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Published by IIUM Press, 2019-10-22 04:09:49

IIUM Press Catalogue 2019




(Company No. 101067-P)
Garden of Knowledge and Virtue





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Women in the House-Leadership in the dipandu dan dibimbing supaya ia tidak diheret ke sana
Malaysian Parliament ke sini hingga terkeluar daripada matlamat serta acuan
kita sendiri. Ini sekali gus meletakkan keyakinan bahawa
Ummu Atiyah Ahmad Zakuan apa juga penilaiannya kelak, FPK masih relevan dan
ISBN : 978-967-491-029-7 sesuai untuk abad ke-21 dalam melangsungkan agenda
Pages : 228 pendidikan negara dan sejagat. Malah ini adalah antara
Price : Forthcoming tujuan utama buku ini, iaitu untuk memberi FPK nafas
Year : 2019 baru sesuai dengan zaman dan keadaan semasa. Untuk
tujuan ini beberapa orang penulis yang pakar dalam bidang
This book examines the masing-masing telah diundang khas agar dapat berkongsi
representation of women in the ilmu serta pengalaman mereka dalam mengemudi FPK ke
Malaysian Parliament with a focus alam baru tanpa mengenepikan sejarah, hikmah dan liku-
on the substantive representation liku yang dialami dalam membentuk dan mencorak FPK
of women in the 10th and 11th sebagai kerangka utama pendidikan negara.
Dewan Rakyat, the lower house of
the Malaysian Parliament. It aims,
in particular, to see whether or not
female MPs acted for women by proposing women-related Spiritual Health Conceptual, Philosophical
issues in the Dewan Rakyat, the female MPs in the forefront and Practical Aspect of Iman Restoration
of representing women are called critical actors. An in depth Therapy
look at who these representatives are and what were the Abdul Latif Abdul Razak
issues they proposed has been carried out through content
analysis of the parliamentary debates. A series of face-to- ISBN : 978-967-491-016-7
face interviews was conducted with these critical actors to Pages : 122
examine what made them critical actors; considering the Price : RM 55.00
factors motivating them to represent women and address Year : 2019
the problems women face. All of these components offer
important insight to explore and understand the substantive This book examines the
representation of women in the Malaysian Parliament. representation of women in the
Experience and gender awareness were found to be the Malaysian Parliament with a focus
major factors that contributed to their effective representation on the substantive representation
of women in the Parliament. Additionally, information of women in the 10th and 11th
and networking appeared to be crucial in facilitating this Dewan Rakyat, the lower house of
process. This book is suitable for both academic and public the Malaysian Parliament. It aims,
reading. In particular, it can be useful for politicians, policy in particular, to see whether or not
makers, academics, practitioners, activists and students of female MPs acted for women by proposing women-related
politics who are interested in understanding about women issues in the Dewan Rakyat, the female MPs in the forefront
representation in the Malaysian parliament. of representing women are called critical actors. An in depth
look at who these representatives are and what were the
issues they proposed has been carried out through content
Pentafsiran Baharu Falsafah Pendidikan analysis of the parliamentary debates. A series of face-to-
Kebangsaan dan Pelaksanaannya Pasca face interviews was conducted with these critical actors to
2020 examine what made them critical actors; considering the
factors motivating them to represent women and address
Dzulkifli Abdul Razak, Rosnani Hashim the problems women face. All of these components offer
ISBN : 978-967-491-028-0 important insight to explore and understand the substantive
(Hard Cover) representation of women in the Malaysian Parliament.
978-967-491-027-3 Experience and gender awareness were found to be the
(Soft Cover) major factors that contributed to their effective representation
Pages : 454 of women in the Parliament. Additionally, information
Price : RM 95.00 (Hard Cover) and networking appeared to be crucial in facilitating this
RM 70.00 (Soft Cover) process. This book is suitable for both academic and public
Year : 2019
reading. In particular, it can be useful for politicians, policy
makers, academics, practitioners, activists and students of
Falsafah Pendidikan Negara
(FPN), dan kemudiannya Falsafah politics who are interested in understanding about women
Pendidikan Kebangsaan (FPK) representation in the Malaysian parliament.
sudah berusia tiga dekad. Dalam
jangkamasa 30 tahun, dunia telah
banyak berubah, sesetengahnya berpaksikan kepada
perkembangan pesat pendidikan tempatan dan sejagat, dan
sebaliknya didesak pula oleh pelbagai pihak, khususnya
industri serta ideologi lain, ke atas dunia pendidikan. Faktor
ini sudah cukup memberi isyarat bahawa pendidikan wajar

Internet Content Regulation Kampung Malays Surviving Modernity
Mahyuddin Daud Abdul Rashid Moten, Mohamed Ridza Wahiddin
ISBN : 978-967-491-014-3
ISBN : 978-967-491-019-8
Pages : 395 Pages : 155
Price : RM 110.00 Price : RM 75.00
Year : 2019 Year : 2019

Internet Content Regulation: Modernization has led to changes
Contemporary Legal and Regulatory in people’s lifestyle and their
Issues in the Changing Digital worldviews. The traditional form
Landscape is written as reference of life was governed by a set of
book for legal and ICT researchers, community-validated patterns
policymakers, practitioners, of behaviour with individuals
academics, and students that intend assuming a relatively fixed role
to deepen their understandings in society. Modernity led to
on how Internet content may be regulated. Although the replacement of communal solidarity with interest
Internet content regulation has been sceptically equated associations. It encourages migration from rural areas to
to censorship, more States have realised that leaving the urban centres and makes people insecure due to the loss
Internet free is no longer safe for various reasons, including of family ties. Malaysia is also affected by its march towards
exposure to content risks online. States and international industrialization and modernization which gave rise to a
community have realised that because of exposure to sizable new middle class. The traditional ways of life of the
content risks online, ethical, moral and religious values Malays have been affected. Nevertheless, the distinctive
of younger generations were in depleting state. However, cultural traits endure over long periods of time albeit with
there is also a need for balance between regulation and the active reinvention and reincorporation of certain traits of
freedom that has posed many legal and regulatory issues modernization. To what extent has modernization changed
and challenges to both regulators and Internet stakeholders. the Malaysian landscape and how much their inhabitants
Hence, this book oers perspectives from both Internet especially the Kampung Malays have embraced this line
freedom advocates against Internet regulation proponents of progress. How has this development impacted the rural
and justies why Internet censorship is deemed necessary to grassroots level individuals? The traditions that survived
face issues resulting from exposure to content risks. It also after these tumultuous changes are the focus of this book
deliberated the self-regulation scheme currently practiced which is based upon a socio-economicand religious survey
in Malaysia and oers provocative insights on how the carried out on selected samples and thus renders it original
scheme can be improved to face the issues and challenges in the empirical sense.
brought by the ever-changing digital landscape of the
Internet. Fikah Kekeluargaan
Mohammad Som Sujimon, Abdul Basir Mohammad
Human Anatomy From The Islamic ISBN : 978-983-2957-92-8
Perspectives Pages : 250
Nurul Asyiqin Yusof, Che Anuar Che Mohamad, Ahmad Nizam Price : RM 30.00
: 2019 (2nd Reprint)
Hassan, Akmal Khuzairy Abd Rahman
ISBN : 978-967-418-485-8 Buku ini dihasilkan melalui
Pages : 91 gemblengan dua orang pensyarah
Price : RM 35.00 yang membuat penyelidikan dalam
Year : 2019 bidang fiqh munakahat atau fikkah
kekeluargaan. Perbincangan
This book is designed to be a quick ditumpukan kepada tajuk-tajuk
revision on the normal anatomy utama yang sering dibincangkan
of various systems namely the dalam bidang tersebut terhadap
cardiovascular, respiratory, undang-undang Islam khususnya secara keseluruhannya.
musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, Diharapkan pendedahan sebegini dapat membantu
reproductive, nervous and urinary. pembaca memahami secara mendalam persoalan yang
Each of the system is discussed berkaitan dengan fikah kekeluargaan. Perbincangan
in their own chapter. Although not berkaitan dengan fikah kekeluargaan ini dibentangkan
exhaustive, the authors have attempted to extract as many dalam lima belas bab, merangkumi tajuk-tajuk pengenalan
quranic verses and hadith from Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. kepada perkahwinan, galakan berumahtangga, rukun
that relate to each system. In addition, each chapter is nikah, kesetaraan, perempuan-perempuan yang haram
presented with contributions from early Muslim physicians dikahwini, maskahwin, nafkah, pembubaran perkahwinan,
and surgeons on the clinical-related knowledge and iddah dan berkabung, rujuk zihar dan ila’, pengasuhan
techniques during the early era. It is hoped that this book anak, beberapa jenis tuntutan harta, status kanak-kanak
could be one of the sources for the integration of science dan konsep nasab. Justeru, buku ini sangat sesuai untuk
and revealed knowledge for future references. dibaca oleh ahli akademik, para pegawai Mahkamah
Syariah, pengkaji undang-undang Islam, pendakwah,
pelajar dan pembaca umum.

A Guide Book on Short Case Examination the court, construction disputes resolution and mediation
in Internal Medicine for Medical in family disputes. Co-authored by three lecturers of the
Undergraduates Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, International Islamic
University Malaysia, Dr. Nora Abdul Hak, Dr. Umar A. Oseni
Muhammad Naimmuddin Abdul Aziz and Dr. Nurah Sabahiah Mohamed, this book is a useful
reference for law students, academicians, practitioners and
ISBN : 978-967-491-022-8
Pages : 276 the general public.
Price : RM 90.00
Year : 2019
History And Theory Of Islamic Architecture
Internal Medicine (IM) is a Spahic Omer
major posting for Bachelor of
medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
undergraduate program of Internal ISBN : 978-967-491-003-7
Islamic University of Malaysia, Pages : 275
MBBS (IIUM). In clinical years, Price : RM 77.00
the examinations for this posting Year : 2019
consists of theory and clinical
examinations. The clinical examinations consist of long and This book intends to fill somewhat
short case examinations. This book is intended to serve the glaring intellectual gap in
as a guide to the techniques and knowledge required for the sphere of authentic Islamic
short case examination in IM posting. Basically, there are architecture. It provides a theoretical
5 main areas that are covered, namely, cardiovascular, or philosophical framework for
respiratory, abdominal, neurological and other examinations studying and teaching Islamic
(covering endocrine and rheumatological examinations). architecture on the basis of some
To familiarise students with the real examination settings, of the most authentic sources
in each clinical scenario, a series of questions are put of Islamic scholarship. Against the backdrop of such a
forth in the sequence of provisional and differential broad framework, various Islamic architecture themes
diagnoses, relevant investigations, final diagnosis (after and dimensions could be more accurately studied and
the main investigation results are revealed), followed by understood. The book is also envisaged as an invitation to
the principles of management. Since, the topics in IM are other researchers and scholars from across the spectrum
very broad and at times seems notoriously complicated for of especially Islamic scholarship to embark on similar
medical undergraduates, this guide book is designed as undertakings and do justice to the fascinating phenomenon
a practical and simple reference. Indeed, it is intended to of Islamic architecture, enriching in the process academic
concisely and comprehensively describe the relevant topics communities and their libraries.
in systematic, consistent and organized manners to help
medical undergraduates to learn effectively during their IM
postings. Importantly speaking, knowledge in basic medical Solar Energy Fundamentals Inverters And
sciences that was taught in the pre-clinical years is crucial for Systems
students to understand this book. Thus, thorough revisions Othman O.Khalifa, Musse Mohamud Ahmed, Sheroz Khan
and understanding of anatomy, physiology, pathology and
many others pre-clinical subjects is vital. Ultimately, this ISBN : 978-967-418-482-7
book requires clinical applications in real practice by the Pages : 122
readers in order for them to gain maximum benefits. Price : RM 55.00
Year : 2019
Comparative Perspective on Alternative Solar energy becomes the most
Dispute Resolution with Reference to promising ways in meeting the
Malaysia increasing energy demands of the
Nora Abdul Hak, Omar A. Oseni, Nurah Sabahiah Mohamed future when conventional energy
sources are being depleted.
ISBN : 978-967-418-3851 Growing interest in solar energy is
Pages : 266 a consequence of the concern to
Price : RM 65.00 identify future sources of energy
Year : 2019 that are inexpensive and eco-friendly. This book focuses on
the contributions of photovoltaic cells. It covers a relevant
This textbook explains various topics so as to get a broad overview on the different aspects
ADR process such as mediation, of Solar Energy, with special emphasis on photovoltaic
arbitration, the role of the which the technology that allows converting energy
ombudsman and expert opinion, transported in light directly into electrical energy. The book
and examines ADR in Islamic Law provides a general factual overview on solar energy as the
such as sulh, tahkim and muhtasib. renewable energy sources of green energy. It is cost-free in
The concept of court annexed producing electricity used by all types of consumers. Solar
mediation and the development energy system components are also introduced. The solar
of its application are also discussed. Other topics include radiation, Photosphere, Astronomical, Irradiance, Inverse
the Arbitration Act 2005 with reference to the powers of Square Law, Irradiance and Irradiation were presented.

