The h r o n i c l eFebruary 11, 2016 Volume 13, Issue 6
Drama carried Modern-day An epic matchup of
off the stage, worship creating Comets versus
see page 9 noise complaints, Comets, see page 20
see page 6
Popular Netflix documentary ‘Making a Murderer’ has
students questioning the criminal justice system in America
[see story on page 17]
Photo by Blake Nissan
Photo Art by Madison Krell
C2 February 11, 2016
Comet fans reprimanded for storming the court
Photo contributed by Brandon Severn and the Cincinnati Enquirer victory and you’re gracious in defeat, them, the OHSAA says you do what-
you have to have that attitude and ever you have to do. It’s called duty
Students stormed the court after the victory against Oak Hills. we didn’t show that.” of responsibility.”
Ellie Uecker | Staff Writer tored by all Mason administrators Stemple says the actions were in- Stemple said it’s in the nature of
[email protected] in following games. The reasoning excusable as the Black Hole lead- the administrator’s job to think of
surrounds the aspects of safety and ers are informed towards the end the worst side, causing a no toler-
Storming the court after a big win sportsmanship. Stemple says storm- of the game they’re not allowed to ance policy to the action of storming
has become vogue in college arenas ing the field risks injury for every- leave their seats until both teams are the court.
across the country, but a recent inci- one involved, whether from tram- cleared.
dent of storming the court by Mason pling or from impending fights. “As an administrator,” Stemple
fans has given the Mason athletic de- “We tell the kids that, late in the said. “We’re always looking at the
partment a black eye. “It’s unsafe because it’s a fit of game: you don’t rush the floor.” worst side of things that’s the nature
emotion and when that happens, Stemple said. “It’s one thing when of the job we do. We’ve reached a
On January 15 at Oak Hills, with when you have a crowd like that, it’s everybody’s off the floor and the no tolerance policy on storming the
20 seconds left in a game knotted at uncontrolled.” Stemple said. “When kids want to go off to the side, by the field.”
33 Mason’s Cameron Schreiter hit a our kids came rushing down they end of our court and as our [athletes]
desperation shot at the buzzer giv- knocked the chairs over, they got come off and you can congratulate At the end of the day, Stemple
ing the Comets a two point victory big kids mixed with smaller kids and them.” said the point is not to stop the Black
over the Highlanders. Following this adults right there, you risk injury Hole from attending games and
moment, the Mason student section, and (Oak Hills) kids weren’t even off There are no written regulations chanting on Comet Country, instead
known as the Black Hole, ran on to the floor yet. Let’s say someone ac- in the Ohio High School Athletic As- to make sure every Mason student
the court from the sidelines to cel- cidentally bumps into an Oak Hills sociation that state that the action of comes back to school following the
ebrate the win, violating sportsman- kid and that kid doesn’t take to that the fans running onto the court is il- games.
ship policies and upsetting Mason very well hauls off and hits one of legal, however it does give the power
athletic director Scott Stemple. our kids. That’s the problem.” to the respective high school’s ad- “No way would I ever want to
ministrators to enforce their school thwart or deny the spirit or the fun
Stemple says the action of rush- Additionally the students fled policies on their fans and requires of our kids going to the games and
ing the court is unacceptable at any the stands before the teams had a the presence of an administrator. supporting our teams, I’m all about
event. chance to congratulate one another, Stemple says the action of storming that.” Stemple said. “But where I
or for Mason’s boys basketball team the field would fall under the re- stand, I’m concerned not only about
“There is no place ever, anywhere,” to even celebrate themselves. Stem- sponsibility to regulate other specta- the welfare and the kids on the floor
Stemple said. “Whether it’s high ple said rushing the court was a bad tors’ actions. that are in the game, but also our
school or college, or anywhere, for impression of the sportsmanship of student body that is out on the floor.
student bodies to storm the floor.” Mason athletics. “A bylaw would be in the category It would of been nothing for one
of spectator activity,” Stemple said. kid to slip and fall and get trampled
No disciplinary actions were tak- “I thought, from a sportsmanship “It’s the same with a spectator sitting on, and maybe the kids wouldn’t of
en, however new regulations for the standpoint, it’s a bad reflection.” up in the stands that is cursing an of- intentionally done that but all you
Black Hole were set in place by keep- Stemple said. “In victory you need ficial or a kid getting after one of our need is to get kicked in the head one
ing the student section off the floor to show humility, you’re humble in coaches. We as a district can remove time to have it be severe.”
and in the stands. This will be moni-
Photo contributed by Brandon Severn and the Cincinnati Enquirer
Mason basketball fans celebrate with the team after the game-winning shot.
February 11, 2016 C3
MCS Child Nutrition
Supervisor receives
national honor
Duncan MacKenzie | Staff Writer
[email protected]
On January
17, Mason City
Schools Child
Nutrition Su-
pervisor Ta-
mara Earl was
in San Diego,
California, but
the purpose
of her visit
wasn’t to es-
cape Mason’s
frigid winter
climate. She Photo by Duncan MacKenzie Photo contributed by
instead attend-
ed the School Tamara Earl was presented Opening Minds Through Art partners work together on an art project for their upcoming art show.
Nutrition As- the Silver Rising Star Award
on January 17. NAHS uses therapeutic art to assist seniors
sociation’s 2016 School Nutrition Confer-
ence, where she was awarded with the Silver
Rising Star Award at the National Foodser-
vice Achievement Management Excellence India Kirrisin | Staff Writer tia,” Rohrbaugh said. “Magic As part of the younger gen-
(FAME) award ceremony. The award is given [email protected] happens during OMA when the eration, senior Carson James
to one child nutrition worker every year with- elders are given autonomy and said she is excited to learn more
in the first five years of their position who has National Art Honor Society the choices are theirs. They are about dementia and interact
made outstanding strides in providing stu- students are using art to bridge creatively and socially engaged, with the person she is paired
dents with healthy and delectable food. a multi-generational gap. and feel accomplished.” with.
Earl said she gained many new experiences
while at the conference, from conceptually A new collaboration between Rohrbaugh said that while “Not only will I learn about
looking at product development to sampling NAHS, the Opening Minds OMA is an art program, the par- the disease, but I will learn
new products, and she also had the opportu- Through Art Program and the ticipants benefit the most from more about the people involved
nity to give her own advice gained from her Mason Christian Village will al- the relationships they build. with OMA, specifically (the) one
accomplishments in Mason. low the members of NAHS to that I’m assigned to for the next
“I presented on a panel with other food ser- make a difference in their com- “The elders receive individ- couple of months,” James said.
vice directors and the theme was going mo- munity. ual attention from someone of
bile,” Earl said. “Some of the things discussed the younger generation and the James said NAHS is a great
were the fact that we now have two breakfast OMA is an intergenerational youth bring an energy that is mixture of art and service and
carts in Mason, one at the Mason Intermedi- art program for people with lacking in most long-term care she loves the impact it has on
ate campus and one at Mason Middle, and the dementia, a disorder caused facilities,” Rohrbaugh said. “The those around her.
kiosks that we have set up in the cafeteria at by brain disease or injury and students benefit from the inter-
the high school.” marked by memory disorders action with the older generation “I love art and volunteering
The addition of breakfast carts and lunch- and personality changes. in that the elders often become and it’s the perfect combina-
room kiosks are just a few of Earl’s achieve- teachersand instill life lessons tion,” James said. “I love seeing
OMA Assistant Director Eliza- of patience, empathy, and genu- us come together to accomplish
beth Rohrbaugh said the key to ine concern for others.” great things within not only the
the program’s success is focus- school, but the community.”
ing on what its elders can do,
ments in office. This school year alone, there not what they can’t.
has been a 15 percent increase in school
lunch sales and 25 percent increase in fruit “OMA is founded on
and vegetable consumption throughout the strengths-based psychology:
district. Earl said that a main contributing Capitalizing on what people
factor to these increases is her emphasis on with dementia still can do,”
educating students about what they’re eating. Rohrbaugh said. “The OMA
“My biggest challenge was to help teach the art-making process involves
students what is happening in their cafeteria carefully staged steps aimed at
and why they are seeing things differently maximizing the possibility of
like when we’re saying that you need to take creative expression.”
a fruit or a vegetable,” Earl said. “A lot of what
I have done has been centered around nutri- Rohrbaugh said another rea-
tion education, especially with our younger son OMA artists thrive is be-
students, helping them to understand what cause the program allows them
they are seeing in the cafeteria.” to make their own choices.
“Too often everything is de-
cided for people with demen-
4 C February 11, 2016
The Chronicle’s Policy Staff Editorial
to the editor
The Chronicle is the official student newspaper ‘Making a Murderer’ reveals
of William Mason High School. viewer’s missing knowledge
The Chronicle promises to report the truth and A trial is just a trial until we can watch it on
adhere to the journalistic code of ethics through Netflix.
online and print mediums.
Its latest documentary, Making a Murderer,
The Chronicle is produced by students enrolled has us glued to our devices, watching courtroom
in Journalism I, II and III. scenes we had only discussed in Law and Criminal
Justice or read of in history textbooks.
Editorials reflect the staff ’s opinion but do not
necessarily reflect the opinions of the school ad- We delve into the case of Steven Avery, a Wis-
ministration or the Mason City School District. consin resident who served 18 years in prison for
a sexual assault conviction before DNA evidence
The Chronicle is published monthly. Call linking the crime to another man absolved him.
398-5025 ext. 33103 for information regarding Enter the lawsuit against Manitowoc County and
advertising in The Chronicle. The Chronicle re- its prior sheriff and district attorney: 36 million
serves the right to refuse advertising it deems dollars were on the line when crime tainted Avery
inappropriate for a high school publication. once more.
