Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
A 7s Comparative
ACERBER ABCEERR ACERB, sour (sharp or biting to the taste) [adj]
ACRIDER ACDEIRR ACRID, sharp and harsh to the taste or smell [adj]
ADEPTER ADEEPRT ADEPT, highly skilled [adj]
ALERTER AEELRRT ALERT, ready for sudden action [adj]
ANGRIER AEGINRR ANGRY, feeling strong displeasure or hostility [adj]
ANTSIER AEINRST ANTSY, fidgety (nervously restless) [adj]
APPLIER AEILPPR APPLEY, resembling or suggestive of an apple [adj]
ARTSIER AEIRRST ARTSY, arty (showily or pretentiously artistic) [adj]
A 7s Superlative
ACUTEST ACESTTU ACUTE, marked by sharpness or severity [adj]
AERIEST AEEIRST AERY, airy (having the nature of air) [adj]
AIRIEST AEIIRST AIRY, having the nature of air [adj]
AMPLEST AELMPST AMPLE, abundant (present in great quantity) [adj]
ARIDEST ADEIRST ARID, extremely dry [adj]
ARTIEST AEIRSTT ARTY, showily or pretentiously artistic [adj]
ASHIEST AEHISST ASHY, covered with ashes [adj]
AULDEST ADELSTU AULD, old (living or existing for a relatively long time) [adj]
B 7s Comparative
BAGGIER ABEGGIR BAGGY, loose-fitting [adj]
BALKIER ABEIKLR BALKY, stubborn (unyielding (to give up)) [adj]
BALLIER ABEILLR BALLY, noisy uproar [adj]
BALMIER ABEILMR BALMY, mild (not harsh or rough) [adj]
BANDIER ABDEINR BANDY, curved apart at the knees [adj]
BARKIER ABEIKRR BARKY, covered with bark (tough outer covering of a root or stem) [adj]
BARMIER ABEIMRR BARMY, full of barm; frothy [adj]
BARNIER ABEINRR BARNY, resembling a barn in size, shape, or smell [adj]
BATTIER ABEIRTT BATTY, crazy (insane (mentally unsound)) [adj]
BAWDIER ABDEIRW BAWDY, obscene (indecent (not decent)) [adj]
BEADIER ABDEEIR BEADY, resembling beads [adj]
BEAKIER ABEEIKR BEAKY, resembling a beak (a bird's bill) [adj]
BEAUTER ABEERTU BEAUT, beautiful [adj]
BEEFIER BEEEFIR BEEFY, brawny (muscular (pertaining to muscle)) [adj]
BEERIER BEEEIRR BEERY, affected by beer [adj]
BENDIER BDEEINR BENDY, flexible (capable of being bent) [adj]
BILGIER BEGIILR BILGY, smelling like seepage [adj]
BITSIER BEIIRST BITSY, tiny (very small) [adj]
BITTIER BEIIRTT BITTY, tiny (very small) [adj]
BLACKER ABCEKLR BLACK, being of the darkest color [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
BLANKER ABEKLNR BLANK, empty (containing nothing) [adj]
BLEAKER ABEEKLR BLEAK, dreary (dismal (cheerless and depressing)) [adj]
BLINDER BDEILNR BLIND, sightless [adj]
BLITHER BEHILRT BLITHE, merry (cheerful (full of spirits)) [adj]
BLOKIER BEIKLOR BLOKEY, blokeish (resembling the typical behavior of a bloke) [adj]
BLONDER BDELNOR BLOND, light-colored [adj]
BLOWIER BEILORW BLOWY, windy (marked by strong wind) [adj]
BLUFFER BEFFLRU BLUFF, having a broad front [adj]
BLUNTER BELNRTU BLUNT, not sharp or pointed [adj]
BOGGIER BEGGIOR BOGGY, marshy (resembling a marsh (a tract of low, wet land)) [adj]
BONEYER BEENORY BONEY, bony (full of bones) [adj]
BONNIER BEINNOR BONNY, pretty (pleasing to the eye) [adj]
BOOMIER BEIMOOR BOOMY, prospering [adj]
BOOZIER BEIOORZ BOOZY, drunken (drunk (intoxicated)) [adj]
BOPPIER BEIOPPR BOPPY, suggestive of bebop [adj]
BOSKIER BEIKORS BOSKY, wooded; bushy [adj]
BOSSIER BEIORSS BOSSY, domineering [adj]
BRAGGER ABEGGRR BRAG, first-rate [adj]
BRAKIER ABEIKRR BRAKY, abounding in shrubs or ferns [adj]
BRASHER ABEHRRS BRASH, rash; hasty [adj]
BRIEFER BEEFIRR BRIEF, short (having little length) [adj]
BRINIER BEIINRR BRINY, salty (tasting of or containing salt) [adj]
BRISKER BEIKRRS BRISK, lively (full of energy) [adj]
BROADER ABDEORR BROAD, wide (having great extent from side to side) [adj]
BROWNER BENORRW BROWN, of a dark color [adj]
BRUSKER BEKRRSU BRUSK, brusque (abrupt in manner) [adj]
BUFFIER BEFFIRU BUFFY, of a yellowish-brown color [adj]
BUGGIER BEGGIRU BUGGY, infested with bugs [adj]
BULKIER BEIKLRU BULKY, massive (of considerable size) [adj]
BULLIER BEILLRU BULLY, wonderful [adj]
BUMPIER BEIMPRU BUMPY, of uneven surface [adj]
BURLIER BEILRRU BURLY, heavy and muscular [adj]
BURRIER BEIRRRU BURRY, prickly (having many sharp points) [adj]
BUSHIER BEHIRSU BUSHY, covered with bushes [adj]
BUSTIER BEIRSTU BUSTY, full-bosomed [adj]
BUTCHER BCEHRTU BUTCH, being a very short haircut [adj]
BUXOMER BEMORUX BUXOM, healthily plump [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
BUZZIER BEIRUZZ BUZZY, having a vibrating sound [adj]
B 7s Superlative
BABIEST ABBEIST BABY, resembling a baby (an infant) [adj]
BADDEST ABDDEST BAD, very good [adj]
BALDEST ABDELST BALD, lacking hair [adj]
BASSEST ABESSST BASS, deep-sounding [adj]
BEIGEST BEEGIST BEIGE, of a tan color [adj]
BIGGEST BEGGIST BIG, of considerable size [adj]
BLAHEST ABEHLST BLAH, dull, unexciting [adj]
BONIEST BEINOST BONY, full of bones [adj]
BOONEST BENOOST BOON, timely benefit [adj]
BOSSEST BEOSSST BOSS, first-rate, excellent [adj]
BOXIEST BEIOSTX BOXY, resembling a box [adj]
BRAVEST ABERSTV BRAVE, showing courage [adj]
BRAWEST ABERSTW BRAW, splendid (magnificent) [adj]
BRUTEST BERSTTU BRUTE, resembling an animal; cruel [adj]
BUFFEST BEFFSTU BUFF, having a muscular physique [adj]
BUMMEST BEMMSTU BUM, of little value; worthless [adj]
BUSIEST BEISSTU BUSY, occupied [adj]
C 7s Comparative
CAMPIER ACEIMPR CAMPY, comically exaggerated [adj]
CANNIER ACEINNR CANNY, prudent (having, showing, or exercising good judgment) [adj] / CANNIE, canny (prude nt (having, showing, or exercising good judgment)) [adj]
CATTY, catlike; spiteful [adj]
CHARIER ACEHIRR CHARY, cautious (exercising prudence to avoid danger) [adj]
CHASTER ACEHRST CHASTE, morally pure [adj]
CHEAPER ACEEHPR CHEAP, inexpensive [adj]
CHEWIER CEEHIRW CHEWY, not easily chewed [adj]
CHIEFER CEEFHIR CHIEF, highest in authority [adj]
CHILLER CEHILLR CHILL, cool (moderately cold) [adj]
CHIRKER CEHIKRR CHIRK, cheerful (full of spirits) [adj]
CHOICER CCEHIOR CHOICE, of fine quality [adj]
CHOKIER CEHIKOR CHOKEY, choky (tending to cause choking) [adj] / CHOKY, tending to cause choking [adj]
CHUFFER CEFFHRU CHUFF, gruff (low and harsh in speech) [adj]
CLAYIER ACEILRY CLAYEY, resembling clay [adj]
CLEANER ACEELNR CLEAN, free from dirt or stain [adj]
CLEARER ACEELRR CLEAR, clean and pure [adj]
COALIER ACEILOR COALY, containing coal [adj]
COARSER ACEORRS COARSE, rough (having an uneven surface) [adj]
COBBIER BBCEIOR COBBY, stocky (having a short, thick body) [adj]
COCKIER CCEIKOR COCKY, arrogantly self-confident [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
COMFIER CEFIMOR COMFY, comfortable [adj]
COOLEST CELOOST COOL, moderately cold [adj]
CORKIER CEIKORR CORKY, corklike (resembling cork (a porous tree bark)) [adj]
CORNIER CEINORR CORNY, trite (used so often as to be made commonplace) [adj]
COUTHER CEHORTU COUTH, sophisticated [adj]
CRANKER ACEKNRR CRANK, lively (full of energy) [adj]
CRASSER ACERRSS CRASS, grossly vulgar or stupid [adj]
CRAZIER ACEIRRZ CRAZY, insane (mentally unsound) [adj]
CREPIER CEEIPRR CREPEY, crinkly (crinkled) [adj] / CREPY, crepey (crinkly (crinkled)) [adj]
CRISPER CEIPRRS CRISP, brittle (likely to break) [adj]
CROOKER CEKOORR CROOK, sick (affected with disease or ill health) [adj]
CROSSER CEORRSS CROSS, ill-tempered [adj]
CRUELER CEELRRU CRUEL, indifferent to the pain of others [adj]
CUPPIER CEIPPRU CUPPY, cuplike (resembling a cup) [adj]
CURLIER CEILRRU CURLY, tending to curl [adj]
CURVIER CEIRRUV CURVEY, curvy (curved) [adj] / CURVY, curved [adj]
CUSHIER CEHIRSU CUSHY, easy (not difficult) [adj]
C 7s Superlative
CAGIEST ACEGIST CAGY, cagey (shrewd (having keen insight)) [adj] / CAGEY, shrewd (having keen insight) [adj]
CAKIEST ACEIKST CAKEY, tending to form lumps [adj] / CAKY, cakey (tending to form lumps) [adj]
CALMEST ACELMST CALM, free from agitation [adj]
CHICEST CCEHIST CHIC, smartly stylish [adj]
CLOSEST CELOSST CLOSE, near (situated within a short distance) [adj]
COLDEST CDELOST COLD, having little or no warmth [adj]
COSIEST CEIOSST COSY, cozy (snug and comfortable) [adj]
COWIEST CEIOSTW COWY, suggestive of a cow [adj]
COZIEST CEIOSTZ COZY, snug and comfortable [adj]
CRUDEST CDERSTU CRUDE, unrefined (to free from impurities) [adj]
CURTEST CERSTTU CURT, abrupt (rudely brief) [adj]
D 7s Comparative
DAFFIER ADEFFIR DAFFY, silly (showing a lack of good sense) [adj]
DANCIER ACDEINR DANCEY, suitable for dancing [adj]
DANDIER ADDEINR DANDY, fine (excellent) [adj]
DASHIER ADEHIRS DASHY, stylish (fashionable) [adj]
DAUBIER ABDEIRU DAUBY, smeary (smeared) [adj]
DEEDIER DDEEEIR DEEDY, industrious [adj]
DEMURER DEEMRRU DEMURE, shy and modest [adj]
DICKIER CDEIIKR DICKY, poor in condition [adj]
DICTIER CDEIIRT DICTY, snobbish (characteristic of a snob) [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
DINGIER DEGIINR DINGY, grimy (dirty (unclean (clean))) [adj]
DINKIER DEIIKNR DINKY, small (of limited size or quantity) [adj]
DIPPIER DEIIPPR DIPPY, foolish (lacking good sense or judgment) [adj]
DIRTIER DEIIRRT DIRTY, unclean (free from dirt or stain) [adj]
DISHIER DEHIIRS DISHY, attractive [adj]
DITSIER DEIIRST DITSY, silly, eccentric [adj]
DITZIER DEIIRTZ DITZY, ditsy (silly, eccentric) [adj]
DIVINER DEIINRV DIVINE, pertaining to or characteristic of a god [adj]
DIZZIER DEIIRZZ DIZZY, having a sensation of whirling [adj]
DODGIER DDEGIOR DODGY, evasive (tending to evade) [adj]
DOGGIER DEGGIOR DOGGY, resembling or suggestive of a dog [adj]
DOOMIER DEIMOOR DOOMY, doomful (ominous (portending evil)) [adj]
DORKIER DEIKORR DORKY, stupid, foolish [adj]
DOTTIER DEIORTT DOTTY, crazy (insane (mentally unsound)) [adj]
DOWDIER DDEIORW DOWDY, lacking in stylishness or neatness [adj]
DOWNIER DEINORW DOWNY, soft (yielding readily to pressure) [adj]
DRABBER ABBDERR DRAB, cheerless [adj]
DREADER ADDEERR DREAD, frightening [adj]
DREARER ADEERRR DREAR, dreary (dismal (cheerless and depressing)) [adj]
DROLLER DELLORR DROLL, comical (funny (causing laughter or amusement)) [adj]
DRUNKER DEKNRRU DRUNK, intoxicated [adj]
DUCKIER CDEIKRU DUCKY, excellent [adj]
DUMPIER DEIMPRU DUMPY, short and thick [adj]
DUNGIER DEGINRU DUNGY, filthy (offensively dirty) [adj]
DUSKIER DEIKRSU DUSKY, somewhat dark [adj]
DUSTIER DEIRSTU DUSTY, full of dust [adj]
DWARFER ADEFRRW DWARF, extremely small [adj]
D 7s Superlative
DAFTEST ADEFSTT DAFT, insane (mentally unsound) [adj]
DAMPEST ADEMPST DAMP, moist (slightly wet) [adj]
DANKEST ADEKNST DANK, unpleasantly damp [adj]
DARKEST ADEKRST DARK, having little or no light [adj]
DEADEST ADDEEST DEAD, deprived of life [adj]
DEAFEST ADEEFST DEAF, lacking the sense of hearing [adj]
DEAREST ADEERST DEAR, greatly loved [adj]
DEEPEST DEEEPST DEEP, extending far down from a surface [adj]
DEFFEST DEEFFST DEF, excellent [adj]
DEFTEST DEEFSTT DEFT, skillful (having skill) [adj]
DENSEST DEENSST DENSE, compact (closely and firmly united) [adj]
DEWIEST DEEISTW DEWY, moist with dew [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
DICIEST CDEIIST DICEY, dangerous [adj]
DIMMEST DEIMMST DIM, obscure (dark or indistinct) [adj]
DOPIEST DEIOPST DOPY, dopey (lethargic; stupid) [adj] / DOPEY, lethargic; stupid [adj]
DOUCEST CDEOSTU DOTY, stained by decay [adj]
DOUCE, sober, sedate [adj]
DOUREST DEORSTU DOUR, sullen (showing a brooding ill humor or resentment) [adj]
DOZIEST DEIOSTZ DOZY, drowsy (sleepy (ready or inclined to sleep)) [adj]
DUFFEST DEFFSTU DUFF, worthless, useless [adj]
DULLEST DELLSTU DULL, mentally slow [adj]
DUMBEST BDEMSTU DUMB, incapable of speech [adj]
DUNNEST DENNSTU DUN, of a dull brown color [adj]
DUSTIEST DEISSTTU DUSTY, full of dust [adj]
E 7s Comparative
EAGERER AEEEGRR EAGER, impatiently longing [adj]
EARLIER AEEILRR EARLY, near beginning of period of time or series of events [adj]
EENSIER EEEINRS EENSY, tiny (very small) [adj]
EMPTIER EEIMPRT EMPTY, containing nothing [adj]
EVILLER EEILLRV EVIL, morally bad [adj]
EXACTER ACEERTX EXACT, precise (sharply and clearly defined or stated) [adj]
E 7s Superlative
EASIEST AEEISST EASY, not difficult [adj]
EDGIEST DEEGIST EDGY, tense, nervous, or irritable [adj]
EELIEST EEEILST EELY, resembling an eel (a snakelike fish) [adj]
EERIEST EEEIRST EERIE, w eird (mysteriously strange) [adj] / EERY, eerie (w eird (mysteriously strange)) [adj]
ELMIEST EEILMST EGGY, tasting or smelling of egg [adj]
ELMY, abounding in elms [adj]
EVENEST EEENSTV EVEN, flat and smooth [adj]
EVILEST EEILSTV EVIL, morally bad [adj]
F 7s Comparative
FADDIER ADDEFIR FADDY, faddish (inclined to take up fads) [adj]
FAGGIER AEFGGIR FAGGY, an offensive word [adj]
FAINTER AEFINRT FAINT, lacking strength or vigor [adj]
FAIRIER AEFIIRR FAIRY, pertaining to or resembling a fairy [adj]
FANCIER ACEFINR FANCY, ornamental [adj]
FATTIER AEFIRTT FATTY, greasy; oily [adj]
FAWNIER AEFINRW FAWNY, of a yellowish-brown color [adj]
FEEBLER BEEEFLR FEEBLE, weak (lacking strength) [adj]
FELTIER EEFILRT FELTY, resembling a cloth made from wool [adj]
FENNIER EEFINNR FENNY, marshy (resembling a marsh (a tract of low, wet land)) [adj]
FERNIER EEFINRR FERNY, abounding in ferns [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
FICKLER CEFIKLR FICKLE, not constant or loyal [adj]
FIERCER CEEFIRR FIERCE, violently hostile or aggressive [adj]
FIERIER EEFIIRR FIERY, intensely hot [adj]
FILMIER EFIILMR FILMY, resembling or covered with film; hazy [adj]
FINNIER EFIINNR FINNY, having or characterized by fins [adj]
FIRRIER EFIIRRR FIRRY, abounding in firs [adj]
FISHIER EFHIIRS FISHY, of or resembling fish [adj]
FLAKIER AEFIKLR FLAKEY , flaky (resembling flakes (antiaircraft fire)) [adj] / FLAKY, resembling flakes (antiaircraft fire) [adj]
FLAMY, flaming [adj]
FLATTER AEFLRTT FLAT, having a smooth or even surface [adj]
FLAWIER AEFILRW FLAWY, full of flaws [adj]
FLAXIER AEFILRX FLAXY, flaxen (of a pale yellow color) [adj]
FLEETER EEEFLRT FLEET, swift (moving with a great rate of motion) [adj]
FLIPPER EFILPPR FLIP, flippant (impudent (offensively bold or disrespectful)) [adj]
FLUKIER EFIKLRU FLUKEY, fluky (happening by or depending on chance) [adj] / FLUKY, happening by or depending on chance [adj]
FLUSH, ruddy (having a healthy, reddish color) [adj]
FLUTIER EFILRTU FLUTEY, fluty (resembling a flute in sound) [adj] / FLUTY, resembling a flute in sound [adj]
