William Mason High School
The Mason, Ohio
WMSN is on
the air, see
Chronlcle page 7
December 20, 2005
6100 South Mason Montgomery Road, Mason, Ohio 45040 Volume 3 Issue 3
NEWS Flash Mason High School soon to offer online courses
masoncomets.org BY CAROLINE JOHNSON interested in it]. We could put it online," students are really doing the work or for
undergoes overhaul Chronicle Staff Writer Trennepohl said. the students to give feedback on what is
working and what isn't," Trennepohl said.
Mason High MHS students will soon be able to take Assistant principal George Coates and
courses online. Although plans are still Trennepohl recently visited Plano, Texas Trennepohl does not know how the
School Web underway, MHS assistant principal to observe their online course program. online courses will affect the grade point
Shannon Trennepohl stated that this new After extensive research on the topic, they average and credits of students who take
Design and option was created to allow students to decided that the program to be offered at advantage of such opportunities.
gain more knowledge about a topic they're MHS will be piloted this summer with a
Management stu- interested in. Current Global Issues course instructed "It would have to be a central office deci-
by Micah Faler. The program is expected sion. Do we count these courses in a stu-
dents have con- "I would love to see the opportunity to to be six weeks long for original credit dent's [grade point average?] Do we count
have more courses offered here to stu- through use of the computer and class- these as elective credits towards gradua-
cluded the com- dents. Because we are getting so large, room. tion? Those are good questions we haven't
maybe a handful of kids might be interest- been able to talk about. We first want to
plete overhaul of ed in [a class] and we can't offer that "The students may come in once or twice see if we can develop this at Mason High
course because [not enough students are a week. I don't know what that is for sure. School, then we will start to look at those
the school’s stu- It might just be to help assess that the tough questions," Trennepohl said.
Murnan dent run and pro-
duced website,
Led by instructor Mr. Craig Murnan Taking a
stand on
the students have been working on a decision
to dissect
new design and layout for the website
for several months.
Layout and design are not the only
areas where web surfers will see
changes. The website will also have
a new server to allow more interac-
tive and media oriented features on
the website.
Students will be able to access BY SHARON STEWART
Chronicle Staff Writer
many academic features as well as
The class: Biology B.
news stories produced by MBC. Today's assignment:
Dissection. A sympa-
This is the third redesign that thetic student breathes
in sharply. The sweaty
masoncomets.org has undergone. smell of Latex gloves
Chronicle Should illegal immigrants fills her nostrils.
currently residing in the Exhale. The condensa-
tion collects on a slimy
United States be sent
back to their nation of metal tray enclosing
what she feels to be
origin? another amphibian
homicide. Standing up
P ll 4n3o% for what you believe in
is difficult for everyone,
y4e6s% but in required science
11n%ot sure classes, select Mason
students like vegetari-
(Based on a survey of 200 students.) an sophomore Lauren
Simendinger have bro-
INSIDE... ken down the barriers
by deciding to stand up
ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 7 for animal rights and
refusing to dissect.
SPORTS 15 "I know it's supposed
to be a learning experi-
ence, but I was so
digusted with the dead
2 TheCHRONICLENews December 20, 2005
“I just can’t:” Students feel there are Closed for the holidays
options when it comes to dissection
December 20, 2005 TheCHRONICLENews 3
Skip day raises the ire of MHS administration
What they have to BY OLGA BORODULIN
chose to skip school. "Parents who called their students in
"I don't think it makes that much of a sick are sending the wrong message and
say about it Chronicle Editor difference if we're gone a single day. I also they're letting their kids control things,
At 12:00 a.m. on Tuesday, November 1, don't think that anyone is getting hurt but it will cost them in the long run," Huff
senior J.D. Kreps was sleeping in his just by skipping school," Farmer said. said.
room. Although most students had awok- Senior Andi Zeigler does not agree with Although the administration attempted
en and rushed to school, blaming alarm Allen on the dangers of a skip day. to stop senior absences by giving an inter-
clock malfunctions for their tardiness, "Although a skip day provides more free com announcement, few took note of their
Kreps, like most seniors that day, was time, whatever students can do during wishes.
ailed by the senioritis epidemic, causing that day, they can do after school," Ziegler "[The administrators] just indicated
169 senior to be absent from school for the said. that we were disappointed," Allen said.
unofficial "Senior Skip Day." Farmer believes skip day is a tradition. The administration's message to attend
The next day, the administration, "I think 'Senior Skip Day' is a rite of school may not have been heeded by some
including Mason High School principal passage and something that seniors seniors but was heard by other students.
Dave Allen, was swift to distribute In should be able to enjoy," Farmer said. Among those include junior Cory
School Suspension (ISS) to all students Farmer was one of the students who Richardson, who plans on not skipping.
“A senior picnic or some type of who had unexcused absences, and spoke received an ISS for his decision to skip. "[Skipping is] not something I view as
senior rewards day for good to all senior class rooms about their deci- However, Farmer considers his punish-
essential, and I really think that the peo-
attendance is a better alterna- sions. The message they sent was clear: ment to be excessive. ple who are doing it are just following the
truancy would not go unpunished. "It's not fair that the people who were crowd," Richardson said.
tive to skip day.” "I would never endorse letting everyone honest about skipping are getting in trou- Senior Laura Klohe also heard the mes-
Ken Whitney ble and those that had their parents call
skip. [Organizing a senior skip day] really sage and believes that Senior Skip Day
World History Teacher goes against what [the administration] them in sick are getting off easy," Farmer was simply students "conforming."
feels Mason is all about, and what sepa- said. Last year, a solution to keep seniors
rates Mason from other school districts. Allen recognizes that there is an issue from missing school was a senior picnic
We always say that our students are what concerning the parent's choice to phone in which allowed seniors to leave at 12:00
make this a wonderful school district. But fabrications relating to their children's p.m. 2005 MHS graduate Julie Williams
when [students] do things like take a day health so that their children would not believes that she "would've preferred a
off school, then we're not separating our- receive punishment for skipping. senior skip day to a picnic, but it turned
selves from other school districts," Allen "We're asking parents to partner with out fun anyway."
said. [the administration] and send the same Allen is hoping that seniors will come to
Allen’s concern was towards student message that we send to students that it's him with an idea of an alternative.
safety and keeping school excellence. important to be in school every day… It "We want the activities to come from the
"I’m worried about the students being bothers me however, that [the students students. We're willing to work on this. A
out, unsupervised, and that they may get who faked their sickness] did something lot of good came from getting the seniors
in trouble and get hurt. They may have wrong and didn't get in trouble compared to get together last year," Allen said.
“Seniors deserve a skip day. It’s the tendency to do things they shouldn’t to those who did. However, ultimately, I Despite difficulties, Allen has faith in
do," Allen said. think coming clean is the best policy. this senior class.
a tradition in Mason High The effect of senior skip day can also Standing up for your mistakes is more "I think that the student body wants to
School.” honorable than lying," Allen said.
hurt the school's overall attendance rat- do the right thing. I feel they don't want
Natalie Ernest ing, which is measured on the state of MHS Truant officer Rick Huff has seen their senior class to go out being known
Ohio report card, and resulting in a lower many students lie about their absences for doing something that is not in a posi-
‘05 MHS graduate school excellence rating. and feels that the parents will ultimately tive light," Allen said.
Despite such repercussions, many stu- face consequences for lying for their chil-
dents, including senior Adom Farmer, still dren.
Legislators may force teen drivers to
wait longer to get their license
BY STEPHANIE VISSCHER ly important that I get [my license]. Whether it’s a beemer or a beat-up,
Chronicle Staff Writer Even those who can drive will be affect- “We’ll put you behind the wheel”
Curfews, due dates, and after-school ed by this bill, including parents and
jobs. For many teens it seems that from peers of students without licenses. Junior
the time they walk into school to when Gen Tripp cited it as “annoying” and “a
they hang up their apron at the local fast hassle” to be the carpooler.
food restaurant their lives are controlled
by authority. “It would just be easier for them to be
able to drive by themselves,” Tripp said.
But come their 16th birthday, a small
victory is won. No longer completely Senior Austin Bender knows firsthand
dependent on the "retro" rides of their how important a license can be to teens.
parents, licensed teens have the freedom
to drive themselves wherever the road of "I am 100 percent reliant on my car and
life may take them. Freshman Mackenzie license. Both of my parents work full time
Touby is eagerly awaiting getting her dri- jobs ang get home on average between 5
ver's license when she turns 16. and 6:30 pm," Bender said.
"I really would like to be more independ- Bender can see a significant difference
ent, in driving myself to drama practices from his life before he received his license.
and other events," Touby said. "It would
be nice to just take myself to after-school "As a freshman I was stranded at the
[events] and go to the mall." school for several hours. Now, as a senior,
I depend on it for work transport," Bender
Driving is also important to sophomore said.
Michael Weingand.
According to senior Hannah Lewis, more
"I take many music lessons and I need experience, not time, is needed to bring
to be able to get there and back since my down teen driving accidents.
mom is tired of driving me," Weingand
said. "Making the teens have more hours
behind the wheel would address the prob-
However, if Ohio House of lems," Lewis said.
Representative Tom Raga has his way,
Weingand and Touby may be spending In Valls' opinion, teen accidents occur
more time in the passenger seat than because of problems experienced among
expected. Raga has recently proposed a all drivers.
bill to raise the age at which teens may
receive their temporary license from 15 "A lot of time the accidents are the result
and one-half years to 16 years. of dropping cell phones [and] speeding,
which are experienced by people of differ-
Many teens, including Weingand, feel ent ages," Valls said.
the new law would be limiting to their
lives. Weingand feels specialized classes will
also help.
"Students have a lot of responsibilities
at our age and need to be able to get to "I took a very good car control class a few
places they need to be without parental weeks ago that teaches you what to do in
interference," Weingand said. a disastrous situation," Weingand said.
Junior Brett Valls hopes to get his Bender agrees that driving control clin-
license in February of next year. For ics may help teen drivers.
Valls, driving will help with time manage-
ment and being at place on time. "That would allow students to learn
their limitations," Bender said.
"Being able to drive is very important
and with swimming [and] drama it's real- At press time, the bill has yet to be
placed on the House of Representative's
calendar for review.
Until the bill is passed into law, unli-
censed drivers still have time to dream of
what they will do once they are finally
free on the open road.
4 TheCHRONICLENews December 20, 2005
News Notebook World Perspective
MHS Math team wins titles Bush seeks to cut down on illegal immigration
The MHS Math team visited the Rose BY MATT PARTINGTON around 33 percent to around 10 percent." McCain's Arizona counterpart in
Hulman Institute for the Math Contest Chronicle Staff Writer Bush's proposed plan attempts to find Congress, Republican Jon Kyl, has recent-
held on November 12. Mason racked up ly supported a bill with Texas Senator
the highest titles including 1st place for In a recent tour through Texas and middle ground in the debate over how the John Cornyn, also a Republican, that sup-
Zhi Yuan Lu, 2nd place to Ray Wang, 3rd Arizona, Bush focused on his plans to try United States should deal with illegal ports the deporting of illegal immigrants
place for Tong Zhan, 4th place for and reform immigration policies within immigration. to their respective nation of origin where-
Raymond Tan, 5th place for Eric Wei, and the U.S. The announcement comes at a upon they can request a temporary work
13th place for Kevin Zhang. Bonny Yau time of political division among A bill was signed last month which gave permit for reentry into the United States.
also won 11th place in the 12th grade Republicans, some who are calling for $2.3 billion to Border Patrol and $3.7 bil-
female section. stricter code, and others who want to lion to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Some, however, such as Republican
grant illegal immigrants permission to Enforcement Agency, and Bush has said Representative Marsha Blackburn, doubt
Student aid forms stay as citizens. that more agents will be hired to watch the viability of these proposed policies if
available the borders and hopefully deter illegal the problem is not first fixed at its core.
"Illegal immigration's a serious chal- immigration.
Students can pick up a Free Application lenge," Bush said at a Tucson Air Force "We have no business discussing guest
for Federal Student Aid in the Guidance Base on October 29, 2005. "And our "We're going to secure the border by worker programs until we can actually
Office in January. All applications must be responsibility is clear. We are going to catching those who enter illegally and prevent illegal entry," Blackburn said.
received by June 30, 2006. Students are protect the border." hardening the border to prevent illegal
also able to apply online at crossings," Bush said. Angela Kelley, assistant director of the
http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/index.htm. The rise in illegal immigrants entering National Immigration Forum, thinks that
the U.S. has become an increasingly trou- Bush has also advocated the passing of a it is unfeasible to expect illegal immi-
Charlene Pelfrey elected blesome problem in the last decade for temporary worker program. Such a pro- grants currently residing in the country to
new Mason mayor Border Control agents. gram would aim at allotting visas to ille- willingly exit.
gal immigrants already residing in the
Charlene Pelfrey was elected mayor of Estimates from the Pew Hispanic Center United States. After a three year period , "They're not going to leave," Kelley said.
