November 7, 2016 A behind-the-scenes The battle between
look at the work that browsers, see page 3
M went into the Walk-
athon, see page 2
Mason in the Middle
powered by The Chronicle
Collins finds comfort in laughter during battle with cancer
Meera Rajeev | Staff Writer can be cured by laughter only. Photo contributed by Barbara Barbier Collins
Laughter really is the best Now or in the future unfor- Eighth grader Maya Collins laughs with family as she continues her treatment in Tennesssee.
tunately but I definitely think
medicine. (laughter) will continue to play
For centuries, laughter has a very important role in fight-
ing cancer.”
been used as a treatment for
illnesses worldwide. And for Alexis Anne Johnson, a 17
children fighting cancer, such year old goes to the Cincin-
as eighth grader Maya Collins, nati Children’s Hospital every
laughter may be the most po- month for recovery treatment,
tent medicine she takes. explained how laughter was re-
ally important to her recovery.
According to CureSearch, a
national non-profit organiza- “ (Laughter was) very help-
tion trying to accelerate the ful,” Johnson said. ”It would’ve
search for cures for children’s have been so much worse if
cancer. To help their chances my mom and I couldn’t laugh
of survival, children must un- at the little things. When my
dergo a series of chemotherapy hair started falling out, my
treatments and bone-marrow mom and I were in the clinic
transplants which all have very and I said ‘when is my hair
harmful side effects. But, stud- gonna start-’ and as soon as
ies reveal laughter might be the I ran my fingers through my
key to cure cancer. hair, it started coming out in
clumps and we started laugh-
Dr. Jane C. Khoury, a profes- ing so hard we had tears run-
sor at UC in the Department of ning down our faces. It seems
Pediatrics and a researcher at weird because that should’ve
the Cincinnati Children’s Hos- been a really sad moment, but
pital, explained the reasoning it was just hilarious.”
behind laughter therapy.
Maya Collins, eighth grader
“Some benefits of laughter at MMS, and a fighter against
are improving one’s attitude, cancer, described how impor-
quality of life, helping them tant laughter is to her person-
sleep better, and reducing their ally.
stress,” Dr. Khoury said. “Both
of these things, less stress and “Laughter is never fake,
more sleep, have great effects and you need laughter to get
on the body.” through hard times.” Collins
said. “Like me, I am weak and
The Cancer Treatment stuck in bed for four weeks,
Centers of America said that but my friends make me laugh.
laughter reduces pain, decrease Even though I’m in Tennes-
the amount of stress-related see getting treatments, I still
hormones released into the Skype, Facetime, and even
bloodstream, and help the im- text. It just cheers me up when
mune system. I am struggling because (my
friends) make me laugh and I
Khoury also shared how get the chills because they sup-
laughter may not cure cancer, port me so much.”
but is crucial to the patients.
“I don’t think that (cancer)
Mason in the Middle is brought to you by a partnership between journalists in the Mason in the Middle class and staff members of The Chronicle from Mason High School.
2 M November 7, 2016
Our Policy
Teachers work to integrate Schoology
Mason in the Middle is an affiliate of The and Google Classroom into lesson plan
Chronicle, the official student newspaper of
William Mason High School. Photo by Caroline Bees
Mason in the Middle promises to report the Students work on their assignments on Schoology and Google Classroom.
truth and adhere to the journalistic code of
ethics through online and print mediums. Colleen Gorski | Staff Writer learning experiences.” Little said. “Right now we’re do-
Mason Middle School has two knew students: School- ing a lot supporting of teachers and learning the new
Mason in the Middle is produced by high technology because Schoology is not only new to the
school students enrolled in Journalism I, II ogy and Google Classroom. kids, but it’s new to the teachers and parents as well”
and III in collaboration with middle school Laura Reed, an eighth grade Language Arts teacher,
writers and editors. Edline was going to stop supporting Mason City
has used both websites and prefers Classroom, but uses Schools, so there was a need to switch to a different sys-
Editorials reflect the staff ’s opinion but do a balance of both. tem, Little said.
not necessarily reflect the opinions of the
school administration or the Mason City “I like to use Classroom for more of the practice activ- “The district really needed a place for the grades to
School District. ities, and Schoology for the graded activities because it go,” Little said. “Schoology works really well with our
will upload to the gradebook on Schoology,” Reed said. database that houses all (the school’s) information.”
