Vol. 15, Issue 9 | William Mason High School | 6100 Mason Montgomery Road Mason, OH | 5.11.18
ONE FOR THE Science Olympiad
BOOKS places first at state,
advances to national
Photo by Tanner Pearson, photo illustration by Ryan D’Souza
2 Cover Story May 11, 2018
21 8 11
Sc ience O lympiad Going Na tional
Team claims first place, captures historic victory at state competition
Luke Hutchinson | Online Editor
Yogesh Patel | Staff Writer
For these scientists, winning is not Photo by Tanner Pearson
rocket science. (From left to right) Juniors Jenny Hong and Emily Fang and seniors Alyson Lam and Alex Wang captained the Science Olympiad team to a state
championship. The team will advance to compete at Colorado State University on May 18-19 for the national competition.
The Science Olympiad team placed
first in the Ohio State tournament and teams.” upset about missing graduation, espe- just want to beat Troy. It’s going to be
will proceed to the national competi- As a team centered around academic- cially due to the reason being nation- a long journey to beat them, but we’ve
tion at Colorado State University for als,” Ramasubramanian said. “This year, been waiting so long to perform on the
the first time in the team’s history. based competition and hands-on we have made Mason history. No Mason national stage. We are going to take the
application, senior member Ranjani SciOly team has ever qualified for the opportunity and use it well.”
Last season, the team missed qualify- Ramasubramanian said SciOly deserves national yournament, so to be able to
ing by two points; senior captain Alex more recognition than it receives by bring home that first place trophy is an In regards to how the team will hold
Wang said he and his teammates used the high school. indescribably satisfying feeling. We’re up to the best in the country, Lam said
the loss as leverage to prepare for this living not only our own dreams, but the the pressure only encourages the team
year. “I think SciOly deserves more credit dreams of our friends who never got to perform better.
than it gets, and I think that extends to the chance to go to nationals.”
“Going to nationals has been a dream most academic-based clubs or teams at “We are going into nationals com-
for a lot of us since seventh grade,” Mason,” Ramasubramanian said. “The A total of 60 high schools and 60 ing off the best season in the 15 years
Wang said. “We’ve been watching the school puts a lot of focus on its sports, middle schools compete in Colorado, our club has existed,” Lam said. “When
livestreams, and we have seen all these but we’ve been one of the top four but one school from California, named we went to MIT, we had had two wins
people having fun and doing well at teams in the state for so many years, Troy, has won first place at the national at invites in Ohio, but still we weren’t
nationals. It has been something I’ve and I think we’ve earned the right to be tournament in 11 years. Junior captain expecting much since the caliber of
wanted for six years, and last year was regarded with equal importance.” Jenny Hong said the team has executed competition was something we had
pretty rough when we didn’t make it, effective strategies to be successful this never faced before.”
but now we’ve worked so much as a The national competition in Colo- year, but the overwhelming objective is
team to qualify this year.” rado takes place on May 18 through 19 to defeat Troy. Despite the challenge, the team
which conflicts with the senior gradu- placed second and Lam said their
At competitions, teams compete in 23 ation ceremony. Despite being initially “I admire everyone on our team recognition pushes the team to perform
events that pertain to various scientific upset to be missing graduation, the for bonding together so much, but better.
subjects like earth science, biology, team would rather stay longer at the we were definitely still looking for
chemistry, physics and engineering. competition and relax than race back to strategies to study and build more “We have gained attention on the
With every mistake made, teams accu- graduation. Ramasubramanian said ev- efficiently this year,” Hong said. “We Scioly.org forums for beating almost all
mulate points, and a higher total means eryone is too stoked about the National tried to make sure everyone had a plan of the top ten teams,” Lam said. “This is
a lower placing. Competition to worry about graduation. while studying this year, but now we our first time ever qualifying, yet lots
of people have predicted us to place
One event the team usually places “None of us are even the slightest bit within the top three.”
high in consists of building makeshift
helicopters and flying them, but at
the state tournament, the project went
south. Senior captain Alyson Lam, who
specializes in the helicopters event, said
a significantly short flight caused the
team to place 31st.
“We’ve been doing well with helicop-
ters all year: at MIT we placed second
and had a really good flight,” Lam said.
“At states, all our helicopters broke,
and we ended up getting about a five
second flight when they are usually
upwards of three minutes. I had faith in
my team and their hard work, but to let
them down at this crucial moment was
so incredibly frustrating.”
The team went into the awards
ceremony thinking their helicopters
placing ruined their shot at making it
to Colorado. Wang said he was shocked
to find out that the success of the other
22 events overshadowed their loss.
“I didn’t think it was going to happen,
but besides helicopters, all 22 other
events placed fourth or higher, so we
ended up with nine first places and five
second places,” Wang said. “Everybody
on the team had been so consistent in
all of their events that getting almost
last in an event didn’t even matter be-
cause we were so far ahead of the other
May 11, 2018 News 3
Senior runners mark final days of high school with Flying Pig Marathon
Lauren Thomas | Staff Writer
Mason seniors are flying towards the Senior Olivia Min participates in the Flying Photos contributed by Olivia Min
finish line. Pig half marathon on Sunday, May 6 Seniors Min and Meghan McAneny celebrate with medals after completing the race.
The end of high school for seniors The relief of running the start line is because I want to, so that pursue a hobby like marathoning. The
also means the final practices of the takes away a lot of the stress. The whole pair of girls is looking forward to the
sports that have defined and ridden Not only has training for the Flying environment is something everyone culmination of hard-work and discipline,
schedules for the past four years. Now, Pig been a transitional fitness activity should experience. Running is some- but ultimately the race-day reward.
there is a choice to be made as to wheth- for Min, but also a vital stress-reliever thing that you can do no matter who
er or not they will pursue them on their from her hefty six AP class schedule. you are. It doesn’t have any monetary “If you’re just running a half-mara-
own time. Seniors Olivia Min and Megan She finds peace and distraction from stipulation, you don’t need any team to thon, you don’t really need to go fast
McAneny ran cross country, through the the chaos of school during through do it or any special equipment.” because 13.1 miles at once is an achieve-
ups and downs of injuries and health, her long, euphoric runs in the trails of ment in itself,” McAneny said. “So, it
ultimately finishing their careers in the Mason. McAneny said running from a young really helps you slow down and actually
fall. The sport has now turned hobby age equipped her with the tools to enjoy the run.”
and eventual passion through train- “I’m in six APs right now, and it’s hon-
ing for and running in the Flying Pig estly hard to find an outlet that is both
half marathon. The “long runs” rang- relaxing but doesn’t feel like I’m wasting
ing from ten to the full thirteen miles time by doing it,” Min said. “Running is
mimic what the girls would do after a good way for me to relax because I’m
school on scorching hot September days, not thinking about school or anything;
but they find themselves enjoying it I’m just focusing on my breathing and
more than ever. taking it one mile at a time and (it’s)
definitely not wasting my time.”
