Issue 17:
December 2022
County stalwart steps down in New Year
into a new era in 2023 after long-serving
County Secretary John Pearson announced
his decision to stand down in the New Year.
After more than 22 years in the role,
Whittlebury Park member Pearson
(pictured) will oversee the appointment of
his replacement and help during the early
months of the transition period.
NGL President Jack Marr said: “It’s on
a sad note that we learnt that a County
stalwart has decided to stand down from
his position - we owe John a great debt of
gratitude for his unstinting service over the
“Many of you will know John from his
attendance at County competitions,
refereeing, AGM’s, County Dinners and
generally supporting the County at various
“He is renowned for his knowledge and
understanding of clubs, counties, midland
and national golf.
“Thankfully he is not walking away entirely
as he will help the new incumbent.
This should ensure we continue to
operate efficiently during the transition.
“We are also looking for a new County Welfare Officer as we say goodbye, and thank you, to Sally
Bingham, who has completed her tenure.
“Whilst everyone is responsible for safeguarding, the County Welfare Officer is the person with the
primary responsibility for managing and reporting concerns about children or adults at risk and for
putting in place safeguarding procedures.
“Sally has done an excellent job for us, quietly going about her duties with a diligence
and strength of purpose that ensured our continued compliance with national obligations.
Thank you kindly Sally and John - we wish you both well for the future.”
If you are interested in either vacancy and becoming a part of our organisation details of how to
apply are posted later in this newsletter. 1
Centenary year was a roller coaster ride
Northamptonshire THE first year of my County Presidency
Golf Limited is almost over. It was a huge privilege
to be asked to be President in our
Our purpose is to Centenary year.
further the interests
of amateur golf in With many highlights and a few
Northamptonshire and lowlights, it has certainly been a roller
to provide guidance coaster ride. Much of the time is spent
and assistance to all watching golf but, as the standard is so
affiliated Clubs within good, it becomes an absolute pleasure
the County. to be part of such a great organisation.
President & Treasurer: Thank you to the team that organised the Centenary Championships
Mr Jack Marr and the Volunteers Appreciation Day. It was a pleasure to meet so
many previous officials and volunteers who had contributed to the
Vice President & organisation in the past.
Commercial Director:
Mrs Catherine Tildesley A well done to Martin Izzard, our resident author, for producing A
Celebration of Northamptonshire Golf Ltd.
Past President & Chairman:
Mrs Kathryn Stronach Very well done to the boys team on winning the Anglian League final
at Bar Hill GC against a very strong Cambridgeshire side. Led by
Competitions Director: Captain Mark Stockdale, the lads played some top golf and came
Mr Marcel Aarts away as clear winners.
Director of Teams: With notable victories for the men’s and women’s teams in their
Men’s: Mr Ryan Genner leagues, we feel the focus on intensive coaching allied with
Ladies: Mrs Claire Lindsay encouragement, partnership and unity will stand us in good stead
for the future.
Director of Coaching
& Golf Development: Directors of Teams Claire Lindsay and Ryan Genner have clear
visions on where we have to be if we are to be a major force in
Mr Michael Farr county golf.
Director of Junior Golf: Our senior teams maybe didn’t quite achieve the successes of the
Mr Asy Ho past but their enthusiasm and commitment makes it a pleasure to
be part of and I am sure they will bounce back very soon.
EG Voting Member:
Mr Ken Hignett Following the disruption of junior coaching due to the pandemic we
took the opportunity to make some changes, including introducing a
Honorary Secretary: new coaching structure.
Mr John Pearson
With a strategy designed to promote the best potential in the
Club Services: county, we are focused on a three-tier structure - an elite squad, a
Mr David Davis development squad and a futures group.
Safeguarding Officer: With all groups up and running, the juniors can progress through the
Mrs Sally Bingham groups based on ability not age. If you know of an individual who
you think may benefit from joining a group or additional coaching
please let us know.
Finally, thank you to all who have supported the County by
volunteering, organising events or by participating in competitions -
without you, we would not have a County Golf organisation.
We wish all Northamptonshire members a merry Christmas and a
happy and prosperous New Year.
Jack Marr - NGL President
2 Northamptonshire Golf Ltd
2023 Annual County Dinner
Friday, March 3rd, 2023
at Kettering Golf Club
Three Course meal with coffee.
