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The Chronicle published on October 19, 2018.

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Published by The Chronicle, 2018-10-19 07:04:31

Edition 16.2

The Chronicle published on October 19, 2018.

Vol. 16, Issue 2 | William Mason High School | 6100 Mason Montgomery Road Mason, OH | 10.19.18


PG. 17

Photo by Tanner Pearson, Ryan D’Souza Photo by Tanner Pearson

2 News October 19, 2018


Initiative helps to generate conversations surrounding mental health

Ria Parikh | Staff Writer “Our purpose is to spread awareness Theisen said that a goal of Hope school,” Theisen said. “Other districts
With this squad, there is hope. about suicide prevention,” Collins said. Squad is to spark change in Mason by in our area have already done a middle
On Wednesday, October 3, the Hope “To help other peers look for warning making mental health acceptable to talk school and high school component, but
Squad had their official introduction signs, how to get help, who to talk to to about and openly struggle with, for kids we really wanted to get our feet wet with
during homeroom. Mary Ellen Theisen get help. We want to let them know that and adults alike. high school first. Not to overshadow
is one of seven advisors along with Lori they’re not alone in this huge school and the needs that are at the younger level,
Roth, Megan Cameron, Randall Hub- that there are so many people here who “So many kids and adults deal with but I think we wanted to focus on this
bard, Maggie Long, Michelle Bruewer, are willing to help and want to help and mental health issues, and we want to first and do it well, and not to spread
and Angie Johnston who guide the they are loved.” make mental health an okay thing ourselves too thin.”
members. to talk about, and help kids find the
Mason is one of about 20 schools in Senior Sujaya Sunkara is the commit- resources inside and outside the build- In order to create a safe and relaxing
the Cincinnati area to initiate Hope environment for students to converse,
Squad, and Theisen said they were “ Theisen said the Hope Squad has deco-
inspired by the Hope Squad formed at We want to make mental health an okay rated a bubble room and they eventu-
a Utah high school whose curriculum thing to talk about. ally hope to have a similar room in
provides the foundation for the branch every pod.
at Mason. Theisen said that Hope Squad Mary Ellen Theisen, Advisor
puts most of their focus on developing “It’s going to be a safe haven,”
healthier brains and their role is to act tee chair for the Community Outreach “ ing to help them be better people, as Theisen said. “If Hope Squad members
as a supplement to the professional help and Education committee. Sunkara said far as having healthier brains,” Theisen are talking to a students that has a situ-
available, not as therapists or in place of the purpose of her committee is to edu- said. “We want to bring hope and joy to ation that they need help with, they can
anything else. cate parents and students about mental others, help people realize that the chal- go there to talk. No one really wants to
“Hope Squad is an initiative to im- health. lenging time that they’re going through have a serious conversation with some-
prove not only the mental health of our possibly is not a long term challenge one in the middle of the hallway, so this
students but also the culture within our “As a whole we just want to educate and that there are solutions for it.” room would be private and comorting.”
building,” Theisen said. “We found it to the community,” Sunkara said. “There’s
be a perfect time when our students are stigmas around mental health and we In the future, Theisen said that she Collins said that the responsibilities of
working through stressful issues to have want all students and parents to know and other advisors would like to see the Hope Squad members are not exclu-
a peer-based program that they could that it’s okay. It’s really important that Hope Squad initiated in other buildings sive, and that anyone can help.
respect and move to those individuals not only parents but students know how within the district.
in need.” to handle these things, that it’s not taboo “Even if you’re not a member in Hope
Seniors Annabella Collins is co-presi- and that a lot of kids go through it.” “The district, at some point, would Squad, everyone can help,” Collins said.
dent of the Hope Squad. Inspired to join like to move Hope Squad to the middle “A common question is ‘Where can
by her past experience in losing a loved I find a Hope Squad member?” (but)
one, Collins said that Hope Squad strives it doesn’t have to be a Hope Squad
to keep MHS students happier, safer, and member. Everyone in the community is
aware that there are people to talk to if able to help anyone. Just show kind-
they need help. ness, show that you care, look out for
people. It’s not about being part of Hope
Squad, it’s Hope Squad being a part of
the whole school. It’s everyone’s role to
look out for one another.”

Photo by Tanner Pearson
The Hope Squad consists of roughly 60 students and is lead by seven advisors who all work during third bell to plan events and formulate ideas to benefit a positive high school environment.

October 19, 2018 News 3

New program funds student-driven changes to school building

Jake Sapp | Staff Writer

If you have ever wanted to get your ideas funded in
order to make big changes in the school, now is the
time to do it.

On October 31, the high school administration will
be rolling out a new program being called “The Big
Idea Hunt” with the intention of bringing a new level
of student involvement to the school. Students will
generate ideas that they believe will benefit the school,
and then post them on a website similar to format of
Facebook, according to Innovative Learning Coach
Aaron Roberts.

The ideas will be voted upon via a pairwise system,
where different ideas will be competed against one
another in a similar fashion to a tournament bracket.
The final winners will be eventually executed by the

“Students will have an opportunity to identify prob-
lems and offer solutions to the problems that they see
within our high school,” Roberts said. “They can range
from large to small to anything in between, and noth-
ing is off the table for what students can come up with
and present.”

The top-voted ideas will be broken down into three
different categories based upon how much funding
they will need to go through with them: two $1500
ideas, five $500 ideas, and ten $100 ideas. Roberts
wants the program to be a platform for students to be
able to make their voices heard, so that the school can
better suit them and their needs in the future.

Graphics by Ryan D’Souza “We like to call it ‘crowdsourced innovation,’” Roberts us to say no to something would be entirely contradic-
said. “The ideas that students present could be things as tory to our final goal with all of this, and that’s not what
small as ones affecting just their homerooms, to massive we want.”
scale ones that may have an impact on the entire world.
We really want this to be a place for students to really With the student-focused drive of the program comes
impact their community in a positive way, and feel as a variety of areas that students may want to fix. Given
though they have control at the same time.” the opportunity, junior Clarence Spencer said he would
like to see student lounges placed into the unused com-
Administrator Shanna Bumiller, who helped establish puter labs next year.
the program’s foundation, said she sees it as a new way
of approaching student involvement and experience. “If you had a study hall or an extra bell, you could go
in there and just relax a bit to destress,” Spencer said. “A
“It’s always difficult for us to come up with ideas that lot of kids just wander the halls during those times, so
truly engage students,” Bumiller said. “Based on feed- having a place for them to go and hang out would be
back, we realized that it would be really cool to imple- really nice.”
ment a program like this that would allow us to actually
see firsthand what the students want.” Even though the program is a brand new thing this
year, Roberts sees the Big Idea Hunt as something that
The program aims to offer a window for students to can be built upon and cultivated over the coming years.
express their ideas, and Bumiller said there will be no
restrictions on the ideas. “I hope that not only do we do it every year, but we
grow it,” Roberts said. “We already are going to have an
“If we start placing restrictions on what students can immense amount of ideas from just our students alone.
put out there, then we are telling students what it has to Imagine what we could do if we included other mem-
be,” Bumiller said. “That’s not the nature of this idea. For bers of our high school staff.”

