“In everything give thanks; for this is the In November, much deserved a en on and honor is given to
will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” our military veterans and the sacrifices they make to protect
1 Thessalonians 5:18 our freedom, but standing alongside them are dedicated
spouses. It is fi ng that we celebrate those who serve as
We are approaching the season and me well as those who support them in November, which is also
of year in which people are kinder, gentler elec on month and Thanksgiving.
and more giving. The season when people
openly express their gra tude and seek ways to assist others. We are grateful for these rights and do not take them for
It is a season of thanks and giving. O en when we think of granted. As the scripture says, “in everything give thanks”,
Thanksgiving we think of reconnec ng with family and we are thankful for our members, we are thankful for the
sharing a boun ful meal. The days leading up to the meal are right to exercise our vote, and thankful for God's daily love
filled with prepara on and an cipa on. and protec on.
In this issue of the Spotlight, we highlight our Foodbank With a grateful heart,
Commi ee and the importance of the work they have done
over the years to ensure others may eat. We are also
highligh ng our sorors who are military spouses.
IN THIS ISSUE St. Jude Recap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Commi ee Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Stay Connected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Military Veteran Spouses . . . . . . . . . . 2 Birthdays and Celebra ons . . . . . . . . 12 Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Having a Servant’s Heart . . . . . . . . . . 5 Sensa onal Sorors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Frontline with the Foodbank . . . . . . . 6
BYOB Recap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
by Sheila Williams
On Veteran’s Day we honor our sorors who are serving/served in the military. Addi onally we
recognize the role our military families play in keeping our military forces strong and our
country safe. Sorors you are appreciated for enduring pregnancies, births, and months of
paren ng alone; for prospering wherever the military plants you, for living in constant change
with minimal whining, for being proud and suppor ve even when you are scared, for finding
happiness and silver-linings when survival mode is endless, for reaching out to other spouses,
and for being a wealth of encouragement for the protectors of our great na on.
Sana’s STORY States Air Force. So, most of my life has will it bring about posi ve experiences
been involved with the military not only for the en re family.
My name is Soror as a military spouse, but also a military
Sandra L. Myers, dependent. I was asked how I felt about
and I am the transi oning from one base to another.
proud spouse of a My experiences as a military spouse and Well, I must be completely honest about
re red officer in dependent was both challenging at this ques on. There were mes during
the United States my military experiences as a spouse and
Air Force who was mes, and a blessing at other mes. a dependent that I absolutely hated
an OB/GYN Military life is not only a sacrifice for the having to transi on to another base or
physician and ac ve-duty member, but also a sacrifice watch my spouse and/or my father
surgeon while serving 20 ac ve duty for spouses and dependents as well. leave for deployment, which could be
years. I was also a proud dependent of a Everyone involved has a role to perform, for several months, and in some cases
re red non-commissioned officer who and only when the spouse/dependents for more than a year. As a military
served 24 plus years in the United are on board for full support of their spouse, I had to grow up fast, and learn
loved one's involvement in the military
to work independently for a smooth Shiela’s STORY another family in Georgia and we are
transi on to another base. In most s ll very close. Some friends I'm s ll in
cases as a military spouse, a transi on My name is touch with some I lost contact. We were
would mean that I would have to take Soror Sheila relocated back to USA at Shaw Air Force
care of everything to get ready for the Williams, and I Base. I became pregnant while we were
move, while my spouse was doing his am the proud there and had my daughter. I didn't like
ac ve-duty job. Transi oning to another spouse of a it when my husband had to go to Korea
military base also meant that my re red Senior for one year alone. But I made the best
children and I would have to make new Master out of the situa on. I le Shaw to find a
friends, new schools for them, new Sargent of the job in Virginia so he could put in for
church, etc. including being away from United States Langley Air Force Base. We both
family. As a dependent, I also expe- Air Force who served 27 years. traveled from South Carolina to Virginia
rienced things such as having to make
new friends, new schools, etc. My experiences as a military spouse was to share the care of our child un l he
The military experiences as both a a blessing to me. It was just my husband le for Korea. I was able to get back in
spouse/dependent enhanced me
educa onally because I was able to and I during my experience. I always school to finish my degree. Thank God
discover how other people live,
including their diversity and cultures. love to travel and enjoy mee ng people. he was sent back to Langley Air Force
Many military members marry spouses
that are from different countries, which This experience was enjoyable and Base where I had returned to un l he
brings about diversity, so ge ng to
know these spouses enhanced my challenging. My husband would tell me came back from Korea. I was in charge
knowledge of what they bring to the
table. I have dined in their homes and all the rules I had to follow to keep him of everything to keep our dream of the
have eaten exo c foods from their
cultures and have learned so much from ge ng in trouble. When we were family going.
