Vol. 14, Issue 8 | William Mason High School | 6100 Mason Montgomery Road Mason, OH | 4.13.17
8 123 MAKE IT UP RD.
MASON, OH 45040
JK123456 01-01-1996 04-13-2017
[See story, page 2]
Photo Illustration by Ryan D’Souza
cover story
Teens risk up and I was supposed to
get other charges, but they
criminal dropped all of them.”
Mason alumnus and Ohio
University freshman Zach-
charges ary Jones* said that he
purchased a fake ID a week
to obtain before his 16th birthday and
has never gotten in trouble in
fake ids college, but it was taken away
in Mason.
“I got caught my junior
year of high school with it at
Meghan Pottle | Staff Writer (Buffalo Wild Wings), so the
manager took it from me and
s college and prom Statistics from “Fake ID Ownership and Heavy Drinking in Underage Graphics by Ryan D’Souza I threw a fit right there in the
season approach, the College Students: Prospective Findings,” a report by professors Julia middle of the store,” Jones
pressure to purchase a A. Martinez, Patricia C. Rutledge, and Kenneth J. Sher. said. “I am now banned from
2 (Buffalo Wild Wings) for life and
fake identification (ID) got her first fake ID her fresh- Mason Police Lieutenant Jeff they took my ID and wrote ‘fake’
over it with a Sharpie marker,
card for college arises. Teenag- man year by getting together Burson said that fake IDs are
ers may think they will not get with a group of friends to buy not a new problem in the United
caught for a crime that seems them in bulk. States, but they are just get- then proceeded to mail my par-
so common, or “it is never go- “There was a senior at Ma- ting more realistic and easier to ents a letter, because I used my
ing to happen to me,” but such son and she had a group going acquire. real address on the ID, about my
purchases are not immune to order them online, so I got “We have always seen fake fake ID and my foul language I
to consequences. Accord- mine through that,” Lewis said. IDs,” Burson said. “With the used towards the manager after
ing to U.S. National Library of “The more people you have the internet, they are easier to get she took it.”
Medicine National Institutes of cheaper it would be, but you and the people that are making Similar to Buffalo Wild Wings,
Health, “violations of liquor laws don’t get to pick your state if them are not here in Ohio; as a Riverbend Music Center is a
accounted for 15 percent of all it comes like that. When I got matter of fact, they are not even popular venue where many
arrests among youth aged 18 to mine, it was $60 for two and in the United States. They have teens look to buy alcohol from
20 years in 2003 and 2004.” I didn’t get to pick my state been around forever and the adults or use fake IDs. Accord-
Getting Duped because the whole group order holograms and things to prevent ing to Riverbend’s policies, any-
had to be the same.” fraud are getting more and more one drinking under the age of 21
Typically, students buy two advanced, but so are the tech- will be prosecuted to the fullest
Not only do college students fake IDs in case one of them niques to make fake IDs.” extent of the law. Lewis said that
possess and use fake IDs, but gets confiscated or lost. Lewis while she was on her way to a
high school students purchase said that it has gotten a lot more Getting Caught concert at Riverbend with two
fake IDs as well. In a survey of difficult to purchase fake IDs college students and one other
12th grade high school students because people will take the The use of fake IDs to pur- high school student, the police
reported by “Troubled Teens”, buyer’s money, but never give chase alcohol and get into bars got a call that teenagers were
“nearly one third of them re- them the ID. can lead to underage teens drinking in her car.
ported having consumed five “It used to be so much easier getting caught by bouncers and “As we were parked in the gas
or more drinks in a row (binge to buy them online,” Lewis said. police. station parking lot, police came
drinking) at least once during “Now, high schoolers scam each Mason alumnus Michael out of nowhere and surrounded
the past two weeks.” Underage other. We had a group going, Reynolds* said he got arrested our car,” Lewis said. “They
drinking is not only common went to Western Union and paid. with his fake ID and almost pulled everyone out, there was
among college students, but it You have an online tracking faced severe charges, such as alcohol in the car, so they were
is starting earlier as high school number, so you can see when underage drinking, possession going through what everyone
students begin to acquire fake the other person receives the of a falsified ID, and selling alco- was going to be charged with.
IDs. money and it said received, but hol to minors. They wanted everyone’s license,
Senior Kristen Lewis* said she we never got the IDs.” “I got arrested with it at some so my friends opened their
guy’s house because I was dead wallets and their fake IDs were
Editor’s Note: Names followed by an asterisk have been drunk and the police took it,” on top, so the police asked for
changed to protect the anonymity of the source. Names not Reynolds said. “The cops called everyone’s fake IDs.”
followed by an asterisk are correct. my parents and they picked me
[Continued, page 3]
Local universities crack down on fake id possession cover story
[Continued from page 2] possession,” Burson said. “The and dishonesty is an academic kids the dangers of overconsump-
big question is if they are under charge that would be reflected on tion of alcohol,” Spilman said. “On
Lewis said she had her fake ID 18 or if they are 18. If they are 17 someone’s transcript as well.” most weekends, when something
in her pocket, but decided to hide or under, they are going to go to bad like that does not happen,
it and not give it to the police, so the juvenile court and if they are In January, a Miami Univer- we are just getting lucky because
she did not get in more trouble. 18 or over, they are going to go to sity freshman, 18-year-old Erica there is an enormous amount of
the Mason Municipal court.” Buschick, was found dead in her alcohol consumption among col-
“Pretty much what happened dorm room due to choking on lege students.”
was no one got charged, they just Captain Ben Spilman of the Mi- her own vomit from the overcon-
made us throw everything away, ami University Police Department sumption of alcohol. According Not Turning a Blind Eye
they took the fake IDs, and the said that not only can students to the Cincinnati Enquirer, two
officer told us that each fake ID face serious criminal charges weeks after Buschick’s death, the Although it may seem that the
was a felony,” Lewis said. “Some at Miami, but there are practical Oxford Fire Department made use of a fake ID is sometimes
people had two sets of fakes on implications as well. 21 alcohol-related runs to the ER overlooked by police and bounc-
them, so that would’ve been two between February 9-12, which is ers, Burson said that underage
felonies. It took 45 minutes, we “There are a couple differ- a common occurrence. drinking is not something Mason
dumped all the alcohol out, and ent criminal charges a person police take lightly.
he let us go.” could face using an altered ID Spilman said that using fake
card or a completely falsified ID IDs to drink underage is not a “We can’t be everywhere, but
Consequences card,” Spilman said. “In addition new problem for colleges and uni- we still find a fair amount of them,”
to criminal charges, the person versities, including for Miami, but Burson said. “It is not something
Consequences for owning and could be held accountable for the recent events have brought more we overlook because of what
using a fake ID vary by geograph- university’s code of conduct. The attention to the issue. (teens) are going to do after they
ics. According to Luftman, Heck university would regard using a have been drinking. They have to
& Associates Cincinnati Criminal fake ID as a form of dishonesty “What happened here recently get home, so we also run the risk
Defense Attorneys, possessing a has just brought home for many of drinking and driving or impaired
fake ID or using another student’s driving.”
old ID is a first-degree misde-
meanor in Ohio. Punishments for 3Not only does the underage
this include a fine up to $1,000,
up to six months in jail, and sus- consumption of alcohol constitute
pension of a driver’s license. for criminal and academic charg-
es, but underage drinking is also
Laws are even more severe in a leading public health problem in
some states, such as Florida, a the United States.
popular spring break destination.
False identification is considered According to the National
a third-degree felony and can Institute of Alcohol Abuse and
result in a fine up to $10,000, Alcoholism, “Each year, approxi-
prison time up to 15 years, and mately 5,000 young people under
suspension of a driver’s license the age of 21 die as a result of
for a year. underage drinking.” The potential
health risks include elevated liver
Burson said that possessing a enzymes, upset or altered critical
fake ID means to be in posses- hormonal balance necessary for
sion of criminal tools, which is a normal development of organs,
first-degree misdemeanor, the muscles, and bones, and possible
most serious of the misdemean- impact on long-term thinking and
ors. This is because fake IDs hold memory skills.
no other purpose than to pur-
chase alcohol underage. Spilman said that he advises
incoming college freshmen and
“If we determine they were us- underage students to not pur-
ing a fake ID to purchase alcohol chase a fake ID.
underage and they had the fake
ID in the first place, they would “The consequences are not
get charged with possession of worth what you are possibly gain-
criminal tools and they would get ing by having one,” Spilman said.
charged with underage alcohol “There are just far too many risks
to even think that is a good idea.”
