cipate and research the part
ort back to the leader.
n are reported, then, each
their groups section.
e to group efforts and lectured
Signs of religious images will be shown
comprehension of which ones belong
Students will write down which ones a
A preview of the religious images will b
recheck their answers.
Then the images will be reviewed one
n to check the students’
g to Islam, Judaism, and
apply to which religious group.
be replayed for students to
e last time to check the correct
By the end of this lesson, students will be
(Comprehension) Compare and con
works, figures, and artists in philosophy
(Knowledge) Describe representative
the humanities, expressing clearly and
interpretation or analysis of a literary,
performing artwork.
e able to
ntrast representative terms,
y, literature, and the visual arts.
e themes and developments in
d supporting convincingly an
philosophical, or visual
A Carousel Brainstorm is an active, student-c
generate data about a group’s collective pr
variety of issues associated with a single topic
Chart papers containing statements or issues
consideration are posted around the classro
Groups of students brainstorm at one station
next position where they add additional com
When the carousel “stops” the original team
and then presents the large group’s findings.
centered method to
rior knowledge of a
s for student
and then rotate to the
m prepares a summary
Explain the 3 Monotheistic religions, sh
question: With so many religions, how
religion is true?
Explain Judaism ideals and traditions,
question: Summarize in one paragrap
the Sabbath so faithfully?
Explain Christianity ideals and tradition
question: How would you describe Je
Explain Islam ideals and traditions, sho
How would you show your understand
how symbols, and video + ask a
w can we determine which
show short video + ask a
ph explaining why Jews follow
ns, show short video + ask a
esus Christ to a non-Christian?
ow short video + ask a question:
ding of Islam?
In order to assess if the student has lear
lesson, I will administer:
New Technology using flash cards of re
buildings and iconography to check if
can identify which one is Islamic, Judai
Christian motif.
rned the
ic, or a
Address any questions still lingering on
been administered.
Show the 3 Monotheistic images show
Close with a CAT: minute paper expla
Islam, Judaism, and Christianity
nce the post-assessment has
wing their distinction.
aining the differences between
Personal Reflection o
Gained new teaching strategies, tech
Teaching techniques such as CATs
Utilizing Bloom’s Taxonomy and other
New Technology concepts are vital to
Has made me a more effective instru
strategies to my classroom and makin
Enjoyed participating with the best ins
on My ACP
hniques, and concepts
resources for a learning
o bring fresh ideas to teaching
uctor by applying new
ng it more enhanced and fun
structors Lone Star has to offer
Chris Trevino Reflective Essay LSC-Kingwood
What value/knowledge/insights have you gained from the Adjunct Certification
I gained so many ways of teaching. I learned about Classroom Assessment Techniques
and how to apply them to assess how the students grasped the lesson. I learned about
New Technology and the various tools that are available to apply to the lesson for a new
learning environment. I learned about creating a lesson plan by applying BOPPPS and
including the Bloom’s Taxonomy elements to better serve my students and get them
engaged in the classroom. I would not have implemented any of these valuable tools
had it not been for the ACP. All these tools are so important to assist the instructor to
provide quality lessons and to change the classroom atmosphere. The knowledge
gained in this ACP class will forever be worth attending and participating.
How have you incorporated the knowledge gained into your classroom?
Yes, I absolutely incorporated the knowledge gained into my classroom. I incorporated
group assignments so each student could participate in the chapter assignment. I
wanted to establish an environment of teamwork and cooperation. I have created a
lesson plan for next semester and will begin to incorporate more engaging techniques
into my classroom. I realized that these techniques are invaluable and will be creative
and attract students to a fun and learning environment. I was pleased with the
knowledge I gained during my ACP class, so I have various options to incorporate in my
lessons. I was thrilled with the many options available and the up-to-date technology
that was shared for enhancing the student learning environment.
Chris Trevino Reflective Essay LSC-Kingwood
How has this program made you a more effective instructor?
The opportunity I had in this program really opened my eyes to see that my lectures
needed a bit more of improvement. It made me realize that I needed to improve the
rhythm of my lessons and create more diverse learning techniques so every student
could feel comfortable participating without feeling inadequate. I believe this program
was so valuable for me and showed me ways that I could improve and instill a mixture
of teaching techniques. It was exciting to participate in all the homework assignments
and challenged me to cultivate new ideas and enhance my teaching style. I enjoyed it
very much.
What suggestions do you have for further professional development
My suggestions for further professional development opportunities would be to continue
offering us various teaching techniques during the semester at different times. For
example, some instructors might not be available to attend one in the evening but can
attend on the weekend or vice versa. I think that every instructor would like to boost
their lessons and make their classroom more attractive if they learn up-to-date
techniques that students have not tried. This will challenge the students more often and
captivate their attention. We need options to keep us challenged constantly to become
better instructors and not become stagnant. We all want the student to be successful in
their classroom so challenging their critical thinking skills will go far in them gaining
valuable knowledge. Therefore, as instructors, we need to be challenged as well to be
successful in achieving a well-learned and a productive student that will leave our
community college with a degree in hand and new knowledge they will apply in their