It also, covers a thorough insight of Extraterrestrial Solar Programming in C for Foundation
Spectrum and ends on atmospheric effects. The Modelling Noor Hasrina Bakar, Noor Azimah Hassan
of Photovoltaic Energy Conversion Technologies and Solar Mohd Norhaedir Idris & Mahmoud Al-Shawabkeh
Energy Integration to the grid system are introduced. The
book end with a topics relating to Solar Power Inverters and
Converters, the multi-level inverters’ design, topology types ISBN 978-967-418-333-2
Pages : 182
and transformer-based or transformer-less were described. Price : RM 62.00
Year : 2019 (4th Reprint)

Towards An Islamic Curriculum Principles This book on C programming
And Issues language is a comprehensive
Rosnani Hashim tutorial and reference to C based on
the ANSI C standard for beginners.
ISBN : 978-967-491-004-4 The C language is demonstrated
Pages : 319 with numerous examples and
Price : RM 90.00 extensive exercises that guide
Year : 2019 readers through each concept.
Step-by-step of program code reveal the underlying logic of
Many books have been written the programs and include in-depth implementation details.
on the principles of curriculum, its Features in this book include comprehensive programming
foundations, theories, designs, examples and exercises; and an expanded appendix of
practices and issues. However, Numbering System, ASCII Code, and DevC++ tutorial. In
these curriculum foundations and addition, there is more emphasis on variable Data Types,
theories are largely based on which provides the reader with a foundation for working
Western ideas about knowledge with variables and facilitates programming in the problem
whose foundation is liberal and domain. Beginners' programmers alike will benefit from the
secular. Although knowledge has been variously classified numerous examples and extensive exercises developed
by great Muslim scholars, there is a dearth of curriculum to guide readers through each concept. Programcodes
texts based on the Islamic epistemological framework. illuminate the correct usage and syntax of C language
This book was written to fill this vacuum. The first part and reveal the underlying logic of application. The clarity
discusses the principles and philosophical foundations of of exposition and format of the book make it an excellent
an Islamic education curriculum, and then moves on to reference to first step programmers. It is intended for use in
deal with the problems of liberal and secular education, either a foundation level or first year programming course.
focusing specifically on dualistic educational systems
that have beleaguered Muslim nations worldwide. As a Chapter 1, "Introduction to C Programming," presents
resolution, several curriculum models of higher education an overview of the language. After reading this chapter,
are examined. The second part examines the issues with the reader will already be able to describe the program
traditional teaching methods applied in Muslim education in development life cycle and write C code. Chapter 2,
light of globalization. The curriculum of teacher education "Fundamentals of C" gives a thorough introduction to the
and Islamic Studies programs are evaluated. The third part data in C programs. This information will benefit the reader
discusses the necessity of reclaiming Islam’s pragmatism needing to declare assign and initialize data variables. Small
and reviving philosophy and philosophical inquiry in Islamic but useful examples are provided to describe important
education as a prerequisite for the advancement of critical technical points. Chapter 3 has a careful discussion of
and creative thinking. Finally, the fourth part examines in "Control Structures" which is often a mystifying topic for
depth the identity issues affecting Muslims as minorities the beginner. The chapter describes logical and relational
in multicultural settings, and the nature and role of women operations, if-else and switches selection, and the iterations
education vis-à-vis men education. The objectives of the (while, do-while, and for lops). Chapter 4 "Modularity
books will have been attained if readers reach a better using functions" identifies the two types of functions in C
understanding of the principles and issues, and are moved the built-in and user-defined functions. Chapters 5 and
to act and transform Islamic education. ^ cover the application level of C language feature by
feature. Many advanced topics of "Arrays" and "Strings"
are discussed. Search and sort as well as passing arrays
between functions are demonstrated in Chapter 5, the
longest chapter in the book. The use of strings is illustrated
in Chapter 6. The chapter demonstrates the concept of
character and string functions. Since the chapters are self-
contained, the knowledgeable reader can skip to particular
sections as needed.


Divine Revelation as Source of Knowledge Foundation of Islamic Finance
Mohd Shah Jani, Raudlotul Firdaus Fatah Yassin Muhamad Abduh
ISBN : 978-967-491-018-1 ISBN : 978-967-418-415-5
Pages : Forthcoming Pages : 203
Price : Forthcoming Price : RM 40.00
Year : 2019 Year : 2019 (2nd Reprint)

This book is a composition of Foundation of Islamic Finance
many unpublished articles that we addresses some important
have written as lecture notes of discourses on Islamic finance such
an Elective Course, RKQS1030: as ethics in Islamic finance, the
Revelation as Source of Knowledge, hukm of paper money used in the
offered by Department of Qur’ān economy, prohibited elements in
and Sunnah Studies, Kulliyyah of the Islamic economy and business
Islamic Revealed Knowledge and and whatnot. Following the course
Human Sciences. Throughout the years, many have been outline/syllabus of “Foundation of Islamic Finance” which
done to revise the articles including some of the relevant has been taught in Kulliyah of Economics and Management
views raised by the Distinguished Prof. Dr. Tan Sri Mohd. Sciences of International Islamic University Malaysia for
Kamal Hassan, who was the Advisor of CENTRIS, and many years, this book is designed as a text book that could
former rector of IIUM, particularly on fundamental issues help lecturers and students to understand the subject in the
related to the application of Divine Revelations, namely the most effective way.
Qur’ān and Sunnah, as a source of knowledge in our efforts
towards Islamisation of human knowledge and sciences. Indecent Assault Under The Criminal Justice
The book is a humble effort not only to incorporate pertinent System Cases and Commentaries
new findings pertaining to the subject matters covered in
the course, but also to make it a humble contribution in the Mohamad Ismail Mohamad Yunus
realisation of the University’s vision of knowledge.
ISBN : 978-967-418-437-7
Finance For Accounting Students Pages : 136
Price : RM 60.00
Suhaiza Ismail Year : 2019 (2nd Reprint)

ISBN : 978-967-418-439-1 Is it legally correct tosay that
Pages : 258 indecent assault means an
Price : RM 40.00 assault, which has an element of
Year : 2019 (2nd Reprint) indecency? According to Gibson,
in the celebrated case of R.v. Court
Finance for Accounting Students (1987) 84 Cr. App. R. 210, (CA),
covers fundamental finance indecent assault means an assault
concepts as well as corporate accompanied by circumstances
finance topics. This book comprises of indecency on the part of the defendant towards the
of three parts with eleven chapters. complainant, and ‘indecent’ has been defined as overtly
The chapters include an overview sexual. What has the prosecution got to do to prove to
to finance, time value of money, establish the defendant’s guilt on this charge of indecent
risk and return, stock and bond assault? It is said that they must prove two things. Firstly,
valuations, cost of capital, cash flow estimation, long-term that the defendant’s conduct was such that it would
capital budgeting, working capital management, capital appear to an ordinary observer as an affront to modestly;
structure and leverage and dividend policy. This book is conduct, which contravenes right-thinking people’s ideas
expected to benefit students as it provides concise and of standards of decent behaviour. Secondly, that the
reader-friendly explanation of each concept and topic. defendant had an indecent intention in doing what he did.
More importantly, this book provides several problem based However, in Malaysia, under section 354 of the Malaysian
questions with suggested answer schemes at the end of Penal Code, the term “indecent assault”. The question is,
each chapter for the students to practice in order to acquire do the above legal requirements, which were laid down in
the skill of solving problem based questions. R.v. Court need to be fulfilled as the essential ingredients
under section 354 of the Malaysian Penal Code?


Islamic Banking (Reprint) Islamic Ethics and Character Building
Hassanudden Abdul Aziz Fatimah Abdullah
ISBN : 978-967-5272-48-6 ISBN : 978-967-418-325-7
Pages : Forthcoming Pages : 207
Price : Forthcoming Price : RM 60.00
Year : 2019 (Reprint) Year : 2019 (Reprint)

Islamic Banking is designed to The present book attempts to
provide an introduction to Islamic present Islamic ethics first from
banking and finance for students at its multifaceted nature; ethics
universities and similar tertiary as akhlaq is presented from the
institutions. This book also a source psychological, educational and
of general understanding of the spiritual aspects and every bit
concept of Islamic banking and of character building or ethic is
finance and it will be beneficent supported by pertinent verses of
not only for students but also for the laymen. I believe that the Holy Qur'an, the stories of the Prophets and the sirah
the approach to Islamic banking and finance taken in this and shama'il of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
book will provide a solid foundation towards understanding Second, an effort is made to present Islamic ethics from the
the concept of Islamic finance. An effort has been made to practical and modern angles. To enliven the discipline we
provide an overview of the principles of Islamic commercial have relied on Tasawwuf area that have been neglected by
law in business and Islamic financial dealings. This book earlier researchers. In fact most of the early sufi scholars
has been written with the objective of conveying an such as al-Ghazali, al-Mu'asibi and al-Balkhi were Islamic
understanding of Islamic banking and finance, without psychologists who did their best to spiritually invigorate their
introducing unnecessary technical terminology and disciples and refine their character. This approach of Sufi
procedures. It was written to develop a clear understanding ethics or Tasawwuf with its self-introspection in nature will
of the prohibition of Riba, the instruments of products serve as underpinning of individual and societal wellbeing
offered by Islamic banks, the contemporary approaches and and mental health that conditioned the development and
practices across banks worldwide, and the challenges and prosperity of the ummah.
future prospects of Islamic banking. As in the conventional
banking system, the Islamic banking system also has its
sources of funds and various forms of applying these funds Islamization of Modern Science and Its
in order to generate reasonable profits and maximixe its Philosophy: A Contemporary Civilization
shareholders’ wealth. Students will be able to appreciate
and acknowledge the inherent equity of Islamic principles Discourse
towards commercial and financial transactions. Needles Muhammad Mumtaz Ali
to say, it is our responsibility to educate and enlighten the ISBN : 978-967-418-436-0
younger generation about the veracity and authenticity of Pages : 245
Islamic ideologies and the undeniable fact that Islam is a Price : Forthcoming
complete way of life. The establishment of the institution of Year : 2019 (Reprint)
Islamic Banking and Finance and its continual successful
growth during the last four decades had proved beyond Dr. Mumtaz Ali’s book is a wide-
doubt that Muslims around the world can successfully ranging survey of the history and
develop a sound financial system without relying on the development of science. He shows
Western financial system. However, the challenges and the unprecedented and seminal role
problems that the Islamic banking system are facing are of the Qur’an upon human thought
discussed in this book to help the students appreciate the and the enormous methodological
inherent complications associated with economics in every debt modern western science
business environment. owes to truth-based science’s
contribution to thehuman intellectual heritage. Just as
importantly, he makes it clear that, despite claimsto
neutrality and objectivity, modern Western science, like all
human activities reflects the modern Western assumptions
of its practitioners. Hence, he calls that science ‘modern
Western science’ which, he argues, is based on a false view
of life and the world. He advocates for the revival of that
truth-based science. Since truth-based science had fallen
into a deathlike coma, there has been no one to challenge
those assumptions until recently. Dr. Ali strives to sketch
the unique characteristics of truth-based science that can
help provide an alternative to modern Western science
that dominates scientific endeavours in the modern world.
Hence, he defines Islamization of modern Western science
and its philosophy.

Issues in Islamization of Human Knowledge implementation ofthe role of the Constitutional Court which
Muhammad Mumtaz Ali has been established and designed as the guardian and
the sole interpreter of the Constitution and to realize the
ISBN : 978-967-418-314-1 ideal state based on the rule of law and democracy. It is
Pages : 198 viewed that the amendment of the 1945 Constitution post
Price : RM 55.00 Reformasi has led to clearer constitutional principles and
Year : 2019
democratic state principles based on the rule of law. The fact
that Indonesia has successfully conducted peaceful general
The issue of Islamization of Human
Knowledge is not only a typical elections in 1999, 2004 and 2009 with the assistance of
one but has held a marked appeal the Constitutional Court proved the fundamental role of
for scholars and students within constitutional adjudication in the democratic process of a
both Islamic education centers country.
and higher institutions of learning
across the world. And yet, despite
the extant literature on this issue, The Law on Domestic Violence in Malaysia
it still remains a topic that is felt to Daleleer Kaur Randawar, Najibah Mohd Zin
require further attention. This book aims to make a sincere
contribution to this current discourse by expounding on ISBN : 978-967-418-483-4
and organising central themes, inherent within the field Pages : 202
Price : RM 45.00
of Islamization of Human Knowledge, that were hitherto Year : 2019
scattered. It is, thus, the first of its kind. One significant
argument of this project is that the rise and fall of any nation The Law on Domestic Violence in
is commensurate with a like rise and fall of its intellectual Malaysia discusses on domestic
development. In addition, the author has presented violence related to Muslims and
Islamization of Human Knowledge as a universal and non-Muslims in Malaysia which is
people - oriented perspective and asserted that it should not generally based on the Domestic
be perceived as a mere religious and parochial discourse. Violence Act 1994 and several
Whilst a central theme of this book is on the concept of other supplementary statutes. With
methodology of Islamization of Human Knowledge, it does the changes in the law in this area,
this through the intellectual discourse of four contemporary it is important that the book reflects
thinkers whocould be considered to be ideologues in this the latest amendments and developments, whether they
field. They are Kamal Hassan, Syed Muhammad Naquib be statutory or case law. This book clearly explains the
al-Attas, Ismail al-Farūqi, and AbduHamid Abu Sulayman. legal principles governing Domestic Violence in providing
protection towards the victims. Reference is also made to
Democratic Transition & Constitutional other related legislation pertaining to domestic violence
Justice which impact on the functioning of family law. The analysis
and the discussion provided by the authors will assist
Iwan Satriawan, Khairil Azmin Mokhtar readers to grasp the basic as well as the more intricate
aspects of domestic violence. Comparison with certain
ISBN : 978-967-491-031-0
Pages : 209 selected jurisdiction is made to provide an insight and
Price : Forthcoming suggest necessary reforms to suit the modernization of
Year : 2019 communities and the changing society. The book intends
to provide invaluable resource for scholars, students,
The fall of New Order Regime researchers and practitioners regarding the law on domestic
under President Suharto saw violence in Malaysia and some selected jurisdictions.
the emergence of Reformasi
(Reformation) and the beginning
of various institutional and
governmental changes done in the
pursuit of democracy in Indonesia.
Constitutional justice is fundamental
to the success of democratic
transition in the country. One of the results democratic
reform and constitutional changes after Reformasi in 1998
is the establishment of the Constitutional Court of the
Republic of Indonesia. This research aims to seek the role of
constitutional adjudication during the process of democratic
transition in Indonesia generally, and in particular to
evaluate the achievements of the Constitutional Court and
the problems face by it during the period of ‘democratic
consolidation’ post Reformasi era. This is a doctrinal legal
research and applied law which examines the concept and


