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Published by Gabriel Eduardo, 2018-12-28 00:20:03

D&D Xanathar's Guide to Everything

Xanathar's Guide to Everything

SORCEROUS ORIGINS W~'l J..o so ""G"''l Ct(Htic;( t~\°"~ l ~Cjvt ~irJ.. wi°"~l

At 1st level, a sorcerer gains the Sorcerous Origin fea- c;"'J.. i"'f<r"'c;l t~i"'~l ~c;v< ~c;t wi"'~s? \t Ht.,...s
ture. The following options a re available to a sorcerer, c;r~itw'l' ~trt s~oV\.(J.. ~' c; ~c;t G"'~'d
in add ition to those offered in the Player's Handbook:
D ivine Soul, Shadow Magic, a nd Storm Sorcery.

DIVINE SOUL the outcome. Once you use this feature, you can't use it
again until you finish a short or long rest.
Sometimes the spark of magic that fuels a sorcerer
comes from a divine source that glimmers within the

soul. Having s uch a blessed soul is a sign that your EMPOWERED HEALING

innate magic might come from a distant but powerful fa. Starting at 6th level, the divine energy cours ing through

milial connection to a divine being. Perhaps your ances- you can empower healing spells. Whenever you or

tor was an angel, tra nsformed into a mortal and sent to an a lly within 5 feet of you rolls dice to determ ine the

fight in a god's name. Or your birth might align with a n number of hit points a spell restores, you can spend 1

ancient prophecy, marki ng you as a servant of the gods sorcery point to reroll any number of those d ice once,

or a chosen vessel of divine magic. provided you aren't incapacitated. You can use this fea-

A Divine Soul, with a natural magnetism, is seen as a ture only once per turn.

threat by some religious hierarchies. As an outsider who

commands sacred power, a Divine Soul can undermine OTHERWORLDLY WINGS

a n existing order by claiming a direct tie to the divine. Starting at 14th level, you can use a bonus action to

In some cul tures, only those who can claim the power ma nifest a pair of spectral wings from your back. Wh ile

of a Divine Soul may command religious power. In the wings are present, you have a flying speed of 30 feet.

these lands, ecclesiastical positions a re dominated by a The wings last un ti l you're incapacitated, you die, or you
d ismiss them as a bonus action.
list.few bloodlines and preserved over generations.
AeriaDIVINE SOUL FEATURES The affin ity you chose for your Divine Magic feature
PDFSorcerer Level Feature determines the appearance of the spectral wings: eagle
wings for good or law, bat wings for evil or chaos, and
enu1st Divine Magic, Favored by the Gods d ragonfly wings for neutrality.
Deb6th Empowered Healing
n of14th Otherworldly Wi ngs UNEARTHLY RECOVERY
rsio18th Unearthly Recovery
emo veDIVINE MAGIC At 18th level, you gain the ability to overcome grievous
a dYour link to the divine a llows you to learn spells from injuries. As a bonus action when you have fewer than
ingthe cleric class. When your Spellcasting feature lets you half of you r hi t points rema ining, you can regain a n um-
d uslearn or replace a sorcerer cantrip or a sorcerer spell of ber of hit points equa l to half your hit point maxim um.
ifie1st level or higher, you can choose the new spell from
odthe cleric spell Lis t or the sorcerer spell list. You must Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until
n motherwise obey all the restrictions for selecting the you finish a long rest.
beespell, and it becomes a sorcerer spell for you.
hasIn addition, choose an affi nity for the source of you r SHADOW MAGIC
Fdivine power: good, evil, law, chaos, or ne utrality. You
is PDlearn an additional spell based on that affinity, as shownYou are a creature of shadow, for your innate magic
Thbelow. It is a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn't count comes from the Shadowfell itself. You might trace your
lineage to a n entity from that place, or perhaps you were
exposed to its fell energy and transformed by it.

The power of s hadow magic casts a stra nge pall over
your physical presence. The spark of life that sustains
you is muffled, as if it struggles to remain viable against

aga inst your nu mber of sorcerer spells known. Ifyou the dark energy that im bues your soul. At your option ,

later replace this spell , you must replace it w ith a spell you can pick from or roll on the Shadow Sorcerer

fro m the cleric spell list. Quirks table to create a quirk for your character.