The Chronicle’s Policy Luke Hutchinson
Alexandra Lisa
The Chronicle is the official student The Chronicle is published monthly. The Chronicle is a member of The The Chronicle Staff Online Editor Charlie MacKenzie Adviser
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The Chronicle promises to report the right to refuse advertising it deems in- Honorary Society for High School Jour- India Kirssin Staff Writers Eric Michael
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mediums. Visual Design Editor Joey Deaton Alekya Raghavan mhschronicle
As an open forum for students, let- Contact Information Ryan D’Souza Juliana Discher Lauren Thomas @mhschronicle
The Chronicle is produced by students ters to the editor are welcome, but are The Chronicle Jacob Fulton Delaney Turner
enrolled in Journalism I, II and III. subject to be edited for length, libel, ob- William Mason High School Bryan Hudnell Freddie Wilhelm 4.13.17
scenity, clarity and poor taste. Letters to 6100 S. Mason Montgomery Rd.
Editorials reflect the staff ’s opinion the editor may be dropped off in room Mason, Ohio 45040
but do not necessarily reflect the opin- C103 and must be signed. (513) 398-5025
ions of the school administration or the
Mason City School District.
news District Mason
renovations Intermediate
to begin in Mason 7th/8th8GtrhadGerrasders
Middle 2nd Graders
2018 School
Ashton Nichols | Staff Writer 3rd Graders Mason
The Mason City School District Mason Early School
will be getting a makeover in 2018. Childhood Center
Western Row
4 The largest part of the renova- Graphic by Ryan D’Souza Elementary
tions will be at Mason Middle Staring in 2018, students will be moved to different schools to
4.13.17 School, which was originally built accommodate renovations. The shift is illustrated above. School
in 1959 and used as Mason High
School. Students will not be able to sizes of Mason are shrinking, with maybe even a floor,” Murzynowski and trying to make it not feel like a
stay in the middle school during the the class of 2018 having a class size said. “These are all preliminary huge school.”
construction period – technology of 920, compared to the class of 2030 things.”
upgrades will occur, the cafeteria with only 690 students. Community member John Meyer
will be relocated and expanded, Community parent Monique said his kids have graduated from
new finishings will be added, and The total cost of the project is Mattingley has children who will be the Mason School District, yet he
building access and security will be $42.2 million, but the district will re- affected by the upcoming changes. believes there are still issues not
updated, along with roof replace- ceive $33.7 million from the state of Mattingley said although these are yet worked out with the upcoming
ment and a parking lot upgrade. Ohio. According to superintendent large changes, she believes Mason changes.
Gail Kist-Kline, $8.5 million will be has planned well.
Two plans could occur: the eighth needed for the renovations, but no “I don’t think it will affect our
grade class of 2020 will be divided new tax levy will be required. “It was very informative to see community one way or another,”
with some attending Western Row, how the operating budget and the Meyer said. “One of the things I
while others move to the high Mason Middle School Assistant other budget were two different am not fully understanding is that
school. This is while construction Principal Mark Murzynowski said things,” Mattingley said. “It is good we have closed two schools – we
takes place at the middle school administration will need to look to see Mason has planned ahead closed Mason Heights and now we
during 2018-2019. at how the eighth graders will be and their facilities have already will close Western Row, and then
distributed, and who will be moved planned for improvements.” we build on smaller classrooms and
The second plan would be to hold to what location. smaller additions. What that tells
off a year and transition the middle A Mason City Schools Town Hall me is the population of the students
school during 2019-2020, still divid- “We have to be very careful about was held on March 15 to address the is shrinking. I’m not sure in the
ing the eighth graders. If the plan it, so we minimize anything going community about the upcoming overall aspect if this is a good in-
of waiting a year takes place, West- to affect each individual student, so changes, and for community mem- vestment to close schools and then
ern Row will remain vacant during the change is going to be as little bers to provide feedback. Mattingley add additions on. But that’s why the
the 2018-2019 school year. Current as possible for them,” Murzynowski said the reason she came to the community is involved.”
sixth graders will be affected if the said. “We’ve got to lend an ear, and town hall was to have her concerns
district chooses no pause year; cur- look at options, because there are addressed and answered. Murzynowski said ideas presented
rent fifth graders if the pause year is some individuals who are ready to by the community and students are
taken. Either way, seventh graders come to the high school in eighth “I have felt in the past that Mason accepted, as plans for the renova-
will attend Western Row. Once all grade, even seventh grade, where is huge,” Mattingley said. “Some- tions to the district are still in the
renovations have taken place by there are some who need the times students can get lost because beginning stages.
2020 or 2021, Western Row will close. smaller location and environment.” it’s so big. One of the reductions
(the middle school) did was get rid “What we need to do is be careful
Beginning the summer of 2017, About a quarter of MMS teach- of teams. I had two kids go through at what we’re looking at using as
renovations to the Mason Early ers will go to the high school, with who had the teams, and now I have far as a facility,” Murzynowski said.
Childhood Center will begin. These the rest relocated to Western Row. a daughter who is going through “When we initially started looking
include adding 12 new classrooms, Murzynowski said administration who does not have them, and I at it, we looked at the big picture of
renovating the gym, cafeteria and would like to integrate the eighth saw what that did to her schedule. things, but then we started to talk to
adding office and small group grade students at the high school It meant she hopped all over the people and they started bringing up
spaces. While second graders are into high school classes such as school. Some of the concerns I have things like restrooms and lockers
currently split between MECC and Band, Orchestra, Chorus, or Health. are making sure the district is look- and space. We have to consider all
Western Row, all pre-k through ing at some of those logistical issues of these things before we finalize
second grade students will move to “We’re going to be trying to get with having such a huge school anything.”
MECC after these renovations. (the eighth graders) into a pod,
Mason Intermediate will also
undergo renovations, and will begin
to house students grades third
through sixth. Traffic circulation
will updated, along with adding
a playground, specialized office
spaces, and additional parking.
The Mason City School District
saved $700,000 a year by closing
Mason Heights in 2012. The class
Students gain medical experience news
through international organization
Freddie Wilhelm | Staff Writer said her older members will help
Students are hoping they come the team at the state competi-
down with a case of victory at the
Health Occupations Students of tion this year due to their added
America state competition.
HOSA is an international orga-
nization which allows students to “I think we’re going to do very
compete in various competitions
pertaining to the medical field. well at state because we have older
The competition is comprised of
40 events ranging from public kids than (we did) last year,” Hazel
speaking to written tests and spell-
ing. Senior Captain Olivia Hazel said. “Last year, we took a lot of
said HOSA is a fantastic opportu-
nity to prepare potential medical kids, but they were freshmen, and
students for college-level courses.
they’re sometimes competing with
“If you have an idea of what
specialty you want to go into college kids. The program runs
after high school, it’s an awesome
competition,” Hazel said. “It is an from middle school to post-sec-
overarching precursor of what a
college class might be. It’s getting ondary, but a lot of the competi-
a good jump start in your career
and gives a good idea of what you tors are juniors and seniors.”
want to do.”
Mason’s HOSA team heads out
Mason’s HOSA program was
formed last year by Principles of for state on April 20. Moseley said
Biomedical Science teacher Susan
Maldonado. With the program’s they are looking to qualify more
second year well underway, Mal-
donado said she started HOSA to students to the international level
give students real-world applica-
tion of medical sciences. where other countries will com- (Left to right) Freshman Kamal Sylvester and sophomores Aman Shafqat, Jackson
“I started HOSA four years ago pete against American students in Gallagher, and Thomas Weber showcase their Zika project at the regional competition at
at Harrison High school; when I Scarlet Oaks in Sharonville.
moved to Mason, I started it here,” Disney.
