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The Chronicle published on May 12, 2017.

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Published by The Chronicle, 2017-05-11 11:39:27

Edition 14.9

The Chronicle published on May 12, 2017.

Vol. 14, Issue 9 | William Mason High School | 6100 Mason Montgomery Road Mason, OH | 5.12.17


YO U ’ R E J O I N I N G T H E D E B AT E .


From left to right: Junior Sophie Foy, sophomore Michelle Crispin, senior Kit [See story, page 2]
Kresky, and senior Hannah Geiger listen in to the hit Netflix original series “13
Reasons Why.” Photos by Calista Busch, Ryan D’Souza,
Eric Michael, Alekya Raghavan
Photo Illustration by Ryan D’Souza

cover story


13 REASONS WHY Isabel Marotta | Staff Writer graphic depictions and said the scenes were necessary
IT’S CAUSING Asia Porter | Online Editor to convey the reality of rape and suicide.

CONTROVERSY “Welcome to your tape.” “It shouldn’t be censored at all,” Boe said. “If you
These four words recur throughout the new Netflix just brush over the suicide scene, the audience will
1. PRESENTS RISK OF Original Series “13 Reasons Why” and have since be- think that it was easy. If you brush over the two rape
COPYCAT SUICIDE come viral. Airing on March 31, the show has become scenes then the audience will think, ‘Why are these
a source of controversy among parents, students and girls freaking out so much?’ Because that’s already the
2. DEPCITS GRAPHIC RAPE schools. Adapted from Jay Asher’s novel of the same stigma behind it. We really have to show how ugly it is
AND SUICIDE name, the series centers around sophomore Hannah and how much it can affect a person’s life. It’s not easy
Baker. After dealing with bullying and depression, and it shouldn’t be easy to watch.”
3. SHOWS RAPE GOING Hannah commits suicide to escape from the hardship.
UNREPORTED She leaves behind 13 tapes addressed to the classmates Two of three
to whom she attributes her death. The series addresses rape incidents will
2 4. PARENTS AND sensitive topics, including suicide, rape, and mental ill- go unreported,
SCHOOLS ness. While some viewers are grateful for the honesty, said Rape, Abuse
DISAPPROVE OF others find it alarming, making the blockbuster series & Incest Na-
SHOW contentious for the following 13 reasons. tional Network
(RAINN). This
5. EDUCATES ON Dr. Madelyn Gould of the New York theme is rep-
POTENTIAL SIGNS State Psychiatric Institute started a study resented in “13
OF SUICIDE on copycat suicide, the idea that de- Reasons Why” when despite Jessica being raped and
multiple characters knowing, nobody stopped it nor
6. MENTAL ILLNESS NEVER tailed reportings of suicides can result did they report it.
EXPLICITLY MENTIONED in individuals taking their own lives
in the exact manner depicted on TV. Academic advisor Anne Toohey speaks with stu-
7. SHOWS EFFECT OF dents through her involvement in Comet Connections
SUICIDE ON COMMUNITY Gould examined suicide “clusters” and said showing a group of people keeping a rape a
— groups of individuals (ages 13 secret on TV can be dangerous.
8.VIEWER INTERPRETATION to 20) who committed suicide in
CLOUDS SHOW’S the same town within three months of each “Some kids will emulate,” Toohey said. “Whether it
INTENTION other. was another friend who did it or whether it was por-
She found that in cluster suicides, the original sui- trayed in the media, I think that’s extremely harmful.”
9. GLORIFIES SUICIDE cide was reported in more detail beforehand, support-
ing the copycat suicide phenomenon. Holding true to its TV-MA Netflix rating, parents
10.TEACHES PEOPLE TO BE After noticing the traffic the show was get- and school districts na-
MORE CAUTIOUS OF ting, Mason City Schools notified families, tionwide are deeming the
ACTIONS warning parents of its possible dangers. Within show inappropriate for
the email, Public Information Officer Tracy young viewers. A number
11. POTRAYS SUICIDE AS ONLY Carson said the show could provoke students to of schools have alerted
WAY OUT harm themselves. parents, some even going
“The overriding concern is that it could be as far as banning discus-
12. PRESENTS INACCURATE triggering for those who are already struggling, sions about the show.
DEPICTION OF GUIDANCE as well as for those who are supporting their friend(s),” Carson attached talk-
COUNSELOR Carson said. “According to some behavioral health
experts, this series could do more harm than good – ing points to her district-wide email for parents
5.12.17 13. HELP ONLY LISTED IN “13 especially for youth who may be isolated, struggling, to use to discuss the show with their children and said
REASONS WHY: or vulnerable to suggestive images and storylines.” she was concerned with the number of students who
BEYOND THE REASONS” The show were potentially watching the series alone.
portrays two rape
scenes and a sui- Mental illnesses can cause an individual to have
cide, all of which suicidal thoughts. The American Foundation for
are graphic, Suicide Prevention outlines behavioral changes com-
resulting in criti- mon among individuals contemplating suicide as
cism. anxiety, depression, isolation from others and irrita-
Actress bility to name a
Alisha Boe plays few. Viewers of “13
Jessica Davis Reasons Why” can
and, within the show, her character is watch as Hannah
raped by Bryce Walker. Boe appeared alongside former undergoes these
Vice President Joe Biden and “13 Reasons Why” execu- changes until she
tive producer Joy Gorman to speak out as a part of the decides to end her
“It’s On Us” campaign in a push to end sexual as- own life.
sault. Boe addressed the controversy surrounding the
depression, isola-
tion from others and irritability to name a few. Viewers
of “13 Reasons Why” can watch as Hannah undergoes
these changes until she decides to end her own life.

[Continued, page 3]


