h r o n i c l eThe
May 13, 2016 thecspn.com Volume 13, Issue 9
Do you know Veteran How Bagby
what the class finally broke the
of 2016 is doing receives his school record,
next year? We diploma, see page 23
do, see page 12 see page 2
“Every day is a blessing, and she Photo contributed by Liz Dufour of The Cincinnati Enquirer
embodied this to the fullest.”
After defeating cancer when she was a student at Mason High School, 2013 graduate Elizabeth Lothrop loses her battle against brain cancer while
serving as an inspiration to all her knew her. See story page 11.
C2 May 13, 2016
Veteran receives diploma 47 years after graduating class
Jessica Sommerville | Online Editor during the Vietnam War, there were Photo by Jessica Sommerville
[email protected] a lot of casualties. We knew that a lot
of them would be in harm’s way, so From left to right: Kevin Wise, Connie Yingling, Dave Hyatt, Steve Mullins, Dr. Gail
After 47 years, veteran Steve Mull- it was a very difficult time for every- Kist-Kline, Courtney Allen, Matthew Steele, Randy Andrews. The school board pre-
ins is a Mason High School graduate. one.” sented Mullins with his diploma at the April 26 school board meeting.
Superintendent Dr. Gail Kist-Kline After Mullins enlisted in the U.S. According to Mullins, those close would also be happy to share his
presented Mullins with his diploma Army, he served at various bases to him inspired him to reach out to transcripts with her. Kist-Kline said
at the April 26 school board meeting. around the country. Fox and the MHS administration. Mullins’ story resonated.
Initially a member of the Class of
1969, Mullins was a senior during the “I was going to be a war officer “My lady friend back in Colorado, “His story touched my heart,” Kist-
Vietnam War. He was taking one and fight pilot, and really had all intents she knew that it bothered me to not Kline said. “Here is a Mason person
a half credits, but because students on completing that until I was up in have it,” Mullins said. “She was re- who joined the army in March of
were required to take two credits in my first helicopter and found out I ally pushing me, not physically, but his senior year, and it was clear that
order to be considered full-time, his was afraid of heights,” Mullins said. it was almost, ‘Okay, I’ll do it.’ And it after all this time, receiving his di-
name was submitted to the draft. “The company commander wasn’t just made her day when I did it.” ploma was still important to him.”
too happy about that, but he sent me
Rather than leave his fate to to Fort Sam, Houston for a medical Mullins sent Kist-Kline and Princi- Kist-Kline researched Ohio law
chance, Mullins enlisted in the U.S. core down there.” pal Dave Hyatt a letter detailing his and found that veterans of certain
Army. He was only two months shy situation, part of which Hyatt read conflicts, such as World War II, Ko-
of graduating. While Mullins re- From Fort Sam, Mullins traveled aloud at the school board meeting. rea or Vietnam, could be eligible to
ceived his General Equivalency Di- to Fitzsimons Army Hospital in Den- receive diplomas if they had been
ploma (GED) before he left for the ver and Fort Lewis in Washington “Although I received my GED pri- honorably discharged.
military, Mullins never received his State before ending his two-year ca- or to entering the military and had a
MHS diploma. reer in Fort Rucker, Alabama. successful career as a locomotive en- Per this criteria, Mullins was eli-
gineer for 42 years, I have always re- gible to receive his diploma. Now
Mason City Council Member and Fox kept in contact with Mullins gretted and actually been ashamed a resident of Denver, Colo., Mullins
MHS Media Center aide Jim Fox via email, and it was Fox that helped of never getting my high school drove 19 hours to attend the meet-
went to school with Mullins and said Mullins reach out to administration diploma,” Mullins said. “I’ll be 66 ing. He said it was “exceptional.”
“everybody liked him.” It was diffi- about receiving his diploma. in October and now I think about
cult to watch classmates enlist or be that diploma, or rather the lack of “It’s something else off the bucket
drafted, even if it was in the name of “I am sort of the keeper of our it, all the time. Maybe 42 years on list, but I’ve had that bucket list for
the country. class email list, and I actually sent the same job would be lifetime ex- a long time,” Mullins said. “This was
out an email with the lip dub at- perience enough, but whatever is re- at the top of the list.”
“It was definitely with mixed emo- tached to it,” Fox said. “He emailed quired, I’ll be willing and hopefully
tions that we saw our classmates (en- back, ‘Thanks for the lip dub. By still able to finally attain my goal.” Watch
list), and he wasn’t the only who left the way, do you know who I could Mullins
early,” Fox said. “We knew that they contact about possibly pursuing my Kist-Kline called Mullins, so he
wanted to serve their country, but high school diploma?’ And that’s could share his story. She told the receive his
how it all started.” meeting-goers that Mullins con-
firmed he had not only been dis- diploma:
Photo contributed by Steve Mullins charged honorably, but that he
Mullins wears his army uniform after leaving high school to enlist.
May 13, 2016 C3
Students will get days Teachers will get pay raise, more time for
off as a result of new professional development in new contract
teacher contract
Abbey Marshall | Managing Editor
Lauren Lysko | Staff Writer [email protected]
[email protected]
Blake Nissen | Staff Writer Photo by Blake Nissen There appears to be harmony
[email protected] between the Mason Education
Association and the Mason City Photo by Madison Krell
Students in Ma- School board as the two recent-
son City School ly came to an agreement that Teacher Paul Reedy casts his ballot on the teacher contract.
District will get was overwhelmingly ratified by
two additional teachers. year will begin on Monday member of our association.”
days off next year rather than Tuesday, as it was Ultimately, however, the
as a result of the As the previous teacher con- previously scheduled. agreement does not just affect
newest teacher tract crept towards its expira- In addition to more time staff and students, Mueller said.
contract approved tion date in June, the MEA and for professional development, “The conversations that oc-
by the Mason Edu- School Board initiated nego- teachers will receive a 2.5 per- cur in a negotiation is ulti-
cation Association. tiations and collective bargain- cent raise. mately reflective of our de-
ing agreements. The contract “We appreciate what that says mocracy,” Mueller said. “This is
On April 26, MEA President Maria Mueller was officially approved by the to us: the Board and the ad- the ultimate in people working
MEA and Mason Board on April 26. ministration value our work,” together to shape a commu-
City Schools Board of Education agreed on a Mueller said. “The contract nity. The negotiated contract
three-year contract. One of the changes in this Ninety-two percent of the shapes (the teachers’) work and doesn’t just impact the teachers
contract is the addition of two Personal Learn- staff voted to approve the con- their lives because whatever and the Board and the dollars,
ing Days for students. These are days outside of tract on April 19, which results ultimately gets approved has it impacts everyone in the com-
school where students focus on what they have in a raise each of the next three such a personal impact on each munity.”
been taught in classroom and how it is applica- years, alterations to health care,
ble to the real world. The dates will be Novem- and changes to the calendar.
ber 21, 2016 and February 17, 2017.
The most visible differences
Innovative Learning Officer Jonathan Cooper between this year and next is
is excited for students to customize their own the insertion of more profes-
learning. sional development for a total
of six teacher work days, ac-
“Personal Learning Days are a recognition cording to MEA President Ma-
that learning happens outside the school day,” ria Mueller.
Cooper said. “This is a student, family, commu-
nity learning opportunity, and there will be time “Students will notice some
to collect and celebrate the learning.” changes in the school calen-
dar,” Mueller said. “There has
There are other educational experiences stu- been some additional profes-
dents can gain from being outside of school, sional work days woven into
Cooper said. the year. The intention is to al-
low teachers to be able to pause
“Students will not report to school on Personal and hone their craft and to
Learning Days, but they aren’t a day off,” Cooper pause and reflect. The year will
said. “On Personal Learning Days, students will be broken up more.”
experience integration of learning and their life
by embarking on projects outside of school that In addition to more days
may include service learning, global learning off to rest for students, two of
and online learning.” the days will be used to create
learning opportunities outside
According to MEA President Maria Mueller, the classroom. The MEA and
teacher involvement will play a pivotal role in Board titled these “Personal
the planning and monitoring of these days. The Learning Days”, which are
final choice, however, will lie with the students, scheduled for November 21,
Mueller said. 2016 and February 17, 2017.
“It’s going to be very class specific,” Mueller “Two of those days--which is
said. “Some teachers may approach it with more something that will be new--
structure and others will be more flexible about are going to be called Personal
it.” Learning Days for students,”
Mueller said. “They will be days
Mueller believes that the Personal Learn- when students will be assigned
ing Days have a chance to improve Mason City to be working on things out-
Schools. side of class. Personal Learn-
ing Days are intended to, as the
“I think that in a modern society that they name suggests, make learning
(Personal Learning Days) certainly have poten- personal but also bigger than
tial,” Mueller said. “You have a sense of what you the classroom.”
are interested in or what you might be curious
about. Hopefully this is an opportunity to figure Because of the insertion of
that out and make what is outside of the school these days, the 2016-2017 school
walls more connected to the inside.”
4 C May 13, 2016
The Chronicle’s Policy Staff Editorial
to the editor
The Chronicle is the official student newspaper Only students can schedule
of William Mason High School. true personal learning days
The Chronicle promises to report the truth and Education is, at the moment, paradoxical.
adhere to the journalistic code of ethics through There is an ever-burgeoning drive to put stu-
online and print mediums. dents in concrete workplaces – as observers, as
one-day workshop attendees, as interns – yet
The Chronicle is produced by students enrolled such learning, often the richest kind, often
in Journalism I, II and III. goes unmonitored, except to grant superfluous
credit; it is a shadow of the omnipresent state
Editorials reflect the staff ’s opinion but do not standards and tests.
necessarily reflect the opinions of the school ad-
ministration or the Mason City School District. That is exactly how it should be. Not the state
testing, of course, that is a different beast, but
The Chronicle is published monthly. Call the untethered independence of real-world
398-5025 ext. 33103 for information regarding learning.
advertising in The Chronicle. The Chronicle re-
serves the right to refuse advertising it deems Personal learning, we can call it, for the crux
inappropriate for a high school publication. of this experience is exactly that – it’s “person-
As an open forum for students, letters to the
editor are welcome, but are subject to be edited With the introduction of personal learning
for length, libel, obscenity, clarity and poor taste. days in the 2016-2017 school year, or days in
Letters to the editor may be dropped off in room which teachers are to coordinate and moni-
C103 and must be signed. tor student experiences in lieu of a tradition-
al eight-hour classroom day, our guinea pig
The Chronicle is a member of The Colum- brains scatter.
bia Scholastic Press Association, The National
Scholastic Press Association, Quill and Scroll Will this be a group field trip? An individual
International Honorary Society for High School blizzard bag? An unnecessary burden for our
Journalists and the Ohio Scholastic Media As- teachers?
Contact Information It is too soon to say. It is possible, and hoped
The Chronicle for, that these personal learning days will fos-
William Mason High School ter relationships with the professionals we seek
6100 S. Mason Montgomery Rd. to become.
Mason, Ohio 45040
(513) 398-5025 With regulation, we hope the personal learn-
The Chronicle Staff ing days will not take away the joy of the ex-
Editor-in-Chief perience. Because while “personal” may extend
Gina Deaton to a small group of students, it is just as likely,
Managing Editor if not more so, that it will extend to only one
Abbey Marshall student.