“Cross country was my introduction
into the running community,” McAneny McAneny said she appreciates the
said. “It changes everything about your sport for its stress release, universality,
lifestyle; when you go to bed, you have and provided community.
to be disciplined and get your home-
work done, you need to eat right because “With cross country, I used to get ter-
it’s not just something you can go and rible anxiety before all the races because
do; it’s something you have to prepare you have all of this pressure, and the
and train everyday for.” team is counting on you,” McAneny
said. “Now, the only reason I step up to
A Solo Undertaking
After easing into their marathon
expenditure with cross country, the girls
participated in the Flying Pig Relay last
year, where each member of a team runs
a third of the total distance. Min said
her leg of the relay instilled in her the
confidence to run as an individual the
following year.
“I remember at the end of my 7.5 mile
leg that I was just so hyped up by the
energy that I wanted to keep going. That
made me think about running a half,”
Min said.
4 Feature May 11, 2018
Smith creates business transforming selfies into cartoon portraits
Ria Parikh | Staff Writer so Smith takes extra time with them. Step 1
Changing just a subtle detail on either
All it takes is five dollars to have your of those two features, Smith said, will Photo by Tanner Pearson
favorite selfie renovated into a cartoon. change someone’s face entirely.
Freshman Maya Proudfit smiles for a selfie that she
Sophomore Rachel Smith has been “I think eyes say a lot about a person,
making commission off of her selfie and usually the nose, too,” Smith said. will send to Rachel Smith.
cartoons for three years and promotes “There was one time I was drawing
her work primarily on Instagram. Smith a person, and just changing the nose Step 2
said selfies in particular appeal to her completely made them look from older
because the human face is particularly to younger. They were a younger person, Illustration by Rachel Smith.
interesting to study and having clients and I drew them with an older person’s
send their own selfies is the best way to nose. I changed the nose, and I was like, Rachel Smith uses freshman Maya Proudfit’s selfie as inspiration to draw her a cartoon.
ensure their satisfaction with the final ‘Oh my gosh it looks so much better! It
product. looks just like them!’ Lines matter.”
“I enjoy taking selfies, but I also enjoy Her cartoons intentionally do not
drawing humans,” Smith said. “I enjoy resemble the caricature style of drawing.
character design, and the human face is Although it is popular, Smith said she
really pretty. There’s a lot of individual- feels like the humor of caricatures come
ity that goes into a selfie. I want them to from a somewhat demeaning place,
give me something that they’re proud and she would rather create cartoons in
of, so I can make something that I’m which people liked their image.
proud of. If I’m getting paid to do this, I
want to make sure it’s my best work pos- “I just never got into it,” Smith said.
sible, and it’s a good photo too.” “It’s very satirical and almost sort of
rude, and I want something that’s going
“I want them to give to make people smile. Caricatures do
me something that make people smile, in a way that they
they’re proud of, so I hurt, and I don’t want that out of people.
can make something I just want to draw something cute.
that I’m proud of.” Plus, I never found the caricature style
to be attractive or fun to draw and it
Smith said her first paid drawing job seemed like a lot of work. So, I usually
was designing business cards. According stray away from that and do a more
to Smith, the experience validated her simple style.”
as an artist and showed her that people
were actually interested in paying for Through her experiences with
artwork. running her business, Smith said she
realized that it grows a lot faster when
“I’ve been drawing for 10 years,” Smith she starts with people she knows. They
said. “I designed a business card once bring in the initial customers, and
and got paid fifty dollars, and you could people quickly follow from there, Smith
have told me I won the lottery. It was said.
just mind blowing that someone actu-
ally wanted to see what I was doing and “People are actually really generous,”
what I was drawing and wanted to pay Smith said. “They’re willing to pay, and
me to do that.” I expected more scam artists out there.
If you know the person in person and
Smith’s process of transforming the not online, usually things run a lot
artwork from selfie to cartoon is similar more smoothly. I don’t have a credit
every time. She said she uses the jawline card yet, so I can’t really go digital quite
to structure the shape of the face, and yet, but if you start with friends, they’re
from there, adds in traits pertaining to really nice to you and (willing to pay).
the individual. It’s nice when people cooperate; I did
not expect much of that at all.”
“I try to break down the face,” Smith
said. “I usually start with the jawline, Accepting criticism and dealing with
and that gives me a general summary of it professionally is the key to success
the face. I’ll draw a circle first because I in sustaining Smith’s business. Passion
think everyone draws a circle first, and takes you far, Smith said, but knowing
from there I usually do guidelines.” how to deal with moments when things
are not so perfect is the the best mea-
The eye and nose shape are the sure of success.
most identifiable features on a person,
“You’re going to face obstacles, and
you’re not going to have your best
work; you’re not going to be proud of it
all the time, but it’s a matter of whether
you love doing it,” Smith said. “If you’re
good at it, too, you’re going to be suc-
May 11, 2018 Feature 5
Photo by Millie Ortega
Senior Robbie Grischy works behind the camera to film senior Reed Naglich performing a set of exercises to post on his fitness account.
Fitness accounts provide inspiration for fueling workouts
Millie Ortega | Staff Writer “I used to be really insecure about What is important to me is the people effective way is much more prominent
my body, and I have gotten to the point who are motivating me. I just block out than his desire to reach a status of fame.
Fitness fanatics are exploring their where I am really happy with myself. the people who are trying to bring me
passions online through popularized It’s a place for me to stay on track with down.” “The numbers on Instagram aren’t
fitness Instagram accounts. my fitness,” Burke said. “When you as important to me as helping others
work out so much and you start to see For Burke, she takes the potential get fit," Naglich said. "I have numbers
In the beginning, the purpose of the results, you kind of want to show it off. hate comments and fuels them into her I want to hit on weights, but I’m not
popular social media app Instagram If you had a Ferrari, would you just workouts, while simultaneously build- in it for the fame. Fitness brings to me
was for users to casually detail the keep it in the garage?” ing her confidence as well. the happiness and joy in my life, and I
monotony their daily lives. The explore think putting myself out there spreads
page was filled with photos of dogs to Burke is not the only Mason High “I definitely know that there is judge- the message for people to do the same.”
cups of coffee to friends at lunch. Now, School student who has braved the ment, but if you want to be successful
feeds are filled with gym mirror selfies online trolls and put herself on display. in something, people are going to criti- As Burke and Naglich prepare to start
and videos of workout routines. Senior Reed Naglich also has a fitness cize you,” Burke said. “It’s not just about a new chapter this fall as they head to
account, @nagl.fit, that he uses to share me getting better with my body, but college, they said that their fitness ac-
The shift in content did not happen his fitness techniques and enhance his it has helped my mind a lot too. It has counts are just getting started, and the
overnight. Over the last couple of years, personal motivation. made me a lot more confident about posts will not stop at graduation.
many students have become enamored who I am in general.”
by healthy living and documenting “I have always been into working out, “I am not super active on my account
their fitness progress online. but over the last year, I have gotten a While Burke is a mirror selfie advo- right now because of school, but this
lot more serious with it,” Naglich said. cate, Naglich has senior Robbie Grischy summer, I am going to post higher
For senior Hallie Burke, it took two “I had a lot of people that were asking take all his photos and videos. Despite quality content,” Burke said. “I think my
years of going to the gym consistently me what to do at the gym, so it just their differing approaches to develop- ultimate goal would be to consistently
for her to even see progress. made it easier to put it all in one place.” ing their content, Burke and Naglich have high quality content and maybe
share the same philosophy in wanting become a Gymshark athlete.”
