Tslb 1114 ENGAGE
The strategies our EXPLAIN
society can implement
to recover after the
global pandemic. SHARE
ENGAGE DRAFT 1 At the same time, most Malaysian Family
members have received complete vaccinations as well as
EXPLORE Introduction booster doses through vaccination programs, especially
the National COVID-19 Immunization Program known as
Endemism is derived from the Greek word PICK, PICK Adolescent, and PICKids. As of March 7, EXPLAIN
endmos, which means "in the population." 2022, the complete vaccination rate for the adult
It signifies that the disease is always present at a population in the country was 98.7 percent; while the APPLY
baseline level in epidemiology. As a result, it is not at booster dose vaccination rate for the adult population
zero. There are examples that can be seen. However, was 64 percent. SHARE
unlike a pandemic or epidemic, where the behaviour of
a disease is often shocking or unexpected, an endemic MOH would like to clarify that the terms endemic, REFLECT
illness has become more predictable. epidemic, and a pandemic are among the terms in the
field of public health to describe the seriousness of the
Recently, the number of daily cases of rate of spread of disease, especially infectious diseases.
COVID-19 increased dramatically as a result of A pandemic is an occurrence of a disease with a number
Omicron waves. However, the number categorized as of cases exceeding the normal rate occurring worldwide
Category 3, 4, and 5 patients is very low at 0.7 percent. and involving a large population, usually due to the
The number of COVID-19 patients who need to seek infection of a new (novel) disease; for example, the
treatment and monitoring in the Intensive Care Unit COVID-19 Pandemic, the Plague Pandemic (14th
(ICU) is also under control at a rate of 42 percent use. century), the Influenza-Spanish Flu Pandemic
(1918-1919), and the H1N1 Influenza (2009). The term
SLIDESMANIA.COM endemic refers to the occurrence of a disease that EXTEND
always exists in a community or a place but at a stable
rate; for example Dengue Fever in more than 100
countries including Malaysia.
ENGAGE DRAFT 2 MOH would like to clarify that the terms endemic,
epidemic, and a pandemic are among the terms in the
EXPLORE Endemism is derived from the Greek word field of public health to describe the seriousness of the
endmos, which means "in the population." rate of spread of disease, especially infectious diseases.
It signifies that the disease is always present at a A pandemic is an occurrence of a disease with a number EXPLAIN
baseline level in epidemiology. As a result, it is not at of cases exceeding the normal rate occurring worldwide
zero. There are examples that can be seen. However, and involving a large population, usually due to the APPLY
unlike a pandemic or epidemic, where the behaviour of infection of a new (novel) disease; for example, the
a disease is often shocking or unexpected, an endemic COVID-19 Pandemic, the Plague Pandemic (14th SHARE
illness has become more predictable. century), the Influenza-Spanish Flu Pandemic
(1918-1919), and the H1N1 Influenza (2009). The term REFLECT
Recently, the number of daily cases of endemic refers to the occurrence of a disease that
SLIDESMANIA.COM COVID-19 increased dramatically as a result of always exists in a community or a place but at a stable EXTEND
Omicron waves. However, the number categorized as rate; for example Dengue Fever in more than 100
Category 3, 4, and 5 patients is very low at 0.7 percent. countries including Malaysia.
The number of COVID-19 patients who need to seek
treatment and monitoring in the Intensive Care Unit On 1 April 2022, Malaysia entered a phase of
(ICU) is also under control at a rate of 42 percent use. transition to endemic. This can be achieved following the
At the same time, most Malaysian Family members success of the COVID-19 vaccination program and the
have received complete vaccinations as well as booster health service system which is at a controlled level. The
doses through vaccination programs, especially the Declaration of Local Infectious Areas is still in force
National COVID-19 Immunization Program known as throughout Malaysia under Section 11 of the Prevention
PICK, PICK Adolescent, and PICKids. As of March 7, and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988 [Act 342]
2022, the complete vaccination rate for the adult until 30 June 2022. Apart from the current enforcement
population in the country was 98.7 percent; while the of Act 342 during the transition to the endemic phase,
booster dose vaccination rate for the adult population control and prevention measure for COVID-19 infection
was 64 percent. is also implemented under the provisions of the
Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases
(Measures in Local Areas of Infection)
EXPLORE (National Rehabilitation Plan) (Transition to Endemism is derived from the Greek word endmos,
Endemic Phase) Regulations 2022 which have gazetted which means "in the population."