As an open forum for students, letters to the In 2005, he and his nephew, Brendan Dassey,
editor are welcome, but are subject to be edited were arrested for the murder of photographer
for length, libel, obscenity, clarity and poor taste. Teresa Halbach. Given the lawsuit, Manitowoc
Letters to the editor may be dropped off in room County was not to oversee this investigation, but
C103 and must be signed. its involvement leaked into the protocol.
The Chronicle is a member of The Colum- According to the New Yorker, evidence against
bia Scholastic Press Association, The National Avery included a key to Halbach’s car and a bullet
Scholastic Press Association, Quill and Scroll fragment, both of which could have been planted.
International Honorary Society for High School Investigators also found that a vial of blood from
Journalists and the Ohio Scholastic Media As- Avery’s sexual assault case in 1985 had been com-
sociation. promised, which sewed doubts as to Avery’s guilt.
Contact Information
The Chronicle Evidence more difficult to falsify included sweat
William Mason High School on the hood of Halbach’s car.
6100 S. Mason Montgomery Rd.
Mason, Ohio 45040 Is he guilty or innocent? The jury released
(513) 398-5025 a “guilty” verdict, but some of us insist he was
The Chronicle Staff framed. The case is not over yet: Kathleen Zellner,
Editor-in-Chief a Chicago attorney associated with the Midwest In-
Gina Deaton nocence Project, will take Avery’s case in appeals.
Managing Editor
Abbey Marshall The verdict, however, is not solely an indictment
Sports Editor of Avery but an indictment of us—we should have
Kylie McCalmont been paying more attention.
Online Editor
Jessica Sommerville Not all trials take place in our living room. If we
Online Sports Editor had not seen the Netflix documentary, would we
Eric Miller be convinced of his innocence? Would we even be
Visual Editor aware of his case?
Madison Krell
Graphic Designer Though today Avery’s case is most prominent,
Kate Madigan he is not the only example of a barbed justice sys-
Business Manager tem. It may strive to protect us, but as Zellner’s
Ashton Nichols fame comes from shedding light on 17 wrongful
Staff Writers convictions, we see that no entity is perfect.
Alyssa Brooks
Serina Cline We can better it. We, after all, are the future law-
Arnav Damodhar yers. We will practice law to our best ability—but
Juliana Discher our knowledge and our natural skepticism cannot
India Kirssin only be channeled at a television.
Madison Krell
Lauren Lysko If we want reform, if we want better, we need to
Charlie MacKenzie broaden our awareness and that of those around
Duncan MacKenzie us. Even if we never work in law, we may be called
Isabel Marotta for jury duty in which we have the responsibil-
Matt Marvar ity to ourselves and to the Steven Averys of the
Jonathan McCollough world—wrongfully convicted or not—to finetune
Erin McElhenny the system as best we can.
Eric Michael
Blake Nissen Because any trial is just a trial until we are the
Meghan Pottle deciding vote.
Asia Porter
Alekya Raghavan
Ellie Uecker
Dale Conner
February 11, 2016 C 5
Editorial Cartoon Opinion
Barbie’s dress
won’t fit
Abbey Marshall | Managing Editor
[email protected]
“Diversity: the blame is on us” Mattel recently unveiled three new body types of the
most iconic doll in American pop culture.
Scout’s honor pancakes and sausage. We sprayed the pan
goes beyond with oil and poured the pancake batter. We For 57 years, little girls sat cross-legged in the middle
campfire thought it would be a good idea to go kick of their living room, strategically changing their Bar-
the soccer ball around for a couple minutes. bie’s dress, revelling at her thin feminine figure and
Arnav Damodhar | Staff Writer A couple minutes then turned into ten min- perfect blonde hair, only hoping one day they could
[email protected] utes. When we got back, the food had caught look like her. Then puberty hit, and every teenager
on fire. Two older Scouts helped us put out came to resent Barbie and her unrealistic body image
I wouldn’t be the same person today if I the fire and showed us how to properly cook and the immense amount of pressure she put on young
hadn’t picked up a flyer during lunch in third our meal. That wasn’t the only time that we girls.
grade. crashed and burned.
Barbie has been criticized in the media as of late by
Our school had a couple of people to talk But as time progressed, I advanced through everyone from feminist bloggers to medical examin-
about Cub Scouts. Clueless about what it was, the ranks and learned how to be self-suffi- ers, dispelling Barbie’s proportions as unrealistic and
I went to the stage to pick up a flyer and ea- cient. I took on leadership roles by leading unhealthy, as they could not be achieved with a healthy
gerly brought it home to show my parents. my patrol and eventually, the entire troop. lifestyle. Nevertheless, little girls kept their plastic
My parents then took me to the meetings. Over the years, I went on numerous outings dolls firmly grasped in her small hands, aspiring to be
That room was filled with over 100 kids all ranging from going to North Carolina to vis- someone pretty and thinner and more beautiful.
joyous and dressed sharply in uniform. They it the U.S.S Yorktown to going on a two-week
were all excited. They were excited to go on high adventure outing in Alaska. Until now. Mattel’s new Barbies are the biggest
their first campout, have their first campfire, change in company history, marking the beginning of
sell their first popcorn and build their first But the skills that I learned wasn’t restrict- a new toy line but in addition, a change in societal val-
pinewood derby. Overwhelmed by the joy ed to the church gym at Scout meetings or ues. Our society is progressing towards a more accept-
that surrounded the room, I joined the pro- on outings – they evolved. ing view of all lifestyles and ideals: same-sex marriage
gram. I advanced through the ranks, went on was legalized last summer, Caitlyn Jenner won the
campouts and canoe trips, and soon I found It taught me to be more independent and Arthur Ashe Courage Award at the Espys, and Wash-
myself crossing over to Boy Scouts. expand my boundaries. I could reach out to ington is constantly creating passing new legislation to
people if I needed help. I learned the impor- discourage and outlaw discrimination.
Boy Scouts was a different than what I tance of effective communication when I
was used to. It was youth led. I was put into led groups. It taught me how to be confident Now, that same acceptance is outstretching to body
a patrol group with other boys my age. We in everyday life. And most importantly, it image as well. American beauty has evolved, just look
thought that we could handle anything at ten taught me to serve others. Not only through at Kim Kardashian and Nicki Minaj. The “perfect”
years old. And with the same mentality, we community service but also through leader- woman isn’t just a long-legged, tan blonde with volu-
went on our first campout. ship. Ultimately, Scouting works because it’s minous locks and sparkling blue eyes and that’s being
focused on something more than just cam- reflected with by the new line of Barbies.
That morning, we prepared our breakfast: pouts. It is organization grounded in serving
others. Introducing: Curvy Barbie. She has wide hips and
thicker thighs, but she sports the classic pearly-white
Even today, eight years later, I think back to Barbie smile on her face. Her hair is blue and her out-
how I have grown as a person. fits are trendy as she struts in her high heels. Follow-
ing behind is Petite Barbie; she’s an African-American
That flyer in the lunchroom cafeteria is significantly shorter than Classic Barbie. In toe is Tall
what made that possible. Barbie, a lanky, tan girl with shaved sides of her head
and a long blonde quiff.
As the average mom saunters the toy aisle at Tar-
get, she will be most likely be pleasantly surprised at
the dolls that differ from her childhood. The Barbies
comes in many different shapes and sizes, hair colors,
and skin tones. “The millennial mom is a small part
of our consumer base,” Evelyn Mazzocco, head of the
Barbie brand, told Time Magazine, “but we recognize
she’s the future.”
I’m thoroughly impressed with Mattel’s strides to
create a more tolerant generation of young girls. Not
only will they be likely to accept themselves and all
their flaws and features that make them unique, but
they’ll also be less judgemental of others.
They will finally be proud to be a Barbie girl.
C6 February 11, 2016
Praise and worship causing problems in local neighborhood
Arnav Damodhar | Staff Writer Ohio was awarded $196 Million for
[email protected] the Charter Schools Program State
Educational Agencies grants
We are all the Lord’s children, but the brother
and sister relationship has been problematic be- Photo contributed by Jennifer Sperry
tween Crossroads church and the surrounding
residents. The worship band at Crossroads Church has been receiving noise complaints from nearby residents.
As a result of the loud music played during the different scales. So far Crossroads has been in the police department in that regard and have
church’s services, surrounding residents are com- compliance with the actual decibels that the city been told we are in full cooperation. Music is a
plaining of noise problems. requires you to stay underneath.” core component of our ministry at Crossroads.
We are working to continue to use music as a way
According to senior Kim Lyon, who lives be- Though Crossroads is staying underneath the to reach people and teach them God’s message
hind Crossroads, the music often gets in the way decibel limit, residents are still complaining, while also being the best neighbors we can be.”
of life. It’s not just on Sundays, but it is every day, Temple said. The measuring scale can’t pick up
Lyon said. the bass in the music and that is what is causing Though a simple solution may seem turning
the amplification, Temple said. down the volume, Griffith said that doing this
“I’ll be sitting in my room and the floor will would actually take away from Crossroads. The
vibrate as they will be having a concert,” Lyon “Some residents are saying that even though noise level increases participations and creates a
said. Sunday, starting at seven a.m, my dog will they are under the decibels, it’s still creating in- comfortable environment, Griffith said.
continuously bark at the noise and the music we convenience for them,” Temple said. “There is
can hear throughout the. The music will go on to new equipment out there that hasn’t been out “Decreasing the music would take away from
three p.m. And that would be fine cause it’s Sun- there previously. With bass and things of that na- Crossroads,” Griffith said. “A lot of times people
day, but they have concerts and rehearsals every ture, it is not just decibels but the bass is harder don’t want to sing because they don’t want others
weeknight at like seven p.m.” to measure. That is what is creating an impact in to hear them. When it is that loud, other people
these houses.” don’t hear you. It’s loud enough that you can hear
Crossroads has tried to buy out her house to ex- the music and other people around you can’t hear
pand themselves, Lyon said. The music has also According to Crossroads media relations repre- you if you’re singing as well. It helps other people
continuously gotten worse throughout the past sentative Jennifer Sperry, they have worked with participate.”
year, Lyon said. the city and police department and have hired
sound consultants to help them with regulating Most of the neighborhood is retired individuals
“I live directly behind them and they actually the noise created. Crossroads has tried to continue and we’re used to having peace and quiet, Lyon
contacted my family, trying to buy out our house,” its mission and also be mindful of its neighbors, said.
