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Published by The Chronicle, 2016-12-17 22:14:35



December 2016 Mason in the Middle, a partnership with The Chronicle, the Mason High School student produced newspaper.

M In today’s issue M Tech tutors helping students overcome
computer confusion, see story page 2
Mason in the Middle Every teenager has
to deal with them. M Middle schoolers not immune to
It’s not overprotective election anxiety, see story page 2
parents. It’s Acne.
What story is M No boys allowed, what’s up with that?
your acne See story page 6
telling you?

powered by The Chronicle



Photos contributed by Christina Layton

See the complete story, page 5

2 M December 2016
Our Policy
Students offer assistance in Innovation Lab
Mason in the Middle is an affiliate of The
Chronicle, the official student newspaper of Photo by Chronicle Staff Writer Jacob Fulton
William Mason High School.
Innovation Lab leader Riley Johansen (left) helps eighth grader Nina DiLoreto Tarot (right) with her computer.
Mason in the Middle promises to report the
truth and adhere to the journalistic code of eth- Faham Tak | Staff Writer it may be Schoology in which they struggle with, or
ics through online and print mediums. Innovation isn’t always easy. it may be with other programs. Another Innovative
Activating links, locating work in Google Drive and Learning Coach, Dan Little is one who leads students
Mason in the Middle is produced by high for the entire year.
school students enrolled in Journalism I, II and uploading files to Schoology. These are common tasks
III in collaboration with middle school writers that many students struggle with. School feels impossi- “You will have two different learning experiences
and editors. ble to students who struggle to adapt to new and ever- going on: one is the kids who are supporting others,
changing technology. For them, it is easy to fall behind and (the other is the) kids who are actually being sup-
Editorials reflect the staff ’s opinion but do not in class which can lead to complications in learning. ported,” Little said. “The kids receiving support are ob-
necessarily reflect the opinions of the school ad- viously going to learn a lot of the technology skills and
ministration or the Mason City School District. Mason Middle School is restarting its solution from learn to identify some problems of their own so that
last year. The Innovation Lab is an internship which they don’t need to come back-to-back. The students
Mason in the Middle does not yet have a pub- addresses technology and how it can be used more ef- who are leading that are going to learn a lot of inter-
lishing schedule. Call 398-5025 ext. 33103 for ficiently. Students work on projects in the media cen- personal communication, problem solving skills, how
information regarding advertising in Mason in ter with their main goal being to provide technologi- to work with others and how to support other people,
the Middle. Mason in the Middle reserves the cal help. The Innovation Lab is also an internship at all of those are great things, no matter what they end
right to refuse advertising it deems inappropri- Mason High School. Innovative learning coach Randy up doing in life, those are all great skills.”
ate for a middle school publication. Doughman brought the idea to MMS after observing
other schools that have started their own Innovation While the teachers know what to do, the students
As an open forum for students, letters to the Lab. should know what to do and what will they enjoy, what
editor are welcome, but are subject to be edited they will know about technology in the future. Riley
for length, libel, obscenity, clarity and poor “We saw it up last year; it was just with all the new Johansen has been a student leader of the lab since it
taste. Letters to the editor may be dropped off devices,” Doughman said. “All the students having the started and said students have a bigger role in the lab
in room 444 and must be signed. Chromebooks just allowing the students somewhere to than they think.
go if they had issues, and maybe it will help them to
The Chronicle is a member of The Colum- use the Chromebook. We just needed bodies to help “It is really cool just because I’m able to help people
bia Scholastic Press Association, The National lead through that and see what kind of issues we had, to understand the technology, but then helping other
Scholastic Press Association, Quill and Scroll to see how we could help them.” people helps you understand it more,” Johansen said.
International Honorary Society for High “It’s a great thing, to get you hands dirty, and figure
School Journalists and the Ohio Scholastic Me- There are a number of kids who already know how out stuff along the way. I enjoyed how we weren’t just a
dia Association. to operate the Chromebook, and there are kids who are ‘Help Desk.’ We had to define that it wasn’t, because the
having technology problems. For many new seventh point is, if you had a problem, we wanted to teach you
Contact Information graders, it may be hard to use to use Chromebooks how to fix that problem, so that you can teach others. It
The Chronicle more than they used paper. For many eighth graders, is just kinda like a web, it hits one spot, and then they
William Mason High School can help another and it just keeps going.”
6100 S. Mason Montgomery Rd.
Mason, Ohio 45040
(513) 398-5025
Mason in the Middle Staff
High School Editors
Ria Parikh
Asia Porter
Delaney Turner
Staff Writers
Saher Ahmad
Karley Broyles
Katie Dorton
Erika Eller
Elise Haller
Rebeca Hefferan
Rilee Malloy
Claire Patton
Faham Tak
Nora Touassi
Kennedy Rader
Lucas Ralston
Kaelyn Rodrigues
Peyton Wagner
Blake Wood
Dale Conner
Rachel Young

