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The Chronicle published on October 7, 2005.

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Published by The Chronicle, 2015-12-16 13:40:54

Edition 3.1

The Chronicle published on October 7, 2005.

The William Mason High School Life on the Offensive Line
Mason, Ohio see page 15

October 7, 2005

6100 South Mason Montgomery Road, Mason, Ohio 45040 Volume 3 Issue 1

NEWS Flash Katrina victims find refuge at MHS

BY OLGA BORODULIN 2005. They stayed at a motel only 100
Chronicle Editor miles away. However, Kirk and Kirtrell
could not expect the horrors that would
Nikki Armstrong Chronicle photo by Sarah Fukatsu Kirk,17, and Kirtrell Taylor, 14, may encroach upon their town only a day
Memorial Fund seem to just be new students among later.
Kirk and Kirtrell Taylor enrolled at Mason Mason's vast majority of teenagers, but
There is a Nikki Armstrong after their home was lost due to Katrina. this brother and sister pair has endured "We thought that we could just come
Memorial Fund set up for donations much more than most teenagers can home after the storm. The news made it
to support her 7-year-old son, imagine. seem like it would miss our town,"
Torrey. You can donate at any Fifth- Kirtrell said.
Third Bank location. Please make They've moved almost 900 miles away
checks payable to Fifth Third Bank – from their homes but this hasn't hin- This was obviously not the case as the
Nikki Armstrong Fund and Mail to: dered their minds from the catastrophe Taylor home was completely submerged
Fifth Third Bank, 225 W Main St. # awaiting them at home: the results of underwater. The two levies positioned
110111, Mason, OH 45040 Attn: N. Hurricane Katrina. next to their house broke resulting in a
Armstrong Fund. 35-foot tidal wave. The Taylor family
The Taylor family, consisting of Kirk, received a phone call from their father's
H.O.P.E. initiative nets Kirtrell, their mother, Cheyenne, and employer detailing the town's situation.
$6,837 for Katrina relief their father, Kirk, all left their home of
Boothville, Louisiana on August 28,

2 TheCHRONICLENews October 7, 2005

May 3- 9.94-mil operational levy School district heads to Supreme Court in battle against CARE
passes with 5,175, or 47% of

Mason residents who voted

against the levy and 5,861 resi- BY OLGA BORODULIN CARE's 1,344 signatures. The required amount However, Meyer believes that Mason can
dents, or 53 percent who voted Chronicle Editor of signatures stands at 938, thus allowing for make cuts without lessening the quality of edu-
pro-levy. the 2-mill referendum to stay on the ballot. cation. "Mason simply needs to look at unneces-

May 24- CARE beat Mason The 9.94-mil "phase-in" levy was passed on The Mason School Board decided to continue sary spending and become more accountable,"
school officials by one hour in fil- May 3, 2005 with 5,861 Mason residents who defending the school's income and took their Meyer said.
ing its referendum petition first. voted for the operating levy. However, the anti- case to the Ohio Supreme Court on September Debates at school board meetings have
levy group Mason CARE, Citizens for 12, hoping to invalidate other parts of the CARE brought about attacks on the school board’s
June 16- Mason school officials Accountability and Results in Education, found- petitions and signatures that the Mason School credibility in spending. However, Bright
file their own referendum petitions ed by Mason resident John Meyer, stated that Board deemed invalid. believes that CARE “is really good at taking
to protect new levy and several the group was not finished in Mason. things out of context.”
other levies dating back to 1967. "Our district will do anything in order to sup-
This soon became evident as CARE beat port the quality of education here at Mason," Despite these allegations, Meyer still states
July- Mason School officials hire Mason school officials by one hour in filing their Mason High School principal Dr. Dave Allen that his main purpose is to voice the opinions of
attorney and handwriting analyst petition with Warren County Board of said, referring to the action made at the Ohio “Mason senior citizens and anti-levy residents.”
to dispute the Elections, on May Supreme Court. If CARE is successful, cuts will be seen,
"Our district will do
validity of anything in order to sup- 24, two weeks after If the referendum proposed by CARE is much like those cuts seen in area districts who
CARE port the quality of educa- voters passed the approved on the November ballot, it would have also been unsuccessful in their levy
referen- proposed tax levy. reduce the increase in property taxes to $60 a attempts to pass levies.
dum sig- tion here at Mason." year compared to a $200.29 increase in 2006, a
natures Under Ohio elec- $252.35 increase in 2007, and a $304.41 Since school operating levies pay for materi-
at the Mason High School tion law, referen- increase in 2008 if the 9.94-mil levy stands. als, textbooks, utilities, supplies, transporta-
Warren Principal Dr. Dave Allen dums that challenge These are the increased taxes an owner would tion, staff and teachers, such cuts can be seen in
County Board a continuing school any of these areas. Neighboring districts with

of Elections. levy can only be seen pay of a $100,000 home. failed levies began with cuts in transportation

August 31- Warren County Board on a ballot once every five years. The referen- According to Mason Treasurer Dick Gardner, and sports.
of Elections invalidated 246 signa- dum that CARE proposed would reduce the although the district has approximately $17 Voting will take place on November 8. The ref-
tures and certified 1,098 of 9.94-mill levy by 7.94 mill, or $24.8 million, to a million in surplus, this amount would only fund
CARE's 1,344 signatures, allowing 2-mill levy. the school for 11 weeks. Without additional erendums to be seen on the November ballot at
CARE's petition to be present on funding, the district will run out of money by this time are a 1967 general operating levy with
the ballot. After CARE filed its referendum, Mason July 2007. a 4.00 millage, a 1968 general operating levy
school officials filed a petition with the state with a 16.10 millage, a 1969 general operating
minimum reduction in millage- .01 mill, and in "[A 24.8 million dollar reduction] will decimate levy with a 4.90 millage, a 1978 general operat-
September 12- Mason School June school officials filed seven other petitions our programs. The programs we've put in place ing levy with a 6.50 millage, a 1988 general
Board officials filed action at the on continuing school levies dating back to 1967. are there to offer students opportunities and operating levy with a 8.60 millage, a 1996 gen-
Ohio Supreme Court. In July, school officials also hired an attorney, experiences. Our students are our future and eral operating levy with a 9.80 millage, and a

October - Ohio Supreme Court which appointed a handwriting analyst, in an our most precious resource. We want to make 2001 general operating levy with a 9.95 millage.
will decide to deny or grant the attempt to invalidate CARE petition signatures. sure we've adequately prepared them," Bright The total millage with deduction due to House
Mason school board's request, or The attorney disputed the case with the Warren said. Bill 920 is 23.33 mills. Also, there will be the
issue a "temporary writ," in which County Board of Elections, voicing that many of CARE referendum for 2 mill and the Mason City
the signatures were signed incorrectly. The Mason School District is seventh in the
state of Ohio out of 613 districts, 181st in state Schools referendum, totaling in eight referen-
oral arguments will proceed.

November 8- Mason residents Despite controversy on both sides, on August spending, and spends $385 less than the state dums to be placed on the ballot.
will vote on ballot 31, the Warren County Board of Elections inval- average per pupil, and $593 less per pupil than The Mason school district is asking all voters
idated 246 signatures, and certified 1,098 of similar private and public school districts. to vote "no on all issues.”

KATRINA COVERAGE Students adjusting to life after Katrina

Local families feel the effect of

October 7, 2005 TheCHRONICLENews 3

Demands for perfection
push students to plagiarize

BY RACHEL SLEZAK "pressures [on high-level students] to be perfect."
Chronicle Staff Writer "Students get pressure from parents, teachers, and themselves,"

The typical honors or high-achieving French said.
student at Mason High School is French admitted that the pressures start to wear students out. "You
involved in several extracurricular activ-
ities and has hours of homework but get to the point where you don't care anymore," French said.
still manages to finish each trimester According to French, at this point plagiarism "seems like a valid
with a flawless GPA.
Junior Ian Gibson refuses to believe "Sometimes they take it too far. A lot of students cheat on essays,"
that these students are achieving this
by cheating. "I respect honors stu- French said.
dents," Gibson said. Honors English III teacher Ann Helwig agrees that students plagia-
Hard as it is to believe, plagiarism has become and more common
among these accelerated students. English II teacher Melanie Milligan rize "seeking a good grade."
said that almost 20% of the essays she grades have been plagiarized. "Students lack confidence," Helwig said.
"You'd be surprised how easy it is to tell. The person writing the While English II teacher Patricia George agrees that students lack
essay is a completely different voice than the student writing something
in class," Milligan said. confidence in their writing, George has an alternative explanation for
English teacher Kurt Dinan agrees that it is easy to catch students why students plagiarize.
stealing other’s writing. "What students don't understand is that there is
a certain way high school students write," Dinan said. "They're lazy," George said.
According to Milligan, once a student is caught plagiarizing, it is stan- George explained that students see good writing and "believe that
dard procedure for them to fail the class and have the teacher call they can't write as well."
home. Another obvious consequence to plagiarizing is removal from "They get intimidated," George said.
National Honor Society (NHS). In Helwig's Honors English III classes, the first major assignment is a
Physical science teacher and NHS advisor Barbara Shuba reports paper unique to students' experiences. Helwig says many students
that 5% of NHS students nationwide have been removed from the don't realize that, "what everyone is really looking for is authenticity,"
organization due to plagiarism. and hopes the assignment will give them more confidence.
Shuba believes that technology has helped increase plagiarism. According to Helwig, students often reject perfectly good ideas, hop-
"With the advent of the internet, it's very easy to copy and paste infor- ing to find the one that's "right," and often the easiest way to find the
mation," Shuba said. right answer is to consult Sparknotes or something similar.
Dinan is considering having all of his students handwrite their papers "Perfect is the enemy of good," Helwig said.
to limit plagiarism from the internet. "I have caught too many students Helwig believes that looking at other opinions like this is fine as long
plagiarizing over the last couple of years," Dinan explained. as the students formulate their own opinion while writing their papers.
Dinan agrees that more students are plagiarizing recently because it This raises questions of exactly what counts as plagiarism and what
has become so easy. "[Students] find it too tempting to go online, find a doesn't. Plagiarism appears in the student planners as rule fifteen, but
related essay, and hand it in as their own work," Dinan said. no definition is ever provided.
Many Mason teachers would agree that plagiarism hurts students in "It's like borrowing homework," Helwig said. "Somehow people think
the long run as well. "It really cheats them," Milligan said. that's okay [but not plagiarism]."
"Because these students don't go through the thought processes Mason English teacher Kyle Warren has a strategy for eliminating
involved in writing a paper, they are unable to think in this way," the ambiguity involved in plagiarism. "I've assigned required reading,"
Milligan said. said Warren.
Knowing the risk involved, some might wonder why so many stu- Warren believes that all students know cutting and pasting informa-
dents plagiarize. Junior Maria French believes it's because of the tion is plagiarizing. "The only students who cut and paste are either
lazy or just out of time," said Warren.
George says the English department is working on a new policy that
would spell out exactly what they consider plagiarized work.
"Kids can plead ignorance but there really is no valid excuse to pla-
giarize," George said.

Random Student Homecoming Royalty

Education the reason for Senior's immigration to the U.S. Chronicle photo by Michelle Rotbart
BY CAROLINE JOHNSON ed to the United States, Silvia's "I miss my friends and family. It
22-year old brother was attending is very different here. I don't like it Seniors Mike Kelly and Andrea Pendell were crowned
Chronicle Staff Writer college in Egypt. and want to go back," she said. Homecoming King and Queen at halftime of the Comets
"He came over with us. He worked "But I can't because there is no 70-12 victory over Walnut Hills last Friday.
At age sixteen, senior Silvia Adly for a year. Now he is going to a work [in Egypt]."
had a journey ahead of her most community college in Cincinnati,"
sixteen year olds don't have to she said. Adly's younger brother, George,
face. Adly's journey involved immi- who is a freshman at Mason High
grating to a new country and "I have been School agrees with his sister.
learning to fit in a new society for religious
her junior year. since birth; it "All my friends are in Egypt and
has helped if they could come here it would be
Without anyone to guide her, me through very good. But life in Egypt is not
Adly entered Mason High School the move.” urbanized, such as the schools, so
to start not only her junior year, we can get better education here,"
but also her new life. Gathering Adly hopes to attend the George said, who would also like to
bravery and courage, Adly's will to University of Cincinnati after she study pharmaceuticals after high
succeed drove her to become suc- is finished with high school. school.
cessful at Mason High School.
"I would like to study pharmaceu- Despite the lack of work in Egypt,
"I lived in eastern Egypt. I moved ticals," Adly said. Adly finds Egyptian schools to con-
[to America] last year when I was tain a harder curriculum.
sixteen," Adly said. Adly's primary language is
Arabic, but she learned English at "School is easier here," Adly said
Adly and her mother, father and the age of seven. Although she did who is used to a more rigorous
two brothers crossed the Atlantic not have to conquer a new lan- grading scale, and is taking all the
Ocean, wishing to start a new life guage while moving, emotionally, typical senior classes.
in a new country, and determined Adly has found it hard to adjust to
to find more opportunities in the new environment. Throughout the past year, Adly
America. has found her faith to be a guiding
light in many times of struggle.
"We moved here for the educa-
tion," Adly said. "I have been religious since birth;
it has helped me through the
When the Adly family immigrat- move," Adly said.

