Edición en castellano
Teacher’s Book 1
Tim Bowen
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contenidos página iv
página vi
página T20
página T40
2UNIT página T42
página T52
ACTIVE! página T62
Collaborative project 1 página T72
página T74
LOOKING GOOD? página T84
5UNIT página T94
FEELING GREAT! página T104
página T106
6UNIT página T124
Collaborative project 2
Collaborative project 3
Pulse es un curso para la ESO con unos contenidos Writing: Interacción y producción
actuales sacados del mundo real, muy interesantes para La destreza de writing se enseña y practica de manera muy
los adolescentes. Además, por su ritmo rápido y por usar estructurada ya que los alumnos, antes de escribir un texto del
textos auténticos, unos temas y un inglés de hoy, no solo tipo que sea, trabajan sobre un modelo y siguen paso a paso
aumenta el interés de los jóvenes de este grupo de edad unas pautas que les dejan claro que, para escribir bien, hay
sino que proporciona un desafío muy apropiado para los que planificar, escribir un borrador y luego pasarlo a limpio.
estudiantes del siglo XXI.
Los principales objetivos de Pulse son desarrollar al máximo La destreza de listening quizá sea una de las que más cuesta
la competencia lingüística de los alumnos, enseñarles desarrollar, por eso Pulse proporciona a los alumnos el apoyo
herramientas y estrategias para el aprendizaje permanente que necesitan antes de oír la grabación y mientras la escuchan,
dentro y fuera del aula, y prepararlos en las destrezas de para ayudarlos a entenderla y aumentar su confianza.
examen que les serán útiles en la ESO y después.
Speaking: Interacción y producción
Para conseguir tales objetivos Pulse ofrece: Los alumnos se expresan oralmente en las actividades de
la sección Express yourself, que les brinda la oportunidad
Contenido lingüístico de dialogar e intercambiar opiniones.
Vocabulario y gramática en contexto En el Curso Digital, la doble página Integrated skills
Pulse utiliza un enfoque inductivo sobre el vocabulario, incluye un modelo de conversación totalmente interactivo,
garantizando que las palabras nuevas se presentan poco con videoclips de personas del Reino Unido que hablan
a poco y se practican a fondo antes de pasar al siguiente en situaciones cotidianas y actividades cuidadosamente
grupo léxico. Para captar el interés de los alumnos, el pautadas que guían a los alumnos en la producción y la
curso presenta y practica el vocabulario de diversas práctica de sus propios diálogos.
formas, incluidas presentaciones contextualizadas. Los
grupos de palabras están grabados en los CD de clase Destrezas para el aprendizaje
para que escuchen y practiquen la pronunciación. permanente
Las estructuras gramaticales se presentan en textos Autonomía en el estudio y autoevaluación
variados y redactados como los de la vida real, que Pulse promueve la autonomía de los alumnos y los anima a
proporcionan a los alumnos el contexto esencial para intervenir de forma activa en su aprendizaje.
poder entenderlos. Unas tablas de gramática muy claras
les ofrecen un material de referencia muy fácil de usar. Con este objetivo, les proporciona materiales para que
estudien y practiquen solos tanto en el Student’s Book
Destrezas integradas como en el Workbook. El Self-study bank del Workbook
contiene muchísimas actividades de refuerzo y ampliación
Pulse enfoca las destrezas de un modo integral para que los para que consoliden y amplíen lo que aprenden en clase,
alumnos desarrollen en paralelo tanto las productivas como además de una Word list, una Speaking reference y una
las receptivas. Cada unidad del Student’s Book contiene Pronunciation reference.
una innovadora doble página llamada Integrated skills, con
actividades de reading, listening, writing y speaking para También los anima a evaluarse utilizando los cuadros Self-
que mejoren las destrezas comunicativas en un contexto evaluation que hay al final de cada unidad del Workbook
realista. Las destrezas receptivas las practican leyendo un y a evaluarse como grupo en la realización de los trabajos
texto auténtico y escuchando una interesante grabación; de colaboración o Collaborative projects incluidos en el
las productivas, viendo un diálogo grabado en vídeo que les Student’s Book.
sirve de modelo y de base para que practiquen la producción
oral y escrita de una forma cuidadosamente estructurada. Estrategias de aprendizaje
Es muy importante que los alumnos desarrollen estrategias
Reading de aprendizaje; por esta razón, Pulse incluye unos consejos
Pulse contiene textos muy variados e interesantes para muy útiles en los Learning to Learn tips y unos cuadros
los jóvenes de estas edades. Los hay de diferentes (Analyse) que los hacen reflexionar sobre las diferencias que
estilos, convenientemente estructurados y graduados en hay entre el inglés y su lengua materna. En los niveles 3 y 4,
dificultad para que los alumnos conozcan distintos tipos Pulse enseña también a desarrollar el pensamiento crítico.
de material de lectura.
Conciencia sociocultural y destrezas para la vida El Consejo de Europa y las
Pulse tiene como objetivo dotar a los alumnos de la competencias básicas
conciencia sociocultural y las habilidades que necesitan
para convertirse en ciudadanos informados de un mundo Pulse se ha diseñado siguiendo las directrices del Consejo
globalizado. Con un enfoque cuidadosamente diseñado, de Europa, cuyo objetivo curricular no es sólo enseñar
los guía desde la conciencia cultural (niveles 1 y 2) y la una lengua, sino enseñar a comunicarse a través de ella.
conciencia social (nivel 3) hasta las destrezas para la vida Según el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las
(nivel 4). El Curso Digital incluye videoclips sobre temas Lenguas (MCER), los alumnos deben ser capaces de
culturales y sociales diseñados para complementar el realizar tareas comunicativas cada vez más avanzadas
Student’s Book. Estos vídeos son una ventana a la cultura con el fin de desarrollar gradualmente su competencia
y la sociedad de muchos países de habla inglesa y llevan comunicativa en una lengua extranjera.
worksheets fotocopiables en el Teacher’s Resource File.
Los contenidos de Pulse están pensados no sólo para
Contenidos interdisciplinares cumplir con las competencias lingüísticas y comunicativas
En los niveles 1 y 2, las actividades Grammar in context enumeradas a continuación, sino también para mejorar las
del Student’s Book tienen un enfoque CLIL, al estar habilidades de los alumnos en todas las competencias clave.
relacionada cada una con una asignatura del programa de
estudios. Además, el Teacher’s Book ofrece enlaces a otras CCL Competencia en comunicación lingüística
materias del currículo escolar. En los niveles 3 y 4, el foco CMCT Competencia en matemáticas, ciencia y tecnología
cambia a la literatura. Cada actividad se basa en una lectura CD Competencia digital
graduada de la serie Macmillan Readers, y el Teacher’s CAA Aprender a aprender
Book ofrece información adicional para los profesores que CSC Competencias sociales y cívicas
deseen utilizar esa lectura en clase o como tarea para casa. SIE Sentido de iniciativa y emprendimiento
También pueden encontrar útiles recursos e información CEC Conciencia y expresión cultural
sobre la forma de explotar estas y otras lecturas en clase en
la página web www.macmillanreaders.com. Apoyo y soluciones para el profesorado
Competencia digital Pulse cuenta con una completa gama de componentes
Pulse promueve la competencia digital de numerosas para apoyar a los profesores y ofrecerles soluciones a los
maneras, entre ellas, haciendo que los alumnos naveguen problemas que surgen en las aulas. Son estos:
por internet para completar Web quests y usen paquetes
informáticos y herramientas en línea para realizar trabajos Teacher’s Book 1 Teacher’s Resource File 1
en grupo en los Collaborative projects. También amplían
sus conocimientos sobre herramientas web haciendo Includes 1
las actividades de las Digital competence worksheets
incluidas en el Teacher’s Resource File. En la Página web Tim Bowen • Pulse Basics ISBN 978-0-230-43922-1 Teacher’s
del alumno hacen actividades de práctica para mejorar • Vocabulary and grammar Resource File
su adquisición de la lengua inglesa, y con los materiales Teacher’s Book
digitales interactivos aprenden a usar herramientas worksheets Multi-ROM
digitales de forma independiente. • Translation and dictation
Version 1.0 Impression 1
Material de evaluación worksheets
Pulse proporciona todo lo necesario para hacer una • Key competences worksheets Audio files You can listen to the audio on a normal CD player.
evaluación continua de las destrezas de los alumnos y • Key competences evaluation Windows This is an autorun CD. If the application does not
para evaluar las competencias clave. Los estándares de start automatically, navigate to your CD-ROM drive and open
aprendizaje se pueden evaluar usando el Tests and Exams grids the file index.html in a web browser.
Multi-ROM, el CEFR Skills Exam Generator y el External • Culture and CLIL worksheets Macintosh/Linux Navigate to your CD-ROM drive and
Exam Trainer del Student’s Book y del Workbook. • Culture video worksheets open the file index.html in a web browser.
• Digital competence worksheets
Los alumnos adquieren las habilidades que necesitan • Macmillan Readers worksheets
para superar con éxito los exámenes porque aprenden • Answer keys for each section
a abordar una gran variedad de tests sobre las cuatro
destrezas. En el External Exam Trainer ven modelos © Macmillan g is illegal.
de respuestas y analizan las preguntas paso a paso, Publishers copyin
para que se sientan seguros cuando hagan un examen. For technical support, please visit help.macmillan.es
Limited 2014. This product is copyright and unauthorized
Teacher’s Teacher’s
Resource File Resource File
con CD de Multi-ROM
Class Audio CDs 1
Curso Digital CD de Clase Tests and Exams
componentes del curso
Student’s Book de Pulse 1
El Student’s Book contiene: El Curso Digital para el Profesor ofrece una versión
totalmente interactiva del Student’s Book que es
• Una unidad introductoria de seis páginas compatible con todos los dispositivos, incluidas las pizarras
• Nueve unidades de diez páginas electrónicas.
• Tres trabajos de colaboración
• Un preparador de exámenes externos centrado en
pruebas de listening y speaking
Vocabulary and Speaking Reading
La actividad Think about it capta la UNIT Los textos de lectura presentan la
atención de los alumnos y los anima lengua en contexto y cubren muchos
a recordar vocabulario conocido. Vocabulary and Speaking THINK ABOUT IT temas del mundo real. Los hay de
At home diversos tipos, desde artículos web
El primer grupo léxico se presenta What’s your home like? How a entrevistas publicadas en revistas.
mediante distintas técnicas, incluyendo is your bedroom different Todos los textos están grabados en
fotos y contextos reales. Las palabras from the pictures? los CD de clase.
están grabadas en los CD de clase para
poder practicar la pronunciación. 1 2.25 Listen and repeat the words in the box. Is this your idea of a dream house?
Which things can you see in the pictures? Tell us what you think!
La sección de debate Express yourself Comments
hace que los alumnos hablen y usen el desk chair shelf cooker toilet fridge Imagine skateboarding all around the house – without getting in trouble!
vocabulario del tema. wardrobe cupboard lamp sink mirror That’s the case in this unusual house. You can skateboard across the oor James, 22nd May @ 19:46
sofa bath armchair table bed and up the walls and on the ceiling. You can even skateboard over the It’s fantastic! It’s better than a skate
table, the sofa and the fridge. It’s better than going to a skate park! park because you can practise indoors
2 Which of the things in exercise 1 are in each of Give your when it’s raining!
these rooms in your house? bedroom a For champion skateboarder Pierre André Senizergues, this dream is
completely becoming a reality. Designer Gil Le Bon Delapointe and architect François Hazel, 23rd May @ 14:22
bathroom bedroom kitchen new look in this Perrin are building his dream house in Malibu, California. This house is as It’s interesting, but it isn’t as cosy as
month’s great big as a normal house, but its design is more unusual. There are three my house. And I imagine it’s more
living room dining room competition. different ‘spaces’: one for the living room, dining room and kitchen; one dif cult to clean!
for the bedroom and bathroom; and one for skateboard practice. There’s
bathroom: sink, toilet, bath, … all the usual furniture, but it’s specially designed for skateboarding. And Sonia, 23rd May @ 21:14
there are fabulous views over the ocean! This house is cool! It’s bigger than
3 Read the competition information. Find words The prize includes: my apartment, but I’m sure it’s more
that match these definitions. • f(abnetda,sdtiecsnk,ewwafrudrrnoibtuere…) expensive too!
f(n(alceabowmumlptoep,ucmushtiearnrro,ocmrlc,oesughssyesicolwvrseioyessrstt…hem)£2…,00) 0 Word check
1 The place where you put your clothes. • get in trouble view indoors cosy cool DID YOU KNOW?
2 A table where you study. • invented
3 You can put your books here. Reading American surfers the 1950s.
4 You can see yourself in this. skateboarding in
5 A small light.
6 The piece of furniture you sleep on.
4 Imagine you enter the competition. To enter, complete this sentence in no more An online article 4 Read the text again and answer the questions.
Complete the sentence with your ideas. than 50 words:
My perfect bedroom is … 1 Check the meaning of the words in the box. 1 Where is the PAS house?
Which four do you think are in the article? 2 Who is Pierre André Senizergues?
Send your entry to [email protected] 3 Is the furniture designed specially for the house?
ceiling skate park windows champion 4 Is the house near the sea?
EXPRESS YOURSELF architect garden 5 Why does James like the house?
5 Where do you do the activities in the box? 6 Does Hazel want to live in the PAS house?
2 2.26 Read and listen to the article and
Write sentences. comments. Check your answers to exercise 1. 5 Would you like to live in this house? Why (not)?
Write your comment.
relax watch TV do your homework 3 Read the article and the comments again. Then
chat to friends listen to music find the comparative form of the adjectives in FINISHED?
have breakfast / lunch / dinner the box.
In your notebook, design your dream house.
I usually relax in my bedroom. good unusual difficult big expensive Draw pictures and write a description.
6 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about good - better
the activities in exercise 5.
Where do you usually watch T V?
I usually watch T V in the living room. Find articles, pictures and videos about the PAS house.
