The h r o n i c l eApril 15, 2016 Volume 13, Issue 8
Committment to
Dinan Softball country and the
reaches team brings draft, see page 12
unique young talent
milestone, to the field,
see page 2 see page 23
Mason Police forced to respond
to community concerns
Gina Deaton | Editor-in-Chief
[email protected]
When the founding fathers penned legislation that
allowed American citizens to bear arms, they probably
didn’t have Nerf guns in mind.
Each spring, Mason becomes a battlefield as Nerf
Wars season begins. Dozens of five-person teams first
act as professional stalkers to learn about their rival
team, and then strategically track them down outside
their homes and jobs to shoot them with Nerf bullets.
At the end of the week, the team with the most
hits wins and advances in the bracket. This year, with
93 teams up for a large cash prize, the battlefield has
opened. Students will take extreme measures to win,
and it is on the verge of becoming a nuisance for the
Mason Police Department as the players are aware of
the raging war, but Mason residents aren’t.
Senior Courtney Hancock, in a surreptitious attempt
to knock out one of her opponents before they left for
school, decided to stake out in their yard—only to real-
ize shortly after that she was sitting in the wrong front
“I have probably traumatized a couple of nice people
at their houses,” Hancock said. “I went to the wrong
house one morning and scared the bejesus out of a
woman. I felt so bad. I just gave her a heart attack, sit-
ting in her yard at six o’clock in the morning. It was
Hancock was also involved in a police encounter
when her neighbor panicked and called the police upon
seeing Hancock’s opponents driving erratically up and
down the street and blocking a car in a cul-de-sac, all for
the ultimate purpose of shooting someone on her team.
[story continued on page 17]
Photo Illustration by Madison Krell
Senior Sam Parsons is a very competitive Nerf Wars player who takes extreme measures to win.
C2 April 15, 2016
Dinan gets ‘caught up’ with release of new novel
Abbey Marshall | Managing Editor ing that, the real work began. Photo by Abbey Marshall
[email protected] “I sent out 125 query letters (for an
Kurt Dinan held a book signing at Joseph-Beth Booksellers on Wednesday, April 6.
Lots of students are going to “get agent),” Dinan said. “Query letters
caught” reading English teacher have very specific specifications... book. I went to visit the publisher in seeing his writing style because he
Kurt Dinan’s debut novel. You have to sell the novel within Chicago last year and I loved that. I taught Creative Writing and I want
about 250 words...I bet it was a year wanted to see the people who were to see how he writes.”
Dinan’s Young Adult book Don’t and a half before an agent agreed to working on my book. I was sent to
Get Caught hit bookstores on April represent it...I had bites from certain Denver to meet with booksellers and Dinan said he is excited about hav-
1. It is is a comedic tale of Max Cobb agents and they read the book. My that was thrilling. I was with other ing students approach him about his
and his friends, who begin an elabo- agent, Carrie Sparks, loved the book authors whose books were coming novel.
rate prank war at their high school. and offered to represent it. She had out and some were Pulitzer Prize
revision notes and I revised the book winners. I felt like a fraud at times, “I do have kids who walk by me
“Don’t Get Caught is a YA heist again for what she said we needed to but at the same time, I felt really ap- in the hall who come up and ask
novel, but instead of them stealing do. Then she sends and meets with preciated and that was fun.” me when the book is coming out,”
things, they’re pulling really elabo- all the book editors she knows. She Dinan said. “They want to read the
rate pranks within their building,” specializes in Young Adult novels. Dinan said his experience will not book. I know when the book comes
Dinan said. “Hilarity ensues. Lots of So she goes to all the Young Adult only help further his career as a writ- out, kids are going to be coming and
really over the top pranks. A lot of editors and publishers she knows er, but assist in his job as an English asking me to sign it. I’m going to see
humor. Really fast-paced.” and gives them this book...From teacher. a kid I don’t know walking down the
those, Source Books, out of Chicago, hall with my book and that’s really
Dinan said his inspiration came loved the book and wanted to pub- “I try not to oversell the book,” exciting and fun.”
from a place of failure. After writing lish it and here we are.” Dinan said. “That’s not my job. I’m
a book he couldn’t publish, he be- here to teach, but the book comes Freshman Andy Carter picked up
gan listing out elements that would As the April 1 release date ap- up. It has to. I reference it when we a copy of Don’t Get Caught on the
make a good story. proached, Dinan said he began re- talk about the writing process. It release date and finished it within a
lentless promotion across the coun- does give me a sort of verisimilitude. day.
“I wrote a novel I couldn’t sell and try and internet, including a book I have a certain amount of author-
when I was reevaluating, I decided signing April 6 at Joseph-Beth Book- ity, especially in creative writing, be- “I started reading it Friday morn-
to make a list of what I like in books sellers in Norwood. cause I do this. This is what I do. I ing and finished reading it Friday af-
because they tell you to like what know what works and what doesn’t. I ternoon,” Carter said. “It reads pretty
you would read,” Dinan said. “So I “It’s been a lot of busywork: writ- know how to approach certain prob- quick and it keeps you turning the
made a list and on that list was what ing blog entries for people’s books, lems.” pages so I thought it was pretty fun
I like: heist films, ensemble casts, doing interviews, but I’m trying to to read. It’s a good book.”
juvenile humor, short chapters, not enjoy it all because as far as I know Junior Holly Martin, a mentee of
much description, plot twists and I I will never publish another book,” Dinan, benefited from his real-world Dinan said he is proud of his ac-
made that list and ultimately that’s Dinan said. “Once this one’s done, experience. complishment of becoming a pub-
what I ended up with.” it doesn’t mean anything. It doesn’t lished author.
mean that I get to publish another “Since he has that real-world expe-
After 18 months and eight drafts, rience, he can give us real advice,” “I’m thrilled it’s coming out,” Di-
Dinan’s work was complete. Follow- Martin said. “Instead of a teacher nan said. “A friend of mine said the
saying, ‘Write what you feel’, he can other day, ‘You’ve achieved some-
Photo by Abbey Marshall actually give us feedback on what thing some authors will never
he has gone through and what he’s achieve. A publisher is putting your
Kurt Dinan read a chapter of his novel at Joseph-Beth Booksellers on April 6. experienced...I’m looking forward to book out.’ I’ve gotten a lot of posi-
tive feedback on the book. A lot of
people seem to love the book.”
April 15, 2016 C 3
Gay-Straight Alliance to help clothe the homeless
Mason GSA chapter to Approximately 40% of homeless teens identify as LGBT
partner with Lighthouse
Youth Services
Jessica Sommerville | Online Editor Family rejection on the basis of sexual orientation
[email protected] and gender identity was the most frequently cited
factor contributing to LGBT homelessness (46%).
Not every teen eats three meals a day, dons a hoodie
when cold, or sleeps in the comfort of a home. Accord- Statistics come from a 2012 report by the Palette Fund, the True
ing to a 2014 report by the U.S. Department of Housing Colors Fund and the Williams Insitute. Respondents included 354
and Urban Development, nearly a quarter of all home- agencies that provide services to homeless youth.
less persons are under 18.
Infographics by Madison Krell
The Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) will hold a clothing
drive the week after April 15, its Day of Silence. The
club underwent a “reboot year” last year, senior and co-
president Spencer Kociba said, but is now ready to give
back to its community.
“The GSA has been rebooted like six or seven times
in the history of Mason High School,” Kociba said. “But
I think we finally found a group of kids who are willing
to step up and work for the club.”
After creating a mural for the Trevor Project last
year, the GSA decided to continue its service with a
clothing drive in hopes of reaching the LGBT commu-
nity, senior and co-president Lauren Zell said.
“It was a suggestion last year, and we wanted to make
it specifically for trans-kids who couldn’t afford cloth-
ing to fit their gender identity,” Zell said. “But we found
a homeless youth organization in Cincinnati, the Light-
house organization. Because LGBT youth are at high
risk for being homeless, we know that no matter who it
goes to, it will be helping our community.”
The Williams Institute reported in 2012 that approxi-
mately 40 percent of homeless teenagers identify as
LGBT. Lighthouse Youth Services, to which the clothes
will be donated, has been working in the Cincinnati
community since 1969 and offers a variety of services
to children and young adults in need, including hous-
ing, mental health counseling, foster care, adoption
and more.
Kociba said the clothing drive and the partnership
with Lighthouse resonated with the GSA as a method
of outreach because of its personal impact.
“We wanted to do something more than just write
people a check, and we figured that clothes were a lot
more personal to donate,” Kociba said. “When you’re
homeless, you can’t afford food, let alone clothes. We
thought it was a better way to serve the community.”
Zell said because of limited warehouse space, the
club is looking for mostly spring and summer cloth-
ing, which teens will be able to use most readily.
“The week of the fundraiser, we will have a box for
the donations at the end of every pod in the first floor,”
Zell said. “We can leave whatever we need in there, and
at the end of the week, we’re going to take it all and
take it down to their warehouse in Cincinnati.”
The club does not have a numerical goal for dona-
tions, but merely hopes to make a difference.
“We don’t have a specific goal; we just want to make
sure we have an impact on our city,’’ Zell said. “We’re
really glad it’s a Cincinnati-based organization because
it’s important to have something local.”
4 C April 15, 2016
The Chronicle’s Policy Staff Editorial
to the editor
The Chronicle is the official student newspaper Voters must play pivotal role
of William Mason High School. in convoluted democracy
The Chronicle promises to report the truth and Whether we feel the Bern or long to make
adhere to the journalistic code of ethics through America great again, we have embraced the
online and print mediums. 2016 election. We may have done so begrudging-
ly, insisting the candidates will paint our nation
The Chronicle is produced by students enrolled a laughingstock, but even as the youths, the un-
in Journalism I, II and III. derdogs of the political spectrum, we are ready.