4 TheCHRONICLENews October 7, 2005

News Notebook World Perspective

ACT/SAT help available Recent developments in Iraq create further division

Students looking for extra ACT/SAT BY MATT PARTINGTON the entire political and governmental bloodshed. Are they perverse enough to
practice can log on to the new "Learn-A- Chronicle Staff Writer structure in Iraq could become obsolete. ignite civil war in Iraq? According to
Test" website for free practice tests as organizations such as the International
well as scoring and answer explana- A transitional democratic government. These developments have all added to Crisis Group, the current draft of the
tions. Anyone with a Mason Public Potential open civil war. A safer world. confusion stateside. The number of casu- Iraqi constitution causes too much sepa-
Library Card can use the site. Visit Thousands killed. Destroying terrorism alties is currently at 1,917 American troop ration between Iraq's three ethnic and and click on the one nation at a time. Destroying deaths, 2,091 total coalition deaths, and religious groups, and if the constitution is
"Learn-A-Test" icon for more information. America's international credibility, one between 26,092 and 29,401 civilian not immediately revised then Iraq will,
nation at a time. deaths. without doubt, break into full-scale civil
College Fair at U.D. war.
For every point about the current war in A recent Gallup poll from September
On Wednesday, November 2nd the Iraq there is a counter point -- "The fog of shows that 59% of those polled believe This supposition, along with terrorist
University of Dayton will be hosting the war," as former Secretary of Defense that sending troops to Iraq was a "mis- figurehead Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's
Dayton Area College Night. From 6:30 Robert McNamara would say. take." At the start of the war, 75% of those recent decision to "launch a comprehen-
to 8:30 pm 150 colleges and universities polled with the same question said it was sive war on the Shi'ites all over Iraq," is
will be showcased in the University of The situation, however, is only becoming not. nothing short of alarming. U.S. and Iraqi
Dayton Arena. more serious as Iraq approaches October troops recently tried quell the insurgency
15th, the date that the Iraqi citizens will When Mason students were asked the by combating the al-Zarqawi-led al Qaeda
Volunteer Opportunities vote on a new permanent constitution. same question, 44% stated that they in Iraq in the northern Iraqi city of Tall
Expected to coincide with the national ref- believe it was not a mistake to send troops 'Afar.
Students looking for volunteer hours are erendum is an onslaught of violence inted- to Iraq while 36% believe that it was and
encouraged to contact Circle Tail, Inc., a ed to defeat the constitution. 20% were "not sure." This was the biggest military battle in
foundation that trains assistance dogs Iraq since Fellujah last year, and
for people with disabilities and also runs The ideological conflict between Iraq’s Among those who believe that it was not although a strategic victory, Tall 'Afar
a no-kill animal shelter. Volunteers are Sunnis, Shi'ites, and Kurds is at the core a mistake to send troops cited terrorism was also a grim reminder of the insur-
needed to walk, play with, and socialize of the political divide. as justification. Others stated that the gency's determination and elusiveness.
with the dogs in their care, as well as "people [in Iraq] need help" and it was Opinions now vary concerning the
many other responsibilities. For more Saddam Hussein, a Sunni Muslim, "America's role to step in." strength of the insurgency: The White
information call (513)-877-3325, or visit became infamous for his oppression of House has claimed that the insurgency is Shi'ites and Kurds. Although accounting Many of the students who believe that it in its "last throes," but according to TIME
for 60% of Iraq's population, Shi'ites were was a mistake to initiate the war in Iraq Magazine, certain military officials in
Service Award disallowed from having any political influ- cited the general principle of killing as Iraq believe that the insurgency could
ence while Hussein was in power. The reason enough to dissent. One student retain its strength for more than a decade.
Students who are actively involved in Kurds, a stateless ethnic group, were the pointed out that it is a "war on a terror not
community service are eligible to apply primary victims of Hussein's mass Iraq" and another stated that "we're fight- The last question concerns Iraq's stabil-
for the Prudential Spirit of Community killings. ing a war under false pretenses." ity. Will the Iraqi military be effective
Award. Winners will receive a trip to enough to provide safety for citizens living
Washington, DC as well as a $1,000 Sunnis, being a minority, lost their polit- These "pretenses," however, are becom- in a nation populated by three diverse
monetary prize. Applications are avail- ical power when Iraq's new governments ing less significant as the conflict deepens. ethnic groups, all seeking their own sin-
able in the guidance office or at were implemented following the ousting Three questions mark the current debate gular power? Please turn in of Hussein. over Iraq. The first is: Could Iraq escalate
to Mrs. Courts before by October 28th. in the same fashion as Vietnam? This question has perpetuated the dura-
Numerous Sunnis now fear that the new According to U.S. and foreign intelligence tion of military stationing and will contin-
Rugby Club constitution will not grant them enough there could be a series of massive calculat- ue to make the issue more complicated.
political influence. Sunni religious and ed attacks on coalition troops in Baghdad. The answer, however, lies in the determi-
Students interested in starting a rugby political leaders are now telling their The result? As Seymour Hersh puts it, a nation of the insurgents, how much man-
club should contact Mrs. Lorri Fox-Allen pupils to vote down the constitution. "Battle for Baghdad," much similar to power they will be able to amass in the
in the student activities office. what was seen in Vietnam with the Tet coming years, and how successful the
The Iraqi insurgency is expected to try Offensive. Iraqi military becomes in subduing them.
- compiled by Stephanie Visscher and nullify the establishment of the new
permanent government. Composed of dis- It would be ambitious and wrongheaded The majority of Iraqi citizens want peace
enfranchised Sunni Muslims, al Qaeda in to say that Iraq will become the political within the nation, and October 15th could
Iraq, Sunni Islamists, and other affiliated and militaristic equivalent to Vietnam, turn into either the most glorious day in
groups, the insurgency is intending to gar- but fundamental characteristics have cre- Iraq since the invasion, or the point where
ner enough support to have the constitu- ated a conscious affiliation between the the entire nation disintegrates into fer-
tion voted down on October 15th. two. vent anarchy.

If the constitution does indeed fail, and The second question is in regard to the
excessive violence spreads through Iraq, determination of radicals to create further

The Hubley Driving School
Student of the Month

Hubley Driving School & The Chronicle are proud to honor K RY S T I N A M A N D

Grade: 12 Personal Quote:
"Be who you are and say what you feel,
In school accomplishments: because those who mind don't matter
Member of National Honor Society and those who matter don't mind."
Received the Rotary Award sophomore -Dr. Seuss
Received Geometry and English awards Favorite Class(es):
sophomore year English
3.85 and above GPA for three years
(academic letter) Future Plans/Goal:
Senior Sib Hopes to attend University of North
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Out of school accomplishments:
Member of the competition dance team Teacher Quote:
at Carol Young's School of Dance in "Krystina is really positive. She listens,
Oxford for six years smiles and shares in [Words from the
Wild] class. Her attitude has been conta-
Traveled to Japan in the summer of 2005 gious, she has helped make it a really
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Chronicle photo by Josh Geiger

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Mason, OH 45040 Driving School Mason, OH 45040

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October 7, 2005 TheCHRONICLENews 5

New group strives to curb teen
drinking and drug abuse

BY DANIELLE WILLIAMS campaign also encourages parents to talk
Chronicle Staff Writer with their kids and focus on the abuse of
After strenuous homework assignments, "[The Mason Drug and Alcohol
quizzes, projects, and tests, many stu- Coalition] wants parents to encourage
dents yearn for their one moment of relax- [students] to push the use of alcohol as far
ation, a break in their hectic agenda, and [away] as possible to delay lifelong prob-
a moment of bliss after a demanding lems," Haught said.
week, also known as the In fact, at Mason Middle
weekend. School, the campaign "Too
Smart to Start" is encour-
For many students, aging parents to start com-
the weekend is a municating with
time where any- their children
thing goes as long early about issues
as homework concerning alcohol
assignments are and drug use.
finished when Thus, in the
Monday morning future, the stu-
rolls around. dents will know
how to address
Teachers, par- the issues at
Chronicle photo by Sharon Stewart ents, and admin- hand.
istrators aren't The No Empty
“There’s nothing I can do.” This is a common phrase that many students like junior around to moni- Seats campaign
Diana Dunn heard from guidance counselors at the beginning of school this year tor students' also contains the
when they attempted to change their schedules. Above Dunn attempts to persuade behavior outside emotional aspects of
her guidance counselor Cheryl Hayes to help her adjust her schedule. of school if students dealing with teen deaths.
are out with friends. Students and teachers were
Lack of flexibility in schedule changes This knowledge and immensely affected in the 2004-2005
constant fear from school school year, after the tragic death of two
force students to adapt officials and parents led to the new Mason students. No Empty Seats is designed to
campaign, "No Empty Seats."
BY RACHEL SLEZAK tation, and expectations," Margraf said. help prevent students from experiencing
Nicole Haught, the District Community such devastation.
Chronicle Staff Writer Freshmen Tom Lizzio describes some of Resource Coordinator and a member of "I think people think about [No Empty
his teachers' styles as "creepy." the Mason Drug and Alcohol Coalition,
"Please Note: This is your current sched- "It's not really what I would want," decided to move this idea to the communi- Seats], but they don't appreciate or
ty after having heard, "No Empty Seats", process the idea," junior Shalini Goyal
ule," began the unfriendly text on every Lizzio said. a personal reflection about losing a loved said.
student's schedule on the first day of Even though Lizzio puts forth his best one in high school written by Mason City
school. The text continued, stating, "due effort, he doesn't feel he's getting the most Schools Assistant Superintendent Amy Some students may feel their actions do
Spicher. not affect their community and fellow stu-
to scheduling constraints, schedule out of his classes. dents. However, with No Empty Seats
changes will not be made for anything "I'm more of a visual learner, and when "I think all community people want stu-
other than dropping and adding a new [my teachers] try to read something out dents to make good choices. We don't want constantly growing, the administrators
empty seats," Haught said. hope is that students may realize the seri-
course, as well as filling incomplete sched- loud, I don't really get it," Lizzio said. ousness of alcohol consumption, and their
ules." This list does not include teacher Honors Pre-Calculus teacher Johnothon According to the PRIDE survey taken in
changes, a restriction leaving some stu- Sauer also understands how teaching the 2004-2005 school year, students are affect on those around them.
involved in drinking and drug activities "I felt it's a good idea, but it will only
dents with teachers students feel cannot styles affect students' ability to learn. outside of school, mostly during the week- spread if students become involved," jun-
teach them. Sauer admits to having a heavily visual end. When the Mason Drug and Alcohol
"This is actually not a new teaching style, but by no Coalition, which consists of parents, ior Drew Shields said.
school leaders, community leaders, and According to Haught, getting more stu-
rule," says Mason High Last year alone, means does he expect all of other business partners, as well as, the dents involved "is a process." Yet this
School Guidance Counselor Guidance his students to "be able to Mason Police Department, felt this was process seems to be steadily moving for-
Sally Clark. learn this way." the largest instigator to the campaign. ward with National Honor Society stu-
According to Clark, "stu- Counselors received "As a teacher I feel
dents have never been absolutely obligated to teach "There's too many kids getting killed in dents getting involved with Red Ribbon
allowed to change teachers over 1400 schedule the material in as many drug related accidents and we're trying to Week and the Friday afternoon school
without valid reasoning, but change requests. ways as possible," Sauer get the information out," Mason Police announcements reminding students to
officer Troy Nelson said. have "no empty seats" on Monday.
this rule is being enforced According to Marty said. "I think No Empty Seats will grow and
this year because of the Sauer knows it's not The No Empty Seats campaign promotes
increase in student popula- Zack, the longest always possible to teach no underage drinking and runs along the eventually have a lot of significance and
tion, making scheduling dif- schedule change anything in a way that concept that the students' decisions and everyone in school and the community
lives affect other people. The emergent will know the story behind it," junior
ficult." can range from 30 everyone understands, but Elani Wilson said.
Mason junior Nicole Crye doesn't see this as a neces-
understands these schedul- minutes to an hour. sarily bad thing. "Students MHS mourns death of influential teacher
ing constraints, but still The most common have to learn to cope with

does not like the rule. “excuse” for a different teaching styles,"
"If a student learns better Sauer said.
with a certain teacher, they schedule change is Sauer sees learning to cope

6 TheCHRONICLENews October 7, 2005

Longtime Mason residents resistant to widespread urbanization

BY SHARON STEWART Flaherty on the expansion of Mason. (Above) What was once farmland now is home to the
Chronicle Staff Writer "The feeling that I was here first kind Mason Intermediate School (left).

