Volume 5, Issue 1 Pioneer Press
November 3, 2022
New Playground
By: Ella Grooters & Mayra Stenzel
This fall Sevastopol had a new playground put in. Find out what people are saying about it! 1
What’s different about the new playground? Sevastopol added a new playground with swings, an obstacle
course, and a net. “Swings are the best because it makes me feel like flying,” says Rori.
What’s bad about the new playground? Some kids complain that the playground is too small, or that it
might be a little dangerous for the little kids. Madi Jarosh says, “I agree it is a little small, and the net is a
little dangerous.”
What do kids do most on the new playground? Most people love the swings even though there is a lot of
waiting and not a whole lot of swinging. Many enjoy the climbing net, but a lot have gone back to the old
playground. “Swings are definitely the most used thing on the new playground,” agree Ryder and Maggie.
Is the rubberized mat useful? According to Silas Martin, “Yes, the rubberized mat is useful because imagine a
playground with just dirt, it would be super muddy and wet most of the time. Also, it is kind of squishy and
so it wouldn't hurt if you fell or tripped.”
What percentage of the kids go to the new playground versus the old playground? Almost everybody was on
the new playground the first day it was ready, but now a lot of kids are back to the old playground. Mrs.
Ayer, says “I would say about 60% new playground and 40% old playground, because the swings are so
Now you know what’s different about the new playground, what is bad about it, what kids do most on the
playground, why the rubberized mat is useful, and what percentage of kids go on the new vs. old playground.
Get out there and play!
Inside Vs. Out Behind the Scenes of
By: Ali Czagas
By: Rowan Cooley
What do you like more? Inside or outside recess? In
2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade, 73% of the students like Have you ever wondered what the teachers or
outside recess more. janitors do when we are gone? Or what they do
Studies show that being outside is relaxing, gives kids when they aren't here at school? Well, here is
lots of vitamins, and helps us be active. When we what some janitors and teachers do in their free
have recess outside it helps us by burning off our time.
energy and focusing in class. When we are bouncing Peg Bagnall, one of the janitors, says, “I go
off the walls or buzzing in our seats we tend to camping, I like to play with my dogs, I also like
distract not only ourselves but others too. This shows to travel, and hang out with my grandchildren.”
that Sevastopol students know what they're talking Gail, another janitor, says, “I like cooking,
about! watching movies, and going on walks.
One fourth grader, Emma Swain, says there is more Mrs. Ayer, the fifth grade teacher, says, “I grade
stuff to do outside, and sometimes likes being out in and clean up my room, get my kids home, and
the rain. get ready for the next day.”
Ryder Ortmayer likes being outside in a downpour, Mrs. Wiesner, the gym teacher, says, “I am
and thinks that teachers should let us go outside if we preparing for other classes, planning lessons,
have the appropriate clothes, but he also states, “I and putting grades in the grade book.”
like inside recess because I can make these The teachers help with our learning and with
monstrosities!” As he shows me a picture he is our life skills. The janitors help the school keep
drawing. clean and tidy. The bus drivers are kind enough
Will Ortmayer agrees with Ryder. He also thinks that to drive kids to school and back.
teachers should let us go outside, no matter what the All these examples show
weather, if we have the right clothes. He just likes how kind these people are
outside recess more. to help us along our school
Some people may argue that inside recess is good for journey. Don't forget they
kids' creativity. I see a lot of kids drawing and deserve to enjoy breaks too!
reading during inside recess. Who knows? Maybe
inside recess is helping kids’ academics too.
Outside recess won 22 to 10, 73%, and maybe if
strong opinions and raincoats can write a newspaper
article, maybe they can change the rules too.
Puffs You Did What?
Silly Students
By: Jackson Toivonen
By: Jillayna Fameree & Kailee Gilbert
Lights, camera, action! Sevastopol School’s 2022-2023
winter play this year is called Puffs. We asked students, “Have you broke or sprained
If you are wondering, “What is Puffs?” Well, Puffs is a anything recently?” One kid from each grade level
play about a certain school of magic where Harry… Oh broke or sprained a bone over the summer! They all
wait! This story is about a different boy by the name of agreed to share their story!
