h r o n i c l eThe
March 11, 2016 thecspn.com Volume 13, Issue 7
Volpenhein Mason How well do you
shares County’s know your
perspective of a unending teachers?
champion, see snow days, Take the
page 18 see page 17 quiz on
page 12 to
find out.
Third time a charm, Comets knock off
TPicuknecth West to punch ticket to state final four
Photo by Blake Nissen
After losing twice to the Firebirds during the regular season, the Comets celebrate after an impressive 49-30 in the regional final at Trent Arena on Saturday, March 5.
[see story on page 19]
C2 March 11, 2016
Hyatt named new Mason High School principal
Abbey Marshall | Managing Editor I know he plans to enhance the in- tionwide search,” George said. “I just impression on staff and students
[email protected] structional leadership capacity of thought because Mr. Hyatt has been alike; George said Hyatt is person-
those around him.” here in Mason since 1997, he has a able has been working hard to bring
After an extensive outside search better handle on what this commu- together the vast population of
across southwest Ohio, informa- After the sudden departure of nity is and how it got this way. He’s MHS.
tion collection on candidates, paper Mindy McCarty-Stewart in August seen it, he’s been an administrator...
screenings, phone interviews, in- prior to the beginning of the school For the kind of community we have, “He relates to the staff on a very
person interviews, and a final per- year, Hyatt was quick to step up and I think somebody who knows it in- personal level,” George said. “He’s
formance task, it turned out the best take on new responsibilities as inter- side and out was going to be the best visible. He’s approachable. He has
person for the job was just down the im principal and explore his profes- person for the job.” made it his goal from August to re-
hall. sional interests. build a sense of community in this
Hyatt has done it all: he’s been a very large building of nearly 4,000
On February 23, the Mason City “For me personally, it was a profes- teacher, an athletic director, a coach, students.”
School Board approved the motion sional journey as far as what it’s like an administrator, and an assistant
to appoint Interim Principal Dave to be a building principal here at Ma- principal. He can now add “building Hyatt said he values the time
Hyatt as Mason High School Build- son High School,” Hyatt said. “That principal” to his impressive resume. spent with individuals and helping
ing Principal. Hyatt, a staff member journey for me was a good thing. I Though Hyatt has extensive expe- others, which he attributes to his
since 1997, has seen it all: he’d been was able to just step back and get to rience with Mason City Schools, he “servant” leadership style.
there for the transformation from know what our teachers do more, still had to go through the same pro-
farm town to tech-hub. He under- what our kids are about and work cess as would any other applicant for “I’m willing to listen,” Hyatt said.
stands the community and school with some community members; I the position. “Each of us have our own stories and
district and how it functions, forg- really enjoyed it. That offered me our own challenges and our own
ing important relationships with an opportunity to get to know what “The process is about finding the strengths...Being able to sit and lis-
staff and students, making him the I wanted to do and professionally best person that leads this building ten and talk through that and work
perfect man for the job, according to where I wanted to go and I ended up and while it’s great to be liked and together to overcome some of the
superintendent Gail Kist-Kline. being able to apply for the position supported by colleagues, whether things that each of us face is impor-
of building principal.” I was the best person needed to be tant to me.”
“Mr. Hyatt has developed good decided by a process,” Hyatt said.
relationships with staff, students, Hyatt’s professional journey was “There are great principals outside Science teacher Randy Hubbard
families and the community,” Kist- backed by the support of many staff this district that could come in and said Hyatt’s main focus is on the stu-
Kline said. “I am confident he will members, including English teacher do great things. It’s about fit and it’s dents and that’s what it’s all about.
maintain those relationships...He is Patricia George, who circulated a about timing.”
able to bring people together and petition for Hyatt to fill the role of “He’s student-oriented,” Hub-
principal. Those relationships formed bard said. “He’s a guy who was in
throughout the years has made an the classroom for a long time so he
“I knew the district was doing a na- loves to help kids develop into good
citizens and he’s a good role model.”
‘Coffee with a Cop’ unites community with police in casual conversation
India Kirssin | Staff Writer community members, all while enjoying a cup of
[email protected] coffee. We create a calm, informal, and social en-
vironment so that community members are com-
Behind the badge, local police officers have a fortable asking questions or voicing concerns to
genuine hope of personalizing themselves in the us.”
On Thursday, February 25, the Mason Police Mason Resource Officer Karli Dyer said events
Department, West Chester Police Department, like “Coffee with a Cop” are also positive for the
and University of Cincinnati Health Police De- police departments who participate in them be-
partment teamed up to host “Coffee with a Cop” cause of the changing perception of law enforce-
at the Mason Community Center. The goal of this ment in today’s society.
event was to provide community members with a
chance to meet police officers from the area and “Police are not just fighting crime but also the
encourage them to ask questions and voice con- perception of distrust and disapproval,” Dyer said.
cerns. “With a simple events like ‘Coffee with a Cop’, we
While “Coffee with a Cop” is a national pro- hope to changing that perception.”
gram, local Officer Nathan Ketterer created the
Mason branch in hope that the program would Ketterer said “Coffee with a Cop” events are
have a positive effect on the people he serves. Ket- open to everyone in the community and he be-
terer said the event is beneficial for the commu- lieves it is essential for a community to have a
nity because it creates a relaxed environment that strong relationship with the police department.
encourages discussion.
“This event in particular is very positive for “Having a healthy relationship with the com-
our community,” Ketterer said. “It gives people munity is important to us, and we have that,”
Photo by Blake Nissen of all ages a chance to meet a police officer and Ketterer said. “This is a large part of our mission
also gives police officers the opportunity to meet statement: ‘In partnership with the community,
‘Coffee with a Cop’ took place in the community center policing with honor, integrity, and compassion.’
Officers work hard every day to go above and be-
on February 25. yond the level of service that community mem-
bers expect from us.”
March 11, 2016 C 3
FBI’s demand of Apple poses consitutional question
Blake Nissen | Staff Writer alone, being backed by Google CEO Sundar Pichai ing as a “champion of the individual” and the com-
[email protected] saying that “We build secure products to keep your pany acting in a publicity stunt rather than interest
information safe and we give law enforcement ac- of consumers.
Apple CEO Tim Cook is gaining some powerful cess to data based on valid legal orders, but that’s
friends in the fight against the Federal Bureau of wholly different than requiring companies to en- Matar said he thinks that the FBI is trying to
Investigation and their request for entry into IOS 8. able hacking of customer devices & data.” make an example out of Apple and that Apple is
making an effort to protect their customers, not
The Federal Bureau of Investigation has asked “Once created, the technique could be used over gain some free publicity.
Apple to make a new version of the iPhone operat- and over again, on any number of devices,” Cook
ing system that would create a backdoor into their said in his letter to consumers “In the physical “The FBI could just be doing this as a way to set
system, according to Apple’s customer letter pub- world, it would be the equivalent of a master key, a precedent,” Matar said. “Ever since IOS 8, Apple
lished on February 16. This “backdoor” would be capable of opening hundreds of millions of locks— has put its foot down with this kind of stuff, and of
used to gain access to Syed Farook’s, one of the San from restaurants and banks to stores and homes.” course there is the same concept that apple could
Bernardino shooters, iPhone 5c recovered after the just be doing this as a PR stunt just to tell custom-
shooting. This backdoor would remove some of the The FBI is asking apple with the legal precedent ers that ‘hey, Apple cares’ but the bottom line is that
key security features of IOS 8, such as the capability of The All Writs act of 1789. According to Cnet the it’s an important thing that apple does to protect
to wipe data and breaks between password attempts. act helped establish the judiciary system in the US, all of our data and in my opinion it should not be
giving federal courts the power to issue orders, reversed.”
Since the shooters smashed their personal de- which were known as “writs” at the time. Apple held
vices and removed their hard drives, the iPhone 5c its ground during the filing procedures on February Matar doesn’t believe the government has the
is probably the only chance the FBI has to recover 26th, prepared to fight to the supreme court. US same access to personal data as they do to personal
information pertinent to the case and the network District court judge for the region, Sheri Pym, has property.
of communications that could possibly uncover an- scheduled the hearing for March 22nd, the next step-
other terror plot. ping stone for apple’s road to the Supreme Court. “The FBI’s argument is that your data is your
property, and just that we can search your
Cook is currently combating the govern- Computer Science Teacher Greg Kummer be- house property with a warrant, we should
ment’s request for Apple to lieves that Americans gave up a lot of their privacy be able to search your phone,”
create this software. Wor- with the Patriot Act. Martar said. “They think
ried most about custom- they are indistinguishable
er security, Cook fears “Since 9/11, 2001, Americans have made a decision but they are completely
that even if the govern- whether they’d rather be safe or free, and they de- different things.”
ment has the only key cided they’d be safe,” Kummer said. “You can’t keep
to this backdoor, oth- using this argument of personal privacy in this day Illustration by Madison Krell
ers will be able pick in age.”
the lock. Cook is not
Kummer would rather the government have this
software because they are bound by a constitution,
unlike big businesses.
