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TEXPERS 2019 Summer Educational Forum, a special publication promoting the association's forum Aug. 18-20, 2019 in Frisco, Texas.

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Published by TEXPERS, 2019-06-17 11:33:04

SEF 2019 Frisco (1)

TEXPERS 2019 Summer Educational Forum, a special publication promoting the association's forum Aug. 18-20, 2019 in Frisco, Texas.

Keywords: Pensions,Retirement,Educational,Forum,Conference,TEXPERS,Police,Firefighters,Public Employees,Investments


PRESIDENT Paul R. Brown/Big Spring Firemen's Relief and Retirement Fund
FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Jim Smith/San Antonio Fire & Police Pension Fund
SECOND VICE PRESIDENT John Jenkins/Dallas Employees Retirement Fund

SECRETARY Sherry Mose/Houston Municipal Employees Pension System
TREASURER Larry Reed/San Antonio Fire & Police Pension Fund
BOARD MEMBERS Carla Brewer/Dallas Employees Retirement Fund

Jose Cavazos/Dallas Area Rapid Transit
Tyler Grossman/El Paso Fire & Police Pension Fund
Larry Knott/Dallas Area Rapid Transit
Billy Samuel/Fort Worth Employees' Retirement Fund
David Stacy/Midland Firemen's Relief & Retirement Fund



Houston Office: 13111 Northwest Freeway, Suite 100, Houston, TX 77040

Austin Office: 1504 San Antonio St., Suite 206, Austin, TX 78601

TEXPERS president explains why
you should register for the From training to networking, this
Summer Educational Forum. year's event has a little
something for everyone.
The Omni Hotel is located at The
Star, the headquarters of the Turn here for a look at the
Dallas Cowboys. preliminary program we've
arranged for our members.
While in Frisco, take some time to
find out why it's often referred to A leader of a Frisco professional
networking group offers
as Sports City, U.S.A.
relationship-building advice.


The Summer Educational Forum
couldn't be possible without the

help of our sponsors.

SRETAARCSH DFOURRITNHGE the event that the football team's star logo
TEXPERS' SUMMER is emblazoned on the team's practice
EFODRUUCMATIINONFRAILSCO arena, Ford Center at The Star. Like the
team it represents, that logo, a single star,
BY PAUL R. BROWN, TEXPERS PRESIDENT packs a punch. It is representative of the
Lone Star State, and so much more.
Welcome, in advance, to TEXEPERS' 2019
Summer Educational Forum Aug. 18-20 in Stars are often used to symbolize heavenly
Frisco, Texas. Members of TEXPERS will bodies and good luck. In dreams, a shooting
come from all over the State of Texas and star is a sign of self-fulfillment and
the U.S., to learn, network, and discuss advancement in life. Stars can signify a
issues pertinent to their pension systems. significant change or turning point in a
person's life.
This year, we are gathering at the Omni
Hotel at The Star, the world headquarters The star is a perfect motivational symbol
of the Dallas Cowboys. You'll notice in for administrators, trustees and
photos of the hotel or see for yourself at investment professionals of public pension
systems. At TEXPERS, we see the star as a
symbol of the fulfillment of our mission:
assuring the promised benefits of public
employees. It is the goal we strive to attain.
It is why the star is featured in our logo and

is referenced in this year's forum theme - systems in Texas. At the state level, we
Secure Retirement: Reach for the Stars. work with our members, coalitions, and
committees to identify legislation that
We want to help you reach your goals. directly impacts public employee pension
TEXPERS focuses on helping its members systems. An overview of Texas’ recent
become more valuable to their funds and legislative session will be available to the
stakeholders. Each year, through programs members at this summer forum.
such as the Summer Educational Forum,
TEXPERS members become more The staff and our contractors at TEXPERS
successful professionally by contributing work on your behalf to identify issues that
peer-based support, participating in continue to impact the work you do to
educational programs, taking leadership provide the best benefits possible.
roles within and outside of the association, TEXPERS will continue to provide research
and by promoting the highest standards of and publications related to public pension
professional competence and ethics. plans in Texas. Our staff continues to
provide online news and social media
Having completed a well-attended Annual posts that are of interest to our members.
Conference in Austin in April, complete
with a legislative tone, the Summer Our peers recognize TEXPERS as the
Educational Forum in August will be a leading provider of education and training
relaxing, informative event in North Texas. in Texas. TEXPERS provides the mandatory
During the Annual Conference, we training and continuing education that is
celebrated the 30th anniversary of required by the State Pension Review
TEXPERS. The association has spent three Board.  We continue to provide basic
decades providing high-quality training for trustee training and advanced trustee
our members, expanding awareness of training, both of which are set for Aug. 17,
public pension issues, and advocating for the day before the summer forum. You can
the promised benefits of public employees. register for the forum along with the
We continue to achieve our educational, training or just for training online at
advocacy, and membership-building goals.  TEXPERS also is
currently in the process of planning a
The membership of TEXPERS continues to special education event in conjunction with
grow. More affiliates from outside the our state affiliates.
state have increased interest in TEXPERS
because of the service and education the Thank you for being a member of TEXPERS.
organization provides. After every Continue reaching for the stars.
conference, people contact our staff and
board about joining the organization and
attending our next event.