1 Write a list of keywords to search for information about the PAS house.
62 VocabIunltaerryacetxivteenGsrioanm:mWaorrTkabboloek: pWaogrekb10o7ok page xx 2 Look at different articles, pictures and videos. Choose your favourites. Remember to 63
3 Write the URLs of yoInutrerfacvtoivueriGterawmembasritTeasb.leC:omWporakrbeoaonkdpasghearxex with your classmates. bookmark the
websites you visit.
9780230429697_Pulse_06.indd 62 29/08/2013 179:07180230429697_Pulse_06.indd 63 29/08/2013 17:01
Grammar UNIT Vocabulary and Listening
Unos sencillos cuadros presentan la Grammar Prepositions of place Vocabulary and Listening Aquí se presenta y practica el
gramática al principio de la página. Comparative adjectives Places to stay segundo grupo léxico.
Unos ejercicios graduados en
dificultad ayudan a los alumnos a 1 Read the spelling rules in the Study guide on 4 Look at the prepositions in the box. How do you 1 2.29 Look at the web page. Listen and repeat the words in blue. El listening consiste en un texto de
practicar lo aprendido. page 71. Then complete 1–3 in the table. say them in your language? cierta extensión que desarrolla la
destreza de comprensión oral al
El cuadro Analyse los anima a short adjectives and adjectives prepositions of place on Home from home! tiempo que recicla la lengua objetivo
reflexionar sobre las diferencias que ending in -y next to en contexto.
hay entre la gramática inglesa y la de It’s tidier than my bedroom. opposite under behind
su lengua materna. It’s (1) … (small) than my room. in front of in between
long adjectives
Cada sección gramatical enlaza It’s more unusual than my house. 5 Look at pictures a) and b) and choose the correct Book your holiday now!
con el Pronunciation lab del final It’s (2) … (expensive) too. words.
del libro, donde hay ejercicios de irregular adjectives QUICK SEARCH Country … Type … Arrive: Depart: Pets? Y N
pronunciación. good – better bad – worse 1 Kate’s shelves are between / opposite the
It’s (3) … (good) than a skate park! wardrobe and the bed.
Cultural awareness
2 Choose an adjective and complete the 2 Kate’s bag is in / on the chair.
Los textos de estas secciones sentences with the correct comparative form. 3 Kate’s mirror is behind / opposite the bed.
resaltan algún aspecto de la vida en 4 Rob’s rubbish bin is next to / under the desk.
un país de lengua inglesa. China is … (big / small) than Spain. 5 Rob’s chair is in front of / behind the desk.
China is bigger than Spain.
Las páginas de Cultura enlazan con 1 The royal palace is … (cheap / expensive) EXPRESS YOURSELF Rent a caravan for 2–5 A family tent in France. A mobile home – more Family rooms at a
unos vídeos culturales que ofrecen people. space for all the family! youth hostel.
imágenes de la vida en países en los than my house. 6 Work in pairs. Ask and answer about these
que se habla inglés. Hay worksheets 2 The king is … (rich / poor) than me. things in the pictures.
para explotar mejor estos vídeos. 3 Real Madrid are … (good / bad) than Real Betis.
4 Usain Bolt is … (fast / slow) than me. Rob’s sock / shorts / dog
5 Japanese is … (easy / difficult) than English. Kate’s dress / books / cat
3 Look at pictures a) and b). Write comparative Where’s Rob’s sock?
sentences with the adjectives in the box. It’s under the bed.
big small colourful tidy clean dirty ANALYSE Rent a log cabin in the Holiday on water in a Stay in a remote A luxurious Scottish
forest. beautiful old barge. lighthouse! castle.
Rob’s room is bigger than Kate’s room. In English, comparatives are different when
the adjectives are short, long or irregular. Are
a) Rob’s room they the same or different in your language?
b) Kate’s room Choose a hotel. Rent a self-catering A villa with a pool in Stay on a farm!
apartment. Spain.
Click on a picture to see more details and prices.
2 Find words on the web page that match definitions 1–5. 4 2.30 Listen to a family conversation.
1 It’s a type of boat. Are they going on holiday to France,
2 This place has got a swimming pool. Spain or the USA?
3 Kings and queens lived here.
4 This place is made of wood. 5 Listen again. Which place does each
5 This place hasn’t got solid walls. person prefer?
3 Work in pairs. Which places do you prefer? Put them in hotel tent villa mobile home
order from best to worst. Number 1 is the best.
2.27–2.28 Pronunciation lab: /ə/, page 125 1 Dad … 3 Alice …
64 Digital course: InteractivIengteraramcmtivaer Gtarbalmemar Table: Workbook pageSxtxudy guide: page 71 1 castle, 2 … 2 Mum … 4 Ben …
Interactive Grammar Table: Workbook page xx 65
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UNIT Grammar
Cultural awareness Fact box Grammar CLIL Grammar in context: La segunda página de gramática
Different lifestyles can / can’t and must / mustn’t Geography presenta y practica un nuevo punto
The population of Ireland gramatical.
1 Read the text quickly. What is it about? is about 4.5 million, but more 1 Look at the tables and answer questions a) and b). 5 Read the text and choose the correct answers.
a) People who go on holiday to Ireland. than 80 million people around 6 2.32 Listen and check your answers. Toda la gramática de la unidad se
b) An ethnic minority group called ‘Irish travellers’. the world have got Irish origins! can / can’t: repasa en Grammar in context.
possibility and (lack of) permission Es un ejercicio de ampliación sobre
CLIL, enfocado cada vez en un
2 2.31 Read and listen to the text. Do you agree with Paul, Beth or David? I / You / He / She / It / can move house. Mega-cities tema de una asignatura distinta del
We / You / They can’t stay here. currículo escolar.
must / mustn’t:
obligation and prohibition
Irish travellers I / You / He / She / It / must do this. ● The biggest mega-city* in the world is Tokyo,
We / You / They mustn’t do that. (1) on / in / at Japan. It’s got a population of more
Irish travellers have their own culture and language.They’re originally than 34 million people. (2) Can you / You can / You
from Ireland, but now many Irish travellers live in other countries, What do you think? Could a) Does the form of can and must change with must imagine? That’s like the population of Portugal,
including the UK and the USA.There are about 30,000 travellers in you live a nomadic life? the different subject pronouns? Ireland and Greece combined!
Ireland today.
Traditionally, Irish travellers lived in small, old-fashioned caravans and Paul, 13 b) Do we use to after can and must? ● In 1800, the world’s urban population was only
they travelled from place to place with horses. Now, about half live in Yes, de nitely!There are too 3% and the rural population was 97%. Now the urban
bigger caravans or mobile homes and half live in houses or ats.They many rules in society. People 2 Correct the mistakes. population is (3) big / bigger / small than the rural
still travel sometimes to go to horse fairs and family weddings. always say ‘you must do this’ population.
Irish travellers are an ethnic minority.They sometimes suffer and ‘you mustn’t do that’. 1 Travellers must to change schools. ✘
discrimination from people who don’t understand their culture. I think you can have more 2 A traveller can’t stays at the same school all ● Why (4) do / does / are people move from villages
freedom with a nomadic life. to mega-cities? They think it’s (5) more / easier /
Word check the time. ✘ than to nd work. They (6) is / am / are looking for a
ethnic minority discrimination rule freedom nomadic respect Beth, 12 3 We don’t must discriminate against ethnic (7) worse / better / bad life for their families, but
No, I wouldn’t be happy.You often the opposite is true.
can’t stay in one place so you minorities. ✘
have to go to lots of different 4 We must respecting people of all cultures. ✘ ● In mega-cities, many poor people (8) live /
schools and make new to live / not live in unhealthy areas called slums.
friends all the time. 3 Read the text and choose the correct words. The sanitation is terrible and the pollution is much
(9) more bad / better / worse than in rural areas.
David, 14 Welcome to Firhall! When the pollution is very bad, you can’t (10) breathe /
I’m not sure. I think we must to breathe / breathing without a mask.
respect people from different Firhall is an unusual village in Scotland.
cultures and we mustn’t To live there, you must be older than 45. The world’s biggest cities *A mega-city is
discriminate against them. Children (1) must / can visit Firhall, but they a city with more
But I love my house! (2) can’t / must stay for more than three City Population than 10 million
weeks. They (3) mustn’t / must be noisy and inhabitants.
they (4) must / can’t play football in the street. Tokyo (Japan) 34,300,000
Residents can have a cat or a dog, but they
(5) can’t / must have birds or rabbits. There Guangzhou (China) 25,200,000
are a lot of rules in Firhall!
Seoul (South Korea) 25,100,000
3 Read the text again and choose the correct words. CULTURAL COMPARISON 4 Write about your English class.
Use must / mustn’t and ideas 1–6.
1 About 50% of Irish travellers live in mobile 4 Answer the questions.
homes or caravans / tents.
1 Are there any travellers in your country? speak English We must speak English. CLIL TASK
2 Modern caravans are bigger / smaller than 2 Would it be easy or difficult to live a nomadic
old-fashioned caravans. 1 use our mobile phones 4 do our homework Go online. Find out about the three biggest
life in your country? cities in Europe. Are they mega-cities?
3 Paul thinks there are lots of rules in society and 2 listen to the teacher 5 forget our books
a nomadic life is more independent / boring. 3 Would you like to live a nomadic life? Make a table like the one above.
4 Do many people from your country / region 3 shout in class 6 respect people
4 Beth thinks it’s better / worse to live in one
place. now live in other countries? Where?
5 David would be happier in a caravan / house. 2.33–2.34 Pronunciation lab: Contractions: can’t and mustn’t, page 125
66 Interactive GCraumltumraervTiadbeloe:: HWoomrkebsoinokthpeagUeKxx Digital course: InteraIcnttievreagctriavme mGraarmtambaler Table: Workbook page xx Study guide: page 71 67
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Integrated skills inintetgergartaetdedsksiklillsls UNIT Después de escuchar o ver el
diálogo, los alumnos escriben un
Los alumnos leen un breve texto de inintetgergartaetdedsksiklillslsinintetgergartaetdedsksiklillsls diálogo del mismo tipo.
la vida real que los introduce en el
tema y practican la comprensión. Getting around town ASKING FOR En parejas, representan los diálogos
AND GIVING que han escrito y practican la
Escuchan un inglés funcional en la My friend Michael is moving house today. DIRECTIONS expresión oral.
grabación de una situación auténtica
y ponen a prueba su comprensión St Paul’s Road His new house is near Green PParAkL. Have you El Communication kit contiene
oral. ever moved house? ACE ROA lenguaje funcional para una fácil
GREEN STREET consulta.
A continuación ven el vídeo de un D
diálogo en una situación cotidiana,
como preguntar por una dirección. From A Old Street A14 Queens Cut Bene dict Avenue
Green Park
1 km 7 minutes B Beatrice Rd
Walking directions
Go straight along Old Street. A14 GREEN STREE T Aca St Norman Drive
Honeywell Court Prince Excuse me! Can you tell me Roman Street? Let me think.
how to get to Roman Street, please?
Turn right onto Green Street. Pomperney Rd Burnley St OLD STREET It’s near (1) Castle Park / the campsite. Ah, yes. I know where it is!
Turn left onto Castle Road. OLD STREET Dinsmore Rd Go straight on, then turn (2) left / right.
Your destination is on the right. Shaw St Which way is it? Yes. Then cross the road and go past the park.
B Green Park GRE EN STREET Roman Street is on the (3) left / right.
Straight on, then left? No – it’s a (4) five / ten minute walk.
A1 4 No problem. Bye!
OK. Is it far?
Thank you!
Step 1: Read Step 2: Listen 5 2.36 Read and listen to the dialogue. Step 4: Communicate
Choose the correct answers for 1–4.
1 Look at the directions and the map. Then 3 2.35 Copy the GPS instructions into your 9 Work in pairs. Take turns to practise your dialogues.
match 1–4 to symbols a–d. notebook. Then listen and number them in the 6 Listen again and repeat. Practise your intonation. Excuse me! Can you tell me how to get to
order you hear them. the nearest café, please?
Step 3: Write The nearest café? Let me think.
a) At the end of the road, turn right.
1 turn left a) b) Depart. 7 Choose one of the places a–e. Then write 10 Act your dialogue for the class.
c) After 300 metres, turn left. directions from your school to the place.
2 turn right b) d) Your destination is on the right. SKILLS BUILDER
e) Go straight along Magnolia Avenue. a) the nearest café
3 go straight c) b) the park Speaking: Being polite
4 Listen again. Are the sentences true or false? c) the supermarket You must be polite when you speak to
4 your destination d) Correct the false sentences. d) the sports centre someone you don’t know.
e) the library Remember to say excuse me, please and
2 Read the directions again. Choose the 1 Michael’s mum sets the GPS. thank you!
correct answers. 2 Their new house is at 25 Roman Street. 8 Prepare a new dialogue. Write both parts. Use
3 Their new house is in a different town. your notes from exercise 7 and the dialogue in COMMUNICATION KIT
1 The starting point is … 4 The new house is bigger than the old house. exercise 5 to help you.
Asking for and giving directions
a) Old Street. b) Castle Road. Excuse me! Can you tell me how to get to the Excuse me! Can you tell me how to get to … , please?
nearest café, please? Which way is it? Go past … .
2 The directions are for … The nearest café? Let me think. Go straight on. Is it far?
Turn left / right. It’s a five / ten minute walk.
a) going by car. b) walking. Cross the road.
3 The destination is …
a) Green Street. b) Green Park.
4 It takes … minutes.
a) five b) seven
5 It’s about … km.
a) 1 b) 7
68 Integrated skills: Workbook page 116 69
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Writing UNIT Study guide
La página de Writing muestra Study guide La Study guide es una página de
modelos de diferentes tipos de texto. consulta muy útil que recoge todo lo
Writing Grammar Comparative adjectives: enseñado en la unidad.
En el cuadro Writing focus se An opinion essay Comparative adjectives spelling rules
resalta y practica un punto lingüístico También fomenta la autonomía en
importante. 1 2.37 Read and listen to the essay. Do you agree with Jane’s opinion? short adjectives and adjectives • For short adjectives, add -er. el aprendizaje con los consejos del
ending in -y small smaller loud louder cuadro Learning to Learn.