Maldonado said. “I was looking for
an opportunity where my students “We did amazing at regionals,”
can see what other kids are doing
in their fields and compete with Moseley said. “We’re taking about
peers. We tried doing SkillsUSA,
which we thought was too easy. 60 kids to state this year, and last 5
HOSA gave us an opportunity to
compete in medical fields and year, we took about 30, and hope- 4.13.17
experience leadership with work-
shops and guest speakers.” fully, we can take a lot of kids to
Sophomore vice president Kath- internationals in Disney this year.”
erine Moseley said Maldonado,
who last year was recognized as With the team looking to
an outstanding coach at the state
level, has been a big factor in their qualify more competitors for the
international competition in Or-
“Last year, we didn’t know too
much about HOSA since it was lando, there comes a time where
our first year as a team and our
first year with Mrs. Maldonado,” financial means become necessary
Moseley said. “Now, this year,
we’re more excited for HOSA, and for the club. Even with the club’s
we’re far more motivated to study,
and it should lead to more kids at current sponsors, Maldonado said
the team needs all the help they
Senior president Olivia Hazel
can get.
“We need a lot of financial sup-
port because we need to pay mon-
ey for the uniforms and hotels,”
Maldonado said. “We are currently
supported by (Scarlet Oaks) who
pays our airfare, which is huge, Photos contributed by Susan Maldonado
but we still have a lot of stuff to (Left to right) Sophomore Bailey Schmid, juniors Sophie Bause and Kate Solimini, and
pay for. This year, internationals sophomore Sasha Itenberg qualify for the HOSA state competition.
is at Disney, which will make it
more expensive, so we need to
find more money and sponsors for
our program.”
With the state competition in
sight, Maldonado said she is in-
credibly confident of her student’s
ability to make it to the interna-
tional competition this summer.
“I’m taking 65 kids to states, and
I’m counting on a lot of kids go-
ing to internationals,” Maldonado.
“There’s also a lot of outside work
that has to be done by myself and
the kids. These kids have been
preparing since September. It’s a
lot of work, and I wish them all
the best at state.”
feature Global curriculums teach history with a spin
International focused more on Mussolini; he was sarova said. “In Germany, you are some of the more biased facts and
students learn
history from the center (of our unit),” Bianchi not allowed to hang your German mentalities.
perspective said. “In America, Italy is seen as flag outside your house; you can’t “We used to have a much stron-
having supported Hitler in the war, express excessive pride because ger study of the battles of different
but we’re taught Mussolini sup- that reinforces ‘Germany is better,’ wars,” Little said. “A major reason
ported him, and we were fighting which is what why most of that was gotten rid of
against (Mussolini).” happened was to prevent teaching students
Bianchi said that Italian history in that time (that) America was the hero of this
classes primarily teach about how period. If you war and rescued one country from
Italy made its comeback after the say you’re annihilation.”
war. a member Monrique agreed that inflating
“World War II was a big turning of the Nazi national pride was a large part of
Alexandra Lisa | Staff Writer point,” Bianchi said. “Because of party, you’ll different nations’ agendas when
what happened, we changed from be arrested organizing their curriculums.
The winners tell the story, but a Monarchy to a Republic after immediately, Senior Dante Andres “A lot of what we learn is about
whereas Villarreal Monrique is
when it comes to history, anyone the war, and we still celebrate the the KKK from Mexico. the fight to gain Mexican indepen-
can kind of
can make themselves out to be the change every year. What happened dence from Spain,” Monrique said.
hero. to us is what we are taught.” “We kind of touch that over and
One of the Sophomore Anna Komissarova do as they wish in the U.S. A lot of over again every year, and so I was
inevitable moved to Mason from Germany, monuments have been dedicated very uninformed about any history
challenges and also said the history surround- to victims of the genocide, as well, in America,
students ing that time period changed after and that’s also different because you (which
from foreign the transition. don’t walk around and see a lot of is odd Photos by Alexandra Lisa
nations face “America is very set in its facts, monuments for Native Americans because)
when going and that makes sense,” Komissarova that were slaughtered here.” the country
to school in said. “Germany realizes that what Senior Dante Andres Villarreal is directly
6 the U.S. is Junior Gabriele Vella happened was horrific and accepts Monrique came to Mason last year north of
switching Bianchi is from Italy.
from their the blame. from Mexico, and said that, through ours.”
But they learning America’s history, he Little
own country’s history to American don’t do found the U.S. has a lot of pride in also said AP U.S. History
that this teacher Darin Little.
history in the classroom. Not only what Ameri- events the rest of the world does not
do they have to learn entirely new cans think: care about. tainting
historical figures and events, but they don’t “‘Remember the Alamo’ is a big of history is inevitable for every
they often learn the exact same pretend that deal,” Monrique said. “And the nation.
history from an entirely different they weren’t (dispute) over the border and the “It isn’t changing facts, it’s just
viewpoint. Junior Gabriele Vella wrong.” war to get more land at that time having separate points of emphasis
Bianchi, a Mason exchange student Komis- Sophomore Anna is made to be big, but we had not in the curriculum,” Little said. “I
sarova Komissarova is from
from Italy, said he had learned really talked about it in Mexico. We don’t think a lot of countries are
about World War II since the fifth said that Germany. think it was a bit of an unfair deal going to want to feed their student
grade, but upon coming to the U.S. extensive changes have been made and America got the better end, but population information that’s going
found that America’s interpretation since the war to repair damage that that’s it. When you see how proud to make them feel as if their coun-
of what happened was drastically Americans do not know about. America is about it, it’s confusing.” try has acted poorly, or lack confi-
different. “Germany is a Republic, but there Darin Little, an AP U.S. His- dence or faith in what their leaders
“Americans focus a lot on Hitler, are less freedoms than in America, tory teacher, said he has seen the have done. That isn’t just the United
and we focused on Hitler, but we which people don’t realize,” Komis- curriculum change to get rid of States; it’s everywhere.”
Aides vital part of lives of their students featur e
Alekya Raghavan | Staff Writer
“Now teachers, the announcement you’ve all Photo by Alekya Raghavan
been waiting for,” are the words English teacher
Thurman Allen shouts out over the public address MHS educational aide Mrs. Vicki Gorsek works with junior Casey Kahl.
system before giving the Teacher of the Week
award to the teacher whose students have deemed day. Aides are not permanently assigned to a employs 153 aides, who are available at every 7
them hardworking and passionate about what single student but instead are able to work with level of a student’s education. Often, aides provide
they do. any student that needs assistance. physical care, such as feeding, lifting, moving, or 4.13.17
cleaning, for students who are unable to care for
But there’s a group of valuable educators who Gorsek, formerly an aide at the Mason Interme- themselves as well as behavioral management.
will rarely, if ever, hear their name called, despite diate school, said that a large part of an aide’s job Some aides at the high school assist with work
embodying thosequalities every day. They are the also includes equipping students with life skills, study programs, which allow the students to go
special education aides and support education like cooking and cleaning. out and gain job experience at local businesses
assistants who play a vital role in the lives of the like Walgreens and City Barbecue.
students entrusted to them. “It’s rewarding when they finally have a social
skill,” Gorsek said. “When I came over to the high Although the qualifications needed to become
The responsibilities of a special education aide school, I had the same students all over again, and an aide are not as extensive as teacher licensure
vary, ranging from helping a student complete it was really awesome for me to see the things requirements, District Human Resources Talent
homework to providing day-long assistance. These that we had worked on so hard at the intermediate Management Officer Marla Nielbling said that
responsibilities differ from those of a Support Ed- level.” her team looks for certain character traits when
ucation teacher. Teacher aides supervise students hiring an aide.
outside the classroom setting and supplement Ten percent of Mason’s student population
their learning with engaging activities. is enrolled in the district’s special education “We look for a person who is caring, compas-
program. As part of this program, the district sionate, dedicated, hard-working, has patience
Aide to students with special needs at the high and has a genuine interest in seeing all students
school Vicki Gorsek said most aides work with succeed,” Niebling said. “Additionally, we seek
students on class work, making sure they are individuals who have exceptional attendance as
understanding it. our students with disabilities need structure and a
consistent presence and support network.”
