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Published by haznim0371, 2021-06-13 11:58:15



Keywords: WRITING





SPM 2021

ENGLISH 1119/2

WWritrtiettnenbyb:yZ: eZtei tAi qAmqmarabr tbAt lAplipkirkiri



• There will be 3 parts for paper 1: writing.

Part Task Type
1 Short Communication Message
2 Guided Writing
3 Extended Writing Task (report, review, article, or story)

• The time allowed for paper 1: writing is 1 hour 30 minutes
• Students will be assessed on the following:

Content 5
Communicative Achievement 5
Organisation 5
Language 5
Total Marks 20

• Each Part will be 20 marks and altogether for Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 is 60 marks.

Part 1: Short Communication Message (20 Marks)

• Students need to write a short response of about 80 words to an informal message.
• It could be an informal email or letter.
• Here are several types of responses that students can be tested on in Part 1:

respond to explain simple factual and express and
simple processes imagined respond to
events and opinion and
requests and experiences common

Writing Tips:

1. Read the email/letter.

2. Identify who is writing the email/letter and why is the person writing.

3. Underline phrases and sentences in the email/letter that needs replying or reacting.

Check whether you need to: ➢ ask for or give information
➢ apologise for something ➢ thank the writer
➢ give an explanation/ information ➢ accept or decline a request
➢ express enthusiasm/ condolences ➢ accept or reject an invitation.
➢ congratulate the writer

4. Organise your points in the email/letter by replying in a similar order to the writer's


5. Use sequence connectors and linkers to link the points and paragraphs.

6. Remember to use informal language and friendly expressions.


Planning the email/letter

Greeting Greet the person you’re • Dear Maria,
writing to. • Hi Harry,
• Hello Rajesh!

Opening Paragraph • Say something about the • Thank you for your email/ letter.
previous letter • How are you doing?
• How it’s going?
• Ask a few personal questions • How are things? I hope you are
• Use chatty comments
• State the reason for writing doing well.
• I'm sorry that I haven't been

writing for so long.
• I'm sorry for the late reply, but I...
• It's great to hear from you.
• I'm writing this email/letter to

tell you about...

Body (Contents) • Write a suitable reply to the email/letter in the prompts.
Closing Paragraph • Write everything that you need to include and refer to the

Signing Off notes you have jotted down.
• Write explanation/suggestion/advice/invitation/apology/


• Give a reason why you need • That's all for now.
to end the email/ letter. • I hope you will...
• I'm looking forward to hearing
• Ask the person to reply to
you. from you soon.
• I need to go now.
• Promise to write back soon. • Send my regards to everyone/
• Send regards to the person’s
your family.
family/ friends. • Don't forget to tell me what


• Write the signature ending • Your friend,
and then your short name. • Love,
• Best Wishes,
• Take care,
• Bye for now,
• Good luck,
• Write back soon,
• Lots of love,



Expressions and Phrases That You Can Use

Responding to News Giving News

• I'm pleased/ glad to hear that... •I'm writing to let you know about...
• Wow! That's great. •You'll be pleased to hear that...
• Congratulations on ...! •You'll never believe what happened!
• What exciting/ sad/ great... news! •Have you heard about...?
• That''s a wonderful/ fantastic news. •Let me fill you in.
• I'm proud of you. •Here's an update of what I've been doing.
• I'm sorry to hear about...

Accepting Invitation/ Request Declining Invitation/ Request

• That sounds brilliant. Sure! •Thanks for the invitation, but I have to...
• Thanks for inviting me. •I'm sorry, I can't make it.
• I'd love to come... •It was nice of you to invite me, but I...
• I'll definitely be there. •Unfortunately, I won't be able to come.
• You can count me in. •I'm sorry I cannot help you.
• I'll be glad to help you.

Make Suggestion/ Recommendation

• Why don't you...?
• How about you...?
• I think you should...

Sample Email Question

You have received an email from your cousin.


respond: It’s been a while since I write to you. Studying at university could be sorry
great exhausting at times. But life’s great! I’ve made new friends and learning
to hear here is amazing. It’s been only a month and I’ve got lots of assignments. make suggestion
Unfortunately, my laptop broke. I accidentally dropped it. I’m thinking of & give a reason
buying a laptop or a desktop computer. Which one do you think is better?

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Now write an email to your cousin in about 80 words.



Sample Answer responding
to the
greeting Hi Dania, news

responding It's great to hear from you! It's good to know that you're adjusting well make a
about what at the university. recommendation
happens to
the laptop I'm sorry to hear about your laptop. I think you should buy a new reasons
laptop instead of a desktop computer. Although it is more expensive,
sign off a laptop is highly portable. You'll be able to use it anywhere you want.
Besides, the laptop only has a single cord. It won't be messy and you
can save space too.

Let me know what you think.

Write back soon,

closing sentence

Part 2: Guided Writing (Essay) (20 Marks)

• You have to write an essay based on a text stimulus in about 125 – 150 words.
• In the essay, you may need to:

➢Write a detailed description of a process.
➢Evaluate different ideas or solutions to a problem.
➢Write a text on a subject of personal interest and justify your opinion.
➢Write brief reports which can consist of routine factual information and explain reasons

for actions.
➢Write impressions and opinion about topics of personal interest (e.g. lifestyles and cultures)

Writing Tips:

1. Read the prompt carefully. Underline key information.
2. Plan your essay by brainstorming ideas.
3. Divide your essay into introduction, body, and conclusion.
4. Write your essay in a logical order and suitable paragraphs.
5. Use varying sentences in your writing.
6. Use linking words and sequence connectors to connect and arrange ideas.
7. Write the essay in not less than 125 words.
8. Check punctuation, spelling, and grammar.


★ If you are using American spelling and vocabulary, use American spelling and
vocabulary throughout the essay.

★ If you are using British spelling and vocabulary, use British spelling and
vocabulary throughout the essay.

You cannot mix the spellings and vocabulary in your essay. Spellings, especially, will be
penalised as spelling errors.


Planning the Essay

Introduction • Write a brief statement of the topic.
• Write a thesis statement which is the main argument or purpose of the essay.

Main Part • Write the topic sentence or main idea of the paragraph.