Sports Editor
Kylie McCalmont A student who pursued this ambition – medi-
Online Editor cal, musical, mathematical – via an online sem-
Jessica Sommerville inar last February, in which there was no learn-
Online Sports Editor ing day, who designed an independent study to
Eric Miller devote 50 minutes plus a day to this endeavor,
Visual Editor who combatted finals week with an eye on the
Madison Krell true prize – that summer internship he or she
Graphic Designer has been anticipating all year.
Kate Madigan
Business Manager This is not every student – students may pur-
Ashton Nichols sue one or none of these opportunities – but
Staff Writers not every student will take advantage of the
Alyssa Brooks personal learning day.
Serina Cline
Arnav Damodhar Yet Mason has an intellectually diverse, am-
Juliana Discher bitious, talented student body. We have faith
India Kirssin these students will pursue personal learning of
Madison Krell their own volition, to whichever extent they are
Lauren Lysko capable. Even when they are denied that West
Charlie MacKenzie Chester Hospital internship, we have faith they
Duncan MacKenzie will not check a box and claim their Personal
Isabel Marotta Learning Day requirements complete but will
Matt Marvar continue to pursue opportunity.
Jonathan McCollough
Erin McElhenny We have faith these students will excel in the
Eric Michael name of the district; all we ask is the district,
Blake Nissen too, will have faith in us.
Meghan Pottle
Asia Porter
Alekya Raghavan
Ellie Uecker
Dale Conner
May 13, 2016 C 5
Caught in the rapids: This is why I’m writing this article: to change the
My battle with Editorial Cartoon stigmas associated with mental disorders.
depression and
anxiety aloud, but make perfect sense, like a discovery It took me a long time to write this. Shaky fin-
of myself that I have struggled so long to try to gers drafted this over and over, unsure of what to
On my most re- comprehend. The past two years of my life has say or how to say it. What will people think? Will
cent trip to the been riddled with unexplained and volatile panic they think I’m weird or unstable? What am I even
Smoky Mountains, attacks and a generalized feeling of anxiety at trying to accomplish? It wasn’t until I stumbled
I was enjoying a all times, no matter what I’m doing. I knew that upon the series Going Off by New York Times
hot day of leisure something wasn’t right when I would sit in my writer Diana Spechler that I realized that this was
splashing around in bedroom late at night shaking and crying uncon- bigger than me. I can use my writing to not only
a refreshingly cold trollably over things that I shouldn’t be so wor- release myself, but bring forth an important, yet
river when I decid- ried about. I knew that there was something ex- touchy subject that is slowly coming to the fore-
ed it was time for tremely wrong when I couldn’t drag myself out of front of current social issues.
an adventure. Now, bed, feeling so hopeless and empty on the inside.
I’m not a big thrill- I knew I had problems when I’d restlessly lie be- The problem becomes that when you hide it, the
seeker or much of a neath the sheets at night for hours on end, anx- situation worsens. I know this all too well. When I
risk-taker in general, ious thoughts provoking me with every attempt I began to have panic attacks early last year, I kept
ABBEY MARSHALL but after watching made to get some rest. them hidden from my parents for quite some
time. Of course, having the burden of a secret that
Managing Editor a group of reckless My therapist believes this began when my large only increased my anxious feelings and ul-
teenagers repeat- mother passed away; I suffered from post trau- timately ostracized me even further, creating the
edly tumble over a waterfall injury-free, I was matic stress as a three-year-old. That extreme illusion that I truly was on my own.
ready to do something a little crazy. I wasn’t by event carried over into habitual anxious behav-
any means prepared to topple over a drop off like iors that strengthened over time, which ulti- I’m here to address those so crippled by what
that, but I was planning to take a ride through mately lead to my lifelong OCD and issues sleep- society thinks that they’re too afraid to get the re-
the rapids at the bottom of the waterfall. Cau- ing. I fixate on perfection with my every action, lease and closure they need. You are not alone.
tiously sliding off a mossy rock, I was whisked no matter how small. This past year brought all I am still fooled by those notion every now and
away by the churning water. My confidence and sorts of social and academic pressure to me and then, but I promise it’s not true. If just my saying
sense of bravery soared as I decided to take the for the first time in my life, I couldn’t handle it. I it isn’t enough to sell you, look at simple statistics.
plunge again. cracked. My chemical balance changed; I was in 40 million adults in the United States are affected
The second time was torturous. I got swept a constant state of heightened nerves and mental by an anxiety disorder, according to the Anxiety
away, unprepared and afraid as my head was stress, sporadically spurring on panic attacks, and and Depression Association of America. Also, ac-
thrashing around the depths of the river. I opened I felt a sort of sadness, emptiness, and loneliness cording to ADAA, “Nearly one-half of those diag-
my eyes in a panic, attempting to find my way to I’d never experienced before. nosed with depression are also diagnosed with an
the surface, but instead I only saw a terrifying ka- anxiety disorder”.
leidoscope of blue hues and bubbles. The rapids Most people would be surprised to hear that I
consumed me as I lost control of my body and am depressed. Oftentimes, I am complimented on [column continued on page 6]
had an overwhelming sense that this would never my cheery personality and optimistic view on life.
“This is how I’m going to die,” I thought.
My head popped back up after what felt like
ages only to be greeted by my concerned look-
ing brother and my sister with her hand clamped
over her mouth. Relief flooded over me as I hur-
riedly swam back to the big rock where my sib-
lings were standing as they repeatedly asked me
if I was okay. Their words became a hodgepodge
of “I couldn’t see your head for a long time” and
“I was so afraid” and “Don’t do that again”. My
parents, seated from afar, called out to me with
looks of terror plastered on their faces, unable
to comprehend what had just happened. Trying
to fight back tears of shock and utter dread, I as-
sured them that I was fine, though my entire body
was shaking and I felt completely out of control.
That’s what anxiety feels like.
I was diagnosed last summer with obsessive
compulsive disorder, severe anxiety, and depres-
sion. The words sound foreign on my tongue,
so fresh and so terrifying as I rarely speak them
6 C May 13, 2016
Opinion Assistant principal headed to new post
at Little Miami Intermediate School
[continued from page 5]
Juliana Discher | Staff Writer really enjoyed the subject matter and that was
My mind is flustered by the idea that 18 [email protected] my introduction into teaching.”
percent of the U.S. population is suffering from
such a severe disorder, yet it’s still such an Mason High School Distel said he will rely on friends and family
ill-addressed topic. The solution seems simple: Assistant Principal Dan for support as he handles the stress of a bigger
get people talking. It’s such a taboo; we know Distel hopes he will be role.
it’s there and we know it’s getting worse but remembered as an ad- Photo by Juliana Discher
we don’t want to feel uncomfortable so we just ministrator who was “I always lean on others for help,” Distel said.
won’t talk about it. always fair and support- “A part of being in education is being willing
ive to students as leaves to ask for help and ask questions. I’ve wanted
One of the inaccurate stigmas behind mental Mason to pursue a head for a while now to have a building level respon-
disorders is that if you simply try hard enough, principal position at Lit- sibility beyond assistant principal. I’m comfort-
you can make yourself happy. Let me be the first tle Miami Intermediate able going into this position because I know
to inform these confused individuals: it doesn’t School. Administrator Dan Distel that there will be great mentors and those who
work that way. I can’t even keep track of how would be willing to support me.”
many nights I’ve tried to force a smile upon my May 24, 2016 will mark Distel’s last day over-
face and think about how grand life is. The re- seeing the halls of Mason High School. Distel Despite the differences between Little Miami
ality is, the brain is very complex and delicate, has served as assistant principal for the past and Mason, Distel said he feels confident about
leaving plenty of room for the errors of chemi- three years and was a teacher from 2004-2013. entering the district.
cal and hormonal imbalances. Serotonin re-up- He taught freshman and seniors alike in AP
take can occur too much and too often at an un- U.S. History, American History, World History, “Little Miami is a smaller school district,”
healthy level, depleting people with depression and Contemporary Social Issues. Distel said. “There is a difference in terms of
of their happiness. The New York Times report- Principal Dave Hyatt said Mason High history of the district. Little Miami has gone
ed in 2013 that one in 10 Americans are currently School will greatly miss having Distel on staff. through some serious financial issues that
taking antidepressant medication. “Mr. Distel’s efforts here over the past 12 they’re on the back end and coming out of.
years as a former teacher, coach, and current They have always maintained a high degree of
As someone who takes antidepressant and an- administrator have greatly impacted student academic expectations.”
ti-anxiety medication in an attempt to calm my lives in the Mason community,” Hyatt said.
nerves and balance my hormones, as someone “The things we’ll miss most about Mr. Distel “ I’m comfortable going into
who attends doctors appointments routinely, include his approachability, his sense of hu- this position because I know
as someone who sits on an over-sized leather mor, his ability to keep things in perspective, that there will be great mentors
couch as a psychologist analyzes me regularly, and most importantly, his passion to serve all and those who would be willing
let me tell you that despite my lengthy analysis students from all different backgrounds. We ”to support me.
of mental illness, it can be summed up in two wish nothing but the best for him as he con- —Dan Distel
harsh, blatantly honest words: it sucks. tinues his journey in educational leadership.” Assistant Principal
Distel initially sought out a position at Ma-
I wish I could say that in the end, everything son after earning his bachelor’s degree in ed- There are certain duties Distel said he won’t
will be perfect and this is just a bump in the ucation from Ohio University. He earned his feel remorse about leaving, but what he will
road, but I know firsthand that it feels like more master’s degree in education administration miss the most are the students and faculty he
than a bump. It feels like a roadblock. Having from Xavier University. His journey at Mason is departing from.
anxiety and depression is like standing on the began when he student taught here in 2001 and
edge of a jagged crevasse, gazing over at what 2002. “I won’t miss parking,” Distel said. “I don’t
life could be like, but instead you’re trapped for “I went to Colerain High School, so I am a think I will miss eating lunch with 900 of my
what seems like forever. I’m not going to be one Cincinnati kid,” Distel said. “I worked as a vol- closest friends for two hours a day. I will miss
of the people who will tell you to just “get over unteer wrestling coach at Mason and made having such great conversations with students.
it and move on”. some connections through that. I had a fam- I will miss the people. I come to work every-
ily member who went through the high school day with my friends. When it comes to the stu-
My personal account isn’t about the triumph and that got me connected to get the student dents, they’re capable of so much and perform
or the resilience of the human spirit. Actually, teacher gig.” at such a high level. Walking into this building
it’s quite the contrary. I’m trying to say that it’s Although Distel said he didn’t initially plan everyday and seeing the things they do is hum-
okay not be perfect. It’s okay to be human. It’s to become a teacher or administrator, he end- bling and makes me think about what I didn’t
okay to be broken. It’s okay to feel emotions and ed up following in the footsteps of his parents, do in high school. It inspires me and others.”
cry and not smile every second of your life. I who both work in the education field.
want to start a conversation about how people “I grew up as most kids--I was very interested Distel said he hopes he leaving a legacy as
battling a mental disorder are not damaged in being anything other than somebody who someone who truly cares.
goods and we shouldn’t have to be ashamed of spent their whole life in a school,” Distel said.
who we are. “My dad is an administrator and my mom is “I hope students don’t think of me as the as-
retired now, but she was an intervention spe- sistant principal who was out to get them, but
I am exposing my deepest, darkest secret, de- cialist. I spent most of my life in schools. I enjoyed the school experience with them,”
scribing the inner-workings of my brain, and didn’t think I was going to go into it, I actu- Distel said. “With teachers, I hope they think
sharing this to spark conversations about the ally started as a business major in Athens, but I supported them in educating kids. Overall, I
taboos of mental illnesses in today’s society. We about two years in, I realized I had only taken just hope I connected with people. One of my
need to start changing the way people view psy- courses in history and humanities. I realized I beliefs in life, if you connect and form good
chological disorders in order to move forward relationships with people, you’ll find success.
and help those suffering. That’s always been my number one goal.”