School psychologist Jeff Schlaeger said it is however, said the show does not portray depres- Crispin and her friends placed post-it notes on lock- 3
important to bring up mental illness, something he sion accurately, adding it belittles the illness rather ers and doors, which Crispin hoped would lighten
than bringing awareness to it. the mood and inspire positive change.
felt the show failed
to do. Much debate “I hope people will start to, one, open up their
surrounding the feelings if they’re feeling down, and two, spread
“If people are show centers on happiness,” Crispin said. “Even if you don’t know
already watch- if it glamorizes someone, give them a compliment, make them feel
ing the show for suicide. Toohey happy and welcome because you never know how
the plot and the said the show much it can impact them and their day.”
reasons, it’s some- sends a danger-
thing that can ous message that Senior Hannah Geiger said the show leaves those
be discussed in suicide can be struggling with the wrong impression.
part of what they’re showing,” Schlaeger said. committed for revenge.
“To me, it’s an opportunity lost if they’re not “It depicts suicide
discussing more of the mental illness side “This girl commits suicide and leaves tapes tell- as the only way to get
of it.” ing how everyone has wronged her, sucking people out of your situation,
Senior Kit Kresky, however, saw signs in together,” Toohey said. “I think that that glamor- when there are so
of depression, despite them not being outwardly izes that you get the ultimate revenge. That you many other things
mentioned. got to do it and then you get to go back and ruin she could’ve lived
“Depression can show itself in different ways,” these people’s lives.” for,” Geiger said.
Kresky said. “To her, some things were a big deal, “You see her (Han-
and to a lot of people that have depression, that Senior Spencer Walsh said the show’s portrayal nah Baker’s) parents
would be a big deal because the brain of someone of the aftermath of Hannah’s death could lead are devastated afterwards, and they did a good job
with depression makes you blow different things viewers to falsely draw conclusions that suicide is showing the repercussions. But it shows there’s just
out of proportion. It’s not her fault that she killed way to get recognized. one way to get out of a hard situation, which is not
herself because of those reasons. It’s because of the true. I think that’s really harmful.”
depression.” “It’s not realistic, and it’s cathartic,” Walsh said.
Faced with the “It’s so frustrating that implicitly it has this idea In episode 13 Hannah expresses her sense of
recent tragedy of that if you kill yourself, people will start paying feeling loss and thoughts of committing suicide
Hannah’s death, attention to you, and that’s a little dangerous. It
the San Luis com- makes it look appealing.” to her guidance
munity on the counselor, Mr.
show began hav- Despite its negative stigma, junior Sophie Foy Porter; however,
ing discussions said the show can have positive effects in inspiring he did not pass
about suicide and people to treat others kindly. this along.
student’s mental health in the midst of
mourning. “If you’re treating someone badly, it shows what Toohey said
Carson said following a suicide at Mason, the can happen,” Foy said. “It really shows that your ac- this representa-
district has to find a delicate balance between tions can have a big impact on how someone feels tion of a guid-
reaching out to the victim’s family and getting ance counselor
information out to the community, something the about themself is inaccurate and in Mason, action would be
school in the series struggled with as well. and their life.” taken immediately.
“We as a group and the administrative team in
Executive After Han- any of those situations: reports of rape, wanting to
producer Selena nah’s death, her kill yourself, self harm, all of those things, that’s
Gomez has former classmates not something we just sit on,” Toohey said. “That’s
struggled with reflected on their always a phone call to a parent; that’s always alert-
depression, anxi- actions. Sopho- ing an administrator if we need to.”
ety, and panic more Michelle Throughout the featurette, a red box flashes at
attacks. In the Crispin said while the bottom of the
people may be quick to dwell on the screen with a link
30-minute spe- past, it is important to move forward, learning to a help site for
cial “13 Reasons from previous mistakes. those in need.
Why: Beyond the “They shouldn’t get mad at each other for This information,
Reasons,” which aired following the show, Gomez something they could have changed in the past,” however, does
said the intent of the show was to share a message Crispin said. “I feel like they should look towards not appear in the
against suicide in a way that was “honest.” Kresky, the future as an opportunity to redo something you 13 episodes.
may have done wrong: be nice to someone that
you maybe have been mean to in the past, try and
renew relationships that may have fallen apart.”
Following the suicide of a fellow classmate,

Graphics by Ryan D’Souza

The Chronicle’s Policy

The Chronicle is the official student The Chronicle is published monthly. The Chronicle is a member of The The Chronicle Staff Online Editor Luke Hutchinson Adviser
newspaper of William Mason High Call 398-5025 ext. 33103 for infor- Columbia Scholastic Press Association, Editor-in-Chief Asia Porter Alexandra Lisa Dale Conner
School. mation regarding advertising in The The National Scholastic Press Asso- Jessica Sommerville Business Manager Charlie MacKenzie Connect with
Chronicle. The Chronicle reserves the ciation, Quill and Scroll International Managing Editor Ashton Nichols Duncan MacKenzie the Chronicle:
The Chronicle promises to report the right to refuse advertising it deems in- Honorary Society for High School Jour- India Kirssin Staff Writers Isabel Marotta
truth and adhere to the journalistic appropriate for a high school publica- nalists and the Ohio Scholastic Media Sports Editor Calista Busch Jonathan McCollough @mhschronicle
code of ethics through online and print tion. Association. Eric Miller Arnav Damodhar Eric Michael
mediums. Visual Design Editor Joey Deaton Ria Parikh
As an open forum for students, let- Contact Information Ryan D’Souza Juliana Discher Meghan Pottle mhschronicle
The Chronicle is produced by students ters to the editor are welcome, but are The Chronicle Jacob Fulton Alekya Raghavan @mhschronicle
enrolled in Journalism I, II and III. subject to be edited for length, libel, ob- William Mason High School Bryan Hudnell Lauren Thomas
scenity, clarity and poor taste. Letters to 6100 S. Mason Montgomery Rd. Delaney Turner 5.12.17
Editorials reflect the staff ’s opinion the editor may be dropped off in room Mason, Ohio 45040 Freddie Wilhelm
but do not necessarily reflect the opin- C103 and must be signed. (513) 398-5025
ions of the school administration or the
Mason City School District.

news Mason band moves Jegol starts nonprofit
on after being spurned to provide education in
by first choice home country

Jonathan McCollough | Staff Writer Jacob Fulton | Staff Writer

4 Mason’s newly appointed marching band Junior Kaleab Jegol is changing the world Photo contributed by Cincinnati People
director decided this job would not be his forte. through education.
Jegol gives a TEDX Talk at the Redmoor Theatre.
The Mason City Schools Board of Education Jegol is the founder of Education for Ethio-
approved Greg Benson on March 14. Just a few pia, an organization that gathers funds and runs Jegol said the talk he gave on March 8 was a
weeks later Benson quit the job through an supply drives to improve conditions in Ethiopia, great opportunity for him to get his message out
email, saying that he will stay at Grove City in hopes of helping the 100 million children not to the Cincinnati community.
where he is an assistant band director. He did receiving an education.
not respond to a request for further comment “I met the founder of the Cincinnati TedX
or give a reason for his departure. Most recently, the nonprofit partnered with Ma- branch at a retreat,” Jegol said. “I started talking
son HOPE Club to run a school supply drive from to her and expressed my interest in giving a talk.
Mason City Schools is moving forward April 24 to 28. Jegol said his background inspired When the opportunity came up, I got involved,
quickly following this sudden news. Tracey him to start the organization, which he founded (and) ended up giving a speech on the education
Carson, the Public Information Officer for last July. crisis. It was amazing to speak to so many people
Mason City Schools, said that they are reevalu- and know that they were listening.”
ating their focus and have already hired a new “I’m an immigrant – I’m from Ethiopia – and
band director. last July, I was thinking about all the amazing Ortega said although she has offered assistance
opportunities I’ve gotten here in America,” Jegol in some aspects of the process, the project is
“After learning in April of Mrs. Bass’s retire- said. “I realized that if I wasn’t here, I wouldn’t almost completely run by Jegol, something Jegol
ment, we have new opportunities to look for have gotten those, and I wanted to help the com- said was a goal of his.
two leaders,” Carson said. “The district stepped munity I’m from.”
back and re-evaluated the scope of our entire “I’ve tried to help with publicity,” Ortega said.
band program and shifted the search to find Spanish teacher Amy Ortega is a strong sup- “I’ve also been able to attend some of the events
just the right fit for marching band and our porter of Jegol. Ortega said she has watched his he’s gone to for his nonprofit, (but) he’s done all
concert bands. Yesterday, the Board approved organization grow from an idea to a movement. of this on his own. He has the support of his fam-
a new Marching Band Director, and the district ily, teachers, and people around him, but this is
is now engaged in searching for top talent to “I met Kaleab his freshman year in my Span- his goal, and I just wanted to support him in any
lead our renowned Concert Bands program.” ish II class, and we just felt like we understood way I could.”
where each other was coming from,” Ortega said.
The newly hired band director is Johnnie B. “He came to me about what he was thinking with Jegol said his dedication was key to the success
Green. He was approved unanimously on the Education for Ethiopia. We talked about his goals of the project, and that others recognized it.
April 25 School Board meeting. Green formerly and what he wanted to accomplish, so he could
served as Associate Director of Bands, and have a plan in place.” “If you have enough passion about something,
Color Guard Director at Lehman High School you’ll have no problem starting it,” Jegol said. “It’s
in Kyle, TX. He said that he is excited to be Jegol’s idea began to take off after a series of obvious if you truly care, and if you do, (others
joining the Mason family and moving to Ohio opportunities from connections he made. After will) want to help you. When you care, people
with his wife and two daughters. two months of work, he filed to make Education want to see you succeed, and you will.”
for Ethiopia an official nonprofit in the state of
“The tradition of excellence here seeps Ohio, and it was recognized soon afterwards. Jegol
through everything,” Green said. “This pro- was also recognized by the United Nations, where
gram has incredible momentum, and I’m re- he was named a UN Advocate for Quality Educa-
ally excited to chart the next chapter together. tion and Gender Equality.
I can’t wait to meet all the members of the
Mason Band family. I have always believed Jegol’s work with Education for Ethiopia has en-
that we are teaching life skills through music abled him to give a TedX talk and resulted in his
– team building and leadership for all kids, acceptance into the Hamilton Scholars program,
because they will all be leaders in the world.” a five-year scholarship that gives first-generation
college students a chance to receive internship
opportunities and college guidance.