TEXPERS is an advocate for all public
employees and public employee pension


BY BARBARA ZLATNIK, The forum starts off with pre-conference
PROGRAMS & TRAINING offers Basic Trustee Training and
Advanced Trustee Training.
TEXPERS' conferences bring Texas' key
pension stakeholders together for Basic Trustee Training is for new trustees
education, training and networking. The and provides seven hours of training over
next time they will be together is May seven content areas. The class will be
2020 for the TEXPERS Annual Conference, conducted from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the
so those with a stake in the success of the Omni Frisco. The registration fee is $225
state's retirement systems should not for TEXPERS member retirement systems
miss the association's Summer Educational and employee group members and is $325
Forum this August. for non-member retirement systems.

Advanced Trustee Training is Members will pay $150 for discusses The Spark and
for more seasoned trustees Advanced Trustee Training; what motivates to be elite.
that have taken Basic Trustee nonmembers pay $250. Both
Training or another training classes provide credit In the afternoon, attendees
that covers the same content. towards the PRB’s minimum will have their choice of
Advanced Trustee Training is education and training various breakout sessions on
different every time it is held requirements. investment and non-
and will take a deep dive into investment topics. Eric
various topics. The Aug. 17 The TEXPERS Summer Atwater, Aon, leads a
class has several topics set Educational Forum officially discussion of “What they
so far. kicks off Sunday, Aug. 18. don’t tell you about DROP.”
There is a pre-conference There will also be a session
A Pension Trustee’s Guide to workshop that morning on “Medicare Must Knows.”
the Actuarial Valuation will (subject to be determined), Attendees will learn things
be taught by Leslie registration opens in the about Medicare that could
Thompson, Gabriel Roeder afternoon, and an exciting threaten their retirement.
Smith and Pam Feely of the evening party is planned.
Fire and Police Pension Attendees will be transported Tuesday, Aug. 20, will
Association of Colorado. This to Strikz for an evening of highlight non-investment
"back-to-basics" session is food, beverages, bowling, topics, including “Defending
for trustees who’d like a billiards, arcade games and Public Pensions” with Hank
refresher on the actuarial even Laser Tag. Kim, NCPERS Executive
valuation. From the valuation, Director. On Tuesday, Round
assumptions, costs and The educational program Table Discussions offer a
liabilities through to the begins Monday morning, Aug. free-flowing discussion of
policy and decision making, 19. Monday’s general “what keeps you up at night”
the entire valuation process sessions feature an update on a variety of different
is reviewed. from the Pension Review topics, from which retirement
Board from its Executive system attendees can choose
This seminar is intended to Director Anumeha Kumar and which to attend.
provide trustees insights and the new board chairperson,
tools to understand the move Stephanie Liebe. Also on the This is just a peek at what’s
forward with their agenda, “Investment on the program for the
responsibilities for the Performance – What’s the Forum. There’s no more
funding of their retirement secret sauce for results?” will affordable or convenient way
plan.  highlight the thoughts and to access education, training,
experiences from staff at subject matter experts, and
Also, on the agenda is a deep some of TEXPERS’ best retirement system
dive into Real Estate investing performing funds. The colleagues then the TEXPERS
presented by instructors from keynote luncheon speaker, summer forum. Visit
the CFAs of Texas. Ryan “Birdman” Parrott to register.

VINEFNOUREMATION Educational Forum to get the best available
parking rate. On-site valet parking is available.
TEXPERS' 2019 Summer Educational Forum will
be held at the Omni Hotel, 11 Cowboys Way in Pre-forum trustee training and forum
Frisco, which is roughly a 35 minute drive from programming take place on the hotel's second-
downtown Dallas. level. Signs will be posted.

TEXPERS members who reserve a room at the The 16-story hotel is the cornerstone of The
Omni Frisco Hotel by July 26 gain access to a Star, the headquarters of the Dallas Cowboys.
special rate during their stay. After registering The Star also features the 12,000-seat Ford
for the forum online at, a Center stadium plus a shopping, dining and
confirmation email will include a link that will entertainment district.
allow you to make your reservation at the Omni
Frisco Hotel. Discounted parking also is The venue is located about 25 minutes away
available at the hotel. Upon arrival, tell hotel from either Dallas Fort Worth International
staff you are with the TEXPERS Summer Airport and Dallas Love Field Airport.