FOAMY, covered with foam [adj]
FOGGIER EFGGIOR FOGGY, filled with fog [adj]
FOLKIER EFIKLOR FOLKIE, being in the style of folkmusic [adj] / FOLKY, folkie (being in the style of folkmusic) [adj]
FOOTIER EFIOORT FOOTY, paltry (petty (insignificant)) [adj]
FORKIER EFIKORR FORKY, resembling a fork [adj]
FRAILER AEFILRR FRAIL, fragile (easily broken or damaged) [adj]
FRANKER AEFKNRR FRANK, honest and unreserved in speech [adj]
FRESHER EEFHRRS FRESH, new (existing only a short time) [adj]
FRONTER EFNORRT FRONT, pertaining to or situated at the forward part of a surface [adj]
FUBSIER BEFIRSU FUBSY, chubby and somewhat squat [adj]
FUDGIER DEFGIRU FUDGY, resembling fudge (a soft, sweet candy) [adj]
FUGGIER EFGGIRU FUGGY, stuffy and odorous [adj]
FUNKIER EFIKNRU FUNKY, having an offensive odor [adj]
FUNNIER EFINNRU FUNNY, causing laughter or amusement [adj]
FURRIER EFIRRRU FURRY, covered with fur [adj]
FURZIER EFIRRUZ FURZY, abounding in furze [adj]
FUSSIER EFIRSSU FUSSY, overly concerned with small details [adj]
FUSTIER EFIRSTU FUSTY, musty (having a stale odor) [adj]
FUZZIER EFIRUZZ FUZZY, blurry (unclear (clean and pure)) [adj]
F 7s Superlative
FABBEST ABBEFST FAB, fabulous (almost unbelievable) [adj]
FAINEST AEFINST FAIN, glad (feeling pleasure) [adj]
FAIREST AEFIRST FAIR, free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
FALSEST AEFLSST FALSE, contrary to truth or fact [adj]
FASTEST AEFSSTT FAST, moving or able to move quickly [adj]
FATTEST AEFSTTT FAT, having an abundance of flesh [adj]
FEATEST AEEFSTT FEAT, skillful (having skill) [adj]
FELLEST EEFLLST FELL, cruel (indifferent to the pain of others) [adj]
FIRMEST EFIMRST FIRM, unyielding to pressure [adj]
FITTEST EFISTTT FIT, healthy (having good health) [adj]
FONDEST DEFNOST FOND, having an affection [adj]
FOULEST EFLOSTU FOUL, offensive to the senses [adj]
FOXIEST EFIOSTX FOXY, crafty (skillful in deceiving) [adj]
FOZIEST EFIOSTZ FOZY, too ripe [adj]
FULLEST EFLLSTU FULL, filled completely [adj]
FUMIEST EFIMSTU FUMY, producing or full of fumes [adj]
FUNNEST EFNNSTU FUN, providing enjoyment [adj]
G 7s Comparative
GABBIER ABBEGIR GABBY, talkative [adj]
GAMMIER AEGIMMR GAMMY, lame (physically disabled) [adj]
GAPPIER AEGIPPR GAPPY, having openings [adj]
GASSIER AEGIRSS GASSY, containing gas [adj]
GAUCHER ACEGHRU GAUCHE, lacking social grace [adj]
GAUDIER ADEGIRU GAUDY, tastelessly showy [adj]
GAUNTER AEGNRTU GAUNT, emaciated [adj]
GAUZIER AEGIRUZ GAUZY, resembling gauze (a transparent fabric) [adj]
GAWKIER AEGIKRW GAWKY, awkward (lacking skill, dexterity, or grace) [adj]
GEEKIER EEEGIKR GEEKY, socially awkward or unappealing [adj]
GEMMIER EEGIMMR GEMMY, resembling a gem [adj]
GENTLER EEGLNRT GENTLE, mild (not harsh or rough) [adj]
GERMIER EEGIMRR GERMY, full of germs [adj]
GIDDIER DDEGIIR GIDDY, dizzy (having a sensation of whirling) [adj]
GINNIER EGIINNR GINNY, affected with gin (a strong liquor) [adj]
GIRLIER EGIILRR GIRLIE, girlish (of, pertaining to, or having the characteristics of a girl) [adj] / GIRLY, girlie (girlish (of, pertaining to, or having the characteristics of a girl)) [adj]
GLAD, feeling pleasure [adj]
GLADIER ADEGILR GLADY, having glades [adj]
GLAMMER AEGLMMR GLAM, characterized by extravagant glamor [adj]
GLAZIER AEGILRZ GLAZY, covered with a smooth, glossy coating [adj]
GLIBBER BBEGILR GLIB, fluent (spoken or written with effortless ease) [adj]
GLUMMER EGLMMRU GLUM, being in low spirits [adj]
GOATIER AEGIORT GOATY, suggestive of a goat [adj]
GODLIER DEGILOR GODLY, pious (marked by religious reverence) [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
GOOFIER EFGIOOR GOOFY, silly (showing a lack of good sense) [adj]
GOONIER EGINOOR GOONY, stupid (mentally slow) [adj]
GOOPIER EGIOOPR GOOPY, sticky, gooey [adj]
GOOSIER EGIOORS GOOSEY, goosy (resembling a goose (a swimming bird)) [adj] / GOOSY, resembling a goose (a swimming bird) [adj]
GORSY, abounding in gorse [adj]
GOUTIER EGIORTU GOUTY, affected with gout [adj]
GRANDER ADEGNRR GRAND, large and impressive [adj]
GRAPIER AEGIPRR GRAPY , resembling grapes (an edible berry) [adj] / GRAPEY, grapy (resembling grapes (an edible berry)) [adj]
GREATER AEEGRRT GREAT, large (of considerable size or quantity) [adj]
GREENER EEEGNRR GREEN, of the color of growing foliage [adj]
GRIMIER EGIIMRR GRIMY, dirty (unclean (free from dirt or stain)) [adj]
GRIPIER EGIIPRR GRIPY , causing sharp pains in the bowels [adj] / GRIPEY, gripy (causing sharp pains in the bowels) [adj]
GRODY, sleazy (of low quality or character) [adj]
GROSSER EGORRSS GROSS, flagrant (extremely conspicuous) [adj]
GROVIER EGIORRV GROVY, resembling or suggestive of a grove [adj]
GRUFFER EFFGRRU GRUFF, low and harsh in speech [adj]
GRUMMER EGMMRRU GRUM, morose (sullen (showing a brooding ill humor or resentment)) [adj]
GUILTY, worthy of blame for an offense [adj]
GULFIER EFGILRU GULFY, full of whirlpools [adj]
GULPIER EGILPRU GULPY, marked by gulping [adj]
GUMMIER EGIMMRU GUMMY, resembling gum [adj]
GUNGIER EGGINRU GUNGY, gunky (filthy, sticky, or greasy) [adj]
GUNKIER EGIKNRU GUNKY, filthy, sticky, or greasy [adj]
GUSHIER EGHIRSU GUSHY, overly sentimental [adj]
GUSTIER EGIRSTU GUSTY, blowing in gusts [adj]
GUTSIER EGIRSTU GUTSY, brave (showing courage) [adj]
GUTTIER EGIRTTU GUTTY, marked by courage [adj]
G 7s Superlative
GAMIEST AEGIMST GAMY, plucky (brave and spirited) [adj] / GAMEY, gamy (plucky (brave and spirited)) [adj]
GASH, knowing (astute (shrewd (having keen insight))) [adj]
GLUIEST EGILSTU GLUEY, resembling glue [adj]
GOLDEST DEGLOST GOLD, golden (of the color of gold) [adj]
GOOIEST EGIOOST GOOEY, sticky or viscid [adj]
GORIEST EGIORST GORY, bloody (stained with blood) [adj]
GRAVEST AEGRSTV GRAVE, extremely serious [adj]
GRAYEST AEGRSTY GRAY, of a color between white and black [adj]
GREYEST EEGRSTY GREY, gray (of a color between white and black) [adj]
H 7s Comparative
HAIRIER AEHIIRR HAIRY, covered with hair [adj]
HAMMIER AEHIMMR HAMMY, overly theatrical [adj]
HANDIER ADEHINR HANDY, convenient for handling [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
HAPPIER AEHIPPR HAPPY, marked by joy [adj]
HARDIER ADEHIRR HARDY, very sturdy [adj]
HARSHER AEHHRRS HARSH, severe (unsparing in the treatment of others) [adj]
HASTIER AEHIRST HASTY, speedy (swift (moving with a great rate of motion)) [adj]
HEADIER ADEEHIR HEADY, intoxicating [adj]
HEAVIER AEEHIRV HEAVY, having much weight [adj]
HEDGIER DEEGHIR HEDGY, abounding in hedges [adj]
HEFTIER EEFHIRT HEFTY, heavy (having much weight) [adj]
HEMPIER EEHIMPR HEMPY, mischievous [adj] / HEMPIE, hempy (mischievous) [adj]
HERBIER BEEHIRR HERBY, abounding in herbs [adj]
HILLIER EHIILLR HILLY, abounding in hills [adj]
HINKIER EHIIKNR HINKY, suspicious [adj]
HIPPIER EHIIPPR HIPPY, having big hips [adj]
HISSIER EHIIRSS HISSY, characterized by a hissing sound [adj]
HOARIER AEHIORR HOARY, white with age [adj]
HOARSER AEHORRS HOARSE, low and rough in sound [adj]
HOODIER DEHIOOR HOODY, resembling a hoodlum (a thug (a brutal ruffian or assassin)) [adj]
HOOKY, full of hooks [adj]
HOOTIER EHIOORT HOOTY, sounding like the cry of an owl [adj]
HOPPIER EHIOPPR HOPPY, having the taste of hops (catkins of a particular vine) [adj]
HORNIER EHINORR HORNY, hornlike in hardness [adj]
HORSIER EHIORRS HORSY, resembling a horse [adj] / HORSEY, horsy (resembling a horse) [adj]
HOUSEY, being in the style of house music [adj]
HUFFIER EFFHIRU HUFFY, easily offended [adj]
HUGGIER EGGHIRU HUGGY, involving or given to hugging [adj]
HULKIER EHIKLRU HULKY, massive (of considerable size) [adj]
HUMBLER BEHLMRU HUMBLE, modest (having a moderate regard for oneself) [adj]
HUMPIER EHIMPRU HUMPY, full of humps [adj]
HUNKIER EHIKNRU HUNKY, muscular and attractive [adj]
HUSKIER EHIKRSU HUSKY, hoarse (low and rough in sound) [adj]
H 7s Superlative
HARDEST ADEHRST HARD, firm and unyielding [adj]
HAUTEST AEHSTTU HAUTE, high-class [adj]
HAZIEST AEHISTZ HAZY, unclear (clean and pure) [adj]
HEPPEST EEHPPST HEP, hip (aware of the most current styles and trends) [adj]
HICKEST CEHIKST HICK, characteristic of rural people [adj]
HIGHEST EGHHIST HIGH, reaching far upward [adj]
HIPPEST EHIPPST HIP, aware of the most current styles and trends [adj]
HOKIEST EHIKOST HOKEY, false; contrived [adj]
HOLIEST EHILOST HOLY, having a divine nature or origin [adj]
HOMIEST EHIMOST HOMY , homey (homelike (suggestive of a home)) [adj] / HOMEY, homelike (suggestive of a home) [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
HOTTEST EHOSTTT HOT, having a high temperature [adj]
I 7s Comparative
INEPTER EEINPRT INEPT, not suitable [adj]
INSANER AEINNRS INSANE, mentally unsound [adj]
IRONIER EIINORR IRONY, use of words to express opposite of what is literally said [adj]
ITCHY, causing an itching sensation [adj]
IVORIER EIIORRV IVORY, hard white substance found in elephant tusks [adj]
I 7s Superlative
ICKIEST CEIIKST ICKY, repulsive [adj]
IFFIEST EFFIIST IFFY, full of uncertainty [adj]
INANEST AEINNST INANE, nonsensical [adj]
INKIEST EIIKNST INKY, resembling ink [adj]
IRATEST AEIRSTT IRATE, angry (feeling strong displeasure or hostility) [adj]
ITCHIEST CEHIISTT ITCHY, causing an itching sensation [adj]
J 7s Comparative
JAGGIER AEGGIJR JAGGY, jagged (having a sharply uneven edge or surface) [adj]
JAMMIER AEIJMMR JAMMY, sticky with jam (boiled fruit and sugar) [adj]
JAZZIER AEIJRZZ JAZZY, lively (full of energy) [adj]
JERKIER EEIJKRR JERKY, characterized by jerking movements [adj]
JETTIER EEIJRTT JETTY, having the color jet black [adj]
JIGGIER EGGIIJR JIGGY, pleasurably excited [adj]
JOCKIER CEIJKOR JOCKY, resembling an athlete (one skilled in feats of physical strength and agility) [adj]
JOLLIER EIJLLOR JOCOSE, humorous (funny; witty) [adj]
JOLLY, cheerful (full of spirits) [adj]
JOLTIER EIJLORT JOLTY, marked by a jolting motion [adj]
JOWLIER EIJLORW JOWLY, having prominent jowls [adj]
JUICIER CEIIJRU JUICY, full of juice [adj]
JUMPIER EIJMPRU JUMPY, nervous (easily excited) [adj]
JUNKIER EIJKNRU JUNKY, worthless [adj]
J 7s Superlative
JIMPEST EIJMPST JIMP, natty (neatly dressed) [adj]
JIVIEST EIIJSTV JIVEY, jazzy, lively [adj]
JOKIEST EIJKOST JOKY, jokey (amusing) [adj] / JOKEY, amusing [adj]
JUSTEST EJSSTTU JUST, acting in conformity with what is morally good [adj]
K 7s Comparative
KEMPIER EEIKMPR KEMPY, having coarse hair or fibers [adj]
KINKIER EIIKKNR KINKY, tightly curled [adj]
KISSIER EIIKRSS KISSY, inclined to kiss [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
KITTLER EIKLRTT KITTLE, ticklish (sensitive to tickling) [adj]
KOOKIER EIKKOOR KOOKIE, kooky (eccentric) [adj] / KOOKY, eccentric [adj]
K 7s Superlative
KEENEST EEEKNST KEEN, enthusiastic [adj]
KINDEST DEIKNST KIND, having a gentle, giving nature [adj]
L 7s Comparative
LADDIER ADDEILR LADDY, laddish in behavior [adj]
LAIRIER AEIILRR LAIRY, unpleasantly loud [adj]
LAMBIER ABEILMR LAMBY, resembling a lamb [adj]
LANKIER AEIKLNR LANKY, ungracefully tall and thin [adj]
LARDIER ADEILRR LARDY, resembling lard [adj]
LARKIER AEIKLRR LARKY, playful (frolicsome) [adj]
LATHIER AEHILRT LATHY, long and slender [adj]
LEADIER ADEEILR LEADY, resembling lead [adj]
LEAFIER AEEFILR LEAFY, covered with leaves [adj]
LEAKIER AEEIKLR LEAKY, tending to leak [adj]
LEARIER AEEILRR LEARY, leery (suspicious) [adj]
LEAVIER AEEILRV LEAVY, leafy (covered with leaves) [adj]
LEDGIER DEEGILR LEDGY, abounding in ledges [adj]
LEERIER EEEILRR LEERY, suspicious [adj]
LEGGIER EEGGILR LEGGY, having long legs [adj]
LIGHTER EGHILRT LIGHT, having little weight [adj]
LIMBIER BEIILMR LIMBY, having many large branches [adj]
LINGIER EGIILNR LINGY, covered with heaths [adj]
LINTIER EIILNRT LINTY, covered with lint [adj]
LIPPIER EIILPPR LIPPY, impudent (offensively bold or disrespectful) [adj]
LITTLER EILLRTT LITTLE, small (of limited size or quantity) [adj]
LOAMIER AEILMOR LOAMY, resembling loam [adj]
LOFTIER EFILORT LOFTY, extending high in the air [adj]
LOGGIER EGGILOR LOGGY, logy (sluggish (displaying little movement or activity)) [adj]
LOONIER EILNOOR LOONEY , loony (crazy (insane (mentally unsound))) [adj] / LOONY, crazy (insane (mentally unsound)) [adj]
LOOPY, full of loops [adj]
LOPPIER EILOPPR LOPPY, hanging limply [adj]
LOUSIER EILORSU LOUSY, mean or contemptible [adj]
LOVIEST EILOSTV LOVEY, fondly affectionate [adj]
LOWLIER EILLORW LOWLY, low in position or rank [adj]
LOYALER AELLORY LOYAL, faithful to one's allegiance [adj]
LUCIDER CDEILRU LUCID, easily understood [adj]
LUCKIER CEIKLRU LUCKY, having good fortune [adj]
LUMPIER EILMPRU LUMPY, full of lumps [adj]
LUSTIER EILRSTU LUSTY, full of vigor [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
L 7s Superlative
LACIEST ACEILST LACY, resembling lacework (a delicate openwork fabric) [adj] / LACEY, lacy (resembling lacework (a delicate openwork fabric)) [adj]
LAKIEST AEIKLST LAKY, of the color of blood [adj]
LANKEST AEKLNST LANK, long and slender [adj]
LARGEST AEGLRST LARGE, of considerable size or quantity [adj]
LAZIEST AEILSTZ LAZY, disinclined toward work or exertion [adj]
LEANEST AEELNST LEAN, having little fat [adj]
LEFTEST EEFLSTT LEFT, pertaining to the side of the body to the north when one faces east [adj]
LEWDEST DEELSTW LEWD, obscene (indecent (not decent)) [adj]
LIEFEST EEFILST LIEF, willing (inclined or favorably disposed in mind) [adj]
LIMIEST EIILMST LIMY, resembling or containing lime [adj]
LIMPEST EILMPST LIMP, lacking rigidity [adj]
LINIEST EIILNST LINEY, liny (resembling a line) [adj] / LINY, resembling a line [adj]
LITHEST EHILSTT LITHE, bending easily [adj]
LOGIEST EGILOST LOGY, sluggish (displaying little movement or activity) [adj]
LONGEST EGLNOST LONG, extending for a considerable distance [adj]
LOOSEST ELOOSST LOOSE, not firm, taut, or rigid [adj]
LORNEST ELNORST LORN, abandoned [adj]
LOUDEST DELOSTU LOUD, strongly audible [adj]
LUNIEST EILNSTU LUNY, loony (crazy (insane (mentally unsound))) [adj]
LUSHEST EHLSSTU LUSH, abounding in vegetation [adj]
M 7s Comparative
MALMIER AEILMMR MALMY, resembling malm (a soft, friable limestone) [adj]
