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The Chronicle published on November 17, 2017.

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Published by The Chronicle, 2017-11-17 07:13:30

Edition 15.3

The Chronicle published on November 17, 2017.

Vol. 15, Issue 3 | William Mason High School | 6100 Mason Montgomery Road Mason, OH | 11.17.17



Students embark on
long road to recovery
in dangerous battle
with eating disorders

see story page 12

Illustration by Ryan D-Souza

2 News November 17, 2017

‘America’s Got Talent’ attracts local singers

The Contestants Alekya Raghavan | Staff Writer again. It’s the same thing everyday.”
In AGT’s 13 seasons, this is the first year that Cincin-
Anvi Tawde, Mason’s got talent.
freshman The popular reality-competition show, America’s nati is an audition city; it hosted open call auditions at
Got Talent, will be going into its 13 season on NBC in the Duke Energy Convention Center on November 14.
Katie Pennetti, May 2018, and with the new season comes a new group And while some are doing it for the fame and others
senior of contestants. Among those auditioning are several are doing it for the million-dollar cash prize, fresh-
Mason students. man Claire Northcut said that, for her, this audition is
Claire Northcut, Fans of the show are familiar with its four round another must-do experience and another step in her
freshman system: ‘Auditions,’ Judge Cuts,’ ‘Quarterfinals, ‘Semi- singing career.
finals,’ and the ‘Finals.’ But a lesser-known and more
Kayla Blumberg, arduous process takes place for the six months prior to “I’ve been singing since I was little,” Northcut said.
senior the season premiere: a nationwide search for entertain- “I’ve always wanted to entered one of those really big
ing and extraordinary talent. competitions. I did a few competitions when I was
Photos by Alekya Raghavan This process is simple enough. Wannabe contestants younger. I did Mason Idol. I got eliminated the first
have the option to send in a video audition online or year that I did it, but then I went and did it again. I’m
drive over to their nearest audition city for an open just really driven. And I ended up winning. After that,
call audition. At the open call, performers are given 90 I enter Cincinnati’s Got Talent and I won that when I
seconds to showcase their talents in front of producers was nine. When I found out the America’s Got Talent
of the show. The hard part, however, is delivering a was coming to Cincinnati, I signed up.”
performance powerful enough to impress the produc-
ers and make it onto the next step. Northcut, who performed The Girl in 14G by Kristin
Freshman Anvi Tawde, who sang Kelly Clarkson’s Chenoweth for her audition, said that pressure comes
Piece by Piece at Cincinnati’s open call auditions, said not necessarily from the show itself, but from her per-
that preparation is constant for this kind of audition sonal life, in trying to live up to a family legacy.
because of the pressure and high stakes.
“With auditioning in general, there’s always the idea “It’s intimidating because my whole family does mu-
that you’re not good enough. There’s also the fact that sic,” Northcut said. “Both my parents are professional
I’m really young for this. It’s just your level of experi- musicians. My brother plays guitar and plays piano
ence and how you’re doing with it,” Tawde said. “For and sings. They always want me to be perfect with
this audition, [the practice] is day and night, all the music. That’s kind-of nerve wracking.”
time. I take vocal classes and piano classes and guitar
classes once a week, every week. I have a set up at my Senior Kayla Blumberg said that, although the
house for guitar and vocals. I play my track and prac- chance of advancing to the live show is one in thou-
tice my guitar first, or just sing vocals with the track. sands, she is in it for the fun.
Basically just practice and run the track over and over
“Everyone thinks about it when they’re little, ‘what
it would be like to audition?’,” Blumberg said. “It’s a
bucket-list kind of thing. It’s not like I’m thinking that
I’m going to be famous, it’s just for the experience. I’m
kind of nervous, but I’m not expecting anything big to
happen so it’s just going to be fun.”

126 live auditions
80 judge cuts
36 semi finalists

1 winner

Graphic by Ryan D’Souza

November 17, 2017 News 3

Dinan’s ‘Don’t Get Caught’ voted number one by readers

Andrea Hefferan | Staff Writer really great to have as a teacher.” Kurt Dinan, author of ‘Don’t Get Caught’, teaches his Yearbook class.
Senior Erin Gilliland, who had Dinan for Creative
It is not every day you find the author of the num- Photos by Andrea Hefferan
ber one book on the Teens’ Top Ten list, but this year, Writing I, appreciated that he shared his own work ‘Don’t Get Caught’ was published in April of 2016 by author Kurt Dinan.
look no further than room A202. with the class.

English teacher Kurt Dinan published his first book, “I remember there was this one horror story he told
‘Don’t Get Caught’, in April 2016. This year, teenagers that was just really good, and at the end everyone was
from all over the country voted it number one on the on pins and needles,” Gilliland said. “It’s just nice to
Teens’ Top Ten list. be able to see your teacher’s work as well as your own
because then it’s an open community of writing.”
Writing this book has allowed Dinan to relate to his
students and the challenges they face. Writing is not Dinan’s sole focus. Teaching and
family take precedence in his life as well. Dinan says
“It definitely gives me more empathy for what stu- it takes a continued effort to fit writing in between his
dents go through with writing,” Dinan said. “Writing is other responsibilities.
hard, and I guess I had forgotten that. But it’s some-
thing I struggle with every morning. You question “My priority is my family, but then it’s my job be-
whether it’s any good. You question whether it’s done cause that supports the family. Writing is third on that
right. You question whether your thoughts are clear list. So I have to find the time. And finding the time
on the page; there’s just that disparity between what means getting up at 3:30 in the morning before those
you want to say and what you end up writing. I think other things, family and school, have started or are
that’s all stuff students go through.” awake, and doing it then.”

Authors must ensure that every word is necessary Dinan’s experience has greatly impacted those he
to their story, and Dinan brings this mindset to his teaches. Junior Alexander Wehr said that his writing
students. According to sophomore Nina Pipala, his skill has improved due to Dinan’s advice.
feedback helps keep her writing concise.
“Having an author as a teacher, you can get a lot of
“He knows exactly what (my story) is supposed to be, good input on your writing, especially because he’s an
because sometimes I would ramble on in my stories, English teacher,” Wehr said. “From where I’m writing
and he would point it out because it’d be too long,” now, I’ve noticed a huge step from where I was at the
Pipala said. “He’s very meticulous, and I think that’s beginning of last year, just because of his input.”

