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BC Pacing Guide (1)

BC Pacing Guide (1)

Business Communications Pacing Guide

Business Management and Administration Career Cluster
Business and Technology Pathway

Course Pacing Overview

Duration Semester 1 - Unit/Topic Standard
FBLA & Introduction to Course BMA-BC-10
1 Grammar & Written Communications BMA-BC-2
5 Presentation Software BMA-BC-9
6 Oral Communication & Presentation BMA-BC-3 & 7
5 Listening Skills BMA-BC-4

Duration Semester 2 - Unit/Topic Standard
Expert Level of Word Processing BMA-BC-5
6 Employability Skills—Georgia BEST BMA-BA-1
4 program certification
Electronic Communications BMA-BC-6
3 Digital Technologies BMA-BC-8
3 FBLA & Course Wrap-Up BMA-BC-10

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Title/Topic Duration

Introduction to Course & FBLA (The following standard should be 1 week
integrated throughout the content of this course.)

GPS Standards Common Core Literacy

BMA-BC-10  L11-12RST3: Follow precisely a
Explore how related student organizations are integral parts of complex multistep procedure
career and technology education courses through leadership when carrying out experiments,
development, school and community service projects, taking measurements, or
entrepreneurship development, and competitive events. performing technical tasks;
10.1 Explain the goals, mission and objectives of Future Business analyze the specific results
based on explanations in the
Leaders of America. text.
10.2 Explore the impact and opportunities a student organization
 L11-12WHST1: Write arguments
(FBLA) can develop to bring business and education focused on discipline-specific
together in a positive working relationship through content.
innovative leadership and career development programs.
10.3 Explore the local, state, and national opportunities available
to students through participation in related student
organization (FBLA) including but not limited to conferences,
competitions, community service, philanthropy, and other
FBLA activities.
10.4 Explain how participation in career and technology
education student organizations can promote lifelong
responsibility for community service and professional
10.5 Explore the competitive events related to the content of this
course and the required competencies, skills, and
knowledge for each related event for individual, team, and
chapter competitions.

FBLA Integration Future: 1 & 9
Business: 2

FBLA Competition If a student excels in this unit, suggest they consider competing in:
 FBLA Principles & Procedures
 Future Business Leader

Notes The purpose of this unit is to introduce students to the course and to FBLA.

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Title/Topic Duration

Grammar and Written Communications 5 weeks

GPS Standards Common Core GPS

BMA-BC-2  L11-12WHST2: Write
Examine and practice grammar, mechanics, and process of informative/explanatory texts,
composing professionally written business communications. including the narration of
2.1 Correctly use parts of speech and components of sentence historical events, scientific
procedures/experiments, or
structure to compose business communications. technical processes.
2.2 Correctly apply mechanics of punctuation, capitalization,
 L11-12WHST4: Produce clear
and number expression when composing business and coherent writing in which
communications. the development, organization,
2.3 Apply the writing process to plan, compose, and edit and style are appropriate to
effective business communications. task, purpose, and audience.
2.4 Interpret the four basic activities in the pre-writing process
(defining purpose, identifying audience, gathering  L11-L12WHST5: Develop and
information, and organizing information). strengthen writing as needed
2.5 Establish a process for preparing business documents to by planning, revising, editing,
include a planning stage, writing stage, revising stage, and rewriting, or trying a new
proofreading stage. approach, focusing on
2.6 Create grammatically correct and professionally written addressing what is most
correspondence. significant for a specific
purpose and audience.

 LAA-12WHST10: Write routinely
over extended time frames
(time for reflection and revision)
and shorter time frames (a
single sitting or a day or two) for
a range of discipline-specific
tasks, purposes, and audiences.