Al-Quran Al-Karim: Terjemahan

Yayasan Restu

ISBN : 978-967-5296-06-2
Pages : 604
Price : RM 120.00
Year : 2017

The Holy Qur’an Text and

Yayasan Restu

ISBN : 978-983-40229-9-0
Pages : 797
Price : RM 100.00
Year : 2008


use their constitutions to perform functions in the political by its underlying humanistic assumptions about humans
system that are much more than mundane and normative which are anathema to the Islamic concept of human
in nature. beings as bond-servants and vicegerents of God on earth.
Accordingly, its reconcilability with Islam in general and
The book shows that party constitutions are active with Shari`ah in particular is a divisive issue among Muslim
documents with which political parties respond to challenges thinkers. Approaches range from vehement rejection to
of inter-party rivalry that subsists in multi-party democracies; liberal treatment even to the extent of compromising fixed
internal conflict which is ever-present in complex political parts of Islamic law. A middle of the road approach within the
organizations; ideological orientation as a means of self- framework of Islamic legal methodology of harmonization is
differentiation in the political system; legitimating party still in the making. It is with this agenda in perspective that
decisions; and, of course, party laws that require political the authors of this book have engaged on various topical
parties to adopt constitutions as one of the pre-conditions issues on the subject.
for registration. The book demonstrates that differences in
how political parties frame their constitutions depend on a Muslim Women Promoting Peace
number of variables – the interests of their founders; their
electoral successes; their respective ages; their historical Zaleha Kamaruddin, Abdul Rashid Moten
experiences; and party laws that condition their perception ISBN 978-967-418-448-3 (Soft Bound)
of their environment and the challenges intrinsic to that Price : RM 90.00
environment. ISBN 928-967-418-449-0 (Hard Cover)
Price : RM 120.00
Pages : 190
Leadership and Management Skills Year : 2016
Rodrigue A.H. Fontaine
Despite a general world interest in
ISBN 978-967-418-425-4 the relationship between women,
Pages : 168 peace, and Islam, few books have
Price : RM 55.00 been dedicated to Muslim women
Year : 2016 who aspire to change the world for
the betterment of Muslim women
This book is the summary of his 15 who organized and mobilized in the pursuit of peace. Their
years of experience. Leadership engagement is persistent and profound. Most Muslim
and management skills can be Women understand the essence of the Islamic paradigm,
learned. However, it doesn't happen the concept of tawhid, the Oneness of God, and believe
by accident. This book offers a that Allah (SWT) created human beings (men and women)
simple process to do so. First, one to worship and serve Him as khalifahs, vicegerents of Allah
must be involved in a semester long (SWT). Their perspective and potential contributions are
project that pushes you outside left untapped which tantamount to silencing their voices in
your comfort zone. Second, it requires keeping a journal the pursuit of sustained peace and prosperity. This study
and reflecting on the journey. Once readers become familiar examines the role played by Muslim women in promoting
with this process, developing leadership and management sustainable peace as required in Islam.
skills is a question of time and effort.
The Strategic Leadership Fundamentals for
Issues on Harmonization of Human Rights Schools: A Global and Islamic Perspective
in Islam Hairuddin Mohamad Ali

Edited by: Sayed Sikandar Shah Haneef, Najibah Mohd Zin
& Mek Wok Mahmud ISBN 978-967-418-367-7
ISBN 978-967-418-418-6 A Global and Islamic Perspective FUNDAMENTALS Price : RM 40.00
for Schools
Pages : 281 Leading a strategically focused school in practical isn’t that easy due to the needs of mastering the for Schools Year : 2016
strategic leadership skills. However, based on literature, Strategic Leadership in Education is a learnable
for every educational leadership fraternity. Therefore, this small book offers what strategic leadership
characteristics are exactly important to the school leaders.
Price : RM 69.00 This book contains ten chapters with the theoretical background is discussed and outlined in first chapter. A Global and Islamic Perspective
In pursuance are nine more chapters where each and every individual chapter are discussing on every
dimension of strategic leadership in education theory….

Organisational Capability: strategic orientation of leadership
Organisational Capability: strategic translation of leadership

Organisational Capability:strategic alignment of leadership

Year : 2016 • • • • Organisational Capability: strategic intervention and interaction point of leadership Leading a strategically focused
Organisational Capability: strategic competence of leadership
Individual characteristics of leadership: restlessness
Individual characteristics of leadership: absorptive
• • Individual characteristics of leadership: adaptive
Individual characteristics of leadership: leadership wisdom
In the appendix, attached a paper of a study in strategic leadership in education that strengthened the
theory as well as enriching the present literature.
Discover and explore your strategic leadership potential in this important book. school in practical isn’t that easy
The question Professor Dr. Hairuddin bin Mohd Ali obtained his professional teacher qualification (Cert. Ed.) in Hairuddin Mohd Ali
1972 and Bachelor of Economics (Hons.) from UKM in 1979. Starting from a subject teacher, he was
promoted to Deputy Principal and finally as a School Principal in 1992 to 1994. Then he secured a
scholarship and pursue his study and qualified for a Master of Science (Management) from UUM. Since
then he was assigned as educational management and leadership lecturer in Institut Aminuddin Baki
(IAB), Ministry of Education Malaysia (MOEM). In IAB, he was given several important tasks and due to the needs of mastering
responsibilities to lead several teams for the MOEM such as Oversea Training for Cluster School
between Islam and human rights s the strategic leadership skills.
Principals and Educational Leaders. He was once represented IAB and MOEM to deal with the
educational leaders from King’s College London (KCL) about the possibility of sending several groups of
Malaysian school principals to undergo short course over there. While in IAB, Dr. Hairuddin managed to
qualify his PhD (Service Marketing). His last and final post in IAB before leaving for IIUM was as Head
of Centre, The Centre for Mentoring and Consultancy. While in IIUM, Dr. Hairuddin was promoted to
Associate Professor, Head of Department, The Department of Social Foundation and Educational
is one of the most debatable issues However, based on literature,
Leadership and finally promoted to a full professor in May 2016. His area of interest in IIUM are
“Educational Management and Leadership, Strategic Management and Leadership in Education,
Quality Management in Education and Marketing Management”. His academic works are in the
form of academic articles for journals, academic books and book sections other than research.
in contemporary discourse among Strategic Leadership in Education
ISBN 978-967-418-338-7
IIUM Press
Muslim academics. At the root of IIUM Press IIUM is a learnable for every educational
Tel : +603 6196 5014 / 6196 5004
Fax : +603 6196 4862 / 6196 6298
Email : [email protected]
Website :
9 789674 183387
the controversy lies the question leadership fraternity. Therefore, this
about the legitimacy of such an small book offers what strategic leadership characteristics
academic engagement. This is are exactly important to the school leaders. This book
primarily because the common perception is that the notion contains ten chapters with the theoretical background
of human rights as embodied in Universal Declaration of is discussed and outlined in first chapter. In pursuance
Human Rights and its supplementary documents is bound are nine more chapters where each and every individual

chapter are discussing on every dimension of strategic Good Governance: A Critical Introduction
leadership in education theory Maszlee Malik
• Organisational Capability: strategic orientation of
leadership ISBN 978-967-418-374-5
• Organisational Capability: strategic translation of Pages : 105
leadership Price : RM 45.00
• Organisational Capability: strategic alignment of Year : 2015
• Organisational Capability: strategic intervention and Governance is both a very new and
interaction point of leadership very old subject in political science.
• Organisational Capability: strategic competence of It marks a return to the conception
leadership of political study organized around
• Individual characteristics of leadership: restlessness • key words like constitution,
Individual characteristics of leadership: absorptive government, polity, politics and
• Individual characteristics of leadership: adaptive other related themes. While ‘Good
• Individual characteristics of leadership: leadership Governance’ agenda as introduced
wisdom by Bretton Woods’ institutions according to the Washington
Consensus is a result of conventional developmental
In the appendix, attached a paper of a study in strategic theories, and represents the contemporary kernel of truth
leadership in education that strengthened the theory as well on how to develop. This small book aims to bring to the
as enriching the present literature. Discover and explore readers a general conceptual idea of Good Governance as
your strategic leadership potential in this important book. part of Washington Consensus products and to understand
critics launched against it from different point of views. This
small effort is dedicated to the beginners who are trying
Applications of Wasatiyyah in Contemporary to understand the basic idea of Good Governance from a
Muslim World holistic point of view and from its bigger picture.
Edited by: Ahmad F. Yousif
Good Governance: Civil Society and Islam
ISBN 978-967-418-346-2
Pages : 137 Maszlee Malik
Price : RM 80.00
Year : 2015 ISBN 978-967-418-375-2
Pages : 125
Price : RM 45.00
Islam is a religion of peace and Year : 2015
moderation, which encourages
Muslims to avoid extravagance and In post-modern times, there has
excess. The Qur'an addresses the been much empirical evidence to
Muslim community as an ummah indicate that religions and faiths
that is ‘justly balanced’. Muslims, play a pro-active role in the field of
whether in Malaysia or elsewhere, civil society but more importantly
have been advised to live their entire in the development of societies,
life balancing spiritual and materialistic affairs. While they which is a major factor in political
must focus on religious duties, they are also warned not to and economic development of a
neglect worldly affairs. Even when it comes to performing country, as well as its governance. Hence, explorations of
good deeds, Muslims are encouraged to pursue a path religion and faith to develop an alternative notion of ‘good
of moderation. Today, the absolute majority of Muslims governance’ from ‘other’s’ worldview are also necessary.
believe that the Prophet’s authentic words, actions, and This book is an attempt to explore how Islam could play its
practices serve only to further endorse the fact that Islam functional role to create a sustainable governance concept
seeks the middle-path and frowns upon any extremism or based on values and ethics. It will look into the feasibility
fanaticism. On numerous occasions, Muhammad (pbuh) of some Islamic concepts that relates to governance, and
stressed the fact that religion should be a matter of ease how it fits into the framework of the modern day notion of
and not hardship for the people. The Prophet applied this ‘good governance’ through the realm of citizen politics,
philosophy to his own lifestyle as well. civil societies and NGOs. Readers will be introduced to
some Islamic philosophical concepts derived from Islamic
epistemology such as Tawhid, Amanah, Islah and others
that will be explained in modern framework of good
governance, to explore the viability of the relation between
religion and governance.


Malaysian Adolescents: Cognition and Understanding Sociological Issues:
Psychosocial Conceptualizing the Diversities
Editors: Lihanna Borhan, Fatimah Hashim & Juliana Othman Editor: A.H.M Zehadul Karim
ISBN 978-967-418-295-3 ISBN 978-967-418-123-9
Pages : 129 Pages : 236
Price : RM 57.00 Price : RM 60.00
Year : 2014 Year : 2014

The changing world also means the Understanding Sociological Issues:
changing of adolescent experiences. Conceptualizing the Diversities
Adolescents today face different is an attempt to incorporate a
challenges and struggles than number of existing societal issues
adolescents a few decades back. which seem to be sociologically
Hence, those adults working with significant and empirically relevant.
contemporary adolescents need to The topics chosen for this book thus
constantly update their knowledge contain some prolific discussion in
adn to be aware of the issues facing adolescents today. the contemporary sociological discourse. Prudentially,
The external issues may be easily gleaned by scanning the mode is a new venture to make the discipline useful
the media, but to be informed of the internal psychosocial to researches focusing on a few contemporary thematic
world of the adolescents, we need to go to the source - the issues based on diversities; this book serves to disentangle
adolescents themselves. This book provides exactly that - strands of thinking in an integral manifestation. The book
a look inside the thought and the psychological processes begins with a critical thinking of theoretical sociology
of Malaysian adolescents. gathering experts from various as it has been revealed in the Islamic perspective which
fields, this book presents data from a nationwide study is followed by another more or less sequential paper on
involving more than 4000 adolescents. The presentation is poverty and resource inequality that prevail among the
done in such a way as to make the information available Muslim nations. Gender issues have also been dealt
to anyone interested in any of the issues presented while with significant importance by including two papers in
not compromising on the integrity of the data. The rich this volume. An important and significantly inquisitive
empirical data presented in this book will be valuable to chapter on menopausal symptoms highlights the preferred
those seeking to find empirical evidence to back their work menopausal treatment techniques among the urban Malay
with contemporary adolescents. women from a medical and anthropological perspective. A
chpter on the reemergence of plantation-agriculture gives
clear indication that although plantation agriculture has
An Introduction to Malay Manuscript been reemerging to make some sort of transformation in
Wan Ali Wan Mamat the agrarian sector, in reality, it does not help the poor as
expected. The book also contains papers on social network,
ISBN 978-967-418-315-8 urban issues, social media and statutory rape as well as the
Pages : 158 work performances and socio-cultural adaptability of the
Price : RM 50.00 Bangladeshi migrant workers. This book has brought a new
Year : 2014 diversion in the field of sociological research. Students and
researchers in Sociology will undoubtedly find it useful for
Malay manuscripts are often said their future academic perseverance.
as records of intellectual and
cultural development and writing
practices of Malay people. It is ARCHITECTURE, URBAN PLANNING &
the product of transmission and QUANTITY SURVEYS
achievement of Malay civilization
over generations. In the past,
studies on Malay manuscripts have Malaysian Parks and Landscape Design
been concentrated very much on contents or intellectual Nurhayati Abdul Malek
perspectives in a manuscript but very little on physical,
cultural or writing tradition of manuscripts. A study on the ISBN 978-967-418-416-2
contents of a Malay manuscript would be more informative Pages : 126
if some information on writing and book making practices Price : RM75.00
of the manuscripts concerned are explained. This book Year : 2016
focuses on physical or cultural perspectives in Malay
writing tradition and book making like writing material used, Malaysian Parks and
preparation of paper surface for writing and its general look, Landscape Design is a
Malay handwriting and its development, the Jawi script, book discussing on topics
author and authorship etc. I hope this book will generate regarding the parks and
more interest to Malay manuscripts and Malay writing landscape design focusing on Malaysia with some review
traditions. from other countries such as Indonesia, China, Thailand
and India. It is a compilation of landscape parks and design
that are currently available in Malaysia with brief history

on the background of the landscape parks and design explains of trees behavior. The preparation of the book
in Malaysia. With the production of this book, it is hope grew out of the need to elaborate to the students about plant
that the book could be one of useful reference for people materials and selection. Most of these students will use it as
especially students related to Landscape Architecture field a text book especially in landscape architecture field. Other
in Malaysia. background who will benefits from this book include an
architect, planner, owner of nursery, researcher and public
Cost and Contract Administration in people in understanding deeply about trees characteristics
and behavior. There is no doubt that even people with some
Construction: Divine Perspectives basic of knowledge about trees will be also to make use this
Edited by: Mohd. Fairullazi Ayob & Mohd Shariffuddin Ibrahim book as guide in landscape design project and identification
of trees on nursery before transfer to site project.
ISBN 978-967-418-426-1
Pages : 167
Price : RM 60.00 Spatial Decision Support For Urban And
Year : 2016
Environmental Planning: A Collection of
This book is a compilation of 9 Case Studies
selected papers that separated into Edited by: Davide Geneletti, Alias Abdullah
two parts, i.e. Part 1- Construction & Norzailawati Mohd Noor
Contract, and Part 2- Contract
Administration. Each part reflects ISBN 978-967-418-419-3
the focus and contents of the paper Pages : 237
that address some of the current Price : RM60.00
issues in the building construction. Year : 2016

