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Artificial intelligence: structures and strategies for complex problem solving

George F. Luger

Evaluating the function minincome yields the expression

earnings(25000, steady) ∧ dependents(3) ∧ ¬ greater(25000, 27000)
→ income(inadequate).

Because all three components of the premise are individually true, by 10, 3, and the
mathematical definition of greater, their conjunction is true and the entire premise is true.
Modus ponens may therefore be applied, yielding the conclusion income(inadequate).
This is added as assertion 12.

12. income(inadequate).


amount_saved(22000) ∧ dependents(3)

unifies with the first two elements of the premise of assertion 4 under the substitution
{22000/X, 3/Y}, yielding the implication

amount_saved(22000) ∧ dependents(3) ∧ greater(22000, minsavings(3))
→ savings_account(adequate).

Here, evaluating the function minsavings(3) yields the expression

amount_saved(22000) ∧ dependents(3) ∧ greater(22000, 15000)
→ savings_account(adequate).

Again, because all of the components of the premise of this implication are true, the
entire premise evaluates to true and modus ponens may again be applied, yielding the
conclusion savings_account(adequate), which is added as expression 13.

13. savings_account(adequate).

As an examination of expressions 3, 12, and 13 indicates, the premise of implication 3 is
also true. When we apply modus ponens yet again, the conclusion is
investment(combination), the suggested investment for our individual.

This example illustrates how predicate calculus may be used to reason about a
realistic problem, drawing correct conclusions by applying inference rules to the initial
problem description. We have not discussed exactly how an algorithm can determine the
correct inferences to make to solve a given problem or the way in which this can be
implemented on a computer. These topics are presented in Chapters 3, 4, and 6.


2.5 Epilogue and References 77

In this chapter we introduced predicate calculus as a representation language for AI
problem solving. The symbols, terms, expressions, and semantics of the language were
described and defined. Based on the semantics of predicate calculus, we defined inference
rules that allow us to derive sentences that logically follow from a given set of expres-
sions. We defined a unification algorithm that determines the variable substitutions that
make two expressions match, which is essential for the application of inference rules. We
concluded the chapter with the example of a financial advisor that represents financial
knowledge with the predicate calculus and demonstrates logical inference as a problem-
solving technique.

Predicate calculus is discussed in detail in a number of computer science books,
including: The Logical Basis for Computer Programming by Zohar Manna and Richard
Waldinger (1985), Logic for Computer Science by Jean H. Gallier (1986), Symbolic Logic
and Mechanical Theorem Proving by Chin-liang Chang and Richard Char-tung Lee
(1973), and An Introduction to Mathematical Logic and Type Theory by Peter B. Andrews
(1986). We present more modern proof techniques in Chapter 14, Automated Reasoning.

Books that describe the use of predicate calculus as an artificial intelligence
representation language include: Logical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence by Michael
Genesereth and Nils Nilsson (1987), Artificial Intelligence by Nils Nilsson (1998), The
Field of Automated Reasoning by Larry Wos (1995), Computer Modelling of Mathemati-
cal Reasoning by Alan Bundy (1983, 1988), and Readings in Knowledge Representation
by Ronald Brachman and Hector Levesque (1985). See Automated Reasoning by Bob Ver-
off (1997) for interesting applications of automated inference. The Journal for Automated
Reasoning (JAR) and Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE) cover current topics.

2.6 Exercises

1. Using truth tables, prove the identities of Section 2.1.2.

2. A new operator, ⊕, or exclusive-or, may be defined by the following truth table:






Create a propositional calculus expression using only ∧, ∨, and ¬ that is equivalent to
P ⊕ Q.
Prove their equivalence using truth tables.


3. The logical operator “↔” is read “if and only if.” P ↔ Q is defined as being equivalent to
(P → Q) ∧ (Q → P). Based on this definition, show that P ↔ Q is logically equivalent to
(P ∨ Q) → (P ∧ Q):

a. By using truth tables.
b. By a series of substitutions using the identities on page 51.

4. Prove that implication is transitive in the propositional calculus, that is, that ((P → Q)
∧ (Q → R)) → (P → R).

5. a. Prove that modus ponens is sound for propositional calculus. Hint: use truth tables to
c. enumerate all possible interpretations.
Abduction is an inference rule that infers P from P → Q and Q. Show that abduction
is not sound (see Chapter 7).
Show modus tollens ((P → Q) ∧ ¬ Q) → ¬ P is sound.

6. Attempt to unify the following pairs of expressions. Either show their most general
unifiers or explain why they will not unify.

a. p(X,Y) and p(a,Z)
b. p(X,X) and p(a,b)
c. ancestor(X,Y) and ancestor(bill,father(bill))
d. ancestor(X,father(X)) and ancestor(david,george)
e. q(X) and ¬ q(a)

7. a. Compose the substitution sets {a/X, Y/Z} and {X/W, b/Y}.
b. Prove that composition of substitution sets is associative.
c. Construct an example to show that composition is not commutative.

8. Implement the unify algorithm of Section 2.3.2 in the computer language of your choice.

9. Give two alternative interpretations for the blocks world description of Figure 2.3.

10. Jane Doe has four dependents, a steady income of $30,000, and $15,000 in her savings
account. Add the appropriate predicates describing her situation to the general investment
advisor of the example in Section 2.4 and perform the unifications and inferences needed
to determine her suggested investment.

11. Write a set of logical predicates that will perform simple automobile diagnostics (e.g., if
the engine won’t turn over and the lights won’t come on, then the battery is bad). Don’t try
to be too elaborate, but cover the cases of bad battery, out of gas, bad spark plugs, and bad
starter motor.

12. The following story is from N. Wirth’s (1976) Algorithms + data structures = programs.

I married a widow (let’s call her W) who has a grown-up daughter (call her D). My father
(F), who visited us quite often, fell in love with my step-daughter and married her. Hence
my father became my son-in-law and my step-daughter became my mother. Some months
later, my wife gave birth to a son (S1), who became the brother-in-law of my father, as
well as my uncle. The wife of my father, that is, my step-daughter, also had a son (S2).

Using predicate calculus, create a set of expressions that represent the situation in the
above story. Add expressions defining basic family relationships such as the definition of
father-in-law and use modus ponens on this system to prove the conclusion that “I am my
own grandfather.”



In order to cope, an organism must either armor itself (like a tree or a clam) and “hope
for the best,” or else develop methods for getting out of harm’s way and into the better
neighborhoods of the vicinity. If you follow this later course, you are confronted with the
primordial problem that every agent must continually solve: Now what do I do?

—DANIEL C. DENNETT, “Consciousness Explained”

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other. . .

—ROBERT FROST, “The Road Not Taken”

3.0 Introduction

Chapter 2 introduced predicate calculus as an example of an artificial intelligence repre-
sentation language. Well-formed predicate calculus expressions provide a means of
describing objects and relations in a problem domain, and inference rules such as modus
ponens allow us to infer new knowledge from these descriptions. These inferences define
a space that is searched to find a problem solution. Chapter 3 introduces the theory of state
space search.

To successfully design and implement search algorithms, a programmer must be able
to analyze and predict their behavior. Questions that need to be answered include:

Is the problem solver guaranteed to find a solution?

Will the problem solver always terminate? Can it become caught in an infinite loop?


When a solution is found, is it guaranteed to be optimal?

What is the complexity of the search process in terms of time usage? Memory usage?

How can the interpreter most effectively reduce search complexity?

How can an interpreter be designed to most effectively utilize a representation

The theory of state space search is our primary tool for answering these questions. By
representing a problem as a state space graph, we can use graph theory to analyze the
structure and complexity of both the problem and the search procedures that we employ to
solve it.

A graph consists of a set of nodes and a set of arcs or links connecting pairs of nodes.
In the state space model of problem solving, the nodes of a graph are taken to represent
discrete states in a problem-solving process, such as the results of logical inferences or the
different configurations of a game board. The arcs of the graph represent transitions
between states. These transitions correspond to logical inferences or legal moves of a
game. In expert systems, for example, states describe our knowledge of a problem
instance at some stage of a reasoning process. Expert knowledge, in the form of if . . . then
rules, allows us to generate new information; the act of applying a rule is represented as an
arc between states.

Graph theory is our best tool for reasoning about the structure of objects and relations;
indeed, this is precisely the need that led to its creation in the early eighteenth century. The
Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler invented graph theory to solve the “bridges of
Königsberg problem.” The city of Königsberg occupied both banks and two islands of a
river. The islands and the riverbanks were connected by seven bridges, as indicated in
Figure 3.1.

Riverbank 1

River 3 4
2 Island 2

Island 1 7



Figure 3.1 Riverbank 2

The city of Königsberg.


rb1 b4


i1 b 1 i2

b6 b7

Figure 3.2 rb2

Graph of the Königsberg bridge system.

The bridges of Königsberg problem asks if there is a walk around the city that crosses

each bridge exactly once. Although the residents had failed to find such a walk and

doubted that it was possible, no one had proved its impossibility. Devising a form of graph

theory, Euler created an alternative representation for the map, presented in Figure 3.2.
The riverbanks (rb1 and rb2) and islands (i1 and i2) are described by the nodes of a graph;
the bridges are represented by labeled arcs between nodes (b1, b2, , b7 ). The graph
representation preserves the essential structure of the bridge system, while ignoring

extraneous features such as bridge lengths, distances, and order of bridges in the walk.

Alternatively, we may represent the Königsberg bridge system using predicate
calculus. The connect predicate corresponds to an arc of the graph, asserting that two
land masses are connected by a particular bridge. Each bridge requires two connect

predicates, one for each direction in which the bridge may be crossed. A predicate expres-
sion, connect(X, Y, Z) = connect (Y, X, Z), indicating that any bridge can be crossed in
either direction, would allow removal of half the following connect facts:

connect(i1, i2, b1) connect(i2, i1, b1)

connect(rb1, i1, b2) connect(i1, rb1, b2)

connect(rb1, i1, b3) connect(i1, rb1, b3)

connect(rb1, i2, b4) connect(i2, rb1, b4)

connect(rb2, i1, b5) connect(i1, rb2, b5)

connect(rb2, i1, b6) connect(i1, rb2, b6)

connect(rb2, i2, b7) connect(i2, rb2, b7)


The predicate calculus representation is equivalent to the graph representation in that
the connectedness is preserved. Indeed, an algorithm could translate between the two rep-
resentations with no loss of information. However, the structure of the problem can be
visualized more directly in the graph representation, whereas it is left implicit in the pred-
icate calculus version. Euler’s proof illustrates this distinction.

In proving that the walk was impossible, Euler focused on the degree of the nodes of
the graph, observing that a node could be of either even or odd degree. An even degree
node has an even number of arcs joining it to neighboring nodes. An odd degree node has
an odd number of arcs. With the exception of its beginning and ending nodes, the desired
walk would have to leave each node exactly as often as it entered it. Nodes of odd degree
could be used only as the beginning or ending of the walk, because such nodes could be
crossed only a certain number of times before they proved to be a dead end. The traveler
could not exit the node without using a previously traveled arc.

Euler noted that unless a graph contained either exactly zero or two nodes of odd
degree, the walk was impossible. If there were two odd-degree nodes, the walk could start
at the first and end at the second; if there were no nodes of odd degree, the walk could
begin and end at the same node. The walk is not possible for graphs containing any other
number of nodes of odd degree, as is the case with the city of Königsberg. This problem is
now called finding an Euler path through a graph.