Mason on by Mason City Council on show that the number of illegal immi- the permit would expire and they must "They would go back to an undocumented
December 1. Pelfrey, who was elected to grants currently in the United States has return to their rightful country for one state, and we would end up with an even
Mason City Council in 1999 is only the doubled in the last nine years to more year, whereupon they could request a new bigger illegal immigrant population than
second woman to hold the mayoral office than 11 million, and more than 4.5 million permit. we have now."
in Mason. The city council also elected have been caught attempting to cross the "There's a lot of opinions on this proposal,"
Tom Grossmann as Vice Mayor. border since 2001. Bush said. "But people in this debate Most debate is expected to take place
must recognize that we will not be able to within the Republican Party, being that
Calculator registration Since the terrorist attacks on September effectively enforce our immigration laws the overwhelming majority of Democrats
11, 2001, the government has attempted until we create a temporary worker pro- support a bill which will give illegal immi-
Students can register Texas to dissuade illegal immigration. Although gram." grants a green card, as long as they have
Instruments calculators on Naviance.com. more Border Patrol agents have been lived in the US for more than five years
This allows supervisors to trace them and hired and newer technologies are being The plan intends to appease both Bush's and have worked for more than two years.
return them to you once you have report- used, such as sensory camera lenses, the conservative base, which is pushing for
ed them lost. number of immigrants entering illegally reformation of lackluster immigration Bush's plan, however, does not supply
per year has not swayed. control, and the large business sector that illegal immigrants with citizenship but a
Mason Skatepark website relies upon the hiring of undocumented temporary worker permit.
created "Heightened border enforcement has not immigrants. The way in which the govern-
deterred would-be immigrants from enter- ment should reform immigration policy, Mexico's President Vincent Fox endors-
Students interested in the construction ing the United States, nor has it reduced however, has become the biggest debate in es the bill supported by Bush.
and layout of the skatepark can visit the size of the annual inflow. What it has Washington.
www.sitedesigngroup.com. The username done is channel migrants away from tra- The implications of this debate are
is mason. The password is available on ditional crossing points to remote areas Senator John McCain, Republican from expected to be felt in next year's mid-term
Edline. where the physical risks are great but the Arizona, alongside Edward Kennedy, election, and potentially in the next presi-
likelihood of getting caught is small," Democrat from Massachusetts, is dential running.
- compiled by Stephanie Visscher Washington Post columnist Douglas attempting to persuade his congressional
Massey said. "As a result, the number of counterparts to support a bill which will The Hispanic population has turned into
deaths has risen to around 460 people a allow illegal immigrants to be granted a sizeable demographic to electioneer for,
year while the probability of apprehension working visas valid for up to six years, fol- and many of those voters are residing in
has fallen from a historical average of lowed by either a return to their home swing states such as Nevada, New
nation or registration for a green card. Mexico, and Florida, meaning illegal
immigration could become a central polit-
ical topic inside, and outside, party lines.
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December 20, 2005 TheCHRONICLENewsFeature 5
Teachers prepare the material, do the research, and
look for exciting ways to present the
information. But after all this preparation, they’re still
Why won’tasking students...
you read?
Chronicle Staff Writer
Irony of ironies: You're analyze and comprehend Chronicle photo by Danielle Williams. Photo art by Matt Partington
reading an article about information. I guess that's
teens not wanting to called thinking." lar recreational activities among teens, most will not
read. Yes, the activity deny its importance. A Gallup poll found that 61 per-
you're doing right now, A recent survey of more than 2,500 cent of those asked felt that reading was a "more
the one that was invent- young persons in America (13-24 rewarding" experience than watching television, and 92
ed more than 4000 years years old), conducted by Carat percent confided that reading is a "good use" of time.
ago and has been the North America, discovered that on average only 6 hours Most, therefore, respect the benefits of reading but are
sole influence in design- per week are spent on recreational reading. This is com- not doing enough of it.
ing the human thinking pared to 16.7 hours spent online, 13.6 hours spent
mode, is becoming dated. watching television, 12 hours listening to the radio, and "I think reading is important," Lutz said. "But I just
It should not surprise you 7.7 hours talking on the phone. Furthermore, a Gallup don't like to do it."
that aliteracy, or lack of poll revealed that the number of people who admitted to
interest in reading, is not reading a book within the past year doubled from King feels that students are reading, although not on
quite prevalent within 8% to 16% between the years 1978 and 1990. their own leisure time.
teenage demographics.
One does not have to go further than the halls of Mason Mason English teacher Tim King feels that aliteracy, "For the most part, it seems as if [students] are read-
High School to hear such declarations as "I hate read- or the lack of interest in reading, is slowly becoming ing just what they're assigned," King said. "I think it's
ing," or "I never read," and according to many this atti- more prevalent among students. hard for something so passive to compete with all the
tude poses a great threat to our culture and society. activities that are available and all the glittering
"About 100% of first-graders walk in on the first day "I think of my kids who used to read a lot more than images that are on TV and in the movies."
and are interested in this thing called reading," they do now, and they [now] spend their time watching
University of Yale Professor Kylene Beers said. "Eighty TV and playing video games," King said, adding, howev- Steven Johnson, media theorist and author of
percent of graduating high school seniors tell us they er, that he does not believe the popularity of reading is Everything Bad Is Good for You: How Today's Popular
will never again voluntarily read another book." an "alarming" matter. Culture Is Actually Making Us Smarter argues in his
The controversy concerning literature's demise and book that television, and video games in particular, are
television's rise has been long argued-over in past Fellow Mason English teacher Ann Helwig believes actually advancing human cognitive thought by
decades. Some say that print itself only serves as a that much of the student resentment towards assigned demanding great intellectual aptitude from the viewer.
transitional medium anyhow and will eventually, and reading comes from an overarching distaste for educa-
fluidly, become less depended on in future centuries as tion. "Think of the cognitive benefits conventionally
other forms of media take form. Others, however, think ascribed to reading: attention, patience, retention, the
that the lack of reading within our culture is a reflec- "Here's how I think most teenagers look at required parsing of narrative threads," Johnson says. "Over the
tion of a larger and more alarming problem, one that reading: It's just school. And school is boring, and school last half-century, programming on television has
could threaten the wellbeing of mankind to its very is something you're supposed to rebel against," Helwig increased the demands it places on precisely these men-
core. said. "That's part of growing up." tal faculties. This growing complexity involves three pri-
"Its decline, many theorists believe, is as profound as, mary elements: multiple threading, flashing arrows and
say, the fall of communism, and some have taken to Statistics refute claims that books are becoming less social networks."
prophesying that the downturn in reading could result popular. The number of "books in print" last year
in the modern world's cultural and political decline," reached 133,196 new titles, approximately 16 times the Some, however, regard this transition with reluctance.
Steinhardt School of Education professor Mitchell amount in print 40 years ago. The number of books "We are losing a sort of psychic habit, a logic, a sense
Stevens said. bought per year is also on a steady incline, particularly of complexity, an ability to spot contradictions and even
Neil Postman, former Communications Professor at during the holiday season. falsity," Postman said.
New York University and social theorist, declared in his For many apart of Generation X, reading has simply
book Amusing Ourselves to Death that "a mode of think- "When I go to Border's or Barnes and Noble I see a lot been redefined by new mediums, precisely the internet,
ing is being lost." of college-aged students or young adults in their 20s that require them to read on a different analytical level.
Statistics both support and detract from these theo- and they're looking at books. Based on the success of "Say, for instance, they read the lyrics of some group
ries. No precise calculations exist concerning reading those big book stores, somebody's reading," King said. they're following, and it's poetry," Helwig said. "People
habits of those living in past centuries, which makes it aren't going to pick up Tolstoy in high school."
difficult to assess any historical decline in reading inter- Despite increased sales, however, no legitimate infor- Another potential cause of reading's gradual demise
ests. One merely has to ask a teenager, however, to mation exists which proves that people are actually could be due to the fact that the world, and America in
grasp a hint of indifference towards reading. reading the books. particular, is experiencing a transition from a print
"Some of my friends read in their leisure time," senior based culture to a visual culture, similar to what was
Brandon Lutz said. "But most of my classmates don't." According to author DeAnn Welker, reading habits seen in the initial change from an oral culture to a print
The distancing from reading within the last half centu- have shifted in order to coincide with the disposition of culture more than 2000 years ago.
ry, particularly among younger demographics, has made a television-driven society. "Students have had to learn to be savvy with gaining
an impact on American society. information from visual material," Helwig said. "And it's
"This loss is now being felt in our cultural activities "The biggest concern I have is that, as a nation, we a whole new kind of reading."
and in our politics, as well as in our children's SAT seem to want to feign reading instead of doing it,"
scores, and it could get worse," Stevens said. "But of Welker said. "We would rather read a 30-word blurb in
course such prophecies are delivered in print, so no one The Week about the news that's happening in the world
pays much heed." than the lengthy account of it in Newsweek or the analy-
Average verbal SAT scores plummeted 22 percent from sis of it in The New Yorker."
476 to 415 between 1952 to 1995, when the College
Board changed the way the test was graded in order to Senior Keil Weimer agrees with Welker's sentiment.
eliminate the statistical drop. "I think television has made us more impatient, so sit-
"The decline in SAT scores has a lot to do with not ting down and reading books seems more like a chore
reading," College Board President Donald Stewart said. and less like having a good time, and I'm all about hav-
"The ability to read is linked to the ability to process, ing a good time," Weimer said.
Although reading remains as one of the most unpopu
6 TheCHRONICLENews December 20, 2005
Words from the Wild students turn class
project into real life nature experience
BY CAROLINE JOHNSON found some of their supplies in the woods, but
Chronicle Staff Writer for tools they looked to their teacher.
Chronicle photo by Michelle Rotbart A new path stretches from the Grassy Knoll They believed all their hard work to be well
to the White Oak Circle in Pine Hill Park. worth the effort. Once the path was completed
Pictured left to right: Seniors Tom Burnett, Kyle Colliatie, Andrew Moore, Seniors Andrew Moore, Tom Burnett, Mike ,the team reaped the benefits.
Mike Gardner, and Mike Charney on their trail in the Pine Hill Park. Charnay, Kyle Colliatie and Mike Gardner
built The Walnut Trail for a project in English "The best part about the trail is that it is real-
teacher Tim King's Words from the Wild class. ly wide. You can sit on the trail without being
Although the project was counted for a grade, in the way [of other people using the trail,]"
the seniors feel the path is an asset to the Charnay said.
school and community.
The seniors began to see use of the path
"We decided that the school has given so much directly after they finished it.
to us. We decided to give something back to the
school so that it would last forever," Burnett "Ever since we put the mulch down people
said. started to use the path," Burnett said.
Although Charnay had some previous experi- The team recognized that the path was not
ence in building, neither Moore nor Burnett only helping the high school, but the communi-
had ever completed a project similar to the ty as well.
"We saw people walking on the trail with
"This was a one of a kind [project] for me," dogs, which was cool, and they talked to us
Burnett said. about it. They told us what a great job we did
and how it was a really nice trail," Charnay
The group of seniors chose to work together, said.
and were pleased with each member's effort,
believing the project caused them to "bond." Even after the trail was completed, but not
officially opened, the team took pride in their
"It was definitely a good group with good work and tried to preserve it as much as possi-
teamwork," Moore said. ble.
Before beginning construction on the trail, the "[At first] we tried to keep it to minimal use
team consulted King about what was expected because we wanted to keep it as new as possi-
and what he wanted to see done. King asked ble. We hadn't really opened it yet, and we
the boys to put a curve in the path for more wanted Mr. King to cut the rope," Moore said.
character. The planning may have been slight-
ly difficult, but the team quickly began con- The group took pride in their work, and
struction. placed two sticks with a walnut on top on either
side of the entrance, putting their final creative
"As we got the ball rolling, it was pretty easy," touch on the trail.
Moore said.
"We want people know it is the Walnut Trail,
The trail took three days to complete by work- because it is our pride sitting out there," Moore
ing three to four hours each day. The first day, said.
the team cleared the path of all the honeysuck-
le. The second day, they laid down the mulch, The seniors have no current plans for similar
and the last day, the group lined the sides of projects in the future but are open to ideas.
the trail with heavy black locust logs. The team
"As of right now we are not planning any
future projects but if Mr. King would need us, I
would be more than happy to help him out,"
Moore said.