The first part of this book presents selected topics on In the last decade, planners around
the development of life cycle cost (LCC) as an economic the world have begun to develop
assessment technique and other aspects of cost control for and use spatial decision support
building projects in the construction industry. These selected systems (SDSS) and planning
topics enlighten the important and how the building owners support systems (PSS) in their
and clients can think holistically and act wisely to identify professional work. These tools
potential cost saving and to achieve the best value for combine spatial and non-spatial
money on the investment made on the building throughout data with models for determining the
anticipated life span. implications of alternative policy choices and visualisation
tools for displaying results in easily understandable formats.
The second part of this book presents selected topics on This book presents a collection of case studies that illustrate
shari’ah compliance with regard to the subject matter and the use of spatial information and GIS in combination with a
mediation in construction contract. These selected topics number of decision support methods and techniques, such
articulate the overall view of the concept, characteristic, as multicriteria evaluation, linear programming, SWOT
processes and procedures of shari’ah compliant (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats)
construction contract and its contemporary issues in the analysis, and simulation models. The case studies deal with
Malaysian construction industry. These selected topics a broad range of planning problems: strategic environmental
also presents the resemblances and differences between assessment, urban poverty monitoring, protected area
shari’ah compliant and conventional with regard to design, land use planning at municipal and national level,
construction contract in the Malaysian construction industry. health risk assessment, and land suitability analysis.
The chapters in this book bring together applications
in very different contexts from Europe, Southeast Asia
Landscape Plantarum in Islamic Built and Latin America, illustrating the power that today's
Environment decision and planning support tools are providing urban
Rashidi Othman, Qurratu Aini Mat Ali, and environmental planners the world over. This book is
essential reading for all students and researchers, as well
Farah Ayuni Mohd Hatta & Razanah Ramya
as practitioners and decision makers, who are involved in
ISBN 978-967-418-408-7 urban and environmental planning and management.
Pages : 233
Price : RM70.00
Year : 2016

This book is an attempt to compile
information theories and clear
illustration on trees which is almost
100 species of trees with different
families. It highlights the trees
anatomy, texture, characteristics,
color and structure as well as

Planning For A Place: From Conceptual To Malaysia Case Studies of Urban and
Masterplan Regional Planning
Mariana Mohamed Osman et al. Edited by: Mariana Mohamed Osman, Rustam Khairi Zahari &
Syahriah Bachok
ISBN 978-967-418-339-4
Pages : 103 ISBN 978-967-418-328-8
Price : RM 62.00 Pages : 179
This book was compiled based on the project done by student of Urban and Regional Planning, Kulliyyah of Architecture
and Environmental Design. The book comprises several layouts and master plans for the Gombak Riverfront project along
Klang River. Proposals in this book would de nitely promote better understanding on current issues, new ideas and concepts
that a ect the future development growth. It is hoped that this book provides a better insight to all readers of the roles of Sungai Klang Year : 2016 Price : RM 50.00
town planner and as references for future development.
MARIANA MOHAMED OSMAN MRTPI, APPM , is an Associate Professor at the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Kulliyyah of
About the Editors
Architecture and Environmental Design, International Islamic University Malaysia. She is a chartered member of the Royal TownPlanning Institute
since 2001 and a Corporate member for Malaysia Board of Town Planner and previously work as Town Planner in private practice in Malaysia and FROM CONCEPTUAL TO MASTERPLAN
as a Town Planning o cer in Wolverhamton City Council in the UK, prior to joining the International Islamic University Malaysia in August 2001. Dr
Mariana is passionate about urban planning practices which she involved in various research and consultancy works such as the study on the The Selected Example of Student Works Year : 2015
legalization of illegal factories in Selangor commissioned by Selangor Land and Mine O ce, team leader in the preparation of a master plan for Sungai Gombak
U19 and U5 Shah Alam commissioned by MBSA and MPSelayang, team member in the preparation of a master plan for new International Islamic
University in Afghanistan and Deputy Team Leader for Bako Peninsula Masterplan Study 2015-2030. Dr. Mariana has authored, co-authored, and
edited books on urban planning and practices, community and social planning, housing, tourism and transportation planning. She is currently
appointed as Expert Panel for Social and Government Research Area by Institut Darul Ridzuan (IDR), a Think Tank for the State of Perak.
RUSTAM KHAIRI ZAHARI is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at the Kulliyyah (Faculty) of Architecture and This book was compiled based on
Environmental Design, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). He is presently IIUM’s Director of Development Division since 2014 and
responsible in the planning and implementation of university’s various physical ventures. His academic experience includes teaching Urban
Management, Planning & Disaster Management, Comparative Urban Planning Systems, as well as supervising studio projects and postgraduate
students. Dr. Rustam’s interest in research covers the areas of urban planning curriculum, township development, vulnerable communities,
sustainable housing and green building technology.
SYAHRIAH BACHOK is an associate professor at Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design in IIUM. She graduated with a Master of Science the project done by student of Urban Malaysia Case Studies of Urban
in Transportation Planning from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and later completed her doctoral studies in Transportation Planning from
University of South Australia. Her area of specialization include: Transportation planning, logistic and transportation, tra c planning and
management, passenger behavior and behavior modelling. Her current research interests are public transportation information systems,
travellers' behaviours, pedestrianisation schemes and transport and infrastructure provision for the tourists. Her chapter contribution re ects the
key research activities and ndings, mostly derived from the engagement and undertakings pertinent to the her beloved research subject matters.
MOHD ZIN MOHAMED is an Associate Professor in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning under the Kulliyah of Architecture and and Regional Planning, Kulliyah and Regional Planning is another
Environmental Design at the International Islamic University Malaysia. Trained as urban planner, he has a Masters’ Degree in Urban Planning from
the University of Wisconsin – Madison, USA and Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Birmingham, UK in the eld of urban and regional
studies. He was with the Malaysian Civil Services for nearly a period of 25 years and joined the academia in 2000. He has taught public
administration, local government, urban planning and management and community development in a number of universities in Malaysia and
Brunei. Over the years as a civil servant and now an academician, he has done a lot of teaching, research, publications and consultancy works in
the eld of public administration, local government, strategic planning, community development and public sector reforms commissioned by Editors:
national agencies and international bodies such as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Economic and Social Mariana Mohamed Osman
Commission for Asia and the Paci c (ESCAP) and the International Union of Local Authorities (IULA) . Aside his current focus on core areas of his of Architecture and Environmental continued effort by academicians
teaching and research on urban planning and management and public administration, he has undertaken a number of studies and consultancy Rustam Khairi Zahari
works on rural development, housing and public sector management and reform too. Syahriah Bachok
Mohd. Zin Mohamed
ISBN 978-967-418-371-4
IIUM Press
Tel : +603 6196 5014 / 6196 5004
Fax : +603 6196 4862 / 6196 6298
Email : [email protected]
Website : IIUM Press Design. The book comprises from the Kulliyyah of Architecture
9 789674 183714 IIUM Press
several layouts and master plans and Environmental Design
for the Gombak Riverfront project (KAED) of the International Islamic
along Klang River. Proposals in University Malaysia (IIUM) in
this book would definitely promote better understanding on sharing their research outputs with
current issues, new ideas and concepts that affect the future the decision-makers, practitioners, stakeholders, students
development growth. It is hoped that this book provides a of built environment as well as interested members of the
better insight to all readers of the roles of town planner and public. Cities in Malaysia are increasingly faced by ever
as references for future development. changing development. Nowadays, the concept of urban
and urbanism in regards to problems such as increasing
population, multiplicity in number of cities, air and noise
Urban Public Space in Kuala Lumpur pollution and traffic jams evolved in deep variation and
Edited by: Mazlina Mansor, Khalilah Zakariya & changes. It is obvious that rapid changes in physical and
Nor Zalina Harun economic development joint with social changes will have
an influence on live dynamic of cities.
ISBN 978-967-418-373-8
Pages : 101 Sustainability approach to city planning for development in
Price : RM 40.00
Year : 2015 Malaysia is expected to encounter many issues extending
from the provision and location of various public facilities
This book explains the characteristic to resolving transport and environment related problems
and the importance of public places including legal issues and also food security for city
in a city. The contents consist of residents. To promote sustainable city, the initiatives merged
a collection of writings on urban with community development together with physical design
public spaces in Malaysia, as without compromising the future needs as sustainable city
well as taking examples of Kuala is a city based on patterns of production and consumption
Lumpur as a specific city to present that can be pursued into the future without degrading the
the stories. The book tells stories human or natural environment.
of urban places in Kuala Lumpur and users’ experiences
that shape the public places as they are today. The Cities planning and Urban studies is very broad based
objectives are to explain ideas about the characteristics subject that covers technical and political process
of the public places and the ways users utilize the spaces concerned with the control of the use of land and design
and obtain meaningful experience. The stories are weaved of the urban environment, including transportation
from the experience, interaction and transaction that city networks, to guide and ensure the orderly development of
residents and visitors exchange in the public places. The settlement and communities. The wide ranging topics in
interrelationship between users and spaces therefore this Book reflect the various dimensions of cities and urban
shapes many characteristics of the places in the city. The planning that is holistic and comprehensive. One of the
chapters in the book capture the essence and experience key objectives of this Book is to provide a platform for town
of public places in Malaysia in general, and the city of Kuala planners to share new ideas and experiences on cities and
Lumpur, in specific. They explain the attributes associated urban planning. This edited book has addressed the above
with the experience of the urban public space. The contents mentioned sustainable planning issues and challenges in
are intended to highlight different types of public space in the Malaysian cities in the ten chapters that it contains.
Kuala Lumpur and in Malaysian urban environment. The
book focuses on several public spaces, namely green open
space, recreational parks, padang, street markets and
sidewalks, which become essential places in city residents’
life and give memorable experience for visitors. In addition,
the book also identifies pertinent issues that must be looked
into for future planning, design and management of urban
public places. All in all, this book will bring benefits to many
individuals and that it will add to the knowledge pool on
the built environment, particularly in the fields of landscape
architecture, urban design and environmental studies.

Methodologies in Architectural Research Aesthetic In Built Environment: Reconciling
Edited by: Noor Aziah Mohd Ariffin, Md. Mizanur Rashid Culture Sustainability and Ecology
& Nurul Hamiruddin Salleh Edited by: Jamilah Othman
ISBN 978-967-418-331-8 ISBN 978-967-418-330-1
Pages : 167 Pages : 193
Price : RM 60.00 Price : RM 60.00
Year : 2015 Year : 2015
This book is intended to appeal Culture, sustainability and ecology
to people interested in doing are among the important issues that
research in architecture and the the contributors of this book thought
built environment Being both worthwhile to explore. In the
comprehensive and could act as discipline of built environment, the
an entry level point into the world reconciling of the issues observed
of research in architecture, this to implicate aesthetics visually and
book targets primarily, final year philosophically. Perhaps, among the
undergraduate and post graduate students and anybody laymen, aesthetics is not a popular word used to describe
interested in doing research in these field. Through the beauty of an object.
topics covered in the book varied methods researches
were introduced to, perhaps, whet the interests of budding
researchers as how to conduct their impending issues and The Life of Place: Spaces, Places and
questions yet unanswered. Narratives
Edited by: Khalilah Zakariya, Nor Zalina Harun,
Architecture and Society : Some Lessons on Nurhayati Abdul Malek & Mazlina Mansor
Muslim Architecture from India ISBN 978-967-418-332-5
Spahic Omer Pages : 131
Price : RM 50.00
ISBN 978-967-418-402-5 Year : 2015
Pages : 158
Price : RM 50.00 The book is a collection of selected
Year : 2015 case studies predominantly in
Malaysia and an international
This book deals with the subject of case study in New Zealand that
the relationship between Muslim examines people’s experiences in
architecture and society and public spaces. The public spaces
how they influence each other, gathered in this book include street
taking some social and historical markets, parks, historical sites,
segments of complex Indian society open spaces, coastal areas and cities. Written from the
as a case study. The book consists perspective of people’s experiences and responses towards
of three independent studies which the selected public spaces, the aim of the book is to share
cover three vital aspects of Muslim architecture, especially their narratives as users, as a way of guiding designers
in India: and planners how they might re-think about engaging with
places and people.
1) Converting Hindu temples into mosques;
2) The royal funerary architecture of the Mughals;
3) The social significance of Mr. Nazeer Khan’s architecture. The Process of Design Thesis in Landscape

The book aims to reflect on the three mentioned aspects, Architecture
emphasizing in the process some notable at once spiritual Edited by: Nurhayati Abdul Malek & Zainul Mukrim Baharuddin
and social qualities of Muslim architecture in general and
in India in particular. The lessons expounded in the book ISBN 978-967-418-307-3
revolve around the universal, fluid, multi-dimensional and Pages : 95
value-loaded character of Muslim architecture that always Price : RM 60.00
eventually comes to the fore in any given socio-economic, Year : 2014
religious and cultural context.
Landscape Architecture
is the intertwining aspects
of natural sciences, arts,
economics, and culture.
It is a profession that
helps design a ‘place’ that connects land and human, which
has many applications, from a small scale design project to
a more significant and large scale urban design as well as

regional planning projects. Landscape Architect is indeed diverse religious and cultures - to its ingenious planning,
the person who designs outdoor environments. layout and exquisite architectural details. There is a powerful
synthesis of various regional schools of architectural
The Process of Design Thesis for Landscape Architecture craftsmanship such as Gujarat and Bengal, Hindu and Jain
takes an overview of what are the requirements for the architecture and traditional Islamic elements. According to
final Design Thesis projects taken up especially in the contemporary historians, seeking to have the best of worlds,
International Islamic University Malaysia, particularly under including to retain the memory of his past heritage and yet
the Department of Landscape Architecture. to celebrate the present, Akhbar sought and managed to
combine strands from his ancestor’s Persian style with the
This guided book includes: influence of Indian traditions which is celebrated amongst
1. Storyboards of proposals, case studies, and visual others in the typically Indian ornamentation based on the
ideas to portray the intention and types of projects often pattern and forms derived from Arab-Islamic and central
researched on especially for Design Thesis Asian traditions. In its entirety, the monuments at Fatehpur
Sikri celebrate the notion of the co-existence of man-
2. The design stage which covers the stages from conceptual kind and cultures. The assimilation of diverse regional
ideas until the preliminary Landscape Master Plan architectural influences and the all-embracing ethos of
3. Detail part of the Landscape Master Plan which includes the Mughal civilisation of its time is brought to light in an
landscape detail plans, sections and elevations, planting analysis of this complex.
concept as well as the hardscape elements

4. Summaries of the landscape illustrations in the form of ISLAMIC STUDIES AND COMPARATIVE
images and perspective drawings RELIGION/ISLAMIZATION OF
5. And finally the examples of the final Design Thesis
projects done by the selected students of Bachelor in
Landscape Architecture (Hons.), International Islamic Islam in the Malay World: Al Falimbani's
University Malaysia Scholarship
Mohammed Hussain Ahmad
This guided design thesis book will be beneficial to all
Landscape Architecture students not only in Malaysia but ISBN 978-967-418-430-8
also around the world, not forgetting the lecturers or studio Pages : 146
coordinators as well as practicing Landscape Architects. Price : RM 70.00
Indeed, The Process of Design Thesis in Landscape Year : 2017
Architecture is a valuable educational tool as well as an
endless source of inspiration. Islam in the Malay World has
been developed by a number of
classical inellectuals, among them
Architecture as a Celebration of al-Falimbani. Abd. al-Samad al-
Multi-Culturalism Falimabni is an eighteenth century

Shaukat Mahmood, Zuraini Denan & Shireen Jahnkassim Muslim Scholar from Palembang,
located in the Indonesian island of
ISBN 978-967-418-336-3 Sumatra. Through the examination
Pages : 105 of his unpublished manuscript and published works,
Price : RM 35.00 this book explores al-Falimbani's biography, his various
Year : 2014 scholarly contributions, Sufi orientation as well as the
intellectual developments of the Malay Archipelago. It
Fatehpur Sikri, Agra, India, a uncovers evidence of al-Falimbani's great erudition in the
UNESCO World Heritage site, major Islamic sciences by tracing his early education, the
has been the subject of various developments of his intellectual maturity and the influence
scholarly articles and books in of various well-known scholars who shared their expertise
the past. This book represents a with him. This book represents the first product of research
revisit to this famous complex as a which utilies a wide range of data and classical sources
constant reminder of a multi-cultural relating to al-Falimbani, including manuscripts, Jawi books,
and multi-faith stance of the Mughal Arabic biographical dictionaries and many others
civilisation in general, and a hallmark of Akhbar’s reign and
philosophy of leadership in particular. One is constantly
reminded of the possibilities of human and cultural co-
existence – unity within multiplicity-where traditions from
different religious, world views and backgrounds come
together. It is this distinctive balance and equipoise between
different worlds and cultures that embodies Fatehpur Sikri.