“When I was younger, I would go Putting himself online has been an to help others achieve their fitness
on the elliptical or just run because easy opportunity for people to criticize goals. For Naglich, he is looking forward to
I felt like I had to. I am friends with Naglich without having to say it to his using his account to track his progress
people who weightlift so I wanted to try face. While lifting weights is a piece “My account started out as a place in a professional manner as he prepares
something different,” Burke said. “As I of cake for Naglich, dealing with the for me to keep track of my progress, to take his lifting outside of the gym
did more and more research, I started to taunting of peers is the heaviest weight but now, it has turned into me helping and into a competitive field.
get more into it. Now it has just become he has to pull. other people, and I feel good knowing
a part of me.” that people trust me enough to give “Next year, I want to compete in
“It’s hard sometimes because people advice,” Burke said. “I’ve given advice natural physique bodybuilding, so I
Social media has always been a big give you hate, but deep down fitness is about eating to gain muscle, workout will definitely keep my account going
part of Burke, for she has been on something I love, so it just motivates routines and a lot of other advice too.” because I will be tracking my progress
Instagram since the seventh grade. me to keep working harder at it,” said until then,” Naglich said. “It motivates
When she decided to combine her love Naglich. “I just listen to my friends be- Naglich also gives advice to his 1,700 me to see my progress and how far I’ve
of fitness with her love of posting on cause they have my back through it all. followers, but his dedication to assist come, so I can always work at being
instagram, @hebfit was born. them in getting fit in a healthy and better.”
6 Feature May 11, 2018
Increased digital trust results in growth of online friendships
Freshman Nyla Spencer and her online friend Alex Lisa | Staff Writer said. “I know we like the same You- constantly buzzing with messages
tubers, and I know we know about that just boost my confidence. Like,
Junior Emily Plummer and her online friend Some kids at Mason High School the same games, so it kind of gets we build each other up so much, it’s
are finding friendships in the most you past a lot of the introduction almost ridiculous, but it makes me
Freshman Nate Schmidt and his online friend unusual places. stage. You can just go straight into feel so awesome.”
Photo Graphics by Ryan D’Souza talking about what you both enjoy.”
Many students have found com- Spencer said the security she feels
fort and support in friends they in- Schmidt said that the relation- when talking to online friends is
teract with exclusively online. They ships he has with online friends appealing when contrasted with the
confide in them and build close end up being the same as real life self-consciousness that comes with
relationships despite never having friends, even though he feels that friends in real life.
met in real life. Due to warnings online friendships progress faster.
about strangers online, freshman “I know these girls aren’t talk-
Joel Steinbicker said he refers to the “If people think online friend- ing behind my back,” Spencer said.
digital friends he regularly contacts ships are weird, they’re really not,” “Who are they going to spread ru-
by their usernames only, but this Schmidt said. “They end up be- mors to? Two of them are in Texas,
does not inhibit their relationship. ing basically the same as real-life and I think there’s one in Wisconsin.
friends. You don’t need to have that It’s just so much easier when you
“It started as a kind of caution in-person connection; honestly the know you can talk about anything,
thing,” Steinbicker said. “You always talking is what builds the friend- and when you don’t have to worry
hear to be careful with people ship. And doing that online is much about watching what you say when
online, and I was hesitant with them easier. Maybe that’s because I can you open up.”
in general to start with. But now it’s think more about my words before
just habit. Like, it would be weird I send them, I feel comfortable talk- Junior Emily Plummer agreed the
ing with them much faster.” distance between herself and her
if they started calling me ‘Joel’ at online friends helps her feel safe
this point. Like if you start calling Freshman Nyla Spencer also has because there are less repercussions
someone by their full name after online friends, though she originally when she wants to rant or let out
calling them a nickname for years. met them through Instagram, not emotions.
That isn’t how we know each a video game. She said she started
other.” one of her closer relationships when “I think it’s a lot easier to open up
she was searching the app’s recom- to (people online) because you don’t
Steinbicker met his online mended page and decided to make a see them face-to-face, and they’re
friends while playing video games comment on a post. distanced from things,” Plummer
with random team selections, said. “Like, if I’m going on a rant
and then began following them “I’m not really sure how it hap- about people in school, they don’t
on Instagram. This is a common pened, to be honest,” Spencer said. know those people. It makes it more
way to meet new people online, as “I commented on this one girl’s post comfortable than talking to some-
multiple games use the feature. with heart eyes, cause she looked one who might know that person.”
Meeting through a common pretty, and she said thanks, you
interest, he said, helped him grow know, and we went back and forth Plummer started her friendships
comfortable around them. a little. Then, like a week later, I on Kik around eighth grade year,
was somehow in a group chat with something she said was popular in
“Obviously I have friends in her and a few other girls, and now middle school. However, she ended
school and my neighborhood too, we talk all the time. We’re all the up leaving the website because
but when we want to meet up we’ve same in physical appearance, light of its “sketchiness.” Many of her
got to make plans, and sometimes skinned African Americans, teenage friendships have been maintained
not everyone wants to do the same girls, so we have a lot of the same is- despite this through Instagram
thing, so it takes a lot of time,” Stein- sues. We rant about what’s stressing and texting when their time zones
bicker said. “With online friends, us out, we talk about some of our match up.
there’s way less effort involved. problems and open up to each other,
We’re just online at the same time, [and] we hype each other up.” “One of them lives in Australia,
and we all play Fortnite together and a few live in the UK, so we’re
and talk on the headsets. It’s more While online friendships are kind of pen pals,” Plummer said. “It
casual.” becoming more popular, they have makes talking hard sometimes, be-
different expectations than friend- cause of the time difference, but it’s
Freshman Nate Schmidt also ships in school or in a community. cool. A lot of my (Mason) friends
enjoys making online friends who Spencer said her and her online will hear me talk about a friend I
share the same interests in gam- friends sometimes go a month met online, and then they want an
ing. He, however, meets his friends without talking, but when they start online friend so sometimes I make
through discord servers that popular a conversation it is long and positive suggestions. They kind of see it as
Youtubers or streamers have. enough to help her with self confi- a cool connection to have. I think
dence in her daily life. it’s healthy for everyone to have
“I’m more comfortable getting to someone who they know there’s a
know someone online, because we “These text conversations, they state or an ocean between them.
met through a common interest, last for like, a week straight,” The distance makes your conversa-
and if it turns out being awkward, Spencer said. “My phone will just be tions lighter.”
it’s way easier to leave,” Schmidt
May 11, 2018 7
8 Feature May 11, 2018
Lee uses Roblox to create
humorous video game
Rahul Parikh | Staff Writer pealing,” Lee said. “I did this because has always tinkered with the idea of “That’s when I first started trying
I’ve always enjoyed memes, and I making a game. to make my own games, but they
In May 2016 Chris Lee created his thought that it would be cool to incor- obviously weren’t great at first, which
own universe, not knowing that he porate them into my game.” “When I was around 8 years old, made me want to make more enjoy-
would end up sharing that world with I was really into playing Roblox, able games.”
over one million online gamers. Lee’s desire to make unique and and I saw people designing video
exciting video games playable for any games, and it seemed really cool, so Lee learned the necessary coding
Sophomore Christopher Lee’s self- age stems from a younger age, as he I wanted to try it myself,” Lee said. for the game on his own time, and
created video game, Infinite Welfare, the design, controls, and layout of
has over one million plays on the ‘Ro- I expected that the only people who would Infinite Welfare were all based on
blox’ gaming network. play this game were people I invited to play Lee’s creativity.