FBLA Integration Future: 7, 13, 18
Business: 12, 19, 27

FBLA Competition If a student excels in this unit, suggest they consider competing in:
 Business Communications
 Business Procedures

Notes The purpose of this unit is to expose students to the proper uses of
grammar and mechanics in order to create professionally written business

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Title/Topic Duration

Presentation Software 6 weeks

GPS Standards Common Core GPS

BMA-BC-9 Master presentation software to create, edit,  L11-12WHST6: Use technology,
publish, and deliver professional-appearing business including the Internet, to produce,
presentations. publish, and update individual or
9.1 Manage the presentation by adjusting views, manipulating shared writing products in
response to ongoing feedback,
presentation, configuring quick access toolbar, and including new arguments or
presentation file options. information.
9.2 Create professional slide presentation by constructing and
editing a photo album, changing slide orientation  L11-12WHST8: Gather relevant
settings, adding and deleting slides, formatting slides, information from multiple
entering and editing text, and formatting text box. authoritative print and digital
9.3 Apply graphical and multimedia elements to presentation sources, using advanced
by manipulating graphical elements, images, clip art, searches effectively; assess the
shapes, WordArt, SmartArt, and editing video and audio strengths and limitations of each
content. source in terms of the specific
9.4 Create charts and tables within a presentation by task, purpose, and audience;
constructing, modifying, and inserting a table and a integrate information into the text
chart, and applying and manipulating table and chart selectively to maintain the flow of
elements and layouts. ideas, avoiding plagiarism and
9.5 Apply transitions and animations to the presentation by over-reliance on any one source
selecting and manipulating built-in and custom and following a standard format
animation, applying effect and path options, applying for citation.
and modifying transitions between slides.
9.6 Prepare and deliver presentation by applying knowledge  L11-12RST9: Synthesize information
to save, share, print, and protect the presentation by from a range of sources (e.g.,
applying presentation tools, setting-up a slide show, texts, experiments, simulations)
setting presentation timing, and recording the into a coherent understanding of
presentation. a process, phenomenon, or
9.7 Demonstrate presentation skills by creating well-organized, concept, resolving conflicting
audience-appropriate presentations such as informative, information when possible.
entertaining, instructional, etc., using proper public
speaking techniques.

FBLA Integration Future: 2

FBLA Competition If a student excels in this unit, suggest they consider competing in:
Notes Business Presentation
Public Service Announcement

The purpose of this unit is to master presentation software to create and
deliver professional-appearing business presentations. MOS Certification
Goal: PowerPoint Certification

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Title/Topic Duration

Oral Communication & Presentation 5 weeks

GPS Standards Common Core GPS

BMA-BC-3 Apply effective oral communication by  L11-12RST1: Cite specific

communicating in a clear, courteous, concise, and textual evidence to support

professional manner. analysis of science and

3.1 Analyze the situation, purpose, and audience to guide the technical texts, attending to

planning and presentation of oral communication. important distinctions the

3.2 Select language, visuals, proper tone, body language, author makes and to any
and method of delivery appropriate to the situation. gaps or inconsistencies in the

3.3 Monitor and adjust one’s own participation and body account.

language according to the situation and the needs of
others (e.g., focuses on speaker; avoids interruptions; does  L11-12RST5: Analyze how the

not dominate conversation; uses techniques for taking text structures information or

turns; attends to cultural differences in communication ideas into categories or

styles, such as variations in pause time, pace, hierarchies, demonstrating

volume/intensity, and body language). understanding of the

3.4 Deliver impromptu and planned speeches with information or ideas.
confidence.  L11-12RST7: Integrate and

BMA-BC-7 Apply skills and strategies for the delivery of evaluate multiple sources of
effective oral communication and presentations. information presented in
7.1 Determine the topic and the audience and select a diverse formats and media
(e.g., quantitative data,
purpose (e.g., monologue, debate, historical video, multimedia) in order to
reenactment, speech, mock job/academic interview).
7.2 Understand and organize speech/presentation into three

parts: opening, body, and closing. address a question or solve a

7.3 Match verbal and nonverbal messages (e.g., voice problem.

modulation, expression, tone, body language, gestures,  L11-12WHST6: Using

attire). technology, including the

7.4 Use techniques to enhance the message (e.g., irony and Internet, to produce, publish,
dialogue to achieve clarity, force, and aesthetic effect; and update individual or
technical language). shared writing products in
response to ongoing
7.5 Apply vocals, articulation, logical, ethical, and emotional feedback, including new
appeals to support the purpose. arguments or information.