This ethos is reflected in the many aspect of the architecture
of this complex – from its unique and innovative style from

Fahami Bacaan Solat untuk Tingkatkan is known to comprise the totality of the world-system study.
Khusyu' Within this domain lies the epistemological investigation
that carries the broad worldview of the values and cultural
Saupi Man heritages that are known to colour the total study of the
ISBN 978-967-418-347-9 world-system. From such a wide span of the epistemological
Muka Surat : 63 meaning arise a systemic design of the universe and men’s
Harga : RM 30.00 experience in it as the world-system of balance.
Tahun : 2016
Islamic Thought and its Contemporary
Solat atau sembahyang merupakan
sebuah pentas komunikasi Relevance
langsung antara seorang hamba Thameem Ushama
dengan Tuannya iaitu Allah S.W.T. ISBN 978-967-418-388-2
Komunikasi ini berlangsung Pages : 370
paling kurang lima (5) kali sehari Price : RM 70.00
semalam. Manakala bahasanya Year : 2016
wajib diselaraskan iaitu bahasa
Arab sahaja. Adalah menjadi masalah besar kepada This book offers a study of selected
umat Islam yang bukan asalnya bertutur dengan bahasa issues in Islamic thought and its
arab iaitu tidak memahami apa yang diucapkan dalam contemporary relevance. It is an
solat mereka, sedangkan itu adalah tuntutan. Solat yang attempt in comformity with the
sempurna adalah yang berlaku serentak pada tiga rukun mission of the Department of Usul
asas iaitu Qalbi, Qauli serta Fi’li. Qalbi dikaitkan amalan al-Din and Comparative Religion of
hati. Qauli pula adalah ucapan yang lahir dari hati yang the International Islamic University
suci. manakala Fi’li merupakan kesanggupan anggota Malaysia, which is committed to
badan memperhambakan diri kepada Allah mengikut Relevantization of Islamic Revealed Knowledge subjects,
fitrah manusia. Masalah besar hari ini kepada seluruh in addition to Islamization of human knowledge. The
umat Islam bukan berbahasa arab ialah salah komunikasi objective is to enable students and people to achieve a
lantaran hal (Qalb) tidak memahami ucapan lidah sendiri correct and accurate understanding of Islamic thought and
ketika menunaikan solat. Masalah ini amat memerlukan inspire them to present the worldview of Islam by adopting
penyelesaian segera demi memastikan kualiti solat the method of moderation (Wasatiyyah). This study deals
(khusyu’) seluruh umat dewasa ini. Maka atas kesedaran with nationalism in the discourse of Muslim revivalists, the
inilah buku kecil panduan Fahami Bacaan Solat untuk feminist discourse in the Muslim World, secularism in the
Tingkatkan Khusyu’ amat-amat diperlukan. Buku kecil ini discourse of Maulana Abdur Rahim of Bangladesh, Muslim
merupakan bahan kursus serta bahan bantu sepanjang response to Western criticism of Prophet Muhammad (Pbh),
hayat kepada peserta dalam memandu fahaman bacaan- spiritual ethics and character development, new religious
bacaan berbahasa Arab khusus dalam solat. movements in Malaysia which promote controversies and
dissensions, and few other selected studies are selected in
the 12 chapter.
The Islamic Epistemological Worldview
and Empirical Study of Socioeconomic
Integration in the Ummah Islam and Secularism: The Quest for a Unity
Masudul Alam Choudhury of Knowledge
ISBN 978-967-418-411-7 Yamin Cheng
Pages : 172
Price : RM 55.00 ISBN 978-967-418-434-6
Year : 2016 Pages : 99
Price : RM 45.00
This research work done during the Year : 2016
author's tenure as professorial chair
of Islamic finance in the Institute of Secularism has become a way of life
Islamic Banking and Finance, IIUM for the modern people of today and
is on the topic of a dynamic study some of them find it a comfortable
of socioeconomic integration of the avenue to balance religion and
Islamic world-system called the reason, worship and work, private
ummah taken in its conceptual and and public life, and here and the
empirical contexts. There is also a vast amount of policy hereafter. For many Muslims
and strategic recommendations from the policy-theoretic though, secularism is a threat to
applied work. The study is different from the usual kind their religious conviction and practices, impairing their
of writings that use sheer empirical models and analysis understanding of Islam as religion, and splitting the Muslim
to study the same topic. Such studies have consistently unity into several parts. What is it about secularism that
missed the foundation of the epistemological worldview that despite the worldly havens it is bringing to the amelioration

of the human life, Muslims find it abhorrent to their faith bab mengenai muamalah, pentadbiran keluarga, politik
and way of life? This book spells out the attempt of a negara, adab mencari rezeki dan juga pelbagai pekara
student, and later, lecturer, of a higher institution of learning lain. Prinsip-prinsip yang dibentangkan dalam terjemahan
in Malaysia that was created to address a very pressing ini boleh dijadikan panduan untuk mentafsirkan al-Qur'an
issue confronting the Muslim world, namely, secularism. To dan memahami hadith Rasulullah SAW. Selain itu, buku ini
deal with this problem, Muslim intellectuals, educationists, juga boleh membantu seorang yang mempunyai kebolehan
politicians, thinkers, activists, and policy planners alike berijtihad dan berjiwa bebas untuk membebaskan dirinya
were of the view that a reformulation of Islamic education daripada belenggu taklid dan layak menjadi pakar dalam
is the answer. syariat Muhammadiah khususnya, dan syariat lain secara
Hujjat Allāh Al-Bālighah: Terjemahan dan
Anotasi (Juzuk I) Handbook of Islamic Da'wah
Edited by: Zainuddin Hj. Idris & Nik Hassan Nik Abdullah Edited by: Mohd Yusof Hussain

ISBN 978-967-022-503-6 ISBN 978-967-418-410-0
Pages : 881 Pages : 394
Price : RM 70.00 Price : RM 60.00
Year : 2015 (Reprint) Year : 2015

Buku ini merupakan terjemahan This handbook contains a collection
daripada kitab Hujjatullah al- of twenty five essays on topics
Balighah karya Al-Imam Al- related to Islamic da’wah. The
Syeikh Ahmad Qutubuddin Syah essays cover a wide range of
dan Waliyullah Abdul Rahim Al- topics, designed to give a thorough
Dihlawi. Kitab ini mengandungi understanding of the meaning and
dua bahagian. Bahagian pertama purpose of Islamic da’wah, qualities
mengandungi tujuh perbahasan of a credible da’i, the core message
mengenai kaedah-kaedah umum yang terdiri daripada of Islamic da’wah as well as the method and principles of
segala maslahat dari setiap sudut. Kebanyakan maslahat Islamic da’wah. Special focus is made on the teachings
ini didapati diakui dalam kalangan semua millah yang and revealed message of Prophet Isa (a.s) or Jesus (peace
ada semasa zaman Rasulullah SAW dan tidak terdapat be upon him) which has been misunderstood by Gospel
perselisihan dalam kalangan mereka pada perkara itu dan writers and early Christian theologians for the benefit of
mereka yang hadir tidak perlu bertanya mengenai perkara du’at who are doing da’wah among the Christians. The
itu. Bahagian kedua kitab ini pula menerangkan berkenaan writers of the chapters are knowledgeable about the topics
rahsia hadith-hadith Rasulullah SAW secara terperinci they wrote. They have discussed these topics many times
seperti bab-bab iman, ilmu, kesucian, solat, zakat, puasa, in class rooms, seminars and conferences. The handbook
haji dan ihsan. Kemudian, turut dihuraikan dengan terperinci is compiled specifically for du’at in the Malay-Indonesian
berkenaan bab-bab muamalat, pentadbiran keluarga, politik world. For this reason we have included in this handbook
kenegaraan, adab mencari kehidupan dan juga plbagai bab topics on Ahl al-sunnah wa’l jamaah, Islamic moderation
lain yang merangkumi segala aspek kehidupan. and Sufism in Malay tradition which should be helpful to
du’at doing da’wah in the Malay-Indonesia world.

Hujjat Allāh Al-Bālighah: Terjemahan dan The Basic Structure of Ethical Norms
Anotasi (Juzuk II) Ibrahim Shogar
Edited by: Zainuddin Hj. Idris & Nik Hassan Nik Abdullah
ISBN 978-967-418-319-6
ISBN 978-967-527-289-9 Pages : 147
Pages : 669 Price : RM 55.00
Price : RM 70.00 Year : 2015
Year : 2015 (Reprint)
This book highlights the importance
Buku ini merupakan jilid kedua of ethics and moral values in human
dari kitab Hujjat Allah al-Balighah, life; taking in account the ethical
karya Al-Imam al-Shah Wali Allah implications of modern science
al-Dihlawi (1114-1176H). Jilid and technology. Knowledge and
kedua ini terbahagi kepada sepuluh values are the two indispensable
bahagian yang merangkumi lima aspects of meaningful life. Aided
puluh sembilan bab. Buku ini by these two means, mankind has
membincangkan secara terperinci been able to achieve constant developments throughout
dan penuh hikmah serta jelas rahsia hadith-hadith the history. Along the course of history, divine guidance has
Rasulullah SAW dalam pelbagai bidang yang berkaitan been revealed for moral perfection and total reconstruction
dengan rukun-rukun Islam secara khusus berhubung of the worldview; thus, the modern value-free progression
dengan iman, ilmu, kebersihan dan kesucian, solat, zakat, in science and technologies invites the attention for moral
puasa, haji dan ihsan. Kemudian diiukuti dengan bab- research.

The Study of Religious Traditions: The Qur'an, Modernity and Globalization
Concepts, Approaches & Theories Edited by: Mohamed El-Tahir El-Mesawi
Abdulrezak A. Hashi ISBN 978-967-418-333-2
ISBN 978-967-418-322-6 Pages : 182
Pages : 130 Price : RM 62.00
Price : RM 50.00 Year : 2014
Year : 2014
The seven chapters making up the
This book, The Study of Religious present book are elaborate versions
Traditions, addresses number of of papers that had been read by
issues and themes of the study of their respective authors in a one-
religious traditions. It elucidates day seminar held in July 2002 at
basic concepts of comparative the International Islamic University
religion, and highlights issues of Malaysia in commemoration of
subjectivity and objectivity, as well the eminent Algerian thinker Malik
as the history, approaches, theories Bennabi. The unifying theme of the book’s material is
and methodologies of this field. In addition, it presents a Qur’an-inspired intellectual and scholarly engagement
descriptive account on the Islamic understanding of religious with the philosophical and moral challenges posed by the
traditions; it illustrates the basic concepts and categories of complex process of modernity and globalization in the
religious traditions through and within the Qur'anic verses. different spheres of human life.
Likewise, an exposition of the unity unity of God among
Abrahamic traditions is sought, while the debates of the
modern socio-anthropological theories about the history SHARIAH/LAW/FIQH
and the origin of religion are presented in this book.

Comparative Perspective on Alternative
History & Sciences of the Qur'an Dispute Resolution: With Reference to
Thameem Ushama Malaysia

ISBN 978-967-418-292-2 Nora Abdul Hak, Umar A. Oseni & Nurah Sabahiah Mohamed
Pages : 421
Price : RM 85.00 ISBN 978-967-418-385-1
Year : 2014 Pages : 251
Price : RM 65.00
This book illustrates the historical Year : 2016
background of the Qur'an and
then explains principles, sources This textbook explains various
and methods of interpretation ADR processes such as mediation,
for true understanding of the arbitration, the role of the
message of God - the Creator in ombudsman and expert opinion.
the Text. In addition to referring to An examination of ADR in Islamic
early original Islamic sources, it Law such as sulh, tahkim and
also compares with discources of Orientalists, wherever muhtasibis also undertaken as
necessary, to dispel doubts and skepticism on the Qur'an ADR is an integral part of Islamic
and its history, generated by them. It complements other law, and it is as old as Islam itself. The concept of court
works in the field and is hoped to serve as an alternative annexed mediation and the development of its application
reference to the works of Orientalists on history and is also discussed. Other topics included in this book are
sciences of the Qur'an. This book comprises 17 chapters. the Arbitration Act 2005 with reference to the powers of the
It begins with a brief bibliographical survey of the Muslim court, construction disputes resolution and mediation in
legacy in sciences of the Qur'an, followed by a discussion family disputes. This textbook is co-authored by three law
on its names, vocabulary and language. It discusses the lecturers of Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, International
phenomenon of Wahy including its possibility, revelation Islamic University Malaysia, Dr. Nora Abdul Hak, Dr. Umar
of the Qur'an and its wisdom, an the Textual purity and A. Oseniand Dr. Nurah Sabahiah Mohamed. This book
authenticity. The classification of the Text into Makkan and is a useful reference for law students, academicians,
Madinanrevelations, the Textual order, division and names practitioners and the general public.
of the chpters are analysed. The relevance of asbab al-
nuzul, revelation of the Qur'an in seven modes, doctrine of
Naskh, and Muhkam and Mutashabih passages are studied
with examples for clarity. The literary style of the Qur'an and
its inimitable ellipticism, methodologies of the exegesis,
early exegetical education, issues in translation of the Text,
and the need for contemporary understanding of the Qur'an
are studied and analysed.