“They all have a routine during the day,”
Gorsek said. “Typically, we do what the teacher Gorsek said that while the job can be challeng-
asks us to do with the student. We make sure they ing but the job as many rewards.
do it, and we check their work, and we go over it
with them and make any corrections. We get to “Every day is a challenge,” Gorsek said. “Ev-
come in here and have fun with the kids and not erybody feels different every day. They’re people
have to worry about all the other paperwork and too. We’re always trying to meet each individual’s
all that other stuff.” needs. Whether it be an emotional need or a
school work need, and most parents are very
According to its website, the Mason City School friendly. They’re very appreciative. They’re happy
district aims to promote inclusion of the special that their kids are happy.”
education program in the general education
environment, which it has identified as the least Virginia Neal, an aide at the high school, said
restrictive environment for learning. Part of this the job puts things in perspective and despite its
means providing the services of special education challenges, her job has been a valuable experi-
aides, who are available throughout the school ence.
“I’m sure it’s not for everybody,” Neal said. “But
it’s definitely an experience that I think everybody
should have just to get a better understanding of
what these kids go through. You really understand
that your problems aren’t as big as you think they
are when you come in and see what these children
deal with every single day. It makes you count
your blessings.”
PAYING THEIR College bound students prepare feature
for financial responsibility of
OWN WAY paying the bill
Lauren Thomas | Staff Writer take out student loans in her own and every paycheck I save as Senior Lorna Martin 9
name and add her tuition to the much as I can,” Martin said. “I will attend Eastern
They are on their own. That is 1.2 trillion dollar student loan debt save at least 20 percent of every Kentucky University 4.13.17
just the way it is for seniors who in America, according to Market paycheck. I work four to six days a because it’s actually
have to pay for college. Watch. week, 15 to 25 hours.” cheaper than attending an
in state university in Ohio.
Despite the growing college Contant is not the only one Before deciding on EKU, Martin Junior Conner Gagliardo
tuition cost and the prospects of working towards paying for her pondered the idea of big state will attend an in-state
student loan debt, parents are put- education. Junior Conner Ga- schools, but the reality of tuition university to lower the cost
ting the pressure on their children gliardo learned this year he would prices changed her mind. Accord-
to pay for their own education. be paying for college. Gagliardo’s ing to U.S News, in-state tuition of tuition.
step-siblings have had to pay their and fees at public universities
According to a recent Sallie Mae own way and this year his parents increased 296 percent from 1995. Senior Annabelle Contant
study, only 50 percent of Ameri- told him that he will need to pay Although in-state may seem like will attend the University of
can families are saving for college. for his education. Although he has the more affordable option be- Cincinnati to alleviate the
The burden of paying for college been dreaming of being a Buckeye cause of in-state tuition discounts,
is falling on 18-year-olds who is for as long as he can remember, that is not always the case. cost of college.
about to embark on what could be he has not always been conscious
their biggest investments. of the fact that he will have to pay “I only ended up applying to Photos by Meghan Pottle and Juliana Discher
his own way. two schools because a lot of the
Senior Annabelle Contant is other schools I liked, but I knew
expected to pay for college on her “I’ve always wanted to go to if I got in, I couldn’t afford (it),”
own. Her older siblings did it and Ohio State, so now it’s probably Martin said. “I knew that even
now it’s her turn. Contant said the just Ohio State or UC because I if they gave me a little bit of (a)
responsibility to save and think know I can afford those,” Gagliar- scholarship I still couldn’t, so for
ahead made her grow up a lot do said. “My parents told me this Ohio State, I love that school but
faster than many of her peers. year. It was like my step-siblings; I could never go there, so I didn’t
my step-sister had to pay for her’s. apply. It definitely affected the
“It has made me very indepen- My dad was like ‘We know from schools I visited (and) the schools
dent,” Contant said. “I do every- experience. You’re going to have I applied (to) because I didn’t want
thing myself right now. I pay for to pay for it; we can’t afford it.’” to go somewhere that was unaf-
gas and stuff, which helps me fordable when there were schools
manage money because I know Gagliardo works several days a more affordable that were good.”
I can’t just spend it on clothes. I week, totaling around 20 hours in
save over half of my paychecks.” any given pay period, in addition Along with the responsibility of
to his other responsibilities. Know- putting aside money for college,
Contant hopes that one day her ing he will have to pay for his own Martin is committed to extracur-
savings will be enough to support college has forced him to save riculars and not only pays for her
a portion of her four years at the when his peers spend. own gas, but also her car insur-
University of Cincinnati. Working ance, which forces her to make
various jobs at Pacsun and Bob Since finding out he is in charge important decisions on how to
Evans since she was fifteen, she of his future tuition payments, he spend her money.
has filled a savings account with has made a point to stockpile all
enough money to support her his paychecks in order to be ready “I’m very independent because
through some of her time at U.C. when the time comes. I had to grow up faster than a lot
During her sophomore year, she of my peers,” Martin said. “I have
dreamed of going to college out “I definitely see myself trying to pay for my car insurance, I have
of state, but reality set in. to not spend as much money, and to pay for my gas, but I’m grateful
trying to save money, like I’m for that because I feel like I am a
“Sophomore year I wanted to go always checking my bank account lot more prepared to go to college
as far away as possible, but I didn’t to see how much money I have,” and pay for my college and pay
realize how expensive it was,” Con- Gagliardo said. “I just know in the my bills.”
tant said. “I kind of changed my future that in college there will be
mindset. It doesn’t really matter a lot of unexpected expenses that Car insurance, college tuition,
how far away you go; it’s not like I’m going to want to have money and six-hour shifts are heavy
you’re at home.” saved for.” responsibilities for a high school
senior, but Martin sees her long
In addition to working at Pac- When senior Lorna Martin nights and looming bills all pay-
sun four days a week, Content has put her deposit down for Eastern ing off down the road.
a busy dance schedule and a chal- Kentucky University, she knew
lenging course load. She hopes the she would be responsible for “I think a lot of people see it as
time she invests in dancing will every tuition bill that came her a really negative thing like ‘Oh,
carry over to a scholarship once way. Following in the footsteps your parents can’t afford to pay for
she arrives in Clifton this fall. of her older brother, who attends your college,’” Martin said. “I look
Ashland University, Martin has at it as a positive thing. I get to
Contant has applied for several worked hard to save for college. come out of college knowing that
scholarships and has earned valu- I paid for what I worked hard for.”
able scholarship dollars. Despite “I work at Old Navy right now
her efforts, she will be forced to
10 Luke Hutchinson | Staff Writer a pet. Young said he used to feed boa constric- Junior
his snakes dead mice, but he no tors and Bur- and seven
4.13.17 Approximately 250 species of longer can. mese Pythons, year snake owner
snakes can kill a human with one which are more Noorah Basher said women with
bite. “I used to feed my snakes dangerous. snakes are stereotyped to a further
defrosted mice that were already There is a (15 foot, extent than men.
Some animals do not enjoy dead, but over time my snakes 110 pound) Burmese Py- thon “People need to realize that
playing fetch or rolling over – es- wouldn’t eat it, so I started feeding there, which is the third larg- having a snake is just like having
pecially ones that are carnivorous, them live mice that they’re inter- est snake in the world, that was another pet, even maybe a dog,”
legless, and elongated; despite ested in,” Young said. mistreated and disrespected by Basher said. “Most people say that
people’s thoughts about owning a his former owner, who also didn’t girls are more afraid of snakes
snake, some students are fasci- Ball python owner and senior feed him often. One night he got and want nothing to do with them,
nated by their behavior. Owner of Brent Suer said his least favorite drunk and decided to sleep in the and I’ll be honest I was a little bit
two snakes and freshman Logan part of owning a snake is feeding, python’s cage, which got upset afraid at first, but he’s actually re-
Young said his mom is somewhat and that he avoids feeding live and constricted him to death.” ally gentle and cool to have.”
reluctant regarding his choice of rodents. Suer said he realized what most
pet. Suer said that an animal rescue people who own snakes stereo-
“I think it’s more humane to like the Society for the Prevention typically look like after he visited
“She hates snakes,” Young said. feed a rat that’s already dead and of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) is multiple reptile expos.