Good cure wounds
Evil inflict wounds d6 Quirk
Law bless You are always icy cold to the touch.
Chaos bane
Neutrality protection from evil and good 2 When you are asleep, you don't appear to breathe
(though you must still breathe to survive).
3 You barely bleed, even when badly injured.
Starting at 1st level, d ivine power guards your destiny. 4 Your heart beats once per minute. This event
If you fail a saving throw or miss with an attack roll, you
can roll 2d4 and add it to the total, possibly changi ng sometimes surprises you.

s You have trouble remembering that living creatures

and corpses should be treated differently.
6 You bl inked. Once. Last week.



Sorcerer Feature

1st Eyes of the Dark, Strength of the Grave
3rd Eyes of the Dark (darkness)

6th Hound of Ill Omen
14th Shadow Walk
18th Umbral Form


Starting at 1st level, you have darkvis ion with a range
of 120 feet.

When you reach 3rd level in this class, you learn
the darkness spell, which doesn't count against your
number of sorcerer spells known. In addition, you can
cast it by spending 2 sorcery points or by expending a
s pell s lot. U you cast it with sorcery points, you can see
through the darkness created by the spell.


Starting at 1st level, your existence in a twilight state be-

tween life and death makes you difficult to defeat. When
t.damage reduces you to 0 hit points, you can make a
lisCharisma saving throw (DC 5 + the damage taken). On but only against its target. Add itionally, while the hound
eriaa success, you instead drop to 1 hit point. You can't use is within 5 feet of the target, the target has disadvantage
F Athis feature if you are reduced to 0 hit points by radiant on saving throws against any spell you cast. The hound
PDdamage or by a critical hit. disappears if it is reduced to 0 hit points, if its ta rget is
reduced to 0 hit points, or after 5 minutes.
enuAfter the saving throw succeeds, you can't use this
ebfeature again until you finish a long rest. SHADOW WALK
rsioAt 6th level, you gain the ability to call forth a howling At 14th level, you gain the ability to step from one
o vecreature of darkness to harass your foes. As a bonus shadow into another. When you are in dim light or dark-
emaction, you can s pend 3 sorcery points to magically ness, as a bonus action , you can magically teleport up to
a ds ummon a hound of ill omen to target one creature you 120 feet to an unoccupied space you can see that is also
ingcan see within 120 feet of you. The hound uses the dire in dim light or darkness.
uswolf's statistics (see the Monster Manual or appendix C
ifiedin the Player's Handbook), with the following changes: UMBRALFORM
mod• The hound is s ize Medium, not Large, and it counts as
Starting at 18th level, you can spend 6 sorcery points
ena monstrosity, not a beast. as a bonus action to magically transform yourself into
s be• It appears with a number of temporary hit points a shadowy form . In this form, you have resistance to
all damage except force and radiant damage, and you
haequal to half your sorcerer level. can move through other creatures and objects as if they
DF• It can move th rough other creatures and objects as were terrain. You take 5 force damage if you end
your turn inside an object.
is Pif they were difficult terrain. The hound takes 5 force
Thdamage if it ends its turn inside an object. You remain in this for m for 1 minute. It ends early if

• At the start of its turn, the hound automatically knows
its target's loca tion. If the target was hidden, it is no
longer hidden from the hound.

The hound appears in an unoccupied space of your you are incapacitated, if you die, or if you dismiss it as a

choice within 30 feet of the target. Roll initiative for the bonus action.
hound. On its turn, it can move only toward its target by

the most direct route, and it can use its action o nly to at- STORM SORCERY

tack its target. The hound can make opportunity attacks, Your innate magic comes from the power of elemental

air. Many with th is power can trace their magic back to

a near-death experience caused by the Great Rain, but

perhaps you were born during a howling gale so power-

ful that folk still tell stories of it, or your lineage might

include the influence of potent air creatures such as

djinn. Whatever the case, the magic of the storm perme-

ates your being.