Lyons said. “Crossroads opened up last year and Sperry said.
(the music) was pretty bad then and I feel like as “Crossroads is right next to a huge group of
time goes on, it’s been getting worse. They have “We have done extensive research and hired homes,” Lyon said. “I know I am the only resident
been developing themselves and the music is get- sound consultants for testing to verify that we that is under the age of 50 on my street. There are
ting loud and they have more rehearsals.” are operating well within city limits,” Sperry said. people who are retired trying to enjoy their peace
“We have received full support from the city and and quiet and I know that’s kind of disruptive.”
According to Romie Suer, Crossroads is a non-
denominational Christian Church and it varies
from a traditional church in that is very modern.
“It is really a church but it’s kind of a church for
people who don’t like church,” Suer said. “It’s not
very traditional. They talk about God. They don’t
do a lot of traditional things like communions or
prayers. They talk about God and how it applies
to our lives.”
Music is integrated into the service, Suer said.
“They do a lot of Christian rock songs at the
beginning of each service,” Suer said. “That part is
really loud. They play music sort of throughout.”
Due to the excessive noise from the songs, her
neighbors have taken action to protest the loud
noise, Lyon said.
“I read an article about how our neighbors had
gotten together and file a report but Crossroads
didn’t do anything about it,” Lyon said. “I wanted
to do it too. They kind of ignored it and said that
the noise is what makes them Crossroads. We
didn’t know if there is anything that we can do
that will make them change their mind.”
According to Sergeant Steve Temple, the Ma-
son Police Department has received numerous
complaints regarding the excessive noise from
surrounding residents. The Department has in-
vestigated these complaints and talked to Cross-
roads about it, Temple said.
“We received approximately 27 complaints,”
Temple said. “We have talked to Crossroads
about these complaints. We have went out with
some measuring devices and measured them on
February 11, 2016 C 7
Biden launches ‘Moonshot Initiative’ to fund cancer research
Asia Porter | Staff Writer lack of a national effort in place. The most common forms of cancer:
[email protected] “There’s a system already working on
this, of course,” Sigal said. “But there
Vice President Biden has launched his isn’t a coordinated effort. We do live in
“moonshot” to cure cancer. a siloed world.”
During President Barack Obama’s fi-
After losing his son to a brain tumor,
nal State of the Union Address on Janu- Biden promised to help the countless
ary 12, 2016, Obama announced Vice families affected by cancer. With that,
President Joe Biden will lead the na- he launched his moonshot. In a blog
tional effort to make a decade’s worth of post written by Biden later released by
scientific advances in the next five years. the White House on January 12, Biden
Biden said curing all cancer will require said he plans to increase federal involve-
a moonshot, comparing it to former ment and break down current silos.
President Kennedy’s promise to send an “Over the next year, I will lead a dedi-
American to space. Biden has met with cated, combined effort by governments,
over 200 researchers, philanthropists, private industry, researchers, physicians,
and doctors in Delaware, Pennsylvania, and philanthropies to target investment,
and Switzerland with the hopes of com- coordinate across silos, and increase ac- Breast Cancer Lung Cancer Prostate Cancer
piling a team that he will lead for the cess to information for everyone in the
rest of his term. cancer community,” Biden said in a blog
On January 28, Obama issued a Presi- post.
dential Memorandum defining mem- Biden’s promise to increase federal
bers of what is to be the White House involvement in the search for a cure
“Cancer Moonshot Task has been im-
Force. According to the Over the next year, plemented Ohio is predicted to have 66,020 cancer cases and 25,510 cancer deaths in 2016
memorandum, Federal through an Funding for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Cancer Division:
departments will partner I will lead a dedicated, increase in
with the Food and Drug combined effort...for federal fund-
Administration, the Na- ing for can-
tional Cancer Institute cer research.
(NCI), the National In- everyone in the cancer According
stitutes of Health (NIH), to their web-
site, the NIH
community.and the National Science on aver-
age spends
Foundation. The memo- $30.1 billion
randum requires the task on health
—J”oe Bidenforce to publish their
findings on the internet
Vice President
by December 31, giving research. In
Americans access to more information. 2010, funding for the NIH’s cancer divi-
The American Cancer Society projects sion decreased, but recently, after Biden
there will be 1,685,210 new cancer cases urged Congress to increase funding for
diagnosed and 595,690 cancer deaths in cancer research, the NIH saw a $2 bil-
the United States this year. Despite ex- lion increase in federal funding; the di- 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2016
$5,103,388 $5,058,577 $5,072,183 $4,807,450 $4,923,238 $234,000,000
tensive research by scientists through- vision for cancer research received more
out the country, Advanced Placement than $264 million. Illustration by Madison Krell
Biology teacher Liz Coleman said previ- On December 5 Biden hosted a meet- cells are returned to the body Coleman said with the help
ous cancer treatments have been unsuc- ing at the Naval Observatory to explore and if successful, will target of today’s resources, Biden’s
cessful because they have been unable potential treatments and medications only the unique cancer cells expectations of finding a cure
to distinguish between cancerous and for cancer patients. One treatment in while leaving the non cancer- to cancer within the next five
healthy cells. particular has become the Vice Presi- ous cells alone. This is a much years are plausible.
“Treatments such as chemo and radia- dent’s focus: immunotherapy, a treat- better option than chemothera-
tion can kill dividing cells, but they do ment costing patients approximately py and radiation because it tar- “I do think it is possible,”
not discern between healthy, normally $100,000 a year to undergo. While it is gets only the problem cells, not Coleman said. “I think about
dividing cells and those dividing abnor- an expensive alternative, Coleman said healthy cells.” the Human Genome Project
mally; cancerous cells,” Coleman said. immunotherapy resolves the problems which was this gigantic inter-
“While the treatment may or may not other cancer treatments have presented, Even though Biden has been national endeavor that ended
help against the cancerous cells, it will for immunotherapy can distinguish be- quick to comprise a team of up completed ahead of time
affect healthy cells that divide often tween healthy and cancerous cells such researchers, he said he doesn’t and under budget. When it be-
such as adult stem cells, cells of the di- as your immune system would. expect a cure to be found in gan, no one thought any of that
gestive tract, cells associated with hair “Immunotherapy uses the precision the upcoming year; however, was possible. I think that like
growth, and reproductive cells.” with modern-day technology the Human Genome Project,
of the immune system to attack cancer and the assistance of federal with the right focus, funding,
Chair of Friends of Cancer Research cells,” Coleman said. “Immune cells are funding, Biden said he can new technologies, and some of
Ellen Sigal said in a release by Research removed from the patient and repro- help the country make new the greatest minds working on
America, researches have been unable grammed in vitro to recognize cancer scientific advances twice as fast this problem, anything is pos-
to find a cure partially because of the cells as foreign. The reprogrammed as researchers currently are. sible.”
C8 February 11, 2016
February 11, 2016 C 9
Feature Photo by Lauren Lysko
y“Rou’voemberoo,keOn mRy hoemareot.,”
Actors’ significant others cope with stage kiss
Lauren Lysko | Staff Writer boyfriend. Young said. “That certainly
would make things challeng-
[email protected] “It’s really hard and hurts but ing but I think Drew
and Gaby
at the same time I am so happy like each
Romeo, O Romeo, wherefore for him and nothing but proud other well
art thou Romeo? He’s kissing a of him that he got the role,” enough.”
different Juliet. Madani said. “The situation is
“Romeo and Juliet” is creating challenging but at the same Medina
tension on and off the stage, as time I feel so lucky--at the end said that
the main actors have to fall in of the day, he might be Gaby’s she knows
love for the performance while, Romeo in the play, but he’s my what she
in reality, they are both in com- Romeo in real life, so that’s what signed up for;
mitted relationships. counts.” she she audi-
The Drama Club’s production Stidham said that when he tioned to play
this winter was William Shake- originally saw the poster, he Juliet and ev-
speare’s “Romeo and Juliet”. thought that the kiss was funny erything that it
The promotional posters fea- because it was with his friend. includes.
ture senior Gaby Medina, casted “It’s me and my friend Gaby
as Juliet, and junior Drew Stid- from theatre class,” Stidham “You can’t not
ham, casted as Romeo, kissing. said. kiss,” Medina
Walking through the halls said. “At first it
every day, having to see her was awkward, but
boyfriend kiss another girl on now it’s just kinda
like you have to do
He might bethe poster is heart-wrenching, it.”
said junior Nealofar Madani, Senior Matthew Hubi-
ch, Medina’s boyfriend of
“Gaby’s Romeogirlfriend of Stidham. two years, said that origi-
“I was about to cry when I nally he was against the
idea of her having to kiss
in the play, butsaw it,” Madani said. “I never someone else.
thought I’d be in a situation he’s my Romeo
where I’m seeing my boyfriend “At first I was pretty op-
kiss another girl a thousand ”in real life. posed to it,” Hubich said. “I was
times as I walk to my first pe- —Nealofar Madani like, ‘That’s gonna be weird, I
riod.” Junior can’t believe that’s about to hap-
Madani said that seeing the
poster around school has been Hubich said that he first was
something that she has had to concerned about who was going
get used to. to be cast as Romeo in the play.