4 Feature October 19, 2018

Students with teaching parents face classroom criticism

Sophia Johnson | Staff Writer

It’s common for students to have Photo by Sophia Johnson
opinions about their teachers, but when Advanced Placement Spanish teacher Rod Stewart teaches his junior daughter amidst negative opinions from other students.
the teacher is your parent, it can be hard
to escape the negativity. excited to see how they would do in Span- Leah said by observing her dad, she has fine, sometimes I don’t like the way other
ish. We’ve talked about Spanish at home also found new respect for teachers and people teach. So I can’t judge them for
Freshman Rachael Molnar, daughter of but really the only part was to see how the amount of work they put into their not liking the way my mom teaches.”
World History teacher Tim Molnar, said they are in a classroom setting.” job.
that having a parent teach in school ex- Leah said she prefers to focus on the
poses her to negative dialogue about her Aside from her dad being a teacher, “More work goes into it than you benefits of having a parent at school,
family. When students do not consider Leah has dealt with complaints regarding think,” Leah said. “Seeing my dad work as opposed to any negative comments
that teachers have kids in the school, oth- his job to monitor the student parking until ten at night grading papers makes students make. Having her dad in both
ers are impacted by the criticism that a lots and enforce correct parking proce- me more appreciative of what the teach- her home and school life, she is able to
teacher can receive. dures. ers do outside of the fifty minutes you’re experience what most students do not.
in their class. They can’t make every
“I’ve had a stronger connection with a “I’ve heard quite a few people complain student happy, it’s not that easy.” “I honestly love it,” Leah said. “I can
teacher and then kids will say something about getting busted for parking when put my binders in his room or my lunch
bad about them and they don’t realize they don’t have a parking pass and hav- Freshman Brady Messer said despite in his fridge. Little things like that, but
that other people have had really good ing to go see my dad,” Leah said. “A lot of what kids say about his mom, Advanced also just being able to see him through-
experiences with them. I’ve had things people get mad about it, and also try to Placement Physics teacher Dee Dee out the day because my parents are
happen like that with my dad before,” take advantage of it and ask ‘when is your Messer, he understands that not all teach- divorced so when I’m at my Mom’s, I still
Molnar said. “Sometimes they will get in dad going out to the lots?’ Or somebody ing strategies work for everyone. get to see my dad at school. I just like
trouble in his class and then it’s kind of will say ‘can I park in senior lot just this seeing him in the hallway and hearing
awkward between us for a little bit.” one time?’ And it’s hard because they “I was just sitting in her class and one people tell me stories about stuff that
can’t, there are rules for everyone.” of her students said they didn’t really like happened in his class.”
Junior Leah Stewart is currently a stu- the way she teaches,” Messer said. “But it’s
dent in her dad, Rod Stewart’s, Advanced
Placement Spanish class. As both a kid
and student to her dad, she said some
students speculate that she has an unfair
advantage in the class.

“I feel like kids assume just because
he’s your dad that he has power over ev-
erything and can help you. They assume
he can help me study for the test, but
obviously he doesn’t do that because it’s
not fair,” Leah said. “My brother had him
last year too, so we definitely don’t abuse
the fact of him being our teacher.”

Rod Stewart said he had no concerns
about his kids being students in his class.
He viewed the situation in the same
regard as teaching any other student
and looked forward to getting to observe
them in an environment of which many
parents are not able to experience.

“I just assumed it would be pretty
normal. We joked about what Leah would
call me, Dad or Profe,” Rod said. “I was

October 19, 2018 Feature 5

Day of the Dead traditions commemorate lost family members

Alex Lisa | Staff Writer

Skeletons and skulls are all associated Photo by Henri Robbins
with Halloween. A different holiday, A common Day of the Day tradition includes decorating an altar inside which commemorates the life of deceased family members.
however, has been using them as a sym-
bol for a millennia longer. and “papel picado,” a type of paper that celebrated. Dead. And the food and drinks are for
has a design cut into it. These colorful “We celebrated it for a good week,” them, because they can eat it spiritually,
Though it originated in Mexico, “Dia decorations are junior Alfredo Gonzalez just energy-wise after their journey.”
de los Muertos,” or The Day of the Dead, Espitia’s favorite part of the celebration. Ortiz said. “In Mexico it is bigger, there
is a holiday celebrated around the globe are parades and people with makeup Jaime Lopez said the decorations and
where families honor the memory of “Back in Mexico, the entire commu- and there’s stands, and people going out celebration might seem like they do not
their deceased family members. From nity gets involved, and the decorations at night with sparklers. It’s just really belong in a holiday involving deceased
October 31 to November 2, families build are everywhere,” Espitia said. “Obviously different, and it’s sad because my family loved ones. He was confused himself
altars, host parties, and display food for that isn’t here in America, but what is gradually starting to celebrate less.” when he was younger.
when they believe their relatives travel my family does here is like a taste of it.
closer to the world of the living. The It’s such a big deal, you have to go to Ortiz’s family, like many others, “At first I thought it was weird,
most familiar symbols of the holiday are extremes, and it’s beautiful and fun.” leaves out food and drinks that their because I thought you’re supposed to be
the skeletons and skulls. Those symbols relatives enjoyed when they were alive. sad about your family passing away,’”
are often misidentified as costumes or Freshman Leslie Ortiz also said she Jaime said. “But you’re celebrating the
decorations for Halloween, a misconcep- misses the celebrations from Mexico. “We put their picture out, and on life they had, and doing it with the fam-
tion which freshman Jaime Lopez said is After moving here five years ago, she the altar we put food and drinks and ily still there with you. It’s about being
frustrating. was disappointed to learn there were things,” Ortiz said. “It’s like an invitation appreciative of your family, and express-
so few people in her community who to come in, because we believe that their ing your love and respect.”
“It’s the difference between a fun and spirits can visit during the Day of the
goofy costume and respect of the dead,”
Lopez said. “Some people think that
the Day of the Dead and Halloween are
the same thing. Most Latino friends I
have, we all get triggered cause they’re
mixing the two holidays, and one has
no importance, it’s just dressing up as
monsters and getting candy.”

Senior Jessica Lopez, Jaime’s sister,
said the holiday is an opportunity to
remember their grandmother. Each
year they build an altar and do activities
which she loves doing.

“It’s when we really remember her
and celebrate her life,” Lopez said. “She
died when I was young, so if it weren’t
for this holiday I don’t know how well I
would be able to remember her after so
many years.”

Decorations signify the deeper mean-
ing behind the holiday, such as flowers

Junior Alfredo Gonzalez Espitia celebrates Day of the Dead traditions with his family. Photos by Henri Robbins
Families celebrating Day of the Dead display food that their deceased relatives had enjoyed.