on March 31, 2022. These prevention and control It signifies that the disease is always present at a baseline EXPLAIN
protocols and instructions are detailed in standard level in epidemiology. As a result, it is not at zero. There are
operating procedures (SOPs) effective April 1, 2022. examples that can be seen. However, unlike a pandemic or APPLY
The simplified SOPs from 181 SOPs of the National epidemic, where the behavior of a disease is often shocking
Recovery Plan (VAT) are supported by nine (9) or unexpected, an endemic illness has become more
guidelines that explain the risk of infection, assessment predictable.
risks, as well as precautions to be taken by individuals,
travelers, employers, and those responsible for the (Chart provided by MOH website)
premises described. Recently, the number of daily cases of COVID-19
increased dramatically as a result of Omicron waves. However,
the number categorized as Category 3, 4, and 5 patients is very SHARE
low at 0.7 percent. The number of COVID-19 patients who need
to seek treatment and monitoring in the Intensive Care Unit REFLECT
(ICU) is also under control at a rate of 42 percent use.
ENGAGE At the same time, most Malaysian Family On 1 April 2022, Malaysia entered a phase of
members have received complete vaccinations as well as transition to endemic. This can be achieved following the
EXPLORE booster doses through vaccination programs, especially success of the COVID-19 vaccination program and the
the National COVID-19 Immunization Program known as health service system which is at a controlled level. The
PICK, PICK Adolescent, and PICKids. As of March 7, Declaration of Local Infectious Areas is still in force EXPLAIN
2022, the complete vaccination rate for the adult throughout Malaysia under Section 11 of the Prevention
population in the country was 98.7 percent; while the and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988 [Act 342] until APPLY
booster dose vaccination rate for the adult population was 30 June 2022. Apart from the current enforcement of Act
64 percent. 342 during the transition to the endemic phase, control SHARE
and prevention measure for COVID-19 infection is also
MOH would like to clarify that the terms endemic, implemented under the provisions of the Prevention and REFLECT
epidemic, and a pandemic are among the terms in the field Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures in Local Areas of
SLIDESMANIA.COM of public health to describe the seriousness of the rate of Infection) (National Rehabilitation Plan) (Transition to
spread of disease, especially infectious diseases. A Endemic Phase) Regulations 2022 which have gazetted
pandemic is an occurrence of a disease with a number of on March 31, 2022. These prevention and control
cases exceeding the normal rate occurring worldwide and protocols and instructions are detailed in standard
involving a large population, usually due to the infection of operating procedures (SOPs) effective April 1, 2022. The
a new (novel) disease; for example, the COVID-19 simplified SOPs from 181 SOPs of the National Recovery
Pandemic, the Plague Pandemic (14th century), the Plan (VAT) are supported by nine (9) guidelines that
Influenza-Spanish Flu Pandemic (1918-1919), and the explain the risk of infection, assessment risks, as well as
H1N1 Influenza (2009). The term endemic refers to the precautions to be taken by individuals, travelers,
occurrence of a disease that always exists in a community employers, and those responsible for the premises
or a place but at a stable rate; for example Dengue Fever described.
in more than 100 countries including Malaysia.
ENGAGE There are 2 types of face masks that can be used for
the purpose of prevention, namely medical face masks
EXPLORE On 1 August 2020, face masks must be worn in (medical) and non-medical face masks (non-medical). Medical
public transportation and in crowded or crowded areas. face masks such as 3 ply surgical masks are commonly used
Senior Minister (Security), Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob, by health workers. However, it is also recommended for EXPLAIN
said the move was taken following the addition of new members of the public who have respiratory symptoms. In
COVID19 infection clusters identified, apart from the areas where COVID-19 infection occurs and physical APPLY
advice of the Health Ministry. The public can be fined imprisonment is difficult, the use of 3 ply surgical masks is also
RM1,000 under Act 342 (Prevention and Control of recommended for high-risk groups such as the elderly (i.e. SHARE
Infectious Diseases Act 1988) if they fail to comply with the those aged 60 and over) and those with chronic diseases such
rules. A face mask is an important preventative measure in as diabetes. and high blood pressure. The use of non-medical REFLECT
preventing the spread of respiratory diseases spread face masks is recommended for those who do not experience
through viruses, including COVID-19. Face masks can be symptoms but are in places where physical incarceration is
used either to protect healthy people from getting infected difficult to practice such as in public transportation, workplaces,
or to prevent infected people from infecting others. grocery stores, and crowded environments. Currently, there are
However, the use of face masks should be practiced in various types of non-medical face masks on the market. It is the
conjunction with regular hand hygiene, and safe physical same as endemic now as
distancing that is at least one meter from others.