If you’re feeling caught in the rapids the way
I do, remember that you’re not alone. Everyone
has something they are battling. You are not
May 13, 2016 C 7
Photo by Abbey Marshall Photo by Abbey Marshall
The Bethany Relay Station was commissioned in 1944 to combat Nazi propoganda. The control room of Bethany Relay Station was referred to as “The Temple of Radio”.
‘A Voice from America’
Historic Mason building played key role in World War II
three short wave transmitting plant. Two of those out that you knew something, the Gestapo would
Abbey Marshall | Managing Editor plants were in California, one by NBC and one by come knocking on your door.”
[email protected] CBS, and the third was by Crosley Broadcasting in
Cincinnati. At the time, the WLW tower standing erect in
“Here speaks a voice from America...We shall Mason emitted a whopping 500,000 watts in order
speak to you about America and the war. The news “Crosley Manufacturing owned a big radio sta- to reach Europe. As a result, Hitler was able to pin-
may be good, the news may be bad, but we will tell tion,” Snyder said. “From 1922, they owed a little ra- point the origin of the American broadcasts.
you the truth.” dio station, WLW, which grew and grew and grew
and finally wound up out here in Mason. They “In 1944, Hitler knew where those strong radio
These words were among the first broadcast to wanted a place that was close to Mason. They were signals were coming from, so he called us ‘those
hit the radio waves from the Bethany Relay Sta- able to buy five farms here and build the short Cincinnati liars’,” Snyder said.
tion in West Chester to Europe in 1944. wave station here.”
As a result of changing technology, the station
Contrary to popular belief, Voice of America is “ In 1944, Hitler knew was decommissioned and closed in November
more than a shopping center and scenic park; it 1994. After the towers were brought down in the
is a historical landmark. Just off Tylersville Road where those strong radio signals following years, West Chester received nearly 500
is one of the three original radio stations in the were coming from, so he called acres and the history building. The building is cur-
country that legally utilized the most powerful rently a museum under renovations to become
short wave transmitters in the world to broadcast ”us ‘those Cincinnati liars’. more developed, Snyder said.
to Europe to combat Adolf Hitler’s propaganda, —David Snyder
said former Voice of America employee David Former VOA employee Visitors can attend the museum once a month.
Snyder. They are able to take a walk through the timeline
The Bethany Relay Station’s purpose was to in- of radio, analyze the nuts and bolts behind the
“The Nazis distorted everything on the radio,” form the general public in Germany. Hitler’s sec- transmitters, stroll through the wall of fame of the
Snyder said. “Everything had an anti-semitic mes- ond hand man, Joseph Goebbels, made the state- movie and television stars who got their start in
sage: ‘Jews are terrible. Jews are bad. Get rid of ment that radio would be to the twentieth century Cincinnati radio, and watch a 17 minute film creat-
Jews.’ That was in everything they said.” what the printing press was to the nineteenth. He ed by George Clooney’s father, Nick Clooney. Sny-
developed the idea for a subsidized radio receiver. der said, however, the project is far from finished.
Although Americans paid little attention to the The Third Reich would pay three quarters of the The next fundraiser will be a musical program by
messages at the time, Snyder said, involvement in cost to make the equipment more affordable for Middletown Symphony and Cincinnati Ballet Or-
the war was sparked by the attack on Pearl Harbor. the common people in order to relay propaganda chestra director Carmon Deleon on June 4 in or-
messages. By 1938, every other household in Ger- der to fund handicapped accessible restrooms and
“At the start of World War II, Germany had 68 many had a Volksempfänger, or people’s radio. a new entrance.
radio transmitters and Japan had 42 radio trans-
mitters and they were using high power and short “It was built for one purpose: to listen to the lo- Snyder said he believes people not only in Ma-
wave communication,” Snyder said. “This country- cal stations,” Snyder said. “It was not built to lis- son, but all over the world should be informed
-they were regulated by law--wasn’t allowed to use ten to stations outside the country...If you attached about the importance radio stations played in
any of the short wave broadcasters. This all came a long wire, you could hear London or Moscow, World War II.
about pretty much at Pearl Harbor day. We knew but you were careful to conceal that wire under
we had to do something and we had to do some- the woodwork and up through the attic because “We don’t want Hitler ever again,” Snyder said.
thing big.” you didn’t want that discovered. If the word got “We don’t want that kind of thing to happen in our
world. That’s why we study history. This was so
In response to the attack, President Theodore important during World War II...This was before
Roosevelt and newly appointed Coordinator of television; this was before the Internet. This was
Information Nelson Rockefeller discovered a how people got their information. People listened
roundabout method to broadcast overseas. They to the radio. This was such an important part of
conducted a secret meeting in Washington D.C. to history because for once, the government could
discuss what the next steps would be. Out of that really combat Hitler’s propaganda.”
meeting, three contracts were constructed to build
C8 May 13, 2016
May 13, 2016 C 9
Vinyl records making ‘record’ comeback
Meghan Pottle | Staff Writer of photographs that I didn’t even know were in
[email protected] there. I never would’ve found that cool stuff if
I just stuck with digital music and I think it is a
Girl, put your records on. unique experience that a lot of people don’t know
Despite the multitude of digital music avail- about.”
able, vinyl records have increased in popularity Davidson said other than online shopping and
over the past few years. According to the Record- going to stores, he gets his records on Record
ing Industry Association of America’s (RIAA) 2015 Store Day, a new holiday created in 2008 to cel-
year-end stats, revenues from vinyl albums were ebrate the culture of record stores.
$416 million, the highest since 1988. “On the third Saturday of every April, they have
Junior Haleigh Carr bought her own record a holiday to celebrate independent record stores
player a year ago and said she prefers to listen to where they have a bunch of special releases and
vinyl over digital music. performances on just that day,” Davidson said.
“I really like music and I like to have a physical Photo by Madison Krell
copy of it, so I think it’s fun to collect records,”
Carr said. “I think it is easier to appreciate the mu- “Everyone goes to get the new releases and it is Junior Haleigh Carr said she enjoys vinyl records
sic because there is stuff that comes in a vinyl, like pretty interesting.” because they make it easier to appreciate music.
lyric sheets and special things inside there.”
Junior Jack Davidson said he also enjoys hav- Carr said that she buys most of her records at the whole collectibility side of it.”
ing a physical collection of records and pre-orders Plaid Room Records, an independent record store Cole said records are a completely different ex-
new releases or goes to the store to buy older re- located in downtown Loveland. Co-owner Terry
cords of bands that he enjoys. Cole said that a broad range of customers go perience than listening to digital music and peo-
“I like to buy albums with cool covers and it’s through their store and he has noticed an increase ple tend to dive into records more when they’ve
cool just the things you find with buying physical in record sales since their opening. invested time and money.
items,” Davidson said. “I bought one recently that
was an all black cover, but I opened it up and it “People come in the shop all the time and say “The fact that it has come back so strong says
had this folder in it with 16 color prints of a bunch ‘Why are records being played again?’ There are something about how cool the medium of records
a lot of different factors,” Cole said. “Artwork, the are because they’re certainly not convenient and
sound of (the) record, the process of actually play- they’re not cheap, but they still manage to come
ing a record, having a physical object to hold, and back from the dead,” Cole said. “I think that really
speaks to how wonderful a medium records are.”
Trending Now: ENO Hammocks “I got an eno because my family is pretty adventurous, and we
have a lot of trees in our backyard. My dad was doing some online
“I use my eno whenever I’m feeling like shopping and thought they looked like a good time so we ordered
chillaxing. I got it because it is so con- one. I eno probably 3-5 times a week weather depending. My favor-
venient and very portable to take wher- ite thing about ‘enoing’ is closing my eyes and listening to the birds
ever and use whenever. My favorite thing talk; it’s very relaxing after a long day at school or work.”
about enoing is that it helps me become
one with nature. Enoing rocks.” — Emily Slusser, junior
— Lily Thieken, sophomore
“I use my eno probably 2-3 times a “I use my Eno typically once or twice a week. I got my Eno for
week. I got one because I wanted to be Christmas last year and have loved hanging in it ever since. I hang
able to nap anywhere and my favorite it high up on the trees in my backyard so I can just chill up there,
thing about enoing is having the freedom whether I’m reading a book, listening to music, or taking a nap. It’s
to enjoy nature anytime and anywhere.” a very convenient and comfortable alternative to a bed.”
— Jake Bauer, senior — Avery Brown, sophomore Photos by Isabel Marotta
Compiled by Isabel Marotta
C10 May 13, 2016
May 13, 2016 C 11
[cover story]
Photo contributed by the Love For Liz GoFundMe page Rob Matula
Former Basketball Coach
Liz Lothrop was diagnosed with leukemia in 2008. She lost her battle from a brain tumor on May 3, 2016.
“We played her senior year; it was against
Cancer never stopped Lothrop from touching lives Oak Hills. She didn’t play a lot because
she was still recovering, but she always
Gina Deaton | Editor-in-Chief high school, said that she will always half that week to run with Liz in my came to practice and did everything we
[email protected] remember her infectious laughter heart, on my mind, and just hoped wanted her to do. Towards the end of the
and positive attitude, both of which my body would hand the rest.” game, she shot a three and she made the
Few students at Mason High never ceased during her treatment. three, and the crowd just went ballistic.
School knew Liz Lothrop personally, Robillard said that she believes We were up by some points against Oak
but we all feel like we do. Fundraiser “It was easy to stay friends with Liz; Lothrop would most like to be re- Hills and she hits this big three and the
after fundraiser, we have been root- everyone loved her,” Monahan said. membered by how she cherished ev- crowd goes crazy and the bench goes
ing for her. “She was one of those people others ery day as a blessing. crazy, and at that point, sometimes as a
just want to be around. Her positive coach, you might say, ‘We’re up, take it
Lothrop, a 2013 graduate of MHS, energy and laughter was infectious... “I think she would most like to be easy.’ But she hit that three and the crowd
was diagnosed with leukemia in 2008 Despite the many hours our team remembered for her courage and went crazy. And afterwards, their coach
at the age of 14. She went into remis- spent together in the gym during her true love for life’s most simple from Oak Hills got really upset and was
sion in 2011, and in June 2015, doctors the week, we still always wanted to moments, the ones we usually take yelling and screaming at me about it. I
found that she had glioblastoma, hang out. I can remember her tell- for granted,” Robillard said. “Every- told her dad, when I close my eyes, I see
or, in other words, a fast-growing ing us about the things she had been day is a blessing, and she embodied Liz hitting that three and the crowd going
brain tumor. This girl was a fighter, through and was still going through this to the fullest.” crazy. But if there’s anything that people
said senior Lauren Van Kleunen, while on our team. I can remember can take away from her and her family,
who played basketball with Lothrop Liz being an inspiration to me and to Monahan said that Lothrop should it is just the fact that through belief and
when she was in high school. the entire program the years she was be a reminder for us to find positiv- through faith and through support from
able to play and beyond.” ity in even the worst situations. other people, you can fight the good fight.