4 News November 17, 2017

The Amazon Effect

Delivery company dominates all aspects of consumer needs

Lauren Thomas | Staff Writer “Starbucks still maintains a very category, I’m talking overall.” since Amazon bought that company
special place in terms of a sense of com- Aside from innovations within the they’ve dropped their prices,” Malik
Books, groceries and space travel at munity, a third place environment, and said. “It’s easier to go in and find exactly
your fingertips. people looking for a seeking out human company, the acquisitions of already- what you’re looking for at a cheaper
contact and a place to go,” Bezos said. successful chains such as Whole Foods price.”
With Amazon’s growing repertoire of “As these store closures occur, we are affects non-traditional Amazon custom-
products ranging from the traditional going to be in a very unique position ers. Senior Almas Malik and Whole Other companies are feeling the ef-
books to now an in-home delivery ser- because there’s going to be a lot less Foods regular has seen the positives of fects as well. According to,
vice, everyone is feeling the effect. The people competing for those custom- Amazon’s expansive efforts by the low- Walmart is worth $216 billion while
Amazon Umbrella now emcompasses ers. I’m not talking about the coffee ering of prices at the organic grocer. Amazon is worth a staggering $332
several companies operating under billion. Retailers cannot compete with
it including The Washington Post, “I love shopping at Whole Foods and Amazon’s dominant online presence.
Whole Foods, and IMDB. An empire Stores such as JCPenney, Macy’s, Sears,
expanding on the daily requires con- the HHGregg, and CVS are closing several
stant innovation and a push for the branches in the next year.
next market craze. effect
Amazon employs over 350,000
The coined phrase “Amazon Effect” Percentage of stores closed due to Amazon workers and is rapidly hiring. With the
is the direct result of the booming addition of several warehouses across
company’s complete market takeover. JCPenney 14% America, Amazon is accumulating
What started as a place where parents more employees than Microsoft and
could sell old children’s books has Macyʼs 15% Google combined. A new branch in
transformed into a monopoly of a va- Sears 15% Monroe, Ohio, will host 1,000 new jobs
riety of goods. Retail stores are closing for the Cincinnati area.
left and right, unable to compete with HH Gregg 40%
the convenience of online shopping. But CEO Jeff Bezos will not stop
Customers now have the ability to Amazon & Walmart Stocks from May 2016- Feb. 2017 there.
whisper “paper towels” to their Amazon
Echo Dot and find them on their door- AMZN 128% WMT 4% Bezos is laying the foundation for
step within 24 hours. commercial flights to space with his
Retail e-commerce sails growth in 2016 sub-company, Blue Origin. During an
Local stores like Kroger have imple- interview with the New York Times, the
mented services such as “Click List” Amazon 53% 47% Everything Else billionaire described his high hopes for
where customers can order groceries the embracement of his new program
online and have them delivered curb- by hungry entrepreneurs.
side at the store. The idea of efficiency
is nothing new, but Amazon has given “If we can make access to space
the term a whole new meaning with low-cost, then entrepreneurs will be
the introduction of their product, unleashed,” Bezos said. “You will see
the “Amazon Key”. In the past, home creativity, you will see dynamism, you
delivery has stopped at the consumer’s will see the same thing in space that
doorstep. Now, the innovative, slightly I’ve witnessed on the internet in the last
invasive, Key allows buyers to watch 20 years.”
as couriers unlock their door and place
the product in their foyer. First the The company that started in Bezos’
delivery driver must request access to garage has become a household name.
the respective home. Then Amazon Amazon’s purposeful reinvestment of
will verify the driver and will use an revenue back into the company has
encrypted code to unlock the door. turned their small start-ups into the
most successful parts of the business. In
Starbucks Chief Executive Officer an online interview with Uni Common
Howard Schultz knows conventional Knowledge Bezos said employees take
stores are on the decline but has high pride in the little things after seeing
hopes for his franchises because of how valuable they can grow into.
the aura consumers feel at a physical
store. In an interview with Geekwire. “What we’re really looking at is think-
com, he described Starbucks strategic ing long term, putting the customer at
plan to combat the e-commerce wave the center of our universe, and invent-
and prevail over the retailers having to ing,” Bezos said. “In Amazon, when
shut down as a result of the Amazon a new business reaches some small
Effect. milestone of sales, email messages and
virtual high-fives circulate because we
know from our past experiences big
things start small.”

Graphic by Ryan D’Souza
Statistics compiled by Lauren Thomas

November 17, 2017 News 5

Fantini replaces Investment club surpasses simulation,
Dyer as resource begins monetary trade on stock market
Jacob Brase | Staff Writer students at MHS have a regular job where they go to
Nathalie Schickendantz | Staff Writer work for a certain number of hours a week, and even-
This time, if you lose, there is no reset button. tually get a paycheck in the mail later that month.
Officer Nick Students at Mason High School have begun purchas-
ing real stocks with real money. Namburi said the benefits of the stock markets is
Fantini is reporting The MHS Investment Club is a place for students unique comparison to ways of making money.
to learn how the stock market works, discuss strategy,
for duty. and simulate trading stocks. The club uses a simula- “When you’re trading stocks, you can see the fruits
tion game where students compete to see who can of your labor right in front of you when you’re making
Fantini is replac- make the most money. Although the simulation is al- money; you’re making real money,” Namburi said.
most exactly the real stock market, most end up taking
ing Officer Karli significantly larger risks on the virtual market. After taking Banking and Investments, senior Brady
Some students at MHS have looked beyond simu- Neal was interested in trading real stocks on the
Dyer and taking lations, and have started trading on the real stock market. The class runs a similar simulation to that of
market. the Investment club, and the simulation left a positive
over as Mason High Senior Vishu Namburi, who is now President of the impression on him. Neal then spoke with a financial
Investment Club, has been trading stocks since he was advisor who assisted him in setting up a trading ac-
School’s new School 10 years old. After hearing a financial advisor talk to
his fifth grade class, Namburi realized he could start count.
Resource Officer and trading stocks right then. He then asked his parents After performing well in stock market simulations
about what he could do, and they gave him a small
said he is ready to sum of money to manage. Namburi learned as he in this class, Neal said he was surprised to see did not
went, doing extensive research in his free time and do as well on the real market.
help students grow. Photo by Tanner Pearson pitching investment ideas to his parents.
Penny stocks are shares of small public companies “I lost almost half my money in that right away, and
“I want to try to Officer Nick Fantini is the that are usually left to the experts due to their high I became aware of how real the risk is,” Neal said. “In
risk and unpredictability. At the time, Namburi was a simulation, you’re thinking, ‘It’s not real money, it
make a difference in new resource officer. only 10 years old, and he was not aware of the risk. doesn’t really matter,’ but when it’s real money, you
“Right away, I got really interested in penny stocks,
their lives in any way, shape, or but I lost almost everything I had there,” Namburi kind of feel it more.”
said. “I was super inexperienced at the time, and I As he continued to trade, Neal was able to learn and
form,” Fantini said. “I’m here to help young people didn’t know what to do. Eventually I moved on; I real-
ized those stocks weren’t what I should spend my time adapt to his circumstances on the market. For most
go on the right path and make the right decisions.” on, and I moved on.” people, trading on the stock market is a skill they save
Everyday after school, Namburi spends hours for later on in life; however, students are applying
Fantini has been with the City of Mason Police studying and researching stock market trends. Most their market knowledge today and do not look to slow
down anytime soon.
Department for 11 years. Tackling multiple roles
For Neal, his experience on the market is invalu-
over the years, Fantini has built experience. Fantini able and will give him an advantage over others in the
has been a FTO (field training officer), a detective,
“It helps me get exposed to real life stuff right now,”
and a patrol officer. New officers are evaluated by Neal said. “Being able to apply that knowledge later on
is huge.”
field training officers who teach and then shadow

the prospect. In order to become an officer, Fantini

said they must be qualified by their FTO.

“Every aspect of being a police officer is mea-

sured; how they look, how they dress, if they’re

clean, how they’re handling a call, whether they

are gathering all the information they need from a

person,” Fantini said. “Everything a police officer is

from how they talk to people in the community to

how they perform pulling a car over is observed.”

Fantini originally traveled to Scotland to play

American Football for a league. Fantini pursued

a career in law enforcement as his football career

came to an end. Compared to the United States,

Scotland has unique criminal laws which Fantini

said are distinct.

The United States and Scotland are both democ-

racies; however, there are different laws regarding

constitutional rights. Scotland does not have a

constitution but does have involvement with the

European Court of Human Rights. Fantini said with

absence of a constitution, Scotland’s human rights

are addressed differently through law enforcement.

“We have a right to remain silent; in Scotland,

they don’t have that right,” Fantini said. “In this

country, if you take the fifth amendment, you can’t

be persecuted for that. There they can charge you

for not cooperating in the investigation.”

Fantini has valued his experience in Scotland for

what it has taught him about appreciation for the


“We are fortunate as citizens to have a Constitu-

tion. I like knowing that you have rights and that

I have rights,” Fantini said. “We take our rights for

granted everyday, but when you live in a county

where you don’t have one we feel gratitude for what Photo by Jacob Brase

we have.” Mason High School junior Sarkath Nagar researches recent stock prices in preparation for his real trade.