Editorials reflect the staff ’s opinion but do not While it may be easy to discount our votes
necessarily reflect the opinions of the school ad- for that of a 35-year-old with a mortgage and a
ministration or the Mason City School District. blue-collar work ethic, the youth vote has been
The Chronicle is published monthly. Call
398-5025 ext. 33103 for information regarding In 2008, Obama’s first year of victory, he re-
advertising in The Chronicle. The Chronicle re- ceived 66 percent of the vote from 18 to 29-year-
serves the right to refuse advertising it deems olds, according to the Pew Research Center. The
inappropriate for a high school publication. youth vote played no small role in his triumph
over McCain, and now, candidate Bernie Sand-
As an open forum for students, letters to the ers parlays his momentum by appealing to that
editor are welcome, but are subject to be edited same demographic.
for length, libel, obscenity, clarity and poor taste.
Letters to the editor may be dropped off in room Whatever our political affiliations, we have
C103 and must be signed. never denied the power of political participa-
tion. We are ecstatic to register to vote, even as
The Chronicle is a member of The Colum- it remains a menial online process. Those of us
bia Scholastic Press Association, The National who miss the age cut-off by a splintered month
Scholastic Press Association, Quill and Scroll grimace at the four-year waiting period before
International Honorary Society for High School us.
Journalists and the Ohio Scholastic Media As-
sociation. We are young, and though we are discerning,
Contact Information though we trust no entity completely, we strive
The Chronicle to enter a world of democracy.
William Mason High School
6100 S. Mason Montgomery Rd. We are still young enough to think we can
Mason, Ohio 45040 change the world single-handedly.
(513) 398-5025
The Chronicle Staff But we cast that vote, and we wonder if our
Editor-in-Chief political participation ends there, in formality.
Gina Deaton
Managing Editor Our delegates do not have to vote in accor-
Abbey Marshall dance with the popular vote, though our del-
Sports Editor egates are the ones with the political cash. Our
Kylie McCalmont one-cent votes may not even make it that far.
Online Editor
Jessica Sommerville A recent fiasco in the Nevada caucuses apexed
Online Sports Editor when Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, yet
Eric Miller Sanders walked away with the most delegates.
Visual Editor
Madison Krell Not to mention the back-alley, or should we
Graphic Designer say back-Capitol-building, deals that parties are
Kate Madigan sure to broker. Donald Trump is reaping the
Business Manager popular vote, yet he will not receive the Repub-
Ashton Nichols lican nomination – not if his own party has any-
Staff Writers thing to say about it.
Alyssa Brooks
Serina Cline We may despise Trump. We may despise
Arnav Damodhar Clinton. But we must inquire: Can we handle a
Juliana Discher dulled pencil as president, if we at least – we the
India Kirssin people, not we the delegates – chose it? Or can
Madison Krell we take comfort in a sharpened presidency, even
Lauren Lysko if we did not design it?
Charlie MacKenzie
Duncan MacKenzie The query dampens our fresh-to-the-vote spir-
Isabel Marotta it, and as the clouds darken, our political activ-
Matt Marvar ism and positivity that our nation so desperately
Jonathan McCollough requires darken with it.
Erin McElhenny
Eric Michael We are young enough to still think we can
Blake Nissen change the world. We are old enough to know
Meghan Pottle we must start with our democratic system.
Asia Porter
Alekya Raghavan
Ellie Uecker
Dale Conner
April 15, 2016 C 5
Editorial Cartoon Opinion
Muslims are
not to blame
Reality dramas Their key is manipulation, and their knowledge Jonathan McCollough | Staff Writer
went too far, over of all your fears is power.” [email protected]
a decade ago
It’s no wonder that the stars are mentally un- Following the horrific terrorist attacks in Brus-
Gina Deaton | Editor-in-Chief stable. Not only do they have personal fears and sels, politicians and civilians alike were quick to
[email protected] stresses, but the television series is using those up their anti-Muslim rhetoric.
fears and stresses against them, and airing it for
I watched three episodes of The Bachelor this millions of viewers to watch—to enjoy watching. We see these attacks happen far too often nowa-
season, and I am never watching it again. days, and it’s sad that fear has creeped its way into
Yet, whether it is the desire for fame, fortune, nearly every part of our lives, but we must not al-
In February, Alexa McAllister, a former Bach- or, in the case of The Bachelor, a spouse—count- low this fear to influence our actions and policy in
elor contestant, became the third woman from less men and women audition each season, and a way that strips away at our values and hurts our
the show to commit suicide, and the 21st in the maybe the desire for those things blind from way of life.
last decade. Reality television, in its desperate the ideas of what strings are attached with the
attempts to create that direly craved drama, has short-lived fame. On the day of the attacks, presidential candidate
been sacrificing the mental health of its stars Ted Cruz gave a statement in which he said, “We
for ratings and views, and it has continued with- I cannot support this show. I cannot give it need to empower law enforcement to patrol and
out much question, even following suicides. the views it wants—the views that it has gotten secure Muslim neighborhoods before they be-
This is utterly unacceptable. from running contestants into mental instabil- come radicalized.”
ity and harm, and therefore continues to pro-
Following McAllister’s suicide, Jesse Csincsak, mote. They’re saying that reality dramas have Aside from the very low likelihood that such a
the season four “bachelor”, spoke out. He told come too far now, but they crossed the line over plan would be effective or solve any issues, he is
Life & Style magazine, “‘Bachelor’ is one of the a decade ago when the first suicide happened. once again condemning an entire religious group
most dangerous shows. It is not about finding That was already too many lives lost from such to be mistreated because of the horrible actions
love; it is about embarrassing the hell out of a miniscule, ignorant cause. of a small part of that group. America is home
each and every contestant for ratings and mon- to nearly three million Muslims, the majority of
ey. It ruins people’s lives. I’m afraid this won’t be It’s truly unacceptable and embarrassing for whom are normal people just like us.
the last suicide.” us as a society. Sure, a clear connection may not
be able to be made without evidence that the It is simply wrong to infringe upon the liberties
The show reportedly does psychological shows were the cause of their death, but does and freedoms of a very large group of people just
screenings of the stars prior to the show, but it really matter? Do we need a clear connection because they share the same religion as a much
Csincsak said that the screenings are used before we go to ensure the mental health of oth- smaller, evil group of people.
against the stars to create stress and contro- ers? No, we never should.
versy, rather than actually monitoring their We have to remember that the real enemy that
mental health. He said, “They have you write The Hollywood Reporter compiled a list of 27 we are facing is ISIS, not all Muslims. Allowing
down your fears and if you say you are afraid fatalities from people who appeared on reality ourselves to overreact to tragic events like the
of heights, they make sure they put you on the TV shows—and that list is from 2013. Whether it attack in Brussels will do more harm than good,
top of a skyscraper—that’s what makes good TV. was from mental illness or something else, the and we cannot afford to persecute peaceful people
line has nevertheless been crossed. who are on our side.
I’m no longer going to give my views to these On top of being dangerous, Cruz’s statement is
shows, but that’s the least I can do. It all stems also rather hypocritical given his position as a re-
down to each person looking out for the mental ligious candidate who is against the government
well-being of those around them. No amount of getting involved with religion. He seems to be
drama or “good television” is worth a life. taking a stance: religious freedom is essential un-
less the religion is different from his own.
The harsh reality is that violence has no reli-
gion and targeting a specific group as being dan-
gerous makes no sense. According to the New
York Times, in America you are seven times more
likely to be killed by a right wing extremist than
an Islamic extremist, whether that is at a church
in South Carolina or a Planned Parenthood clinic.
It is easy to be scared of what is different or un-
familiar, and it is easy to buy into the rhetoric that
people like Ted Cruz and Donald Trump are using
far too often.
But we cannot let that fear get the best of us
and discriminate against millions of people who
are fighting the same fight, who share the same
enemy, as the rest of us.
C6 April 15, 2016
Connecting Little and Great Miami bike trail excites local cyclists
The Little Miami Trail helps connect the surrounding Alekya Raghavan| Staff Writer difficult to bring themselves to drive that large a
communities. [email protected] distance just to ride. But by bringing the trail into
Mason, that would offer a really great opportunity
Photos by Alekya Raghavan Plans are underway to connect the Little and for people to begin getting interested in cycling.”
Great Miami Bike trial to Mason.
Cyclists regularly use the Little Miami Trail. Preceding the Tri-State Trails project, is an ex-
The Great Miami River Trail already runs from tension of the Little Miami Scenic Trail through
Miami township to Washington township, but a the Village of Newtown and Anderson Township
new, multi-state initiative aims at completing and in Hamilton County. The project will add 3.15
extending the network to Cincinnati. Eventually miles to an existing 78 mile trail, already one of
it is scheduled to connect with the Little Miami the longest paved trails in the United States.
Scenic Trail in Warren County. The project is be-
ing conducted by Tri-State Trails and will also be Studies in 2008 and 2011 assessing the impact of
connecting Warren and Butler counties. the Little Miami Trail on single family residential
properties also found retail price to go up by over
The project, which was proposed in 2001, has yet seven dollars for every foot closer to the trail.
to begin. Recently, the Mason City Council met to According to Kimberly Whitton, the Marketing
discuss supporting and funding the project since Communication Coordinator for Great Parks of
the extension of the trail would move it closer to Hamilton County, the extension project aims to
home. accentuate the many benefits the trail provides.
Senior Austin Woodruff, who trains in competi- “This trail offers enhanced transportation and
tive cycling, said that a trail’s long terrain, such as recreation opportunities for multiple communi-
those of the Little and Great Miami, is important ties in the Cincinnati region,” Whitton said. “Be-
for cyclists. sides being great places to walk, run or bike, stud-
ies are showing that multi-use trails and other
“If I’m not on trail, the best places in Mason to greenways improve air quality, health, reduce
ride are difficult for me to access, just because crime, improve property values, spur tourism rev-
there are a lot of areas in Mason where you don’t enue, prompt economic growth, increase worker
have sidewalk access outside of a neighborhood,” productivity and job satisfaction. A trail can even
Woodruff said. “A runner can take a side walk, boost community pride and appeal.”
other athletes can use fields, but because when
you’re cycling and you’re travelling at great dis- After receiving $1 million from Ohio’s capital
tances the terrain in which you are riding can budget for the project and $1.94 million in fed-
change greatly within just one or two miles that eral funding, the Great Parks of Hamilton County
the accessibility of the area can completely di- began construction on the Little Miami trail mid
minish you. Having that long path is amazing 2015 and is looking forward to completion in
because it allows you to have such versatility in spring.
how you cycle.”