“It was really hard, because Allen Young, set designer for
when someone you care about the play, said that the choice of “I was thinking, that means
so much is kissing someone else the kiss for the main picture of that there’s going to be a Romeo
besides you.” Madani said. the poster was used to vamp up in this play,” Hubich said. “I was
Madani said that kissing for the romance. thinking, ‘Who is this dude, is he
the play is different than kissing “It also happens that the play going to be into it, or how much
than in a relationship. is pretty close to Valentine’s contact is there going to be?’”
“Drew is a good kisser,” Mada- Day,” Young said. “So having a
ni said.”I think there’s a differ- romantic poster was kind of our Hubich said that he has to put
ence between kissing someone marketing ploy.” Medina’s feelings before his.
you care about and someone for Young said that the discom-
a play.” fort of the kiss on stage eventu- “With time, you learn what’s
While it has been quite dif- ally fades away when the actors worth fighting and getting jeal-
ficult being in this uncomfort- are comfortable with each other. ous over,” Hubich said. “I gotta
able situation, Madani said she “Sometimes actors who are in handle the situation the best
could not be happier for her a show have personal conflicts,” I can and make it the best for
C10 February 11, 2016
February 11, 2016 C 11
Delivering students on time requires precise calculations
Alyssa Brooks | Staff Writer database and the routing
[email protected] system Versatrans, the trans-
portation department begins
It’s the first day of kinder- in January to calculate bus
garten. Parents stand at the stops and routes for the fol-
bus stop, anxiously awaiting lowing August. Versatrans
their child’s first bus ride. takes into account speed
The child, with a newfound limits with consideration of
admiration for shiny, yellow traffic and other potential ob-
busses, walks up the steps, stacles, then determines the
and turns around for the exact minute that each stu-
traditional “turn around and dent needs to be picked up to
smile” photo. As the bus rolls arrive at school on time.
away, a group of parents ex- Five-year Director of Trans-
citedly wave goodbye to their portation for MCS, Carolin Photo by Madison Krell
little “grown-ups”, unaware of Thornton, said that the sys-
the six months of hard work tem has never failed. Buses must navigate the city of Mason each day in a timely manner to transport all students to school.
by the transportation depart-
ment of Mason City Schools “The software has built in trol. congestion that may cause date both students and school
that was put into those cru- the speed limits for every Bus driver of three years, a problem with the route schedules, including not only
cial few minutes. street,” Thornton said. “Ma- schedules,” Rice said. “This Mason City Schools but, oth-
son-Montgomery Road has a Terry Rice, said that through gives the drivers a heads-up er schools like Moeller, Fen-
Responsible for getting 35 mph speed limit, but that’s teamwork amongst other and drivers may get permis- wick, International Academy
all students of Ohio’s largest reduced to 15-20 in consider- drivers, they can maneuver sion from dispatch to make and St. Susanna,” Rice said.
school district to school every ation of traffic.” around common obstacles in any changes in the route.” “By working and communi-
day, the MCS transportation order to arrive at school at a cating together, the bus driv-
department precisely calcu- Although Versatrans has reasonable time. Rice said that the system ers and dispatchers are able
lates when and where each made every calculation with- not only is set up for the ben- to coordinate pick-ups and
student is to be picked up. out a flaw, there are cases “We navigate through traf- efit of Mason bus drivers, but drop-offs in order to deliver
Using addresses from MCS’s where obstacles emerge that fic by communication with neighboring schools as well. students to their perspective
are out of he software’s con- dispatch regarding any traf- schools, safely and on time.”
fic delays like accidents, road “The clockwork of the bus
work or any kind of traffic system is setup to accommo-
Trending Now: Adult Coloring Books
“I first got it for Christmas. It “I got it in ninth grade right before exams.
sounds weird, but it makes me I used it a lot between studying and after ex-
feel calm. It’s pretty time con- ams to help calm me down and not get so
suming, but it’s a good thing. I much anxiety about it. It helps my stress go
say it’s definitely a good invest- down a lot during exams and when I have a
ment. It definitely takes you lot of schoolwork and stuff like that.”
away from using your phone,
which can even add more stress, — Marina Walters, sophomore
but people don’t really realize it. I
would definitely recommend it.” Group of Interest: Social Justice Club
— Grace Combs, senior The Social Justice Club meets
every first and third Tuesday
“Finals were coming up and of the month to discuss social
I was really, really stressed out, justice issues, such as stereo-
so my one of my friends recom- types and other topics that may
mended doing this instead of do- be uncomfortable to discuss.
ing studying after finals. It’s kind The club’s goal is to educate
of relaxing and it doesn’t really and raise awareness for these
take that much time. They’re su- issues in order to help remove
per fun; just make sure you get bullying from MHS. The Social
the ones that appeal to you be- Justice Club plans to hold its
cause I accidentally got one that next meeting on February 16.
wasn’t really my style, so it wasn’t
as fun to color.” Photo by Meghan Pottle Scan the QR
code or visit
— Amanda Darrah, junior From left to right: seniors Danielle Somershoe, to
Ashley Kramer, Hannah Mommsen view the full story
Photos by Meghan Pottle
Compiled by Meghan Pottle
12 February 11, 2016 C
Eight Movies Battle for ‘B
“Brooklyn” “The Big Short”
Jessica Sommerville | Online Editor “Room”
[email protected] An Irish woman moves to Four financial whizzes predict the 2008 collapse of
Based on the book by 1950’s New York and falls for an the housing market and take on big banks to make
“Mad Max: Fury Road” Emma Donoghue, this film Italian plumber, but upon a visit a fortune.
features a woman captured home, she develops feelings for a
In a post-apocalyptic world, in her youth, who must raise new man. Junior Derek Morales said that though it was
Immortan Joe enslaves hu- her son, Jack, while trapped strange to see Brad Pitt in a small role as a retired
mans in his desert kingdom, inside a single room. Junior Sarah Wade said the way banker than a lead, the film was both Oscar-worthy
the Citadel. When his com- this film drew audiences in made and educational.
mander Imperator Furiosa Junior Natalie Ander- it a stand-out.
embarks on a mission to col- son said she loved the book “It was really interesting because it was very en-
lect gasoline, she releases Joe’s “Room” but isn’t enticed to “It made me feel like I was part tertaining, but at the same time, you got to learn
five wives and take them with see the movie. of the movie,” Wade said. “I felt a little bit about what happened,” Morales said. “It
her. Joe and his forces chase like I was Saorise Ronan’s charac- says what caused the recession and how people re-
her, leading to an alliance be- “I saw the trailer, and I re- ter traveling to Ireland and hav- acted and how it changed the United States as a
tween Furiosa and lone wolf ally didn’t want to ruin the ing to decide between Tony and whole.”
Max Rockatansky. book because I’d read it for the other guy, and it was very
school, and I really enjoyed enthralling. I thought the set was Total nominations: 5
Junior Amani Ashraf said it,” Anderson said. “I just really authentic, and I love that.”
the film was filled with street didn’t want the characters in
racing but still entertaining. the movie to ruin what was Total nominations: 3
created in the book. I hadn’t
“I thought it was pretty cool really heard of (the actors). I
for the fact that it was a movie didn’t think they played the
where they were basically driv- part well, as I saw in the trail-
ing for two and a half hours; it er, so I’m probably not going
was pretty interesting,” Ashraf to go see the film.”
said. “It was amazing how it
got nominated for an Oscar.” Total nominations: 4
Total nominations: 10
“Star Wars: The Force Awak
Though nominated for Film Edi
Sound Mixing and Visual Effects, the
America received no nomination for Be
“Straight Outta Compton”, Wi
Though “Straight Outta Compton” receiv
Guild Awards, it received only an Oscars sc
favorite for Best Actor, did not receive a nom
Due to a lack of recognized minority talent
including Jada Pinkett Smith, Spike Lee and W
Ashraf said more recognition is important in
of films.
“I feel like it is a bit of an issue, especially becau
are a lot more minority directors coming up,” Ash
nition in the Awards, especially because it encompa
Smith) should have (been nominated) because he did
C 13February 11, 2016
Best Picture’ at the Oscars
“Spotlight” “The Revenant”
“The Martian” “Bridge of Spies”
Spotlight, an investigative report- In 1823, explorer Hugh Glass
Astronauts leave Mark Watney on Mars after ing unit for the Boston Globe, un- During the Cold War, law- and his team set out a wilder-
a storm presumed to have killed him. There, he covers and publishes details of the yer James Donovan must ne- ness expedition. After Glass
must survive with little but his ingenuity while Catholic Church’s cover-up of sexu- gotiate the release of a U.S. is mauled by a bear, fellow ex-
NASA works to rescue him. al abuse by a priest in 2001. pilot captured in Russia in peditionist John Fitzgerald be-
exchange for the release of trays him, and his team leaves
Sophomore Jessie Berger said she could see the The film is a way for younger gen- a Russian spy imprisoned in him for dead. Seeking revenge
film taking the win. erations to learn about this real-life the United States. on Fitzgerald, an injured Glass
event, junior Mary Hager said. must battle winter in order to
“It was unpredictable,” Berger said. “The sci- Freshman Sriya Suraapa- return home.
ence behind it was interesting, and it went in de- “Once it got to the climax, it was neni said this action-packed
tail. It was funny because the guy in it had a very really good,” Hager said. “That’s plot is what made the film Sophomore Michael Peters
outgoing personality. I think a lot of thought and when all the information about the engaging. said Leonardo DiCaprio’s role as
time went behind it.” priests came out. I think it deserves Hugh Glass benefited the film.
to win because it’s very well-made as “I thought it was very fast-
Total nominations: 7 well as the story behind it. It’s kind of paced,” Suraapaneni said. “It “Anything with Leonardo Di-
eye-opening for the Catholic Church always kept you at the edge caprio is great,” Peters said. “I
and how not everyone’s perfect.” of your seat because the main think he did a really good job of
part was when they were ex- getting the theme of the movie
Total nominations: 6 changing the two prisoners down.”
between Russia and America,
and that part was very sus- Ashraf said this film is her Os-
penseful. It wasn’t boring at car favorite, also because of Di-
any time.” Caprio.