Includes entertainment by the zany and
original Billy Flywheel with his brand new
ultimate after-dinner golf show combining
humour and amazing illusions.
Tickets at only £30 pp are sure to sell like hot
cakes (first come first served - limited to 110)
So don’t delay - reserve today.
To order
Email Kathryn Stronach on [email protected]
or John Pearson on [email protected].
Or reserve and pay via the NGL website
Open to all who are a member of an NGL affiliated Golf Club.
Looking forward to a great night and to seeing you there.
2023 NGL Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Tuesday, March 28th, 2023
at Wellingborough Golf Club
7.00 pm 3
Competitive golf for all in Northants
NORTHAMPTON (pictured COMPETITIONS Director Marcel Aarts says the County will continue
above) lifted the last county to offer a variety of individual and team competitions for golfers of all
team trophy of 2022 after ages and abilities in 2023 and beyond.
they defeated Kettering 4½-
3½ in a thrilling Intermediate With a busy fixture calendar likely to be confirmed in the coming
League Final at Collingtree weeks, Aarts maintains striking the right balance of events is not
Park GC. always straightforward to achieve but insists the NGL is keen to
ensure all golfers are welcome in Northamptonshire.
The beaten finalists in 2015,
2017, 2018 and 2019 sealed He said: “The NGL prides itself on offering a wide range of
victory thanks to late points competitions for all categories of golfers - men, women, seniors,
from Jonathan Thompson and juniors, mixed and team events - and hopefully there’s been
Andrew Limbert on the 18th. something for everyone to play in.
The NGL Men’s Order “We’ve staged in excess of 60 different competitions across the
of Merit also came to a season and as the fixture list evolves, we’re open to new ideas on
dramatic conclusion as three what events you would like to see us putting on.
players shared the top prize
on 49 points, following the “The NGL Competition’s Committee are always working hard to
Am-Am at Northampton GC. make sure we have a fixture list that all players in the County can
With the County Scratch
“We have had some
Foursomes, Higgs Bowl, very notable individual
and team successes
County Championship from the 2022 NGL
competitions, including
and the Am-Am counting the Overstone Park
Seniors team (pictured
towards the overall right) and the Staverton
Park Ladies Cecil Leitch side retaining their respective titles.
tally, Brampton Heath’s
“Peterborough Milton’s men also did well to back up their promotion
Jack Brown, Overstone into the top flight last year by winning the Scratch League in 2022.
We would like to congratulate all the winners and participants.”
Park’s Ryan Genner and
NGL Team Event Roll of Honour 2022
Collingtree Park’s Jensen
Parfitt (pictured below left-
to-right) shared the honours. Tournament Winners
Scratch League - Division 1 Peterborough Milton
Tom Burgh (Peterborough Scratch League - Division 2
Milton) won the closing Scratch League - Division 3 Kettering
event, while the team prize Brampton Heath
went to Northampton’s Ben Intermediate League
Lavender and Overstone Handicap League Northampton
Park trio Asy Ho, Joshua Ho Kingsthorpe
and Jadon Pham. Hollingsworth Trophy Staverton Park
Ladies League Northants County
Staverton Park
Ladies Cecil Leitch League Northants County B
Junior League Overstone Park
Seniors Team Knockout
4 Northamptonshire Golf Ltd
NGL Roll of Honour 2022
Tournament Winner/s Tournament Winner/s
Men's Championship Ryan Genner Men's Order of Merit Jack Brown, Jensen
Ladies Championship Leah Ribano Parfitt & Ryan Genner
Ladies Swannell Salver Gracie Murray
Boys Gross Order of Merit Jadon Pham
Ladies Intermediate Yvonne Wilcox Boys Net Order of Merit Jadon Pham
Championship Liz Rees Girls Gross Order of Merit Molly-May Baker
Ladies Bronze Girls Net Order of Merit Molly-May Baker
Men's Club Champion Sam Bird
Senior Men’s Alistair Heslop of Champions
Championship Amy Nunn
Ladies Club Champion
Senior Ladies Alison Irvine of Champions Ben Lavender, Asy Ho,
Championship Jadon Pham & Josh Ho
Georgina Evans Am-Am - Team
Senior Ladies Tazza
Trophy Joe Hyde Am-Am - Individual Tom Burgh
