Bi Pins to T8 Sockets:
Different Bulb Bases
You also need to ensure that you’re using the right ballast or
driver if the light bulb in question needs one. Some light bulbs,
like HID lamps, can only be burned in a given position, which is
something else you’ll need to manage.
However, when you’re looking for light bulbs, there are a few
other considerations you need to take into account, such as the
base type. Naturally, without aligning the base type, you could
end up with a bulb that just won’t work for your purposes.
- Screw type bases: These are the base types with which most
homeowners will probably be more familiar. They’re the sockets that you
screw light bulbs into and account for most incandescent and halogen
light bulbs. They’re also very common for most tiny, specialized
candelabra lights; on the smaller side of the spectrum you have E10
bases, and on the other side you have what is known as E40, or Mogul
- Bi-pin bases: While the majority of domestic light bulbs will screw into
their bases, there are a number that “plug” into their bases using a set of
pins. Many of these types of light bulbs have what are known as “bi-pin”
or “2-prong” bases and are simply inserted into the socket. Many small
incandescent bulbs have bi-pin bases, (some have medium bi-pin sockets,
which require medium bi-pin bases) although there are some fluorescent
lights and specialized LEDs that have these types of bases (pin-style
bases) as well.
- CFL bases: A large number of CFLs, or compact fluorescent lights, “plug”
into their sockets, in a manner similar to that of bi-pin light bulbs. The only
difference here is that CFL bulbs typically don’t have just two pins, but
rather very unique arrangements of connectors that enable them to fit into
highly specialized sockets designed to receive them.
- Fluorescent pin bases: Many fluorescent lamps “clip,” “slide” or “plug” into
their respective bases and use pine-shaped connectors. Many fluorescent bulbs
have single-pin or bi-pin connectors, but with fluorescent bulbs, you also need
to be sure of the size of the socket. For example, many commercially available
fluorescent bulbs are in the “T8” configuration, which means they require a T8
socket. Other common sizes of fluorescent lights (particularly linear fluorescent
lights) are T5 and T12 bulbs, which require T5 and T12 sockets, respectively.
- Specialty bases: In addition to these common styles of bases, there are a
number of other specialty bulb bases that can only be used with specific
sockets. Among these are side-prong bulbs, rigid loop bulbs, R7 bases, wedge
bases, and festoon bases; if you suspect your light bulb has an atypical base (or
your fitting requires an atypically based bulb) you’ll need to take care to
ensure that you select the right one for the job.
It would be very difficult to succinctly categorize every single type of bulb
base out there, but there is a fair likelihood that the base of the bulb in
question fits into one of these categories. Whenever you’re looking at the
specs of a light bulb, you’ll be able to glean some information on the base
By the way, just in case you can’t find the information you need, get
in touch with the specialists at Atlanta Light Bulbs. With over 40
years in the business, Atlanta Light Bulbs has seen a thing or two
in lighting, and they can pass that experience along to you.
Whether you want to know more about what a T8 socket is or how a
bulb can have a wedge base, direct any additional questions you have
to them at 1-888-988-2852 and they’d be more than happy to point
you in the right direction.