Lebensraum Lechtal e.V. Sign Analysis
Sonja Prendivoj, Doctoral Candidate
Photo credit: Sonja Prendivoj taken in Prem near Lechbruck
Mission Statement
Thank you for allowing me to use your new signs as an exercise in analysis.
My mission is very simple:
Ø Keep heritage in the hands of the locals by never changing the content of their
Ø Help local experts to make visual communication decisions that improve their
signs’ attracting and holding power.
Ø Beautify the landscape with signs that are harmonious with their environment
and humanistic in their feel.
q Overview of the Interpretation Series
q Reading Ease Explained
q Target Audience
q Meaning Making
q Add Flavor without Spoiling the Meal
q Ease of Use
q Example of Good Use of Negative Space
q Visual Communication: What Works Well
q Visual Communication: Some Tips
q References and Conclusion
Overview of the Interpretation Series
Branding was well implemented, making the signs identifiable from 50 meters away. The
colors, typefaces, and format are unified and consistent.
Reading Ease Explained
Flesch’s Reading Ease score is a reliable way to gauge readability or Lesbarkeit. The
adjusted formula below for the German language was applied to the text:
180 – average sentence length - (58,5 * average number of syllables in words)
Source: (Flesch, 1948, p. 231)
Target Audience
A primary goal of
my research is to
find this.
*This conceptual model makes a very ambitious prediction considering that most research in
the US, Germany, and the UK shows that only about 30% of the audience will read outdoor
environmental interpretation at all.
Meaning Making
The following meaning-making techniques were very well integrated into the five
ü Visual imagery such as imagining a scientist who successfully conducts the business
of nature protection via bike and pay phone.
ü Universal themes such as hardship, change, and “the good old days.”
ü Analogies such as a mosaic-like habitats or submarine-like journeys.
ü Humor when one points out that Lechbruck am See is not on a lake.
ü Humanizing or anthropomorphizing the plants and animals with phrases like “Tier-
und Pflanzenarten fühlen sich...”
ü Appeals to locals with dialect and inclusive messages that likewise charm visitors,
“Ältere Lechbrucker erinnern sich noch gut.”
Add Flavor without Spoiling the Meal
It is best to take time to explain specialty words, dialect, and technical
language because while they create a special bond with a few readers,
they alienate native German speakers who do not know what they
mean. Here are two examples of words that may benefit from a little
v Mahd (technical/agricultural)
v Leite(n) as in Lechleite(n) (regional dialect*)
Ease of Use
The length and reading time of the
signs is quite appropriate for outdoor
recreational sites.
The FRE score is somewhat high for
the general public, meaning it may
alienate those without college
Example of Good Use of Negative Space
White space or negative space
makes the composition “breathe,”
gives the eye a place to rest, and
gives the impression that the sign
does not take long to read.
This sign makes good use of the
figure-ground relationship, which
Gestalt theory tells us provides
stability and order in our
interactions with an unfamiliar
Visual Communica-on: What Works Well
Optimal sign length A second level of
and effective use information in the
of chunking make map adds interest.
the sign very
readable and Graphics, icons,
suitable for the and photos are
general public pleasing,
aged 13 and up professional, and
(FRE score 61). high resolution.
This sign in The typeface size on most of the sign (15-
particular also has point or 3.9mm) is easy to read, even by
a good amount of those passing from a slight distance. Older
negative space as readers can also benefit.
spoken of in the
previous slide.
Visual Communication: Some Tips
Readability can be
improved by realigning
the text and bifurcated
words. When words
are hyphenated
frequently, the
audience wonders why.
There is very little Consider using ISO A0 (841 x 1189 mm).
space for the eye to
This would furnish sufficient room to add
rest, which can negative space without removing any words.
create a “wall of text”
Printing costs are also typically reduced.
effect. The Lech
photo helps the
composition greatly in
this regard.
References and Thanks
I want to once again thank the Lebensraum Lechtal e.V. and especially Stephan Jüstl for
kindly allowing me to examine the very well-crafted and thoughtfully planned series of
I look forward to seeing the signs in the field. Good luck!