Mark Hampton Men's Scratch KO Jon Harris
Boys Championship Leah Ribano
Ray Connolly & Men's Handicap KO Nick Tarlton
Junior Irish Cup Jensen Parfitt
Men's Fourball Andrew Harrison &
Girls Championship Betterball KO James Newton
Scratch Foursomes Men's Foursomes KO Jason Benzie &
Championship Ian Blakeley
Higgs Bowl Steven Austin Centenary Medal Final Mark Davis
Family Foursomes - Men’s Division 1 Martyn Pound
Ray Connolly & Ben Simpson
Ladies Am-Am Edie Connolly Centenary Medal Final Gill Mullaney
- Men's Division 2 Joanne De Waele
Stableford Cup Ann Lester, Sandy
Pattenden, Danielle Centenary Medal Final Lin Birch
Edwards & Deborah - Men's Division 3 Joe Jaggard
Dixon Centenary Medal Final
- Ladies Division 1
Barry Harding &
Adrian Thompson Centenary Medal Final
- Ladies Division 2
Senior Pairs David Hawkins &
Championship Gary Smith Centenary Medal Final
- Ladies Division 3
Ladies Bouverie Bowl Chelsey Sharp
Centenary Medal Final
Ladies Charity Medal Elaine Loydall - Juniors
Ladies Fourball Betterball Carol Kane &
Championship Tracey Heavey
Mixed Fourball Betterball Becki Scott & Vets Ladies Spring Janet Gower
Championship Len Newell Meeting - Senior Cup Joanne Lane
Georgina Evans
Izzard Team Trophy Jason Smith, Mark Vets Ladies Spring Carole Cornforth
Craig & Tim Scull Meeting - Silver
Boys Order of Merit Josh Bodimeade
Final Vets Ladies Spring
Abi Kyle Meeting - Bronze 1
Girls Order of Merit
Final Vets Ladies Spring
Meeting - Bronze 2 5
Progress is being made despite results
RYAN Genner says results during his first year as NGL Men’s Meet new County Men’s First
Team Director have not gone as hoped as the teams finished Team Manager: Brian Mapley
bottom of the Anglian Leagues and Midlands Six-Man Qualifier.
HIGH Performance has always
Despite the second team winning the 2021 Anglian League, been something that’s run
Genner insists progress has been made in the last 12 months throughout my life, from my
as both sides have needed to go through major changes. football playing and coaching
career, which included coaching at
He said: “Both men’s teams had a very average year. We had Football League club academies,
the opportunity to host the Midlands six-man qualifying for the semi-professional clubs and the
England County Finals at Overstone Park, who presented the GB Amputee squad.
course brilliantly - to all involved, thank you.
I’ve replicated this in my
“Unfortunately, the result wasn’t what we wanted with us losing professional life where I’m a
some of our best players to illness and other circumstances Vice President of Sales UK for
meaning a very underwhelming performance. one of the biggest players in the
Payments Fintech space.
“Lee Hitchcock stepped down as first team captain, so I
appointed Gary Hardy, who has been a big part of the men’s I use my qualified executive
squads for many years and is well respected by all the players. coaching skills to get the best
out of new starters as part of the
“We have also recently appointed a new Team Manager in Sales Academy.
Brian Mapley, who I believe can add a lot, while Sam Bird and
John Gilding, who are doing a great job together, will remain As an accomplished public
with the second team for 2023. speaker, I regularly present at
Company events to inspire and
“We have been very busy throughout the winter bringing motivate the next generation.
in some county coaching, which has been missing over the
winters in the past - Michael Campbell and Mark Booth have I am a huge believer in marginal
been great in setting the coaching plans up. gains, so I’m really looking to
bring all my expertise to the Team
“We have introduced our own Winter Order of Merit, which will Manager role to help inspire and
run until March with a Grand Final at Belton Park or Seacroft. bring out the very best of the
“This has been well received by all the captains, managers and
participants, and we hope that more players will continue to It’s an absolute privilege to be
join in with these sessions over the next few months. involved with my home County of
“Thank you to all NGL club members and the Golf Clubs who
have hosted the men’s team this year - your support is greatly
appreciated by myself, the captains and the players.
