Because of Snorkeling
Vivian Zuniga Ramirez
After we went to see
the whale sharks I saw this
really cool place with fish
as we passed by in the
boat. I asked my mom, “
Mom can I go snorkeling here please, please?”
“Okay you can go,” she replied. She told the conductor
to stop the ocean cruiser. After I put on the fins, and the
snorkeling mask on top of my head. Next I started to climb
down the ladder to go into the water. I knew that before I put
my foot in the water I had to put the breathing tube on. As I
put the breathing tube in my mouth, I could feel the other
part of my tooth through the rubber, then my tooth fell out.
I saw my tooth flipping in the water getting deeper and
deeper. I thought to myself W hat just happened, and what is
this horrible taste in my mouth? Then I realized that my tooth
fell out so stretched my
are as long as a giraffe
and caught the tooth I
pulled it up before I could
never find it and and
showed it to my family
they were so surprised and happy for me at that moment I
felt really loved.
Right after that my mom told the conductor that we had
to get to land so that we could clean it and that my mom to
see where it came out from.
We got to land and I opened my mouth so that my mom
could see where my tooth used to be and there was
bloodeverywhere it tasted horrible. Then we went to eat beef
at a really cool restaurant. While I was eating my meat I
chewed on the meat pulled it out of my mouth and my other
tooth fell out. I thought
to myself W ow this is
the best day ever! It
fell on my lap so I
picked it up and
showed it to my family.
Now I was more than
surprised I was super
surprised I was so
surprised that my jaw dropped to the floor.
This story matters to me because my first two T EETH
fell out, I spent all of it with my family and I got to see really
awesome stuff.