Infinite Welfare is a fairly simple it, but now it has over 1 million plays. Lee said, “I started the project
game, in which entering the arena, in 2016 it when it was published to
the player is put on a rectangular Roblox, and I’ve always been work-
platform and tries to avoid either fall- ing on it since. The initial design of
ing off the platform, or being elimi- the game was a fun process because
nated by another player. Each player of the humor I added into it, and it’s
starts off with 4 random weapons that always good to go back and improve
are interchangeable at any point, and the game on my own.”
these weapons usually have some
humor incorporated with them, such
as a shotgun that shoots out smiley
faces. When a player is eliminated,
they are greeted with a saying or
meme, ‘at least you tried…’ or ‘they
say nice guys finish last...’ These
aspects of a seemingly simplistic
game separate it from others in terms
of player enjoyment.
Lee said he never expected one of
his creations to blow up like this one
“I expected that the only people
who would play this game were
people I invited to play it, but when I
first found out there were 100 people
on the game at once, I was really
surprised,” Lee said. “Now that it has
over 1 million plays, I’ve increased
the amount of time I spend editing
and updating the game to sustain the
Lee feels his creation is a light-
hearted, funny game that utilizes
memes within it. Lee himself de-
scribes the program as “One big
“When I was creating Infinite Wel-
fare, I wanted to have a lot of humor
within the game, which is something
that I believe a lot of people find ap-
May 11, 2018 9
10 May 11, 2018
May 11, 2018 Feature 11
trending now 4
Senior Wenhan Zhu prepares a rolled ice 3 Photos by Tanner Pearson 6
cream treat at his place of work, Yolo Rollo in
Step-by-step to Rolled Ice Cream
1. Mix together flavored milk and small pieces 4. Using the scraper, push upwards under
the ice cream so it shapes into several
of food on the cold steel plate.
medium sized rolls.
2. Flatten and move around the mixture until 5. Arrange the rolls into a cup so they fit
crystallized so texture is formed. in a nice and neat manner.
Emma Davies, Annabella Collins, 3. Evenly spread the mixture out so it forms a 6. Serve and enjoy!
ice cream lover ice cream lover
thin layer on the plate.
Ice cream lovers melting over new style of frozen treat
Riley Johansen | Staff Writer was at a cheer competition in Colum- food, and making everything look so it can cool down faster than other
bus and I saw it on people’s Snapchat pretty and I think that makes people stores. He had no idea how crazy peo-
A new way to eat an old dessert is stories. It looked really yummy so I happy, it’s something different and ple would be about it. They are willing
rolling into the hearts of ice cream lov- had to try it,” Davies said. “I also went something cool to do over the sum- to wait hours for it, and some families
ers everywhere. back to Columbus for state, and we got mer.” buy it three times a day because their
to get it again. My whole cheer team kids love it so much.”
Rolled ice cream is the newest trend was shopping in the mall and we just Senior Wenhan Zhu was also excited
with many stores opening up all over saw the stand, so of course, we waited to hear about the opening of the first Zhu says that the rolled ice cream
America. Stands are popping up close in the forty minute line because it was rolled ice cream shop in Cincinnati, trend is not just about the food, but
by in the Kenwood Towne Center. definitely worth it.” Yolo Rollo, where he now works. Zhu the experience, which makes him
says the owner of Yolo Rollo has enjoy working even more to watch his
The made-to-order Thai-inspired Junior Annabella Collins says that opened stores with his unique ap- customers excitement when he hands
sweet is made by pouring milk onto the appeal of the new spin on ice proach to the dessert in many new them their food.
a cold steel plate below freezing and cream was appealing to her, not only places around the U.S. as the ice cream
chopped and stirred with other ingre- for the taste, but for the way it would craze continues to grow. “I enjoy working here so much
dients such as fruit or chocolate until look on her social media. because all the customers are super
it crystallizes, to where it is then rolled “I was excited (about the opening) excited about it,” Zhu said. “I can see
and artistically placed into a cup to “I was honestly more excited to post because I had only tried it in big cities, how happy they are when they see the
enjoy. about it then I was to eat it because it such as New York and Chicago, and ice cream rolling and how much they
was so pretty,” Collins said. “Usually, we’re the first ice cream roll store in enjoy it after they try it. It is becoming
Freshman Emma Davies first got to every ice cream place is the same. They Cincinnati,” Zhu said. “The creator of a trend because it’s so fun to watch the
taste the trending treat on a trip to Co- scoop it or they soft serve it, but this is Yolo Rollo is from Hong Kong and process. After we smash the food in
lumbus with MHS’ competition cheer so different because we’ve never seen now lives in Alabama. He owns many and roll it up, it looks amazing and ev-
team. Davies says that she was intro- people roll it. I think it’s also because restaurants all over the United States. ery bite is tasty. I like it because people
duced to the idea through social media of the show and tell aspect of it, these When rolled ice cream got more popu- are not only enjoying the ice cream,
and her and her team were willing to days with social media everyone is lar he figured out his own recipe (for but they’re also enjoying the process of
wait to get a taste of it. obsessed with posting pictures of their the ice cream) and refit the machine making it.”
“The first time I had rolled ice cream
12 Feat
Photos by Tanner Pearson
Judi Hu (right) and Annie Zhang (left) wear traditonal Chinese attire when they perform dances.
Zhang and Hu embrace traditional Chinese culture, form tea
Andrea Hefferan | Staff Writer also wei wu er zu.” put yourself out there. You have to show Hu and Zhang have gotten to compete
From LA to Hong Kong, the members Hu is proud to be part of a group that what you can do.” at a multitude of locations. For Hu,
these competitions are a peek into the
of Bing Yang Chinese Performing Arts portrays her Chinese heritage. Hu and Zhang have been a part of entertainment industry she hopes will
Center have traveled thousands of miles “(Chinese dancing) was a way to BYC-PAC since its creation, growing become her career.
in order to pursue their passion. with the group and garnering awards
connect back to my culture because such as the Best Studio Award at the Tali “My favorite (competition) was defi-
Bing Yang Chinese Performing Arts when you’re living in America and your Cup. Now with its own studio and over nitely Beijing,” Hu said. “It was my first
Center (BYC-PAC) is a team that per- parents are from China or a different 100 students, BYC-PAC is a far cry from international competition and it was the
forms cultural dances from China, country, you don’t really get to experi- its former days of ten people dancing in one where just me and my dance teach-
traveling around the world to compete. ence the stuff they have,” Hu said. “By their teacher’s basement. er went so it was more special,” Hu said.