• Write each point in an appropriate manner.
• Present suitable supporting sentences:

➢ specific details
➢ examples
➢ evidence (e.g. facts, statistical)

Conclusion • Write a general statement that summarises the content. Use phrases like:
➢ In conclusion, …
➢ To sum up, …
➢ On the whole, …
➢ All in all, …

• State your opinion. Use phrases like:
➢ Personally, I…
➢ From my point of view, …
➢ The way I see it, …

Sample Question

You must answer this question. Write your answer in 125 – 150 words in an appropriate style.

Your class has been discussing the social networking sites that you enjoy using. Your teacher has
asked you to write an essay about your favourite social networking sites.

In your essay, you write about:

• the advantages of social networking sites
• the disadvantages of social networking sites
• would you recommend using social networking sites to others?

Write your essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view.

Sample Answer

Social networking site is a platform for people to communicate with others. brief introduction

It has its advantages and disadvantages.

The first advantage is, you can communicate with people worldwide. You advantages
can connect with people you know and people who share the same interests from -points and some
all over the world. Secondly, you can catch up with the news at any time. Many elaboration
news organisations are on social networking sites and it has become a great source
of information. disadvantages
-points and some
In contrast, people can waste a lot of time on social networks without doing elaboration
anything useful. Many could be addicted to them. Moreover, users are exposed to
cyberbullying. People can mock your photos and express hatred. Teenagers, conclusion &
especially, will have higher risks of cyberbullying. recommendation

Personally, I believe that social networking sites are useful if we use them
wisely. Thus, I would recommend it to others.



Part 3: Extended Writing Task (20 Marks)

• You have to write an essay based on a text stimulus in about 200 - 250 words.
• You will be given 3 questions which could be an article, a review, a report, or a story.

You only need to choose 1 question.
• You need to write according to the correct genre required.
• Use the correct communicative conventions for each type of genre.
• In the essay, you may need to:

Explain advantages Explain the main Express and
and disadvantages points for and respond to real or
imagined opinions
of ideas/plans/ against an idea or
arrangements argument and feelings

Writing Tips:

1. Read all three questions carefully.
2. Choose the topic that you are confident to write on.
3. Underline key information.
4. Plan your essay by brainstorming ideas and list down points relating to the topic.
5. Write your essay in a logical order and suitable paragraphs.
6. Use varying sentences in your writing.
7. Use linking words and sequence connectors to connect and join ideas.
8. Write the essay in not less than 200 words.
9. Check punctuation, spelling, and grammar.


★ If you are using American spelling and vocabulary, use American spelling and
vocabulary throughout the essay.

★ If you are using British spelling and vocabulary, use British spelling and vocabulary
throughout the essay.

You cannot mix the spellings and vocabulary in your essay. Spellings, especially, will be
penalised as spelling errors.



A. Story

• A story or narrative can be a real story or imaginary.

• A story is written in past tenses (Past simple, past continuous, past perfect) and in

chronological order.
• A story is written in the first-person (I/we) or the third-person (he/she/they) point of view.

• You should write a story using descriptive languages such as vivid verbs, adjectives,
and adverbs to make the story attractive.

• You should use sensory details (sight, sound, touch, smell, taste) when describing a

person, place and situation.

• You should use linking words/ phrases to indicate the time and sequence of events.

• You may use direct speeches but make sure not to use them excessively. Remember to
punctuate them properly.

• You can use questions or exclamatory phrases to make the story more interesting.

Planning the Story

Introduction Describe the setting of the story (place and time) and
introduce the main characters

Main Part Describe the action or the things that happen to the
characters or in the place in the story.

Present events in chronological order.

Conclusion Describe what happened at the end of the story.

You can describe the character's feelings at the end, or
mention the lesson learnt in the story.

Time Phrases Dramatic Devices Result/ Consequence
✓ so
✓ One day, … ✓ All of a sudden… ✓ therefore
✓ as a result
✓ It all began … ✓ Suddenly… ✓ consequently

✓ Meanwhile… ✓ Unexpectedly… Emphasis
✓ indeed
✓ Later ✓ Surprisingly ✓ undoubtedly
✓ obviously
✓ when ✓ Just moments later, … ✓ clearly
✓ definitely
✓ Afterwards ✓ To his/her relief… ✓ absolutely
✓ especially
✓ while ✓ In an instant

✓ during ✓ Immediately

✓ soon ✓ As soon as

✓ Then, … Cause/ Reason
✓ because of
✓ Eventually, …
✓ By the time… ✓ because
✓ due to
✓ At once/ immediately ✓ as
✓ In the end… / Finally, …


Making The Story Interesting

Use Sensory Details Use Strong Verbs

• sight- the flashy clothes, the room was dim and • stride • shriek • admire
gloomy • intensify • stumble • pester
• groan • smirk • fancy
• sound- a gentle chuckle, the door creaked • batter • scatter • wept
• touch- the bumpy road, the cabinet was dusty • reveal • shiver • unveil
• smell-the musty attic, it reeks with smoke • realise • mutter • withdraw
• taste- the bitter medicine, the hot curry

Use Good Adjectives Use Idioms

(instead of using very) • drives me up the wall- irritated, angry
• jumped out of his skin- startled, frightened
very beautiful gorgeous • on top of the world-happy
• over the moon-happy
very boring dull • a pain in the neck- annoying
• adding insult to injury- make a bad situation
very cold freezing
very angry furious • pulling someone’s leg- joking
• fit as a fiddle- healthy
very funny hilarious • feeling under the weather-sick, not well
• cost an arm and a leg- very expensive
very good excellent

very afraid terrifying

very tired exhausted

very important crucial/ essential

very dirty filthy

very big huge

very hungry starving

Sample Question

You plan to write a story for your school magazine. The story must have the title:

Best be Honest

Your story should include:
• an event that leads to honesty
• lesson the character(s) learnt

setting Sample Answer character
It was a hot afternoon. Lila was walking home after school. As she passed by a
an event
grocery shop, she decided to pop in and buy something to drink. that leads
When she pushed open the door, a cold breeze hit her. It breathed life into her once to honesty
again. She sauntered into the shop towards the beverage refrigerator. She stared at the lesson learnt
varieties of cold drinks through the glass door. A few moments later, she made her choice,
opened the fridge and picked an ice-cold lemon juice.