When urban sprawl hit the small town of makes me angry. That kind of change play Playstation. And that's not good or She remembers the many memories the
of Mason, Ohio, the town saw everything is almost disruptive to what feels like bad, but the work just isn't there in a land held.
they knew take a complete turn. In 1970, home to me," Aumann said. (housing) development," Custis said. "It
Mason consisted of less than 5,700 resi- takes about an hour to mow a lawn now, "I remember everyone coming over to
dents. In 35 years, the town's population In the course of uprooting older ways of but it took three or four hours on a ice skate on the pond and we'd build a
has grown five-fold, vaulting Mason up life and trying to deposit new ones for farm." fire. And I remember the blizzard of '78
to 25,000 people. them to coincide with, the question is where we couldn't get up Stitt for a
presented of Mason's accountability to Senior Cody Hanson has also always week," Custis said.
Those who have lived in Mason their the slogan, "The City of Excellence." lived in Mason and noted his disappoint-
entire lives have had to adjust to urban- ment in the change. With such connections to the land,
ization 30 years later when it might not "Thriving development here is undeni- Custis "was a mess" when her farm was
be the change they were expecting. able. There's a "I remember a Halloween party at the finally sold.
lot of potential Wilken's farm on Irwin Simpson when I
"The only thing I've been amazed at is in our mix of was younger. Now that farm has become "It was just very sad. It's probably been
how fast it's grown," native resident Jim nice homes and a massive shopping center," Hanson 11 or 12 years, but I used to get terribly
Allison said, voicing the thought on businesses," said. nostalgic and it was hard getting used to
many locals' minds. Allison said. having neighbors. I used to be able to
To many teenagers today, farms have ride or walk anywhere in town and know
Allison moved to Mason in 1941 to sub- Junior Eric come to sound like their own obscure everybody I passed. There weren't secu-
stantiate a farm on the land that has Ebersole also nook of the world, but Custis remem- rity issues then. We used to go to bed
now become the Sunset Ridge neighbor- saw the changes bered it as a very "homey" kind of place. and not lock our doors," Custis said.
hood community off Mason Road. as "a good path."
"There were only three houses on our Custis feels as though it's hard to hold
"I remember tending to the cows, "There's more street and we all shared a phone line. onto what remains of her home.
chickens, and crops early in the morn- friends, more We'd get up, Mom would pack us a
ings," Allison said. fun, a lot of new lunch, and my sister and I would go out "It's fun to run into people, but it's def-
people, and the riding horses into the land and not come initely not what it used to be. But it's
Allison's change began when he was diversity is awe- back until four o'clock," Custis said. life. It's progress."
offered money for his land. some," Ebersole said.

"Someone called me up offering a hefty Mason resident Leslie Custis agreed
sum, and I had to weigh it all out. I have that while diversity may be a benefit,
roots in farming still, but an agricultur- everything seems to come at a price
al situation in the middle of an overpop- these days.
ulated development is hard to maintain,"
Allison said. "Growth has brought opportunity to
children in schools, but has eliminated
Some Mason students also share views the small town feeling of a family-orient-
on the growth of Mason. ed community," Custis said.

"I've watched people have to sacrifice Custis grew up on the Courtney Farm,
for taxes. The traffic is heavy. My little on what is now the Pine Run subdivision
sister didn't even make the basketball off Tylersville Rd. Her grandfather
team because of all the people here com- owned the land when he bought 200
peting, and she was crushed. It's a con- acres as an investment to fill with cattle,
stant struggle between the two finance beans, and crops.
levels nowadays," sophomore Lauren
Simendinger said. "I used to know everybody around
here," Custis remembered, "I would ride
With this taken into consideration, up Stitt and Mason-Montgomery and not
some students prefer the farm town feel. pass any cars the whole time, and now
my daughter can't even leave the neigh-
"I don't like more people coming and borhood without calling us."
making it bigger. I'd rather have it
small," sophomore Jackson Flaherty Custis reflected on how farm life is
said. "very different than life today."

Junior Matt Aumann agreed with "Today, kids get up, watch TV, and

Faith helps Huff through difficult ‘05 grads find transition to college to be difficult
time; will always be cautious
BY CANDICE PHILPOT prise that the thing the former seniors miss the

October 7, 2005 TheCHRONICLEArts&Entertainment 7

Community theatre to Modernizing
perform Wizard of Oz
a medievel art formChroniclephotobyMichelleRotbart
The Young Performers Community
Theatre of Mason with the BY OLGA BORODULIN sacks, and tie chains. In his opinion, a guitar strap he created
Ohio Metropolitan Chronicle Editor for his friend, which consisted of over two thousand key chain
Theatre Orchestra kings, was the "neatest" thing he has created, and a necklace,
presents The Wizard While art can be defined by some as a painting or drawing, consisting of over two hundred rings, was the most "important
of Oz at sophomore Ashton Kemerling has found his own type of art in a piece he has created so far."
the Mason medievel sculpture-art form called chainmaille.
High School "[The necklace] was definitely the hardest and most important
theatre. "It's something not a lot of people know about, but it's still a piece because it consisted of rings that were one sixteenth of an
Show form of art and is very interesting," Kemerling said. inch large, and were difficult to combine. But after having cre-
times are ated it, it was the one piece that meant the most to me because
Friday, Chainmaille or "chain mail", which originated during the I was able to give it to my girlfriend, and it had the most senti-
October 14 late Roman era, was actually a form of armor that officers wore mental value," Kemerling said.
at 7:00, for protection. However, it progressed into an art form as arti-
Saturday, sans and craftsmen picked it up during the centuries that fol- Kemerling's hobby has begun to reap its own rewards, as
October 15 at 1:00 and 7:00. The lowed. many of his peers began requesting orders for bracelets, at a
Saturday1:00 performance will be inter- cost of ten to twenty dollars. Despite producing a small busi-
preted for the hearing impaired. The final "It definitely has a lot of history to it. It's not something new; ness out of chainmaille, Kemerling feels "the money is a side
show is Sunday, October 16 at 1:00. it has it's own background," Kemerling said. thing."
Tickets can be purchased online at or call 588- Chainmaille is made up of joined metal links that combine to "It's nice to be rewarded and have people appreciate your
0183. Tickets can also be purchased one create "rows" of metallic structure in bridge-like patterns. Each work, but it's not the reason I began or continue to create
hour prior to showtime. Ticket prices are link can range in size from one eighth of an inch to one six- chainmaille. It's a rewarding experience in itself," Kemerling
$8 for adults and children, seniors $6. teenth of an inch. The process to create chainmaille is one of said.
The play is directed by Mason High endurance, as Kemerling must manually attach each link,
School teacher Arlene Schwab. spending at least five minutes on each link-to-link connection. Kemerling believes that anyone can learn how to partake in
this learning experience, but "they must be dedicated."
Chronicle cartoon "There's definitely a lot of time involved in the creation of
published in Best of High chainmaille. It's a process," Kemerling said. "A lot of people give up during the first learning curve. It's a
School Press learning process so it will be hard, but you have to stick to it.
Kemerling's devotion to this hobby began in eighth grade, After that first curve, the rest is learning how to weave and
2005 graduate Andy Rowland’s cartoon after watching The Lord of the Rings, and seeing a similar cre- create different patterns. All it takes is patience and an ability
“MHS Administration cracks down on ation. Kemerling decided to try his hobby by finding how to cre- to understand patterns," Kemerling said. "It's not that diffi-
campus crime” was recently featured in ate it on the Internet. cult."
the National Scholastic Press
Association’s “Best of the High School "I decided to do something on my own that I could be proud Although Kemerling does admit to spending four or five hours
Press.” of. I didn't get help from my dad because this was my own during the school week to creating chainmaille, he does not
hobby," Kemerling said. want to pursue chainmaille in his future career.
Explore culture at
Contemporary Arts Center After reading the strenuous processes involved in chain- "I plan on going to the army and I want to be a career soldier
maille, Kemerling was not discouraged. Kemerling contacted an or engineer," Kemerling said.
Explore Cincinnati's culture through industrial metal supplier for his rings and simply borrowed
Music, Posters, documentaries, and pho- some of his father's tools. Despite Kemerling's talent in his creations, Kemerling has not
tographs at the Contemporary Arts been recognized for his work by art shows or competitions
Center located on 44 E. Sixth Street "The information and resources are out there. You just have
Cincinnati, OH. The event takes place at to find them," Kemerling said. "I just want to be able to go home and get into my own time
11:00 am on Saturday and Sunday, and of creating it. I don't really need someone to say that it's impor-
at 10:00 am on every weekday except for According to Kemerling, creating chainmaille is not an expen- tant for me to like it," Kemerling said.
Tuesday. The event will take place from sive hobby, with rings only amounting to four or five dollars a
Friday Oct 7th through Monday Oct 31st. pound, depending on the size. The tools needed to create these Kemerling also enjoys working with firearms, playing video
You may park at parking meters, or look links are 5" offset slip joint pliers and the different metallic games, and watching television in his spare time. However,
for various prices in nearby garages. rings. none of these activities allow for the sense of individuality that
Admission prices are as follows: $7.50 Kemerling retains from his favorite hobby of creating chain-
adults, $6.50 seniors, $5.50 students, Despite understanding the process, Kemerling has experi- maille.
$4.50 ages 3-13. enced his own share of mistakes.
"Most people think I'm pretty insane for doing this. They can't
Essex Studios holding "I didn't know that you had to use two pliers. I used one plier comprehend doing something that takes this much time and
October Art Walk and began creating chainmaille with my bare hands and I tore not getting money in return for the work, but I really do get
up my hand. But it did help me to improve my skills," something back from it. It gives me the pride of seeing my final
Essex Studios is holding an October Art Kemerling said. creation, and I think that's worth more than any amount of
Walk, where over 100 artist studios dis- money," Kemerling said.
play their original artworks in a variety of Besides spending the entire summer creating an "armor-like"
medias. This event is free, and is held on vest, Kemerling has made bracelets, belts, necklaces, hacky
October the 7th and the 8th at 6:00 pm
and located at Essex Studios on 2515
Essex Place Cincinnati, OH. For more
information, call (513) 244-3375, or visit

Book talks at the Mason
Public Library

The Mason Public Library hosts a book
discussion group every third Tuesday of
the month. Call 398-2711 for further
details or e-mail [email protected].
On October 18, the group will be dis-
cussing Lunch at the Piccadilly by Clyde
Edgerton. Epilogue, a book club for
adults over 55, meets on the second
Wednesday of each month at 2:00
the BRIDGE in the Mason Community
Center and is a joint service with the
Mason Public Library.