December 2016 M 3

‘I will Listen’

Comet Conversations will provide students with an

opportunity to be heard when dealing with stressful situations

Erika Eller | Staff Writer “ The ultimate goal is to get “(Mr. Benham), gave what we call an Ignite
Comet Conversations, a program for those who students and individuals Talk--those are what we’re asking students to do
with their passion projects,” McCall said. “He gave
just need to talk, is now at the middle school. the help they need. ” one of those and gave some background infor-
Comet Conversations is a program in which mation about what Comet Conversations are. He
-John Benham went over the various types of conversations that
teachers can place a logo outside of their door, could be had by students, gave us some big pic-
meaning that they are open at all times for stu- teacher at the high school who did some- ture statistics on background of (the) number of
dents who may need someone to listen. Mason thing similar there and it seemed to have a good students that, for example, are experiencing some
Middle School Principal Tonya McCall said the impact at the high school so Mr. Benham knew of these types of topics that we’re bringing up.”
goal of the program is to let students know that about this and wanted to bring a similar program
there are people who will stop to listen to them to the middle school.” Benham said the purpose of Comet Conversa-
whenever they are struggling with a problem. tions was to give students an environment where
According to McCall, Benham first brought the they could express their feelings and know some-
“The goal (of) our program (is to have) someone idea to the faculty using what’s called an ignite one is willing to listen.
(who) kids can go to when they feel like they just talk, similar to what students are doing along with
need to talk about whatever issues are going on,” their passion projects. “One of the purposes of the Comet Conversa-
McCall said. tion is to create an environment where students
can express their feelings and know they can al-
While many stressful situations can plague a ways find someone who will listen,” Benham said.
student’s life, McCall said the program is specifi- “The Comet Conversation Program doesn’t turn
cally meant for serious conversations. teachers into counselors but does provide them
with the tools to become better listeners and bet-
“(It’s) reserved for more serious type issues,” ter prepared for difficult conversations. The ulti-
McCall said. “So not the issues of, I didn’t study for mate goal is to get students and individuals the
my test and so having a bad day, but I’m feeling help they need.”
sad and I can’t figure out how to pull myself out
of that. Or, some bad things are going on at home Besides having someone to talk to, guidance
and I don’t know who I can share that with. Or, counselor Karen Long said the most important
something bad’s really happening with my friend thing is that it is okay to speak up.
and I don’t know how to intervene, so those types
of things.” “The biggest message we want to get out there
to kids is: please ask for help,” Long said. “Some
Eighth grade art teacher John Benham and kids think it’s a weakness to ask for help; it’s ac-
eighth grade history teacher Kyle Hamilton were tually the strongest thing, the most courageous
the first to bring the idea to the middle school. thing. In the long run, it’s going to be better for
you, for any student to ask.”
“It was originally Mr. Benham’s idea, to bring
a program to Mason Middle School,” Hamil-
ton said. “He really got the idea from a former