Storm sorcerers a re invaluable me mbers of a s hip's HEART OF THE STORM
crew. Their magic a llows them to exert control over
wi nd and weathe r in the ir immediate a rea. The ir abili- At 6th level, you gai n resis tance to lig htning and thunder
ties a lso prove useful in repelling attacks by s ahuagin, damage. In add ition, w henever you s tart casting a spell
pirates, and other waterborne threats. of 1s t level or higher that deals lightning or thunder
da mage, s tormy magic erupts from you. This eruption
STORM SORCERY FEATURES causes creatures of your choice that you can see within
10 feet of you to take lig htning or thunde r damage
Sorcerer Fea t u re (choose each time this abi lity activates) equal to ha lf
Level your sorcerer level.

1st Wind Speaker, Tempestuous Magic STORM GUIDE
6th Heart of the Storm, Storm Guide
14th Storm's Fury At 6th level, you gain the ability to s ubtly control the
weather around you.
18th Wind Soul
If it is raining, you can use an action to cause the rain
WIND SPEAKER to stop falling in a 20-foot-radius s phere cente red o n
you. You can end this e ffect as a bonus action.
The a rcane magic you command is infused with ele-
me ntal ai r. You can s peak, read, and write Primordial. If it is wi ndy, you can use a bonus action each
Knowing this la nguage a llows you to understand and round to choose the direction that the w ind blows in a
be understood by those w ho s peak its di a lects: Aq uan, 100-foot-radius sphe re centered on you. The wind blows
Auran, Igna n, and Terra n. in that direction until th e end of your next turn . This fea-
ture d oesn't alter the speed of the wind.


Starting at 1st level, you can use a bonus action on your S tarting at 14th level, when you are hit by a melee at-
tack, you can use your reactio n to deal lig htning damage
list.turn to cause whirling g us ts of elemental air to brieflyto the attacker. The damage equa ls your sorcere r level.
rias urround you, immediately before or after you cast a The attacker must a lso make a Strength saving throw
Aes pell of 1st level or hig her. Doing so allows you to fly upaga inst your sorcere r spell save DC. On a fa iled save,
This PDF has been modified using a demo version of Debenu PDFto 10 feet without provoking opportunity attacks.the attacker is pus hed in a s traig ht line up to 20 feet
away from you.


At 18th level, you gain immunity to lightning and thun-
der damage.

You also gain a magical flying s peed of 60 feet. As a n
action, you can red uce your flying speed to 30 feet for 1
hour and choose a numbe r of creatures wi thin 30 feet
of you equal to 3 + your Charis ma modifier. The chosen
creatures gain a magical flying speed of 30 feet for 1
hour. Once you reduce your flyin g speed in this way, you
can't do so agai n until you finis h a s hort o r long rest.

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d6 Attitude

Your patron has guided and helped your family for

generations and is kindly toward you.

2 Each interaction with your capricious patron is a

surprise, whether pleasant or painful.

3 Your patron is the spirit of a long-dead hero who

WARLOCK sees your pact as a way for it to continue to influ-
ence the world.
You THINK ME MAD? I THINK TRUE INSANITY I S BEING 4 Your patron is a strict disciplinarian but treats you

content to live a life of mortal drudge1y when knowledge with a measure of respect.

list.and power is therefor the taking in the realm beyond. s Your patron tricked you into a pact and treats you
eria-Xarren, h erald of Acamar
as a slave.
PDF AWa rlocks a re finders and keepers of secrets. They push 6 You are mostly left to your own devices with no in-
enuat the edge of our understanding of the world, always
ebseeking to expand their expertise. Where sages or wiz- terference from your patron. Sometimes you dread
of Da rds might heed a clear sign of danger and e nd their the demands it will make when it does appear.
ionresearch, a warlock plunges ahead, heedless of the cost.
ersThus, it takes a peculiar mixture of intelligence, curios- SPECIAL TERMS OF THE PACT
o vity, and recklessness to produce a warlock. Many folk
demwould describe that combination as evidence of mad- A pact can range from a loose agreement to a forma l
aness. Warlocks see it as a demonstration of bravery. contract with lengthy, detailed clauses and lists of re-
quirements. The terms of a pact- what a warlock must
singWarlocks a re defined by two elements that work do to receive a patron's favor- are always dictated by
d uin concert to forge their path into this class. The first the patron. On occasion, those terms include a special
ifieelement is the event or circumstances that led to a proviso that might seem odd or whimsical, but warlocks
modwarlock's entering into a pact with a planar entity. The take these dictates as seriously as they do the other re-
ensecond one is the nature of the entity a warlock is bound quirements of their pacts.
beto. Unlike clerics, who typically e mbrace a deity a nd that
hasgod's ethos, a warlock might have no love for a patron, Does your character have a pact that requires you
DFor vice versa. to change your behavior in an unusual or seemingly
frivolous way? Even if your patron hasn't imposed
is PThe sections that follow provide ways to embellis h a s uch a duty on you a lready, that's not to say it couldn't
Thwarlock character that could generate some intriguing still happen.