- compiled by Sarah Fukatsu

8 TheCHRONICLEA&E October 7, 2005

Art careers offer opportunities to Homegrown authors sprout up in Mason
express creativity and earn a living
BY SARAH FUKATSU Drama teacher Allen Young majored in Chronicle Staff Writer
Chronicle Staff Writer drama education; he now teaches perform-
ing arts here at Mason and directs the Mason students normally don't read books unless assigned, and those that do are
In the early 1900's, Pablo Picasso was bare- drama productions. in short quantity. However, in the midst of text-phobic students, Mason High School
ly surviving because of the lack of money an has produced two authors: Sophomore Emily Dearworth and District Attendance
artist was paid. Yet times have changed, and "Theatre is demanding. Usually actors Officer Rick Huff.
with the continuous increase of media on TV, have another job on the side." Young said.
the Internet, and through newspaper adver- Dearworth wrote a children's book called And That's The Way It Happened com-
tisements, graphic artists and artists in gen- In theatre, you can be an actor, a director, posed of short stories. Dearworth explains her writing as "just-so" stories.
eral are in higher demand and are being a stage manager, or be involved with theatre
paid for their talents. business, etc. "A 'just-so' story is where some sort of talking animal gains one of its characteris-
tics by learning a lesson. For example, 'how the skunk got its stripe,'" Dearworth
Graphic Arts Teacher Aaron Roberts stud- "[Finding a job in] technical theatre will be said.
ied Art Education at Miami University to easier." Young said. "The salary depends on
become a teacher. He also does freelance how steady your job is." In Kimberly Lehman's seventh grade class, writing "just-so" stories was included
design on the side where he creates logos, in the curriculum. The summer after 7th grade, Dearworth continued to write these
letterheads, stationary, and business cards Technical director Stephen Branch controls stories, and compiled them into a portfolio, which she brought to a self-publishing
for companies. the set, the lighting and most of the back- company called "Author House", formally known as "First Books."
stage jobs during a production here at
"You could definitely live on an art salary, Mason. Branch teaches Technical Theatre "I wrote towards kids, whom I wanted to get the morals that were clearly shown,"
and if you want to end up with a good job in for Non Technical People, Foundations of Dearworth said.
the arts, you must do as much art prepara- Technical Theatre, and Advanced Technical
tion as possible," Roberts said. Theatre. Dearworth was able to teach the moral by ending each story
with a poem.
Occasionally, parents have been known to "Every production has technical designers.
discourage their children from pursuing the The technical designers control all the cos- Huff, on the other hand, steered toward a non-fictional book.
arts because of the supposedly low-success tumes, sets, lighting, publicity, etc. Huff wrote an inspirational piece called Secret of The Called.
rate. However, Senior Veronica Cordero's Practically everything other than acting. Being a retired pastor, he wanted to speak to those who are
mother, Maria Astudillo, believes that "if [a Good technicians are always in demand." seeking God.
person] is planning on having a job her Branch said.
whole life, she might as well enjoy that job." "It's a devotional, a book about finding God's purpose. It's
Since technicians are in demand, Branch about getting closer to God and developing a closer relation-
Cordero wants to go into Animation or believes that technician designers and those ship with God," Huff said.
Designing, because "the style is always in working in the arts field are able to find
constant motion", and because "Disney will work and acquire a good living salary from Huff wrote it as if it was a journal, "to
always come out with new movies." their job. speak to others about looking to the future,
and following what God has planned out."
Cordero "isn't afraid of finding a job, "The salary depends on what you are given. He uses the stories of Paul and Abraham as
because [there are] numerous amounts of job I have a friend who worked for six months an outline and tries to make their experi-
opportunities out there for graphic artists." straight, all week, and twelve hours a day. ences more relevant to today's society.
He then received $60,000, and then took the
A sophomore at Miami University, Hana next six months off. The jobs will vary." Through this book, he wanted to "encour-
Scibetta is majoring in Computer Science, Branch said. age older teens and younger adults to follow
where she hopes to study web design and 3- the small pieces God shows each person. To
D animation, because of her "love of art and Choral director Elaine Santos believes "you have faith in what God is trying to do with
working with computers." can find a job in performing arts, being an their lives."
educator, copy writing, publishing, compos-
"I figured that [the amount of] technical ing, business, music arrangement, and "I believe it's like a Hansel and Gretel
jobs, such as graphic arts are growing and musical instruments. Musicians make a lot thing. That God reveals his purpose in tiny
that there will always be a demand for of money." pieces," Huff said.
them," said Scibetta.
Unlike Picasso, many artists are seeing In Huff's second book, The Contender, he
Roberts believes art is its own business. more appreciation for their work. writes similarly but Huff tries inspiring his
"It's like any other business out there. And readers to follow the Holy Spirit in every-
with enough preparation, you can succeed," "If you have the passion, then you will have one's life.
Roberts said. no problem with too much work, or too little
work. If you truly love it, you will find work." "It's not theology," Huff stated, "It's written
Santos said. in a conversational style."

Dearworth, too, has started to write her
next book which is written for 9-12 year olds;
a mysterious murder set in Australia.

October 7, 2005 TheCHRONICLEA&E 9

Sam Eric Ditzel Stephanie Matt
Goldsmith Video Game Visscher Partington
Music Review Review Book Review Movie Review

McCartney gets it done in Splinter Cell is one of Horowitz's latest brew Constant Gardener
Chaos and Creation
best tactical games ever less potent than expected engaging and stylish

Living a long time can make you have Imagine, as you sit there, that someone As an ardent fan of Anthony Horowitz's Fernando Meirelles brings his second
many different feelings about many dif- is creeping in the shadows, watching Alex Rider series, which detail the adven- political thriller and his first English-
ferent things. Many of those have to be your every move. He waits for the perfect tures of a teenage spy for Britain's MI6 language film.
repressed or expressed artistically. moment, and like a ghost, he creeps up network, I was excited to read Raven's
to your behind and pulls you into the Gate, the first of five books in the Meirelles' last production, City of God,
Paul McCartney, an ex-Beatle and one shadows: you never even knew he was "Gatekeepers" series. Excited, that is, won numerous international awards in
of the legendary figures of rock and roll, there. until I opened the book. 2003 and floored audiences with its pow-
is now sixty-three. erful message about children living in
Well, here's the good part: you get to The story starts out when 14-year-old crime-ridden slums surrounding Rio de
Like his contemporaries, The Rolling be the sneaky one. In Tom Clancy's Matt Freeman is sent to live with Claire Janeiro.
Stones, he is still a vital songwriter and Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, you take on Deverill in Lesser Malling as part of juve-
performer. Without his most famous col- the roll of Sam Fisher, the ultimate nile reform program after he is caught In franker terms: Not the easiest film
laborator, John Lennon, McCartney as a weapon in US intelligence. robbing an electronic warehouse. Matt is to try and follow up. I can say with
solo artist is still getting the job done. essentially a good, if a little misguided, assurance, however, that The Constant
If you are captured or killed, the US kid, who just happens to have mysterious Gardener only furthermore proves
A listener would think and hope that government will deny your very exis- precognitive powers. It soon becomes Meirelles skill behind the camera.
at this stage of life he would start letting tence, so don't expect any help if you get apparent that the entire town population Although not the revelation City of God
out his feelings about everything, and he into trouble. is actually a witch clan who plans to sacri- was, The Constant Gardener is stylish,
does this magnificently on his new fice Matt in order to open "Raven's Gate," engaging, and breakneck, all the while
album. In my opinion, this is one of the best a supernatural barrier preventing mon- leaving you feeling as if you have been
tactical action games available on con- strous fiends from entering into the real involved in some grand international
With the guidance of maverick produc- sole. Compared to the Metal Gear Solid world. As the story goes on Matt, with the conspiracy.
er Nigel Godrich (of Radiohead and Beck and Rainbow 6 series, this game ranks a help of journalist Richard Cole, discovers
fame), McCartney has once again, as he close first or second. The best thing that he is one of five children destined to Taking place in Africa, the movie
proved in 1997's masterpiece Flaming about Chaos Theory is that in most situ- save the world from the above mentioned begins with a scattered montage of a car
Pie, that he can be very personal in his ations you can choose between both monsters. accident. Where it took place, who was
songwriting. brute force and my favorite, stealthy involved, and how it happened is
assaults. What the book is mainly lacking is expla- unknown.
From love songs like "Promise to You nation for its supernatural elements. For
Girl" and "Anyway," to the deep self- Rather than being forced to do one or some reason Matt smells burning toast “The Constant Gardener
examinations such as "At the Mercy" and the other, you can take your pick or mix whenever something bad is about to hap- makes a strong case for the
"How Kind of You" (which is biting), he and match. If you want to be sneaky, you pen, but it is never fully explained why. first great film of the year.”
shows his true self. can creep up in the shadows, grab some- And at some point into the climax Matt
one from behind and knock them out. Or, gains control of his powers, but there's no Justin Quayle (Ralph Fiennes) is a
“Paul McCartney has indeed you can go in guns blazing and bring explanation as to how, and they disappear British diplomat and is told that his wife
gotten older, but he wears every guard and lowlife around to your almost as quickly as they came, again, Tessa (Rachel Weisz) died in the wreck -
his age well.” side; it's your pick. without an explanation. Another question her friend Arnold seemingly fled the
is how could England not notice when the crime scene.
The delightful "Friends to Go" is a Fisher is equipped with all the latest entire population of Lesser Malling disap-
moving tribute to fellow Beatle George gadgets this time around. New additions peared at the same time an abandoned Justin becomes suspicious of the
Harrison who died in 2001. The song in include: launch-able projectiles such as nuclear power factory is destroyed in an events that take place around him and
fact sounds like something Harrison the sticky shocker and the ring airfoil, "accident"? loses trust in the local police. Justin
himself would write. "Jenny Wren" is a sniper and shotgun attachments for the begins to investigate his wife's death and
song inspired by a McCartney classic, SC-20K rifle, the electronics disrupter As an author known for originality, becomes aware of an entirely other con-
"Blackbird," off The Beatles (a.k.a. White (OCP), the standard thermal and night- Horowitz also proved disappointing when spiracy concerning European drug com-
Album). vision goggles, and the new EEV vision he included every single witch cliché ever panies testing for Tuberculosis in Africa.
(Electronically Enhanced Vision). With invented. Deverill's beloved pet is (sur-
He calls it "the daughter" of all these toys, and more, you can attack prise, surprise), a black cat. Black candles The movie never falls behind its audi-
"Blackbird" and it is more than worthy of any situation with hundreds of different are lit in the room in which the clan plans ence. Because it also delves deep into the
that title. It is a haunting and beautiful options. to sacrifice Matt to the dark forces, and psychological aspects of its characters,
song about an intelligent and wise young While there are only ten solo levels, the upside down cross hanging from the The Constant Gardener can be easily
girl who has been beaten down by every- depending on your style, they may take room's ceiling destroys any chance separated from films akin; Fiennes' sub-
one and everything around her. The last from one and a half hours to two hours Horowitz may have had of regaining his tleness and Weisz's emotional range are
line of the song is an apologetic, "You to beat. Also, the multiplayer variant is creative dignity. Oscar-worthy.
saw who we are, Jenny Wren." extremely fun and challenging over Xbox
Live. In this mode, two spies go against Horowitz claims to have salvaged materi- Meirelles seemingly uses film as a vice
The first single of the album is "Fine two heavily armed ARGUS Mercenaries al for Raven's Gate from one of his earlier for his views on social activism and
Line," which McCartney played in sup- competing in various modes ranging book series. You would think when the underneath each of his films there is an
port of the victims of Hurricane Katrina from deathmatch to assault-type mis- series went out of print before it was even important moral message.
on ReAct Now. It has the power of some- sions. finished it would have set bells ringing
thing like The Beatles' rocker, "Lady that the story just wasn't bestseller mate- A rare trademark in modern cinema
Madonna." Ubisoft has also added in an interest- rial. Unfortunately, four more books in the indeed, but one that is both thought-pro-
ing Co-op mode where two players work series are planned. voking and noble. The Constant
Paul McCartney has indeed got- together in specially designed missions Gardener makes a strong case for the
ten older, but he wears his age well. in a side "story mode". While the levels The Raven's Gate does have one frighten- first great film of the year.
This is a great example of a classic song- are not as rich in detail, Co-op is worth ing aspect, in that it could be the first sign
writer putting out classic material. your while. that Horowitz's amazing talent may be

10 TheCHRONICLEFeature October 7, 2005

Focus turns to family rather than senior year frolics for pregnant teen

BY CAROLINE JOHNSON Kirch said, whose boyfriend, Greg Purdy, is and shocked. I knew [there] was an option however, she does respect the opinions of
Chronicle Staff Writer 18 and attending Wilmington College. to leave Lauren, but it wasn't one I wanted adults. Kirch found support from English
"When I told my mom she cried for a half to take," Purdy said. teacher Lori Roth.
Food cravings, doctor appointments, and an hour. My aunt was in town, whose son Kirch will be having a boy and plans on
birthing classes are the events that fill up got his girlfriend pregnant while still in naming him Cameron Matthew. She has "We were both pregnant at the same time
Lauren Kirch's senior year. As the typical high school, so my mom talked to her and found a role model in her cousin and his and she was sympathetic for me when I
senior year revolves around a social life, she made my mom feel better about it. But wife, who had a baby before they were mar- was sick," Kirch said.
Kirch's must focus on making vital deci- my dad still hasn't gotten over it," Kirch ried while in high school. Kirch calls them
sions that will not only affect her future, said. her "inspirations". During third trimester of last year, Kirch
but also her child's. Kirch found it easier to tell her mom "The baby my cousin had is named struggled with balancing school and her
before telling her dad. Matthew, which is why my son's middle health.
On March 22nd, when Kirch was sixteen, "My mom told my dad name will be
she discovered she was pregnant. Due on for me,” Kirch said. "In the beginning they Matthew," Kirch said. "It was really hard. I couldn't take off any
November 21st, Kirch must balance her After hearing the news, Kirch hadn't expect- school, and sometimes I threw up five times
senior year in high school and being an Kirch and her father wanted me to have an ed what was neces- a day in the middle of classes. I lost a lot of
expectant mother. stopped talking. abortion. It was hard because sary for raising a child weight, which was not healthy, but I
learned how important it was to get up and
"I was two days late and I got nervous so I However, Kirch's mom before [the pregnancy] I didn't until her first experi- go to school," Kirch said, whose health is
decided to take the [pregnancy] test to has been supportive ence at Baby's R' Us. stable now.
make myself feel better, but it didn't make throughout the pregnan- know his family very well, and "I didn't realize how
me feel so good," Kirch said. cy. then I found myself in a room Kirch has changed her eating habits to
much stuff you have insure her son will be healthy when he is
Kirch was not alone when she discovered When Kirch first dis- yelling at all of them.” to have. The little born.
she was pregnant. covered she was preg- things you think are "I don't have strange cravings, but instead
nant, in her mind abortion was not an common and everyone has to have when I crave things the baby needs. Lately I have
"I was on the phone with my friend while I option because in her words, "my family is they have a baby are really luxury things," been craving pumpkin because it has
took the test and my boyfriend was on his against abortion". However, she didn't know Kirch said. Vitamin A and I have not eaten anything
with Vitamin A [during the pregnancy],"
way over," Kirch said.