Senior works among school – that’s passion,” Crowe said. “When he Senior Adrian Chan poses in his chef’s uniform. 5
the greatest in the went to New York to see his sister, he asked me if I
culinary industry could set him up with some kitchens out there to Chan said he did not want to work for Crenn 5.12.17
check out. On spring break, most kids are out hav- because she was named the best female chef in
Meghan Pottle | Staff Writer ing fun, but he is out having fun in the kitchen, so the world, but because he admired her story and
he has a real passion for it to want to set up stages philosophy.
Senior Adrian Chan traveled 2,395 miles to wash in other kitchens while he is on vacation.”
dishes. “Her story really touched me in a sense because
For Chan’s Personal Learning Day this past year, I really like how she treats others,” Chan said. “To
Chan had planned on studying to become an he traveled to San Francisco to ask Chef Domi- her, cooking is not just serving food to others,
architectural engineer after high school, but after nique Crenn, owner of Atelier Crenn, if he could but it is the dish that she uses to communicate to
taking a chance and deciding to pursue his real work in her kitchen. others. To her, it is a vehicle, it is a language to
passion instead, he will move to San Francisco, communicate with others. How she set up her res-
California to work for the world’s best female “At first, I did not ask for a job, I asked if I taurant is very model to how she wants her house
chef. could stage for her, which in chef’s terms means to be, so it is kind of like the guests are dining at
you work for someone without getting paid,” her house.”
Chan’s first job in the kitchen was at Straits of Chan said. “I was very scared at first because
Malacca, a former restaurant in downtown Mason. she is professional, but she is still very caring. I Crenn allowed Chan to wash dishes at Atelier
Chef Paul Liaw said that Chan is a very deter- knocked on the door and at first, no one noticed Crenn that night. Chan was invited to come back
mined person and was hardworking in his kitchen. me because they were all working in the kitchen. and work in the kitchen the following day, and
Then, I knocked again and she turned around and worked at Atelier Crenn for the duration of his
“He was very passionate about the job and he saw me.” stay in San Francisco.
really liked it,” Liaw said. “Now, he is working
together with me at the best restaurant in Cincin- Chan said that he became familiar with Crenn Chan said on his last night, Chef Crenn asked
nati, Restaurant L.” when he watched a documentary called “Chef’s him if he wanted to work for her after he graduat-
Table” and explained this to her when they met. ed high school. After winning his parents’ support,
Chan used to make hot appetizers at Restaurant Chan finalized his plans and will move to San
L, but he now prepares cold appetizers because he “At the time, she recently won Best Female Chef Francisco on June 27.
told the chefs that he wants to learn as much as in the world,” Chan said. “I knew about it, but I did
he can while he is working there. not say much about it because I did not want it to Crowe said he sees potential in Chan because of
sound like ‘I am coming to you just because you his persistence and dedication.
Restaurant L Chef de Cuisine Brett Crowe said are the best.’ I told her that everyone in my high
he has witnessed Chan’s passion for cooking by school knows what they want to do and where “He is a very passionate young man and I think
seeing him consistently come in and do the work. they want to go to college, but to me, even though he will do very well in his career,” Crowe said. “He
I told my parents I want to go to this college and has got his foot in the right door at his age. He is
“Not every seventeen year old would want to be an architectural engineer, I know that is not working with us right now in Cincinnati and in
come in and work for free two days a week after what I want. That is how she started too, she did Cincinnati Magazine, we are listed number one in
not have any restaurant experience and did not go the city. He is going to work with a great chef in
to culinary school, she just went to a restaurant San Francisco, so we will see if he really likes what
and asked for a job, which is what I am doing.” he is doing. If you surround yourself with good
people, you become very good, so I think he has a
Photos contributed by Adrian Chan great future ahead of himself whether he does this
or another career.”
Mason High School senior Adrian Chan prepares a culinary masterpiece in the kitchen.

“Honk, Honk” feature

Senior lot goose takes to Twitter
to communicate with his fans

Lauren Thomas | Staff Writer not Richard.” 7
The pair sees value in the ac-
Seniors Kate Leathers and Graphic by Ryan D’Souza
Mikey Loehr tweet “honk honk” count with its ability to human-
as their alter ego @seniorlot- ize Richard, so students are less 5.12.17
goose. Known colloquially as likely to harm him. The goose
Richard the Goose, the iden- retorts at student’s tweets de-
tity of the parking lot wildlife scribing their frustrations with
protecting his wife and eggs the geese often standing in the
just feet from A pod has been a middle of sidewalks, protecting
mystery for months. their eggs and honking at stu-
dents. One of his most popular
Leathers began the page tweets is: “walk by my eggs, i’ll
spontaneously one day, after nip at your legs.”
walking into school and seeing
a goose at which fellow seniors “Richard is not only spread-
were gawking. From there, she ing awareness for destressing;
created the page and infamous- he’s also spreading awareness
ly named the goose Richard. for PETA (People for the Ethical
The Twitter page took off, Treatment of Animals),” Leath-
soaring to 250 followers within a ers said. “That’s all that matters,
week. The pressure to send out the protection of animals.”
hilarious tweets multiple times
a day caused Leathers to enlist Richard the Goose is now at
the help of her friend senior 335 followers. Since Richard re-
Mikey Loehr. sides in senior lot with his wife
and eggs, seniors have been
“I quickly realized ‘Wow, this affected more so than other stu-
is a big responsibility,’” Leathers dents. While some see the goose
said. “I can’t do this alone, so I as aggressive, senior Audrey
texted Mikey and said, ‘Con- Lund sees Richard as a positive
grats, you’re now in charge of symbol. Lund has been a “goose
this goose account with me.’ We activist” for as long as she can
share the account like 70/30.” remember. The title is even in
her Twitter bio to advocate for
Leathers said the initial inten- her cause. She is no stranger to
tion of the account was purely the flying birds, for she regular-
humorous. ly spends her weekends tossing
stale bread into ponds for geese.
“I created the account just for
fun; I thought it was hilarious “Geese aren’t aggressive; I
that a goose was continuously love geese,” Lund said. “Last
attacking people, so I was like weekend I went and fed geese
I might as well make this into at Pine Hill. They’ll come near
a character,” Leathers said. “I’m you, and they’ll be all nice, and
glad that people are taking this they’ll all just sit there and eat
to the next level.” your bread.”