story and roleplaying opportunities. SPECIAL TERMS

d6 Term

P ATRON 'S ATTITUDE When directed, you must take immediate action

Every relationship is a two-way street, but in the case of against a specific enemy ofyour patron.
warlocks and their patrons it's not necessarily true that 2 Your pact tests your willpower; you are required to
both sides of the street are the same width or made of
the same stuff. The feeling that a warlock holds for their abstain from alcohol and other intoxicants.
patron, whether positive or negative, might be recipro- 3 At least once a day, you must inscribe o r carve your
cated by the patron, or the two participants in the pact
might view one another with opposing emotions. patron's name or symbol on the wall of a building.
4 You must occasionally conduct bizarre rituals to
When you determine the attitude your warlock charac-
ter holds towa rd your patron, also consider how things maintain your pact.
look from the patron's perspective. How does your pa-
tron behave toward you? Is your patron a friend and ally, s You can never wear the same outfit twice, since
or an enemy that grants you power only because you
your patron finds such predictability to be boring.
forced a pact upon it?
6 When you use an eldritch invocation, you must
speak your patron's name aloud or risk incurring

its displeasure.


At 1st level, a warlock gains the Otherworldly Patron
feature. The following options are available to a warlock,
in addition to those offered in the Player's Handbook:
the Celestial and the Hexblade.


Your patron is a powerful be ing of the Upper Planes.

You have bound yourself to an ancient e mpyrean, solar,
ki-rin, unicorn, or other entity that resides in the planes

of everlasting bliss. Your pact with that being allows you

to experience the barest touch of the holy light that illu-
minates the multiverse.

Being connected to such power can cause changes in

you r behavior and beliefs. You might find yourself driven
to annihilate the undead, to defeat fiends, and to protect

the innocent. At times, your heart might a lso be filled
with a longing for the celes tial realm of your patron,

and a desire to wander that paradise for the res t ofyour

days . But you know that your mission is among mortals

fo r now, and that your pact binds you to bring light to the

dark places of the world.

demo version of Debenu PDF Aerialist.BINDING MARK CELESTIAL FEATURES
ing aSome patrons make a habit of, and often enjoy, mark-
d using the warlocks under their sway io some fashion. A Warlock Featu re
ifiebinding mark makes it clear-to those who know about Leve l
odsuch things- that the individual in question is bound to
en mthe patron's service. A warlock might take advantage of1st Expanded Spell List, Bonus Cantrips,
besuch a mark, claiming it as proof of one's pact, or might Healing Light
haswant to keep it under wraps (if possible) to avoid the dif-6th Rad iant Soul
Fficulties it might bring. 10th Celestial Resilience

is PDIfyour warlock's pact comes with a binding mark, 14th Searing Vengeance
Thhow you feel about displaying it probably depends on the

The Celestial lets you choose from an expanded list of
spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following
spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.


Spell Level Spells
2nd cure wounds, guiding bolt
3rd flaming sphere, lesser restoration
4th daylight, revivify
guardian offaith, wall offire

nature of your relationship with the one who gave it to 5th flame strike, greater restoration
you. Is the mark a source of pride or something you are

secr etly ashamed of? BONUS CANTRIPS

BINDING MARKS At 1s t level, you learn the light and sacred flame can-
trips. They count as warlock cantrips for you, but they

d6 Mark don't count against your number of cantrips known.