if she would keep the baby or give it up for Kirch who currently holds a job has saved Kirch has had to explain her pregnancy to
adoption. enough money to pay for a babysitter dur- her younger brother, who found it difficult
"It took three weeks of thinking to decide ing the third trimester while she attends to consider himself an uncle.
to keep the baby," Kirch said. school. For everything else necessary to
Although Kirch didn't have a problem support the baby, Kirch looks to her parents "My brother is seven and when [my mom
convincing her family to keep the baby, for support. and I] first told him I was pregnant, he kept
Purdy's family was harder to deal with. "My tuition to college is less than what on asking when he was going to be a big
"In the beginning they wanted me to we had planned on because I won't be living brother. When we told him he wasn't going
have an abortion. It was hard because there, I will be living with my parents. For to be a brother, he was going to be an uncle,
before [the pregnancy] I didn't know his things like diapers, clothes, food and gas my he said he was too young to be an uncle,"
family very well, and then I found myself in parents are going to give me $50 dollars a Kirch said.
a room yelling at all of them," Kirch said. week. The hard thing for me is that I won't
In the first stages of her pregnancy, Kirch have any money for extras," Kirch said, who Kirch realizes her son's life will be differ-
had apprehensions on whether she and has to adjust to a tight budget in order to ent than a baby that is born into an older
Purdy would stay together. save money for the baby. Kirch will also family with married parents.
"At first I didn't know if we were going to hold a job to help support her and the baby
last, because he thought he could control after he is born. Although Kirch feels she has planned for
me. But I told him if that is the way [he's] Returning third trimester, Kirch plans to her and her child's future well, she does
going to be, then we couldn't be graduate on time, after she has the baby. have apprehensions about her life after the
together, and he called a few days After graduation she hopes to attend the baby is born.
later and apologized," Kirch said. Miami University Middletown.
Although Kirch and Purdy do not "I don't know if I will go to Miami of "I'm nervous about what will happen if I
plan on getting married, they will Middletown right away or if it is going to be didn't plan as well as I thought I had. I'm
both be involved in the baby's in a couple of years, but I would like to do also nervous about my boyfriend and if he is
life. something in the medical field or teaching," going to do what he says he will," Kirch
"We will swing back and Kirch said. said. Kirch has learned to adapt to her
forth between each other's Despite a few rumors spread about Kirch new life style.
houses," Purdy said, who and her pregnancy, she has found her close
didn't know what to think friends to be supportive. "I have a lot of friends who have seen what
when he first heard the "My friends are excited for me," Kirch I've gone through. With my personality, I
news of the baby. said. "I am proud of who I am, and I would- don't mind not being able to go homecoming
"I was speechless n't go back." this year. My friends would die if they
Kirch doesn't mind the opinions couldn't go to homecoming. I also can't go to
of her peers, movies or football games because I have to
work. My friends will say just call off work,
but I can't. I don't have a choice; I have to
work to prepare for my
future.” Kirch said.

Chronicle photo by Michelle Rotbart


7451 Mason Montgomery Road

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Duke Flaherty

October 7, 2005 TheCHRONICLEAds 11

12 TheCHRONICLECenterspread October

Technology is constantly evolving,
to get by in their daily rou

By Stephanie Visscher faster."
Chronicle Staff Writer Mason High School's psych
stands the appeal of using iPo
Senior Krys Durst finds her way through the congested "[Listening to music] doesn't
halls of Mason High School easily. She has become so dex- something you can do anywhe
By Stephanie terous at navigating her way that she rarely has to focus on look [or] how you're dressed,"
Visscher where she is going. Instead, she is most likely focusing on several problems with using m
The Chronicle the music playing on her iPod. "It's a good hobby and it cou
Staff Writer "I don't usually hear anyone when I listen to [my iPod]. I it sometimes becomes the leve
don't pay attention to anything unless I bump into people," or a world you’re getting lost in
Junior Miharu Durst said. ductive," he said. Th
Kato is never Durst is just one of many Mason students who turn into an a
alone as he sets have found listening to their iPod provides a Schla
off for a run temporary respite from their problems. to techn
around his neigh- According to sophomore John Grimmer, addictio
borhood. No, his who listens to his iPod for approximate- "T
running partner is ly thirty minutes to an hour twice a ing
not another dedi- day, zoning out to music is not “It's just like an S
cated cross-country teammate. No, it is not his dog. No, always intentional, it "just happens." obsession, or a
of course it is not his mom.
Kato's constant companion is his iPod. "I don't think about any problems
"I like the music, and I have so much that there's that are going on [while listening
always something new to listen to," Kato said. to my iPod]," Grimmer said. world you’re
According to Kato, he plays the music on his iPod "typi- Sophomore Jack Stemen also
cally at 75 percent" loudness, which is putting him in admits to using his iPod as an getting lost into,
serious risk for developing hearing problems. In an arti- escape.
cle written by Tom Valeo for WebMD this past August, Dr. "Sometimes [I listen] just to and that could be
Brian Fligor explains that listening to music at volumes get away from everything,"
that exceed 85 decibels correlates directly to the devel- Stemen said. unproductive.”
opment of hearing problems; and turning down the vol- iPods, which were introduced in
ume offers little relief from this threat. According to Fligor, fall of 2001, are considered to be
it is a combination of how loud and how long you listen one of the most successful music Mr. Jeff Schlaeger
to your music that affects your hearing. ventures ever. The default version
Freshman Tony Patti is skeptical of such reports. can hold up to 60 giga-bytes of School Psychologist
"I saw [a] report on [the] news and [it said iPods]
should only be at 60 percent volume for an hour a day. I music, or approximately 5,000 songs. said.
don't feel it's that bad," Patti said. Its compact shape make it easy for teens to take it anywhere, This portability is the reason
Laura Giesel, a registered nurse who works for Mason at anytime. runners, as is the case with fre
High School, admitted the extent of ear damage caused For junior Robyn Rego, the iPod was the key to getting "The songs I listen to motiva
by listening to iPods may not be as bad as some stories music in her automobile. said. Like most runners, Patti
report. "I don't have a CD player [in my car], so I hook [my iPod] his music.
"I don't know if it would lead to deafness, but you could up to my car," Rego said. Rego also attributes the iPod with "I have [zoned out] once or
definitely have damage where you're going to lose your making her a safer driver. I finally passed out of it, I was
different [hearing] levels," Giesel said. "I feel more focused on the remember how I got there," he
Giesel explained that there are different frequencies of road knowing that [I can listen Patti admitted this habit can
sound that ears pick up. Depending on the damage, to] songs I chose instead of ners.
teens can either stop hearing low frequencies, (noises focusing on the radio and hit- "Listening to the music and
with lower tones), or high frequencies, (high pitched ting the buttons," she said. me I can snap out of it if I wan
sounds). Senior Jack Leiter is anoth- Sophomore Garrett Szabo e
"That's why you have people who are working around er admirer of iPods. with an iPod rather than a frien
jet engines wearing headphones. There's a lot of protec- "It's always nice to have "Most of the time when I go
tion going on. When you're using an iPod, there's noth- music in the background," things [and] get stuff out of my
ing there to protect you except for your own sense[s]," Leiter said. "It takes your mind The rise in popularity of iPod
Giesel said. off things [and] makes time go for the staff at Mason High Sch
Although the knowledge that portable music players by Amy Bottomley once caught a
cause hearing problems has been known for years, the class.
advent of smaller headphones inserted inside a person's "He had long hair and he
ears has refreshed the concern. to cover it up," Bottomley
"[Teens] are going to be blowing off their parents and Bottomley, who plays
everybody, but they should be thinking about [potential thinks it is appropriate
harm to their hearing], especially when they got some- much of a distraction
thing right there into their ear," Giesel said. "[Music] distracts
Despite the threat of deafness, teens continue to ignore We're standing up
warnings. Some even believe modern medicine will cure them for a reaso
any hearing problems. Giesel agreed that hearing aids Bottomley is
are improving with time, but added that students should claim tha
not count on technology to solve their problems. "P
"I don't think that gives you the right to say 'I'll just fix it w
later.' You don't know how much things can be done and
if you will be able to restore [your hearing]," she said.
Although Kato is well aware of the health risks of listen-
ing to his iPod at high volume, he has done nothing so
far to change his habits.
"I live for the moment," Kato said. The question is, will
he always be able to hear it?

7, 2005 TheCHRONICLECenterspread 13

but do students rely on it too much
utine, or is it just that....

hologist Jeff Schlaeger under- don't want to give reason for any student to not listen Timeline Sony Walkman
ods to tune out from reality. to the teacher," Coates said. "If we
t take much work. Music is allow [students] to have Player First released in
ere, anytime, no matter how you [iPods] then we are 1979, the Walkman was
[allowing] them to not Music one of the first personal
he said. However, he still sees listen." music players. Besides
music as a means to escape. using up batteries at a
According to Coates, fast rate, they had poor
uld be a good hobby but I think the reasoning behind quality and you had to
el of it's just like an obsession, the regulations of decipher between side
nto, and that could be unpro- iPods has nothing to
his lack of productivity could do with censorship of A and B when load-
addiction. the music students ing the tape.
ager admitted that an addiction may choose to listen Despite all this, the
nology is slightly better than an to. device was a small
on to drugs. step in the right
That at least isn't directly harm- "We don't want direction for mod-
g their body," he said. However, any distraction in the ern music players.
Schlager believes any addiction, classroom, whether
no matter how small, is it's Frank Sinatra or Personal CD Player
it's [a rock band],"
unhealthy. "In my mind any- he said. These began getting
thing that you're addicted to popular in 1987. No
that's keeping you from being Despite their more playing the
the person you're capable of potential to distract fast-forward or
students, special rewind lottery, with
being is not a good thing." education classes the creation of the
Students are quick to have welcomed skip button, people
the iPod as well could easily “skip”
admit that others, as other music to the start of their
although not necessarily devices as way to favorite song at
themselves, could be help students.
addicted to iPods. any time.
"Sometimes dif-
"It's possible [for] some ferent types of First Generation iPod
people to become music would aid in
addicted because] it's so concentration," said Study Skills It became a bestseller
easy and small to carry," Durst teacher Nikki Huelsman. "Some times people just among teenagers and
. need [to block out] stimulants from the outside where they adults alike, holding 5000
n for the iPod's popularity with can put the headphones on and focus," she said. songs and ranging in col-
eshman Tony Patti.
ate me to keep running," Patti According to Huelsman, music therapy helps many students ors.
often becomes distracted by with special learning needs.
twice. I ran one time and when iPod Nano
s at my house. I don't even "It doesn't tie in with one particular disability because many
e said. disabilities come with anxiety and being overwhelmed will “Impossibly small” made possible.
n be dangerous for some run- come with that." There’s nothing quite like having
zoning out is not safe, [but] for your hands wrapped around 1000
nt to," Patti said. Nevertheless, there are rules that pertain to who can have
xplained the appeal of running an iPod in class. songs. With a full color
nd. screen, CD artwork and a
running it's to think about "For a few select students it's written into their plans as far rechargable battery, the iPod
y head," Szabo said. as the availability to use music to concentrate," Huelsman Nano is the next generation
ds has caused several problems said. of music. No more CDs, no
hool. Social Studies teacher more searching for songs,
student listening to his iPod in However, these students cannot play their iPod anytime everything is right where you
e had the iPod in his ear trying they would like. need it. We can only wonder
y said. what the iPod will incorporate
s music in her class when she "You have to leave it in that classroom or leave it in [your] next, spanning from the inter-
e, believes music can be too locker," Huelsman said. net to being able to use your cell
n for students. phone while listening to your
s them from what's going on. iPods are not the only gadgets becoming popular among favorite songs.
p there and we're teaching teens. The recently introduced Plastation Portable, or PSP,
on," she said. can play video games, movies, store MP3 files, and even Compiled by Stephanie Visscher
skeptical of some students' provide internet access.
at music helps them focus.
People claim that they can study Leiter, a proud owner of a PSP, sometimes uses the device
with music on, but not all people at his work, Panera Bread.
can," she said.
"[I play] on breaks and stuff," Leiter said. "Once my boss
Assistant Principal watched me play it."
George Coates
agrees with However, unlike iPods, teachers need not worry about the
Bottomley. potential of students using PSP's in class.
"I don't really [play my PSP] at times when you're not sup-
posed to," Leiter said. In the case of the Playstation Portable,
size works against students.