La Writing task guía a los IN YOUR OPINION, IS IT BETTER TO GO ON London is smaller than Tokyo.
alumnos paso a paso en la HOLIDAY TO A HOTEL OR ON A BARGE? The city is busier than my home town. • For short adjectives that end in vowel
preparación y creación de su texto. In my opinion, it’s better to go on holiday on long adjectives + consonant, repeat the consonant and
a barge. My family and I spend two weeks on a add -er.
barge every summer. It’s more interesting than Caravans are more popular than tents. big bigger hot hotter
staying in a hotel. Hotels are more expensive than youth hostels.
irregular adjectives • For short adjectives that end in -y, remove
I like staying on a barge because you have the -y and add -ier.
more freedom – you can go wherever you want. good – better bad – worse busy busier tidy tidier
I also like it because it’s relaxing – you’re always I think caravans are better than tents.
near the water. • For long adjectives, do not change the word.
Prepositions of place between Add more before the word.
Some people prefer hotels, but not me! I on in under unusual more unusual
don’t like staying in hotels because it’s boring.
It’s more fun going on holiday on a barge. in front of opposite next to behind organized more organized
By Jane, 13 • Some adjectives are irregular. They don’t
follow the rules!
good better bad worse
2 Look at the Writing focus. How do you say can / can’t and must / mustn’t Vocabulary
because in your language?
Writing task can / can’t: possibility and At home
WRITING FOCUS (lack of) permission
because Write an essay with this title: I / You / He / She / can go on holiday. armchair desk sofa
We use because to give reasons. In your opinion, is it better to live in a city or It / We / You / They can’t drive. bath fridge table
I like staying on a barge because you have a village? must / mustn’t: obligation and bed lamp toilet
more freedom. prohibition chair mirror wardrobe
I also like it because it’s relaxing. Plan Decide which option you prefer. I / You / He / She / must listen to the teacher. cooker shelf
Then make notes. It / We / You / They mustn’t skateboard inside. cupboard sink mobile home
3 Read the essay again. Find one more tent
example of because. I like … because … Places to stay villa
I don’t like … because ... youth hostel
4 Match 1–4 with a–d. Then join the sentences Speaking apartment farm
with because. Write Write three paragraphs using sentences barge hotel
1–3. Use the essay in exercise 1 to help you. Asking for and giving caravan lighthouse
1 I like living in a city. 1 In my opinion, it’s better to ... . directions castle log cabin
2 I prefer living in a village. 2 I like … because ... .
3 I’d like to live near the sea. 3 Some people prefer … , but not me! Excuse me! Can you tell me how to get
4 I can’t live in a palace. to … , please?
I don’t like ... .
a) I love windsurfing. Which way is it? Go past … . LEARNING TO LEARN
b) There are more facilities. Check Check your writing. Go straight on. Is it far?
c) It’s very expensive! Turn left / right. It’s a five / ten minute walk. Label objects in your home. If you see the
d) It’s quieter. ✔ using because to give reasons Cross the road. words every day, it’s easier to remember them.
✔ comparative adjectives
✔ vocabulary for places
70 Build your confidence: Writing reference and practice. Workbook page 130 Progress check: Workbook page 54 Grammar reference: Workbook page 94 71
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Collaborative projects Step 1: Think Step 2: Listen and plan El cuadro Digital literacy aconseja a
los alumnos sobre cómo mejorar sus
Estos proyectos promueven el Collaborative 1 Step 3: Create Step 4: Evaluate habilidades digitales.
trabajo en grupo y desarrollan Project
la competencia digital de los
alumnos porque utilizan programas Making a wall Digital Literacy Step 2: Listen and plan Step 3: Create
informáticos o herramientas web.
TASK When you make a wall, remember to: 2 1.49 Listen to Mario, Ana, Silvia and David 5 Follow the steps to create your wall.
• write the information in your own words doing the task and answer the questions.
Work in groups of three to create a ‘wall’ – don’t copy and paste! Share information
about a famous sports star from your country. • use ICT and web resources in a 1 Who do they decide to do the wall about? Read and listen to each other’s work. Discuss
responsible way. a) Miguel Indurain b) Fernando Alonso your work. Check these things:
Step 1: Think • include different types of information – c) Borja González
text, photos, video clips, links … • Is it in your own words?
1 Look at the wall below. Find an example of: 2 Which things from Step 1 do they decide to • Have you got all the information you
1 a video clip include?
2 facts about the person need?
3 a description of the person 3 Do they copy the information from a website? • Have you got photos, video clips and
4 a photo of the person
5 a link for more information 3 Complete the conversation extract with the links?
6 a quote by the person words in the box. Listen again and check your • Is the grammar and vocabulary correct?
7 an introduction answers. • Is the spelling and punctuation correct?
Tom Daley Pablo like can choose Let’s agree think Create the wall
Olympic diver Tom has got short, Put the information on the wall. Add your
straight dark hair Mario: OK, let’s (1) … a sports star. We can write photos and video clips. Decide the final
Sara and brown eyes. about Miguel Indurain or Fernando Alonso. design. Then, check the grammar, vocabulary,
Tom Daley is a British diver. He spelling and punctuation again.
specializes in the 10 metre platform Pablo David: They’re OK, but I’d (2) … to write about a
event – he dives from 10 metres above Tom trains every day. In fact, he usually trains twice young sports star. Show and tell
the water! a day! First, he goes to the gym for an hour to get Present your wall to your class.
strong. Then he practises in the pool for an hour. Ana: That’s a good idea. What about Borja
Bea González? He’s a footballer. He’s only 17. Step 4: Evaluate
In this video Bea Pablo What do you (3) … ?
Tom Daley talks On this website, Born: 6 Now ask your teacher for the group and
about diving. you can find more 21 May 1994 Mario: Yes, I (4) … . So what information can we individual assessment grids. Then complete
You can also see information about From: include? the grids.
him training and Tom: Plymouth, England
diving in the pool! Medals / prizes: David: (5) … give some facts about him, for Useful language
40 www.tomdaley.tv Tom has got one example where he’s from and what he likes
Olympic® bronze doing in his free time. We can write about a famous tennis player.
Sara medal (2012) and two What information can we include?
‘I’m a diver not a Commonwealth gold Silvia: Yes, and we (6) … include some photos and Let’s write about ... .
swimmer!’ Tom Daley medals (2010). a video clip. I’d like to find the photos.
Do you agree?
4 Work in groups. Plan your wall. Use the Useful Yes, I agree. / No, I don’t agree.
language box to help you. That’s a good idea.
That’s very difficult.
• Choose a person to write about. I can find some facts.
• Decide what information to include.
• Decide how to share the work. Make sure
everyone contributes.
• Decide when to meet again to share your
9780230429697_Pulse_03ColProj.indd 41 29/08/2013 169:47280230429697_Pulse_03ColProj.indd 42 29/08/2013 16:42
External exam trainer 1UNIT External exam trainer Speaking: Giving personal information En la página Your exam practice los
About the exam alumnos practican las estrategias de
En Your exam preparation se 1 examen.
presentan preguntas típicas de Your exam preparation Giving personal information Your exam practice 2 Giving personal
examen y se prepara a los alumnos The examiner asks you questions about 3information Los Exam tips les proporcionan
para responderlas. 1 Read questions 1–5 in the Model exam. yourself, your family, your school or your 4 consejos y técnicas que los ayudan a
Translate the questions into your language. interests. This tests your ability to understand 4 Match answers a–f with questions 1–6 in Your 5 Copy and complete your personal information. 5 responder con éxito las preguntas de
El Model exam les ofrece un claro and answer questions. exam. Then copy and complete the answers with Practise spelling the names and saying the 6 los exámenes.
ejemplo de pregunta y un modelo information that is true for you. numbers and dates. 7
de respuesta. 2 3.40 Read and listen to the Model exam. 3 3.41 Match 1–6 with a–f. Then listen, check 8 True or False
Does Miguel give any one-word answers? a) I’m from … . My personal information 9activity
and repeat. b) My surname is … . First name:
EXAM TIP: Give full answers c) Yes, I have. It’s … . Surname:
Don’t give one-word answers! Try to give as much 1 first name a) 628 134 759 d) Yes, of course. It’s … . Address:
information as possible. e) My phone number is … . Phone number:
2 surname b) the 18th of January f ) My birthday is on … . Email address:
Where do you live? Coslada. ✗ Birthday:
I live in Coslada. It’s near Madrid. ✓ 3 birthday c) M-I-G-U-E-L
4 address d) 23, Calle Betis Pairwork
5 email address e) G-O-M-E-Z
6 phone number f ) [email protected]
EXAM TIP: The alphabet and numbers
You often need to spell your name or give your 6 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in Gap-fill
telephone number or email address. Practise the Your exam. activity
English alphabet and numbers!
1 What’s your name? 1 What’s your surname? Describing
My name’s Miguel. 2 Can you spell your surname? a photo
3 Where are you from?
2 Can you spell that, please? 4 When’s your birthday? Multiple-choice
Yes, of course. It’s M-I-G-U-E-L. 5 What’s your phone number? pictures
3 How old are you? 6 Have you got an email address?
I’m twelve years old.
4 Where do you live? activity
I live in Coslada. It’s near Madrid.
EXAM KIT: Useful Vocabulary EXAM KIT: Useful expressions
5 Have you got any brothers and sisters?
Yes, I have. I’ve got two sisters. Personal information My name / surname is … . My email address is … . Multiple-choice
(first) name answers
address surname I’m from … . I’m … years old.
at = @ phone number
email address I live in … . My birthday is on … .
My address is … . My phone number is … .
Months of the year I’ve got … brothers / sisters.
January February March April May June July
August September October November December Discussing
a topic
Countries and nationalities
Spain – Spanish China – Chinese
106 Morocco – Moroccan Mexico – Mexican 107
9780230429697_Pulse_EndMatter NEW.indd 106 12/09/2013 179:27580230429697_Pulse_EndMatter NEW.indd 107 12/09/2013 17:25
Workbook de Pulse 1 • Grabaciones de audio en línea
El Workbook contiene: El Workbook está disponible en tres ediciones: inglés,
castellano y catalán. El Curso Digital para el Profesor
• Ejercicios para practicar toda la gramática y el ofrece una versión totalmente interactiva del Workbook
vocabulario del Student’s Book que es compatible con todos los dispositivos, incluidas
las pizarras electrónicas.
• Una sección a todo color para que los alumnos
estudien solos, con más ejercicios, actividades de
ampliación y material de consulta
Vocabulary 1 UNIT Grammar 1
Las variadas actividades garantizan 6 Unos ejercicios claros y con
un excelente repaso del vocabulario instrucciones fáciles amplían la
presentado en el Student’s Book. UNIT Grammar 1 práctica de la gramática enseñada
En Express yourself los alumnos en Pulse.
personalizan sus respuestas. 6 Comparative adjectives
Grammar 2
Vocabulary 2 1 Write the comparative form of the adjectives. 4 Write sentences that are true for you.
1 My dad / tall / me. Esta página ofrece una práctica
Actividades y tareas para practicar old older completa del segundo punto
el segundo conjunto léxico de la 1 big 2 My bedroom / small / our living room. gramatical presentado en la unidad
unidad. Vocabulary 1 chair rmirro 2 cheap del Student’s Book.
At home cupboardshe 3 difficult 3 My phone / new / my dad’s phone.
Reading desk 4 short Communication skills
1 Find six home words in the wordsnake. lflamp 3 5 expensive 4 I / quiet / my friend.
Textos muy variados sobre temas 2 Label the picture. 6 good Los alumnos escuchan grabaciones
relacionados con el de la unidad y 4 7 bad Prepositions of place de textos sobre temas relacionados
práctica exhaustiva de todos los 2 5 Write sentences about the picture using con la unidad.
tipos de preguntas. 1 2 Complete the sentences with the comparative form Las actividades de speaking les
of the adjectives in brackets. the correct form of be and the words in the hacen recordar el lenguaje funcional
Progress check box. presentado en el Student’s Book.
5 I am taller than my sister. (tall)
Ejercicios con los que hacer 6 behind between in
un examen a fondo de todo el 1 My maths homework is than your science in front of in front of next to
vocabulario y la gramática de la on opposite under
unidad. homework. (easy)
viii 2 His cousin is than him. (small)
3 The sofa is than the armchair.
9 4 Jack is than Luke. (popular)
87 5 My new bed is than my old one. (long)
Learning to Learn 4 What is it? Write words from exercises 1 and 2. 3 Look at the information in the table. Then complete
the sentences with the comparative form of the
Label things in your home. If you see a word every It’s comfortable and you sleep in it. bed adjectives in brackets and words for furniture.
day, it’s easier to remember it.
1 You look in it when you want to see price made in
3 Complete the sentences with words from what you look like. table £65 2014 The cupboard is in front of the table.
exercises 1 and 2.
2 There is often one of these next to 1 The box the table.
My sister does all her homework on the your bed so you can read at night. armchair £80 1960 2 The books the cupboard.
desk in her bedroom. 3 It’s hot. You cook food with it. 3 The lamp the table.
4 It’s comfortable. It’s in the living room.
1 I sit on a when I’m at my desk. 4 The armchair the table
2 They’ve got all their clothes in the big One person sits on it. mirror £25 1950 and the bath.
next to the door. 5 The mirror the bath.
3 I’ve got lots of books, so I’ve got lots of lamp £70 2000 6 The sofa the bath.
in my bedroom to put them on. 7 The table the armchair.
4 Let’s sit on the together and watch 5 Complete the sentences so they are true 8 The table the cupboard.
for you.
this detective film on TV. The lamp is newer than the mirror . (new)
1 In my bedroom there is
5 Your hands are dirty. Go and wash them in 2 In the living room there is . 1 The table is . (expensive)
3 In the bathroom there is .
the . . 2 The lamp is . (cheap)
6 We’ve got a new and chairs in our 3 The armchair is . (old)
dining room. We all sit round it when we eat.
48 49
439085_Pulse_WB1_Unit6.indd 48 03/10/2013 13:44439085_Pulse_WB1_Unit6.indd 49 03/10/2013 13:44
Vocabulary 2 2 Circle the correct words. Grammar 2 4 Look at the pictures. Match beginnings 1–4
Places to stay with endings a–d. Then write sentences about
We’re staying in a castle / youth hostel can / can’t and must / mustn’t the pictures using can, can’t, must or mustn’t.