Note that the predicate calculus representation, though it captures the relationships
between bridges and land in the city, does not suggest the concept of the degree of a node.
In the graph representation there is a single instance of each node with arcs between the
nodes, rather than multiple occurrences of constants as arguments in a set of predicates.
For this reason, the graph representation suggests the concept of node degree and the focus
of Euler’s proof. This illustrates graph theory’s power for analyzing the structure of
objects, properties, and relationships.

In Section 3.1 we review basic graph theory and then present finite state machines
and the state space description of problems. In section 3.2 we introduce graph search as a
problem-solving methodology. Depth-first and breadth-first search are two strategies for
searching a state space. We compare these and make the added distinction between goal-
driven and data-driven search. Section 3.3 demonstrates how state space search may be
used to characterize reasoning with logic. Throughout the chapter, we use graph theory to
analyze the structure and complexity of a variety of problems.

3.1 Structures for State Space Search

3.1.1 Graph Theory (optional)

A graph is a set of nodes or states and a set of arcs that connect the nodes. A labeled
graph has one or more descriptors (labels) attached to each node that distinguish that node
from any other node in the graph. In a state space graph, these descriptors identify states
in a problem-solving process. If there are no descriptive differences between two nodes,
they are considered the same. The arc between two nodes is indicated by the labels of the
connected nodes.


The arcs of a graph may also be labeled. Arc labels are used to indicate that an arc 83
represents a named relationship (as in a semantic network) or to attach weights to arcs (as
in the traveling salesperson problem). If there are different arcs between the same two
nodes (as in Figure 3.2), these can also be distinguished through labeling.

A graph is directed if arcs have an associated directionality. The arcs in a directed
graph are usually drawn as arrows or have an arrow attached to indicate direction. Arcs
that can be crossed in either direction may have two arrows attached but more often have
no direction indicators at all. Figure 3.3 is a labeled, directed graph: arc (a, b) may only be
crossed from node a to node b, but arc (b, c) is crossable in either direction.

A path through a graph connects a sequence of nodes through successive arcs. The
path is represented by an ordered list that records the nodes in the order they occur in the
path. In Figure 3.3, [a, b, c, d] represents the path through nodes a, b, c, and d, in
that order.

A rooted graph has a unique node, called the root, such that there is a path from the
root to all nodes within the graph. In drawing a rooted graph, the root is usually drawn at
the top of the page, above the other nodes. The state space graphs for games are usually
rooted graphs with the start of the game as the root. The initial moves of the tic-tac-toe
game graph are represented by the rooted graph of Figure II.5. This is a directed graph
with all arcs having a single direction. Note that this graph contains no cycles; players
cannot (as much as they might sometimes wish!) undo a move.

A tree is a graph in which two nodes have at most one path between them. Trees often
have roots, in which case they are usually drawn with the root at the top, like a rooted
graph. Because each node in a tree has only one path of access from any other node, it is
impossible for a path to loop or cycle through a sequence of nodes.

For rooted trees or graphs, relationships between nodes include parent, child, and sib-
ling. These are used in the usual familial fashion with the parent preceding its child along
a directed arc. The children of a node are called siblings. Similarly, an ancestor comes
before a descendant in some path of a directed graph. In Figure 3.4, b is a parent of nodes
e and f (which are, therefore, children of b and siblings of each other). Nodes a and c are
ancestors of states g, h, and i, and g, h, and i are descendants of a and c.




Nodes = {a,b,c,d,e}
Arcs = {(a,b),(a,d),(b,c),(c,b),(c,d),(d,a),(d,e),(e,c),(e,d)}

Figure 3.3 A labeled directed graph.



bc d

e f ghi j

Figure 3.4 A rooted tree, exemplifying
family relationships.

Before introducing the state space representation of problems we formally define
these concepts.

A graph consists of:
A set of nodes N1, N2, N3, ..., Nn, ..., which need not be finite.
A set of arcs that connect pairs of nodes.
Arcs are ordered pairs of nodes; i.e., the arc (N3, N4) connects node N3 to node
N4. This indicates a direct connection from node N3 to N4 but not from N4 to N3,
unless (N4, N3) is also an arc, and then the arc joining N3 and N4 is undirected.
If a directed arc connects Nj and Nk, then Nj is called the parent of Nk and Nk, the
child of Nj. If the graph also contains an arc (Nj, Nl), then Nk and Nl are
called siblings.
A rooted graph has a unique node NS from which all paths in the graph originate.
That is, the root has no parent in the graph.
A tip or leaf node is a node that has no children.
An ordered sequence of nodes [N1, N2, N3, ..., Nn], where each pair Ni, Ni+1 in the
sequence represents an arc, i.e., (Ni, Ni+1), is called a path of length n - 1.
On a path in a rooted graph, a node is said to be an ancestor of all nodes
positioned after it (to its right) as well as a descendant of all nodes before it.
A path that contains any node more than once (some Nj in the definition of path
above is repeated) is said to contain a cycle or loop.
A tree is a graph in which there is a unique path between every pair of nodes.
(The paths in a tree, therefore, contain no cycles.)


The edges in a rooted tree are directed away from the root. Each node in a rooted 85
tree has a unique parent.
Two nodes are said to be connected if a path exists that includes them both.

Next we introduce the finite state machine, an abstract representation for computa-
tional devices, that may be viewed as an automaton for traversing paths in a graph.

3.1.2 The Finite State Machine (optional)

We can think of a machine as a system that accepts input values, possibly produces output
values, and that has some sort of internal mechanism (states) to keep track of information
about previous input values. A finite state machine (FSM) is a finite, directed, connected
graph, having a set of states, a set of input values, and a state transition function that
describes the effect that the elements of the input stream have on the states of the graph.
The stream of input values produces a path within the graph of the states of this finite
machine. Thus the FSM can be seen as an abstract model of computation.

The primary use for such a machine is to recognize components of a formal language.
These components are often strings of characters (“words” made from characters of an
“alphabet”). In Section 5.3 we extend this definition to a probabilistic finite state machine.
These state machines have an important role in analyzing expressions in languages,
whether computational or human, as we see in Sections 5.3, 9.3, and Chapter 15.

A finite state machine is an ordered triple (S, I, F), where:
S is a finite set of states in a connected graph s1, s2, s3, ... sn.
I is a finite set of input values i1, i2, i3, ... im.
F is a state transition function that for any i ∈ I, describes its effect on the
states S of the machine, thus ∀ i ∈ I, Fi : (S → S). If the machine is in state
sj and input i occurs, the next state of the machine will be Fi (sj).

For a simple example of a finite state machine, let S = {s0, s1}, I = {0,1}, f0(s0) = s0,
f0(s1) = (s1), f1(s0) = s1, and f1(s1) = s0. With this device, sometimes called a flip-flop,
an input value of zero leaves the state unchanged, while input 1 changes the state of the
machine. We may visualize this machine from two equivalent perspectives, as a finite
graph with labelled, directed arcs, as in Figure 3.5a, or as a transition matrix, Figure 3.5b.
In the transition matrix, input values are listed along the top row, the states are in the left-
most column, and the output for an input applied to a state is at the intersection point.


00 0 1
1 S0 S0 S1
S1 S1 S0
S0 1 S1

Figure 3.5 (a) The finite state graph for a flip-flop
and (b) its transition matrix.

A second example of a finite state machine is represented by the directed graph of

Figure 3.6a and the (equivalent) transition matrix of Figure 3.6b. One might ask what the

finite state machine of Figure 3.6 could represent. With two assumptions, this machine
could be seen as a recognizer of all strings of characters from the alphabet {a, b, c, d} that
contain the exact sequence “abc”. The two assumptions are, first, that state s0 has a spe-
cial role as the starting state, and second, that s3 is the accepting state. Thus, the input
stream will present its first element to state s0. If the stream later terminates with the
machine in state s3, it will have recognized that there is the sequence “abc” within that
input stream.

What we have just described is a finite state accepting machine, sometimes called a

Moore machine. We use the convention of placing an arrow from no state that terminates

in the starting state of the Moore machine, and represent the accepting state (or states) as

special, often using a doubled circle, as in Figure 3.6. We now present a formal definition

of the Moore machine:



A finite state acceptor is a finite state machine (S, I, F), where:
∃ s0 ∈ S such that the input stream starts at s0, and
∃ sn ∈ S, an accept state. The input stream is accepted if it terminates in that
state. In fact, there may be a set of accept states.

The finite state acceptor is represented as (S, s0, {sn}, I, F)

We have presented two fairly simple examples of a powerful concept. As we will see
in natural language understanding (Chapter 15), finite state recognizers are an important
tool for determining whether or not patterns of characters, words, or sentences have
desired properties. We will see that a finite state accepter implicitly defines a formal lan-
guage on the basis of the sets of letters (characters) and words (strings) that it accepts.


S0 a S2 a,b,c,d ab cd
b,c,d ab c
S0 S1 S0 S0 S0
S1 S3 S1 S1 S2 S0 S0
c,d a S2 S1 S0 S3 S0

b,d S3 S3 S3 S3 S3

(a) (b)

Figure 3.6 (a) The finite state graph and (b) the transition
matrix for string recognition example.

We have also shown only deterministic finite state machines, where the transition
function for any input value to a state gives a unique next state. Probabilistic finite state
machines, where the transition function defines a distribution of output states for each
input to a state, are also an important modeling technique. We consider these in Section
5.3 and again in Chapter 15. We next consider a more general graphical representation for
the analysis of problem solving: the state space.

3.1.3 The State Space Representation of Problems

In the state space representation of a problem, the nodes of a graph correspond to partial
problem solution states and the arcs correspond to steps in a problem-solving process. One
or more initial states, corresponding to the given information in a problem instance, form
the root of the graph. The graph also defines one or more goal conditions, which are solu-
tions to a problem instance. State space search characterizes problem solving as the pro-
cess of finding a solution path from the start state to a goal.

A goal may describe a state, such as a winning board in tic-tac-toe (Figure II.5) or a
goal configuration in the 8-puzzle (Figure 3.7). Alternatively, a goal can describe some
property of the solution path itself. In the traveling salesperson problem (Figures 3.9 and
3.10), search terminates when the “shortest” path is found through all nodes of the graph.
In the parsing problem (Section 3.3), the solution path is a successful analysis of a sen-
tence’s structure.

Arcs of the state space correspond to steps in a solution process and paths through the
space represent solutions in various stages of completion. Paths are searched, beginning at
the start state and continuing through the graph, until either the goal description is satisfied
or they are abandoned. The actual generation of new states along the path is done by
applying operators, such as “legal moves” in a game or inference rules in a logic problem
or expert system, to existing states on a path. The task of a search algorithm is to find a
solution path through such a problem space. Search algorithms must keep track of the
paths from a start to a goal node, because these paths contain the series of operations that
lead to the problem solution.

We now formally define the state space representation of problems:




A state space is represented by a four-tuple [N,A,S,GD], where:
N is the set of nodes or states of the graph. These correspond to the states in a
problem-solving process.

A is the set of arcs (or links) between nodes. These correspond to the steps in a
problem-solving process.

S, a nonempty subset of N, contains the start state(s) of the problem.