"It's small but not that small," Leiter said.
A gadget enthusiast, Leiter also owns one of the many
models of camera phones popular among Mason students.
Although it may seem a petty accessory, Leiter believes a
camera phone can be very useful.
"If something you want to look back on later comes up, you
will want to have a camera," he said. However, Leiter admit-
ted that such an event is not a daily occurrence.
"One day you might not take a picture, one day you might
take twenty," he said. "It just depends on what's going on."

As the market for gadgets grows so
are teens’ attachment to them. Although
the device has risen to be a cultural icon
and in some cases, a must have fashion
accesory, for Durst, the main appeal is
the biggest difference between iPods
and real life.
“It’s easy to control,” Durst said.

William Mason High School Ashley McCall
Home of The Comets leads tennis
team to share
The Chronlcle of FAVC
tournament title,
SPORTS see page 20.


SPORTS On the frontline the “O” line is breaking open holes and...

Bizzarri once again BY MATT HUNTER
ahead of the pack Chronicle Sports Writer

Senior Angela They are the biggest guys on the Quarterback Matt
Bizzarri is on pace to field, and yet they receive the least Koman barks out
capture a sixth state amount of praise. They are the dirt- the signals as
title. Bizzarri who iest players on the field because the offensive
already holds state they do all of the dirtiest work. linemen
championships in They pave the way to glory for the prepare for
cross country and running backs, receivers and battle.
track, is once again dominating cross quarterbacks. They are the offen-
PORTScountry. Most recently she ran a time sive line. They are often over-
of 18:01 at the Mason Invitational looked when the holes that they
which was 27 seconds faster than the create lead a runner to the end
second place winner. zone, or when the pocket they
make gives the quarterback
Matula back at Mason enough time to throw a touchdown
Rob Matula , the for-
mer boys head basket- So far this season, the offensive
ball coach at Sycamore, line has ushered Brian Porter and
is the new head girls Ryan Britenriker into the end zone
basketball coach at for a combined 14 touchdowns and
Mason. Prior to coach- 740 rushing yards. They are the
ing the boys at guys that if everything goes right
Sycamore, Matula was the head boys they get little attention but if
coach at Talawanda. While at Sycamore, things go wrong then they hear
Matula was named the Southwest District about it. "If we do something wrong,
coach of the year. Matula taught and then a lot of the fans notice that.
coached at Mason from 1988 to 1999. But when we score a touchdown,
everybody says "good run" or "good
5STATS pass," senior center Mark Lakas said.
The amount of girls on the Comet
golf team who were named First "We just want to go out there and
Team FAVC. See story page 20. do our job," added senior tackle
Andrew Diesel.
Did you know?
Thus far through the season, the
Ohio is truly a football factory. Ada, Comets' line has done
Ohio is the home of the Wilson foot-
ball factory which is the only football

October 7, 2005 TheCHRONICLESports 15

photo provided by Dwight Huff

The offensive line of Mason has always been a strength of Comet football teams and this season is no different as the guys in the trenches continue to get the job done.

Comet running backs rush through the holes created by the offensive linemen

16 TheCHRONICLESports October 7, 2005

JV Journal Reedy takes over the reigns as girls soccer coach

JV Boys soccer having New coach has Comets off to a fast start and leading the pack in the FAVC
successful season
BY DREW ALLEN team. Over 40 were freshmen. In compar- Besides their work in the summer,
The fall has been a very success- Chronicle Sports Writer ison, only 50 tried out for the entire boys Reedy's coaching style has played a large
ful season for boys soccer. The var- program at Colerain," said Reedy. "That role in the teams success. "He's a really
sity is leading the pack in the Fort After finishing third in makes me excited to coach here." good coach. He knows what we need to do
Ancient Valley Conference and the the Fort Ancient Valley C to become a better team," Pittman said.
Junior Varsity team is having a year onference and second in Big victories have helped cement his "He challenges us a lot in practice."
to remember. the District Tournament confidence in coming to Mason.
last year, a new coach has Even though the team only has four sen-
Right now they stand undefeated taken over the reins of the "Sycamore was a big win for us. They iors, Reedy believes depth is one of the
in the league at 5-0, and undefeat- Mason girls soccer team. Reedy came into the game undefeated and we key strengths the team has.
ed overall at 9-0. Paul Reedy, who was previously the head beat them 1-0," said Reedy. And in terms
coach at Colerain and Sycamore High of where they stand in the city, Reedy "We have depth and a big roster, which
The team has played well togeth- School, has joined Mason for its 2005 sea- believes that they are on par with many goes back to the amount of players in the
er and has come together as a team son. schools in Cincinnati. program," said Reedy. "We're also pretty
quite well. "We're like a lot of teams. If we play well good defensively."
"Mason has a very successful program. on one night against other teams, we
They have dominated on the field It was definitely a factor for me," said could beat many other teams in the city. If With these advantages, some weakness-
and it's not just one player doing it. coach Paul Reedy. "Talented players con- we don't, then we are worse than a lot of es are bound to pop up. "We're not a very
Because of their team effort in nine sistently come into the program every other teams," said Reedy. high scoring team. We've struggled to
games, they have only given up a year." score goals," Reedy said. "Also, it doesn't
total of three goals. Much of their success has come from the help that we have only four seniors."
Reedy, who has posted an 87-29-13 work they put in over the off-season.
They have played six straight record and won two Greater Miami While they have fluctuated in and out of While the team has problems with expe-
games without giving up a single Conference championships in seven years the top 10, their work shows in another rience, team play on the field has also suf-
goal. In addition to their defense as the boys Varsity soccer head coach at impressive victory against Anderson. fered somewhat. "Sometimes we don't
their offense is blowing out their Colerain, is excited to be the new head always play as a team," senior Maddie
opponents by an average of five coach of girls soccer at Mason. "The girls worked very hard over the Pittman said. "We don't always communi-
goals a game. summer. We lifted three days a week and cate."
"We have an abundance of players. At practiced consistently on those days,"
Two opponents the Comets had Mason, over 80 players tried out for the Reedy said. "The girls worked very hard Weaknesses aside, a new era has
circled on their schedule was con- over the summer." dawned over Mason girls soccer. "We're
ference rivals Anderson and hoping to make strides," coach Reedy
Loveland. The Comets handed the
Redskins and 4-0 defeat while Cross Country teams focusing
Loveland was held scoreless in a 3- in on post season run
0 Comet win.
"But our biggest games come Chronicle Sports Writer
from the Lakota teams." said Coach
Adam Schaffer after they won a To say the least, the girls’ cross-country team is coming off
close match against Lakota West 2- a scintillating season. Last year as a junior, Angela Bizzarri
0. brought home the gold, finishing first in the state individual-
ly, her second cross country title overall. The team was also
Everyone has been contributing impressive as a whole, finishing third in the state finals.
to the team this year, but sopho-
mores Jeremy Powers, Garret This year, another run at state seems more than feasible.
Szabo, Scott Burnett, and junior All seven runners from last year's state meet are back for the
Peter Springsteen have been lead- Comets, including four seniors: Bizzarri, Kelsey Flaherty,
ing their offensive attack. Maggie Chaney and Katie Chaney. With the added pressure
to persevere, coach Kelly Affatato knows that there is no
JV Football continues room for error as the team begins what could be a prolific run
winning ways into the post season.

Junior Varsity football has a solid "We focus our attention on training to compete and stay
winning tradition, and this year has healthy throughout the season," Affatato said. "I think the
been no exception to that. They are team is very focused on bettering their late season perform-
off to a 5-1 start, and are undefeat- ances from last year. The girls have really worked hard and
ed in the league at 3-0. are pushing each other to improve everyday."

The team has been a well knit Improvement seems to be a key theme as the girls progress
group from the beginning, except through the season. "[Our goal] is to improve our times with
for their first game in which they each meet," Bizzari said. "You always take the season one
lost 14-13 against Lakota West. The meet at a time. You know the regional and state meets are
team has come from behind numer- there, but if you look to far ahead, you lose sight of what
ous times to win games, including a needs to be done now."
three minute 80 yard drive at the
end of the game to beat Anderson. Contributing to the overall depth of the Comets is sopho-
mores Danielle Terreri, Stephanie Chaney, and freshman
"They are a tough group of guys." Emily Starsenic. These seven runners own seven of the top
said Coach Tony Affafato. They also eleven times in the Fort Ancient Valley Conference.
came back against Lakota East and
won the game with only 30 seconds The Comets aim to defend their league title at the FAVC
with a final score of 15-12. Championships, held at Mason. While the girls continue to
dominate, the boys cross country team is beginning to make
Leading the offensive attack is a name for themselves.
sophomore quarterback Chris
Izurieta and junior running back To many high school boys, running a 3.1-mile course in 16
Bryan Kudlack. minutes is an unattainable feat. For senior Chris Rapp, it
was another memorable race. Earlier at the Alliance
Defensive standouts include jun- Invitational, Rapp ran the race in a time of 15:59.
ior linebackers Sean Parker and
Nick Elliot. "Sixteen minutes is a magic number for a lot of kids," coach
Marty Zack said. "It is good to see him break that time on a
After the season opening defeat legit course."
to West, the Comets have reeled off
five consecutive victories. The win- Rapp, a four-year varsity runner, has emerged as a premier
ning streak began with a 33-14 win runner in the FAVC. His time of 15:59 won the Alliance
over Hillard Davidson followed up Invitational, and is the second lowest time in the conference.
by a three point victory, 17-14 over "As you get older, you gain knowledge of how to race better,"
Lakota East. Rapp said. "The more experience you have, the better you
can do."
The Comets hammered Amelia
49-14 and then squeeked by Rapp and the boys cross-country team are also preparing
Anderson 28-25 the following week. for the FAVC league championships on October 15th.
Last week the Comets followed the However, unlike their female counterparts, they go into the
varsity’s homecoming thrashing of race under the radar.
Walnut Hills with a 28-0 Saturday "Anderson and Loveland are very good this year," Zack said.
morning win. The Comets are back "We'd like to challenge those two teams. League will be a
in action tomorrow morning, smaller race, so we have a better chance of beating them."
Saturday, October 8 at 10:00
against Glen Este. Leading the team this year besides Rapp, are seniors Mike
Kelly, and Alex Larcomb. Junior Alex Hoffmaster and soph-
Chronicle photo by Josh Geiger omore Mike Dezenzo also return as starters. First-year run-
ner Aleq Whitt and freshman Tim Schwadner have also con-
Senior Chris Rapp has already captured several individual honors tributed to the success of the team. The boys hope to remain
now he is focused on leading his team to an FAVC title on October focused, as they too look to win the league title.
15 at the league meet.

October 7, 2005 TheCHRONICLESports 17

Aponte’s Pizzeria

Mason junior golfer Chase Conn CHASE CONN, JUNIOR, GOLF

After the disappointing end of last year's season, junior Chase Conn has proved
himself worthy of qualifying for state through his accomplishments this season.
Last season, as a sophomore, Conn missed going to state by one stroke after
firing a 78 at Weatherwax Golf Course under unfavorable conditions. Conn also
finished second at the Fort Ancient Valley Conference Tournament shooting a 74
and was named FAVC Athlete of the Year.

Currently, Conn holds the lowest average of 37.90 in the FAVC and has been
low medalist in several matches. He recently shot two rounds under par back to
back. Conn fired a four-under 32 at a tri match at Stonelick Hills and the day
after shot 35, one-under, at Crooked Tree Golf Course against Harrison.

At this year's FAVC tournament, Conn was once again named to First Team All
Conference and FAVC Athlete of the Year. He shot an 82 at this season’s tourna-
ment to help the Comets win their second title in the Buckeye division with a
team score of 327.

Conn has made history at Mason and with sectionals in less than a week,
Conn looks to continue his success on to the post season. Because of his
accomplishments, The Chronicle and Aponte's Pizzeria are proud to present
Chase Conn as the October Athlete of the Month.