“Should (they) have to follow the government
asking for that back door?” Kummer said. “My an-
swer is yes, because they are doing it for the right
Senior Daniel Matar opposes Kummer, thinking
that Apple has handed over all the information
they can and searched for alternative methods.
“Apple has helped the FBI by giving as much data
as they possibly can they have turned over the latest
iCloud backups and as much data as they possibly
can,” Matar said. “What the FBI is asking to do is
not get data, what they are asking to do is break the
encryption. This will give us access to the suspect’s
data, but at the cost of putting millions of law abid-
ing citizens at risk and that’s something that should
never happen.”
Alternative methods have been attempted to
unlock the iPhone, such as creating a new iCloud
account off of the Farook’s wifi home network. All
attempts, however, have failed. Brute force is often
an option in cases like this, punching in a system
of numbers starting at 0000 up to 9999. According
to Stratechery’s Ben Thompson, a 4-digit numeric
passcode would only take 34 minutes to brute force,
while an 8 digit alphanumeric passcode would still
take over a million years. The problem is after 10
failed attempts, should the feature be enacted, the
iPhone will delete all user data, rendering the tech-
nique useless.
Attorney General Loretta Lynch said, “Do we let
one company, no matter how great the company,
no matter how beautiful their devices, decide this
issue for all of us?” Coupled with fears of Apple act-
4 C March 11, 2016
The Chronicle’s Policy Staff Editorial
to the editor
The Chronicle is the official student newspaper Chronicle members practice ‘true
of William Mason High School. journalism’, travel for the truth
The Chronicle promises to report the truth and If you want the truth, put on your walking shoes.
adhere to the journalistic code of ethics through Our reporters Blake Nissen, Isabel Marotta, and Asia
online and print mediums. Porter were quick to discover the need for this when they
left the suburban bloc for Mason County. What they were
The Chronicle is produced by students enrolled to find was a shoe and leather journalism, a stepping out
in Journalism I, II and III. of the nest and into the hills.
It was itchy, uncomfortable—because the lifestyles
Editorials reflect the staff ’s opinion but do not that awaited them were opposite to their own.
necessarily reflect the opinions of the school ad- After holding their breath on crazed, state-route
ministration or the Mason City School District. mountains, the trio stopped at the Kwik Shoppe gas sta-
tion, where a pound of deli meat could be purchased as
The Chronicle is published monthly. Call 10 gallons.
398-5025 ext. 33103 for information regarding In its lot, the trio spotted a camouflage truck, and they
advertising in The Chronicle. The Chronicle re- all lamented that they had narrowly missed Drive Your
serves the right to refuse advertising it deems Tractor to School Day. The parking lots at Mason County
inappropriate for a high school publication. High School, they said, are gravel, with no lines to divide
one spot from another. There are numbers on their park-
As an open forum for students, letters to the ing passes but none on the ground.
editor are welcome, but are subject to be edited The students there live out of arm’s reach from one
for length, libel, obscenity, clarity and poor taste. another; most have to drive their neighbor’s house. It is
Letters to the editor may be dropped off in room an expansive county, big enough to net the Kroger in
C103 and must be signed. which our reporters hoped to meet Mason County par-
The Chronicle is a member of The Colum- Profiling random strangers in a supermarket to dis-
bia Scholastic Press Association, The National cover whether or not they had high schoolers was no
Scholastic Press Association, Quill and Scroll Masonite’s idea of a good time. It took Asia, Isabel, and
International Honorary Society for High School Blake tens of awkward interactions before they found
Journalists and the Ohio Scholastic Media As- Mason County parents.
sociation. The Kroger, they insist, was minutes away from the
Contact Information school. But several parents told them: “We live in Adams
The Chronicle County.” The two counties are an hour’s road trip apart:
William Mason High School why didn’t they just hit a Kroger closer to home?
6100 S. Mason Montgomery Rd. There isn’t one. Mason County’s Kroger—and Mason
Mason, Ohio 45040 County’s separate Kroger liquor store—are the closest.
(513) 398-5025 This wasn’t the nuts and bolts interview for which our
The Chronicle Staff reporters had come. This wasn’t a Mason County High
Editor-in-Chief School calendar pockmarked with more snow days than
Gina Deaton we could ever dream. This was a way of life Mason had
Managing Editor not known since its inception.
Abbey Marshall It was an experience, but not in the empty sense; it was
Sports Editor an experience as in they had popped the Mason bubble,
Kylie McCalmont and the outside didn’t disappoint. We are all proud to be
Online Editor from Warren County, from Mason, Ohio, but we need
Jessica Sommerville not pass every day of our lives inside of it.
Online Sports Editor The ants that dance on our skin when we encounter
Eric Miller a stranger, or a strange situation, will teach us how to
Visual Editor come out of our shells, how to wear down the leather on
Madison Krell our shoes.
Graphic Designer It will teach us to be observers, to be pursuers of
Kate Madigan truth—and if we’re persistent, it will teach us to be re-
Business Manager porters.
Ashton Nichols
Staff Writers FUN FACT: Members of The
Alyssa Brooks Chronicle staff traveled collectively
Serina Cline approximately 1,050 miles to write
Arnav Damodhar the stories and take the photos
Juliana Discher found within this issue.
India Kirssin
Madison Krell
Lauren Lysko
Charlie MacKenzie
Duncan MacKenzie
Isabel Marotta
Matt Marvar
Jonathan McCollough
Erin McElhenny
Eric Michael
Blake Nissen
Meghan Pottle
Asia Porter
Alekya Raghavan
Ellie Uecker
Dale Conner
March 11, 2016 C 5
Editorial Cartoon Opinion
Leave the ‘Grade age, and that’s not to say that receiving an average Madison Krell | Staff Writer
Culture’ behind score isn’t something to be proud of, especially in a [email protected]
challenging course.
Gina Deaton | Editor-in-Chief We were born to break the doors down,
[email protected] As students, we also need to understand the high fight until the end.
standards that we are being held to; grading scales
We all remember it. in some European countries allow much more lee- Kesha sang these words in her hit song
We remember the sense of utter defeat. We re- way for As than the strictness of America’s common “Warrior” in 2012. And she is taking that
member that indistinguishable feeling of inadequa- ten-point scale. In the United Kingdom, a 75 percent mentality to court.
cy, of unworthiness, of stupidity. We remember the and above is an A+. In France and Spain, a 50 percent
traumatizing experience right up to the moment at is a C. It’s average. I believe this is because they un- On Kesha’s 18th birthday, she claims that
the end of the semester when we held our breath, derstand that not everyone is perfect, nor can most her producer, Dr. Luke, drugged and raped
opened our Private Reports, and saw it: our first B people healthily receive all As. I wish our grading her – but he was never charged. Flash for-
(or C, or D, or F). Our guts churned and our eyes scale was more similar to those, as I’m sure we all do, ward 10 years, after claiming to be men-
burned as we pictured the stain on our spotless, A- but we have to make the best of what we are given tally and physically for the past decade,
dominated transcript. and work to stop criticizing ourselves and others for Kesha brought Luke Gottwald (aka Dr.
This paralyzing fear of inadequacy strikes all less-than-perfect grades. Luke) to the Manhattan Supreme Court on
American high school students, as Psychology To- February 19.
day reported in 2008 that the average high school I’m a total grammar geek, and English comes nat-
student has higher levels of anxiety than the average urally to me; I have always excelled in my English But the judge refused to let her walk
psychiatric patient in the 1950s, and we are getting classes. Ironically, I have a keen curiosity for scienc- away from her six-album deal with Sony.
more anxious each decade. According to Stanford es and I continue to take challenging science courses Instead, Sony said Kesha could work with
Today, the pressure that students feel from their par- despite the noticeably lower grades that I receive in another producer. The problem with that,
ents and schools to achieve top scores in all of their them. I strongly believe that pursuing my interests is that Kesha believes she’ll relieve back-
classes has created stress levels beginning as early as means more than a letter stamp on a piece of paper, lash for it by the record company not put-
elementary school, and they are so high that some and it pains me when I hear my peers avoiding a ting the same amount of effort into Ke-
educators have regarded it as a health epidemic. class that intrigues them simply because they’re ter- sha’s albums.