GD, a nonempty subset of N, contains the goal state(s) of the problem. The states
in GD are described using either:

1. A measurable property of the states encountered in the search.

2. A measurable property of the path developed in the search, for example,
the sum of the transition costs for the arcs of the path.

A solution path is a path through this graph from a node in S to a node in GD.

One of the general features of a graph, and one of the problems that arise in the design
of a graph search algorithm, is that states can sometimes be reached through different
paths. For example, in Figure 3.3 a path can be made from state a to state d either through
b and c or directly from a to d. This makes it important to choose the best path according
to the needs of a problem. In addition, multiple paths to a state can lead to loops or cycles
in a solution path that prevent the algorithm from reaching a goal. A blind search for goal
state e in the graph of Figure 3.3 might search the sequence of states abcdabcdabcd . . .

If the space to be searched is a tree, as in Figure 3.4, the problem of cycles does not
occur. It is, therefore, important to distinguish between problems whose state space is a
tree and those that may contain loops. General graph search algorithms must detect and
eliminate loops from potential solution paths, whereas tree searches may gain efficiency
by eliminating this test and its overhead.

Tic-tac-toe and the 8-puzzle exemplify the state spaces of simple games. Both of
these examples demonstrate termination conditions of type 1 in our definition of state
space search. Example 3.1.3, the traveling salesperson problem, has a goal description of
type 2, the total cost of the path itself.


The state space representation of tic-tac-toe appears in Figure II.5, pg 42. The start state is
an empty board, and the termination or goal description is a board state having three Xs in
a row, column, or diagonal (assuming that the goal is a win for X). The path from the start
state to a goal state gives the series of moves in a winning game.


The states in the space are all the different configurations of Xs and Os that the game
can have. Of course, although there are 39 ways to arrange {blank, X, O} in nine spaces,
most of them would never occur in an actual game. Arcs are generated by legal moves of
the game, alternating between placing an X and an O in an unused location. The state
space is a graph rather than a tree, as some states on the third and deeper levels can be

reached by different paths. However, there are no cycles in the state space, because the

directed arcs of the graph do not allow a move to be undone. It is impossible to “go back

up” the structure once a state has been reached. No checking for cycles in path generation

is necessary. A graph structure with this property is called a directed acyclic graph, or

DAG, and is common in state space search and in graphical models, Chapter 13.

The state space representation provides a means of determining the complexity of the

problem. In tic-tac-toe, there are nine first moves with eight possible responses to each of

them, followed by seven possible responses to each of these, and so on. It follows that 9 ×
8 × 7 × ... or 9! different paths can be generated. Although it is not impossible for a
computer to search this number of paths (362,880) exhaustively, many important prob-

lems also exhibit factorial or exponential complexity, although on a much larger scale.

Chess has 10120 possible game paths; checkers has 1040, some of which may never occur in

an actual game. These spaces are difficult or impossible to search exhaustively. Strategies

for searching such large spaces often rely on heuristics to reduce the complexity of the

search (Chapter 4).


In the 15-puzzle of Figure 3.7, 15 differently numbered tiles are fitted into 16 spaces on a
grid. One space is left blank so that tiles can be moved around to form different patterns.
The goal is to find a series of moves of tiles into the blank space that places the board in a
goal configuration. This is a common game that most of us played as children. (The
version I remember was about 3 inches square and had red and white tiles in a black

A number of interesting aspects of this game have made it useful to researchers in
problem solving. The state space is large enough to be interesting but is not completely
intractable (16! if symmetric states are treated as distinct). Game states are easy to
represent. The game is rich enough to provide a number of interesting heuristics (see
Chapter 4).

12 34 1 23
12 13 14 5 84
11 15 6 7 65
10 9 8 7

15-puzzle 8-puzzle

Figure 3.7 The 15-puzzle and the 8-puzzle.


The 8-puzzle is a 3 × 3 version of the 15-puzzle in which eight tiles can be moved
around in nine spaces. Because the 8-puzzle generates a smaller state space than the full
15-puzzle and its graph fits easily on a page, it is used for many examples in this book.

Although in the physical puzzle moves are made by moving tiles (“move the 7 tile
right, provided the blank is to the right of the tile” or “move the 3 tile down”), it is much
simpler to think in terms of “moving the blank space”. This simplifies the definition of
move rules because there are eight tiles but only a single blank. In order to apply a move,
we must make sure that it does not move the blank off the board. Therefore, all four moves
are not applicable at all times; for example, when the blank is in one of the corners only
two moves are possible.

The legal moves are:

move the blank up ↑
move the blank right →
move the blank down ↓
move the blank left ←

If we specify a beginning state and a goal state for the 8-puzzle, it is possible to give a
state space accounting of the problem-solving process (Figure 3.8). States could be

1 43
7 76
5 82

Up Left Down Right

13 1 43 1 43 1 43
7 46 7 76 7 86 7 66
5 82 5 82 52 5 82

Left Right Up Down Left Right Up Down

1 13 1 33 43 1 43 1 43 1 43 14 1 43
7 46 7 46 1 76 5 76 7 86 7 86 7 63 7 62
5 82 5 82 5 82 5 52 5 22 5 82 58

Figure 3.8 State space of the 8-puzzle generated by
move blank operations.


represented using a simple 3 × 3 array. A predicate calculus representation could use a
“state” predicate with nine parameters (for the locations of numbers in the grid). Four
procedures, describing each of the possible moves of the blank, define the arcs in the
state space.

As with tic-tac-toe, the state space for the 8-puzzle is a graph (with most states having
multiple parents), but unlike tic-tac-toe, cycles are possible. The GD or goal description of
the state space is a particular state or board configuration. When this state is found on a
path, the search terminates. The path from start to goal is the desired series of moves.

It is interesting to note that the complete state space of the 8- and 15-puzzles consists
of two disconnected (and in this case equal-sized) subgraphs. This makes half the possible
states in the search space impossible to reach from any given start state. If we exchange
(by prying loose!) two immediately adjacent tiles, states in the other component of the
space become reachable.


Suppose a salesperson has five cities to visit and then must return home. The goal of the
problem is to find the shortest path for the salesperson to travel, visiting each city, and
then returning to the starting city. Figure 3.9 gives an instance of this problem. The nodes
of the graph represent cities, and each arc is labeled with a weight indicating the cost of
traveling that arc. This cost might be a representation of the miles necessary in car travel
or cost of an air flight between the two cities. For convenience, we assume the salesperson
lives in city A and will return there, although this assumption simply reduces the problem
of N cities to a problem of (N - 1) cities.

The path [A,D,C,B,E,A], with associated cost of 450 miles, is an example of a
possible circuit. The goal description requires a complete circuit with minimum cost. Note


75 B


100 75
125 50


50 C
D 100

Figure 3.9 An instance of the traveling
salesperson problem.



100 75

225 125 100

150 175 175 250
C D 225 E


250 275 275 225

300 325 400 400


375 425 475


Path: Path: Path: ...

Cost: Cost: Cost:
375 425 475

Figure 3.10 Search of the traveling salesperson problem.
Each arc is marked with the total weight of all
paths from the start node (A) to its endpoint.

that the goal description is a property of the entire path, rather than of a single state. This is
a goal description of type 2 from the definition of state space search.

Figure 3.10 shows one way in which possible solution paths may be generated and
compared. Beginning with node A, possible next states are added until all cities are
included and the path returns home. The goal is the lowest-cost path.

As Figure 3.10 suggests, the complexity of exhaustive search in the traveling sales-
person problem is (N - 1)!, where N is the number of cities in the graph. For 9 cities we
may exhaustively try all paths, but for any problem instance of interesting size, for exam-
ple with 50 cities, simple exhaustive search cannot be performed within a practical length
of time. In fact complexity costs for an N! search grow so fast that very soon the search
combinations become intractable.

Several techniques can reduce this search complexity. One is called branch and
bound (Horowitz and Sahni 1978). Branch and bound generates paths one at a time, keep-
ing track of the best circuit found so far. This value is used as a bound on future candi-
dates. As paths are constructed one city at a time, the algorithm examines each partially
completed path. If the algorithm determines that the best possible extension to a path, the
branch, will have greater cost than the bound, it eliminates that partial path and all of its
possible extensions. This reduces search considerably but still leaves an exponential num-
ber of paths (1.26N rather than N!).


A 100

75 B


100 75
E 125 50

50 C
D 100

Figure 3.11 An instance of the traveling salesperson problem
with the nearest neighbor path in bold. Note that
this path (A, E, D, B, C, A), at a cost of 550, is not
the shortest path. The comparatively high cost of
arc (C, A) defeated the heuristic.

Another strategy for controlling search constructs the path according to the rule “go to
the closest unvisited city.” The nearest neighbor path through the graph of Figure 3.11 is
[A,E,D,B,C,A], at a cost of 375 miles. This method is highly efficient, as there is only one
path to be tried! The nearest neighbor, sometimes called greedy, heuristic is fallible, as
graphs exist for which it does not find the shortest path, see Figure 3.11, but it is a possible
compromise when the time required makes exhaustive search impractical.

Section 3.2 examines strategies for state space search.

3.2 Strategies for State Space Search

3.2.1 Data-Driven and Goal-Driven Search

A state space may be searched in two directions: from the given data of a problem instance
toward a goal or from a goal back to the data.

In data-driven search, sometimes called forward chaining, the problem solver begins
with the given facts of the problem and a set of legal moves or rules for changing state.
Search proceeds by applying rules to facts to produce new facts, which are in turn used by
the rules to generate more new facts. This process continues until (we hope!) it generates a
path that satisfies the goal condition.

An alternative approach is possible: take the goal that we want to solve. See what
rules or legal moves could be used to generate this goal and determine what conditions
must be true to use them. These conditions become the new goals, or subgoals, for the
search. Search continues, working backward through successive subgoals until (we hope!)


it works back to the facts of the problem. This finds the chain of moves or rules leading
from data to a goal, although it does so in backward order. This approach is called
goal-driven reasoning, or backward chaining, and it recalls the simple childhood trick of
trying to solve a maze by working back from the finish to the start.

To summarize: data-driven reasoning takes the facts of the problem and applies the
rules or legal moves to produce new facts that lead to a goal; goal-driven reasoning
focuses on the goal, finds the rules that could produce the goal, and chains backward
through successive rules and subgoals to the given facts of the problem.

In the final analysis, both data-driven and goal-driven problem solvers search the
same state space graph; however, the order and actual number of states searched can dif-
fer. The preferred strategy is determined by the properties of the problem itself. These
include the complexity of the rules, the “shape” of the state space, and the nature and
availability of the problem data. All of these vary for different problems.

As an example of the effect a search strategy can have on the complexity of search,
consider the problem of confirming or denying the statement “I am a descendant of
Thomas Jefferson.” A solution is a path of direct lineage between the “I” and Thomas
Jefferson. This space may be searched in two directions, starting with the “I” and working
along ancestor lines to Thomas Jefferson or starting with Thomas Jefferson and working
through his descendants.

Some simple assumptions let us estimate the size of the space searched in each
direction. Thomas Jefferson was born about 250 years ago; if we assume 25 years per
generation, the required path will be about length 10. As each person has exactly two
parents, a search back from the “I” would examine on the order of 210 ancestors. A search
that worked forward from Thomas Jefferson would examine more states, as people tend to
have more than two children (particularly in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries). If
we assume an average of only three children per family, the search would examine on the
order of 310 nodes of the family tree. Thus, a search back from the “I” would examine
fewer nodes. Note, however, that both directions yield exponential complexity.