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December 20, 2005 TheCHRONICLEArts&Entertainment 7
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December 20th to the 1st of January. For broadcasts out
times, visit
http://www.cincinnatiarts.org/tickets/. into the
Tickets range from $17.25 to $70.25. For community and
ticket information, call: (513) 621-2787 or
visit [email protected]. with Mason's
stature, I thought
Dance Revolution at we should be able
Symmes Township Library to have one too.”
A Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) pro- Rebecca Ziegler
gram will be held at the Symmes president
Township Library on Wednesday
December 21st from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. Sophomore Jenna
Program is for ages 10-18 and you must Garchar works the
register. To register, call: 369-6001. sound board in prepara-
tion for an upcoming
African Culture Fest at WMSN broadcast
the Museum Center
Mason radio station prepares for first broadcast
Passport to the World: African Culture
Fest is exhibited at Museum Center BY DANIELLE WILLIAMS think," Ziegler said. in order to become more familiar with
Grand Rotunda located at Cincinnati Chronicle Staff Writer In actuality, because the process is so radio equipment. Radio Club is closer now
Museum Center at Union Terminal, 1301 than ever to coming on air.
Western Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45202. High-tech equipment, web designs, fre- extensive and money is a huge factor,
Exhibit is open January 14, 15 and 16 quencies, regulations, fees, and recordings Radio Club must find ways to fund raise. Although, the club does not have a sta-
from 12-5 pm. Event is free. For more are among the few challenges and priori- Members of the club went to Lakota radio tion they will be able to broadcast through
information visit www.cincymuseum.org. ties included in the process of becoming station and inquired about their methods Windows Media Player with the use of a
an established radio station. WMSN of success in fundraising. The club then URL (Uniform Resource Locater). The
Album cover exhibit at Radio Club members must take on these took on the Battle of the Bands in the student body can always be tuned in for
Cincy Art Museum responsibilities as they vigorously prepare springtime of 2004 and the vintage cloth- their broadcast 24 hours a day. With the
for their momentous radio debut. After ing sale. help of donations, WMSN will be able to
"Borrowed Time: The Photograph as two long years, the dream of Mason High have its own tower and be closer to having
Music Album Cover" includes photo- School broadcasting via radio is soon to be What is that? their own radio station.
graphs from photographers that have a reality.
been used for various album covers; Here’s a quick glimpse of the some of "We hope to have it next year. I'm real-
including musicians such as Bruce Junior Becca Ziegler, the founder and the equipment you will find at WMSN. ly excited for people in the community to
Springsteen, the Beastie Boys, Philip club leader for three years, has watched hear different genres of music and to be
Glass and Miles Davis. Exhibit is located the major development of WMSN in the This is called a This is an E/V able to say their community has their very
at the Cincinnati Art Museum and open past two years, and understands that Tele-Link Large Diaphram own radio station," Ziegler said.
for viewing until January 29th. Tickets are after all the hard work and time put into Computer. It Studio
$8 for adults, $6 for seniors and college this endeavor, it all comes down to the uploads Radio Microphone. After As Radio Club members are waiting for
students, $4 for children 6-18 and chil- first word spoken and broadcasted into Shows and speaking into the the affirmation of when they can broad-
dren under 6 are free. For information, the ears of the community. assigns times microphone, it cast, they are already recording ahead
call (513) 721-ARTS. and dates for transfers your dia- with aspirations for the future.
"We've made so much progress in the the shows to be logue to be
Holiday exhibit at past two years," Ziegler said. played. recorded. "I have big hopes like Lakota's radio sta-
Cincinnati Art Museum tion. I want us to be able to broadcast out.
Senior Allison Hodson, who has also This is an AirWave Digital Console I hope freshmen will want to join and who
Attend "Family First Saturdays: Holiday been a member for three years, agrees Mainframe Soundboard. It controls the have the same mindset to want the radio
Xtravaganza" at the Cincinnati Art that, "it's been a long time in the making. volume for microphones, music, to go far," Hodson said.
Museum the first Saturday of every I want to come back after my senior year recordings and broadcasts.
month to create art, explore galleries, to see the progress and changes." According to the Radio Club advisor, Mr.
watch performances, and more. After the club began to raise money, Colin King, "establishing a radio station
December 3rd and 4th from 1-4 pm and The interest of having a broadcasting they became one step closer to having the has been a learning experience [for him]
January 7th from 1-4 pm. Admission is radio at MHS was first sparked when ability to broadcast. Also, Harris, a radio as well as the students involved."
free. Ziegler was inspired after hearing of broadcasting company, donated equip-
Lakota High School's radio station. She ment to Radio Club after the members "Students will now be able to express
Christmas Carol at then followed through with the idea of took a tour around the company grounds, themselves through the interviews they
Playhouse in the Park having a radio at school when she request- may make, songs they choose to play, and
ed the establishment of Radio Club and their opinions," King said.
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens became the club leader. After she was
will be performed by the Cincinnati approved, meetings began and word got WMSN has given its members experi-
Playhouse in the Park at the Robert S. out. Radio Club then emerged. ence in all aspects of life.
Marx Theater from December 21 to
December 30. For show times and ticket "Lakota has a radio station, and my "The experience of learning about equip-
information call 513/421-3888 or visit freshman year I wanted to start one ment, learning about jobs that are offered
www.cincyplay.com. because [their radio station] broadcast out in the field, also like I learn about new
[into the community] and with Mason's local bands I didn't know about. [Radio
Rock and Roll photos stature I thought we should be able to Club] just exposes me to a lot of new
on display have one too. It would be a good step for stuff," Hodson said.
us," Ziegler said.
First 50 Years of Rock and Roll In the future, students may expect to
includes photographs of the Beatles, However, the process of creating a radio hear broadcasting of school games, a ded-
Rolling Stones, Jim Hendrix, Elvis station is not easy. In fact, it is an icated hour to listen to local bands, music
Presley and more. Exhibit is located at extremely thorough process. of all types, talk shows where teachers
Art Design Consultants Inc. located at can relay messages, and even more is
1310 Pendleton St. Cincinnati, OH "We have to look for ways to raise being brought to the table.
45202. First 50 Years of Rock and Roll money, pay for frequencies, [then] they
can be viewed Dec 20-23 and 26-29 from have to approve it, money for the equip- "I want everyone to have apart of some-
9am to 5:30pm. For more information call ment, other important approvals. It takes thing they like. If they like certain shows
(513) 723-1222. a lot of time; a lot more than you would [on the radio] I want them to tune in to lis-
ten to them. I want everyone to be able to
- compiled by Sarah Fukatsu participate," Hodson said.
8 TheCHRONICLEA&E December 20, 2005
New form of literature gives Providing the gift of warmth
insight into Japanese culture
What started out a few years ago as a service project when she was in
BY SARAH FUKATSU middle school has turned into an annual campaign for sophomore Logan
Chronicle Staff Writer
Bright. Bright is once again working on
Teens occupy themselves with different a service project know as Mountains
types of entertainment. Internet. Game of Mittens where she collects winter
systems. Music. But a different type of accessories such as mittens,
entertainment unknown to most gloves, and coats for families in
Americans is becoming more popular in need throughout the community.
Mason. Manga can be educational but at You can make donations at the
the same time provide the same thrills. front office. The drive will conclude
on December 22.
Manga is a graphic novel and is differ-
ent from western comic books. Western DNANGEL is form of Manga that is dis- Leet Speak, online gaming language,
comic books depict superheroes and their tributed in the United States and Japan. gaining popularity among students
missions defeating evil, while in manga,
readers gain knowledge of the characters. adult's name, and "sama" at the end of a
Each book has realistic characters that person in high authority," Emlinger said.
grow and mature like a typical novel and
plot lines are written specifically to help Reading manga has given Philips
the reader sympathize and connect with insight into the Japanese school system.
the characters. Readers discover the char-
acters' goals, dreams and challenges "Education is very important to the stu-
throughout the story. dents and their parents," Philips said.
Sophomore Rina Nagai, who was born in Philips also noted from the manga that
Japan, is a big fan of manga. students must wear uniforms. Uniforms
usually follow the sailor design for girls
"I love them because they're fun. I can and a collared shirt with dressy pants for
laugh and forget everything else. Plus, boys. These styles are something that
there is a lot of art," Nagai said. mangas use as the attire for their charac-
There are two divisions in manga: shojo
and shonen. Shojo in Japanese means Senior Josh Bonomini feels the uniforms
girl, meaning they're written for girls and are far different from the attire of
shonen means boy, which are written for Americans.
guys. Mangas are also divided in cate-
gories such as comedy, action, sci-fi, "Their clothing is more presentable and
romance and fantasy. But besides the cat- conservative. You don't see many band
egory differences, all mangas can provide shirts," Bonomini said.
an insight into the Japanese language.
Junior Amie Byrd has picked up some of Even though freshman Diana Wu is
the Japanese language from reading these Chinese, she also loves to read Japanese
graphic novels. manga.
"A little of the language isn't in "There is a genre for everyone," Wu said.
English. Sometimes there are subtitles," Many mangas typically portray food as
Byrd said. an art form to entice readers.
"Their food looks very pretty and very
Sophomore Lee Philips reads manga for tasty in the drawings. It's always so
fun, but decided to learn Japanese in the attractive," Wu said.
process. Mangas portrayal of Japanese culture
allows high school students who have not
"After reading some manga, I asked two left stateliness to experience a new cul-
of my friends to start teaching me ture while reading a graphic novel.
Japanese. It's a very cool language,"
Philips said. "It's not Americanized. It has its own
unique culture," Byrd said.
Sophomore Alli Emlinger has also read
many manga books and is continuing to
learn more about the Japanese culture;
including, honorifics. Japanese honorifics
are used for respect and to determine your
placement in the hierarchy.
"They are used by adding "chan" at the
end of a child's name, "san" at the end of
someone who is older than you or an
It’s about time to start thinking about your class schedule for next BY CANDICE PHILPOT Senior Eric Grimmer agrees with Brown
year. If you’re interested in becoming a member of Chronicle Staff Writer on the popularity of Leet in chatrooms.
The Chronicle staff, you must apply for acceptance into "1 4/ \ / \ 3|_173: I am Elite" "I play games online. [Leet] is not popu-
Journalism I. If you’re interesting in applying stop by room c110. Contrary to the way it appears, the lar with everybody; but it is with the
online gaming community," Grimmer said
The Chronicle is always on the look-out for new talent. above "words" are not just a random com-
pilation of symbols, but a complex online Although many gamers enjoy the com-
culture and language code called Leet plexity and challenge of reading and writ-
(1337) Speak ing in Leet, others, like freshman Sam
Rutherford, dislike the language.
Leet is defined as an internet code that
is formed by replacing letters with num- "[Leet] is really annoying. Most people
bers, symbols and other letters that look who use it lack intelligence, and it's only
or sound the same. The language known popular if you play video games,"
as Leet originated in the 1980's by hack- Rutherford said.
ers who used it to communicate between
themselves but has now spread to the In the past decade, Leet has also evolved
online gaming community. into other forms of online languages.
These include Greeklish in Greek and
Although years have pasted since the Kushachu in Japanese. Leet Speak has
birth of Leet, students at MHS are able to also formed what Leet speakers call AOL
recognize how different it is from the Speak, a more simplified language that
English language. Leet does not always replaces words with shortened writing
follow a set convention, which is one of its expressions. AOL Speakers would replace
challenging aspects. the word "at" with "@", "be" with "b", and
"you" with "u".
"I heard it from my friends. It was con-
fusing, so they taught me how to use it," According to English teacher Kyle
freshman Anupama Joseph said. Warren, AOL Speak may appear in stu-
dent papers, and causes complications.
Unlike those who learned Leet during
high school, junior Eric Ditzel learned "You don't see it all the time, and you
about Leet at a young age. can understand what they are saying, but
it deviates from standard English guide-
"[I learned about Leet] the moment I lines," Warren said.
started playing video games," Ditzel said.
Leet Speak may be confined to the gam-
The popularity of Leet is on the rise with ing world now, but as any language, it's
high school students, according to junior bound to spread.
Ben Brown.
"It's not so much important as it is fun.
"It's definitely more popular with online It's just a lingo or another type of talk,"
video games and in video game chat Ditzel said.
rooms," Brown said.