I don’t think we have to scrutinize these cases very rified of taking a course where they could receive a
long to discover that, as students, our interpretation B, C, D, or F on their transcript. Kesha filed suit against Dr. Luke way
of grades is distorted: ‘A’ is not an acronym for av- back in 2014, saying that Dr. Luke not only
erage; in fact, it is well above average, and usually It’s my final semester of high school, and I have drugged and raped her, but ultimately led
stands for proficient, or even outstanding. I think yet to check my grades this semester. This is not her to an eating disorder. Kesha claimed
most students would cringe to hear that a C is aver- because I have given up, but quite the opposite. It’s that Dr. Luke made fun of her size, calling
age, but it is. Anything above a C is well above aver- because I’m working as hard as I can in all of my her ‘a refrigerator’ and repeatedly called
classes and I’m not going to let a letter dictate my her overweight. She ultimately checked
worth as it has so many times in the past. I’m doing herself into rehab after her friends started
my best, and that’s all I can give, so I will be satisfied to notice her eating change. At this point,
with it. the abuse had been going on for about
eight years, and Kesha decided enough
We all remember it: our high school experience, was enough. At 26 years old, she had had
not the letters on our transcripts. enough of the way Dr. Luke treated her,
and she felt like she was finally able to do
something about it. But sadly, the lawsuit
in 2014 didn’t get anywhere. Which is why
here in 2016, she’s still fighting the battle.
This is this woman’s life we’re talking
about. We live in a society where money
is more important than humanity. When
a woman says someone is mentally abus-
ing her, it shouldn’t be up to a court to
decide whether or not they consider it
mental abuse. In any abuse situation, de-
ciding they want to get out of the situation
is a tough first step for anyone. Throw on
the fact that you’re famous, and the court
doesn’t believe you, and the stress becomes
Solid proof or not, Kesha has been under
the pressure of this man for 10 years, and
she just wants out. Give her an out.
C6 March 11, 2016
Conservatives and liberals jostle for position in wake
of Supreme Court Justice Scalia’s sudden death
Conservatives fear direction he went. That being said,
Obama decision he was well-loved on the court and
could tilt court in was well-known for his humor and
favor of liberals wit and comical interjections.”
His unexpected death quickly Photo contributed by The Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States
Jonathan McCollough | Staff Writer sparked a nationwide debate about
[email protected] the proper process of finding a re-
placement. Democrats are in favor
Just hours after the death of An- of Obama nominating a successor,
tonin Scalia, the political tug of war so they can tilt the court 5-4 in favor
had already started. of the liberals.
Republicans are in favor of wait-
Scalia was found dead at a Texas ing for the next President to nomi-
Ranch on February 14 from natural nate a successor, hoping the 2016
causes. He was 79 years old. Sca- victor will be a Republican who can
lia, who was appointed by President keep the court 5-4 in favor of the con-
Ronald Reagan in 1986, has spent servatives.
almost 30 years as a Supreme Court In a statement released shortly af-
Justice and was well known for his ter Scalia’s death, President Obama
strict interpretation of the Constitu- said that he plans to nominate a suc-
tion and strong conservative views; cessor before his term is up. Ohio was awarded $196 Million for
he opposed abortion, affirmative ac- “I plan to fulfill my constitutitohneaCl harter Schools Program State
tion and gay marriage. responsibilities to nominate a Esduucc-ational Agencies grants
cessor in due time,” Obama said.
Law and Criminal Justice teacher “There will be plenty of time for me
Chip Dobson said although contro- to do so, and for the Senate to fulfill Justice Antonin Scalia is pictured in his official Supreme Court portrait. He
versial at times, Scalia had great its responsibility to give that person
character and left behind an incred- a fair hearing and a timely vote.” passed away on February 14 at the age of 79.
ible legacy.
The longest it has ever taken for wait for a new President to be sworn send things back to the lower courts
“He was well known for his pierc- a Justice to be confirmed is 125 days in before a justice is appointed. and cause an extended period of
ing arguments on the conservative and Obama still has over 300 days time to get an overall interpreta-
side,” Dobson said. “He said things left in his term. Despite this, Senate Advanced Placement European tion,” Dugan said. “In other words,
sometimes that people found of- Majority leader Mitch McConnell History teacher Charles Dugan those cases will come back to the
fensive. He was very direct, very gave a statement where he said we said that it should be the role of the Supreme Court when they do have
straightforward, would call himself should wait for a new President to be President to appoint a replacement, nine judges; it’s just it may not be for
an originalist or a strict construc- sworn in before a successor is cho- regardless of how far along they are five more years. It’s going to cause
tionist kind of looking at exact word- sen. in the term. an extended period of time to actu-
ing of the text. He’s also the first ally get a ruling.”
Italian American on the court and The American public is split on the “(Appointing judges) is one of
was a devout Roman Catholic which issue of replacing Scalia. A CBS poll the duties of the President, and if Upcoming cases include deci-
clearly flavored his opinions and the showed that 47 percent of Americans we’re going to have a government sions on issues such as affirmative
are in favor of Obama appointing a that elects somebody for a four year action, abortion, voting rights and
replacement and 46 percent want to term, then they should have the the death penalty. Because problems
responsibilities for the entire four will arise if there is a long term de-
years,” Dugan said. “It shouldn’t be lay of nominating a replacement, ju-
something where the other branches
of government can dictate whether nior Sreeram Venkatarao said that it
or not they fulfill their obligations is important people pay attention to
during that term. To suggest that this controversy.
the President, regardless of party, “If we were to let the court stand
should not be allowed to do their job as it is, my guess is that a lot of these
is risky precedent because it really contentious issues would end in 4-4
limits the will of the people.” ties,” Venkatarao said. “If that’s the
There are procedures set up for case then the lower court’s ruling
having only eight Supreme Court would stand and then you have a sit-
judges while Scalia’s seat is vacant. uation where there are regional dif-
The court will work as normal and ferences in these issues. It really cre-
when there is a 4-4 decision, the ates an imbalance among the nation
lower court’s ruling will stand in so we have to care about who gets
the precinct in which it was decided, nominated. Just in general our gen-
but it will not set a nationwide prec- eration needs to take more interest
edent. and participate more in these kind
Dugan said there will be some is- of discussions because it’s important
sues with the judicial process unti and these are the kind of issues that
the vacant seat can be filled. are going to be facing us when we
“Ultimately I think that it will grow up.”
March 11, 2016 C 7
Ohio’s lack of sex education requirements prompts look into Mason’s health classes
Matthew Marvar | Staff Writer beliefs growing up contributed to perienced this very problem last
[email protected] her decision to abstain from sexual Abstinence-Based year after a Chlamydia outbreak
Sex education is a touchy subject. activity until marriage. Teaching struck students in at least 24 cas-
es. At Mason, however, according
“I started researching it more be-
As the controversy storms on between teaching cause I wanted to have some bibli- to Brittingham, their method of
comprehensive sex-ed and absti- cal backing on what I teaching is in an effort to reduce
nence, Ohio schools are caught in
the center. The Guttmacher Insti- was saying and I wasn’t the risk of pregnancy and infec-
tute reported that the state of Ohio just saying it for noth- tion.
is required to teach sex and HIV Abstinence-Based ing or making up my “All of the Health teachers
Teaching own thoughts,” Wade
teach that abstinence is the
education, however, it not man- said. “I believe that we best method for avoiding STDs
dated that these sex-ed classes be
medically accurate, age appropri- were created for some- and unintended pregnancy,”
thing more than just Brittingham said. “But we also
ate, or even unbiased. sex. Since God created address condoms and contracep-
Despite the lack of require-
ments for Ohio schools and their us, He created us with tives to reduce the risk. We teach
boundaries and he Sarah Wade interpersonal and communica-
health classes, Mason Middle also created sex with Junior tion skills to help our students
School Health teacher Stephanie
Brittingham said that they don’t boundaries, and he created us and understand their own values, future goals and op-
sex to be as good as it can be within tions. Therefore, we teach a mixture of abstinence-
stray from the facts. the boundaries that are meant to fol- centered and comprehensive sexual education.”