MALTIER AEILMRT MALTY, resembling malt [adj]
MANGIER AEGIMNR MANGY, affected with mange [adj] / MANGEY, mangy (affected with mange) [adj]
MANKIER AEIKMNR MANKY, inferior, defective [adj]
MANLIER AEILMNR MANLY, having the qualities of a man [adj]
MARLIER AEILMRR MARLY, abounding w ith marl (earthy deposit containing lime, clay, and sand) [adj]
MASSIER AEIMRSS MASSY, massive (of considerable size) [adj]
MATURER AEMRRTU MATURE, fully developed [adj]
MAUSIER AEIMRSU MAUSY, mauzy (foggy, misty) [adj]
MAUZIER AEIMRUZ MAUZY, foggy, misty [adj]
MEAGRER AEEGMRR MEAGRE, meager (deficient in quantity or quality) [adj]
MEALIER AEEILMR MEALY, soft, dry, and friable [adj]
MEATIER AEEIMRT MEATY, full of meat [adj]
MERRIER EEIMRRR MERRY, cheerful (full of spirits) [adj]
MESHIER EEHIMRS MESHY, netty (resembling a net) [adj]
MESSIER EEIMRSS MESSY, dirty or untidy [adj]
MICKLER CEIKLMR MICKLE, large (of considerable size or quantity) [adj]
MIFFIER EFFIIMR MIFFY, easily annoyed [adj]
MILKIER EIIKLMR MILKY, resembling or suggestive of milk [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
MILTIER EIILMRT MILTY, full of milt [adj]
MINCIER CEIIMNR MINCY, affectedly dainty [adj]
MINGIER EGIIMNR MINGY, mean and stingy [adj]
MINTIER EIIMNRT MINTY, having the flavor of mint (an aromatic herb) [adj]
MINUTER EIMNRTU MINUTE, very small [adj]
MIRKIER EIIKMRR MIRKY, murky (dark (having little or no light)) [adj]
MISTIER EIIMRST MISTY, blurry (unclear (clean and pure)) [adj]
MOISTER EIMORST MOIST, slightly wet [adj]
MOLDIER DEILMOR MOLDY, musty (having a stale odor) [adj]
MOODIER DEIMOOR MOODY, given to changing moods [adj]
MOONIER EIMNOOR MOONY, resembling the moon [adj]
MOORIER EIMOORR MOORY, marshy (resembling a marsh (a tract of low, wet land)) [adj]
MOPPIER EIMOPPR MOPPY, resembling a mop [adj]
MOSSIER EIMORSS MOSSY, covered with moss [adj]
MOTHIER EHIMORT MOTHY, full of moths [adj]
MOTLIER EILMORT MOTLEY, composed of diverse elements [adj]
MOUSIER EIMORSU MOUSY, resembling a mouse (a small rodent (a gnawing mammal)) [adj] / MOUSEY, mousy (resembling a mouse (a small rodent ( a gnawing mammal))) [adj]
MUCKY, filthy (offensively dirty) [adj]
MUCKLER CEKLMRU MUCKLE, large amount [adj]
MUDDIER DDEIMRU MUDDY, covered or filled with mud [adj]
MUGGIER EGGIMRU MUGGY, warm and humid [adj]
MUMSIER EIMMRSU MUMSY, maternal (pertaining to or characteristic of a mother) [adj]
MURKIER EIKMRRU MURKY, dark (having little or no light) [adj]
MUSHIER EHIMRSU MUSHY, pulpy (resembling pulp) [adj]
MUSKIER EIKMRSU MUSKY, resembling musk (a strongly odorous substancesec reted by certain animals) [adj]
MUSSY, messy (dirty or untidy) [adj]
MUSTIER EIMRSTU MUSTY, having a stale odor [adj]
MYTHIER EHIMRTY MYTHY, resembling myth (a type of traditional story) [adj]
M 7s Superlative
MADDEST ADDEMST MAD, insane (mentally unsound) [adj]
MATIEST AEIMSTT MATEY, companionable [adj]
MAZIEST AEIMSTZ MAZY, full of confusing turns and passages [adj]
MEANEST AEEMNST MEAN, inferior in grade, quality, or character [adj]
MEEKEST EEEKMST MEEK, lacking in spirit and courage [adj]
MILDEST DEILMST MILD, not harsh or rough [adj]
MIRIEST EIIMRST MIRY, swampy(marshy(resembling a marsh (a tract of low, wet land))) [adj]
MIRK, murk (dark (having little or no light)) [adj]
MITIEST EIIMSTT MITY, infested with mites [adj]
MOPIEST EIMOPST MOPY, mopey (dejected) [adj] / MOPEY, dejected [adj]
MURKEST EKMRSTU MURK, dark (having little or no light) [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
N 7s Comparative
NAFFEST AEFFNST NAFF, lacking taste or style [adj]
NAGGIER AEGGINR NAGGY, given to nagging [adj]
NAKEDER ADEEKNR NAKED, being without clothing or covering [adj]
NANCIER ACEINNR NANCY, an offensive word [adj]
NAPPIER AEINPPR NAPPY, kinky (tightly curled) [adj]
NARKIER AEIKNRR NARKY, irritable [adj]
NASTIER AEINRST NASTY, offensive to the senses [adj]
NATTIER AEINRTT NATTY, neatly dressed [adj]
NEEDIER DEEEINR NEEDY, in a state of poverty [adj]
NERDIER DEEINRR NERDY, socially inept [adj]
NERVIER EEINRRV NERVY, impudent (offensively bold or disrespectful) [adj]
NETTIER EEINRTT NETTY, resembling a net [adj]
NEWSIER EEINRSW NEWSY, full of news [adj]
NIFFIER EFFIINR NIFFY, stinky (emitting a foul odor) [adj]
NIFTIER EFIINRT NIFTY, stylish; pleasing [adj]
NIMBLER BEILMNR NIMBLE, agile (able to move quickly and easily) [adj]
NIPPIER EIINPPR NIPPY, sharp or biting [adj]
NITTIER EIINRTT NITTY, full of nits [adj]
NOBBIER BBEINOR NOBBY, elegant (tastefully opulent) [adj]
NOISIER EIINORS NOISY, making loud sounds [adj]
NUBBIER BBEINRU NUBBY, having nubs [adj]
NUMMIER EIMMNRU NUMMY, delicious [adj]
NUTSIER EINRSTU NUTSY, crazy (insane (mentally unsound)) [adj]
NUTTIER EINRTTU NUTTY, silly; crazy [adj]
N 7s Superlative
NAIVEST AEINSTV NAIVE, lacking sophistication [adj]
NEAREST AEENRST NEAR, situated within a short distance [adj]
NEATEST AEENSTT NEAT, being in a state of cleanliness and order [adj]
NIGHEST EGHINST NIGH, near (situated within a short distance) [adj]
NOBLEST BELNOST NOBLE, possessing qualities of excellence [adj]
NOSIEST EINOSST NOSY, unduly curious [adj] / NOSEY, nosy (unduly curious) [adj]
NUMBEST BEMNSTU NUMB, lacking sensation [adj]
O 7s Comparative
OBTUSER BEORSTU OBTUSE, dull (mentally slow) [adj]
ONERIER EEINORR ONERY, ornery (stubborn and mean-spirited) [adj]
OPAQUER AEOPQRU OPAQUE, impervious to light [adj]
O 7s Superlative
OAKIEST AEIKOST OAKY, tasting of oak sap [adj]
OATIEST AEIOSTT OATY, tasting or smelling of oats [adj]
OILIEST EIILOST OILY, covered or soaked with oil [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
ONLIEST EILNOST only, with nothing or no one else [adj]
OOZIEST EIOOSTZ OOZY, containing or resembling soft mud or slime [adj]
OPENEST EENOPST OPEN, affording unobstructed access, passage, or view [adj]
ORBIEST BEIORST ORBY, resembling a circle or sphere [adj]
OWLIEST EILOSTW OWLY, owlish (resembling an owl (a nocturnal bird)) [adj]
P 7s Comparative
PALLIER AEILLPR PALLY, marked by close friendship [adj]
PALMIER AEILMPR PALMY, marked by prosperity [adj]
PALSIER AEILPRS PALSY, friendly in a way that is not proper or sincere [adj]
PAPPIER AEIPPPR PAPPY, resembling pap (a soft food for infants) [adj]
PARKIER AEIKPRR PARKY, chilly (cool (moderately cold)) [adj]
PASTIER AEIPRST PASTY, pale and unhealthy in appearance [adj]
PAWKIER AEIKPRW PAWKY, sly (crafty (skillful in deceiving)) [adj]
PEAKIER AEEIKPR PEAKY, sickly (appearing as if sick) [adj]
PEARTER AEEPRRT PEART, lively (full of energy) [adj]
PEATIER AEEIPRT PEATY, resembling or containing peat [adj]
PECKIER CEEIKPR PECKY, marked by decay caused by fungi [adj]
PEPPIER EEIPPPR PEPPY, full of energy [adj]
PERKIER EEIKPRR PERKY, jaunty (having a lively and self-confident manner) [adj]
PERVIER EEIPRRV PERVY, sexually perverted [adj]
PETTIER EEIPRTT PETTY, insignificant [adj]
PHATTER AEHPRTT PHAT, excellent [adj]
PHONIER EHINOPR PHONEY, phony (not genuine or real) [adj] / PHONY, not genuine or real [adj]
PICKIER CEIIKPR PICKY, fussy (overly concerned with small details) [adj]
PIGGIER EGGIIPR PIGGY, piggish (greedy or dirty) [adj]
PINKIER EIIKNPR PINKY, pinkish (somewhat pink) [adj]
PISSIER EIIPRSS PISSY, an offensive word [adj]
PITHIER EHIIPRT PITHY, concise (succinct (clearly expressed in few words)) [adj]
PLAINER AEILNPR PLAIN, evident (clear to the vision or understanding) [adj]
PLATIER AEILPRT PLATY, split into thin, flat pieces [adj]
PLUMIER EILMPRU PLUMY, covered with feathers [adj]
PLUMMER ELMMPRU PLUM, highly desirable [adj]
PLUMPER ELMPPRU PLUMP, well-rounded and full in form [adj]
PLUSHER EHLPRSU PLUSH, luxurious [adj]
POCKIER CEIKOPR POCKY, covered with pocks [adj]
PODGIER DEGIOPR PODGY, pudgy (short and fat) [adj]
POLITER EILOPRT POLITE, showing consideration for others [adj]
PONCIER CEINOPR PONCEY, an offensive word [adj] / PONCY, an offensive word [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
PONGIER EGINOPR PONGY, stinky (emitting a foul odor) [adj]
POOFIER EFIOOPR POOFY, an offensive word [adj]
POOPIER EIOOPPR POOPY, stupid or ineffectual [adj]
POPPIER EIOPPPR POPPY, having the characteristics of pop music [adj]
PORKIER EIKOPRR PORKY, resembling pork [adj]
PORNIER EINOPRR PORNY, pornographic [adj]
POTTIER EIOPRTT POTTY, of little importance [adj]
POUTIER EIOPRTU POUTY, tending to pout [adj]
PRICIER CEIIPRR PRICY, pricey (expensive) [adj] / PRICEY, expensive [adj]
PRIVIER EIIPRRV PRIVY, private (not for public use or knowledge) [adj]
PROSIER EIOPRRS PROSY, prosaic (pertaining to prose) [adj]
PROUDER DEOPRRU PROUD, having or displaying pride [adj]
PRUNIER EINPRRU PRUNEY, resembling a prune [adj]
PUDGIER DEGIPRU PUDGY, short and fat [adj]
PUGGIER EGGIPRU PUGGY, puggish (somewhat stubby) [adj]
PULPIER EILPPRU PULPY, resembling pulp [adj]
PUNKIER EIKNPRU PUNKY, resembling punk (dry, decayed wood used as tinder) [adj]
PUNNIER EINNPRU PUNNY, being or involving a pun [adj]
PURPLER ELPPRRU PURPLE, of a color intermediate between red and blue [adj]
PURSIER EIPRRSU PURSY, short of breath [adj]
PURTIER EIPRRTU PURTY, pretty (pleasing to the eye) [adj]
PUSHIER EHIPRSU PUSHY, offensively aggressive [adj]
PUSSIER EIPRSSU PUSSY, full of pus [adj]
P 7s Superlative
PACIEST ACEIPST PACEY , keeping a fast pace (rate of speed) [adj] / PACY, pacey (keeping a f ast pace (rate of speed)) [adj]
PALY, somewhat pale [adj]
PATTEST AEPSTTT PAT, known thoroughly [adj]
PERTEST EEPRSTT PERT, impudent (offensively bold or disrespectful) [adj]
PINIEST EIINPST PINEY , piny (suggestive of or covered with pine trees) [adj] / PINY, suggestive of or covered with pine trees [adj]
PINK, of a pale reddish hue [adj]
PIPIEST EIIPPST PIPY, shrill (having a high-pitched and piercing quality) [adj]
POKIEST EIKOPST POKY, slow (moving with little speed) [adj]
POOREST EOOPRST POOR, lacking the means of support [adj]
POSHEST EHOPSST POSH, stylish or elegant [adj]
POSIEST EIOPSST POSEY, pretentious [adj]
POXIEST EIOPSTX POXY, afflicted with a pox [adj]
PRONEST ENOPRST PRONE, lying with the front or face downward [adj]
PROWEST EOPRSTW PROW, brave (showing courage) [adj]
PUKIEST EIKPSTU PUKEY, resembling or suggestive of vomit [adj]
PUNIEST EINPSTU PUNY, of inferior size, strength, or significance [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
PUNKEST EKNPSTU PUNK, of inferior quality [adj]
Q 7s Comparative
QUAKIER AEIKQRU QUAKY, tending to quake [adj]
QUEERER EEEQRRU QUEER, deviating from the expected or normal [adj]
QUICKER CEIKQRU QUICK, acting or capable of acting with speed [adj]
QUIETER EEIQRTU QUIET, making little or no noise [adj]
Q 7s Superlative
R 7s Comparative
RAINIER AEIINRR RAINY, marked by rain [adj]
RAMMIER AEIMMRR RAMMY, rammish (resembling a ram (a male sheep)) [adj]
RANDIER ADEINRR RANDY, lustful (marked by excessive sexual desire) [adj]
RANGIER AEGINRR RANGY, tall and slender [adj]
RAPIDER ADEIPRR RAPID, fast-moving [adj]
RASPIER AEIPRRS RASPY, rough (having an uneven surface) [adj]
RATTIER AEIRRTT RATTY, infested with rats [adj]
REDDIER DDEEIRR REDDY, reddish (somewhat red) [adj]
REEDIER DEEEIRR REEDY, abounding in reeds [adj]
REEFIER EEEFIRR REEFY, abounding in ridges of rock [adj]
REMOTER EEMORRT REMOTE, situated far away [adj]
RIBBIER BBEIIRR RIBBY, marked by prominent ribs (curved bony rods in the body) [adj]
RIDGIER DEGIIRR RIDGY, having ridges [adj]
RIGHTER EGHIRRT RIGHT, being in accordance with what is good, proper, or just [adj]
RIGIDER DEGIIRR RIGID, not flexible; strict, harsh [adj]
RISKIER EIIKRRS RISKY, dangerous [adj]
RITZIER EIIRRTZ RITZY, elegant (tastefully opulent) [adj]
ROCKIER CEIKORR ROCKY, unsteady (firm in position) [adj]
ROILIER EIILORR ROILY, muddy (covered or filled with mud) [adj]
ROOKIER EIKOORR ROOKY, abounding in rooks [adj]
ROOMIER EIMOORR ROOMY, spacious (vast or ample in extent) [adj]
ROOTIER EIOORRT ROOTY, full of roots [adj]
ROUGHER EGHORRU ROUGH, having an uneven surface [adj]
ROUNDER DENORRU ROUND, shaped like a sphere [adj]
ROUPIER EIOPRRU ROUPY, hoarse (low and rough in sound) [adj]
ROWDIER DEIORRW ROWDY, disorderly in behavior [adj]
RUDDIER DDEIRRU RUDDY, having a healthy, reddish color [adj]
RUMMIER EIMMRRU RUMMY, odd (unusual (something that is usual (ordinary))) [adj]
RUNNIER EINNRRU RUNNY, tending to drip [adj]
RUNTIER EINRRTU RUNTY, small (of limited size or quantity) [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
RUSHIER EHIRRSU RUSHY, abounding in rushes [adj]
RUSTIER EIRRSTU RUSTY, covered with rust [adj]
RUTTIER EIRRTTU RUTTY, marked by ruts [adj]
R 7s Superlative
RACIEST ACEIRST RACY, bordering on impropriety or indecency [adj]
RADDEST ADDERST RAD, very appealing or good [adj]
RANKEST AEKNRST RANK, strong and disagreeable in odor or taste [adj]
RASHEST AEHRSST RASH, acting without due caution or forethought [adj]
RAVIEST AEIRSTV RAVEY, characteristic of a rave (an all-night dance party w ith fast electronic music) [adj]
REAL, having actual existence [adj]
REDDEST DDEERST RED, of the color of blood [adj]
RICHEST CEHIRST RICH, having wealth [adj]
RIMIEST EIIMRST RIMY, frosty (covered with frost) [adj]
ROPIEST EIOPRST ROPY, resembling a rope or ropes [adj] / ROPEY, ropy (resembling a rope or ropes) [adj]
ROSIEST EIORSST ROSY, rose-colored [adj]
RUBIEST BEIRSTU RUBY, of a deep-red color [adj]
RUMMEST EMMRSTU RUM, odd (unusual (something that is usual (ordinary))) [adj]
S 7s Comparative
SAGGIER AEGGIRS SAGGY, characterized by sagging [adj]
SALTIER AEILRST SALTY, tasting of or containing salt [adj]
SANDIER ADEINRS SANDY, containing or covered with sand [adj]
SAPIDER ADEIPRS SAPID, pleasant to the taste [adj]
SAPPIER AEIPPRS SAPPY, silly (showing a lack of good sense) [adj]
SARKIER AEIKRRS SARKY, sarcastic [adj]
SASSIER AEIRSSS SASSY, impudent (offensively bold or disrespectful) [adj]
SAUCIER ACEIRSU SAUCY, impudent (offensively bold or disrespectful) [adj]
SAVAGER AAEGRSV SAVAGE, fierce (violently hostile or aggressive) [adj]
SAVVIER AEIRSVV SAVVY, shrewd (having keen insight) [adj]
SCALIER ACEILRS SCALY, peeling off in flakes [adj]
SCANTER ACENRST SCANT, meager (deficient in quantity or quality) [adj]