Whitton said that the extension project aims to
Such an extension appeals not only to bikers supplement resources and connect the communi-
and athletes, but to health advocates and eco- ties through which the trail passes.
nomic development officials. The extension of
the trail into Mason will also expand fitness and “The project will enhance the existing trail sys-
exercise opportunities, said Woodruff. tem serving Hamilton County and improve the
transportation and recreational opportunities for
“(The trail extension) would drastically change area communities,” Whitton said. “The continu-
the way people in Mason see cycling as a physi- ation of the trail is a significant milestone for
cal activity or interest,” Woodruff said. “For many the Cincinnati tri-state region as we continue to
people who are just starting up with cycling or connect communities together through amazing
biking, or just want to do it for fun, it can be really trail systems.”
April 15, 2016 C 7
Virtual reality transforms how students work and play
Interactive virtual worlds have been made pos- Virtual Reality Glasses:
Asia Porter | Staff Writer sible with 3D monitors. Hodgson said 3D moni-
[email protected] tors project virtual objects and allow users to
Consumers are escaping the real world thanks grab and examine them in a 360 degree view.
to new virtual reality technology. “This is a 3D monitor, but it incorporates head-
Virtual reality allows users to be transported tracking kind of like the Oculus,” Hodgson said.
into a virtual world by projecting imaginary sur- “As I lean closer to things, it can get bigger. You
roundings around them, making them feel as if also have a stylus so I can reach in and grab
they’re in an alternate 360 degree world. things so I can pick it up; I can flip it over it’s like
it’s attached to the end of the pen.”
Cave Automatic Virtual Surgeons use 3D monitors for practice surger-
Environments (CAVE): ies. Hodgson said the ability to virtually study
bodies and perform dissections has eased cul-
tural controversy surrounding handling corpses.
“There’s a lot of cultural controversy to have A student experiences virtual reality through oculus rift
(medical students) touching dead bodies,” Hodg-
son said. “It becomes very hard to train doctors
and surgeons, so they do a large chunk of their Google released Google Cardboard glasses that
education through virtual dissection.” transport users to a virtual world when they insert their
phones in front of the glasses. On January 28, Mason
Middle School had speakers come in and discuss Google
A R P :ugmented eality with i ad Cardboard and the Google Expeditions Pioneer pro-
gram. Middle school spanish teacher Lauren Richardson
helped bring the program to MMS and said virtual
reality enhances students’ learning by making material
more applicable to their lives.
Dr. Eric Hodgson explains how the CAVE works with “I think it makes it relevant,” Richardson said. “I think
the help of virtual reality glasses. when you talk about places, unless you’ve been there
experiencing it personally, you really don’t understand
Users can enter life-sized virtual worlds with the how magnificent these places can be. I think when
CAVE. The technological cube projects full-sized
3D images onto the walls and floors. you’re there--when you study stuff in the classroom and
Dr. Eric Hodgson, the director of the 3D visual- it becomes truly almost like real life to you--that it’s a
ization center and the CAVE at Miami University,
said CAVE makes having multiple people in one lot more meaningful to learning.”
virtual world possible.
Richardson said studying the culture of Spanish-
“It’s a room you step into,” Hodgson said. “So the
screens here, all three of the walls plus the floor, A student adds an animated object to screen using speaking countries is a part of learning Spanish. Rich-
are all 3D projections, so when you turn it on, it’s augmented reality on the iPad.
like I’m stepping into this 3D world.” ardson said she can see virtual reality technology being
Augmented reality systems let users place virtu-
Hodgson said the CAVE is ideal for engineering al objects onto real life objects. Hodgson said this added to schools, and it will provide school’s an outlet to
companies that want to correct their designs and effect is achieved by a camera’s ability to pick up
make modifications to a building without actually on patterns and lines. take field trips on a tight budget.
building the structure.
“This gets more into what we call augmented re- “I definitely could,” Richardson said. “I think because
“Disney actually uses these to preview their rides ality where you can have a digital thing overlaid
before they build them,” Hodgson said. “It’s a lot on a physical environment,” Hodgson said. “The with schools, budgets are an issue as far as being able to
cheaper and easier to find the mistakes before you camera on the tablet watches for this pattern and
build it than after you build it.” basically aligns the 3D model in the same way as do field trips, and I think virtual reality gives you a field
the pattern.”
3D Monitors: trip experience without leaving the school.”
New snapchat filters turn an average selfie into
A student works on 3D monitor to alter animated a photo full of special effects. The secret behind In virtual reality video games, gamers will put on
objects. these effects is augmented reality. When a user
holds down on their face, the camera recognizes a pair of virtual reality glasses and enter the digital
their face as a pattern and lays a virtual image on
top of it. gaming world. Sony is set to release PlayStation VR in
The film industry benefit from augmented real- October which will retail for $399. Rival models such
ity through use of green screens. Freshman MBC
Reporter Isabel Roe said green screen technology as the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive cost $799 and $599,
allows her to edit in a virtual background, making
a video look more professional. respectively. Junior Andy Braun said the new technology
“I usually take the video into the editing system makes a player appear as if they’re in a virtual world.
on the computer and enter in the background
I want,” Roe said. “The benefits of using a green “It makes you see it as if you’re in the game,” Braun
screen is to make a video more appealing to the
eye, makes a scenery look more realistic, or pos- said. “It can’t really do more than that because of limita-
sibly more professional.”
tions, but products like the Oculus Rift and there’s an-
other one called the HTC Vive--they let you look around
and see it as if you’re in that world.”
TV shows and films have offered 3D viewings to audi-
ences for years, but Hodgson said virtual reality glasses
surpass what ordinary 3D glasses can do.w
“This is a very different experience,” Hodgson said.
“It’s more like I got sucked into the TV and now I’m
there, and I can turn around and look around like
there’s a world around me. In horror films this is a real
big thing coming up where there’s really something
sneaking up behind you in the film, and you have to
watch over your shoulder.” Photos by Madison Krell
C8 April 15, 2016
April 15, 2016 C 9
TV show characters inspire student career choices
Meghan Pottle | Staff Writer a lot of things about it,” Breuer said. “If there was Photo by Madison Krell
[email protected] someone who had a bursting appendix, I would
look up what the procedure was and how you can Freshman Erin Breuer said shows like Grey’s Anatomy
The next Meredith Grey or Olivia Pope could tell how to do it. And also, taking out their pan- has her considering going into the medical field when
be roaming the halls of Mason High School right creas, a kidney, or a liver.” she graduates from high school.
Crime dramas are popular on TV which has in-
From crime scene investigations to dramatic fluenced many to consider careers in crime sci-
surgeries, television shows are influencing young ences. Senior Jordyn Mitchell said she aspires to
viewers to pursue specific career fields because of be like the crisis fixer, Olivia Pope, who runs her
how they are portrayed on television. own consulting firm in the drama series, Scandal.
The popular medical drama series Grey’s Anat- “I was like ‘Wow, that’s such a cool job to do’, (to)
omy is known for its high drama, seemingly im- help people, but she does it through politics and
possible surgeries and romances. Freshman Erin big personnels,” Mitchell said. “So I was like ‘What
Breuer said she wants to be an orthopeadic sur- if I do the same thing but with athletes?’ I could
geon because of Grey’s Anatomy. handle all of these situations, it would be so cool,
and Olivia Pope is my life goal.”
“I know it is fake, but it just seems like a really
fun career to have,” Breuer said. “Like helping Mitchell plans on pursuing sports management,
people, even though you can’t help everybody, then going to law school to become a sports agent.
you can help a lot of people and that is something Mitchell said even though Scandal is a fictional
I would like to do.” series, there are some real world aspects of it that
appeal to her.
Breuer said she learned different qualities to
have as a surgeon from Grey’s Anatomy, such as “I like the fact that she owns her own business
multitasking and being more patient. and she runs stuff,” Mitchell said. “So it is like
more of a family than a business. I feel like that’s
“From it, I’ve learned and I have looked things a real life aspect.”
up after the show to learn what it is, so I know
Trending Now: Birkenstock Sandals
“I would choose a Birkenstock “I was in the mountains of New York and there
because even though some people was four inches of snow, and I walked out in my
say they’re not very cute, I think Birkenstocks. I just wear them all the time. I have
they’re pretty cute and they’re six pairs and they’re all different and I love them. I
super comfortable so it’s a great like that they’re supportive because I feel like a lot
walking shoe. I like that you can of sandals for girls are really flat right across the
get them colorful, like mine are bottom. I had a really bad ankle because I sprained
paint splattered, or you can go it a long time ago. When I wear those (sandals), I al-
more plain.” ways fall or trip. (Birkenstocks) are good for clumsy
people like me.”
— Emily Muff, senior
— Yaffa Muhlbaum, senior
“They’re the most comfortable
shoes that I have ever worn, and Group of Interest: Yoga Club
when you wear Birkenstocks,
women love you. (My favorite
part) is the attention that I get
because I’m the only dude who is
man enough to wear them. I do
every single kind of activity, but
mostly taking long walks on the
beach and around the city.”
— Sebestian Castillo, junior
“They go with everything and Photo by Asia Porter Scan the QR
they’re easy to take off if you go on code or visit
adventures. I wear them when it’s Yoga club meets every other Monday. to
warmer obviously because they’re view the full story
open-toed shoes, but usually when
I go outside. I don’t wear shoes a Yoga club is a group that practices the arts of meditation and relaxation.
lot so I can wear these and I can It can help with stress relief and testing anxiety. This club increases flexi-
take them off whenever. Everyone blity and is a good core excercise. It is a low impact activity for people of
calls them Jesus sandals and it’s all ages. They meet in the dance room every other Monday.
funny. “
— Josie Brush, sophomore
Photos by Duncan MacKenzie Compiled by Lauren Lysko
Compiled by Duncan MacKenzie
C10 April 15, 2016
April 15, 2016 C 11
Teachers recall unique moments in classrooms
MHS teachers have witnessed countless unusual events in their classrooms. From promposals to tack-
ling students, teachers are constantly being surprised. These most memorable moments have kept MHS
staff on their toes and their days anything but boring.