“Mason’s curriculum is aligned
with state law—we are abstinence- Stephanie Brittingham low.” A 2013 study from the Center for Disease Con-
based,” Brittingham said. “We also MMS Health Teacher Beyond her religious beliefs, Wade trol reported that nationwide, 46 percent of high
school students have already had sexual inter-
said that abstinence is a way for her to
acknowledge that statistics show that most adults respect herself and her future spouse. course, while 38 percent of high school students
do not remain abstinent until marriage, so we “The idea of saving yourself for your spouse are considered sexually active. Furthermore, 20
stress the importance of healthy relationships, someday is really beautiful, and it’s something million new STDs emerge each year, and about
including setting physical boundaries, respect for that I think that we don’t value as much in today’s half of these are contracted by young people, ages
yourself and your partner, what love really ‘looks society,” Wade said. “It’s something we’re moving 15 to 24.
like’ and consequence of sexual activity other than away from.” Mason High School Health teacher Gary Popov-
just pregnancy and STDs.” Hodge said that abstinence is the right way to ich said it’s a challenge to offer a balanced curricu-
Ohio’s abstinence-only education programs are go for those who adhere to religious laws, but lum that caters to the diverse student population
federally funded, however, Ohio schools are still doesn’t believe, in criticizing those who are sexu- at Mason—and the nationwide increase of STDs is
paying a price, reported a study from Advocates ally active. why having that abstinence-related foundation is
for Youth. They get federal fund- “We’re a very Christian state, so important.
ing, but they do not have au- Comprehensive-Based Teaching
tonomy when teaching informa- so we promote more “Starting with abstinence is the
Christian views than best way to go, then teaching all
tion about the health benefits of we do anything else,” of the other things in between,”
contraception for sexually active Hodge said. “Don’t Abstinence-Based Popovich said. “You’re really giv-
youths. Furthermore, they must get me wrong—if Teaching ing the 15 and 16-year-old kids
teach that sex outside of mar- you’re abstinent the benefit of the doubt, (so) that
riage can have harmful physical
and psychological effects. based off of your they can make intelligent choic-
religion, that’s fine, es. But not just saying, ‘You’re
Senior Emma Hodge, who and you should not just teenagers, you’re going to
is new to Mason and is taking
Health this semester, calls this feel guilty for be- make bad choices, you better
ing abstinent. But, know how to use a condom.’ And
a fear-mongering tactic. She be- you should not feel we still teach that, we just say,
lieves in a more encompassing
way to teach sex education: a guilty for being sex- ‘This is why.’”
method that goes farther than ually active.” No matter what choices stu-
stressing teens to abstain, rather Emma Hodge This mindset Gary Popovich dents make, Hodge said, either
Senior MHS Health Teacher should be acceptable, as long as
should always trans- they’re rational, despite what so-
one that teaches the necessary precautions and fer over to health class, Hodge said.
tools needed for teens that are sexually active.
“Everybody has a right to have their own beliefs; ciety says.
“It’s scary to think about being a teenager and if you believe that you should wait till marriage, “It’s still important, and you still need to know
getting pregnant or getting an STD,” Hodge then wait till marriage,” Hodge said. “If you be- that it’s the 100 percent guarantee,” Hodge said.
said. “But it’s a reality. But it doesn’t have to be so lieve that abstinence isn’t for you, then you should “You need to know that you shouldn’t feel embar-
common. It’s teaching comprehensively—giving be taught how to protect yourself. Because, of rassed if you do decide to be abstinent...We need
us the information to protect ourselves if we do course, nobody wants to be getting an STD, no- to be taught that it’s okay to be on either side, and
decide to be sexually active. Not just telling us, body wants to be getting pregnant when they’re that abstinence isn’t the only way, and that being
‘Don’t have sex’. Because yes, it is the only 100 per- not planning on it. But that’s still happening (on sexually active isn’t the only way. (Abstinence)
cent guarantee, that is completely true, but it’s not a national scale) because we’re not getting taught needs to be there, but we also need to be told the
very realistic for the society we live in.” properly.” other side of it. This is where you can go if you do
Junior Sarah Wade said her traditional Christian Crane High School in southwestern Texas ex- decide to be sexually active.”
C8 March 11, 2016
March 11, 2016 C 9
Eos lip balm faces lawsuit debating customer safety
Alyssa Brooks | Staff Writer Schueller said that potentially consistent user of Eos lip balm,
[email protected] threatening ingredients in Eos, in- said knowing about the lawsuit
cluding Stevia and propolis from has made her rethink whether she
Friend or foe: Eos lip balm edi- beeswax, cause reactions that vary needs to change what chapstick she
tion. from person to person. uses.
Recent lawsuits have been filed “I see nothing in the Eos formula “I always put chapstick on before
against the company Eos claim- that would be dangerous to put on I go to bed- I can’t sleep without
ing that their lip balm hurts lips your lips; however, keep in mind it,” Miller said. “I’ll probably not
instead of helping them. The con- that there’s always a chance that a use Eos as much since (the lawsuit)
sumers had evidence of blistering very small segment of the popula- happened.”
and rashes after using the popular, tion could be sensitive to almost
egg-shaped chapstick. any specific ingredient,” Schuel- Miller said that while the popu-
ler said. “Ingredients used in some larity of Eos lip balm may save
The company, known for their flavors and fragrances are always sales, it won’t help the customers
usage of all natural ingredients, suspect because they are known to overcome their fear.
denied any intentional harm. Prod- contain allergens.”
ucts used in Eos, such as natural “It scares me that something like
sweeteners, were investigated by Although the lawsuit concluded that could happen to me because
cosmetic chemists in order to track that Eos must put warning labels that’s just gross,” Miller said. “I’m
down the potentially dangerous in- on their lip balm from now on, fre- sure less people will buy it (after
gredient. quent consumers of their products hearing about the lawsuit) because
fear that they may be sensitive to they will be scared. But then again
Cosmetic chemist, author, and Eos chapstick. people who haven’t had any reac-
editor-and-chief of beauty science tions might still buy it because it is
blog “The Beauty Brains” Randy Junior Kelsey Miller, a loyal and very popular.”
Illustration by Madison Krell
Trending Now: The Dance Move “Dabbing”
“I probably dab at least three times a day in really any situation. “Dabbing is my lifestyle. I dab at least 10 times a day. I dab because
Recently I was at a funeral this weekend and my family went to it’s a natural movement for me; others look awkward when dabbing
a restaurant afterwards and I just let it happen and it gave the but it’s a natural movement for my arms. I started dabbing because
whole family a laugh. It brings a lot of good to the environment. I saw good ol’ Cam dab and I love Cam Newton so I have to follow
Then in choir I started dabbing and I got a lot of the girls in the my hero.”
choir to join in and it’s just like really fun to do.”
— Sarah Thompson, junior
— Monica Touby, senior
Group of Interest: Student Peace Council
“I was watching the game, NFL Sunday, and the Panthers came
on, Cam Newton went in for the touchdown to score, and I saw This club is dedicated to taking
him do this dance; it was the sickest dance I had ever seen so I had action against violence, bully-
to look it up. It was the dab. Ever since I have been dabbing every ing and drug abuse. The mem-
opportunity I have. When people wave to me to say hi in the halls, bers work to promote the idea
instead of waving I dab at them. It’s all about having the heart, of having one life to live and
you can’t just dab nonchalantly. Some people just dab because taking every opportunity. They
they think it’s cool, but you gotta dab because you want to dab. “ are trying to expand and in-
clude a more diverse audience
— Alec Enis, senior of school’s in the area. They
typically meet on Thursdays.
Photos by Serina Cline
Compiled by Serina Cline and Erin McElhenny Photo by Erin McElhenny Scan the QR
code or visit
The Student Peace Council meets on Thursdays. thecspn.com to
view the full story
Compiled by Erin McElhenny
C10 March 11, 2016
March 11, 2016 C 11
Teens take extreme measures to combat acne
Abbey Marshall | Managing Editor weight, loss of interest in activities, fail oral tetracycline or the oral anti- 21 percent decrease
[email protected] and fetal deformities for females biotics. Sometimes it’s a couple year in activity in the
who become pregnant. process before we say, ‘Okay, there’s orbitofrontal cortex, a
Acne is a teenage nightmare: an nothing else we can do for you. You brain area known to
undesirable side effect of puberty. Despite all the risks, senior Carly need Accutane or Isotretinoin.’” mediate symptoms
Students attempt to combat their Schmidt decided it was worth it. of depression
oily skin in a variety of ways, but Schmidt said her acne affected her In addition to the extensive pro-
when all else fails, some are turning self-confidence and she was ready to cess, the drug comes at a steep cost, Infographic by Madison Krell
to cure it at its source. make a change. Muennich said.
suicide, they’re realizing this is more
Accutane was an oral drug ap- “I had really bad acne on my chest “It’s not cheap,” Muennich said. than just the Accutane,” Muennich
proved by the Federal Drug Admin- and back,” Schmidt said. “I wouldn’t “You have to come to the dermatolo- said.
istration in 1982, originally marketed wear swimsuits. I would always wear gist every month, you have to pay
as a chemotherapy. The intended shirts all the way up to my neck. I for bloodwork every month. The Many patients with depression are
use shifted once it was discovered to wouldn’t want to show it.” pills themselves are expensive. They already seeing psychiatrists prior
clear the skin of severe nodular cys- can be around $500 a month...You to going on Isotretinoin. Muennich
tic acne, however, severe side effects Low self-esteem of patients with can see the bills just add up.” said she works closely with their psy-
came alongside the drug. In 1984, the nodular cystic acne is a common chiatrists to make sure the patient is
FDA required a “black box” warning driving force for seeking out Isotret- Severe side effects are an ominous as happy and healthy as they can be.