SCARCER ACCERRS SCARCE, infrequently seen or found [adj]
SCARIER ACEIRRS SCAREY, scary (frightening) [adj] / SCARY, frightening [adj]
SEAMIER AEEIMRS SEAMY, unpleasant (pleasing) [adj]
SECURER CEERRSU SECURE, free from danger [adj]
SEDATER ADEERST SEDATE, calm (free from agitation) [adj]
SEDGIER DEEGIRS SEDGY, abounding in sedge [adj]
SEEDIER DEEEIRS SEEDY, containing seeds; inferior in condition or quality [adj]
SEEPIER EEEIPRS SEEPY, soaked or oozing with water [adj]
SERENER EEENRRS SERENE, calm; tranquil [adj]
SEVERER EEERRSV SEVERE, unsparing in the treatment of others [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
SHALIER AEHILRS SHALY , resembling shale (a fissile rock) [adj] / SHALEY, shaly (resembling shale (a fissile rock)) [adj]
SHARP, suitable for or capable of cutting or piercing [adj]
SHEERER EEEHRRS SHEER, of very thin texture [adj]
SHINIER EHIINRS SHINY, filled with light [adj]
SHOALER AEHLORS SHOAL, shallow (having little depth) [adj]
SHORTER EHORRST SHORT, having little length [adj]
SHOWIER EHIORSW SHOWY, making a great or brilliant display [adj]
SILKIER EIIKLRS SILKY, resembling silk [adj]
SILLIER EIILLRS SILLY, showing a lack of good sense [adj]
SILTIER EIILRST SILTY, full of silt [adj]
SIMPLER EILMPRS SIMPLE, not complex or complicated [adj]
SLACKER ACEKLRS SLACK, not tight or taut [adj]
SLATIER AEILRST SLATY, resembling slate [adj] / SLATEY, slaty (resembling slate) [adj]
SLEEKER EEEKLRS SLEEK, smooth and glossy [adj]
SLENDER DEELNRS thin (having relatively little density or thickness) [adj -DERER, -DEREST]
SLICK, smooth and slippery [adj]
SLIMIER EIILMRS SLIMY, resembling slime [adj]
SLIMMER EILMMRS SLIM, slender (thin (having relatively little density or thickness)) [adj]
SISSIER EIIRSSS SISSY, sissyish (resembling a sissy) [adj]
SMALLER AELLMRS SMALL, of limited size or quantity [adj]
SMARTER AEMRRST SMART, characterized by mental acuity [adj]
SMILIER EIILMRS SMILEY, displaying a smile [adj]
SMOKIER EIKMORS SMOKEY, smoky(filled with smoke) [adj] / SMOKY, filled with smoke [adj]
SMUGGER EGGMRSU SMUG, highly self-satisfied [adj]
SNAKIER AEIKNRS SNAKEY, snaky (resembling a snake) [adj] / SNAKY, resembling a snake [adj]
SNELL, keen (enthusiastic) [adj]
SNOWIER EINORSW SNOWY, abounding in snow [adj]
SNUGGER EGGNRSU SNUG, warmly comfortable [adj]
SOAPIER AEIOPRS SOAPY, containing or resembling soap [adj]
SOBERER BEEORRS SOBER, having control of one's faculties [adj]
SOGGIER EGGIORS SOGGY, heavy with moisture [adj]
SOLIDER DEILORS SOLID, having definite shape and volume [adj]
SOMBRER BEMORRS SOMBRE, somber (gloomy (dismally dark)) [adj]
SONSIER EINORSS SONSIE, sonsy (comely (pleasing to lookat)) [adj] / SONSY, comely (pleasing to lookat) [adj]
SOOTH, true (consistent with fact or reality) [adj]
SOOTIER EIOORST SOOTY, covered with soot [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
SORRIER EIORRRS SORRY, feeling grief or penitence [adj]
SOUNDER DENORSU SOUND, being in good health or condition [adj]
SOUPIER EIOPRSU SOUPY, foggy (filled with fog) [adj]
SPACIER ACEIPRS SPACEY, weird in behavior [adj] / SPACY, spacey(weird in behavior) [adj]
SPARSE, thinly distributed [adj]
SPICIER CEEIPRS SPICY, containing spices [adj] / SPICEY, spicy (containing spices) [adj]
SPIKIER EIIKPRS SPIKEY, spiky (resembling a spike) [adj] / SPIKY, resembling a spike [adj]
SPINY, bearing or covered with thorns [adj]
SPIRIER EIIPRRS SPIRY, tall, slender, and tapering [adj]
SPRUCER CEPRRSU SPRUCE, neat and trim in appearance [adj]
SPUMIER EIMPRSU SPUMY, foamy (covered with foam) [adj]
SQUARER AEQRRSU SQUARE, having four equal sides and four right angles; rigidlyconventional [adj]
STAGIER AEGIRST STABLE, resistant to sudden change or position or condition [adj]
STAGEY, stagy (having a theatrical quality) [adj] / STAGY, having a theatrical quality [adj]
STAIDER ADEIRST STAID, sober and sedate [adj]
STARKER AEKRRST STARK, harsh in appearance [adj]
STEEPER EEEPRST STEEP, inclined sharply [adj]
STERNER EENRRST STERN, unyielding (to give up) [adj]
STIFFER EFFIRST STIFF, difficult to bend or stretch [adj]
STILLER EILLRST STILL, free from sound or motion [adj]
STONIER EINORST STONY, abounding in stones [adj] / STONEY, stony (abounding in stones) [adj]
STOUTER EORSTTU STOUT, fat (having an abundance of flesh) [adj]
SUBTLER BELRSTU SUBTLE, so slight as to be difficult to detect [adj]
SUCKIER CEIKRSU SUCKY, extremely objectionable [adj]
SUDSIER DEIRSSU SUDSY, foamy (covered with foam) [adj]
SULKIER EIKLRSU SUETY, SUET, the hard, fatty tissue around the kidneys of cattle and sheep [adj]
SULKY, sullenly aloof or withdrawn [adj]
SUNNIER EINNRSU SUNNY, filled with sunlight [adj]
SUPPLER ELPPRSU SUPPLE, pliant (easily bent) [adj]
SURFIER EFIRRSU SURFY, abounding in breaking waves [adj]
SURLIER EILRRSU SURLY, sullenly rude [adj]
SVELTER EELRSTV SVELTE, gracefully slender [adj]
SWANKER AEKNRSW SWANK, imposingly elegant [adj]
SWEETER EEERSTW SWEET, pleasing to the taste [adj]
SWELLER EELLRSW SWELL, stylish (fashionable) [adj]
SWIFTER EFIRSTW SWIFT, moving with a great rate of motion [adj]
SWISHER EHIRSSW SWISH, 1. smart, fashionable 2. effeminate [adj]
S 7s Superlative
SADDEST ADDESST SAD, unhappy (marked by joy) [adj]
SAGIEST AEGISST SAGY, flavored with sage [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
SALTEST AELSSTT SALT, salty (tasting of or containing salt) [adj]
SAMIEST AEIMSST SAMEY, lacking variety [adj]
SEAREST AEERSST SEAR, sere (withered; dry) [adj]
SEXIEST EEISSTX SEXY, arousing sexual desire [adj]
SICKEST CEIKSST SICK, affected with disease or ill health [adj]
SIZIEST EIISSTZ SIZY, viscid (thick and adhesive) [adj]
SLOWEST ELOSSTW SLOW, moving with little speed [adj]
SNIDEST DEINSST SNIDE, maliciously derogatory [adj]
SOFTEST EFOSSTT SOFT, yielding readily to pressure [adj]
SOUREST EORSSTU SOUR, sharp or biting to the taste [adj]
SPAREST AEPRSST SPARE, meager (deficient in quantity or quality) [adj]
SPRIEST EIPRSST SPRY, nimble (agile (able to move quickly and easily)) [adj]
SPRYEST EPRSSTY SPRY, nimble (agile (able to move quickly and easily)) [adj]
STALEST AELSSTT STALE, not fresh [adj]
SUAVEST AESSTUV SUAVE, smoothly affable and polite [adj]
T 7s Comparative
TACKIER ACEIKRT TACKY, adhesive [adj] / TACKEY, tacky (adhesive) [adj]
TALCIER ACEILRT TALCY, TALC, to treat with talc (a soft mineral with a soapy texture) [adj]
TALKIER AEIKLRT TALKY, tending to talk a great deal [adj]
TANGIER AEGINRT TANGY, pungent (sharply affecting the organs of taste or smell) [adj]
TARDIER ADEIRRT TARDY, late (coming or occurring after the expected time) [adj]
TARRIER AEIRRRT TARRY, resembling tar [adj]
TARTIER AEIRRTT TARTY, suggestive of a prostitute [adj]
TASTIER AEIRSTT TASTY, pleasant to the taste [adj]
TATTIER AEIRTTT TATTY, shabby (ragged (tattered)) [adj]
TAWNIER AEINRTW TAWNY, light brown [adj]
TEARIER AEEIRRT TEARY, tearful (full of tears) [adj]
TECHIER CEEHIRT TECHY, tetchy (irritable) [adj]
TEENIER EEEINRT TEENY, tiny (very small) [adj]
TENTIER EEINRTT TENTY , watchful (closely observant or alert) [adj] / TENTIE, tenty (watchful (closely observant or alert)) [adj]
TESTY, irritable [adj]
THEWIER EEHIRTW THEWY, brawny (muscular (pertaining to muscle)) [adj]
THICKER CEHIKRT THICK, having relatively great extent from one surface to its opposite [adj]
THINNER EHINNRT THIN, having relatively little density or thickness [adj]
THYMIER EHIMRTY THYMEY, thymy (abounding in thyme) [adj] / THYMY, abounding in thyme [adj]
TIGHTER EGHIRTT TIGHT, firmly or closely fixed in place [adj]
TIMIDER DEIIMRT TIMID, lacking courage or self-confidence [adj]
TINNIER EIINNRT TINNY, of or resembling tin [adj]
TIPPIER EIIPPRT TIPPY, unsteady (firm in position) [adj]
TIPSIER EIIPRST TIPSY, slightly drunk [adj]
TIREDER DEEIRRT TIRED, sapped of strength [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
TOUGHER EGHORTU TOUGH, strong and resilient [adj]
TRIGGER EGGIRRT TRIG, neat (being in a state of cleanliness and order) [adj]
TRIMMER EIMMRRT TRIM, neat and orderly [adj]
TUBBIER BBEIRTU TUBBY, short and fat [adj]
TUFTIER EFIRTTU TUFTY, abounding in tufts [adj]
TURFIER EFIRRTU TURFY, covered with turf [adj]
TUSKIER EIKRSTU TUSKY, having tusks [adj]
TWINIER EIINRTW TWINY, resembling twine (a strong string) [adj]
T 7s Superlative
TALLEST AELLSTT TALL, having great height [adj]
TANNEST AENNSTT TAN, brown from the sun's rays [adj]
TARTEST AERSTTT TART, having a sharp, sour taste [adj]
TAUTEST AESTTTU TAUT, fully stretched, so as not to be slack [adj]
TENSEST EENSSTT TENSE, taut (fully stretched, so as not to be slack) [adj]
TERSEST EERSSTT TERSE, succinct (clearly expressed in few words) [adj]
TIDIEST DEIISTT TIDY, neat and orderly [adj]
TINIEST EIINSTT TINY, very small [adj]
TONIEST EINOSTT TONEY, tony (stylish (fashionable)) [adj] / TONY, stylish (fashionable) [adj]
TYPIEST EIPSTTY TRITE, used so often as to be made commonplace [adj]
TYPEY, typy (characterized by strict conformance to the characteristics of a gr oup) [adj]
U 7s Comparative
UMPTIER EIMPRTU UMPTY, umpteen (indefinitely numerous) [adj]
UNIQUER EINQRUU UNIQUE, existing as the only one of its kind; very unusual [adj]
UNSAFER AEFNRSU UNSAFE, SAFE, free from danger [adj]
UNTRUER ENRRTUU UNTRUE, TRUE, consistent with fact or reality [adj]
UNWISER EINRSUW UNWISE, WISE, having wisdom [adj]
URBANER ABENRRU URBANE, refined and elegant [adj]
U 7s Superlative
UGLIEST EGILSTU UGLY, displeasing to the sight [adj]
V 7s Comparative
VAMPIER AEIMPRV VAMPY, seductive [adj]
VASTIER AEIRSTV VASTY, vast (of great extent or size) [adj]
VEINIER EEIINRV VEINY, full of veins [adj]
VIEWIER EEIIRVW VIEWY, showy (making a great or brilliant display) [adj]
VIVIDER DEIIRVV VIVID, strikingly bright or intense [adj]
VUGGIER EGGIRUV VUGGY, abounding in vugs (small cavity in rock or lode) [adj]
V 7s Superlative
VAGUEST AEGSTUV VAGUE, not clearly expressed or understood [adj]
VAINEST AEINSTV VAIN, filled with undue admiration for oneself [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
VASTEST AESSTTV VAST, of great extent or size [adj]
VERIEST EEIRSTV VERY, absolute (free from restriction) [adj]
VINIEST EIINSTV VINY, covered with vines [adj]
W 7s Comparative
WACKIER ACEIKRW WACKY, very irrational [adj]
WARTIER AEIRRTW WARTY, covered with warts [adj]
WASHIER AEHIRSW WASHY, overly diluted [adj]
WASPIER AEIPRSW WASPY, resembling a wasp (a stinging insect) [adj]
WEARIER AEEIRRW WEARY, tired (sapped of strength) [adj]
WEBBIER BBEEIRW WEBBY, weblike (resembling a web) [adj]
WEDGIER DEEGIRW WEDGY, resembling a wedge [adj]
WEEDIER DEEEIRW WEEDY, resembling a weed [adj]
WEENIER EEEINRW WEENY, tiny (very small) [adj]
WEEPIER EEEIPRW WEEPY, tending to weep [adj]
WEIRDER DEEIRRW WEIRD, mysteriously strange [adj]
WENNIER EEINNRW WENNY, resembling a wen (a benign tumor of the skin) [adj]
WHINIER EHIINRW WHINEY, whiny (tending to whine) [adj] / WHINY, tending to whine [adj]
WHITIER EHIIRTW WHITY, whitish (somewhat white) [adj]
WIFTIER EFIIRTW WIFTY, ditsy (silly, eccentric) [adj]
WIGGIER EGGIIRW WIGGY, crazy (insane (mentally unsound)) [adj]
WIMPIER EIIMPRW WIMPY, weak, ineffectual [adj]
WINDIER DEIINRW WINDY, marked by strong wind [adj]
WINGIER EGIINRW WINGY, swift (moving with a great rate of motion) [adj]
WISPIER EIIPRSW WISPY, resembling a wisp [adj]
WITHIER EHIIRTW WITHY, flexible and tough [adj]
WITTIER EIIRTTW WITTY, humorously clever [adj]
WOMBIER BEIMORW WOMBY, hollow (not solid) [adj]
WONKIER EIKNORW WONKY, unsteady (firm in position) [adj]
WOODIER DEIOORW WOODY, containing or resembling wood [adj]
WOOLIER EILOORW WOOLY, woolly (consisting of or resembling wool) [adj]
WORDIER DEIORRW WORDY, using many or too many words [adj]
WORMIER EIMORRW WORMY, infested with worms [adj]
WRONGER EGNORRW WRONG, not according to what is right, proper, or correct [adj]
WUSSIER EIRSSUW WUSSY, wimpy (weak, ineffectual) [adj]
W 7s Superlative
WACKEST ACEKSTW WACK, very bad [adj]
WANIEST AEINSTW WANEY, wany (waning in some parts) [adj] / WANY, waning in some parts [adj]
WANNEST AENNSTW WAN, unnaturally pale [adj]
WARIEST AEIRSTW WARY, watchful (closely observant or alert) [adj]
WARMEST AEMRSTW WARM, moderately hot [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
WATTEST AESTTTW WAT, wet (covered or saturated with a liquid) [adj]
WAVIEST AEISTVW WAVY, having waves [adj]
WAXIEST AEISTWX WAXY, resembling wax [adj]
WEAKEST AEEKSTW WEAK, lacking strength [adj]
WETTEST EESTTTW WET, covered or saturated with a liquid [adj]
WHITEST EHISTTW WHITE, of the color of pure snow [adj]
WILDEST DEILSTW WILD, living in a natural state [adj]
WILIEST EIILSTW WILY, crafty (skillful in deceiving) [adj]
WINIEST EIINSTW WINEY, winy (having the taste or qualities of wine) [adj]
WIRIEST EIIRSTW WIRY, resembling wire [adj]
X 7s Comparative
X 7s Superlative
Y 7s Comparative
YAPPIER AEIPPRY YAPPY, inclined to yap [adj]
YOBBIER BBEIORY YOBBY, resembling a yob (a hooligan (a hoodlum (a thug))) [adj]
YOLKIER EIKLORY YOLKY, resembling a yolk (the yellow portion of an egg) [adj]
YOUNGER EGNORUY YOUNG, being in the early period of life or growth [adj]
YUCKIER CEIKRUY YUCKY, disgusting [adj]
YUKKIER EIKKRUY YUKKY, yucky (disgusting) [adj]
YUMMIER EIMMRUY YUMMY, delicious [adj]
Y 7s Superlative
Z 7s Comparative
ZAPPIER AEIPPRZ ZAPPY, zippy (full of energy) [adj]
ZESTIER EEIRSTZ ZESTY, marked by zest [adj]
ZINGIER EGIINRZ ZINGY, enjoyably exciting [adj]
ZIPPIER EIIPPRZ ZIPPY, full of energy [adj]
ZOOTIER EIOORTZ ZOOTY, flashy in manner or style [adj]
Z 7s Superlative
ZANIEST AEINSTZ ZANY, ludicrously comical [adj]
ZOOIEST EIOOSTZ ZOOEY, resembling a zoo (a place w here animals are kept for public exhibition) [adj]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
A 8s Comparative
ABRUPTER ABEPRRTU ABRUPT, rudely brief [adj]
ABSURDER ABDERRSU ABSURD, ridiculously incongruous or unreasonable [adj]
ADROITER ADEIORRT ADROIT, skillful (having skill) [adj]
ANGSTIER AEGINRST ANGSTY, feeling anxiety or dread [adj]
AUGUSTER AEGRSTUU AUGUST, inspiring reverence or admiration [adj]
AUNTLIER AEILNRTU AUNTLY, of or suggesting an aunt [adj]