Nonetheless, during the endemic, the wearing of face The COVID-19 vaccine is a vaccine that will be used to
masks in public places is still mandatory for every treat Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). This vaccine contains or
individual. This instruction from MHO is still relevant as will produce an antigen for COVID-19 that will stimulate the
Covid-19 spreads through air particles. immune system, the body's immune system, to form immunity
to COVID-19 disease. The most important importance is to
SLIDESMANIA.COM protect yourself, especially for high-risk groups. Clinical trials EXTEND
are being conducted to determine the level of safety and
efficacy of the vaccines being developed. If there are severe
adverse effects, then the vaccine will not be approved. From the
bar chart below, we can see the number of communities taking
vaccination dose injections is always recorded and observed on
a daily basis.
ENGAGE In fact, anyone wishing to enter another state should
have at least two doses of covid-19 vaccine injections. In the
EXPLORE meantime, the cross-state permission is not included for
areas declared by the Tightened Movement Control Order
(PKPD) because no movement in and out of the area is EXPLAIN
allowed. When into the endemic transition phase, all
(Chart provided by MOH website) individuals are allowed across the state regardless of their APPLY
The daily information on the vaccination status vaccination status. but, at this point, most of the society in
collected and recorded makes it easier for the relevant our country has had vaccine dose injections of at least two SHARE
parties to identify whether the group immunization has doses and the quantity of individuals who do not take any
been achieved or not. When a large part of society has dose of vaccination is only small.
been protected from the infection of a vaccine-preventable
disease, the bacteria or virus that causes the disease is In a nutshell, Malaysia is in the ‘Transition to Endemic’ phase
difficult to find someone who can be infected. Therefore, and we must learn to live with this virus in line with the
the whole society will be protected from the infection of the reopening of the economic sector. Accordingly,
disease, this is called ‘cluster immunity’. It is able to understanding the risk of COVID-19 transmission, adopting
protect those who are not immunized and are at risk of public health measures, and always being careful in
being infected with the bacteria or virus. Thus, performing daily activities is very important to ensure that we
immunization not only protects the individual but also and our families remain safe.
protects the whole family, society, and country. In terms of
vaccination requirements during a pandemic, individuals (1266 words)
who have not yet been fully vaccinated or have refused to
take Covid-19 vaccine injections are not allowed to REFLECT
engage in cross-state activities.
● COVID-19 Malaysia updates. (2021, October 25). EXPLORE
https://covid-19.moh.gov.my/semasa-kkm/2021/10/k EXPLAIN
● Fasa Peralihan Ke Endemik. (2022, April 5).
ndemik/ REFLECT
● Fasa peralihan Ke endemik. (2022, April 1).
● HUSAIN, N. H. (2021, June 14). Lebih Baik waktu
operasi premis tidak dilanjutkan. Sinarharian.
● Kenyataan media Berkaitan Fasa Peralihan Ke
Endemik. (n.d.).
● Marc Zarefsky. (2022, April 1). How we will know EXPLORE
when COVID-19 has become endemic. American EXPLAIN
Medical Association.
REFERENCES https://www.ama-assn.org/delivering-care/public-hea APPLY
demic SHARE
● Nurhalimah, W. (n.d.). Pemakaian pelitup muka REFLECT
● Rohaniza Idris. (2020, July 23). Wajib pakai pelitup
muka Di tempat sesak, pengangkutan awam 1
Ogos. Berita Harian.
● Vaccinations in Malaysia. (2021, October 4).