Leathers and Loehr think Lund sees the now-famous
their account’s popularity will goose as a symbol of hope and
fade as their identities emerge happiness. Richard the Goose
as operators of the Twitter ac- has been a light-hearted re-
count. They said that the charm minder that sometimes laughter
and mystery now associated is the best medicine when it
with the account will dwindle. comes to stressful seasons.

“I feel like once people know “Richard has been a positive
it’s us, (the following) will begin influence on my life, and every-
to slow down,” Leathers said. one’s life,” Lund said. “There’s
“I feel like the fact that it’s a AP tests, there’s End of Course
mystery, it eggs it on a little bit tests, there’s final exams, all of
more. People will say, ‘It’s Kate these things, Richard is just like
tweeting, it’s Mikey tweeting,’ a ‘Hey, don’t worry about it.’”


Thrill seekers satisfying when you do go through Photo by Jonathan McCollough
with it and it’s not as bad as you Scott Fritz, a tandem skydive instructor, boards the plane before going on a jump.
risk safety in thought it was going to be.”
8 of new things that you’re taking in “Whenever I speak in front of a
pursuit of rush Thrill seeking is more than 50 per- and it’s coming at you all at once. large audience, I always feel ner-
cent determined by genes. Scientists When you get back to the ground, vous,” Madugula said. “The adrena-
Alekya Raghavan | Staff Writer at London University’s Institute of if you’re somebody like me, the first line from feeling nervous fuels
Psychiatry believe that thrill seeking thing you do is say ‘I want to do that my confidence and ability to speak
Some people garden in their free can be traced to genes that deter- again’.” clearly and passionately.”
time, some paint, and others jump mine behaviors like novelty-seeking
out of airplanes. and openness to new experiences. While it’s usually extreme situ- Scott Fritz, a tandem instructor
Studies have also found that thrill ations that provide the adrenaline at Skydive Cincinnati, said that the
These adrenaline junkies, also seeking is the top reason for partici- rush for most people, some are feeling that adrenaline-inducing
known as sensation-seekers, are pation in high-risk physical sports. stimulated by simple activities such activities provide is indescribable.
people who are addicted to the thrill as driving, public speaking, even
of the adrenaline rush, a high pro- Sophomore Chase Flora, who procrastinating on an assignment; “There are many people that
duced by the flow of the hormone participates in motocross racing, said the fear of not getting it done can have tried to describe what it’s like,
adrenaline into the bloodstream. that the danger of injury contributes trigger an adrenaline surge. and there really just are no words,”
An adrenaline rush occurs when to the rush received from the sport. Fritz said. “There is a limitation of
the body perceives danger, com- Junior Mallika Madugula, a judge language in trying to describe it. Be-
monly known as the “fight-or-flight” “It’s kind of nerve-racking because relations officer for speech and cause your frame of reference is so
response. The heart rate increases, you know there’s that constant risk debate, said that although not physi- different, it’s like trying to describe
endorphins are released and breath- of getting hurt, but after a while cally dangerous, public speaking what swimming is like to someone
ing rate ramps up, making for a you get used to it,” Flora said. “A also can provide an adrenaline rush. who has never been around water.”
lasting, pleasurable feeling. few people I know have broken col-
larbones, broken necks. Before you
Junior Lauren Elliott said al- start, you’re pretty nervous, but once
though chasing this high can mean you start, you get in your zone. The
participating in risky activities, the adrenaline keeps you going.”
satisfaction outweighs the risks.
Adrenaline junkies can be drawn
“It’s almost an out-of-body experi- to extreme sports like bungee jump-
ence,” Elliott said. “And because it ing, rock climbing, auto racing, or
is so impulsive, you kind of turn any activity that involves risk. Some
your thoughts off and become all get the rush from jobs like firefight-
physical. It’s definitely a rush, kind ing, police work, or the military.
of thrilling. There’s a little bit of fear,
in the sense that, you start to kind And others, like static line instruc-
of think that if it goes wrong, there’s tor Dave Archaro, find jobs in the
a lot of consequences, but it’s really skydiving business.

“It’s exhilarating,” Archaro said.
“We call it a ‘sensory overload’
because you’re experiencing so
many new things. There are a lot

The hronicle Summer

June 5-8 at Mason High School

5th-8th graders are invited to learn
how to interview and write about news
topics they are interested in.
Students will be mentored by staff
members on one of the nation’s best
high school newspapers, The Chronicle.

Every student will be published online
at the completion of the camp.

Please contact [email protected] for
more information.

Registration deadline: May 19




college map

CClaoslsleogfe 2M0ap17

Alabama Stanford University University of Indiana Wesleyan Jarret Reid
Georgia University Arshdeep Singh
Jocelyn Kang
Amy Satterthwaite Kelsey Lewis University of
Sreeram Venkatarao Michaela Loveless Kentucky
Idaho Annie McBeath
Auburn University Ashley Volpenhein Nicholas Ciganik
Brigham Young Purdue University Makenzie Dixon
Matthew Miller University of University, Idaho Kendyl Edwards
Katie Whitehead California, Berkeley Natalie Anderson Ashlee Flora
Jordanna Wones Scott Drogowski Megan Casey Madeline Frank
Heidi Cervantes John Hancock
Justin Kim Illinois Stephen Davis Claire Harrison
Marcel Goodwin James Hungler
Montevallo University Jessica Wang Columbia College Alexander Krueger Jaxon Jaggers
Chicago Kaitlyn Lyon Erik Johnson
Michael Hall University of Georgia Miller Hannah Johnson
Sean Rice Alex King
University of San Diego Lina Trigg Carlos Lewis
Meghan Pottle

George Denniston Colorado
Ally Ganaway
Parker Hopson

Kate Leathers Kathryn Kenniston Rose Hulman Madison Melcher

Jake Parsons The United States Air Kelsey Miller
Layne Tener Force Academy
DePaul University Institute of Megan Miller 11
Arizona Joseph Grimes Technology Antonia Mordino
Haleigh Carr Akintunde Nelson
Arizona State Ireland Wiesenhahn George Bulger Kayla Stroud
University of Lincoln College University of Ronald Vogler
Ayano Nagaishi Colorado, Boulder Autumn Westurn
Zackary Donathan
Northern Arizona Eric Thomas Evansville University of
University McKendree
University of University Jessie Brumley
Colorado, Colorado
Springs Alaina Johnson Louisville
Valparaiso University Nicole Bagby
Julia Allen Mariah Green