At the counter, she paid for the drink with an RM20 note. She received her balance
and exited the shop. Standing under the shop’s awning, she drank the juice to quench her
thirst. She took out the balance from her pocket to check. She realised that the cashier had
given her an extra RM5. She thought about keeping the money. ‘It’s the cashier’s fault,
not mine.’ She muttered and slowly walked away from the shop.

After taking a few steps, she stopped. She let out a huge sigh and turned around.
She knew that it is not right to keep what wasn’t hers. She went back to the shop and
returned the money. She explained to the cashier that he had given her too much money.
He thanked Lila and was grateful for her honesty.

Afterwards, Lila went home. She felt good about doing what she thought was right.
After all, it is best, to be honest.

8 *The italic words are time phrases.


B. Article

• An article is usually written for a magazine or newspaper.
• Articles are written to give information, state opinion, or make suggestions.
• The language style of an article can be either formal, semi-formal or informal depending

on the audience.
• Avoid using contractions (I’ll, you’re, can’t, don’t, etc).

Planning the Article Rhetorical Questions

Title ✓ Have you ever
wondered/thought of /
Write an interesting and catchy title seen …?

Introduction ✓ Did you know that …?
✓ What do you think
• Give a general overview of the topic.
• Keep it interesting by using an anecdote, rhetorical question, about...?

quotation, statistics) Writer-reader Relationship

Main Part ✓ I am sure you will share
• Write a topic sentence to introduce the central idea of the my opinion …

paragraph. ✓ If you ask me …
• Present ideas (suggestions/ recommendations/ opinions). ✓ Can you imagine that …
• Give examples. ✓ Could you believe that…
• Separate paragraph for each major point.
Stating Personal Opinion
• Summarise the main points. ✓ There is no / little doubt
• Write a general comment and your overall opinion on the topic. that …

Sample Question ✓ People always say / claim
You read this notice in the school newsletter. / believe / think that…

Articles Wanted! ✓ It seems to me that …
True Friend

• Who is she/he? Describe.
• Why she/he is your true friend?
• How has she/he changed you?

Write us an article answering these questions. The best article will be displayed in the
school magazine.



Sample Answer

True Friend

Everybody has friends. But not everybody is lucky enough to have a general overview &

true friend. Do I have a true friend? I sure do. rhetorical question

I first met Ammar when I was in Form 3. We only began talking to answering point 1,
each other when he saw me reading a comic book in the class. Then, our describing friend
friendships hit off. Ammar is rough and not really smart. But he is very kind,
hardworking and funny. We also share the same taste in music and sports.
Since then, we always spent our time together and even visit each other’s

I consider Ammar to be my true friend because he is always there for answering point 2,
me. When I have any problems, he would help me to sort them out. I know reason for being a
that I can count on him at my toughest times. For his loyalty, I would also
help him in a heartbeat. I could never lie to Ammar. Since he knows me so true friend
well, he could tell that I was lying immediately.

Ammar has changed me a lot. With him by my side, I was able to answering point 3,
make more friends and enjoy being around many people. I also participate in how friend changed
sports more with his encouragements.

I felt extremely fortunate to have Ammar as my true and best friend. general comment
I hope our friendships will continue until the end of times.



C. Report

• It is a written description of a situation or an event, give the information that people need,
analysing a situation or problem, and making recommendations for future actions.

• Reports are to clearly and precisely present information in a clear, concise, structured
and well-organised manner. You can use headings for each paragraph to show the focus
of the paragraph.

Who are you Superior E.g. Teachers, principal
writing to? Peer group E.g. members of a club

Things to The purpose To describe *semi-formal is
Consider In of the report To inform not too formal like
Report Writing To discuss formal language,
To recommend some vocabulary
used may be

Passive voice

Style Superior Formal Avoid contractions
Peer group Semi-formal
Don't use proverbs &

Use complete sentences.

Avoid slang and text

Planning the Report

Details at To: …………….…. -The recipient of the report
Top Left From: …………… -The Writer’s Name
Subject: ………... - What the report is about

Introduction • A brief introduction to the ▪ The purpose/aim of this report is to…
report. ▪ This report is on…
▪ This report describes/focuses on …
• State the purpose of the report.

Main Body • Give/explain information. ▪ To improve the situation, it is
Conclusion • Elaborate on the points. (at least 3)
• Make recommendations / suggestions recommended that…
• Use transitional words/phrases ▪ It is recommended that, …
• Provide examples ▪ In the future, we should, …
▪ It is suggested that you should, …
▪ In my opinion, …

• State overall opinion. ▪ In conclusion, …
• Include hope or lesson learnt ▪ To summarise, …

• Conclude the report



★ Since the report is FORMAL writing, the verbs, transition words, emphasis, and various
vocabulary need to be FORMAL. The following are the lists of informal and formal:



At first Initially

Plus / Also / Apart from that / Other than that / Moreover / Furthermore

On top of that / To top it all off / as well

Also/ Besides/ Besides that In addition

Next Another reason/ suggestion is/ was

This is because/ Because of/ Due to As a result of/ Consequently

On the other hand In contrast/ Nevertheless

But… However,…

For instance For example

like such as

instead/ instead of rather/ as an alternative/ alternatively

So Therefore/ Thus/ In order to

In a nutshell In conclusion

To sum up To summarise

In the end/ Last but not least Finally


answer kid/ kids child/ children
do respond chance opportunity
get carry out/ perform photo photograph
give receive/ gain/ achieve thing device/ item/ tool
happen provide stuff material/ substance
have occur ADJECTIVES
contain/ consist of good positive/ useful/ suitable/
let beneficial
allow/ permit bad negative/ harmful/
make unpleasant
produce/ generate/ right correct
mean create/ build/ construct wrong incorrect
need indicate/ imply/ suggest cheap inexpensive
see require better improve
show observe entire whole
tell demonstrate hard difficult
ask for inform a lot of/ lots of many/ a large number of
cut down request a bit a little
come up with reduce big large/ major
find out propose/ recommend ADVERBS
go down discover/ identify always typically
go on decrease again and again repeatedly
go up continue around approximately
keep up increase maybe perhaps/ possibly
lead to maintain more and more increasingly
look into cause nowadays currently/ presently
make sure examine/ investigate often frequently
make up ensure


Zeti/2021 fetch/ collect pretty moderately
indicate quickly immediately
pick up remove really extremely
point out discuss PREPOSITION
take away consider about concerning/ regarding
talk about discard before prior to
think about
throw away

Sample Question

Your teacher has asked you to write a report about the school canteen at your school.