Wayne Hopkins. He meets friends, Meagan Jones and Aurora Rehor, a 1st grader, sprained her bicep/upper
Oliver Rivers. There are four groups of students; the arm this summer. She was taking a walk with her
first group is the Brave group, the second is the Smart mother on the road and tripped on the concrete,
group, the third group is the Puff group, and the final spraining her arm enough to get a cast. Fortunately,
group is the Snake group. Something terrible happens she did not break a bone. She was brave and handled
when the Dark Lord returns! Will Wayne defeat him, or the situation like nothing happened.
will Harry? Watch to find out! Leo Mathews, a 2nd grader, broke his arm over the
Which group is the most popular? Grace says that she summer on his playground at home. One day he was
prefers the Smart group because she likes the way the casually playing on his playground. Suddenly, he fell
house sounds and she likes the common room colors. off the slide and broke his arm!
Selma enjoys the Brave group because the common room Daisy Patten, a 3rd grader, broke her foot over the
looks cozy. Rori likes the Snake group because she loves summer. She was just laughing and having an
the backstory of the snakes. I prefer the Puffs because amazing time on the monkey bars. Before she knew
they are happy to meet new people. So, as you can see, it, she slipped and fell on her foot.
there are mixed opinions about which group is the best. Richard Heindel, a 4th grader, broke his arm while
Who made Puffs? This Off-Off Broadway improv was four wheeling this summer. He was trying to have a
created by Matt Cox. It premiered in New York City, peaceful, but fast ride, and his four-wheeler spun out
New York on December 3, 2015. and crashed. Thankfully it was only a broken arm!
When will it be playing? The production schedule is: Blake Bley, a 5th grader, broke his foot this summer.
Friday, November 4 at 6:30, Saturday, November 5 at He was riding his bike and did a jump over a can, he
6:30, and Sunday, November 6 at 1:30. There is also a landed safely, but his bike did him dirty by spinning
sneak preview for elementary kids on Friday, November out and crashing into a tree.
4 at 2:15. In conclusion, all had a fun time playing around, but
We hope you will enjoy this production if you go, but if they got sadly they got her. At the end of the day,
you don’t, we hope that you will catch the spring you're only a kid once, so have fun!
Left to Right 3
Blake Bley- 5th Grade
Richard Heindel-4th Grade
Daisy Patten-3rd Grade
Leo Matthews- 2nd Grade
Aurora Rehor- 1st Grade
Mrs. Teachers “Free” Time
5th Grade By: Shaylyn Asher & Brennan Rass
Mrs. Have you ever wondered what teachers do in their free time? Well, today you
Neuman will find out what teachers do outside of school.
4th Grade Mrs. Rikkola likes to run, cook, and go through pictures on the weekend. She
also tries to spend as much time with family as possible, she loves road trips.
Mr. She also likes to shop at Tj Maxx and Target.
Skiba Three things Mrs. Neuman does on the weekends are golf, go to the beach, and
3rd Grade enjoy campfires. She enjoys quite a bit of family time too. Mrs. Neuman likes to
shop at Spot. She doesn't get up early on the weekends and just in case you were
Mrs. wondering, yes, she does grade papers on the weekends.
Bortle Mr. Skiba likes to spend time with family, watch football, and go on bike rides.
2nd Grade The thing he likes the most is being able to eat whenever he wants. He likes to
shop at TJ Maxx. He does not grade things on the weekends.
Mrs. Ms. Bortle likes to read, hang out with her niece and nephew, and relax at home!
Ploor She likes to shop on Amazon, at Target or at TJ Maxx. Her favorite fast food
1st Grade restaurant is Panera Bread and her favorite sit down restaurant is Kitty's. She
doesn't set an alarm on the weekends, but usually she wakes up by 7:00 am.
Mrs. Mrs. Ploor likes to ride her horse, tries to cook, and spends time with family. She
Huehns likes to shop at malls. She loves road trips and she does get up early on the
Kindergarten weekends.
Mrs. Huehns likes to drink coffee and take her kids to sporting events. She likes
to shop at Spot. She loves having pizza and movie nights with her kids.
Mrs. Albertson likes to go camping, likes to walk, and be home with family. She
likes to shop at Tj Maxx and loves road trips. She likes to sleep in.
Mrs. Krueger on the weekends takes care of Pearl, cleans her house, makes art,
and plays with her cats. The thing she likes most about being off is being home.