1 Use the clues below to complete the puzzle. because it’s cheap.
1 1 We’ve got our tent / mobile home in the car 1 Circle the correct words. 1 rent this villa a) at school
and we’re driving to the campsite. 2 go shopping here b) next to your tent
2 34 5 2 We’re renting a hotel / log cabin on a campsite You can / must always read the question first. 3 listen to music c) on Sundays
6 in a forest this week. 1 I can’t / mustn’t do my homework because my 4 make a fire d) between May and
3 Grandad is driving around France with his
7 caravan / lighthouse. books are at school. October
4 This tent / villa has got five bedrooms, three 2 You can / must buy a ticket for the train.
bathrooms and a pool! 3 We can’t / mustn’t use our mobile phones in 12
5 Mum stays in an apartment / a castle when she
8 10 9 travels to New York. lessons. It’s the school rule. available May-October
4 7 4 Can / Must I use your computer, please? 34
11 3 Complete the sentences with words in 5 I can’t / mustn’t go swimming today because
12 exercise 1.
Across the sports centre is closed.
2 Complete the rules for the youth hostel with
can, can’t, must or mustn’t.
It’s raining and I’m staying in a tent . It’s ToTland youTh hosTel Rules
really wet in here! • You (1) can stay here from March to
1 This modern has got 100 bedrooms, a • You (2) park your car here because
restaurant and a gym. there isn’t a car park.
• You (3) bring dogs, but no other
2 The is very tall. It’s on the coast, very type of animal.
near the sea and has a big light. • The youth hostel is closed after 9.30pm. You
3 There are six beds in every bedroom in the (4) go out after this time, but you
(5) ask for a key.
(plus 5 down) . School groups often stay here. • Adults (6) smoke in the rooms. It is
11 12
4 I’m travelling on a on the River illegal.
Danube. I love being on the water.
5 The is 700 years old. Lots of tourists 3 Complete the sentences with can, can’t, must
or mustn’t and the verbs in the box.
visit it every year.
be do phone show use watch
Down 5 Write sentences that are true for you using the
1 2 3 We can watch TV in the living room or in the words.
6 8 1 can / at weekends
5 4 Answer the questions. Write sentences that kitchen because we’ve got two TVs.
are true for you. 2 can / with my friends
1 Do you like staying in a tent? Why (not)? 1 I my mum now because she’s
3 must / my bedroom
2 Is there a castle in your region? Where is it? not at home, so I must do it later.
4 can’t / at home
2 You me your holiday photos.
5 can / on holiday
I really want to see them!
6 mustn’t / at school
3 Jake very hungry – he doesn’t
(plus 4 across) 3 Where do you stay when you go on holiday with want to eat his lunch.
9 your family?
10 4 You your phone at the cinema.
5 If you want, we the homework
together at my house.
50 51
439085_Pulse_WB1_Unit6.indd 50 30/1/14 12:443:920485_Pulse_WB1_Unit6.indd 51 30/1/14 12:44:25
Do you want to live in a lighthouse? Listening UNIT
Do you like being alone? Do you like the idea of helping the island for you. You can’t get any water from taps on the 6
tourists? en we might have the perfect job for you! On island, so the keeper must show the campers how to use a
the west side of Lake Superior in North America are the pump to get water from Lake Superior. Speaking
Apostle Islands. ere are six important old lighthouses on
the islands. ese days the lights are automated – they don’t Sand Island 5 Complete the dialogue with the words in the box.
need a lighthouse keeper to work there. However, in summer It is much easier to travel to Sand Island than to the other cross excuse far get minute
months, volunteer keepers go to three of the lighthouses. e islands, so it’s a busier island. Unlike the volunteer keepers past right straight tell turn
volunteer keepers work as tourist guides. People go to the at the other lighthouses, the Sand Island lighthouse keeper
Apostle Islands to camp and to go kayaking or sailing. e spends more time at the campsite with tourists than at the Emily: (1) Excuse me! Please can you
keepers show tourists the lighthouses and help them set up lighthouse.
camp on the islands’ campsites. (2) me how to (3) to
Does this sound interesting? Choose an island and contact us
for more details. Medway Drive?
Devils Island Man: Yes, of course. Go (4) on, then
is is a popular island. Visitors arrive by kayak and stay on
the island’s small campsite. e keeper spends most of the 1 14 Listen to Callum talking to his mum. What (5) left. Then (6) the
time at the lighthouse, explaining how it works. e keeper does Callum want to find?
also helps the campers at the campsite. road.
Michigan Island 2 Listen again and order the rooms that are Emily: Is that the road where the cinema is?
ere aren’t many visitors to this island. e keeper is often mentioned. Which room doesn’t Callum look in?
alone for days. If you prefer being with lots of people, this isn’t Man: Yes, that’s right. Go (7) the
the living room the dining room cinema and turn (8) . That’s
the kitchen 1 his bedroom
the bathroom Medway Drive.
Emily: Thanks. Is it (9) ?
3 Circle the correct words and add prepositions of Man: Not really. It’s a ten (10) walk.
Callum’s phone is usually in his bag / desk. Develop your speaking: Integrated skills page 116
Reading 1 He usually keeps his bag his bed / Writing
1 13 Read and listen. What is the text about? 3 Circle the correct words. 2 The bag is the bathroom / door. 6 Circle the words that are true for you. Then
1 There are six / three important lighthouses on complete the sentences with because and your
a) campsites in the Apostle Islands the Apostle Islands. 3 He sometimes leaves his phone the own ideas.
b) volunteer work on the Apostle Islands 2 The volunteer keepers work all year /
c) North American lighthouses part of the year. table / bathroom.
3 The tourists stay in / visit the lighthouses.
4 The volunteer keeper on Devils Island works 4 There’s a computer the dining room / I like cycling / walking because it’s good exercise.
some / all of the time at the lighthouse.
2 Read the text again and match the words with 5 More people stay on Michigan Island / living room. 1 I like going shopping / swimming
the definitions. Sand Island than on Devils Island.
5 The phone is the computer / books. .
4 Answer the questions. Write complete sentences.
1 automated d 5 set up 1 What are the duties of a volunteer keeper? 4 Answer the questions. Write short answers or 2 In my opinion the countryside is / cities are
complete sentences.
2 keeper 6 visitors 2 Which island is especially quiet? great .
3 guide 7 campers 3 How do people on Michigan Island get water? 1 Why does Callum need his phone? 3 I like visiting friends and family / new places
4 kayaking 8 pump 4 Which island is good for sociable people to .
work on?
a) someone who shows or explains something 2 Where does he usually put his bag? 4 I prefer doing homework in the evenings /
b) similar to canoeing
c) tourists, people on holiday at weekends
d) something that works without a person
3 Who is Lisa? .
operating it
e) people staying on a campsite 5 I don’t like / mind staying in a tent
f ) a machine to move water from one place to
4 Is Lisa trying to help? .
g) someone who looks after something Develop your writing: Writing reference page 130
h) make, organize
5 Why do you think the phone is on the shelf in
the living room?
52 53
439085_Pulse_WB1_Unit6.indd 52 03/10/2013 13:44 439085_Pulse_WB1_Unit6.indd 53 03/10/2013 13:44
Progress check Grammar Self-evaluation UNIT Self-evaluation and
Vocabulary Comparative adjectives Extension
3 Rewrite the sentences using the words in 1 At the end of Unit 6, can you do these things? 6
At home Tick (✓) the box that is true for you. Los alumnos rellenan el cuadro
brackets. Extension para evaluar sus progresos y luego
1 Complete the description with the words in 1 I’m faster than you. (you / not / fast) I can … Yes! No No, I need Cumulative grammar elaboran un plan de acción para
the box. problem! more practice. mejorarlos.
2 Millie is 14. Alex is 13. (old) name 14 pieces 1 23456789
bed cupboards desk lamp of furniture El texto de ampliación proporciona
mirror shelf sofa wardrobe 3 My book is good. Your book is boring. (good) name 12 places 1 Complete the blog with the correct form of the una práctica acumulativa de la
to stay words in the box. gramática enseñada en el curso.
4 Your room is tidy. My room is dirty. (than) use comparative
adjectives be can every good many much
5 His bag is heavy. Her bag is light. (not / heavy) use prepositions must next not be opposite our
of place ride share small stay twice
Prepositions of place use can and
I like my house. In my bedroom I’ve got a 4 Circle the correct words. must
ask for and give
(1) to sleep in – of course! There’s also 1 My desk is in / on my bedroom. directions
2 The lighthouse is under / next to the sea. write an opinion
a (2) where I do my homework. I’ve got a 3 Our caravan is under / on a tree. essay
4 We sit between / opposite our teacher.
(3) for when I read at night. There’s a can / can’t and must / mustn’t
5 Correct the sentences.
(4) for my clothes and a (5) 1 You can to come to my house.
2 Gemma must finishes her homework.
that I look in when I brush my hair. Downstairs, in 3 We not must use mobile phones
the living room there’s a big (6) . at school.
4 I can’t doing PE today, I forgot my kit.
I usually sit on it with my brother to watch TV. 5 You must to wear a uniform at school.
6 Circle the correct words.
We’ve got lots of DVDs on a long (7) We’ve got a new house, so I’ve got a new
bedroom. It’s (1) better / more good than my old
next to the TV. Our kitchen is quite big. We keep bedroom because it’s (2) more big / bigger. It’s
also (3) comfortabler / more comfortable – I’ve
our plates and cups in two (8) . got a small sofa (4) on / in it. My desk is 2 Think about what you
(5) under / between the window. We live need to improve. Write it here.
(6) opposite / next the park, so I (7) must / can 1 Welcome to my holiday blog! I’m (1) staying
see it. My parents say I (8) must / can keep my
Places to stay room tidy! 2 with my family on a farm in the Yorkshire Dales.
2 Write words for the definitions. 3 It’s a National Park in the north of England.
1 This is a home for kings and queens.
2 You camp in it. It’s cold at night! More practice There (2) lots of mountains here.
3 This is a very tall building with a ➜ Grammar reference page 94
large lamp next to the sea. ➜ Vocabulary extension page 107 The countryside is beautiful. There aren’t
4 It’s a small house in the forests ➜ Integrated skills page 116
made from wood. ➜ Wordlist page 151–157 (3) cars here. It’s very quiet.
5 Animals like cows, sheep and
horses live here. I’m (4) a room with my sister.
6 This is like a cheap hotel. People
often share a room. (5) parents have got a room
7 This is often in a city. It’s usually
smaller than a house. (6) to us. We’re in a small building.
8 It’s a house, often in a warm country.
There’s sometimes a pool. It’s (7) than the farmhouse. The
farmhouse is (8) our building. There
(9) a kitchen in our building so we go
to the farmhouse to eat.
The farm has got sheep and horses in it. The
farmer says we (10) help to look after
the horses. They need food (11) a day,
in the morning and evening. Tomorrow we’re
going horse-riding. My sister is (12)
than me because she’s got a horse at home
and she (13) it (14) day.
Finally, here’s a question: how (15)
food can you eat after a day on a farm? Answer:
a lot! I’m SO hungry. Oh good! Mum is calling
me for dinner, so I (16) go now.
54 55
439085_Pulse_WB1_Unit6.indd 54 03/10/2013 13:44 439085_Pulse_WB1_Unit6.indd 55 03/10/2013 13:44
El Self-study bank incluye todas estas secciones: • External exam trainer
• Speaking reference
• Grammar reference y ejercicios • Pronunciation reference
• Vocabulary extension • Wordlist
• Integrated skills • Irregular verb list
• Writing reference y ejercicios
Grammar reference UNIT 62UNIUTNIT Las páginas Grammar exercises van
intercaladas cada una justo enfrente
La sección Grammar reference 6 de la página de referencia gramatical
proporciona cuadros y explicaciones correspondiente a cada unidad.
más amplias de la gramática Grammar reference Grammar exercises
enseñada en el libro. Está disponible Integrated skills
en tres versiones: inglés, castellano y Comparative adjectives can / can’t Comparative adjectives Prepositions of place
catalán. Estas páginas tienen ejercicios de
• we use the comparative form of adjectives to affirmative 1 Write the comparative form of the adjective. 4 Circle the correct words. reading, writing, listening y speaking
Vocabulary extension compare one thing with another The cinema is next to / under the park. que refuerzan la sección Integrated
I / You / He / She / It / We / You / They can drive healthy 5 wide skills del Student’s Book con la
Esta sección usa fotos y dibujos • adjectives have different comparative forms healthier 1 Susie’s coat is at / in the wardrobe. práctica en casa.
para presentar vocabulario nuevo negative 2 We’re between / on the train.
relacionado con el tema de cada short adjectives and adjectives ending in -y 1 strong 6 red 3 There’s a park in front of / between my house.
unidad. Ese vocabulario está It’s cheaper than a hotel. It’s busier than a village. I / You / He / She / It / We / You / They cannot drive 4 In class, Alan usually sits between / in Kevin
grabado para que los alumnos
puedan escuchar las palabras y long adjectives contracted form 2 intelligent 7 tidy and Stacey.
practicar la pronunciación. 5 The café is on / opposite the sports club.
It’s more expensive than camping. I / You / He / She / It / We / You / They can’t drive 3 bad 8 comfortable can / can’t
Writing reference It’s more comfortable.
• we use can to talk about possibility and (lack of) 5 Write sentences with the affirmative, negative or
Presenta un texto modelo sobre irregular adjectives permission question form of can.
el tema de cada unidad, con You can stay for two weeks. You / stay / in the library / until 5pm ✓
anotaciones que indican a los good – better bad – worse We can’t visit the museum on Monday. It’s closed. 4 late 9 popular You can stay in the library until 5pm.
alumnos lo que tienen que tomar It’s better than camping in the rain! 1 He / stay out / late ✗
en cuenta cuando hagan un trabajo • after can we use the infinitive without to
escrito. Comparative adjectives spelling 2 You / be noisy / in class ?
rules questions and short answers 2 Circle the correct word.