The Central Issue in the Rape Trial ENGLISH LANGUAGE, EDUCATION &
Mohamad Ismail Mohamad Yunus TEACHING

ISBN 978-967-418-372-1
Pages : 349
Price : RM 90.00 Sexual Harassment in the Education Sector:
Year : 2015 A Malaysian Perspective
Edited by: Ashgar Ali, Ali Mohamed & Muzaffar Syah Mallow
This book is not a study on why
men rape women. The main focus ISBN 978-967-418-421-6
of this book is to analyses and Pages : 344
compares some of the legal issues Price : RM69.00
and difficulties which rape presents Year : 2016
in the criminal justice system in
various jurisdictions and how it The book evaluates the law and
could and should be addressing practice of sexual harassment
them. The book begins with the historical conception of with particular focus on Malaysian
rape. It proceeds with the definition and scope of rape schools and institutes of higher
according to the modern views and perspectives. The education. In an engagement in
main concern is on the law of consent. This is considered rigorous and laborious academic
to be an important and crucial part in the law relating to research, we cannot by-pass the
sexual crimes and also has been labeled as “the heart of realities and challenges of social
the rape trial” (See, Jenny Bargen and Elaine Fishwick, problems in our schools and higher institutions of learning.
Sexual Assault: A National Perspective (Office of the Status There are few existing guidelines in combating sexual
of Women, Queensland, 1995). It begins with a discussion harassment such as: Malaysian Penal Code, Criminal Law
on the scope of consent and the difference between the and Code of Conduct for Industrial Harmony. However,
concepts of “against her will” and “without her consent”. It there is yet to be a proper academic focus providing a deep
then proceeds to elaborate the factors that vitiate consent, investigation and crystal clear explanation in drastically
such as fraud or mistake, incapacity of the victims that minimizing or eradicating the prevalence of sexual
covers consent given by minors and young persons, harassment in schools and higher institutions of learning
persons who lack of intellectual capacity and persons in by formulating a policy and procedure in eschewing sexual
the state of insensibility or unconsciousness. It continues harassment in schools in particular and society in general
with the vitiation of consent by treats or fear. This area will in the country. The book at reader’s hand is a collection of
be divided into two parts, first part deals with threat or fear chapters meticulously written by well-rounded and eminent
of bodily harm and the second part deals with threats or scholars and seasoning academia whose contributions
fear of non-bodily harm and other pressures such as sexual to an academic field could not be over-exaggerated.
exploitation, economic pressure, unlawful detention or The vigorous intellectual labour to conceptualize and re-
malicious prosecution and sexual blackmail. conceptualize the sexual harassment has been provided
with a deeper understanding. Indeed, this vital treatise
explicitly elaborates and elaborately explicates on various
International Humanitarian Law issues relating to sexual harassment specifically in schools
Muhammad Naqib Ishan Jan & Abdulrashid Lawan Haruna and higher institutions of learning in the country.
ISBN 978-967-418-316-5
Pages : 238 Critical Issues and Reform in Muslim Higher
Price : RM 69.00 Education
Year : 2015
Edited by: Rosnani Hashim & Mina Hattori
LAW addresses contemporary Pages : 246
issues affecting humanity in time Price : RM 65.00
of armed conflicts. It is written in Year : 2015
a simple language that eases the
understanding of the principles Today as we embark into the twenty
of IHL. It appraises the rules and first century we observe many
principles of the law. It also ensures challenges facing Muslim higher
that the rules are logically presented in the light of the realities education institutions which has led
of modern conflicts. It has a unique feature of a chapter that them to reexamine their position and
discusses the perspective of Islamic humanitarian law. It programmes vis-à-vis others. This
is therefore, an asset for students of both undergraduate examination and review are crucial
and Post graduate studies, particularly those who have for the survival of these institutions.
interest in IHL. It will equally be an important tool for IHL Top on the list of the challenges is globalisation and its
practitioners, military personnel, lawyers of international accompanying effects which are inevitable. It is affecting
criminal law and other humanitarian organization. every state and community throughout the world that has

access to information and communication technologies. social networks and self disclosure among adolescents.
The presence of the email, the internet, Youtube, blogs, As an additional content, a review of curriculum has been
Facebooks, twitters and the latest, WhatsApp has speeded discussed with a specific attention given on steps of program
up the pace of the dissemination of information and evaluations. This book is handy and useful for light reading
misinformation. These same media has been partially and yet useful for further discussions in classrooms.
responsible in mobilisation of the masses such that massive
demonstrations that may even lead to revolutions could be Issues in Values-Based Education in
galvanised easily as in the case of the Arab Spring and
the change of guard in Thailand. These new technologies Malaysia
and their applications on a massive scale have definitely Edited by: Che Noraini Hashim
changed the landscape of the world. This monograph
deals with the issue emerging from globalisation and ISBN 978-967-418-333-2
highlights the attempts made by Muslim higher education Pages : 182
institutions to deal with these issues. Specifically, the issues Price : RM 62.00
discussed are privatisation of education in the Arab world, Year : 2014
internationalisation of education, and cultural diversity in This book is based on research
Malaysia, Islamic higher education of Muslim minorities work, papers presented at national
in Europe and the United Kingdom, and three different
attempts in formulating an integrated higher education in and international conference and
articles written by the author and
Indonesia and Brunei. In addition to globalisation, there her colleagues. It covers a wide
are other critical issues peculiar to the Muslim scholarly range of topics that are intended
tradition. Firstly, the issue of the educational dichotomy to open up new horizons on how
of the traditional Islamic Sciences and the contemporary
certain developments of Islamic
acquired sciences such as the humanities, social sciences, based education and contemporary issues should be
and the natural sciences that has led to the negligence and perceived and discussed. This book should serve as
decline of the latter in the Muslim world; secondly, the issue a guide and reference for educators and students to
of the decline of intellectualism in Muslim higher education, enhance their understanding of matters affecting values
and thirdly, the issue of academic freedom. This book with
chapters written by scholars from various parts of the world based perspectives. This book is divided into two parts.
Part 1 incorporates the Prophet’s (p.b.u.h) pedagogy,
analyses each of these issues in depth with the hope to issues related to Islamic based curriculum, and the role
enlighten its readers. Awareness of a problem is the first of educational institutions in creating barriers or building
important step towards solving it. This book will be useful to bridges between the Muslim World and the West. Part 2
scholars and students of higher Islamic education.
provides discussions and findings on issues in values-
based education. Some suggestions are put forward at the
end of each chapter as remedial measures and to reach the
Educational Research Trends in ICT cherished goals for further discussions in classroom.
Edited by: Sharifah Sariah Syed Hassan & Che Noraini Hashim
ISBN 978-967-418-309-7 Muslim-Majority Asian Languages
Pages : 96 Contribution to English
Price : RM 46.00
Year : 2014 Haja Mohideeen Mohamed Ali
ISBN 978-967-418-390-5
This book was compiled based Pages : 76
on the research work and articles Price : RM 45.00
written by the main author Dr Year : 2015
Sharifah Sariah Syed Hassan and
her students during the courses of Muslim-Majority Asian Languages
Issues and Research in Instructional Contribution to English presents
technology and Distance Learning. a modest contribution to the field
The contributions of the content were of sociolinguistics. Loan words
further enhanced by Associate Professor Dr Che Noraini as in English have been identified
an expert in Curriculum and instructions. The topics were as those which may be attributed
based on the discussions of issues related to theories and to languages spoken by majority
methodologies related to instructional technology for Post speakers who are Muslim. While
Graduate students. Thus, this book provides a benchmark many words in European languages have found their way
for future researches in giving guidelines for thesis and into English, much research on vocabulary items from
Directed research writing. The topics discussed include Muslim-Majority languages and how they are used in the
Social Networks, theoretical framework for research in borrowing language is presumably lacking. The present
integrating Video as Visual instructional materials, Distance book hopes to fulfil the need and provide English language
learning theories and Islamic perspectives related to users with opportunities to show the vastly global nature of
the global lingua franca.


MEDICAL/SCIENCES/PHYSICS/ Experimental Methods in Modern
MATHEMATICS Biotechnology (Volume 2)
Edited by: Parveen Jamal, Ibrahim Ali Noorbatcha & Azlin
Suhaida Azmi
Farmakologi Okular ISBN 978-967-418-384-4
Syed Zahir Idid Pages : 112
In order to fulfil the ever-growing biotechnology products in the form of, e.g. bioactive METHODS
compounds for various pharmaceutical applications, promising microorganism for
ISBN 978-967-418-341-7of value added products and turning wastes into wealth, scientists have to in MODERNMODERN Year : 2016
resort to newer and sophisticated technology so that they could accomplish their targets
without taking too copious times. Towards this end, various research methods have come
Muka Surat : 98 into being. There are a number of books and research papers guiding and facilitating EXPERIMENTAL METHODS in MODERN BIOTECHNOLOGY BIOTECHNOLOGY
biotechnology students at all levels. In view of the facts that some writings have become
obsolete and some others are very difficult for students to understand, the teaching staff of
the Department of Biotechnology Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering, International
Harga : RM 35.00 Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia took initiative to write an edited book on V Volume 2olume 2 In order to fulfil the ever-growing
experimental methods in biotechnology in two volumes covering fairly all sorts of
experiments that can possibly be resorted to. The book entitled ‘Experimental Methods in
Modern Biotechnology,’ Vol.1, which is already in the market, has proved to be very useful
to students and scientists and technocrats working in biotechnology industries. But since
the book does not cover all experimental methods volume 2 is proposed to cover the
Tahun : 2016 following remaining areas: Cell attachment and viability assay for anticancer properties;
preparation of solid and liquid media for plant culture; initiation of plant cell suspension
cultures from seeds; Application of various chromatographic techniques for extraction,
isolation and purification of enzyme inhibitors for diabetic control as well as determination
and quantification of ethanol and byproducts. It also covers various methods for the
hyaluronidase inhibitory activity bioassay and bromelain enzyme Assay. Furthermore, it
encompasses the aspects of isolation and characterization of thermophilic bacterial biotechnology products in the
isolates producing L-asparaginase, bacterial preservation for short and long-term storage
and estimation of fungal biomass in bioprocess engineering experiments and extraction of
oil from waste source. The proposed 2nd volume of the book will complete almost all areas
of experimental biotechnology. The complete book will certainly be useful to students
pursuing degrees and research in biotechnology and to scientists and technocrats working form of, e.g. bioactive compounds
in biotech industries locally and overseas.
Buku ini sesuai sebagai buku asas
Prof. Dr. Parveen Jamal obtained her B.Sc, B.Ed, M.Sc, M.Phil and Ph. D
from Aligarh Muslim University, India. Her areas of interest are: Medicinal
chemistry, natural products processing, secondary metabolites and their
applications, microbial fermentation technology and downstream processing
for biotechnological products, bioconversion of natural products and organic Editors: Parveen Jamal • Ibrahim Ali Noorbatcha • Azlin Suhaida Azmi Editors: for various pharmaceutical
residues to value added products i.e. bioprotein, organic acids, biosurfactant,
untuk bidang optometri terutamanya Parveen Jamal applications, promising
feed, bioactive compounds etc. She has extensively contributed on different aspects of
these areas by teaching, guiding research and publishing. Prof. Parveen has quite long
teaching experience. She had been holding teaching positions in Banaras Hindu
Ibrahim Ali Noorbatcha
University, India and International Islamic University Malaysia. She is presently working as
Professor and Coordinator (Bioprocess and Molecular Engineering Research Unit) in the
Department of Biotechnology Engineering, Faculty of Engineering of International Islamic
berkaitan pengetahuan tentang Azlin Suhaida Azmi microorganism for production of
University Malaysia, Malaysia.
bidang farmakologi. Isi buku ini diatur IIUM value added products and turning
IIUM Press
Email: [email protected]
mulai dengan memberi penjelasan wastes into wealth, scientists have
asas farmakologi seperti definisi to resort to newer and sophisticated technology so that they
reseptor, agonis, antagonis serta could accomplish their targets without taking too copious
prinsip farmakologi am terutamanya times. Towards this end, various research methods have
mengenai farmakokinetik dan farmakodinamik. Bab awal come into being. There are a number of books and research
menerangkan farmakokinetik secara am dan kemudiannya papers guiding and facilitating biotechnology students at all
ditumpukan lebih khusus kepada farmakokinetik optometri. levels. In view of the facts that some writings have become
Bab-bab seterusnya adalah mengenai sistem saraf obsolete and some others are very difficult for students
autonomik dan ubat-ubatan yang berguna dalam bidang to understand, the teaching staff of the Department of
optometri yang bertindak ke atas sistem saraf ini. Selain itu Biotechnology Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering,
ubat-ubatan lain seperti antibiotik, pewarna untuk kegunaan International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia took
diagnostik, ubat antihistamin, ubat bius setempat, analog initiative to write an edited book on experimental methods
prostaglandin dan bahan lain seperti air mata tiruan yang in biotechnology in two volumes covering fairly all sorts of
digunakan di dalam bidang optometri juga dihuraikan. experiments that can possibly be resorted to. The book
Untuk memudahkan pemahaman, susunan perbincangan entitled ‘Experimental Methods in Modern Biotechnology,’
tiap bab yang menyentuh ubat-ubatan bermula dengan Vol.1, which is already in the market, has proved to be very
cara tindak dan kegunaan ubat berkenaan diikuti dengan useful to students and scientists and technocrats working
kesan buruk serta keadaan yang membuat ubat itu in biotechnology industries. But since the book does not
dikontraindikasi. Di akhir sekali disenaraikan ubat-ubatan cover all experimental methods volume 2 is proposed to
yang dibenarkan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia cover the following remaining areas: Cell attachment and
untuk penggunaan optometris. viability assay for anticancer properties; preparation of
solid and liquid media for plant culture; initiation of plant
Case Study in Anatomy Inguinal Region cell suspension cultures from seeds; Application of various
chromatographic techniques for extraction, isolation and
Ye Tun & Yi Yi Myint purification of enzyme inhibitors for diabetic control as well as
determination and quantification of ethanol and byproducts.
ISBN 978-967-418-379-0
Pages : 92 It also covers various methods for the hyaluronidase
Price : RM 55.00 inhibitory activity bioassay and bromelain enzyme Assay.
Year : 2016 Furthermore, it encompasses the aspects of isolation and
characterization of thermophilic bacterial isolates producing
The specific objectives listed in this L-asparaginase, bacterial preservation for short and long-
book are intended to encourage term storage and estimation of fungal biomass in bioprocess
students to actively participate engineering experiments and extraction of oil from waste
in deriving the answers from the source. The proposed 2nd volume of the book will complete
cases. The anatomy of inguinal almost all areas of experimental biotechnology. The
canal is taught traditionally from the complete book will certainly be useful to students pursuing
anterior view. Laparoscopic inguinal degrees and research in biotechnology and to scientists
anatomy (viewed from posterior) is and technocrats working in biotech industries locally and
added. This book will teach Anatomy of Inguinal Region by overseas.
a series of related questions and accompanying answers
follow each clinical scenario, probing the understanding of
the clinical issues relevant to that body region. This book
emphasizes on applied anatomy, surface anatomy and
clinical methods related to clinical anatomy.