6 Feature November 17, 2017

connects with
refugees through

Luke Hutchinson | Staff Writer

Senior Ahalya Ramesh has made Photo Contributed by Ahalya Ramesh
consistent efforts to support the many Senior Ramesh speaks at the University of Cincinnati’s Refugee Women and Children’s Health Workshop
refugees based in Cincinnati.
something I felt really passionate about, over 2,500 in Cincinnati. In many school the library,” Ramesh said. “I had to real-
As of now, Ramesh has been working and I really just enjoyed doing it,” districts, we have been talking to teach- ly help out all of the kids there because
with families in Cincinnati for six years. Ramesh said. “As the years went by, I ers and ESL staff, and have been provid- he was only 12 years old, and nobody
She said she was downtown volunteer- could see that there was so many more ing them with resources. Primarily just knew, so they were really struggling
ing for a backpack drive when she first problems in their community because helping schools coop with the increas- with it -- myself included. We went to
met a group of refugees, primarily from they are really isolated from the rest of ing number of refugees.” his house and visited his family, and his
Southern Asia, that asked for her help. us.” mom was actually both deaf and mute.
Ramesh also helps refugees deal with Just seeing that itself was so emotional,
“They actually asked me specifically Due to her experiences supplying issues beyond education. She said she and we sat in one of their spiritual
for help because I was around the same refugees educational opportunity, has had to become the authoritative songs and were a part of it.”
age as the younger children and the Ramesh has become the Refugee Em- figure in helping them with alcoholism
parents felt comfortable,” Ramesh said. powerment Initiative Education chair and depression, along with a teenaged After being resettled, many refugees
“There was a lot of different people, for RefugeeConnect -- a community pregnancy that recently occurred. can become lost and unsure of what to
but most are from Bhutan, Nepal and forum that unites 90 service providers do next. Ramesh said their inability to
Burma.” to channel efforts into giving refugees “They need so much help with things access resources is the reason for most
career and health opportunities, along as simple as navigating a grocery store, of their struggles and also the reason
While Ramesh was too young to with legal help. She said she has gained to alcoholism and suicide,” Ramesh she has joined different organizations
understand what a refugee was, she said perspective from working inside school said. “I have seen other problems like to help.
she still felt inclined to help and found districts. a teenaged girl who got pregnant re-
a suitable environment to do so at the cently. She was isolated from the entire “All of these problems they are fac-
Forest Park and Groesbeck libraries. “I’ve partnered with RefugeeConnect refugee community itself because they ing are just because they have been
to work with school districts in spread- all looked down upon her.” resettled here and they do not really
“I just wanted to help them out, so ing refugee awareness, and I have be- have any access to resources available
we started meeting at the library every come the leader of all the people work- Back in May, Ramesh lost one of her in America,” Ramesh said. “To start
week, and I helped them with English ing on education, which I find funny students to suicide. She said his family helping with this, I started working with
or just their homework,” Ramesh said. because they are all older and I’m a se- welcomed her, and other refugees, into other organizations to conduct health
“It started off relatively small, but then nior in high school,” Ramesh said. “We their spiritual sessions. workshops. One thing we did at the
it grew a lot. There’s so many families, have had workshops to train volunteers University of Cincinnati last year was
so I would say about 30 kids would and also inform them that there are “In May, a kid died of suicide that discuss contraception and reproductive
come every week.” so many refugees here, I think around was someone I’ve been working with health for the women and children.”
for a really long time, and he had just
Ramesh said as she grew older, stopped coming for a month or two to
her passion for helping the refugees
increased, and so did the scope of issues
that she noticed in their community.

“I started mobilizing my friends and
neighbors to help me because it became

November 17, 2017 Feature 7

Epstein explores familial ties to Israel,
tackles refugee debate firsthand

Alexandra Lisa | Staff Writer hearing them blow each other up.” there’s a difference
Since Israel seized the Heights, it has
Issues overseas may be closer to Sign warns of imposing threat of mines along Israel-Syria border.
home than many in Mason realize. been a place of high risk. Though both
countries signed an armistice in 1974 Photos Contributed by Sarah Epstein
Struggles facing the Middle East and a United Nations observer force
have been a topic of heated discussion has been in place on the ceasefire line Military presence remains strong as tanks patrol border.
for years, growing more controversial since its signing, it remains dangerous
with the recent inclusion of Syrian ref- for the citizens living there, as well as and she is Jewish in both religion and
ugees fleeing war-ridden areas. While for tourists who have to travel through
many are willing to give their opinions it. Necessary military action has to between the US and Israel’s situa- ethnicity. Epstein wants to know what
on the topic in discussion, few can say be taken to ensure the safety of those
they have had an opportunity to see it inside, which is why the bus holding tions because of distance and size and her culture is like first hand, especially
first-hand, or that it has a direct tie to Epstein and her synagogue was con- power, but that doesn’t change the fact since a single trip has already helped
them as an individual. tinuously followed by a patrol car as her to see the importance of under-
they traveled through the heights. that it’s hypocritical.”
Sophomore Sarah Epstein, recently standing issues across an ocean.
got a chance to witness these issues “Everyone has to be involved in the Epstein is trying to get accepted to
for herself when she travelled to Israel military,” Epstein said. “In the US, be- “Distance, a lot of times, makes
nearly three years ago. Epstein feels cause there are so many people, we’re attend a second, three-week trip this
a connection to the country, as it ties used to having a military of volunteers upcoming summer, which would visit a situation out to be something we
to her ethnic background and family only, but there aren’t enough people sites in Israel and concentration camps shouldn’t care about,” Epstein said.
history. Most of the nation is modern- in Israel to do that, and because Israel in Europe. Though she has never lived “But because I’ve been there, I don’t
ized and heavily populated, but when is between a lot of countries that have there, Epstein said she feels she has to know, it just makes it harder to look
the group traveled through the Golan consistently attacked the country, it away. And I don’t know that I want
Heights, an unstable region dividing has to have a large military. It wouldn’t build a connection with Israel, since
Syria and Israel, there was a drastic be as large as what they need if there looking away to be easy again.”
change. Epstein said due to its war his- weren’t drafts, because it’s so danger- it is typically seen as a Jewish nation,
tory and close proximity to Syria, the ous. Everyone knows someone who’s
area has been vulnerable to danger. died serving.”

“It isn’t hard, it isn’t unheard of, for Epstein said Israel is generally
a stray bomb to fly off target and hit depicted in a villainous light, not just
The Heights,” Epstein said. “There are because of the heavy drafts put in
other things that have come about place, but also because of the limited
because of the tensions between the role they play in housing refugees
countries, like minefields in the city. fleeing from the Syrian Wars.
There were minefields lining walking
paths, there are just signs on the side “Again, every country surrounding
of the road that say ‘Warning: mines’ Israel has a bad relationship with it,”
in Arabic, English, and Hebrew, and if Epstein said. “That doesn’t exclude
you wandered too far, you could poten- Syria. Israel does what they can, they
tially be blown up.” have hospitals on the boarders to help
people who are injured. But if they
It is not only what Epstein has seen were to take a side in the war, there
in The Heights, but also what she has would be serious after effects, they’d
heard which signify tensions between be dragged right into the war. It’s hard
the two nations. for them to take serious action.”

“There was an explosion, something The Syrian refugee issue is one
that sounded like a bomb, that could which Epstein said she has a compli-
clearly be heard from 40 miles away,” cated opinion about.
Epstein said. “And then a couple min-
utes later, from behind us, you hear “It’s definitely hard, because my
another explosion, closer and louder. people were in the same situation
Our tour guide said, ‘That’s the Israeli too,” Epstein said. “There were boats of
government practicing, as a warning Jewish families that fled from Europe
to Syria.’ They send response explo- during World War II, and they were
sions whenever a bomb or something sent back when they came to the US,
gets too close, to warn Syria that, if and they suffered in concentration
they get hit, they will attack back. It’s camps because of it. So of course I
scary not just because of what might think there is a responsibility to house
happen if an explosion gets too close, these people trying to get away. But, I
but also because you have to know that say that, and then I turn around and
explosion went somewhere. We were say that Israel can’t afford to house
(Syrians) because it’s dangerous. And

8 November 17, 2017

Custom RidesNovember17,2017 Feature 9

Car owners willing to spend big bucks
to customize their rides

Yogesh Patel | Staff Writer Nightstyle in Dayton and Cars and my dad and his new car; I fell in XLT with a V8, five liter engine, is
Comets are shifting gears, turn- Coffee, two meets where he can love with it and wanted to do the modified to the trucks needs and
talk to others who share his same things he’s done to his car to mine,” mechanical experience.
ing ordinary cars into dynamic passion for cars as well as gain- Weber said. “Most of the things I
driving machines. ing inspiration from viewing their do with cars is involved with my “It’s what’s under the exterior
work. dad, he has his own race team and that matters,” Shackleford said. “ I
While some students paint their we are always working on his car. already have my new six inch lift
rims and attach neon lights to their Similar to Patel’s car customizing Everything we do is at home, we and 37 inch by 12.5 inch mud tires
car, others have taken the initiative venture, Weber has an accelerating don’t go out to shops for it.” to put on my truck.”
to go above and beyond with their interest in exquisite cars. Weber
cars cosmetics and inner mechan- drives a modified 2003 Nissan Weber also visits Nightstyle and Shackleford said he is bringing
ics. Juniors Thomas Weber and 350Z. From drifting in the rain, to attends frequently to socialize with justice to the lack of customized
Akshat Patel chose to take the long reaching new speeds, people in the performance automo- trucks and the plethora of sports
road in the custom car business. Weber finds himself tive community. cars in Mason.
enticed with car
Patel works at a custom wrap culture. Senior Andrew Shackleford “You can do whatever you want,
shop called Vivid Wraps, during plans on becoming a mechani- you can go to a mechanic but
which he tints cars and applies “It started they’ll bait you into spending more
other cosmetic changes to custom- out with cal engineer for the U.S. Navy for their time. When you do it
ers’ cars. Even outside of his school along with working on perfor- yourself you get experience and it’s
and work life, Patel goes to mance cars in the future. His inexpensive. That’s why I enjoy it.”
truck, a 1994 Ford F-150