Students elect to use Personal Learning Days as day off

Kennedy Rader | Staff Writer an extra day off, others will use the While many students have elected Lauren Gentene said she believes
Peyton Wagner | Staff Writer day to learn about something they not to participate in PLDs, seventh that holding kids accountable will
want to learn about. grade student Betsy Areddy said she motivate them to do their project.
Passion Projects are an opportunity has taken on a project of her own and
for students to explore learning with “I think there is a certain group of thinks the projects will help some “I think by holding all students ac-
more choice and voice. kids that will do nothing and make students. countable to having to present their
it an extra day off,” Carraher said. Ignite Talk by the end of the year or
This year, Mason City Schools is “I think there´s also a good group “I´m learning how to play the uku- present to the administrators before
giving kids two extra days off, called of people that will use it the way it lele, so what I’ve done is learned how they’re promoted to the next grade,
Personal Learning days, to get work is supposed to be used, which is to to play a few songs.” Areddy said. “I we’re at least making sure that they
done on their Passion Projects. Pas- enhance their learning about some- do think that most people aren’t go- do a Passion Project,” Gentene said.
sion Projects are aimed at getting thing they want to learn about.” ing to do anything on their Personal “Now I don’t feel like I need to mi-
students out of the classroom and on Learning Days, because they view it cromanage whether the Passion Proj-
their own exploring their own fields Seventh grader Shailee Sankhala as just a day off school. I think maybe ect occurs on that exact day, but what
of interest. said that the PLD is just an extra day if we did a Personal Learning Day but I’m saying is we value it enough we
off. in school, kids would be forced to do have given you these two days off to
Seventh grade language arts teach- it.¨ make sure that is at least when you
er Joseph Carraher said while some “People won’t learn anything,” get it done.”
students might perceive the PLD as Sankhala said. “They’re just gonna Eighth grade assistant principal
stay home and do nothing, like me.”

M4 December 2016

Students concerned by ‘16 presidential election results

Lucas Ralston | Staff Writer
Blake Wood | Staff Writer

The divisiveness of this election and the bit- Seventh grader Kennedy Rader shows support for Donald Trump. Photo by Blake Wood
ter political fallout are reaching kids across this
country. Seventh grader Joseph Thekkethottyil said that for the next four years. We need to come together
although he has not felt any anxiety or insecuri- as a country and support him.”
Regardless of the political ideology of their ties from the 2016 presidential election, others
parents anxiety and insecurity some children around him have. Seventh grade language arts teacher Melissa
are experiencing is noticed by adults around the Schubert said that some of her colleagues have
school. “From the beginning of the election, my par- had some difficult conversations, but none of her
ents have explained a lot of what is happening and students have come to her with concerns about
Eighth grade counselor Lindsey Sweat said that things we hear daily about the candidates,” Thek- the presidential election.
students have come to her prior to and after the kethottyil said. “Some of my friends have been
election, mostly to ask questions and share their made fun of for their political views and who they “I personally have not had any students come to
concerns. chose to support.” me and express worry during or after the election,
but other teachers have,” Schubert said.
“Students have come to me expressing worry Thekkethottyil said that students need to come
and sharing some insecure thoughts about what together figure out a way to less dramtically deal Schubert also said that parents and teachers
comes next and how to begin to deal with it,” with the election results. need to be an example for their children during
Sweat said. this time in America.
“I believe that college and high school students
Sweat also said that some of her students were are being very dramatic about the election,” Thek- “I believe we need to come together as a nation
worried about how this would affect themselves kethottyil said. “They need to find a way to accept and lead by example,” Schubert said. “By showing
and their families and that it might affect their and deal with it because Trump is our president our children not to fight amongst each other and
work ethic in school. that they can support whoever our president is.”

“Students who were nervous about the election
and how it would affect their life at school and at
home could become distracted from their school
work,” Sweat said.