Ortodontik dan Anda the safeguarding of life vis-à-vis the use of medicines or
pharmaceuticals and can be considered as an overview
Dr. Noraini Abu Bakar & Dr. Lawrence Tan
for the Islamic manufacturing practices. Although this
ISBN 978-967-418-377-6 (Malay) book is about the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals, other
Pages : 43 industries may benefit from the discourse and examples
Price : RM 20.00 given. As much as possible, processes and regulations
Year : 2016 are described in the book so that it covers the syllabus of
industrial pharmacy for undergraduate use and still can be
Buku ini dihasilkan dengan tujuan referred for postgraduate studies.
utama untuk memberi pendidikan
dan pendedahan kepada sesiapa
yang menginginkan rawatan Cell and Tissue Culture: Research and
ortodontik. Fokus lain adalah untuk Technology from Islamic Perspective
memaklumkan perkara-perkara Edited by: Mohammad Syaiful Bahari Abdull Rasad
yang perlu diketahui pesakit,
sebelum, semasa dan selepas ISBN 978-967-418-269-4
rawatan. Buku ini juga menerangkan mengenai faedah dan Pages : 228
risiko rawatan, juga usaha dan komitment yang diperlukan Price : RM 65.00
bagi mendapatkan hasil rawatan yang diidamkan. Year : 2014
This book is an attempt to capture
Orthodontics and You the principles of human or animal
Dr. Noraini Abu Bakar & Dr. Lawrence Tan cell culture and issues from Islamic
perspective. there are many
ISBN 978-967-418-376-9 (Eng) achievements which were made
Pages : 43 possible through the development
Price : RM 20.00 and advancement of science and
Year : 2016 technology in the area of cell and
tissue culture. Nowadays, the technologies available to
Patients seeking for orthodontic mankind are far more sophisticated and advanced. Most
treatment normally do not have assuredly, these technologies have, and will make, a
a thorough understanding of the great impact on the life of mankind and their wellbeing.
process. As such, this booklet was Consequently, for Muslims, the concern lies not on the
produced with the aim to provide advancement, but on whether the laws and regulations
education and exposure to those of Islam are wisely and properly inculcated into these
interested in having orthodontic progressions of science and technology so that they are
treatment, of the necessities parallel to the will and wishes of Allah swt. Considering
before, during and after treatment. Apart from the potential the breadth of topics covered, the book will be essential
benefit, patients need to be aware of the effort required and reading for the novice and expert alike in various fields and
risk involved. The content of this book is general and can will serve as a valuable reference resource for students and
be used by patients attending government clinics or any researchers. It provides, from experts in the field, the basis
private clinics. and application of animal cell culture technology, including
the use of the cells in recent research as well as Islamic
Manufacturing of Halal Pharmaceuticals perspective. In essence, this book discusses various
Edited by: Kausar Ahmad dimensions of cell culture in relation to research. This is
perhaps the first book of its kind which links one of the
ISBN 978-967-418-316-5 purposes of Islamic perspective to research and technology
Pages : 238 of cell culture.
Price : RM 69.00
Year : 2015
This book aims to cover
the fundamental aspects of
pharmaceutical manufacturing
from the Islamic worldview to
inspire students that whatever
they do including very mundane
routine work such as checking pH
can be an ‘ibādah - if they work
within the sphere of Islamic teachings and in shā’ Allah
all the time and effort will be rewarded by Allah SWT. The
first chapter describes the Islamic perspectives towards

Introduction to Medical Imaging Zakat and Poverty Alleviation
Zainul Ibrahim Zainuddin Edited by: Mohd Mahyudi Mohd Yusof & Naziruddin Abdullah

ISBN 978-967-418-249-6 ISBN 978-967-418-011-9
Pages : 327 Pages : 222
Price : RM 65.00 Price : RM 65.00
Year : 2014 Year : 2015

Medical Imaging is an area of This edited book aims to raise
specialissation in medicine. It issues pertaining to the topic of
serves to provide images of the zakat and its primary goal of poverty
human anatomy that will be used alleviation. It portrays the dynamism
to assist in managing a patient’s of zakat by highlighting pertinent
medical condition. This book issues on the management of
aims to give a comprehensive zakat institutions and innovative
overview for students to gain programmes that are designed as
knowledge about Medical Imaging, possibly as a career effective distribution mechanisms. Discussions include
prospect. It is also designed to provide information to the zakat payment motives, ways to measure the efficiency
general public about Medical Imaging, and readers would of zakat disbursement, economic development initiatives,
be able to follow discussions relating Medical Imaging housing programme, microfinancing, and actual impact on
to healthcare, procedures, modalities, patient factors, poverty alleviation. The discussions raised put emphasis
professional matters, risk management, research, and the on policy-orientation with dedicated sections on policy
concept of optimization. It is hoped that this effort would implications and recommendations. This approach is
provide adequate information concerning Medical Imaging. deemed necessary since it could guide the thought process
The chapters are carefully organized based on common of interested parties towards the creation of new ideas to
knowledge concerning the field and they are presented in a actualize zakat as a very reliable tool in addressing the
single reader-friendly publication. massive problem of poverty among Muslim communities.
This special feature also significantly adds to the much-
needed reference materials in courses on zakat at the
ECONOMICS/BANKING/FINANCE intermediate level of undergraduate studies and introductory
level of postgraduate programmes.
Waqf Laws and Management
Syed Khalid Rashid Small and Medium Enterprises in Muslim
ISBN 978-967-418-444-5 Edited by: Moha Asri Abdullah & Muhammad-Bashir
Pages : 650 Owolabi Yusuf
Price : RM 85.00
Year : 2017 ISBN 978-967-418-303-5
Pages : 372
This book is a thorough and thought- Price : RM 69.00
provoking study of waqf laws and Year : 2015
management by scholars of very
many countries including Malaysia, Small and medium enterprises
India, Turkey, Bangladesh, are dominant in every economy
Nigeria, Bosnia- Herzegovina, etc. irrespective of its level and
The millions of awqÉf scattered stage of development. Naturally,
throughout the world are capable microenterprises begin small,
of generating income of billions of dollars, but could not and then grow to medium size
do so because of mis-management of governments as and ultimately to large size, even
well as non-governmental organizations. An effort is made though that is not always the case.
in all the eighteen chapters of this book to discuss and Having recognized the overwhelming role of SMEs in terms
identify measures, both legal and managerial, to achieve of employment generation and income creation through
good governance of awqÉf to make them more productive. productivity enhancement, SMEs are being treated as
The book also contains, for the first time in Malaysia, a engine of growth particularly in the developing countries.
comprehensive narration of the statutory waqf Laws of all However, over the last half a century sovereign governments
the States and Federal Territories in Malaysia. Everyone, have been treating different sectors/policies as engines of
including lawyers, researchers and waqf administrators, will growth. In the 1960s, the slogan was, ‘trade not aid’, as
find it very beneficial. an engine of development. Subsequently, the emphasis
has been shifting from import-substitution/inward-looking to


export-promotion/outward-looking as mover of growth. The Multimedia and Its Applications
history of economic development is replete with evidence Akram M. Zeki
suggesting that inclusive growth based on SMEs can be
most instrumental in improving the distribution of income ISBN 978-967-418-312-7
in all societies, in general, and heterogeneous societies, Pages : 209
in particular. Thus, SMEs have tremendous potential for Price : RM 75.00
contributing to growth and development of a harmonious Year : 2015
and peaceful society by way of promoting equalizing growth.
Multimedia system could be defined
as the combination of computer
ICT hardware and software designed so
as to create, store and disseminate
multimedia content. Multimedia
Internet Applications techniques enable users to record,
Akram M. Zeki play, display or access information
from different sources at the same
ISBN 978-967-418-314-4 time. This book provides the basis and fundamental
Pages : 122 procedures needed for the processing devices to implement
Price : RM 55.00 multimedia techniques. Readers of his book would acquire
Year : 2015 in-depth knowledge of multimedia components and its
applications as well as be exposed to the characteristics of
Internet application is becoming multimedia files forma and the application of multimedia in
part and parcel of every human different fields. Students and others interested in multimedia
activity in the twenty first century. applications would find this book a useful asset.
With today’s advancement of
technology, Internet remains an
integral part of life; almost entire
human activities today rely on
Internet. Internet application is
becoming the fastest growing sector of human activities.
The Internet hold a global system of everything, where
interconnected networks of computing devices interact
with each other under certain standard protocol refers to
as Internet protocol suite normally called Transmission
control protocol /Internet protocol (TCP/IP) to serve several
connecting devices. This book aims at providing the basis
and fundamentals of The Internet, Internet use and Internet
application. The Internet carries an extensive range of
information resources and services, such as the inter-linked
hypertext documents of the World Wide Web (WWW), the
infrastructure to support email, and peer-to-peer networks.
This book expose almost all the necessary procedure used
in implementation and application of the Internet resources.
The book provides an introductory detail to Computer
Network for Internet application which covers variety of
topics relating to the issues and challenges. Readers of this
book are expected to gain an in-depth knowledge on the
basics of the Internet and World Wide Web (WWW). The
book also exposes the standard of Internet Protocol suites.
And other protocols like Messaging protocols and standard
in the Internet, Wimax and Wi-Fi technologies standards
and trend. Although the book dwells on internet application,
but areas like multimedia in developing Islamic website
are provided in the book, other area of multimedia security
in the Internet and general application of Multimedia
to Internet are provided as well. This is because of the
important of multimedia to the Internet development. Hence
an application of Multimedia e-lecture note, E-books Islamic
presentation and web design are provided. The reader
of this book is expected to be expose to the fundamental
of computer wired/wireless networks, the characteristics
of different classification of computer network and an
understanding of the fundamentals of computer of Internet
application in today’s world.




Farrah Diebaa ‘Juara’ Vs. Champion: Translation Of
1 Rashid Ali Cultural Elements 978-967-418-538-1 2018 580.00 145.00
2 Abdulhameed Yusuf, “E-Fatwā”: A Comparative Analysis Of 978-967-418-568-8 2017 580.00 145.00
Islamonline And Islam Q&A
Bouhedda Ghalia
Zeti Suhana A Case Study Of Advanced Persistent
3 Zainudin, Nurul Threats On Financial Institutions In 978-967-418-790-3 2017 580.00 145.00
Nuha Abdul Molok Malaysia
Ahmad Waqas, A Cloud Computing Framework For
Zulkefli Muhammed
4 Sharing Of Cloud Reseources And Attacks 978-967-418-672-2 2017 546.00 136.50
Yusof, Asadullah Information Amongst Cloud Networks
5 Azlina Daud A Meta-Synthesis On Nursing Students’ 978-967-418-751-4 2017 161.00 40.25
Perception Of Problem-Based Learning
Ali Raza, Asadullah A Model For Social Media In Higher
6 978-967-418-795-8 2017 580.00 145.00
Shah Education Institutions Of Pakistan
Hamwira Sakti
Yaacob, Abdul
Wahab Abdul A Novel Emotion Profiling Based On
7 Rahman, Mariam (CMAC) "Based Computational Models Of 978-967-418-681-4 2017 634.00 158.50
Adawiah Dzulkifli, Affects"
A Social History Of Johor: Migration And
Salbiyah Rahmat,
8 Inter-Ethnic Relations During British Rule 978-967-418-609-8 2017 580.00 145.00
Fauziah Fathil 1885-1941
9 Sazna, Nora Mohd A Social Semiotic Analysis Of Two Malay 978-967-418-589-3 2017 580.00 145.00
Atiqah Selamat, Ailin A Speech Enhancement Improvement
10 Razali, Tang Howe In Communication Through Hearing 978-967-418-709-5 2017 70.00 17.50
Hing Protection Device
Mohamad Yazid A Study On Life Cycle Of Maintenance
11 Mohd Yunus, During The In Use Phases Of Flexible 978-967-418-641-8 2017 546.00 136.50
Maisarah Ali Pavement From Pagoh To Machap
Musa Saeed Taha
12 Idris, Nasreldin Abdulallah Tayyib Wa Al-Itijah Al-Klasiki Fi 978-967-418-820-7 2017 322.00 80.50
Diwanih "Banat Rama"
Mahmoud Adab Al-Manfaluti Al-Nathri Wa Khasaisuh
13 Marghany, Nasreldin Al-Faniyyah 978-967-418-864-1 2017 580.00 145.00
Brunilda Basha,
14 Fadzidah Abdullah, Adaptive Reuse Of Heritage Building 978-967-418-662-3 2017 552.00 138.00
Ali Raza Soomro
Farah Akmar Ahmad
15 Zaki, Mohammad Adibah Amin’s Selected English Prose 978-967-418-764-4 2017 580.00 145.00
Writings: A Study Of ‘Panopticism’
16 Ma'an Fahmi Rashid Adsorbed Natural Gas Storage By 978-967-418-495-7 2017 196.00 49.00
Experimental And Simulation Approaches
Mohammed Saedi
Jami, Ahmad Tariq
17 Jamil, Ma'an Fahmi Advances In Bioenvironmental Engineering 978-967-418-490-2 2018 580.00 145.00
Rashid Al-Khatib
Hani R. H. Awad, Ahkam Al-Asra Wa Al-Mu'ataqalin Fi Al-
18 Mohamed El Tahir El Fiqh Al-Islami Wa Al-Qanun Al-Dawli Al- 978-967-418-869-6 2017 580.00 145.00
Mesawi Insani Wa Al-Waq'i Al-Filistini
Ahmad Shamil, Ahkam Al-Hayawanat Al-Mubahah Al-
19 Mohamad Sabri Ma'lufah Bi Al-Aa'laf Al-Mukhtalitah Bi Al- 978-967-418-868-9 2017 207.00 51.75
Zakaria Najasah
Subhanllah Muchtar, Ahkam Al-Mudayanah Fi Al-Muasasat Al-
20 978-967-418-867-2 2017 100.00 25.00
Hossam El Din Maliyyah Al-Islamiyyah
Muhammad Hizbi Ahkam Salat Al-Musab Bi Al-Shalal Al-
21 Islami, Arif Ali Arif Dimaghi: Dirasah Fiqhiyyah Tahliliyyah 978-967-418-866-5 2017 219.00 54.75
Mohd Al-Baqlish
Mohd Firdaus,
22 Mohammad Hadzri Aims65 Score In Kuantan 978-967-418-714-9 2017 150.00 37.50
Hasmoni, Khairul
Azhar Jaafar