1 22
1 Randy Hubbard
Amy Ortega
Spanish Teacher Science Teacher
“I’ve had drama, like 3 4 “I had a football play-
couples, there had er in class that was
been love connections clowning around and
in class, I had one boy, wouldn’t follow direc-
we planned it out to- tions and he said I
gether and he got down couldn’t take him so I
on one knee and asked grabbed him, just play-
a girl to homecoming ing around, and tried
and she said no in front to carry him back to his
of the whole class and it desk, and I did, but the
was really sad. We had problem is my pocket
prom drama, we had got caught on the cor-
a couple that was dat- ner of the desk and it
ing and one cheated on ripped my pants all the
another and they were way down to my ankle.
fighting and crying in So I had to put my gym
class and I was like, clothes on so the rest
‘Guys, let’s get this out of the day had a dress
of the classroom.’ That shirt on an sweatpants.
was hard because they (My class) pretty much
were in class breaking all laughed at me. I had
up right before prom. to run out of the room
So several love connec- real quick to change my
tions met in class.” clothes.”
3 Illustration by Madison Krell 4
Compiled by Serina Cline
Jere Clark Rob Matula
Math Teacher Science Teacher
“So it was one of my first few years here and we were playing the plunger game where we take the plunger and “Last year I had a kid
you put answers randomly all over the board and you put a problem up and once the person guesses the problem who tried to fight an-
they will run up to the board and the first one to plunge the problem wins. So I get this great idea in between other kid and I had
bells and I take take the plungers and put them outside so no one can see them and then I wait a couple minutes to wrestle him to the
before I come in the classroom. I went to the drinking fountain and filled one of the plungers with water and I ground and actually,
walked in a couple minutes late to class and everyone looked at me cause I was carrying a plunger and I was like you know, hold him
‘I’m so sorry but did you guys see the girls bathroom, water was coming up, it was clogg city!’ They said, ‘Doesn’t down and it was all I
the janitor do that?’ And I was like, ‘No, we have to do that, it was nasty, you should have seen what came out’-- could do now that i’m
and I flew my arms in the air--‘it was this big!” And water flew at people and they were standing their mortified. a little bit older but I
It was one of my favorite memories. I don’t think I ever told them. I like to have fun.” think I still won.”
12 April 15, 2016 C
Despite requirement to register for selective se
Draft notice though unwelcome had a po
Blake Nissen | Staff Writer Photo by Blake Nissen country. “Volunteer service is way better than a draft because drafted he wouldn’t have enac
[email protected] not only does it breed motivated soldiers but people who re- fantry, he said.
ally want to be there,” Davidson said. “It weeds out the people
While the nation does not cur- that are the bad apples…because when a soldier is unmo- “I had a student deferment, b
rently have an active draft, every tivated, you start seeing casualties; you start seeing people have filed for a conscientious o
18-year-old male has to register getting hurt.” didn’t believe in the war and f
for Selective Service. The Selec- you didn’t feel that you shoul
tive Service System is an organiza- WHEN THE DRAFT BECOMES A REALITY said.
tion to provide manpower to the The draft, while not part of our reality today outside of the
armed forces in an emergency. 20-second selective service form, had incredible impacts on Under the current draft law,
many young men’s lives during the Vietnam War. Clarence have his induction postponed
The form is quite simple, re- Castle, father to Mason High School math teacher Nicole rent semester. A senior can be
quiring only your name, date Paxton, served for two years in Vietnam after being drafted full academic year. Fox said he
of birth, address, and social se- U.S. Army Private First Class at the age of 25. ing that one day we could ado
curity number; however, now Drew Davidson is a senior at “I was very surprised; most kids were drafted around 19- every citizen participate for a s
it is seen more as a nuisance as Mason High School. 22,” Castle said. “I was older, married, and had one child and through military service or go
the United States has not had an active draft since 1973, but wasn’t really expecting it.” DODGING THE DRAFT
registering is a required step in filing for FAFSA or Free Ap- Castle said he and his family were certainly caught off
plication for Federal Student Aid. guard, but they accepted the notice as the draft at that time To avoid the draft, many wen
was becoming the new normal. ever, a few more ways to get ou
If a draft is ever imposed by The Selective Service System, “I felt it a duty, I don’t know if you would say honor; I as getting a college defermen
it allows the Alternative Service Program to provide public never voted until after I served because I didn’t feel I had the income for your family. 209,51
service work assignments in America’s communities in lieu right,” Castle said. “A lot of things run through your mind at offenders during the Vietnam
of military service including healthcare, education, conser- that time; it’s not something that you can look back and say, University, and less than 9,000
vation efforts and community service, including sanitation, ‘I really wanted to jump into that’ whether it was for country on draft dodgers varied betwee
firefighting, maintenance, etc. or not. If you were there at the time, (getting drafted) hap- most saw them as cowards, Ca
pened to an awful lot of people because of the Vietnam war.”
A large amount of the population thinks it’s not necessary WAR WEARY “Most of the kids went to C
to return to the draft. According to a 2011 Pew survey, re- Mason City Council Member and Mason High School Me- to be cowards. They were call
cent veterans oppose a draft even more than civilians do, and dia Center aide Jim Fox says that while he supported the war same as coward,” Castle said.
more than eight in 10 post-9/11 veterans and 74 percent of the in the beginning, his view soured as the fight dragged on.
public say the U.S. should not return to the draft at this time. “I have a lot of feeling having lived through it,” Fox said. Davidson said he had a sim
“I was in favor of the American involvement in the Vietnam who really weren’t in it for the
The all-volunteer force has surpassed all expectations, War because I supported my country but as the war went on a danger than a constructive so
according to The Washington Post. After over a decade of it seemed more futile and the less I supported the country’s
sustaining combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan while viewpoint.” “I wouldn’t call (draft dodg
meeting other global obligations, the U.S. forces have been Fox was--at the time--protected; however, if he were to be Davidson said. “On one hand y
successful by virtually every measure. hassle but on the other hand w
THE YOUNG SOLDIER’S PERSPECTIVE tion and live the lives we have,
it should be first priority.”
Senior Drew Davidson, currently a Private First Class (E3)
in The United States Army believes an all volunteer armed Mason resident and head o
forces breeds soldiers who are dedicated to serving their John Looker, was drafted at the
knew dodgers shared his fears
“A lot of people said they w
C April 15, 2016 13
Photos contributed by John Looker
of his time in combat in Vietnam
ervice, boys will not receive command to serve
ositive effect on many Vietnam Veterans
cted his rights to avoid the in- not fight a war they didn’t believe in, others of them were Castle said. “I think the country does need something like the
but had I been drafted, I would just afraid, like I was and like everyone else was who went to selective service program today, because we have so many
objectorship, which meant you Vietnam,” Looker said. kids on the street…hey are led in a life of crime now versus if
for religious or moral reasons they had served in the military, they could possibly get away
ld be involved in combat,” Fox Looker said he was glad draft dodgers didn’t have to go from that situation that they have at home.”
however, a college student can through what he did.
only until the end of the cur- The draft had a positive effect on Looker’s own life as he
postponed until the end of the “I was AWOL (Absent Without Leave) twice, once to get was headed down a dark path before the service.
e does believe in the draft, hop- married, but I never had any thoughts of going to Canada
opt a policy like Israel that has to avoid it,” Looker said. “In a way I was upset (with draft “It was a life-changing experience for me,” Looker said. “I
short time serving the country, dodgers) but in a way they didn’t have to experience what the really messed up in my senior year...It made me ineligible for
overnment or public works. normal combat soldier had to face. I’ve been out of Vietnam (football) and basketball that since I played since the sixth
for 47 years and I still carry those memories.” grade--I became a hoodlum. If I had not made it into the ser-
nt to Canada. There were, how- COMBAT MEMORIES vice, then I think some bad things would have happened to
ut of the draft at the time such me. It changed my life. It was either that or jail.”
nt or being the sole source of Looker said his memories include 200 days of combat in VETS FACE UNCERTAIN FUTURE
17 people were labeled as draft comparison to the average soldier’s 18-45.
War, according to Washington Despite the drafts’ positive and negative effects, our mod-
0 were convicted. The opinions “From the time I got to Vietnam until I was wounded for ern-day volunteer veterans are facing some of the biggest
en Vietnam Vets, however, and the last time, there was 28 in my group that had died over obstacles.
astle said. there,” Looker said. “There were 11 that were killed the night
Canada; they were considered I was wounded, and 38 that were wounded along with me-- “The volunteer army right now--a lot of them are going
led draft dodgers--that was the out of 52.” over to Iraq and Afghanistan four or five times and they are
milar view, but he thinks those spending up to a year there,” Looker said. “As broken as my
e right reasons would be more Castle said he knew how hard the war was on people and life was, I can’t imagine how broken their life is.”
oldier. why people had their doubts.
gers) brave, but that’s tough,” The Atlantic reported that our military makes up less than
you are saving people a lot of “It was a trying time because Vietnam was at its peak, as far one percent of the population and Looker believes that the
we are so lucky to be in this na- as number of military personnel over there, and that’s where draft not only offers a way out for troubled kids, but also
so when our nation calls on us I went,” Castle said. “When you go into a foreign country like takes the load off the small percentage of our nation’s finest.
of American Legion Post 194, that, it’s not of your choice to go, but you have to do like you
e age 19 in 1967. Looker said he do at home. You have to survive, you have to keep your head “A lot of people say, ‘Well, they volunteered for it’ but that
s of the draft. about you and keep your thoughts about you. There were a is more than one person can bear,” Looker said. “At veter-
were brave since they chose to lot of people that couldn’t do that, they couldn’t handle that ans services I saw how these veterans were affected. A lot of
situation. I had friends that were in Vietnam that would do them are experiencing the same thing I experienced. Com-
things to get out once they got over there.” ing home and not being able to adjust, getting divorced. A
THE DRAFT AS A POSITIVE OPTION lot of them are going through that and that’s because there
is no program right now to bring a soldier back from com-
While the Vietnam War may have been protested, both bat to the real world. If there was selective service, and they
Castle and Looker said they saw the draft as a positive thing. didn’t have to spend five tours over there maybe it would be
“The draft served as a way for kids to get out; at that time,
if a young person got in trouble a lot of judges would give According to Looker, our servicemen and women know
them the option of going into the military or going to jail,” what they are entering into, but nothing can prepare them
for it.