about their worlds. These spouses have
educated me, and I have help to da ng you don't see everything. So I The military experiences enhanced my
educate them since they were living in
my country. Regarding how the military was indirectly in the military as well. My educa on because I learned Japanese,
has enhanced my career endeavors, I
would say that this life has prepared me first experience took place 2 months Korean and Spanish. When I return to
to be very organized, independent, a
pro at mul -tasking, adaptable to a er we got married. He got orders to Langley Air Force base, I applied at the
change, more personable and outgoing.
These a ributes go a long way in the move to the base in Japan. But before company in Newport News called
types of careers I have obtained.
going to Japan we had to move to Canon. Well, it was managed by the
My advice to a military spouse or
dependent would be to be as suppor ve Georgia for him to a end some training Japanese. I was able to understand and
as you possibly can to your ac ve-duty
spouse or parent. When they signed on before leaving for Japan. They had to speak the language and understood the
and took their oath to protect and
defend the Cons tu on of the United rush my passport through, I had to quit culture which help me to get employed
States, they have a duty to fulfill. I would
advise military spouses/dependents to my job, get all my business transac on in the company. They sent me back to
be pa ent and to be adaptable to
change. changed over to his accounts, and school to finish my degree. I worked for
prepared my family for not seeing me this company for 21 years but I had to
for several years. So I had to sacrifice a re re due to medical reason but they
lot of thing I was doing in my life to be take care of their employees. So, my
with my husband. career and educa on goals were met.
When we transi oned to other bases, I I advise military spouses to learn
would have to give up my educa on and everything about the military and how
jobs. I found it hard with some jobs you can be encouraging to your spouse
because I was really into them and the in the military. Comfort them at all mes
same with some of the colleges I was because their jobs can be challenging
a ending. But I was able to adjust to the mentally and physically. Learn to be
changes and the cultures. Going from flexible and understanding for all the
one base to another or one country to changes that will take place and lead
another didn't bother me, especially with confidence because when they
learning other cultural lifestyle. That aren't there it will all fall on you. When
was the best. Now, I did feel kind of bad you say "I do" you also said that to the
for some of the other military families military life. I loved my military life
with children traveling long distance, experience with my husband and we are
becausethey struggled. I was so glad it s ll enjoying it as re red members.
was just my husband and I. We met
Akha’s STORY Lastly, I would encourage military spouses to stay connected
to their family, friends, other military families, and community.
As an ac ve duty Navy spouse of 18 These connec ons become your true village and will o en be
years, I want to encourage other what keeps you sane during those long deployments. Not only
spouses to stay connected. First and will you stay ac ve but you will make lifelong memories and
foremost, stay connected to God as friendships. Don't be afraid to try something new. There are
your faith can calm your fears, numerous opportuni es to learn from others' cultures and
comfort you in mes of sadness, experiences. This is a benefit to you and your children. Being a
renew your mind and help you keep military spouse is not easy at all. You will not always feel
the vows you promised to your valued or appreciated for your efforts at home, but take pride
spouse. Pray over your spouse, his in knowing that your spouse's career success is a direct
command, and every place & person he will encounter. Type reflec on of your leadership at home. Even in mes of
those prayers and share them with him. I remember being hardships, disagreements and disappointments, try your best
awakened from my sleep and due to the me zones I knew I to stay posi ve and know that it is ok to take me for yourself!
wouldn't be able to chat with him online or call him, so I You will need me to re-group and de-stress to be the best
would email/text my prayer so he had it when he woke up. I you, you can be!
do believe God answered my prayers because he always
brought my husband back safely. Yes, all these things can help you get through the years of
military family life, but let me be honest and transparent right
Secondly, have faith and stay connected to your spouse. Be here: SOMETIMES YOU WILL HAVE TO ENCOURAGE
crea ve! Use technology (FaceTime, Skype, etc.) to your YOURSELF! There will be a lot of alone me and the strength
advantage, but also write le ers, send postcards, and you need will have to come from within. Once you reach the
pictures, to your spouse. If you have children, send them hard end of your spouse's career (we just hit re rement on Sept.