External exam trainer 3 We / have a party / in the street ✗
Can I / you open the door? Rob is more tall / taller than Katie.
Esta sección del Workbook prepara 1 Her flat is moderner / more modern than ours. 4 She / have / pets ✓
a los alumnos para las pruebas • for short adjectives that end in vowel + consonant, Yes, I can. No, I can’t. 2 You are gooder / better at maths than I am.
de reading y writing típicas de los repeat the consonant and add -er 3 Joe’s room is tidier / tidyer than Linda’s.
exámenes externos. hot ➜ hotter big ➜ bigger Can he / she / it open the door? 4 A five star hotel is more comfortable /
El Model exam les ofrece un claro
ejemplo de pregunta y un modelo de • for short adjectives that end in -y, remove the -y Yes, he / she / it can. No, he / she / it can’t. comfortabler than a caravan.
respuesta. and add -ier 5 That computer is expensiver / more expensive
tidy ➜ tidier noisy ➜ noisier Can we / you / they … ?
than this one.
• for long adjectives, do not change the word. Add Yes, we / you / they can. No, we / you / they can’t.
more before the word
expensive ➜ more expensive • the word order is different in questions 3 Write sentences comparing these things. Use the 5 We / go / to the concert / this Saturday ?
intelligent ➜ more intelligent They can stay in a caravan park. adjectives in brackets. 6 We / watch TV/ before dinner ✓
Can they stay in a caravan park? 7 You / use / your mobile phone / in class ✗
• irregular adjectives don’t follow the rules! cheetah / lion (fast)
good ➜ better bad ➜ worse must / mustn’t A cheetah is faster than a lion.
• comparative adjectives are followed by than affirmative must be quiet 1 Chinese / English (difficult)
I / You / He / She / It / We / You / They must not shout
My room is bigger than yours. negative mustn’t shout 2 Everest / Annapurna (high)
This chair is more comfortable than the sofa. I / You / He / She / It / We / You / They 3 Vegetables / hamburgers (healthy)
contracted form 4 A hotel / camping (expensive)
Prepositions of place I / You / He / She / It / We / You / They 5 A barge / a car (slow) must / mustn’t
on in under between 6 Complete the sentences with must or mustn’t.
You mustn’t be noisy in class.
in front of opposite next to behind • we use must for rules, regulations and obligations 1 We speak Spanish in our English
You must wear a uniform at this school. lesson.
• we use mustn’t for prohibition 2 They wear a school uniform.
You mustn’t talk in the library.
3 You leave rubbish on the street.
• after must / mustn’t we use the infinitive
• prepositions of place describe where things are without to 4 Professional footballers train every
The TV is on the table.
The book is in the bag. 5 You do your homework before you go
Jon is under the tree to bed.
Sally is between Joe and Amy.
There’s a park in front of our house. 6 We listen to our teacher.
The table is opposite the bed.
The café is next to our school.
Sarah sits behind my brother in class.
94 95
439085_Pulse_WB1_pp081-101_ENG.indd 94 03/10/2013 13:53 439085_Pulse_WB1_pp081-101_ENG.indd 95 03/10/2013 13:53
62UNIT 6
Vocabulary extension k Integrated skills
Parts of the house Asking for and giving directions
f MAPS 3 41 Listen to the dialogue and circle the correct
c answer.
From A [Parker Street]
b e d To B [West Monmouth
i j
g School]
h Going by car
0.3 miles: 2 minutes
l A Parker Street
Go straight along
1 26 Tick the words you know. Check the meaning 4 Complete the email with the correct words from Parker Street. Excuse me! Can you
of the other words. Listen and repeat. exercise 1. Turn left onto tell me how to get
Victoria Road.
roof wall ceiling To: [email protected] Turn right and to Westwood Bank, Westwood Bank? Let
floor stairs windows Subject: My new house! follow Mill Road. please? me think.
fireplace chimney balcony Take the second right
garage garden door onto Benson Road. It’s near the town Ah, yes. I know where
B Your destination is (1) library / park. it is!
2 Look at the picture and complete a–l with words Hey Marie, on your right: West Which (2) way / road
from exercise 1. Monmouth School Go straight on along
We’re nally living in our new house and it’s brilliant! is it? this road and then turn
1 Read the directions and circle the correct right onto Kings Road.
a) wall b) There are wooden oors in every room, and there are answers. Straight on, then left?
lots of big (1) windows so there’s lots of light. In the The start point is West Monmouth School / No, straight on and then
Parker Street. OK. Is it (5) far / near? turn right. Then go past
c) d) living room there is a (2) , so we can have a 1 The directions are for going by car / walking. the town (3) library /
2 The school is on Victoria Road / Benson Road. Oh, good! Thank you! cinema. The bank is on
re in the winter. Dad’s happy because there is a big 3 It takes seven / two minutes. the (4) left / right.
4 It’s about 0.3 km / miles.
e) f ) (3) where he can park his car and mum’s No – it’s about a
2 40 Listen to Kate and Mark. Correct the (6) five / ten minute
g) h) happy because there’s an enormous (4) sentences. walk.
The museum is at 23 Old Bridge Road.
i) j) with lots of trees and beautiful plants! The museum is at 32 Old Bridge Road. No problem. Bye!
1 The map is in the car.
My bedroom is amazing! Mum says I can decorate it,
2 They are looking for the Museum of Modern
k) l) so I’m painting stars and moons on the (5) History.
– it’s like the night sky. I have curtains on my 3 The museum is past the park.
3 Read the definitions and write words from windows and I also have a (6) with a chair 4 They must walk for about 10 minutes.
exercise 1.
where I can sit outside in the sun. 116
The top outside part of a building roof I can’t wait for you to see it!
1 this structure separates rooms Jess
2 you go up or down these
3 you open this to go in or out of a 5 Complete the sentence so they are true for you. 4 Give directions from your school to the park. Write
a similar dialogue to the one in exercise 3.
room 1 My favourite room in my house is . Excuse me! Can you tell me how to get to the
because park, please?
4 smoke from a fire goes up this The park? Let me think.
5 you can look out through these 2 I spend a lot of time in .
5 Practise your dialogue in pairs.
6 the place to keep a car 3 In my bedroom there is and .
439085_Pulse_WB1_pp102-110.indd 107 03/10/2013 11:25 439085_Pulse_WB1_pp111-119.indd 116 03/10/2013 12:30
UNIT UNIT Las páginas Writing task enseñan
a los alumnos los pasos que deben
6 62UNIT seguir para planear, preparar y
redactar sus textos en casa.
Writing reference Writing task
Text type: An opinion essay Writing an opinion essay
In your opinion, is it better to go on Use comparative In your opinion, is it better to live in a big house with a garden or a flat in the city centre?
holiday to the mountains or the beach? adjectives to
Step 1 Plan
In my opinion, it’s better to go on holiday to the mountains. compare different
My family and I spend two weeks there every summer and I things Before you write, make some notes about the good points and bad points of each option. Complete the
usually invite a friend. It’s more interesting than going to the table below with your notes.
beach. I go rock climbing and mountain biking. Use because to
Use the I like camping in the mountains because you have give reasons for Living in a house Living in a flat
expressions in my more freedom – you can stay in different places. bigger
opinion / I think / Some people prefer the beach, but not me! I don’t like doing your opinions +
water sports because I think they’re more dangerous than
I don’t think to mountain sports. The mountains are better! – you need a car
by Paul, 13
give your opinion.
Step 2 Write
Write your first draft. Use your notes from Step 1 and the essay on page 130 to help you.
1 53 Listen and read the text. Then circle T (true) 3 Complete the text with the phrases in the box.
or F (false).
because it’s more comfortable
1 Paul goes to the mountains all summer. TF are more boring than dancing in the disco Step 3 Check USEFUL EXPRESSIONS
In my opinion because you can In my opinion, …
2 He thinks holidays in the mountains are TF because they aren’t Check your work. Check: I think / don’t think …
relaxing. opinion expressions: In my opinion, I think / It’s more … than …
TF (1) , it’s better to go on holiday I don’t think I (don’t) like … because …
3 He likes camping because you stay in TF to the beach than to the mountains. It’s more because to give reasons why I also like it because …
the same place. TF interesting than going to the mountains comparative adjectives Some people prefer … , but not me!
(2) go swimming and vocabulary for houses, places, facilities, transport
4 He thinks mountain sports are dangerous. kite surfing. I like staying in a hotel I like / don’t like because … 131
(3) than camping. I like I like / don’t like + -ing
5 He thinks water sports are dangerous. (4) or going to barbecues. 03/10/2013 12:35
I don’t like doing mountain sports Finally remember to always check your:
2 Connect the two sentences using because. (5) as exciting as beach grammar vocabulary spelling
1 I like rock climbing. It’s exciting. activities.I think mountain holidays
(6) beach holidays. You often Step 4 Write
2 I travel by plane. It’s faster than by car. go camping in the mountains and I hate that!
Write your final copy in your notebook.
3 They love the sea. They can swim very far!
4 My cousin lives in a caravan. He likes to travel.
5 We stay in hotels. They’re more comfortable
than going camping.
439085_Pulse_WB1_pp120-137.indd 130 03/10/2013 12:35 439085_Pulse_WB1_pp120-137.indd 131
21EXAM External exam trainer Reading: Choosing the correct answers En la página Your exam practice
About the exam Your exam practice los alumnos ponen en práctica las
estrategias de examen aprendidas.
Your exam preparation Choosing the correct answers Step 1: Understand the situation. Step 3: Read the conversations again. Choosing the 2
You read part of a conversation and choose correct answers 3 Los Exam tips les proporcionan
1 Read the example question below. Which word the correct response. This tests your ability to Read the conversations in Your exam and think Choose the most likely answers. 4 consejos y técnicas que los ayudan a
shows that b) is the correct answer? understand written English. about these things: Step 4: Read again. 5 responder con éxito las preguntas de
What are the people talking about? los exámenes.
Example question EXAM TIP: Eliminate options that are What words would you expect in the answers? Check your answers.
not relevant
Step 2: Consider all the possible answers. EXAM TIP: Check your answers
Mum: What do you want for breakfast? Read the sentence and underline key words. Open cloze
Son: a) I’m having a shower. Sometimes the correct answer contains similar Now read all the questions and answers again and Always check your answers again. Read the test
words or even the same words. Then you can identify key words. Then decide if any options can conversations to yourself. The conversations
b) Some toast please. eliminate the other options. be eliminated. must make sense and be logical.
c) I always eat breakfast before I
go to school. 2 Read the questions and answers in the Model
exam below. Can any of the options be eliminated?
Why (not)?
True or False
reading test
3 Read the conversations and choose the correct answers. An informal
1 I feel terrible, my head hurts. 4 Read the conversations and choose the correct answers.
a) Why don’t you go to bed? This means the boy feels 1 How are you? a) I’m a student.
b) Why don’t you wash your hair? ill. The best answer b) I’m ne, thanks.
c) Why don’t you jump around? c) I’m 13 years old.
option here is option a).
2 My grandmother has three dogs and 2 Did you bring your a) Yes, I left it at home.
homework? b) Yes, here it is.
two cats. c) Yes, I always do it in
a) Really? That’s terrible! the library.
b) Really? That’s a lot of animals! a lot here means many and 3 You’re late. a) Sorry. It’s too early.
c) Really? She mustn’t like animals. refers to the number of b) Sorry. I hope so.
animals she has. Option b) is c) Sorry. The bus arrived late.
the best answer.
4 I don’t know where your a) Oh good!
book is. b) Don’t worry about it. I don’t need it.
‘mustn’t’ means must not. c) That’s terrible!
She has many animals, so
this means she likes them.
This option can be eliminated.
140 03/10/2013 13:55 439085_Pulse_WB1_pp138-147_ENG.indd 141 141
439085_Pulse_WB1_pp138-147_ENG.indd 140 03/10/2013 13:55
Curso Digital Pulse Live!
El Curso Digital Pulse Live! está disponible en versiones • Vídeos interactivos de los diálogos propuestos como
para el profesor y para el alumno, proporcionando modelo en las páginas Integrated skills del Student’s
soluciones digitales personalizadas adecuadas a las Book, para que los alumnos vean y oigan el inglés
distintas tecnologías habilitadas en los entornos de funcional que se habla en la vida real
aprendizaje. Es un curso digital compatible con todos los
dispositivos electrónicos, incluidas las pizarras interactivas. • Culture videos y worksheets que complementan cada
unidad del Student’s Book
La versión para el Profesor es un material completo que
reúne en un solo paquete las versiones digitales de todos • Un Vocabulary trainer que ayuda a los alumnos a aprender
los componentes de Pulse para su comodidad. y practicar el vocabulario esencial del Student’s Book
El curso contiene: • Materiales del Teacher’s Resource File
• Una versión digital completamente interactiva del • Materiales del Test and Exams Pack
• Notas para el profesor
Student’s Book con funciones de audio y vídeo • Transcripciones de los audios de todos los componentes
integradas, y las respuestas para facilitar la corrección
en clase. También hay versiones digitales del Student’s Book y el
• U na versión digital completamente interactiva del Workbook para el alumno, y todos los alumnos que utilicen
Workbook, con audio integrado y con las respuestas la edición impresa del Workbook tienen además acceso a los
para ayudar a corregir las actividades en clase materiales digitales interactivos.
• Un Markbook para consultar las calificaciones de los
alumnos y controlar sus progresos a lo largo del curso En todos los cursos digitales hay enlaces al markbook del
profesor para facilitarle las tareas de corrección y evaluación.
Recursos adicionales para los Macmillan Dictionary Online
DICTIONARY Es un diccionario gratuito
Macmillan Secondary Student’s Website que proporciona la definición
Esta web les propociona centenares de actividades con clara de cada palabra, grupos
las que practicar los contenidos del Student’s Book. Hay
ejercicios de gramática, vocabulario, reading, writing de palabras relacionadas
y listening. Pueden hacerlos en casa o en el centro y
sus resultados siempre se grabarán en el markbook y cuadros con sinónimos
del profesor. La web permite que alumnos y profesores
puedan hacer un seguimiento del trabajo en línea. La muy útiles, además de
dirección es www.macmillansecondary.com
información gramatical, oraciones de ejemplo, frases
comunes y grabaciones con la pronunciación de las
palabras en inglés británico e inglés americano.