for Accutane, citing the risk for fetal inoin, said Dr. Elizabeth Muennich danger for those considering Isotret-
deformation. After decades of medi- of Dermatology and Skin Care. inoin. Schmidt said the fear of these “In terms of the mental health
cal reports and studies analyzing the is what scares people off, however, side effects, I do have some patients
links between Accutane and severe “Severe nodular cystic acne can be she only experienced minor effects. who are seeing psychiatrists for de-
side effects, as well as lawsuits, Ac- very disabling,” Muennich said. “It pression,” Muennich said. “I get a
cutane was discontinued in 2009. Ge- is an independent risk factor for sui- “There’s a lot of side effects with letter from their psychiatrists say-
neric brands of the medication, such cide. People have killed themselves Accutane, so normally people don’t ing it’s okay to treat, and 100 percent
as Isotretinoin, are still available. over their skin. You can see that pa- want to be on it because you could of the time, they say, ‘Go ahead and
tients who are oftentimes broken get depression,” Schmidt said. “The treat’, because if I clear up their skin
Common side effects of Isotreti- out, they’re clinically depressed. It’s only symptoms I had was I had re- and make them a happier person
noin include dry skin, itching, rash, a very affecting disease. They don’t ally dry lips, my skin was really dry, on the exterior, they’re going to feel
nosebleeds, dry mouth, peeling skin, want to go to school, they don’t want and I had a lot of nosebleeds.” better on the interior...Our skin is
inflammation, dry eyes, joint pain, to go out with their friends.” what we project. If we have beauti-
dizziness, nervousness, and many This common dryness of the skin, ful skin, we’re more confident and
more. In addition to these more com- Muennich said the process of get- nose, etcetera is due to the drug sometimes we’re happier.”
mon, primarily topical side effects, ting on Isotretinoin is grueling and turning off the oil gland at the site.
more severe conditions include de- only a select few are eligible for the As a result, the acne is not just treat- After the six month course is com-
pression, irritability, changes in drug. ed, it’s cured. pleted, the results are well worth it,
said Schmidt.
Side effects of Isotretinoin: “First, you have to fail all other “This is something I can cure,”
conventional topical therapies,” Muennich said. “In medicine, when “It was very worth it,” Schmidt
Infographic by Madison Krell Muennich said. “You also have to we treat things, we tend to be pallia- said. “It’s a confidence thing. When
tive. There aren’t very many cures in you don’t have acne, you feel more
Depression or suicidal medicines, but Accutane is consid- confident about yourself. It really
thoughts, irritability, ered a cure.” does help with your self esteem.
acting on dangerous Once it got all cleared up, I felt more
impulses, anger, Depleting the body of vitamin A, confident about myself.”
sleeping changes, school however, poses a risk to those who
performance decrease are sexually active.
Even one dose can cause “You can’t have a baby grow with-
major birth defects of the out vitamin A,” Muennich said. “Vi-
baby's ears, eyes, face, tamin A is a core vitamin...There’s a
skull, heart, and brain. fundamental risk, so we just avoid
Never use Accutane if you it.”
are pregnant.
To combat the potential risk of
birth defects, the FDA requires wom-
en taking Isotretinoin to take part in
the iPledge program in which they
pledge to not become pregnant. In
addition, females must be on two
forms of birth control and take
monthly pregnancy and blood tests.
Mental health is also a concern
of those starting the drug. Since the
development of Accutane in the
‘80s, medical analysts have drawn
links between Accutane and depres-
sion. Muennich said, however, there
might be more to the story than that.
“There’s a history of the whole sui-
cide and Accutane risk, but now that
they’ve fared it out that acne itself
has an independent risk factor for
12 March 11, 2016 C
P ! M1
lay the gam3e at4 ch up th
Dan Broaddrick Steve Prescott Katie Post Andy Goetz E
Honors World History AP Microeconomics AP American History ECA
5 6 7 8
Curt Bly Ken Whitney Liz Coleman Joseph Schnell I
English IV AP Biology
10 Honors World History 12 Physics
9 11
Carol Lehman Angie Johnston Cody Kreager Kurt Dinan M
Honors Anatomy and Physiology, AP Psychology Physical Science and English II, Yearbook, Best Sellers
Zoology 14 Physical Geology 16
13 15
Paul Barry Debra Gentene Debbie Perry Betsy Carras
Physical Science Business Spanish English III and IV
We know our teachers pretty well in the classroom. They teach us about history, foreign lan-
guage, and literature to name a few, but teachers have a life outside of school. Many of them
have special interests and unique experiences that might surprise you. Take the quiz to find out
just how well you know your teachers.
C March 11, 2016 13
teacher to tC heir seDcret
This teacher was born in Cairo, Egypt. This teacher was a member This teacher is a former offensive This teacher enjoys cooking and
Their family fled to America for more op- of 4-H and raised pigs for the lineman. They coached two players is inspired by Giada De Laurentiis
from the Food Network.
portunities and a better education county fair. from the winning Super Bowl team in
E F G 2015, The Patriots. H
This individual used to be a
This teacher has a book being This teacher was held at gun- This teacher wanted to be a placekicker driving instructor. Despite a few
published. “Don’t Get Caught” will be point when the pizza joint they for the high school football team.
dangerous incidences, this is what
I released April 1. worked at was robbed.
inspired them to become a teacher.
This teacher was a member When this teacher retires, they wish This teacher used to own their This teacher co-authored a high
of the Kings Island Clown Band to work at Skyline Chili. own travel agency. school accounting textbook that is
used across the country; it’s even
when they were in college. NO
used at Mason High School.
This adventure-seeking This theatre enthusiast This teacher once cheerleader This teacher had a biting
teacher hitchhiked to Stone- has been in Beauty and the with the Cincinnati Ben-Gals. experience with a lion cub
henge while living in England. Beast four times, along with while they interned at the
countless other plays and
Cincinnati Zoo.
Check out @mhschronicle on twitter for the answers
Compiled by Juliana Discher
Photo Illustrations by Madison Krell, Kate Madigan, Jessica Sommerville, and Juliana Discher
C14 March 11, 2016
March 11, 2016 C 15
SIBS promote ‘No One
Eats Alone’ campaign
Aleyka Raghavan | Staff Writer
[email protected]
Holocaust survivor Conrad Weiner talks about his experience to educate students. Photo by Madison Krell United we stand, divided we fall.
This is the stance that Beyond Differences—a nation-
Students soon to rely on textbooks to learn about Holocaust wide organization that empowers students to end social
isolation—has taken with national ‘No One Eats Alone’
Duncan MacKenzie | Staff Writer ing each other for no reason at all. It’s sad.” day. The daughter campaign is a student-led initiative
that aims to put an end to lunch-time student isolation.
[email protected] Weiner’s granddaughter is junior Tori Wein- According to Beyond Differences’ National Program
Director Jenny Karl, the dangers of social isolation ex-
11 million. er, who said that she and her peers can forge tend beyond what meets the eye.
a greater understanding of the Holocaust “Social isolation has been linked to serious health
That is The United States Holocaust Memo- through the survivors’ stories. consequences such as cardiovascular disease, eating
rial Museum’s estimated number of victims “(Students) can benefit because (hear- disorders, and substance abuse,” Karl said. “The orga-
killed by the Nazi police’s population policies ing my grandfather’s story) will teach them nization zeroed in on lunch for this program, because
during World War II, known as the Holocaust. more about the hardships that we have been it can be the longest hour of the day for students who
Some of those who survived this event live to through,” Tori Weiner said. “We all learn about feel alone and socially isolated at school.”
tell the tale, but it is likely that today’s genera- it in school but no one truly understands it As part of Beyond Differences’ campaign to end so-
tion of students will be the last to hear first- unless you have someone first-hand tell you cial isolation, MHS Students Involving and Befriend-
hand testimonies. Conrad Weiner is one sur- about their experiences.” ing Students have taken on the task of creating aware-
vivor who has decided to share his story with Located down the street from Mason High ness for ‘No One Eats Alone’. SIBS sponsored activities
students at Mason High School. School, on Montgomery Road, is The Center at the Middle School in which students signed a pledge,
Weiner’s family was uprooted from their for Holocaust and Humanity Education, whose were introduced to new people, and celebrated social
home in Romania when he was three and a mission is to educate about the Holocaust, inclusion.
half years old. Nazi soldiers shot his grand- remember its victims and act on its lessons. Senior Lauren Grace, coordinator of the ‘No One Eats
mother and aunt as he watched. He was packed Conrad Weiner is a member of the Speakers’ Alone Campaign’ at Mason, said the project is another
into a cattle car with at least 80 other prisoners Bureau at the center, which connects him to step towards ensuring that students enjoy their school
for two days and a night without food, water, groups of students and adults alike. Director of experience.
or medication. Those who survived this trip Education Alexis Morrisroe agrees that there “My goal is just to get kids to start talking to each
walked for two weeks, enduring a Ukrainian is a great advantage to educating students other and be a little more aware of the people around
winter, to the forced labor camp where Weiner through first-hand experiences. them,” Grace said. “It’s not even about completely end-
spent the next four years of his life. He survived “Hearing the testimony of a Holocaust sur- ing social isolation, but just moving a couple steps for-
starvation, freezing temperatures, illness, and vivor first-hand makes the history more real, ward in making sure that they enjoy school and aren’t
countless other atrocities at the camp. Of the whereas if you see a film and it’s in black and feeling alone.”