copies of your childrens art, awards and school report cards. 30th) I pray you can look back and reflect on the years (and all
Music, especially going to concerts, was something that my the tears) and feel like you accomplished something great
husband and I shared an amazing apprecia on for, so every so because you have had faith in God, your marriage, your
o en I recorded myself singing a few verses and sending that connec ons and yourself!
to him. Some mes it's truly the li le things that can keep you
connected. With Love, Soror Akhira McFarland
The Army Logis cs University (ALU), Fort Lee, VA had a
dedica on ceremony to rename their mul purpose room as a
memoriam to my late husband, naming it the Michael K.
Williams Mul purpose Room. I was one of the two guest
speakers and assisted in revealing the memorial plaque. The
ceremony was a proud and emo onal moment.
Michael graduated from the Army Military Academy. and was
an execu ve in the federal government's Senior Execu ve
Service (SES) program when he passed unexpectedly last year.
He was also the first African American president of ALU .
The event reaffirmed that people care. Michael was an
execu ve and so I had to demonstrate confidence when we
interacted with various levels of leaders and speaking in
groups. As the minority in the room we had to command the
room because eyes were watching. He was a master at that.
Now I gladly speak at events to represent the best of us.
Having a
Soror Lisa Crump, Chaplain
What does it mean to have a servant's heart? It means to not only put other's needs ahead of our
own, but to serve with the right mo va on. In other words, we should always put God's will before
our own. The best reference of scripture of a servant's heart is found in Phil 2:5-8 which reads ,“In
your rela onships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very
nature with God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;
rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human
likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to
death—even death on a cross!” (NIV)
To most people, having a servant's heart does not come naturally. Think about it! We are taught from
an early age that in order to get ahead we must forge our own path by becoming someone of
recogni on. Some may call this mindset of self-sa sfac on the four P's: power, possession, pres ge
and posi on. However such mindset is not a true servant. Jesus himself told us in John 5:30 that he
came to not do His own will but the will of the Father. I don't know about you, but nothing of that
passage of scripture references “self-sa sfac on”. Besides, we know that unless we are Christ
sa sfied, we will never be self-sa sfied.
Sisters, as we approach November and December, the months known for giving back, let us focus on
cul va ng a servant's heart first by serving God as well as serving others. We must prac ce being the
salt of the earth by showing uncondi onal love and light of the world and witnessing God's true word
to others. Wholeheartedly submit to the will of God by helping those in need and less fortunate.
Lastly, we all have gi s and talents. Let us lock the door to fear, unlock our blessings from above, and
begin using our gi s and talents to help others draw closer to Christ.
Sorors, as women of Delta, a servant's heart should be engrained in all of us. Our founda on was laid
through the footprint of our 22 Founders. Their selfless acts paved the way by helping those less
fortunate who were denied their basic human rights as free people. Our Founders exemplified the
grassroots meaning of a servant's heart.
ON THE FRONT LINE by Michelle Lewis
with the
According to USDA, in 2020, 10.5 percent (13.8 million U.S. households) were food insecure, meaning
they had difficulty at some me during the year providing enough food for all their members because of a
lack of resources. More than 14,000 people in the city of Hampton are considered to be food insecure,
and lack consistent access to enough food to live an ac ve, healthy life. This can be a temporary situa on
for a household or can last for an extended length of me.
The Hampton Alumnae Chapter Foodbank Commi ee was established several years ago to help eliminate
hunger and provide access to healthy food in our community. Although the commi ee has not been able
to physically volunteer since 2020, they con nue to seek dona ons for the organiza on.
During a recent conversa on with the chapter's Foodbank Commi ee Chair, Lucy Overton recalled how
the volunteer effort was just as rewarding to sorors as it was to those they served. Prior to the pandemic,
once a month sorors volunteered at the Paula Maria Apartments to organize and distribute food to
residents in need. The Peninsula Foodbank would send trucks loaded with fresh food, that included
meats, vegetables, and fruit as well as pantry staples.