Total nominations: 6 “I think personally the Rev-
enant should win because I feel
like Leonardo DiCaprio deserves
it,” Ashraf said. “He’s suffered
for it for like 15 years. I really
want Leo to win.”
Total nominations: 12
g Out:
iting, Original Score, Sound Editing,
e highest grossing film ever in North
est Picture.
ill Smith in “Concussion”
ved a cast nomination from the Screen Actors
creenplay nomination. Will Smith, an early fan
mination either.
t, some actors have chosen to boycott the awards,
Will Smith.
an awards ceremony that encompasses a wide array
use there’s stuff like Straight Outta Compton, and there
hraf said. “I feel like there should be a little more recog-
asses foreign films and everything like that. I think (Will
d put a huge effort into it and the accent.”
14 February 11, 2016
February 11, 2016 C 15
Sophomore Thomas Marriner’s father is a stay-at-home dad. Photo by Juliana Discher Young generation faces
stereotypes of tattoos in
Young men embrace gender role reversal at home workplace
Juliana Discher | Staff Writer Junior Jared Gworek has his heart set on be- Erin McElhenny | Staff Writer
[email protected]
[email protected] ing a stay-at-home father. Gworek said he came
Express yourself, but keep it covered.
to this conclusion when he realized he enjoys Tattoos are a way for people to express who they are,
Some mothers are bringing home the bacon, interacting with children. statistics show that thirty-six percent of people, 18-25,
while fathers are staying home to cook it. “My extended family has a lot of young chil- have tattoos--up 13 percent since 2007. Senior Danielle
Fifty years ago, the terms “stay-at-home dad” dren and it’s really fun hanging out with them Somershoe has two tattoos of her own and said she re-
and “female breadwinner” were unheard of. at family parties,” Gworek said. “Forming a alizes there is a stereotype that follows her.
Advanced Placement Psychology teacher Paul deeper and more personal connection with my “I think the stigma began because people in bad
Reedy said gender roles are society’s expecta- future children appeals to me. I would also like neighborhoods and jail would tattoo each other,” Som-
tions of how males and females should behave, to go on wild dad adventures with other stay-at- ershoe said. “I think if I were to have gotten a tattoo
dress, and even think. Reedy said that our na- home dads.” 20 years ago it would have been like, ‘Oh, why are you
tion is becoming more accepting of fluidity in Junior Danny Mackzum said he wouldn’t doing that?’ whereas now so many people are getting
them. mind if his wife was the breadwinner of the them. I think they still have a stigma in some senses,
“As someone who grew up in the 1970s, I have family. like the cheap ones that people get. I think--as a whole-
been able to witness a transformation in this “Honestly, it wouldn’t really bother me be- -tattoos now are more normalized and it’s not as weird
country about gender roles and the expecta- cause if she had a nice job that made a lot of for me to have them as it would have been; the times
tions,” Reedy said. “It was a slow evolution, but money, then why would it?” Mackzum said. “I are shifting, more things are becoming normal.”
you have to acknowledge the fact that women don’t understand why most men feel like they With more things becoming normal, even some
are actually outnumbering men in number of have to be the support system for the family.” things are still socially unacceptable. Somershoe said
college degrees at this point.” Sophomore Thomas Marriner’s father, some tattoos are still tabooed.
The Washington Post proved this statistic Mathew Marriner, is a stay-at-home dad. “A lot of people are like, ‘Oh, you got this tattoo when
mentioned by Reedy; in the 2009-2010 aca- Mathew said that for the most part, he’s accept- you’re young, you’re going to regret it,’ and I think that
demic year, women earned 57.4 percent of all ed for deciding to stay at home. now people realize I’m not going to regret it,” Som-
bachelor’s degrees. “I have seen a few reactions from people ershoe said. “I’m not getting One Direction tattooed
Sophomore Anna Estes intends to have a along the line, but generally 99 percent of on my arm. I think with young people getting tattoos,
math or science career when she is older. Es- people these days accept that I am a stay-at- everyone thinks, ‘Oh, you’re going to regret it, it’s a
tes said she is proud of the fact that in modern home dad or at least think it’s a normal type of waste.’”
society, women aren’t forced to be monetarily thing.” Marriner said. “I can remember when I The director of Support Tattoos and Piercings at
dependent on men. first told my father I was going to stay at home Work, Nathan Madden, believes part of the problem is
“I have been raised to to follow my dreams with Thomas he said, ‘Really? Are you sure you tattoos make a person look “unprofessional”.
and one of those include finding a career I want to do that?’ I think that is just the genera- “An inaccurate stereotype of being more profession-
love,” Estes said. “It’s really cool that we don’t tional difference. He wasn’t trying to be insult- al is you can’t have tattoos,” Madden said. “Profession-
have to grow up in a society where women ing, he just didn’t quite understand. His job is a alism has more to do with how you conduct yourself in
have to be financially reliant on men.” huge part of his identity. I’m a big kid though, a place of business and less of how you look. We stand
This is due to the fact, Estes said, that wom- so I enjoy being around children. It works for by the idea of dress to impress; you can have a suit a
en are being encouraged more to do well in me.” tie and still have tattoos. When businesses have a hypo-
school and have higher aspirations. Marriner said that acceptance of differences critical dress code, stronger for tattoos, saying the fact
“It’s great we are encouraging everyone, not is the key to progression for society. that they have body art makes them unprofessional.
just one gender, to strive for goals in their ca- “I think that we are well on our way to ex- It’s about merit, if you have the best qualities, and have
reer,” Estes said. “Men and women are both panding gender roles and accepting other peo- tattoos, you should still be hired.”
realizing that they can do whatever they want ple for who they are,” Marriner said. “Whatever Somershoe said she wants to be a teacher in the
to achieve their dreams; whether it’s staying role you carve out, as long as it’s a productive future and acknowledges the struggles she will face
at home or finding a career that they love and one in society and you are a good person, then when she joins the workforce with her tattoos.
that provides money for their family.” you’re able to live a happy life.” “It depends what school district you are going for,”
Somershoe said. “If I wanted to do a private school
I could never, because they are very strict. It just de-
pends what school district you are applying for and the
environment at that district. If you went down south it
becomes more of a problem but the higher north, it’s
not. As long as you don’t have full sleeves and stuff on
your neck, it won’t get in the way of you getting a job.”
Somershoe acknowledges the hardships of having
a tattoo and getting a job, but she feels if it means
enough to her, it’s worth it.
“I would never get anything that wasn’t really im-
portant to me,” Somershoe said. “My tattoos are things
that are my core fundamentals, what I believe in. Now
people get them because your beliefs are a fundamen-
tal piece of who you are and tattoos are an artistic way
to show who you are.”
C16 February 11, 2016
February 11, 2016 C 17
[cover story]
Netflix series ‘Making a Murderer’ stirring debate, raising doubt of criminal justice system
Blake Nissen | Staff Writer wasn’t going to be nated into certain beliefs, and the docu-
[email protected] more blood some- mentary serves as a challenge to said be-
Photo contributed by Angenette Levy
Photo by Erin McElhennywhere.” liefs.
The right to remain silent hasn’t been exercised Junior Hannah Gei- “A lot of times I feel like people put a
when it comes to the talk of the Steven Avery case, ger is a fan of the doc- lot of trust in things because we were
which has gained world wide attention as a result umentary, but said she taught from a young age,” Geiger
of the popular Netflix series. thought it was slanted. said. “It is good for us to watch it be-
Students are joining the national conversation She has since been
about the 10-part documentary which covers the looking for outside in- cause it just highlights things that
could be wrong with things we think
controversial story of convicted murderer Steven formation to offset the are always right.”
Avery. Wrongly accused of sexually assaulting a perceived slant. Though he believes the documentary
woman in 1985, Avery served 18 years in prison be- “It was really inter- is slanted, Advanced Placement European
fore he was released in 2003 with the help of new esting, but it was ob- Randy Hubbard History teacher Charles Dugan is glad that
DNA evidence and the Wisconsin Innocence Proj- viously really biased,” Forensics Teacher the documentary exists as it displays some flaws in
ect. After two years free from prison, Avery was ar- Geiger said. “I’ve done other research because the criminal justice system.
rested for the murder of well- obviously all of the information “(The case) really brought in the concept that
known community member
Teresa Halbach and he is still wasn’t present.” there is something wrong with it,” Dugan said.
Angenette Levy, current Local “Where you don’t have the opportunity to be inno-
serving a life sentence with- 12 reporter in Cincinnati, cov- cent until proven guilty, where it’s the person who
out parole, despite his claims
of innocence. ered the Steven Avery case is being accused who has to prove himself rather
from start to finish when than the other way around.”