Photo by Tanner Pearson
Junior Thomas Weber stands in front of
the car he recently modified

10 November 17, 2017

November 17, 2017 Feature 11

trending now

Corky humor attracts late night viewers on ‘Adult Swim’

Freddie Wilhelm | Staff Writer lot of attention for its fun antics, age range of 18-34, according to
crude humor, and wacky adven- Live 7 and Newsweek.
A popular cartoon has stu- tures. The first two seasons aver-
dents traveling across the mul- aged over 1.75 million viewers an The shows creators have also
tiverse on zany science fiction episode according to the Nielsen created an app with over 14 mil-
adventures. Company responsible for rating lion downloads ‘Pocket Mortys,’
television programs. a game similar to Pokemon, as
‘Rick and Morty,’ an animated well as a virtual reality game on
comedy, follows the adventures When Adult Swim released Steam titled ‘Virtual Rick-ality.’
of Rick Sanchez, a cynical mad the season three premiere on
scientist and his prepubescent a live stream in April of 2017, Sophomore Jack Gerus said
grandson Morty Smith. Taking it gained over 11 million view- that ‘Rick and Morty’ has a
place in the modern day, this ers. It shattered records from unique sense of humor that the
duo goes on various sci-fi adven- and Facebook younger generation enjoys.
tures which span across the mul- combined, setting an Adult
tiverse. The show reaches out Swim record. Season three has “What makes it so enjoyable is
to a younger audience and has now averaged 2.5 million viewers the crude and hardy humor that
achieved huge success in 2017. an episode and has become the our generation has become ac-
most popular comedy among the customed to and entertained by,”
‘Rick and Morty’ has received a Gerus said.

Ben Roe, freshman Andrew Conzet, senior “My favorite episode has to be
‘Morty’s Mind Blowers,’ because
“You have to have a very high Morty messes with the Squir-
IQ to understand some of the rels and they have to change
jokes in ‘Rick and Morty’ and a realities or Vindicators 3, because
grasp of theoretical physics to of the character Crocubot (half
fully grasp the concepts in ‘Rick crocodile, half robot) because he
and Morty.’ Especially jokes like gets crushed because he guesses
‘Pickle Rick’ and ‘Wubba Lubba a question wrong,” Conzet said.
Dub Dub’,” Roe said. “Also, when Morty is on the
rocket and drunk Rick is talking
about how much he loves him.”

Noah Trenamen, senior
“It’s a very intelligent show,

before I watched the show my
ACT was very low, but after
watching it, my score is almost
double what it was, so I thank
‘Rick and Morty’ for making me
smarter,” Trenamen said.

Photo contributed by

12 Fea

Students battling eating disor

Lauren Serge | Staff Writer In middle school, junior Leah Markvan began the Eating Disorders-
process of food limitation, not because of physical
For most individuals, eating is a habitual, seem- perception, but because she utilized it as a way to take The Numbers
ingly mindless task. For those with eating disorders, control of an aspect of her life. By controlling her
eating is a constant, daily conflict. nutrition, Markvan felt she was stabilizing herself. 3% of the
Markvan said while she was fighting her eating disor- United States Population
This consistent trial is faced by many teenagers der, she was unaware of its severity. have eating disorders
as they combat physical and mental deterioration.
According to the National Eating Disorder Associa- “At the time, you don’t think you’re anorexic,” Only 1 in 10 of those people receive treatments
tion, eating disorders are frequently apparent during Markvan said. “You’ll have all the symptoms, but you
adolescence and are spawned from poor body image. don’t view it as extreme when you’re going through 4 out of 10 people have some relation with an eating disorder
The most common eating disorders are anorexia it. You don’t think it’s a problem until you’re done
nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder. with it. Once you realize what you’ve been through, 10 million females have eating disorders
These disorders affect males and females; however, you notice it was a problem.” 1 million males have eating disorders
they are significantly more prevalent in females. Na-
tional surveys estimated that 20 million women and The summer between seventh and eighth grade, Graphic by Ryan D’Souza
10 million men will struggle with an eating disorder Soper’s struggle with anorexia dramatically wors-
at some point in their lives. ened: her hair was falling out, and she reached a meal plan, and my parents would sit down with me,
point where her heart began to fail. Soper was taken and I had to keep both hands on the table because
Junior Anna Kemper’s battle with her eating disor- to Children’s Hospital where she was connected to a otherwise I’d (engage in activities to avoid eating).
der began as a young child when she was very picky heart monitor daily. My mom would beg me to eat every single day, five
about her food. This issue illuminated in fifth grade times a day. The rules were to sit there for an hour,
when she began restricting food altogether. An even- Aside from the direct weight loss, patients battling and if I refused to eat, I’d have to take a boost (liquid
tual pattern of fasting for days and binging for days anorexia and related eating disorders can suffer from meal replacement). So we would basically dedicate
ensued, a detriment Kemper said she never acknowl- organ failure, osteoporosis, and fatigue. Dr. Katrina five hours a day to just sitting there, begging. And
edged as problematic until she entered high school. Lenz, a psychology fellow at Children’s Hospital, that was my life every single day.”
works on the eating disorders team in behavioral
“Freshman year, there was a point in time where medicine. Lenz said the initial assessments that are Soper said patterns of relapsing and recovering
I lost 40 pounds in less than three weeks,” Kemper made to diagnose someone with eating disorders are continued for several years, an occurrence consistent
said. “Inside, I would feel so good about myself after compared to the patient’s past patterns. with 35 to 41 percent of patients with eating disorders,
fasting for a few days, but then I’d weigh myself, and according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
it wouldn’t reflect what I had thought, and automati- “A lot of times patients are eating, but it’s not Weeks after coming home, Soper would effectuate,
cally, my body image would change.” enough for their energy needs. Their athletic behav-
iors, age, and how fast they’re growing are all taken
Kemper said she developed obsessive habits with into account,” Lenz said. “We try to assess if they’re
tracking her food, limiting herself to a set amount of losing weight and how they’re losing it, whether or
calories each day and straying away from foods she not they’re getting sufficient nutrition and if it’s mir-
deemed unhealthy. rored with their physical history.”

“When I was at my worst, I would have a lot of Lenz said anorexia itself is a biological illness with
fears about what kind of food I was eating,” Kemper an abundance of medical and emotional consequenc-
said. “I had orthorexic tendencies. I would try to only es. She said enduring treatment requires patients to
eat plant-based foods, and I was obsessed with count- enter a state of mind they have viewed as frightening.
ing calories, sodium and fat grams.”
“The hardest thing about the treatment is making
These routine limitations made to lose weight are sure they’re getting good nutrition and they’re in a
common in individuals with eating disorders. Senior medically healthy place that requires eating--when
Emma Soper joined a running club in seventh grade, that’s the very thing that’s been the scariest thing to
and after convincing herself she needed to lose do,¨ Lenz said. “If you think about people who have
weight, she began taking desserts out of her meals. really significant fears, most you can avoid, but, you
Once she factored out desserts, it became easy to can not avoid eating. It’s something that people are
eliminate all other foods. faced with several times a day.”