With their monthly visits, the sorors and residents quickly grew a rapport. Sorors gave special a en on to
the seniors who had medical challenges or other needs. Some residents were home-bound and had
assistants who would come to the distribu on site on their behalf. Even those residents looked forward to
the day the “ladies in red” would come, knowing the ladies would ask their assistants about them. The
sorors who volunteered enjoyed the face-to-face
engagement with residents and look forward to safely
returning when restric ons ease up.
As the holidays approach and our families prepare
Thanksgiving feasts, we are reminded of how blessed
we are to be a blessing to our community. Through
ongoing efforts, the Chapter has earmarked and
donated more than $5,000 to the Virginia Peninsula
Foodbank. The money donated not only helps the
residents of the Paula Maria Apartment community,
but other sites throughout the city. Unexpected
hardships happen, and according to Soror Overton,
“it's our responsibility to serve. We would want
someone to do the same for us, if we were not able to
help ourselves.”
Established in 1986, Virginia Peninsula Foodbank
serves families in the ci es of Hampton, Newport
News, Poquoson and Williamsburg, and the coun es
of Gloucester, James City, Mathews, Surry and York. It
has been the leading hunger relief organiza on across
the greater Peninsula serving the 1 in 7 Virginians who
experience the daily hardships of food insecurity.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Agriculture
MEMBERSHIP SERVICES: BYOB (Bring Your Own Bra) Soror Tatrece Swann
“I really had a wonderful a ernoon spending me with sorors at our BYOB event! First of all, I enjoyed
listening to Soror Swann speak her truth regarding her personal experience with breast cancer. She
provided some very informa ve informa on regarding her experience as well as the sta s cal
informa on regarding breast cancer and how it affects African American women as compared to other
races. I truly enjoyed seeing all of our sorors in the Zoom ac vity so hard at work sharing their
crea vity in transforming ordinary bras into masterpieces! It was a true delight! I appreciate my bra
being selected for the “Sorors Choice Award” also! I had a theme for making my bra, which was,
"Flowers & Bling for the Survivor Queen.” - Soror Sandra Myers
Stephanie Durrah
Hampton Delta Pearls
Chairperson/ Team Captain
September was Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and
the St. Jude Walk/ Run was held September 25, 2021.
Hampton Delta Pearls were invited to par cipate in-person
at the St. Jude Walk/Run held at the Botanical Gardens in
Norfolk, Virginia. Sorors Johne a Sanders-Cook, Marnita
Edwards, and Stephanie Durrah walked along with other
top ten teams while using the St. Jude app to do the walk
virtually. President Janez Pace and Soror Cheryl Griffin also
used the St. Jude app and walked virtually. We walked and
ran together and supported the lifesaving mission of St.
Jude Children's Research. No family receives a bill at St.
Jude for treatment, travel, housing or foods because all a
family should worry about is helping their child live. This
year the goal for Hampton Delta Pearls is $3,500.00.
Dona ons were accepted throughout the month of
October and the commi ee is grateful for the support.
Sorors please remember our adopted daughter Janee Thomas. The plan is to be able to present Janee with a check prior to the beginning of her
Spring semester in January to assist her with books and living expenses. Sorors please send your dona ons to the chapter mailbox with checks wri en
to HAC DST, 26 Towne Center Way, #711, Hampton, VA 23666. Please feel free to contact Soror Sharon Chappell at [email protected] or (757) 329-
5515 with any ques ons concerning this effort.
Sorors, we know that everyday is a day of thanksgiving and this November we want to remind and encourage one another with thankful Thursday
messages! These messages can be as simple as a couple sentences or as elaborate as a small paragraph (5-6 sentences). Please email your messages
to Soror Akhira McFarland at [email protected] no later than Monday, November 1st; indicate if you want the message to be anonymous.
Messages will be shared on the Chapter's social media pages throughout the day each Thursday for the month of November.
The Disaster Preparedness Commi ee is conduc ng a Flashlight Drive. The Commi ee’s goal is to collect 100 Flashlights to donate to Machen
Elementary and Transi ons Family Violence Services. Flashlights will be added to Thanksgiving Baskets that will be distributed by Soror Reatha
Montgomery, November 15th. The Disaster Preparedness Commi ee will accept your donated flashlights November 6th, 1pm-3pm, at the Hampton
Delta Founda on building., located at1999 West Pembroke Avenue, Hampton.