Your report should include:

• a description of the canteen
• suggestions to improve the canteen

Sample Answer

To: Mr Chen, The Principal of SMK Permai
From: Hu Xin Yi
Subject: Report on the School Canteen

The aim of this report is to describe the condition of the school canteen purpose of report
and provide suggestions to improve it.
describing the
The present condition of the school canteen is unsatisfactory. There canteen
are insufficient tables and chairs at the canteen. The school only has one
period for recess and most of the students go to the canteen to eat. As a result, suggestions to
there is an inadequate sitting area and some students had to eat their food at improve the
the field near the canteen. In addition, there are complaints from the students canteen
that the food sold is expensive and lacks variety. Consequently, some
students were unable to buy proper meals and bought snacks as an overall opinion
alternative. and hope

There are some suggestions proposed by the students. The school
should add more tables and chairs to accommodate the large number of
students. Thus, many students can eat at the canteen comfortably. Another
suggestion is for the canteen to lower the price of the food. They should set
the minimum price for students. Therefore, more students will have the
opportunity to eat proper meals at the school. Finally, the vendor should
vary the menu every day. As a result, more students will eat proper meals
rather than snacks.

In conclusion, the canteen requires major improvements. It is hoped
that you will examine this matter carefully and take appropriate measures
to resolve the issues.

*The bold words are formal words and phrases.



D. Review

• A review is to evaluate something. Reviews allow people especially consumers to share
their thoughts and opinions of a product or service.

• You can review almost anything.
• A review is a piece of writing that you offer your personal opinion, judgement, or support.

You have to present reasons and evidence to support your points.

Planning the Review

Introduction ▪ Write general information or a brief description Recommending
Main Part of the product/ service.
Conclusion E.g.: film-title, type, director/actors, setting; ✓ I recommend…
book-title, author’s name, genre ✓ I highly recommend…
✓ I wouldn’t/ don’t
▪ Write a summary/ details of the product/ service.
▪ Write comments about your likes and dislikes. recommend…
✓ It’s not worth…
Relate to your personal experience. ✓ It seems to me that
▪ Give evidence to support ideas.

▪ State your overall opinion about the product/ ✓ It’s the perfect…
service. ✓ It’s the worst…

▪ State whether you recommend or not
recommend the product/ service.

Adjectives for Describing the Product/ Service



✓ action- ✓ bland ✓ articulate ✓ average ✓amazing ✓ bleak
✓ boring
packed ✓ cliché ✓ captivating ✓ boring ✓appealing ✓ boring
✓ amusing ✓ complicated
✓ enjoyable ✓ depressing ✓ coherent ✓ cliché ✓attractive ✓ creepy
✓ entertaining ✓ disappointing
✓ disgusting ✓ crisp ✓ confusing ✓breath-taking ✓ crowded
✓ exhilarating ✓ distasteful
✓ fascinating ✓ disturbing ✓ depth ✓ complicated ✓bustling ✓ dangerous
✓ imaginative ✓ dreadful
✓ insightful ✓ easy-to-read ✓ crude ✓charming ✓ deserted
✓ inspiring ✓ dull
✓ intriguing ✓ ordinary ✓ eloquent ✓ dated ✓cheap ✓ desolate
✓ moving ✓ predictable
✓ uninteresting ✓ emphatic ✓ drab ✓clean ✓ dirty
✓ original ✓ unrealistic
✓ pleasant ✓ violent ✓ engaging ✓ dreadful ✓enchanting ✓ disappointing
✓ powerful
✓ riveting ✓ enjoyable ✓ dry ✓fascinating ✓ expensive
✓ spectacular
✓ superb ✓ gripping ✓ dull ✓fresh ✓ forgettable
✓ tear-jerker
✓ thought- ✓ heartbreaking ✓ nonsensical ✓incredible ✓ hectic

✓ heartfelt ✓ poorly- ✓lively ✓ noisy
✓lovely ✓ polluted
✓ heart- written ✓magical ✓ remote
wrenching ✓ predictable ✓peaceful ✓ rundown
✓picturesque ✓ ugly
✓ insightful ✓ rambling

✓ interesting ✓ repetitive

✓ page-turner ✓ wordy

✓ pithy ✓tranquil

✓ punchy ✓vibrant

provoking ✓ stylistic ✓well-mannered

✓ touching ✓ tear-jerker staff
✓ unforgettable
✓ uplifting ✓ touching

✓ witty


Zeti/2021 • dark • ancient
• detailed • contemporary
• adventure • different • cosmopolitan
• comedic • educational • futuristic
• dramatic • fantasy
• fantasy • historical • huge/massive/vast
• fast-paced • imaginative • modern
• futuristic • informative • mysterious
• horror • mystical
• musical • lines are lyrical • old-fashioned
• romantic • motivating • rural
• romantic comedy • ornate language • small/ tiny/ little
• science-fiction • romance • traditional
• sentimental • surprising • urban
• suspenseful • unexpected • quiet
• thriller
• war film

Sample Question

You see this notice on the school noticeboard.

Reviews Required

Have you watched any good movie lately? Send us your movie review.
Tell us what you enjoy about the movie.

Would you recommend the film to others? Tell us why.

Your review will be posted on the school noticeboard.

Sample Answer

Renha Escapade is an animated film Fixar, directed by Rodney Kim. It was brief
released in January 2021 on FixarOne streaming site. The adventure-comedy description
animated film has attracted almost a billion viewers worldwide on its first week of of film
streaming. The film stars Tom Galland, John Kim, Jennifer Lauren, and Oscar
winner, Rupert Grant.

The film revolves around an astronaut, Zeal, whose spaceship is stranded a short
on a foreign planet, Kitari. After sending an SOS signal, Zeal has to do everything summary of
he could to survive on the planet that no one has ever visited. Little did that he the film
know, the planet is actually a secret sanctuary for criminals from various planets.
Hilarity ensues when he encounters the criminals and pretended to be one in order
to blend in.