6 Feature October 19, 2018

Mormon students seek middle ground for school and religion

Lily Geiser | Staff Writer

Most religions are misunderstood by small groups

of people. But for some, misunderstandings are the

norm, not the exception.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,

informally known as the Mormon Church, is

the fastest growing religion in American history.

Founded by Joseph Smith in the 1830’s, there are

over 15 million members worldwide, with several of

locations in the Cincinnati area alone. Even here at

the high school, dozens of students attend services at

the Church.

Senior Alberto Morales grew up in the Church,

and is now an active member of the congregation.

He sees his church as a place where he can forget

about the pressures of everyday life and prepare for

the week to come.

“Personally, church has become a place where I

can just meditate and think about my life,” Mo-

rales said. “School can get stressful, life can get get

stressful - as teenagers especially, you’re worried

about college, worried about your grades, worried

about your image, worried about everything. I do the

best I can to keep with the standards of my church,

because they bring me the most happiness and peace

in my life.”

While some of these standards are largely specific

to the Church of Jesus Christ, such as abstention

from tea and coffee, others, like strict modesty stan- Senior and active member of the Church Alberto Morales reads from The Book of Mormon. Photo by Evelina Gaivoronskaia
dards and abstinence from alcohol and premarital
sex, are commonly associated with most branches schoolwork on Sundays. Instead, she spends time “We have this youth group called Mutual,” Mo-
of Christianity. These guidelines provided by the with her family and her faith. rales said. “We do activities where we strengthen
Church, Morales said, cross over into all areas of its each other spiritually through games and we have
members lives, including their school lives. “Group projects, homework, hanging out with spiritual lessons about character and problems we’re
friends - I don’t do anything like that on Sundays,” facing.”
“I choose not to do homework on Sundays,” Mo- Mattingley said. “I try and limit the time I’m on my
rales said. “Our church leaders haven’t explicitly said phone, I don’t watch TV, I don’t go out to eat, we Along with social activities, students can also
‘don’t do homework’, so for each family, it’s differ- don’t go out to the store. It’s kind of a break.” seek additional resources to better understand their
ent, but personally, I believe that God has given us church. Mattingley immerses herself in her religion
this day to rest and to not stress, and homework can Church is not the only place students can go to from the moment she wakes up.
bring stress. If I absolutely have to do homework on learn about their faith. Morales, along with many
Sunday, then I’ll do it, but I’d rather not.” other students, participates in activities organized by “I pray in the morning when I wake up, I read the
youth leaders to bring young people closer to their Scriptures on my own, and I go to this class called
Senior Corinne Mattingley also chooses to avoid religion. Seminary,” Mattingley said. “It’s a good way to start
my day because I’m learning about my religion and

what I believe.”

The impact that religion has on the lives of these

students can also impact their relationships with

other students. Freshman Abby Williams has many

friends outside of her Church, but feels that her

faith has helped her find friends similar to her.

“It doesn’t really affect my friendships much,” said

Williams. “But I definitely have a higher standard for

my friends, and usually if you have a higher stan-

dard for your friends, they’ll have a higher standard

for you too. So you’ll meet up with these people, and

it’s easy to be around them.”

Whether hanging out with friends or doing

schoolwork, religion is a deeply rooted part of the

daily lives of Latter-Day Saints. But Williams be-

lieves that should not make her any different than

her peers.

“We just have higher standards for ourselves

because those standards matter to us,” said Williams.

“People think we’re weird, or different, but we’re re-

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints advises youth to rest on Sundays and avoid homework. Photo by Lily Geiser ally just normal people.”

October 19, 2018 7

taking flight8 Feature October 19, 2018

Photos by Ryan D’Souza

Fight instructor Al Fullerton teaches senior Dhruv Mistry how to properly prepare a plane for takeoff, and then lets Mistry fly the plane for needed aviation experience.

No driver’s license needed for students in Young Eagles Club

Kaelyn Rodrigues | Staff Writer leader of the Aviation Club and mem- logs enough flight hours and can dem- Junior Mulika Pandit
While other students are studying ber of the Young Eagles Club, said the onstrate to a designated examiner that Aviation and Young Eagles Club Member
two clubs are intertwined because of they can properly maneuver a plane
to get their driver’s licenses, members their similar interest. and function in the airspace system.” Junior Sophia Palermo
of the Young Eagles Club are taking Aviation and Young Eagles Club Member
a more unconventional approach to “Young Eagles is about getting your Junior Mullika Pandit is also an Avia-
travel. pilot’s license,” Palermo said. “It’s a tion Club student leader and Young Mark McCormick
cheaper, more affordable way. We kind Eagles Club member. Pandit said that Teacher, Founder of the Young Eagles Club
The club aims to involve students of merged together with them. A lot of although she is unsure about whether
in aviation and get them started in the people from the Aviation Club are also or not she wants to become a pilot, she
process to acquire their private pilot’s joining the Young Eagles because we was interested in the license aspect of
licenses. Influenced by the Aviation want to get our pilot’s licenses as well.” the Young Eagles Club when she heard
Club’s interest in aeronautics, geom- about it at the beginning of this year.
etry teacher Mark McCormick started In order to get your pilot’s license,
the Young Eagles Club this year to Palermo said, you have to get hours of “It’s much smaller and more specific
help students further explore their flight time, which can be expensive for for kids who want to get their licenses,”
interest in air travel. a high school student. Pandit said. “I’m not 100% sure if that’s
the route I want to take. I’d rather go
“The Young Eagles Club started with “A big thing with getting your pilot’s into the engineering side of it, but I
the idea that we can offer students an license is obtaining hours of fly time thought the club was really interest-
opportunity to work on the ground and figuring out a cheap way to do that ing because it helps give kids a place
school portion of their private pilot’s because you have to pay someone to to start if they’re really interested. The
license,” McCormick said. “The Young take you up in an airplane,” Palermo (Aviation) club is about directing kids
Eagles Organization promotes aviation said. “For our first flight, someone at a to places to start if they want to pursue
in any way they can. They developed local airport took all of us up.” a specific field of aviation and the
this program, and here at Mason we’re (Young Eagles) club is a great example
tapping into the resources that are out Through the organization, McCor- of that.”
there.” mick is able to offer students a Young
Eagle introductory flight at a local Although becoming a pilot might
McCormick said he started the airport, beginning the private pilot’s li- not be the most common career choice,
Young Eagles Club because he was cense process. After the flight, students McCormick said there will be a need
inspired by the Aviation Club to offer must complete an online program and for them in coming years.
students an opportunity to get experi- an exam with an assessor to get their
ence in the field of air travel. license. “I’d like to get more students inter-
ested in aviation,” McCormick said.
“We started the Young Eagles group “The official Young Eagle flight kind “Both at the industry and government
as an offshoot of the Aviation Club,” of starts the process,” McCormick said. level, there is a strong understand-
McCormick said. “We picked up off “It opens up a door to get the free on- ing that a pilot shortage is in the near
their interest in aviation and found line course that they’ll need to do their future. Airlines and cargo companies
that this program was available.” ground school, which is basically half are wondering where they are going to
of what you need to do to become a find them.”
Junior Sophia Palermo, a student pilot. The second part is a practical test.
This part is done once a student pilot

