Name: __________________________ Beginning Sounds (A,B,C) ©Annie Moffatt@ The Moffatt Girls 2016 Aa Bb Cc Directions: Say the sound the letter makes on each chick. Cut and paste the two pictures that make the same sound. Color.
Name: __________________________ Beginning Sounds (D,E,F) ©Annie Moffatt@ The Moffatt Girls 2016 Dd Ee Ff Directions: Say the sound the letter makes on each chick. Cut and paste the two pictures that make the same sound. Color.
Name: __________________________ Beginning Sounds (G,H,I) ©Annie Moffatt@ The Moffatt Girls 2016 Gg Hh Ii Directions: Say the sound the letter makes on each chick. Cut and paste the two pictures that make the same sound. Color.
Name: __________________________ Beginning Sounds (J,K,L) ©Annie Moffatt@ The Moffatt Girls 2016 Jj Kk Ll Directions: Say the sound the letter makes on each chick. Cut and paste the two pictures that make the same sound. Color.
Name: __________________________ Beginning Sounds (M,N,O) ©Annie Moffatt@ The Moffatt Girls 2016 Mm Nn Oo Directions: Say the sound the letter makes on each chick. Cut and paste the two pictures that make the same sound. Color.
Name: __________________________ Beginning Sounds (P,Q,R) ©Annie Moffatt@ The Moffatt Girls 2016 Pp Qq Rr Directions: Say the sound the letter makes on each chick. Cut and paste the two pictures that make the same sound. Color.
Name: __________________________ Beginning Sounds (S,T,U) ©Annie Moffatt@ The Moffatt Girls 2016 Ss Tt Uu Directions: Say the sound the letter makes on each chick. Cut and paste the two pictures that make the same sound. Color.
Name: __________________________ Beginning Sounds (V,W,X) ©Annie Moffatt@ The Moffatt Girls 2016 Vv Ww Xx Directions: Say the sound the letter makes on each chick. Cut and paste the two pictures that make the same sound. Color.
Name: __________________________ Beginning Sounds (Y,Z) ©Annie Moffatt@ The Moffatt Girls 2016 Yy Zz Directions: Say the sound the letter makes on each chick. Cut and paste the three pictures that make the same sound. Color. ©Annie Moffatt@ The Moffatt Girls 2016