Given that now is the time of the pandemic where laughter is scarce among comments on
children, the film brings comic relief to both children and adults. There was not a the film
dull moment in the film. Renha Escapade is packed with adventures and balanced
comical scenes that brought great delight and excitement to the viewers. Despite
that, there are also moving scenes that would bring viewers into tears. It was truly
great storytelling that is perfect for all age.

On the whole, I think Renha Escapade is the best animated film of 2021 so recommendation
far. It is face-paced, fun, and exciting. I highly recommend this film to everybody.

15 *The bold words are adjectives used.





Part 1
You must answer this question.
Question 1
You received an email from your cousin, Danial who is inviting you to a birthday party.

It’s my sister’s birthday next week on the 31st. We’re going to have a small
party to celebrate her birthday. Would you like to come? I’m still thinking
about what should I give her as a present. Do you have any suggestion?

I hope to hear from you soon.


Now write an email to your cousin in about 80 words. Write your answer below.




Part 2
You must answer this question. Write your answer in 125 – 150 words in an appropriate

Question 2

Your class has been discussing the best place to go for a holiday and your teacher has asked
you to write an essay about where would you go for a holiday.

In your essay, you write about:

• where would like to go
• reasons for your choice
• what would you do there

Write your essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view.


Part 3
Write an answer to one of the questions 3 – 5 in this part. Write your answer in 200 – 250
words in an appropriate style on this question paper. Put the question number in the box at
the top of the answer space.

Question 3
You see this notice in a newspaper.

Reviews Needed!

Have you read any good books recently? Send us your book review.
Say what you like about the book.

Recommend the book to other readers.
Your review will be published in our online portal.

Write your review.

Question 4
Your teacher has asked you to write a story. The story must have the title:

The Bond of Friendship
Your story should include:

• a description of a friendship
• how a friendship is developed
Write your story.

Question 5
Your teacher has asked you to write a report about the facilities at your school.
Your report should include:

• a description of the facilities at your school
• what students think of the facilities
• suggestions and recommendation to improve the facilities
Write your report.



Question Number:








Part 1
You must answer this question.
Question 1
You received a letter from your friend, Ana.
Dear Rose,

My family and I will be on holiday in Terengganu on the next holiday. And guess what? Our
hotel is just near to your house. That means I’ll be able to meet up with you. Are you free to
get together this November 7th? If not, you can tell me the time and place that is best for you.
Just tell me how to get to the place from the Diamond Hotel.

Can’t wait to hear from you!

Lots of love,

Now write a reply letter to your Ana in about 80 words. Write your answer below.

Dear …………………………….,



Part 2
You must answer this question. Write your answer in 125 – 150 words in an appropriate

Question 2

You are talking about your future with your friend in the class. You decided to write an essay
about what will happen to you 15 years later.

In your essay, you write about:

• what do you think you will do in the future?
• provide reasons
• your hope for the future

Write your essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view.



Part 3
Write an answer to one of the questions 3 – 5 in this part. Write your answer in 200 – 250
words in an appropriate style on this question paper. Put the question number in the box at
the top of the answer space.

Question 3
You see this notice in the school newsletter.

Reviews Required!

Have you watched any interesting films? Send us your review.
Tell your friends why you enjoy watching the film.

Do you want to recommend it to others? Be our guest!

Your review will be published in the next school newsletter.

Write your review.

Question 4
Your teacher has asked you to write a story. The story must have the title:

A Helping Hand
Your story should include:

• description of helping others
• a lesson from the story
Write your story.

Question 5
You see this notice on the board outside the library.

Articles Wanted!
Healthy Downtime

• What healthy activities can students do during free time?
• Why do students need to spend their time with healthy activities?
• What will happen if students don’t use their free time wisely?

Write an article answering these questions.
The best article will be displayed in the school magazine.

Write your article.



Question Number:








Part 1
You must answer this question.
Question 1
You received an email from your friend, Shanti, about an activity at her school.

Next week, my school will be conducting a donation campaign for flood victims. My club is
in charge of the campaign. We were thinking about printing flyers to ask for money. What
other ideas do you have for the campaign? Do you think collecting money for the flood victims
is enough?

Tell me what you think.


Now write an email to your cousin in about 80 words. Write your answer below.




Part 2
You must answer this question. Write your answer in 125 – 150 words in an appropriate

Question 2

Your class has been talking about going green to save the environment and your teacher has
asked you to write an essay about taking care of our environment.

In your essay, you write about:

• describe going green
• suggest ways to keep the environment clean
• reasons for keeping the earth clean

Write your essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view.


Part 3
Write an answer to one of the questions 3 – 5 in this part. Write your answer in 200 – 250
words in an appropriate style on this question paper. Put the question number in the box at
the top of the answer space.

Question 3
You see this notice in a newspaper.

Reviews Needed!

Have you eaten someplace nice? Send us a review of a restaurant that you have
been to.

Say what you like about the restaurant.
Would you like to recommend the restaurant to your friends?

Your review will be published in our newspaper.

Write your review.

Question 4
Your teacher has asked you to write a story. The story must have the title:

Keeping Promises
Your story should include:

• a description of how promises are made
• what happens when promises are not kept
• what can the characters do to keep a promise?
Write your story.

Question 5
Your teacher has asked you to write a report about the school library.
Your report should include:

• a description of the school library
• suggestions to improve the library
Write your report.



Question Number:








Part 1
You must answer this question.
Question 1
You received a letter from your friend, Raj.
Dear Amrita,

Sorry for not being in contact for a long time. I am so busy with schoolwork and other things.
I am really stressed right now. I am hoping you could help me by giving me ideas of how to
release my stress. I also cannot keep up with my homework since they are too difficult.

Please help.

Your friend,

Now write an email to your friend in about 80 words. Write your answer below.

Dear …………………………….,



Part 2
You must answer this question. Write your answer in 125 – 150 words in an appropriate

Question 2

You have been discussing the best way to keep healthy with your friends. Your teacher has
asked you to write an essay about keeping healthy.

In your essay, you write about:

• the importance of keeping healthy
• ways to keep healthy
• what will happen if you do not keep healthy

Write your essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view.



Part 3
Write an answer to one of the questions 3 – 5 in this part. Write your answer in 200 – 250
words in an appropriate style on this question paper. Put the question number in the box at
the top of the answer space.

Question 3
You see this notice in a newspaper.

Reviews Wanted!