Jacob Gapinski Trevor Lythgoe

Madison Wilson Emily Slusser University of Chicago Wabash College Louisiana

Arkansas Delaware Emily Zhao

Benjamin Filippi

University of University of KentuckyUniversity of Illinois Louisiana State
Arkansas Delaware University
Zachary Oldham
John Stein Payton Vicknair

Joshua Stewart Morgan McNary Indiana Asbury University University of
California Florida Anderson University Allison Miller

California Embry-Ridle Makayla Miller Bellarmine University at Lafayette
Polytechnic State Aeronautical
University, University Ball State University Caroline Carr Mary Hannah Thatcher
Jessica Gibbs Matthew Hall Noah Cook Eastern Kentucky Massachusetts
Emily Theuring
Alexander Petrocelli Natalie Brown Brandeis University
Lorna Martin
California Nova Southeastern Butler University Isabel Cepeda
Polytechnic State University Georgetown College
University, San Louis Edward Puisis Aubrie Chiu Massachusetts
Eric Schauer Institute of
Grace College
Obispo Technology
University of Florida Matthew Deskins Murray State
Austin Ma University Aditya Jog
Landon Ballas Indiana University Jose Martinez
San Diego State Cameron Muff
University Georgia Karli Farrell Northeastern
Andrew Flurer Northern University
Joseph Belcastro Emory University Samantha Lester Kentucky
Griffin Burress Ian Markley University Benjamin Peck
Faith Kim Jenna Montes
Graham Montgomery Matthew DeLotell Wellesley College
Stuart Sones Jacob Hiltenbeitel
Elizabeth Kong
Claire Kohler
[Continued, pages 12-14] 5.12.17
Illustrations by Ryan D’Souza Samari Mowbray

college map Michigan Ohio Diana Berrizbeitia OH, THE
Reilly Bogan
Central Michigan Bowling Green State Danielle Bosma
University University Abigail Bromley
Jordan Sherman Caleb Courtney Alyssa Brooks
Matthew Burcham
Colin Culp Devin Bussell
Arnav Damodhar
Eastern Michigan Kylie Davis Amanda Darrah Mount Saint Joseph Aswin Krishnan
University Allison Dreyer Thomas Doerflein University Jacob Laughlin
Trevor Hensley Evelyn Doster Alicia Liew
Brielynn Burley Ryan Jeffers McDaniels Durfee Sydney Holzbach Audrey Lund
Preston Hutchinson Kathryn Kresky Lauren Elam Duncan MacKenzie
Tyler Evans Northeast Ohio Andrew MacLean
Maxwell Mitchell Alexandra Fennimore Medical University Nealofar Madani
Lauren Frame Peyton Marion
Grand Velley State Kasey Shea Elaine Freeberg Deepasri Ananth Jason Markley
University Kateland Sipe Taylor Freibert Amani Ashraf Abigail Martin
Hope Thomas Zachary George Vardhan Avasarala Jonathan McCollough
Rhys Green Spencer Walsh Cross Gibson Sritej Devineni Logan McCormick
Jason Gilstorf Shreya Dey Brendan McHugh
Tori Weiner Katherine Griffiths Saimanthra Ganesh Laurie McIlvenna
Michelle Guiot Sneha Gundavarpu Lauryn Medland
Kettering University Kelsey Haendal Sneha Kandi Gabriel Menelik
Michael Hakes Andrew Kemme
Christopher Berlinger Capital University Jacob Hannah Prachi Lele Tyler Meyer
Adara Hove Alekhya Mannava Jurian Misawayee
JoAnna Bussey Robert Knight Abhishek Nandra Derek Morales
Megan Knoepfler Ananya Tawde Claire Murray
Northwood University Eric Young Phillip Krayterman Jon Murray
Joseph Bowlin Peyton Krell Ohio Dominican Rishi Nair
Sydney Lombardo University Matthew Nesbit
Jace Robinson Case Western Mary Lust Alex Neuzil
Reserve University Geovanny Maldonado Matthew King Daniel Niedermann
University of Macy McReynolds Ashley Norman
Michigan Robin Eads Lizbeth Mendoza The Ohio State Jacob Olsen
Kate Moeller Hannah Neese University Aneesha Patel
Jake Nelson Krupa Patel
Chandler Caserta Emery Nichols Kyasurina Adhikari Kunal Patil
Jack O’Loughlin Sion Agami Contreras Rosie Peraino
Christopher Huggins Cedarville University Abby O’Neil Tara Allen Anthony Rabe
Tanvi Jagtap Wil Orner Sukruthi Arutla Anirudh Rajagopalan
Claire Martin Stella Slyby Alec Polishuk Nathan Banks Astha Rastogi
Brianna Porter Todd Borgerson David Raufman
Missouri Cincinnati Christian Bailey Ralston Kiran Boyinepally Deepthi Reddy
University Ian Ralston Kathryn Byerly Kathy Ren
Nolan Rath Catherine Carey Sydney Riley
Saylor Norton Sydney Rose Brandon Center Jacob Robertson
Rachel Schaffer Joe Cooper Nathan Rodrigues
University of Missouri Cincinnati State Gabriel Shepherd Andrew Craig Lauren Rose
University Madison Simmons Laura Crawshaw Suhaas Sameera
12 Maxwell Brase Hannah Smith Caroline Cruz Divyaam Satija
Washington Destiny Miller Lakin Steedly Sasha Daroga Ashley Schlaeger
University Colleen Rafey Erin Stephens Jack Davidson Kayla Seppelt
Worley Stidham Ruth Davies Austin Sewell
in St. Louis College of Wooster Morgan Teska Prabhdeep Dillon Alexander Shearer
Tyler Thompson Andrew Diaz Gurnader Sidhu
Logan Tan Ryan Tull Juliana Discher Shivani Singh
Anna Vecchio Clayton Doll Benjamin Smith
Kylie Hawkins Ian Vivas Alejandro Dominguez Evan Smith
Matthew Vorbroker Nicholas Dorer Reagan Snyder
NHeawmpshire Sadie Philips Madalyn Wadsworth Jack Engle Alan Song
Jessie Wang Allen Feng Rosie Spivak
Defiance College Morgan Watkins Hui Gao Reagan Starcher
Collin Williams Alejandro Gonzalez Phelan Andrew Stocker
Vincent Jackson August Winkeljohn Alfonso Gonzalez Phelan Grace Stuart
Bailey Wolf Mary Hager Vivienne Su
Dartmouth College Elite Welding Jordan Woodward Matthew Hall Joshua Sugitan
Academy Sevilen Young William Hart V Dennis Sweeney
Matthew Liao Isaac Zeltwanger Andrew Hauer Terry Tao
Anamika Shah Taylor Cook Ailee Henderson Ann Thomas
Daniel Zmood Caitlin Henry Trang Tran
New Jersey Hocking College Michael Hiett Harsha Turaga
Miami University, Jaimen Hood Dylan Van Zandt Evers
Rutgers University Ian Coombe Hamilton Amy Huang Abigail VanFossen
Rebecca Rosin Jessica Huang Samuel Varner
Sydney Braine Samuel Kahn Ashwin Kalyanakumar Sharanya Vojjala
Kent State University Colin Maines Shrey Karani Sarah Wade
New York Zachary Prusinski Cassandra Kehres Miles Ware
Amanda Helm Tyler Tipton Molly Kenney Kendall Watkins
Culinary Institute of Sophia Iannelli Kyle Wilson Tanvi Keole Caitlyn Wilks
America Beth Ellen Johnson Nikita Kesav Benjamin Wolfe
Cori Matlock Miami University, Noora Khalid Eisen Yim
Elizabeth Carras Danielle Robertson Middletown J. King Jane Yu
Samantha Segerman Nathan Knight Tiffany Yu
Niagra University Cailynn Shumway Stephen Henn Hana Kodvawala Mei Yuan
Diya Singh John Kirch Mihir Kotian Donna Zheng
Ashley Antal Sarah Thompson
Ethan Tremblay Allison Ridener