“I started taking out everything--breakfast, lunch, For Soper, she spent nearly two weeks in treatment
dinner,” Soper said. “At the beginning of seventh on bedrest to conserve her energy. When she re-
grade, I was around 115 pounds, and in two months, I turned home, Soper said maintaining healthy habits
had lost about (several) pounds. I knew I was losing and accessing the balanced mindset was unfeasible.
a lot of weight, but I didn’t even know what anorexia
was at that point. I just decided to keep going because “I would do anything possible to get that food
it was so easy, and I wanted to be skinnier.” away,” Soper said. “I had a dietician who gave me a

ature 13

rders work towards self-acceptance

but ultimately disregard, her meal plan, finding ways structive cycle; you have to want to be in recovery,” If you or someone you
to discard food, thus, sending her back to the hospital. Markvan said. “So when it was really affecting every know is struggling
aspect of my life--like constantly feeling dizzy and
Soper was in and out of treatment between seventh not focusing in school--I wanted to be in recovery. I with an eating
and ninth grade, where she spent three weeks in a wanted to be better.” disorder, reach out for
mental hospital. During this time, she gained per- help from one or more
spective through meeting people with various mental While there has been a significant amount of
illnesses. Soper learned through those experiences progress for Kemper, Soper and Markvan through of the following
that anorexia was a mental illness itself. conquering their disorders, there are long-term ef-
fects that are embedded in their everyday routine. National Eating
“When I was there, there were people who had Disorders Association
hallucinations and voices in their heads, so if you had “It’s still in my life in the way that I still have to Information and Referral
an eating disorder, you thought you were the only think about every meal. For most people it’s habit, Helpline
normal one,” Soper said. “But here I was--my mind but for me, it’s more of a daunting task,” Kemper
all day was food; you wake up thinking about food; said. “It feels impossible to get my metabolism back. 1-800-931-2237
you dream about food; you fall asleep thinking about It’s impossible to not pay attention to what I eat and
food. The only thing you’re listening to is your eating maintain weight. It seems like an outrageous goal, Eating Disorder
disorder. Everything else is just white noise.” and it’s really hard to get in that mindset.” Recovery Center

Seven months ago, Kemper reached out to her Soper said the time she spent dealing with her eat- -- assists with treatment
mom about her disorder, and she was diagnosed with ing disorder is precious to her. She felt she deprived
atypical anorexia, a disorder containing the same herself of time that could have been spent in many 513-713-1348
restrictive behaviors of anorexia, without the low other ways, and she advises others not to do the same.
weight criteria. She now has a team of doctors who Lindner Center of HOPE
specialize in stabilizing her nutritional and emotional “I beat anorexia. That was so hard, but I beat it,”
needs. Kemper said her biggest challenge through Soper said. “What helped me mentally was just time. -- assists with treatment
undergoing treatment and tackling her eating disor- There was no ‘aha’ moment during my anorexia.
der has been withholding a sense of security as she I slowly got better, and I honestly never thought I 513-536-4673
reaches a healthier physical and mental state. would. When you’re in it, you think it’s going to be
your life forever. You can pick apart your body until Eating Disorder Program
Balancing emotional and physical contentment is it’s nothing, but you can’t help what body you’re born at Cincinnati Children’s
the issue both Soper and Kemper said affected their into, and you’re either going to have to accept that Hospital
drive to destruction. By having an askew perception body, or you’re going to live a miserable life.”
of themselves, the girls felt they needed to remain -- assists with evaluation, diagnosis,
locked inside their eating disorders. Accepting their physical selves is a process each of treatment
the girls are continuing to undertake. Overcoming
“I feel like I’ve never been able to know what I look the mental antagonists in their eating disorders has 513-636-9657
like,” Kemper said. “I must’ve been so skinny then, awarded them with a sense of ease.
but in reality, I felt so huge.”
“Of course there’s still challenges, but my physi-
This inability for Kemper to visualize her ap- cal and mental health have gotten so much better,”
pearance was prominent for Soper as well, as it was Kemper said. “The stressful thinking of, ‘What am I
tainted by her mentality. gonna eat today?’ is gone. Instead it’s more like, what
do I get to eat today?”
“It was weird because the more and more weight
I lost, the fatter I thought I was getting, because In the recent years, there has been an uproar of
your mind gets sicker and sicker,” Soper said. “When body positivity influenced by social media. From this,
I looked at myself in the mirror--even though my a liberation has evolved for individuals to unshackle
ribs were protruding out of my stomach--I thought I themselves from their burdens in their physical
looked so fat. Your skin is purple, your hair is falling image. Markvan said this new acceptance resonated
out, but you see yourself as fat. You think you’re fat- within her and her decision to publicly document her
ter than when you started off because your mind is experiences through combating her eating disorder,
completely distorted.” and ultimately, surmounting it.

The distortion that is present during the battle with “One day, I realized I am better, and I wanted peo-
eating disorders is also apparent during the recovery ple to know I had been through so much,” Markvan
process. Markvan said it is difficult to mentally accept said. “I started looking at things in different perspec-
the necessity to reach recuperation. tives, and realized there’s different ways to cope with
things, like talking to people.”
“When you’re going through it, you don’t want
to be in recovery, you want to stay in this self-de-

14 Arts and Entertainment November 17, 2017

latest&greatest 4
Vibe 2.jeans 3
a reciypoue’lllove 3.converse
4.t-shirts Models: Kaylie Connors
Anthony Marrone
A LATTE spiceitupwith:


heat milk in 6
microwave for 5
30 seconds

pour hot milk
in cup of brewed

a tilted angle -1teaspoonmatchapowder
and begin latte -1teaspoongratedcucumber
art pattern -1/2teaspoonfinelychopped

VIBE mint
Compiled by Chronicle
staff writers csirpea&tee pnajotytern -DCIoRmEbCinTeIOingNreSdientsinabowl
Millie Ortega -Applytofaceusingfingers
Kaitlin Lewis
Lauren Serge Model: Emma
Nathalie Schickendantz Baah Binney
Tanner Pearson

November 17, 2017 Arts and Entertainment 15

LGBT community empowered by television characters

Titus Andromedon Ria Parikh | Staff Writer is not as big of a deal as they are mak- the sexuality they identify with. While
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt ing it out to be in their heads. Titus, unlike some of the aforemen-
Modern television is playing a role tioned characters does indeed fall
Cyrus Beene in the increasing confidence of the “I think it shows people, especially under the ‘stereotypical gay person’
Scandal young LGBT community. those in the closet, that life goes on archetype, Bilo said his storyline
Trini Kwan after you come out of the closet,” Bilo extends beyond that and characters’
Recently, fictional characters in said. “It shows that life goes on, and interactions with him go beyond
Power Ranger TV who are part of the Lesbian, Gay, that the world continues to spin. I’m discussions of and references to his
Zoe Rivas Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) com- not saying that there aren’t kids who sexuality.
Degrassi munity have been given storylines live in a toxic household and in a tox-
that run deeper than them being a ic friend group that wouldn’t support “No one judges Titus for his sexual-
GCreayll’sieATnoartreosmy static symbol of LGBT representation them, but I feel like the vast majority ity, they judge him for being extra,”
Jamal Lyon just to reach an audience. Seeing a of people are very accepting.” Bilo said. “I feel like those are two
Empire more wholesome portrayal of their misconstrued things, your sexuality
community empowers LGBT viewers Freshman Jamie Shaul said seeing and who you are as a person. Your
by increasing their confidence about shows that give LGBT characters sexuality is part of who you are as a
their acceptance and integration into strong storylines offers support to person, but it could also be you be-
society. LGBT community members who are ing nice, you being mean, you being
insecure about themselves. manipulative, you being caring. It
Senior and Gay Straight Alliance all mixes together, and that’s what it
leader Lauren Beaudry said the “They have more character,” Shaul shows with Titus.”
deeper storyline written for a lesbian said. “And I feel like it helps support
character in ‘Degrassi: Next Class’ them. I know a lot of kids that are Right now, Bilo said, the film
made her feel more secure with her scared to be who they are. Seeing all industry has done a good job of em-
past, even though it was questioned of these LGBT characters in different powering the LGBT community by
by friends and family. shows gives them some confidence including them in more substantial
and gives them something to be sup- storylines, but he fears that if they
“Some of my friends and people I ported by.” keep pushing for empowerment, the
knew were like ‘She can’t be gay, she industry will take it to another ex-
used to have boyfriends,’ and that Shaul said the examples portrayed treme by artificiating their portrayal.
struck me because I had dated a lot of in TV and film show people that they
guys (before realizing my sexuality),” see their sexuality as only a part of “The LGBT community has
Beaudry said. “But I don’t think that who they are. reached a point of acceptance in
people realize that you can be LGBT society that where we’ve gotten is
and still have a past with the opposite “It shows people that being in the great, we’re at a place where we need
gender. People use their past as a way LGBT community is not just what to stop,” Bilo said. “In film, it’s fine,
to justify not being who they say they defines us,” Shaul said. “There are a but I’m scared film’s going to take it
are and I think it’s really toxic to have bunch of different things that define to the next level of society. I scared
that mindset. I thought that show who we are.” that TV is going to go too far, but I’m
busted it a little bit.” happy where they’re at.”
Often times, Beaudry said the LGBT
Beaudry said seeing LGBT charac- community assumed to be a repre- For young people, or new members
ters in TV that have rich storylines sentation of a political belief or idea, of the LGBT community, Bilo said
and impact the plot empowers her and the fact that TV and films stray shows that portray LGBT characters
because it shows her that members away from attaching strong political as more than their sexuality will
of the LGBT community are active beliefs to their LGBT characters gives empower them by showing them that
within the story rather than just a Beaudry confidence that members in they can live normal lives and be
symbol of their demographic. her community are starting to viewed normal people and that their sexual-
as people rather than political figures. ity will not stop them from doing
“It’s really empowering,” Beaudry whatever they want to do.
said. “You can relate to them and they “When people talk about LGBT,
don’t just seem like they’re objects they usually talk about politics, and “It shows the upcoming generation
used as what is called ‘queer-baiting’ that can be harmful to the com- that it’s okay to be who you are,” Bilo
(when LGBT characters are included munity,” Beaudry said. “Everyone is said. “And that’s what being shown
just to reach an audience). I think it’s grouped into a specific group, and with these high-profile shows like
really nice when there’s a character everyone assumes that they lean to ‘Scandal’, ‘Grey’s Anatomy’, ‘Unbreak-
that’s actually involved in the show or one side and have the same opinions, able Kimmy Schmidt’, and how these
the movie and they participate, and when in reality, it’s good to see that all include (LGBT) people. It shows
they’re active characters. They’re not we’re normal people. We’re not here (LGBT community members) that
just their sexuality.” to always shove our political agenda there is more to them than that: they
in everyone’s face.” can still have normal friends, go to
Junior Mitchell Bilo said a richer family gatherings and not be judged.”
plotline for LGBT characters shows Bilo said characters like Titus
people afraid to come out that in Andromedon in ‘The Unbreakable
most cases, coming out of the closet Kimmy Schmidt’ remind LGBT com-
munity members that other people
still value who they are as people over