“She was a fighter,” Van Kleunen And I think Liz fought the good fight. She
said. “No other way to describe her Lothrop touched the lives of “It is so rare to find someone who did everything she could possibly do to
than that. I think Liz would want many, inside of her high school and radiates positivity like Liz did,” Mo- live in a bad situation. I think that would
us to cherish the moments we have outside. Amy Robillard, who met nahan said. “Every memory I have probably be what her family and what Liz
with the people we love and to never the Lothrop family on her son’s one- of Liz are ones filled with jokes, would want people to know. Through that
give up on anything...She could’ve year bone marrow transplant anni- laughter, and fun. For someone to go faith and through that will, you can put
given up and called quits after go- versary, said she decided to enter the through so much and still keep such yourself in a position to beat anything.”
ing through leukemia and then Flying Pig Half Marathon the week a positive attitude, to me, in itself
finding out she had brain cancer; of and compete in Lothrop’s honor. is a miracle. Although she is gone, Jere Clark
she could’ve quit, but she didn’t. She Robillard wrote ‘LIZ’ on the backs of I will never forget Liz. I believe she Former Basketball Coach
fought and continued to fight no her shoes, and went out and became would want to be remembered at the
matter what. She is a warrior and us the 2016 female winner of the half positive, charismatic, kind-hearted “Liz was a genuinely amazing person
basketball players continue to try marathon. person she was. I think knowing Liz, and always brought a smile to anyone’s
and be like her every day.” knowing her story, inspires us all to face. She was a really strong Christian
“I always like to be a part of the find positivity in even the worst situ- woman and definitely provided the pas-
Kayleigh Monahan, childhood Flying Pig weekend, but this year it ations. I feel blessed to have had the sion for Christ and lived that way every-
friend of Lothrop, who played volley- meant much more than that,” Robil- opportunity to know Liz. Her smile day, and that is something everyone will
ball and basketball with Lothrop in lard said. “I decided to jump in the and laugh will be what I remember remember her as: a great role model and
and miss most.” very selfless. I remember going to visit
her at rehabilitation, she looked at me
and said ‘You know I’m not fighting this
for me, I’m okay with everything, I fight
this for my family and friends.’ She was
the one player who nearly got in a fight
at half court with another coach: she hit
a three and the coach went crazy and
thought we were rubbing it in... (Liz) had
no idea; everyone was happy and we all
knew her story and what she overcame.
At the end of the game, the other coach
started yelling at me and we all lost it be-
cause she is someone you fight for.”
Compiled by Matthew Marvar
12 May 13, 2016 C
ConGRADulations Mississippi Shaun Michae
Class of 2016...
Mississippi State Cincinnati C
University University
Gabrielle Marie DiTullio Sean Taylor Br
Missouri Cincinnati S
Saint Louis University Spencer Paul M
Brandon Gregory Raiff
Check out what your classmates are doing after high school Washington University Cincinnati S
Technical &
Alabama Georgia Indiana University Nicole Marie Besse Preston James Hines Bailey Community
Camaiya Marie Billings
University of Savannah College of Art Adeolu Daniel Adesanya Anthony Nicholas Bonno University of Missouri Carl Michael W
Alabama and Design Paraj Arora Brielle Sydney Flora
Allison Jo Bruns Harry Joseph Getter Nicolaus Ahmed-Taylor Cleveland S
Sarah Nicole James-Holmes Joel Wesley Thatcher Tyler Joseph Cibula Allison Grace Greensfelder Cullen Thomas Ecoffey University
Cameron Pierce Burns Cole Ryan Robert Tibbs Oscar Hao Lin Jordan Ann Grollmus Kylie Ann McCalmont
Isabelle Jeanne Denniston Sai Madhavu Madichetty Kaci Danielle Hurks Gabriella Marin
Jacob Andrew Fagin Georgia Institute of Sean Michael Reid Sara Kathryn Kinkaid New Jersey Armonie Aprell
Victoria Lee McVey Technology Jason Conner Satterthwaite Kathryn Ann Notton
Kevin Nolan Vermillion Anne Marie Schaner Jacob Michael Sewell Seton Hall University College of W
Matthew Alexander Busch Elizabeth Angelique Varga Caroline Elizabeth Walsh
Arizona Alexander Xin Chung Jennifer Yeung Natalia Castro E Amaral Jordan Elizabeth Decker Connor William
Andrew Li Gao Alexandra Marie McCreary
University of Caleb Timothy Kim Manchester University Jenna Ann Steinbicker New York Denison Un
Arizona Jessica’ Hao Wu
Hawaii Noah Luke Tong Columbia University Nathaniel Philip
Justin Christopher Koehler Western Kentucky
Brigham Young Purdue University University Yaffa Lia Muhlbaum
Arkansas University - Hawaii
Kevin Fitzgerald Nyill Nurid-Din Brooks Cornell University Good Sama
University of Melissa Wilhelmina Nguyen Allyson Marie Imfeld Jason Lee Brown Jr. College of N
Arkansas Cole Joseph Kinser Erin Helen Rockstroh
Idaho Louisiana Lauren Margar
Jailyn Braquelle Mason Purdue University Rochester Institute Rachel Lynn M
Brigham Young Indianapolis Tulane University of Technology
California University-Idaho Hocking Hi
Jaelynn Janese Crook Lydia Anya Bell Kristofer Malik King
California State Robin Lee Bartlett Jacob Hudayfa
University Taylor University Maryland
St. Joseph Minor North Carolina Kent State
Jennifer Thi Ly Seminary Leah Marie Metzger Frostburg State
University Duke University Joshua Palmer
University of California Noah David Cottrell
Berkeley Molly Elizabeth Biggers Syed Ameen Ahmad Jake Michael B
Neil Giridharan Johns Hopkins Michael Jinyen Shu Kelly Paige Bre
University of Daniel Jian Yu Song Arthur Jean-Cla
Southern California Anthony Wang
North Carolina Lindsay Alexis
Alejandro Rivera Ruiz Massachusetts
Agricultural Blake Edward J
Colorado Endicott College
and Technical State Morgan Hanna
University of Colorado Evan Michael Couchot
Boulder Olivia Sue Smi
Massachusetts Institute University Vanessa Van L
Jillian Sadie Blumberg of Technology
Francesca Aurielle Imani Johnson Claire Catherin
Florida Nia Opal Myrie
Kedi Hu Salem College Parker Dylan H
Aeronatuical University Michigan Cassie Victoria Dawes Miami Uni
Clayton Douglas Bryant Illinois University of Eastern Michigan University of North Cameron John
Indianapolis University Carolina Daniel Conor A
Florida Gulf Coast Aurora University Sarah Elizabeth
University Abigail Anne Heep Abbigail Louise Stemple
Allison Morgan Reichert Selina Yawen Zhang Mackenzie Lea
Cameron Drew Quallen Lauren Kathleen Kelley Northwood University
Lindsey Nicole
Florida South Western McKendree University University of Kyle Jefferson Lamotte Ohio Christina Vasilik
State College Notre Dame Katherine Eliza
Jimmie Tobias Stewart University of Michigan Ashland University
Vincent Guytano Vannelle Honoka Lee Suzuki
Southern Illinois Catherine Hanting Gong Benjamin Joseph Fago Rebekah Lynn
Florida State University Valparaiso University Atharva Mahesh Kumthekar
University Dominick Eugene Peraino Aveda Fredric’s Ashaali Shivana
Grace Ann Kastens McKeon James Laws Institute Riddhi Chopra
Kaitlyn Mackenzie Hulbert Western Michigan Grant Michael
Adam Ward Michael David O’Brien University
Ariel Ariee Jones Evelyne Elise D
University of Chicago Kentucky Bryson Corshun White
University of Kacie Lynn Del
Florida Radhika Sujit Upadhye Northen Kentucky
University Bowling Green State Jesse Marie De
Matthew Hart Marvar Gary Zhao University Nicholas John
Hailey Skye Stricker
University of Tampa Wheaton University Jacob Arlen Bennett Emily Elizabeth Carlin Kaitlynn Ruth D
Dylan Jon Wade Duritsch
Kathryn Ruth Glandorf Jeni Jin Elia Van Den Berg Knott Olivia Grace Cowell Isabella Simon
Arden Elizabeth Zin Sierra Janae Longmire
Sean Michael McFarland Peyton Alexander Hogan Megan Elizabe
Jacob Cleveland Petrey
Bradley University Braden Amadeus Sauer Oliver Lucas Macaluso Jacob Ryan Ell
Matthew James Williams
Sophie Gwyn Montgomery Mackenzie Catherine Shelton Hannah Rose Mommsen Lenox Robert E
Thomas Moore College Lauren Elizabeth Shropshire Katherine Mayr
Devon Ray Smith DeAngelo Cortez Simmons Jr. Abbey My-Hoa
University of Illinois Transylvania Meredith Katherine Stradley Nicole Garcia-S
Urbana-Champaign University
McKenna Augusta Wildnauer Alec Thomas G
Joseph Thomas Foy Andrew James Grisham
Sebastian Vivo Madelyn Claire Wilkinson Lauren Elizabe
Alexander Xin Chung University of Kentucky
Zachary Alan Jedding Shana Marie H
Indiana Jennifer Nicole Asher
Caroline Rose Backs Kendra Lee Flem Natalie Lauren
Ball State University
Madison Sue Gifford Marla Chavez G
Samantha Marie Shoufler
Raymond Fisher Berling Jonathan Mich
Marquis Lamar Thomas Guillermo Anto
Cory Ryan Hoe
Butler University Case Western Reserve Conrad Jeffrey
University Andre Jens Ka
Janisa-Marie Chua Bondoc
Divya Krish Manoharan Joseph Antonio
Sarah Elizabeth Vitelli
Yannique Reyelle Stewart Stephen Josep
Nicki Paraskos
Cedarville University Grant Michael
Ashley Nicole K
C May 13, 2016 13
el Mitchell Madison J Krell The Ohio State Liz Madeline Monnin Tara Sue Vornberg Andrew Michael Carroll
Roheet Kumar University Danielle Faye Morey Mallorie Lauren Wells Christian Jeffrey Cawood
Christain Sean Gerard Lantry Mariam Tamer Abouelsaad Vinay Jayant Naik Madelyn Grace Young Serina Margaret Cline
Audrey Anna Adkins
Marecel W LayLay Patrick John Alcox Shreya Nalluri Sophia Lynn Closson
raun Benjamin Omar Allen Andrew James Neal
Emily Liao Skylar Lynn Armentrout Old Dominican Univesity Ryan Edwin Coffey
