Concussions in
By: Chase Stocklin
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Table of Contents
Glossary ……………………………………………. Page 3
Descriptive Paragraph …………………………….. Page 4
Descriptive Picture ……………………………….... Page 5
Sequence Paragraph …………………………….... Page 6
Sequence Picture …………………………………... Page 7
Compare and Contrast Paragraph ………..……….. Page 8
Compare and Contrast Picture ……….……………. Page 9
Cause and Effect Paragraph …………………….… Page 10
Cause and Effect Picture ……………………….….. Page 11
Problem and Solution Paragraph ………………….. Page 12
Problem and Solution Picture …………..………….. Page 13
Autobiography …………………………..………..….. Page 14
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1. Concentration: The action or power of focusing one’s
attention of mental effort.
2. Concussion: A brain injury caused by a blow to the head or
a violent shaking of the head and body.
3. Diagnosis: The identification of a nature of an illness or
other problem by examination of the symptoms.
4. Memory: The faculty by which the mind stores and
remembers information something remembered from the fast
a recollection.
5. Symptoms: A physical or mental feature which is regarded
as indicating a condition of disease particularly such a
feature that is apparent to the patient.
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.D escriptive
Concussions are a brain injury that occur when someone is hit or has
a large impact force to the head. These injuries occur a lot in football and
soccer, but they can occur in any sport that has a lot of contact. While mild
concussions are treated with rest and light activities. The more severe
cases can result in vomiting, loss of memory, and lack of coordination.
People can and have died from concussions, if a blood
clot forms in the brain. Concussions can and do heal for the most part,
but it may take a couple of days, or even up to a couple of years. People
should be checked by a Doctor if you experience some of the symptoms.
However research has shown us that with repeated
concussions it can lead to permanent or long term brain damage.
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Descriptive Picture
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To get a concussion, you could have a blow to the head. As
there may actually be no external signs but there are internal. Some of the
systems are dizziness, vomiting, memory loss, etc. which confusion is the
primary one. An actually blow to the head could cause damage to brain
cells. The actually treatment for a concussion would be to rest. Along with
taking tylenol and the post-concussion headaches would be caused by the
stronger medications. People that have suffered from concussions actuallt
“recover” with their symptoms.
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Sequence Picture
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Compare and Contrast
While American football accounts for more than 50% of all
concussions in boys sports. The second highest is soccer. Soccer is the
leading concussion reason among girls. When we compare both sports,
you wouldn’t think soccer would have more concussions than a hard hitting
contact sport like football. So how is it that opposite style sports can be
harmful to people. While soccer may not be had hitting the opportunity to
have a head injury is greater. Being hit by the ball, kicked in the head, or a
head to head hit. So maybe we should make soccer players wear helmets,
but helmets don’t always work in football either. So our best defense
against these is a good offense, we need to educate our kids.
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Compare and Contrast Picture
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Cause and Effect
The main cause of a concussion would be a violent blow to the head,
neck, or the upper body. As for this cause the effect of this blow can have
your brain move back and forth which would hit the walls of your skull.
Another cause would be from a car crash or even being violently shaken.
Along with this it may also lead to bleeding in the brain, with this it could be
immediately or even later. As the concussion could result in tearing fibers,
or rupturing blood vessels which would cause build-up blood. The effects of
a concussion could last for about three months and the symptoms would
occur the first 7 to 10 days. Then, they could or may last up to a year or
more also.
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Cause and Effect Picture
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Problem and Solution
The problem that we have with concussions is they are hard to
diagnois unless you know what you are looking for. We can not stop
playing sports, but we can educate. The players, coaches, and parents
need to know what to look for and what to do. Football has taken a step
forward by doing baseline testing on players so they have something to go
by when a player get hurt. Companies are making better equipment to help
prevent injuries.
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Problem and Solution Picture
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My name is Chase Dakota Stocklin. I was born on June 13, 2007, in
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. My parents are Michael and Stephanie Stocklin,
as I have two older siblings, Shannon and Madison. I participate in football,
basketball, and flag football. In the 2018-2019 football season I was
honored to win the super bowl for the first time.
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