December 20, 2005 TheCHRONICLEA&E 9
Sam Eric Ditzel Wendy Matt
Goldsmith Video Game Wei Partington
Music Review Review Book Review Movie Review
“Confessions on a Shadow of the Eragon is nothing Capote proves to be
Dance Floor” proves Colossus is truly a more than low-quality a powerful tale
to be combination of work of art fantasy
dance and disco If you're up on your movie gossip, then
Every once and a while a new game I admit it, I read Eragon because of you probably have heard the superlatives
Madonna has always been a fascinat- shows up which is genuinely different. the hype. ("A book written by a seven- surrounding Philip Seymour Hoffman's
ing persona. She's exciting, controver- Shadow of the Colossus (SOTC) one of teen-year-old! A bestseller! An exquisite portrayal of legendary author Truman
sial, and always fun to dwell upon. For those games. From the minds behind read praised by your favorite authors!") Capote in director Bennet Miller's
22 years she has come out with lots of ICO, this is a gaming experience no avid It lived up to none of it. It is the literary Capote, based on the book by Gerald
impressive and artistic music. From the gamer can go without. equivalent of eating a bucket of choco- Clark. Hoffman, in my humble opinion,
great albums such as “Like a Prayer,” late-dipped slugs. You're not supposed has been perhaps the most underappreci-
“Ray of Light,” and “Music,” to the great From the desolate landscapes to the to, they taste disgusting, but you can't ated actor of the last decade and is long
singles “Like a Virgin” and “Vogue.” She few splashes of lush forest, this deserted resist biting into them in the hopes that overdue for the accolades he has received
amazes, and with her new album world will pull you in for an adventure of there will be at least one that's entirely as of recent. A stark, fascinating film,
“Confessions on a Dance Floor,” she discovery and wonder. You have but one chocolate. But so far, there's nothing to Capote gleams with insight about the
proves she's still got some great vitality living companion: your horse, Agro. In justify these hopes. eccentric writer whose nonfiction novel In
left in her. the course of your journey you encounter Cold Blood thrilled the literary world.
sixteen Colossi ranging in size from a Christopher Paolini reads like a
The album plays like one continuous Hummer to an Akula class submarine. teenage boy's remix of Lord of the Rings, On the night of November 14, 1959, two
track, making a true commitment to Each one is distinctly unique and has a Dragonriders of Pern, and Earthsea men walked into an unsuspecting rural
dance and disco. Madonna describes this personality all its own. Each Colossus crossed with Star Wars. If you don't Kansas home, tied down all four family
album as a kind of "future disco," and has weak points which you must attack fancy reading twelve series in one week- members living there, and proceeded to
she is correct. The production always with your sword. Finding these points is end, he might still sound pretty good. He kill them with what was seemingly no
brings you into the vibe, but still lets you no easy task. You also must find a way summarizes all of them and dumps them motive. The movie initiates on the morn-
have space to chill out. to reach and scale each giant; in many in one book, right? But classic fantasy ing of November 15 with a series of long,
cases, this is half the battle. Your sword not all that Paolini's shaken out. He's bleak shots. Out of sheer interest,
It starts with a big bang. With songs will guide you. also helped himself to a large amount of Truman Capote, a writer for The New
like Get Together and the first single words from the depths of the thesaurus. Yorker, travels to Holcomb, where the
Hung Up, this album will assuredly be The art direction and the storytelling And there are only so many gushing murders took place, with his childhood
played at almost every dance from now of this game are remarkable. My only descriptions of coruscating sunsets and friend Nelle Harper Lee. Capote's focus
on. And just when it starts to get a bit complaint regarding visuals is the quali- mountainous crenellations that the aver- on the story adjusts from not the event
boring and a few clunkers start to creep ty of the graphics. While they are hin- age reader can take before throwing up itself, but in the amateur robbers who
in, the album makes a surprising switch dered by the PS2, they do not detract their hands and shouting "I give up! At committed the crime, Perry Smith and
in focus. It becomes self-reflective and from the overall look and feel of the envi- least my vocab book doesn't pretend it's Richard Hickock.
meditative in tracks like Forbidden Love ronment. The environment is the perfect a work of fiction!"
and How High. The most impressive blend of deserted landscape, abandoned The Inheritance Trilogy follows the Capote investigates the four years that
meditation is in the song Isaac, which is buildings, and eye-catching nature. adventures of a fifteen-year-old boy the author spent writing In Cold Blood
dedicated to the Kabbalah master Rabbi When mixed together you gain a feeling named Eragon through Paolini's fantasy and the fascinating relationship he estab-
Isaac Luria. It involves an actual of intense loneliness and curiosity. Above world of Alagaesia, when he discovers a lished with Perry Smith, someone who
Kabbalah chant as one of its main sam- all, the story of SOTC will draw you in peculiar blue stone in the mountains by Capote seemed to relate with ("It's as if
ples. For years, Madonna has been a unlike many shoddy game stories. his village. When it hatches into a drag- Perry and I grew up in the same house.
student of Jewish mysticism, and it is on that promptly bonds its mind to his And one day he went out the back door
truly brilliant how she incorporates her While there is little dialogue, you still own, he is thrown into more trouble than and I went out the front," he says).
studies into the track without getting get a good feel and understanding of the he can imagine with the Empire, and is Capote is praised in the movie for his
preachy or ponderous. characters. forced to go on the run with Brom, an old sheer brilliance but also shown in a spite-
storyteller who is more than he seems. ful light. He seeks fame and declares that
We all kind of forget that artists that The story begins with you taking a In short: A farmboy with no idea of his Smith's story is a "goldmine," all whilst
push our buttons before, still push them dead girl to a temple where the gods of parentage, an old mentor-figure, and an building a relationship with the man and
now. With this album, we know that the land command you to defeat the empire run by an evil ruler. Of course, raising his hopes of one day escaping exe-
Madonna's not going anywhere for a Colossi for a chance to bring the dead none of us has ever heard of Star Wars, cution. It becomes increasingly different
while without a good fight. I mean, as back to life. They make it very clear that right? to distinguish whether the words from
she says herself in Like It or Not: "You this may not be possible. Throughout the his mouth are sincere truths or calculat-
can love me or leave me, cause I'm never game the story is slowly revealed and in But it's his utter refusal to allow char- ed lies, and to an extent this is left for
gonna stop." the end the final cut-scene will wrap up acter development that makes Paolini's the viewer to decide.
the tale. Inheritance Trilogy a slow read. The
Editor’s Note: majority of his characters' personalities In Cold Blood became one of the most
Sam Goldsmith, Eric Ditzel, and SOTC has one of the most touching can be abridged in two words or less: revolutionary novels of the 20th century,
Wendy Wei are contributing endings I have ever seen. It can only be Dim Hero, Beautiful Damsel, Wise and by showing murderers in a humane
writers to The Chronicle. described as perfect. Mentor, Betraying Friend and so on manner, as lonely simpletons rather than
without missing a nuance of their char- savage killers, Capote helped transform
To wrap up, you must play this game. acter. investigative journalism. Certain images
Whether you are a FPS junkie or a In short: do not buy this book unless you and conversations from the film will
Madden wiz, this is a benchmark in enjoy low-quality fantasy. Or, if you need remain ingrained in your mind. Capote
gaming you need to experience. a doorstop. claims greatness in the same way In Cold
Blood managed to: by immortalizing
those who would forever be judged
wrongly otherwise.
10 TheCHRONICLEFeature December 20, 2005
After 25 years on the "I think that if young adults have a fascination or photo art by Matt Vollet
force, former Mason love for this type of work, there is a definite place
police officer begins for them [in the field], and I encourage them to
‘Private Eye’ business stop by," Jack said.
and investigative supply
store Jack encourages espionage fans, but does not
want to give people the wrong impression about
BY REBECCA ZIEGLER his career. Television shows and movies create
Chronicle Staff Writer stereotypes for businesses like Jack's that can be
false in the real world.
Wig? Check. Dressed in black attire? Check.
Briefcase full of cameras, fingerprint cases, sur- "Shows like Cheater's have contact with clients
veillance video equipment and microphones? during surveillance, while we feel that our mission
Check. These may seem like unusual items to have has been accomplished if we have validated client
in a briefcase, but for local private investigator suspicion without people even knowing we were
Robert A. Jack, it's just another part of his job. there," Jack said.
After serving the Mason Police Department for According to Jack, a common misconception is
25 years, Jack retired and wanted to find a job just that investigators are police officers, but in reality
as fulfilling as law enforcement. Knowing that they do not handle criminal cases.
applicants need a grueling 4,000 hours of inves-
tigative experience, letters of recommendation, and "We can use basic fingerprinting and investiga-
a written test for the state, Jack still decided to tive techniques, but we mostly aid in cases that
become an investigator. He opened his own busi- were wrongly investigated. We are not around for
ness in the community that he named Innovative the purpose of prosecution, we are used strictly for
Services in April of 2001. the validation of suspicion," Jack said.
"I put [Innovative Services] in the area to be a Jack's business is run with the help of his son
business partner for the community. Most private Rob who is also Jack's lead investigator. Rob will
investigators are one-man operations, but I want to take over the business when Jack decides to retire.
grow and offer additional services, and not just be Jack's other son, Joey, is currently a junior at
known as an investigator," Jack said. Mason High School and helps with some of the fin-
gerprinting work on weekends and in the summer.
Jack began Innovative Services investigating Jack's wife, Darlene, can also be found lending a
cases mainly regarding workman's compensation hand by completing many of the administrative
(money paid to employees by businesses from responsibilities. Although Jack does not want all
injury within the company), attorney support, and employees to be family, Innovative Services was
domestic cases such as marriage infidelity and started with their help and they continue to fight
custody. However, Jack is trying to expand his through the challenges of peaks and falls of the
company through providing classes for all ages in business.
women's self defense, child protection, firearms
classes, fingerprinting and CSI-type workshops. "The most exciting moment in investigating, for
me, is that I have been able to start my own busi-
"We provide so much more than investigative ness and grow it to the level that it is at now.
services. Originally, my hope for this business was There's just something about private investigating.
for people who love spies and their investigations I love my job because it is not limited and I get to
to come in and enjoy our store. We're more than do all kinds of things [at work]," Jack said.
people hiding in the bushes; we want to provide in-
depth services for the community," Jack said. Until Jack retires and his son takes over, his
heart is in his work and he will continue to provide
One of Jack's goals for Innovative Services was for the community, not only keeping them safe, but
to start interacting with young adults who have a interested in his work.
passion for forensics, law enforcement and spy
careers. "I love this type of work because it's a challenge.
There is opportunity to help people, and it is
extremely personally rewarding. I wouldn't trade it
for the world," Jack said.
December 20, 2005 TheCHRONICLEAds 11
12 TheCHRONICLECenterspread December
ASPttnhhhiaeteecinxrcehcbhareait,i,lreoMatndincegdqhrinuagTbaseuyrslaatl.eserFttheIoetvfyetjuerwnsriooalyrnits, Kara
grasp onto
to board
Who says drumline
members are scrawny?
Jacob Gibson exercis-
es his muscle as he pre-
pares for practice.
Ifpltu’etsirstftiem. BectrtfoitotprmaanyaystshSheeileppoiplaseytras,nwhdeserlinl
20, 2005 TheCHRONICLECenterspread 13
All that prac-
tice pays off
as the drumline
keeps per-
fect time on
Guard girls anxiously wait in the air
duct to strut their stuff on the field.
Junior Jordan Btraurmrpy einttimbidloawteinsg tghaemceomfpacee- .
tition with his
Msporaerktlyhaunnpiforremtst, ygufaarcdegsiralsndare
studious too!
SJAfeisnonhishiolhenrsyoodfnrMa,uamBgrmrrtaietinjtaoertLmsabpBrraseecortenfh, oaartnmda-
The beat goes on for 2nd
year drum major, Beth
Johnson, as she keeps
the band in step.
14 TheCHRONICLEAds December 20, 2005
William Mason High School Junior Katie Fischer
laces her skates to
Home of The Comets play with the boys.
See page 17.
The Chronlcle
Serving up
some table
tennis, see
SPORTS SPECIAL REPORT Eighty percent of all high school and college
coaches are male, leaving female athletes asking...
Bizzarri, Rapp place at
state cross country meet
Bizzarri Senior Angela
Bizzarri finished 2nd
at the cross country
state meet by one
second. This was
Bizzarri’s fourth
appearance at the
state meet.
Rapp Senior Chris Rapp
finished 6th at the
cross country meet
with a time of 15:56.
Rapp was the first to
qualify to the state
meet since 1987.
Fairbanks signs with
University of Dayton
Fairbanks Senior Denise Chronicle Sports photo by Joey D’Amico
Faribanks recently
signed with Mason head girls’ basketball coach Rob Matula confers his team during a time-out in their game against the Princeton.