Mason in the Middle does not yet have a pub- “Classroom is more user friendly, but Schoology has a
lishing schedule. Call 398-5025 ext. 33103 for built in gradebook.” Randy Doughman, one of the people behind the rea-
information regarding advertising in Mason son the district moved to schoology, said Classroom was
in the Middle. Mason in the Middle reserves Reed said Classroom is easier to access for students more interactive than Edline, and Classroom was the
the right to refuse advertising it deems inap- and teachers. reason for the switch.
propriate for a middle school publication.
“I think Classroom is easier for the students because “Classroom expedited the need to move from Edline.
As an open forum for students, letters to the everyone gets their own copy of the assignment,” Reed Teachers were starting to use Google Classroom instead
editor are welcome, but are subject to be edit- said. “Also with the new topic filter, (Classroom) is easi- of Edline because of the more interactive features that
ed for length, libel, obscenity, clarity and poor er to organize.” were available within Classroom,” Doughman said.
taste. Letters to the editor may be dropped off “We had actually wanted to do it a year from now, but
in room 444 and must be signed. Lin said she likes how students can get feedback right because of the inoperability at times of Edline and the
away on Schoology. problems we were having with it, it expedited the move
The Chronicle is a member of The Colum- to Schoology.”
bia Scholastic Press Association, The National “I know they’re more comfortable with Edline because
Scholastic Press Association, Quill and Scroll I have eighth graders so they’ve been using Edline for Roberts wanted people to be aware that the teachers
International Honorary Society for High their whole educational career, that I think in the long are still learning too.
School Journalists and the Ohio Scholastic run, Schoology will be better,” Lin said. “I think after
Media Association. this first year everyone is going to be like ‘Edline who?’” “Be patient with teachers. We see students learning a
lot;sometimes our students assume our teachers know
Contact Information Daniel Little is also an Innovative Learning Coach for everything,” Roberts said. “(It is) just like walking into
The Chronicle Mason City Schools, and says his purpose is to support a woodshop for the first time, and there’s a saw, and
William Mason High School teachers in using technology in meaningful ways to en- there’s a drill, and there’s a sander and you don’t know
6100 S. Mason Montgomery Rd. gage learners in the classroom. how to build a table yet. So they’re trying to learn how
Mason, Ohio 45040 to build a table, once they know how to build a table,
(513) 398-5025 “(Innovative Learning Coaches’) main purpose is they’re going to learn to build some chairs, and they’re
Mason in the Middle Staff helping to support innovation in the classroom so that gonna make some really great stuff for you guys.”
High School Editors we can help teachers provide their kids with amazing
Ria Parikh
Asia Porter
Delaney Turner
Staff Editor
Ayesha Chaudhry
Katie Dorton
Shreya Doshi
Colleen Gorski
Taylor Hedwig
Rebeca Heffran
Jorja Meere
Ellie Minick
Meera Kajeev
Clair Patton
Natalie Schmitt
Peyton Wagner
Maddie Welch
Yuva Vidwans
Dale Conner
Rachel Young
November 7, 2016 M 3
New ban Students enhance learning in an outdoor environment. Photo By Peyton Wagner
placed on
backpacks Outdoor environment enhances learning
Ayesha Chaudhry | Staff Editor Rebeca Heffran | Staff Writer as strict. So you can be more focused. “Just because it could be a change
Clair Patton | Staff Writer I feel like fresh air makes me just, of scenery, kids could possibly be
Good bye, backpacks. Peyton Wagner | Staff Writer think better.” distracted because it is somewhere
This year the school issued a ban new,” Schaffer said. “ (As a result)
on backpacks in the hallway and When you go to your next class, Language arts teacher Joseph Car- they could be not as focused, and not
in classrooms. glance into the courtyard. Chances raher, said that working outside can as focused on me--the person guid-
Eighth grader Sarah King said are, you won’t see any kids there. be beneficial, depending on the time ing the lesson.”