El Diccionario Macmillan en línea también ofrece
herramientas y recursos innovadores que los profesores
pueden utilizar en la clase, como e-lessons y language
Los alumnos pueden también usar esta web como
material de estudio para ganar más confianza en sí
mismos cuando hablen en inglés. Por ejemplo, pueden
practicar los verbos irregulares y los phrasal verbs
con unos juegos interactivos que son un excelente
complemento a lo que han aprendido en clase. La
dirección es www.macmillandictionary.com
Materiales de Pulse para los profesores
Teacher’s Book Teacher’s Resource File
Teacher’s Book Contiene todo lo necesario para Teacher’s Resource File 1 El Teacher’s Resource File
contiene una gran cantidad de
1 trabajar con Pulse en clase sin ningún recursos fotocopiables para
problema. reciclar y practicar lo aprendido,
mejorar las destrezas y evaluar a
En cada unidad hay una vista general Includes los alumnos. Entre tales recursos,
hay soluciones para atender a la
muy clara de sus contenidos y • Pulse Basics diversidad en el aula, materiales
• Vocabulary and grammar de CLIL, hojas de evaluación muy
Tim Bowen objetivos, unas completas notas detalladas y worksheets para
didácticas, las respuestas a los worksheets desarrollar la competencia digital.
• Translation and dictation
• Key competences worksheets
• Key competences evaluation
• Culture and CLIL worksheets
• Culture video worksheets
• Digital competence worksheets
• Macmillan Readers worksheets
• Answer keys for each section
ejercicios y las transcripciones
de audio. También se detallan los
objetivos de cada lección, hay
notas culturales y sobre aspectos
lingüísticos, y actividades para fast
finishers. El Teacher’s Book incluye
asimismo todos los materiales de
referencia del Student’s Book y las
respuestas del Workbook.
Teacher’s Resource File Multi-ROM Class Audio CDs
1 El Multi-ROM contiene todos los Todas las grabaciones del
materiales del Teacher’s Resource File en Student’s Book se proporcionan
ISBN 978-0-230-43922-1 Teacher’s formato Word para poder editarlos, y las en tres CD de audio que incluyen
Resource File grabaciones de audio correspondientes. las listas completas de lo que hay
en cada pista.
© Macmilla Version 1.0 Impression 1 g is illegal.
Audio files You can listen to the audio on a normal CD player.
Windows This is an autorun CD. If the application does not
start automatically, navigate to your CD-ROM drive and open
the file index.html in a web browser.
Macintosh/Linux Navigate to your CD-ROM drive and
open the file index.html in a web browser.
n Publishers copyin
For technical support, please visit help.macmillan.es
Limited 2014. This product is copyright and unauthorized
Tests and Exams Pack
1 Tests and Exams Multi-ROM CEFR Skills Exam
Generator Multi-ROM
ISBN 978-0-230-43921-4 Tests and Este Multi-ROM contiene los siguientes ISBN 978-0-230-47254-9 CEFR
Exams exámenes, en formato Word para poder Skills Exam El Tests and Exams Pack incluye el
editarlos y en formato PDF: Generator CEFR Skills Exam Generator Multi-ROM
Multi-ROM Multi-ROM para que los profesores puedan diseñar
• Un test de diagnóstico sobre las a su conveniencia tests con los que
© Macmilla Version 1.0 Impression 1 g is illegal. competencias clave que se puede usar © Macmillan Version 1.0 Impression 1 ng is illegal. evaluar las destrezas de sus alumnos.
para averiguar el nivel de lengua que Cubren los niveles A1+/A2, A2, A2+ y
Audio files You can listen to the audio on a normal CD player. tienen los alumnos al empezar el curso Audio files You can listen to the audio on a normal CD player. B1/B1+ del Marco Común Europeo de
Windows This is an autorun CD. If the application does not Windows This is an autorun CD. If the application does not start Referencia con ejercicios de reading,
start automatically, navigate to your CD-ROM drive and open • Tests en tres niveles de dificultad: automatically, navigate to your CD-ROM drive and open the file writing y speaking típicos de los
the file index.html in a web browser. básico, estándar y alto. Cada nivel exámenes externos.
Macintosh/Linux Navigate to your CD-ROM drive and cuenta con: index.html in a web browser.
open the file index.html in a web browser. un test de aptitud Macintosh/Linux Navigate to your CD-ROM drive and
nueve tests de progreso open the file index.html in a web browser.
tres tests trimestrales
n Publishers copyin un test de fin de curso Publishers For technical support, please visit help.macmillan.es copyi
• Las respuestas, grabaciones y Limited 2014. This recording is copyright and unauthorized
For technical support, please visit help.macmillan.es
Limited 2014. This product is copyright and unauthorized transcripciones de audio de todos los
Teacher’s Book
Contiene todo lo necesario para que los profesores saquen el máximo partido posible de todos los materiales de Pulse.
Cada unidad empieza con un UNIT home sweet Lifelong learning skills Evaluation Los cuadros Language note
Overview a doble página dividido home • Unit 6 End-of-unit test: Basic, Standard and Extra aportan información extra sobre
en: Objetivos y competencias clave, Self-study and • End-of-term test, units 4–6: Basic, Standard and Extra pronunciación, vocabulario o
Contenidos lingüísticos, Destrezas, Unit objectives and key competences self-evaluation • CEFR Skills Exam Generator gramática. Pueden dar la definición
Destrezas para el aprendizaje • Study guide: de una palabra o frase difícil, o su
permanente, Evaluación, External In this unit the student will learn … In this unit the student will learn how to ... External exam trainer transcripción fonética; o explicar con
exam trainer, Materiales digitales, • understand, memorize and correctly use words • identify specific information in an online article Student’s Book page 71 • Listening: Multiple-choice pictures más detalle un punto gramatical o un
Competencia digital, Materiales de • Progress check and uso idiomático del inglés.
refuerzo, Materiales de ampliación y for furniture CLC CMST CLC DC CAE Digital material
Teacher’s Resource File. • understand, memorize and correctly use words • look for information about unusual homes CLC self-evaluation: Pulse Live! Digital Course including: Los cuadros Culture note
Workbook pages 54–55 • Interactive grammar tables proporcionan un contexto cultural más
Al principio de cada lección se detallan for places to stay CLC CMST CAE DC CAE CIE • Grammar reference and practice: • Audio visual speaking model: Asking for and giving amplio a los profesores y les brindan
de forma clara los objetivos de • understand and correctly use grammar • identify specific information in a conversation Workbook pages 94–95 información útil para responder
aprendizaje, proporcionando un útil • Wordlist: directions preguntas que podrían hacer los
resumen del vocabulario y la gramática structures related to comparative adjectives about holidays CLC SCC CAE Workbook pages 151–157 • Audio visual cultural material: Homes in the UK alumnos sobre las personas, lugares o
que se van a explicar y de las tareas and draw parallels to L1 CLC L2L • speak about their domestic routines CLC SCC Learning strategies Student’s website hechos citados en el Student’s Book.
que van a realizar los alumnos. • understand and correctly use grammar • write an opinion essay CLC CMST CAE and thinking skills
structures related to possibility, permission, • read a map for directions, listen to a • Reading for general information Digital competence Los cuadros Extra activity contienen
Las actividades de calentamiento obligation and prohibition CLC • Listening for specific information • Web quest: Researching the PAS house ejercicios adicionales para los alumnos
(Warmer) opcionales, breves y prácticas, • about the lifestyle of travellers in Ireland CLC conversations about directions and ask for and • Speaking skills: using polite • Digital competence worksheet: Writing tools que terminan las tareas del Student’s
preparan a los alumnos para la lección. CMST SCC CAE give directions CLC SCC language Reinforcement material Book antes que los demás. Por tanto,
• about homes in the UK by watching a short Cultural awareness • Basics worksheets, Teacher’s Resource File pages 35–40 ayudan a tratar la diversidad en el aula.
video CLC CMST CAE • Travellers in Ireland • Vocabulary and Grammar: Consolidation worksheets,
• Comparing the life of Irish
Linguistic contents Skills travellers with groups in students Teacher’s Resource File pages 23–24
own countries
Main vocabulary Reading Cross-curricular Extension material
• Furniture: wardrobe, mirror, shelf, • Read an online article about a dream house contents • Fast-finisher activity: Student’s Book page 63
• Read a text about travellers in Ireland • Geography: mega-cities • Extra activities: Teacher’s Book pages T66, T68
etc • Read directions to an address • ICT: searching the internet for • Vocabulary and Grammar: Extension worksheets,
• Places to stay: tent, caravan, log Writing: Interaction and production information
• Write a personalized dialogue • Language and literature: Teacher’s Resource File pages 25–26
cabin, etc • Write an opinion essay in three steps: plan, write, check conventions for writing an opinion
Grammar Listening essay Teacher’s Resource File
• Comparative adjectives: bigger • Listen to a conversation about holidays
• Listen to people asking for and giving directions Key competences
than • Prepare to listen for important information in
• Modal verbs: can / can’t, CLC C ompetence in linguistic
conversations communication
must / mustn’t
Functional language Spoken interaction CMST Competence in mathematics,
• Asking for and giving directions • Exchange information about domestic habits science and technology
Pronunciation Spoken production
• /ə/ • Prepare and act out a dialogue about giving directions DC Digital competence
• Contractions: can’t and mustn’t L2L Learning to learn
SCC S ocial and civic
• Translation and dictation worksheets pages 7, 17
competences • Evaluation rubrics pages 1–7
SIE S ense of initiative and • Key competences worksheets pages 11–12
• Culture and CLIL worksheets pages 21–24
CAE C ultural awareness and
• Culture video worksheets pages 11–12 Baseline U6
• Digital competence worksheets pages 11–12
• Macmillan Readers worksheets pages 3–4
Vocabulary and Speaking
UNIT At home 3 • Students read the information about a
competition to win your perfect bedroom and
Vocabulary and Speaking THINK ABOUT IT Lesson objectives the definitions.
At home
What’s your home like? How In this lesson students will: • They find the words which match the
is your bedroom different • l earn vocabulary for rooms definitions.
from the pictures? • l earn vocabulary for furniture
• a sk and answer questions about where • They compare answers in pairs.
Exercise 1 1 2.25 Listen and repeat the words in the box. • Check answers as a class.
shelf, lamp, Which things can you see in the pictures? they do activities • Check that they understand all the
table, bed
desk chair shelf cooker toilet fridge Warmer vocabulary, eg a new look (a completely new
Exercise 2 wardrobe cupboard lamp sink mirror Play a spelling game. Choose six objects in the appearance), worth £2,000 (with a value of
Possible sofa bath armchair table bed classroom and mix the letters of each word up. £2,000) and point out that the plural of shelf
answers Write the words on the board with the letters in is shelves.
bathroom 2 Which of the things in exercise 1 are in each of Give your the wrong order, eg r o p e c t u m (computer).
– shelf, these rooms in your house? bedroom a Put the class into teams of three. The first team 4 • Students write a short paragraph (no
cupboard, completely to unscramble all the words and spell the six more than 50 words) beginning My perfect
mirror bathroom bedroom kitchen new look in this objects correctly wins. bedroom is ...
bedroom month’s great
– chair, living room dining room competition. • Encourage them to use some of the words
wardrobe, from exercise 1.
table, bed bathroom: sink, toilet, bath, …
kitchen – • Students read out their paragraphs to the
chair, shelf, class.
cooker, fridge,
cupboard, 3 Read the competition information. Find words The prize includes: Think about it EXPRESS YOURSELF
sink, table that match these definitions. • f(abnetda,sdtiecsnk,ewwafrudrrnoibtuere…)
living room – f(n(alceabowmumlptoep,ucmushtiearnrro,ocmrlc,oesughssyesicolwvrseioyessrstt…hem)£2…,00) 0 Explain that a home can be a house or a flat 5 • Students work individually and write
desk, chair, 1 The place where you put your clothes. • (or apartment). Remind students that when sentences saying where they do each activity
shelf, lamp, 2 A table where you study. • we ask the question What is ... like?, we are using the names of rooms from exercise 2.
mirror, sofa, 3 You can put your books here. asking for an opinion, eg It’s nice. It’s great.
armchair 4 You can see yourself in this. It’s OK. Students work in pairs and discuss • Make sure they understand chat (to talk in
dining room 5 A small light. what their home is like and if their bedroom a friendly way). If necessary, ask them to
– chair, 6 The piece of furniture you sleep on. is different from the ones in the pictures. translate it into their language.
cupboard, Listen to their ideas as a class.
mirror, table 4 Imagine you enter the competition. To enter, complete this sentence in no more 6 • Nominate two students to read aloud the
Complete the sentence with your ideas. than 50 words: 1 2.25 example question and answer.
Exercise 3 • Play the CD. Students listen to the words and
1 wardrobe My perfect bedroom is … repeat them. • Students work in pairs and ask and answer
2 desk • Highlight the silent p in cupboard /ˈkʌbəd/. questions about where they do the activities
3 shelf / Send your entry to [email protected] • Elicit which things in the word pool students in exercise 5.
can see in the pictures.
shelves EXPRESS YOURSELF • Check answers as a class. Make sure • Listen to some pairs as a class.
4 mirror 5 Where do you do the activities in the box? students understand all the words, eg sink
5 lamp (where you wash yourself or the dishes). Vocabulary extension: Workbook page 107
6 bed Write sentences.
relax watch TV do your homework Language note
chat to friends listen to music
have breakfast / lunch / dinner In compound nouns, the first word almost
always carries the main stress, eg wardrobe,
I usually relax in my bedroom. cupboard, armchair.
6 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about
the activities in exercise 5.
Where do you usually watch T V?
I usually watch T V in the living room.
62 VocabIunltaerryacetxivteenGsrioanm:mWaorrTkabboloek: pWaogrekb10o7ok page xx 2 • Students categorise the words in exercise 1
9780230429697_Pulse_06.indd 62 by matching them with the rooms.