Have you stayed someplace good for a holiday? Or you have bad memories of it?
Send us a review of a hotel or motel that you have stayed for a holiday.
Recommend or, not, to our readers.

Your review will be published in our newspaper.

Write your review.

Question 4
You plan to write a story. The story must have the title:

Your story should include:

• the place the characters travel to
• what happens during the travel?
• lesson learnt from the travel
Write your story.

Question 5
You saw this notice on the library noticeboard.

Articles Needed!
Keeping Up with Technology

Your article should answer these questions.
• What kind of technology do we have now?
• What are the advantages of technology?
• What are the disadvantages of technology?

The best article will be displayed in the school magazine.

Write your article.



Question Number:







Set 1

Part 1

Hi Danial,
It’s nice to hear from you. Thanks for inviting me to the party. Of course, I’ll come! It’s

my cousin’s birthday after all.

I think you should buy her a smartwatch. The Haomi Smartwatch is only sold for RM69
in online stores. It has a pedometer, accelerator, heart rate checker, and barometer. As your
sister is an athlete, she would love it. It will be something that she will always use.

I got to go now. See you at the party!

Your cousin,


Part 2

There are so many stunning and amazing places to visit in the world. For me, I would
love to visit Sarawak.

Sarawak is the largest state in Malaysia and there are so many things I can explore and
see such as the abundance of wildlife, the exquisite nature, and the fascinating indigenous

The first thing that I would do is visit the national parks such as Bako National Park
and Kubah National Park. I want to explore the lush rainforests and experience the nature they
offer. Then, I would visit the wildlife sanctuaries. I want to see the orangutans and other rare
plant and animal species. Apart from nature, I also want to visit the famous Cat Museum in
Kuching, Sarawak. It would be lovely to see all things cat.

On the whole, I would visit Sarawak in a heartbeat as it is a beautiful place to visit for
a holiday.

Part 3

Question 3
Hello and Bye is a wonderful book written by Susie Maine. It is a romantic-comedy

novel that would make you laugh and cry.

The story revolves around a young woman named Maria who is just entering the real
world. She is starting her life in college and living a normal student life. That normal life ends
when she meets Ben. Ben has made Maria’s life upside down when he kept on bothering her.
They are also always competing with each other at everything and getting on each other’s

The book was well-written and an easy read. The ending was predictable as any other
romance book but the plot moves quickly. So, there was not a dull moment when reading the
book. It is funny and witty. There are also emotional scenes written in the book that tugged my



heartstrings. The way the author play with the language will mesmerize you. The character
development was also fluently written. You can see the major changes the characters
experience throughout the book.

I recommend this book if you are looking for something light and easy to read. You
could read it during your downtime and relax. The book will suck you into its world without
you realizing the time that went by. This book will definitely take your mind off things.

All in all, Hello and Bye is fun, light, and an easy read. I would recommend you to read
this book if you are looking for something to fill your time.

Question 4

The Bond of Friendship

‘Aargh!!’ Haris heard a shrill yell coming from the bushes. ‘Help me!’ Without a second
thought, Haris dashed towards the scream. He saw a boy lying on the ground under a tree
crying. He was holding tightly to his leg. Haris carefully examined the boy’s leg.

‘I think your leg is broken.’ He told the boy to wait and raced to the village to find help.
In 10 minutes, he managed to get his neighbour to help and take the boy to the hospital. Haris
was relieved to hear that the boy was doing fine. Haris didn’t think much about the boy after

It was the starting of the school year. There were a few new faces in his class. He saw
a familiar visage entered the classroom; it was that boy that he had helped. The boy seems to
recognize him as he chose to sit next to Haris. He introduced himself as Majid. He profusely
thanked Haris for helping him. Haris was glad to see the boy marching around on his feet again.

From that moment, they kept spending time together in the evening playing games.
Haris felt his world became brighter after he became friends with Majid, even school has
become more fun with him around. Majid is the smartest kid in the class so he’d always helped
him with his homework, and his grades also improved.

Haris could never imagine that an act of kindness would gain him a good friend. He
was glad to have met Majid.

Question 5

To : Mr Ng Soon
From : Aleesya
Subject: Improving School Facilities

The quality of education that students get depends on school facilities. This report is to
describe the facilities at the school and to make recommendations to improve the facilities.

There are many facilities provided at our school. There is the school library, science
laboratory, ICT laboratory, football field, art room, music room, cafeteria, and classrooms.
Many students find the school facilities to adequate and satisfactory. The school library, for
example, has almost 10, 000 books. It is also a very comfortable space for students to spend
their time studying. Students also like the well-maintained football field.

Thus, there are some facilities that the students want the school to improve on. Firstly,
the computers in the ICT laboratory are not enough. There are only 10 working computers and



5 are broken. Some students have to share computers with two other students during classes.
The school should consider adding more computers to the ICT laboratory or fix the damaged

Another facility is the classroom. There are classrooms especially in Block C that have
broken windows and damaged whiteboards. Teachers also have a hard time teaching since
some of the whiteboards cannot be used. This will not provide conducive learning for the
students. The school should replace the windows and whiteboards immediately.

In conclusion, the school will be a better learning compound for the students if the
facilities are taken care of properly. The school should follow the recommendations made
above so that it can improve the facilities.

Set 2

Part 1

Dear Ana,

It's nice to hear from you. That's fantastic news! I'm so glad we will get to see each
other again after you moved. There's so much I want to tell you.

I’m free on the 7th. Let's meet up at Boba Cool. It's a comfy café to hang out and it's
near to your hotel. From the hotel, walk straight along Jalan Indah for 2 minutes. You'll see the
café on your right.

I got to go now. I hope to see you soon.

Your friend,

Part 2

Have you ever wondered what you will be doing in the future? I certainly have. I think
I will do a lot of things 15 years in the future.

I think I will be a working man by then. I might be working as an accountant like my
father. It is the job of my dreams and also a well-paying job. Thus, I would have enough money
to buy a house and all the things that I like.

Also, I will be travelling to many different places. I want to see many beautiful places
and experience the life and cultures of other people. Moreover, I probably will have my own
family 15 years in the future. I want to get married to someone I love and have a couple of

I hope all of my dreams will come true. I cannot wait to see what my future has in store
for me.