the ban conflicts with her sched- of day.
ule and getting to class on time. A study from the University of Il- Seventh grader Benjamin Lampe
“It doesn’t save time because linois at Urbana-Champaign found “My students go outside in front said that the change in environment
you have to go to your locker in that kids with ADHD were able to of the arena lobby,” Carraher said. helps students relax.
the middle of your transition to concentrate better after a 20-minute “Sometimes it can be helpful (to
your next class,” King said. “That walk in a park. Seventeen children work outside instead of inside), but “Being outside relaxes you, it’s a
takes up so much time so then a seven to 12 years old professionally during recess (some of) the students drastic difference from when you are
lot of people are late.” diagnosed with ADHD experienced a can get distracted. It depends on inside,” Lampe said. “Inside you’re
Math teacher Mika Snider said city park and two other well-kept ur- what time of day it is, where things sitting at a desk, in a dark place
that the absence of backpacks ban settings via individually guided are, and what you’re doing.” when the lights are turned off, and
makes it easier to move around 20-minute walks. Nature might serve it’s (incredibly) different from when
the classroom. as a safe, inexpensive, widely acces- Carraher also said that when you you work outside, where it’s nice and
“It eliminates all the clutter un- sible new tool in the toolkit for man- are outside you can break the stereo- bright.”
derneath students’ desks,” Snider aging ADHD symptoms, according types of a typical school day.
said. “Students last year had these to the study. Carraher was also excited to see
huge backpacks that wouldn’t fit “The classroom is where students what are other’s opinions on this con-
under their desks, so they would Seventh grader Ally Bishop said feel like they have to be quiet, where troversial subject. He was excited to
be out in the middle of the rows that classrooms can have a negative they have to follow all of these rules, teach outside, and wanted to see who
as I’m trying to walk around and impact on students. and outside the classroom, they feel will also supported learning outside.
help students.” like (they aren’t as restricted),” Car-
Students barely used their lock- “In classrooms there are like, okay raher said. “Some of them are obvi- “I’m interested to see how many
ers before the ban, Snider said. I’ve gotta be quiet, you have to do ously are going to mess around. But people are agreeing with me,” Car-
“I noticed last year some stu- this, and this, and this, but like out- they mess around in the classroom, raher said.“I think there are people
dents would put all their stuff in side, I feel like you don’t have to too.” who think that school are supposed
their bags and not go to their lock- follow those types of rules,” Bishop to be inside, School is should in the
ers,” Snider said. said. “There are other rules, but not Eighth grade math teacher Adam classroom. That is where it should
Principal Tonya McCall ex- Shaffer said that being outside could take place.”
plained the reason for the new be distracting.
“We have 1800 kids in the hall-
ways,” McCall said. “We now have
these big backpacks and they are
just like bumper cars, so now it be-
comes a safety issue.”
Students can strategize other
ways to get around efficiently, Mc-
Call said.
“Since that’s an individual prob-
lem, they could come to us and we
could help them map out a more
convenient route to get to class
on time,” McCall said. “And, of
course, be conscious about social-
izing in the hallways.”
McCall also clarified any extra-
neous ideas tied to the ban.
“It’s really nothing nefarious,
just the idea of space and having
the best quality education,” Mc-
Call said.“It’s really nothing ne-
farious, just the idea of space and
having the best quality education.”
