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Social Media - Creative Impact Communication

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Published by Creative impact, 2019-08-29 02:50:55

Social Media - Creative Impact Communication

Social Media - Creative Impact Communication

7/26/2019 Social Media - Creative Impact Communication

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Social Media

Social media is changing the way brands communicate. The evolution of social media channels has made it easier than ever for people
connect over shared interests. In order to reach customers in today’s social media market place, organizations must join the conversations.
key is to speak with them, not at them. In social media, messages are more customized and personal because the focus is on build
relationships. The days of telling customers what to think are over. Instead, brands must listen and respond with a genuine online voice the o
that leaves clear information to enable consumers to make a decision. Independent research statistics shows that there is a clear connec
between social media engagement and achieving KPIs as brands most engaged in social media marketing saw their profit grow significa
than those that weren’t engaged.

Brands can still share multiple information i.e. corporate social responsibility or even push marketing campaigns, but first they have to estab
trust with the communities in which they wish to engage. Without their unspoken permission, efforts will seem pushy, and without a relevant vo
words will sound hollow.

The rise of social media has created new opportunities to tell the brand story to existing and potential customers, and those interested in bran
By managing a single and consistent voice across different social media platform, we encourage organizations to build trust with their custom
loyalty to their brand and eventually confidence in their organizations.

Creative impact is one of the leading social media specialists. It’s one of those things we were created for. We can show you how to use
power of social media marketing to improve the performance of all your digital marketing channels.

Service List

Corporate blog
Customer engagement and relationship marketing
Managing online promotions
Social media monitoring
Bene ts of Internet marketing

Following are the benefits of internet marketing:

Benefits How 5 Ss of internet is delivered Typical objectives
Sell – Grow sales Achieving 15% of sales online in market
Serve – Add value Through integration and implementation of various Increase interaction with different content site
online channels

Achieved through giving customers extra benefits
online and facilitate two way communication 1/3

7/26/2019 Social Media - Creative Impact Communication
Speak – Get closer to How 5 Ss of internet is delivered Typical objectives
Creating two way dialogue through web interactions Growing email coverage to 50% and surveying 500
Save – Save costs such as forums, surveys and issue based discussions customers online every month

Sizzle – Extend the brand Achieving through online e mail communications that Increasing web self service enquiries and reduce ove
online reduce staff, print and postage costs cost to serve by 10%

Positioning – Evaluation Offering new offers and experience online Increasing brand awareness, reach and purchase
Creating right market positioning through brand Increase positive brand perception and building
management and getting feedback through various desired market positioning
consumer insight techniques



Stay informed

RT @Sam___Hurley ( Your Ultimate Guide to Image Sizes for #SocialMedia in 2019 [#Design v
~TheSocialReport] ➤➤➤➤



Creative impact is a strategic communication agency comprising of a number  Advertising (
of services that rolled into one integrated agency. We offer the full range of
services that would cater all the services under the term of marketing  SEO -Search Engine Optimisation
communications. (

 Website Designing (
designing-manchester/) 2/3

7/26/2019 Social Media - Creative Impact Communication
 Affiliate Marketing (
ADDRESS marketing/)
 Content Marketing (
The Shed, Chester Street, marketing/)
Manchester, M1 5GD
48 Carlyle Ave,
Southall, London UB1 2BH E: [email protected]
P: 00447818287434


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©2019 CREATIVE IMPACT COMMUNICATIONS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED || Privacy & Cookies Policy (/privacy-cookies-policy/) 3/3

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