Though he was not wealthy, she worked for WFRV- Dugan said that the most important flaw pre-
Avery was able to afford his
attorney’s during the Halbach TV in Green Bay, Wis- sented is the representation of impoverished peo-
consin. She said Geiger’s ple in the U.S. criminal justice system.
trial due to a settlement be- approach was the right “People
tween him and the Manitowoc
county Sheriff’s office, whom thing to do. who are poor
“It’s a really scary case,” don’t get
he sued after being released in Levy said. “You have a young equal legal
2003. According to the Green Angenette Levy woman who was murdered, dis-
Bay Press Gazette, the suit was WKRC News Reporter membered and her body burned representa-
tion,” Dugan
for Sheriff Kocourek and former District Attorney and that’s a scary thing for anyone to talk about, said. “Steven Photo by Erin McElhenny
Denis Vogel who were ”negligent in the investiga- especially kids, but I think it is important for teen- Avery got a
tion and prosecution of Avery.” agers to watch things like this and ask questions, settlement so
After serving nine years of his life sentence, Ste- but I think it’s also important for people to go look
ven Avery filed an appeal due to what he called at other information as well. Maybe news reports he could af-
ford lawyers
“loss of due process” in both the collection of evi- from the time, to see if you can get a full picture.” for a quarter
dence in his case and during his trial. Attacking As a reporter, Levy knows how important accu- of a million Charles Dugan
the searching methods of law enforcement person- rate media coverage of the trial is and even post dollars while AP European History Teacher
nel and a partial jury coupled with inadequate de- trial she has stayed very neutral, not answering his nephew
fense, Avery filed the “Pro Se”, or self filed, motion. the two questions she is asked very often: “What got an appointed attorney. That’s one of the things
Law and Criminal Justice evidence was left out of the doc- wrong not just in the U.S., but Globally.”
teacher Chip Dobson believes
that Steven Avery’s acquittal is umentary?” and “Do you think Dobson, however, feels that the documentary
Brendan Dassey and Steven Av- might cause some unnecessary mistrust in the sys-
unlikely. ery are guilty or innocent?” tem.
“There is long standing
precedent in America that evi- “As a reporter, I think we are “Because there is a documentary, it gains a lot
supposed to report the facts, so more attention than it should or could,” Dobson
dence has to be pulled from I prefer to just stay neutral,” said. “It’s worthy of an examination of the justice
the case itself, and things that Photo by Blake Nissen
are outside of the case will Angenette said. “Whether system but I’m afraid this sensationalism, might
it’s this one which was really lead to people questioning the legitimacy of the
not be considered because the high profile, or any story…it’s system, but I think 99 times out of 100, the justice
prosecution would use the
exclusionary rule,” Dobson incredibly important just to be system works very well.”
fair and to get it right.” Levy likes the reaction the documentary is in-
said. “Evidence from a movie, While media coverage could spiring, however, she feels the response can be fo-
would not be evidence ob- Chip Dobson influence jurors, Hubbard is glad cused for beneficial change.
tained correctly.” Law & Criminal Justice Teacher documentaries like “Making a “I see a lot of people online that are very angry
While Avery’s appeal might not result in his Murderer” exist because he said it gets students on and very frustrated by what they have seen in the
freedom, multiple sources believe that it’s not en- the subject of our criminal justice system. documentary and I think that instead of channel-
tirely without merit. Forensics teacher Randy Hub- “It makes you question mistakes that were made ing that energy in a negative way they should just
bard believes the prosecution’s case certainly had and if the investigative group might have gotten use that to learn more about the system and they
some holes. overzealous at some times,” Hubbard said. “It’s can do positive things and effect change, if they
“There was some evidence that was mishandled, good for them to see the process, and how it works,
and mysterious findings some of the times,” Hub- and to see that the process sometimes doesn’t work feel like change is necessary,” Angenette said.
“People just need to be patient and wait to see what
bard said. “They tried to downplay the blood evi- well.” happens with the court system with both the Das-
dence, but I had a hard time believing that there Geiger believes that as children we are indoctri- sey case and the Avery case.”
Colerain Cardinals 1-19 @MHSChron Sports After clinching an outright Greater Miami Conference championship Colerain Capsule: Won first game The Mason Comets flexed their muscles
the Comets host Colerain in the final GMC contest of the season. since February 2014 against Syca- last week as boys basketball, wrestling
Mason looks to keep the momentum as they prepare for the more, 57-55 on January 8th and girls swimming won GMC titles.
upcoming post season sectional tournament where the Comets Primetime Players: Cass Carter Mason girls swimming won their ninth
earned a number one seed. 8.2 PPG, Eric Phillips 5.2 PPG, consecutive GMC title. Comet wrestlers
3.7 RPG, Tahj Roberts 6.0 PPG, laid claim to their seventh straight GMC
4.8 RPG crown, while boys basketball followed up
last year’s shared GMC title with an out-
right championship defeating Princeton
on Friday, February 5.
Carlos Lewis
High-flying Comets taking game to new heights
Slam dunks put the exclamation mark on exciting season for Mason basketball
Eric Michael | Staff Writer dunk can change the momentum of the Photo by Blake Nissen
[email protected] game, and help boost his team’s play on
the other side of the court. Senior Kyle Lamotte goes up for a dunk on a fast break against Greater-
For the most part high school bas- Miami Conference rival Lakota East.
ketball is played below the rim and “A dunk can get the crowd into it a
for years Mason basketball fans have little bit,” King said. “Maybe get the
become accustomed to the stingy de- adrenaline pumping, which helps you
fense and flawlessly executed offense on defense.”
demanded by longtime head basketball
coach, Greg Richards. While Mason is The fans even like getting in on the
still known for their defense and ef- act. Senior Jake Sewell has emerged as
ficient offense, this year’s version of a leader of the ‘Black Hole’ student sec-
the Comets are also putting on a show tion this basketball season and said that
above the rim. the ‘Black Hole’ goes wild every time a
Mason player throws one down.
When Oklahoma A & M’s Bob Kur-
land executed the first known dunk in “It just gets the whole student section
basketball history in 1944, he sparked a hyped up, crazy, and loud,” Sewell said.
revolution. Seventy-two years after that “It’s a huge momentum switch on our
historic slam, the Mason Comets are side.”
getting in on the act.
Long time Mason public address an-
They may not be Phi Slamma Jamma nouncer, English teacher, and former
or the Doctors of Dunk, but the Mason coach Tim King has witnessed a lot of
Comets have their own version of “Dr. Mason basketball over the past thirty
Dunkenstein” in senior human high- years and says the dunks he’s seen this
light reel Kyle Lamotte. year have been unmatched by the play-
ers of Mason’s past.
Even though it’s only worth two
points, a dunk not only excites the “Of the dunks I’ve seen over the years,
crowd but it has a mesmerizing effect most of them were a breakaway and
on the team and can often send a brutal jumping up with the dominant hand
message to the opponent. and dunking it in,” King said. “Now,
we’ve had alley-oop dunks this year,
Lamotte, who is averaging 15.4 points plus the kind of dunk where King or
per game including scoring outbursts Lamotte drive in around their man and
of 29 points against Sycamore and 33 dunk it with two hands.”
points in an overtime win over Lakota
East, can often be found occupying While some coaches worry about a
rarified air with an array of high fly- player missing a dunk at crucial time,
ing dunks after a steal or a punctuation Richards likes the dunk but it comes
mark on the end of the fast break. with one condition.
“A dunk changes the momentum of “As long as it goes in,” Richards said.
a game because it gets the team real- “If it’s a close game, and you need those
ly hyped,” Lamotte said. “Not only the two points, I think there’s a time and a
players that are on the floor, but it gets place when if you (miss a dunk), that
the bench hyped.” could be tough.”
Richards, whose Mason teams have Richards said dunking can change a
always had players who can knock game in a variety of ways, depending
down shots from long range, likes the on the flow of the game. Sometimes the
excitement generated by his high flyers. dunk can seal the deal especially if you
have the opponent on the ropes.
“It gets the student section incredibly
hyped and whenever you have an ener- “It depends on where you’re at in the
getic crowd and atmosphere, that gives game,” Richards said. “If you’re behind
you more energy, which leads to better and that happens, then obviously it can
play,” Lamotte said. be a kick start to a comeback and if the
team you’re playing is trying to make a
Junior Matt King, whose been known comeback a dunk can put a quick end
to thrown it down with authority said a to their hopes of getting back in the
February 11, 2016 C 19
Girls swim team captures ninth straight GMC title; boys settle for
second despite record breaking individual performances
Kansaker, Ethan Devyak, and senior Preston Bai-
ley winning the 200 yard medley relay with a time
of 1:39.75.
Bailey glided through the 100 yard breaststroke,
finishing at 1:00.98 and adding another win to the
Comet’s total . To wrap up the day, Bailey, Devyak,
Thatcher, and freshman Karson Walker took the
title in the 400 yard freestyle relay.
Mason was leading the Aviators until the 50
yard freestyle, where the highest Mason finisher
was Walker who swam to a seventh place finish.
“(Walker) was right there and it was his sea-
sonal best swim,” Sullivan said. “We knew that we
would be going up against a Sycamore swimmer
in almost every heat and our objective was to try
to beat them. We got hit pretty hard on the 50 free
and the 100 free, and (Sycamore) had some good
swims there. It was a battle each event.”
Thatcher broke the 100 yard butterfly record
Photo by Jonathan McCollough by .95 of a second, which had been held by Brad
Greater Miami Conference competitors dives off the block in the 50 freestyle race at the GMC meet on Saturday.
Charlie MacKenzie | Staff Writer baum, and Volpenhein won the 200 yard freestyle Langford since 2008. Junior Mike McDonald set
[email protected] relay. the 100 yard freestyle record last year, and Thatch-
er finished .34 seconds ahead of it.