16 November 17, 2017

November 17, 2017 Sports 17

sports Comets fall to
Colerain, finish
season 9-3

Joey Deaton | Staff Writer

Photo by Tanner Pearson Mason football’s Team 56 stepped off the field
for the last time on November 10, following a 49-21
Mason football players, including Jackson Norman (73), raise their helmets prior to the opening kickoff against the defeat at the hands of the Colerain Cardinals.
Colerain Cardinals in the Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) Regional Semi-Finals on November 10.
The Cardinals won the game 49-21 to advance to the Elite Eight of the OHSAA football tournament. The Cardinals took an early 14-0 lead after
scoring on each of their first two possessions. A
touchdown from senior Gunnar Leyendecker and a
pair of scores from junior Ivan Pace gave Colerain
a 21-0 halftime lead.

Senior Will Adams connected with senior Austin
Croy for a 33-yard touchdown and senior Matt
Sora punched in a one-yard run, but another two
touchdown runs from Pace kept Colerain ahead of
Mason 35-14 at the end of the third quarter.

Mason scored once more in the fourth when Ad-
ams passed to senior Tanner Knue for a two yard
score. After Colerain added two more scores, the
game ended with the Cardinals headed to the Elite
Eight by a final of 49-21.

Although 29 seniors saw their high school ca-
reers end, Mason won a playoff game for a second
straight year after defeating West Clermont 26-0
on November 3. Head coach Brian Castner said
that his senior class enforced the expectation of
being a playoff team.

“I think a lot of that expectation comes with this
senior class,” Castner said. “They always expect to
win whether they’re on the field or off the field;
they have a very aggressive mindset of wanting to
win. They love to compete.”

After Mason missed the playoffs for three
consecutive years from 2012-2014, the Comets have
now made the playoffs and hosted a first round-
game for three years in a row. Castner said that this
has to do with a culture change around the players.

“I think as a young coach, I didn’t ever really
come across that and now, in the last six-seven
years of being at Mason, the culture has changed
to an extent where that is the expectation,” Castner
said. “It happens to be that this senior class had a
lot to do that.”

Girls Volleyball season concludes in OHSAA Sweet Sixteen

Photo by Rahul Parikh Eric Miller | Sports Editor I’ve seen in my time here, and it the Comets mounted an
Rahul Parikh | Staff Writer helped them accomplish every- epic comeback effort that fell just
The Mason girls volleyball team huddles during their thing that they did this year.¨ short. Myer said she was incredibly
season ending five set loss to Ursuline Academy on The Mason Girls volleyball proud watching her team battle
November 2. team put together a season that Myer’s team was led by an back against a nationally ranked
will not be forgotten. The Comets extremely strong senior class of opponent.
finished with a record of 21-4, in- Abbie Hughes, who will play col-
cluding a 9-0 record in Greater Mi- legiately at Florida International ¨Going into set three, there was
ami Conference (GMC) play. The University, Anna Brinkmann not a doubt in my mind we would
Comets took home their second (Northern Kentucky University), keep this match going,” Myer said.
straight GMC championship and Emma Haglage (Union College) “I saw the passion in their eyes
reached the Regional Semifinal and Taylor Heitfeld. and knew that they weren’t done.
for the first time since 2014. I couldn’t tell you how excited it
¨They’re really a special class was to watch the girls come back
Head Coach Tiann Myer, who because of how they held the team in sets three and four and nearly
won her 300th match as a head together, and how they always take it away.¨
coach during the season, said the kept the girls focused on our goals
camaraderie on her veteran team throughout the year, ¨ Myer said. While the Comets graduate
was a key contributing factor to one of the most successful senior
their success. The Comets season ended with classes in program history, a battle
a loss to Ursuline Academy in the tested group of underclassmen re-
¨Every player on my team this Ohio High School Athletic Asso- turn and look to defend the Com-
year was a returning player,¨ Myer ciation (OHSAA) Regional Semi- ets 25 match GMC winning streak
said. ¨The bond between the play- final, but didn’t go down without and look to earn a third straight
ers was unmatched by anything a fight. Ursuline jumped out to conference championship in 2018.
a two sets to none lead, before