C14 April 15, 2016
April 15, 2016 C 15
Area districts hope students benefit from later wake-up call
Ashton Nichols | Staff Writer centration throughout the school day. engaged students will be, Miles said. Indian Hill,
[email protected] “I’m really tired in all of my classes, and in my however, will not yet push back the start time to
8:30 a.m. because the shift would disrupt the stu-
Sleep? There’s a nap for that. first bell I’m always trying not to fall asleep,” Mar- dents.
As sleep is commonly called “food for the brain”, tin said. “When lunch rolls around, I’m even more reports that a lack of sleep tired because I just ate.” “We didn’t quite get to the 8:30 a.m. recommend-
limits a student’s ability to learn, listen, concen- ed time, but it is a start,” Miles said. “We thought
trate, and solve problems. Lack of sleep also makes Martin is not the only student that feels tired that the significant shift to 8:30 a.m. would be a
teenagers and adults more prone to pimples and throughout the day. Despite going to sleep at 9 disruption to our students, our athletics, and our
other skin problems. p.m., sophomore Alise Cheeseman said she feels extracurricular activity schedule.”
According to, sleep tired throughout the day, even if all of her home-
deprivation impacts a student’s mood, behaviour, work is done. With work and other activities taking up time,
cognitive ability, academic performance, and driv- superintendent Dr. Gail Kist-Kline said teens most
ing ability. Sleep allows a person’s brain to relax “If I don’t get enough sleep, I can’t function very likely take away their sleep time because they have
and take a break. well at the beginning of the day,” Cheeseman said. other priorities.
Health studies from the “You need to be able to pay attention in class and
show that a student needs eight to ten hours of get things done so you don’t have to worry about it “Sleep does not always get the respect it de-
sleep a night. later on.” serves,” Kist-Kline said. “Good health means get-
Yet according to the Chronicle’s Twitter poll, 59 ting a good night’s sleep–and this is probably even
percent of Mason High School students average On March 8, the Indian Hill Exempted Village more important when the brain is still developing.”
four to six hours of sleep a night. School District School Board voted to change the
Junior Katie Kenniston averages two to three district’s start time from 7:35 a.m. to 8 a.m. for the Both pros and cons must be evaluated before Ma-
hours of sleep a night, and she said that her school- 2016-2017 school year. son can think about moving the school start time
work and career aspirations are the main reasons of the district to later, Kist-Kline said, but it may be
for her loss of sleep. Superintendent Dr. Mark Miles said the main rea- a possibility in the future.
“I think it’s just because I’m trying to build up son to move the start time was because the school
the endurance of becoming an actor, and you don’t district would like to give students the opportunity “As a community we might consider this op-
get a lot of sleep when you do that,” Kenniston said. to have more sleep. tion, but I’d also want to have a lot of community
“That’s why I don’t get a lot of sleep, but it’s also conversation about all the items that would take
because of the work load from (my classes).” “Research would demonstrate there are sig- to make that happen and about how we prioritize
Sophomore Christine Martin said that going to nificant benefits for adolescents attending middle sleep,” Kist-Kline said. “If we move back the start
bed late leaves an impact on her learning and con- school and high school to have later start times, times, but teens just go to bed later, we haven’t re-
that they are more engaged after 8:30 in the morn- ally captured the hour. I know that many teens (and
ing,” Miles said. “The research we examined iden- adults) may not love the idea of a set bedtime, but
tified academic outcomes, health outcomes, and consistently enforcing a 10 p.m. bedtime is prob-
behavioural outcomes.” ably the very best way to change sleep habits so
that we all feel ready to tackle the day.”
The brain is not fully awake until 8:30 a.m., and
the closer students start class to 8:30 a.m., the more
Illustration by Madison Krell
C16 April 15, 2016
Students feel ‘unprepared’ to file tax despite Financial Literacy
Juliana Discher | Staff Writer when the Internal Revenue Service examines your confusing for everyone, but it becomes easier with
[email protected] taxes more closely to verify that your income and experience.
deductions are accurate.
W-2, W-4, 1040EZ--for a teenager struggling to “I took Financial Literacy, but by the time I had
file their own taxes, these terms can cause bouts of Scalfaro said Financial Literacy prepares stu- to fill out my taxes I had already forgotten how to
panic, frustration, and shivers. dents to file. do it,” Hoh said. “So instead I decided to use Tur-
boTax, but even that was confusing. It tries to walk
April 15 is the traditional filing deadline for U.S. “We go through simulations where students fill you through it but there were a lot of questions I
federal income tax returns every year. Teenagers out 1040EZ forms, which are perfect for teenag- didn’t know the answer to and had to consult my
don’t have to file taxes if they are a dependent ers who have part time jobs,” Scalfaro said. “Most mom about.”
of another taxpayer; however, they have to file teenagers will get refunds, but some do have to
if their investment income is over $1,000, if their pay more in taxes, so it’s important for them to Many students resort to having their parents file
earned income is greater than $6,100, or if taxes know how to fill them out. I like that the class is their taxes for them or other outside help. Senior
are withheld from their paycheck. This means for given to sophomores, but sophomore year, only Joey Barto said it becomes more of the parent’s
many high school students with part-time jobs, fil- about half of students have a job and by the time burden to help children fill out tax forms or to do
ing taxes is required. they’re juniors a lot more will be working. So it it for them entirely.
could be more real to them as juniors, however, I
Senior Mariam Saad tossed her W-2 form in the don’t think there is anything wrong with prepar- “My dad and my grandpa do most of the taxes,
garbage when she got in the mail for the first time. ing students for something they will see in the but they wanted me to try to do it last year,” Barto
very near future.” said. “I was so lost; they threw random letters and
A W-2 reports annual wages and the amount numbers at me. I had no idea what they were talk-
an employer withheld to pay federal and state Sophomore Spencer Hathaway who is currently ing about.”
income, Social Security and Medicare taxes. Saad enrolled in Financial Literacy said he thinks the
said she was unsure of what to do with the form. class does a good job covering the basics of filing Barto said he had difficulty retaining and using
taxes, but could go more in depth. the tax information covered during his sophomore
“I didn’t remember anything from Financial Lit- year in Financial Literacy. Barto said Financial Lit-
eracy, so I threw my W-2 away the first time,” Saad “If you’re working for a company, you have to eracy should be a senior mandatory class in order
said. “The next year when I got my W-2 form, I fill out a W-4 and Financial Literacy prepares you to be beneficial for students.
went online on H&R Block, but it was still really for that,” Hathaway said. “When you get an actual
confusing. It said I would only get $20 back as my career and start making more money though, I “Financial Literacy is such a good idea for a
refund so I just ignored it. It was all just a hassle.” don’t think the class covers it enough.” class, but most people don’t remember anything
from it,” Barto said. “It should be a senior only
Financial Literacy teacher Carmen Scalfaro said There are different ways to file taxes besides do- class. Sophomore year, unless you’re one of the
that it’s unlikely for a teenager to be audited be- ing it alone, such as online websites or hiring an older sophomores who has a job, you don’t realize
cause they don’t make a lot of money. An audit is accountant. Hoh said that the first time filing is how important the information is.”
April 15, 2016 C 17
[story continued from page 1]
Nerf Wars nuisance for police when alerted by residents
“The police pull up and we had no idea why Photo by Blake Nissen
they were there or where they came from,” Han-
cock said. “First it was one police car with two Junior Devin Matherne is a very competitive Nerf Wars player and he wears hunting gear and uses Nerf guns
policemen and then ten minutes later another that he spray-painted camoflauge colors.
one showed up with another policeman, so there
were three policemen. We got into our cars and “As a whole, I don't think there is much to extreme measures to win, there are several rules
they came up to us, took all of our license plates be upset about as a member of the community in place that include the prohibition of shooting
down, they took all of our names down, and then with Nerf Wars being the concern,” Parsons said. inside of facilities, homes, or on school grounds.
they just kind of gave us a speech about how what “There is a rule against shooting inside any fa- Parsons said that these rules are taken very seri-
we were doing with our cars was dangerous and cilities at all, so everything takes place outside. ously in the attempt to keep the police and com-
shouldn’t be involved in Nerf Wars.” If I were an adult that were caught in the cross- munity calmed.
fire of Nerf Wars, whether it be in the parking
Senior Jake Bonomini and his team were stak- lot of Kroger or in the cul-de-sac of my home, I “Something our team always keeps in mind is
ing out an opponent’s house when his mother would at least be happy knowing the high school that there are rules for a reason,” Parsons said.
came out, alarmed that there were teenagers students of my community are having fun by “Over the first round this helped us a lot because
hanging out on her lawn. They soon learned she shooting each other with Nerf Guns instead of the other team had broken rules, causing their
had called the police. Despite the uncomfortable doing drugs or things of that nature. As far as (shots) to be revoked. I don't think there is much
confrontation, Bonomini said his team still got the Mason Police Department goes, I do think that can be done to stop extreme measures due
the shot. that it is quite ridiculous that officers are being to the competitive nature of the game. There are
brought to the scenes of Nerf battles. Police of- rules that everyone must follow, and when they
“She was worried because she didn’t know who ficers shouldn't have to spend their time respond- are broken it is taken seriously.”