One of your eyes looks the same as one of you r HEALING LIGHT
patron's eyes.
2 Each time you wake up, the small blemish on your At 1st level, you gain the abi lity to channel celestial
face appears in a different place. energy to heal wounds. You have a pool of d6s that you
3 You display outward symptoms of a disease but s pend to fuel this healing. The number of dice in the
suffer no ill effects from it. pool equals 1 + your warlock level.
4 Your tongue is an unnatural color.
5 You have a vestigial tail. As a bonus action, you can heal one creature you can
see within 60 feet of you, spending dice from the pool.
The maximum number of dice you can spend at once

6 Your nose glows in the dark. equals your Charisma modifier (minimum of one d ie).


Roll the dice you spend, add them together, and restore EXPANDED SPELL LIST
a number of hit points equal to the total. The Hexblade lets you choose from an expanded list of
spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following
Your pool regains all expended dice when you finish a spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

long rest.

Starting at 6th level, your link to the Celestial allows
you to serve as a conduit for radiant energy. You have Spell Level Spells
resistance to radiant damage, and when you cast a spell 1st shield, wrathful smite
that deals radiant or fire damage, you can add your Cha- 2nd blur, branding smite
risma modifier to one radiant or fire damage roll of that 3rd blink, elemental weapon
spell against one of its targets. 4th phantasmal killer, staggering smite

CELESTIAL RESILIENCE 5th banishing smite, cone ofcold
Starting at 10th level, you gain temporary hit points
whenever you finish a short or long rest. These tempo- HEXBLADE'S CURSE
rary hit points equal your warlock level+ your Charisma Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to place a bale-
modifier. Additionally, choose up to five creatures you ful curse on someone. As a bonus action, choose one
can see at the end of the rest. Those creatures each gain creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The target is
temporary hit points equal to half your warlock level + cursed for 1 minute. The curse ends early if the target
your Charisma modifier. dies, you die, or you are incapacitated. Until the curse
ends, you gain the following benefits:

SEARING VENGEANCE • You gain a bonus to damage rolls against the cursed

Starting at 14th level, the radiant energy you channel target. The bonus equals your proficiency bonus.
• Any attack roll you make against the cursed target is a
t.allows you to resist death. When you have to make a
rialisdeath saving throw at the start of your turn, you can critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on the d20.
Aeinstead spring back to your feet with a burst of radiant • If the cursed target dies, you regain hit points equal
Fenergy. You regain hit points equal to hal f your h it point
PDmaximum, and then you stand up i f you so choose. Each to your warlock level +you r C harisma modi fier (min i-
enucreatu re of your choice that is within 30 feet of you takes mum of 1 hit point).
Debradiant damage equal to 2d8 + your Charisma modifier,
ofand it is blinded until the end of the current turn. You can't use this feature again until you finish a shor t
or long rest.
ionOnce you use this feature, you can't use it again until
ersyou finish a long rest. HExWARRIOR
demo vTHE HEXBLADE At 1st level, you acquire the training necessary to effec-
g aYou have made your pact with a mysterious entity from tively arm yourself for battle. You gain proficiency with
usinthe Shadowfell- a force that manifests in sentient magic medium armor, shields, and martial weapons.
ifiedweapons carved from the stuff of shadow. The mighty
dsword Blackrazor is the most notable of these weapons, The influence ofyour patron also allows you to mys-
mowhich have been spread across the multiverse over the tically channel your will through a particular weapon.
eenages. The shadowy force behind these weapons can Whenever you finish a long rest, you can touch one
s boffer power to warlocks who form pacts with it. Many weapon that you are proficient with and that lacks
hahexblade warlocks create weapons that emul ate those the two-handed property. When you attack with that
PDFformed i n the Shadowfell. Others forgo such arms, weapon, you can use your Charisma modifier, instead of
iscontent to weave the dark magic of that plane into their Strength or Dexterity, for the attack and damage rolls.
Thspellcasting. This benefit lasts until you finish a long rest. If you later

Because the Raven Queen is known to have forged the (

first of these weapons, many sages speculate that she

and the force are one and that the weapons, along with

hexblade warlocks, are tool s she uses to manipulate

events on the Ma.terial Plane to her inscrutabl e ends.