18 Sports November 17, 2017

Concussions force athletes to put dreams on hold

Kaitlin Lewis | Staff Writer other injuries in sports. Those able to continue to play basket-
Chris Allgor had visions of glo- who have experienced concus- ball, his second sport, but suffers
ry on the gridiron, Collin Hawkins sions can diagnose its symptoms more lasting effects than just be-
had dreams of stardom on the soc- almost immediately. Junior Collin ing pulled off the field.
cer pitch, Spencer Knight could Hawkins has experienced four “I get migraines maybe once
see himself hitting the shot that concussions; three of which from or twice a week,” Knight said.
clinched a conference title for the being a goalkeeper in soccer, and “Which really sucks because you
Comets. two being within the same school have to just lay down. I take daily
Nearly every athlete who laces year. Hawkins described each medicine for my migraines, and
up their shoes or hears the snap of concussion to have about the same have doctors’ visits once every two
the chinstrap on their first football immediate effects. weeks.”
helmet dreams of athletic glory. “You know what a concussion Some adjustments could be
Spencer Knight played multiple Touchdowns, goals, the swish feels like after you’ve had one,” made to certain sports in order
sports his entire life, but a series of the net consume their every Hawkins said. “I literally could to help lower the number of
of three violent consussions during thought. just lay down, and my head was concussions. In football, different
his freshman year meant an end to When they’re young and naive twirling, like I could almost see techniques can be taught so that
his career in contact sports. the last thing these athletes think stars. You don’t really feel pain, players avoid using their head in
about is being forced to give up but you feel like your head is (be- a tackle.
SPENCER KNIGHT the games they so dearly love. But ing) crushed. And you just know In soccer, goalkeepers some-
that was exactly the case for three that something is wrong.” times wear a rugby hat in order
Chris Allgor started playing football Mason athletes who had to hang it Along with seeing stars, concus- to protect themselves from any
in the second grade. A promising up due to head injuries. sions can cause a myriad of other nearby kicks. Even with these pre-
prospect entering high school, All- Concussions are no mystery symptoms. Dizzi-
gor was forced to give up football to any athlete. The Centers for ness, lack of focus,
after bouts with dizziness and the Disease Control and Prevention sensitivity to lights
affects of concusions. (CDC) estimates that between and sound, and more
1.6 and 3.8 million sports-related can all follow a seri- “I literally could just
CHRIS ALLGOR concussions occur every year in ous head injury. Both lay down, and my head
the United States. Allgor and Hawkins
Collin Hawkins continues to play Many children experience some struggled continu- was twirling, like I could
goal keeper for the Mason varsity sort of head trauma during youth ing with schoolwork almost see stars. You
soccer team, even after suffering sports, the biggest cause being after their concus-
four total concussuins. youth football. After a child has sions. don’t really feel pain, but
experienced one concussion, they Many student-ath-
COLLIN HAWKINS are four to six times more likely to letes have a difficult you feel like your head is
experience another, and concus- time paying atten-
sions only grow more serious each tion in their classes being crushed. And you
time they occur. or find the lights in just know that something
Senior Chris Allgor started the school hallway to is wrong.”
playing football in the second be too bothersome.
grade and experienced numerous Memorization and
concussions throughout his play- studying for tests can
ing career. be close to impos-
“There’s two types of concus- sible when your
sions,” Allgor said. “Ones that head feels like mush.
were documented, and ones that Hawkins explained
were undocumented. I am not that some of the symptoms he suf- cautions, however, some concus-
sure, but I may have had a few fered from became scarcer as time sions will always be unavoidable.
(concussions) throughout playing went on. “They really try to push new
youth football. But that was not “When I got my last one, techniques in practices,” Allgor
recorded.” I’d have to come out of class,” said. “I think there could be less
Allgor experienced his first Hawkins said. “Once a bell, I hitting in practices. But in the
documented concussion in sev- would come out and sit (almost) game, you are not thinking about
enth grade. The middle schooler 20 minutes in a completely dark everything you learned at practice.
was able to return to physical ac- room. But after, like now, nothing That is always going to be a risk.”
tivity within two weeks, however, really bothers me unless I’m hav- And despite any risks of future
suffered another concussion from ing one of those days.” injuries, even those who have suf-
being rear ended at a stop light In some cases, concussions fered through concussions do not
not more than 6 months later. leave a mark much longer than regret a moment of playing time.
The closeness of both concus- just the recovery period. Sopho- No matter what, athletes love their
sions was very dangerous, and more Spencer Knight had three sport, and the dreams they form as
recovery time took four to five concussions within his freshman a child gives them a drive to play
months. Allgor’s last and final year. The first one knocked him until they are forced off the field.
concussion occurred during foot- unconscious, and kept him out of “I’ve enjoyed getting to do
ball practice his sophomore year. sports for three months. The last other stuff, but I definitely miss
This head trauma put Allgor out two were both relatively minor, the sport,” said Allgor. “I enjoyed
of sports all together, ending his but it was decided that Knight the camaraderie with teammates
football career. would have to give up any contact that football creates. Even now, I
Concussions are unlike any sports. That meant an end to his wouldn’t change it.”
football career as well. Knight is

November 17, 2017 Sports 19

FORMER FOOTBALL STAR Photo of Chris Allgor by Yogesh Patel

Kaitlin Lewis | Staff Writer

When Chris Allgor suffered a concussion during his sophomore year, he was told by his doctor
that he should give up football. Little did he know it would be the best thing that ever happened to
him. While disappointed to give up the sport he dreamed of playing in high school, he was forced to
ask himself a question.
“Do you want to do good for yourself, or do you want to make an impact?”
Having to give up football affected almost every area of his life: friends, high school plans, col-
lege, future careers. Being a football player was what gave him his identity. That was how he felt
known at Mason High School.
“I enjoyed the sport, but maybe I just enjoyed who it let me be,” said Allgor. “It gave me a sense of
purpose. Everyone can categorize you on that.”
But mental health trumps any future plans Allgor had in his sport, and life came to halt when
it was obvious he could not continue playing. He thought he had life figured out: to lead his team
during high school, continue football through college, and let his time on the field lead him into
his future career. On top of the healing process that comes with concussions, however, Allgor spent
time reflecting on his goals, his priorities, and his life-time plans.
With one door closed, others opened up
around him. During junior year, Allgor ap-
plied for a board member position in Students
Involving and Befriending Students (SIBS). He
“I can’t really tell you became a coach for Nerf Madness, and helped
how this happened. This tutor students through the Whiz Kids program.
Allgor got involved in the Comet Zone and was
wasn’t me, it wasn’t my accepted into National Honor Society (NHS).
work it just kind of fell “The biggest thing that came out of that for
into place. I am personally me was that I had to step back and reevaluate
religious, so I believe this what I was putting my time into,” Allgor said.
is just the way God set it “I kind of realized I should probably find other
out for me” things to put my time into. Maybe things more

Allgor’s seemingly endless free time
was immediately filled. Changing his
mentality to helping others handed him
leadership chances he never thought pos-
sible. Part of the push that led him to this
change came from his involvement in
faith-based groups. Forming friendships
in Mason Young Life and Crossroads
gave Allgor an encouragement he had
not found before. Leaders in these orga-
nizations help students find who they are,
and what they feel called to do.
“I can’t really tell you how this happened,” Allgor said. “This wasn’t me, it wasn’t my work, it
just kind of fell into place. I am personally religious, so I believe this is just the way God
set it out for me.”
Now, Algor has bigger aspirations for his life. He plans to major in operations manage-
ment and nonprofit management in order to take the teamwork and leadership skills he
has learned into a career field. Allgor hopes to work for a company or organization that
gives back to a greater cause.
“Working and leading a group of people to accomplish a goal for something good is
something that I just can not get enough of,” says Allgor. “That’s what I feel what I’m
meant to do, and (it’s) why I have no problem trying to balance all these different things.”
What was the end of one dream has become the beginning of many others. When con-
cussions forced him to give up football it was life altering. Instead of mulling over what
he had lost, Allgor optimistically forged ahead, working for something more meaningful
and fulfilling. He may not be leading on the football field like he had planned, but he has
become a leader who is focused on more than glory on the football field.
“Something that connects with everything that I’ve gotten to do is working with a team
of people to do something good. That’s something that carried over from football. I still
take lessons from what I learned on the field, but in ways that (have) bigger (meaning).
One thing that Mr. (Dave) Hyatt always says is ‘Do you want to be successful, or do you
want to be significant?’ My answer is both. I want to be okay, but I feel like I’ve been dealt
all the cards to make an impact.”

20 Sports November 17, 2017








232 Kills, 2nd team All-Ohio

Staff Photographer PHILLIP
Tanner Pearson caught
Maggie Tepe avoiding SPRINGSTEEN
Comet football players
before their victory over STATS
West Clermont
You never know when a 5 Assists, 1st team All GMC
Chronicle photographer
might be around ! TANNER



17.2 Yards per catch, 5 Touchdowns


The Mason girls Tennis Team won the team Ohio Tennis Coaches Association (OTCA)
State title for the first time in school history. The Comets defeated Dublin Jerome in the
championship, led by Freshman Jamie Kim and Sophomore Ananya Aggrawal. As a team, the
Comets finished undefeated in the GMC, with an overall record of 22-2.

Statistics and rankings as of
df November 13

November 17, 2017 Opinion 21

Staff Editorial

to the editor Society perpetuates sexual abuse
by invalidating victims’ accusations

In a twisted way, it is as if sexual abuse is trending detail Nasaar performing invasive vaginal proce-
nowadays. dures without wearing a glove. Most of his accusers
claim they were around the age of 13 or 14 when the
Every day, you can turn on the TV to see yet incidents began. As 13 and 14 year olds, these girls
another headline accusing yet another individual had no reason to not trust Nassar. They were told he
of power taking advantage of girls and women in was the best the nation could offer, that he was just
their most vulnerable states. Within the past month, doing his job.
accusations against media mogul Harvey Weinstein,
former team USA Gymnastics team doctor Larry And unfortunately, our society has shown it is
Nassar, and Republican nominee Roy Moore have able to overlook such accusations and continue to
surfaced, and if true, the trio would combine for put these individuals in positions of power, some-
a criminal list encompassing possession of child thing Moore, who has been accused of raping a
pornograhy, sexual contact with a minor, sexual 14 year old girl, is certainly thrilled to know as he
harassment and rape. continues to campaign for a seat in the senate.