Register online at



Editor's Note: There are plenty of makes this ‘Hall of Fame’ a first of its kind.
opportunities to check out the City of Being built into the southern end of
Frisco while in town for TEXPERS' Summer Toyota Stadium also gives it unique
Educational Forum. You are encouraged to character – another first for stadiums,
grab a few peers and explore the city on nationwide. The National Soccer Hall of
an evening excursion. Or, consider Fame fuses sports and history, past and
extending your stay. TEXPERS invited present – while Major League Soccer’s FC
Frisco's mayor, Jeff Cheney, to explain Dallas plays on the home pitch below.
why Money magazine (2018) named his
city the No. 1 Best Place it Live in America. FC Dallas is one of the several ‘pro’ teams
which practice or play in state-of-the-art
From sports to shopping – from arts and venues and inspired us to stake claim to
culture to destination dining -- there are the moniker, Sports City, U.S.A.
so many fun, hip places to experience
while you’re here for TEXPERS’ 2019 The Dallas Cowboys train at Ford Center
Summer Educational Forum. at The Star. The state-of-the-art indoor
stadium can convert into a concert venue
In fact, the new National Soccer Hall of or special event setting. It's surrounded
Fame (pictured above) is the ultimate by an entertainment district lined with
interactive experience versus a typical patio and destination dining, specialty
museum.  Facial recognition technology shops, and even some history stops.

The Ring of Honor Walk, a nod to legendary Frisco’s public art collection includes more
players, leads to Cowboys Plaza, where just than 150 pieces citywide. For more artful
about any day or night you'll find 'kids of all sights, head to Hall Park, home of the
ages' channeling their inner Staubach, largest outdoor sculpture collection in
Aikman or Prescott. Ford Center is also Texas. For boutique shopping and dining,
home field for the newest members of our head downtown to ‘The Rail District’ where
sports roster, the Dallas Rattlers, a Major you’ll find food trucks, live music, plus
League Lacrosse team. unique shops and restaurants.

Don’t stop there, catch a baseball game at But art, shopping and sports aren’t the only
the Dr Pepper Ballpark, home of the Frisco games in town. Check out the National
RoughRiders, a Texas Rangers’ AA affiliate. Videogame Museum (pictured below),
A short walk away, discover Comerica featuring an interactive collection and an
Center, where you can see NHL’s Dallas 1980s arcade. Science and history buffs will
Stars train. Comerica Center is also home enjoy Sci-Tech Discovery Center, Frisco
court for the Texas Legends, G-League for Heritage Museum and the Museum of the
the Dallas Mavericks. American Railroad, which also presents
TrainTopia – a model train exhibit.
If shopping is more your sport, check out
more than nine million square feet of retail I could go on – and on about what makes
and restaurants anchored by IKEA, Centre at Frisco special, how we became a
Preston Ridge and Stonebriar Centre. destination for tournaments and events,
including two collegiate marque games --
Making its U.S. debut, KidZania opens its NCAA Div. 1 Football Championship and the
doors at Stonebriar Centre in fall 2019.  Frisco Bowl. I invite you to experience our
KidZania is an interactive city where kids city first-hand and discover why Frisco is
get to ‘try out’ what they want to be when not only the #1 Best Place to Live in
they grow up. Children choose from more America, but also the best place to meet,
than 100 role-playing, career adventures. play and visit.



During TEXPERS’ Summer Educational clients, he looks like a hero to his clients. He
Forum, retirement system trustees, offers the following tips to help you make
administrators and financial the most of the networking opportunities at
professionals have plenty of opportunity TEXPERS’ Summer Educational Forum:
to network with each other. In the lobby
between program sessions, at the Ask questions and listen. For most
breakfast table, on the golf course, and people, networking doesn't come easy.
during a game of bowling at the When you meet someone, ask what they
Member’s Dinner Party, you have several do and where they are from. People love
chances to chat with pension industry to talk about themselves, so let them.
peers. While they are sharing their story, at
some point, there will be something you
TEXPERS reached out to Michael connect with.
Simmons, the host and leader of Frisco Don’t monopolize time. Try not to spend
Business Connection, a monthly mixer more than 20 minutes with any individual.
for area professionals, to obtain some You want to meet others. Politely end
networking tips to help you take full conversations, ask for their card, and
advantage of your time at the forum. For express interest in continuing the
Simmons, networking is about building conversation later. After the event, send
relationships, not selling something. each person you met an email telling
them you enjoyed meeting them and
"Networking, for me, is making suggest an opportunity to meet again.
connections with others and Avoid the familiar. It is easy to gravitate
understanding what they offer and who to those that you work with daily. You can
they are looking to be connected with to always talk to your co-workers. So, avoid
help build their business. [Renown hanging out with those that you know and
author, salesman, and motivational seek out people you don’t know.
speaker] Zig Ziglar often said, ‘You will
get all you want in life if you help enough Refer to the forum’s preliminary schedule
other people get what they want.’” printed in this magazine to find out some of
the best opportunities to network.
Simmons runs a financial services
practice through New York Life. “Remember, networking is the fine art of
Networking allows him to form a list of connecting to others that you might be able
professionals he can refer to his clients. to help someday and that might be able to
And when those professionals help his help you someday,” Simmons says.


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