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Media buying demands a lot of attention to detail, or else it won’t be worth it. The objective is to purchase ad space on the best channels for the client. Performing the media buying task needs the agency to be on top of its game.

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Published by carrolljillian200, 2022-05-05 12:59:02

4 Things the Most Successful Media Buyers Already Know

Media buying demands a lot of attention to detail, or else it won’t be worth it. The objective is to purchase ad space on the best channels for the client. Performing the media buying task needs the agency to be on top of its game.

Keywords: media buyers

4 Things the
Most Successful
Media Buyers
Already Know

May 6, 2022 · Business

Media buying demands a lot
of attention to detail, or else it
won’t be worth it. The
objective is to purchase ad
space on the best channels for
the client. Performing the
media buying task needs the
agency to be on top of its
game. Research should be the
priority to know what
platforms attract the most
tra몭c. Media buying
techniques, especially in this
day and age, have to be precise
and goal-driven. It’s not about
throwing the hook into the
water and hoping to catch 몭sh.
Agencies ensure the
company’s viewability if the

best by negotiating their way
into the best spots.

What’s Needed to be
Successful at Media Buying

As a media buyer, the aim
should be to stand out of the
bunch. Every action taken
bene몭ts the client or costs
money that never returns.

To prevent loss of time and
money, here are a few

Have Enough Competitive

Though it may seem obvious,
having a competitive
advantage in the media buying
몭eld is a must. Research and
competitive analysis are
essential in developing a
failure-proof strategy.
Competitors in the same 몭eld
have strategies in place—study
without copying them. Correct
the mistakes they make and do
much better to drive tra몭c.

Carry Out Continuous

Solid strategies need endless
testing. Since the money spent
is the client’s, there is a need
to ensure big pro몭ts. Testing is
the best way to locate the
target audience. A몭er 몭guring
out the target audience, the
next step is 몭nding the best
ways to reach them.

Learn How to Bid the Right

Media buyers do a lot of
bidding to get perfect
opportunities for their clients.
The strategy used should
factor in the following: •
Tra몭c volume • Click-through
rate • Real-time bids An in-
depth understanding of these
three elements means
increased tra몭c and successful

Identify the Di몭erence
Between Desktop and Mobile

The amount of tra몭c is
dependent on the platform
used. The aim is not only to
get impressions but drive

downloads. Finding the right
platform is paramount for
success. A campaign might
generate conversions on
mobile and not enough on
desktop. Once media buyers
identify their strongest
platforms, they can make the
best out of them for
maximum tra몭c and ROI
(Return on Investment).

Knowing the Di몭erence
Between Media Planning and
Media Buying

Media planning and buying
fall in the same category but
involve very distinct processes.
The main aim of media
buying is to attract the most
impressions from the target

Media buying agencies focus
on attracting the most
attention without breaking the
bank. On the other hand,
media planning comes before
buying itself. Media planning
concentrates on the strategy
behind the ad campaign.
Successful media buyers

choose the most e몭ective
medium for reaching the
audience in the media
planning phase. Individuals
new in the media buying
sphere must learn from their
predecessors. This way, they
avoid making irredeemable
mistakes. Media buying needs
a lot of knowledge to ensure
the choices made are
bene몭cial to the client.


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