9 October 19, 2018

10 Arts and Entertainment October 19, 2018

Designers fabricate elaborate costumes for Halloween

Andrea Hefferan | Online Editor

Senior Wrynn Boucher and junior Photo by Ryan D'Souza
Caite Brutvan have already been Senior Wrynn Boucher created his own Halloween costume this year out of recycled materials that he fabricated into his own style.
designing their costumes by hand for
weeks by the time most people start to the basis is pretty cheap.” with them to get them to look the way Photo by Tanner Pearson
shop for Halloween. Boucher does not use his sewing they’re supposed to versus clothing-
which is usually simple stitches and Junior Caite Brutvan created her own flapper cos-
This year, Boucher and Brutvan skills merely to make his own costume. types of seams.” tume, inspired by the 'Steampunk' fashion style.
both set out to make their Halloween He also puts together costumes for his
costumes by hand. Brutvan discovered theater group, the Mason Community Simple clothing is a lot easier to
sewing at a young age; her skill and Players, and cosplay. make and is less time consuming for
passion for it has grown over the years. Brutvan. However, she prefers making
Now, she uses it as a way to destress “Because I mentioned that I can costumes because they are so much
from the pressures of high school. make a costume, the theater group more complex and she enjoys seeing
I was close to was like, ‘You’re a part all the pieces come together in the end.
“My grandma actually taught me of us now,’” Boucher said. “So that’s
how to sew when I was seven, so about my job now. I also do it for different “I prefer making costumes just
ten years ago,” Brutvan said. “I started conventions because my friends like because I think it’s a lot more fun,”
out with just a few small projects and to come with me to them and dress Brutvan said. “You get a greater reward
then I hit middle school and high up. So we’ll just all coordinate or I’ll when you see it turn from a pile of
school and started doing more elabo- help make them stuff. I also apply it fabric into a ballgown or a coat or
rate projects like making costumes.” by offering to sew pockets in people’s whatever it is you’re making.”
dresses for five dollars so that way at
For Boucher, the process to make Homecoming you don’t worry about From the first stitch to the final
a costume takes about 70 hours from losing stuff. Just simple things like that touches, Boucher is meticulous
start to finish. While he does his best to help other people.” throughout the entire process. For
to plan out every detail, sometimes he him, the best part is when people take
said he has to get creative. Besides her own costume, Brutvan notice of his costume and the work he
makes costumes for Mason Drama put into it.
“First, I have to have a character Club and also makes Homecoming
in mind,” Boucher said. “I have to do dresses as well as casual clothes. She “It feels amazing, just because it’s
a ton of research from every single said there is a significant difference be- nice to be able to create something
angle to make sure it’s perfect. I sketch tween making costumes and everyday with your bare hands that people
it out and start designing what materi- clothing. actually really enjoy and appreciate,”
als I’m going to make it out of. And if Boucher said. “And meeting people
that doesn’t work then I come up with “Costumes generally are a lot more that are excited for the costume and
something else on the fly, because elaborate,” Brutvan said. “There’s a lot want to take pictures with you--it’s
not everything works exactly how you of complicated things you have to do awesome.”
expect it.”

While she did not choose a spe-
cific character to dress up as, Brutvan
decided on a steampunk theme for her
costume -- a Victorian age style com-
bined with steam powered technology.
This unique style allowed her to create
a piece that differs from the typical
Halloween costume.

“I love the steampunk style of
clothing,” Brutvan said. “It’s always
interested me. I think it’s cool to see
the costumes with different gears and
other stuff. A lot of times it’s more
neutral colors or natural fabrics so you
see a lot of cotton and silk and leather,
which you don’t generally see in a lot
of costumes.”

Costumes involve various pieces and
making it all by hand can get expen-
sive. Boucher uses scrap material and
goes thrifting to make it as inexpen-
sive as possible.

“I usually use a lot of recycling in
it; I build a lot of things from scrap,”
Boucher said. “There’s always the off
chance of finding a good item to start
building off of in a thrift store. The
things that are used to perfect it like
worbla, silicon spray, stuff like that,
that’s more on the expensive side, but

October 19, 2018 Arts and Entertainment 11


Photo by Tanner Pearson

12 Feat

‘The Awesome 80’s Prom’ pioneers interactive storytelling

Henri Robbins | Staff Writer have done before. When the audience is “If you’ve seen The Breakfast Club or night of the play unique. Alongside
Pick the winners, losers, and every- there, junior Jessica Burns said they are any of those 80s movies, a lot of people this, Krouse said the play being per-
thing in between when you attend the a part of the story, and how they experi- follow those stereotypes,” Burns said. formed in the black box instead of the
Drama Club’s newest production. ence the play is entirely up to them. “We’ve got people like that--the mean usual stage will allow the audience be
In The Awesome 80’s Prom, running girl and the jock. The story follows completely surrounded by the act.
on Fridays and Saturdays from October “We’ve never done a show where the Kerrie, Whitley, and Blake. Kerrie’s a
19 to October 27 in the black box the- audience interacts with the characters huge nerd, and she’s in love with Blake, “We’re all students, so it’s not like
ater, the audience is attending the 1989 to the extent that they are characters,” so she tries throughout the whole night we’re up on a stage the entire time,”
senior prom, the romance and drama Burns said. “They are seniors in high to get Blake to love her, but Blake is Krouse said. “We’re mingling around
that occurs, and the vote for prom king school, and they’re attending the 1989 dating Whitley, and they’re that on- through everyone who goes there. We’ll
and queen. From influencing improv senior prom. They have their stories again-off-again couple, and throughout be walking around the crowd and we
to voting for the court at the end of the and we have ours. It’s really just the this whole thing, Louis is trying to get might pull someone up to dance with
night, the audience plays the role of the fact that the audience gets to be actors.“ Carrie to like him.” us, and during that we’ll be like ‘Oh
student body at the prom and ultimate- man, I absolutely love WarGames’ or
ly determines the outcome of the play. The play itself is also centered in the Due to the interactive nature of the ‘oh my god, did you see the main actor
The play’s focus on audience involve- 1980s, referencing pop culture, music, story, junior Nicholas Krouse said that in The Love Boat? He’s such a hunk
ment is what separates it from any and movies of the time and using all around two-thirds of the act is purely muffin!’”
other production the student actors the generation’s slang. Burns said that improv. The interactions between
anyone who knows the 80s will recog- characters, events, and the audience are The play is based around more than
nize a lot of jokes in the play, and can all spontaneous, and will make every just the pop culture of the 80s. In plan-
see how it pokes fun at the era. ning the play, director Allen Young

ture 13

Photos by Ryan D’Souza, Tanner Pearson and Henri Robbins
The cast of ‘The Awesome 80’s’ (from left to right) Rohan Banerjee, Kara Coffey, Nicholas Krouse, Sydney Burkhart and Nate Smith pose in their costumes for the play.