Sweat also said some of the help provided by
high schools and colleges across the country
might be a little much here in the Mason com-

“I think the school counselors here at MMS are
willing and able to help any students filter and
discuss any concerns and fears that they experi-
enced during and after the presidential election,”
Sweat said.

Eighth grader Laalitya Acharya said that she was
disheartened by the elections results because Hill-
ary Clinton lost the election even though she won
the popular vote.

“I was a bit disappointed by the elections results,”
Acharya said, “as Clinton had the popular vote by
about 2 million but Donald Trump won due to the
electoral college.”

Archarya said that Clinton is more suitable to
run the country.

“Clinton was supportive of feminism and had
a lot of political experience, which is needed in a
president,” Acharya said. “Trump doesn’t have this
experience and is relying on gut feeling. This is ad-
mirable but not what qualities a president should
have - they are qualities a businessman has.”

Media & Students who join Mason Students who join Students who join
Journalism Comets Sports Radio get MBC have the op- The Chronicle get the
Mason the opportunity broadcast portunity to earn video opportunity to learn
High live sporting events like editing, produce news newswriting, manage
School Mason Comets football, stories and create a professional news
basketball, wrestling, video productions. website and produce
baseball, and softball. a monthly newspaper
Sports Radio staff mem- that will be distributed
bers also use the sports throughout the school.
radio twitter account pro-
duce sports twitter casts.

December 2016 M5

“Hamilton” musical serves Graphic by Rilee Malloy
as aid in curriculum
Acnethe revealsCharter Schools what’sProgram State really going on inside
Katie Dorton | Staff Writer Educational Agencies grants
Students everywhere put their earbuds in and listen to Karley Broyles | Staff Writer wear a football helmet, or in get people through those.

the Pulitzer Prize winning musical Hamilton. Rilee Malloy | Staff Writer softball they have to wear a If someone is going to take
Eighth grade social studies teacher Kyle Hamilton in-
People may hate the little catcher’s mask, during that medication for it, make sure
corporates Hamilton songs into his lessons. Hamilton red bumps that pop up when season, they tend to break that you do your research
said the musical helps students learn about the Ameri- they least expect them. But, out more, and I think that on it, and make sure that it’s
can Revolution and more about one of our founding fa- they never know what their has to do with oil, and sweat, a safe medication, because
thers, Alexander Hamilton. acne could be telling them and dirt.” some of them can have side
about their body. effects.”
“The musical is a story of Hamilton’s life and it re- Eighth grade student
ally starts when he came to the American Colonies,” Face mapping or skin Claire Northcut said her Brittingham said that
Hamilton said. “It is really cool because it documents on analysis is based on the Chi- main cause for breakouts is kids should not worry about
our country, but it is also about his life and his personal nese belief that the outside stress and anxiety. a pimple every once and
downfalls and struggles.” of your body could be tell- awhile, but if it is some-
