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Published by jacqueline-robertson1972, 2021-02-23 16:01:39

Drop Off Arrangements ey p.m.

Drop Off Arrangements ey p.m.

Early Years, Primary 1C, Primary 1M and Primary 2/1
Drop Off and Pick up Arrangements

Thank you to everyone who has been following the
arrangements. This is a reminder to help keep everyone
Early Years
Drop Off is 12:45 – 12:55 Please drop off within these times to
avoid congestion.

Primary 1M Please arrive at the gate for 08:45a.m. (and 2:45p.m.)
Primary 1C Please arrive at the gate for 08:50a.m. (and 2:50p.m.
Primary 2/1 Please arrive at the gate for 08:55a.m.(and 2:55p.m.)

Please wear a face covering at all times when queueing and
entering the school grounds.
Please follow the one-way system.
Please keep 2 metre distance from other adults.
Only one adult should accompany a child for drop off and
pick up.

This message has been shared by the Government and
North Ayrshire Council. These arrangements will help keep
everyone safe.

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