Make it nine in a row for the Mason Comets girls Decker finished first in the 100 yard backstroke,
swimming and diving team. The Greater Miami and Marinelli, Estler, and Volpenhein capped off “It was awesome,” Thatcher said. “Especially the
Conference championship trophy will once again the girl’s competition in the 400 freestyle relay, backstroke. The guy who it broke said ‘no one is
reside at Mason as the Comets outdistanced Syca- finishing in 3:35.51. ever going to break that.’ And it is really fun to
more by 160 points. On the boys side the margin do it.”
was much slimmer as only eight points separated The Comets were leading the Aviators through-
Mason from conference champion, Sycamore. out the entire meet. Head coach Mark Sullivan, Now both teams will set their sights on the post
who was named GMC coach of the year, said that season as sectionals begin February 12 where the
On February 5 and 6, Mason hosted the GMC he is always pleased to take Sycamore down. Comets will get to swim in familiar water in their
swimming and diving meet. Home water proved home pool.
kind to the Comet girls team as they cruised to “It is always nice to beat our rival,” Sullivan
a score of 580.5 points while the Aviators were a said. “They have a very good team, so my hat goes Senior Liz Monnin said that their performance
distant second at 420 points. The drama on the off to them. They swam great.” at sectionals will determine the outcome of their
boys side would see the Aves cling to a 516 to 508 postseason.
point victory while Lakota East was a distant third Despite the boys’ loss to Sycamore, senior and
at 288 points. boys GMC swimmer of the year, Joel Thatcher, re- “Sectionals is next, which determines our dis-
wrote history twice, setting Mason records in both trict lineup, which then determines our state line-
Diving kicked off the meet and all eyes were the 100 yard butterfly and backstroke. up,” Monnin said. “We need to get first at section-
on Oak Hill’s sophomore Elizabeth Cron. Defend- als, which is what we have done for a long time.”
Following the girls’ lead, the boys started the “Then we can go to districts and hopefully beat
meet on top with Thatcher, sophomores Puran St. Ursula.”
ing her title from last year, Cron received a score
of 262.20, while Mason senior Kassidy Daniels and
teammate junior Nicole Wendeln finished in the
5th and 6th place slots with scores of 165.15 and
161.55 respectively.
On the boys side, Mason junior Allen Feng
finished second with 206.65 points, behind senior
Cameron Foy of Sycamore.
The swimming portion of the meet took place
on February 6. The Mason team of Junior Caro-
line Wolf, seniors Jordan Decker and Abbey Esler,
and sophomore Lauren Thomas struck early by
winning the 200 yard medley relay with a time
of 1:51.03.
That win was followed by another win in the
200 yard freestyle when sophomore Allison Bloe-
baum hit the wall with the winning time of 1:55.10.
Junior Ashley Volpenhein, a three-time state
champion and the 2016 GMC swimmer of the
year, captured the title in the 50 and 100 yard
freestyle. Mason continued to take more titles
when senior Gabby Marinelli, Decker, Bloe-
Photo by Jonathan McCollough
Senior swimmers Gabby Marinelli (left) and Jordan Decker (right) pose with the GMC championship trophy.
20 C February 11, 2016
Comets vs. Comets; Who would win this epic hardwood matchup?
Eric Miller | Online Sports Editor
[email protected]
Debate is one of the characteristics that makes sports so interesting. ESPN dedicates three shows, Pardon the Interruption, First Take
and Around the Horn, to debating the hot button issues of the sports world. So we figured, why not have The Chronicle dive into the
debate pool with our own issue. I’m not here to debate Brady vs. Manning or compare the ‘95-96 Bulls to the ‘15-16 Warriors. I’m here
to pose the question, who would win: the 17-1 Mason boys basketball team or the 20-2 Mason girls basketball team? Both teams have
rolled through their respective seasons, with an average margin of victory of 22 points between them. Both are ranked second in the
city by the Enquirer and the girls are ranked fourth in the AP state poll, while the boys come in at twelfth in the state. So what would
happen if these two titans of the hardwood ever crossed over and played this Comets vs. Comets matchup?
Breaking it Down
Eddie Puisis, Junior, 13.0 ppg The Point Guard Position Jailyn Mason, Senior, 9.0 ppg
Junior Eddie Puisis can hit a three from The 18-2 Mason girls are led by Arkansas signee and McDonald’s All-American Photos by Blake Nissen
nearly anywhere on the court. nominee Jailyn Mason. At the point guard position, Mason is very versatile ac-
cording to varsity boys stand out Kyle Lamotte. Arkansas signee Jailyn Mason is a do-
it-all point guard for the Mason girls.
“She can do it all: she can score on the block, she can bring the ball up, she can
shoot and play great defense, ” Lamotte said.
On the boys side Junior Eddie Puisis can score in bunches, averaging 13 points
per game. Lamotte said Puisis has an attitude similar to the Lakers’ Kobe Bryant.
“He has a Kobe Bryant like mentality,” Lamotte said. “I like how he hates to
lose, even if it’s practice going one on one. If someone scores on him he takes it
to heart.”
Puisis has made 37 three pointers and leads the team at the free throw line,
shooting 74 percent.
Advantage: Mason’s versatility, record breaking assists, and it’s hard to argue with McDonald’s
Nate haller, senior, 39.8 3P% The Two Guard Position Sammie Puisis, Freshman, 9.3 ppg
Freshmen Sammie Puisis has made an immediate impact on the girls basket-
ball team, scoring nine points per game. Puisis’ brother and boys starter Eddie
Puisis said his sister’s ability to shoot sets her apart. “As a freshmen she really
is able to step up as a leader,” Puisis said. “She’s a terrific shooter, that’s one of
her best attributes and she’s also a good, hard worker.”
After seeing limited playing time as a junior, senior Nate Haller has stepped
into his starting role and shot 40 percent from three. Haller has hit multiple
threes in a game 13 times. Teammate Matt King also said Haller isn’t recog-
nized enough for his rebounding.
“He really helps spread the court with his shooting,” King said. “I think he’s
an underrated rebounder, he boxes out really well and can guard on defense.”
Haller’s three point prowess and rebounding ability will be key if the Comets
Senior Nate Haller might just be the best plan for a postseason run. Freshmen Sammie Puisis is a three point
three point shooter between both teams. marksman and could be the next Comet
to join the 1,000 point club.
Advantage: Puisis’ three point efficiency and offensive versatility gives the girls the edge
Kyle Lamotte, senior, 15.4 PPG The Small Forward Position samari mowbray, junior, 9.5 ppg
Junior Samari Mowbray brings experience. Mowbray has played in 69 games
and started 45. According to Mason, Mowbray is key to her team’s success
“Samari is a big x-factor,” Mason said. “She can pretty much do anything. As
a bigger guard, she’s a shooter but she’s also a lot bigger than the people that
guard her so she’s able to attack the rim.”
Mowbray is second on the team in scoring with 9.7 points per game and is
the team leader in blocked shots with 1.3 per contest.
Kyle Lamotte ignites crowds with his high flying dunks, but according to
Mason, he provides much more than transition jams. “He’s kind of like our
Samari in a way,” Mason said. “He can do everything: he can shoot the three,
shoot midrange and obviously we all know he attacks the rim pretty well. He’s
Senior Kyle Lamotte is his team’s leading definitely an x-factor for their team.” Junior Samari Mowbray gives the Com-
scorer and most explosive player. ets a seasoned veteran who is a consis-
tent contributor.
Advantage: Lamotte’s unmatched athleticism, game changing dunks give the boys the edge Statistics as of February 5
February 11, 2016 C 21
[continued from page 20] The Shooting Guard Position
Matt King, Junior, 13.0 ppg Mariah Campbell, Senior, 5.8 RPG
Senior Mariah Campbell provides the Mason girls team with experience,
as she has 47 career starts. Campbell is the Comets’ second leading re-
bounder at 5.8 per game. According to senior Lauren Van Kleunen, Camp-
bell helps the Comets out in the post. “She is a humongous body,” Van
Kleunen said. “That’s great to have. She will go up against any post player
and beat them down because of how hard she works.”
Junior Matt King has played in 58 games since his freshmen year, start-
ing 37. Van Kleunen said that King plays well beyond his years. “As a junior,
he’s a big leader,” Van Kleunen said. “Very good offensive player, he knows
the game well.”
King routinely guards the opponent’s best player, whether it be 6’10”, 300
pound center EJ Williams of Middletown or the athletic KY Mattress of
Junior Matt King is versatile player who is Lakota West. King leads the team in rebounds and steals. King’s versatility Senior Mariah Campbell is an experi-
called upon to do it all for the Comets. on both ends of the floor is key for the Comets success. enced starter who averages nearly six
rebounds per game.
Advantage: King’s ability to shut down opposing players gives the boys the edge.
cameron schreiter, senior, 47.5 FG% The Center Position Lauren Van Kluenen, senior, 13.1 PPG
Senior Lauren Van Kleunen is a signee at Marquette University and a
member of the 1,000 point club. King said it’s Van Kleunen’s ability to play
at both ends of the floor that leads her to success.
“She’s a really good post player,” King said. “The way she rebounds, the
impact she has inside on offense and defense is big for them.”
Van Kleunen led the GMC in scoring as a junior and as a senior leads the
conference in field goal percentage at 57.9 percent. If the Comets hope for a
deep postseason run, Van Kleunen will be key in getting them there.
Senior Cameron Schreiter has stepped up every time he has been called
upon during the 2015-16 season. With the Comets needing a bucket to beat
Oak Hills, Schreiter hit a fadeaway bank shot at the horn to give the Comets
a 35-33 win. Just last week, Schreiter was tasked with guarding the GMC’s top
two rebounders, Myles Howard of Hamilton and Dominic Pierce of Prince- Photos by Jonathan McCollough
Senior Cam Schreiter has shown an ex- ton in back to back games. Between the two games Schreiter scored 17 points
ceptional ability to play in the clutch for the and pulled down 17 boards. Senior Lauren Van Kleunen is one of
Comets. the best to put on a Mason uniform and
shoots nearly 60 percent from the floor.