Her favorite place to shop online is amazon and in person store is Scheels. Mrs.
Krueger's favorite place to eat is Inn at Cedar Crossing.
Mrs. Asher loves watching kids play sports, likes campfires, and hanging out in
the pool. She loves road trips and tries not to do work on the weekends. Mrs.
Asher likes to shop at spot and the thing she likes most about being off is
spending time with family.
Now you know a little bit more about some of our teachers at Sevastopol!
Mrs. Mrs. Mrs.
Albertson Krueger Asher
4K Art Education
New Teachers By: Jaya Llama & Addison Solberg
Have you noticed any new faces around the school? We think it's important to Mr. Larson
highlight not just new teachers, but others such as aides who help kids too. We asked Mrs.
all the new teachers questions and we have all the great news for you. Stousland
Why did you become a teacher? Mrs.
Mrs. Albertson, the 4k teacher answered, “I had always heard wonderful things
about Sevastopol students and any time I met a child in the community, that I found Mrs. Isaksen
so very respectful and polite, went to Sevastopol. I knew that this was the school I
wanted my kids to go to and soon I started working here.” Mrs.
Mrs. Whipple, a special education aide, answered, “I enjoy working with kids, and Albertson
she thinks it very rewarding.”
Mrs. Petrina, a special education aide, answered, “I became a teacher because I Mrs. Whipple
enjoy seeing the students succeed every day.”
Mrs. Baumgart, the library teacher answered, “I have taught kindergarten through Mrs. Petrina
high school and I love to watch students learn new thing.’
Mrs. Raynier
Why did you choose the subject you teach now?
Mr. Larson, the music teacher, answered, “It is an expressive art form and
it is something I’m comfortable with.”
Mrs. Stousland, the math interventionist, answered“I enjoy and like to teach.”
Mrs. Raynier, a special educator aide, answered “I moved here a year and a half ago.
I worked remotely at home, and decided to change my job so
I can work with kids.”
Why did you choose to work a Sevastopol?
Mrs. Isaken, the speech teacher, answered, “I wanted to work at
Sevastopol because I knew what an amazing school it is because of all the
positive experiences my children have had attending Sevastopol.”
Is being a teacher hard or easy so far?
Mr. Larson replied, “New and difficult getting used to the routine and how to control
the group.”
Mrs. Petrina said, “It's easy to be a teacher because the students always brighten my
New teachers are important to know because we get them every year, and no one
may really notices them, or really knows who they are. Just because they are new
doesn't mean they are different from other teachers. So, if you see a new face in the
hallways you should stop and ask a few questions, or at least say, “Hi!”
Field Trips Trees for Tomorrow
By: Selma Gigstead & Madi Jarosh By: Michal Dereszkiewicz
Have you been wondering what field trips you are Have you heard of Trees for Tomorrow? Maybe
going to go on each year? You can read this to find you had an older sibling go there when they were in
out! 5th grade. According to Up North at 4, “Trees for
If you are in 4k, Mrs. A says that she has some fun Tomorrow (TFT) is a non profit environmental
field trips planned, but she is not sure which ones education center located in Eagle River, WI.” The
she is going to pick quite yet. goal of Trees for Tomorrow is to teach people of all
In Kindergarten, you will go on the annual ages about how important natural resources are
Children's Museum trip and some other fun-filled and that we can’t take things like nature for
field trips. granted.
In first grade, they went to the Red Barn to pick At Trees for Tomorrow the 5th graders stay for
pumpkins, and had some fall filled fun. They will three days without any electronics. Each person
also go to the EcoLab once a month. In spring, gets to pick four people that they want to be in a
they will go to more farms and compare an old dorm with. Most importantly, they learn how to
traditional farm to a modern robotic one. start a fire, about wilderness survival, and about
Second grade will be going to the EcoLab once how the foundation was started. My personal
every month this year. favorite activity was when we learned to build a
Third grade goes to the New Zoo, Crossroads, and fire because it was exciting to learn about different
Heritage Village. fire starters. The rest of the fun activities, and
In fourth grade, they will be going to Madison to many more awesome things to do, are waiting for
see the Capitol of Wisconsin and the zoo there too. YOU at Trees for Tomorrow!
Lauren, a 4th grader, says that she is very excited
to be going to Madison later this year. She also says
that she enjoyed going to the zoo in 3rd grade.