University of
Dayton. Fairbanks
received a full
scholarship to play
baskebtall for the
Flyers next year.
New sports complex Local high school female sports’ 10
opens in Mason programs dominated by male 9
head coaches
Current Mason Resident and Former
Bengals wide receiver Tim McGee 8
opened his new athletic complex,
Courts 4 Sports, on Friday, December BY JOEY D'AMICO
2. It includes two outdoor fields, two
NCAA length indoor courts, and four Chronicle Sports Writer 7
regular indoor courts, food, arcade
games, an apparel shop, and an Count them. Seven out of the twelve female varsity sports
observation deck. For information, at Mason have men that hold the position of head coach. High 6
contact (513)-770-0667. schools throughout the Cincinnati area predominatntly have
male coaches presiding over female varsity sports.
Combined, Lakota East and West have nineteen female var- 5
sity athletic programs that are coached by males. Moreover,
Mount Notre Dame, an all female high school, has ten varsi- 4
ty sports that are currently being coached by males. After
STATS reading this, one can't help but ask the question, "Where 3
PORTS have all the female coaches gone?" Female
In 1972, the Title IX amendments were put into affect in Male
intercollegiate athletics. The overall goal of the amendments 2 Female
15 was to provide women with as many equal opportunities as Male
men. Since the Title IX amendments were established, many Female
people believe they have provided females with more oppor- 1
tunities at the collegiate level.
"A lot of possible high school coaches that are graduating
from college choose to stay at the college level because of Title Mason Sycamore Lakota East Lakota West Mount Notre
IX," Mason Athletic Director Rod Russell said. "If coaching
ranks are being gobbled up at the collegiate level, then it's - Information provided by Ohio High School Athletic Association
The number of consecutive winning harder to get them here at the high school level."
seasons the varsity boys basketball While Title IX has played a strong role in providing females High schools sports programs across Cincinnati, whether
team has captured. public or private, are dominated by male head coaches.
Did you know? !see High School pg 16
Current varsity Athletic programs influenced by a woman’s touch at collegiate level
boys head basket-
ball coach and BY BROOKE BARIA are female. While men still coach the norm, yet men still predominantly hold
Mason alum Greg Chronicle Sports Editor majority of male and female college the desired position as a collegiate coach.
Richards, who was teams, an increasing number of women
a multi-sport stand- Poise. Elegance. Grace. A woman's duty are becoming involved in college coaching. As the popularity of collegiate women
out while playing for in society is stereotyped by tradition. That sports has grown, more opportunities are
the Comets, played tradition is not different in coaching, a These women enter a field dominated by available. According to Megan
minor league base- profession dominated throughout history men. Their motivation roots from the idea Chawansky, a Sport and Exercise
ball in the Montreal by men. According to the Acosta, Women to not only disprove today's culture, but to Humanities professor at The Ohio State
Expos’ organization. in Intercollegiate Sport, an organization be the best of the best. To be the best, University, and former women's basket-
The Expos are now the Washington of women and sports studies, two percent women surpass the high school level and ball coach in Vermont, men are mainly
Nationals. of the coaches of men's teams and less attempt to make a name for themselves at seeking these opportunities.
than half of the coaches of women's teams the collegiate level. These women seize
every opportunity to stand apart from the !see College pg 16
16 TheCHRONICLESports December 20, 2005
High School: Male Since many male coaches see female
coaches abundant in athletes as more approachable and coach-
area high schools able, they grasp any chance to coach
women's teams. To the contrary, it is very
!from High School pg 15 Tipping the rare to see women coaching men's teams.
scale... "The idea [that men are coaching
women's teams] in itself is not necessari-
ly a problem except when we consider
that women are not being seen as candi-
with more opportunities at the collegiate dates for coaching and leading men's and
level, the field of study an individual
chooses to pursue as a career can also boys' teams," Chawansky said. "This com-
bination limits women's opportunities for
affect coaching availability at the high coaching."
school level.
"I would guess the majority of female Chawansky also sees a problem in the
hiring process.
athletes coming out of college aren't "Another factor for [it] is the athletic
choosing the field of education. However,
a lot of men go into education and they directors who are doing the hiring,"
Chawansky said. "Most athletic directors,
want to coach," Russell said. at least at the collegiate level, are men
With the local area having an abun-
dance of male coaches involved in female and tend to hire those who resemble them
Female head coaches at in terms of class, race, gender and
athletics, female athletes admit there is a Mason include Julee Hill approach to sport. Attracting a more
difference in having a male coach as (volleyball), Kelly Affatato
opposed to a female coach. Mason varsity (cross country), Carol diverse pool of qualified candidates must
Lehman (tennis), Beth Bell be a goal when hiring for a new coaching
swimmer Amy Bland is one athlete that (gymnastics), Andrea position."
notices a style difference based on the Male head coaches of female Castner (cheerleading).
gender of a coach. sports at Mason include Brian Bob Scalise, director of athletics at
"Females are more understanding to Castner (softball), Rob Matula College: Male and Harvard University, disputed
(basketball), Tony Affatato female coaches seek Chawansky's claim. Scalise said he hires
problems," Bland said. "They are willing (track), Fred Reeder (golf), the same success the best coach for the job, regardless of
to help make things better, but some- Mark Sullivan (swimming), Paul gender.
times that can get in the way of an effec- Reedy (soccer), and Paul !from College pg 15 "There are many factors in hiring a new
tive practice. On the other hand, males Limpert (lacrosse).
focus more on production." "As women's sports gain popularity, coach," Scalise said. "The major ones
more men are seeing coaching women and include: their knowledge of the sport,
Athletes aren't the only individuals that woman need that," Mason girls as a viable career option for them," experience coaching at the collegiate
notice change between a male and female senior basketball player Lauren Gentene Chawanksy said. Because of this, she
coach. Coaches themselves have to make said. said, men attempt to make a name for level, ability to recruit, ability to embrace
themselves by building women's pro- the academic educational standards of
adjustments depending on the gender Some females feel they perform better grams. Harvard and abililty to work in a collegial
under a male coach because of the aggres-
they are coaching. University of Kentucky women's volley- environment."
"For me, who has been coaching 18 sion they bring to the game, but for other ball coach Craig Skinner, who was recent-
years with boys, the most difficult thing female athletes, they feel gender should- ly named Southeastern Conference Coach Scalise said he sees many applications
of the Year had coached both men and from men for women's sports but rarely
has been knowing what the "limit" is in n't affect one's performance during prac- women's teams in his eleven year career. receives any applications from women to
regards to the physicality of the sport," tice or competition. Prior to this season, Skinner was the
first year Mason varsity girls basketball "I feel I perform the same under males assistant coach of the two time national coach men's sports.
champion women's volleyball team at Scalise and Craddock agreed that, while
coach Rob Matula said. "There is no doubt as I do females. I don't think gender Nebraska with a 154-11 record in five men earnestly seek and take advantage of
that the boys’ side of basketball is more affects your performance," Mason varsity years before accepting the head coaching
physical, so I am struggling with how swimmer and softball player Colleen position at UK. the opportunity to coach women's teams
at the collegiate level, very few women
physical the girl's game can get." Casey said. In his first year as head coach, Skinner look to coach men's teams.
When males coach females, slight Most head coaches are accompanied by led the Wildcats their first NCAA
adjustments in their personality may be their assistant coaches. For most male Tournament appearance in twelve years. "I'm not sure that there is a lack of
But just because he is a male does not female coaches [in men's athletics]
made, but most males insist their coach- coaches that coach females, they prefer to prove his philosophies are any different because they are coaching women's teams
ing philosophies have a female as than a female.
their assistant in but rather women themselves having
don't change based "We all want to be successful whether other priorities than entering the coach-
on the gender they order to provide the male or female," Skinner said. "I believe
female athletes any coach's goal is the same and that is to ing profession," Craddock said. "It is a
are coaching. instill pride, passion and love for the very demanding profession that takes a
"Athletes are ath- with someone they game. With this said, all coaches want to
can relate to and be successful in everything we do." great deal of time away from family life."
letes. I don't think As family life provides another possible
coaching philoso- connect with. Like Skinner, many men are looking for
"My wife (Kelly a career in coaching women's teams, but reason for the lack of women coaches,
phies change at all," why are male coaches so drawn to coach senior Ashley Antony, a member of the
Mason varsity girls Affatato) and Coach women?
Ullom are great role Harvard University lightweight crew
track coach Tony Dennis Craddock, the men and women's team said the lack of women coaches may
Affatato said. "The models. I think they track and field coach at the University of
are tremendous role North Carolina, sees a great difference come from the overwhelming pressure a
way males handle between men and women athletes. coach endures.
females becomes dif- models for other
females. It's good to "Females in general cannot handle the "Being a minority in the arena of sports,
ferent because it is workload physically day in and day out as every action a female takes is judged and
difficult for a male have them with me. much as men," Craddock said. "Females
They can relate and let their emotions take over at times weighted by the media, sports enthusi-
to relate to a when men don't. Females will give up asts, and fellow coaches, and being judged
female." connect with the their identity easier than a male in social
athletes because I settings. Females will bond easier than for being female, in addition to being
While most male males, are more organized than males judged by the results of her team, may
coaches will admit it Provided by Acosta Women in Intercollegiate Sport don't know what it and are more coachable than males, once
is difficult to relate The national average of male and female is like to be a you have won over their trust and respect deter many women from coaching,"
as their coach." Antony said.
to a female because coaches at the high school and collegiate female," Affatato However, in an epidemic of equality, it
they are emotionally level. said. Skinner is in agreement that there are
Though it can be difficult for a male vast differences between coaching men is essential that men and women of today
and physically different than males, they and women. Skinner returned to his alma are treated fairly. Therefore, the federal
do agree that coaching them has been coach to relate to a team full of females, mater to coach the men's volleyball team
nothing short of a great experience. the male can bring a sense of demand and at Ball State before leaving for Nebraska legislation developed, Title IX, a law to
in 2000. govern the equality of men and women
"I love coaching girls. I think they work anger that may be hidden in the calm involved in intercollegiate athletics.
really hard, they are very good listeners demeanor of female coaches. "I enjoy both sincerely,” Skinner said,
and they don't have any egos. They are "The [males] are not afraid to say what "but men have energy all over the place As a result of Title IX, athletic depart-
which you have to channel into a common ments must spend an equal amount of
very curious and attentive to what is hap- they are thinking and sometimes teams theme or goal, whereas women have ener- money per individual on men's and
pening and what is going on in the pro- need to be chewed out to do better and gy but are more about talking reason on
gram," Affatato said. improve their performance," Casey said. how to get things done." women's sports teams. Because of this,
many men's athletic programs have been
As coaches try to keep their coaching As females continue to be coached by cut in order to compensate for the amount
philosophies consistent between males males, the performance and outcome dur-
and females, a female athlete might ing competition takes precedence over the of money spent on each individual, and
many male coaches have shifted their pri-
respond differently to one gender as emotional side of the sport. orities to women teams.
opposed to the other. "Males understand females more
"Performance-wise, I dropped four sec- through a work ethic point of view," sen- With men still seizing the field of coach-
ing, the experts agreed that women must
onds under Sullivan, which is more than ior swimmer Emily Kelch of Lakota East step up to the challenge to change the
I have dropped my entire life," Bland High School said.
said. "In practice he won't let you quit, he As the number of male coaches in stereotypes of the sports world.
"It takes both men and women a long
will yell at you and tell you to keep going, female athletics continues to remain period apprenticeship before they can be
but at the end of the year, it's well worth high, there isn't a definite answer to what
it." seems like a "decline" in the population of considered for a head coaching position,"
Salise said. "There also may be some bias-
Performance in competitions and in female coaches. On the contrary, some es in society about women who are coach-
practice can be directly related to the people refuse to acknowledge it as a
coaching styles that males bring to their decline. es. Most people, when asked to picture a
great coach, have their own biases about
sport, which in the long haul, can help the "I really don't know there is a decline," who and what they picture. My guess is
female athletes perform to the best of Matula said. "What I will say is that I
their ability. think most people hire coaches on their that many people envision a male coach.