“We look forward to showing our success and progress in
2023. Have a great Christmas and Happy New Year.”
6 Northamptonshire Golf Ltd
Whose Stock will rise during Boys County Winter coaching?
NORTHAMPTONSHIRE’S boys squad have already started preparations for the new season by
taking part in a series of winter coaching sessions with County Team Manager Adam Print and
County Coach Adam Myers.
With boys aged between nine and 13 years old taking part in training in October, November and
December, three more sessions are planned for February with a couple more scheduled in April.
Print said: “In our first squad get together we had an hour range session, where Adam Myers videoed
their swings, so we can analyse any real issues that can be addressed next time. Most of them had
very few issues we need to address.
“We then had a short game session, where Adam set up a six-hole par 12 course. This was very
competitive and we got to see how they tackled each particular challenge.
“After lunch, they played a competitive nine holes and Adam and I walked round and gave just a little
advice, but mainly watched to see how they approached their shots and their course management.
“The day, which was attended by 10 boys, went very well and we had a lot of feedback from the boys’
parents, which was very positive and said how much they’d enjoyed it and were looking forward to
the next one.
“In the next Development Squad session, we split the boys into two groups in the morning. One group
played 12 holes on the short course, while the other group took part on a wedge play competition on
the indoor simulator.
“The aim was to assess their wedge play and particularly on the short course, to assess their decision
making and shot selection.
“The boys were very enthusiastic and very competitive. Always asking what
the others were doing regarding score. They received points based on their
position for each activity.
“In the afternoon, they played nine holes, with the younger boys receiving
shots based on age. This allowed us to again assess their course
management, etiquette, attitude and shot selection.
“There are a lot of positives. The enthusiasm is
excellent, as is their behaviour, course etiquette
and they all hit the ball well. We also held another
session in mid-December.”
County Boys Team Captain Mark Stockdale,
meanwhile, secured the biggest victory of
his fledgling career as the Overstone Park
teenager (pictured) won the PSG Wealth
Knysna Open at Knysna GC in South Africa.
In a 36-hole competition, whose previous
winners include Brandon Grace and Louis
Oosthuizen, the 18-year-old carded an
opening score of two-under-par 70 to sit one
off the pace.
With intermittent rain and blustery wind
arriving in the afternoon, Stockdale
maintained his best form as he compiled an
excellent round of 68 to finish two shots clear
of a strong field of over 100 international golfers. 7
Time for reflecton after re-structuring year for County Women
CLAIRE Lindsay (pictured left) has reflected on her
first year as NGL Director of Women’s Teams, during
which time there has been a change of development
structure for both the Northamptonshire Women’s and
Girls’ squads.
Working with Northamptonshire PGA professionals
Dan Wood and Mark Norton, the County have
embarked on a full winter training programme for the
Elite and Development squads.
Newly appointed Team Managers Emma Bazeley and
Diane Amos invited players to join the planned winter
training schedule.
Lindsay, who will Captain the Women’s first team in
2023 with Amy Nunn (pictured left) skippering the
second team, explained: “We invited an additional
four girls to the elite squad and 11 to the development
squad from eight different clubs.
“Our first training session was in October at Delapre
Golf Centre. The morning session concentrated
on wedge play and distance control followed by an
afternoon on the par three course - giving everyone
the opportunity to put into practise what they had learnt
out on the course.
“Our second training session was held in November at
Northants County, but sadly due to weather conditions
our December session was cancelled, for which will be
re-scheduled. The next training session is scheduled
on Sunday, January 15th, 2023.
“We are also pleased to announce our 2023 Junior
Girls Captain is Chelsey Sharp (pictured left), who
discovered her golfing ability at the tender age of
seven at Kettering Golf Club.
“Now at the age of 15, her passion for golf is still
stronger than ever and a member at Peterborough
Milton and Wellingborough Golf Clubs.
“Chelsey has taken her golfing journey through The
Shires, Robert Rock, Faldo Series, Clutch Tour and
English and Welsh amateur ladies events, winning
many awards along the way.
“These include lifting the 2018 County Spring Cup,
finishing runner-up in the County Ladies Championship
in 2021, and then winning the St. Andrews Quaich
Championship in Scotland later that year.