ing you something about “When I am super thing that is bothering you
Hamilton also said that Alexander Hamilton was cru- what is really happening on stressed, or if I have a lot of and something you are
cial to the development of country after the Revolution- the inside. anxiety built up from school concerned about that you
ary War and the other things accomplished by Alexan- or musical theater I break should see a dermatologist.
der. Dermalogica skin thera- out more,” Northcut said.
pists use face mapping to “There is a lot of stress with “I would get the occa-
“He was instrumental in getting our economy back on divide the face into 14 areas. memorization, whether it’s sional pimples from here
track as a country after the American Revolution and Each area is related to a dif- for songs or lines.” to there,” Brittingham said.
the Articles of Confederation failing,” Hamilton said. ferent part of your body. “And when you do have
“He was really the guy that got our economy back to- For severe acne, medica- them, you do feel more self
gether. He also helped create the first national bank of For example, the fore- tion can be a helpful solu- conscious. And I would say
the United States, which helped secure our economy as head can indicate bladder tion. Acne medications re- if somebody is struggling
well. He did many other things too, before he eventually or digestion related prob- duce oil production, speed with acne, to not let it stop
died.” lems and the nose and chin up growth of skin cells, you from being happy, and
can indicate problems with fight bacterial infection, being social.”
Hamilton said students can rely on the musical as a stress, high blood pressure, and prevent scarring by re-
learning tool and recommends that students listen to it. and poor diet ducing inflammation. Brit- Northcut also said that
tingham said that if acne she feels kids should not be
“It is an alternate method of understanding histori- Eighth grade health was concerning to a student, insecure about their acne.
cal content,” said Hamilton. “Other than just looking at teacher Stephanie Britting- that medication may be a
websites or textbooks. It is something that brings history ham said that the occasion- solution. “Acne isn’t something
to life. I hope that it becomes very popular. I know of stu- al pimple correlates to hor- you should be insecure
dents that like Hamilton, but many of them still haven’t mones, lack of hygiene, and “If it’s a problem that about because everyone
been introduced to it or haven’t given it a chance.” sports. soap and water, or a good gets it.” Northcut said. “And
face wash can’t change, if you’re insecure about
Eighth Grader Summer Cervantes is a fan of Hamilton “I notice a lot of stu- then see a dermatologist,” it, don’t be, because every-
and said the musical helps with her learning dents who like to play Brittingham said. “Because body’s on the same page.
sports where they’re sweat- they’re skin experts, and Everyone is dealing with it.
“I listen to (Hamilton) pretty often,”Cervantes said. ing more, especially if it’s they have seen the worst It’s not your fault your body
“(The musical) has taught me more about the wars and a sport in which they wear cases possible, and they can is changing.”
people’s opinions back then.” a helmet. If they have to