North Carolina Kettering College
Sydney Goodman

Elon University Marietta College

India Kirssin Quinn Hecker

North Carolina Miami University
Central University
Shelby Anton
Jariah Sweeten Erika Aylmore
Abhipsha Basa
5.12.17 Katerina Baumgartner

E PLACES YOU’LL GO! college map
See where you can find your peers this fall

Xue Yao Zou Rishi Ambani Divya Joshi University of Braeden Trapp
Sneha Ameya Alexa Kaufhold Cincinnati, Blue Ash
The Ohio State Rheagan Arminio Elijah Kelly Xavier
University, Newark Nathaniel Armstrong Nathaniel Kehres Heather Ashleman University
Janani Arulmani Nathanael Kerr Evan Ayers
Mary Zhu Jack Asesyan Allison Klein Karissa Barton Andrew Braun
Anna Backs Michael Kopaygorodsky Athena Bocock Rachel Cutter
Ohio University Kaitlyn Baker Nicole Kraimer Emily Davis Angela Dinh
Chinmay Bakshi Caitlin Lachut Madison Dimerling Maiya Espinosa
Akash Bakshi Alexander Barnett Caroline Lahti Naz Erdeger David Fluker
Christa Burton Blake Barot Hayley Lang Danielle Fisher Emillie Hoh
Lauren Dalton Nathan Berman Jacob Lannes Andrew Grimes Mariana Ibarra
Vince Damico Hannah Berryman Nancy Li Deborah Gunter Kelly Murawski
Natalie Dupre Amanda Bills Lauren Linne Brandon Hall Alexis Pendleton
Corey England Michael Bishop Robert Lintz Collin Hatch Meghan Perrin
Michael Farber Joshua Bitner Graden Lipp Lujain Jamous Manasa Pradhan
Ellie Harpen John Bohls Charles MacKenzie Andrej Kyselica Vineet Prasad
Kyle Harvey Teja Bollimunta Daniel Mackzum Sadira Leporati Gabriel Ranieri
Jordan Hill Nicholas Bosticco William MacLean Kayla Liebert Ta’Jana Smith
Elaina Jordan Aaron Boyd Zoe Maldonado Kathryn Loehr Brenton Suer
Christopher Kallach Matthew Brenneman Benjamin Marakovits John Matthews Christian Wood
Hannah Kallach Jordyn Burke Erin McNally Ryan Merrill
Gwenyth Klonne Alexander Burnett Jordan McNulty Allison Morua Youngstown State
Daniel Loehr Destry Cable Eric Michael Calvin Myers University
Michael Loehr Matthew Caldwell Maxwell Miller Connor Napier
Devin Matherne Derek Carskadden Pranav Narayanan Nicole Richardson Elle Buffenbarger
Ashton Nichols Sebastian Castillo David Neal Kritika Satija
Brooke Rice Andrew Caudill Nikki Neudecker Andrew Thompson Pennsylvania 13
Joseph Saresky Amarah Chaudhry Celeste Nye Dawson Tipton
Michael Saresky Andrew Choi Liam Parigen Mason Trammell California
Elise Scharfenberger Tyler Chumney Anurag Paul Luke Williams University of
Cameron Schweitzer Allison Ciepichal Spencer Petrov Pennsylvania
Maria Steinberg Joshua Clabbers Shane Plymire Madeline Young
Evan Thieme Tyler Clevenger Brittany Posner Meg Hubbard
Tara Trenkamp Madison Cole David Potts Joshua Yount
Gabrielle Tysl Meghan Cole Lauren Raitz Duquesne
Drew Weaver Kiersten Colligan Nihar Rama University of University
Hannah Wilder Annabelle Contant Olivia Ramirez Cincinnati, Clermont
Gelina Wiles Cameron Csendes Rashmi Ravishankar McKenna Killion
Brian Culberson Gavin Reinhard Grace Alexander
Ohio Wesleyan John Curran Taaj Richardson Franklin and
University Amanda David Ridge Robson University of Dayton Marshall College
Nathan Philip David Nicole Rogge
Rachel Albers Caleb Davis Richard Rossiter Jared Aronson Brooke Suddleson
Edysoraya De Arco Destyni Dulin Luke Sack Siebenthaler Emily Burns
Samantha Winkler Jacob Earhart Hamza Sami Cassandra Hyers Saint Francis
Zachary Ehling Jackson Sawyer Mugan Kangkoban University
Otterbein University Alexander Emmons Jeroen Schickendantz Evan Krimpenfort
Matthew Estell Benjamin Schutte Madeline Nosek Camille Nguyen
Madison Giessler Ethan Fedders Ashay Shah Anna Peterson
Kaileigh Strobel Jack Finnegan Jeremiah Shaw Katie Suter University of
Cameron Fiorini Dante Shaw-Williams Evan Urbanowicz Pennsylvania
Shawnee State Lauren Fournier Chloe Siewe Connor Winton
University Joshua French Jaydeep Singh Julia Wirth Xindi Chen
Amanda Garvin Victoria Smith Aditya Singh
Jacob Bradley Keira Garvin Summer Soliman University of Mount Shirley Yang
Hannah Geiger Jeffrey Som Union
Sinclair Community Katherine Geiger Paxton St. Clair
College Eric Gilene Brenna Stauffer Dillon Davis
Zion Gilliam Kyle Stimler
Gabriel Carr Logan Goldberg Romie Suer University of Toledo University of
Jenna Fair Mariana Gonzalez Makenna Temple Pittsburgh
Jordon Fitch James Grace Harrison Thompson Christopher Comperchio
Justin Fitch Owen Green Andrew Tran Chad Petersen Emma Howard
Emma Longfellow Zachary Greenfield Gavin Tysl Alexander Thomas Akhil Pallerla
Sarah Rapp John Groene Christian Unterreiner
Adrianna Robbins Jared Gworek Alexander Vennemeyer Rhode IslandWittenberg University
Matthew Hamel Scott Vennemeyer
University of Akron Samantha Harris Anthony Vergara Samantha Childress
Rachel Hart Gabriella Voyten Tyrin Whaley
Evan Goodrich Olivia Hazel Erin Wall
Alexandra Hendricks Erek Watson Wright State Brown University
University of Christine Hennessey Brookelyn Webb University
Cincinnati Joshua Huber Sophia Wells Jasmine Bacchus
Amanda Huser Emily Whitaker Jared Coresmeier Rujul Singh
Ruthvik Abbu Adele Igney Kierstin Wolff Jeremiah Jackson
John Adams Daniel Jansen Kennedy Wracher Jacob Langbein [Continued, page 14]
Seth Adleta Harper Johnson Perry Yang Morgan LaPrete
Diana Aguilar Martinez Andrew Mechler 5.12.17
Megan Alcox Collin Moser
Curtis Solomon
Maia Joy Thompson