Women entering the field need to contin-
"Men know how to push you, they are abilities and not their gender. That ue to help change this misperception."
upfront when it comes to communication, should be the way it is in any occupation.”
and at times, all athletes, including
December 20, 2005 TheCHRONICLESports 17
Table tennis craze hits Mason with new ping pong club
Chronicle Sports photo by Matt Scruta BY MATT SCRUTA professionals play table tennis. A match "My dad and I were getting into it, play-
Chronicle Staff Writer commences, and fans are then mesmer- ing the best of five games, but it got old
Sophomore Tian Xu Zhao (Jared) prac- ized, as what was once an orb is now a after a week," Zhao said. "So my friends
tices ping-pong every Monday in the In American culture, ping-pong is well blur hurtling methodically between the and I got together and said, why don't we
commons. known as an activity of recreation. The players. The players react with sub-con- start a club at school?"
ping-pong table has become a staple in scious ease to volley the ball that is tear-
many American basements, as it is a rel- ing and spinning maliciously at them. The idea was feasible enough, so he
atively affordable hobby. The fast-paced Table tennis is not just the mildly compet- began looking for an advisor for the club.
game play and basic rules of ping-pong itive hobby that is to the common
make it an exciting game to play, as well American; it is a worldwide conglomerate "I had a hard time finding an advisor,"
as an easy game to learn. Even the musi- like any other professional sport. Zhao said.
cal connotation of "ping-pong" suggests an
aura of congeniality and simplicity. On the International Table Tennis But Zhao eventually found the right per-
Federation (ITTF) Pro Tour, no country in son, as history teacher Ken Whitney
Ping-pong, however, is not only a game the world dominates the international stepped up.
for leisure. In other parts of the world, rankings like the nation of China.
there are well-disciplined athletes who Currently, five of the top ten table tennis "I talked to Whitney and he was inter-
have evolved as masters of the game of players in the world are Chinese. ested," Zhao said. "He thought it would
ping-pong. Professionally, the game is Growing up in China, Sophomore Tian Xu be fun."
known as table tennis. This class of play- Zhao was exposed to the sport early and
ers has impeccable hand-eye coordination often. Whitney taught Honors World History
and flawless mechanics, and they practice to Zhao last year.
their mechanics relentlessly. Table "In China, they don't dominate a sport."
Zhao said. "America has famous athletes "Jerry came to me, and we talked about
tennis such as [Michael] Jordan and [Pete] the club at the end of the year," Whitney
Sampras, but China isn't good at any- said. "We saw it as something we could do
was only first recognized as an Olympic thing but table tennis. It is a symbol for this year."
sport at the Seoul Olympics of 1988. But the Chinese people."
even with such a brief professional histo- The idea of the club has become a reali-
ry, fans of the sport fill arenas to see the Zhao recognizes the professional aspect ty. Currently there are forty people in the
of table tennis, and he is already a sea- club, and Zhao is the integral reason the
soned veteran at the sport. He was only club has developed.
seven years old when he first picked up a
paddle. While most kids that age might "He's done everything," Whitney said.
struggle with their basic hand-eye coordi- "He made the permission slips, the
nation, Zhao was working on skills well PowerPoint on the rules of table tennis,
beyond his years. and it was totally his ideas. Without him,
we wouldn't have a table tennis club."
"My dad started me from scratch," Zhao
said. "First he worked on developing my As with any pioneering venture, there
forearm muscles, then taught me little by have been growing pains for the table ten-
little my skills and basics." nis club.
Zhao's knack for table tennis was influ- "We need more tables," Zhao said. "We
enced heavily by his father who, like don't have the money to get more tables,
Zhao, had taken up the sport as a young- so it's limited to the number of matches
ster. Zhao moved to America when he everyone plays."
was in third grade. With the move, Zhao
acquired the American name "Jerry". As On a tight budget, it has been
Zhao grew older, he was able to challenge difficult to amass multiple tables.
and compete with his father. He enjoys Furthermore when they are able to come
playing and learning, except one night a across the tables, storing them away rep-
feeling of monotony became hard to quell. resents another quandary for Whitney
and Zhao.
"Hopefully, we can grow by two or three
tables each year," Whitney said. "Then,
maybe we can play with other schools
that have a club. Right now, we focus on
playing amongst ourselves."
Hockey provides outlet for many Comet athletes; Fischer has something to prove
Chronicle Sportswriter
Unlike the typical screaming of crowds and rallies of sup- Chronicle Sports photo by Matt Hunter
portive teenagers, the hockey rink is filled with empty
space, coke cans on the ground, and two teams ready to Junior Katie Fischer (33) skates her way toward her future goal to play for the Junior USA girls team.
team. Whatever the case may be, girls do play hockey with real," Fischer said.
The only sounds that fill the rink are the sounds of bod- boys. Bryant notices the same things Fischer notices during
ies slamming to the glass as those few dedicated fans stand
cringing at the pain right before their eyes. Although the "I know a lot of [my teammates] from school, and they play.
rink may be a dismal arena of play, there are those few thought it was cool [when I started playing]. The guys you "I feel more defensive if the girl is on my team; I kind of
players that will dedicate hours of their weeks and contin- play against are a little different; some are nice and some
ue to lace up their skates and endure the pain of play each guys are jerks," Fischer said. look out for her," Bryant said.
weekday simply to earn the title of a hockey player. Not that he has to. Fischer can handle her own in the
Fischer's former teammate Timmy Bryant agrees with
Senior Kevin Nichols has been playing ice hockey for 14 Fischer. rink.
years, and has endured his fair share of bumps and bruis- "I've been kicked out [of a game] before for fighting. I hit
es. Nichols plays for the Cincinnati Cyclones, who compete "Playing with Katie [Fischer] was just like playing with
in the AAA ice hockey level, which is the highest form of another guy, but there are guys we played against who a guy in the leg with my stick, but he hit me first," Fischer
amateur hockey. Despite the possibilities of broken bones, were jerks," Bryant said. said.
lifetime scars, and stitches, he continues to gear up and hit
the ice. After lining up across from Fischer for the first couple of The brutality of hockey is always present to any player
minutes, her male defenders learn that the saying "plays that steps in the rink, no matter which gender. With a
"I've gotten stitches in my chin from getting hit with a like a girl" is a huge understatement. sport that allows constant hits and hard checks, brutality
stick, and a lot of scars from being slashed, but I haven't is just second nature to these athletes who participate in
broken a bone yet," Nichols said. "Some guys underestimate me at first, but they get mad relative obscurity.
because I might score on them. Then they start playing for
Traditionally, hockey has been a sport dominated by male
athletes. Only recently has the sport seen an increase in
participation on the part of the females. In the past 10
years, participation for women's hockey has skyrocketed by
400%. The highest level of women's hockey was established
in 1999 by the National Women's Hockey League that is
based in Canada.
Junior Katie Fischer became a part of this statistic ever
since the seventh grade. She was also influenced by her
brothers who play hockey. She is currently playing roller
hockey for Mason's club team and is also playing for the
Cincinnati Swords.
"[My brothers] made fun of me because I played soccer,
so I started to play with them because it was fun. My best
friend played, and that helped me get started too," Fischer
Although Fischer plays for fun, she has future aspirations
to play hockey at an even higher level. Currently on the 16
and under girls USA team, Fischer plans to try out for the
Junior USA girls’ team next year.
Some girls who play with the guys are welcomed while
others are treated as if they don't deserve a spot on the
18 TheCHRONICLESports December 20, 2005
Sports Notebook Athletes often motivated by inspirational movies and music
Wrestling team looks to BY MORRISON TRACY personally think that Miracle, Rudi and
experience this season Chronicle Sports Writer Coach Carter all have a lasting effect on
today's athletes."
The wrestling team is coming off on Adversity, pain, triumph, and victory are the energizing
one of the most decorated seasons in series of events that define athletes. The powerful scenes por- In addition to movies, today's media
school history. Heavyweight Zach trayed in inspirational movies such as Miracle and Coach has promoted music to be inspiring as
Marshall won the state championship for Carter bring athletes ecstasy for life on and off the court. well. Before the game begins the fast
his weight class. Another state qualifier, paced, motivating beat playing in the
Dan Mizener, was a key leader of the The influence of movies and music is seen in locker rooms background, sends the athletes adrena-
team. Both Marshall and Mizener won 30 and weight rooms for teams across the country. Images are line into an uproar as they mentally
matches last year. Marshall, however, is painted on the walls as murals for everyone to look up to. As prepare for the intensity of the game.
now studying at the University of athletes prepare for competition; scenes from movies and the
Maryland on a football scholarship, and lyrics of songs become engraved in their minds. Senior Lady Comets junior guard Kristen
Mizener is studying at John Carroll wrestler Brian Porter reminisces back to Rudi before every Lamotte believes that music keeps every-
University. match and begins to focus. one elated yet calm before their games.
Despite having both wrestlers moved "When I am sitting around before I wrestle, I always think "Before every game I listen to my rap
on to college, this year's team depends about the movie Rudi," Porter said. "When Rudi stands up in music, and it's usually not the same
on their experience to make yet another the locker room and repeats that speech to the team, it just song. Whatever is my favorite at the time;
run to the state tournament. Under first- makes me want to get up and be a leader." I usually listen to that song," Lamotte
year coach Craig Murnan, the Comets said. "Any rap music is motivating for
bring back a number of varsity wrestlers, In addition to the inspiration for every match, classic sports me."
including several with experience at dis- films instill life lessons. Life outside the competition deals
tricts. with family, love, and adversity. Lamotte attributes the beat and quick
rhythm of the rap music as the reason
The feature grappler of the 2005-06 "No one supported Rudi, and he was able to rise above all that she enthusiastically anticipates the
season looks to be senior Brain Porter, the challenges. It's a rags-to-riches story to me. When I live game.
who qualified for the state meet last year. my life I try to do the same. I want to always rise above the
Porter finished 1-2 at the state meet, and difficult tasks ahead of me. The movie Rudi was able to teach "When I hear the beat turn up I just
finished the season with an overall record me that lesson, and I value that every single day," Porter want to get up and dance," Lamotte said.
of 35-9. He will wrestle in the 189-pound said. "In this case I don't dance; I just go to
weight class. play basketball. The music relaxes me
In addition to Rudi, other athletes may be inspired by the and gets me focused on the game ahead.'
Many other wrestlers look to be factors story of Coach Carter. The 1999 Richmond High School Oilers
of the team, and possibly wrestle their were made up of a group of disobeying, poor attitude, rebel- When Lamotte listens to a song, she
way to state competition. With Marshall lious young men. Their coach, Ken Carter, immediately put usually hears it throughout her game.
gone, sophomore Josh Kline occupies the boys on a strict academic rule requiring the athletes to
the heavyweight spot. Senior Jamie carry a 2.9 grade point average. Unlike Mason, Richmond was "The last song I hear before we have to
Morton returns to the 215-pound weight a school where less than 50% of the students graduate high leave the locker room is usually the song
class. Morton tallied 24 pins last season, school. The newfound focus on academics and diligence moti- I continually think about and replay in
and is a wrestler to watch. Junior Wes vated the boys on and off the basketball court. my head during the entire game," Lamotte
Kana will wrestle at 171, and senior said. The music clears my mind and makes
Steven Yost at 160. Senior Ben Villanyi Because of Coach Carter's motivation, Mason boys varsity me less nervous during the game."
is penciled in at 152, and junior Chad basketball coach Greg Richards, took his team to see the
Kline has the 145-pound weight class movie. Junior forward Matt White was in question on why Brian Porter also listens to music for
locked up. Richards had taken them to see the movie. relaxation.
Kline is a two-time district qualifier. "When [Richards] took us to the movie, I figured this must "I like to listen to Metallica or P.O.D.
Another junior, Brian Hyland, returns to be pretty important if our own coach is taking us to make before I wrestle," Porter said. "The vol-
the 140-pound weight class. Senior Joel sure we see this movie," White said. "The boys from Richmond ume helps me get rid of the noise of the
Cooperstein will wrestle at 135, and fel- really inspired me to put in the extra effort. We have every- crowd. I stop thinking about everything
low senior Eddie Suess will wrestle at thing here in Mason and watching what the Richmond boys and just clear my mind of all troubles and
130. Both Cooperstein and Suess are grew up with makes me want to give everything I have and worries."
district qualifiers, and have moved up one appreciate all I have been given."
weight class from last year. Junior Porter says he uses music as a distrac-
Ahmed Kamel, a first-year varsity Basketball stories like Coach Carter are usually magnified tion.
wrestler, takes over at 125. Senior Nick over the less celebrated sports like hockey. The lowly under-
Ford was another district qualifier last dog 1980 Olympic hockey team had moviemakers looking to "The lyrics or beat never get to me at all,"
year, and returns to wrestle in the 119 put hockey into the mix of inspiring sports stories. The movie Porter said. "The music to me is just there.
pound weight class. Two brothers, senior Miracle hit theaters everywhere in 2004. Hockey players like It's like I'm not even listening to it. I could
An Nguyen and junior Duy Nguyen will at senior Kevin Nichols skate onto the ice with the mentality of have Mozart playing for all I care. I just
the 112-pound spot. Freshman Josh those on the 1980 Olympic team. want to be away, and the music makes it
Artrip will wrestle at 109. so I can't hear anything. I put on whatever
"Miracle was amazing," Nichols said. "The best movie ever will drown out the noise from the crowd."