Advantage: Van Kleunen’s efficiency , experience, and its hard to argue with a member of the 1,000 point club
Statistics as of February 5
Should the Mason girls and boys basketball teams ever meet on the hardwood, it would be a star-studded matchup featuring division one recruits, high fly-
ing dunks and mistake free basketball. The game, which would be decided by the slightest of margins, would come down to bench play, turnovers and three
point shooting. I can see it now: the Puisis’ trading threes, Lamotte flying around the rim and Van Kleunen dominating the paint. In a game that has all the
makings of an instant classic: it comes down to the final seconds with the ball in the hands of Eddie Puisis. Puisis dribbles right, crosses back left with five
seconds and finds an open Cameron Schreiter on the left wing, who glances at the expiring clock and fires up an off balance jumper at the horn…that gives
the Comets the win. I’ll let you figure out which Comets.
22 C February 11, 2016
Photo by Jonathan McCollough Commentary
Junior Jaimen Hood is acknowledged for his win after he pinned a Moeller Crusader at the Moeller dual. Print
journalism is
Mason wrestling coach forced to deal with ‘good’ problems anything but
Ellie Uecker | Staff Writer al wrestlers have proven their abilities in the GMC.
[email protected] Murnan said the records represent the dominance Eric Miller | Online Sports Editor
of the program. [email protected]
There are some major problems brewing on
the Mason Wrestling team. Head coach Craig “If you look at the GMC, and you look at the re- Print media is dead–the internet has taken
Murnan, however, welcomes those problems with cords, those are only varsity records so you’ll see a over. But if you read the responses to for-
open arms because he knows the current situa- lot of our kids who have legitimate varsity records mer Cincinnati Enquirer writer Mike Dyer’s
tion he’s having to deal with is going to make the and that represents our program,” Murnan said. farewell tweet, that’s not the conclusion you
Comet wrestling program a force to deal with for would have arrived at.
years to come. Murnan’s problem is talent, not Murnan said the second varsity team helps to
lack of it, but too much. His team has depth, a prepare the next year’s roster for more success One of the most revered sports journal-
problem almost any coach would welcome. due to the varsity experience under their belts. ists in the city, Dyer announced last month
he had been let go from his position at the
Murnan’s grapplers have so much talent that “We do that because these kids that have been Enquirer. Followed by nearly anyone who
he’s had to create two full varsity rosters each with on that schedule have been intermingled in our had anything to do with high school sports
their own full slate of varsity matches. This depth varsity line up throughout the year,” Murnan said. in Cincinnati, Dyer created a rabid following
makes for some intense battles in the wrestling “When next year comes around and we graduate who hung on to his word about the state of
room which has helped the Comets to another the seniors, those kids are ready to step up right Cincinnati high school sports. When Dyer an-
Greater Miami Conference championship, a state away because they’ve wrestled a schedule that had nounced via Twitter he would no longer be
ranking, and a dual win over top ranked Moeller. prepared them.” writing for the Enquirer, a string of tweets
ensued that would have been hard to predict.
“It’s the deepest team that we’ve put on the mat Murnan said having multiple teams and con- Everyone from Moeller basketball, to Lakota
in the history of the program,” Murnan said. “We stantly shifting the wrestlers around for who wres- West girls basketball, to Mason football had a
truly ran two varsity schedules. A couple times tles where has built competition in practice. reason to thank the beloved sportswriter for
they were in the same tournament, like the West something he had done for them and their
Virginia duals, our varsity finished first and our “We have four schedules and we send out three school. The same process ensued when Dyer
varsity white finished ninth out of 30 teams.” teams at least once a week.” Murnan said. “What I announced he had been hired by WCPO.
like to do is have a freshman wrestle JV. It encour- Twitter was again filled with congratulations
While there are twice as many wrestlers having ages competition in our room.” for a print journalist.
varsity experience, their success has doubled as
well. Murnan said the varsity white team not only The competition in the wrestling room is go- The Cincinnati sports community is one
beat St. Xavier but competed with the reigning di- ing to prepare individual wrestlers for the state normally divided by public and private or
vision two state duals champ. tournament. This can present a problem because basketball and baseball but, for this one
Murnan has many individual wrestlers who could instance, everyone in the Cincinnati high
“I wouldn’t have gone to a second complete potentially advance in the upcoming sectional school sports community came together to
schedule if I hadn’t thought that they can com- tournament. However, Murnan said it’s a good di- express their thanks. Not for a holiday, not
pete.” Murnan said. “For instance, the varsity white lemma to have. for a state championship, but instead for a
team beat St. Xavier at the Loveland duals and was print journalist. A writer who supposedly
really close to a strong Loveland squad.” “We’ve got kids that could probably, in one or worked in a dying industry to which no one
two weight classes, go to the state tournament,” paid attention, was showered with love from
Along with varsity white’s success, the individu- Murnan said. “But they’re behind guys that are an internet community that is usually as di-
probably state placers this year. That’s a good vided as they come.
problem to have.”
Print journalism is not dying. Mike Dyer
Lauren Van Kleunen Comet Stat Line is proof. There will always be people that
Senior, Basketball will read the in-depth high school basketball
Sam Glassco previews that could not be put together on
Scored 18 points against Twitter, but instead were printed by a news-
Hamilton, to go over Freshman, Wrestling paper. There will always be people who will
1,000 for her career look for the feature story on the next great
106 pound division athlete who will make it to the big time. Print
33-2 overall journalism is not dead, until we stop reading.
23 pins Colin Schuster
Junior, Wrestling
120 pound division
34-6 overall
20 pins
Statistics as of February 4th
February 11, 2016 C 23
Comet wrestlers pin down seventh GMC title
Ellie Uecker | Staff Writer had to start wrestling harder, but I won 13-9.” Graphic by Kate Madigan
[email protected] 132 pounder junior Zack Donathan who
With a bad taste in their mouth after a won a GMC title last year in the 106 pound
tough loss to Moeller in the state dual meet weight class captured his second conference
earlier in the week the Mason Comet wres- title in as man years with an impressive 17-2
tlers came out on Saturday, February 6 and technical fall over Dylan Buis of Oak Hills.
took out that frustration on their Greater
Miami Conference opponents, disposing of The Comets kept racking up points when
their league rivals on their way to a seventh 138 pounder Mark Gabe made it to the
conference championship. championship round falling to Fairfield’s
Sam Meddings. One hundred and forty-five
Five wrestlers out of 14 weight classes pounder Jack Stein advanced to the finals
earned GMC championships titles. Along- but dropped a closely contest match to An-
side an abundance of first place awards, five drew Acuna from Lakota West. Junior Cam-
Comets earned second place, along with two eron Schwitzer lost in the consolation final
wrestlers earning third place and one earn- match for the 152 pound weight class in a 4-2
ing fourth place for the tournament. decision, receiving fourth place.
The large plate of success was no surprise At 160 pounds, senior Nick D’Agostino
when looking at the rankings of the GMC won a gruelling championship match in a 3-2
wrestlers for each weight class. In all 14 decision over D’Alan Wright from Princeton.
weight classes a Comet wrestler was ranked D’Agostino kept composure in the low scor-
third or higher. ing match and fended off his opponent from
scoring a takedown twice in the third period
In the 106 pound weight class, freshman with his defensive positioning. D’Agostino
Sam Glassco got the scoring started with a said the match was the perfect end to his se-
third place finish. Junior Jaimen Hood won nior season.
the 113 pound weight class championship in
impressive fashion with a pin over Fairfield’s “My day was great, I had a lot of fun,”
Jabari Thomas at the 14 second mark. D’Agostino said. “I got first, won a close
match in my finals match, won 3-2 and it was
“It was a lot quicker than I expected,” Hood a great day. It was my second time winning
said. “I thought I was going to go to the third and it feels great to be a two-time champ.”
period but I went out there and took him
down and pinned him. I was pretty excited At the 170 pound weight class sophomore
about it, it was my first time winning a var- Eric Vermillion earned the Comets valuable
sity GMC title.” points with a third place finish. In the 195
pound weight class junior Seph Weigand
Junior Colin Schuster won the 120 pound finished second losing in the championship
weight class championship, his second GMC match to Sycamore’s Gary Traub. Two hun-
championship, with a 7-2 decision over Syca- dred and twenty pounder Sophomore Zaid
more’s Kyle Green. Schuster held fast on top Hamdan made it to the championship round
and dominated his opponent with strength, only to fall to Sycamore’s Cole Sutton.
keeping him on his back for the duration of
the match. To cap off the night, Mason 285 pound
wrestler Doug Mullen battled his way to the
At the 126 pound weight class, freshman championship match but fell in a slugfest to
Chris Donathan won his first GMC cham- Lakota East’s Jon Spaulding.
pionship in a 13-9 decision over Hamilton’s
Daniel Ramirez. His match included three After a dominating regular season and
throws, one of which landed Donathan in a GMC championship Murnan said he has
handstand which he cooly countered with a high hopes for his grapplers success as post
takedown on a turn around. Donathan said season appoaches.
his match was hard, but he has plans to con-
tinue his domination in the upcoming years. “We have six or seven guys that could
make it to the state tournament,” Murnan
“My final match was good at first,” Dona- said. “Nine or more if they make the adjust-
than said. “But he started coming back and I ments necessary. I’m excited, it will be a good
Comet Stat Line
Senior, Bowling Junior, Swimming Sophomore, Swimming
186 Avg 1:53.30 200 yd free 1:48.75 200 yd free
234 high score 23.21 50 yd free 54.83 100 yd butterfly
Statistics as of February 4th