Fifth grade will be going on a submarine at the
Manitowoc maritime museum and they also get to
go spelunking at caves in Horseshoe Bay later this
Specials By: Selma Gigstead & Madi Jarosh
A question you have probably asked yourself, or your friends, is when is Mrs. 7
Kruger going to announce the next art project? Well, we have that information!
Just by reading this you will know what’s going on for the next couple of
months! All of the grades are going to be doing a fall related art project this
month. Second, third, and fourth grade are going to be doing a Sugar Skull for
Day of the Dead. 4k, Kindergarten, and 1st grade are going to be doing pumpkin
themed projects that have color mixing lessons involved.
You also may be wondering how the new point system is going This is what Mrs.
Krueger had to say about it, “The point system is going great.” She says that it
really helps with behavior and being kind to others, this helps improve talking in
class as well.
The Annual Art Show is going to be different this year, everyone is going to
participate! Mrs. Krueger is going to make it jungle themed and is going to be
using at least one of everyone's pieces. She is thinking that she is going to have
some sort of music, and maybe a sports event, or even some live performances.
Amiya, a 3rd grader, likes art class because she can “express herself.” Her
favorite art project was when they made calacas in 2nd grade. Addison, in 5th
grade, likes art class but couldn’t choose a favorite art project. She liked all of
them. She likes the newer art room better than the old one because she was not
at this school to see the old room.
In Gym this week, we did a cornhole tournament in the Pioneer Room because
the gym was occupied with play setup. Next week, we are doing strategic games,
such as Sharks and Minnows, Steal the Treasure, and Tip’n Flip. We are going to
be playing basketball the following two weeks. Also, throughout the year expect
different warm ups every week.
Silas in 5th grade said, “My favorite special is P.E. because I like playing Steal
the Treasure. He likes this game because he believes that he is better at it than
everybody else. Shane says P.E is his favorite special as well. He likes P.E.
because he gets to run free from stress.
Have you ever wondered why we do Guidance? Mrs. Retzlaff says that having
Guidance is important because she wants kids to learn how to be in control of
their feelings as they get older. This is what each grade will be doing for the next
couple of months: kindergarten will be learning about Kelso’s Choices. 1st and
3rd grade will be reading “Happy Habits For Kids,” while 2nd grade will learn
about “Super Flex Unthinkable.” 4th grade will be reading the book “Crash” by
Jerry Spinelli. Lastly, 5th will be learning about creating good habits.
Mrs. Retzlaff thinks that Character Strong is very good because it teaches kids
about respect, responsibility, gratitude, and many more important habits. In
conclusion, Mrs. Retzlaff really cares about kindness and empathy, as we all
That’s a wrap on what is happening in specials for the next few months.
By: Brennan Collins & Will Ortmayer
Have you ever wondered what learning Spanish would be like and 5th Graders working on conversational
why we would need to know the language, or maybe what the skills in Spanish.
history of the language is? There are a lot of reasons to learn and
enjoy another language, especially Spanish! We have great news; in Estudiantes de 5to grado trabajando en
5th grade you get an introduction to Spanish. We hope 5th grade habilidades conversacionales en español.
continues to do this so you learn and enjoy the language too!
When learning Spanish, you will start out by learning how to 8
introduce yourself. You then move on to learn and memorize the
Spanish alphabet by doing activities, like connecting the dots and
listing the letters in the alphabet. When you are starting to get the
hang of it, or can sing the Spanish alphabet fluently, you will start
to work on phrases such as: “Nice to meet you” or “See you later.''
These all tie back to your introduction. This is only the beginning
of what you will learn!
The Spanish teacher's name is Senora Brandt, and she always comes
up with fun things to teach Plus she is very informational and
knows so much about Spanish! She’s a really cool teacher if you ask
me, and makes learning fun. Senora Brandt says she really enjoys
teaching Spanish for fifth grade, but she wishes she could spend
more time teaching us. The earlier you learn to be bilingual, the
better you will be at the language.
Now you may be thinking, “What is the reason for knowing this
language?” Well, I know one reason that might blow your mind,
Spanish is the second most spoken language in the U.S., and the
fourth most spoken language in the world! So it could be super
helpful to know!