by inviting audience mebers to vote on play’s outcome

researched the history of Mason High is to try and get the audience to vote does have a rivalry with Whitley Whit- to beat me out for the role of Fanny
School and decided to use the theme of for me, and one of the other candidates taker, the head cheerleader, who is also Brice in our musical, Funny Girl.”
the actual 1989 prom. for prom queen is my best friend, Kerri up for prom queen. And I have a ri-
Kowalski,” Coffey said. “My character valry with Dickie Harrington, who tried With the play, Burns said that the
“I went down to the library, and main goal is for the audience to be
the 1989 yearbook was there,” Young engaged and entertained, making a
said. “The theme for the 1989 Mason unique experience for everyone who
High School prom was ‘Midnight comes. With a live environment and
Masquerade’. We have tried to pay direct interaction between the charac-
homage to that, but of course we have ters and guests, Burns said it will be dif-
hyperbolized everything and pumped ficult for the crowd not to get absorbed
everything up to eleven, so it’s a re- in the moment.
ally colorful and engaging theatrical
experience.” “When you go to a school dance
there’s always people sitting down,”
Senior Kara Coffey said that it should Burns said. “I’m usually one of those
be easy for the audience to get wrapped people. But the majority of the people,
up in all of the drama, since the actors especially with the actors prompting
are all competing to be voted as prom them, are going to be able to get up
king or queen by the audience. and dance and have a good time.”

“My intention throughout the show

14 October 19, 2018

October 19, 2018 Culture 15

BITE OF Senior
Nika Umnov

Piroshki “Baking piroshki is a
Russian tradition that went
from my grandmother to my
mother, and my mother to
me,” Umnov said. “When
my mom makes it, my little
sister and I get involved,
because the more hands
the better. It’s very much
a learning process too; my
pleats are definitely not as
good as my mom’s.”

Compiled by Ryan D’Souza, Tanner Pearson, Luke Hutchinson
Depending on the occasion, Umnov can prepare piroshki with different fillings. While she often prefers chicken, she also makes piroshki with cherries, baking more of a pastry.

16 Entertainment September 21, 2018





Sony desperately needs their newest superhero attempt ‘Venom’ to
succeed, as they have several follow up movies lined up to be made. While After a 2 year break, Lil Wayne, real
it did exceed expectations at the box office,’Venom’ wasn’t anything special. name Dwayne Carter, released his
Tom Hardy is the best part of the movie, providing constant charisma and an long-awaited album ‘Tha Carter
occasional laugh. The problem lies in the by-the numbers story and lack- V’. Wayne has always been one of
luster characters which make the film bland. In a couple of scenes, Hardy the most prominent rappers in the
shows flashes of greatness as Eddie Brock that prove this movie had a lot of game, and his new album reas-
potential. But ultimately this was a major let down for both comic bookfans sures fan that he is still the icon they
and for Sony. If you’re looking just to go to the theater and be entertained, remember. The album exploded on
‘Venom’ will do a decent job of distracting you for awhile. But if you want to Spotify and apple Music platforms,
watch cohesive character driven films, stick with the Marvel Cinematic Uni- with hits like ‘Dedicate’ collecting
verse (MCU) flicks that everybody enjoys. Venom’ gets a 4.7/10 rating. over 15 Million plays in one week.



IN THEATRES OCTOBER 5TH via Instagram Poll @MHSchronicle

Harry Potter fans will 43% 57%
inevitaby be back for the
sequel to 2016’s “Fan- 7/10
tastic Beasts and where
to find them”, where YES NO Trench shows off a more mature, well
Dumbledore, a familar produced Twenty One Pilots that we
face from the classic haven’t seen before, bringing up new
Harry Potter films will ideas and improving on familiar ones.
be reintroduced at a Despite it not being the most radio-
much younger age. After friendly album, Keep an eye out for
the first film in the “Fan- songs like ‘Morph’ and ‘Jumpsuit’ to top
tastic Beasts” universe the charts in the coming months.
was well recieved by
fans and critics, there is Review by Ryan D’souza
a lot of pressure for the
sequel to live up to fan

Page by Jacob Brase

Sports17 October 19, 2018

Comets win GMC, turn attention to State tournament

Young Guns, Veteran leaders have Comets poised for years of success

Photos by Tanner Pearson Matthew Smith | Staff Writer hard though in the summer, and I knew
Above: Senior golfer Julanna Zhang, a four year member of the varsity golf team helped lead if I tried, and gave my full effort it
the Comets to a 2018 GMC Championship. Below: Mason golfers (L to R) Catherine Zhang, They’re back, and with talented un- would be a possibility to play varsity.
Julanna Zhang, and Ally Madden talk as they walk to the next hole during a practice round in derclassmen, they don’t plan on going I knew we had a strong team, and as
preparation for the state tournament. anywhere. long as I kept my scores consistent, I
could help us this season.”
The Mason girls golf team recently
won their first Greater Miami Confer- As a senior leader, Julanna Zhang
ence (GMC) title since the 2015-2016 knew that it was critical for the team
season. They are on their way to state, to make sure everyone was comfort-
and have four of their top five golfers able with each other. Zhang made sure
returning next season. the team was constantly bonding with
each other, which she said helped form
In the two day GMC championship, long-lasting friendships.
they battled the defending champion,
Lakota East, and came away with a two- “We had a lot of team bonding,”
stroke victory. With three of their golf- Zhang said. “[The players] organized
ers finishing with the top four average team practices together and we did ac-
scores in the conference, this was not tivities to get our team to grow closer
a surprise to the team. Senior Julanna together. As a freshman, it was difficult
Zhang came into the season and tourna- for me to get close to the seniors. It was
ment expecting to win. a frustration for other freshman and
sophomores as well. As a senior this
“We’ve had very clear goals. We have year, I decided that I would really try
wanted to win GMC’s since last season,” to get to know the freshman and soph-
Zhang said. “We came up short last year, omores, and I’ve formed very close
but were very confident we could win friendships because of that.”
them this year.”
The future looks bright for the
The team does not plan to stop at a Comets with several players return-
GMC championship, however. Zhang ing. Coach Chad Layton believes if the
said the team has had its eyes on a state team stays focused on meeting expec-
tournament run. tations, they will continue to achieve
great things.
“We want to get past sectionals, and
then we want to get to state” Zhang said. “The potential for next year is limit-
“We know we can. Our ultimate goal is less,” Layton said. “It’s not only the tal-
to make it to state.” ent, but the work ethic and how hard
the girls push each other. If we can
Setting goals alone, however, would continue that next year, the potential
not win the team a title. Coach Chad is endless.”
Layton said he knows how hard the
team worked to make it this far. As the season comes to an end, some
players are already thinking ahead to
“It’s a long season; there’s many hours next year. Madden said another state
of work on the course and at the range,” run in 2019 is very possible with all the
Layton said. “All summer long the girls youth and talent that the team will pos-
prepared themselves, and leading into sess.
the season, they were set on winning
the GMC title.” “I think we can definitely go to state
next year,” Madden said. “Right now,
Working hard was not the only thing we have a very young team, and even
the girls had to do this season; they also with the loss of the seniors, we will con-
needed to develop their young talent. tinue to improve and be strong enough
Sophomore Catherine Zhang, who led to make it to state.”
the GMC with a 38.5 nine hole average,
said the team improvement over the Even though the team believes they
year was critical, and that their young- have a bright future and a lot to look
er players stepped up in a big way. forward to, it will not be easy to live up
to the hype. Catherine Zhang said that
“Our players have certainly im- next year there will be a lot of pressure
proved since last year,” Zhang said. on the team to repeat their success
“We have a lot of new players who have from this season.
been very good. That has allowed us to
win GMC’s and make state.” “I think there is some pressure on us
for next year,” Zhang said. “Last year
Although being young was an im- East won the GMC, so this year we re-
portant factor for the team, freshman ally wanted to beat them. This year we
Ally Madden felt it was tough to adjust beat them, so I think East will want to
to the varsity atmosphere at first, but
worked through it and bonded with the beat us next year. Our team will con-
team. Madden said she believed that
she could be a key contributor to the tinue to improve, though, and I think
we can repeat as GMC champs and
“I was doubting at first that I would
be on varsity,” Madden said. “I worked maybe go to state. I think we will be