Warlock Fe ature

1st Expanded Spell List, Hexblade's Curse,
Hex Warrior

6th Accursed Specter

10th Armor of Hexes

14th Master of Hexes


\-lct\olc,~c. W~c,l c, Cool "'Ci""'! 5o is ;ov..r l'"'10r~ <vil

or cv..rJC~ or so.,,.ct~i"'~? Bv..l 1 evil, ri~~l? ...

;ov.. rc

Okc,'11 "'o'°" \ ~0"' 1 t like t~• "'Ci""'· fVc,,,,.<J 1

c;r•"' t

lfCool t~•; ~o"''l ,,,.c;kc l<"'l<. Uk< ""i"'<: ~<

l<'.c;"'c;t~c;r. 5,1? \l's cool, ""'~ it .....c;ko J<"'J<!

the creature cursed by your Hexblade's Curse dies,
you can apply the curse to a different creature you can
see within 30 feet of you, provided you aren't inca-
pacitated. When you apply the curse in this way, you
don't regain hit points from the death of the previously
cursed creature.


At 2nd level, a warlock gains the Eldritch Invocations

feature. Here are new options for that feature, in add i-

tion to the options in the Player's Handbook.

If an eldritch invocation has a prerequisite, you must

meet it to learn the invocation. You can learn the invo-

benu PDF Aerialist.W/IRLO CI( OF THE liEllBLllDE cation at the same time that you meet its prerequisite. A
rsion of Degain the Pact of the Blade feature, this benefit extendslevel prerequisite refers to your level in this class.
veto every pact weapon you conjure with that feature, no
momatter the weapon's type. ASPECT OF THE MOON
usinStarting at 6th level, you can curse the soul of a person Prerequisite: Pact of the Tome feature
ifiedyou s lay, temporarily binding it to your service. When
dyou s lay a humanoid, you can cause its spirit to rise from You no longer need to s leep and can't be forced to sleep
moits corpse as a specter, the statistics for which are in by any means. To gain the benefits of a long rest, you
eenthe Monster Manual. When the specter appears, it gains can spend all 8 hours doing light activity, s uch as read-
s btemporary hit points equal to half your warlock level. ing your Book of Shadows and keeping watch.
haRoll initiative for the specter, which has its own turns.
DFIt obeys your verbal commands, and it gains a s pecia l CLOAK OF FLIES
is Pbonus to its attack rolls equal to your Charisma modifier
Th(minimum of +O). Prerequisite: 5th level

The specter remains in your service until the end of As a bonus action, you can surround yourself with a
magical aura that looks like buzzing flies. The aura ex-
tends 5 feet from you in every direction, but not through
total cover. It lasts until you're incapacitated or you dis-
miss it as a bonus action.

The aura grants you advantage on Charisma (Intimi-
dation) checks but disadvantage on a ll other Charisma
checks. Any other creature that starts its turn in the
aura takes poison damage equal to your Charisma mod-
ifier (minimum of 0 damage).

Once you use this invocation, you can't use it again
until you finish a short or long rest.

your next long rest, at which point it vanishes to the ELDRITCH SMITE

afterlife. Prerequisite: 5th level, Pact ofthe Blade feature
Once you bind a specter with this feature, you can't
Once per turn when you hit a creature with your pact
use the feature again until you finish a long rest. weapon, you can expend a warlock spell slot to deal an

ARMOR OF HEXES extra ld8 force damage to the target, plus another ld8
per level of the spell slot, and you can knock the target
At 10th level, your hex grows more powerful. If the tar- prone if it is Huge or smaller.
get cursed by your Hexblade's Curse bits you with an

attack roll, you can use your reaction to roll a d6. On a GHOSTLY GAZE
4 or higher, the attack instead misses you, regardless
of its roll. Prerequisite: 7th level

As an action, you gain the abi lity to see through solid

MASTER OF HEXES objects to a range of 30 feet. Within that ra nge, you have

Starting at 14th level, you can spread your Hexblade's darkvision if you don't already have it. This special sight

Curse from a slain creature to another creature. When lasts for 1 minute or until your concentration ends (as


if you were concentrating on a speU). During that time, port up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see

you perceive objects as ghostly, transparent images. within 5 feet of the target cursed by your hex spell or by

Once you use this invocation, you can't use it again a warlock feature ofyours, such as Hexblade's Curse or

until you finish a short or long rest. Sign oflll Omen. To teleport in this way, you must be

GIFT OF THE DEPTHS able to see the cursed target.