AUSTERER AEERRSTU AUSTERE, grave in disposition or appearance [adj]
AWFULLER AEFLLRUW AWFUL, extremely bad or unpleasant [adj]
A 8s Superlative
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
ACERBEST ABCEERST ACERB, sour (sharp or biting to the taste) [adj]
ACRIDEST ACDEIRST ACRID, sharp and harsh to the taste or smell [adj]
ADEPTEST ADEEPSTT ADEPT, highly skilled [adj]
ALERTEST AEELRSTT ALERT, ready for sudden action [adj]
ANGRIEST AEGINRST ANGRY, feeling strong displeasure or hostility [adj]
ANTSIEST AEINSSTT ANTSY, fidgety (nervously restless) [adj]
APPLIEST AEILPPST APPLEY, resembling or suggestive of an apple [adj]
ARTSIEST AEIRSSTT ARTSY, arty (showily or pretentiously artistic) [adj]
B 8s Comparative
BALLSIER ABEILLRS BALLSY, an offensive word [adj]
BARRENER ABEENRRR BARREN, unproductive (productive) [adj]
BAULKIER ABEIKLRU BAULKY, balky (stubborn (unyielding (yield))) [adj]
BEACHIER ABCEEHIR BEACHY, sandy or pebbly [adj]
BEECHIER BCEEEHIR BEECHY, abounding in beeches [adj]
BITTERER BEEIRRTT BITTER, having a disagreeable taste [adj]
BLASTIER ABEILRST BLASTY, gusty (blowing in gusts) [adj]
BLOBBIER BBBEILOR BLOBBY, splotchy (splotched) [adj]
BLOCKIER BCEIKLOR BLOCKY, short and stout [adj]
BLOODIER BDEILOOR BLOODY, stained with blood [adj]
BLOOMIER BEILMOOR BLOOMY, covered with flowers [adj]
BLOOPIER BEILOOPR BLOOPY, being a hit that is a short fly ball [adj]
BLOTTIER BEILORTT BLOTTY, spotty (marked with spots) [adj]
BLOUSIER BEILORSU BLOUSY, blowsy (slovenly (habitually untidy or unclean)) [adj]
BLOWSIER BEILORSW BLOWSY, slovenly (habitually untidy or unclean) [adj]
BLOWZIER BEILORWZ BLOWZY, blowsy (slovenly (habitually untidy or unclean)) [adj]
BLUESIER BEEILRSU BLUESY, resembling the blues (a musical form) [adj]
BLURRIER BEILRRRU BLURRY, unclear (clean and pure) [adj]
BOBBLIER BBBEILOR BOBBLY, resembling a small ball of wool [adj]
BOUNCIER BCEINORU BOUNCY, tending to bounce [adj]
BRAGGIER ABEGGIRR BRAGGY, tending to brag [adj]
BRAINIER ABEIINRR BRAINY, smart (characterized by mental acuity) [adj]
BRANNIER ABEINNRR BRANNY, containing bran [adj]
BRASHIER ABEHIRRS BRASHY, brash (rash; hasty) [adj]
BRASSIER ABEIRRSS BRASSY, resembling brass [adj]
BRATTIER ABEIRRTT BRATTY, resembling a brat (a spoiled child) [adj]
BRAWLIER ABEILRRW BRAWLY, inclined to brawl [adj]
BRAWNIER ABEINRRW BRAWNY, muscular (pertaining to muscle) [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
BREEZIER BEEEIRRZ BREEZY, windy (marked by strong wind) [adj]
BRICKIER BCEIIKRR BRICKY, made of bricks [adj]
BRIGHTER BEGHIRRT BRIGHT, emitting much light [adj]
BRITTLER BEILRRTT BRITTLE, likely to break [adj]
BRONZIER BEINORRZ BRONZY, of a brownish color [adj]
BROODIER BDEIOORR BROODY, tending to brood [adj]
BROOMIER BEIMOORR BROOMY, abounding in broom (a type of shrub) [adj]
BROWNIER BEINORRW BROWNY, somewhat brown [adj]
BRUSHIER BEHIRRSU BRUSHY, shaggy; rough [adj]
BRUSQUER BEQRRSUU BRUSQUE, abrupt in manner [adj]
BUBBLIER BBBEILRU BUBBLY, full of bubbles [adj]
BURSTIER BEIRRSTU BURSTY, occurring in short sudden episodes or groups [adj]
B 8s Superlative
BAGGIEST ABEGGIST BAGGY, loose-fitting [adj]
BALKIEST ABEIKLST BALKY, stubborn (unyielding (to give up)) [adj]
BALLIEST ABEILLST BALLY, noisy uproar [adj]
BALMIEST ABEILMST BALMY, mild (not harsh or rough) [adj]
BANDIEST ABDEINST BANDY, curved apart at the knees [adj]
BARKIEST ABEIKRST BARKY, covered with bark (tough outer covering of a root or stem) [adj]
BARMIEST ABEIMRST BARMY, full of barm; frothy [adj]
BARNIEST ABEINRST BARNY, resembling a barn in size, shape, or smell [adj]
BATTIEST ABEISTTT BATTY, crazy (insane (mentally unsound)) [adj]
BAWDIEST ABDEISTW BAWDY, obscene (indecent (not decent)) [adj]
BEADIEST ABDEEIST BEADY, resembling beads [adj]
BEAKIEST ABEEIKST BEAKY, resembling a beak (a bird's bill) [adj]
BEEFIEST BEEEFIST BEEFY, brawny (muscular (pertaining to muscle)) [adj]
BEERIEST BEEEIRST BEERY, affected by beer [adj]
BENDIEST BDEEINST BENDY, flexible (capable of being bent) [adj]
BILGIEST BEGIILST BILGY, smelling like seepage [adj]
BITSIEST BEIISSTT BITSY, tiny (very small) [adj]
BITTIEST BEIISTTT BITTY, tiny (very small) [adj]
BLACKEST ABCEKLST BLACK, being of the darkest color [adj]
BLANKEST ABEKLNST BLANK, empty (containing nothing) [adj]
BLEAKEST ABEEKLST BLEAK, dreary (dismal (cheerless and depressing)) [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
BLITHEST BEHILSTT BLITHE, merry (cheerful (full of spirits)) [adj]
BLOKIEST BEIKLOST BLOKEY, blokeish (resembling the typical behavior of a bloke) [adj]
BLONDEST BDELNOST BLOND, light-colored [adj]
BLOWIEST BEILOSTW BLOWY, windy (marked by strong wind) [adj]
BLUFFEST BEFFLSTU BLUFF, having a broad front [adj]
BLUNTEST BELNSTTU BLUNT, not sharp or pointed [adj]
BOGGIEST BEGGIOST BOGGY, marshy (resembling a marsh (a tract of low, wet land)) [adj]
BONEYEST BEENOSTY BONEY, bony (full of bones) [adj]
BONNIEST BEINNOST BONNY, pretty (pleasing to the eye) [adj]
BOOZIEST BEIOOSTZ BOOZY, drunken (drunk (intoxicated)) [adj]
BOPPIEST BEIOPPST BOPPY, suggestive of bebop [adj]
BOSKIEST BEIKOSST BOSKY, wooded; bushy [adj]
BOSSIEST BEIOSSST BOSSY, domineering [adj]
BRAGGEST ABEGGRST BRAG, first-rate [adj]
BRAKIEST ABEIKRST BRAKY, abounding in shrubs or ferns [adj]
BRASHEST ABEHRSST BRASH, rash; hasty [adj]
BRIEFEST BEEFIRST BRIEF, short (having little length) [adj]
BRINIEST BEIINRST BRINY, salty (tasting of or containing salt) [adj]
BRISKEST BEIKRSST BRISK, lively (full of energy) [adj]
BROADEST ABDEORST BROAD, wide (having great extent from side to side) [adj]
BROWNEST BENORSTW BROWN, of a dark color [adj]
BRUSKEST BEKRSSTU BRUSK, brusque (abrupt in manner) [adj]
BUFFIEST BEFFISTU BUFFY, of a yellowish-brown color [adj]
BUGGIEST BEGGISTU BUGGY, infested with bugs [adj]
BULKIEST BEIKLSTU BULKY, massive (of considerable size) [adj]
BUMPIEST BEIMPSTU BUMPY, of uneven surface [adj]
BURLIEST BEILRSTU BURLY, heavy and muscular [adj]
BURRIEST BEIRRSTU BURRY, prickly (having many sharp points) [adj]
BUSHIEST BEHISSTU BUSHY, covered with bushes [adj]
BUSTIEST BEISSTTU BUSTY, full-bosomed [adj]
BUTCHEST BCEHSTTU BUTCH, being a very short haircut [adj]
BUXOMEST BEMOSTUX BUXOM, healthily plump [adj]
BUZZIEST BEISTUZZ BUZZY, having a vibrating sound [adj]
C 8s Comparative
CANDIDER ACDDEINR CANDID, frank and sincere [adj]
CAPABLER AABCELPR CAPABLE, having ability [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
CATCHIER ACCEHIRT CATCHY, pleasing and easily remembered [adj]
CEDARIER ACDEEIRR CEDARY, CEDAR, an evergreen tree [adj]
CHALKIER ACEHIKLR CHALKY, resembling chalk [adj]
CHANCIER ACCEHINR CHANCY, risky (dangerous) [adj]
CHARRIER ACEHIRRR CHARRY, resembling charcoal [adj]
CHEEKIER CEEEHIKR CHEEKY, impudent (offensively bold or disrespectful) [adj]
CHEERIER CEEEHIRR CHEERY, cheerful (full of spirits) [adj]
CHEESIER CEEEHIRS CHEESY, resembling cheese (a food made from milk curds) [adj]
CHERRIER CEEHIRRR CHERRY, of a light red color [adj]
CHERTIER CEEHIRRT CHERTY, resembling chert (a compact rock) [adj]
CHESTIER CEEHIRST CHESTY, proud (having or displaying pride) [adj]
CHICHIER CCEHHIIR CHICHI, showily stylish [adj]
CHILLIER CEHIILLR CHILLY, cool (moderately cold) [adj]
CHINKIER CEHIIKNR CHINKY, full of cracks [adj]
CHIRPIER CEHIIPRR CHIRPY, cheerful (full of spirits) [adj]
CHOOSIER CEHIOORS CHOOSEY, choosy(hard to please) [adj] / CHOOSY, hard to please [adj]
CHOPPY, full of short, rough waves [adj]
CHROMIER CEHIMORR CHROMY, decorated with chrome [adj]
CHUBBIER BBCEHIRU CHUBBY, plump (well-rounded and full in form) [adj]
CHUFFIER CEFFHIRU CHUFFY, plump (well-rounded and full in form) [adj]
CHUMMIER CEHIMMRU CHUMMY, friendly (inclined to approve, help, or support) [adj]
CHUNKIER CEHIKNRU CHUNKY, stocky (having a short, thick body) [adj]
CLAMMIER ACEILMMR CLAMMY, cold and damp [adj]
CLANKIER ACEIKLNR CLANKY, making a sharp, metallic sound [adj]
CLASSIER ACEILRSS CLASSY, stylish; elegant [adj]
CLEVERER CEEELRRV CLEVER, mentally keen [adj]
CLIFFIER CEFFIILR CLIFFY, abounding in cliffs [adj]
CLIQUIER CEIILQRU CLIQUEY, inclined to formcliques [adj] / CLIQUY, cliquey (inclined to formcliques) [adj]
CLODDY, lumpy (full of lumps) [adj]
CLOGGIER CEGGILOR CLOGGY, clogging or able to clog [adj]
CLONKIER CEIKLNOR CLONKY, making a dull thumping sound [adj]
CLOUDIER CDEILORU CLOUDY, overcast with clouds [adj]
CLUBBIER BBCEILRU CLUBBY, characteristic of a club [adj]
CLUMPIER CEILMPRU CLUMPY, lumpy (full of lumps) [adj]
CLUMSIER CEILMRSU CLUMSY, awkward (lacking skill, dexterity, or grace) [adj]
CLUNKIER CEIKLNRU CLUNKY, clumsy in style [adj]
COMELIER CEEILMOR COMELY, pleasing to look at [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
COMMONER CEMMNOOR COMMON, ordinary(of a kind to be expected in the normal order of events) [adj]
CONCISE, succinct (clearly expressed in few words) [adj]
COUTHIER CEHIORTU COUTHIE, friendly (inclined to approve, help, or support) [adj]
COVERTER CEEORRTV COVERT, referring to hiding place [adj]
CRABBIER ABBCEIRR CRABBY, grumpy (ill-tempered) [adj]
CRACKIER ACCEIKRR CRACKY, having cracks [adj]
CRAFTIER ACEFIRRT CRAFTY, skillful in deceiving [adj]
CRAGGIER ACEGGIRR CRAGGY, full of crags [adj]
CRAMPIER ACEIMPRR CRAMPY, affected with a cramp [adj]
CRANKIER ACEIKNRR CRANKY, grumpy (ill-tempered) [adj]
CRAPPIER ACEIPPRR CRAPPY, markedly inferior in quality [adj]
CRAVENER ACEENRRV CRAVEN, lacking courage [adj]
CRAWLIER ACEILRRW CRAWLY, creepy (repugnant) [adj]
CREAMIER ACEEIMRR CREAMY, rich in cream [adj]
CREASIER ACEEIRRS CREASY, having folds or wrinkles [adj]
CRIMPIER CEIIMPRR CRIMPY, wavy (having waves) [adj]
CRISPIER CEIIPRRS CRISPY, crisp (brittle (likely to break)) [adj]
CROAKIER ACEIKORR CROAKY, low and hoarse [adj]
CROONIER CEINOORR CROONY, having or being a soft singing style [adj]
CROUPIER CEIOPRRU CROUPY, affected with croup [adj]
CRUDDIER CDDEIRRU CRUDDY, filthy; contemptible [adj]
CRUELLER CEELLRRU CRUEL, indifferent to the pain of others [adj]
CRUISIER CEIIRRSU CRUISEY, cruisy (frequented by homosexuals seeking partners) [adj] / CRUISY, frequented by homosexuals seeking partners [ adj]
CRUMBY, full of crumbs [adj]
CRUMMIER CEIMMRRU CRUMMY, of little or no value [adj]
CRUSTIER CEIRRSTU CRUSTY, surly (sullenly rude) [adj]
CUDDLIER CDDEILRU CUDDLY, fit for cuddling [adj]
CULCHIER CCEHILRU [adj] / CULCHIE, an offensive word [adj]
CULSHIER CEHILRSU [adj] / CULSHIE, an offensive word [adj]
CURSEDER CDEERRSU CURSED, wicked (evil (morally bad)) [adj]
CUTESIER CEEIRSTU CUTESIE, cutesy (self -consciously cute) [adj] / CUTESY, self -consciously cute [adj]
C 8s Superlative
CAMPIEST ACEIMPST CAMPY, comically exaggerated [adj]
CANNIEST ACEINNST CANNY, prudent (having, showing, or exercising good judgment) [adj] / CANNIE, canny (prudent (having, showing, or exercising good judgment)) [adj]
CATTY, catlike; spiteful [adj]
CHARIEST ACEHIRST CHARY, cautious (exercising prudence to avoid danger) [adj]
CHASTEST ACEHSSTT CHASTE, morally pure [adj]
CHEAPEST ACEEHPST CHEAP, inexpensive [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
CHEWIEST CEEHISTW CHEWY, not easily chewed [adj]
CHIEFEST CEEFHIST CHIEF, highest in authority [adj]
CHILLEST CEHILLST CHILL, cool (moderately cold) [adj]
CHIRKEST CEHIKRST CHIRK, cheerful (full of spirits) [adj]
CHOICEST CCEHIOST CHOICE, of fine quality [adj]
CHOKIEST CEHIKOST CHOKEY, choky (tending to cause choking) [adj] / CHOKY, tending to cause choking [adj]
CHUFF, gruff (low and harsh in speech) [adj]
CLAYIEST ACEILSTY CLAYEY, resembling clay [adj]
CLEANEST ACEELNST CLEAN, free from dirt or stain [adj]
CLEAREST ACEELRST CLEAR, clean and pure [adj]
COALIEST ACEILOST COALY, containing coal [adj]
COARSEST ACEORSST COARSE, rough (having an uneven surface) [adj]
COBBIEST BBCEIOST COBBY, stocky (having a short, thick body) [adj]
COCKIEST CCEIKOST COCKY, arrogantly self-confident [adj]
COMFIEST CEFIMOST COMFY, comfortable [adj]
CORKIEST CEIKORST CORKY, corklike (resembling cork (a porous tree bark)) [adj]
CORNIEST CEINORST CORNY, trite (used so often as to be made commonplace) [adj]
COUTHEST CEHOSTTU COUTH, sophisticated [adj]
CRANKEST ACEKNRST CRANK, lively (full of energy) [adj]
CRASSEST ACERSSST CRASS, grossly vulgar or stupid [adj]
CRAZIEST ACEIRSTZ CRAZY, insane (mentally unsound) [adj]
CREPIEST CEEIPRST CREPEY, crinkly (crinkled) [adj] / CREPY, crepey (crinkly (crinkled)) [adj]
CRISP, brittle (likely to break) [adj]
CROOKEST CEKOORST CROOK, sick (affected with disease or ill health) [adj]
CROSSEST CEORSSST CROSS, ill-tempered [adj]
CRUELEST CEELRSTU CRUEL, indifferent to the pain of others [adj]
CUPPIEST CEIPPSTU CUPPY, cuplike (resembling a cup) [adj]
CURLIEST CEILRSTU CURLY, tending to curl [adj]
CURVIEST CEIRSTUV CURVEY, curvy (curved) [adj] / CURVY, curved [adj]
CUSHIEST CEHISSTU CUSHY, easy (not difficult) [adj]
D 8s Comparative
DAINTIER ADEIINRT DAINTY, delicately pretty [adj]
DAMNEDER ADDEEMNR DAMNED, damnable (detestable) [adj]
DAPPERER ADEEPPRR DAPPER, looking neat and trim [adj]
DARNEDER ADDEENRR DARNED, damned (damnable (detestable)) [adj]
DEADLIER ADDEEILR DEADLY, fatal (causing or capable of causing death) [adj]
DECENTER CDEEENRT DECENT, conforming to recognized standards of propriety [adj]
DEVOUTER DEEORTUV DEVOUT, pious (marked by religious reverence) [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
DIRECTER CDEEIRRT DIRECT, straightforward [adj]
DISMALER ADEILMRS DISMAL, cheerless and depressing [adj]
DOGGONER DEGGNOOR DOGGONE, damned (damnable (detestable)) [adj]
DOUGHIER DEGHIORU DOUGHY, resembling dough (a flour mixture) [adj]
DRAFTIER ADEFIRRT DRAFTY, having or exposed to currents of air [adj]
DRAGGIER ADEGGIRR DRAGGY, sluggish (displaying little movement or activity) [adj]
DRAWLIER ADEILRRW DRAWLY, marked by drawling [adj]
DREAMIER ADEEIMRR DREAMY, full of dreams [adj]
DREARIER ADEEIRRR DREARY, dismal (cheerless and depressing) [adj]
DRECKIER CDEEIKRR DRECKY, trashy (resembling trash) [adj]
DREGGIER DEEGGIRR DREGGY, full of dregs [adj]
DREKKIER DEEIKKRR DREKKY, drecky (trashy (resembling trash)) [adj]