Erin Elizabeth Beaudry
State Quinn Sheldon Long Alexander Timothy Bell Adrian Eduardo Niedermann Benjamin Thomas Speer Nolan Colella
Sophie Elaine Maness Julianne Elizabeth Berry
Martin Brianna Elsie Martin Michael Edward Besse Jr. Anthony James Nigro Grace Marilyn Combs
Shawn James Mather Kyle Clune Bramwell
State Sean Keith Merritt Austin Scot Brown Connor Matthew O’Shaughnessey Otterbein University Hannah Marie Combs
& Brady Douglas Miller
y College Emily Nicole Miller Akane Ohara Joshua Bernard Seile Jonathon David Connor
Wesley Areli Orozco Ibarra Justin Parker Wallace Joshua David Cramer
Clara Marie Ortega Taylor Denise Wilcox Emmira Marie Tiongco Cuasay
Yash Rajesh Patel Megan Kaye Wolff Kortney Leigh Curl
Erin Lynne Patrick Nicholas John D’Agostino
State Emily Lyn Muff Elizabeth Grace Bruns Matthew David Klint Pedersen Shawnee State University Dylan Michael Dagenback
Mounica Burada
Maegan Katherine Murph Patrick Louis Butler Haley Lynn Penland Derrick Alexander Bennett Allison Nicole Dagenback
nelli Samuel Lewis Parsons
Srilakshmi Sai Swetha Penmetsa Drew Edward Knapp Kassidy Nichole Daniels
le Pope Natalie Brooke Peebles Nicholas Joseph Celesti Sanika Sachin Pinnanath Dominic Gregory Dattilo
Swetha Chandrasekar
Alejandro Perez Cordoba Jason Allen Cline Ashwin Rajgopal Sinclair Community Francis Skye David
Melissa Christine Phillips Chase Griffin Cottle
Wooster Joshua Joseph Damge Luke Duncan Richtermeyer College Randy James Davison
Michael Harrison Darby
m Hawkins Timothy Andrew Romer Shreya Das Rachel Kayla Rothstein Madeline Marie Marshall Abigail Elizabeth Dawson
Ria Mrudula Datla
Alexander Joseph Ronald Dayton Elizabeth Marie Rumford Kellian Ault Victoria Rae Dimerling
Samantha Jane DeGroft
niversity Anthony Lee Otis Rough Allegra Lee Delman Nishanth Sanakari Katelyn Paige Bill Maxwell Jeffrey Doerrer
Zachary Mark Rudy Jessica Haigler Dibb
p Haller Ajay Anil Saraf Haley Elizabeth Buckley Austin Joseph Dubs
aritan Sarah Julianna Senne Katarina Safran Schneiderman Kyle Thomas Cress Alexander Dimitri Buck Eatrides
Nursing Cara Elizabeth Severson
Emily Marie Shuppert Baylee Kimberley Scott Hannah Elizabeth Dwaileebe Carly Allison Eblin
ret Hiller Logan Paul Snyder
Stephen David Springsteen Chloe Veronica Shepherd Christopher Robert Galloway Lee Stuart Elson III
Megan Ann Slater Alexander Garrett Grant Alex Joseph English
Jillian Helen Snyder Donald Douglas Grau Jr. Nathaniel Perry Epstein
ills College Logan Sebastian Taylor Thomas Roy Ellison Mariam Soliman Miette Isabella Green Joshua Ryan Faulkner
Jackson Peter Thomas Alex Joseph English
a Armstrong Sydney Raine Thompson James Ralph Enouen II Samuel Bradley Stegman David Anthony Herdina Jeremy Marshall Fogel
Monica Marie Touby Allison Gardner Evans
Univeristy Megan Lynn Wagner Melissa Joan Folzenlogen Alec Dom Gerardo Sucaldito Alexandra Lynn Hollon Jacob Tyler Franks
Markayla Nicole Washington Hailey Noelle Fortson
r Stark Brooke Elizabeth White Chloe Michelle Foster Noelle Grace Tibbetts Miriam Ann Markvan Ann Elizabeth Gardner
Ball Madison Suzanna Freeman
euer Juan Andres Tramontin Kaitlyn Elizabeth McArthur Isabella Baxter Garotti
aude Ciclet
Esteban Trujillo Kobie Wayne Olson Clare Athene Hagen
Colton Andrew Christopher Wodzis Matthew Gerard Goetz Michelle Tsai Parker Scott Rich Courtney Taylor Hancock
Claire Elizabeth Uematsu Layannie Rose Andon Solomon Maxwell Arthur Harper
George Alexander Valcarcel Dmitriy Spitsin Allison Danielle Heckler
Olivia Anne Wade Henry Joseph Hemmelgarn
Jordan Lauren Anne Zell Alexis Lauryn Gomes
The Christ College of Blake Alexander Hewitt
ah Petrocelli Tong Zhao Alan Jose Gordillo Matthew Thomas Welage
ith Jacob Tyler Grove Zachary Ryan Hickey
Leeuwen Miami University Mitchell Ryan Gruslin Reid Allen Wilson Nursing
ne Young Hamilton Matthew Joseph Harris Jack Tyler Wootton Hannah Marie Higgins
Howard Caitlin Marie Hatten Kelly Wenli Wu Valeria Gonzalez
Sarah Elizabeth Otto Leah Marie Hefelfinger Jacqueline Dong Xuan Victoria Lynne Hineson
iversity Matthew Frederick Hubich Prajwal Hegde Kevin Yang Tiffin University
Taylor Ann McSwain Patrick Michael Heinen Singyi Yen Emma Catherine Hodge
n LaFleur Cameron McKellar Masten Drew Michael Heitfeld Charlie Allen Yu Mallory Lynn Johnson
Amoroso Michael Lawrence Thamann Adam Jordan Helton Nargiza O Zayitova Katherine Angelica Holliday
h Brossart Tyler Jacob Henry Jack Zhang University of Akron
ah Brown Miami University Maria Nicole Hessin Alvin Zhang Caitlin Michelle Izumi
Middletown Julia Elizabeth Hollon Jessika Leigh Polley
Chadwick Ohio University Sofiya Volodymyrna Rakovska Carson Lee James
ki Charnas Rachel Gillian Hunter-Rinderle
abeth Cooper Steven Tyler Grant Hutson Saaf Riaz Ahmad University of Cincinnati Rutvik Ketan Kaneria
Tiffany Michelle Johnson Troy Eric Aronson
Cychosz Nathan Baumgardner Nicolle Marie Barnett Abid Fiaz Ali Jordan Taylor Keyser
and Divekar Geoffrey Owen Vorbroker Conner Aaron Blumberg Sarah Grace Cramer
Kara Michelle Blumberg Alec Charles Enis Pamela Allison Knesel
Davis Morehead State Sonya Angelica Kapoor Jacob Raymond Bonomini Brea Gail Forst
Davis University Emily Ann Kearney Arleth Guadalupe Bravo Maria Vanessa Hanavan Allison Yvonne Koesters
llecave Emily Ann Kienzler Christian Thomas Brune Carrie Anne Lipps
enny Kira Paige Danziger Eunsung Kim Brandon Lee Cole Brianna Michelle Edwards Lauren Mackenzie Kohn
DiGennaro Cameron Ryan Klos Jessica Caila Cory Laith M Abdelrahman
Dirr Mount Saint Kacey Autumn Kopack Alexis Grace Davis Avery Vincent Abraham Anusha Komaragiri
ne Douglas Joseph University Frances Kana Kraimer Charlotte Rose Doran Caroline Marie Adams
eth Dunlop Sophie Nicole Lebowitz Reed Michael Hillen Tyler Anthony Adleta Grant Howard Kramer
lis Logan Edward Hays Sandy Lee Andrew Joseph Johnson Rasha Faye Adwani
Emmert Lauren Ann Reinhart Kara Beth Lennon Ryane Marie Kearney Margo Alyse Adwani Elizabeth Lauren Krekeler
re Engler Patrick Thomas Necamp Jeffrey K Li Abbey Elizabeth Marshall Susan Mahmud Awwad
a Esle Gabriel Tobiah Yarber Elaine Maria Louden Jesse Cole Martin Corbin Reed Azucenas Jacob Alexander Kummer
Salas Katelyn Noel Lupia Blake Joseph Nissen Nicole Abena Baah
Gibbs Northeast Ohio Kimmia Lyon Mugunthan Palani Andrew Allen Ballou Brittany D Lac
eth Grace Medical University Raga Sri Maddela Karah Anne Reedy Lydia Wagih Barsoum
Helen Greenwald Asa Wesley Maine Juliana Marie Salunek Joseph Edward Barto Sofia Wanda LaGory
Gruenwald Sanjana Datla Armaan Malhotra Alex Craig Testerman Katrina Suzanne Barton
Garcia Amith Rao Emily Elise Malsch Ainsley Elizabeth White Nikoloz Bernadsky Kalena Bless M Lapid
hael Hardy Michael James Williams Madison Ashley Bernhardt
Sriharsha Voleti Andrea Michelle Wine Brittany Anna Boehm Kyle Thomas Lasonczyk
Thomas Peter Zubrowski Noah Joseph Bradford
onio Henao Nicholas John Marino Logan Michael Beach Sydney Nicole Brant Lauren Athena Lysko
Nina Onaga Bredemeier
erter Ohio Northern Noah Andrew Marsteller Jacob William Broekema Matthew Skees Maertz
y Howell Sadie Ann Brown Omar Abdelhakim Mahmoud
arsten University Benjamin Martinez III Nicholas Maldonado
o Kemer Emily Hope Mann
ph Klug David Aaron Jia Daniel Farage Matar Tyler John Marotta
Knue Matthew Louis Marotta
Kramer Haley M i chelle M o ses DDMMaeoennergnireaailsnoMNnSailalnMsrdaainhxiimMMicaliGathnauhMrainn Scott Edward Martin
Scott Edward Martin
Katherine Morgan Martin
Chase Owen McGary
Hunter Konrad McKinley
Bridget Marie McManus
Gabriela Medina
Salvador Mendoza
Evelyn Mendoza
Ryan Scott Mershon
Madeline D’ann Meyer
Cassidy Ann Miller
Madison Nicole Miller
Sydney Marie Jensen Olivia Rose Bunton
Rianne Mae Moodie Anastasia Svetlana Burnett [Cont. to page 14]
14 C May 13, 2016
Marko Peric Jenna Marie Leininger South Carolina West Virginia
[Cont. from page12/13] Marina Guadalupe Rodriguez Austin James Mitchell Claflin University West Virginia University
Megan Elizabeth Moyer Lindsey Marie Schweppe Dakota Skyy Munro Jira Theresa-Lorrain White Lucas Andrew Buddemeyer
Justin Daniel Mullins Madelaine Barbara Solimini Jordan Alexander Myles
Cindy Nguyen Danielle Elizabeth Somershoe Sarah Ellen Riley Kathleen Diane Rump
Donald Vu Nguyen Austin Gunnar Woodruff Isabelle Caroline Soto
Kiersten Marie O’Brien Cameron Anderson Woods Charles Edward Wells III Clemson University Gabrielle Jane Szymkowicz
Peyton Marie Oak Casey David Woods
Mariana Olivo University of Cincinnati Jacob Alexander Young Jacob Alan Bauer Wheeling Jesuit University
Emmanuel Opoku Blue Ash Robert Lewis Elliott
Joshua Peterson Pathrose Xavier University Brianna Jean Grimes
Haley Jordan Peace Nicole Marie Acevedo Montes Erin Davidow McElhenny
Rian Emory Peck Devin Danielle Barham Aminah Saleem Baig
Aaron Christopher Pedoto Abigail Michele Bowling Toni Angelina Bizzarro Wisconsin
Micaiah Victoria D Peele Jason Lee Brown Jr. Cole James Branham
Evynn Marie Pennington Usman Haider Chaudhry Cassidee Kay-Lee Cavazos University of South Carolina Marquette University
Scott C Peters Jr. Sydney Shea Fraley Bryce Andrew Curran Kathryn Mae Allgor Lauren Anne Van Kleunen
Samantha Paige Pickens Daniel Robert Futrell Gina Marie Deaton
Chase Michael Pownell Deborah Gikhman Ashley Amber Gauthier Leah Jane Ford Other
Joshua Lee Prell Brittney Louise Highfill Nicole Olivia Giesel Mary Claire Wishard
Brooke Callahan Purvis Katelyn Hoekzeme Christopher Francis Hessler Chad Austin Wonder Gap Year
Malika Radjabova Lauren Mischelle Johnson Sara Elizabeth Higby
Kiersten Taylor Rakes Terry Kim Jordan Marquis Johnson Mark Joseph Gabe Jr.