Prerequisite: 5th level SHROUD OF SHADOW

You can breathe underwater, and you gain a swimming Prerequisite: 15th level

speed equal to your walking speed. You can cast invisibility at will, without expending a
You can also cast water breathing once without ex- spelJ slot.

pending a spell slot. You regain the ability to do so when TOMB OF LEVISTUS
you finish a long rest.
Prerequisite: 5th level

GIFT OF THE EVER-LIVING ONES As a reaction when you take damage, you can entomb
yourself in ice, which melts away at the end of your
Prerequisite: Pact ofthe Chain feature next turn. You gain 10 temporary hit points per warlock

Whenever you regain hit points while your familiar is

within 100 feet of you, treat any dice rolled to determine level, which take as much of the triggering damage as

the hit points you regain as having rolled their maxi- possible. Immediately after you take the damage, you

mum value for you. gain vulnerability to fire damage, your speed is reduced

GRASP OF HADAR to 0, and you are incapacitated. These effects, including
any remaining temporary bit points, all end when the
Prerequisite: eldritch blast cantrip ice melts.

Once you use this invocation , you can't use it again
until you finish a short or long rest.


Prerequisite: 7th level

You can cast freedom ofmovement once on yourself
without expending a spell s lot. You regain the abi lity to
do so when you finish a long rest.
Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature

t.with your eldritch blast, you can move that creature in a
rialisstraight line 10 feet closer to you.
PDPrerequisite: Pact ofthe Blade feature
benuYou can use any weapon you summon with your Pact of
Dethe Blade feature as a spellcasting focus for your war-
oflock spells.

rsionIn addition, the weapon gains a +l bonus to its attack
veand damage rolls, unless it is a magic weapon that al-
moready has a bonus to those rolls.

deFinally, the weapon you conjure can be a shortbow,
g alongbow, light crossbow, or heavy crossbow.
difiePrerequisite: eldritch blast cantrip
n moOnce on each ofyour turns when you hit a creature with
eeyour eldritch blast, you can reduce that creature's speed
s bby 10 feet until the end of your next turn.
is PPrerequisite: 5th level, hex spell or a warlock feature
Ththat curses

As a bonus action, you cause a psychic disturbance
around the target cursed by your hex spell or by a war-
lock feature of yours, such as Hexblade's Curse or Sign
of Ill Omen. When you do so, you deal psychic damage
to the cursed target and each creature ofyour choice
that you can see within 5 feet of it. The psychic damage
equals your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1 dam-
age). To use this invocation, you must be able to see the
cursed target, and it must be within 30 feet of you.


Prerequisite: 7th level, hex spell or a warlock feature
that curses

Your curse creates a temporary bond between you and
your target. As a bonus action, you can magically tele-


d6 Spellbook ~~::===~~
A tome with pages that are thin sheets of metal,

spells etched into them with acid

2 Long straps of leather on which spells are written,

wrapped around a staff for ease of transport
3 A battered tome filled with pictographs that only
eriaofhow and why magic works, and our efforts to broaden you can understand
DF Athat understanding, have brought about th e key advances 4 Sma ll stones inscribed with spells and kept in a
nu Pin civilization over the centuries.
cloth bag
ebe- Gimble the illusio nist 5 A scorched book, ravaged by dra gon fi re, with the
ion of DOnly a select few people in the world a re wielders of
ersmagic. Of all those, wizards s tand at the pinnacle of script of your s pells barely visi ble o n its pages
o vthe craft. Even the least of them can manipulate forces 6 A tome full of black pages whose writing is visible
demthat flout the laws of nature, and the most accomplished
aamong them can cast spells with world-shaking effects. on ly in dim light or darkness