Boys’ basketball returns made, and I'll say that with no doubt in my mind."
three starters In some cases, music defines a portion of
The gold medal by the U.S. hockey team provided hope for who you are, whereas for others, music is
While the team lost All-FAVC First America, and it showed that athletes can overcome the impos- their life.
Team member Jack Brown and second- sible odds.
team member Mike Decker to graduation, "Chaos," Porter said. "That is my life in
the team returns much of its core from "When you watch the sports’ movies of today, you always music. I am chaos. It's simple as that."
last years 14-8 campaign. Leading scorer seem to leave with the simple feeling of never giving up on
Travis Brown, who averaged 20.9 points your dreams," Nichols said. Always strive to be better, and I "Hard work does pay off and you realize
per game last year, returns to guide the that when you watch a film that is based on a true story.
Comets through another season. Also Every single story teaches you a lesson," Nichols said.
returning are seniors Matt Hunter and
Tyler Lyon for the Comets this season. HIGHLIGHT REEL
Through the first three games of the Lauren Gentene Denise Fairbanks Tyler Lyon Chase Conn
season, the Comets stand at four wins Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball
and zero losses, with wins coming Senior Senior Junior
against Kings and Lebanon in the Union Senior
Centre Mortgage Tip-Off Classic at
Lebanon High School. In the first, Mason Senior Lauren Gentene Senior Denise Fairbanks has Second year varsity player First year varsity player junior
defeated Kings, despite a poor offensive returns as the Lady Comets' picked up where she left off Tyler Lyon has scored a sea- Chase Conn has come off the
output, by a score of 36-19. Stifling floor general this season and last season. The University of bench and added a spark for
defense that allowed zero points in the has played quality minutes for Dayton bound center scored son high 14 points in the the Comets offense this sea-
second quarter allowed the Comets to 12 points against Cincinnati's Lebanon Invitational
pull away for the win. In the second game her team this season. powerhouse Princeton and 21 son, adding two of the six
of the tournament, the Comets defeated Championship game, earning threes in the Comets' opener
Lebanon 46-30 for the tournament title. points against Amelia. him 1st Team All Tournament against backyard rival Kings.
Travis Brown led the way with 14 points,
while Tyler Lyon contributed 12 additional Honors.
points to help the team pull away from
Lebanon in the second quarter. In the
third game of the season Mason stifled
Amelia 57-38, with Brown scoring 20
points and Hunter scoring 12 points to
guide the team to victory.
- compiled by Matt Scruta and Drew Allen
December 20, 2005 TheCHRONICLESports 19
Gatorade never tastes as Campus Scene
Gameday Rituals sweet until Suess cuts ten Fall Sport Stars
pounds in one week In this month’s College Watch we are checking
out two former Mason High School students. Both were stars for the
I always have Subway Comets during their days in high school and are continuing to see
success at the collegiate level.
“a n d a G a t o r a d e a f t e r w e i g h -
ins. I have a pair of lucky Nicole Britenriker: Class of 2004
socks that I always wear and
I ll listen to the Red Hot Chili
Peppers before I wrestle.
Everyone on the team gets Currently in her sophomore season at The Ohio State University, Nicole
around the person that is
about to wrestle and starts
yelling at him. It definitely
fires me up.
”Senior varsity wrestler Eddie Suess ended last year with a record of 21- Britenriker has experienced great success on the volleyball
court for the Lady Buckeyes.
Eddie Suess, Senior This year, Nicole has played in 107 games and has post-
Varsity Wrestling ed 294 kills which is good enough for the third highest total
on the team. Throughout the season, Nicole has posted 97
blocks which has put her in second on the team in that cat-
11 and wrestled at 125 pounds. Suess had six pins last season and won Ohio State University This season,
Nicole has helped
the Fort Ancient Valley Conference.
Facts lead the Lady
- Compiled by Matt Scruta Buckeyes to a 22-
Nickname: Buckeyes 8 overall record
Conference: Big Ten and a 14-6 record Britenriker
in Big Ten play. The
How I got Started... Famous Alumni: 14-6 record in the conference was good
Vince Doria (VP of ESPN), Joey Galloway enough to earn the Buckeyes a tie for third
The Chronicle wants to know how you got started playing your sport... place in the Big Ten with the Minnesota
(NFL Wide receiver), Eddie George Golden Gophers.
"I started playing basketball when I was seven (Heisman Trophy Winner, NFL Football
Recently, Nicole was named athlete of
years old. My dad bought me a hoop when I was player), Patricia Heaton (Actress on the week by Ohio State. She was the
Everybody Loves Raymond), Bobby Knight team's top scorer against Michigan and
Matt White, Junior little and that was the first time I was ever able to Michigan State where she scored 17.5 and
play. My dad and being in competition influenced me (Basketball Coach), Clark Kellogg (TV 19.5 points respectively. Against Michigan
Varsity Basketball to continue playing.” sports analyst),), George Voinovich (U.S State, Nicole posted a team high in blocks
Senator), Archie Griffin (Two time heisman with 14.
trophy winner), John Havlicek (NBA Hall of
A 2003 graduate of Mason, Nicole was
named to the second team all state team
Junior Matt White returns from last year’s junior varsity team and is now her junior season and the first team all state team her senior season. Nicole was
starting for the Comets. White is a forward for the varsity basketball
team this winter. also named the player of the year in the Fort Ancient Valley Conference during both
her junior and senior seasons.
Nicole was also a member of the girl's’ track team where she competed in the
- Compiled by Morrison Tracy high jump and long jump. While at Mason, Nicole received Academic Athletic
What’s Your Take? Honors and was an FAVC All-Academic Athlete. Nicole is currently undecided on
her major.
Matt Owens: Class of 2004
Who is your favorite Bengal? A 2004 graduate of Mason, Matty Owens is currently a sophomore at Capital
100 students surveyed University in Bexley, Ohio. As a member of the Crusaders men's basketball team,
Matty is the team's sixth man and usually finds his playing time at the shooting
guard and point guard positions where he is averaging 23.1 minutes and 5.6
points per game. Matty has started in three of the seven games the Crusaders
have played.
Capital University While at Mason, Matty was the first fresh-
man to play on the varsity squad under head coach
Facts Greg Richards. Not only did Matty play on the var-
sity team as a freshman, he made an impact by set-
Nickname: Crusaders ting the school record for the most points scored by
a freshman with 132 in a single season. Matty was
Colors: Purple and White also named a first team all Fort Ancient Valley
Conference selection both his junior and senior
Affiliation: NCAA Division III seasons and was an honorable mention nominee in
the city his senior season.
Conference: Ohio Athletic
Conference (OAC)
- compiled by Joey D’Amico
Quality Senior Portraits at affordable prices The home of Mason Comet Bowling &
The Mason High School Fun Bowling League
20 TheCHRONICLESports December 20, 2005
All I want for
Christmas is. . .
photo contributed
Randi Rowlett sits on her champion horse Dynamic Sportsbuff.
Forget about Freddy Adu, this MHS
junior turned pro when she was ten
BY DREW ALLEN either squeezing your thighs or by “I hope we get a state title, for the team
Chronicle Sports Writer using your spurs," Rowlett said. "It's or individually, but preferably
very meticulous." for the team.”
Mason athletes have accomplished Wrestling coach Dino Davis
a lot in the schools long and storied Besides the necessary mental focus
history. With several state champi- and concentration, other elements “I hope we become the “I wish for good
onships having been claimed since make the sport both physically and conference fortune, good
2000 and countless league champi- mentally demanding. champions.”
onships, success is not something health and another
new. Few, if any, however, have "You usually have to get up Varsity basketball player trip to the state
claimed as much national recogni- between three and four in the morn- Jordan Heatherly tournament,”
tion and accolades as one Mason ing," Rowlett said. "Competitions Wrestling coach
junior. are usually very far away, for exam- “I want to beat Lakota Craig Murnan
ple, the Dixie Nationals are in West and for the varsi-
Since turning pro in the sport of Mississippi. You also have to prac- ty lineup to be healthy “I want to
Equestrian at the age of 10, junior tice a lot to be able to make the horse dominate on the
Randi Rowlett has taken home perform. At least a few hours a day." all year.” offensive glass.”
some of the most coveted trophies in Varsity football player Varsity girls bas-
the sport, including the American Because her horse, Dynamic ketball coach Rob
Quarter Horse Association Sportsbuff, is in Indiana, Rowlett Chad Kline said.
Congress. That event is the largest must travel a few hours just to prac- Matula
of its type in the world. tice. “I want to beat
Lindsay Grasley “I want perfect
"Ever since I went pro, I've won the "Since my horse is in Indiana, I from Kings in the health and
Dixie nationals, East Coast have to travel a lot," Rowlett said.
Championship, placed 3rd at the "But I still practice multiple times breastroke.” happiness for
Youth World in Fort Worth (Texas), during the week. I also stay there Varsity swimmer our team.”
the Wilmington Finals, Southern sometimes on the weekend." Swimming
Ohio Circuit Championship, the Amy Bland head coach
Boystown Gateway classic and While equestrian can take a men-
Gordyville finals, " Rowlett said. tal and physical toll, it also can take “I want a huge Mark Sullivan
a hit on the wallet, too. win over
"When I was nine, I won the AQHA “I want to win the
Congress, which is the largest com- "My horse cost $80,000," Rowlett Sycamore.” Mason Holiday
petition in the world." The AQHA said. "Then you have to pay for feed, Varsity soccer Classic.”
Congress is held annually in Texas, trainers and transportation. Varsity boys
and each year features over 10,000 However, a horse can eventually pay player basketball coach
riders in several different age for itself. I won enough competitions Ali Bagley Greg Richards
groups and competitions. with my horse that we eventually
resold it for $125,000." I want to beat St.
But what exactly is equestrian? Xavier and become
Equestrian is a sport with multiple With all of her success in equestri-
events including Dressage, Jumping an, Rowlett has had to practice for a the state
and Eventing. Dressage involves long time. She started riding at a champions.”
horses performing set movements very young age and has continued to Varsity swimmer
based on subtle aids from the rider, this day. Michael Whipkey
while jumping involves the horse
and rider jumping a series of 15 "My mom rode and she's the one
obstacles. that encouraged me to ride," Rowlett
said. "When I was four I got a pony,
Eventing combines the first two and then I started 4-H. I used to
disciplines, and adds a third compe- sneak to the barn when I was five or
tition of riding a cross-country six and ride with one of my friends.
course on horseback. All three are Since youre not allowed to ride in 4-
Olympic competitions, Rowlett, how- H when you're 10years old, I turned
ever, does not participate in any of professional. I then traded in my 4-
these events. H horse for a show horse and began
riding professionally."
"I participate in an event called
Western Pleasure. During your time Even though Rowlett has been rid-
the judges will call out certain com- ing since her early years, she has no
mands for you to make your horse plans to stop.
perform. You have to make the horse
perform only with your legs, by "I love riding, and I want to do it
for the rest of my life," said Rowlett.
I'm going to get my own stables, get
my kids involved and train show
December 20, 2005 TheCHRONICLEAds 21
Aponte’s Pizzeria
After averaging 20.9 points last season as a junior, Travis Brown has led his
team to 4-0 start this season. Last year, he was named the Fort Ancient Valley
Conference Athlete of the Year and selected first team all conference. Brown’s
name was known throughout the southwest district as he made third team All
Southwest Ohio and to the District 15 Underclassmen squad. He was also named
to the Cincinnati Enquirer All Stars. Brown currently holds the single season free
throw record at Mason. Brown hopes to lead the Comets to a second consecutive
FAVC title.
This season Brown was selected as the Most Valuable Player of the Lebanon
Holiday Classic. He scored seven points in their victory against Kings, 36-19. In
their second game, Brown scored 14 points defeating Lebanon 46-30.
The Comets recently beat the Amelia Barons 57-38 with Brown leading the team
with 21 points. Recently Brown contributed 18 points to their 59-49 victory against
Anderson. After four games, he is averaging 16 points per game.
Off the court, Brown carries a 3.67 grade point average and is undecided where
he will attend college next year. Because of his early accomplishments this sea-
son, The Chronicle and Aponte’s Pizzeria are proud to present Travis Brown as
the December Athlete of the Month.