Vighnesh Ramesh Gregory Titus Kirby Danielle Kukua Josiah
Alyssa Renee Ramsey Spencer Ross Oberschlake Alexandra Marie Knestrict Tennesee Haeli Elizabeth Johnson
Seth Michael Rapp An Hong Pham Romualdo Kurti Tiffany Nicole King
Dheeraj Rawal Savannah Dolores Riggsby Cole Ian McCloskey Belmont University Douglas Adam Mullen
Venkatasai Kumar Reddy Dominic Anthony Santoleri IV Victoria Ann Pizzolato Nelson
Jessica Erin Reichert Nicole Alexandra Simpson Bridgette Aleida Ostan Jacob Ryan Boutwell Brandon Thomas Reffitt
Joshua Paul Rennekamp Rachel Mae Snow Alexandra Nicole Suttner
Jacob Kyle Ridener Chance Sisco Spears Lilit Vardanyan Emma Lynn Hodge Luke David Widdig
Amira Sarah Righi Kayla Renee Turner
Dane Kendall Robinson Jordan Kenneth Vanderyt Oklahoma Jack Gregory Woolum
William Thomas Rook Melissa Violet
Andrew David Rosin Aaron William Vossman University of Oklahoma Lee University Cassie Jean Grow
Mark Ryan Rupert Cody Allen Otte
Matthew Ronald Russell University of Dayton Ryan Jonathan Worley Sarah Marie Carson
Mikayla Nicole Sachar
Olivia Ann Salzano Aaron Michael Burgdorf Oregon Cole Daniel Marshall Hosei University
Umaize Sahal Savani Thomas William Burt Ellen Catherine White
Carly Elizabeth Schmidt Morgan Elizabeth Jewett George Fox University Risa Yamada
Anthony Caesar Scoburgh Jordyn Alexis Mitchell
Dina Secic Ellie Maeve Morrissey Tyler Michael Friesen Roane State Mission for the Church of
Mohammad Omar Shafi Ajay Joseph Patnaik Jesus Christ of
Jeet Bharat Shah Brennan Patrick Quigley Pennsylanvia Ronnie David Engelman Latter-day Saints
Sydney Danielle Sinchek Emma Carin Statt
Sachika Shivali Singh Carnegie Mellon University University of Tennessee Alexander Justin Conley
Wynter Renee-Lynn Spear University of Findlay David Honda
Ryan Wade Spiker Kevin Kun Liu Jakob Nicholas Mueller Joshua Honda
Ty Louis Sponseller Olivia Lynn Hatton Elisabeth Avery Pauley
Jessica Renee Sporing Drexel University Military
Jeet Srivastava University of Rio Grande Vanderbilt University
Caitlynn Paige Stanaford Spencer Matthew Kociba Desmin Marquis Banyard
Divya Shailesh Tailor Cameron R Schreiter Sophia Kay Drozdz Nickolas Walter Brill
Rachel Michelle Tepe Duquesne University Grace Huang Andrew Joseph Davidson
Andrew James Tepe University of Toledo Elijah Zawatsky Joseph Alan Gohs
Hannah Rose Than Win Kaitlyn Renee Hawthorne James Weiran Zhu Garrett Douglas Johnson
Owen Michael Tidd Iassu Gideon Andemicael Jared Robert Lucke
Taylor Nicole Toratti Casey Nicole Bayer Lafayette College Texas Adam Riley Manning
Shivani Reddy Tumukuntala Jocelyn Rose Hinners Conor Fintan McNulty
Laura Elisabeth Van Voorhis Nicole Elizabeth Wendeln Nicholas Jordan Pearson Baylor University James Demarkus Oden
Peter James Vecchio III Jace Darren Villalobos Delos Reyes Bradley Allen Simpson
Divya Vinod Pennsylvania State Siddharth Srinivasan David Jacob Tracy
Danielle Elizabeth Weaver Wittenberg University University Nicklaus Tucker Welsh
Emily Claire Westermeyer Dallas Baptist University Daniel Edward Ziegenhardt
David Alan Williams Andrew Gregory Boeres Kyle Joseph Kiss
Abigail Reed Wilson Olivia Clare Hopkins Ethan Aaron Roser Work Force
Lauren Renee Wise Allison Faith Peebles Seton Hill University
Luo Jun Yau Claudia Rose Rieth Texas A&M University Carl Alexander
Martin Paul Allen Jonathan Edward Specht Jannat Sumra Scott Martin Alexander
Jeron Carter Besecker Emma Kathryn Thacker Elizabeth Grace Uecker Thaddeus Eichler Vinegar Nathan Ryan Anderson
Ridhima Bhalla Brett Jordan Townsend Ethan Wayne Brewer
Dylan Alexander Bruser Noah Michael Wissel University of Pittsburgh University Oaks Brice Lucas Cavanaugh
Alexander Shawn Bryant Donald Dustin Davis
Mallory Zoe Elder Wright State University Victoria Marie Behne Devon Thomas Grove Dana Lynn Goes
Farhan Zaheer Ilyas Cierra Paula Lynn Jarmon Maxwell Anderson Hood
Ty Charles Kuehner Megan Nichole Boone University of Texas Carys Karina Mink
Mathew William Lucy Jimmy Byambakhuu Cameron Jesse White
Colin Janes Hill Leah Marie Shepherd
Mathew Weam Salah Ishak
Mario Weam Salah Ishak Utah
Joseph Bascom Kelley
Brigham Young University
Kylie Marie Krueger
Liberty University
Cameron Matthew Hayner
Ryan Nathan Polto
Samuel Jon Taylor
Villanova University Washington, DC.
Kylah Jasmine Harris
Rhode Island Georgetown University Watch senior’s favoite
memories here
Andrew Jing Zhan
Johnson & Wales University
Yassmin Y Kader
And that’s all, here in Comet Country
Editors’ Note: Graphics by Madison Krell and Kate Madigan
Mason City Schools is not responsible for the publishing of any information on this page. Inftion com-
piled for this page was acquired through surveys issued to seniors. The Chronicle reserves the right
to edit or not publish entries for this map on the basis of clarity, appropriateness, accuracy, or space.
May 13, 2016 C 15
C16 May 13, 2016
May 13, 2016 C 17
Escape rooms the latest craze in immersive entertainment
India Kirssin | Staff Writer Junior Sydney Rose went to Escape
[email protected] the Room Challenge with friends,
but she was also paired with another
Entertainment enthusiasts all over Cincinnati group for number purposes. Rose
are ‘trapped’ in the Escape Room mania. said this gave her group the chance to
work with other people who brought
Over the past few years a new branch of the different skills to the challenge.
entertainment industry has been growing in the “We had another group in there
Cincinnati area. with us and I had never met any of
them before,” Rose said. “We bonded
Escape Rooms have become so popular there through it and they helped us out
are now four different companies in the greater and we helped them out and we all
Cincinnati area that offer different levels of dif- worked as a team.”
ficulty and various storylines for those adventur- Rose also said she liked the pres-
ous enough to attempt an escape. sure of the room because it allowed
her to bond with her entire group.
The main goal of an escape room is to solve “I like how we were all able to help
puzzles and clues that go with the storyline of the each other out (and) even though I
room chosen in under an hour to successfully had never met those people before
breakout of the room. I felt like I had known them for a
while,” Rose said. “You see a different
Patrons are “locked” in the room until they side of your friends that you maybe
can break the code to unlock the door. While the haven’t seen before. It’s a lot of prob-
rooms are live now, the concept for escape rooms lem solving which can help you in
started like so many others – on the internet. other areas of life.”
Junior Ellie Harpen went to Break-
Bill Balfour, general manager for EnterTRAIN- out Cincinnati with her soccer team Photo by Madison Krell
ment Junction and Escape the Room Challenge,
said the escape room idea started in various digi- Escape rooms create intense, high pressure situations for “prisoners” to
tal games. After seeing the success of the online and said the experience was great be- attempt to escape
games, a man named Takao Kato decided to turn cause it helped her teammates bond
the virtual game into a live one, Balfour said. and work together under pressure. different to do. How often do you get to do that
on a normal day?”
“It started as online games, until a Japanese “We got to bond a lot and we worked as a team,”
guy thought it would be fun to invite his friends Harpen said. “You don’t get that close with peo- Allen said one of the main draws for attempt-
over for dinner and he locked them in the room ple unless you’re trying to escape.” ing an escape room is its capability to make “pris-
and said ‘See if you can get out,’” Balfour said. “Ap- oners” think about their actions while trying to
parently they thought it was a blast and invited Harpen also said she enjoyed the escape room work with others.
other friends over and (eventually) someone said because of its ability to mentally challenge par-
‘What if we actually charged people money to do ticipants and its overall uniqueness. “I think they’ve become popular because it is
it?’ and that’s how it started.” an activity you can do with your friends but it
“Some of the (clues) were actually really hard, makes you work with your mind,” Allen said. “It
Dan Snelling, the operations manager at Es- which I did enjoyed because it made me think,” is fun and then there is also that atmosphere of
cape the Room Challenge, said he believes the Harpen said. “And I liked how it was something chaos and that’s what people are looking for.”
popularity of escape rooms has stemmed from
their ability to combine many different types of
games to create a great experience for anyone
who decides to challenge themselves.
“It bridges the gap between board games and
video games to really create a textile experience
that there is no other way to achieve,” Snelling
said. “You have the thrill of video games, the chal-
lenges, the extreme situations, but there’s still
the family orientation that you get from board
Sophomore Bryce Allen went to Escape the
Room Challenge with a group of friends and said
the rooms are challenging because there isn’t a
specific direction or instruction to follow once in-
side, so groups have to figure out what to do on
their own.
“We didn’t know how to start because you don’t
get any clues, but eventually you narrow it down
to specific goals and you find the path you are
supposed to be following,” Allen said. “I liked
working as a team to figure out what to do.”
Groups inside the rooms are usually limited
to a certain number of people, and can be placed
together if both are small enough. This means a
group of strangers could be working together to
C18 May 13, 2016
May 13, 2016 C 19
Student interns work in the West Chester Hospital alongside employees. Photo by Madison Krell Work Crew to
Experiential learning initiative puts donate summer
students in desired workplaces to religious service
Asia Porter | Staff Writer Senior Megan Slater interned at the West Chester Serina Cline | Staff Writer
[email protected] Hospital over the summer for two weeks and said she [email protected]
got to see the inner-workings of various departments
Students are trading in textbooks for scalpels in a of the hospital. Not everything is fun and games. Young Life’s
new experiential learning program. Work Crew has students working hours a day
“We went around to ten different departments of the without pay.