The decision to choose between data- and goal-driven search is based on the structure
of the problem to be solved. Goal-driven search is suggested if:

1. A goal or hypothesis is given in the problem statement or can easily be
formulated. In a mathematics theorem prover, for example, the goal is the
theorem to be proved. Many diagnostic systems consider potential diagnoses in a
systematic fashion, confirming or eliminating them using goal-driven reasoning.

2. There are a large number of rules that match the facts of the problem and thus
produce an increasing number of conclusions or goals. Early selection of a goal
can eliminate most of these branches, making goal-driven search more effective
in pruning the space (Figure 3.12). In a theorem prover, for example, the total
number of rules used to produce a given theorem is usually much smaller than
the number of rules that may be applied to the entire set of axioms.

3. Problem data are not given but must be acquired by the problem solver. In this
case, goal-driven search can help guide data acquisition. In a medical diagnosis
program, for example, a wide range of diagnostic tests can be applied. Doctors
order only those that are necessary to confirm or deny a particular hypothesis.


Direction of Goal

Figure 3.12 State space in which goal-directed search

effectively prunes extraneous search paths.


Data Direction of

Figure 3.13 State space in which data-directed search prunes
irrelevant data and their consequents and
determines one of a number of possible goals.

Goal-driven search thus uses knowledge of the desired goal to guide the search through
relevant rules and eliminate branches of the space.

Data-driven search (Figure 3.13) is appropriate for problems in which:

1. All or most of the data are given in the initial problem statement. Interpretation
problems often fit this mold by presenting a collection of data and asking the
system to provide a high-level interpretation. Systems that analyze particular data
(e.g., the PROSPECTOR or Dipmeter programs, which interpret geological data


or attempt to find what minerals are likely to be found at a site) fit the data-driven

2. There are a large number of potential goals, but there are only a few ways to use
the facts and given information of a particular problem instance. The DENDRAL
program, an expert system that finds the molecular structure of organic com-
pounds based on their formula, mass spectrographic data, and knowledge of
chemistry, is an example of this. For any organic compound, there are an enor-
mous number of possible structures. However, the mass spectrographic data on a
compound allow DENDRAL to eliminate all but a few of these.

3. It is difficult to form a goal or hypothesis. In using DENDRAL, for example, lit-
tle may be known initially about the possible structure of a compound.

Data-driven search uses the knowledge and constraints found in the given data of a prob-
lem to guide search along lines known to be true.

To summarize, there is no substitute for careful analysis of the particular problem to
be solved, considering such issues as the branching factor of rule applications (see Chap-
ter 4; on average, how many new states are generated by rule applications in both direc-
tions?), availability of data, and ease of determining potential goals.

3.2.2 Implementing Graph Search

In solving a problem using either goal- or data-driven search, a problem solver must find a
path from a start state to a goal through the state space graph. The sequence of arcs in this
path corresponds to the ordered steps of the solution. If a problem solver were given an
oracle or other infallible mechanism for choosing a solution path, search would not be
required. The problem solver would move unerringly through the space to the desired
goal, constructing the path as it went. Because oracles do not exist for interesting
problems, a problem solver must consider different paths through the space until it finds a
goal. Backtracking is a technique for systematically trying all paths through a state space.

We begin with backtrack because it is one of the first search algorithms computer sci-
entists study, and it has a natural implementation in a stack oriented recursive environ-
ment. We will present a simpler version of the backtrack algorithm with depth-first search
(Section 3.2.3).

Backtracking search begins at the start state and pursues a path until it reaches either a
goal or a “dead end.” If it finds a goal, it quits and returns the solution path. If it reaches a
dead end, it “backtracks” to the most recent node on the path having unexamined siblings
and continues down one of these branches, as described in the following recursive rule:

If the present state S does not meet the requirements of the goal description, then generate its
first descendant Schild1, and apply the backtrack procedure recursively to this node. If backtrack
does not find a goal node in the subgraph rooted at Schild1, repeat the procedure for its sibling,
Schild2. Continue until either some descendant of a child is a goal node or all the children have
been searched. If none of the children of S leads to a goal, then backtrack “fails back” to the
parent of S, where it is applied to the siblings of S, and so on.


The algorithm continues until it finds a goal or exhausts the state space. Figure 3.14
shows the backtrack algorithm applied to a hypothetical state space. The direction of the
dashed arrows on the tree indicates the progress of search up and down the space. The
number beside each node indicates the order in which it is visited. We now define an algo-
rithm that performs a backtrack, using three lists to keep track of nodes in the state space:

SL, for state list, lists the states in the current path being tried. If a goal is found, SL
contains the ordered list of states on the solution path.

NSL, for new state list, contains nodes awaiting evaluation, i.e., nodes whose
descendants have not yet been generated and searched.

DE, for dead ends, lists states whose descendants have failed to contain a goal. If
these states are encountered again, they will be detected as elements of DE and elimi-
nated from consideration immediately.

In defining the backtrack algorithm for the general case (a graph rather than a tree), it
is necessary to detect multiple occurrences of any state so that it will not be reentered and
cause (infinite) loops in the path. This is accomplished by testing each newly generated
state for membership in any of these three lists. If a new state belongs to any of these lists,
then it has already been visited and may be ignored.

function backtrack;


SL := [Start]; NSL := [Start]; DE := [ ]; CS := Start; % initialize:

while NSL ≠ [ ] do % while there are states to be tried


if CS = goal (or meets goal description)

then return SL; % on success, return list of states in path.

if CS has no children (excluding nodes already on DE, SL, and NSL)

then begin

while SL is not empty and CS = the first element of SL do


add CS to DE; % record state as dead end

remove first element from SL; %backtrack

remove first element from NSL;

CS := first element of NSL;


add CS to SL;


else begin

place children of CS (except nodes already on DE, SL, or NSL) on NSL;

CS := first element of NSL;

add CS to SL



return FAIL;



In backtrack, the state currently under consideration is called CS for current state. CS is
always equal to the state most recently added to SL and represents the “frontier” of the
solution path currently being explored. Inference rules, moves in a game, or other
appropriate problem-solving operators are ordered and applied to CS. The result is an
ordered set of new states, the children of CS. The first of these children is made the new
current state and the rest are placed in order on NSL for future examination. The new
current state is added to SL and search continues. If CS has no children, it is removed
from SL (this is where the algorithm “backtracks”) and any remaining children of its
predecessor on SL are examined.

A trace of backtrack on the graph of Figure 3.14 is given by:

Initialize: SL = [A]; NSL = [A]; DE = [ ]; CS = A;


0 A [A] [A] []
1 B [B A] [B C D A] []
2 E [E B A] [E F B C D A] []
3 H [H E B A] [H I E F B C D A] []
4 I [I E B A] [I E F B C D A] [H]
5 F [F B A] [F B C D A] [E I H]
6 J [J F B A] [J F B C D A] [E I H]
7 C [C A] [C D A] [B F J E I H]
8 G [G C A] [G C D A] [B F J E I H]


B2 C8 10

E3 F6 9

4 57

Figure 3.14 Backtracking search of
a hypothetical state space.


As presented here, backtrack implements data-driven search, taking the root as a 99
start state and evaluating its children to search for the goal. The algorithm can be viewed
as a goal-driven search by letting the goal be the root of the graph and evaluating
descendants back in an attempt to find a start state. If the goal description is of type 2 (see
Section 3.1.3), the algorithm must determine a goal state by examining the path on SL.

backtrack is an algorithm for searching state space graphs. The graph search
algorithms that follow, including depth-first, breadth-first, and best-first search, exploit
the ideas used in backtrack, including:

1. The use of a list of unprocessed states (NSL) to allow the algorithm to return to
any of these states.

2. A list of “bad” states (DE) to prevent the algorithm from retrying useless paths.

3. A list of nodes (SL) on the current solution path that is returned if a goal is found.

4. Explicit checks for membership of new states in these lists to prevent looping.

The next section introduces search algorithms that, like backtrack, use lists to keep
track of states in a search space. These algorithms, including depth-first, breadth-first, and
best-first (Chapter 4) search, differ from backtrack in providing a more flexible basis for
implementing alternative graph search strategies.

3.2.3 Depth-First and Breadth-First Search

In addition to specifying a search direction (data-driven or goal-driven), a search algo-
rithm must determine the order in which states are examined in the tree or the graph. This
section considers two possibilities for the order in which the nodes of the graph are con-
sidered: depth-first and breadth-first search.

Consider the graph represented in Figure 3.15. States are labeled (A, B, C, . . .) so
that they can be referred to in the discussion that follows. In depth-first search, when a
state is examined, all of its children and their descendants are examined before any of its
siblings. Depth-first search goes deeper into the search space whenever this is possible.
Only when no further descendants of a state can be found are its siblings considered.
Depth-first search examines the states in the graph of Figure 3.15 in the order A, B, E, K,
S, L, T, F, M, C, G, N, H, O, P, U, D, I, Q, J, R. The backtrack algorithm of Section
3.2.2 implemented depth-first search.

Breadth-first search, in contrast, explores the space in a level-by-level fashion. Only
when there are no more states to be explored at a given level does the algorithm move on
to the next deeper level. A breadth-first search of the graph of Figure 3.15 considers the
states in the order A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U.

We implement breadth-first search using lists, open and closed, to keep track of
progress through the state space. open, like NSL in backtrack, lists states that have been
generated but whose children have not been examined. The order in which states are
removed from open determines the order of the search. closed records states already
examined. closed is the union of the DE and SL lists of the backtrack algorithm.







Figure 3.15 Graph for breadth- and depth-first
search examples.

function breadth_first_search;

begin % initialize
open := [Start]; % states remain
closed := [ ];
while open ≠ [ ] do % goal found
remove leftmost state from open, call it X; % loop check
if X is a goal then return SUCCESS % queue
else begin
generate children of X; % no states left
put X on closed;
discard children of X if already on open or closed;
put remaining children on right end of open
return FAIL


Child states are generated by inference rules, legal moves of a game, or other state
transition operators. Each iteration produces all children of the state X and adds them to
open. Note that open is maintained as a queue, or first-in-first-out (FIFO) data structure.

States are added to the right of the list and removed from the left. This biases search
toward the states that have been on open the longest, causing the search to be

breadth-first. Child states that have already been discovered (already appear on either
open or closed) are discarded. If the algorithm terminates because the condition of the
“while” loop is no longer satisfied (open = [ ]) then it has searched the entire graph with-

out finding the desired goal: the search has failed.
A trace of breadth_first_search on the graph of Figure 3.15 follows. Each succes-

sive number, 2,3,4, . . . , represents an iteration of the “while” loop. U is the goal state.


1. open = [A]; closed = [ ]
2. open = [B,C,D]; closed = [A]
3. open = [C,D,E,F]; closed = [B,A]
4. open = [D,E,F,G,H]; closed = [C,B,A]
5. open = [E,F,G,H,I,J]; closed = [D,C,B,A]
6. open = [F,G,H,I,J,K,L]; closed = [E,D,C,B,A]
7. open = [G,H,I,J,K,L,M] (as L is already on open); closed = [F,E,D,C,B,A]
8. open = [H,I,J,K,L,M,N]; closed = [G,F,E,D,C,B,A]
9. and so on until either U is found or open = [ ].