29/08/2013 17:01
• They compare their answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class.
T 62
Teacher’s Resource File
Con 290 páginas de materiales fotocopiables, claves Además, todos los materiales están incluidos en el
de respuestas y transcripciones de audio, el Teacher’s Teacher’s Resource Multi-ROM en formato Word para
Resource File de Pulse proporciona todas las worksheets poder editarlos atendiendo a las necesidades de cada
y los recursos extra necesarios para que los alumnos clase.
aprendan inglés de una forma plena y llena de sentido. El Teacher’s Resource File está dividido en secciones
para facilitar su uso. Las claves de respuestas se
encuentran detrás de las worksheets de cada sección.
Pulse Basics Vocabulary and Grammar
Consolidation and Extension
6 6
At home 5c • we use must for rules, regulations and
Grammar 6 6
1 Label the pictures with the words in the box. Comparative adjectives obligations
3f 6d • we use the comparative form of adjectives to At home Places to stay At home 3 Use the words from exercise 2 to complete the
sofa armchair table shelves bed 2w 7c You must wear a uniform at this school. definitions.
desk chair wardrobe lamp toilet sink compare one thing with another 1 Read the clues and complete the puzzle. 2 Order the letters and label the pictures. 1 Complete the sentences.
mirror bath cooker fridge cupboard My sister’s bedroom is tidier than mine. • we use mustn’t for prohibition aeltcs erbga fmra ivlal ntne A hotel is a place where people stay
• Adjectives have different comparative forms: Across ohyut tehols sgtuelhoh varcana I need a new cooker . The one I’ve got when they go on holiday.
sofa 1 l You mustn’t run in the classroom. 1 You use this to help you see when it’s dark. 1 A is an old building that might
Short adjectives 5 You use this to sit on. keeps burning the food. have a tower or a dungeon.
• we use the same form for all subject pronouns 7 You keep things in this. There are lots 2 A is a tall building with a light that
after must / mustn’t we use the verb without to 1 My mum has got a new three-seater shows sailors where the rocks are.
in the kitchen. 3 A is a long boat that you can
• they have one syllable and we add -er to make 8 You use this to heat food. for the living room. It’s purple! sleep on.
the comparative form of the adjective 9 You sleep on this. 4 A is a place where you can stay
Vocabulary 11 You usually find this in the living room. 2 The in the bathroom needs for a low price. You usually have to share a
David is taller than Mike. At home room.
Two or three people can sit on it. cleaning. I can’t see myself in it! 5 A is a mobile house that you pull
behind your car. You can sleep in it at night.
8c Down 3 This is very comfortable. I could 6 A is something you need when
2 This is a comfortable seat for one. you go camping.
Long adjectives armchair 3 You keep clothes in this. sit here all day. 7 A is a house that you can rent for
bath 4 You find this in the kitchen or dining room. a week or more for a holiday.
• they have more than one syllable and we add bed castle 1 4 The dining room has got a lot of 8 A is something in between a
more + the comparative form of the adjective chair You eat your food on it. caravan and a house.
cooker 6 You use this to look at yourself. food on it. I hope you’re hungry! 9 A is a place in the country where
A hotel is more expensive than a youth hostel. cupboard 10 You do your homework on this. you can find animals or crops.
desk 5 I must clean the in the kitchen
10 s lamp before I put the shopping away.
11 m mirror
12 t 13 s 14 b 15 t Irregular adjectives shelf 6 James is working at his . He’s got a
9a 3 Look at the furniture words in the box. Write the sofa lot of homework tonight.
words next to the definitions. table
armchair bed cooker cupboards mirror • good and bad are irregular adjectives and they toilet 7 The light isn’t very good in here. The
have a different comparative form wardrobe
2 Complete the sentences with the words in It’s comfortable. You sleep in it. bed 23 isn’t very bright.
the box. 1 You look in it when you want to see what you
good – better bad – worse 8 I need to sort out my clothes before I buy
desk shelves sink look like. m
sofa table wardrobe 2 You put things in them. There are a lot of these any more. I don’t have any space in my
in the kitchen. c Spelling rules 1 L 2A M P 3 at the moment.
3 You cook food on this. It’s in the kitchen.
• one-syllable adjectives with a short vowel 45 Places to stay
c followed by a consonant -t, -d, -g, -m and -n,
I’ve got a desk in my bedroom. It’s got my 4 It’s comfortable. It’s in the living room. One double the consonant to make the comparative 6
computer on it. person sits on it. a 7 2 Look at the pictures. Find ten words in the
1 All my clothes are in my w big – bigger sad – sadder hot – hotter wordsquare.
. 4 Complete the sentences so they are true for you. 45
armchair bath bed chairs
2 My aunt has got lots of books. There are cupboards desk toilet 8 S BMC J C E R V P
s in every room in her house! Prepositions of place DRVBKSUG LN
3 Let’s sit on the s together and watch • we use prepositions of place to describe where 9 10 Y EWN P L S H A T
things are MO B I L E HOME
TV. Places to stay HOS T E L L TON
My bed is opposite the door. P T H F A RME S T
4 Your hands are dirty. Go and wash them in the The library is next to the café. 11 6 7 L R F DSAN L BC
s. apartment log cabin 3 Circle the correct words.
5 We’ve got a new t and chairs in the can caravan mobile Last year we stayed in a hotel / tent in
• we use can to talk about possibility and (lack of ) castle home London. It was wonderful with a very comfy
dining room. farm bed and a buffet breakfast.
permission hotel tent 1 We go on holiday in a tent / caravan. It’s
1 There’s a in my bedroom. lighthouse cheaper than staying in a hotel, but not as
You can stay for three weeks. villa uncomfortable as camping.
We can’t visit the shop on Sunday. It’s closed. 2 This summer we’re going to rent a villa /
youth farm in Spain. It’s near the beach and has a
• we use the same form for all subject pronouns hostel swimming pool.
3 They stayed on a farm / lighthouse over the
2 There’s a in my living room. summer. The children loved it. They fed the
animals and picked fruit.
3 There’s a in my bathroom. • the negative form of can is can’t (cannot) 4 I want to rent a log cabin / castle this summer
• after can we use the verb without to and explore the woods and lakes nearby.
4 There are some in my kitchen. 5 My parents stayed on a mobile home / barge
at Easter. They travelled down the canal for a
35 Photocopy me! Text Pulse © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014 Photocopy me! Text Pulse © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014 40 week and had a great time.
23 Photocopy me! Text Pulse © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014 25 Photocopy me! Text Pulse © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014
Workbook fotocopiable de 66 páginas para los alumnos
de menos nivel —una solución ideal para atender a la Hay dos worksheets de consolidación y dos de
Pulse 1 - revised finals 26/09/13
diversidad. Incluye un repaso del vocabulario y la gramáticaPulse1-revisedfinals26/09/13 ampliación para cada unidad con el fin de repasar
del Student’s Book, actividades de reading y writing, una Pulse 1 - revised finals 26/09/13 Pulse 1 - revised finals 26/09/13
y practicar todo el vocabulario y la gramática del
sección de consulta y la clave de respuestas. Student’s Book.
Translation and Dictation Evaluation rubrics
6 2.27 There is / There are: affirmative and negative 5
Comparative adjectives 1 There’s a sports centre on my street. Learning outcomes: Reading 1 2 3 4 Result Understands and Understands the gist Understands the Understands the Learning outcomes: Reading 1 2 3 4 Result Understands the Understands some of Understands most of Understands specific information from web information from web information from web pages and other ref- erence material with minimal difficulty. material. Is able to Is able to answer general and detailed comprehension questions correctly. Understands very Understands a little Understands some of Understands the the key information most relevant from contemporary information from which can be easily followed. For example, contemporary fiction. contemporary fiction. fiction. Can identify contemporary key characters and fiction with minimal difficulty. Can answer general and more detailed questions about contemporary fiction.
2 There are two supermarkets near here. follows the and the main points orrespondence with most important main ideas of
1 Joe’s room is tidier than Rick’s. ________________________________________________ 3 There isn’t a library in my town. instructions with correctly and without minimal difficulty and points of the journalistic texts
2 This hotel is more expensive than that one. ______________________________________ 4 There aren’t any apples in that shop. minimal difficulty and significant difficulty. can respond to correspondence with without significant
3 The castle is much older than the lighthouse. ____________________________________ 5 There’s some milk on the table. is able to do the task. Can answer general questions minimal difficulty, difficulty. Can
4 This sofa is more comfortable than the old one. __________________________________ 6 There are some potatoes in the kitchen. and more specific appropriately. including formal answer general and
5 I don’t think the dining table is bigger than the kitchen table. _______________________ questions correctly. conventions. specific questions.
2.28 There is / There are + a / an, some and any Can answer detailed
__________________________________________________________________________ comprehension
6 Ben’s boots aren’t as dirty as Dan’s. ____________________________________________ 1 There is a cinema in my town. questions.
2 There are some nuts and crisps.
Prepositions of place 3 There isn’t a Chinese restaurant. Understands some of Understands most of the instructions but the instructions but with some difficulty. Understands the gist Understands the and some of the main gist and the main points but with some significan difficulty. difficulty. Can answer general questions about the topic. Understands some of Understands the correspondence most of the but with considerable correspondence but with some difficulty. Can answer general questions. Understands some of Understands many the key points of the key points of the correspondence but correspondence but with considerable with some difficulty. Understands some formal conventions. Can answer basic comprehension questions. Understands the the specific pages and other ref- pages and erence material, but other reference answer general questions. answer basic questions.
4 There are two ice creams. main ideas of
1 His rucksack is next to the table. ______________________________________________ 5 There aren’t any shops on my street. journalistic texts but
2 The sofa is opposite the television. ____________________________________________ 6 There isn’t any yoghurt. with some difficulty.
3 The dining room is between the kitchen and the living room. _______________________ Can answer general
2.29 Is there ...? Are there ...? comprehension
__________________________________________________________________________ questions.
4 The book is behind the sofa. __________________________________________________ 1 Are there any hotels in your town? Yes, there are.
5 My books are in my bag. _____________________________________________________ 2 Is there a supermarket near here? No, there isn’t. with difficulty. points but with difficulty. difficulty. Understands some the specific with difficulty. little or none of the of the key structured and contains a plot and characters key information from information from
6 The café is in front of the castle. _______________________________________________ 3 Are there any apples in your bag? No, there aren’t. of the main ideas of
4 Are there any parks on your street? No, there aren’t. journalistic texts but
can / can’t 5 Is there any water on the table? Yes, there is. with difficulty.
6 Are there any museums here? Yes, there are.
1 Guests can use the swimming pool. ____________________________________________ Is unable to Is unable to Is able to Understands little correspondence. The correspondence should or none of the most include information about topics of interest important in either a personal, academic or vocational points of the correspondence. Understands little Understands very
2 We can’t stay in the caravan. It’s too small. ______________________________________ 2.30 How much ...? How many ...? understand much or understand the main understand or none of the main little or none of the
3 They can’t feed the animals on the farm. ________________________________________ any of the points and little or little or none of the ideas of journalistic specific information
4 I can’t drive to the hotel. The road is closed. _____________________________________ 1 How many vegetables do you eat every day? instructions. none of the gist. correspondence. texts. from web pages
5 We can rent this villa for $500. ________________________________________________ 2 How much protein is there in a chicken salad? and other reference
6 He can swim in the sea by the hotel. ___________________________________________ 3 How many calories are there in this slice of cake? material.
4 How much milk is there in the fridge?
must / mustn’t With the help of visual aids, understands Understands the gist and the main points Understands personal correspondence (in Understands key points of formal context (e.g. about a language course). Understands the main ideas of short Understands specific information from web Understands key information from contemporary fiction which is short, well
2.31 Revision instructions about the way electronic from clear and simple advertisements, from any format) in which the student talks about journalistic texts in any format. The student pages or other reference material which is
1 You mustn’t run next to the swimming pool. _____________________________________ appliances or machines work, or safety magazines or the internet, which are related him/herself; describes people, objects and is guided by numbers, names or illustrations structured clearly and relates to academic
2 We must take the bus into town. ______________________________________________ Sri Lanka is an island near India in the Indian Ocean. It’s very popular with tourists. There are instructions (e.g. in a school, public place or to a familiar topic (personal, academic or places; or describes past, present or future to aid understanding. or vocational topics, or topics of personal
3 They mustn’t jump off the barge. ______________________________________________ some fantastic beaches with white sand and beautiful blue sea, and there are a lot of hotels. leisure centre). vocational). events, real or fictional, and which expresses interest (e.g. curricular subjects, music, a
4 We mustn’t use our mobile phones by the pool. __________________________________ Colombo is a city where there are some fantastic restaurants and big shopping centres. But feelings or opinions about familiar topics. city, sport). The students can re-read difficult
5 Tessa must stay in the log cabin. ______________________________________________ Sri Lanka is really famous for its beautiful landscapes. There are forests, mountains and rivers. parts if necessary.
6 I mustn’t forget to take the tent. _______________________________________________ Are there any ancient cities? Yes, there are. Is there lots of traffic? No, there isn’t. It is a relaxing
place where you can get close to nature.
Today, the children in Park High School aren’t playing football. They’re playing Australian rules
football. I think it’s easier than football. Each team must have 18 players and they kick and pass
the ball. They can hold the ball, but they can’t throw it. One boy is hitting the ball with his hand.
You can hit it with any part of your body. Now, a boy is kicking the ball between the posts. It’s
a goal!
fiction for teenagers.
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Los ejercicios de traducción y los dictados Las rubrics son herramientas para evaluar a los alumnos
en las cuatro destrezas y medir sus progresos. Se centran
están ligados a cada unidad. Los dictados están en estándares de aprendizaje que han trabajado en clase,
como escribir una carta formal o hacer una presentación
grabados en el Dictations Audio CD.Pulse1-revisedfinals26/09/13 oral, e incluyen criterios de evaluación que muestran lo que
Pulse 1 - revised finals 26/09/13 los alumnos saben hacer realmente.