“She just doesn’t like how they thawed, rather than a living ani- probably taken more seriously “There’s something about hav-
look and how they seem slimy, mal,” Suer said. “I offer mine food than ARR. ing snakes that makes people feel
but honestly they are so fun to once a week, and it will usually eat strong, or like they have dominion
have, look at, and hold.” every week or other week.” “I could see the SPCA being over the animal, and so people
called an actual animal rescue,” who are just kinda weirder have
Young said each snake has a Suer said that he volunteers at Suer said. “That’s because reptiles pet snakes,” Suer said. “I’ve gone
unique personality, similar to Arrowhead Reptile Rescue aren’t as well liked by people who to expos before and seen people
dogs. (ARR), a non-profit fear them, so it makes sense that who have like 50 pet snakes, and
organization that people don’t support (ARR) as they are mostly older men with
“I get my (six foot) corn snake takes care of much.” ponytails and weird beards.”
out all the time because she actu- unwanted reptiles.
ally enjoys being handled and He said while he According to healthresearch- Photo description: Top left, Brent
doesn’t try to bite, but on the other felt safe getting funding.org the fear of reptiles, Suer’s snake dines on a mouse.
hand my (seven foot) ball python his Ball Python called Herpetophobia, is one of Top right, Brent Suer’s snake wraps
is way more aggressive, so I can’t from the the most common animal phobias
get him out anymore,” Young said. rescue, some in existence. his body around its unsuspecting
“He has actually struck at my dad of the other prey. Bottom, Brent Suer’s snake
before and came pretty close to animals there gets fed about every two weeks.
biting him. What I like about my have had rough
corn snake is that she’s curious, al- pasts. Photos by Luke Hutchinson
most like she’s a person that likes
slithering around my room. ” “Ball pythons
are actually really
While snakes only eat about docile and were even
once every two weeks, their diet used by African kings as
is a factor that can turn many (live) jewelry,” Suer said.
people away from keeping one as “I have been struck at by
Students make their Juniors Collin Aldrich and Megan Ledford have
claims to fame in pairs shape Drama Club into an accepting and fun environ-
ment. As “Man in the Chair” and “Kitty” in the spring
Delaney Turner | Staff Writer
musical “The Drowsy Chaperone,” this duo has
Name a more iconic duo… I’ll wait. more than just a role on the stage and under the
Sherlock and Watson, Batman and Robin, and Kimye are lights. Both actors ensure that everyone feels
only a few dynamic duos. The duos of the world influence welcome and important as a part of the show.
social media, fashion, and ultimately affect the way the world By letting loose and continuing to main-
functions. At Mason High School, it is no different. Duos are tain a professional attitude, the actors have
made Drama Club an exciting setting.
12 taking on the halls and making big impacts. Aldrich said that being upperclassmen will
not be the only influence the two have on
the rest of the club.
“People look up to us because, yes, we
are upperclassmen but also because we are
always willing to help others,” Aldrich
said. “We always have a positive at-
titude towards the show and everyone
who is a part of it.”
Think you’re a part of a dynamic
duo? Tweet us photos of yourself
and your partner in crime
In the annual National Honors Society
talent show, two students have competed
with success the past two years. Sophomore
Kayleigh Flynn and junior Harrison Wright
have taken their talents to the stage. Flynn
sings vocals while Wright keys the piano; both
come together to create an amazing show.
The two never expected to partake in an
event like the talent show, but they were
happy to step out of their comfort zones.
Flynn said that their successful performances
can be attributed to the duo’s bond, which
reaches a spiritual level.
“Harrison and I have lived down the street
from each other for five years,” Flynn said.“We
got closer to each other through Swimming and
Young Life and just magically thought of the
idea of being a duo for the talent show
after swim practice one day
last year. We work really
well together and always
have a good time. Before
we go on stage, we always
pray together and dance a
little to get hyped up.”
Seniors Brooke Rice and Elle Buffenbarg- Two brothers are dominating the
er are a power duo on the softball team. Ultimate Frisbee field. The duo has been
The athletes have been playing together playing varsity for the past two seasons,
since fourth grade and have started var- and continues to play competitively
across the country. Senior Sion
sity the past two seasons. As catcher and Agami and junior Axel Agami are
pitcher, the duo has a unique approach both core members of Mason’s
to leadership on the field. Ultimate Frisbee team.
Rice said that their friendship
will greatly benefit them as the Both athletes focus on increasing
season approaches. As starting un- the competition among teammates
derclassmen, the two had to look to and bettering their results. Axel said
themselves to make an impact. that the competitiveness between
“I feel like you always have to
have a strong pitcher-catcher duo siblings pushes them to
because if they success.
don’t get along, “When we
you're going to scrimmage,
have some issues,” we’re always on
separate teams,”
Rice said. “I think that Axel said. “I’m
over the years we’ve always guarding
never really had those him and he’s al-
seniors to look up to, so I ways guarding me,
think it’s good for the both
of us that we have each other so we’re constantly
to lean on. Now that it’s our pushing each other.
That leads the competition
senior year, we’ve kind of figured it out at practice to increase, and every-
and we’re ready to lead the team.” one gets better because of it.”
A set of identical twins are ruling the halls – lit- 13
erally. Seniors Hannah and Katherine Geiger are
Senior Ashley Volpenhein and junior Allison Bloebaum
president and vice president of the student body, dominated the Greater Miami Conference (GMC) this past,
respectively, and do not fail at shaping the both earning state titles in their respective events. The duo
positivity of Mason High School. credits its achievements to experience and confidence.
Katherine said that their ability to use
various clubs as an outlet to impact the “We had both been to all (the) state meets so to have that
school as well as the community has experience in leadership to help our team as well as pos-
deeply affected the duo.
“StuGo is really cool because we do so sible is what we did the most for our team,” Bloebaum
many different events and things for the said.
whole school, so there are a ton of different Both athletes succeeded in the meets leading up to
ways it can impact the school,” Geiger said. the state meet, gaining them “power points,” awarded
“Whether it's homecoming or Kids Count or any for times nearing USA Swimming’s benchmark. At the
other event or fundraiser, StuGo is always doing end of the GMC meet, the athletes tied in power points,
something different and that's really cool.” and were both honored as GMC athletes of the year. Bloe-
baum said she felt incredibly proud to earn this title with
As twins, this duo has a singular opportunity to her fellow teammate.
impact the school. Hannah said that knowing her
sister well has factored into the success of spreading “To tie with her was really special because we’re team-
positivity. mates, and at practice, we’re partners when we do all of
“We’ve been together our whole lives,” Hannah our workouts,” Bloebaum said. “To have that experience
said. “We do everything together and people look at plus everything we’ve been through this season was
us as a unit. We try really hard to be a positive force at pretty cool.”
Mason, so we’ve kind of made it our mission to make
sure everyone feels welcome and loved and comfort-
able. I think it’s good that there are two people who
have the same mindset.”
4.13.17Photos by Delaney Turner
Photo Illustrations by Ryan D’Souza
Mason dancer makes young debut on big stage a&e
Juliana Discher | Staff Writer shoulders of guys and wore a giant dress “A dancer’s career is really short,” Man- 15
made out of two parachutes,” Manguiat guiat said “You have to retire in your mid-
For Alyssa Manguiat, life without ballet is said. “That was a different role because it thirties. Next year, I would start auditioning
pointe-less. wasn’t classical ballet and you could only for different companies and try to get a job
use your upper body. It was a bit difficult straight out of high school. I would also
Ballet is not just a hobby or sport for because it was kind of restricting. That was want to take online college courses as a
junior Alyssa Manguiat. At 17 years old, (a) role where the other two performers back-up plan.”
it is becoming her career. Manguiat has were professionals.”
already performed on the big stage, star- Performing is physically challenging,
ring in The Nutcracker and King Arthur’s Training at the level of a professional bal- and Manguiat said she is lucky to have not
Camelot, both performed at the Aronoff lerina requires a heavy time commitment. been injured before.