Figure 3.16 illustrates the graph of Figure 3.15 after six iterations of
breadth_first_search. The states on open and closed are highlighted. States not shaded
have not been discovered by the algorithm. Note that open records the states on the
“frontier” of the search at any stage and that closed records states already visited.

Because breadth-first search considers every node at each level of the graph before
going deeper into the space, all states are first reached along the shortest path from the
start state. Breadth-first search is therefore guaranteed to find the shortest path from the
start state to the goal. Furthermore, because all states are first found along the shortest
path, any states encountered a second time are found along a path of equal or greater
length. Because there is no chance that duplicate states were found along a better path, the
algorithm simply discards any duplicate states.

It is often useful to keep other information on open and closed besides the names of
the states. For example, note that breadth_first_search does not maintain a list of states
on the current path to a goal as backtrack did on the list SL; all visited states are kept on
closed. If a solution path is required, it can not be returned by this algorithm. The solution
can be found by storing ancestor information along with each state. A state may be saved
along with a record of its parent state, e.g., as a (state, parent) pair. If this is done in the
search of Figure 3.15, the contents of open and closed at the fourth iteration would be:

open = [(D,A), (E,B), (F,B), (G,C), (H,C)]; closed = [(C,A), (B,A), (A,nil)]




K LM N OP QR Closed

S T U Open

Figure 3.16 Graph of Figure 3.15 at iteration 6 of breadth-first search.
States on open and closed are highlighted.


The path (A, B, F) that led from A to F could easily be constructed from this
information. When a goal is found, the algorithm can construct the solution path by
tracing back along parents from the goal to the start state. Note that state A has a parent of
nil, indicating that it is a start state; this stops reconstruction of the path. Because

breadth-first search finds each state along the shortest path and retains the first version of

each state, this is the shortest path from a start to a goal.
Figure 3.17 shows the states removed from open and examined in a breadth-first

search of the graph of the 8-puzzle. As before, arcs correspond to moves of the blank up,

to the right, down, and to the left. The number next to each state indicates the order in
which it was removed from open. States left on open when the algorithm halted are
not shown.

Next, we create a depth-first search algorithm, a simplification of the backtrack algo-

rithm already presented in Section 3.2.3. In this algorithm, the descendant states are added
and removed from the left end of open: open is maintained as a stack, or last-in-first-out
(LIFO) structure. The organization of open as a stack directs search toward the most
recently generated states, producing a depth-first search order:

function depth_first_search;

begin % initialize
open := [Start]; % states remain
closed := [ ];
while open ≠ [ ] do % goal found
remove leftmost state from open, call it X; % loop check
if X is a goal then return SUCCESS % stack
else begin
generate children of X; % no states left
put X on closed;
discard children of X if already on open or closed;
put remaining children on left end of open
return FAIL


A trace of depth_first_search on the graph of Figure 3.15 appears below. Each suc-
cessive iteration of the “while” loop is indicated by a single line (2, 3, 4, . . .). The initial
states of open and closed are given on line 1. Assume U is the goal state.

1. open = [A]; closed = [ ]
2. open = [B,C,D]; closed = [A]
3. open = [E,F,C,D]; closed = [B,A]
4. open = [K,L,F,C,D]; closed = [E,B,A]
5. open = [S,L,F,C,D]; closed = [K,E,B,A]
6. open = [L,F,C,D]; closed = [S,K,E,B,A]
7. open = [T,F,C,D]; closed = [L,S,K,E,B,A]


2 83
1 64

2 283 32 83 4 283

1 64 14 1 64
75 7 65 75

5 6 7 8 9
2 83 2 83 23 2 83 2 83
64 14 1 84 14 16
1 75 7 65 7 65 7 65 7 54

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

83 2 83 83 2 83 23 23 28 2 83 2 83 28

2 64 64 2 14 7 14 1 84 1 84 1 43 1 45 16 1 63

1 75 1 75 7 65 65 7 65 7 65 7 65 76 7 54 7 54

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

83 23 2 83 2 83 8 3 2 83 1 23 2 34 28 2 83 2 83 23 2 83 2
1 43 1 45 16 1 86 1 56 16
2 64 6 84 64 6 74 2 14 7 14 84 1 8 7 65 76 7 54 74 75
7 54
1 75 1 75 1 75 15 7 65 6 5 7 65 7 65 28 29 31 32 33

83 8 63 23 23 28 2 83 2 83 2 83 83 8 13 2 83 2 83 1 23
2 64 24 6 84 6 84 6 43 6 45 6 74 6 74 2 14 24 74 7 14 84
1 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 17 15 7 65 7 65 6 15 65 7 65
34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 44 45 46


Figure 3.17 Breadth-first search of the 8-puzzle, showing order
in which states were removed from open.

8. open = [F,C,D]; closed = [T,L,S,K,E,B,A]
9. open = [M,C,D], (as L is already on closed); closed = [F,T,L,S,K,E,B,A]
10. open = [C,D]; closed = [M,F,T,L,S,K,E,B,A]
11. open = [G,H,D]; closed = [C,M,F,T,L,S,K,E,B,A]

and so on until either U is discovered or open = [ ].
As with breadth_first_search, open lists all states discovered but not yet evaluated

(the current “frontier” of the search), and closed records states already considered. Fig-
ure 3.18 shows the graph of Figure 3.15 at the sixth iteration of the depth_first_search.
The contents of open and closed are highlighted. As with breadth_first_search, the
algorithm could store a record of the parent along with each state, allowing the algorithm
to reconstruct the path that led from the start state to a goal.

Unlike breadth-first search, a depth-first search is not guaranteed to find the shortest
path to a state the first time that state is encountered. Later in the search, a different path
may be found to any state. If path length matters in a problem solver, when the algorithm
encounters a duplicate state, the algorithm should save the version reached along the
shortest path. This could be done by storing each state as a triple: (state, parent,








Figure 3.18 Graph of Figure 3.15 at iteration 6 of depth-first search.
States on open and closed are highlighted.

length_of_path). When children are generated, the value of the path length is simply
incremented by one and saved with the child. If a child is reached along multiple paths,
this information can be used to retain the best version. This is treated in more detail in the
discussion of algorithm A in Chapter 4. Note that retaining the best version of a state in a
simple depth-first search does not guarantee that a goal will be reached along the
shortest path.

Figure 3.19 gives a depth-first search of the 8-puzzle. As noted previously, the space
is generated by the four “move blank” rules (up, down, left, and right). The numbers next
to the states indicate the order in which they were considered, i.e., removed from open.
States left on open when the goal is found are not shown. A depth bound of 5 was
imposed on this search to keep it from getting lost deep in the space.

As with choosing between data- and goal-driven search for evaluating a graph, the
choice of depth-first or breadth-first search depends on the specific problem being solved.
Significant features include the importance of finding the shortest path to a goal, the
branching factor of the space, the available compute time and space resources, the average
length of paths to a goal node, and whether we want all solutions or only the first solution.
In making these decisions, there are advantages and disadvantages for each approach.

Breadth-First Because it always examines all the nodes at level n before proceeding to
level n + 1, breadth-first search always finds the shortest path to a goal node. In a problem
where it is known that a simple solution exists, this solution will be found. Unfortunately,
if there is a bad branching factor, i.e., states have a high average number of children, the


2 83
1 64

2 283 18 2 8 3

1 64 14
75 7 65

3 19 28
2 83 2 83 23
64 14 1 84
1 75 7 65 7 65

4 8 20 24 29
2 83
83 64 83 2 83 23
1 75
2 64 2 14 7 14 1 84

1 75 7 65 65 7 65

5 9 12 15 21 25 30

83 23 2 83 2 83 83 2 83 1 23
2 64 6 84 1 75 6 74 2 14 7 14 84

1 75 1 75 15 7 65 65 7 65

83 8 63 23 23 28 2 83 2 83 2 83 83 8 13 2 83 2 83 1 23
2 64 24 6 84 6 84 6 43 6 45 6 74 6 74 2 14 24 74 7 14 84
1 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 17 15 7 65 7 65 6 15 65 7 65
6 7 10 11 13 14 17 22 23 26 27 31


Figure 3.19 Depth-first search of the 8-puzzle with a depth bound of 5.

combinatorial explosion may prevent the algorithm from finding a solution using avail-
able memory. This is due to the fact that all unexpanded nodes for each level of the search
must be kept on open. For deep searches, or state spaces with a high branching factor, this
can become quite cumbersome.

The space utilization of breadth-first search, measured in terms of the number of
states on open, is an exponential function of the length of the path at any time. If each
state has an average of B children, the number of states on a given level is B times the
number of states on the previous level. This gives Bn states on level n. Breadth-first search
would place all of these on open when it begins examining level n. This can be prohibi-
tive if solution paths are long, in the game of chess, for example.

Depth-First Depth-first search gets quickly into a deep search space. If it is known
that the solution path will be long, depth-first search will not waste time searching a large
number of “shallow” states in the graph. On the other hand, depth-first search can get
“lost” deep in a graph, missing shorter paths to a goal or even becoming stuck in an
infinitely long path that does not lead to a goal.

Depth-first search is much more efficient for search spaces with many branches
because it does not have to keep all the nodes at a given level on the open list. The space


usage of depth-first search is a linear function of the length of the path. At each level,
open retains only the children of a single state. If a graph has an average of B children per
state, this requires a total space usage of B × n states to go n levels deep into the space.

The best answer to the “depth-first versus breadth-first” issue is to examine the
problem space and consult experts in the area. In chess, for example, breadth-first search
simply is not possible. In simpler games, breadth-first search not only may be possible
but, because it gives the shortest path, may be the only way to avoid losing.

3.2.4 Depth-First Search with Iterative Deepening

A nice compromise on these trade-offs is to use a depth bound on depth-first search. The
depth bound forces a failure on a search path once it gets below a certain level. This causes
a breadth-first like sweep of the search space at that depth level. When it is known that a
solution lies within a certain depth or when time constraints, such as those that occur in an
extremely large space like chess, limit the number of states that can be considered; then a
depth-first search with a depth bound may be most appropriate. Figure 3.19 showed a
depth-first search of the 8-puzzle in which a depth bound of 5 caused the sweep across the
space at that depth.

This insight leads to a search algorithm that remedies many of the drawbacks of both
depth-first and breadth-first search. Depth-first iterative deepening (Korf 1987) performs
a depth-first search of the space with a depth bound of 1. If it fails to find a goal, it per-
forms another depth-first search with a depth bound of 2. This continues, increasing the
depth bound by one each time. At each iteration, the algorithm performs a complete
depth-first search to the current depth bound. No information about the state space is
retained between iterations.

Because the algorithm searches the space in a level-by-level fashion, it is guaranteed
to find a shortest path to a goal. Because it does only depth-first search at each iteration,
the space usage at any level n is B × n, where B is the average number of children of
a node.

Interestingly, although it seems as if depth-first iterative deepening would be much
less efficient than either depth-first or breadth-first search, its time complexity is
actually of the same order of magnitude as either of these: O(Bn). An intuitive explanation
for this seeming paradox is given by Korf (1987):

Since the number of nodes in a given level of the tree grows exponentially with depth, almost
all the time is spent in the deepest level, even though shallower levels are generated an arith-
metically increasing number of times.