4 M November 7, 2016
Moeller players evacuate Dwire Field on September 9 after recieving word of a bomb thtrheeatC. harter Schools Program State Photo by Katie Dorton
Effects of nationwide threats felt in MasonEducational Agencies grants community
Katie Dorton | Staff Writer only because we’re kinda still searching. The Eighth grader Brooke Harris, explained what
In crowded streets and the Moeller-crowded FBI has taken over the investigation, but the happened in a student’s perspective at the tail-
MoonKlan has claimed responsibility and as ev- gate.
parking lot, many people sat waiting around eryone knows, they are instigating a lot of things
Mason Middle school trying to evacuate the sta- on that twitter account.” “(I was) concerned because I wasn’t sure if
dium. An anonymous bomb threat called in on someone was hurt,” Harris said.
September 9. But it didn’t stop there. Colerain This series of threats did not just occur in our
High School, Cincinnati Zoo and streetcars had community. Dyer said threats affected the com- “Or if it was a drill or something. There have
threats called upon them just two days before the munities around the nation that week. been a lot of bomb threats.”
fifteenth anniversary of 9/11.
“We don’t know exactly who called in,” Dyer Harris explained the effect on students she has
Mason High School Resource Officer, Karli said. “We believe that it’s a network of hackers noticed from the threats that have been happen-
Dyer, was an assisting officer on the threat called that are calling in these threats and since Friday ing in the area.
in at Mason and shared details on the call. when we received the threat to the Friday after,
there was 29 identical threats called in around “I don’t think it has really affected us because
“To paraphrase what they said, they had six the United States.” a lot of us have kinda moved on,” Harris said.
pipe bombs in the tailgate area,” Dyer said. “And “For the most part, most of us just move on and
they also had stated that when officers respond, Dyer also said the media influences the vio- forget about it, but for certain people, I feel like
they were already there to take them out.” lence and bad behavior like this in the modern it’s definitely left a mark on them, seeing all the
day. violence that has happened.”
The MoonKlan, have taken credit for this situa-
tion. Dyer said the MoonKlan twitter account fu- “I think (violence) is something that’s increas- Harris also shared her thoughts on the vio-
eled the uproar over the threats. ing,” Dyer said. ” I also think that’s something lence that has been occurring recently
that is being exposed more through the media.
“I know a little bit about the MoonKlan,” Dyer I don’t think the media helps curb this behavior “I feel like people say that a certain area of
said. “I can’t (confidently say they’re behind it) though. Like I said, (the media is) after ratings.” Ohio or Mason is safer,” Harris said. “You can’t
ever really say that because, especially lately, you
can’t tell what’s really gonna happen.”
Want to read more Mason in
the Middle stories?
November 7, 2016 M 5
go unnoticed
Yuva Vidwans | Staff Writer Students work on their individual projects. Photo by Ayesha Chaudhry
Stands are rumbling. Excited
Students demonstrate passion through unique projects
chatter is traveling through
the air. Volunteers helped to Ayesha Chaudhry | Staff Editor or maybe little snapshots of phrases. You’ll be talking
put the walkathon on this year. Taylor Hedwig | Staff Writer through what you did and sharing what you learned.”
Mindy Patton, President of Natalie Schmitt | Staff Writer
the Mason School Foundation, Many students want to know where the idea for these
specified how many volunteers It’s hard to see the connection between making a can- projects came from. Assistant Principal Mark Murzynows-
they get and how it works. dle, steps to becoming a lawyer, and applying special ef- ki said that the idea came from his own projects.
fects makeup. But for students at Mason Middle School,
“Each morning, we start with these fall under the category of passion projects -- a new “I do a lot of projects at home,” Murzynowski said. “I
six volunteers that are with us learning technique being tested this year. didn’t start off with a lot of money, so I couldn’t pay other
plus our core leaders, so there There are hundreds of options for students to choose people to do it. I took the tasks on myself, and as I kept
are three of us that are here the from. The passion projects give the students a chance to doing these challenges I was able to learn how to do new
entire time, that’s Marsha Wise, investigate more into a topic that they love and want to things. As I made more money and got better, I was able
Valerie Miner, and myself are become even better at. In this project, students can pick to do those things out of want instead of having to do
here all the time, “ Patton said. any topic that they want to. things out of need. I started to do these tasks out of de-
“There (are) six of us in the sire.”