“Chelsey, who also clinched the 2022 NGL County
Bouverie Bowl, is excited at the prospect of leading the
Girls County Junior team to success in 2023 and also
being a part of the County Women’s team.”
8 Northamptonshire Golf Ltd
Revised Rules of Golf come into effect at start of 2023
NEW Year’s Day will see the first day of competition with the new set of golf rules, unveiled a few
months ago by the R&A and USGA.
As they continue to make the Rules easier to understand and apply, the 2023 edition continues the
modernisation process, with an emphasis on both inclusion and sustainability.
For the first time, the modified Rules for players with disabilities have been fully incorporated into the
playing rules without the need to adopt a local rule.
The governing bodies will also promote digital and mobile app access to the Rules while significantly
reducing the production and distribution of more than four million printed books.
Several penalties have been relaxed and language has been clarified to help golfers at all levels of
Key changes include:
• Modifications for Players with Disabilities: The modifications to the Rules for players with disabilities
have been made part of the Rules and are in effect for all players who fall under the categories
covered in Rule 25.
• Handicap Usage in Stroke Play: With the continued growth of digital scoring following the adoption
of the World Handicap System, players are no longer required to show their handicap on their
scorecard in stroke play. The Committee will be responsible for calculating the player’s handicap
strokes for the competition and using that to calculate the player’s net score.
• Club Damaged During Round: The Rule has been amended to allow a player to replace a club that
is damaged during a round, provided the player did not damage it through abuse.
• Ball Moved by Natural Forces: A new Exception provides that a
ball at rest must be replaced if it moves to another area of the
course or comes to rest out of bounds after being dropped,
placed or replaced.
• Back-on-the-Line Relief Procedure: The back-on-the-
line relief procedure, often used for penalty area and
unplayable ball relief, has been simplified so that the
player now drops their ball on the line, and the ball
must come to rest within one club-length of where
it is dropped.
• Golfers will be able to learn more about the
major changes and view the official 2023
Rules of Golf by following the links below or
by visiting
Please visit 9
MacLaren is best of Brits on 2022 Ladies European Tour
WELLINGBOROUGH pro Meghan MacLaren
finished as the highest-ranked British golfer on the
2022 Ladies European Tour in seventh place after the
final event of the season in Spain.
The 28-year-old, who went through Q School to
regain her LET card last winter, secured victory in the
Australian Women’s Classic in April (pictured) as well
as picking up runners-up prizes in the Ladies Italian
Open and Lacoste Ladies Open De France.
Fellow Northamptonshire professional Charley Hull,
meanwhile, ended her Ladies European Tour season
with another strong performance as she finished
second in the Aramco Team Series event with scores
of 70, 65 and 68 in Jeddah.
Hull, who finished the year as the highest Brit in the
woman’s world rankings after winning an event on
the LPGA Tour, narrowly missed out on a second victory as she lost in a play-off to Chiara Noja.
In the men’s professional game, Northamptonshire professional Gary Boyd has earned a full
playing card on the European Challenge Tour for 2023 after coming through Q School on the Lakes
Course at Infinitum GC in Spain.
Boyd, who last competed regularly on the Challenge Tour in 2018, compiled rounds of 74, 69 and a
brilliant 65 to make the cut at the half way stage.
With the leading 28 players earning cards on the DP World Tour, the 36-year-old was unable to force
his way into the reckoning as he shot two rounds of 72, before finishing with a 71.
Fellow County pro Ryan Evans, meanwhile, is expected to receive some opportunities to play on the
Challenge Tour next season after finishing in 125th position on the 2022 rankings.
NGL Vacancies - Please Apply Now
TWO exciting opportunities have arisen with Northamptonshire
Golf Ltd so we are inviting applications for the positions of:
NGL County Secretary - For further details contact:
[email protected].
NGL County Welfare Officer - For further details contact:
[email protected].
Thank you for taking time to read our ninth, and last, Newsletter
in 2022. We hope you enjoyed this 10-page edition as we keep
you updated with the latest news, results and provide you with all
the relevant information.
Please note that you can still find out all the latest on County Golf in Northamptonshire by visiting
The next Newsletter, which is set to be published in the New Year, will include more details about
what is coming up in 2023.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all the team at Northamptonshire Golf Ltd.
10 Northamptonshire Golf Ltd