we were and was wondering why we were in her ing to Nerf Wars while there could possibly be
yard,” Bonomini said. “And then, as the discus- something way more serious at the same time.” Dyer said that the Mason Police Department
sion continued, she told us that the police were is not taking any extra measures, stepping on to
on their way. And then we explained to her that Junior Devin Matherne said that there are the battlefield, but they are very aware of what
it was just a game and we were just trying to tag some community members who, instead of feel- is going on for when they do receive calls from
her son with a dart. So then the police showed up ing alarm, enjoy the game and helping out his concerned residents.
about 10 minutes later and we got it all figured team. He and his friend were armed with Nerf
out, but then during the discussion with the po- guns at IHOP one night, and community mem- “We’ve not taken any extra measures; we’re just
lice she kind of gave us a tip about when her son bers noticed, but offered to help them out. aware now that that’s going on, so we consider
would be home so we came back 45 minutes later that when those kinds of calls come out, because
and shot him.” “(Nerf Wars is) a little bit (of a nuisance) but a typically when they describe it they’re saying
lot of the people like it too, like me and my friend there’s kids and they’re hiding in bushes, and
Senior Marquis Thomas had a similar situation were at IHOP last night, just before midnight on they’re doing this and that, and so we’ve kind of
as Bonomini’s with an alarmed parent coming Friday, so we were still vulnerable for the round; already gotten an idea,” Dyer said. “We keep that
out to say that the police had been called, but they knew we had the Nerf guns in the store and in the back of our minds.”
his team chose to take off rather than have to we actually had a couple people offer to look
confront the police. He said Nerf Wars becomes around for us on the way out to make sure no- Overall, Dyer said her advice to students is to
a nuisance only when the police are called, and body shot us before we left,” Matherne said. “So, keep common sense in mind when playing the
wishes people would have fun with it instead of I do see where some people could get annoyed game in order to guarantee their safety—no mat-
seeing it as a real-life dangerous situation that with it, but I do think a lot of the community gets ter the extreme measures they hope to pursue for
would need to alert the police. involved, too; they think it’s funny.” the win.
“It could be (a nuisance) if people keep calling While there are inevitably players who take “Just be careful, and think about it—use com-
the cops but I think if they just play the game that mon sense; that’s our key to being safe with all of
they signed up for and have fun and don’t call the it,” Dyer said.
cops then it wouldn’t be a problem,” Thomas said.
Mason Resource Officer Karli Dyer said the
Mason Police Department is more familiar with
Nerf Wars than the general public, and often-
times the reason that residents are alarmed are
because of quick, erratic movements that are left
open to interpretation.
“We know because we are familiar with the
Nerf Wars, what’s going on, but the general pub-
lic does not understand,” Dyer said. “Most recent-
ly, I think there was a complaint yesterday, some-
one in Pine Hill was not happy about that; it’s a
gamut, but it basically just causes alarm because
it’s erratic behavior and at first glimpse they’ve
got guns in their hands and it just doesn’t look
Senior Sam Parsons is a very competitive Nerf
Wars player, and he said that he does not think
the community nor the police department should
have to worry about it because it is, after all, a
game, and there are many more serious cases to
worry about.
C18 April 15, 2016
Inside Edition: Comet Savings and Loan
Holding over 650 accounts, Comet Savings & Loan is an enigma. A machine of many moving parts, but how does that machine work? Three components
make up the bank - banking, marketing, and a relationship between CS&L and Fifth-Third. Below, you will see the breakdown of all three components.
Marketing Banking
This is the team that attracts students to the The banking experience begins in Personal Bank-
bank and encourages them to open accounts. ing, then progresses to Operations, then Finance.
Megan Slater: Senior - Co-Head of Abbi Stemple: Senior - Personal Banking
“What we try to do is raise awareness for the Photo by Jonathan McCollough “Personal banking is the face of the bank.
bank, try to get people to come in to open an We’re the ones that greet the customers, and
account, and be active customers with us. We Comet Savings and Loan handles money every day in if they have any questions we’re the ones that
(upstairs) try to get people downstairs into the the large commons of MHS. are there to answer their questions. When
bank, so they can run what they do and have a people want to open accounts, we’re the ones
successful bank.” Partnership that fill out all the paperwork and get their ac-
with Fifth Third counts set up.”
Emily Muff: Senior - Savings for
Success Manager Bank Todd Borgerson: Junior - Operations
“We overlook our own marketing groups Tony Mayer “Operations is where the money is handled. If
which are the employees. We (VP’s) know the Senior Business Intelligence Analyst they had an instant loan, they’d bring up their
campaign that we’re doing and we know our slip which is filled out with the personal bank-
target audience. Then we see if we’re target- “We were involved a lot in the opening of ers. We’ll take that slip, check it to make sure
ing accounts or transactions. From there we Comet Savings & Loan, as far as getting a foun- it’s correct, and we’ll actually give them the
create our own campaign, then you come up dation and getting guidance and assistance of money and we’ll return them their pink slip
with your campaign task list, and time is put how to get things established. They bring their which is the receipt.”
into those huge banners that we hang up.” deposits to our branch in Mason as far as stor-
ing cash, but as far as bookkeeping and market- Michael Hiett: Junior - Finance
Marko Peric: Senior - Graphic Designer ing, that day-to-day operation, they’ve done a
great job with creating their own system and
universe that they operate at their location in
the school.”
“I make the flyers and signs that people use Photo by Matthew Marvar “In finance when the slips come back, they
to advertise. I work with the marketing team, come back to us. We work with Excel, where
they give me ideas and then I put some of my Senior Financer Abbi Stemple helps senior Noah Wis- we keep track of all our accounts. There we
own ideas in to make it all work together.” sel manage an account at CS&L. have all the accounts from all of our account
holders. We enter in their account informa-
Graphics by Madison Krell tion, if they deposit or withdrawal. That is
where we keep track electronically of their
transactions. We have to balance at the end
of the day because our vault can only have
April 15, 2016 C 19
Search for college Graphic by Kate Madigan
roomates similar to
online dating Dateless or desperate at prom
Meghan Pottle | Staff Writer Students must decide spend my last prom with them as opposed to being
[email protected] between dates or friends stuck with a date the whole time?”
when thinking about prom
It’s the next eHarmony,, and OkCupid--it’s Greensfelder believes going to prom alone is bet-
the search for a college roommate. Erin McElhenny | Staff Writer ter than going with a stranger.
[email protected]
Every year, incoming college freshmen have the “The worst thing you could do is go with some-
choice to be randomly matched with a roommate or Prom is supposed to be a magical night full of one you don’t even know,” Greensfelder said. “It’s
search for a roommate online on their own. The thought memories, but for some it’s a night filled with awk- already kind of awkward, meeting them and then be-
of being randomly assigned with a roommate scares ward small talk and uncomfortable moments, turn- ing forced to be together all night. I feel like if you
some students, forcing them to go out on their own in ing it into a nightmare. This all stems from a stu- go with your friends you will have an awesome time
search for someone with similar interests and routines. dents desicion to find a date or go solo on the big or if you go with someone you have feelings for you
night. will have an awesome time just don’t go with some-
Toni Greenslade-Smith is the Director of Housing Ad- one who you feel like you have to go with.”
ministration at the Ohio State University and said that “My mom’s rule about prom is that you have to
OSU offers students the opportunity to go out and search have a date to go,” senior Ally Greensfelder said. “I According to Glandorf, many people will go with
for roommates, but many come back and decide to be think it’s because she is stuck in old times. She al- anyone who is willing to ask them, because of the
matched randomly. ways says Prom is date-orientated and I guess it is but social stigma of being alone.
at the same time everyone hangs out all together. I
“We have profile questions that we ask them to com- think she doesn’t want me to feel excluded when I “People already put too much emphasis on try-
plete in the housing contract that we will use to match get there and every one is with their date. I went with ing to get a date and honestly it’s such a stupid or-
them with a student if they don’t find a roommate,” someone last year because I felt forced to, I did not deal, it’s more of a social status thing where they are
Greenslade-Smith said. “We ask their preference for over- like him at all. It ended up being terrible because he ashamed if they don’t have a date,” Glandorf said.
night guests: are they neat or messy, are they an early didn’t go to Mason so he just followed me around all “They are worried of what others will think of them.
morning person or a night person? Based on those re- night, it was just really bad.” They would rather go with someone that they know
sponses, we put students together.” they won’t have the best time with because that don’t
While Greensfelder feels forced to bring a date to want to be that person without a date, people put too
Several colleges, such as the University of Cincinnati prom, senior Kathryn Glandorf couldn’t be happier much emphasis on getting a date but it’s not a big
and OSU, have Facebook pages and groups that incom- going solo with some close friends. deal.”
ing freshmen can join in hopes of connecting with other
students online. Incoming students can post short biog- “Last year, I went with a date and I had a good time According to Greensfelder, having fun is the most
raphies and information about themselves, similar to the but I would have had way more fun if I had just gone important part.
kind of information you would find on an online dating with my friends, the people I have spent all of high-
website. school with,” Glandorf said. “Why wouldn’t I want to “Don’t feel pressured to find a date,” Greensfelder
said. “Girls worry so much about they’re going to go
Senior Maddie Solimini plans to attend the University with, but make it about yourself. In the end, you are
of Cincinnati in the fall and is rooming in a quad with going to look back and say, ‘Oh, I looked so good and
three roommates that she found online. had so much fun’, not ‘Oh, I went with this kid.’ You
should make it more about you and less about who
“After I applied, I just joined the Facebook pages just you go with.”
to kind of look around and see what people were posting
and get an idea of what I should say,” Solimini said. “It
was actually really nerve-racking because I didn’t want
to say something and make it sound weird or wrong and
make people not want to room with me. But, I just said
some of my hobbies and what I like to do and my person-
ality in a nutshell.”
Senior Brooke White is attending Miami University
next year and said she found her roommate by putting
her basic information on the Miami Facebook page.