Sophomore Judi Hu has performed a doing traditional Chinese dancing, I “I got a lot of happy memories from
vast repertoire over the ten years she has can connect me back to my culture and “It’s really amazing because I’ve been there because when I’m older I want
been a part of the team. become more unique.” with the studio from when it’s been to be in the entertainment industry in
small to now when it’s bigger,” Hu said. China. (The competition) was me expe-
“In China there’s two different types of Sophomore Annie Zhang is also a part “We’re going to these international com- riencing a piece of that and it was really
dancing,” Hu said. “There’s the classical of BYC-PAC; being the oldest dancer petitions and my dance teacher is being cool seeing how the big entertainment
type dances and then the more ethnic on the team. BYC-PAC has helped her recognized by the big famous teachers stuff works in China.”
dances. In China there are 56 different break out of her shell and share her in China and they’re complimenting her
ethnic groups so each of those have talents with those around her. on how well she’s teaching dance. In my Through their team, the girls have
their own dances. We’ve done a lot of dif- studio I feel like I’m one of the blocks performed solos that have awarded Hu
ferent types of dances, so personally I’ve “I used to really hate putting myself to the building, the foundation of it, first place at a Hong Kong Youth Talent
done Mongolian dances, peacock dances, out (there),” Zhang said. “I really hated because I’ve been there since it was tiny.” Competition and landed Zhang a spot
the classical dances and also dai zu and showing off or talking about my awards as the cover model for Cathy Roe. While
but gradually, especially coming more As a result of their dedication to dance,
into this industry, you kind of have to
ture 13
am to showcase dancing skills at international competitions
“By doing traditional Chinese dancing, you’re taking hard classes, so adding times they’ll judge us using American
I can connect back to my culture. on a layer of having to travel for dance dance principles and that contradicts our
really tests your ability to handle a lot of dance. (For example) their walk is point
”Zhang is more comfortable performing the same rhythm with them. If you don’t stuff,” Hu said. “I have to mature quick- to heel and our walk is specifically heel
with her team, Hu enjoys the individual- work well together, you’re bound to er; I have to assume my role quicker as to toe. They always comment on that but
ity of solo dancing. mess something up.” a student and as a dancer. For me, if I it’s specific to our cultural dance. There’s
“In some ways, it’s easier to do a solo With all of the trips the girls have don’t do school well, there’s no way that always that discord with that.”
because it’s just you and you get to taken throughout the year, they have I can dance well.”
control the outcome of it,” Hu said. “For had to miss many school days. The lon- The elation that comes with winning
teamwork, everyone’s together and you gest they have been absent from school Each competition presents its own never goes away no matter how many
all have to be feeling the same emo- is a week when they competed at Hong challenges, with the location being an awards BYC-PAC has taken home. With
tion to do it well. Teamwork is harder Kong, which forced Zhang and Hu to important factor as to its outcome. Since each success the girls experience a re-
in some ways too because you have to constantly plan ahead and organize. Chinese dance varies stylistically from newed sense of accomplishment as they
work well with people; you have to have “School is stressful especially when the traditional dances of the US, it is see the yield of the work they put in.
more difficult for BYC-PAC to compete
in the US because of the different pa- “You’ve worked so hard for that mo-
rameters that define each type of dance. ment, and you’ve been practicing in the
studio and you’ve been sweating a lot,”
“Especially here in America, we com- Hu said. “Just practicing and trying to
pete with American dances like modern, get a certain move right, and then you
contemporary, lyrical, jazz, and tap,” finally get it right, and when you win a
Zhang said. “It’s a lot harder to (com- competition; it’s really exciting. Because
pete) especially because the judges have at the moment, everything you’ve done
never seen your dance before. Often- and all the hard work has paid off.”
匀唀䴀䴀䔀刀 䰀伀伀䬀匀
ᰠ䤀 氀漀瘀攀 爀攀洀椀渀椀猀挀椀渀最 愀戀漀甀琀 匀䰀椀攀稀渀 刀椀漀椀瘀爀攀爀猀Ⰰ 䨀匀漀攀爀渀搀椀漀愀爀渀 䐀愀眀猀漀渀Ⰰ
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May 11, 2018 Arts and Entertainment 15
Horror junkies seek thril in chiling new releases
Illustration by Ryan D’Souza Alekya Raghavan | Freshman Anna Chen said selves from what is happening makes it ten times scarier.”
Staff Writer the renewed horror genre tends on-screen. While some horror aficiona-
to center around psychological
Big box office horror movies are horror rather than ghost stories or But relevance is what makes dos limit their appreciation for
coming back from the dead. monster movies. the renewed horror genre so the genre to movie marathons,
popular today. Writer and direc- others, like It fan junior Rachel
Through something of a re- “Newer movies are taking tor Jordan Peele used Get Out Laughlin, take it further. Andy
naissance, the last decade has newer concepts and focusing on to comment on racism and white Muschietti’s It takes first place as
witnessed a transformation in psychological horror,” Chen said. supremacy, which, amongst the the highest grossing horror movie
the way horror movies are being “There’s a movie called Mother shocking twists and impenetrable of all time and is adapted from
produced and received. Of the top that left a lot of questions and tensions, were the aspects of the Stephen King’s 1986 novel of
five grossing horror movies of all was more about the psychological movie that made it so appealing the same name. Laughlin recre-
time, two were released within the [aspect]. And that’s how it differs because of how they resonate ated the Pennywise look through
last year, while the other three are from some of the older movies, with the current political and so- costume.
from 1972, 1999, and 2000. which were more focused on cial climate.
monsters and all that.” “I think people dress up in cos-
Of these, the fifth biggest mov- While not all movies comment tumes because they love seeing
ie, A Quiet Place, was released in According to Psychology Today, on some social issue, more and their favorite characters come to
the U.S. on April 6 and has made there are three factors that make more are embedding elements of life,” Laughlin said. “It’s a very
over $244.8 million worldwide horror movies so appealing to an reality into their story lines. Senior good way to honor the character
(with a $154.6 million domestic audience: tension, relevance and Olivia Geyer said the relatable and show appreciation [for the
total) in just twenty days. The film unrealism. family element of A Quiet Place franchise]. I think, for example,
stars husband-and-wife duo John makes the movie scarier because Stephen King would love to see
Krasinski and Emily Blunt and has The tension factor exploits the of its plausibility. people dressing up as the charac-
been described by The Guardian age-old human experience of ters he created.”
as a “nerve-shredding attack on adrenaline rushes. Thrill-seeking “Growing up, [Krasinski] hated
the senses”. has long since been at the core horror movies; that’s kind of the Junior Leah Markvan said that
of true to their word horror films. same thing for me,” Geyer said. the popularity of horror movies
A Quiet Place is only one in Terror, shock, mystery and gore “And because I can relate to that, can be attributed to one simple
a growing line of horror movies create a much sought-after it makes the director and the fact: they’re entertaining.
dominating at the box office in re- natural high that people jump off movie more appealing. The core
cent years. The New York Times airplanes to experience. ideal of family in a horror movie “People like being scared,”
dubbed 2017 “the biggest year in is so rare. You see the [family’s] Markvan said. “It’s comparable to
horror history” after the consecu- The impractical nature of the dysfunctionality and their hard- watching a comedy because you
tive successes that were Get Out genre is ultimately what keeps it ships as relatable to your own want to laugh; you watch horror
and It, both of which are in talks alive. Audiences, no matter how family. That could be my little movies because you like being
for sequels. real a scene may seem, are able brother, my little sister and that scared.”