This past year, Honors Accounting and Small Busi- hospital, one each day,” Slater said. “We got to shadow
ness Management Internship teacher Debra Gentene people in the operating room, doctors doing surgery, Mason students are deciding to devote a month
launched Experiential Learning to give high school nurses who are getting patients ready for surgery.” of their summers to serve at Young Life Camps
students the opportunity to receive hands-on experi- around the country. Young Life is an American
ence at major businesses, including Assurex and West Slater will be studying biology in the fall with the Evangelical Christian ministry based in different
Chester Hospital. hopes of becoming a doctor and said the internship cities. Each volunteer has a different job for the
helped her decide her career path. entire month.
Gentene said it was important for her to start a pro-
gram that gives high school students a taste of the ca- “I wanted to do it because I’m going into medicine,” Senior Dani Weaver was a part of Work Crew
reers they want to pursue. Slater said. “I thought it would give me good experi- for a weekend at a camp in Virginia. According to
ence to try to get that feel for the hospital environment Weaver, she was assigned as a baker.
“The sooner that you can make a connection be- in high school and see if it was something I could han-
tween what you’re learning in the classroom and the dle.” “I would wake up around 7 a.m. and get to the
workplace, then it will be easier for high school stu- bakery and wouldn’t leave until about 4:30 p.m,”
dents to make career decisions,” Gentene said. “It helps Recently, internship opportunities have been pre- Weaver said. “ I would be baking the entire day.
you so that you don’t spend a lot of time and money in sented to high school students. Gentene said business- Over the weekend I made around 1000 cookies, 60
college pursuing something that maybe isn’t the best es want to tap into their skills and show them the local cakes, and 70 loaves of bread.”
fit for you.” job opportunities.
Senior Sophie Drozdz will be working Young
To pull off her new project, Gentene enlisted the “Now high school students are coming in with these Life at Lake Champion this summer. According
help of 30 Integrated Media Internship students to cre- skills and these abilities,” Gentene said. “(Businesses) to Drozdz, getting to be a part of Work Crew is a
ate media releases, videos, and publicize internships. feel that if they can tap into that high school pipeline competitive process.
early then they might encourage students to stay in the
Sophomore Lauren Elliott works on website devel- regional area rather than moving away elsewhere.” “For seven weeks I had to go to Work Crew
opement and said the Experiential Learning site acts as training which is two hours on Sunday,” Drozdz
a central hub, connecting students and business part- Gentene said she hopes to continue Experiential said. “We talk about serving and what it takes to
ners with the necessary information. Learning. serve for a whole month. Then you fill out an
online application, which is a bunch of questions
“I had to create something that was a culmination of “This year I was able to create something called and your testimony. It is pretty competitive in
all the moving parts of what everyone else had worked MPower Hour,” Gentene said. “We had topics on inter- eastern Cincinnati.”
on,” Elliott said. “There’s a page on the website where viewing; we had topics on Resumania where they learn
businesses can apply to be partners; the website links to write resumes. I want to expand on that next year, According to Drozdz, although she is happy to
to all of the applications for internships. Everything is and I want to add even more business partnerships for meet new people, she is ultimately excited to get
run through the website.” even more opportunities for students.” the full experience and make the camp beautiful.
“We wake up before all the campers and we
eat before all the campers and we get everything
ready for the campers and go to bed after the
campers,” Drozdz said. “Everything is behind the
scenes and it’s just to show all the kids that are
there a little glimpse of what Jesus is like while
they are there. We work so hard and it’s not for us
to get noticed but to make sure the kids have the
best experience they can have.”
Former Mason student Melissa Murawski
staffed crew in July at Lake Champion. She went
to the camp looking to deepen her faith, and she
was able to achieve her goal by working hard ev-
ery day, Murawski said.
“There were like 600 hundred campers so we
had to wash at least 500 plates per meal,” Mu-
rawski said. “It was constant washing; it was prob-
ably the hardest job there. I just had to rely on
Jesus the whole time. That was what helped me.”
According to Murawski, she had such a great
time being involved in Work Crew, that she wishes
everyone gets to experience it.
“It was really hard, but the fact that I was able
to make it the best week of so many campers lives
was so rewarding for me,” Murawski said. “It was
such a cool experience and I just want everyone to
do it because it was the best thing ever.”
20 GMC Track Meet FAST FACTS SHOUT OUT May 13, 2016
Junior pole vaulter Nicole Bagby FOURTH IN THE STATE
TheCSPN.com @MHSChron Sports The Mason boys and girls track teams open up their postseason at broke the school record with a
home with the finals of the Greater Miami Conference track meet. vault of 12’4” on April 15. The Mason mens tennis team
Both the boys and girls teams look to continue their recent success Senior hurdler Andrew Boeres has climbed to fourth in Ohio
as both teams have won the previous eight GMC meets. holds the best time in the GMC Tennis Coaches Association Poll
for both the 110 and 300 meter with wins over St. Xavier, Cincin-
Tunde Nelson hurdles. nati Country Day, Springboro
and Oak Hills.
Statistics updated as of May 7
Comets determined to avoid let down after East loss
Comets come from
behind in thrilling
fashion to capture
share of GMC title
Eric Miller | Online Sports Editor
[email protected]
Eric Michael | Staff Writer
[email protected]
The Mason Softball team entered last Thursday Photo by Blake Nissen
with a chance to win sole possession of the Greater
Miami Conference title with a win over rival La- Erin Rockstroh (4), Ali Weekly (9), Jill Aquilia (12) and other members of the Mason defensive lineup huddle up
kota East. They came up short, taking a 6-0 loss
and in the process had a hole punched in their prior to taking the field against the Lakota East Thunderhawks on May 5.
undefeated season. The Comets only had 24 hours
to regroup before their senior day contest against season in the Regional Final. After splitting the se- Despite her team’s consistent success, head
Oak Hills, needing a win to secure a share of their ries in the regular season, Buffenbarger said that coach Liann Muff says that her team’s best play
third straight GMC title. facing East for a third time would be intense. has yet to be seen, and she has high expectations
for the tournament.
Andrea Gahan got Oak Hills on the board first “It would definitely be very exciting and very in-
with a solo home run in the third inning. Senior tense,” Buffenbarger said. “They want it, we want “There’s no reason why we can’t continue to find
Olivia Hopkins answered with an RBI ground- it, and they’re always one of our biggest rivals in success in playing our method of softball,” Muff
out in the bottom of the fourth. The Highland- the GMC. To play them three times, and we split said. “We managed to get 20 wins this year, and I
ers tacked on two runs with a bloop single in the with them, would definitely be really exciting. If contend that we have not played our best softball
fifth and a sac fly in the sixth. Trailing 3-1 going we do end up playing them again, hopefully we yet. The best is yet to come. These girls are work-
into the bottom of the sixth, sophomore Elana can beat them this time.” ing hard, they have an end goal, and that’s to win
Harrison produced and RBI single and Hopkins a state championship.”
knocked in a run off of a groundout to first base. Rockstroh said that losing that game to Lakota
Neither team scored in the seventh, sending the East taught her team not to take every game for Photo by Blake Nissen
game to extras. In the top of the eighth Oak Hills’ granted, and may have played as a blessing in dis-
Taylor Wilp hit a three run homer that careened guise. Erin Rockstroh leads off first base during the Comets’
off the glove of Zoe Bishop and just barely cleared dramatic 7-6 comeback win against Oak Hills.
the fence, taking the wind out of the Comets’ sails. “Obviously we all would have wanted to win
With their backs to the wall, needing the three that game,” Rockstroh said. “But in a way, it gives
runs to stay alive, the Comets staged an unbeliev- us a good mentality going into the postseason. It
able four run comeback. also takes off the pressure of being undefeated.
That put the stakes so much higher. But now we
Hopkins started the rally with a double and can just do our thing, we can win. We don’t have
scored off of a Brooke Rice single. Starting pitcher to worry about what people are saying about us.”
Elle Buffenbarger singled and Ali Weekly walked
to load the bases. Sophomore Jill Aquilia brought Rockstroh said that the loss gave them a men-
a run home with a base hit to make the score 6-5. tality which had not been present when they had
Senior Erin Rockstroh hit into a fielder’s choice been unbeaten prior to last Thursday’s game.
that scored the game tying run. With the bases
loaded, two outs and the GMC title on the line, “That game definitely sparked a fire inside of
sophomore Olivia Popovich sent Comet fans into us,” Rockstroh said. “It carried us into the game
pandemonium when she slapped a base hit down against Oak Hills. It kind of made us not take for
the left field line to score the winning run and granted all of the games we’d won and gave us
clinch the Comets a share of the GMC for the more motivation than we had before to keep on
third straight year. winning.”
Barring an unforeseen upset, Mason could face
off against Lakota East for a third matchup of the
May 13, 2016 C 21
Photo by Blake Nissen Qualifying for football
playoffs could become
Maggie Satterthwaite and the Mason baseball team celebrate the Comet’s 6-2 win over Kings on April 23. more difficult with new
regional breakdown
Satterthwaite more than just a fan for
Comet baseball team Eric Miller | Online Sports Editor
[email protected]
Duncan Mackenzie | Staff Writer Head coach Curt Bly and Vanelle agree that
[email protected] Satterthwaite’s attendance at every home game The competition to get into the OHSAA state
and incredible dedication influence the team’s at- football playoffs just got even stiffer. In a deci-
“Let me root, root, root for the home team” may titude towards the game. sion made on April 14, the Ohio High School
just be lyrics to a song, yet it’s a phrase that one Athletic Association (OHSAA) approved a
Mason High School student lives by. “She definitely has helped keep things in per- move from two regions in Division I football
spective,” Bly said. “I think the guys appreciate, back to four regions. The decision reversed a
The Mason Comets sports universe has many win or lose, how much they mean to Maggie and move made in 2013 to make Division I the only
self-proclaimed “mega-fans” and “superfans”, but that her opinion of them hasn’t changed one way Division in Ohio high school football to utilize
only one person can truly be a team’s “number or the other. In a world where performance, in only two regions. Divisions II-VII all currently
one fan”. For the baseball team, this person is un- whatever walk of life, often does influence the use four regions to determine their playoff
disputedly and undoubtedly junior Maggie Satter- way people feel about you, she’s a breathe of fresh teams. Head football coach Brian Castner said
thwaite, who has attended numerous away games air in that regard.” the idea was proposed by the State’s governing
and every home game this season. According to body and not by any Cincinnati area coaches.
Satterthwaite, she enjoys going out to the games Bly said that “fan” isn’t a term that entirely en-
because of the role she plays on the team. capsulates what Satterthwaite means to the team. “The State Administration, OHSAA their of-
ficers brought it up,” Castner said. “It was not
“I love interacting with the players and Coach “We call her the number one fan, but she’s so any of the coaches down here in the city (of
Bly just makes me feel like I’m part of the team,” much more than that to us,” Bly said. “She’s a part Cincinnati) that’s for sure.”