1,500 people that were brought to this concen- white or if you read a paragraph in a textbook, February 11 may have marked ‘No One Eats Alone
tration camp, Weiner is one of the 300 who sur- you feel as if there is this distance between Day’, but according to high school psychologist Jeff
vived. Weiner said that by telling this story, he you and the history that you’re reading about,” Schlaeger, MHS students are constantly on the lookout
can instill valuable lessons in students. Morrisroe said. “When you’re sitting in a room for signs of social isolation.
“The most important thing that I try to tell and you see a person directly in front of you “This is not just a one week movement,” Schlaeger
them is if adversity does not kill them, it makes who is sharing about his or her experiences said. “People still have their eyes out for kids in need.
them stronger,” Conrad Weiner said. “To stand during this time, I think it creates a closeness We may be this huge school, but we’re always looking
up for injustice and not to bully people and not that you wouldn’t have normally had.” out for each other.”
to allow people to be bullied. To be sensitive This authentic form of learning will likely A recent study, led by researcher Kevin Kniffin of
to the needs of others. Not to be indifferent to not be available to future students. Conrad Cornell University, has shown that eating is such a ba-
what is going on.” Weiner said there are little things that can be sic human need that it can be extraordinarily mean-
Weiner said that these lessons are vital be- done to make the future a better place. ingful. For this reason, results have proven a certain
cause they are being ignored in much of the “Each one of us in our own way can make affinity between people sharing a meal.
world today. sure that there is no prejudice, because that is Compared to that of a classroom, the environment
“What really bothers me the most is we have all that (the Holocaust) was,” Conrad Weiner of the lunchroom is also more ideal for students to re-
not learned from past history,” Conrad Weiner said. “Everyone in our own way can decide lax and socialize, said Schlaeger.
said. “Look what’s going on today in Syria, Af- what is right and what is wrong, and stand up “Lunch is where people let their guard down,” Sch-
rica, and all over the world. People like us, kill- and fight for what we believe is right.” laeger said. “It’s not as structured. In classrooms, more
often than not, you’re forced to interact with who you’re
next to. They may not necessarily be your friend.”
Karl said that encouraging students to eat together
is a step forward in the campaign to end social isola-
tion in schools.
“Eating lunch together is a way to build communi-
ty,” Karl said. “At Beyond Differences, we hear students
share that lunchtime can be the most difficult time of
the day. We hope that at the end of lunch, someone will
be one step closer to building a lasting friendship and
we will be one step closer to ending social isolation.”
C16 March 11, 2016
March 11, 2016 C 17
Photo Illustration by Madison Krell Photo by Blake Nissen
Mason County school district often causes confusion for Comets when snow days are called.
“MASON IS CLOSED”Mason County High School is 84 miles from Mason High School.
Northern Kentucky School district snow closures frustrating for Comets
Isabel Marotta | Staff Writer a bit of snow or ice shuts us down.” assignments for the students to do on their day off.
[email protected] Mason County’s district stretches over 40 square NTI, similar to Mason City’s “blizzard bags,” have
Asia Porter | Staff Writer reduced the number of days Mason County has to
[email protected] miles compared to Mason City’s 19. Ross said hav- make up at the end of the year, for the district now
ing to account for such a large area results in the has 10 days of NTI they can use before days get
Mason County: do they even go to school? entire district closing even if not everyone is af- added onto the end of the school year. Ross said
The Twitter announcement that Mason is closed fected. the district currently has three days to make up,
sends an overwhelming rush of joy over Comets; making their last day of school May 18.
however, the excitement is short-lived when stu- “We start checking roads around 3 a.m.,” Ross
dents realize Mason County Schools will be enjoy- said. “The county is 40 square miles so we kind “We’ve made up days each year I’ve been here;
ing yet another day off, not Mason City Schools. of have different climate zones. It can be clear in usually 10 to 20,” Ross said. “This year our state is
Over the years, Mason County Schools of Ken- one area and covered in snow in another. We use allowing us to use nontraditional instruction days.
tucky has consistently outnumbered Mason City delays to see what the weather actually does on Basically, the learning can take place at home for
Schools in the amount of snow days each district predicted weather and to allow the sun to light the up to 10 days. Our teachers prepare snow pack-
receives in a year. While Mason City Schools Su- path for our bus drivers when there still could be ets, internet lessons, projects, etcetera, and we get
perintendent Gail Kist-Kline has only cancelled slick spots.” credit for being in school. As of now, we have just
twice this year, Mason County has already used three makeup days which is great news for us.”
all 10 of its Non-Traditional Instruction days (NTI) Mitchell said while her area isn’t affected by
with 13 snow days. Mason County parent Penny the snow, students living in counties further away Mason County High School junior Emily
Mitchell has two children who attend school there from the school are. Many people have to be tak- Toombs said even though she would like to get
and said the frequent closings aren’t always neces- en into consideration, because of the large span out as soon as possible, she doesn’t mind going to
sary. of area in Mason County. This key difference be- school extra days in the summer.
“Some of them are (necessary); some of them tween Mason City and Mason County, is one of the
haven’t been,” Mitchell said. “There’s a few days many reason the amount of snow days is so high. “I don’t mind going to school for extra days,”
were they could’ve went to school but didn’t go to Toombs said. “I’ve always enjoyed school, but ev-
school.” “We have a lot of kids that are in the county,” eryone wants to get out as soon as possible. With
Mason, Ohio consists of flat land, but in Mason Mitchell said. “I live here in the city so it’s not re- NTI work, it allows us to continue with our daily
County, Kentucky, hills and creeks define the ter- ally affecting me but it’s the kids that live out to- work from home.”
ritory. Mason County Schools Superintendent Rick wards Louis County and out towards Mason Lake
Ross said Mason County’s hazardous terrain forces that are most affected.” Regardless of how many years go by, Comets
him to be cautious when deciding snow days. continue to be deceived by what they think will
“I came to Maysville from Covington, so I’m fa- Ross said Mason County receives on average be a break from classes when the banner pops up
miliar with your area,” Ross said. “Trust me, the 10 to 20 snow days and the most it has had is 20. on the bottom of their TV saying Mason County
terrain here is far more dangerous. We have many The excessive closings have resulted in the dis- Schools are closed. Toombs said the confusion is
one-lane country roads on hills. If a bus slides off trict having to make up school days the past three received on both ends, and she sometimes gets
the road here, it could be sliding into a deep cul- years. Due to so many closings, 20 make-up days confused when she sees Mason City Schools on
vert, creek, or worse. I don’t take the chance, even have been built into the district calendar from De- her Twitter feed.
cember through June, an attempt to prevent the
district from going to school until mid-summer. “I’ve heard of Mason City Schools,” Toombs said.
“Sometimes I hear about it and then I’ll be like,
In previous years, Mason County had to make ‘Wait, we did that?’ but then I forget that there’s a
up every day of school missed due to snow, but this Mason City Schools.”
year the introduction of NTI has teachers making
18 March 11, 2016
TONIGHT’S GAME DAY Match Up: Mason Comets 25-2, Solon Comets 18-8
How They Got Here:
Mason: Solon:
After taking the Regional Championship against Lakota West 49-30, Mason 70 Winton Woods 17 Solon 63 Cleveland John Hay 30
the Comets advance to their first State Semifinal since 2000 at The
Ohio State University to meet Solon. Mason beat Solon 57-39 in Mason 64 Kings 29 Solon 58 Hudson 33
their regular season meeting back on November 28.
Mason 48 McAuley 43 Solon 54 Macedonia Nordonia 33
Mason 58 Huber Heights Wayne 37 Solon 58 Euclid 40
TheCSPN.com @MHSChron Sports Jailyn Mason Mason 49 Lakota West 30 Solon 41 Canton McKinley 40
Volpenhein could be the best ever
State record holder on pace to be Mason’s most decorated swimmer
Eric Michael | Staff Writer
[email protected]
Photo by Blake Nissen She sits in class next to you. You might have bumped
into her in the hallway, she even eats in the same caf-
Ashley Volpenhein shows off her collection of state championship medals she’s earned during her eteria as you do. She’s Ashley Volpenhein and if she was
a running back on the football team she’d probably be
career on the Mason Comet Swim and Dive team. a household name. She just happens to compete in a
sport that often is underappreciated and doesn’t get the
media hype on the popular sports networks like ESPN.