DRESSIER DEEIRRSS DRESSY, stylish (fashionable) [adj]
DRIFTIER DEFIIRRT DRIFTY, full of drifts (masses of wind-driven snow) [adj]
DROWSIER DEIORRSW DROWSY, sleepy (ready or inclined to sleep) [adj]
DRUGGIER DEGGIRRU DRUGGY, affected by drugs [adj]
DRUMLIER DEILMRRU DRUMLY, dark and gloomy [adj]
DURNEDER DDEENRRU DURNED, damned (damnable (detestable)) [adj]
DWEEBIER BDEEEIRW DWEEBY, socially inept [adj]
D 8s Superlative
DAFFIEST ADEFFIST DAFFY, silly (showing a lack of good sense) [adj]
DAMNDEST ADDEMNST DAMNED, damnable (detestable) [adj]
DANCIEST ACDEINST DANCEY, suitable for dancing [adj]
DANDIEST ADDEINST DANDY, fine (excellent) [adj]
DARNDEST ADDENRST DARNED, damned (damnable (detestable)) [adj]
DASHIEST ADEHISST DASHY, stylish (fashionable) [adj]
DAUBIEST ABDEISTU DAUBY, smeary (smeared) [adj]
DEEDIEST DDEEEIST DEEDY, industrious [adj]
DEMUREST DEEMRSTU DEMURE, shy and modest [adj]
DICKIEST CDEIIKST DICKY, poor in condition [adj]
DICTIEST CDEIISTT DICTY, snobbish (characteristic of a snob) [adj]
DINGIEST DEGIINST DINGY, grimy (dirty (unclean (clean))) [adj]
DINKIEST DEIIKNST DINKY, small (of limited size or quantity) [adj]
DIPPIEST DEIIPPST DIPPY, foolish (lacking good sense or judgment) [adj]
DIRTIEST DEIIRSTT DIRTY, unclean (free from dirt or stain) [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
DITSIEST DEIISSTT DITSY, silly, eccentric [adj]
DITZIEST DEIISTTZ DITZY, ditsy (silly, eccentric) [adj]
DIVINEST DEIINSTV DIVINE, pertaining to or characteristic of a god [adj]
DIZZIEST DEIISTZZ DIZZY, having a sensation of whirling [adj]
DODGIEST DDEGIOST DODGY, evasive (tending to evade) [adj]
DOGGIEST DEGGIOST DOGGY, resembling or suggestive of a dog [adj]
DOOMIEST DEIMOOST DOOMY, doomful (ominous (portending evil)) [adj]
DORKIEST DEIKORST DORKY, stupid, foolish [adj]
DOTTIEST DEIOSTTT DOTTY, crazy (insane (mentally unsound)) [adj]
DOWDIEST DDEIOSTW DOWDY, lacking in stylishness or neatness [adj]
DOWNIEST DEINOSTW DOWNY, soft (yielding readily to pressure) [adj]
DREADEST ADDEERST DREAD, frightening [adj]
DREAREST ADEERRST DREAR, dreary (dismal (cheerless and depressing)) [adj]
DROLLEST DELLORST DROLL, comical (funny (causing laughter or amusement)) [adj]
DRUNKEST DEKNRSTU DRUNK, intoxicated [adj]
DUMPIEST DEIMPSTU DUMPY, short and thick [adj]
DUNGIEST DEGINSTU DUNGY, filthy (offensively dirty) [adj]
DURNDEST DDENRSTU DURNED, damned (damnable (detestable)) [adj]
DUSKIEST DEIKSSTU DUSKY, somewhat dark [adj]
DWARFEST ADEFRSTW DWARF, extremely small [adj]
E 8s Comparative
EARTHIER AEEHIRRT EARTHY, composed of, resembling, or suggestive of earth [adj]
EAGEREST AEEEGRST EAGER, impatiently longing [adj]
EXTREMER EEEMRRTX EXTREME, existing in a very high degree [adj]
E 8s Superlative
EARLIEST AEEILRST EARLY, near beginning of period of time or series of events [adj]
EENSIEST EEEINSST EENSY, tiny (very small) [adj]
EMPTIEST EEIMPSTT EMPTY, containing nothing [adj]
EVILLEST EEILLSTV EVIL, morally bad [adj]
EXACTEST ACEESTTX EXACT, precise (sharply and clearly defined or stated) [adj]
F 8s Comparative
FEATLIER AEEFILRT FEATLY, graceful (having beauty of form or movement) [adj]
FEISTIER EEFIIRST FEISTY, full of nervous energy [adj]
FIDDLIER DDEFIILR FIDDLY, intricately difficult to handle [adj]
FILTHIER EFHIILRT FILTHY, offensively dirty [adj]
FLABBIER ABBEFILR FLABBY, flaccid (lacking firmness) [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
FLASHIER AEFHILRS FLASHY, gaudy (tastelessly showy) [adj]
FLEDGIER DEEFGILR FLEDGY, covered with feathers [adj]
FLEECIER CEEEFILR FLEECY, woolly (consisting of or resembling wool) [adj]
FLESHIER EEFHILRS FLESHY, having much flesh [adj]
FLIMSIER EFIILMRS FLIMSY, lacking solidity or strength [adj]
FLINTIER EFIILNRT FLINTY, resembling flint [adj]
FLIPPIER EFIILPPR FLIPPY, flaring at the bottom [adj]
FLIRTIER EFIILRRT FLIRTY, given to flirting [adj]
FLOATIER AEFILORT FLOATY, tending to float [adj]
FLOCKIER CEFIKLOR FLOCKY, woolly (consisting of or resembling wool) [adj]
FLOPPIER EFILOPPR FLOPPY, soft and flexible [adj]
FLOSSIER EFILORSS FLOSSY, resembling floss (a soft, light fiber) [adj]
FLOURIER EFILORRU FLOURY, resembling flour [adj]
FLUFFIER EFFFILRU FLUFFY, light and soft [adj]
FLUTEYER EEFLRTUY FLUTEY, fluty (resembling a flute in sound) [adj]
FOLKSIER EFIKLORS FOLKSY, friendly (inclined to approve, help, or support) [adj]
FOUSTIER EFIORSTU FOUSTY, moldy (musty (having a stale odor)) [adj]
FREAKIER AEEFIKRR FREAKY, freakish (unusual (something that is usual (ordinary))) [adj]
FRETTIER EEFIRRTT FRETTY, fretful (inclined to fret) [adj]
FRILLIER EFIILLRR FRILLY, having frills [adj]
FRINGIER EFGIINRR FRINGY, resembling a fringe [adj]
FRISKIER EFIIKRRS FRISKY, lively and playful [adj]
FRIZZIER EFIIRRZZ FRIZZY, tightly curled [adj]
FROGGIER EFGGIORR FROGGY, abounding in frogs [adj]
FROSTIER EFIORRST FROSTY, covered with frost [adj]
FROTHIER EFHIORRT FROTHY, foamy (covered with foam) [adj]
FROUZIER EFIORRUZ FROUZY, frowzy (unkempt (untidy (tidy))) [adj]
FROWSIER EFIORRSW FROWSY, frowzy (unkempt (untidy (tidy))) [adj]
FROWZIER EFIORRWZ FROWZY, unkempt (untidy (neat and orderly)) [adj]
FRUITIER EFIIRRTU FRUITY, suggestive of fruit [adj]
FRUMPIER EFIMPRRU FRUMPY, dowdy (lacking in stylishness or neatness) [adj]
F 8s Superlative
FADDIEST ADDEFIST FADDY, faddish (inclined to take up fads) [adj]
FAGGIEST AEFGGIST FAGGY, an offensive word [adj]
FAINTEST AEFINSTT FAINT, lacking strength or vigor [adj]
FAIRIEST AEFIIRST FAIRY, pertaining to or resembling a fairy [adj]
FATTIEST AEFISTTT FATTY, greasy; oily [adj]
FAWNIEST AEFINSTW FAWNY, of a yellowish-brown color [adj]
FEEBLEST BEEEFLST FEEBLE, weak (lacking strength) [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
FELTIEST EEFILSTT FELTY, resembling a cloth made from wool [adj]
FENNIEST EEFINNST FENNY, marshy (resembling a marsh (a tract of low, wet land)) [adj]
FERNIEST EEFINRST FERNY, abounding in ferns [adj]
FICKLEST CEFIKLST FICKLE, not constant or loyal [adj]
FIERCEST CEEFIRST FIERCE, violently hostile or aggressive [adj]
FIERIEST EEFIIRST FIERY, intensely hot [adj]
FILMIEST EFIILMST FILMY, resembling or covered with film; hazy [adj]
FINNIEST EFIINNST FINNY, having or characterized by fins [adj]
FIRRIEST EFIIRRST FIRRY, abounding in firs [adj]
FISHIEST EFHIISST FISHY, of or resembling fish [adj]
FLAKIEST AEFIKLST FLAKEY , flaky (resembling flakes (antiaircraft fire)) [adj] / FLAKY, resembling f lakes (antiaircraft fire) [adj]
FLAMY, flaming [adj]
FLATTEST AEFLSTTT FLAT, having a smooth or even surface [adj]
FLAWIEST AEFILSTW FLAWY, full of flaws [adj]
FLAXIEST AEFILSTX FLAXY, flaxen (of a pale yellow color) [adj]
FLEETEST EEEFLSTT FLEET, swift (moving with a great rate of motion) [adj]
FLIPPEST EFILPPST FLIP, flippant (impudent (offensively bold or disrespectful)) [adj]
FLUKIEST EFIKLSTU FLUKEY, fluky (happening by or depending on chance) [adj] / FLUKY, happening by or depending on chance [adj]
FLUSH, ruddy (having a healthy, reddish color) [adj]
FLUTIEST EFILSTTU FLUTEY, fluty (resembling a flute in sound) [adj] / FLUTY, resembling a flute in sound [adj]
FOAMIEST AEFIMOST FOAMY, covered with foam [adj]
FOGGIEST EFGGIOST FOGGY, filled with fog [adj]
FOLKIEST EFIKLOST FOLKIE, being in the style of folkmusic [adj] / FOLKY, folkie (being in the style of folkmusic) [adj]
FOOTY, paltry (petty (insignificant)) [adj]
FORKIEST EFIKORST FORKY, resembling a fork [adj]
FRAILEST AEFILRST FRAIL, fragile (easily broken or damaged) [adj]
FRANKEST AEFKNRST FRANK, honest and unreserved in speech [adj]
FRESHEST EEFHRSST FRESH, new (existing only a short time) [adj]
FRONTEST EFNORSTT FRONT, pertaining to or situated at the forward part of a surface [adj]
FUBSIEST BEFISSTU FUBSY, chubby and somewhat squat [adj]
FUDGIEST DEFGISTU FUDGY, resembling fudge (a soft, sweet candy) [adj]
FUGGIEST EFGGISTU FUGGY, stuffy and odorous [adj]
FUNKIEST EFIKNSTU FUNKY, having an offensive odor [adj]
FUNNIEST EFINNSTU FUNNY, causing laughter or amusement [adj]
FURRIEST EFIRRSTU FURRY, covered with fur [adj]
FURZIEST EFIRSTUZ FURZY, abounding in furze [adj]
FUSSIEST EFISSSTU FUSSY, overly concerned with small details [adj]
FUSTIEST EFISSTTU FUSTY, musty (having a stale odor) [adj]
FUZZIEST EFISTUZZ FUZZY, blurry (unclear (clean and pure)) [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
G 8s Comparative
GAINLIER AEGIILNR GAINLY, graceful (having beauty of form or movement) [adj]
GANGLIER AEGGILNR GANGLY, gangling (awkwardly tall and lanky) [adj]
GHOSTIER EGHIORST GHOSTY, ghostly (spectral (resembling a specter (a visible disembodied spirit))) [adj]
GIGGLIER EGGGIILR GIGGLY, tending to giggle [adj]
GLAIRIER AEGIILRR GLAIRY, resembling egg white [adj]
GLAMMIER AEGILMMR GLAMMY, glam (characterized by extravagant glamor) [adj]
GLASSIER AEGILRSS GLASSY, resembling glass [adj]
GLEETIER EEEGILRT GLEETY, resembling mucus (a viscid bodily fluid) [adj]
GLITZIER EGIILRTZ GLITZY, showy (making a great or brilliant display) [adj]
GLOBBIER BBEGILOR GLOBBY, full of globs [adj]
GLOOMIER EGILMOOR GLOOMY, dismally dark [adj]
GLOOPIER EGILOOPR GLOOPY, resembling gloop (sticky material) [adj]
GLOPPIER EGILOPPR GLOPPY, resembling glop [adj]
GLOSSIER EGILORSS GLOSSY, lustrous (reflecting light evenly and efficiently) [adj]
GLUMPIER EGILMPRU GLUMPY, glum (being in low spirits) [adj]
GNATTIER AEGINRTT GNATTY, infested with gnats [adj]
GOLDENER DEEGLNOR GOLDEN, of the color of gold [adj]
GOODLIER DEGILOOR GOODLY, of pleasing appearance [adj]
GRABBIER ABBEGIRR GRABBY, tending to grab [adj]
GRAINIER AEGIINRR GRAINY, granular (composed of granules) [adj]
GRASSIER AEGIRRSS GRASSY, of, resembling, or pertaining to grass [adj]
GREASIER AEEGIRRS GREASY, containing or resembling grease [adj]
GREEDIER DEEEGIRR GREEDY, marked by greed [adj]
GREENIER EEEGINRR GREENY, somewhat green [adj]
GRIMMER EGIMMRR GRIM, stern and unrelenting [adj]
GRIPPIER EGIIPPRR GRIPPY, affected with the grippe [adj]
GRITTIE R EGIIRRTT GRITTY, plucky (brave and spirited) [adj]
GROTTIER EGIORRTT GROTTY, wretched (extremely unhappy) [adj]
GROUTIER EGIORRTU GROUTY, surly (sullenly rude) [adj]
GROWLIER EGILORRW GROWLY, deep and harsh in speech [adj]
GRUBBIER BBEGIRRU GRUBBY, dirty (unclean (free from dirt or stain)) [adj]
GRUFFIER EFFGIRRU GRUFFY, gruff (low and harsh in speech) [adj]
GRUMPIER EGIMPRRU GRUMPY, ill-tempered [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
GRUNGIER EGGINRRU GRUNGY, dirty (unclean (free from dirt or stain)) [adj]
GURGLIER EGGILRRU GURGLY, making bubbling sounds [adj]
G 8s Superlative
GAMMIEST AEGIMMST GAMMY, lame (physically disabled) [adj]
GAPPIEST AEGIPPST GAPPY, having openings [adj]
GASSIEST AEGISSST GASSY, containing gas [adj]
GAUCHEST ACEGHSTU GAUCHE, lacking social grace [adj]
GAUDIEST ADEGISTU GAUDY, tastelessly showy [adj]
GAUZIEST AEGISTUZ GAUZY, resembling gauze (a transparent fabric) [adj]
GAWKIEST AEGIKSTW GAWKY, awkward (lacking skill, dexterity, or grace) [adj]
GEEKIEST EEEGIKST GEEKY, socially awkward or unappealing [adj]
GEMMIEST EEGIMMST GEMMY, resembling a gem [adj]
GENTLEST EEGLNSTT GENTLE, mild (not harsh or rough) [adj]
GERMIEST EEGIMRST GERMY, full of germs [adj]
GIDDIEST DDEGIIST GIDDY, dizzy (having a sensation of whirling) [adj]
GINNIEST EGIINNST GINNY, affected with gin (a strong liquor) [adj]
GIRLIEST EGIILRST GIRLIE, girlish (of, pertaining to, or having the characteristics of a girl) [adj] / GIRLY, girlie (girlish (of, pertaining to, or having the characteristics of a girl)) [adj]
GLAD, feeling pleasure [adj]
GLADIEST ADEGILST GLADY, having glades [adj]
GLAMMEST AEGLMMST GLAM, characterized by extravagant glamor [adj]
GLAZIEST AEGILSTZ GLAZY, covered with a smooth, glossy coating [adj]
GLIBBEST BBEGILST GLIB, fluent (spoken or written with effortless ease) [adj]
GLUMMEST EGLMMSTU GLUM, being in low spirits [adj]
GOATIEST AEGIOSTT GOATY, suggestive of a goat [adj]
GODLIEST DEGILOST GODLY, pious (marked by religious reverence) [adj]
GOOFIEST EFGIOOST GOOFY, silly (showing a lack of good sense) [adj]
GOONIEST EGINOOST GOONY, stupid (mentally slow) [adj]
GOOPIEST EGIOOPST GOOPY, sticky, gooey [adj]
GOOSIEST EGIOOSST GOOSEY, goosy (resembling a goose (a swimming bird)) [adj] / GOOSY, resembling a goose (a swimming bird) [adj]
GORSIEST EGIORSST GORSY, abounding in gorse [adj]
GOUTIEST EGIOSTTU GOUTY, affected with gout [adj]
GRANDEST ADEGNRST GRAND, large and impressive [adj]
GRAPIEST AEGIPRST GRAPY , resembling grapes (an edible berry) [adj] / GRAPEY, grapy (resembling grapes (an edible berry)) [adj]
GREAT, large (of considerable size or quantity) [adj]
GREENEST EEEGNRST GREEN, of the color of growing foliage [adj]
GRIMIEST EGIIMRST GRIMY, dirty (unclean (free from dirt or stain)) [adj]
GRIMMEST EGIMMRST GRIM, stern and unrelenting [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
GRIPIEST EGIIPRST GRIPY , causing sharp pains in the bowels [adj] / GRIPEY, gripy (causing sharp pains in the bowels) [adj]
GRODY, sleazy (of low quality or character) [adj]
GROSSEST EGORSSST GROSS, flagrant (extremely conspicuous) [adj]
GROVIEST EGIORSTV GROVY, resembling or suggestive of a grove [adj]
GRUFFEST EFFGRSTU GRUFF, low and harsh in speech [adj]
GRUMMEST EGMMRSTU GRUM, morose (sullen (showing a brooding ill humor or resentment)) [adj]
GULFY, full of whirlpools [adj]
GULPIEST EGILPSTU GULPY, marked by gulping [adj]
GUMMIEST EGIMMSTU GUMMY, resembling gum [adj]
GUNGIEST EGGINSTU GUNGY, gunky (filthy, sticky, or greasy) [adj]
GUNKIEST EGIKNSTU GUNKY, filthy, sticky, or greasy [adj]
GUSHIEST EGHISSTU GUSHY, overly sentimental [adj]
GUSTIEST EGISSTTU GUSTY, blowing in gusts [adj]
GUTSIEST EGISSTTU GUTSY, brave (showing courage) [adj]
GUTTIEST EGISTTTU GUTTY, marked by courage [adj]
H 8s Comparative
HACKLIER ACEHIKLR HACKLY, jagged (having a sharply uneven edge or surface) [adj]
HAULMIER AEHILMRU HAULMY, having haulms (plant stem) [adj]
HEARTIER AEEHIRRT HEARTY, very friendly [adj]
HEATHIER AEEHHIRT HEATHY, abounding in heath [adj]
HOMELIER EEHILMOR HOMELY, unattractive (attractive) [adj]
