Australia Hair Removal Market Research and Forecast Report 2023- 2028 Format: PDF+EXCEL © 2023 IMARC All Rights Reserved
About IMARC Group International Market Analysis Research and Consulting Group is a leading adviser on management strategy and market research worldwide. We partner with clients in all regions and industry verticals to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their businesses. IMARC’s information products include major market, scientific, economic and technological developments for business leaders in pharmaceutical, industrial, and high technology organizations. Market forecasts and industry analysis for biotechnology, advanced materials, chemicals, food and beverage, travel and tourism, nanotechnology and novel processing methods are at the top of the c ompan y’s expertise. IMARC’s tailored approach combines unfathomable insight into the dynamics of companies and markets with close cooperation at all levels of the client organization. This ensures that our clients achieve unmatchable competitive advantage, build more proficient organizations, and secure lasting results.
Report Highlight and Description According to the latest report by IMARC Group, titled "Australia Hair Removal Market: Industry Trends, Share, Size, Grow th, Opportunity and Forecast 2023-2028," the Australia hair removal market size reached US$ 858 Million in 2022. Hair removal is the process of removing unwanted body hair using various techniques such as waxing, shaving, and epilation without causing any damage to the surrounding skin. Body hair is removed for various reasons such as fashion, cultural practices, sports, and medical requirements . In Australia, easy-to-use hair removal products have gained traction among individuals due to the growing awareness regarding personal grooming and appearances . Request for a PDF sample of this report: -hair-removal-market/requestsample
Report Description Australia Hair Removal Market Trends: The market is primarily driven by the rising consumer consciousness toward physical appearances. In addition, rapid urbanization and expanding working population in the country represent another major growth-inducing factor. Besides this, with the rising influence of various social media platforms and celebrity endorsements, individuals are increasingly spending on personal grooming products, which is creating a favorable market outlook . Additionally, the market is further propelled by the advent of convenient and automated hair removal products, such as epilators, trimmers, and electric razors . Moreover, the increasing number of dermatology clinics in the country, the emergence of cosmetic laser treatments, and the growing prominence of advanced light-based technologies are some of the other f actors anticipated to propel the market growth f urther. Looking forw ard, IMARC Group expects the market value to reach US$ 1,183 Million b y 2028, expanding at a CAGR of 5.6% during the forecast period (2023-2028). View Report TOC, Figures and Tables: h t t p s:// a r c g ro u p.c om/ a u s t r ali a-h ai r-r emo v al-m a r k e t
Report Segmentation Product Type Insights: • Laser Hair Removal • Electrical Epilation • Waxing End User Insights: • Beauty Clinics • Dermatology Clinics • Home Use
Report Segmentation Gender Insights: • Men • Wo men Regional Insights: • Western Australia • New South Wales • Queensland • Victoria • Rest of Australia
Competitive Landscape with Key Players • Abbvie Inc. (Allergan Inc. ) • Advanced Clinics Australia • Alma Lasers International • B raun GmbH • Candela Co rpo ration • Ko ninklijke Philips N .V. • Lumenis Inc. • Results Laser Clinics • S ilk Laser Clinics.
Key Questions Answered in the Report How has the Australia hair removal market performed so far, and how will it perform in the coming years? What are the drivers, restraints, and opportunities in the Australia hair removal market? What is the impact of each driver, restraint, and opportunity on the Australia hair removal market? What is the breakup of the market based on the product type? What is the breakup of the market based on the end user? Which is the most attractive end user in the Australia hair removal market? What is the breakup of the market based on gender?
Key Questions Answered in the Report Which is the most attractive gender in the Australia hair removal market? What is the competitive structure of the Australia hair removal market? Who are the key players/companies in the Australia hair removal market?
Table of Contents 1 Pr e fac e 2 Sc ope a nd M e t hodology 2. 1 O bj ectives of t he St udy 2 . 2 St ak eh o lde rs 2 . 3 Da t a So u r c es 2 . 3.1 Pr imary So u r c e s 2 . 3.2 Se c o n dary So u r c e s 2 . 4 Ma r k et Es t im atio n 2 . 4.1 Bo ttom -Up Ap p r o a ch 2 . 4.2 T o p-Do wn Ap p r o a ch 2 . 5 Fo r eca sting Me t h o d o log y 3 Executive Sum m ary 4 I ntroduction 4 . 1 O vervie w 4 . 2 Ke y I n d u stry T r e n d s 5 Aus t r a lia Ha i r Re m ova l M a r k et 5 . 1 Ma r k et O ve r vie w 5 . 2 Ma r k et Pe r f orman ce 5 . 3 I mpa ct o f CO VI D-1 9 5 . 4 Ma r k et Fo r e c a st 6 M a r k et Br e a k up by Pr oduc t Type 6 . 1 L a s er Ha ir Re m o va l 6 . 1 . 1 Ma r k et T r e n ds 6 . 1 . 2 Ma r k et Fo r e c a st 6 . 2 Ele c tric al Ep ila t io n 6 . 2 . 1 Ma rk et T r e nd s 6 . 2 . 2 Ma rk et Fo r e c ast 6 . 3 W axin g 6 . 3 . 1 Ma r k et T r e n ds 6 . 3 . 2 Ma r k et F o r e c a st 7 M ar ket Br eakup by End User
Table of Contents 7 . 1 B e a u t y Clin ic s 7 . 1 . 1 Ma r k et T r e n ds 7 . 1 . 2 Ma r k et Fo r e c a st 7 . 2 De r m ato log y Clin ic s 7 . 2.1 Ma r k et T r e nd s 7 . 2.2 Ma r k et Fo r e c ast 7 . 3 Ho m e Us e 7 . 3.1 Ma r k et T r e nd s 7 . 3.2 Ma r k et Fo r e c ast 8 M a rket Br e a k u p b y G e n d e r 8 . 1 Me n 8. 1. 1 Mar k et T r ends 8 . 1 . 2 Ma r k et Fo r e c a st 8 . 2 W ome n 8 . 2.1 Ma r k et T r e nd s 8 . 2.2 Ma r k et Fo r e c ast 9 M a rket Br e a k u p b y Re g i o n 9 . 1 W e ste rn A u s t ralia 9 . 1.1 Ma r k et T r e nd s 9 . 1.2 Ma r k et Fo r e c ast 9 . 2 Ne w So u t h W a les 9 . 2.1 Ma r k et T r e nd s 9 . 2.2 Ma r k et Fo r e c ast 9 . 3 Q ue e nsla n d 9 . 3 . 1 Ma r k et T r e n ds 9 . 3 . 2 Ma r k et Fo r e c a st 9 . 4 V ic t o ria 9 . 4.1 Ma r k et T r e nd s 9 . 4.2 Ma r k et Fo r e c ast For m or e i nf ormation, vi s i t: h t t p s : / / w w w . i m a r c g r o u p . c o m / a u s t r a l i a -h a i r-r e m o v a l-m a r k e t / t o c
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