She’s represented the United States in meets around
the world, she finished seventh in the world at Junior
Nationals, and she holds numerous state records. She is
one of the best swimmers in the country and you pass
her in the halls every day.
Volpenhein, who swam a personal best and state re-
cord breaking 48.96 in the 100 meter freestyle at the
Ohio High School Athletic Association state meet em-
braces the grind of that training regiment she must en-
“I’ve put in a lot of early mornings, and a ton of hours
in the pool,” Volpenhein said. “It really comes down to
that, doing the laps and doing what your coach says, but
going to practice and getting something out of it.”
Volpenhein, who just last month won state champion-
ship medals in the 100 meter freestyle, 50 meter free-
style, 200 meter medley relay, and 400 meter free relay
has been able to compete all over the world.
“I’ve been out of the country to Ireland and Singa-
pore, those were crazy experiences to travel with USA,
and get to interact with swimmers across the country
and see how their training is different than yours and
get new ideas and different views on the sport,” Volpen-
hein said. “Recently, I went to Austin, Texas for a grand
prix meet and I was warming up next to Michael Phelps.
To see all of these Olympians on deck and know that
you’re competing against them is really crazy. It takes
some getting used to, but I love it”
Varsity swim coach Mark Sullivan said that Volpen-
hein’s competitive nature is what sets her apart from
other swimmers.
“She is uniquely competitive,” Sullivan said. “If any-
body were to look at Ashley and say what makes her
different, it is that she doesn’t want to lose. Her competi-
tiveness is what kind of sets her apart. She just goes at it.
She doesn’t want to lose.”
Sullivan has been coaching for 36 years, and said that
he’s never had a swimmer like Volpenhein in his arse-
“Here at Mason she’s going to leave as probably the
most decorated swimmer the school’s ever had,” Sulli-
van said. “In all my years of coaching, she’s probably
the most decorated swimmer I’ve ever had, based on her
overall state performance. In my 36 years of coaching,
she’s obviously the fastest swimmer I’ve ever had.”
March 11, 2016 C 19
Comet defense stymies West in regional final
Comets will square
off against Comets
in Final Four
Eric Miller | Online Sports Editor
[email protected]
The third time truly was the charm for the Ma- Photos by Blake Nissen
son girls basketball team. After a pair of regular
season losses to 2015 state champion Lakota West, Mason senior point guard Jailyn Mason brings the ball up the court against the Lakota West full court pressure.
the Comets came through when they needed to
the most and pounded the Firebirds in a convinc- points respectively in the first two games against final period. When the final buzzer sounded, the
ing 49-30 win. The win earned the Comets their the Comets, was held to a season low six points on Comets were on top 49-30 earning their first Re-
first Regional Championship since 2000 and a two of nine shooting. The Firebirds as a team shot gional title since 2000. The win earned the Com-
date with Solon March 11 in the OHSAA State 12 of 47 from the floor and one of 13 from three. ets a spot in the State Final Four against Solon, a
Semi-Finals at Ohio State University. Head Coach Matula said his team’s length and zone defense team the Comets beat 57-39 back on November 28.
Rob Matula was quick to credit the Firebirds and bothered the Firebirds. Matula said at the State Tournament, records and
said the win over West meant a little extra. past results are thrown out the window.
“We started in our 3-2 zone and we just weren’t
“First and foremost they’re the defending state covering well and we decided to go to the 2-3,” “They (Solon) have got some quality guards
champion, they’re good, well-coached, great kids,” Matula said. “I thought our length did a nice job, and then they’ve got the big girl in the middle,”
Matula said. “You can see on the floor while you’re I thought we did a nice job of making sure we Matula said. “You go to the Final Four, the slates
playing, the competition, the respect. When you weren’t giving up dribble penetration and our clean. It doesn’t matter what you did earlier in the
can beat a team like that for a Regional Champi- length around the basket was really good and it year. Obviously they’re peaking at the right time
onship, it means something.” altered a lot of shots.” too, so we’re just keep doing what we do and keep-
ing knocking down shots.”
Both teams came out of the gate running of- The Comets went on an 8-0 run to start the
fensively. Senior Lauren Van Kleunen scored five second quarter to keep the Firebirds at bay. The Mason head coach Rob Matula celebrates the Com-
of the Comet’s’ first seven points on her way to Comets held a 26-18 lead at the half. Junior Samari ets’ regional championship victory by cutting down the
a game high 19 points to go along with nine re- Mowbray hit a key three pointer on her way to 12 net at Fairmont’s Trent Arena.
bounds. West sophomore Abigail Prohaska al- points and senior Mariah Campbell scored seven
most single-handedly kept the Firebirds in the points, all at the free throw line, as well as grab-
game, scoring 11 of West’s first 13 as she scored 15 bing nine boards to help the Comets to an 11-3 run
in the game before fouling out. Outside of Pro- to open the third quarter. The Comets extended
haska, West struggled to generate offense. West their lead to 37-21 after three quarters, thanks to
Virginia signee Nia Staples, who scored 26 and 20 their ability to run in transition which Matula at-
tributed to his team’s work at practice.
Senior Lauren Van Kleunan goes up for two of her
game high 19 points in the Comets regional champi- “We worked on (press break), we only really had
onship final. a day,” Matula said. “Luckily we’ve got a group of
guys that come in and practice with us and they
found some time to come in and give us a real
look and we went 20 minutes yesterday with them
pressing us and that really helped because it sped
us up. We put a couple things in about going over-
top and then attacking and I think it worked out.”
The Comets iced the game in the fourth quarter
at the foul line, hitting nine of 10 free throws in the
C20 March 11, 2016
March 11, 2016 C 21
Comets 22-game win streak ends in district final
Bearcat-bound Cumberland scores 35, sparks 22-2 second half run
Eric Miller | Online Sports Editor
[email protected]
It was a season that started with a 51-49 loss to The Comets look on as Wilmington is awarded the district championship trophy. Nate Haller (10), Eddie Puisis (2),
Dublin Jerome at Wilmington College and a sea- Cameron Schreiter (20) Matt King (22), Kyle Lamotte (24) are wearing their district runner-medals.
son that ended at the hands of the Wilmington
Hurricane. The Mason boys basketball record Photos by Jonathan McCollough
breaking season ended with a 63-38 loss in the
OHSAA District Final at Wright State University. Pictured above: Kyle Lamotte embraces Mason head
coach Greg Richards at the end of the district final.
The Comets ran into a 24-1 Wilmington team Above left: Matt King drives to the basket. Bottom left:
that was led by University of Cincinnati commit Carlos Lews defends the Wilmington ballhandler.
and Southwest District player of the year Jarron
Cumberland who poured in 35 points for the Hur-
ricane. The 38 points was a season low for the Com-
ets. Head Coach Greg Richards credited Wilming-
ton for shutting down the Comets offense.
“They guarded the heck out of us,” Richards
said. “They put a lot of ball pressure on us and
when we did get a chance to get an open look, they
covered it up because of their ball pressure. We
knew that they were going to be good in the full
court, but then they came back and played really
well in the half court and made it tougher on us.”
The Comets struggled out of the gate, scoring
just four points in the first quarter on 2-10 shoot-
ing. Junior Eddie Puisis spearheaded the Comets
comeback effort with a team high 11 points, in-
cluding three threes.
The Comets closed the gap to six points going
into the intermission and came out in the third
quarter even stronger, going on an 11-6 run to
open the half that closed the gap to 28-27. But that
was as close as the Comets would get, as the Hur-
ricane would go on a 22-2 run to blow the game
open. Richards said the Hurricane run at the end
of the third quarter was too much for the Comets
to overcome.
“When we cut it down to two points and had a
chance to take the lead and we don’t take the lead
then we give up the big run, that hurt us,” Rich-
ards said. “He (Cumberland) is a good player and
he came down, hit two threes and stretched (the
lead) out to nine.”
Richards said the Comets 16 turnovers also con-
tributed to their downfall.
“We gave up 21 points off of turnovers, so we
have to take care of the ball,” Richards said. “We
turn it over, they get two threes and it stretches
the lead to nine.”
The Comets comeback attempt was led by ju-
nior Ben Schutte and senior Kyle Lamotte who
each scored 10 points. Richards said the Comets in-
experience in playing from behind made a come-
back attempt difficult.
“When we had to chase them at the end, that was
something we haven’t had to do all year,” Richards
said. “I think that was hard for us.”
Although their season came to an abrupt end,
the Comets broke records. Their 20 game win
streak set a new school record. The Comets be-
came the first team to ever go 16-0 in GMC confer-
ence play and the Comets played in their second
District championship game ever.