to psychologically distance them-
16 May 11, 2018
May 11, 2018 Sports 17
Photo by Jacob Brase
Crossroads to play host to MY ESPYS PICKS
ESPYS award show Sports Writer Rahul Parikh predicts
the 2018 award winners
Jacob Brase | Staff Writer “Once you get into the O’TBORRIEI N LANDEN Photos courtesy of CometsSID
The stage is set. LONG
On May 14, the 2018 ESPYS award facility, it’s going to
Breakthrough Athlete of the Spring Breakthrough Athlete of the Winter
show will be hosted at Crossroads Mason feel like a theater. Female Athlete of The Year Male Athlete of The Year
this year, upgrading from an auditorium
that seats 800 to one that will fit over ”could be used for other events.” SPAUMISMISIE ABEL
2,000. The new space is just the tip of the Murnan said the new facility will give NIJAKOWSKI
iceberg though, as the ESPYS commitee the show a different feel than last year.
will utilize state of the art technology MARK IT ON YOUR CALENDAR
to put on an even bigger show than last “When you’re sitting in the audience
year. With more room for a bigger audi- this year, the experience is going to be The ESPYS will take place on Monday, May 14th at 6:00 PM
ence, the ESPYS has been made an open much different,” Murnan said. “Going
invite event, in contrast to last year’s to a different place that you don’t go to
show that was particularly for varsity every day will add more of a sense of a
athletes. show and an experience. Once you get
into the facility, it’s going to feel like a
To event planner Dylan Mckinney, theater.”
hosting at Crossroads is just another
way to improve the show. Mckinney said In 2016, the first ESPYS show was
the technical capabilities of Crossroads made, as Murnan felt there was no
will allow for an immersive experience. venue where all teams could celebrate
the year’s accomplishments. Murnan
“Every year, we think about how we said the ESPYS is something athletes at
can make the show better, and to us, Mason High School deserve.
Crossroads provided the best opportu-
nity to do that,” Mckinney said. “The “The ultimate goal of the show is to
overall display this year will be a step up be a celebration of mason athletics, and
from what we’ve done in the past.” also to highlight outstanding perfor-
mances and accomplishments that is be-
Craig Murnan, who instructs students yond what’s celebrated at an individual
that participate in the ESPYS’ produc- banquet,” Murnan said. “With video and
tion, said the new facility allows them to technology, we can put the viewers into
open the venue up to more audiences. an experience of winning a state title, or
Murnan said the fact that Crossroads is winning a big game.”
a religious facility should not get in the
way of anyone who wants to go.
“The ESPYS show has no affiliation
to any denominational group,” Murnan
said. “The religious overtone is not re-
ally present at crossroads. I think they
chose to design it as something that
May 11, 2018 Sports 18
Komatineni serves up dominant season
more and St. X to get out of here, and
Junior star rallies it’s about keeping focused,” Komatineni
Comets in search of said. “Knowing that we are the deepest
state championship team in the state and making sure we
secure our double’s points and pushing
Freddie Wilhelm | Staff Writer Vishnu, Shashank and Aneesh to make
sure we get over the hump at 2nd and
Since 2012, Mason Men’s Tennis has 3rd singles, since New Albany from up
not had a state champion, but Junior North have strong singles, and St. Xavier
Niraj Komatineni, currently ranked as has very strong singles as well.”
the second best player in Ohio, - and two
time GMC player of the year - is hoping Although being part of the toughest
to change that. region to play tennis in Ohio may lead
Since his freshman year, Komatineni to some lost matches, Komatineni said
was destined to be a great player in the that he enjoys being part of the region in
Mason Tennis program, as he quickly order to understand the possible weak-
rose to the first singles spot and the best nesses in the team and to go up against
player on the team. some of the best players in the state.
The five-star tennis recruit has a re-
cord of eight wins and just a single loss “Southwest Ohio is great,” Komatineni
this season, which has him ranked as said. “I’m ranked two in the state, there’s
the best player in Southwest Ohio, and Andrew Pregel from Indian Hill who is
the 60th best high school player in the ranked 4, Turpin has the 5th and St. X
nation. Komatineni said that his high has the 6th so out of the top 6 kids in the
rankings and first singles spot adds pres- state 4 are from Southwest Ohio. At the
sure on him to perform and lead his Coaches Classic the top 8 teams from
team to play at a high level every match. Cincinnati all play each other, we always
”There’s always a lot of pressure play- play good competition, we always play
ing on court 9, where first singles plays,” the better teams and when that happens
Komatineni said. “We can win most we lose more matches than in other re-
doubles games against any team, but at gions, but when you lose matches you
the first position there are a lot of strong get the opportunity to learn and know
players and sometimes it comes down to what we need to work on.”
my court. There’s a lot of responsibility, Photo by Tanner Pearson
Last year, although the Comets we
I try to pump up my team by saying ‘Go Junior tennis stand-out Niraj Komatineni is among the top players in the state. ranked among the best in the state of
Comets’ or something to help them out Currently Komatineni earned ‘Player of the Year.’ Ohio, they fell just shy of the final four
any way I can as captain.” with their 4th consecutive elite eight exit
As a player who has an 80 percent win to Sycamore. Komatineni said that with
record in high school, Komatineni has impact, you want your best guys who may be a bit better than them, a larger focus and making the most of
become a dominant factor for Mason guy to be talented but you also want the because they know they can go toe to their court time, he believes that the
Men’s Tennis with a responsibility to win other guys to aspire to be like him be- toe with me sometimes in practice and team can finally reach the Final Four.
his team the first singles point on a con- cause of his work ethic, “ Reid said. “Gen- sometimes they can even beat me, and
sistent basis, as head coach Mike Reid erally you see the best player has the if they can beat me in practice it gives “Last year we really thought we had
said he offers a huge advantage against best work ethic, and he is no exception. them confidence to win against anyone.” a chance to win state, but we fell short
any team the Comets have a match He always works to improve and he’s re- against Sycamore in the elite eight,”
against. ally good already - it inspires others to Reid said a major reason Komatineni Komatineni said. “So this year I’ve been
be like him. He’s a hard working kid and has become so dominant in matches working with Aneesh and Shashank to
“(When Komatineni plays), I think we he’s a good role model for everyone.” is his strong teammates who put up a makes sure our practices are focused.
have a good chance of winning 1st sin- strong fight against him in practice ev- When we’re on the bench at practice I
gles every time, and since there are only Komatineni said that keeping his spot eryday. don’t want phones out, or us chit chat-
5 points out there, you just figure out a at first singles is not always easy due to ting about school. We need to focus on
way to win 2 more points,” Reid said. “It the fierce competition from other singles “I think that everyone wants to com- practice, since we have 3 high school
gives you a big advantage. It can move players, which he believes can propel the pete hard against him,” Reid said. “No teams and 2 middle school teams we
some singles players to doubles to beef team to victory in tough matches. one wants to let him win, we have re- need to maximize our court time on ten-
ally good practice matches and he has nis. We need to step on the court with a
“When he plays well and puts it all to compete in practice everyday. He’s got purpose, for example if we practice we
a good environment and a lot of depth, need to work on serves, we can’t be dou-
a lot of different styles and they all try ble faulting to give them two or three ex-
hard on the court when they are against tra points, we need to make first serves,
him.” make them play the extra ball.”