morning to collect the dona- Physical Science teacher Lauren Tonkin said that stu-
tions and we have about six to dents could choose from a wide variety of projects. Eighth grader Emma Masters is completing her project
12 doing the money counting “Oh my gosh, students could do anything,” Tonkin said. on learning how to play the ukulele.
every day, Monday thru Fri- ”The sky’s the limit. I know some kids are doing things
day.” related to sports, some students are planning to do some- “I’m gonna learn how to play the ukulele, because I al-
thing that gives back to their community, and some ways thought it was a cool instrument and it seems fun. I
Patton also said a lot of time are looking into things that interest them. The projects play an instrument right now but I don’t like it.” Masters
goes into creating prizes. might be academic, but they don’t have to be. It can re- said. “I got interested because I saw how Lane was doing
ally be anything you want.” it on her instagram and I thought it looked cool.”
“We also coordinate the
prize distribution that way and Tonkin also explained how students would be present- Seventh grader Anaya Joshi plans to complete her proj-
behind the scenes we would ing these passion projects. ect on photography.
have volunteers that helped “Students are going to share their work with what we
us design the materials, that call Ignite presentations,” Tonkin said. “It’s a five min- “I did photography because I love capturing the mo-
helped us organize the priz- ute presentation with images, pictures of what you done, ment,” Joshi said. “I take after my mom, and I’ve always
es,” Patton said. “So, we had a been interested in that big camera that was in our living
service group of high school room. So I just started playing around and realized I was
girls that came in and actu- really good at it. So I just wanted to do that to see what
ally assembled the prize packs I can do.”
and that was nice. They spent
a couple of hours doing that
with us, so they would be ready
to go. Then we’ll have a whole
different team working on the
VIP event for next week. So we
probably have 10 women that
are doing that and we’ll have
probably 12 volunteers for the
actual walk itself.”
Seventh grader Grace Boho
thought the walkathon is a
good cause.
“Yes,” Boho said. “ I think it is
for a fun and great cause plus
we raise money for our middle
Mindy Patton also thanked
all volunteers for helping mak-
ing this walkathon happen.
“We are so grateful for our
volunteers,” Patton said. “It’s a
team effort for sure.”
6 M November 7, 2016
District evaluates the nutritional value of students’ lunches
Ellie Minick | Staff Writer
As you reach for a Pop Tart, fruit chews or bag s
of chips, do you stop and think if you’re making
the right choice? Students are exposed to healthy and unhealthy lunches in cafeteria. Photo by Ellie Minick
Schools all over the nation serve many different grams. Another popular item is Pop Tarts and the In comparison, Berkeley, California’s middle
kinds of food, and in Mason, students want food Frosted Cherry flavor is a full 17 grams of sugar. school lunch is a lot different. The school offers a
that looks good, tastes good and is cheap. And pro- According to Family Education, this amount of three options for wraps and a wide variety of fresh
cessed and packaged foods are the top choices of sugar is too high for only one little snack. produce. This year, Berkley has cut down on the
many students in the lunch line everyday. amount of oils and sugar in students’ lunches and
MMS breakfast is now serving a new item: a cin- has eliminated processed foods entirely.
Eighth grader Sophia Orlando said the school namon roll, but the amount of sugar in this each
could provide healthier options for its students. serving is not stated. Sugar is a concern but it’s not Brunswick said the district has recently look
listed on the meal options served at MMS. towards healthier food providers in order to fuel
“I think that maybe be a little bit,” Orlando said. students with higher quality meals.