good enough.”

18 Sports October 19, 2018


Maggie King



Tori Bonno 10/19 - Football Senior Night Stats and ranks as of October 15, 2018
STATS - vs. Princeton @ Home

8 assists, 10/20 - Girls Volleyball
GMC rank 4 Sectional @ Lakota West

Jack Soper 10/20 - Girls Soccer
Sectional @ Home
37.30 average,
GMC rank 2


18 Consecutive Wins by the Girls Tennis
15.2 Yards Per Catch for senior Wide Receiver
Nick Neihoff
13 Goals - and 11 assits, for Junior Forward
Ben Damge through 14 games

19 Sports October 19, 2018

Club Team or School Team?

Several Mason athletes choose to play on club teams

Rahul Parikh | Sports Editor playing for Photo by Tanner Pearson
For some standout athletes, wearing the Development Academy, but Junior Mason Senior Aliyah El-Naggar fends off a defender in a club soccer game. El-Naggar plays
the green and white isn’t part of the Saiprakash Goli, who played school ten- for a sublevel national team, called Cincinnati Develpment Academy,
plan. nis his freshman year, has only played
Recently, a rise in popularity of club in individual tournaments and circuits cial to his confidence as a player and a factor for his choice to play individu-
and individual sports has caused Mason for the past two years. teammate, which is something he does ally. He noticed a trend in other players
athletics to lose high-quality players, not get playing individually. by their success with choosing to play
who have chosen a team or program “I decided to be more serious about individually.
not affiliated with the school. tennis this year, because this year is crit- “During my time, the atmosphere and
Senior Aliyah El-Naggar committed ical to college recruitment,” Goli said. “I crowds with the men’s tennis team was “I noticed the play of other kids
to play soccer for The Ohio State Uni- wanted to play more ITF (International great, and it was one of my most enjoy- around the country who took the ITF
versity her sophomore year, which was Tennis Federation) tournaments, to able years of tennis to have those guys circuit route,” Goli said. “The kids who
her last year of playing for the school. help me in the recruitment process.” by my side,” Goli said. were in my position and chose to play
For the past two years, El-Naggar has those individual tournaments are play-
played for Cincinnati Development Goli felt that school tennis was an en- The influence of other athletes and ing at the highest level.”
Academy, which is run by the U.S. joyable atmosphere with his team -- who the success of players in the same shoes
national team, where El-Naggar ulti- always played hard and had a competi- as him, Goli said, was a contributing
mately hopes to play. tive outlook -- but thought it was easier
“The national team scouts come to all to get more recognized through ITF’s,
of our practices, and all of our games, which would aid in his college recruit-
and they see us whenever we play,” El- ment process.
Naggar said. “It’s not that Mason soccer
doesn’t prepare me for my future, but “In the ITF’s, the further you go in the
the exposure to the national team from tournaments, the easier it is to get more
my club gave me the best opportunity recognized,” Goli said. “Big tourna-
of being prepared for college - and ments like these help me getting re-
reaching my goals.” cruited because it is much easier to get
Junior Natalie Mishu, who played noticed and compete at a high level.”
school soccer her freshman and sopho-
more year, now plays with El-Naggar Similarly, Mishu felt that individually
on Cincinnati Development Academy. playing for club outweighed the school
For Mishu, the national team subjection team because she can receive individu-
was also a major factor in her switch to alized focus, rather than the focus being
club, as well as her desire to play col- on the entire team and its success.
lege soccer.
“Along with the national team expo- “High school soccer cares about their
sure, club soccer gave me college scout- program, and prioritizes the success
ing opportunities that school soccer of the team, but club sports gave me a
couldn’t provide,” Mishu said. chance to get recognized and recruited
A common reason athletes tend to more individually, which helped with
play club sports only is because they my goal to play in college,” Mishu said.
do not have time to play for the high
school simultaneously. Club and indi- These athletes chose to play club
vidual sports typically go year-round, sports to get different opportunities or
while school sports are only a desig- competition levels, but they all have
nated 3-4 month season. El-Naggar one thing in common: in their time
said her decision to play for a club was playing for Mason, they enjoyed the
dependent on the comfort of being able team culture and had great relation-
to play all year at a high level. ships with teammates and coaches. Ac-
“Every state has different regulations, cording to El-Naggar, the atmosphere
but since I play a fall sport in Ohio, I of the team was extremely difficult
wouldn’t be allowed to play for the high to let go of, and she nearly returned
school and continue my club season,” for another year of high school soccer
El-Naggar said. before deciding to play club.
Mishu and El-Naggar are both still
exposed to a team atmosphere while “I was very close to playing again for
the school last year, and I almost regret
my decision to not play with the team
this last year - I loved it,” El Naggar
said. “The girls, coaches, and support
were all amazing and I’m thankful I got
to experience it.”