7.6 Make necessary adjustment in delivery and language
during presentations to connect with audience based on

interpretation of verbal and nonverbal responsiveness of


FBLA Integration Business: 1

If a student excels in this unit, suggest they consider competing in:

FBLA Competition Business Presentation Impromptu Speaking

Client Service Job Interview

Public Speaking I Public Speaking II

Notes The purpose of this unit is to expose students to skills and strategies to
improve the delivery of effective oral communication.

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Title/Topic Duration

Listening Skills 1 week

GPS Standards Common Core GPS

BMA-BC-4  L11-12RST6: Analyze the
Use active and intentional listening skills to respond author’s purpose in providing
appropriately to oral communication. an explanation, describing a
4.1 Critique group members’ and own interactions/work procedure, or discussing an
experiment in a text, identifying
and adjust to ensure group success. important issues that remain
4.2 Interpret given information to compose questions unresolved.

with confidence to prompt general and specific  L11-12RST2: Determine the
information or provide feedback. central ideas or conclusions of
4.3 Contribute relevant ideas with support/evidence by a text; summarize complex
clarifying, illustrating, or expanding (e.g., contributes concepts, processes, or
topics related to ideas with support and talks in turn, information presented in a text
with consideration for others in the conversation). by paraphrasing them in
4.4 Identify and eliminate distractions (i.e. cell phones, simpler but still accurate terms.
devices, etc.) to enhance attention to speaker.
4.5 Assess and respond to non-verbal communication as  L11-12RST4: Determine the
active listener or speaker. meaning of symbols, key terms,
and other domain-specific
words and phrases as they are
used in a specific scientific or
technical context relevant to
grades 11-12 text and topics.

FBLA Integration If a student excels in this unit, suggest they consider competing in:
FBLA Competition Business Ethics
Notes Client Service
Help Desk
Management Decision Making

The purpose of this unit is to explore the listening skills needed in order to
respond appropriately to oral communication.

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Title/Topic Duration

Expert Level Word Processing 6 weeks

GPS Standards Common Core GPS

BMA-BC-5  L11-12RST3: Follow precisely a
Master word processing software at an expert level to complex multistep procedure
create, edit, and publish professional-appearing business when carrying out experiments,
documents. taking measurements, or
5.1 Share and maintain documents by configuring options, performing technical tasks;
analyze the specific results
restricting access to a document, and adding and based on explanations in the
modifying templates in an existing document. text.
5.2 Format content of a document by applying advanced
font and paragraph attributes, creating tables and  L11-RST4: Determine the
charts, constructing reusable content in a document, meaning of symbols, key terms,
and linking sections. and other domain-specific or
5.3 Track and reference documents by reviewing, technical context relevant to
comparing and combining documents, creating a grades 11-12 texts and topics.
reference page, creating a table of authorities in a
document, and creating an index in document.
5.4 Perform mail merge operations by executing mail
merge, create a mail merge by using other data
sources, and creating labels and forms.
5.5 Manage macros and forms by creating and
manipulating macros, applying and manipulating
macro options, creating forms, and manipulating forms.