C22 March 11, 2016
Academic team helps add to all
sports total, win GMC title
Ashton Nicols | Staff Writer
[email protected]
Photo by Mathew Marvar The Academic Quiz team won the Greater Miami
Conference for the second time and scored 11 points
Kara Lennon, Maria Steinburgh, Shannon McCalmont and Isabel Marotta strike a pose in their jazz dance, towards Mason receiving the 2015 All-Sports trophy
awarded seventh in the state. (left to right) for the eighth year since Mason joined the GMC in
Dance and competitive cheer team
place at State, dance earns top ten According to third year captain and senior George
Valcarcel, the Academic Team plays each team in
Duncan Mackenzie | Staff Writer that was because it was second and jazz went the GMC twice through conference play. They have
[email protected] first.” reached a point of annual success by the combined
record over the last two years being 35-1, and unde-
The dance and competitive cheer teams The following day, the competitive cheer team feated this season. In 2012, the Academic Team went
waltzed their ways to seventh and 13th place took center stage. The team earned 13th place 11-7, and in 2013 their record was 12-6. With the record
state finishes. out of 24 Division I competitors with their non- in 2014 being 17-1 and this year 18-0, the Academic
mount routine, which included a cheer, dance, Team has shown major improvement.
On March 5 and 6, the Ohio Association of Sec- chant, and tumbling performance. Although
ondary School Administrators hosted the 24th the team never placed below third in any of the With Princeton winning 31-30 to Mason last year
State Cheerleading and Dance Championships. seven competitions prior to state, the team has and being the only team that Academic Team lost to
The dance team performed jazz and hip hop rou- faced many adversities throughout the season. in 2013, Valcarcel said that the team made sure they
tines in the packed gymnasium of Worthington had a comeback this season.
Kilbourne High School. Placing seventh in both These adversities include a young team with
categories, they earned consistent scores com- only three seniors, a difficult time finding “The final was Princeton and it was important for
pared to their fourth place finish in hip hop and enough athletes to field a team, a slew of inju- us because we went in with the mindset that we can’t
sixth place finish in pom last year. ries, and a new coaching staff. After her first take them for granted,” Valcarcel said. “We know
year leading the team, Coach Schauer said that that last year they were the one team that was able
The team competed against nine other schools they overcame these adversities, which made to beat us. We went in fully knowing that we were
in the jazz division and 19 other schools in the her extraordinarily proud. going to play our best game and minimize our mis-
hip hop division. Senior Kara Lennon, the team’s takes. Sure enough, we crushed them.”
only graduating dancer, said she was surprised “That was their best performance that they
by the team’s dominance in hip hop. have done all year long and they peaked at the Valcarcel said that in addition to Princeton, Lakota
perfect time,” Schauer said. “They were proud of West gave them some trouble over the years but they
“Jazz has so much potential because it’s our themselves when they left the floor, the parents stuck it out to contribute to their flawless record.
best style,” Lennon said. “There’s pom, hip hop, were proud of us, and I think we did our school
and jazz at this competition but we’re all very proud today. It was a great experience for a such “Lakota West has always been a strong rival in the
much jazz technical-wise and style-wise. It was a young team to be able to see all these great GMC, and when our undefeated season was on the
weird that our hip hop did better but I just think teams competing.” line, we were going down to the last couple ques-
tions,” Valcarcel said. “It really put the pressure on
us and maybe in past seasons we would have cracked
under the pressure. But by this season, due to our
experience and maturity with the competition, we
were able to hold our composure and calmly win the
According to Ohio Academic Challenge Head
Greg Bossick, the Comets should look to winning
more rigorous competitions, and hope for a national
title on the future.
“It’s definitely an accomplishment to win your
league twice,” Bossick said. “But it should be just a
starting point. It should be just a launching pad to
your final destination.”
By winning the GMC, the Academic Team is ad-
vancing to regionals on April 16, said Valcarcel.
“We are at a point where we want to continue the
tradition of success that we have started the last cou-
ple years,” Valcarcel said. “We would like a GMC tro-
phy here in Mason from every year going on because
the GMC is where everything starts.”
Junior, Wrestling Senior, Swimming
42-8 Overall Junior, Wrestling 6th in State 200 Free
18 Pins 6th in State 500 Free
45-6 Overall
State Qualifier 24 Pins
State Runner-up
Statistics as of March 7
March 11, 2016 C 23
Comet wrestlers earn top ten state finish
Charlie MacKenzie | Staff Writer
[email protected]
When head wrestling coach Craig Murnan said, Photo by Matthew Marvar
“It’s the deepest team we have put on the mat in
the history of the program,” he wasn’t kidding— Zack Donathan wrestles in the 132 pound state championship match. Donathan lost a 4-3 decision. For more
the Comets finished ninth in the OHSAA individ- pictures from the OHSAA Wrestling Championships check out thecspn.com
ual tournament, their team’s highest placement.
“Colin Schuster had a awesome weekend,” Mur- little. It had been a long time.”
Five Mason grapplers headed up to Ohio State’s nan said. “He lost to the state champ and it was Stein wrestled against Hudson senior Chris
Schottenstein Center on March 3-5 to wrestle quali- 8-7 with 20 seconds left and he had a shot to beat
fiers from 37 different schools. Among them were the guy. He lost that and coming back all the way Motter. The two duked it out and ended regula-
freshman Sam Glassco at the 106 pound weight through and getting third is awesome for him.” tion at 5-5. Motter got the best of Stein, winning
class, junior Jamien Hood at 113, junior Colin 7-5. Stein won two more matches before falling to
Schuster at 120, junior Zack Donathan at 132, and All eyes were on Donathan, who finished sixth Perrysburg senior Brock Jones 13-8. Stein earned a
junior Jack Stein at 145. The Comets finished the his freshman year but did not compete last year rematch with Motter in the seventh/eighth place
tournament with three state placers-- Schuster at after not making weight. Coming in with a 45-6 match. Stein flipped the script and earned a 6-4 vic-
third, Donathan at second, and Stein at seventh. record, Donathan had to fight tooth and nail to tory and a seventh place finish.
secure a spot in the finals. He came out on top
Glassco, who was carrying a 42-4 record, set a of Olentangy Liberty junior Connor Brady 2-1, St. Murnan said that he was very satisfied with fin-
high precedent for the Comets in the first round. Edward freshman Sam Dover 7-5, and Aurora ju- ishing in the top ten, especially in a state with a
In the opening round he took down Elyria fresh- nior Jarrod Brezovec 5-4. Donathan encountered competitive wrestling pedigree.
man Matt Zuckerman 11-2. Next for Glassco was Central Crossing sophomore Jaden Maddox in the
Gabriel Tagg, a freshman from Brecksville-Broad- final . The grueling matchup was tied at 3-3 in the “Overall with this weekend I was happy,” Mur-
view Heights. Tagg gutted out a 6-1 win, sending final period. Maddox twisted out of Donathan’s nan said. “All of our kids won matches, all of them
Glassco to the consolation quarterfinals. His sea- control and went up 4-3 with the escape. are underclassman, and all of them will come back
son ended with a 6-4 loss to Hilliard Davidson’s Gio next year. We ended up finishing on the board,
DiSabato. Murnan said that Glassco could of had “I expected to win and I wanted to win,” Dona- which is awesome. We are one of the best, if not the
better luck if his side of the bracket wasn’t so deep. than said. “We faced a while ago when we were best, state in the country. If you finish on the board
that means you are a top team, even nationwide.”
“Glassco lost to the kid who got second and the
kid who got fourth,” Murnan said. “Those are the
two kids that knocked him out of the tournament.
He is probably a top eight kid but the way the
bracket worked out he didn’t get a chance to face
some of those other kids.”
In the first round, Hood went head-to-head with
Broadview Heights senior Jarod Bronstrup. Power-
ing through with a takedown in the final period,
Bronstrop edged out Hood with a 6-4 win. Hood
was then thrown into the consolation draw, where
he faced Brunswick freshman Logan Heil. The two
battled down to the wire, entering overtime with
six points apiece. Hood didn’t back down; he se-
cured Heil on the mat for a takedown, rising with
an 8-6 victory. Hood’s season ended with a 4-0 loss
to Northmont’s Chad Craft
Schuster’s opening match was with Wadworth’s
senior Noah Baughman. Baughman pulled out a
10-7 win. Shuster then went to work in the con-
solation bracket. One after the other, Schuster
destroyed Central Crossing junior Zach Collins
in a 3-2 decision and Derek Sharp, a junior from
Marysville, by a 16-0 tech fall. He disposed of three
more opponents and surged to a third place finish.
According to Murnan, Schuster’s ability to keep
composure after a tough loss was very impressive.
Comet Stat Line
Freshman, Basketball Junior, Basketball Senior, Basketball
9.6 PPG 13.7 PPG 14.9 PPG
49.5 3P% 39 3P% 58.2 FG%
83.3 FT% 1.5 SPG 44.6 3P%
Statistics as of March 7