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18 TheCHRONICLESports October 7, 2005

Sports Notebook Chemistry key ingredient in Comets march to FAVC golf title

Riestenberg leads the way BY DREW ALLEN All seven girls on the team are ranked in the top 10 in the
for Volleyball squad Chronicle Sports Writer FAVC, with freshman Alexis Nelson leading the way by shooting
an average of 40.18 per nine holes. However, the chemistry on
The Varsity girls volleyball team is quiet- The Mason Girls golf team appears to be lined up for an his- the team is one of the team's greatest strengths.
ly having another terrific year. Under toric run this season. Fresh off the programs first ever tourna-
coach Julee Hill, the Comets are 13-4 ment win at the Fairfield Invitational, and their second consec- "We're the closest we've ever been. We've taken all three fresh-
overall with a Fort Ancient Valley utive league championship, the team is now ranked third in the men in under our wings," senior Emily Sweetman said. "It's like
Conference record of 4-1. The Comets city behind Lakota West and St. Ursula Academy. With all these a family."
lost a tough conference match to volley- credentials behind them, the team is poised to make a run at
ball powerhouse Walnut Hills, their only state. With an average score of 46.90, Nebraski ranks fourth in the
conference loss. FAVC in scoring, and cites the seniors as a source of her success.
"We would like to make state finals. I honestly think we have "All of them have been really supportive and have been good
The volleyball team has played com- a legitimate shot," Coach Fred Reeder said, who was named competition."
petitive teams like Ursuline Academy and coach of the year at the Fort Ancient Valley Conference tourna-
McCauly, which are both apart of the ment. "We'd have to play awfully well." Besides providing support for the freshmen, the seniors are
Girl’s Greater Catholic League. For the also pulling their weight on the course. Lauren Riley is averag-
first time in school history, the Lady Talent is one thing propelling the Comets past their first tour- ing 47.06, and Emily Sweetman has been averaging 41.94 for the
Comets were able to beat McNicholas nament win and a FAVC championship. Five of the six girls that season. Even with the seniors leading the way for the team, it is
25-23 then 25-21. played at the championships made first team All FAVC, and the hard to ignore the impact the freshmen have had on the team.
sixth, sophomore Tara Buesking, made Second Team All
Although they only lost to Ursuline 27- Conference. "Our freshmen have made us even better," Sweetman said.
25, 25-21, 25-22, the volleyball team is "We're doing quite well because of them."
deemed succesful because of their ability
to be competitive with such GGCL Experienced boys soccer team focused
on team’s first conference title since ‘94
Currently the Varsity volleyball team is
ranked 8th in the Cincinnati area. Their BY DREW ALLEN functioning as a unit instead as separate Chronicle photo provided by Dwight Huff
success has also been a result of two Chronicle Sports Writer individuals," Burnette said. "We have to
key seniors. lead by example." Seniors Zach Parr and Andrew Moore
Experience has served many great prove to be leaders amongst the team in
Seniors Beth Riestenberg and Jessica teams well in the past. When you combine Both Burnette and Parr have shown their game against Walnut Hills.
Preissman have led the Comets. talent with an experienced team, the com- more than talent and a good work ethic
Reistenberg, a returning first team all- bination can be almost fatal to any oppo- while leading the team.
conference player, is third in the FAVC nent that crosses their path. With 12 "Tom has great maturity," coach Ruetter
with 458 assists. returning seniors and Long Island, New said. "Zach Parr is also captain, and he
York transfer Arun Sathyanathan, the has tremendous leadership."
Juniors Amanda Fago and Molly boys soccer team appears poised to make
Rowland were All-Conference last year, a run at their first Fort Ancient Valley Other individuals have also stepped up
and both have lived up to high expecta- Championship title since 1994. to lead the team. Senior Arun
tions. Rowland is leading the city with Sathyanathan, a highly touted transfer
201 kills and Fago is shortly behind with After finishing with a disappointing from Long Island, New York, has scored
172 kills. With Riestenberg, Rowland, record of 6-7-4 last year, the Comets 17 points and is second in the FAVC in
and Fago as a trio, the team has been depth is propelling them to a quick 4-1-3 scoring. Senior Andrew Moore, who was
able to maintain a winning record. start. With high hopes of a FAVC champi- selected as first team All FAVC last sea-
onship and a championship run at the son, has returned this season to score six
In addition to the upperclassman, District Tournament, this is the year to points and place 2nd on the team in scor-
freshman, Cara Baarendse has seen achieve these goals. ing.
playing time at the Varsity level.
"My goals for the season are to finish Big victories have already come with the
With a balanced group of playmakers, first in the league this year and to win a Comets experience. "A 1-0 win at
the Comets appear to be in good form as district crown. This year is our best shot Sycamore was great, and 2-2 at Lakota
they make a run for the league title with at it and I think we are capable of doing was great because we came back from 2-
their longtime rival, Walnut Hills. that," head coach Jay Ruetter said. "We 0," Ruetter said.
are certainly capable and it would be a These games are fast approaching.
Despite the phenomenal statistics great result for us." Lakota East looms ahead on October 8th.
because of the upperclassman and their
ability to be competitive with the private Senior captain Tom Burnette agrees. All things aside, the team has
schools, Riestenberg believes their "We're loaded with talent, have senior made tremendous strides from last year.
strength lies within their ability to get leadership and everyone is willing to After last years rough 6-7-4 season, their
along. work hard," Burnette said. As a first year large crop of juniors have turned into an
captain, Burnette, along with Zach Parr, experienced senior class.
“Our biggest strength is our ability to are leading the pack and performing their "Experience is serving us better than
get along off the court. Because we are a captain duties well. "We're responsible for ever," Burnette said. "Younger players
close team, it reflects how we are able to organizing the team and having people know they have to play at our level and
that's helped us a lot."
play on the court,” Riestenberg said.
Conn has Comet golfers
among city’s best

As the boys golf team finishes up Beth Riestenburg Arun Sathyanathan Alexis Nelson Rajan Bawa
another great season, Coach Dick Volleyball, Senior Soccer, Senior Golf, Freshman Golf, Freshman
Sutphin is optimistic about what lies
ahead for the program. Three-Year Varsity letter win- Recent transfer student Arun Freshman Alexis Nelson has Rajan Bawa is the only fresh-
ner Beth Riestenburg has Sathyanathan has found helped lead the girls Varsity man to play on the boys
"This is the first time in years that we helped lead the girls Varsity instant success on the boys golf team to a third place rank- Varsity golf team this year. He
have been listed in the top ten of the city volleyball team to a 4-1 FAVC Varsity soccer team. ing in the city. She is shooting has shot an average of 39
for three straight weeks," Sutphin said. record, and an overall record a conference leading 40
"Maybe in the near future we will com-
pete for the top spot in the city, and strokes per nine holes
hopefully represent our district at state."
of 13-4. Sathyanathan has thus far into the season. strokes
Junior Chase Conn, the reigning Fort Riestenburg is has handed out turned in two hat tricks (Three Nelson finished second place per nine holes, which is good
Ancient Valley Conference Player of the 458 assists for the Lady Goals) against Walnut Hills at the FAVC Girls Golf enough to put him in second
Year, has played exceptionally well this Comets this year, which is and Glen Este. He has scored Tournament and was recently place among all golfers in the
season. His average of 37.90 strokes third best in the conference. 11 goals and one assist, giv- placed on the All FAVC First Fort Ancient Valley
per round is the lowest in the FAVC. ing him a second place spot in Team. Conference.
Joining Conn atop the leader board is the FAVC for total points
surprise freshman Rajan Bawa. Bawa scored currently standing at
boasts an average of 39.20 strokes per 17.
round, second in the conference.

To cap off a superior regular season,
the Comets won the FAVC
Championship at the Weather Wax
Country Club for the second straight
year. Their team score of 327 topped
Loveland and Amelia, who finished with
scores of 341 and 343, respectively.

Four players completed the tournament
with the low score of 81, including senior
Tyler Davis and sophomore Jeff
Stephens. Stephens won the sudden-
death playoff, and Davis came in second
place. Other low scores for the Comets
were Conn's 82, sophomore Eric Prater's
83, sophomore Andrew Browning's 90,
and Bawa's 94.

October 7, 2005 TheCHRONICLESports 19

Chipotle and tanning help Campus Scene

Gameday Rituals Juilerate get focused on game Fall Sport Stars

Every home game, I have In this month’s College Watch we are checking
out two former Mason High School students. Both were stars for the
“to go tanning and after, I go to Comets during their days in high school and are continuing to see
success at the collegiate level.
Chipotle. Oh yeah, I never sleep
before a game. It makes me tired Sarah Gaunt: Class of 2004

”the rest of the day. If I’m not Sarah Gaunt, now a sophomore at the University

able to do al of this I have to of Kentucky, has made a significant contribution to the
have Chipotle for sure though.
women's soccer program. As a freshman, Gaunt start-

Faith Juilerat, Senior ed all 19 matches as midfielder. In 2004, Gaunt scored

Varsity Soccer goals against Georgia, Mississippi State, and

Juilerat is currently 3rd in the Fort Ancient Valley Conference in total Tennessee and is expected to make an even bigger

points with 24 and is tied for 1st with 5 conference goals. The senior impact this season.

has led the Comets to a perfect conference record (5-0) and a 8-5 over- Recently, Kentucky battled Ohio State (ranked 23rd)

all record. Juilerat was named to the 1st Team Pre Season FAVC team. in Columbus. Gaunt's

She has already committed toBowling Green State University. University of Kentucky assist lead the Wildcats
to tie the Buckeyes 1-1.
- Compiled by Morrison Tracy The Wildcats remain

Nickname: Wildcats undefeated with a 5-0-5
Conference:SEC (Southeastern
record. With the sea-
Famous Alumni: son underway, Gaunt Gaunt
Ashley Judd (actress), Tim has scored nine points, sec-
How I got Started... Couch (first pick overall in the
1999 NFL Draft) George Bland ond amongst her team. Gaunt will be a key player
(member of NFL Hall of Fame),
Albert Chandler (former commis- for the Wildcats this year, since she already has
sioner of Major League
The Chronicle wants to know how you got started playing your sport... Baseball), Tayshaun Prince two game winning goals.
(NBA Basketball Player for the
Detroit Pistons) Gaunt was a member of the Varsity soccer team

"I started playing in the 5th grade because my at MHS. Throughout high school, she was named

All-City, All-District, All-State, two-time Southwest

friend asked me to be on a team with her. I just Ohio, and three-time All-Conference. In addition to

wanted to try it and see if I even liked it. Now, here I playing soccer at Mason, Gaunt was a member of

the Cincinnati United Premier club team and was

Molly Rowland am to this day still playing." selected to participate in the AdidasESP/National
Volleyball, junior

Rowland is among the league leaders in all of the major categories. Jonathan Culp: Class of 2000
She has a league leading 201 kills. Last season, Rowland was a 2nd
team all Fort Ancient Valley Conference. Jonathan Culp, a senior at Bowling Green State

- Compiled by Morrison Tracy University is preparing to make a huge impact on the foot-

What’s Your Take? ball field this year as the starting center for the 1-2

Falcons. Culp is filling the shoes of Scott Mruczkowski, a

two time All-Mid American Conference performer and is

ready to take on the task of protecting a possible Heisman

Trophy candidate in quarterback Omar Jacobs. As a jun-

We surveyed 100 students and here is your take on ior, Culp saw action in nine games and earned BGSU
which baseball team has the best chance to win it all.
Junior Male Scholar

Bowling Green State Athlete of the Year
University Facts
Nickname:Falcons Award.

Conference: MAC (Mid In 2003, Culp appeared
American Conference)
in thirteen games and Culp
Famous Alumni : helped the Falcons hold oppo-
Tim Conway (Actor), Nate
Thurmond (member of the NBA nents to 196.8 rushing yards
Hall of Fame), Orel Hershiser
(Cy Young Award Winner), and 496.5 yards of total offense per game. The fal-
Dorothy and Lillian Gish
(Actresses), James Baldwin cons went on to lead the MAC in both categories.
(writer), Rob Blake (hockey play-
er for the Colorado Avalanche) During his career at Mason, Culp received All-
Scott Hamilton (professional fig-
Conference and All-Area selections along with an invi-
ure skater)
tation to play in the East vs West All-Star game. Along

with being an active member of the football team,

Culp was also a member of the varsity basketball

team. Culp, a 2001 graduate of Mason, graduated

with over a 4.0 grade point average and was ranked

16 in his class. He is majoring in broadcast journalism

at BGSU.