Center. Manguiat said her training with the Manguiat said she trains six hours a day
Cincinnati Ballet has allowed her to reach before a big performance and practices two “Ballet is making your body do things it’s
the next level. and a half hours every day. The commute not supposed to do,” Manguiat said. “Noth-
to her studio is thirty minutes. ing about ballet is natural; you’re standing
“I’ve been in 26 shows all together with on your toes. It’s really hard to get the
Cincinnati Ballet,” Manguiat said. “I dance “For my flex credit, I had to count up all stamina to make it through certain things,
in the academy there, so whenever the the hours I have danced this semester which is why we practice so much.”
company needs younger people they ask alone and it was already over 200 hours,”
me and others. My biggest role was play- Manguiat said. “People get that I dance, According to LIVESTRONG, a
ing Clara in The Nutcracker.” but I don’t think they get how much time 130-pound person burns 525 calories in a
I put it in or how important it is. I have to 90-minute ballet class, while a 150-pound
Manguiat said playing Clara was special miss a lot of school.” person burns 600 calories in that same
because it was the first time she was able class. With the intense calorie burning,
to stand out in a show. To help alleviate the stress of missing Manguiat said she takes advantage of it by
school, Manguiat said she is considering eating whatever she desires.
“It was really exciting, in eighth grade online schooling for her senior year.
and freshman year I played Clara,” Man- “I eat a ton of food,” Manguiat said.
guiat said. “I loved that all those people at “My academy is trying to start a new pro- “There is a stereotype that all ballet danc-
the Aronoff were watching me, especially a gram where we would come in during the ers are anorexic. There are some that are
lot of my family that hadn’t seen me dance day so we would be able to work longer,” because there is a focus on body image. I
very much before. It’s hard to describe Manguiat said. “It is a professional compa- think I have like five cupcakes on Fridays
what it was like performing because it was ny, so performers rehearse during the day at school.”
really a blur, but the entire experience — since it is their job. I think it would change
the stage, the costumes, the dancing — my experience as a performer because it Manguiat said she hopes to achieve her
was really unforgettable.” would give insight on what it is actually like dream of becoming a professional.
to be a professional dancer, which is what I
In King Arthur’s Camelot,” Manguiat want to do as a career. “ “This summer I am going to Seattle to
was a Lady of the Lake and said it was a train at the Pacific Northwest Ballet and
unique and challenging role for her. After Manguiat graduates high school, that’s a dream company,” Manguiat said.
she said she she hopes to get “Also, the Miami City Ballet in Florida is a
“I was a Lady of the Lake along with a professional job right away. dream for me. I am excited to see what the
two other girls and we were on the future holds.”
Junior Alyssa Manguiat (right) performs in “King Arthur’s Camelot” at the Aronoff Center. Photo contributed by the Cincinnati Ballet 4.13.17
a &e ! Trending Now
16 Duncan MacKenzie | Staff Writer Studio manager Gina Stellatano “I went once [to a tanning bed]
said that these sessions are some- to try it, and I got burnt. I’m never
Students are getting ready for times spread out over weeks, while going to try it again. I used it to
warmer weather by heading in- the lotion and sprays are immediate get ready for prom season.”
doors. remedies for pale skin.
- Senior Phillip Krayterman
Whether it be in preparation for “UV tanning is more of a build-
prom or hitting the beach, tanning is ing process just like going out in “You stay tan all year, and girls
an important part of many students’ the sun,” Stellatano said. “It takes feel a lot more confident when
spring schedules. The perfect tan time, it takes a couple days, it takes they’re tan so it’s nice to have
can be achieved using a variety of some visits in a tanning bed to build that. I started tanning for a couple
indoor methods: ultraviolet expo- color. Sunless is more of an instant. minutes, like three or four, so that
sure, lotions, and sprays. You get sprayed, you’re tan in a you don’t get burnt, and then you
matter of a few hours.” just gradually go up from there and
UV exposure in tanning beds it looks more natural.”
combines two different UV rays: U.S. News and World Report
UVA and UVB. UVA makes up estimates that roughly one million - Sophomore Sierra Bird
about 95 percent of the UV radia- Americans tan indoors every day,
tion reaching the earth’s surface, and according to TANtalize Tanning
and is the dominant form in tanning Studio manager Gina Stellatano,
beds. It has a longer wavelength there is a significant increase in
than UVB, allowing it to penetrate young-adult tanners as spring
deeper into the skin. begins.
According to skincancer.org, UV “For teenagers, we see them in
lamps in tanning salons emit 12 the springtime mostly,” Stellatano
times more UVA than the sun. Due said. “As soon as we’re about a
to the light’s intensity, tanning ses- month from spring break and into
sions only last about 12 to 18 min- prom when seniors are graduating,
utes at a time. TANtalize Tanning we see the most teenagers.”
“I recently got a spray tan because I hate “I do it before spring break so that I have a base
being pale. I don’t like going into tanning tan going into spring break. I typically get a lot tan-
beds because I’m scared of skin cancer and ner on spring break if I do it versus if I don’t do it.
that is a huge risk of (using) a tanning bed. I’ve never done a spray tan because I’m afraid I’d
The only downfall is you might turn out or- be orange, but I feel like the tanning bed is an easy
ange like an “Oompa-Loopma”, but if you get way to gradually become tanner, so it’s not all in
it done right then you’ll look natural.” one day.”
- Junior Zoe Bishop - Sophomore Meredith Wolf
4.13.17 Photos by Jonathan McCollough and Duncan MacKenzie
Softball pitchers go the distance while sports
baseball counterparts test physiological limits
Joey Deaton | Staff Writer in a game, as well as requiring would lose substantial velocity.
rest days based off the number “If a guy pitcher pitched un-
Senior softball pitcher Elle of pitches any pitcher threw in a
Buffenbarger once pitched a triple game. There are no such require- derhand from 60 feet, from that
header – 21 innings – by herself, ments for softball pitchers. far away, it would come in much
in one day. Few baseball pitch- slower,” Buffenbarger said. “But
ers pitch 21 innnings in an entire Junior baseball pitcher Will the equivalent from our 43 feet, if
season. Pfennig said that even during the I throw 60 (miles-per-hour), then it
regular season when the team would be the equivalent of an up-
To a commonplace patron, plays several games each week, he per 80 mile-per-hour (from 60 feet
the most noticeable differences may only pitch once a week before away). And if the pitcher throws
between the two sports are the having several days of rest until he 70, that’s like 90 to 100.”
color of the ball and the way that is ready for his next start.
ball reaches home plate from the Cherny said he does not believe
mound. The tomahawk-style arm “I pitch about once a week,” the overhand pitching motion is
action of baseball pitchers varies Pfennig said. “You do your start, unhealthy, and that it is in the
greatly from the underhand wind- and then guys typically do light hands of the pitcher in order to
mill delivery of softball pitchers. tossing after their start, and then ensure he takes care of his arm.
the second day after your start you
IT’S NATURAL long toss. Then your bullpen day “I am not of the camp that it is
is usually a light 20-pitch bullpen unhealthy,” Cherny said. “I think
According to Honors Anatomy just to get the feel and work on that it is unhealthy when there
and Physiology teacher Maggie pitches and then it’s a long toss, is too much without appropriate
Long, the natural bone structure and then either another long toss rest. I think rest breaks are very
or some guys just do nothing the important to preservation of the
day before they start.” elbow and shoulder to prevent
of a shoulder is what causes the EXPERT OPINION
softball underhand pitch to be
safer than its overhand counter- Chad Cherny, physical therapist NOT GOING
at the Mayo Clinic, said that the 17
part. unnatural motion of a baseball TO HAPPEN
“The problem is that a baseball pitch provides far more stress on
pitch takes the arm out of what the arm than in softball. Pfennig said he believes that
we call natural positioning,” although a baseball pitch is
Long said. “When we look at the “Due to the rapid acceleration
humerus and the scapula, the and deceleration, there is trauma violent and unhealthy, boys will
on the muscles which is why never pitch underhand because of
glenoid cavity, it’s a downward there are limits as to how many the loss of pace of the game and
motion. It sits right in there, but pitches one can throw in any given
the moment we bring it up and number of days,” Cherny said. because injuries are still prevent-
“It’s basically needing to allow able with proper care.