Unfortunately, all the search strategies discussed in this chapter—depth-first,
breadth-first, and depth-first iterative deepening—may be shown to have worst-case
exponential time complexity. This is true for all uninformed search algorithms. The only
approaches to search that reduce this complexity employ heuristics to guide search.
Best-first search is a search algorithm that is similar to the algorithms for depth- and
breadth-first search just presented. However, best-first search orders the states on the


open list, the current fringe of the search, according to some measure of their heuristic
merit. At each iteration, it considers neither the deepest nor the shallowest but the “best”
state. Best-first search is the main topic of Chapter 4.

3.3 Using the State Space to Represent Reasoning
with the Propositional and Predicate Calculus

3.3.1 State Space Description of a Logic System

When we defined state space graphs in Section 3.1, we noted that nodes must be distin-
guishable from one another, with each node representing some state of the solution pro-
cess. The propositional and predicate calculus can be used as the formal specification
language for making these distinctions as well as for mapping the nodes of a graph onto
the state space. Furthermore, inference rules can be used to create and describe the arcs
between states. In this fashion, problems in the predicate calculus, such as
determining whether a particular expression is a logical consequence of a given set of
assertions, may be solved using search.

The soundness and completeness of predicate calculus inference rules can guarantee
the correctness of conclusions derived through this form of graph-based reasoning. This
ability to produce a formal proof of the integrity of a solution through the same algorithm
that produces the solution is a unique attribute of much artificial intelligence and theorem
proving based problem solving.

Although many problems’ states, e.g., tic-tac-toe, can be more naturally described by
other data structures, such as arrays, the power and generality of logic allow much of AI
problem solving to use the propositional and predicate calculus descriptions and inference
rules. Other AI representations such as rules (Chapter 8), semantic networks, or frames
(Chapter 7) also employ search strategies similar to those presented in Section 3.2.


The first example of how a set of logic relationships may be viewed as defining a graph is
from the propositional calculus. If p, q, r,... are propositions, assume the assertions:



p u

v ts

Figure 3.20 State space graph of a set of implications
in the propositional calculus.

From this set of assertions and the inference rule modus ponens, certain propositions
(p, r, and u) may be inferred; others (such as v and q) may not be so inferred and indeed
do not logically follow from these assertions. The relationship between the initial asser-
tions and these inferences is expressed in the directed graph in Figure 3.20.

In Figure 3.20 the arcs correspond to logical implications (→). Propositions that are
given as true (s and t) correspond to the given data of the problem. Propositions that are
logical consequences of this set of assertions correspond to the nodes that may be reached
along a directed path from a state representing a true proposition; such a path corresponds
to a sequence of applications of modus ponens. For example, the path [s, r, p] corresponds
to the sequence of inferences:

s and s → r yields r.
r and r → p yields p.

Given this representation, determining whether a given proposition is a logical conse-
quence of a set of propositions becomes a problem of finding a path from a boxed node
(the start node) to the proposition (the goal node). Thus, the task can be cast as a graph
search problem. The search strategy used here is data-driven, because it proceeds from
what is known (the true propositions) toward the goal. Alternatively, a goal-directed strat-
egy could be applied to the same state space by starting with the proposition to be proved
(the goal) and searching back along arcs to find support for the goal among the true
propositions. We can also search this space of inferences in either a depth-first or breadth-
first fashion.

3.3.2 And/Or Graphs

In the propositional calculus example of Section 3.3.1, all of the assertions were implica-
tions of the form p → q. We did not discuss the way in which the logic operators and and
or could be represented in such a graph. Expressing the logic relationships defined by
these operators requires an extension to the basic graph model defined in Section 3.1 to
what we call the and/or graph. And/or graphs are an important tool for describing the
search spaces generated by many AI problems, including those solved by logic-based the-
orem provers and expert systems.


p 109


Figure 3.21 And/or graph of the expression q ∧ r → p.

In expressions of the form q ∧ r → p, both q and r must be true for p to be true. In
expressions of the form q ∨ r → p, the truth of either q or r is sufficient to prove p is true.
Because implications containing disjunctive premises may be written as separate
implications, this expression is often written as q → p, r → p. To represent these different
relationships graphically, and/or graphs distinguish between and nodes and or nodes. If
the premises of an implication are connected by an ∧ operator, they are called and nodes
in the graph and the arcs from this node are joined by a curved link. The expression
q ∧ r → p is represented by the and/or graph of Figure 3.21.

The link connecting the arcs in Figure 3.21 captures the idea that both q and r must be
true to prove p. If the premises are connected by an or operator, they are regarded as or
nodes in the graph. Arcs from or nodes to their parent node are not so connected (Figure
3.22). This captures the notion that the truth of any one of the premises is independently
sufficient to determine the truth of the conclusion.

An and/or graph is actually a specialization of a type of graph known as a hyper-
graph, which connects nodes by sets of arcs rather than by single arcs. A hypergraph is
defined as follows:


A hypergraph consists of:

N, a set of nodes.
H, a set of hyperarcs defined by ordered pairs in which the first element of the
pair is a single node from N and the second element is a subset of N.
An ordinary graph is a special case of hypergraph in which all the sets of
descendant nodes have a cardinality of 1.

Hyperarcs are also known as k-connectors, where k is the cardinality of the set of
descendant nodes. If k = 1, the descendant is thought of as an or node. If k > 1, the ele-
ments of the set of descendants may be thought of as and nodes. In this case, the
connector is drawn between the individual edges from the parent to each of the descendant
nodes; see, for example, the curved link in Figure 3.21.




Figure 3.22 And/or graph of the expression q ∨ r → p.



Figure 3.23 And/or graph of a set of propositional
calculus expressions.


The second example is also from the propositional calculus but generates a graph that con-
tains both and and or descendants. Assume a situation where the following propositions
are true:


This set of assertions generates the and/or graph in Figure 3.23.
Questions that might be asked (answers deduced by the search of this graph) are:
1. Is h true?
2. Is h true if b is no longer true?


3. What is the shortest path (i.e., the shortest sequence of inferences) to show that X 111
(some proposition) is true?

4. Show that the proposition p (note that p is not supported) is false. What does this
mean? What would be necessary to achieve this conclusion?

And/or graph search requires only slightly more record keeping than search in regular
graphs, an example of which was the backtrack algorithm, previously discussed. The or
descendants are checked as they were in backtrack: once a path is found connecting a
goal to a start node along or nodes, the problem will be solved. If a path leads to a failure,
the algorithm may backtrack and try another branch. In searching and nodes, however, all
of the and descendants of a node must be solved (or proved true) to solve the parent node.

In the example of Figure 3.23, a goal-directed strategy for determining the truth of h
first attempts to prove both a and e. The truth of a is immediate, but the truth of e requires
the truth of both c and a; these are given as true. Once the problem solver has traced all
these arcs down to true propositions, the true values are recombined at the and nodes to
verify the truth of h.

A data-directed strategy for determining the truth of h, on the other hand, begins with
the known facts (c, a, and b) and begins adding new propositions to this set of known
facts according to the constraints of the and/or graph. e or d might be the first proposition
added to the set of facts. These additions make it possible to infer new facts. This process
continues until the desired goal, h, has been proved.

One way of looking at and/or graph search is that the ∧ operator (hence the and nodes
of the graph) indicates a problem decomposition in which the problem is broken into
subproblems such that all of the subproblems must be solved to solve the original
problem. An ∨ operator in the predicate calculus representation of the problem indicates a
selection, a point in the problem solution at which a choice may be made between alterna-
tive problem-solving paths or strategies, any one of which, if successful, is sufficient to
solve the problem.

3.3.3 Further Examples and Applications


One natural example of an and/or graph is a program for symbolically integrating
mathematical functions. MACSYMA is a well-known program that is used extensively by
mathematicians. The reasoning of MACSYMA can be represented as an and/or graph. In
performing integrations, one important class of strategies involves breaking an expression
into sub-expressions that may be integrated independently of one another, with the result
being combined algebraically into a solution expression. Examples of this strategy include
the rule for integration by parts and for decomposing the integral of a sum into the sum of
the integrals of the individual terms. These strategies, representing the decomposition of a
problem into independent subproblems, can be represented by and nodes in the graph.

Another class of strategies involves the simplification of an expression through
various algebraic substitutions. Because any given expression may allow a number of


∫Goal x 4 dx
(1 - xz2) 2

x = sin y

∫ sin4yy dy zz = tan y
cos4yy 2
Trigonometric identityTrigonometric identity

∫ cot-4ydy ∫tan 4ydy ∫32 z 4 dz
(1 +zz2)(1 -zz2)4

z = cot y z = tan y

∫- dz ∫ z 4 dz
zz4(1 +zz2) 1 +zz4

Divide numerator by denominator

(-1 +zz2+ 1 dz
∫ ∫ ∫-dz +zz2 ) dz 1 +zz2


z = tan w

∫ ∫ ∫dz z 2dz dw

Figure 3.24 And/or graph of part of the state space for
integrating a function, from Nilsson (1971).

different substitutions, each representing an independent solution strategy, these strategies
are represented by or nodes of the graph. Figure 3.24 illustrates the space searched by
such a problem solver. The search of this graph is goal-directed, in that it begins with the
query “find the integral of a particular function” and searches back to the algebraic expres-
sions that define that integral. Note that this is an example in which goal-directed search is
the obvious strategy. It would be practically impossible for a problem solver to determine
the algebraic expressions that formed the desired integral without working back from the


This example is taken from the predicate calculus and represents a goal-driven graph
search where the goal to be proved true in this situation is a predicate calculus expression
containing variables. The axioms are the logical descriptions of a relationship between a


dog, Fred, and his master, Sam. We assume that a cold day is not a warm day, bypassing 113
issues such as the complexity added by equivalent expressions for predicates, an issue dis-
cussed further in Chapters 7 and 14. The facts and rules of this example are given as
English sentences followed by their predicate calculus equivalents:

1. Fred is a collie.

2. Sam is Fred’s master.

3. The day is Saturday.

4. It is cold on Saturday.
¬ (warm(saturday)).

5. Fred is trained.

6. Spaniels are good dogs and so are trained collies.
∀ X[spaniel(X) ∨ (collie(X) ∧ trained(X)) → gooddog(X)]

7. If a dog is a good dog and has a master then he will be with his master.
∀ (X,Y,Z) [gooddog(X) ∧ master(X,Y) ∧ location(Y,Z) → location(X,Z)]

8. If it is Saturday and warm, then Sam is at the park.
(day(saturday) ∧ warm(saturday)) → location(sam,park).

9. If it is Saturday and not warm, then Sam is at the museum.
(day(saturday) ∧ ¬ (warm(saturday))) → location(sam,museum).

The goal is the expression ∃ X location(fred,X), meaning “where is fred?” A backward
search algorithm examines alternative means of establishing this goal: if fred is a good
dog and fred has a master and fred’s master is at a location then fred is at that location
also. The premises of this rule are then examined: what does it mean to be a gooddog,
etc.? This process continues, constructing the and/or graph of Figure 3.25.

Let us examine this search in more detail, particularly because it is an example of
goal-driven search using the predicate calculus and it illustrates the role of unification in
the generation of the search space. The problem to be solved is “where is fred?” More for-
mally, it may be seen as determining a substitution for the variable X, if such a substitution
exists, under which location(fred,X) is a logical consequence of the initial assertions.