- compiled by Joey D’Amico and Brooke Baria

20 TheCHRONICLESports October 7, 2005

Amanda Downey
captured an FAVC
tournament title in the
third singles spot for
the Comets

Chronicle photo by Josh Geiger

Girls tennis enjoys successful season,

focus remains on postseason

BY JOEY D'AMICO nity not only in the FAVC tournament but
Chronicle Sports Writer also in the coaches tournament where
they placed third out of eight teams in the
In her first year as the head coach of the second most competitive flight. Pham and
girls varsity tennis team, Carol Lehman McCall won the championship at first
led the Lady Comets to a 9-8 overall doubles, while Downey placed third in
record and a third place finish in the Fort first singles.
Ancient Valley Conference. That was
then, this is now. At the conclusion of last year, the Lady
Comets graduated eight seniors, and a big
Now in her second season as head coach, concern for the team was filling the holes
Lehman and her girls are 14-2 overall, 6- left by the 2005 class.
1 in the conference, and recently tied
Loveland as co-champs at the FAVC "We lost a lot of seniors last year, and
Tournament. this year we have a lot of girls in different
grades that have stepped up and produced
In tournament play, freshman Emily for the team in key situations," Martie
Pham placed second in first singles while said.
Ashley McCall was crowned champion at
first singles and Amanda Downey was the The roster is comprised of five seniors,
champion in third singles. Both doubles two juniors, three sophomores, and one
teams placed third. freshman. Together, they all provide the
team with great depth and talent.
Despite the success the girls experienced
in the FAVC tournament, they ended the "The addition of underclassman and
season with a second place finish in the more girls on the team has given our team
FAVC due to a tough loss against more depth which has helped us improve
Loveland earlier in the season. from last season to this season," junior
"Loveland is ranked second in the city Amanda Downey said.
and we were two games away from beat-
ing them," Lehman said after a tough The wide range of depth has led to a lot
three hour match against Loveland that of competition within the team, and as a
unfortunately resulted in a loss. A win result, the girls have been motivated to
over Loveland in the FAVC tournament keep their level of play up.
would have given the girls a share of the
league title. It would have been their first "There is a lot of depth on the team and
since 1998. the girls have a lot of pressure to keep up
their level of play, and they have,"
High expectations for the season were Lehman said. "Amanda Downey has been
established early when the Lady Comets rock solid all year and has the best record
upset highly ranked Lakota East. on the team at 18-2. Emily Pham has
"We beat Lakota East who was ranked played well and is currently recovering
number three in the city and it gave the from a cortisone shot, and our doubles
girls confidence knowing that they could team of Ewa Sabaj and Yasmine Sabet is
play with any team in the city," Lehman playing well this year," continued
said. Lehman.
As the regular season comes to a close, the
girls are turning their focus away from Having a lot of individual competition
their regular season accomplishments within a team is a good team characteris-
and are focusing on success in the post- tic; however, the girls realize their indi-
season. vidual performance takes the backseat
when it comes to the team and its success.
"We want to finish the regular season
strong, prepare for postseason play, and "The emphasis is on the team rather
build for next year," Lehman said. than the individual and we feel we can go
far with a team first mentality. If you play
The girls are also looking forward to the for the success of the team, it will show on
continuation of postseason play because your individual record," Downey said.
they feel like it is their chance to show the
FAVC, city, and the state of Ohio that As the girls conclude the regular season
they are no longer a team to be taken and look to continue to make an impact in
lightly. tournament and postseason play, they
"We are looking forward to tournament know this year has been an exciting and
and postseason play because it gives us successful year for the girls tennis pro-
the opportunity to bring our game and gram, which has regained its spot as an
show everybody what we have been work- elite program in both the FAVC and city.
ing on all year," senior captain Susanne
Martie said. "I wanted to make sure the team was
The girls took advantage of their opportu- working well together and having fun.
These were my main goals for the year,"
Martie said. "Being a competitive and
winning team adds to the fun."

October 7, 2005 TheCHRONICLEAds 21

22 TheCHRONICLEViews October 7, 2005


The Chronicle is the official stu- Avoid text messaging while driving; the life you save may be your own
dent newspaper of William Mason
High School. The Chronicle is pro- For a parent, watching a student high school students think that driving everywhere should refrain from using
duced by students enrolled in begin driving is nerve-wracking. For a while talking on a cell phone is danger- any type of gadget while driving.
Journalism I, II, and III. teacher, it's frightening, and for a stu- ous, a study found. Although there is no official ban on cell
dent, it's freedom. However, many stu- phone usage while driving in Mason,
Editorials reflect the staff’s opinion dents in various high schools in the Inattentive drivers in such incidents there are already 16 partial or complete
but do not neccesarily reflect the country are abusing this freedom and have hit semi-trucks, pedestrians, ani- bans on cell phones in the United
opinions of the school administration combining their two favorite gadgets mals, objects, and other fellow drivers. States.
or the Mason City School District. together: their cars and their cell Each one of these drivers was carelessly
phones. babbling on the phone, and carelessly Mason may not have the state law
The Chronicle is published month- juggling each person's life in their instilled as of yet, but as a community,
ly. Call 398-5025 ext. 33110 for Besides cell phones, teens are taking hands, and challenging fate. we should make it our solemn pledge to
information regarding advertising in advantage of handheld day planners, protect those on the roads around us.
The Chronicle. The Chronicle iPods, and mp3 players while driving. The fact is that the common gadgets
reserves the right to refuse advertis- This behavior seems to be innocent. turn into the alcohol bottles and the per- So the next time you are driving on
ing we deem inappropriate for a high Many believe that this combination of son driving is no different than the inat- Mason's roads and hear your cell phone
school publication. multi-tasking is no crime. tentive drunken person with innocent ring, consider those in your car and on
victims driving by, subject to be hit at the roads around you. Although your
As an open forum for students, let- Yet no student can imagine the horror any moment. call may be important, it is never worth
ters to the editor are welcome, but of explaining to a parent why they anyone's life.
are subject to be edited for length, crashed and killed another person We've heard the message before: Don't
libel, obscentiy, clarity, and poor because they were distracted by the text drink and drive. Now, The Chronicle is You may be in a hurry to talk to some-
taste. Letters to the editor may be message their friend sent them and they hoping to instill a new message into all one so that you may save precious min-
dropped off in room C110 and must wanted to see it while they were driving. highschooler's minds: Don't text and utes of your time and life, but your
be signed. drive. rushed conversation may take away the
One fourth of all teens have cell rest of someone else's life and your own.
The Chronicle is a member of The phones, yet twenty four percent of all Besides text messaging, students,
Columbia Scholastic Press teachers, staff members, and residents
Association, The National Scholastic
Press Association, Quill and Scroll SPEAK UP!
International Honorary Society for
High School Journalists, and the Gtosniej!
Journalism Association for Ohio SPRECH LAWTER!

The Chronicle HABLA MAS ALTA!
William Mason High School
6100 S. Mason Montgomery Rd. BE HEARD.
Mason, Ohio 45040 The Chronicle invites
398-5025 you to submit your let-
ters to the editor. You
THE CHRONICLE STAFF can drop them off in
The Chronicle mailbox,
Olga Borodulin room C110.

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Business Staff
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October 7, 2005 TheCHRONICLEViews 23

Quality of learning lessened by inability to make schedule changes

There aren't any bad teachers in the to have a different lunch. However, not choose which teachers they know they ers. If they were willing to switch with
Mason School District. Administrators being able to switch to a different learn well under along with their sched- each other, they should be able to go to
make this clear at the start of each teacher is something I do have a prob- ule requests, it might be easier to meet their counselors, make it known which
school year. I agree with that. However, lem with. these demands. Students could select switch they would like to make and have
I do believe that all students learn in which subject they would like to take it done. This would not change the order
different ways. A teacher's teaching Administrators, teachers and all staff and if they know they want a certain of either of their classes, or the num-
style may work extremely well on one members make it clear that Mason High teacher add it to the side. ber of students one teacher has in
type of student; however the student's School wants to see students succeed. I Students would need to priori- the classroom.
classmate may not learn the same way. feel they genuinely mean this. However, tize which teacher is most Mason is filled with dedicated,
as I mentioned before, all students expe- important for them to have. hardworking teachers who
Instead, another teacher might be bet- rience success in different teaching This way if the students truly want to make a differ-
ter for them. Teacher requests didn't styles, and what bothers me is when want a specific teacher, but ence. However, sometimes
used to be a problem at Mason High students' educations are hindered his or her classrooms are teachers' abilities are wast-
School because administrators allowed because they don't learn well with a cer- already full, the student ed on students who
students to switch classes if they felt it tain teacher. will recieve at least don't thrive under
was necessary. teacher they feel com- that teaching style,
I feel, in order for all students to suc- fortable with. Also, by when those abili-
I know this because I have switched ceed to their fullest, they need to be picking teachers a ties could be used
teachers in the past. It wasn't because I comfortable in the classroom, which student wants instead on the students
didn't like the teacher. I switched includes being comfortable and confident of doesn't want, the who do work
because I had found a teacher I knew I with their teacher. When students are situation becomes well under
learned well with. This year is different. forced to be in a classroom with a positive and insures them. We, as a
teacher they don't "click" with, they will the students will have school, need to
On the first day, school announcements automatically put up a mental block , a good learning expe- make these
were already being made that students making it harder for them to learn. rience. changes to
would not be allowed to reschedule any My second proposition enhance the
of their classes; whether for a teacher Despite all this, I do understand if is slightly simpler. Let's education
request or dropping and adding an elec- every student in the high school wanted say two students opportunities
tive. to switch or request teachers it would be had the same sub- BY CAROLINE JOHNSON of the stu-
a mess. Yet, I felt there are ways to ject (including Chronicle Staff Writer dents who
The only change that would be made solve this without hurting students' edu-
was if a student's schedule was incom- cations. same level), the same trimester and the make up Mason High School.
plete. I understand where counselors same bell, but had two different teach-
and administrators are coming from if Being the technological age, many
they don't want students switching things are done electronically now,
teachers or classes to be with friends or including scheduling. If students could

Hurricane Katrina gives us all the The time is now for high school to make
chance to help others in time of need punishment for plagiarism more severe

Although there is no immediate storm funds is to understand that one day, we Plagiarism. Copying. Stealing. get the paper back with an A on it. . .
encroaching upon Mason, threatening our might fall into such conditions as well, and However you want to say it, it means .but wait, it's not even your work so
lives and the lives of the loved ones around we can only hope that someone is kind the same thing. Whether you are an really you are just back where you
enough to donate towards our needs. executive or a high school student, started.
us, there is a cloud forming there should be no tolerance for pla- Obviously the pressure and lack of
over our school boundaries; If one day, we are to fall into a catastro- giarism. confidence excuses aren't working, at
a hefty cloud that burdens phe and see ourselves surrounded by chaos As a senior, I've taken several hon- all. Clearly stooping down to plagia-
us and fogs our vision from and poverty, we, too, will beg for donations ors and advanced placement courses rize is not only laziness and ignorance,
reality. and hope that there will be someone out and felt the pressure of living up to an but it's lowering the stan-
We are aimlessly wander- there who cares enough to simply donate a older brother who attends Harvard dard of your character.
ing our halls, forgetting dollar. University. As honors students, we And if you are a plagia-
that for every class definitely put pressure on ourselves, rizing "honors" student,
period we sit in, The hardest thing for me to deal with is but it should never be to the extent of you should be thinking
someone sits starv- to know that so many students can truly lowering our integrity. what really defines an
ing on a premise spare a couple of dollars and not have If the pressure you are putting honors student.
filled with over- Panera for lunch, an extra amount of gaso- on yourselves is exorbitant Honor, integrity,
crowding and line, and whatever other items they believe enough to plagiarize, you honesty; they all
unsanitary condi- they "need." Those in areas affected by the should question why you are go hand in hand.
tions. hurricane are the ones in true "need." stressed out enough to copy Frankly, the
Despite the fact that and paste a sentence (or punishment for
there are those who They are simply asking for food, water, paragraph) and claim it as plagiarism should
try to help others by clothing, shelter, and someone to help your own. College? Good be severe. If one of
donating or organiz- them rehabilitate their lives from the ruins excuse. the top universities
ing fundraisers, they are in. But, at Harvard University, if in the country
there are those few there is even a doubt that a paper "expels" you for
Mason residents So as my final hope for our school is that or project is plagiarized you are even questioning
who turn their we, as a student, staff, and community, immediately kicked out of the uni- plagiarism, there
heads away can come together and really donate to versity; so good luck trying to get should be no toler-
from those those in need. We cannot even imagine in to college with plagiarism on ance at Mason. Or
who truly what they suffer on a daily basis from your school record. maybe, like in The
need their watching their families slowly die to won- Since pressuring yourselves to do Scarlet Letter, plagia-
help. dering when their next "meal" is going to well in school to please your parents rists should have to
The purpose be. and teachers or to be accepted into wear their shame.
of under- college is poor justification for steal- So whatever excuse
standing the Hurricane Katrina did not just bring ing another's work. What else could you have for plagiariz-
catastrophe New Orleans underwater, but it sub- possibly be an explanation for plagia- ing, I don't buy it and
of Hurricane merged those who lived there in a sea of rism? Lack of confidence? the act of plagiarism
Katrina and debts, worries, and fear for their lives. The So instead of approaching a teacher should be dealt with no
Rita, and entire country has seen the graphic images and actually asking for help, it would tolerance.
donating portrayed on the news, and the pleas from just be better to copy a few sentences
to those those protesting for help. into your paper. Well at least
you would have gained confi- BY BROOKE BARIA
BY OLGA BORODULIN We have all the reasons possible to dence in your work when you Chronicle Sports Editor
Chronicle Editor donate. The only question is how long
before those few Mason residents who
haven't donated open their ears, eyes, and
hearts to help, and will be able to finally
walk out of the fog?

Feedback: Would you cheat at school if you knew you could get away with it?

"No, I would "If it wasn't "No, I "Probably yes "No, I would not
not cheat that wouldn't because I cheat because it
because you important cheat
don't get any and I really because it's wouldn't get goes against my
where in life if wasn't sure not right. Do caught." morals and
you do." then I your own everything I
would." work!" Jessica stand for."
Brian Weingartner
Ventura Brittany Niro Senior Dan Rist
Junior Masello Wimalasena Senior
Freshman Sophomore

Compiled by Michelle Rotbart

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