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NewsWatch is your trusted source for breaking consumer, technology, travel, health, and entertainment news. NewsWatch is privately produced by Bridge Communications, and is not owned or operated by any networks on which it is broadcasted. NewsWatch airs on the AMC Network and the ION Network.

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Published by newswatchus, 2022-06-08 07:38:58

NewsWatch TV

NewsWatch is your trusted source for breaking consumer, technology, travel, health, and entertainment news. NewsWatch is privately produced by Bridge Communications, and is not owned or operated by any networks on which it is broadcasted. NewsWatch airs on the AMC Network and the ION Network.

Keywords: NewsWatch TV

LocoLingo Nabs Angel Investors After NewsWatch


Marketing can be hit or miss, but success or lack of success
usually comes down to the team behind your campaign.What
you want, especially when hiring an outside firm to run your ad
campaign, is a team with dyed-in-the-wool marketing experience.

No, I don’t mean they should have fixed ideas that don’t allow
them to change with the times or pivot when something isn’t
working. I mean you want them to know the hard-and-fast rules
of marketing and the tried-and-true principles that mean near
automatic success.The special ingredients of advertising if you


That’s what LocoLingo got when they hired NewsWatch.The
app-based company created the first-ever social media app that
specifically focuses on local community interaction. Users can
share media and messages with others in their community.This
is especially popular in urban and city landscapes.

LocoLingo hired D.C.-based multimedia company, NewsWatch
TV Reviews, to run a one-minute segment on their national TV
show.The goal was to not only promote the app to potential
users, but to gain the attention of possible investors.The video
was produced around an interview with LocoLingo CEO Austin
Wright so that viewers would hear about the app right from its


The result of the airing and parallel online campaign was exactly
what they set out to accomplish. It aired out to every major
market in the country and helped LocoLingo to secure three
new angel investors.

“I just wanted to say thank you and it was a great experience,”
Wright said.“The good news is myself and LocoLingo got our
first investment from three angel investors working with
NewsWatch. It’s a huge accomplishment.Again, thank you!”


LocoLingo is one of many success stories from clients who have
worked with NewsWatch.Their combination of paid content TV
with a heavily pushed online ad campaign that runs simultaneous
to the airing has proven successful again and again.

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