Part 3

Question 3

Humans and Monsters is an action-packed film directed by Steven Sprint. It stars many
award-winning actors such as Brad Witt, Samuel Nelson, and Emma Rock. The film revolves
around the world where monsters are real and they are taking over the world by going to war
with humans.

The monsters like vampires, werewolves, and bogeyman, band together to destroy the
humans in order to live out of shadows. Humans, of course, do not take this lightly. They are
also fighting their hardest to protect their lives and homes. During a fight between the humans
and monsters, one human, Dave, and one monster, Jack the vampire, are taken hostage by the
opposite party. Both of the kidnapped victims began to see the lives of the opposite enemy and
realised the true nature of each other. Dave and Jack understand that the fight between humans
and monster are unnecessary. After the hostage trade, they determine to change their groups’
minds about the war.

Although the ending of the film is predictable, the action sequence in the film was
amazing and well-executed. The special effects and makeup for the monsters were remarkable
and flawless. The director paid special attention to the effects that made them believable. The
plot was interesting enough to make you watch the film until the end. The actors’ performance
is also brilliant and they brought the character to life.

Overall, I would recommend this film as it is quite entertaining. It will be a money well-
spent to watch this film.

Question 4

A Helping Hand

When a family of three moved into the empty house next door, that’s when my quiet
and peaceful life shattered.

It all started when my dad stepped on a cat’s poo. He suspects that it was our new
neighbour’s cat’s so, he turned on his heels and went to their house to give a piece of his mind.
Turns out they have ten cats and they gave my dad excuses like ‘It’s impossible to control all
ten cats,’ and so on. My dad argued that they should just potty train their cats but to no avail.
Since then, our courtyard became their cat’s place to litter and my parents’ dispute with them
worsened day by day.

One night, I was startled by a scream and a muffled cry of "Help." from the other side
of the wall. It's from our neighbour's house. I pressed my ear on the wall, making sure what I
heard was not just my imagination. I could hear sobs and a man's voice talking. It couldn’t be
Mr Ahmad's voice because he went on a business trip. I realized that they were possibly being
robbed. I quickly dialled 911. I woke my family up and told them what happened. Moments
later, the police arrived. The police thanked and commended me for my quick judgement. My
neighbour, Mrs Aisyah, thanked me and my family for helping her and her daughter. Since
then, our relationship became a lot closer than before.

The lesson here is, no matter how bad your relationship is with someone, you must
never turn blind when they need help.



Question 5

Healthy Downtime

Having spent most of our time studying, we would be left with several hours of
downtime. It is important to spend this time doing something productive and students should
do healthy activities.

After spending hours sitting down and bend over books, it will be great to do some
physical activities. You can do sports that you like or some simple exercises. This way, it will
keep your body fit and healthy.

You can also help around the house. You can do chores such as sweeping the floor,
washing the dishes, or do the laundry. Besides keeping the house clean, you also take off a few
burdens from your parents’ shoulders.

Last but not least, you can spend the time doing hobbies. Pick up good hobbies such as
reading, drawing, cooking, or even playing musical instruments. They will allow you to learn
new skills or improve the skills that you have. It will improve your mental health when you do
something that you like.

You will lose a lot of things if you do not spend your free time wisely. First of all, you
will waste precious time. If you stay idle during your free time and do nothing useful, you will
be weak physically and mentally. Your youth will only be wasted away. Furthermore, you will
lose learning opportunities for various things.

In conclusion, spending your time wisely is important. Life is short, it is better to spend
it on something that will benefit you rather than not.

Set 3

Part 1

Hi Shanti,
It’s nice to hear from you. It’s very commendable what your club is doing.

Besides handing out flyers, you can bring the campaign online. Post the flyer to the
school’s website or Facebook page. Then, ask the club members to share the post, make it go
viral. This way, more people will be able to see the flyer and know about the campaign. Besides
money, you can also collect used clothes. The flood victims will appreciate them.

I hope my ideas are useful to you.

All the best,

Part 2
The phrase “Going Green” is no longer a bizarre idea as more people are thinking about

the environmental issues that the earth is facing. Going Green means being eco-friendly and
taking care of our environment.



Here are some ways to keep the environment clean. We can start by recycling and
reusing products to reduce waste and decrease pollution. Reduce the usage of plastic materials
especially plastic bags. We should also use reusable food containers to reduce waste materials.
Other than that, we should use less electricity. Switch the lights off when we leave a room and
switch off any unused electronics.

Keeping the earth clean is important for the well-being of our future generations. We
will be responsible for the environmental problems that will become a burden for our children.

In conclusion, if we take good care of our environment, we will be living healthier and
leaving a brighter future for our children.

Part 3


My sister and I went to a newly-opened restaurant at Aman Suri Mall for lunch the
other day. The restaurant is called ‘The Kitchen’. Since it was very new, there were not many
people there at the time. But we decided to give it a try.

As we entered the place, the staff welcomed us with a smile and brought us to a table
near the window. The setting in the restaurant was very modern, bright and chic. They have a
minimalist concept for their restaurant. So, the view in the restaurant was easy on the eyes and
quite relaxing. There is even an open kitchen concept where you can see the chef working.
Even though the smells could be strong at times, seeing the chef cooking our food made us

The restaurant offers varieties of mouth-watering cuisines on the menu. There are local
dishes and even Western dishes that you can order. I decided to order a black pepper mushroom
pasta while my sister went with a simple seafood fried rice. They were delicious. It was
surprising because when the food came, they looked pretty boring and nothing special. The
pasta was well cooked and the rice tasted great. The vegetable used was fresh as well. The price
for the food was reasonable. Since the food was delicious, we have no complaints about the

All in all, we had a pleasant dining experience. For this reason, I highly recommend
going to the ‘The Kitchen’ restaurant.

Question 4

Keeping Promises

It was 6 pm. John grew restless. He couldn’t sit still anymore. ‘When will this meeting
be over?’ he thought. He was anxious to get home.

This would be the fourth time that he would be late to go home this week. It will also
be the fourth time he had to let his family down by not keeping promises. He promised his son
that he would take him to dinner at the Cheezys. That was weeks ago. He was always working
or stuck at work.

The work and the overtime were keeping him away from his family. He needed to make
more money for his family, but he had no time for them. Last week, his son treated him as a
house guest because he was rarely home. It was then when he realised that he needs to be there
for his family and keep his promises. That’s why that evening was important.