With Mason Tennis currently be-
together, I don’t think anyone can beat him ing ranked as the top team in the state, With the post season just around the
corner, Reid said that he is excited to see
them up so if you get he doubles points ” “I know that Shashank Reddy wants there is a lot of pressure for the team to how Komatineni can compete with the
which we can do, it’s a win.” my spot so he is fighting everyday in perform. Being in the Southwest Ohio best players in Ohio, and believes that if
practice to beat me and all the other region adds a lot of competition for everything goes to plan, his team could
Part of Komatineni’s role on his team guys know I pull my weight, put in my Komatineni as well, with rivals such as win their first state title, and Komatineni
is his work ethic - which inspires others hours and I know they feel like they owe Turpin, Sycamore and St. Xavier who all could win a state title individually.
on the team, and Reid said that he is a it to the team to work hard,” Komatine- boast talented teams. Komatineni said
role model for the other players on the ni said. “If they know I can win at first they will prove to be tough competition “(Komatineni is) good,” Reid said.
team. singles and if I can beat the best play- for their team and for himself as they “We’ve had two state champions in
ers, they can push themselves to beat hope to make a deep postseason run. Miguel Cepeda and Luke Tsai who went
“Everytime you’ve got a guy who on to play college tennis, and he is cer-
works as hard as him and fights hard for “Obviously we are ranked number one. tainly in those class of players, he could
every point when he plays it makes a big a lot of people think we are going to win certainly win state this year and be one
state, but since we are in Southwest Ohio, of the top players. When he plays well
the hardest region, we have to beat Syca- and puts everything together, I don’t
think anyone can beat him. If every-
thing comes together, if (Komatineni) is
playing well, he’s got a lot of good play-
ers backing him up and we can certainly
compete for a state title.”
May 11, 2018 Sports stats and rankings as of May 7 19
CAMERA Sponseller
You never know when a
Chronicle photographer .429 average, .505 OBP
might be around ! 5 HR, 30 RBI
2:20.00 800 meter dash
Staff Photographer Sydney
Tanner Pearson caught
sophomore Sam Lopiccolo Carter
reaching to make the save
.583 average, .667
OBP, 19 RBI, 16 SB
Bloebaum, Sullivan each win at Cincinnati Sports Awards
After their incredible run to a team state championship, Coach Mark Sullivan and senior Allison Bloebaum have each taken
home their fair share of honors. At the recent Greater Cincinnati sports awards, hosted by the Cincinnati Enquirer, Sullivan-
won coach of the year and Bloebaum was named girls swimmer of the year.
May 11, 2018 Sports 20
Milers take center stage at Mason Invite
Areas’ top runners converge on event named after Mason’s greatest Bizzarri
Photo Contributed by Tony Tribble | Cincy Sports
Mason runner Isaiah Kelly gets high fives as he runs the mile during the Mason Invitational held Friday, May 4. The highlight of the meet featured some of the areas top
1600 meter runners. Lakota East’s Dustin Horter won the men’s event while Turpin High School’s Sam Bush was the top runner in the women’s race.
“ Kaitlin Lewis | Staff Writer speak to people, but people know Affatato and his wife Kelly Af-
Angela Bizzarri would have how far a mile is. So when we fatato started coaching Bizzarri
Let’s name it after did that we thought; let’s make in 2003. The Affatato coaching
the greatest track been proud. it even more special than just tandem built a lasting relation-
and field athlete A 2006 Mason High School calling it ‘the mile.’ Let’s name ship with Bizzarri which led them
to ever come out it after the greatest track and to follow her throughout her col-
graduate, Bizzari is considered field athlete to ever come out of legiate career.
of Mason, and one of the greatest athletes to Mason, and that would be Angela
that would be ever run track for the Mason Bizzarri.” “She was compassionate, but
Angela Bizzarri. Comets. Bizzarri was unable to yet did anything that needed to
be in attendance for the annual The Bizzarri mile was highly happen in order to win” Affatato
” event that pays tribute to her anticipated this year featuring said, “We followed her through-
eight state titles but the 2018 Horter, who won the event last out her whole career and she was
edition of the Bizzarri Mile was season and is considered one of just and amazing individual.”
definitely not a disappointment. the nation’s top high school run-
ners. The title’s Bizzarri won as a
Lakota East’s Dustin Horter high school and collegaite athlete
captured the men’s title with a With the outer edge of the track not only led her to national
state record time of 4:04. blocked off so fans could get a prominence but it helped further
front row view, Bush won the cement Mason’s status as one of
Turpin High School junior Sam girl’s event followed by Horter Ohio’s elite track programs.
Bush won the women’s race with a who outpaced the field while flirt-
time 4:55. Bush capped off a busy ing with a sub four minute mile. Her high school fame helped
night winning the 3200 meters put Mason running on the map,
just a few minutes later. Mason senior Aaron Goetz was said Affatato. Naming the mile
among four Comet athletes to after Bizzarri was the Mason track
During her high school career, participate in the mile event this program’s way to thank her for
Bizzarri won eight state champi- year. all she did for the MHS Track and
onships. Now a member of the Field program.
Mason High School Athletic Hall “It’s not every day you race and
of Fame, Bizzarri went on to win there are hundreds of fans liter- “The quote goes: ‘Winning
three national championships at ally an arms-length away from Breads Winning,’” said Affatato.
the University of Illinois. you,” said Goetz, “It’s stressful. “So the more you win, the more
You have to tune them out by success will come with it. After Bi-
Tom Rapp, former Boys Varsity focusing on the guy in front of zzarri, everyone was talking about
Track coach who retired after the you and putting one foot in front Mason High School and Mason
2017 season, said creating this of the other.” running and Mason distance, and
event was a way to not only honor it just echoed from there. All of
Bizzarri’s time at MHS, but also Bizzarri, now pursuing a post those state places, all of those
create an event that could better graduate medical degree left state championships, the 13 that
relate with the fans. a lasting legacy after her high came after her; it all started with
school track career. her.”
“The mile is kind of special,”
said Rapp, “1600 meters doesn’t Current girls head coach Tony
May 11, 2018 Opinion 21
Staff Editorial
to the editor Citizens rightfully skeptical of North
Korean claims to denuclearize
Two weeks ago, history was made when a in possession.
meeting between North and South Korea, two There are many reasons that Kim Jong Un
countries which have been in armistice since the
1950’s, took place to discuss ending the war that will not hand over his nuclear weapons, despite
has lasted over half a century. signing the treaty. Kim Jong Un is a member of
the Workers Party, which focuses on nationalism,
Representatives from each country met with Marxism-Leninism and military strength from an
the United States’ newest cabinet member, Sec- authoritarian government. All of which support
retary of State Mike Pompeo. The two countries nuclear arsenals and the growth of North Korea
seem closer than ever to coming to an agree- into a large military power.
ment that North and South Korea-- as well as the
United States and United Nations-- could agree In fact, in 2012 North Korea amended its con-
with. stitution to explicitly state that it is a “nuclear
armed state.” Daniel Pinkston, a professor at Troy
This came after Russia failed to react to the University in South Korea, made the analogy that
United States missile strikes on Syria, causing North Korea abandoning their nuclear weap-
panic from the North Korean government. If its ons would be like, “the Pope abandoning Jesus
strongest ally, Russia, would not help it in the Christ.” Clearly, something so engrained into the
scenario that the United States were to become North Korea is not going to change now.
aggressive, then who would? China? Not likely,
considering its economy is contingent on the Belligerents would argue that a communist
United States. country making the majority of its money from
work camps and the sale of opioids should be
The ultimate resolution of these accords seems destroyed, and the U.S. military should take im-
to be the end of the Korean War, causing thou- mediate aggressive actions against North Korea.
sands to die as a result of continuous tension in
the peninsula. Others would say to just appease them; give
them a chance to prove that this time could be
Meetings between the United States and North different, and remove many of the sanctions that
Korea have also sparked discussion of denucle- the United States has against them in order to
arization for North Korea in exchange for a non- convert the country’s economy to much more
aggression agreement. This could change the moral forms of income.