You might think that Spanish is a language from Mexico. Well, it's
not. The language is actually from Spain; it's even in the name! You
probably wonder why Mexican people speak it so well. In the 1600s,
when the Spaniards “found” the “new world,” they made
settlements in North America. There were also countries going to
South America, like Spain, and they settled where Mexico is now,
spreading their language.
Students will be taking Spanish beyond 5th grade, so we would like
students to get some experience with the language when they are
younger. If you start learning foreign languages when you are
younger it is easier learn, so why not give it a try!
What’s New with You?
By: Grace Olson and Rori Orlock
We interviewed kindergarten students about how they are liking school this year versus last year.
We also interviewed 4k students about how their school year is going so far this year. We spoke with
Griffin Hunter and Maddie Blahnik from kindergarten, and Jessica Tlatempa and Hugh Pounds
from 4k. Here what they had to say.
Griffin Hunter - Kindergarten Maddie Blahnik -
Q: “Do you have an item Kindergarten
that you really liked Q: “What is new this year
last year, and why did that was different from
you like it?” the last?”
A: “My favorite item was the old toy garbage A: “We have new math
truck in 4k. It was my favorite because it was textbooks and way more math homework.”
fun to play with and I like old things.”
Q: “Is your new teacher nice, and why?”
Q: “Did you like last year more or this year A: ”Yes, she is because in kindergarten we get
more and why did you like it?” to have parties often.”
A: “I like this year more because it's easier,
this year I am closer with my friends and I'm Q: “What do you like that is different from
not so nervous.” last year?”
A: “I like that we get to make new things and
Q: “What is new this year that was different pick out our own jobs.”
from last year?”
A: “There is a new playground, I miss the old
playground. It was bigger and more fun.”
Hugh Pounds - 4K Jessica Tlatempa - 4K
Q: “What's the funnest Q: “What did you think you
thing you've done so far would be doing in school and why?”
in school?” A: “Science, because it seems fun.”
A: “To go play outside on the playground and
to meet my new friends.” Q: “Is your new teacher nice?”
A: “Yes, because she gives us snacks.”
Q: “Is your teacher nice, and why?”
A: “ Yes, because she brings us outside.” Q: “What is the funnest thing you’ve done in
your new school.”
A: “Meeting new friends.” 9
What Should I Read? By: Silas Martin
This part of the newspaper is entirely devoted to 4K
showing you books that you might like. It will
show books for grades kindergarten through 5th
grade. There are a variety of books, little books
and big books. These are just a few of the great
books you could read! The books are…
Kindergarten 1st Grade
2nd Grade 3rd Grade
What Should I Read? (cont.)
4th Grade 5th Grade
Reading Incentives By: Maggie Thomas
Did you know that in some classes you can get ice cream and other prizes for reading? These prizes
are called reading incentives. If you aren’t sure whether your teacher gives reading incentives, just
ask them at an acceptable time.
An incentive is a reward granted when you achieve something. Some reading teachers use incentives
to motivate students to read a certain amount of books or pages.
Mrs. Ayer allows kids to earn the incentives seen to the right here. Additionally,
kids earn a Tootsie Roll for every book they read.
Mrs. Thomas goes by minutes instead of pages. This is her reward system:
What do kids think of this? 11
“I think it’s pretty cool because it gives you a little boost of confidence,” remarks Jack.
“I think it’s good for people who can read quickly,” answers Silas, “But for people who can’t read
quickly, it is sad to see people getting ice cream.”
As you can see, there are mixed feelings about reading incentives, but it is always fun when you get
a prize!
Fact Vs. Myth This or That?
By: Shane Leist & Ryder Ortmayer By: Shaylyn Asher & Brennan Rass
Have you ever heard of a myth? We recently asked the elementary students questions
A myth is a tale or legend, which about “This or That” choices of what they like and
many people think is true but is here are the answers that were shared! We asked
not. Here are some popular questions such as: do you like math or reading,
myths, and the actual truths to naptime or no naptime? Most classes submitted the
go with them. survey and we got some answers that you’ll enjoy.
Myth Truth
Bulls get angry when they Bulls can not even see red.
see the color red.
George Washington had He actually had dentures
wooden teeth. made of animal teeth.
Butterflies can’t fly if you Butterflies have scales on
touch their wings. their wings and if you touch
them they will just shed the
Bats are blind. Bats can see three times
better than humans.