out, the pitcher now rotates it into recovery after maximally stressing “Throwing a baseball in a
an abnormal position. The softball the muscle. It is why most pitchers
Above: Junior Will Pfennnig pitches with emphasis placed on pitch, it’s what we refer to as a will ice after pitching; they want to baseball game and pitching is one
the areas of the arm that are under the most stress during the minimize the swelling and assist of the most violent things you can
overhand pitch of a baseball. Below: Senior Ellie Buffenbarg- windmill pitch. So what we notice in more rapid recovery so they do to your body, in regards to your
er delivers a pitch in an underhand fashion which places less is the glenoid and the humerus, can pitch the next time they are
stress on the arm. they stay in their natural position. scheduled.” shoulder,” Pfennig said. “Just with
Photos by Ashton Nicholas and Joey Deaton the pace of the game, it’ll never
It also doesn’t put as much stress GOING happen because people like seeing
Photo illustration by Ryan D’Souza on the elbow and therefore that’s UNDERHANDED
why we refer to it as a ‘safer’ pitch, the ball come in faster and it’s just
In a modern age where it a completely different sport. If you
because it’s that more natural seems every sport is adding new take care of your body the right
positioning, as far as motion of the rules and restrictions in order to
shoulder.” prioritize the safety of the players, way, it shouldn’t be a problem.”
the question arises if boys should
Because of the less taxing eventually convert to an under-
throwing motion, Buffenbarger hand pitching motion to drop
said that when she is in season, the risk of shoulder and elbow
she pitches daily and might even injuries. Buffenbarger said that
pitch multiple games in although male fastpitch leagues
one day. exist, there is the stereotype that it
“It’s almost is a girl’s pitch.
every day,”
Buffenbarger “There is men’s fastpitch,
said. “Then and people do learn that way,”
on off-days for Buffenbarger said. “Some (guys)
school ball, I have pitch- learn that way, and you can throw
ing lessons, so (I’m pitching) like forever like that. I would say it’ll
every single day. Especially in the never happen because it’s more 2017 Ohio High School
summer, when you only play on of a girl thing, as much as that Athletic Association
the weekends, I would pitch three sounds weird. Boys can throw so Baseball Pitch Count
games back to back when we were much harder from far away with Regulation
short on pitchers.” it and baseball’s never going to
change.” Daily Pitch Limit:
KEEPING 125 pitches
PITCHERS SAFE Buffenbarger also said that Number of Days Between
since the mound is farther away Pitching Appearances
On January 19, the from the plate in baseball than it After Pitching:
Ohio High School is in softball, the underhand pitch
1-30 Pitches: 0 days
Athletic Association 31-50 Pitches: 1 day
(OHSAA) approved 51-75 Pitches: 2 days
new rules that 76 or More Pitches: 3
restrict any base- days
ball pitcher from
throwing more 4.13.17
than 125 pitches
18 DIGITS Senior catcher Michael Hall
has led the baseball team “So basically I was just running
1.25 to a 4-2 start. Hall leads around and then a body fell on my
the team in batting average leg and my leg just got caught
Senior pitcher Elle (.471), RBI’s (5), hits (8) from under me. I felt it snap and
Buffenbarger’s 1.25 and put outs (34). Hall is I looked down at it and the side
earned run average (ERA) also second on the team in of my foot was facing me which I
is third in the GMC. on base percentage (.524) knew it wasn’t good. It definitely
Buffenbarger has compiled In a 20-4 win over hurt a lot, definitely the worst
a record of 41-7 in her Princeton on March 29, Hall pain in my life. My body went into
career with 344 strikeouts. went 3-5 with a triple and shock shortly after.”
three RBI’s. Hall looks to - Senior Jack Engle
build on a junior season in
which he batted .363 and FUNNY FACE
batted in 17 runs. Hall is
signed to play collegiately Junior Evan Haas rounds third base against
at the University of Lakota East on April 7.
Montevallo in Alabama.
Photo by Jonathan McCullough
“When a sprinter gets into a position in the
starting block, they need to be low to the The Mason softball team is off
ground so their center of mass is as close to to a fast 4-1 start. The Comets
being parallel with the blocks. Then they need boast the best defense in the
to pitch themselves forward so that GMC with a perfect 1.000 field-
they’re unbalanced and all of their ing percentage. Offensively, the
weight is being held up by their fin- Comets are led by junior Abbey
gertips. Then, they should have their Mullins (.667 Batting average),
heels off of the block so when they junior Elana Harrison (.357 BA,
hear the gun, they do a quick push 4 doubles) and junior Olivia
back and there’s an impulse that the Popovich (.400 BA).
block exerts forward on their feet.
This is how they explode and have Photos by Jonathan McCollough and Joey Deaton
their momentum from their center
of mass over the starting line. This
makes everything go forward, and
hopefully the runner gets out faster
than everyone else.”
–Dee Dee Messer AP Physics Teacher de-
scribing a “block start” for track athletes
“I think a lot of the preseason hype
stuff is just that, hype. It’s not relevant
to what the team is going to be and as
a coach, I certainly try to downplay it.
We’re just trying to win a baseball game
every day we go out there.”
-Head baseball coach Curt Bly talking about the
high expectations placed on his team for the 2017
4.13.17 Compiled by Bryan Hudnell
AND THE COACH The 45040 sign hangs at the Mason Baseball Stadium and is present
LIKES IT THAT WAY throughout the Mason program. Photo by Jonathan McCollough.
Charlie Mackenzie | Staff Writer very successful and Coach Held has with the green and white or to enroll
a great program. I think that to get
To Mason baseball, 45040 is more to where we want to be as a program at a private school. Bly said that the
than just a zip code. that is who we have to compete with
and that is who we have to beat. I’m 45040 mentality is also an effort to get “OUR MENTALITY WHEN IT
The program’s mantra can be seen not going to say we are on level play- his middle school prospects excited COMES TO OUR SCHOOL,
everywhere – hung proudly in front of ing ground, but it’s about playing on about representing the Comets. OUR COMMUNITY, AND
the baseball field, on the team’s shirts, the field, and in recent years, we’ve OUR BASEBALL
and hashtagged on Twitter. Started met in the regional final and in close “We have great baseball in our area PROGRAM IS THAT WE
originally as a hashtag, 45040 was games they’ve bested us both times. and that we have great summer pro- AREN’T GOING TO MAKE
intended to cultivate a homegrown Do I think we can compete with them? grams, both within the city and just in AN EXCUSE ABOUT
mentality across the program. Absolutely. But you need to go out and general in Southwest Ohio,” Bly said.
win those games before you say you’re
Over the past ten years, a Catholic on equal playing ground.” “There is also high interest in baseball. COMPETING AGAINST 19
school has won the Division I baseball
state championship six times. Moeller Senior outfielder DJ Fluker said It is our job to cultivate those relation- A GREAT PROGRAM
has won three of those titles. that originally the team did not think REGARDLESS ON HOW
much about that mantra, but Bly ships with the younger kids through THEIR PLAYERS ARE
These schools draw in athletes from showed his players the meaning of the our camps and other things that we
many zip codes, and head coach Curt zip code. do. Hopefully we can inspire them to GATHERED.”