United States’ affairs in Asia for years to come,
and if this does happen, President Donald Trump The best course of action, however, would be
will surely tweet about how he has resolved this to draw a clear line with North Korea, outlining
65-year-old conflict. specific ways that it can slowly remove sanctions.
Whether it be by removing nuclear weapons,
However, this is not the first time North Korea moving towards a western democratic society or
has promised to denuclearize. They have signed receiving military occupation from the United
four agreements in the past: one with South States.
Korea, two with the United States, and one with
the United States, the Russian Federation, Japan, This would be most effective because the Unit-
South Korea and Japan. ed States has the upperhand in all talks with Kim
Jong Un. He has few allies, few resources, and his
The elephant in the room remains; we find economy is based on a house of cards that could
these remarks by North Korea to be unrealistic. fall at any second.
Many doubt Kim Jong Un will fulfill his promise.
If the Koreans were to go to conflict and come
Instead it is believed that he will continue with out on bottom, Kim Jong Un would lose all back-
his nuclear programs in secret, yet simply stop ing. His military and people would quickly turn
testing them or making it obvious that they are against him.
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22 Opinion May 11, 2018
Empty threats ruin Editorial Cartoon
school day for Kanye tweets reminiscent of Trump’s persona
present students The NFL draft is number one overall and for the first time, Mayfield is
a showcase for sitting on top and he is going to have to prove himself
Andrea Hefferan | overcoming once more now that he is the first overall pick.
Staff Writer adversity
On any normal draft, Mayfield would have the most
On Friday, April 20, no one came to school. Bryan Hudnell | Staff Writer inspirational story but that distinction belongs to
Well, almost no one. A couple of brave souls former University of Central Florida (UCF) linebacker
risked their lives by going, myself included. There were 256 picks in the 2018 National Football Shaquem Griffin. Griffin was selected in the 5th round,
Thankfully for me, the threats that were graffitied League (NFL) Draft and each prospect selected had a pick 141 overall to the Seattle Seahawks to join his twin
on a high school bathroom never came to be. The different story to tell. brother Shaquill and the first one-handed player to be
person shouting threats on the school bus never drafted in the NFL.
came through either. Maybe it was because the Whether it was former UCLA quarterback Josh
people who did it got caught and the only danger Rosen growing up in Manhattan Beach, California Griffin was born with a condition known as Amniotic
was a bunch of empty words. with an affluent family or former Georgia running band constriction affecting his left hand, causing his
back Nick Chubb overcoming a gruesome knee injury fingers on that hand not to fully develop. During the
There are two ways to approach a problem in 2015 against Tennessee, all of these draft picks over- pre-draft process, Griffin did not initially receive an in-
like this. One: go about the day as normal with came some sort of adversity and their full stories were vitation to this year’s Scouting Combine in Indianapolis
increased security to ease the minds of overly on display during this year’s NFL Draft. and had to wait until he earned one after impressing
paranoid students. And then there’s the second op- at the Senior Bowl just weeks prior. At the combine,
tion: letting two students completely mess with the It started with the very first pick when the Cleve- Griffin put up one of the most impressive individual
schedule and learning of countless individuals by land Browns selected former Heisman trophy winner combine performances to date. In the 40-yard dash,
cancelling the school day. Now, the second choice Baker Mayfield to be their franchise quarterback. Griffin ran a 4.38 which is the fastest time by a line-
is admittedly more cowardly, but as they say, bet- backer in more than a decade. He also benched 20 reps
ter be safe than sorry. But instead of these perfectly His journey began with him walking on at Texas in the bench press with a prosthetic hand.
understandable options, the school decided to go Tech in 2013, where he started as a true freshman
halfway, putting the decision into the hands of the until he got hurt. Mayfield then chose to transfer to All of Griffin’s efforts were worth it as he will have
parents to avoid responsibility for what happens. Oklahoma where he would walk on again and won the same opportunity as 253 other draftees. He has the
the starting job. In three seasons, Mayfield would lead opportunity to compete for a Seattle Seahawks team
This plan totally backfired. The people who got the Sooners to two College Football Playoff semifinal that lost some key pieces this offseason and can quickly
the most out of this were the students who just appearances and would go on to win the Heisman establish himself in one of most fear defenses in the
wanted a day off, and with a little theatrics to their Trophy in his senior season. league. Griffin will likely start out on special teams, but
parents, managed to make that happen. he has as good of a shot as anyone to make an impact.
Mayfield came along way from Lake Travis High
While the offenders were caught, the people who School, but, even though he proved himself on It’s stories like these that make the draft the best part
paid for their actions are the ones who realized that the field early on, his concerns about his character of the NFL. Each draft class has its own collection of
these threats are just that, threats. Not actions. The seemed to be the hardest to shake. Getting arrested players of from different backgrounds that can either
ones who went to school knowing there is extra in Arkansas, planting the flag at Ohio State, grabbing lift you up or break your heart. These players sacrifice
security and that despite the excused absence, it his crotch at Kansas — Mayfield was one of the most so much in order to achieve their dream of becoming
is still a school day. They are the ones who are polarizing players in college sports. professional athletes and it’s hard not to root for them.
punished, having a day where they cannot learn Not all of us can make it to the level these athletes get
anything because of the number of their peers that None of that stopped the Browns from picking him to, but we can all aspire to have their work ethic and
were not present. motivation to be the best version of ourselves. It is the
most practical skill a person can have.
Social media was definitely a huge factor in this
widespread panic that swept the district. Parents
first found out about the threats on Facebook, and
if not for that, it would have just been another
school day. I agree that parents have the right to
be worried about their children. However, in these
circumstances, deciding to keep their students at
home is a little over-the-top.
The district said they gave us excused absences
to make us feel safe. But I sure did not feel safe
walking in the empty halls, or having a table to
myself, or being in a class with only five other
people. And this fear was not caused by some stu-
dent yelling ‘Parkland 2.0’. It was brought about
by the administration who excused the absences
and the students who decided to act upon it.
If people are frightened about this issue, then
imagine what another situation like this could
do. Students will start getting the wrong idea. If
I write a threat on a wall, will I get an excused
absence day, in other words, a day off?
Even if we skipped out that day just to get a
few more hours of sleep, the message we send to
these people is that they win. It may just be a day
off for you, but for the people who are hoping to
scare us, it is another victory.
May 11, 2018 23
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