Goli felt that playing as a part of the
team was extremely fun and benefi-

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You can apply now by stopping by The Chronicle newsroom at MHS. Rm. C103

October 19, 2018 Feature 20

Yoga enthusiasts embark on theraputic aerial trend

Anusha Vadlamani | Staff Writer was floating in the air.” relaxation and breath control. Both
Aerial yoga is flipping the world of Aerial yoga is a challenge forms of yoga, however, focus on pro-
relaxation completely upside down. moting self-consciousness. MacLean
A style of yoga that had previously compared to the traditional said that she preferred the methods of
been exclusive to only bigger cities, style of yoga that Grandhi is aerial yoga because of how versatile it
aerial yoga made its way to Mason six used to, but it is a challenge was.
years ago when yoga instructor Paula that she is willing to keep
Bortolotto opened her studio, the Ana- taking. “We were on silks and it was just
hata Yoga Center. really different because there were a
The practice of aerial yoga involves “Aerial yoga requires a lot lot of new movements that we could
performing traditional yoga poses more movements and atten- do. We could wrap our legs on the
while being suspended from the ceil- tion. You’re on the silks and it silks and just hang in the air and it was
ing in a nylon hammock. Bortolotto takes a lot more coordination so cool,” MacLean said. “There’s this
said she wanted to provide a comfort- and core strength because you different element of hanging versus
able way to share the health ben- have to keep yowur balance being on the ground and it’s just a lot
efits of being upside down with her and still execute the poses in harder but a lot more fun. I would re-
students. the air,” Grandhi said. “It’s ally recommend doing it.”
“I’ve always been an upside down hard to balance at the
junkie because being upside down has beginning, but you slowly Bortolotto believes that anyone can
tremendous benefits for the body. I start to learn to control access the benefits of aerial yoga, as
wanted an easy way for my students to yourself and after that, long as they are willing to take on
access that,” Bortolotto said. “I started it’s a lot more enjoy-
googling ways for people to go upside able. It was a really the challenge.
down and came across the hammock fun and new experi- “All you need for aerial yoga is
idea, and I’ve been offering the option ence. It wasn’t as relax-
at my studio from day one.” ing as regular yoga, but a willingness to try and a sense of
For sophomore yoga fanatic Span- it was still really cool.” adventure. The inversions have an
dana Grandhi, finding the Anahata effect on your mind,” Bortolotto
Yoga Center was an unexpected, but According to Junior said. “Literally, scientifically, they
appreciated, discovery. Kate MacLean, the
“The Anahata Yoga studio was re- intensity of an aerial make you happy. When my
ally nice,” Grandhi said. “It was small yoga class is much students leave aerial yoga,
so there weren’t too many people in higher than the in- it’s always with a smile on
classes and there was a lot more atten- tensity of standard their face.”
tion given to each individual in the yoga.
class.” Photo by Anusha Vadlamani
The idea of being able to explore a It requires a lot
different branch of yoga appealed to more attention The Studio
Grandhi, who said that aerial yoga was and energy,
unique because of how much more whereas a
interactive the class was compared to standard
a standard yoga class. yoga class
“It still has all the benefits of yoga is about
but it’s a way more interactive class,”
Grandhi said. “It’s a lot of regular
yoga poses, but instead of having your
feet planted on the ground, they were
up in the air. “The poses I did while I
was upside down made me feel like I

Photos by Anusha Vadlamani

Sophomore Spandana Grandhi performs traditional yoga poses while suspended from the ceiling in a nylon hammock at the Anahata Yoga Center in Mason.

October 19 2018 Opinion 21

Who cares if Staff Editorial
we were born
this way Kavanaugh hearings emphasize need for
maturity in politics
Luke Hutchinson |
Editor-in-Chief This one was polarizing. rior. Is it too much to ask for politics to just stay
Like it always is. Every month there seems to politics?
On October 11, lesser known as National Coming Out be a new scandal, and every month it seems to
Day, I began to think back to my own experiences coming get more and more polarizing and divisive. This If you follow conservative idealists, you’ll end
out of the closet. month’s scandal was historic though, and not up being fed the agenda of the right. If you watch
because of the political significance. Youtube videos that are mostly Liberal, you will
In telling my family and friends, which occured in that The Kavanaugh hearing showed how truly constantly be suggested videos that show you only
order years a part due to my mom’s unyielding concern that divisive and disrespectful politics have become. It’s one side of the argument (most likely presented
I would be bullied, I remember feeling unsure of myself in bad in the Supreme Court, it’s bad in the news, but by Buzzfeed). You will be constantly told that your
many respects. I hoped that it was reversible, or that maybe what’s most disturbing is that it’s bad in our own side is the truth and nothing else matters. It will
I was going through a phase, which I knew my mother backyard. It seems impossible for people to have never occur to you that there are other perspec-
hoped for as well. a normal argument without in ending in a vulgar tives that exist, that is, until you run into someone
or disgusting manner. It’s in our school, our social who has a different viewpoint than you. Then your
This is something I held against her until later realizing media feeds, and in our homes. It’s the plague. innate reaction is purely a bit too defensive.
that she just wanted me to live with the same freedoms It seems as if Americans have lost the ability to
as my three brothers. She even came around to voyage have a fair and respectful argument. When our his- ‘How could this person possibly have a different
through middle school with me, which if you have a social tory teachers have us debate about current events opinion than me?’ This is what people think before
adversity of any kind, you know is a rough time to be a kid. in politics, it almost always ends with someone debating with their friends or co-workers. It seems
walking out of the classroom in fury. These same to always get ugly. People rarely even see the
With all the uncertainty, however, there was one thing I teachers tell us that the politics in our country value in hearing the other side. There is never any
was surely adamant about. I would never give into the belief have always been this bad, but that is the problem: discussion. There is plenty of back and forth disre-
that being gay was a choice. How could it be? The whole we’re supposed to be progressing as a country. spectful language and rants, but there is never any
argument is contradictory of itself; straight people didn’t This issue should be taken seriously. It’s serious true, valuable discussion.
choose to be straight, so why would it be any different? enough to isolate groups, divide households, and
tear friendships apart. The sad reality is that it We feel that everyone knows how divided we
My obsession to prove myself as ‘biologically gay’ to the only takes a a snarky comment on a Facebook post are. There’s been plenty of columns in the paper
outside world came off as malice and overly defensive. It for a grudge to be held. It takes just one retweet, about it, and most parents complain about it. But
took the form of a hatred for the Catholic Church I was one post. The sensitivity level associated with people can’t resist from saying something snarky.
brought up in, or any organized religion for that matter. politics is dangerously high, and the responses to It’s always a competition, and this has consequenc-
This is something gay teens do a lot. political statements are always explosive. es.
The bickering from both sides is childish, and it
We feel the need to bash religions for their existence and can be narrowed down to the same two broadcast- At the Kavanaugh hearings, judges who serve
overlook the amount of good they have done for the mis- ings being projected at each other: Fox News and the same government made consistent verbal at-
fortunate. The injustices of Christianity are not spread upon CNN. Each network is always covering the same tacks on each other. At the end of the day, they’re
their doctrine, but rather stem from peoples’ misinterpreta- event, but both are said to be always be putting supposed to be on the same team. Even if their
tions of verses like the infamous Leviticus 18:22. their own wicked twist on the headline that makes opinions are opposite, they should at least be able
viewers lean towards their side. Even with this to express them without extreme intolerance from
That’s a whole other tangent though. After years of doubt, rarely will people watch both and listen to one another. This is a simple -- yet not so simple
awkward situations where people would tell me things like, both perspectives. -- virtue that even George Washington highlighted
“Well, I believe it’s a choice, but I respect you!” and I would This is where it starts. Both of these perspectives in his 1796 farewell address. Even so, the judges’
essentially remove them from my friends list, I stumbled proclaim that their argument is the absolute truth, poor behavior only further justified how we have
upon four very important words. and anyone who opposes that truth is nuts. They all been behaving.
convince people that their stance on these issues is
It does not matter. a declaration of character. If you think differently So it’s time we talk. It’s time we look each other
Gay people tend to be sensitive due to innate insecurity, you’re evil, if you think the same you are a war- in the eyes and say, ‘Hey, I hate everything about
so finding the confidence not to care what others think is what you’re saying, but I respect your right to say
difficult, but dear God was I happy when I finally found it. it.’ Let’s find some common ground. Let’s engage
In the grand scheme of things, what does it matter if people in productive discussion.
are born homosexual or not? Is the United States not a place
that values choice? The grudges, the bitterness, and the hatred have
The debate that once controlled my outlook on life has gone on for too long. Let’s grow up, America.
become insignificant. If you truly believe that a teenage boy
would risk losing the support of his family, or even choose
to feel isolated at every school dance, so be it.
Because even if we weren’t born gay, would that change