“It’s just kind of a weird experience because you will
have random people message you and they’re trying to
get to know you, but it is over messaging so you don’t
really know what they are like,” White said. “You put a
profile out and then people start messaging you and I
think that’s what they do on online dating, so it’s very
similar to that. It’s scary how similar it is.”
Greenslade-Smith also said that searching for a col-
lege roommate is somewhat like online dating because
it is about students finding the right fit and being more
“For example, we had an issue that developed where
we had two students that met each other on social media,
thought they got along real well, asked to be roommates,
we put them together. Well, one has to sleep with the
window open. She never told her roommate that, which
if it doesn’t come up in conversation, it might not be
something you think about, but it drove the roommate
crazy. We ended up having to process a room change,”
Greenslade-Smith said. “It’s just one of those things, the
more forthcoming students can be about their habits,
what they’re like, what they’re looking for, and that kind
of thing, the better off they’re going to be as we look to
put them together.”
C20 April 15, 2016
Protestors turning up at Trump rallies
Controversial candidate
stirring voter emotions on
the campaign trail
Jonathan McCollough | Staff Writer
[email protected]
Whether you favor building a wall or building bridg- Photo contributed by Chris Sweda of the Chicago Tribune/TNS
es, everyone has an opinion on Donald Trump and his
quest to make America great again. A protester shows off ripped Donald Trump campaign signs after it was announced the rally for the Republican
presidential candidate was cancelled at the UIC Pavilion in Chicago on Friday, March 11, 2016.
Since Trump announced his bid for presidency, he
has referred to Mexicans as “criminals” and “rapists” lence at Trump rallies. Trump was forced to cancel a side and yelling a bunch of profanity and nonsense,”
and called for the barring of Muslims from entering rally in Chicago just days before the March 15 primary. Bohls said. “It just disrupts the peace of the rally. If
the US. He remains the frontrunner for the GOP nomi- Junior Aditya Singh went to protest at one of his rallies they stand outside with signs and they want to peace-
nation with a delegate lead on second place Ted Cruz. in Ohio and said it was a turbulent experience. fully protest or speak their minds, that’s great, but I
think that going inside and disrupting and promoting
Some of Trump’s major proposals include tighter im- “There were so many passionate people in one place, violence and profanity is nonsense and shouldn’t be al-
migration regulations, building a wall on the US-Mex- many with differing political views,” Singh said. “There lowed.”
ico border, trade reforms with China, and decreasing were two sides facing each other, one the protest side,
taxes. These proposals have proven to be appealing to and the other were Trump supporters. Each side was A recent Gallup study reported that over 81 percent
some as shown by his success in the primaries. Junior chanting taunts like at a football game. There wasn’t of Americans don’t trust the government. This poll as
Brock Denniston said that he likes Trump for his po- any real violence because there was so much security, well as recent escalating conflicts at Trump rallies show
sition as an “outsider” who doesn’t act like established but the arguments almost reached violence a couple that people are angry and emotional on both sides of
politicians. of times.” the political spectrum. Sones said anger shouldn’t be
involved with politics.
“He’s not a typical politician,” Denniston said. “When Anti-Trump protests have generally not escalated to
you think of a typical politician, you think of someone violence, but there were a few cases where things got “There’s an issue when anger gets involved in your
who lies to get people’s votes, but Trump speaks the physical, such as when a man rushed the stage at a Day- political ideals,” Sones said. “It’s in the left and the
truth. He tells what he believes and doesn’t go by what ton Trump rally. Junior Jack Bohls, who attended the right. People like Donald Trump are appealing to our
other people want him to believe, and I think that’s rally, said that although people have a right to protest fear of the outsiders and it’s getting people really riled
what really attracts some of his followers.” peacefully, they should not go into the rallies and be up, whereas on the left side people are appealing to the
disruptive or violent. hate against the one percent and it’s leading to more
His position as an outsider has drawn a lot of people and more dislike and division within our society.”
to support Trump; however, the majority of Americans “I don’t understand people’s motives for coming in-
would still be opposed to a Trump presidency. Real
Clear Politics reports that Trump has an unfavorabil-
ity rating of 61 percent. Junior Stuart Sones said that
Trump might seem like an authoritative and appealing
figure, but isn’t as strong as he may appear.
“People think he’s a strong leader, and they think
that he will be able to run the U.S. like it’s a business,”
Sones said. “He’s a wealthy businessman, so people as-
sume that he knows the ways of the trade but if you
look at it he probably got to where he’s at through a lot
of sketchy deals. He’s kind of like the Wizard of Oz. On
the outside you hear this very loud, powerful voice, but
if you take off the curtain he’s just this weak guy who
contradicts himself a lot.”
What started as verbal opposition has turned to vio-
The Comets head across town to Prasco Park for a GMC matchup Lakota West Firebirds 5-3 DOWN THE THUNDERHAWKS
Lakota West Capsule: Hamilton,
against the Lakota West Firebirds. The Firebirds are led at the plate Anderson, Turpin, Middletown Mason beat the Lakota East
Primetime Players: Chase Thunderhawks 5-0 in its first
by hitters Alex Smith (.320 BA), Justin Moyer (.304 BA), Wullenweber (.421 BA, 8 hits, 3 match of the season. Junior
R.B.I.), Alsaan Ramsby (.409 BA, Charlie Mackenzie played first @MHSChron Sports Chase Wullenweber (.421 BA), Alsaan Ramsby (.409 BA), and 9 hits, 4 R.B.I., 2 SB). singles and sophomore Vishnu
Srinath played second singles.
Shane Harris (.368 BA) Nick Northcut Statistics updated as of April 10.
Bearcats baseball relies heavily on former Comets
Mason alums play a
key role in Cincy
baseball resurgence
Eric Miller | Online Sports Editor
[email protected]
Three former Mason high school players may Photos by Blake Nissen
have traded in the green and white for the Uni-
versity of Cincinnati’s red and black, but all Bearcat outfielder and 2013 Mason graduate RJ Thompson launches a fly ball to right field against the University
three want to continue to represent Mason High of Connecticut at the Marge Scott Stadium field on April 10.
School. RJ Thompson and Connor McVey, 2013
Mason graduates, and 2014 Mason graduate Joey well. Going through tough times is easier with 2013 Mason graduate and U.C. infielder Connor McVey
Thomas have all moved from the Mason baseball people you know. Going to them for advice or takes practice swings prior to his at bat against UConn.
diamond to UC’s Marge Schott Stadium. Thomp- just if you’re struggling.”
son said the decision to attend UC was an easy Joey Thomas (7), RJ Thompson (29), and Connor
one once he was offered the chance to join the Thompson said staying close to home to play McVey (18) prior to the game against UConn.
baseball team. college baseball has allowed him to continue to
represent his home city.
“UC was one of the schools I was going to at-
tend if I didn’t play baseball and then I got the “Being able to be recognized as playing in your
opportunity to play baseball here too,” Thomp- own backyard is really nice,” Thompson said.
son said. “So it was a no brainer.” “It’s cool being a local guy and knowing there
are people who followed you in high school and
Thompson, a junior outfielder for the Bearcats, can still follow you in college. A lot of kids from
Thomas, a sophomore catcher, and McVey, a Mason go to UC; being able to stay with those
redshirt sophomore infielder, have all made sig- people and have the connections that you did in
nificant contributions for the Bearcats during the high school is pretty cool. It’s awesome to repre-
2016 season. Thomas hit a walk-off double in the sent Cincinnati as whole.”
bottom of the 14th inning against the University
of South Florida to win the Bearcats their first Thomas said being a hometown player gives
American Athletic Conference (AAC) series of local fans more of a connection to the action on
the year. Thompson has hit .245 in 25 starts and the field.
boasts a 1.000 fielding percentage with 43 putouts
and three assists along with no errors. McVey re- “It’s nice to represent where you grew up and
corded a 20-game hitting streak from February 27 where you came from,” Thomas said. “It also ties
to March 26, the longest streak for a Bearcat since into the fan base; when they recognize someone
2001. In addition to leading the Bearcats in bat- from Cincinnati, that draws their attention.”
ting average, .315, and stolen bases, 17, McVey has
also been named to the AAC weekly honor roll McVey said he enjoys representing the city of
three times this year. McVey said having two for- Cincinnati and all the people who have helped
mer high school teammates at the college level him get to the point he’s at in his baseball career.
has many benefits.
“It’s always good to represent your hometown
“I’ve been playing with Joey and RJ since mid- city,” McVey said. “Having people that you know
dle school and even before that,” McVey said. back home can come down at any time. People
“You already have a friendship, on the team and in school from Mason still reach out to you; your
you don’t really have to worry about not knowing high school coaches, your teachers, family and
anybody. You still have that core group of guys friends. It’s nice to represent them. Hopefully all
that you can talk to if you’re struggling.” three of us can continue to represent the Uni-
versity of Cincinnati and William Mason High
Thomas said having two of his best friends with School.”
him helped him adjust to athletic and academic
aspects of college.
“Change isn’t always easy, especially going
from high school to college,” Thomas said. “Not
just on the baseball field but in the classroom as
C22 April 15, 2016
It’s time for
‘Equal Play.
Equal Pay.’
Photo by Ellie Uecker India Kirssin | Staff Writer
[email protected]
Athletic Administrator Dylan McKinney, seniors Cole Tibbs and Conrad Howell discuss award design
We do just as much, if not more. It’s time
New ‘Espy’ style sports award show set to take the stage we are equal.
Ellie Uecker | Staff Writer laborative effort amongst students and the ath- On March 31, five members of the U.S.