When it is desired to determine Fred’s location, clauses are examined that have
location as their conclusion, the first being clause 7. This conclusion, location(X,Z), is
then unified with location(fred, X) by the substitutions {fred/X, X/Z}. The premises of
this rule, under the same substitution set, form the and descendants of the top goal:

gooddog(fred) ∧ master(fred,Y) ∧ location(Y,X).


gooddog(X) location (X,Z) Direction
master(X,Y) of search

collie(X) trained(X) master(fred,sam) day(saturday) ¬ (warm(saturday))

collie(fred) trained(fred)

Substitutions = {fred/X, sam/Y, museum/Z}

Figure 3.25 The solution subgraph showing that fred is at the

This expression may be interpreted as meaning that one way to find Fred is to see if
Fred is a good dog, find out who Fred’s master is, and find out where the master is. The
initial goal has thus been replaced by three subgoals. These are and nodes and all of them
must be solved.

To solve these subgoals, the problem solver first determines whether Fred is a good-
dog. This matches the conclusion of clause 6 using the substitution {fred/X}. The premise
of clause 6 is the or of two expressions:

spaniel(fred) ∨ (collie(fred) ∧ trained(fred))

The first of these or nodes is spaniel(fred). The database does not contain this assertion,
so the problem solver must assume it is false. The other or node is (collie(fred) ∧
trained(fred)), i.e., is Fred a collie and is Fred trained. Both of these need to be true,
which they are by clauses 1 and 5.

This proves that gooddog(fred) is true. The problem solver then examines the sec-
ond of the premises of clause 7: master(X,Y). Under the substitution {fred/X},
master(X,Y) becomes master(fred,Y), which unifies with the fact (clause 2) of
master(fred,sam). This produces the unifying substitution of {sam/Y}, which also gives
the value of sam to the third subgoal of clause 7, creating the new goal location(sam,X).

In solving this, assuming the problem solver tries rules in order, the goal
location(sam,X) will first unify with the conclusion of clause 7. Note that the same rule is
being tried with different bindings for X. Recall (Chapter 2) that X is a “dummy” variable
and could have any name (any string beginning with an uppercase letter). Because the
extent of the meaning of any variable name is contained within the clause in which it


appears, the predicate calculus has no global variables. Another way of saying this is that 115
values of variables are passed to other clauses as parameters and have no fixed (memory)
locations. Thus, the multiple occurrences of X in different rules in this example indicate
different formal parameters (Section 14.3).

In attempting to solve the premises of rule 7 with these new bindings, the problem
solver will fail because sam is not a gooddog. Here, the search will backtrack to the goal
location(sam,X) and try the next match, the conclusion of rule 8. This will also fail,
which will cause another backtrack and a unification with the conclusion of clause 9,

Because the premises of clause 9 are supported in the set of assertions (clauses 3 and
4), it follows that the conclusion of 9 is true. This final unification goes all the way back
up the tree to finally answer ∃ X location(fred,X) with location(fred, museum).

It is important to examine carefully the nature of the goal-driven search of a graph and
compare it with the data-driven search of Example 3.3.2. Further discussion of this issue,
including a more rigorous comparison of these two methods of searching a graph,
continues in the next example, but is seen in full detail only in the discussion of produc-
tion systems in Chapter 6 and in the application to expert systems in Part IV. Another
point implicit in this example is that the order of clauses affects the order of search. In the
example above, the multiple location clauses were tried in order, with backtracking
search eliminating those that failed to be proved true.


In the last example of Chapter 2 we used predicate calculus to represent a set of rules for
giving investment advice. In that example, modus ponens was used to infer a proper
investment for a particular individual. We did not discuss the way in which a program
might determine the appropriate inferences. This is, of course, a search problem; the
present example illustrates one approach to implementing the logic-based financial
advisor, using goal-directed, depth-first search with backtracking. The discussion uses the
predicates found in Section 2.4; these predicates are not duplicated here.

Assume that the individual has two dependents, $20,000 in savings, and a steady
income of $30,000. As discussed in Chapter 2, we can add predicate calculus expressions
describing these facts to the set of predicate calculus expressions. Alternatively, the
program may begin the search without this information and ask the user to add it as
needed. This has the advantage of not requiring data that may not prove necessary for a
solution. This approach, often taken with expert systems, is illustrated here.

In performing a consultation, the goal is to find an investment; this is represented with
the predicate calculus expression ∃ X investment(X), where X in the goal variable we
seek to bind. There are three rules (1, 2, and 3) that conclude about investments, because
the query will unify with the conclusion of these rules. If we select rule 1 for initial explo-
ration, its premise savings_account(inadequate) becomes the subgoal, i.e., the child
node that will be expanded next.

In generating the children of savings_account(inadequate), the only rule that may
be applied is rule 5. This produces the and node:


amount_saved(X) ∧ dependents(Y) ∧ ¬ greater(X,minsavings(Y)).

If we attempt to satisfy these in left-to-right order, amount_saved(X) is taken as the first
subgoal. Because the system contains no rules that conclude this subgoal, it will query the
user. When amount_saved(20000) is added the first subgoal will succeed, with
unification substituting 20000 for X. Note that because an and node is being searched, a
failure here would eliminate the need to examine the remainder of the expression.

Similarly, the subgoal dependents(Y) leads to a user query, and the response,
dependents(2), is added to the logical description. The subgoal matches this expression
with the substitution {2/Y}. With these substitutions, the search next evaluates the truth of

¬ greater(20000, minsavings(2)).

This evaluates to false, causing failure of the entire and node. The search then backtracks
to the parent node, savings_account(inadequate), and attempts to find an alternative
way to prove that node true. This corresponds to the generation of the next child in the
search. Because no other rules conclude this subgoal, search fails back to the top-level
goal, investment(X). The next rule whose conclusions unify with this goal is rule 2,
producing the new subgoals

savings_account(adequate) ∧ income(adequate).

Continuing the search, savings_account(adequate) is proved true as the conclu-
sion of rule 4, and income(adequate) follows as the conclusion of rule 6. Although the
details of the remainder of the search will be left to the reader, the and/or graph that is ulti-
mately explored appears in Figure 3.26.


Our final example is not from the predicate calculus but consists of a set of rewrite rules
for parsing sentences in a subset of English grammar. Rewrite rules take an expression and
transform it into another by replacing the pattern on one side of the arrow (↔) with the
pattern on the other side. For example, a set of rewrite rules could be defined to change an
expression in one language, such as English, into another language (perhaps French or a
predicate calculus clause). The rewrite rules given here transform a subset of English
sentences into higher level grammatical constructs such as noun phrase, verb phrase, and
sentence. These rules are used to parse sequences of words, i.e., to determine whether they
are well-formed sentences (whether they are grammatically correct or not) and to model
the linguistic structure of the sentences.

Five rules for a simple subset of English grammar are:

1. sentence ↔ np vp
(A sentence is a noun phrase followed by a verb phrase.

2. np ↔ n
(A noun phrase is a noun.)



amount_saved(X) dependents(Y) ¬ greater(X,minsavings(Y))
*****fail here and backtrack*****
amount_saved(20000) dependents(2)


amount_saved(X) dependents(Y) greater(X,minsavings(Y))
amount_saved(20000) dependents(2)

earnings(X,steady) dependents(Y) greater(X,minincome(Y))

earnings(30000, steady) dependents(2)

Figure 3.26 And/or graph searched by the financial advisor.

3. np ↔ art n
(A noun phrase is an article followed by a noun.)

4. vp ↔ v
(A verb phrase is a verb.)

5. vp ↔ v np
(A verb phrase is a verb followed by a noun phrase.)

In addition to these grammar rules, a parser needs a dictionary of words in the lan-
guage. These words are called the terminals of the grammar. They are defined by their
parts of speech using rewrite rules. In the following dictionary, “a,” “the,” “man,” “dog,”
“likes,” and “bites” are the terminals of our very simple grammar:



np vp

n art n v v np

likes bites likes bites art n
man dog a the man dog n

man dog a the man dog

Figure 3.27 And/or graph for the grammar of Example 3.3.6. Some
of the nodes (np, art, etc.) have been written more
than once to simplify drawing the graph.

6. art ↔ a

7. art ↔ the
(“a” and “the” are articles)

8. n ↔ man

9. n ↔ dog
(“man” and “dog” are nouns)

10. v ↔ likes

11. v ↔ bites
(“likes” and “bites” are verbs)

These rewrite rules define the and/or graph of Figure 3.27, where sentence is the
root. The elements on the left of a rule correspond to and nodes in the graph. Multiple
rules with the same conclusion form the or nodes. Notice that the leaf or terminal nodes of
this graph are the English words in the grammar (hence, they are called terminals).

An expression is well formed in a grammar if it consists entirely of terminal symbols
and there is a series of substitutions in the expression using rewrite rules that reduce it to
the sentence symbol. Alternatively, this may be seen as constructing a parse tree that has
the words of the expression as its leaves and the sentence symbol as its root.



np vp


art n v

art n

the dog bites the man

Figure 3.28 Parse tree for the sentence The dog bites the man.
Note that this is a subtree of the graph of Figure 3.27.

For example, we may parse the sentence the dog bites the man, constructing the
parse tree of Figure 3.28. This tree is a subtree of the and/or graph of Figure 3.27 and is
constructed by searching this graph. A data-driven parsing algorithm would implement
this by matching right-hand sides of rewrite rules with patterns in the sentence, trying
these matches in the order in which the rules are written. Once a match is found, the part
of the expression matching the right-hand side of the rule is replaced by the pattern on the
left-hand side. This continues until the sentence is reduced to the symbol sentence
(indicating a successful parse) or no more rules can be applied (indicating failure). A trace
of the parse of the dog bites the man:

1. The first rule that will match is 7, rewriting the as art. This yields: art dog bites
the man.

2. The next iteration would find a match for 7, yielding art dog bites art man.

3. Rule 8 will fire, producing art dog bites art n.

4. Rule 3 will fire to yield art dog bites np.

5. Rule 9 produces art n bites np.

6. Rule 3 may be applied, giving np bites np.

7. Rule 11 yields np v np.

8. Rule 5 yields np vp.

9. Rule 1 reduces this to sentence, accepting the expression as correct.


The above example implements a data-directed depth-first parse, as it always applies
the highest-level rule to the expression; e.g., art n reduces to np before bites reduces to v.
Parsing could also be done in a goal-directed fashion, taking sentence as the starting
string and finding a series of replacements of patterns that match left-hand sides of rules
leading to a series of terminals that match the target sentence.

Parsing is important, not only for natural language (Chapter 15) but also for con-
structing compilers and interpreters for computer languages (Aho and Ullman 1977). The
literature is full of parsing algorithms for all classes of languages. For example, many
goal-directed parsing algorithms look ahead in the input stream to determine which rule to
apply next.

In this example we have taken a very simple approach of searching the and/or graph
in an uninformed fashion. One thing that is interesting in this example is the implementa-
tion of the search. This approach of keeping a record of the current expression and trying
to match the rules in order is an example of using a production system to implement
search. This is a major topic of Chapter 6.

Rewrite rules are also used to generate legal sentences according to the specifications
of the grammar. Sentences may be generated by a goal-driven search, beginning with sen-
tence as the top-level goal and ending when no more rules can be applied. This produces
a string of terminal symbols that is a legal sentence in the grammar. For example:

A sentence is a np followed by a vp (rule 1).

np is replaced by n (rule 2), giving n vp.

man is the first n available (rule 8), giving man vp.