a &e ! Trending Now

Ashton Nichols | Staff Writer cats for 50 minutes and all of the money cat cafe. I didn’t know what it was, so we
is directed back to the cats for food and did the research (and) decided it was a
Kitty Brew Cat Cafe has become a litter. Kitty Brew owner Jenni Barrett said good idea. 18 months later, here we are.”
popular location for teenagers to hang she decided to open Kitty Brew because
out, study, and receive their fix of cat of her passion to help animals. Barrett said she hopes to be able to
cuddles. expand Kitty Brew in the future, and to
“I’ve always loved animals,” Barrett be able to continue to provide homes to
The cafe is divided in half; one side is said. “I thought, ‘This is kind of fun trap- felines in need.
a coffee shop and the other an adoption ping feral cats’, so I started trapping, and
rescue center. There are 12-15 cats at a then I ended up with foster kittens. I fell in “I hope we can adopt out as many cats
time at Kitty Brew Cat Cafe, and all are love with rescue. Then I saw an episode as possible,” Barrett said. “I (also) hope
adoptable. It is 10 dollars to play with the of ‘Shark Tank’ where a girl had pitched a we can maintain the presence we have in


“I liked how you could play with eight cats at “I’m a barista and on the cat “I thought it was
once. I loved it. I thought it was super fun, and I lounge. I’m a huge cat lover. I love really cute, and it’s
thought the coffee was also super good.” cats more than anything. I abso- really fun to go around
lutely love it – it’s not like a normal and play with the cats.
- junior McKayla Peebles job. I feel like most teenagers You can play with
dread working, but I absolutely love more than one cat at
Below: Ammon Hollister (left) and it, like I could never be in a bad a time, and they have
Natalie Smith (right) enjoy coffee at mood there.” an area where you
the cat cafe. can chill and the cats
- Kitty Brew employee, come to you. It was a
senior Emily Davis really friendly place.”

Left: Senior and Kitty - junior Ash Verma
Brew Cafe employee
Emily Davis holds one
of the 12-15 cats up for
adoption inside the cafe.
Below: Audrey Zinninger
(left) interacts with three
cats at Kitty Brew Cafe.

5.12.17 Photos by Ashton Nichols


The Chronicle sports staff makes its predictions for the 2017 Mason Excellence in Sports Performance
Yearly Awards to be held on May 15.



Coach Ryan Root could not have said it any better – “Zackary It’s hard to argue with winning, and Donathan did just that. The accolades speak for themselves – GMC Athlete of The
is the best wrestler that Mason, and perhaps all of Cincinna- For the first time in Mason history, Donathan went unrivaled Year, District 15 Athlete of the Year, Southwest Ohio 1st Team
throughout the entire season, finishing with a 52-0 record and Second Team All-State. When you needed a bucket, you
ti, has ever seen.” You can’t bet against the only nominee called Eddie Puisis. Puisis was third in the GMC in scoring and
and a state championship. Among the opponents Donathan
with a state championship and a first put up games of 28 (three times), 24, 23 (twice)
was able to beat in his senior season, ten of them were state and put up a clutch 21 points in Mason’s
place finish at the high school national District Championship win against
champions themselves, and nine were ranked nationally. Centerville. Puisis will live on in
championships. In his 189 career wins, the the record books at Mason for
After taking down the #2, #5, and #15 wrestlers in the coun- years to come and more than
most in Comet’s history, Donathan deserves the Male AOY award.
try, GMC Athlete of the Year honors seemed like a given for
elevated the wrestling program to -Eric Miller
the wrestler. You can’t beat perfection, and Donathan
new heights while showing everyone
stands above the rest as the most outstanding Male
what it truly means to be the best of
athlete at Mason High School.
the best.

-Charlie Mackenzie -Eric Michael


ESPN ranks Puisis as a top five player nationally in the class of
Allison Bloebaum took this season by storm, racking up not Dominant is the first word that comes to mind describing Elle
2019 for a reason. When Sammie is on the court, she can attack Buffenbarger in the circle. Buffenbarger leads the GMC in innings
one, but two state titles in the 200 and 500 yard freestyle. pitched, wins and strikeouts. There is not a more dominant
you from all angles. The GMC Athlete of the Year can take you to pitcher in the city of Cincinnati. In the stretch of a week, Buffen
That’s not the only hardware she took away from the champi-
the paint , or tear you down from behind the barger threw a no-hitter against Hamilton, a per
onship; Bloebaum also finished as runner-up in the fect game against Middletown and another no-hit
arc with her remarkable 50% 3 point per-
200 and 400 freestyle relays. With these results, -ter against
centage. With her skills, it’s no wonder she led the Sycamore. Not included is a one-hitter
it’s no surprise Coach Mark Sullivan called her “one of against Princeton where all 15 outs were
GMC with 17.7 PPG and took home first strikeouts. Incredible. Buffenbarger has
the hardest workers that he has ever coached.”
team All-Ohio honors. While the led the Mason softball team to incred
The GMC Co-Swimmer of the Year and -ible heights and more than
Female AOY category is flooded deserves Female AOY. -Eric Miller
GMC First Team All-Conference
with elite nominees, none of
recipient also leadher team to a second
them hold the same level of
place finish at team state. Bloebaum
national recognition
fits the Female AOY description perfectly.
-Charlie Mackenzie Sammie does. -Eric Michael


Electric would be appropriate to describe the atmosphere for the Mason vs. Elder playoff game on November 4. It
was a public vs. private school clash that had the city on edge. Fans in purple and green packed Dwire Field and
watched the Comets gut out an incredible 21-20 win. Junior running back Matt Sora carried the ball 39 times for
250 yards and all three Mason touchdowns. A blocked extra point and a downed punt on the Elder one yard line
from the Comet special teams made the difference as Mason earned the first Division I playoff win in school histo-
ry: a monumental hurdle overcome. With players rushing the field and hugging anyone they could find, Head
Coach Brian Castner yelled four words that echoed through the cold fall night: “How ‘bout them Comets!”



It’s hard to argue with girls swimming as team of the year. The Comets were GMC champions (and
beat second place Lakota West 628-286), sectional champions, regional champions and state runner
ups for the second year in a row. Mason swimmers led the GMC in every event except two. It was
utter domination for the Comets. Junior Allison Bloebaum (a female athlete of the year nominee)
brought home a State championship in the 200 and 500 yard freestyle. While every team at Mason
has a case to win team of the year, girls swimming has the strongest.


Photo contributed by the Ullom family

Head girls track coach Tony Affatato (center) holds current freshmen Maddie Ullom at the 2004 OHSAA state championship track meet when Ullom’s
mom Kiersten was a Mason assistant coach.