Cervantes recommended that other students join in
and listen to Hamilton as well.

“Students should listen to Hamilton,” Cervantes said.
“Because it teaches you history in a way of music, instead
of listening to teachers you don’t like that much.”

Eighth grader Finn Closson is a huge fan of Hamilton
and talked about the musical from a student perspective.
Closson described the musical and how it has helped
him learn more about U.S. history and grow a love for
the American Revolution along with other history topics.

“The musical is basically about the life of possibly one
of the most important founding fathers,” said Closson.
“His amazing story of all of his struggles has helped me
understand the American Revolution in a new way, be-
cause you can learn things that aren’t really taught in
class, it really goes into detail and not only (teaches) you
about Alexander, but you hear about everyone who built

Closson discussed how people get hooked on Hamil-
ton as its popularity spreads.

“I listen to (Hamilton) everyday because I love the mu-
sic and the story. I know quite a few fans of the musical,”
Closson said. “And I’ve introduced some people to it as
well and (then) they come to me to tell me they listened
to it and they immediately get hooked to it.”

M6 December 2016

Photo by Kaelyn Rodrigues Grade or no
grade, teachers
Eighth grade girls stretch in Empower class. see homework as
valuable tool
No Boys Allowed:
s Rebeca Hefferan | Staff Writer
Claire Patton | Staff Writer
New class helps girls learn to deal with stress
Ungraded homework: To do or not
Saher Ahmad | Staff Writer other,” Lamm said. “We talk a lot by increasing their confidence, and to do?
Kaelyn Rodrigues | Staff Writer about what it’s like to be a girl in having some tools that they might
today's society and how we all need need in order to be successful in Some students often skip ungrad-
Breathe in, breathe out. to build each other up.” the classroom,” Brittingham said. ed homework although other stu-
Eighth grade girls are getting “They might learn to manage their dents and teachers find it necessary.
Brittingham said that she created time better (and) manage stress Seventh grade math teacher An-
their daily dose of stress relief in Empower because girls seem to be better.” drea Coppock said she assigns math
Empower, one of the newest class- less involved in physical education skills sheets to help with previously
es added to the list of academic at school than boys. Eighth grader Yamha Sami said learned material.
elective options at Mason Middle I know that the numbers in physi- activites in the Empower class has
School. Empower is a class taught cal education for eighth grade for helped her to relieve her stress. “The common core sheets show
by Stephanie Brittingham offered females are really low,” Britting- proficiency (70%) of each standard
to eighth grade girls, and it is ham said. “I started to think about “I didn’t think anything would for each student, so in that regard,
meant to involve them in physical how it would be really neat to just happen to help me in the begin- they are beneficial,” Coppock said.
activities as well as self reflection expose eighth grade girls to all ning,” Sami said. “But doing yoga (But that depends) upon how much
through yoga, daily journaling, different types of exercises, (and) and letting my feelings out (in) a effort the student puts into it. If the
and group discussions. on top of that just discuss differ- personal journal was actually very student asks questions on the ones
ent topics that were important as a stress-relieving.” that they don’t understand, versus if
Instructor Stephanie Brittingham group of females.” they just do it quickly, they will be
said that her personal struggles Overall, Sami said she would take rewarding.”
and stresses can relate back to her Eighth grader Anna McNulty the class again if she could.
students. says she took Empower to escape Klasmeier said that whether home-
the intimidation that occurred in “It is really fun, and it doesn’t work should count as a grade in the
“In my personal life, having to regular gym class. seem much like a class,” Sami said. gradebook depends on the content
work and raise two little kids, I “More like a comfortable environ- of the work.
started to think, ‘I don't have any “In past years, most of the bul- ment with all (of) my friends.”
‘me’ time, I don't have any time to lying (has occurred) during gym “I think that it depends on who the
just reflect,’” Brittingham said. “It class, and Empower offers a struc- McNulty said she would also take teacher is and what they are teach-
kind of got me thinking about stu- tured workout routine, as well as Empower again and she recom- ing,” Klasmeier said. “It should be
dents, and how they don't have any different forms of exercise,” Mc- mends the class to others. graded if you have already learned
me time. They go in and take sev- Nulty said. “It is nice to do it with it, but it should not be graded if you
en classes a day, and it's all school, other people who support you, and “I think I would take Empower are trying to learn something that
school, school.” enjoy it.” again, because next time around, I you do not already know.”
Brittingham said Empower will will know where my voice is, and I
Eighth grader Jordan Lamm says help students to deal with their will be less afraid to use it,” McNul- Eighth grade language arts teach-
she enjoys having time to connect stress. ty said. “It would help those who er Katie Lin said that homework usu-
with other girls. still need to find their voice to do ally should not be graded for accu-
“I think the most important way so, and I deeply encourage them racy.
“What I like most about empow- that it well help them prepare is to take this class, and use it to em-
er is that we can all relate to each brace that voice, because there isn’t “Typically (homework) shouldn’t
another one like it.” be graded, but sometimes there is
homework that is tied to an assign-
ment, like a rough draft that goes
into a final draft.” Lin said. “Maybe
some sort of completion points, or
feedback along the way, but for most
practice homework, it shouldn’t be
for a grade.”

The purpose of homework should
be to help students master skills, Lin

“I would say that homework has
definitely changed from the ear-
lier part of my career,” Lin said. “ I
think that if we really focus on what
the philosophy of homework is, to
practice, front-load information, or
to preview a new skill, I think that
sometimes less is more, as long as it
is good homework.”