FBLA Integration Business: 21
FBLA Competition
Notes If a student excels in this unit, suggest they consider competing in:
Computer Applications
Word Processing

The purpose of this unit is to master word processing software at an expert
level. MOS Certification Goal: WordExpert Certification

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Title/Topic Duration

Employability Skills (GeorgiaBEST certification) 4 weeks

GPS Standards Common Core GPS

BMA-BC-1 Demonstrate employability skills required by  L11-RST9: Synthesize
business and industry. information from a range of
1.1 Communicate effectively through writing, speaking, sources (e.g., texts,
experiments, simulations) into a
listening, reading, and interpersonal abilities. coherent understanding of a
1.2 Demonstrate creativity with multiple approaches to ask process, phenomenon, or
concept, resolving conflicting
challenging questions resulting in innovative procedures, information when possible.
methods, and products.
1.3 Exhibit critical thinking and problem-solving skills to locate,  L11-12WHST1: Write arguments
analyze, and apply information in career planning and focused on discipline-specific
employment situations. content.
1.4 Model work readiness traits required for success in the
workplace including integrity, honesty, accountability,  L11-12WHST9: Draw evidence
punctuality, time management, and respect for diversity. from informational texts to
1.5 Apply the appropriate skill sets to be productive in a support analysis, reflection, and
changing, technological, and diverse workplace to be research.
able to work independently, interpret data, and apply
team work skills.
1.6 Present a professional image through appearance,
behavior, and language.

FBLA Integration Business: 5
FBLA Competition
Notes If a student excels in this unit, suggest they consider competing in:
Electronic Career Portfolio
Job Interview

The purpose of this unit is to explore employability skills required by
business & industry.

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Title/Topic Duration

Electronic Communications 3 weeks

GPS Standards Common Core GPS

BMA-BC-6  L11-12RST8: Evaluate the
hypotheses, data, analysis, and
Integrate multiple forms of communication in the conclusions in a science or
technical text, verifying the
successful pursuit of a career/employment. data when possible and
corroborating or challenging
6.1 Apply the critical-thinking and soft skills needed to conclusions with other sources
of information.
function in students’ multiple roles as citizens,
 L11-12RST9: Synthesize
consumers, workers, managers, business owners, and information from a range of
sources (e.g., texts,
directors of their own futures. experiments, simulations) into a
coherent understanding of a
6.2 Analyze and follow policies for managing legal and process, phenomenon, or
concept, resolving conflicting
ethical issues in organizations and in a technology- information when possible.

based society.

6.3 Compare and contrast the evolving impact of

electronic communications on business and the

consumer in a global business community.

6.4 Evaluate the potential benefits and problems in the

future of electronic communications (including but

not limited to confidentiality, security, legal issues,


6.5 Collaborate with peers and others through the use of

emerging electronic communications tools.

6.6 Analyze and demonstrate proper use of

telecommunication tools, such as voice dictation,

voice mail, video conferencing, and cellular


6.7 Distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of

electronic communications.

FBLA Integration Future: 23, 24
Business: 13

FBLA Competition If a student excels in this unit, suggest they consider competing in:
Cyber Security
Mobile Application Development

Notes The purpose of this unit is to investigate multiple types of electronic
communications and how they are used in the pursuit of employment.

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Title/Topic Duration

Digital Technologies 3 weeks

GPS Standards Common Core GPS

BMA-BC-8  L11-12RST10: By the end of
Use digital technologies (computers, PDAs, media grade 12, read and
players, GPS, etc.), communication/networking tools, comprehend science/
and social networks appropriately to access, manage, technical texts in the grades
integrate, evaluate, and create information to 11-12 text complexity band
successfully function in professional settings. independently and proficiently.
8.1 Distinguish between personal and professional use of

social media outlets (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn,
8.2 Evaluate use of social media for business messaging
and brand awareness.
8.3 Understand and apply social media etiquette with
focus on target audience and purpose of message.
8.4 Examine how individuals interpret messages
differently, how values and points of view are
included or excluded, and how media can influence
beliefs and behaviors.
8.5 Apply a fundamental understanding of the
ethical/legal and privacy issues surrounding the
access and use of media (what to share, what not to
8.6 Display proper use and etiquette of digital
technology devices to communicate business
objectives in supporting a mobile environment.

FBLA Integration Business: 11, 29
FBLA Competition
Notes If a student excels in this unit, suggest they consider competing in:
Computer Problem Solving
Cyber Security

The purpose of this unit is to explore multiple digital technologies,
communication/networking tools and social media.

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