The Chronicle’s Policy
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Mason City School District.

22 Opinion October 19, 2018

Popular YouTube Editorial Cartoon
series brings out
the fake in people The newer model

Anusha Vadlamani |
Staff Writer

Everyone’s a psychiatrist now. Representation up and feedback positive. So why is this different? The past
Or at least everyone seems to think they are if takes time to be matches’ successes prove it’s not because the audience is
the number of diagnoses (or misdiagnoses, de- effective racist.
pending on how you want to see it) is anything
to go by. I have not been able to sit through an Alex Lisa | You actually need little background on WWE to under-
entire class bell without people pointing an ac- Staff Writer stand the answer. Because the answer is the same for all
cusing finger at one of their peers and declaring forms of entertainment, everywhere. Why would people
“You, you’re the sociopath!” I am actually a huge fan of World Wrestling Entertain- have been less likely to see the first Avengers movie if it
Which is not fair, considering that none of us ment (WWE). I know I’m the last person anyone expects to were an all-female cast? Why are all-female bands half as
have attended medical school (WebMD is not be into it, but I’ve been watching since I was five and find it’s popular and a third as numerous as all-male bands?
the same thing, guys). People have been jokingly wildly entertaining. I’ve watched Triple H, Kane, and Batista
diagnosing their own peers left and right, which perform, watched them make WWE history, watched them It’s because our society has had years’ worth, decades’
isn’t exactly healthy, because people take these retire or take new positions with the company. And, gradu- worth, of a scarcity of representation. You can’t flip a switch
things to heart. ally, I have seen the birth of the first real female superstars. and reverse that amount of influence. Representation, done
The onslaught of accusations is a result of right, takes a while. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has
Shane Dawson’s docu-series about one of You- It’s the last place anyone would expect progress in female enough female heroes now that they might be able to do a
Tube’s most controversial figures - Jake Paul. empowerment to be made, but that’s just the poetic justice movie with an all-girl team, but they’ve created those heroes
The web series focuses on why Paul is as highly of the whole thing. This program, which I have more than over the course of several movies. They couldn’t have started
worshipped as he is hated and why he is the way once heard referred to as the “man’s soap opera,” has put with that cast; it would have bombed. Girl bands only began
he is. When Shane released the first of the vid- more money, training, and publicity into building the popu- to build any merit in the 90’s, with groups like the Spice
eos, I didn’t expect the reason for Paul’s behavior larity of “Divas,” or women wrestlers in their roster, in the Girls making it possible for Little Mix and Fifth Harmony to
to be as extreme as it was. past few years than they have in the history of the company. be where they are now.
Honestly, I thought the reason was going to Despite all expectations, the show made itself an example
be something kind of stupid, like trying to gain to follow in how to correctly include female empowerment A PPV sells out within a month because of the star
more views or subscribers. However, the recur- and representation. power. Not just of current superstars, but of past superstars.
ring idea that Dawson explores isn’t as simple as Wrestlers will come back and make an appearance after
trying to get people to click the notification bell. And as an example of how not to. retirement. 69-year-old Ric Flair will come out and do what
Dawson believes Paul to be a sociopath; some- For the first time in WWE history, there is an all-women’s he does best on the mic. The Rock will come back and throw
one who lacks empathy and a conscience. And pay per view (PPV) scheduled for October 28th. A great step a few people around. The Undertaker, who has the relatively
the more I started to understand what a socio- towards representation, right? There’s only one problem. undisputed greatest crowd reaction when his music begins,
path was, the more I started to wonder about No one is buying any tickets. only wrestles in PPV’s. There is a history of great wrestlers
how much we really knew about the people we So what does this mean? The company has had many with huge fan bases, and those fans can only see their stars
spend our time idolizing. “first women’s” recently, from the first women’s Money in at a PPV.
I have always preferred YouTube to any other the Bank match, to Hell in a Cell, to a Royal Rumble. If you
media platform. Mainly because my parents nev- don’t watch WWE, you have no idea what those are, but trust There are no past female characters that people will pay
er invested in Netflix, but also because I believed me. They’re huge. Both the Money in the Bank and Royal extra to see. Even though there are female superstars the
it to be the only one that allowed real people to Rumble matches involve multiple superstars, and this is the likes of which we have never seen before, even though we
connect with each other. I loved watching sit- first time WWE has had enough stars to host them. Hell in have The Queen Charlotte Flair, who has both a legacy go-
down videos and feeling as though the YouTu- a Cell matches are the most serious in terms of the danger ing for her and an incredible talent, and Ronda Rousey, who
ber was speaking directly to me. As though they level and length of the match. In past PPV’s, the main event isn’t worth anything on the mic but has the greatest amount
actually cared. I swore that my favorite YouTu- has even been a women’s match, or at least includes female of fame any star has had coming in, even though WWE can
bers could do no wrong. For a second, I forgot contenders. That had never happened before. And for all pull off a big event here and there, the history is still being
that I wasn’t actually a true part of their lives. of those “firsts,” WWE’s audience has kept viewer ratings built. When it comes to representation, time and quality go
So when Shane brought up the idea that You- hand in hand.
Tubers, including himself, have a certain type
of persona that they project onto their viewers, I No matter how fast we want to see more representation,
wasn’t shocked. Just in denial. change takes time.
I didn’t want to believe that I didn’t truly know
the people that I watched on a regular basis. It
felt like I was being lied to and being cheated
out of something. And I guess to some extent, I
already knew that a part of a YouTuber’s life had
to be hidden. I just didn’t know that it was going
to be their personality.
The entire docuseries has made me come
terms to the fact that I don’t even really know
anything about the people that I have dedicated
time to support. You really can’t believe every-
thing you see on the internet.

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