Bly said that the hashtag originated as dream about wearing kelly green one Curt Bly
a way to show his players that they can “At first everyone thought it was day and not any other color. We talk
compete against any school no matter goofy because we had our area code on Head Baseball Coach
where their athletes come from. our shirts,” Fluker said. “People would
make jokes like they knew where to about that with our middle school
“Private schools are dependent upon return us. But when Coach Bly talks
drawing from multiple communities,” about it it makes you think about who kids. We aren’t trying to convince you
Bly said. “Our mentality when it comes we play for and what we play for and
to our school, our community, and our how we represent our city.” to become a Comet: you already are
baseball program is that we aren’t go-
ing to make an excuse about compet- Bly said that the hashtag is an at- one.” “PEOPLE WOULD MAKE
ing against a great program regardless tempt to stop his team from making Bly schedules private school power- JOKES LIKE THEY KNEW
on how their players are gathered. the excuse that Catholic schools’ teams WHERE TO RETURN
We’re excited about having the op- represent more than one zip code. houses even with the rigorous Greater
portunity to compete against the best
teams we can. The 45040 mentality is “I’ve heard plenty of people say it is Miami Conference (GMC) schedule. US. BUT WHEN COACH
more about being proud of who we are a way of softening defeats from private
and believing that with the right work schools,” Bly said. “It’s almost like an Bly said that he wants his team to play BLY TALKS ABOUT IT,
ethic and commitment we have all we excuse. In order to be champions and the best of the best. IT MAKES YOU THINK
need to compete in the framework of to reach the pinnacle of your own po- ABOUT WHO WE PLAY
our community.” tential whether it be as individuals or “It prepares our players for the FOR AND WHAT WE PLAY
as a team, you have to take all excuses tournament,” Bly said. “We have a FOR AND HOW WE
Moeller ended the Comet’s season and push them to the side. 45040 is our grind of a league. Our league schedule REPRESENT OUR CITY.”
in 2014 and 2015 after beating them zip code and the idea is that we are is really tough and there may be some
both years in the regional final. proud of who we are and we are good wisdom in trying to schedule down a DJ Fluker
enough with the people that we have Sr., Outfielder
Bly said that his program can that we don’t need anybody else. It is little in the non-league because the
compete with teams that pull from in no way a negative comment toward
multiple zip codes such as Moeller, any other program; it is more about league is so tough, but my mental-
but must win the big games they play defeating that excuse.”
against them. ity is that you have to play the best if
In middle school, Mason baseball
“Moeller has been the measuring players are given the decision to stay you want to improve and be the best. I
stick of Division I baseball in South-
west Ohio,” Bly said. “They have been think win or lose, going against teams “THE 45040 MENTALITY
like (Moeller) consistently makes you IS MORE ABOUT BEING
better. It’s not about proving anything. AND BELIEVING THAT
It’s about trying to get better.’’ WITH THE RIGHT WORK
Bly would like to see all sports WE HAVE ALL WE NEED
adopting the 45040 mentality. TO COMPETE IN THE
“45040 is all we need,” Bly said. “We COMMUNITY.”
don’t need any more zip codes. That’s
the reason we hashtag it all over the
place. I don’t see it just as a baseball Curt Bly
thing. To me it’s our community and Head Baseball Coach
it’s our school. I’d like to see all of our
sports hash tagging that, because that’s
who we all are, not just baseball.” 4.13.17
opinion Staff Editorial
to the editor Test-takers or test subjects?
20 Inconsistent testing policy makes
4.13.17 experiment of Class of 2018
Throw it at the wall and see what sticks – that has been Ohio’s motto for
writing education policy.
From the retirement of the Ohio Graduation Test, to the introduction of
Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC)
test, American Institution of Research (AIR) test, and End of Course exams, to
our constantly changing graduation requirements, we have been the subjects
of a great deal of both testing, both as test-takers and test subjects.
The Class of 2017 was the last to take the OGT sophomore year, a test
responsible for determining whether we were capable of graduating two and a
half years later. When the OGT was determined to be inadequate, it was killed
off and we were tasked with test-running its replacement: the End of Course
exam. We opted out in hordes, trying to avoid spending wasted hours on tests
that would have no impact on our education, while at the same time wonder-
ing how this set of standards could possibly be the cure-all to the suddenly
ineffective OGT.
The Class of 2018, which has three new options to graduate instead of the
OGT, was the next set of guinea pigs. Some took a plethora of new tests, some
opted out and used their ACT score – most did not even know the changes
were taking place or what their options were. They sat in testing rooms filling
in hundreds of bubbles without knowing the purpose of their efforts.
When a legislative body writes new tax policy or regulations on businesses,
they can evaluate the impact that it has and repeal if necessary with mini-
mum long-term impact. When the state legislature or Board of Education
write new education policy, and after a couple years of implementation they
decide it is not effective, students do not get those years back.
The number of hours spent in school is finite. Once our twelve years are
up and we graduate, there is no going back to fix anything that could have
been broken. No stimulus package or repeal and replace plan can repair an
incomplete education. Students do not have the luxury of a redo button; we
only have one shot to get it right.
Profits rise and fall, but our learning endeavours are linear. When educa-
tion policy fails that means we as students are failing with it. If a few years
down the road our government decides that the new graduation requirements
did not work, we will be done with high school and carrying the burden of an
inadequate education. Politicians can then go on and make adjustments to
their education agenda, but the victims of their broken policy have already
moved on.
Those of us who go to college will face new material and a heightened
rigor while wondering how filling in bubbles in high school helped us pre-
pare for it. The countless tests and evaluations made for good data for our
state government but did not help students learn. Endless new legislation will
not help students grow and prosper; that’s the job of teachers and good school
systems which have been traditionally harmed by government overreach.
What schools really need is support, not more restrictions. Yet in Ohio
we have been subject to yearly changes in graduation requirements, while
simultaneously the new administration at the federal level has proposed cut-
ting funding for education by 13.5 percent. Our government is forcing us to
administer additional tests, taking away from instructional time and putting
unnecessary stress on students, while planning to cut $2.4 billion from teacher
training programs and $1.2 billion from after-school enrichment programs.
Asking school systems to do more with less is not only irresponsible, but
damaging to the students who those school systems support. Constant change
and cutting resources does not lead to growth – it leads to an education sys-
tem that consistently ranks below the majority of other developed countries.
So keep passing new laws and testing new policy. Ask students to take a new
test every year and ask teachers to sacrifice instructional time to administer
them. Keep moving the goalposts, forcing each class to meet a different re-
quirement and making school systems somehow prepare them to do that.
But each time something does not stick and a different policy is enacted
know that it’s us students, the next generation to lead this country, who are
getting hit the hardest.
You Tell Us Compiled by Staff Writer Arnav Damodhar
Good What’s your maximum spending Though Prom Kings and Queens are usually
cap on prom this year? nominated by the student body, senior Vicky
1. Emma Watson Tran is running for Prom Queen in hopes to
2. Belle is now an inventor $0-150 change the way the court is elected.
3. New songs
4. Set and costumes were Full results: Q: How did you get the idea?
impressive and detailed
5. Computer Generated Results from the 227 voters on the Chronicle twitter poll. Follow A: I was just joking with my friend
Imagery (CGI) for household @mhschronicle to find out when our next poll will go live. last year of what it would be like if I
objects is engaging ran for Prom Queen, but now it’s
turned into an actual thing. I was
Not so Good trying to do something differ-
ent. I really don’t like in the box
1. CGI Beast stands out ideas. I think this is out of the
2. Obvious autotune box. No one ever campaigns for
3. For many, Prince is a homecoming queen or Prom
letdown Queen. Usually, football players
4. Headlines about get together and decide who
Disney’s first gay character they want. I just wanted to
are overblown mix things up socially.
5. Gaston’s cruelty can be
hard to watch Q: How have you
Compiled by India Kirssin
and Jessica Sommerville
Word for Word A: I hung like 100
22 “Seniors, College Map plus posters during A
submissions are now live!” lunch, but administra-
– @mhschronicle tion took them all
Fill out the survey in your English class or the Google form on Schoology and down after fifth bell
the @mhschronicle Twitter feed by May 3 to see your name and college
destination in print. Keep in mind inaccurate submissions are not allowed. saying I can’t run in
school by hanging
posters. That’s why
I made an Insta-
gram account. I
put all my post-
ers on it. I can
reach a really
wide audience.
See the college map in our May 12 edition to find out where your classmates I upload all
will be next year.
my posters
at once. It’s
Photo Bomb more of a
gallery to view. I even
bought my own crown
online. One of my campaign
points was, ‘If you vote for
me, I’ll bring my own crown.’
If you go to Prom, normally
they give you a crown, but
I’m all on my own. I also wore
a Pikachu onesie with a sign
that said ‘Pika-Choose Vicky
Tran to be Prom Queen.’
Q: What kind of
comments have you
received from people?
Seniors Kayla Stroud and Logan Goldberg perform for Prom Fashion Show, Photo by Juliana Discher Vicky Tran, A: People have said they
which raises money for students who cannot afford prom, on March 23. seniorPhoto by Jacob Fulton like my posters. They say
that they’re original and
4.13.17 unique. People are just re-
ally supportive and voting
for me. That makes me