Why is a flashlight important in disasters? Flashlights give light when no other source is available in a manner that's much safer than exposed candles.
A er a storm or other disaster strikes, power might be out for hours or even days. Flashlights are an important part of any good emergency kit.
Delta Day at City Hall flyer is shown on the next page. The full Zoom access link is below.
h ps://
Submi ed by Karen McAdoo
The adherence to the Code of Ethics in Delta Sigma Theta Sorority,
Incorporated is an expecta on of every member and serves as a guiding
philosophy. Ethics are “the principles of conduct governing an individual or a
group.,” according to Merriam Webster Dic onary
as primary the bond of Sisterhood and the giving
of public service.
This principle defines the organiza on's purpose as created by the Founders.
the Cons tu on and Bylaws of Delta Sigma Theta
Sorority, Incorporated.
The cons tu on describes our organiza on's purpose, key principles, and
organiza onal structure. The bylaws establish the specific rules of guidance for
opera on by each member.
~Details to follow~ This principle outlines organiza onal sustainability, achieved by member
commitment to understanding and compliance.
— 10 —
~Details to follow~
— 11 —
Marva Gaten Rose Brodie
Vernel Eure Elnora Daniel
Bonita Hunter Stephanie Cuffee
Cora Jacocks Brenda Fowlkes
Iris Mann Felecia Jordan
Tonya Grant Robin Sco
Barbara McCracken Toshia Walters
Cameo Hargrove Patrice Williams
Belinda Baker
was recently featured in the Oyster ,
Pointer newspaper and shared her inspira on for living a Where are you?
life devoted to community service. Notably, Soror Swann
who is president of TowneBank's Peninsula and Share your
Williamsburg markets serves on the boards of six accomplishments,
organiza ons, including Virginia Commonwealth
University's Board of Visitors, United Way of Virginia so
Peninsula; Jamestown-Yorktown Founda on, Inc.; Fear can celebrate
to Freedom; Virginia Center for Inclusive Communi es;
and Hampton Delta Founda on, Inc. Soror Swann was !
recently recognized as one of Ivy Bap st Church's Trailblazers for her
professional accomplishments and being the first EVER African-American
(male or female) President of Towne Bank in Hampton Roads. The ar cle is
available at
— 12 —
Execu ve Board Mee ng (V)
ELECTION DAY- Vote! Vote! Vote! Hampton Alumnae Chapter
Chapter Mee ng (V) Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Delta Day at City Hall (V) 26 Towne Centre Way #711
World Prematurity Day Hampton, VA 23666
World AIDS Day [email protected]
Chapter Mee ng (V)
The Publicity Commi ee would like to thank all Sorors who contributed to the content of the Hampton
Spotlight Newsle er. We welcome comments and sugges ons to help us improve our publica on for you.
Please email comments, correc ons or sugges ons to [email protected].
SUBMISSION – Ar cles submi ed for this sec on
GUIDELINES should provide a unique aspect of a program, event or person
and/or ps and resources. Logis cal details (date, me, place,
Does your commi ee have a successful service project, event or cost) of an event should be secondary to the story aspect. Clear
program to share? Are you a subject ma er expert on topics ac on photos are desired and given preference.
relevant to the Sorority? Do you have a personal accomplishment
to announce? If so, we want to hear from YOU! (150 word maximum) – Ar cles submi ed for
this sec on should highlight the soror's recent accomplishment
and also include a headshot or ac on photo.
Our chapter newsle er is your opportunity to share program
stories and ideas to spotlight commi ees and members. The
newsle er's purpose is to keep sorors informed of current issues UPCOMING ISSUES
and events, strengthen chapter rela onships and empower
members with resources and profiles. Each monthly issue will have All ar cles and photos are . Send
a feature topic, as outlined in the Upcoming Issues sec on. submissions to [email protected] or any commi ee
Third-person narra ve Michelle Lewis, Chapter Journalist/Chair
Microso Word format (do not send as a pdf) Staysi Blunt, Wanda Gatlin, Jeane e Grase,
Limit of three high-resolu on digital photos (jpeg or png) Delcenia Hobson, June Javier, Debra Vance, Sheila Williams
The Publicity Commi ee reserves the right to edit submissions
– Ar cles submi ed for this sec on should align
with the issue topic and provide a personal experience, ps,
ac on items, and resources.