Satterthwaite said. “I love taking out the lineup of our team and part of the culture of our pro-
card and meeting the other coach and remember- gram and we’re so glad to have her around.” Up through the 2015 season, OHSAA Divi-
ing who they are. All the players cheer when I get sion I football was divided into two 36 team
to go out there.” Photo by Blake Nissen regions; a north and a south region that each
had 16 teams qualify for the postseason. The
Satterthwaite has to pay close attention to the Satterthwaite and Coach Curt Bly pose with the Trinity new format will divide the State into four 18
games because she takes her own detailed stats, Diamond Classic trophy. team regions that will each qualify eight teams
as only the greatest of fans do. Satterthwaite said for the postseason. The Comets will be a join
that she can do this because of her special talent newly formed Region 4. Region 4 will be made
for recollection. up of the 10 team GMC, the four team Greater
Catholic League (GCL), Centerville, North-
“I have a photographic memory, as my parents mont and Lebanon of the Greater Western
call my brain,” Satterthwaite said. “I remember Ohio Conference (GWOC) and Western Hills
(stats) like a camera in my head.” of the Cincinnati Metro Athletic Conference.
Region 4 will include six playoff teams from
Satterthwaite has also developed a close rela- 2015, making the room for error ever so small
tionship to the players on the team. Senior Vince when it comes to qualifying for the postseason.
Vanelle said that Satterthwaite’s presence has had Castner said he, along with other Cincinnati
a positive impact on the baseball team. area coaches, felt the two region method was
more fair to Southwest Ohio.
“She’s always supportive, she’s always there for
us behind our back,” Vanelle said. “From the team “We felt the old system, which was two re-
standpoint, we kind of look up in the stands and gions, was more fair to us here in the city,”
see her everyday and it reminds us why we play Castner said. “We feel the city of Cincinnati is
the game. It’s just fun.” the marquee for depth of talented teams, the
depth of competitive teams. The Columbus
area doesn’t have two of the best leagues in
that area. We feel that we have two of the best
in the State of Ohio and that’s the GMC and
the GCL. They don’t necessarily have that up
(in Columbus).”
The move to four regions will bring back
a traditional Regional Championship game
in round three of the playoffs. Under the two
region plan, the Regional Championship also
served as the State Semi-Final game. Castner
said his team is prepared to move forward and
handle the changes.
“It’s a grind to get out (of this region) but
they made the change,” Castner said. “We’ll
deal with it and go from there.”
The Comets open the 2016 season on August
26 at home against Springboro.
C22 May 13, 2016
NCAA gets
it right with
Photo by Blake Nissen Eric Miller | Online Sports Editor
[email protected]
Outfielder Joe Williams successfully slides into second base during Mason’s May 5 win against Sycamore.
For the first time in a blue moon it seems
Comet baseball earns share of GMC title on season’s final day the NCAA has done something reasonable.
In a decision made on April 28, the NCAA’s
Charlie Mackenzie | Staff Writer trol what you can control. We came out and we Board of Directors lifted a ban on off site,
[email protected] did what we could do. It was out of our control so “satellite,” football camps.
there’s no point in obsessing over it.”
New York Yankee great Yogi Berra once said “it The ban was instituted on April 8 but was
ain’t over till it’s over.” The Mason baseball team Two hours after the Comets cleaned up the quickly rescinded after backlash from college
has come to know that phrase all too well. Aves, Fairfield made the trek to Hamilton. Ac- coaches and players alike. Satellite camps
cording to Mason senior first baseman Sam Tay- provide schools the chance to hold camps
Unlike some sports, the Greater Miami Confer- lor, he was confident that Hamilton could fire away from their respective facilities and go to
ence baseball championship comes down to the back against the Indians after the tight loss the recruits. Instead of travelling two and a half
last pitch of the last game. The Fairfield Indians night before. hours to Athens for Ohio University’s camp,
clinched a share of the GMC trophy by squeezing Cincinnati area prospects can instead show
ahead of the Hamilton Big Blue 3-2 in extra in- “I think that we had a lot of confidence because up at Mason’s Dwire Field to be evaluated
nings on Thursday, May 5. The next day was the they beat us,” Taylor said. “We definitely had a lot by top programs from across the midwest at
last of league play, and the Comets trailed the In- of confidence in them.” OU’s satellite camp. Satellite camps save re-
dians by one game. Mason squared up against the cruits time, money and offer an opportunity
Sycamore Aviators. The win was crucial for the Pulling if off was exactly what Hamilton did. for under-the-radar recruits to make an im-
Comets if they came out on top of the Aves and The Big Blue came out swinging, knocking off the pression on college coaches.
Hamilton beat Fairfield on the same night, the Indians 5-1 and supplying the Comets with a split
other half of the GMC title would reside in Comet of the GMC title. Taylor said he was extremely It might seem absurd to the average col-
Country. Head coach Curt Bly said that waiting pleased with being co-champions after the way his lege football fan as to why satellite camps
down to the wire was not an unfamiliar feeling. team played towards the end of the GMC season. were banned in the first place. As with most
policies in top tier college football; this one
“In the GMC it is always close and it is always a “(I’m very satisfied), especially with the way revolved around the Southeastern Confer-
grind like this,” Bly said. “If you look back on the that we finished,” Taylor said. “We had to win six ence (SEC). The SEC, with its 14 schools locat-
last four or five years, the champion has won it by games straight in order to even share, and we ed south of the Mason-Dixon line, gets first
one game. It is really no different than before, but have done that.” shot at recruiting players in the talent laden
Fairfield is one of those teams that hadn’t been southern U.S. Michigan Head Coach Jim Har-
there in a while.” The GMC is known for having a strong con- baugh then had the audacity to try and re-
tingency of teams across all sports. Despite the cruit southern states. Harbaugh held camps
All eyes were on the Comets as they trotted intense wear and tear of league play, Bly said in states like Georgia and Alabama which
out across the Ave’s field. The day prior, Mason that the competitiveness readies his team for the ruffled the feathers of Alabama Head Coach
had shutout Sycamore and the Comets delivered tough moments they will face in the postseason. Nick Saban. So on April 8 the NCAA made
again in striking fashion. Easing their way to a 15-3 the move to ban satellite camps. The move in
win. Mason then handed their GMC hopes over to “I think that our league prepares you for the theory would hurt the Big 10 but in the end,
Hamilton. Bly said that during the game his team tournament because you are playing a quality it was realised that nearly every key player
tried not to focus on the upcoming matchup that opponent each and every day,” Bly said. “I don’t in the college football world would be nega-
would decide their regular season outcome. think that is true for every city. I think that is why tively affected by the ban. Mid-major schools,
GMC teams historically have had good postsea- who guest coach at satellite camps would lose
“We did what we could do,” Bly said. “We talked son runs. Last year there were three GMC teams out on valuable recruits. High school players
about it before the game that you have to con- playing for a district title. I think we are prepared looking to play at the next level, would lose
because of the grind of the schedule.” valuable exposure opportunities and would
BEN FAGO now have to shell out big money to make it
Senior, Volleyball Comet Stat Line to on-campus camps. In the end; the NCAA
made the right decision, for once.
3.53 Kills/game Senior, Baseball ZOE BISHOP
Sophomore, Softball
22 Digs .358 average
.488 OBP .472 average
15 RBI 3 HR
29 RBI
Statistics as of May 7
May 13, 2016 C 23
“For that step you really want “I’m thinking just where to hold “When I jump up, I want to “I’m thinking about keeping my “I’m trying to keep my legs
to focus on high knees and my pole. Towards the end of jump up horizontally and back leg straight and swing- close to the pole and not trying
when you start your first step the runway when you’re about punch my arms up. What I’m ing it all the way through so I to flag out so I can get my hips
you want to start off strong. to plant, you want your pole working on is keeping my can get all the way back and up. Throwing your head back
You don’t want to start off to be about 90 degrees with arms straight, so how my arm inverted.” causes you to kick outward,
sprinting but you want to build you.” is back behind my head, I’m so I’m focusing on keeping my
up to your high speed.” trying to keep it upright verti- chin tucked.”
Bagby vaults way to new school record
Last season, Bagby placed ninth in the Bagby said. “When this came, it was just age, but the outdoor season she worked
Kylie McCalmont | Sports Editor state with a 11’6’’ performance. 13’6’’ took a big relief to finally get the heights that very hard and things started to click.,”
[email protected] first, 12’8’’ was second, and 12’0’’ placed I’ve been waiting for.” Sutton said. “The things that we do are so
third. Affatato said that her trip to state technical that it doesn’t come overnight,
Armed with a 13 to 14 foot pole and a last year has propelled her to where she Bagby went from jumping 9’6’’ her there’s pieces to this event that they have
relentless desire to win, junior Nicole is now- the best pole vaulter to come freshman year to gaining nearly three to master and improve on. She started
Bagby has propelled herself to new through Mason High School, according feet in height by her junior year. Mason putting those things together and as a
heights, earning a spot in Mason’s record to her recent record. pole vaulting coach, Mark Sutton, attri- result of that, she finished 11’8”. She went
book. butes her success and quick growth to from in the nine’s to 11’8” her second sea-
“I think last year going to the State three personality traits that he identified son as a sophomore.”
On April 15, Bagby broke the school re- Championship as a sophomore has re- in her before she was even competing at
cord in the pole vault with a leap of 12’ 4” ally helped her immensely kind of figure the high school level. A typical vault takes less than ten
and along the way broke the Cincinnati out and prepare for what needs to hap- seconds, but the vaulter must consider
city pole vault record of 12’ 2”. Although pen this year as a junior,” Affatato said. “In middle school, I first saw the po- everything from their step, to their in-
the city record was later broken May 5 by “I think she has taken that experience at tential in her,” Sutton said. “She did the version, to their extension of their arms
King’s Lily Brune and her leap of 12’8’’, the State Championship and that’s really sprints, she did the long jump, she may or even the way they hold the pole. Per-
Bagby still proudly clings on to the Ma- helped propel her to where she is now, have even played around with the high fection is hard to achieve, but with the
son High School record. The last to hold probably considered (one of) the top two jump. But in pole vault, she showed heights that Bagby has already reached
the school record was 2011 Mason gradu- pole vaulters in all of Southwest Ohio.” something a little more unique than this season, Sutton said she is closer than
ate Olivia Bergeson, a former high jump- what I’ve seen before. She had the desire. ever to the “perfect vault”.
er at Duke University. Women’s track Bagby broke the indoor record earlier You have to have the three D’s. The three
coach Tony Affatato said this is quite an in the season with a vault of 12’ 0’’. Since D’s are the dedication, the determination “We’ve already trained her, we already
accomplishment for a young athlete. then, it has taken a lot of hard work and and the discipline and she had all those did all the drills,” Sutton said. “We just
patience to break the outdoor record as qualities.” want her to compete and the rest will
“To break that record is a pretty big well, Bagby said. take care of itself. There is a fine line in
deal,” Affatato said. “That young lady Sutton said Bagby’s accomplishments becoming a student and (knowing) when
that was here before her was quite good “We have just been waiting because it didn’t occur overnight, but as her knowl- you need enjoy it. If we can get her to
so that’s a really awesome record. And has been anticipated for this to come and edge of the “perfect vault” grew, as well enjoy, we believe that she will take wom-
from Southwest Ohio and all of Cincin- we have been waiting to get these heights as the intensity of the training, every- en’s pole vault to another level. It is a
nati, that’s a lot pole vaulters that have and at our first few meets I wasn’t really thing began to click for her. couple clicks away from being perfect.”
come before her.” getting the heights that I was expecting,”
“We finished the indoor season aver-
Senior, Track and Field Junior, Baseball
15.03 Senior, Softball .379 AVG
110 Meter Hurdles .481 OBP
.438 AVG .987 FLD PCT
39.59 9 Stolen bases
300 Meter Hurdles Statistics as of May 7.
30 Runs