HONESTER EEHNORST HONEST, truthful (telling the truth) [adj]
HUMANER AEHMNRU HUMANE, compassionate [adj]
HUNGRIER EGHINRRU HUNGRY, wanting food [adj]
H 8s Superlative
HAIRIEST AEHIIRST HAIRY, covered with hair [adj]
HAMMIEST AEHIMMST HAMMY, overly theatrical [adj]
HANDIEST ADEHINST HANDY, convenient for handling [adj]
HAPPIEST AEHIPPST HAPPY, marked by joy [adj]
HARDIEST ADEHIRST HARDY, very sturdy [adj]
HARSHEST AEHHRSST HARSH, severe (unsparing in the treatment of others) [adj]
HASTIEST AEHISSTT HASTY, speedy (swift (moving with a great rate of motion)) [adj]
HEADIEST ADEEHIST HEADY, intoxicating [adj]
HEAVIEST AEEHISTV HEAVY, having much weight [adj]
HEDGIEST DEEGHIST HEDGY, abounding in hedges [adj]
HEFTIEST EEFHISTT HEFTY, heavy (having much weight) [adj]
HEMPIEST EEHIMPST HEMPY, mischievous [adj] / HEMPIE, hempy (mischievous) [adj]
HERBIEST BEEHIRST HERBY, abounding in herbs [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
HILLIEST EHIILLST HILLY, abounding in hills [adj]
HIPPIEST EHIIPPST HIPPY, having big hips [adj]
HISSIEST EHIISSST HISSY, characterized by a hissing sound [adj]
HOARIEST AEHIORST HOARY, white with age [adj]
HOARSEST AEHORSST HOARSE, low and rough in sound [adj]
HOODIEST DEHIOOST HOODY, resembling a hoodlum (a thug (a brutal ruffian or assassin)) [adj]
HOOKIEST EHIKOOST HOOKY, full of hooks [adj]
HOOTIEST EHIOOSTT HOOTY, sounding like the cry of an owl [adj]
HOPPIEST EHIOPPST HOPPY, having the taste of hops (catkins of a particular vine) [adj]
HORNIEST EHINORST HORNY, hornlike in hardness [adj]
HORSIEST EHIORSST HORSY, resembling a horse [adj] / HORSEY, horsy (resembling a horse) [adj]
HOUSIEST EHIOSSTU HOUSEY, being in the style of house music [adj]
HUFFIEST EFFHISTU HUFFY, easily offended [adj]
HUGGIEST EGGHISTU HUGGY, involving or given to hugging [adj]
HULKIEST EHIKLSTU HULKY, massive (of considerable size) [adj]
HUMANEST AEHMNSTU HUMANE, compassionate [adj]
HUMBLEST BEHLMSTU HUMBLE, modest (having a moderate regard for oneself) [adj]
HUMPIEST EHIMPSTU HUMPY, full of humps [adj]
HUNKIEST EHIKNSTU HUNKY, muscular and attractive [adj]
HUSKIEST EHIKSSTU HUSKY, hoarse (low and rough in sound) [adj]
I 8s Comparative
IGNOBLER BEGILNOR IGNOBLE, of low character [adj]
IMMENSER EEIMMNRS IMMENSE, great in size [adj]
IMPROPER EIMOPPRR not proper [adj] / [adj -ER, -EST]
INTENSER EEINNRST INTENSE, existing in an extreme degree [adj]
I 8s Superlative
IMMODEST DEIMMOST not modest [adj] / [adj -ER, -EST]
INEPTEST EEINPSTT INEPT, not suitable [adj]
INSANEST AEINNSST INSANE, mentally unsound [adj]
IRONIEST EIINORST IRONY, use of words to express opposite of what is literally said [adj]
IVORIEST EIIORSTV IVORY, hard white substance found in elephant tusks [adj]
J 8s Comparative
JAGGEDER ADEEGGJR JAGGED, having a sharply uneven edge or surface [adj]
JAUNTIER AEIJNRTU JAUNTY, having a lively and self-confident manner [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
JIGGLIER EGGIIJLR JIGGLY, unsteady (firm in position) [adj]
JOCUNDER CDEJNORU JOCUND, cheerful (full of spirits) [adj]
JOUNCIER CEIJNORU JOUNCY, marked by a jouncing motion [adj]
JUNGLIER EGIJLNRU JUNGLY, resembling a jungle (land covered with dense tropical vegetation) [adj]
J 8s Superlative
JAGGIEST AEGGIJST JAGGY, jagged (having a sharply uneven edge or surface) [adj]
JAMMIEST AEIJMMST JAMMY, sticky with jam (boiled fruit and sugar) [adj]
JAZZIEST AEIJSTZZ JAZZY, lively (full of energy) [adj]
JERKIEST EEIJKRST JERKY, characterized by jerking movements [adj]
JETTIEST EEIJSTTT JETTY, having the color jet black [adj]
JIGGIEST EGGIIJST JIGGY, pleasurably excited [adj]
JOCKIEST CEIJKOST JOCKY, resembling an athlete (one skilled in feats of physical strength and agility) [adj]
JOCOSE, humorous (funny; witty) [adj]
JOLLIEST EIJLLOST JOLLY, cheerful (full of spirits) [adj]
JOLTIEST EIJLOSTT JOLTY, marked by a jolting motion [adj]
JOWLIEST EIJLOSTW JOWLY, having prominent jowls [adj]
JUICIEST CEIIJSTU JUICY, full of juice [adj]
JUMPIEST EIJMPSTU JUMPY, nervous (easily excited) [adj]
K 8s Comparative
KINDLIER DEIIKLNR KINDLY, kind (having a gentle, giving nature) [adj]
KINGLIER EGIIKLNR KINGLY, of or befitting a king [adj]
KLUDGIER DEGIKLRU KLUDGEY, kludgy (involving or put together with ill-fitting components) [adj] / KLUDGY, involving or put together with ill-fitting components [adj]
KLUTZY, clumsy (awkward (lacking skill, dexterity, or grace)) [adj]
KNOBBIER BBEIKNOR KNOBBY, full of knobs [adj]
KNOTTIER EIKNORTT KNOTTY, full of knots [adj]
KNUBBIER BBEIKNRU KNUBBY, nubby (having nubs) [adj]
KNURLIER EIKLNRRU KNURLY, gnarly (gnarled) [adj]
K 8s Superlative
KEMPIEST EEIKMPST KEMPY, having coarse hair or fibers [adj]
KINKIEST EIIKKNST KINKY, tightly curled [adj]
KISSIEST EIIKSSST KISSY, inclined to kiss [adj]
KITTLEST EIKLSTTT KITTLE, ticklish (sensitive to tickling) [adj]
KOOKIEST EIKKOOST KOOKIE, kooky (eccentric) [adj] / KOOKY, eccentric [adj]
L 8s Comparative
LAVISHER AEHILRSV LAVISH, expending or giving in great amounts [adj]
LEACHIER ACEEHILR LEACHY, porous (having minute openings) [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
LIMBERER BEEILMRR LIMBER, flexible (capable of being bent) [adj]
LIMPSIER EIILMPRS LIMPSEY, limpsy (lacking strength or vigor) [adj] / LIMPSY, lacking strength or vigor [adj]
LIVELIER EEIILLRV LIVELY, full of energy [adj]
LONELIER EEILLNOR LONELY, sad from lack of companionship [adj]
LORDLIER DEILLORR LORDLY, of or befitting a lord [adj]
LOUNGIER EGILNORU LOUNGY, suitable for lounging [adj]
L 8s Superlative
LADDIEST ADDEILST LADDY, laddish in behavior [adj]
LAIRIEST AEIILRST LAIRY, unpleasantly loud [adj]
LAMBIEST ABEILMST LAMBY, resembling a lamb [adj]
LANKIEST AEIKLNST LANKY, ungracefully tall and thin [adj]
LARDIEST ADEILRST LARDY, resembling lard [adj]
LARKIEST AEIKLRST LARKY, playful (frolicsome) [adj]
LATHIEST AEHILSTT LATHY, long and slender [adj]
LEADIEST ADEEILST LEADY, resembling lead [adj]
LEAFIEST AEEFILST LEAFY, covered with leaves [adj]
LEAKIEST AEEIKLST LEAKY, tending to leak [adj]
LEARIEST AEEILRST LEARY, leery (suspicious) [adj]
LEAVIEST AEEILSTV LEAVY, leafy (covered with leaves) [adj]
LEDGIEST DEEGILST LEDGY, abounding in ledges [adj]
LEGGIEST EEGGILST LEGGY, having long legs [adj]
LIGHTEST EGHILSTT LIGHT, having little weight [adj]
LIMBIEST BEIILMST LIMBY, having many large branches [adj]
LINGIEST EGIILNST LINGY, covered with heaths [adj]
LINTIEST EIILNSTT LINTY, covered with lint [adj]
LIPPIEST EIILPPST LIPPY, impudent (offensively bold or disrespectful) [adj]
LITTLEST EILLSTTT LITTLE, small (of limited size or quantity) [adj]
LOAMIEST AEILMOST LOAMY, resembling loam [adj]
LOFTIEST EFILOSTT LOFTY, extending high in the air [adj]
LOGGIEST EGGILOST LOGGY, logy (sluggish (displaying little movement or activity)) [adj]
LOONIEST EILNOOST LOONEY , loony (crazy (insane (mentally unsound))) [adj] / LOONY, crazy (insane (mentally unsound)) [adj]
LOOPIEST EILOOPST LOOPY, full of loops [adj]
LOPPIEST EILOPPST LOPPY, hanging limply [adj]
LOUSIEST EILOSSTU LOUSY, mean or contemptible [adj]
LOWLIEST EILLOSTW LOWLY, low in position or rank [adj]
LOYALEST AELLOSTY LOYAL, faithful to one's allegiance [adj]
LUCIDEST CDEILSTU LUCID, easily understood [adj]
LUCKIEST CEIKLSTU LUCKY, having good fortune [adj]
LUMPIEST EILMPSTU LUMPY, full of lumps [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
LUSTIEST EILSSTTU LUSTY, full of vigor [adj]
M 8s Comparative
MACABRER AABCEMRR MACABRE, gruesome (repugnant) [adj]
MARSHIER AEHIMRRS MARSHY, resembling a marsh (a tract of low, wet land) [adj]
MEAGERER AEEEGMRR MEAGER, deficient in quantity or quality [adj]
MEASLIER AEEILMRS MEASLY, meager (deficient in quantity or quality) [adj]
MELLOWER EELLMORW MELLOW, soft and full-flavored from ripeness [adj]
MIGHTIER EGHIIMRT MIGHTY, strong (having great strength) [adj]
MIZZLIER EIILMRZZ MIZZLY, characterized by a fine rain [adj]
MODERNER DEEMNORR MODERN, pertaining to present or recent time [adj]
MODESTER DEEMORST MODEST, having a moderate regard for oneself [adj]
MOTLEYER EELMORTY MOTLEY, composed of diverse elements [adj]
MOULDIER DEILMORU MOULDY, moldy (musty (having a stale odor)) [adj]
MOUTHIER EHIMORTU MOUTHY, very talkative [adj]
MUNCHIER CEHIMNRU MUNCHY, suitable for snacking [adj]
MUSCLIER CEILMRSU MUSCLY, composed of muscle (tissue that produces bodilymovement) [adj]
M 8s Superlative
MALMIEST AEILMMST MALMY, resembling malm (a soft, friable limestone) [adj]
MALTIEST AEILMSTT MALTY, resembling malt [adj]
MANGIEST AEGIMNST MANGY, affected with mange [adj] / MANGEY, mangy (affected with mange) [adj]
MANKIEST AEIKMNST MANKY, inferior, defective [adj]
MANLIEST AEILMNST MANLY, having the qualities of a man [adj]
MARLIEST AEILMRST MARLY, abounding w ith marl (earthy deposit containing lime, clay, and sand) [adj]
MATUREST AEMRSTTU MASSY, massive (of considerable size) [adj]
MATURE, fully developed [adj]
MAUSIEST AEIMSSTU MAUSY, mauzy (foggy, misty) [adj]
MAUZIEST AEIMSTUZ MAUZY, foggy, misty [adj]
MEAGREST AEEGMRST MEAGRE, meager (deficient in quantity or quality) [adj]
MEALIEST AEEILMST MEALY, soft, dry, and friable [adj]
MEATIEST AEEIMSTT MEATY, full of meat [adj]
MERRIEST EEIMRRST MERRY, cheerful (full of spirits) [adj]
MESHIEST EEHIMSST MESHY, netty (resembling a net) [adj]
MESSIEST EEIMSSST MESSY, dirty or untidy [adj]
MICKLEST CEIKLMST MICKLE, large (of considerable size or quantity) [adj]
MIFFIEST EFFIIMST MIFFY, easily annoyed [adj]
MILKIEST EIIKLMST MILKY, resembling or suggestive of milk [adj]
MILTIEST EIILMSTT MILTY, full of milt [adj]
MINCIEST CEIIMNST MINCY, affectedly dainty [adj]
MINGIEST EGIIMNST MINGY, mean and stingy [adj]
MINTIEST EIIMNSTT MINTY, having the flavor of mint (an aromatic herb) [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
MIRKIEST EIIKMRST MIRKY, murky (dark (having little or no light)) [adj]
MISTIEST EIIMSSTT MISTY, blurry (unclear (clean and pure)) [adj]
MOISTEST EIMOSSTT MOIST, slightly wet [adj]
MOLDIEST DEILMOST MOLDY, musty (having a stale odor) [adj]
MOODIEST DEIMOOST MOODY, given to changing moods [adj]
MOONIEST EIMNOOST MOONY, resembling the moon [adj]
MOORIEST EIMOORST MOORY, marshy (resembling a marsh (a tract of low, wet land)) [adj]
MOPPIEST EIMOPPST MOPPY, resembling a mop [adj]
MOSSIEST EIMOSSST MOSSY, covered with moss [adj]
MOTHIEST EHIMOSTT MOTHY, full of moths [adj]
MOTLIEST EILMOSTT MOTLEY, composed of diverse elements [adj]
MOUSIEST EIMOSSTU MOUSY, resembling a mouse (a small rodent (a gnawing mammal)) [adj] / MOUSEY, mousy (resembling a mouse (a small rodent (a gnawing mammal))) [adj ]
MUCKY, filthy (offensively dirty) [adj]
MUDDIEST DDEIMSTU MUDDY, covered or filled with mud [adj]
MUGGIEST EGGIMSTU MUGGY, warm and humid [adj]
MUMSIEST EIMMSSTU MUMSY, maternal (pertaining to or characteristic of a mother) [adj]
MURKIEST EIKMRSTU MURKY, dark (having little or no light) [adj]
MUSHIEST EHIMSSTU MUSHY, pulpy (resembling pulp) [adj]
MUSKIEST EIKMSSTU MUSKY, resembling musk (a strongly odorous substancesecreted by certain animals) [adj]
MUSSIEST EIMSSSTU MUSSY, messy (dirty or untidy) [adj]
MUSTIEST EIMSSTTU MUSTY, having a stale odor [adj]
MYTHIEST EHIMSTTY MYTHY, resembling myth (a type of traditional story) [adj]
N 8s Comparative
NARROWER AENORRRW NARROW, of little width [adj]
NETTLIER EEILNRTT NETTLY, prickly (having many sharp points) [adj]
NIGGLIER EGGIILNR NIGGLY, petty (insignificant) [adj]
NOTCHIER CEHINORT NOTCHY, having angular cuts [adj]
NUBBLIER BBEILNRU NUBBLY, having nubbles [adj]
N 8s Superlative
NAGGIEST AEGGINST NAGGY, given to nagging [adj]
NAKEDEST ADEEKNST NAKED, being without clothing or covering [adj]
NANCIEST ACEINNST NANCY, an offensive word [adj]
NAPPIEST AEINPPST NAPPY, kinky (tightly curled) [adj]
NASTIEST AEINSSTT NASTY, offensive to the senses [adj]
NATTIEST AEINSTTT NATTY, neatly dressed [adj]
NEEDIEST DEEEINST NEEDY, in a state of poverty [adj]
NERDIEST DEEINRST NERDY, socially inept [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
NERVIEST EEINRSTV NERVY, impudent (offensively bold or disrespectful) [adj]
NETTIEST EEINSTTT NETTY, resembling a net [adj]
NEWSIEST EEINSSTW NEWSY, full of news [adj]
NIFFIEST EFFIINST NIFFY, stinky (emitting a foul odor) [adj]
NIFTIEST EFIINSTT NIFTY, stylish; pleasing [adj]
NIMBLEST BEILMNST NIMBLE, agile (able to move quickly and easily) [adj]
NIPPIEST EIINPPST NIPPY, sharp or biting [adj]
NITTIEST EIINSTTT NITTY, full of nits [adj]
NOBBIEST BBEINOST NOBBY, elegant (tastefully opulent) [adj]
NOISIEST EIINOSST NOISY, making loud sounds [adj]
NUBBIEST BBEINSTU NUBBY, having nubs [adj]
NUTSIEST EINSSTTU NUTSY, crazy (insane (mentally unsound)) [adj]
NUTTIEST EINSTTTU NUTTY, silly; crazy [adj]
O 8s Comparative
OBSCENER BCEENORS OBSCENE, indecent (not decent) [adj]
OBSCURER BCEORRSU OBSCURE, dark or indistinct [adj]
ORANGIER AEGINORR ORANGEY, orangy (resembling or suggestive of an orange) [adj] / ORANGY, resembling or suggestive of an orange [adj]
ORNERY, stubborn and mean-spirited [adj]
O 8s Superlative
OBTUSEST BEOSSTTU OBTUSE, dull (mentally slow) [adj]
ONERIEST EEINORST ONERY, ornery (stubborn and mean-spirited) [adj]
OPAQUEST AEOPQSTU OPAQUE, impervious to light [adj]
P 8s Comparative
PAINTIER AEIINPRT PAINTY, covered with paint [adj]
PALLIDER ADEILLPR PALLID, pale (lacking intensity of color) [adj]
PALTRIER AEILPRRT PALTRY, petty (insignificant) [adj]
PATCHIER ACEHIPRT PATCHY, uneven in quality [adj]
PEACHIER ACEEHIPR PEACHY, dandy (fine (excellent)) [adj]
PEARLIER AEEILPRR PEARLY, resembling a pearl [adj]
PEBBLIER BBEEILPR PEBBLY, resembling pebbles [adj]
PIMPLIER EIILMPPR PIMPLY, covered with pimples [adj]
PITCHIER CEHIIPRT PITCHY, tarry (resembling tar) [adj]
PLASHIER AEHILPRS PLASHY, marshy (resembling a marsh (a tract of low, wet land)) [adj]
PLINKIER EIIKLNPR PLINKY, having or making short, sharp metallic sounds [adj]
PLOTTIER EILOPRTT PLOTTY, full of intrigue, as a novel [adj]
PLUCKIER CEIKLPRU PLUCKY, brave and spirited [adj]
PLUMMIER EILMMPRU PLUMMY, full of plums [adj]
PLUMPEST ELMPPSTU PLUMP, well-rounded and full in form [adj]