Muhd Burhan Abdul Akhtaa Al-Tarjamah Min Al-Lughah Al-
23 Hamid, Akmal Inghliziyyah Ila Al-A'rabiyyah: Dirasah 978-967-418-865-8 2017 400.00 100.00
Khuzairy Abd.
Tahliliyyah Li Kitab (Namuzaj Al-Musta'mir
Rahman Lli A'lam) Al-Mutarjam Li Blawt Anmuzajan
Radwan Jamal Al- I’jaz al-Qurani al-Bayani fi Ayat Qisat
24 Yousef Elatrash, Adam ‘Alayhi al-Salam wa Ab’aduha al- 978-967-418-989-1 2017 580.00 145.00
Hossam El Din
Makhlouf Waqi’yyah
Al Masdar Al-Mutasyyad Wa Mawaqiu'hu
25 Hanafi Dollah 978-967-418-518-3 2017 210.00 52.50
Al-Arabiyah Fi-Allughatul Al-Arabiyah
Al Tarjamah al-Aliyyah fi Tarjamt Nusus
26 Majdi Hj Ibrahim Hasubiyyah min al-Inghliziyyah ila al- 978-967-418-946-4 2017 580.00 145.00
’Arabiyyah: Dirasah wasfiyyah Muqaranah
bayna Nithamay Google wa ‘Ajib
Al-‘Arabiyyah li Akradh Akadimiyyah li
Ummi Farhana
27 Omar, Nadwah Tulab al-Dirasat al-‘Arabiyyah wa al- 978-967-418-960-0 2017 580.00 145.00
Daud Islamiyyah fi al-Jami’a al-Islamiyyah
al’Alamiyyah Malizyyah
Adli Yaakob, Al-Adab Al-Islami Wa Mafhumahu Bayba
28 978-967-418-914-3 2017 580.00 145.00
Nasreldin Ibrahim Al-Udabaa Al-A'rab Wa Malayuwuyyin
29 Nasreldin Ibrahim Al-Adab Al-Qasasi Al-Malayawi Tarjamah 978-967-418-913-6 2017 580.00 145.00
Wa Dirasah Wasfiyyah Naqdiyyah
Mualimin Al-'Adat Wa Al-A'raf Al-Muta'allaqah Bi Al-
30 Mohammed Shahid, Mara´Ti Min Al-Manzur Al-Islami –Jaziratu 978-967-418-979-2 2017 580.00 145.00
Arif Ali Arif Jawa´ Namuzja
Dalal Mohamed Al-Aslubiyyah Fi Shi'r Al-Sha'ir Al-
Bandar Hilalat,
31 Nasreldin Ibrahim Imarati Mania' Said Al-'Utaybah: Dirasah 978-967-418-912-9 2017 312.00 78.00
Ahmed Hussein Dalaliyyah Balaghiyyah
Al-Bid'a Wa Khtaa Fahmaha Lada Talabat
32 Muna Abdul Fatah, Al-Jamia' Al-Islamiyyah Al-A'lamiyyah 978-967-418-911-2 2017 353.00 88.25
Mek Wok
Bassam Mohammed
Ahmed Al-Sulaiman, Al-Busayri fi hayatih wa Shi’rih: Dirasah
33 978-967-418-967-9 2017 580.00 145.00
Munjid Mustafa Tahliliyyah
Salleh Addin Talib Al-Fatwa Al-Shazzah Wa Tatbiqatuha´ Al-
34 Salamat Farj, Arif Mu'asarah 978-967-418-978-5 2017 580.00 145.00
Ali Arif
Awaisu Nur Sharif, Al-Funun Al-Badi'yyah Wa Diwan "Ifadat
35 Nasreldin Ibrahim Al-Talibin" Li Amir Al-Muaminin Muhamad 978-967-418-890-0 2017 548.00 137.00
Bello Al-Nijiri: Dirasah Balaghiyyah Wa
Ahmad Hussein
Munadilla Al Azad
36 Jandin Lubis, Al-Funun Al-Bayaniyyah Fi Shi'r Abdullah 978-967-418-889-4 2017 580.00 145.00
Nasreldin Ibrahim Bin Al-Mu'taz
Al-Hadhana Fi Al-Fiqh Al-Islami Wa Qanun
Nurul Syuhada,
37 Al-Usrah Al-Islamiyyah Fi Wilayah Kedah 978-967-418-898-6 2017 580.00 145.00
Abdul Bari Awang
38 Yang Jing, Fatmir Al-Hiwar Al-Dini Fi Kitab "Al-Jawab Al- 978-967-418-896-2 2017 212.00 53.00
Mohd Mustafa Musa Al-Hulul Al-Shari'yyah Li Al-Duyun Al-
39 Dicko, Hossam El Muta'thirah Fi Al-Masarif Al-Islamiyyah 978-967-418-897-9 2017 580.00 145.00
Miszairi Sitiris,
40 Koutoub Moustapha Al-Huquq Al-Maliyyah Li Al-Mutalaqah Fi 978-967-418-899-3 2017 95.00 23.75
Qawanin Al-Usrah Al-Islamiyyah Bi Malizya
Muntaha Bin Artalim
41 Zaim, Mohamed El Al-Ijtihad Al-Maqasidi Fi Al-Ta'yush Bayna 978-967-418-917-4 2017 439.00 109.75
Al-Muslimin Wa Ghayrihim Fi Indonesia
Tahir El Mesawi
Fatimah A'syuri,
42 Bouhedda Ghalia Al-Ijtihad Bi Tahqiq Al-Manat Fi Qadhaya 978-967-418-916-7 2017 660.00 165.00
Al-Usrah Al-Mua'sira
Rakib Said Sharaf Al
43 Al-I'lam Wa Ahkamuhu Fi Al-Fiqh Al-Islami 978-967-418-980-8 2017 580.00 145.00
Mazouri, Arif Ali Arif


Muhammad Haji
44 Ibrahim, Nasreldin Al-Imam Al-Jurjani Wa Manhajuh Fi Tahlil 978-967-418-915-0 2017 580.00 145.00
Ibrahim Ahmed
Surah Al-Kahfi
Mardiah Saljuki,
45 Hossam El-Din Al-Jirahah Al-Tajmiliyyah Fi Al-Qanun Irani: 978-967-418-900-6 2017 552.00 138.00
Dirasah Fiqhiyyah Muqarinah
Ibrahim Mohamed
Masitah Abd Aziz, Al-Kalimat Al-Shai’at Fi Al-Mudawwanat
46 Mohd. Feham Md. Al-Nassiyyat Al-Akadimiyyat “Al-Munaqqob 978-967-418-886-3 2017 580.00 145.00
Ghalib Al-Arabiy
Al-Kalimat Al-Waridah Fi Al-Kutub
Khadijah Khalilah
47 Abdul Rashid, Al-Muqararah Li Madat Al-Lughah Al- 978-967-418-885-6 2017 580.00 145.00
'Arabiyyah Bi Al-Madaris Al-Thanawiyyah Bi
Haslina Hassan
Malizya: Dirasah Lughawiyyah Hasubiyyah
Al-Katl Al-Khataa Al-Mani' Min Al-Mirath
48 Abdul Rauf Sekkal, Fi Al-Fiqh Al-Islami Wa Al-Qanun Wa 978-967-418-888-7 2017 578.00 144.50
Tatbiqatuh Fi Al-Jazair Wa Malizya: Dirasah
Bouhedda Ghalia
Tahliliyyah Muqarinah
Nor Zatu Amni,
49 Al-Khitab Al-Tijari Fi Al-Quran Al-Karim 978-967-418-894-8 2017 580.00 145.00
Sofiah Samsudin
Ainul Rasyiqah Al-Khushu' Fi Al-Quran: Dalalatuh Wa
50 Sazali, Abdul Hamid Atharuh Fi Binaa Al-Shakhsiyyah Al- 978-967-418-895-5 2017 580.00 145.00
Mohamed Ali, Sofiah Mutamayyizah
Abdulhameed Yusuf
51 Badmas, Mohamed Al-Kuliyyat Al-Daruriyyah Between 978-967-418-593-0 2017 120.00 30.00
El-Taher Mesawi Limitation
Taysir, Mohamad Al-Layth Bin Saa'd Wa Manhajuh Fi Al-
52 978-967-418-882-5 2017 580.00 145.00
Sabri Zakaria Ijtihad: Dirasah Wasfiyyah Tahliliyyah
Rizki Fibrain, Sofiah Al-Liwat Fi Indonesia: Dhahiratuh Wa
53 Samsudin I'lajuh Fi Dhawoa Al-Quran Al-Karim 978-967-418-883-2 2017 291.00 72.75
54 Zainah Hussin, Al-Lughah Al-'Arabiyyah Al-Fusha Wa 978-967-418-884-9 2017 90.00 22.50
Makanatuha Mundho 'Asr Al-Nahdha Al-
Asem Shehadeh Ali
Hadithah Ila 'Asr Al-'Awlamah
Mahmud Muhd
Awwal, Jamal
Al-Manhaj Al-Qurani Fi Hifdh Al-Huquq Al-
55 Ahmed Badi, Sufian Malliyyah 978-967-418-876-4 2017 580.00 145.00
Al-Maqbuliyyat Fi Al-Tarjamat Al-I‘Lamiyyat
Al-Akhbar Fi Al-Mawqi‘ Al-‘Arabiy Li
56 Khalid Chtaibi, Majdi Baina Al-Nazariyyat Wa Al-Tatbiq: Tarjamat 978-967-418-877-1 2017 580.00 145.00
Haji Ibrahim
Wakalat Al-Anba’ Al-Maliziyyat Barnama
Fakriya Ibrahim,
57 Mohamad Sabri Al-Masuliyyah Al-Ijtimai'yyah Lil Masarif Al- 978-967-418-879-5 2017 790.00 197.50
Zakaria Islamiyyah Fi Dhawoa Maqasid Al-Shari'a
Mohamad Arafah
Careem Mohamad Al-Miras Wal Wasiah Fil Qonun Al Sri
58 978-967-418-497-1 2017 307.00 76.75
Jiffry, Abdul Bari Lanka: Dirayah Fiqhiyah Tahliliyah
Ibrahim Omar Al-Mufaraqah Inda Si Muwik Wa Tawdhifiha
59 Mohamed, Asem Fi Fahm Al-Khitab Al-Nabawi: Dirasah 978-967-418-878-8 2017 665.00 166.25
Shahedah Ali Tahliliyyah
60 Abdul Razak Alkindy, Al-Mufatirat Al-Tayyibah Al-Mu'asirah: 978-967-418-881-8 2017 1,028.00 257.00
Dirasah Tibiyyah Fiqhiyyah Muqarinah
Hossam El Din
Nur Aini Ariffin, Al-Muqaranat Baina Surat Al-Mar´Ah Fi
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Al-Muqasah Bayna Al-Duyun Fi Al-Fiqh
62 Khaled Dershwi, Arif Al-Islami Wa Tatbiqatuha Al-Mu'asirah Fi 978-967-418-880-1 2017 694.00 173.50
Ali Arif
Mohammad Sirajul
Mohamad Sultan Al-Musinnun Wa Ria'atihim Fi Al-Quran Al
63 Ahmad, Sofiah Karim Dhawoa 978-967-418-992-1 2017 580.00 145.00


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Ahmad H. Osman Hadith
Muhd Hakim Rusli, Al-Naql Al-Salbiy Fi Al-Nusus Al-Mutarjamat
65 Min Al-Malayuwiyyat Ila Al-‘Arabiyyat Lada 978-967-418-875-7 2017 580.00 145.00
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Al-Darisin Al-Maliziyyin
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Al-Mathab Li Imam Al-Haramayn Al-Juwini:
El-Tahir Elmesawi
Durasah Tahliliyyah
Muhammad Annur
Ahmad, Nasreldin
67 Ibrahim, Badri Najib Al-Qisah Fi Adab Al- Sheikh Ali Al-Tantawi 978-967-418-887-0 2017 340.00 85.00
Sanogo Oumar,
68 Rahmah Ahmad Al-Qiyam Al-Islamiyyat Fi Adab Al-‘Arab Wa 978-967-418-957-0 2017 580.00 145.00
Moheb Qais Al-Rashwah Fi Al-Fiqh Al-Islami Wa Al-
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Hossam El Din
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Qadhaa: Roayyah Fiqhiyyah Mua'sirah
Muhammad Syahrial Al-Shaykh Muhamad Husni al-Sidiqi wa
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Muhammad Faizul
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Jabali As'ad, Munjed Al-Surah Al-Faniyyah Fi Rasail Al-
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Mek Wok
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Mohamed Ali Omar
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Shiidow, Ahmad
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Abdul Rahman Chik
Al-Tawaruq Al-Masrafi Wa Tatbiqatuh Fi
Subhanllah Muchtar,
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Fatin Nur Syazana Al-Tawjihat Al-Quraniyyah Fi Islah Al-
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Abdullah Sanusi,
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Nurhayati Abdul
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Quran Al-Karim
Rahman Chick
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Noor Wati BM Assessing The Quality Of Email-Based And
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Athar Al-Qawamah Al-Zawjiyyah Fi Al-
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Naqdiyyah: Muhafadhah Masqat
Ali Arif
Bakht Rahman
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