[email protected] letic department, and I’ve been a facilitator for it.” Women’s National Soccer Team (USWNT)
sent this message when they filed a com-
Roll out the red carpet: the first annual Mason More specific student involvement has been plaint with the Equal Employment Oppor-
High School Excellence in Sports Performance through seniors Cole Tibbs, Conrad Howell, Hal- tunity Commission against the U.S. Soccer
Yearly Awards are arriving May 9. ey Peace, Sam Taylor and Lauren Grace. Murnan Federation. Carli Lloyd, Hope Solo, Megan
said they’ve stepped up to coordinate specifics of Rapinoe, Becky Sauerbrunn and Alex Mor-
Moments like senior Evan Couchot’s bicycle the show. gan filed the complaint on behalf of the en-
kick goal, senior Lauren Van Kleunen’s 1000th tire team, seeking equal wages and treatment
point, and senior Nick Pearson’s game-tying “Cole has been the person overseeing the art of with their male counterparts.
touchdown at Middletown deserve more than a it,” Murnan said. “He has a unique award created.
couple Twitter shout outs. They deserve ESPYs. Haley Peace has been working logistically how By filing this complaint, the women of the
the night’s going to work. Lauren Grace, Dylan USWNT are sending a powerful message,
Originally, Mason held seasonal banquets to (Mckinney), and Sam Taylor have come up with standing up for what they deserve and shin-
recognize the achievements of the sports in that awards categories and narrowed it down to (ten) ing a bright light on pay discrimination in
season. After disposing of the seasonal award ban- award categories.” the U.S.
quets, Administration assistant Dylan McKinney
and the athletic faculty decided to replace them All but two of the awards will be voted on by Using the phrase, “Equal Play. Equal Pay.”
with an end of the year, all-sports award show. a committee of 11, including six coaches, the ath- the women have charged forward with their
McKinney said ESPN’s ESPYs were the perfect fit letic department, and principal Dave Hyatt. McK- battle. In a post explaining her decision to
for the school. inney, however, said there is a student-involved join her teammates in the filing, Alex Mor-
process for finding the nominees and finalists for gan summed up the purpose of the complaint
“We felt like (the banquets) were getting a little each award that involves a thorough review of ev- beautifully: “We decided to do this for all of
too mundane, and we wanted to put a fresh spark ery sport in every season. the little girls across the country and around
on it,” McKinney said. “We naturally looked to the world who deserve to have a voice, and if
the ESPYs that they do on ESPN. We wondered if “I meet with a group of student sports reporters, we don’t leverage the voice we have, we are
we could turn (the banquets) more into an award and we look at every game from every sport and letting them down.”
show and try to get some spice in it.” we hash it out,” McKinney said. “We had our basis
of ten awards that we wanted to hit. If we had any The player’s lawyer, Jeffrey Kessler, said the
Part of getting the spice in it includes the me- kind of questions, we went straight to the coaches women make 40 percent of what their male
dia and artistic elements of the shows. Integrated to make sure we captured everything.” counterparts do, despite having more success.
Media Internship (IMI) teacher Craig Murnan has The women’s program overall has won three
been facilitating the coordination of his students After the finalists are decided by the commit- World Cup Championships and four Olympic
and the athletic department for its media needs. tee, there are two winners still left to decide. The gold medals.
award for most outstanding coach of the year will
“My class’s involvement has been helping to be voted on by all varsity coaches, while the award The salary comparisons are shocking, dis-
create some of the videos that will be shown as for most outstanding fan of the year will be decid- appointing and disgusting. The women gen-
part of the awards ceremony.” Murnan said. “We’ve ed by student voting. The voting will begin April erated millions of dollars in revenue and TV
been involved from the ground up. It’s been a col- 18 through April 22 on ratings this summer in the World Cup and
have done their part to get soccer back on the
ELANA HARRISON Comet Stat Line map in the U.S. They are consistently one of
the best teams in the world and have always
Sophomore, Softball NICK NORTHCUT outperformed the men. This is a team that
.773 average has always led the fight for equality in their
.808 OBP Sophomore, Baseball sport and for women everywhere.
15 RBI
.552 average The least they deserve is the respect and
3 HR pay the men get.
Junior, Softball
5-0 record
49 strikeouts
1.31 ERA
Statistics as of April 7
April 15, 2016 C 23
Explosive growth of lacrosse providing
spring athletes with more opportunities
Photo by Blake Nissen Charlie Mackenzie | Sports Writer college level,” Durham said. “College la-
crosse is actually growing faster than it is
The Mason softball team celebrates a 10-0 win against Middletown. [email protected] at the high school level here in midwest.
There are more college programs than we
Young Comets off to hot start Fifteen years ago, lacrosse would have have lacrosse players.”
seldomly been considered when choosing
Kylie McCalmont | Sports Editor aspect of its game in order to over- a sport to play. Today, roughly 750,000 kids While the trending novelty of lacrosse
[email protected] come the shortcomings of inexperi- lace up lacrosse cleats each spring and take attracts new players every season, other
ence. the field. spring sports such as baseball and track are
Out with the old, and in with the new. suffering from the opposite effect. Accord-
After graduating a starting lineup “We’re reading this book (Heads Lacrosse caught fire in the Midwest and ing to a survey conducted by the Sports &
dominated by seniors, the Mason soft- Up Baseball) about how you can has been rapidly spreading in popularity. Fitness Industry Association (SFIA)/Physi-
ball team has a completely different work through a lot of mental mis- At first, the sport was an East Coast phe- cal Activity Council, kids’ participation in
look in the 2016 season. Five under- takes, and you can prepare yourself nomenon. Recently, Ohio athletes have lacrosse climbed 158 percent to about three-
classmen are now in the starting line- before games,” Harrison said. “It abandoned their baseball bats and running quarters of a million between 2008 and 2012
up and after jumping out to a 7-0 start, talks about controlling the things spikes during springtime to get a taste of while the number of kids from six to 12
it doesn’t appear the lack of experience that you can control. You can’t con- the growing Eastern pastime. years old who play baseball has fallen from
is hurting the Comets. trol the other people; you can’t con- 5.44 million to 4.34 million since 2007.
The infusion of youth in the varsity trol the umpires, or the weather. Just High school lacrosse is currently orga-
lineup include, freshman shortstop Ali focus on your game and what you nized by the Ohio High School Lacrosse With a school of about 3,500 students, Ma-
Weekley, sophomore outfielders Zoe know how to do.” Association and the Ohio Schoolgirls La- son has a large pool of athletes to pull from
Bishop, Olivia Popovich and Jillian crosse Association. About 122 boys’ teams when filling rosters. Despite the growing
Aquilia. Bishop has wasted little time Muff put her young Comets to and 118 girls’ teams have sprouted up in popularity of lacrosse, boys’ head lacrosse
making her presence felt in the varsity the test against 2015 Division II state Ohio, prompting the OHSAA to spon- coach Paul Limpert said that other spring
lineup with two home runs and 12 runs runner up Greenville in the opening sor the sport beginning next season. With sports have remained at a constant level.
batted in (R.B.I.). Sophomore Elana week of the season. Led by junior its bustling popularity, lacrosse has also
Harrison not only starts at first base and 2015 GMC second team pitcher sparked an interest in Mason’s youth. The “We have pulled some from track,”
but leads the Greater Miami Confer- Elle Buffenbarger, the Comets were Mason Lacrosse Club was founded in 2004 Limpert said. “I don’t know that anything
ence in batting average and R.B.I. hit- able to knock off the Green Wave on for athletes in first through eighth grade else is really troubled. As far as I can tell,
ting .773 with 15 runs knocked in. its home field 9-7 in extra innings. looking to get involved in the new sport, we haven’t seen any drop off (with other
Its players may be young, but the and currently has around 400 players. sports). Lacrosse has improved. The girls
team chemistry is strong, and accord- With the infusion of youthful tal- a couple years ago went to the state final
ing to head coach Liann Muff, one of ent and the return of steady veteran Senior lacrosse player Charlotte Doran four, and the boys went to the state final
the reasons for the early season success performers like Buffenbarger, sec- ran track in middle school but decided to four in 2011. That same year as far as I can
is the way the younger players have ond baseman Olivia Hopkins, third quit her freshman year after her friend tell baseball was dominant as it always has
blended so well with the returnees. baseman Erin Rockstroh (Cornell told her about the growing popularity of been and so was softball.”
“This is for sure a young team,” Muff commit), and the always steady all lacrosse. Doran said that she was looking
said. “But they are all contributing in conference catcher Brooke Rice, the for a sport with a team facet, something Smaller schools, however, are not given
their own way with their skill sets and Comets appear poised and hungry track lacked. the luxury of numbers when it comes to
the chemistry is great. I really give that to chase a third consecutive GMC fielding teams. Mariemont High School
credit to our seniors.” title, according to Muff. “There is always a team aspect to every has an enrollment of about 500 students
As with all young teams, there is al- sport, but running is a different aspect be- and a significantly smaller number of ath-
ways that factor of inexperience, but “We still have a lot of learning cause I don’t benefit from other people,” letic participants than Mason. With the ad-
according to Harrison, the team is con- and growth to do, but they are out- Doran said. “On the field, we all benefit dition of lacrosse to the spring sports dock-
stantly trying to strengthen the mental performing their competition and from each other and have to work together et, Mariemont’s head baseball coach Joe
not playing down to their competi- to win. It is a totally different dynamic, and Regruth said that more athletes have left
tion,” Muff said. “The competitive I had never experienced that before.” baseball, which has impacted his program
spirit is definitely within these girls. considering the school’s small size.
They are very hungry for the wins.” Lacrosse has not only boomed at the high
school level. US Lacrosse reports that the “(There has been a decrease) speaking
number of collegiate lacrosse players has from our perspective at Mariemont,” Re-
increased 4.4 percent in 2013 to over 36,000 gruth said. “Any season that has multiple
athletes. Thomas More College, a Division sports will not have as many boys in my
III school, started a girl’s lacrosse program case to chose from and the same thing with
last year in hopes of drawing more women girls sports. You add lacrosse to the spring
to the college. According to head coach Jon with the roster size that they have while
Durham, it was possible due to the growth cutting into a smaller sample size and you
of lacrosse. would have less kids playing other sports.”
“There has been a huge growth at the
Senior, Baseball Senior, Baseball
3-0 Overall Senior, Softball .471 OBP
11 Strikeouts 8 RBI
.545 Average
2.33 ERA 10 Runs Statistics as of April 7
10 RBI