Key competences worksheets Culture and CLIL worksheets
6 6 6 6
Reading Writing Listening Dublin Dublin Language: Irish Gaelic
Key competences Key competences Key competences Key facts Go online! 1 How many languages can you speak? Can you say anything
C1 Competence in linguistic communication C1 Competence in linguistic communication C1 Competence in linguistic communication • Dublin is the capital of the in Irish Gaelic? Read about the Irish Gaelic language.
C3 Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world C3 Competence in knowledge of and C3 Competence in knowledge of and
C6 Artistic and cultural competence Republic of Ireland. There are two languages spoken in Ireland: English
interaction with the physical world interaction with the physical world and Irish Gaelic, or Gaeilge. This is the first official
1 Read Ramón’s online guide to Madrid. Which places would you like to visit? C6 Artistic and cultural competence C6 Artistic and cultural competence • Its population is about 506,000. language and it is used by half a million people as their
• Dublin was originally a small mother tongue. It is also one of the official languages
4 You are going to write a short tourist guide of the European Union and almost 2 million people
about where you live for the school magazine. Viking village and is now one of around the world speak Gaeilge.
Look at the notes. Make notes and write a the world’s most important cities.
paragraph of 80 to 100 words. It is a Celtic language and is similar to Scottish Gaelic, Welsh and
Fun in Madrid Language Cities Countryside Culture Food People 1 Read about Dublin. Breton, which is spoken in the northwest of France. Its alphabet is
similar to English.
Every year, thousands of tourists love Santiago Bernabéu 5 1.07 Listen to a radio interview about River Liffey
visiting the wonderful Prado Museum, Do you like football? a sports programme and circle the correct In Ireland there are Gaeilge-language newspapers, radio stations
the Reina Sofía and the Royal Palace One of my favourite answers. Dublin is on the River Liffey. The bridges across the river are beautiful and and television shows and school students have to study the language.
in Madrid. But there are also lots of places is the Real include Ha’penny Bridge. There are also bridges named after famous authors Traffic signs and notices in shops appear both in English and Gaeilge.
exciting places for young people to have Madrid football 1 The radio interviewer is in … from Dublin, such as the Samuel Beckett Bridge and the James Joyce Bridge. As It is also one of the oldest languages in Western Europe.
fun, too. Read my online guide to Madrid stadium, the Santiago a) Cambridge. well as walking along the river, you can go rowing or you can participate in the
and find out. Bernabéu. You can b) London. annual Liffey Swim, a swimming race in late summer. TEST YOUR
go on a tour and visit c) Brighton. MEMORY!
The Parque de Atracciones the President’s Box, d) Oxford. Cultural Dublin 2 Look at the Irish Gaelic names and their pronunciations. Practise FIND OUT:
This is Madrid’s main amusement park. the players’ dressing • When is the Liffey Swim? saying them. Then circle T (true) or F (false). How is the alphabet of
There are lots of exciting rides, including a room and the 2 There are … different sports in the Street Sport Dublin’s cultural district is called Temple Bar. It is on the south side of the River Gaeilge different to the
water ride and a roller coaster ride. There are Trophy Room. programme. Liffey and it is very popular with tourists and young people. It has many shops, • What is the name of the Irish Gaelic name phonetic pronunciation English alphabet?
also some great cafés and restaurants, a) three art galleries and restaurants. Every Saturday, Temple Bar has the Cow’s Lane district popular with Ciara Kee-ra
street theatre and puppet shows, so you Madrid Zoo b) four fashion and design market, where shoppers buy unique designer clothes. young people? Siobhan Sha-vawn WEB QUEST
can spend the whole day here! Madrid Zoo has over c) five Pádraig Paw-rig Find more information about
3,000 animals. My favourites are the giant What can you see d) six Important places • Which building is similar Niamh Neev the Irish Gaelic alphabet.
The Retiro Park pandas. There are only nine giant pandas or do there? to Washington’s White
In Retiro Park, there’s a lake where you in Europe, and two of them are in Madrid. 3 The children are playing … Places of interest include Dublin Castle and the Áras an Uachtaráin. This is where House?
can go out in a rowing boat. There are I also love the dolphin show. It’s amazing! a) dodgeball. the Irish president lives and it is similar to the White House in Washington DC.
also free concerts, puppet shows and Children can visit the animals in the Little Places b) street soccer.
plays, as well as lots of places to eat. Farm and you can eat in one of the zoo’s c) skater hockey. Do the Find out activity. Then circle T (true) or F (false).
I often play football here with my cafés or restaurants. a museum / gallery d) touch rugby. 2 Answer the questions. TASK
friends and sometimes we ride our palaces / castles / 1 What is the name of the river in Dublin? 1 The Irish Gaelic alphabet hasn’t
bikes through the park. I hope you visit Madrid soon! a cathedral 4 The sport they’re playing is … 2 Name one of the famous bridges on the river. Describe what’s happening
a) exciting. in Temple Bar. Ask your got the letters: j, k, q, w, y, z. TF
b) boring. 3 What event happens in the river in late summer? teacher for instructions.
c) dangerous. 2 Some letters have accents, eg á. TF
d) amazing.
a park 3 The letters have the same
restaurants / cafés 5 There are also … in the summer.
a) dance shows pronunciation in English. TF
b) singing lessons
a zoo c) dance lessons 4 Some letters are silent. TF
a department store / d) musical shows
4 Name three activities you can do on, or by, the river. WEB QUEST 3 Match the English names with their Irish Gaelic names.
6 The programme is …
market a) in a shopping centre. 3 Look at the pictures. Label the map of Temple Bar in Dublin. Find out which famous
b) in different parts of the city. art gallery cinema restaurant River Liffey shop musicians are from Dublin.
2 Answer the questions. 3 Complete the sentences. c) outside. What types of music do 1 2 3 45
1 Where can you go on a roller coaster ride? d) in a sports centre. they play?
1 You can see an amazing dolphin show at
2 Where does Ramón play football with his
friends? .
3 Where is there a lake? 2 There are giant pandas in Madrid
Zoo. 5
3 There is an exciting water ride at
. 4
4 You can go on a tour at . Rose Patrick Lucy Neil Sarah
a) Pádraig b) Saraid c) Niall d) Rós e) Luseach
4 Name two places you can see a puppet show.
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21 Photocopy me! Text Pulse © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014
Las hojas de trabajo sobre las competencias básicas Hay una worksheet de cultura y otra de CLIL por unidad. Las
proporcionan más práctica de las destrezas de reading, de Cultura tratan de ciudades de países de lengua inglesa
writing, listening y speaking mediante actividadesPulse1-revisedfinals26/09/13 y llevan ejercicios de comprensión sobre datos de interésPulse1-revisedfinals26/09/13
Pulse 1 - revised finals 26/09/13 Pulse 1 - revised finals 26/09/13
en parejas. Cada worksheet indica claramente la cultural e histórico. Las de CLIL relacionan temas culturales
competencia que se trabaja en ella. con otras áreas del currículo escolar. Hay Teacher’s notes
con ideas sobre cómo usar estos materiales en clase.
Culture video worksheets Digital competence worksheets
6 6 62 26
Homes in the UK Homes in the UK Writing tools Writing tools
Before you watch While you watch Final viewing 9 What do you know about homes in your country? Part 1: Let’s discuss C Part 1: Let’s discuss Part 3: Let’s do it!
Answer the questions.
1 Complete the puzzle. First viewing 7 Answer the questions. a What are typical homes in your country like? 1 Read the text and answer the questions. 1 Read the text and answer the questions. 1 Look at some examples of written texts. Answer
a How long does it take Pete to walk to the town the questions in groups.
1 2A 34 3 What is the man’s name? centre? b What type of home do you live in? A writing tool allows you to create written Dear Mum and Dad, • Ask students to read the text and discuss the
projects and share them easily with others I am having a wonderful questions in pairs. Elicit some answers and • This can be completed in class or as homework.
7M 6 5F a Pete b What are the two names for Pete’s home? on the web. These writing tools can help holiday in Ireland and Mr and Mrs Stephens discuss as a class. • Ask students to choose a text type from the
8 S b Dave you to organize your thoughts and ideas. I’m about to learn about 39 Price Street
c Matt c How wide is Pete’s home? c Do you have a garden? What do you use it for? the Irish travellers – the Oxford What is a Writing tool? list and write their text online. Remind them to
d Sam Writing tools help you to create stories, Pavees. There are still OX1 9JJ organize their ideas on a Task Sheet.
postcards, letters, descriptions, opinions, families who sometimes A writing tool allows you to create written • Once you have all the links to the texts, use one
4 What is his favourite time of year? d What did it do last year which Pete thought d Do you know anyone who lives in a very notes, essays, diary entries and projects. travel by horse and cart! Edit Print projects and share them easily with others lesson to view them all as a class. Students can
was beautiful? different type of home? Some of them allow you to add photos See you soon! on the web. These writing tools can help vote on their favourites and choose the best
a Spring and images to your work to make it more Sam xx you to organize your thoughts and ideas. three.
b Summer e Why does Pete have to go? e Where do you want to live when you are older? interesting.
c Autumn Writing tools help you to create stories, RECOMMENDED
Across d Winter After you watch HOMEWORK 1 What can you use writing tools for? 1 What types of writing are texts A–C? postcards, letters, descriptions, opinions, WEBLINKS
1 A very old home where kings and queens live. 8 What can you remember? Look at the pictures. WEB QUEST 2 Do you use any writing tools? Which ones do 2 What is text A about? notes, essays, diary entries and projects.
6 A home which only has one floor. Second viewing Choose a famous home to research: 3 Are the texts in B by the same person? Some of them allow you to add photos Writing tools
7 A home with lots of land and a large space for Match the sentences with the pictures. One • 10 Downing Street you use? 4 Where is Sam writing from in example C? and images to your work to make it more
5 Circle the correct words. sentence is not needed. • Longleat House interesting. www.padlet.com
animals. a It’s only two metres wide. • Kelburn Castle Part 2: Let’s analyse Part 3: Let’s do it! www.linoit.com
8 A very big house where rich people live. a Pete lives on the Thames / Tyne river. b Pete lives on a narrow boat on the Thames. • Buckingham Palace Answer key Allows you to create a collaborative notice
b There is a long / no road to his home. c In winter it can get really cold. 2 Look at some examples of written texts. Answer Step 1 First decide what type of text you board with stickie notes.
Down c In summer / winter it can get very cold on d Last year it snowed and it was beautiful. Use the internet and research your chosen the questions in groups. would like to create. Here are some ideas: 1 You can use a writing tool to create written
2 A home which is a small part of a larger e There is no street lighting at night. famous home. Think about the following A • a postcard sent from an imaginary destination. projects and share them. You can also create beta.mural.ly
Pete’s boat. questions: • a wall where others can write a short description stories, letters, etc. www.popplet.com
building (US English). d Pete likes to sit and eat on his roof / terrace in 12 • Who built it and why? VICTORIAN HOUSES Allows you to create interactive posters.
3 A traditional home which stands alone or in a • Who lived there in the past? of their room. 2 Students’ own answers
summer. 34 • Who lives there now? Many people in Victorian times lived in • a description of a type of house from another www.inklewriter.com
street with others. e When it’s really hot, Pete goes • What happens at the home now? homes without any of the modern comforts Part 2: Let’s analyse www.mixbook.com
4 A home which floats on a river or canal. we have now. People had to manage without part of the world. Allows you to write descriptions, long texts
5 A home which is a small part of a larger fishing / swimming. central heating or hot water from the tap. 2 Look at some examples of written texts. Answer or stories.
Step 2 Go online and search for an the questions in groups.
building (British English). 6 Circle T (true) or F (false). TF B appropriate writing tool. www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/
TF • Ask students to look at the texts and discuss the interactives/postcard/
2 Circle the correct words. a The other name for a houseboat is a TF Step 3 Organize your topic on the Task questions in groups of three or four. Elicit some Allows you to create your own postcard.
narrowboat. TF Sheet. Remember to include vocabulary and answers and discuss as a class.
a The UK has a population of around 10 / 60 TF Use your information to write a presentation My favourite room MY HOUSE structures from this unit.
million people. b There is no street lighting near for your class. Include photos and pictures. in my house is the Answer key
Pete’s home. kitchen. It’s where Step 4 Write your text. Include photos
b London is the smallest / largest city in the UK. the whole family gets or pictures. 1 A Description, B Wall, C Digital postcard
c Most people in the UK / London live in houses. c Pete’s houseboat is only four together and we 2 Victorian houses
d The river in London is called the metres wide. have a lot of good Step 5 Share the link to your text with your 3 No, each note is by a different person.
laughs there! teacher and classmates. 4 The writer is in Ireland. He is writing to his mum
Thames / Medway. d Pete keeps his boat in the same place
e Some people live in lighthouses / houseboats. all the time. and dad.
e It doesn’t get dark until about 10pm
in summer.
My v t lac s
t v ng .Ih v
c c l • Go online and show students a few of the
yg m n r ,t recommended websites for writing texts.
t r n, r I lay
TV! My da • Try making a group text using suggestions from
g m tog the class. Ask students what sort of text they
l. want to create and what information they want
to include. Make the changes on screen. Print the
finished text and stick it on the board.
11 Photocopy me! Text Pulse © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014 Photocopy me! Text Pulse © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014 12 11 Photocopy me! Text Pulse © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014 Text Pulse © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014 12
Cada página ‘Culture awareness’ del Student’s Book va Los alumnos desarrollan la competencia digital mientras
ligada a un vídeo de cultura que presenta situaciones aprenden inglés gracias a estas worksheets, que les
de la vida real en países de lengua inglesa. Los vídeosPulse1-revisedfinals26/09/13 enseñan a utilizar herramientas web para hacer trabajosPulse1-revisedfinals26/09/13
Pulse 1 - revised finals 26/09/13 Pulse 1 - revised finals 26/09/13
van acompañados de worksheets para evaluar la tales como crear un avatar, un podcast y una biografía en
comprensión de los alumnos mientras estos los ven y línea. Cada worksheet tiene Teacher’s notes que añaden
después de haberlos visto, y de Teacher’s notes que información sobre las herramientas web y sobre cómo
explican cómo utilizar mejor las worksheets en clase. realizar los trabajos en clase.