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22 TheCHRONICLEViews December 20, 2005
The Chronicle is the official student Founding fathers would have taken the time to write a letter to the editor
newspaper of William Mason High
School. The Chronicle is produced by When the founding fathers began writ- punishments, news, elections, and ran- nity members and students. We may not
students enrolled in Journalism I, II, and ing the U.S. Constitution, they probably dom student opinion, we have yet to agree with what you have to say, but it is
III. envisioned a nation filled with U.S. citi- receive just one. our duty as journalists to print it so that
zens who would be compelled by freedom the community can decide.
Editorials reflect the staff’s opinion of speech to always state their opinions The most disappointing part of all of
but do not neccesarily reflect the opin- to the world, whether through text or this is that we hear so many complaints Our hope is that by bringing the com-
ions of the school administration or the speech. The students at Mason High in the hallways. Some of the most contro- munity an objective, unbiased newspaper
Mason City School District. School, however, are apathetic to this versial articles in our newspaper are yet the readers may be informed of issues
freedom. to be addressed by our readers. After lis- important to them, and in turn be
The Chronicle is published monthly. tening to your opinions we try to bring inspired to express their opinions. When
Call 398-5025 ext. 33110 for informa- While there are those citizens living in you the news we feel will affect your our mailbox stands empty, without any
tion regarding advertising in The poverty-stricken nations with corrupt lives. input from students or even a letter from
Chronicle. The Chronicle reserves the governments, where stating your opinion an angry parent, we feel The Chronicle
right to refuse advertising we deem can lead to your death, the students at At this time in history, our country is has failed to bring you news that is
inappropriate for a high school publica- MHS sit quietly in their seats. But not struggling to find its moral code. Will we important to you. We could write the sto-
tion. out of fear. No, it is a far worse reason allow homosexuals to marry? Should ries recommended year after year by
why they sit silent. They sit in their abortion be legal? What are the limits of judges at national contests and exchange
As an open forum for students, letters seats, counting down the minutes till the separation of church and state? You may the respect we receive from the student
to the editor are welcome, but are sub- end of the day, because they do not care not want to deal with these issues, but body for plaques and certificates to
ject to be edited for length, libel, obs- about their education, something taken whether we want to or not, these deci- mount on the wall. But to the staff of The
centiy, clarity, and poor taste. Letters to for granted daily. sions will be decided in our lifetime. You Chronicle, your response to our paper is
the editor may be dropped off in room have the power to determine the outcome the best accolade we could receive.
C110 and must be signed. They sit in their seats, watching the by using your freedom of speech to
minute-hand of the clock, groaning about express what you think is right. There Our challenge is for you to no ony tell
The Chronicle is a member of The the grievances of the day, and although are few better ways to do this than to us what you think of The Chronicle, but
Columbia Scholastic Press Association, we all know that MHS is filled with con- write to The Chronicle. the school, state, and even the world.
The National Scholastic Press troversy and complaints, The Chronicle is Should you feel compelled, letters to the
Association, Quill and Scroll yet to receive a letter to the editor. Yes, However, after each issue, we come to editor can be dropped in the mailbox on
International Honorary Society for High after over 50 articles written this school an empty mailbox. We open our newspa- the door to room C110.
School Journalists, and the Journalism year, after all the controversy over tests, per to publishing everyone's opinion,
Association for Ohio Schools. including that of staff members, commu-
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Mr. Dale Conner
December 20, 2005 TheCHRONICLEViews 23
Nation blind to atrocities Sleep achieved through time Students should become
management aware of their contribution
January 30, 1933 marked a pinnacle day in history. to animal cruelty
Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany, and Doesn't waking up at 6:00 a.m. or earlier on the week-
he would soon cause the death of over 6 million victims days totally bring you down? Don't you wish there was Everyday it passes by us unnoticed. We see it
of the Holocaust. still naptime or you had appreciated naptime as a child? everywhere. Whether it be in classrooms, the cafete-
How about less homework so you can have more time for ria or students walking the hallway. This is some-
Many students have scanned over such lines multiple your friends and yourself? Well, we're all in the same thing that is not only ignored on a local level, but in
times, and have read it as they have read every other boat, but we're also in a situation that's never going to many situations on a State and National level as
line in a history textbook, like an insignificant piece of change. well: animal cruelty.
information. This attitude is exactly what will bring
about another string of horrors in our future. We will always wake up at 6:00 a.m. or earlier because With organizations such as People for the Ethical
In seventh grade, I was given a project: create a docu- we need time to be ready for school before 7:15 a.m., so we Treatment of Animals (Peta) and the American
mentary on the horrors and propaganda of the holo- can get out at 2:15 p.m. because of sports and conflicting Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
caust. After hours of research, and scanning through bus times. Naptime is over and in the past; we're grown- (ASPCA) leading the way in protecting animals
photographs, I realized that I was connected to it. We ups! We won't get less homework because it's a part of the around the world, knowledge about the arrocities
all were. curriculum and it has always been that way. committed against animals in the meat, fur and gam-
ing industries seems to be lacking in students.
I had decided to call my grandmother, a 68-year-old If you're upset with waking up so early in the morning
Polish Jewish woman who had fled during the raids of on weekdays because of school or having so much home- When I take a look at a day in Mason High School,
1939, for an interview. I began by simply inquiring work, why don't you do something about it other than examples of animal cruelty jump out at me. Most stu-
what the Holocaust meant to her. Instantaneously, she complaining? Manage your time to lessen the stress dents can agree that our cafeteria offers a variety of
began giving me memories of hers, scared responses, caused by homework and get to sleep earlier, maintain lunch options; everything from taco salad to pepper-
and before I knew it, my strong grandmother was cry- your sleep schedule even on the weekends, and make sure oni pizza. But what expenses are taken to enable you
ing on the other end of the phone. And as I heard her you're not overdoing it. to eat that hamburger? According to www.peta2.com,
talking about all of my little great-cousins, my great- the average vegetarian saves 95 animals per year.
aunts, and my family being massacred, held without First, you shouldn't leave your homework for the night One person can spare the lives of 95 innocent ani-
food, beaten, stabbed, and left in ditches, I struggled for before and have to stay up until 1 o'clock in the morning mals that would have otherwise died a cruel, tragic
the right thing to say. Why was it so hard for me to say, finishing it. I know that most of the Mason students par- death.
"It's okay grandma, it's okay"? ticipate in after school activities and sports, leaving less
time to complete homework assignments. That makes it Most people are unaware of the mistreatment done
After our conversation, I stared into my computer even more critical to plan ahead. So, put it into portions. to animals in the meat industry. Cows, pigs and
screen and all the photographs of the victims. Their tat- Homework wouldn't be such a problem if it were man- chickens are kept in small cages and pens, deprived
tered clothes, undernourished bodies, the heaps of dead aged. of sunlight and fresh air, and fed growth hormones to
masses, the dark images of gunmen. Out of all these, make them reach a maximum weight. At this point,
the one object that truly solidified the importance of I am aware that there are occasional exceptions where the animals are usually unable to walk or stand
this event was the victims' eyes. Their gleaming, inquis- you have to stay up later, but most of these stressful situ- because of the increased weight bearing down on
itive eyes burned through my soul, sending me into ations can be fixed with planning and organization. their limbs. They are then forced into the back of a
tears. All of these people were related to everyone. They Besides, if you do end up staying up really late (which semi-truck and taken to the slaughterhouse; where
were once daughters, mothers, sons, and students. They should only be a once in awhile thing) make sure you get their throats are slit, and they are hung from their
once dressed up for dates, talked about boys, laughed at a good night's rest the next day. feet until they die from blood loss.
jokes, and had their embarrassing moments. It soon
became evidently clear why I couldn't force myself to Now, on the weekends, most see Friday night and Think about the heinous acts you are supporting
spit out the words "It's okay." Because it wasn't okay, Saturday night as a time where you can stay up all night everyday by eating meat. As a vegetarian of two
and it never will be. because you have nothing to do the next day. But you years, I am not satisfied with the food offered in our
should be concentrating on regaining some of the sleep cafeteria. It is my hope that as more vegetarians let
We've all heard the saying by Rev. Martin Niemoller, you lost over the span of the week. their voices be heard that maybe more menu options
"First they came for the Communists, and I didn't will eventually be offered.
speak up, because I wasn't a Communist. Then they For instance on the weekend, you stay up late Friday
came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up, because I night, and then you sleep in Saturday morning. Then, of Vegetarians can also have an influence on issues
wasn't a Jew…Then they came for me, and by that time course, you stay up late Saturday night too, thus, you as they relate to the academic curriculum. Last year,
there was no one left to speak up for me." sleep in past noon Sunday morning. Sunday night rolls as a sophomore taking Biology, I learned that we
around, and you realize that you have school the next day. would be dissecting not only a fish, but a grasshop-
Yet even 60 years after Niemoller's thought, we're So you either stay up late cause you're not tired and then per, frog, crayfish and rat as well. For a whole week I
still silent and blind to these travesties while we live face a very difficult Monday morning, or try and go to bed spent 5th period in the library filling our worksheets
them. The question comes "When will we be taken?" early and just end up lying there for hours because you as an alternate assignment and listening to my class-
can't fall asleep and still face a difficult Monday morning. mates tell me how "cool" it was to cut open a frog and
68 year old Boston University professor Elie Wiesel, poke at its insides.
author of Night, a critically acclaimed novel about his Sleeping in extremely long on the weekend and then
personal experience at an internment camp at the age continuing an erratic sleep schedule during the week puts Why do we dissect? What is the purpose of it?
of 15, gives insight into a life of unbearable atrocities he a lot of stress on your body. You're more susceptible to Please don't tell me there aren't any other ways to
endured. One of his more memorable experiences since getting sick and you are prone to more stress which learn about animal anatomy. Alternatives, such as
the Holocaust was when he visited Cambodia, and jour- makes it tough getting through the week in one piece. virtual dissections are more humane and more cost
nalists inquired about his presence, asking him, "What efficient. I personally think it is ridiculous that our
are you doing here? This is not a Jewish tragedy." Doctors suggest that you maintain the same sleeping school and science board support the dismemberment
Wiesel responded, "When I needed people to come, they cycle that you practice during the week, i.e. waking up of what were previously happy, alive animals living
didn't. That's why I am here." early and going to bed early and getting at least 8 hours in their own environment.
of sleep a night, even during the weekends. It's healthier
Yet some people still don't get the message. After and creates less stress for you during the week. All I want is for the students and staff of MHS to
having editing my documentary and seen it numerous react in this manner as well. I want everyone to
times, I still watched it with such emotion and a quiver- There's one final point that you might want to consider. know the cruelty we have supported in our everyday
ing in my lips. However, the classroom of intelligent, Have you ever thought that you might be doing too much? lives, and I want everyone to know that animals have
diverse, talented individuals sat looking lazily around Are you rushing from activity to activity? Do you feel you rights too.
the room, and occasionally peeping up the screen. I have no time to breathe? Have you ever stepped back and
watched my documentary once again in the small class- looked at your schedule and thought about what was real- Overall, it just makes me sad to see students of
room in my middle school, and wondered," Is it okay ly important? Are you participating in activities not for Mason High School totally oblivious of animal cruel-
that so many people aren't watching? It's just a small your own enjoyment but because it's supposedly going to ty. They walk down the hallway in leather boots, eat
seventh grade documentary. Who cares?" make you look better on a college application? Or are you their cheese coneys for lunch and they have no idea
doing an activity even though it's not your choice? what they are contributing to.
But now, older and wiser, I know. It's not okay.
Because as those 24 students in my classroom demon- It's your time, and if it's filled to the brim, you might
strated, we are sitting blind and deaf to the atrocities. want to fix it. Find out what you really want to do. As
Billy Joel says in his song 'Vienna', "Slow down, you're
So now, the question still comes, "When will we be doing fine. You can't be everything you want to be before
taken?" your time."
For surely, no one will miss the silent and blind.
Feedback Question: What was the last book you read for pleasure and what did you like about it?
"Vanishing “Bourne "The Five "Harry "The DaVinci
Act. I thought Supremacy. I People You Potter and Code. There
it was liked was a lot of
intriguing reading Meet in the Goblet action and it
and a about the Heaven. I of was interesting
relatable enjoyed Fire and I like mys-
story." assassins reading it because it tery books."
and the because it was a
Caitlin Snyder dark side of was about good Ruby Kandah
Freshman politics." heaven." read!" Junior
Kyle Haver Leanna Staley Nick Ford Compiled by Michelle Rotbart
Sophomore Senior Senior