Now np is satisfied and vp is attempted. Rule 3 replaces vp with v, man v.

Rule 10 replaces v with likes.

man likes is found as the first acceptable sentence.

If it is desired to create all acceptable sentences, this search may be systematically
repeated until all possibilities are tried and the entire state space has been searched
exhaustively. This generates sentences including a man likes, the man likes, and so on.
There are about 80 correct sentences that are produced by an exhaustive search. These
include such semantic anomalies as the man bites the dog.

Parsing and generation can be used together in a variety of ways to handle different
problems. For instance, if it is desired to find all sentences to complete the string “the
man,” then the problem solver may be given an incomplete string the man... . It can work
upward in a data-driven fashion to produce the goal of completing the sentence rule (rule
1), where np is replaced by the man, and then work in a goal-driven fashion to determine
all possible vps that will complete the sentence. This would create sentences such as the
man likes, the man bites the man, and so on. Again, this example deals only with syn-
tactic correctness. The issue of semantics (whether the string has a mapping into some
“world” with “truth”) is entirely different. Chapter 2 examined the issue of constructing a
logic-based semantics for expressions; for verifing sentences in natural language, the issue
is much more difficult and is discussed in Chapter 15.


In the next chapter we discuss the use of heuristics to focus search on the “best” pos- 121
sible portion of the state space. Chapter 6 discusses the production system and other soft-
ware “architectures” for controlling state-space search.

3.4 Epilogue and References

Chapter 3 introduced the theoretical foundations of state space search, using graph theory
to analyze the structure and complexity of problem-solving strategies. The chapter com-
pared data-driven and goal-driven reasoning and depth-first and breadth-first search. And/
or graphs allow us to apply state space search to the implementation of logic-based rea-

Basic graph search is discussed in a number of textbooks on computer algorithms.
These include Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas Cormen, Charles Leiserson, and
Ronald Rivest (1990), Walls and Mirrors by Paul Helman and Robert Veroff (1986),
Algorithms by Robert Sedgewick (1983), and Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms by
Ellis Horowitz and Sartaj Sahni (1978). Finite automata are presented in Lindenmayer and
Rosenberg (1976). More algorithms for and/or search are presented in Chapter 14, Auto-
mated Reasoning.

The use of graph search to model intelligent problem solving is presented in Human
Problem Solving by Alan Newell and Herbert Simon (1972). Artificial intelligence texts
that discuss search strategies include Nils Nilsson’s Artificial Intelligence (1998), Patrick
Winston’s Artificial Intelligence (1992), and Artificial Intelligence by Eugene Charniak
and Drew McDermott (1985). Heuristics by Judea Pearl (1984) presents search algorithms
and lays a groundwork for the material we present in Chapter 4. Developing new tech-
niques for graph search are often topics at the annual AI conferences.

3.5 Exercises

1. A Hamiltonian path is a path that uses every node of the graph exactly once. What condi-
tions are necessary for such a path to exist? Is there such a path in the Königsberg map?

2. Give the graph representation for the farmer, wolf, goat, and cabbage problem:

A farmer with his wolf, goat, and cabbage come to the edge of a river they wish to
cross. There is a boat at the river’s edge, but, of course, only the farmer can row. The
boat also can carry only two things (including the rower) at a time. If the wolf is ever
left alone with the goat, the wolf will eat the goat; similarly, if the goat is left alone with
the cabbage, the goat will eat the cabbage. Devise a sequence of crossings of the river
so that all four characters arrive safely on the other side of the river.

Let nodes represent states of the world; e.g., the farmer and the goat are on the west bank
and the wolf and cabbage on the east. Discuss the advantages of breadth-first and depth-
first search for this problem.

3. Build a finite state acceptor that recognizes all strings of binary digits a) that contain
“111”, b) that end in “111”, c) that contain “111” but not more that three consecutive “1”s.


4. Give an instance of the traveling salesperson problem for which the nearest-neighbor
strategy fails to find an optimal path. Suggest another heuristic for this problem.

5. “Hand run” the backtrack algorithm on the graph in Figure 3.29. Begin from state A. Keep
track of the successive values of NSL, SL, CS, etc.

6. Implement a backtrack algorithm in a programming language of your choice.

7. Determine whether goal-driven or data-driven search would be preferable for solving each
of the following problems. Justify your answer.

a. Diagnosing mechanical problems in an automobile.
b. You have met a person who claims to be your distant cousin, with a common ancestor

named John Doe. You would like to verify her claim.
c. Another person claims to be your distant cousin. He does not know the common

ancestor’s name but knows that it was no more than eight generations back. You
would like to either find this ancestor or determine that she did not exist.
d. A theorem prover for plane geometry.
e. A program for examining sonar readings and interpreting them, such as telling a large
submarine from a small submarine from a whale from a school of fish.
f. An expert system that will help a human classify plants by species, genus, etc.

8. Choose and justify a choice of breadth- or depth-first search for examples of Exercise 6.

9. Write a backtrack algorithm for and/or graphs.

10. Trace the goal-driven good-dog problem of Example 3.3.4 in a data-driven fashion.

11. Give another example of an and/or graph problem and develop part of the search space.

12. Trace a data-driven execution of the financial advisor of Example 3.3.5 for the case of an
individual with four dependents, $18,000 in the bank, and a steady income of $25,000 per
year. Based on a comparison of this problem and the example in the text, suggest a
generally “best” strategy for solving the problem.

13. Add rules for adjectives and adverbs to the English grammar of Example 3.3.6.

14. Add rules for (multiple) prepositional phrases to the English grammar of Example 3.3.6.

15. Add grammar rules to Example 3.3.6 that allow complex sentences such as,

sentence ↔ sentence AND sentence.




Figure 3.29 A graph to be searched.



The task that a symbol system is faced with, then, when it is presented with a problem and
a problem space, is to use its limited processing resources to generate possible solutions,
one after another, until it finds one that satisfies the problem defining test. If the symbol
system had some control over the order in which potential solutions were generated, then
it would be desirable to arrange this order of generation so that actual solutions would
have a high likelihood of appearing early. A symbol system would exhibit intelligence to
the extent that it succeeded in doing this. Intelligence for a system with limited processing
resources consists in making wise choices of what to do next. . . .

—NEWELL AND SIMON, 1976, Turing Award Lecture

I been searchin’ . . .
Searchin’ . . . Oh yeah,
Searchin’ every which-a-way . . .


4.0 Introduction

George Polya defines heuristic as “the study of the methods and rules of discovery and
invention” (Polya 1945). This meaning can be traced to the term’s Greek root, the verb
eurisco, which means “I discover.” When Archimedes emerged from his famous bath
clutching the golden crown, he shouted “Eureka!” meaning “I have found it!”. In state
space search, heuristics are formalized as rules for choosing those branches in a state
space that are most likely to lead to an acceptable problem solution.

AI problem solvers employ heuristics in two basic situations:

1. A problem may not have an exact solution because of inherent ambiguities in the
problem statement or available data. Medical diagnosis is an example of this. A
given set of symptoms may have several possible causes; doctors use heuristics


to choose the most likely diagnosis and formulate a plan of treatment. Vision is
another example of an inexact problem. Visual scenes are often ambiguous,
allowing multiple interpretations of the connectedness, extent, and orientation of
objects. Optical illusions exemplify these ambiguities. Vision systems often use
heuristics to select the most likely of several possible interpretations of as scene.

2. A problem may have an exact solution, but the computational cost of finding it
may be prohibitive. In many problems (such as chess), state space growth is
combinatorially explosive, with the number of possible states increasing
exponentially or factorially with the depth of the search. In these cases,
exhaustive, brute-force search techniques such as depth-first or breadth-first
search may fail to find a solution within any practical length of time. Heuristics
attack this complexity by guiding the search along the most “promising” path
through the space. By eliminating unpromising states and their descendants from
consideration, a heuristic algorithm can (its designer hopes) defeat this
combinatorial explosion and find an acceptable solution.

Unfortunately, like all rules of discovery and invention, heuristics are fallible. A
heuristic is only an informed guess of the next step to be taken in solving a problem. It is
often based on experience or intuition. Because heuristics use limited information, such as
knowledge of the present situation or descriptions of states currently on the open list, they
are not always able to predict the exact behavior of the state space farther along in the
search. A heuristic can lead a search algorithm to a suboptimal solution or fail to find any
solution at all. This is an inherent limitation of heuristic search. It cannot be eliminated by
“better” heuristics or more efficient search algorithms (Garey and Johnson 1979).

Heuristics and the design of algorithms to implement heuristic search have long been
a core concern of artificial intelligence. Game playing and theorem proving are two of the
oldest applications in artificial intelligence; both of these require heuristics to prune
spaces of possible solutions. It is not feasible to examine every inference that can be made
in a mathematics domain or every possible move that can be made on a chessboard. Heu-
ristic search is often the only practical answer.

Expert systems research has affirmed the importance of heuristics as an essential
component of problem solving. When a human expert solves a problem, he or she exam-
ines the available information and makes a decision. The “rules of thumb” that a human
expert uses to solve problems efficiently are largely heuristic in nature. These heuristics
are extracted and formalized by expert systems designers, as we see in Chapter 8.

It is useful to think of heuristic search from two perspectives: the heuristic measure
and an algorithm that uses heuristics to search the state space. In Section 4.1, we imple-
ment heuristics with hill-climbing and dynamic programming algorithms. In Section 4.2
we present an algorithm for best-first search. The design and evaluation of the effective-
ness of heuristics is presented in Section 4.3, and game playing heuristics in Section 4.4.

Consider heuristics in the game of tic-tac-toe, Figure II.5. The combinatorics for
exhaustive search are high but not insurmountable. Each of the nine first moves has eight
possible responses, which in turn have seven continuing moves, and so on. A simple anal-
ysis puts the total number of states for exhaustive search at 9 × 8 × 7 × ⋅⋅⋅ or 9!.




Figure 4.1 First three levels of the tic-tac-toe state space 125
reduced by symmetry.

Symmetry reduction decreases the search space. Many problem configurations are
actually equivalent under symmetric operations of the game board. Thus, there are not
nine but really three initial moves: to a corner, to the center of a side, and to the center of
the grid. Use of symmetry on the second level further reduces the number of paths through
the space to 12 × 7!, as seen in Figure 4.1. Symmetries in a game space such as this may
be described as mathematical invariants, that, when they exist, can often be used to tre-
mendous advantage in reducing search.

A simple heuristic, however, can almost eliminate search entirely: we may move to
the state in which X has the most winning opportunities. (The first three states in the tic-
tac-toe game are so measured in Figure 4.2.) In case of states with equal numbers of
potential wins, take the first such state found. The algorithm then selects and moves to the
state with the highest number of opportunities. In this case X takes the center of the grid.
Note that not only are the other two alternatives eliminated, but so are all their descen-
dants. Two-thirds of the full space is pruned away with the first move, Figure 4.3.

After the first move, the opponent can choose either of two alternative moves (as seen
in Figure 4.3). Whichever is chosen, the heuristic can be applied to the resulting state of
the game, again using “most winning opportunities” to select among the possible moves.
As search continues, each move evaluates the children of a single node; exhaustive search
is not required. Figure 4.3 shows the reduced search after three steps in the game. States
are marked with their heuristic values. Although not an exact calculation of search size for


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