PLUMPIER EILMPPRU PLUMPY, plumpish (somewhat plump) [adj]
PLUNKIER EIKLNPRU PLUNKY, marked by a quick, hollow, metallic sound [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
POACHIER ACEHIOPR POACHY, swampy (marshy(resembling a marsh (a tract of low, wet land))) [adj]
POINTIER EIINOPRT POINTY, coming to a sharp, tapering end [adj]
POPPLIER EILOPPPR POPPLY, choppy (full of short, rough waves) [adj]
PORTLIER EILOPRRT PORTLY, rather heavy or fat [adj]
POTTIEST EIOPSTTT POTTY, of little importance [adj]
POUCHIER CEHIOPRU POUCHY, resembling a pouch [adj]
PRECISER CEEIPRRS PRECISE, sharply and clearly defined or stated [adj]
PREPPIER EEIPPPRR PREPPY, associated w ith the style and behavior of preparatory school students [adj]
PRETTY, pleasing to the eye [adj]
PRICKIER CEIIKPRR PRICKY, prickly (having many sharp points) [adj]
PRIMMER EIMMPRR PRIM, formally precise or proper [adj]
PRISSIER EIIPRRSS PRISSY, excessively or affectedly proper [adj]
PRIVATER AEIPRRTV PRIVATE, not for public use or knowledge [adj]
PROMPTER EMOPPRRT PROMPT, quick to act or respond [adj]
PROPERER EEOPPRRR PROPER, suitable (appropriate) [adj]
PUDDLIER DDEILPRU PUDDLY, full of puddles [adj]
P 8s Superlative
PALLIEST AEILLPST PALLY, marked by close friendship [adj]
PALMIEST AEILMPST PALMY, marked by prosperity [adj]
PALSIEST AEILPSST PALSY, friendly in a way that is not proper or sincere [adj]
PAPPIEST AEIPPPST PAPPY, resembling pap (a soft food for infants) [adj]
PARKIEST AEIKPRST PARKY, chilly (cool (moderately cold)) [adj]
PASTIEST AEIPSSTT PASTY, pale and unhealthy in appearance [adj]
PAWKIEST AEIKPSTW PAWKY, sly (crafty (skillful in deceiving)) [adj]
PEAKIEST AEEIKPST PEAKY, sickly (appearing as if sick) [adj]
PEARTEST AEEPRSTT PEART, lively (full of energy) [adj]
PEATIEST AEEIPSTT PEATY, resembling or containing peat [adj]
PECKIEST CEEIKPST PECKY, marked by decay caused by fungi [adj]
PEPPIEST EEIPPPST PEPPY, full of energy [adj]
PERKIEST EEIKPRST PERKY, jaunty (having a lively and self-confident manner) [adj]
PERVIEST EEIPRSTV PERVY, sexually perverted [adj]
PETTIEST EEIPSTTT PETTY, insignificant [adj]
PHONIEST EHINOPST PHONEY, phony (not genuine or real) [adj] / PHONY, not genuine or real [adj]
PICKY, fussy (overly concerned with small details) [adj]
PIGGIEST EGGIIPST PIGGY, piggish (greedy or dirty) [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
PINKIEST EIIKNPST PINKY, pinkish (somewhat pink) [adj]
PISSIEST EIIPSSST PISSY, an offensive word [adj]
PITHIEST EHIIPSTT PITHY, concise (succinct (clearly expressed in few words)) [adj]
PLAINEST AEILNPST PLAIN, evident (clear to the vision or understanding) [adj]
PLATIEST AEILPSTT PLATY, split into thin, flat pieces [adj]
PLUMIEST EILMPSTU PLUMY, covered with feathers [adj]
PLUMMEST ELMMPSTU PLUM, highly desirable [adj]
POCKIEST CEIKOPST POCKY, covered with pocks [adj]
PODGIEST DEGIOPST PODGY, pudgy (short and fat) [adj]
POLITEST EILOPSTT POLITE, showing consideration for others [adj]
PONCIEST CEINOPST PONCEY, an offensive word [adj] / PONCY, an offensive word [adj]
PONGIEST EGINOPST PONGY, stinky (emitting a foul odor) [adj]
POOFIEST EFIOOPST POOFY, an offensive word [adj]
POOPIEST EIOOPPST POOPY, stupid or ineffectual [adj]
POPPIEST EIOPPPST POPPY, having the characteristics of pop music [adj]
PORKIEST EIKOPRST PORKY, resembling pork [adj]
PORNIEST EINOPRST PORNY, pornographic [adj]
POUTIEST EIOPSTTU POUTY, tending to pout [adj]
PRICIEST CEIIPRST PRICY, pricey (expensive) [adj] / PRICEY, expensive [adj]
PRIMMEST EIMMPRST PRIM, formally precise or proper [adj]
PRIVIEST EIIPRSTV PRIVY, private (not for public use or knowledge) [adj]
PROSIEST EIOPRSST PROSY, prosaic (pertaining to prose) [adj]
PROUDEST DEOPRSTU PROUD, having or displaying pride [adj]
PRUNIEST EINPRSTU PRUNEY, resembling a prune [adj]
PUDGIEST DEGIPSTU PUDGY, short and fat [adj]
PUGGIEST EGGIPSTU PUGGY, puggish (somewhat stubby) [adj]
PULPIEST EILPPSTU PULPY, resembling pulp [adj]
PUNKIEST EIKNPSTU PUNKY, resembling punk (dry, decayed wood used as tinder) [adj]
PUNNIEST EINNPSTU PUNNY, being or involving a pun [adj]
PURPLEST ELPPRSTU PURPLE, of a color intermediate between red and blue [adj]
PURSIEST EIPRSSTU PURSY, short of breath [adj]
PURTIEST EIPRSTTU PURTY, pretty (pleasing to the eye) [adj]
PUSHIEST EHIPSSTU PUSHY, offensively aggressive [adj]
PUSSIEST EIPSSSTU PUSSY, full of pus [adj]
Q 8s Comparative
QUACKIER ACEIKQRU QUACKY, resembling the cry of a duck [adj]
QUAGGIER AEGGIQRU QUAGGY, marshy (resembling a marsh (a tract of low, wet land)) [adj]
QUAINTER AEINQRTU QUAINT, pleasingly old-fashioned or unfamiliar [adj]
QUALMIER AEILMQRU QUALMY, qualmish (having qualms) [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
QUEASIER AEEIQRSU QUEASY, easily nauseated [adj]
QUEAZIER AEEIQRUZ QUEAZY, queasy (easily nauseated) [adj]
QUEENIER EEEINQRU QUEENY, showily effeminate [adj]
QUIPPIER EIIPPQRU QUIPPY, witty (humorously clever) [adj]
Q 8s Superlative
QUAKIEST AEIKQSTU QUAKY, tending to quake [adj]
QUEEREST EEEQRSTU QUEER, deviating from the expected or normal [adj]
QUICKEST CEIKQSTU QUICK, acting or capable of acting with speed [adj]
QUIETEST EEIQSTTU QUIET, making little or no noise [adj]
R 8s Comparative
RANCIDER ACDEINRR RANCID, having an unpleasant odor or taste [adj]
RATTLIER AEILRRTT RATTLY, tending to rattle [adj]
RECENTER CEEENRRT RECENT, of or pertaining to a time not long past [adj]
REECHIER CEEEHIRR REECHY, foul, rancid [adj]
RESINIER EEIINRRS RESINY, resinous (resembling resin) [adj]
RHEUMIER EEHIMRRU RHEUMY, marked by rheum (watery discharge from eyes or nose) [adj]
RIBALDER ABDEILRR RIBALD, characterized by crude language [adj]
RIGHTIER EGHIIRRT RIGHTY, politically conservative [adj]
RIPPLIER EIILPPRR RIPPLY, marked by ripples [adj]
ROBUSTER BEORRSTU ROBUST, strong and healthy [adj]
ROOTSIER EIOORRST ROOTSY, showing traditional musical origins [adj]
ROTTENER EENORRTT ROTTEN, being in a state of decay [adj]
ROTUNDER DENORRTU ROTUND, marked by roundness [adj]
RUBBLIER BBEILRRU RUBBLY, abounding in rubble [adj]
RUGGEDER DEEGGRRU RUGGED, having an uneven surface [adj]
R 8s Superlative
RAINIEST AEIINRST RAINY, marked by rain [adj]
RAMMIEST AEIMMRST RAMMY, rammish (resembling a ram (a male sheep)) [adj]
RANDIEST ADEINRST RANDY, lustful (marked by excessive sexual desire) [adj]
RANGIEST AEGINRST RANGY, tall and slender [adj]
RAPIDEST ADEIPRST RAPID, fast-moving [adj]
RASPIEST AEIPRSST RASPY, rough (having an uneven surface) [adj]
RATTIEST AEIRSTTT RATTY, infested with rats [adj]
REDDIEST DDEEIRST REDDY, reddish (somewhat red) [adj]
REEDIEST DEEEIRST REEDY, abounding in reeds [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
REEFIEST EEEFIRST REEFY, abounding in ridges of rock [adj]
REMOTEST EEMORSTT REMOTE, situated far away [adj]
RIBBIEST BBEIIRST RIBBY, marked by prominent ribs (curved bony rods in the body) [adj]
RIDGIEST DEGIIRST RIDGY, having ridges [adj]
RIGHTEST EGHIRSTT RIGHT, being in accordance with what is good, proper, or just [adj]
RIGIDEST DEGIIRST RIGID, not flexible; strict, harsh [adj]
RITZIEST EIIRSTTZ RITZY, elegant (tastefully opulent) [adj]
ROCKIEST CEIKORST ROCKY, unsteady (firm in position) [adj]
ROILIEST EIILORST ROILY, muddy (covered or filled with mud) [adj]
ROOKIEST EIKOORST ROOKY, abounding in rooks [adj]
ROOMIEST EIMOORST ROOMY, spacious (vast or ample in extent) [adj]
ROOTIEST EIOORSTT ROOTY, full of roots [adj]
ROUGHEST EGHORSTU ROUGH, having an uneven surface [adj]
ROUNDEST DENORSTU ROUND, shaped like a sphere [adj]
ROUPIEST EIOPRSTU ROUPY, hoarse (low and rough in sound) [adj]
ROWDIEST DEIORSTW ROWDY, disorderly in behavior [adj]
RUDDIEST DDEIRSTU RUDDY, having a healthy, reddish color [adj]
RUMMIEST EIMMRSTU RUMMY, odd (unusual (something that is usual (ordinary))) [adj]
RUNNIEST EINNRSTU RUNNY, tending to drip [adj]
RUNTIEST EINRSTTU RUNTY, small (of limited size or quantity) [adj]
RUSHIEST EHIRSSTU RUSHY, abounding in rushes [adj]
RUSTIEST EIRSSTTU RUSTY, covered with rust [adj]
RUTTIEST EIRSTTTU RUTTY, marked by ruts [adj]
S 8s Comparative
SACREDER ACDEERRS SACRED, holy (having a divine nature or origin) [adj]
SALLOWER AELLORSW SALLOW, of a sickly yellowish color [adj]
SATINIER AEIINRST SATINY, resembling satin [adj]
SAVORIER AEIORRSV SAVORY, pleasant to the taste or smell [adj]
SCABBIER ABBCEIRS SCABBY, covered with scabs [adj]
SCANTIER ACEINRST SCANTY, meager (deficient in quantity or quality) [adj]
SCAREDER ACDEERRS SCARED, afraid (filled with apprehension) [adj]
SCARRIER ACEIRRRS SCARRY, marked with scars [adj]
SCATTIER ACEIRSTT SCATTY, crazy (insane (mentally unsound)) [adj]
SCHIZIER CEHIIRSZ SCHIZY, affected with schizophrenia [adj]
SCREWIER CEEIRRSW SCREWY, crazy (insane (mentally unsound)) [adj]
SCUMMIER CEIMMRSU SCUMMY, covered with scum [adj]
SCURFIER CEFIRRSU SCURFY, covered with scurf [adj]
SCURVIER CEIRRSUV SCURVY, base or contemptible [adj]
SCUZZIER CEIRSUZZ SCUZZY, dirty or shabby [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
SECRETER CEEERRST SECRET, kept from knowledge or view [adj]
SEEMLIER EEEILMRS SEEMLY, of pleasing appearance [adj]
SHABBIER ABBEHIRS SHABBY, ragged (tattered) [adj]
SHAGGIER AEGGHIRS SHAGGY, covered with long, coarse hair [adj]
SHEENIER EEEHINRS SHEENY, shining (emitting or reflecting light) [adj]
SHELLIER EEHILLRS SHELLY, abounding in seashells [adj]
SHELVIER EEHILRSV SHELVY, inclining gradually [adj]
SHIFTIER EFHIIRST SHIFTY, tricky (characterized by deception) [adj]
SHIRTIER EHIIRRST SHIRTY, angry (feeling strong displeasure or hostility) [adj]
SHITTIER EHIIRSTT SHITTY, an offensive word [adj]
SHOALIER AEHILORS SHOALY, full of shallow areas [adj]
SHODDIER DDEHIORS SHODDY, of inferior quality [adj]
SHOPPIER EHIOPPRS SHOPPY, conducive to shopping [adj]
SHOUTIER EHIORSTU SHOUTY, given to or characterized by shouting [adj]
SHREWDER DEEHRRSW SHREWD, having keen insight [adj]
SHRILLER EHILLRRS SHRILL, having a high-pitched and piercing quality [adj]
SHTUMMER EHMMRSTU SHTUM, schtum (silent (making no sound or noise)) [adj]
SICKLIER CEIIKLRS SICKLY, appearing as if sick [adj]
SILENTER EEILNRST SILENT, making no sound or noise [adj]
SINCERER CEEINRRS SINCERE, free from hypocrisy or falseness [adj]
SIRUPIER EIIPRRSU SIRUPY, syrupy (resembling a thick, sticky, sweet liquid) [adj]
SKANKIER AEIKKNRS SKANKY, filthy or sleazy [adj]
SKEEVIER EEEIKRSV SKEEVY, repulsive, disgusting [adj]
SKIDDIER DDEIIKRS SKIDDY, likely to cause skidding [adj]
SKIMPIER EIIKMPRS SKIMPY, scanty (meager (deficient in quantity or quality)) [adj]
SKUNKIER EIKKNRSU SKUNKY , having a smell suggestive of a skunk (a mammal that can spray a foul-smelling liquid) [adj]
SLABBY, covered or paved with slabs [adj]
SLAGGIER AEGGILRS SLAGGY, resembling slag [adj]
SLANGIER AEGILNRS SLANGY, being or containing slang [adj]
SLANTIER AEILNRST SLANTY, deviating from the horizontal or vertical [adj]
SLEAZIER AEEILRSZ SLEAZY, of low quality or character [adj]
SLEEKIER EEEIKLRS SLEEKY, sleek (smooth and glossy) [adj]
SLEEPIER EEEILPRS SLEEPY, ready or inclined to sleep [adj]
SLEETIER EEEILRST SLEETY, resembling sleet [adj]
SLIGHTER EGHILRST SLIGHT, small in size or amount [adj]
SLIMSIER EIILMRSS SLIMSY, flimsy (lacking solidity or strength) [adj]
SLINKIER EIIKLNRS SLINKY, stealthy (intended to escape observation) [adj]
SLIPPIER EIILPPRS SLIPPY, slippery (causing or tending to cause slipping) [adj]
SLITTIER EIILRSTT SLITTY, being long and narrow [adj]
Fun, Funner, Funnest
Have the funnest time learning adjectives (7s, then 8s) with comparative (-ER) & superlative (-EST) suffixes.
(See Know Comparison for adjectives that end with -ABLE, -FUL, -IBLE, -ISH, -LESS, -LIKE)
compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club
SLOBBIER BBEILORS SLOBBY, characteristic of a slob [adj]
SLOPPIER EILOPPRS SLOPPY, messy (dirty or untidy) [adj]
SLOSHIER EHILORSS SLOSHY, slushy (resembling slush) [adj]
SLUDGIER DEGILRSU SLUDGY, covered with sludge [adj]
SLUMMIER EILMMRSU SLUMMY, resembling a slum [adj]
SLUMPIER EILMPRSU SLUMPY, characterized by a fall in value or amount [adj]
SLURPIER EILPRRSU SLURPY, characterized by the sucking sound made when slurping [adj]
SLUSHY, resembling slush [adj]
SLUTTIER EILRSTTU SLUTTY, characteristic of a slut [adj]
SMARMIER AEIMMRRS SMARMY, marked by excessive flattery [adj]
SMELLIER EEILLMRS SMELLY, having an unpleasant odor [adj]
SMOGGIER EGGIMORS SMOGGY, filled with smog [adj]
SMOOTHER EHMOORST SMOOTH, having a surface that is free from irregularities [adj]
SMUTTIER EIMRSTTU SMUTTY, obscene (indecent (not decent)) [adj]
SNACKIER ACEIKNRS SNACKY, suitable as a light meal [adj]
SNAGGIER AEGGINRS SNAGGY, full of snags [adj]
SNAPPIER AEINPPRS SNAPPY, snappish (tending to speak in an impatient or irritable manner) [adj]
SNARKIER AEIKNRRS SNARKY, snappish (tending to speak in an impatient or irritable manner) [adj]
SNAZZIER AEINRSZZ SNAZZY, very stylish [adj]
SNEERIER EEEINRRS SNEERY, marked by sneering [adj]
SNEEZIER EEEINRSZ SNEEZY, tending to sneeze [adj]
SNIFFIER EFFIINRS SNIFFY, sniffish (haughty (arrogant (overly convinced of one'sown worth or importance))) [adj]
SNIPPIER EIINPPRS SNIPPY, snappish (tending to speak in an impatient or irritable manner) [adj]
SNITTY, disagreeably ill-tempered [adj]
SNOBBIER BBEINORS SNOBBY, snobbish (characteristic of a snob) [adj]
SNOOPIER EINOOPRS SNOOPY, given to snooping [adj]
SNOOTIER EINOORST SNOOTY, snobbish (characteristic of a snob) [adj]
SNOOZIER EINOORSZ SNOOZY, drowsy (sleepy (ready or inclined to sleep)) [adj]
SNOTTIER EINORSTT SNOTTY, arrogant (overly convinced of one's own worth or importance) [adj]
SNOUTY, resembling a long, projecting nose [adj]
SNUBBIER BBEINRSU SNUBBY, blunt (not sharp or pointed) [adj]
SNUFFIER EFFINRSU SNUFFY, dingy (grimy (dirty (unclean))) [adj]
SOLEMNER EELMNORS SOLEMN, serious (thoughtful or subdued in appearance or manner) [adj]
SPARKIER AEIKPRRS SOMBER, gloomy (dismally dark) [adj]
SPARKY, lively (full of energy) [adj]
SPARRIER AEIPRRRS SPARRY, resembling spar (a lustrous mineral) [adj]