December 2016 M 7

YouTube “24 Hour Challenge” wreaks havoc among local retailers

Elise Haller | Staff Writer guests or teenagers or whoever it is shops, hide
Nora Touassi | Staff Writer behind large items--toilet paper, paper towels, and
Playing video games, watching Netflix, sleep- Eighth grader Sankaran Iyer said that there
ing. This is how most students spend their days should be some consequences for hiding in a
off school. But some are spending their days in store overnight.
stores--not shopping, not looking for candy, but “I don’t think people should be in the store after
hiding in order to stay overnight. closing time because they have some work to do
that continues the next day,” Iyer said. “It is not
The 24 hour YouTube challenge is when people legal to do it for just a YouTube channel. If they
will go into stores while they are open. They will say it closes at this time, you are not allowed to
hide before the store closes, in shelves, behind enter anymore. It’s their property. You can’t just
boxes, in storage rooms, or any other good hiding forcefully enter and stay there. It’s wrong.”
places. The store will then close, the people will Seventh grader Jacob Sicking said the challenge
wait for all the employees to leave, then they will is a cool idea, but there should be consequences if
come out and clown around. someone gets caught.
“I think it’s cool, but it’s bad if you get caught,”
The 24 hour overnight YouTube challenge is Sicking said. “(People who attempt the challenge
going viral. From London, to Canada, to Australia, should be given) a warning the first time and the
and even Mason, Ohio--people have been trying to second time be banned from the store.”
take this on. Seth Horvath, store manager of the Eighth grade physical science teacher Laura
Waterstone Boulevard Target, confirmed that the Tonkin said the challenge is risky, and if offenders
challenge has been attempted in the tri-state area, get caught, they shthoeulCdhbaertcehraSrcgheodowlsiPthrobgrreaamkiSntagte
although he refrained from indicating at which and entering. Educational Agencies grants
location. “It seems risky. I understand the excitement,
Photo by Nora Touassi
“It has happened in the Mason area,” Horvath but the consequences could be breaking and Eighth grader Leah Stone hides in the shelves at Target.
said. “ It’s company policy that I can’t tell you entering,” Tonkin said. “If over 18, (they) should knowing how much trouble you could get into.”
which store it has happened in, but we have seen have the same punishment as someone breaking Horvath said that his main concern is keeping
it.” or entering.”
Seventh grader Leah Stone said the conse- their customers safe.
Horvath said the Target corporate office sent “It is not safe, let alone it is not a wise thing to
out information to all Target stores explaining quences should should be jail time or a fine. do… It’s not a huge problem, but it is something
to them to take extra precaution and safety mea- “A fine or jail time, probably 250 dollars or 500 we don’t want to see become a big problem ei-
sures. Horvath said that while guests are shop- dollars because that is the normal amount and ther,” Horvath said. “We have a good time at Tar-
ping at the front of the store, others are hiding in one or two days of jail time, depending on how get. We want our guests to enjoy themselves. We
the back. bad it would be,” Stone said. “I think you could don’t want our guests to be inconvenienced or our
get caught, and it would be very bad if you did. team members to be inconvenienced by someone
“This is something that came about this past It’s kinda stupid for people to be doing that just fooling around like that.”
summer, late summer, early fall,” Horvath said.
“It is something that affects retailers in a pretty
big way. We operate, have guests come shop off
our shelves, and ring them up front, but when the

Mason High School freshman scientist wins national honor

Calista Busch | Staff Writer energy that is constantly available really allows (someone) to see how Photo by Calista Busch
from The Chronicle in our environment, like vibrational a real scientist works,” Mendu said. Freshman Maanasa Mendu displays
energy in the form of wind and pre- her award-winning invention
For Mason High School freshman cipitation through the piezoelectric Mendu said though her device
Maanasa Mendu, the dedication to effect and solar energy through the isn’t alone on the market of renew- and her future in science.
her award-winning design was not photovoltaic effect,” Mendu said. able energy, its small size, low price, “I get to speak on more women
energy wasted. and reliability makes it applicable to
Mendu said applicants entered urban settings where space is a main in STEM initiatives and meet lead-
On October 18, Mendu won first the competition with a two-minute issue. ers and experts in that field,” Mendu
place in the Discovery Education 3M video detailing their prototype and said. I’ve contacted the Light Up The
Young Scientist Challenge for her how they could expand it. The con- “(Current) solar panels and wind World Foundation and several other
creation of an energy-harvesting de- testants were then chosen to part- turbines can’t be applied to urban (companies) to make this a reality.”
vice called Harvesting Ambient So- ner with a scientist to develop their areas due to space requirements,”
lar and Vibrational Energy in a Sus- idea into a working design over the Mendu said. “My device can be ap-
tainable Tree Design (HARVEST). course of three months. Mendu plied to way more applications in
The challenge is sponsored by Dis- worked with 3M engineer Margaux urban areas. I attached leaf append-
covery Challenge and 3M for young Mitera to develop her design to in- ages onto a recycled water bottle
scientists across the country. corporate solar energy harvesting and metallic mesh to create a small
materials into her device. and portable design. My device re-
Mendu said her device converts lies on several environmental fac-
energy harvested from rain, wind vi- “I think having a mentor is pretty tors (which) allows it to be more
brations, and solar panels, into elec- crucial because they really allow us consistent.”
tricity in a newer design. to take our initial steps and make it
a whole new level. Having a mentor Mendu said this competition will
“I developed a device that harvests open up many opportunities for her