Freshman track athlete has “One of the best feel like an uncle, it’s a little hard to explain. I
deep roots in track and field things about all of don’t really look at her like a regular kid on the
this is that when I was team because I’ve known her since a baby.”
Bryan Hudnell | Staff Writer coaching, I started
coaching when she Another aspect about Maddie’s family life is
The sport of track and field runs in the Ullom was a newborn with her grandfather. He has been coaching track and
family. the same coaches that field for over 30 years and not only impacted 19
are coaching now so Maddie, but Kierstin as well. Maddie believes
Freshman Maddie Ullom comes from mul- they’ve known her that he’s played a significant role in her life. 5.12.17
tiple generations of track runners and coaches for years and have Photo by Bryan Hudnell
and she’s wasting no time living up to the fam- watched her grown “He’s really helpful,” Maddie said. “I also
ily name. Ullom was the only freshman in the Freshman Maddie Ullom. sometimes think it’s better to listen to him than
indoor state final for the 400 meter open and to my mom sometimes because he’s not with me
finished 5th overall with a time of 57.94, a school up,” Kierstin said. all the time. He likes to give me coaching points
record. In the outdoor season, Maddie split a 25.4 “We’ve all been kind of waiting for her to get to after races and stuff like that and it really helps
in the 4x200 and a 57.8 in the 4x400. the varsitcy level so that they can coach her and me.”
it’s been fantastic to see it all happen.”
Head track coach Tony Affatato is good Kierstin believed her daughter was special Kierstin looked up to her father when she was
friends with Maddie’s family and thinks that her long before she stepped foot on the track but young much like Maddie did to her.
unique family background is the main contribu- didn’t want to place lofty expectations on her.
tor to her success on the track. “It’s really awesome,” Kierstin said. “For a long “He’s a mentor for all of us,” Kierstin said. “He
time, in the back of my mind I thought that guided me when I was growing up and made
“Her family grew up in sports,” Affatato said. she’d be pretty good, but I didn’t want to push me in the person I am and developed my love
“Her dad was an All-American swimmer at her too soon or too early. It’s pretty neat for me for track. He’s done the same thing for Mad-
Purdue. Her mom was an All-American track with my track background to watch her come die. He spends a lot of time with her and he
runner at Purdue. Her grandpa coached track. out and do what I kind of thought she could do. can give her so much perspective and with all
Her grandparents were also teachers their whole It’s just really awesome watching her.” his experience, he is just so knowledgeable so
lives and she just really grew up in that atmo- For Maddie, being at the track at such a young everything he says you can take it as the truth.
sphere. Her parents are great because they’ve age inspired her to run the sport herself. She He’s just someone that we all kind of look to for
put no pressure on her about what their expecta- enjoys running with the same coaches that she’s guidance.”
tions are and they’re just enjoying whatever been around her whole life.
happens for Maddie.” “I think it’s really special because I grew up With the postseason on the horizon, the Mason
with all these people and looked forward to Girls Track Team will be competing with the
When Affatato got the head coaching job, he running in high school since I was really little,” best the Greater Miami Conference and the state
can remember Maddie as a baby when he went Maddie said. “They’ve been super supportive of Ohio have to offer and will rely on Maddie to
to hire her mother as an assistant. and it has made it easier for me to just focus on play an important role in their success. Maddie
running.” places a great deal of trust in her teammates and
“Maddie was about four weeks old when I got Affatato has a picture of Maddie in his of- is grateful to be running with them.
the job,” Affatato said. “Kelly (Affatato) was my fice when she was two years old at the high
first coach. Then, my next coach that I went to school state track meet at Ohio State. Since he’s “I’m really thankful for my teammates,” Mad-
hire was her mom. I remember going to her watched Maddie grow up for most of her life, he die said. “Kaylie (Connors) and all of us push
house, Maddie was six weeks old, I’m sitting at feels more like a family member rather than a each other in practice and we bond with each
her kitchen table and I said, ‘Kierstin will you coach. other on the track.”
come coach with Kelly and I’ and then she came “There is a picture of her (in my office) where
and coached with us for the next 10 years.” she was at the state championship when she was Affatato is still trying to find where Maddie
two years old,” Affatato said. “Maddie keeps that can help the team the most by testing her out in
Kierstin Ullom had a decorated career at picture in her bag actually which is a unique different events ranging from the 200 to the 800.
Purdue University. She was the first women’s Big thing to think about. To have her here now, I Affatato thinks Ullom can be a special athlete.
Ten pole vault champion and an All-American don’t necessarily feel like her coach. I kind of
in the distance medley. Kierstin believes being “We’re trying her in all sorts of different
around the coaches that knew her as a baby will events and let her run everything she can and
positively influence Maddie in her track career. figure out where we think she’ll be the most suc-
cessful,” Affatato said. “It’s a lot of trial and error
right now but she has an incredible opportunity
to be successful once she settles in.”


Good You Tell Us Compiled by Staff Writer Ria Parikh

1. New “Infinity Screen” has edge What is your favorite Netflix On Friday, April 21, senior Erin Stephens
to edge display with curved screen original series? donated $1,000 to Daylight Prom, a special
and small bezels prom put together for students with special
Full results: needs at Mason High School. Stephens received
2. Has an Iris scanner that the money by winning a prom contest run by
increases security over traditional Results from the 171 voters on the Chronicle twitter poll. Follow Anthony ONeal, where a winner was chosen
passcode @mhschronicle to find out when our next poll will go live. based on their plans to use the money.

3. IP68-rating for water and dust Q: Could you talk about the
proofing experiences that the kids got to have
because of your donation?
4. New AI personal assistant
named Bixby A: The main thing I did with the
money was the party bus. It was
5. VR compatible with Gear VR
being able to rock out on the
Not so Good way to prom. I (also) had fam-
ily and friends come in and
1. Starting price $750 and $850 do their hair and makeup.
for plus variant
Q: What surprised you
2. Same camera hardware as last about this experience?
year with slight software improve-
ments A: The thing that
really shocked me
3. Battery size has not increased
from last year was the amount
of generos-
4. Some users have reported a ity that people
“red-tinted” screen had. When
it came to
5. Glass front and back panels me saying
can be fragile and show fingerprints ‘Here’s my
Compiled by Jonathan McCollough Would you
and Freddie WIlhelm be willing
to help
Word for Word me out?”
So many
22 “We want to highlight the German society people
here at Mason because it’s very small. I think helped me
out on this
it’s important (to have this event) to bring process
and that’s
awareness and educate people about what made
it so easy,
Germany.” – junior Lilly Carroll, and when

on the creation of German National Honor Society’s Academic German Day the day came (it
made) me able to take
See our coverage of Academic German Day on This site will also be updated a step back and enjoy
daily throughout the summer. Follow @mhschronicle on Twitter for updates. the day with the kids.

Photo Bomb

Q: What do you
hope people take
away from this?

Photo by Calista Busch Erin Stephens, A: It’s so easy to
seniorPhoto by Ria Parikh get caught up in high
5.12.17 The cast of Drama Club’s “Drowsy Chaperone” performs the song “Fancy Dress” on April 26. school or work. I think
people need to learn
to volunteer more
and give their money
because you are going
to remember giving a lot
more than you are going
to remember receiving,
and I hope that more stu-
dents will be able to do so.



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