Faith Renewed The Choice Evidence of the Unknown
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E'yen A. Gardner
What does it mean to live your dream life? I would work so hard that I would forget to
Honestly, do you know? eat or drink for hours. My eye would twitch
and I just kept on working. My pursuit of the
I have been in pursuit of my dream ever dream clouded my vision. I lost sight of what
since it came to me. As adversity followed I loved to do because I was blinded by
me the dream resembled more of a ambitions of greater. You see, I wanted it so
nightmare. No matter how many good bad that I was stressing myself out. My grip
things came to me doing what I loved, it was so tight that I was squeezing the love out
was never enough. I wanted more. I would of the dream. What happened then is the
write a life-changing book and share it work took over and love sat on the sidelines.
with the world. Then move on to the next Like Peter on the fishing boat toiling all
book. I never took time to rest because I night and not catching one fish. I doubled
was in pursuit of something greater. down on the work but was getting further
from the dream in the process.
Peter had Jesus on the sidelines. Jesus was Love directs us to look inside of ourselves
on the shore and yelled out to Peter to cast for answers and vision.
his net on the other side. He obeyed and
N O P L A C E I S E V E Rcaught a full net of fish. Peter was in
You don't have to work for the dream it
A S B A Dposition but needed direction and vision to A S T H E Yworks for you. You can do what you love
and love is the prize. Nothing outside of
receive what he desired. In my situation, I
you can satisfy you. You will always long
for more. But what is inside of you can
was praying about pursuing the dream and
T E L L Y O U I T ’ SGod spoke to my heart. "You are living the
satisfy you.
dream." Light flooded my spirit and a
G O I N Gheaviness was lifted. I had it all wrong. I The divine spark that caused you to dream
did not need to pursue anything. I had all I is the same energy that will cause you to
desired living inside of me the entire time. live the dream.
THE CHOICE Confused, he sat at the foot of the tree and
pondered what the words meant. As he
E'yen A. Gardner continued to examine the medallion, he
looked up and noticed a split in the path
Ryan had a lot on his mind. He was full of he was traveling; one way led the traveler
ambitions and wanted to accomplish so down and the other led up. He then,
much in his life. He had just received a job understood. He had to make a choice.
offer and learned that it would double his Weighing the choice, he wondered if he
income. The money would definitely help could somehow take both paths but as he
him but the job was not his passion. examined the paths,
Unsure of what his next move would be, he
decided to take a walk at his favorite park.
As he walked, he discovered a new path.
He never noticed the path before;
there were no signs and it was not paved he realized it was impossible. Suddenly, he
but Ryan was curious to where it led so he noticed an old man walking down from
set out on the path. As he approached a the Hill of Expectations. The old man didn’t
large tree on the path, he saw a shiny know anyone else was near and Ryan
medallion at the foot of the tree. He jumped in front him.
grabbed it and saw that there was an “Excuse me sir, is the path safe?” Ryan
inscription: questioned.
The Valley of Integrity “Yes, it is but I must warn you, it is a very
long path. I had to turn back because I
He flipped the medallion over on the other couldn’t reach the end. You can see the
side and there was another inscription; it end but the further you travel, the farther it
read: seems,” the old man responded.
The Hill of Expectations
He turned from Ryan and started his way The old man continues and eventually
towards the Valley of Integrity. The valley disappears down the valley, leaving Ryan
looked dark and gloomy but the old man alone. Everything Ryan could see, pointed
looked hopeful. up as the way he needed to go but the old
man’s words were pulling him down. The
Ryan pondered a bit, realizing that the old Hill of Expectations looked like the path of
man looked like a reflection of himself; least resistance, while the Valley of
then yelled to the old man, “Why are you so Integrity looked like a complete struggle.
happy to walk into the valley?”
He thought to himself, “I could take the
The old man says without turning around, easy way up and wander until I find my
“When I was at the top of the hill I saw way. Or I can decide to take the path of
where I wanted to be and it was at the uncertainty down and find my way faster.”
bottom of this valley. The higher I got, the
clearer I could see that I was not where I
needed or wanted to be.”
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.....without faith it is
impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of
them that diligently seek him." Hebrews 11: 1, 6
Faith is the evidence of things not seen. You can not convict someone of a crime without having evidence
that they committed the crime. There has to be proof first then comes the trial. Faith is not merely
speculation. It is real. It is the power that frames our entire world. We all have faith just sometimes we are
ignorant to how to operate it. Like a car without a key, we remain stuck until the ignition is turned. Our faith
gets us moving. It inspires us to purpose our dreams and live a purposeful life. Having faith does not mean
you won't get frustrated or lose your way it just means you are empowered to persevere through the adversity
that comes your way because you have evidence that there is more than what you see. Yes, there are
obstacles that redirect us but if we just keep moving we will find our way to where we want to be. Detours
cause us to evaluate if we truly believe in what we are doing. Will we stop or will we continue?
The scripture says he that comes to God must believe that He is God and that God is a rewarder of them that
diligently seek Him. So our pursuit or journey is not one to obtain things but to be aware of the presence of
God in our life. When we discover God's presence we find our reward and the benefits to being in His
presence. Many times I am pursuing things instead of God. I place my trust in what I can do and don't give
God the space to reveal Himself in my life. When I get frustrated I want to quit but faith refocuses my
attention and gives me the inspiration to turn back to God. When I see God I don't stress the small things and
it gives me confidence to do what is purposed in my heart.
Be encouraged, wherever you find yourself now, know God is with you and believe God will direct you to your
calling and purpose for this moment. Don't give up, just keep moving.
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“The life that I
have lived was no
more than a mask
covering the real
me. What has
happened was not
to kill me but to
reveal me.”