On March 10th of 2006, a baby girl named Ashley Solis was
born at around 1:00 in the afternoon. I was born at the
Torrance Memorial Medical Center and was told I weighed
around 6 or 7 pounds. I was also told that my mother had to
get a c-section done again as she had to as well for my elder
sister. My mom was in the hospital for about 5 days until I
was finally born. According to my mom, I was also breastfed
until I turned 2 years old.
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One important life event of experience that shaped who I am
today was riding my first roller coaster. I was with my cousins
at a fair in . They all were about one year older than me and
thought riding roller coasters was fun. I was the only one
scared of riding them and who refused to ride one with them.
Since it did take a lot of convincing, they decided to ride a
swing attraction that went up and spun around. Eventually after
that, they made me ride an actual roller coaster which I never
planned on riding. I was told to just not think about it because it
would be fun and they were right. Although I was scared at
first, I enjoyed it and had a great time. Now at 13 years old, I
am still slightly scared of a few roller coasters but overall, I like
and learned to enjoy roller coasters.
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Another important event that shaped who I am today was getting my
first phone or phone that I actually wanted. In my 4th and 5th grade
years, many other kids already had their own phones and used them
quite a lot. I would usually stick to using my parents’ phones or
maybe my mom’s Ipad. It wasn’t until near the end of 5th grade that I
actually got my own phone. It was a rose gold Iphone 7, just the one I
had wanted at the time. Soon after this, I started using my phone a lot
as I was able to go on social media and communicate with my friends.
As of now, I have just gotten a brand new phone about 3 months ago
and practically use it 25/8, basically all day and somewhat all night.
Although it is somewhat unhealthy to have that much screen time,
without my phone, there’s nothing else I could really do except finish
homework. I would say my phone is one of my top prized possessions
nowadays. I would feel uncomfortable without it.
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A third life event that pretty much shaped who I am today was
getting my braces. I have had them for quite a bit and
personally, I would say I’ve changed after getting them. Some
things that have changed are the way I laugh or even talk. After
getting braces, I’ve been more insecure and whenever I laugh, I
usually cover my mouth so others wouldn’t see. My smile has
also changed as I don’t really smile as much in front of people
as I used to. Although, when I do smile, it’s without showing
my teeth. My smile has become something I am insecure about,
along with many many other things.
Ashley Solis was born on March 10 of 2006. At the moment, she
is 13 years old and in 8th grade at Stephen White Middle School.
She likes Kpop and was born and raised in Carson, CA and has
been living there ever since. Her elementary school years were
spent at a school called Catskill that is somewhat near where she
lives. Speaking of where she lives, the people she lives with are
her dad, mom, sister, and dog. Ashley has owned many dogs or
pets in her lifetime so far and aspires to own more in the future.
Despite this, she still has no idea of what she wants to be or
where she wants to live in the future. So that is still undecided.
Ashley also barely has any favorites. For example, she has no
favorite food, restaurant, tv show, etc. She does have favorite
colors which would be purple and black :).