M8 December 2016

Lowe’s partners with students on fencing project

Rilee Malloy | Staff Writer the Charter Schools Program State Photo contributed by Christina Layton
A fence is not the only thing they are building. Mr. Benham’s 8th EgdraudceaatritocnlaaslsApgoseensciniefrsogntraofntthse newly built fence.
The students with special needs are partnering
and disabilities, and they that is a
with Lowe’s and eighth grade art teacher John don’t really have opportunities to get involved in part of her life at home, brought into her school
Benham’s classes to make the courtyard a more the community, or in a community project,” Lay- life.
beautiful place for students to learn and grow. ton said. “So we wanted to make sure they were
all included with people their same age. And for “I’m so happy I’m here, and I really love to
Lowe’s also came in to help with this project. me that’s what I wanted to be able to provide for garden,” Curry said. “That is my favorite thing
Special Ed teacher Mark Lynch, and Benham them.” at home too. Me and my mom garden, and my
wrote a proposal to the school, and it was ap- dad makes dinner out of the things me and my
proved. Lowe’s helped build and finance the en- Eighth grader Olivia Curry, a student with spe- mom grow.”
tire project. cial needs said she is excited about this project,
and is happy that she is able to have something Benham also said he has seen some students
“We partnered with Lowe’s here in Mason and become more responsible through this project
they sponsored the whole entire project,” Benham and they are excited to move forward with it.
said. “The (students) were able to create two dif-
ferent flower beds, 4x8 and they even did a paver “Well we haven’t done a whole (lot) other than
patio around the two flower beds for wheelchair building, but I can see some sense of responsi-
access, and they supplied us with some paint to bility already,” Benham said. “Several students
cover up the fence.” have already come in and they go outside to
check on it see what it looks like and are already
Benham is one of the leaders of this project. He asking and excited like, ‘hey when are we gon-
said that he was excited to make Mason Middle na get started doing more?’ I can definitely see
School a better environment for students to be some responsibility as well as ownership that
engaged with the school. they’re ready to move forward with the painting.”

“It’ll be a great way to do some learning in a Teachers, especially special ed teacher Todd
different environment,” Benham said. “It’ll be Castner, were excited for everyone to see their
cool for the students to do some mural painting students shine.
out there as well, as it will help some other stu-
dents in a different environment learn about sci- “I think (my students) really enjoy doing what
ence and math and gardening.” they do,” Castner said. “And I think that some of
the staff that popped in throughout the day saw a
Special Ed teacher Christina Layton said that different side of them that they don’t usually see,
she was happy that she could help her students and saw them in a different light.”
get involved in the community.
Benham said he is excited to see how the proj-
“For me particularly, the student population ect will turn out, and is excited for this to be
I work with has students with different abilities more than just a fence.

“I think it’s gonna help everybody understand
that we all don’t have the same abilities and may-
be working together side by side we can still cre-
ate something together,” Benham said.

Students help complete the garden in front of the fence. Photo contributed by Christina Layton

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