“They have a lot of ice cream bars, but they don’t “This has been a frustrating one for our depart-
have as many options for fruits and vegetables.” ment as well,” Brunswick said. “We maintain a nu- “We are constantly trying to improve the food in
tritional database where we enter the nutritional our program and continue to search for foods that
Eighth grade language arts teacher Haley Ken- information on every food item in the program. are less processed and have fewer ingredients,”
nedy feels that the lunch provided is a great way This program is determined for our use by United Brunswick said. “”For example, the Orange and
to nourish your body throughout the day. States Department of Agriculture (agency that General Tso’s chicken that we offer on the menu
oversees the NSLP) and it does not include a field is the same product that is offered at Trader Joe’s,
“I think there’s a good variety,” Kennedy said. for sugar information. We do, however, have a la- which is a healthier grocery store. We offer at least
“I think kids are hungry throughout the day and bel on file for all foods served so be assured that six different types of vegetables daily: grape toma-
need that fuel like chips to make it through their information is available. It is an improvement we toes, Romaine lettuce and baby carrots.”
day to learn.” have requested from Nutrikids.”
Janelle Brunswick, the Assistant Supervisor of
Child Nutrition at Mason City Schools, said 41 to
45 percent of students buy lunch daily. On average
these students buy 97 Scooby Doo Fruit Flavored
Snacks and Fruit Roll Ups, 437 chips, pretzels or
other salty snacks, and 51 Pop Tarts per day.
“On popular days--Brunch for Lunch, Popcorn
Chicken Days --approximately 840 students are
eating, so 45 percent, “ Brunswick said. “Average
days--taco salad, french bread cheese pizza, toast-
ed cheese--approximately 753, so 41 percent. We
average 45 percent participation over the entire
month of September.”
Kim Elfers works in the Mason Middle School
cafeteria all day, sending emails, getting ship-
ments of food and more. Elfers mentioned a few
of the most popular items at school.
“For meals, it would be our brunch for lunch,
our spicy chicken fingers and definitely the Dom-
ino’s pizza,” Elfer said. “I would also say, our pop-
corn chicken and maybe our chilli cheese dogs.”
Students get to decide what they want foe
lunch, but other people decide what to order.
Janelle Brunswick explained how food orders are
decided for MMS.
“There are several factors that influence what
food we order, including cost, taste, quality, avail-
ability, and whether or not the food item meets
our government regulations,” Brunswick said.
“Mason City Schools is part of the National School
Lunch Program (NSLP), which is a federal pro-
gram authorized by Congress every five years.”
In general, a statement from the National
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey con-
ducted from 2001-2004 found the average Ameri-
can consumes about 355 calories of added sugar a
day, or the equivalent of 22.2 teaspoons.
Lunch isn’t the only meal served at MMS. A
breakfast station is placed at the top of some
wings in the school. The variety of options are
very different compared to lunch. The amount of
grams of sugar that are in a Trix Yogurt are 14
November 7, 2016 M 7
Rise in preteen relationships influences students to date
Evolving relationships then I think you’re too young for those
among adolescents
force other students to sorts of things.” Seventh grader Adri-
join the trend
ana Enriquez agreed with Long, saying
Shreya Doshi | Staff Writer
Jorja Meere | Staff Writer middle school isn’t the time to get into
Middle schoolers dating is becoming relationships.
more and more common, forcing stu-
dents to decide whether they should wait “I think that we’re too young to do
or date.
that stuff,” Enriquez said. “We can’t
Seventh grade counselor Karen Long
said what her definition of dating really drive a car or anything so you wouldn’t
really (be able to go out). (I think we
“Dating to me indicates two people to-
gether going out on a date,” Long said. “I should wait until) high school. I think
know that dating can mean that you’re
just going out if you like each other.” pre-teens are trying to grow up faster.”
Language arts teacher Joseph Carra- Some parents allow their kids to
her has his different opinions about dat-
ing. date really early in their life, but oth-
“Dating is not a big deal,” Carraher ers think 16 is the magic age of dating.
said. “To be honest, it depends on what
you call dating. If you’re just saying ‘my Long is sticking to the age of 16.
girlfriend’, ‘my boyfriend’, that’s one
thing, like talking on the phone once in “Growing up for me it was 16, but I
awhile. hat’s typical middle school dat-
ing. If you’re going out on dates or to think it depends,” Long said.. “I think
the movies, doing these things together,
you should at least have the responsibil-
ity of driving. But I think it’s still one of
those things where to truly date some- Photo by Jorja Meere
one you have to be a bit older.” Seventh grader Xavier Lisbey (left) holds hands with seventh grader Chloe Warburton (right).