Christopher Columbus They knew that the world
thought the world was flat. was not flat. They didn't
know about the Americas.
Do you think that these myths were mind blowing? 12
Now, that you know the truth, let's find out what
your fellow schoolmates thought when they heard the
● Henley from third grade thought it was cool
that bats are not blind.
● Max from third grade thought that it was
pretty awesome that bats are not blind.
● Tucker from fourth grade thought that the
one about Christopher Columbus was cool.
● Logan from fourth grade was amazed that
George Washington did not have wooden
Have you ever heard of these myths? Did you believe
in some of these myths? Maybe if you are not sure if
something is fact or myth you can do some research
to find the truth.
Safety Q&A
By: Michal Dereszkiewicz
Have you ever wondered what the day in the life of our new school resource officer is like?
If you don’t know what a resource officer is, today is your lucky day. According to
online sources, a resource officer is a person who holds a position in order to keep others safe.
Now you can keep reading the latest Q & A to get all your questions answered!
Q: Why did you choose to be a police officer?
A: Well, my grandparents inspired me to get into law enforcement and I’ve always wanted to just help
Q: Why did you choose our school district over other schools?
A: I heard that there was a new position to be a police officer so I signed up.
Q: What is a normal routine while on the job here at school?
A: Well, it's different every day but I usually walk around checking doors to see if they are locked and check
vehicles in the parking lot.
Q: What do you recommend students should do to ensure safety among the students and teachers?
A: Students should make sure that the classroom doors are locked and to always report suspicious activity
at school.
Q: Why did you choose to work at a school and not a station?
A: I love kids and I want every student to be safe.
I interviewed some students to see what they think should be done to keep others safe. Tucker LeClair says,
“I think kids should be more cautious about what is safe and what’s not on the playground.” Colt Johnson,
a fourth grader says, “I think kids can be safe by keeping their hands to themselves.” He also says, “I think
teachers should ensure as much safety in the hallways as they can.” Hudson Lauder, a third grader says
“kids can be safe by not running in the hallways.”
I hope that this article can remind kids around the school to stay safe and
keep one another safe. Now, that is the complete Q and A of school safety!
What do You think the next Q & A topic should be?
By: Aayid Khan & Boone Henry
How do you show respect?
Showing respect means helping others. For example, if someone is on the buddy bench, go ask them if they
would like to play. Respect is making sure to listen to other students when they are talking to you, and listen
to your teachers! You should do what is expected and treat school supplies with care. Respect is important,
because everyone should be treated with respect and everyone wants to be treated with respect. If you give
respect, you will get respect! All of this is what you are learning in our Character Strong Program.
What do students think respect looks like?
Tucker Leclair says, “We should be quiet when others are talking.”
Grace Brandenburg says, “Listen to others.”
Cruz Kuehn says, ‘‘Teaching youngsters how to do the right thing
and to be a good sport.”
Mrs. Krueger and the Art Room
Mrs. Krueger says it is really important to respect art supplies because they are shared with everyone in the
school. In order to make sure art supplies will last a long time, everyone has to do their part to show respect
to the supplies and take good care of them. For example, putting the caps back on markers, NOT
sharpening pencils down to little stubs, making sure paint brushes are clean and that they “dance on their
tippy toes,” putting supplies away in the correct spot and not chewing on erasers. (Yuck!).
You can also show respect to the art room and supplies by not being wasteful, like throwing away papers
when you make a mistake, instead recycle them or reusing them. You can also keep things organized so that
the next class has what they need. Lastly, always follow expectations that Mrs. Krueger sets in order to help
our classes earn rewards! These are all great ways to show respect to the art room.
Mr.T and the Laptops
There are many ways to respect technology, especially the laptops. Mr. T says please do not put pressure on
the screens or the hinges of the laptops. One way you can protect the screen is to avoid putting weight on
the laptops. Always hold the laptops with two hands, and treat the device like it’s your own. Keep in mind
the laptops are a privilege, which means you can be kicked off the laptop if you don't respect them. We need
to follow these steps, because two of our laptops have already been broken, and they can’t be replaced.
What We, the Authors, Have to Say About Respect
Showing respect is something that needs to be practiced and done every day. Respect should be shown to
everybody and can help keep our school safe. Be a leader and show respect!