Losing his patience, he raised his hand and told his boss he had to go home. His boss
warned him that this would affect his work performance. John didn’t care. All he wanted was
to be with his family. He told his boss he could do whatever he wanted, then he walked out.

He quickly drove home. Although he arrived home late, he managed to keep his
promise to take his son and wife out for dinner. He made his family happier than ever. It is a
reminder for him to keep his promises.

Question 5

To : Mdm. Faridah bt Usman, The Principal of SMK Redang
From : Hana bt Said, Head Librarian
Subject: Improving the School Library

This report is to provide an insight on the poor conditions of the school library and to
provide suggestions on how to improve the facilities at the library.

Firstly, the tables and chairs at the library are old. Many of them are rusty and squeaky.
Some of the tables have holes and splinters which makes using the table to be uncomfortable.
There are also not enough chairs in the library since many of the chairs were broken. In
addition, the books in the library are old and not updated. Some of them even have missing
pages. Furthermore, the library was also slightly dim as a result of old lamps. Many of the
lamps are getting yellowy and they are not bright enough.

After a meeting with all of the librarians, there are a few suggestions that have been
recommended to improve the conditions of the school library. The first suggestion is to request
the school buy new tables and chairs. The second suggestion is to change the lightings in the
library. The walls should also be painted so that the library looks brighter and more vibrant.
The third suggestion is the school should provide financial assistance so that the library could
buy new books. These could attract more students to go to the library and encourage reading

It is hoped that the principal will look into this matter and consider the suggestions
made by the librarians. The condition of the school library is important because it is used by a
majority of the students.

Set 4

Part 1

Dear Raj,

It’s nice to hear from you. I'm sorry to hear that you are going through a difficult time.

Firstly, you need to take a break. You can relax your mind by doing your favourite
sports or watch television. Secondly, you can try meditating. It will help you to relax, focusing
your mind, and eliminating your jumbled thoughts.

To cope with the homework, create a study group where can work on problems
together and finish the homework faster.

I hope the advice can help you.

Your friend,



Part 2

In today's hectic world, maintaining good health is not that easy. We often forgot to
take care of our health, and focus more on our studies and work.

Keeping healthy can ensure us a happy life without the need to worry about our
health. Furthermore, it deters us from any disease and illness. We will have an active and full
life. We can also ensure a better quality of life when we are older.

To stay healthy, we should eat healthy food and eat at an appropriate time. Avoid
eating junk food and eating late. Besides, we should exercise regularly. It can enhance our
physical fitness and guarantee mental health.

If we do not keep healthy, we can add stress to our life. Health problems will also
start to appear and we will have a difficult time living and be happy.

On the whole, keeping healthy is important to everyone as we can get a lot of benefits.

Part 3

Question 3

My family and I stayed at Daisy Lux Hotel during a long weekend last month. The hotel
is right by Tanjung Rhu beach. It was a beautiful place and perfect to get away to for a few

From the moment we entered the hotel lobby, we were impressed. The interior decor
was luxurious yet warm and inviting. The family room that we booked was spacious and clean
with comfortable double beds and linens. The room was overlooking the ocean which had a
fabulous view. There is a kettle, a small fridge and a large TV which we loved. The bathroom
was nicely decorated with unique tiles. They provided plush towels and top of the line toiletry
sets which they would replace every day.

We were delighted by the large pool facing the beach. We could just walk right to the
beach after taking a dip in the pool. The hotel restaurant has a stunning interior as well. We
were able to have a relaxing breakfast and dinner every day that we were there. The price of
the food was pretty expensive, but the food was delicious and top-notch.

The staff was excellent and pleasant. They were very welcoming and accommodating.
The housekeeping staff was efficient and attentive. Everyone was caring about our needs to
ensure that we were enjoying our stay.

On the whole, we enjoyed the hospitality of the staff at Daisy Lux Hotel and we had a
wonderful experience of staying there. I would definitely recommend Daisy Lux Hotel as it is
a great place for guests to relax and enjoy themselves.

Question 4


Sasha and Dania went on a holiday in Tokyo, Japan during a semester break. Once they
reached Narita Airport, they were full of excitement. They’ve been planning to travel there for

a while.



After they got off the plane, they were looking around to find transportation to get to
their hotel. They went to the information centre and got a map of Tokyo. They chose to take
the train and then a subway to the city.

On the way, they dropped by a park to see gorgeous sakura blooming. It was quite a
spectacle. They saw vendors selling street food there. They bought takoyaki and mochi. They
eat scrumptious snacks while enjoying the view of beautiful sakura trees. The food tasted even
better with the stunning view.

Since the park was near to their hotel, they decided to walk there. They got lost along
the way a few times and had to ask the locals for directions. It was quite challenging as they
had to use some Japanese.

Finally, they arrived at the hotel. While Sasha was checking in, all of a sudden Dania
screamed. Her passport was missing. She was panicking and Sasha calmed her down saying
they will go out to find it. They went to all places that they had been to. Luckily, they found
her passport on the bench that they sat, untouched. She was very grateful.

After that, Dania became more conscious of her personal belongings during the trip.
She didn’t want that to happen again.

Question 5

Keeping Up with Technology

Today, technology is very important. Every day we are using technology such as mobile
phones, televisions, washing machines, refrigerators, cars and many more. Like everything,
technology has advantages and disadvantages.

Technology is beneficial for several reasons. First, technology saves a lot of time. We
can do daily tasks faster and increase productivity thanks to the technologies. Secondly, it
improves our lives. Communication with others has become a lot easier and we could get access
to information at any time anywhere. We are also able to travel faster and easier as the
technology in transport becomes better. The technological advancement in the medical field
allows us to have a better treatment for many diseases and illnesses.

On the other hand, modern technology also has disadvantages. Technology can waste
our time. We waste time by watching television, playing video games and using social media.
Technology distracts us from doing work and study. Besides, some people will become
addicted to using technology such as mobile phones. This may cause them to be isolated from
other people. In addition, now, we have become too dependent on technology. We no longer
need to do mental calculations, memorise things and put in the effort to do work. The devices
will replace human minds and we will become lazier to think and do work.

In conclusion, we need to be aware of how we are using technology. It depends on how
we are using them. We need to use technology wisely and use them in a better way.


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