Seventh grader Paige Foster said she what’s good for both parties.” should be able to date), but I have no-
Foster disagrees with the rule of 16 has
can see the positive and negative side to ticed a lot of people are dating or have
dating while in middle school. the CharttoerbSecihnopolalscPerfoogrrkaimds,Sstaaytieng a couple’s dated around 14.”
“I think that middle schoolers dEadtinugcatiomnainl dAsgetenschoieusldgradenttesrmine when they
Everyone has their own opinion, but
can be a good thing or a bad thing, “ Fos- should and should not date, not their Foster said a person has to decide for
ter said. “It could be a good thing from age.
himself when it’s time to get into a re-
“I don’t think there should be a spe- lationship.
being able to test the water and learn
more about yourself, but dating can cific age,” Foster said. “When someone
“It’s hard to put a number on it,” Fos-
also cause unnecessary drama and hurt feels and acts mature enough to un- ter said. “Dating depends on the person
many people. It’s really hard to decipher derstand both people’s feelings (they himself.”
Electronics becoming top priority among Mason students
Maddie Welch | Staff Writer ternet,” Saresky said. plaining the pros and cons have having these
Everyone at Mason Middle School has a Seventh grade student Isabel Wabrick has opin- personal learning devices in the classroom.
Chromebook. They use them through the whole ions on electronics as well. “I feel the good thing about chromebooks,”
day in about every class. Some students and “Since they provide (chromebooks) for us,” Brittingham said. “Is that it stores information
teachers have begun to question the frequency and students always have access to it so that way
and duration that they are spending using elec- Wabrick said. “They try to use them as much as if they are not in the classroom or I cannot pro-
tronics during the school day. they can.” vide them with something immediately, they
always have access to it… However, I do not feel
According to “Does looking at a computer Eighth grade student Kahari LandBrandon like I need to use it for every lesson.”
damage your eyes” by April Cashin-Garbut, feels differently about this topic than other stu-
looking at computers can cause multiple issues dents and teachers by explaining how he believes Brittingham knows there are benefits with
to students such as eye discomfort, headaches, we don’t use chromebooks too much in class and electronics, but she also understands that there
difficulty focusing, etc. Teachers and students during school. are some disadvantages.
reveal whether they believe schools could cause
these. “I believe they don’t (depend on electronics too “Because students have access to everything
much),” LandBrandon said. “Because there was a on their electronics, it takes away some respon-
Seventh Grade Social Studies Teacher, Anne time that we didn’t get electronics so a lot of the sibility. Which, can be a good thing because we
Saresky, talks about how she depends on school teachers know how to do things without electron- have a lot less lost assignments… But I also think
electronics, such as chromebooks. ics.” that we are taking away the value of responsibil-
ity for individual students.”
“More now than I have in the past, probably LandBrandon also has ideas on how we could
because everybody has one and we have our not depend on them as much as we do now, by Brittingham also has some final thoughts
textbook online now, that we have better access describing ways we can use the chromebooks less about responsibility with the chromebooks.
to then we ever had before...,” Saresky said. during class.
“I just think it’s a totally different world that
Despite her increased use of technology, “Maybe we could use (the chromebooks) for we are living in today with technology,” Brit-
Saresky said that she believes there is still a half the class and then the other half we don’t use tingham said. “And I think that it’s important
place for paper textbooks in the classroom. them,” LandBrandon said. “If we depend more on to understand for students as they get new cell
our chromebooks now, it’ll be bad in the future phones or get their chromebooks (they need to)
”There is a lot of value in actually looking because if we lose them or something might hap- understand that they have so much freedom in
something up in a book instead of just having pen to them we won’t know what to do.” the things that they do on them and along with
immediate gratification of finding it on the in- that freedom does come some dangers and risks.”
Eighth grade health teacher Stephanie Brit-
tingham has feelings on this topic as well by ex-