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Published by , 2021-11-14 23:08:13

John Rhex Santos (BSBIO1-B)







Before the covid-19 virus struck the country, were there plans that you wished to
accomplish but failed to because of the lockdown that was implemented? If yes,
did you feel any regret? How did you deal with it? What do you intend to do now
or in the near future about those failed plans?

I planned to travel and take " Covid-19 push us away I’m so fly my
a vacation at my mother's from the things that we used flight was
hometown Iloilo city in to do and forced us to adapt
Visayas , unfortunately to the new normal which is cancelled
COVID-19 pandemic being locked down inside
happened and everything our houses and letting our For I know the plans I have for you,'
went downhill and my parents risked their lives to declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you
dream vacation was provide for us. I started to and not to harm you, plans to give you a
cancelled. I felt sad ,regret, adapt little by little now for
and worried for my relatives those plans that had been hope and a future
whom had a weak body ruined because of the (Jeremiah 29:11)
constitution. A lot of pandemic, of course I'm
questions popped up out of planning to make amends
nowhere like " what If they with those miss opportunities
get infected ,what if I and take a vacation again if
become infected ,how can I things becomes more
deal with this? peaceful and safe.


When covid 19 struck the country i
was a grade 11 student that time,
as a student we all want to
experience a face to face
graduation ceremony. But,
because of lockdown face to face
graduation ceremony turned to
virtual graduation. I deal with it by
accepting the fact that we need to
prioritize our safety first before
anything else, because it is a
matter of life and death.

“Do all the other things, “Education makes a
the ambitious things—
people easy to lead, but
travel, get rich, get
difficult to drive: easy to
famous, innovate, lead,
govern, but impossible to
fall in love, make and lose enslave.”
fortunes…but as you do, —Henry Peter Brougham

to the extent that you can,

err in the direction of
—George Saunders


Experience of

by John Rhex Santos

How will you I can describe my lockdown learned a lot of things, such as
describe your as a beautiful disaster how to value what we have and
lockdown because it had both a to be grateful for the blessings
positive and negative we have, as well as how to
experience? What impact on people. On the spend time with our loved
are the good or positive side, we ones.
bad things did this
unique experience

bring you and
your family? How
did your family

deal with it?

The negative aspect is that many lives have been
lost, and many people have given their lives to
protect the rest of us from the virus. Additionally,
many businesses have closed, affecting the daily
lives of many people. My family overcame this
circumstance by never leaving each other's side,
making time to bond together, and constantly
ensuring that everyone is safe.


John Rhex Santos is my name. I am a 18- Except for our housekeeper, the COVID-19
year-old Floridablanca native. I'd want to rapid response team came the next day and
tell you about my experience since being took our tests, and we were all tested
tested positive for coronavirus. It all began positive. We began doing everything we
when Auntie became ill with malaria-like could to keep her from acquiring the virus
symptoms; we went to the hospital, where from that point forward. Everyone cleaned
we were tested negative for malaria and the toilet after each use, we all cleaned our
given antibiotics. He was sick for almost plates by ourselves, I had to go to a
three days before getting well. My Cousins different room to prevent infecting her with
and Her Husband began to complain of the virus, and she stopped coming to the
headaches and bodily pains after that, and living room because it was where we spent
although they tested negative for malaria, the most of our time. Furthermore, we all
they finally recovered. My Cousin claimed donned masks in the house and avoided the
she wanted to be tested for corona virus kitchen and other areas because the maid
with my Auntie after they both displayed spent the most of her time there.
symptoms a few days later. On the 26th of
July, 2020, I refused to accompany them
because I felt fine. When they returned
home, Auntie informed me that they had
both tested positive for COVID-19, and that
the rest of the family would be tested the
next day.

A month later, I was
quarantined at home
and tested again to find
out that I was negative
for covid disease


After more than a year of living 8
in pandemic, what are your
significant learnings or Through the months of the plague, I've
realizations? What have you comprehended that lockdowns by the
considered as important in pandemic push every family to dwell
dealing with its effects or inside homes together and enable them to
impact on your family? have more time to spend with their loved
ones and put their hearts closer to God
VIRUS START and take pause to worldly toil. That is
why my family is safe from viruses and
The first known infections from rejoiced every moment together in our
SARS-CoV-2 were discovered in home.
Wuhan, China. The original source Due to becoming infected with the COVID-19 virus, I had no ambitions
of viral transmission to humans other than to finish my education. And I like to study in a school
remains unclear, as does whether classroom rather than at home. Why? Because we can feel like we're
the virus became pathogenic before studying at school, but we're still having fun because my dear pals are
or after the spillover event.Because also there. When the COVID-19 virus arrived in our country, however,
many of the early infectees were everything changed. When the lockdown is enacted, I have no regrets
workers at the Huanan Seafood because it is for the protection of everyone. But, of course, I'm sad
Market,it has been suggested that because this is the final time I'll see my friends and classmates on the
the virus might have originated school grounds and in the classroom
from the market. However, other
research indicates that visitors may
have introduced the virus to the
market, which then facilitated rapid
expansion of the infections.


Good day, future self.
I'm sure you're satisfied.
I know you're proud, and I know you've already taken care of yourself.
I'm sure you've already worked everything out by now.
Your former self is still attempting to get out of his shell at this point.
He's still striving to be the best version of himself, overcoming his fears and concerns.
However, thank you.
Thank you for persevering.
Thank you for your faith.
Remember to be grateful, right?
And always remember to look back.
I'm ecstatic to be you.
I'll see you mwaahhhh.

While we are gradually easing out of
this “bawal lumabas” kind of covid-

19 stricken life, have you thought
about what directions you would
want to take? What are your plans?

Honestly, because of this situation, all
of my future plans are slowly changing
due to the doubt that I have in myself.
The only plan that I was thinking
about right now is that I will just focus
on myself so that I can decide my
goals for the future and for myself.


This is a photoshoot at school,
and we are overjoyed that all
of our hard work has paid off,
and a new chapter has begun. I
graduated, despite the fact that
adjusting to a new mode of
learning is difficult in the first
place, and there is a risk from
the virus because it is
pandemic, and we don't know
who is the virus's carrier.





College Of Arts and Science


(Year And Section)
John Rhex C. Santos

Mrs. Sally Trinidad
(College Teacher/Instructor)

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