Sevastopol School Clubs
By: Rori Orlock & Grace Olson
Are you in a school club? Maybe after you read this article you might want to join one.
The school clubs we will be talking about are DI (Destination Imagination), Game Club,
and FFA(Future Farmers of America). We interviewed some students about the school
clubs. You can join DI from fourth grade and up. Game club starts in middle school and
up. You can sign up for FFA when you're in 8th grade. We interviewed some students who
are in each of these clubs, see what they had to say.
Jaya Llama, 5th grade, DI Member
We asked Jaya, “What do you do in your school club?” Jaya said, “It is an eight minute
skit, and you make everything including the skit ideas and the props/costumes.
DI stands for Destination Imagination. Really what you do in DI is make your own skit.
The best part is you can get ideas from your coach, but you can't get your coach to plan
everything out for you. Also your family can't know about your skit, they will probably
give ideas. The whole idea of DI is to do it yourself, with your team of course. We asked
Jaya, “Is your school club considered fun?” Jaya said, “Yes, it is a fun experience and you
learn new things. I still had fun even though we did not win.”
Kayla Stout, 8th grade, Game Club Member
The game club is exactly what it sounds like, it's a club where you get to play games with
each other. In game club you mostly play board games or card games, not often online
games, but sometimes you can bring your phone for online games as well. We asked Kayla,
“Is game club fun?” Kayla, “Yes it’s a really fun experience.”
Kapri Gill, 12th grade, FFA Member
In FFA you learn about leadership and agriculture. FFA also has a lot of fun activities.
FFA was established, or made, in 1929. That’s a long time ago, and Sevastopol School was
made in 1924! We asked Kapri, “Is FFA fun?” Kapri said, “Yes, it is because we get to do
fun activities. You learn/do leadership, do fun activities, and learn/do agriculture.”
If you want to join any of these clubs, here are some tips or skills that you might need. For
DI you will probably need creativity, because you need to make your own skit from scratch
and you can't get any ideas from family or the coach. In Game Club you need strategy,
because in Game Club you play games like chess, card games etc. In those games you need
strategy to win whatever game you’re playing. For FFA you need bravery, because you
learn how to be a leader and you get to be a leader. If you have these qualities, you should
check out these clubs as you get older!
Fall in Door County
By: Ella Grooters & Mayra Cordua Stenzel
Door County is a wonderful place to be, especially in the fall. Not just the beautiful colors on the trees,
but also because of the places there are. What kind of places you ask? Well, there are restaurants,
entertainment centers, hiking trails, campgrounds, and just plain old stores.
Some top-rated restaurants that you should definitely visit are:
● Donny’s Glidden Lodge because they offer the perfect
combination of great food with quality service
● The Nightingale Supper Club for full menu of delicious appetizers,
homemade soups, hearty sandwiches, and gourmet dinner entrees
● The Log Den for food, drinks, and good service
● Wanda Jean’s
● Brick Lot Pub and Grill has great food and great times
● Culver’s for Handcrafted Freshness
Fall in Door County can have various weather, so when it’s a beautiful day you should get to Cave Point
County Park because of the amazing cliffs! You could also hike to Cana Island Lighthouse.
The Maritime Museum is open for interesting history. Plus, the Door County Trolley Tours can take you
to see the awesome scenery. You can visit the Fun Park for mini golf, pizza, ice cream, soda, amusement,
and go karts.“I really like the arcade games, especially the fishing game,” says Mrs. Asher.
If you like to hike, there are many good places to go. There is the Ahnapee State Trail,
Cave Point, Ice Age Trail, Peninsula State Park, Whitefish Dunes State Park,
and Potawatomi State Park. “Cave Point County Park is my favorite because
I like walking by the water, the gorgeous views, and climbing the rocks,”
says Mrs. Ayer.
Are you wondering about where to camp in Door County? If you are, here are some camping sites:
Harbour Village Camping Resort because of all of the activities, Fish Creek Camping and RV for the
peaceful nature around it, Rock Island Camping for the beautiful nature and history, Frontier
Wilderness Campground for the beautiful campgrounds, Newport Campground for welcoming sites, and
Monument Point Camping for a nice location.
These are all fantastic places to be in Door County. If you want to learn more, then you should search
on google “Places in Door County.”