And those are only names worthy of a time slot In doubting the validity of victims accusations,
on the national news. we allow offenders to continue their predaceous
actions, we allow mothers, daughters, students, ath-
All across the country men are exploiting their letes to continue to be vulnerable to such a heinous
power over women, violating their bodies and tak- action, and we allow them to continue to struggle
ing away any dignity they had. Of course, men are with its lifelong effects. According to,
susceptible to this injustice as well, and it is not to victims of sexual assault are six times more likely to
say a woman can not be a sex offender; however, the use cocaine than the general public, 94 percent ex-
crime undeniably sees more female victims than perience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder
male. According to, 90 percent of rape (PTSD) within two weeks of being raped, 33 percent
victims are female. contemplate suicide, 13 percent attempt it.

And, it is never just one time. While a female student at Mason High School
Weinstein and Nassar face tens and even hun- likely will not come into contact with Weinstein,
dreds of accusations of sexual assault. Five percent Nassar or Moore, it is likely that she will come into
of sex offenders are arrested for another sex related contact with someone with their history. Women in
crime within three years of being released from jail, college ages 18-24 are three times more likely to be
so imagine how many repeat their offense, having sexual abused than the general population, accord-
never been arrested in the first place. Yet even with ing to This issue is easy to dismiss when
hundreds of women speaking up against these se- the headlines seem so far away, but the reality is,
rial offenders, our society can not seem to believe a nobody is immune from it, which is why we can not
single one of them. continue to put predators in a position to prey.
Along with many other factors, a woman’s fear
of losing her position is what makes her hush up. The list will continue to pile up. The number
Weinstein met with young up and coming actresses of women feeling as if it is their fault that they
who were hoping to make it big as the actresses that were sexually abused will continue to add up. The
had worked with Weinstein before them had. Even number of young daughters who will live the rest of
when the discussion crossed the line of professional- their life feeling as if their body does not deserve to
ism, they did not stand up for themselves out of fear be respected will continue to grow. But, the number
that in doing so, they would toss away years of hard of Americans who doubt their accusations does not
work to get them to that moment. have to.
The majority of the accusations against Nassar

The Chronicle’s Policy

The Chronicle is the official student The Chronicle is published monthly. The Chronicle is a member of The The Chronicle Staff Online Editor Bryan Hudnell Adviser
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mediums. Visual Design Editor Jacob Brase Yogesh Patel the Chronicle:
As an open forum for students, let- Contact Information Ryan D’Souza Joey Deaton
The Chronicle is produced by students ters to the editor are welcome, but are The Chronicle Andrea Hefferan Alekya Raghavan @mhschronicle
enrolled in Journalism I, II and III. subject to be edited for length, libel, ob- William Mason High School Nathalie Schickendantz
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22 Opinion November 17, 2017

Thanksgiving Editorial Cartoon
overlooked by
commericialization An internet troll’s dream

Ria Parikh | When life hands party loyalty than doing their job, but despite the fact
Staff Writer you oranges, vote that President Trump has faced more “I-knew-this-
would-happen” comments than possibly any president,
As soon as candy-collecting comes to a close, Political outrage invalid if a grand total of 28% of the population voted in the
trees, ornaments, lights, and special food flood strides are not taken to primaries. Less than one third of the country decided
the world around us. In doing so, however, the initiate change its presidential candidates.
holiday that requires no decoration is lost.
Alexandra Lisa | That does not make sense.
You are not the only one who forgot Thanks- Staff Writer If I complain about having too much homework on
giving is on Thursday, nor the only one to have Sunday night, my parents ask me why I waited until
renamed it pre-Black Friday. Thanksgiving is one When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. The the last minute to get it done. If the people of America
of the only holidays in America that does not message is cliched and overused but also a timeless are held to lower standards than I am when doing
involve lavish decorations, lights, and late-night one: when you dislike what you are given, make some- Chemistry homework, there is a problem. There is a
parties with friends. Thanksgiving involves a thing else. If lemons are too cliched for you, maybe use very big problem in America right now; I would argue
mountain of food and maybe a casual party with something else, like oranges. his name is not Donald J. Trump.
family or close friends. That is why we ignore it: In fact, I would call Trump karma for a nation that
we have let the value of family time deteriorate. When life gives you orange politicians, make a new has ceased to care. A nation that treats the right to vote
mindset. like an entitlement, ignoring the billions of people
By family, I do not mean only blood relatives. around the world who do not share it, and the innumer-
They are, of course, family, but I also mean This past month, many of my peers who are now able lives that have been lost to preserve it. The public
chosen family--the people who you are so close to, eighteen voiced regrets at coming of age too late to is more inclined to complain about the effects of not
you describe them as like family. In any sense of participate in election year. Up until this year, I would voting than--get ready for this radical idea--go out and
the word, Thanksgiving should be a time to share have agreed with them, however, AP Government has vote. Call me crazy, but the effects of not voting might
with those people. drilled into my mind repeatedly and somewhat ag- become less severe if people stopped not voting.
gressively the idea that every year is an election year. Insane, I know.
I have heard stories of people camping outside The presidential election happens every four years, but The fact is, just like no parent will listen to whining
stores as early as 8 p.m. Thursday night, just to be congressional elections and local and state position about homework you did not do in advance, no one in
the first one in the store and in possession of the elections are held every November. I will be honest, I America is required to listen to your complaints about
golden item that year. I get it, it’s exhilarating to had never thought about them. who is in power if you did not vote. Not just in the
trample each other and prove just how greedy we presidential election, because that is one out of over
really are. But the people who are willing to do And neither, apparently, had most Americans. Ac- 500,000 elections in our country--granted, you can only
that--and there are quite a few--are willing to push cording to Governing Magazine, an average of 20% of participate in those which your state is responsible for.
spending time with the people who care about the American population votes on non-election years, Regardless, if you have time to complain about it, you
them to the back burner. They should be at home meaning 20% of our nation is choosing our Congress- have time to fill out a paper and change it.
cooking food, hanging out with their cousins, men, Governors, Mayors, City Councilmen, State Maybe, we needed Trump. Maybe, his fog-horn shout-
nieces and nephews, or at the very least sitting in Judges, and Police Chiefs. One fifth of the population ing and neon skin color are what it is going to take to
front of TV in the presence of others, not sitting makes decisions that affect all individuals. It makes get our attention. Maybe, just maybe, we will use our
pathetically outside a store they never shop at, no sense, especially when I hear students and adults anger towards Trump to do better next time, to make
with a tent and probably a cold. alike concerned with how long people have remained the Trump presidency a lesson to learn from.
in Congress. The American people have the right to Or, maybe, what Trump has said and done by the end
Thanksgiving has become a commercial book- be concerned, but concern is worth peanuts if it is not of his term will not have been enough, and the people
mark, a way to exploit sales. CMO by Adobe said acted upon. who are supposed to hold the “power” in this democ-
Walmart reported in 2013 that they had around 22 racy will continue to be their own nation’s victims.
million shoppers on Thanksgiving night. Thanks- The situation of our country is ignored until after
giving night. Twenty-two million people would the fact. Not only do few people decide to vote out
rather run around a store that they go to about Congress members they feel are more concerned with
once a week and already offers frequent deals,
than spend time thinking about what they are
thankful for and what they do have.

The values of the holiday have been overshad-
owed by the exhilaration of running around a
store and throwing cheap, random items in a cart
at 2 a.m.

Thanksgiving may not be in our faces with
lights and distinct color schemes, but the simplic-
ity of the holiday is what makes it so memorable.
When we are sitting with our food and family
and thinking about the cheap flat screen TV we
are going to wrestle 100 other people for later
that night, the whole purpose of Thanksgiving is

Whether we like it or not, Black Friday is on
our calendar. We can not change that. We can,
however, change how we handle it. Shopping will
always be here. Deals and sales will always be
rolling around the corner. But, time spent with
people that matter is limited.

November 17, 2017 23

24 November 17, 2017

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