singThe price that wizards pay for their mastery is that AMBITION
d umos t valuable of commodities: time. It takes years of
ifies tudy, instruction, and experimentation to learn how to Few aspiring wizards undertake the study of magic
modharness magical energy and carry s pells around in o ne's without some personal goal in mind. Many wizards use
enown mind. For adventuring wizards a nd other spellcast- their spells as a tool to produce a tangible benefit, in ma-
bee rs who aspire to the highest echelons of the profession, terial goods or in status, fo r themselves or their compan-
hasthe s tudying never ends, nor does the quest for knowl- ions. For o thers, the theoretical aspect of magic might
DFedge a nd power. have a strong appeal, pushing those wizards to seek out
knowledge that s upports new theories of the arcane or
is PIf you're playing a wizard, take advantage of the confirms old o nes.
Thopportunity to ma ke your characte r more than just a
Beyond the o bvious, why does your wiza rd character
study magic, a nd what do you want to achieve? If you ha-
ven't given these questions much thoug ht, you can do so
now, and the answers you come up with will likely affect

s tereotypical spell-slinger. Use the advice that follows to how your future unfolds.

add some intrig uing details to how your wiza rd interacts AMBITIONS
with the world.

d6 Ambition

SPELLBOOK 1 You will prove that the gods aren't as powerful as

Your wizard character's most prized possession- your folk believe .
spellbook- mig ht be a n innocuous-looking volu me 2 Immortality is the end goal of your s tudies .
w hose covers show no hint of what's ins ide. Or you 3 If you can fully understand magic, you can unlock
mig ht display some flair, as many wizards do, by car-
rying a spellbook of an unus ua l sort. If you don't own its use for all and usher in an era of equality.
s uch a n item already, one of your goals might be to find 4 Magic is a dangerou s tool. You use it to protect
a spellbook that sets you a part by its appeara nce or its
means of ma nufacture. what you t reasure.
5 Arcane power mus t be taken away from those who

would abuse it.

6 You will become the greatest wizard the world has

seen in generations.


Wc:;tc~. \ (ovt t~il trick.

\-l,1, wil.c:;rJ.! l\ol.A cc;~'t J.o w-c:;~ic.

Oofi, ~ow '101.A cc;~.

Oofi, ~ow ;ol.A cc:;~1t c:;~;-ort. \-le; ~c:; ~c:;!


Endless hours of solitary s tudy and research can have
a negative effect on a nyone's social s kills. Wizards, w ho
a re a breed apart to begin with, are no exception. An
odd manneris m or two is not necessarily a drawback,
though; a n eccentricity of this sort is us ua lly harmless
and could provide a source of amusement or serve as a
calling card of sorts.

If your character has a n eccentricity, is it a physical
tic or a mental one? Are you well known in some circles
because of it? Do you fight to overcome it, or do you em-
brace this minor claim to fa me of yours?


t.d 6 Eccentricity
lisYou have the habit of tapping your foot incessantly,
eriawhich often annoys those around you.

F A2 Your memory is quite good, but you have no trou-
u PDble pretending to be absentminded when it suits
benyour purposes.

De3 You never enter a room without looking to see
n ofwhat's hanging from the ceiling.

rsio4 Your m ost prized possession is a dead worm that
veyou keep inside a potion vial.

emo5 When you want people to leave you alone, you start
a dtalking to you rself. That usually does the trick.

ing6 Your fashion sense and grooming, o r more ac-
d uscurately lack thereof, sometimes cause others to
difieass ume you are a beggar.

hasAt 2nd level, a wizard gains the Arcane Tradition fea-
DFture . The following War Magic option is available to a
is Pw izard, in addition to the options offered in the Play-
Ther's Handbook.
In great battles, a war mage often works with evokers,
abjurers, a nd other types of wizards. Evokers, in par-
ticular, sometimes tease war mages for s plitt ing their
a ttention between offense and defense. A war mage's
ty pical response: "What good is being able to throw a
mighty fireball if I die before I can cast it?"


A variety of arcane colleges specialize in training wiz- Wizard Level Feature
ards for war. The tradition of War Magic blends princi-
ples of evocation and abjuration, rather than specia liz- 2nd Arcane Deflection, Tactical Wit
ing in either of those schools. It teaches techniques that 6th Power Surge
empower a caster's s pells , while also providing methods
for wizards to bols ter their own defenses. 10th Durable Magic

Followers of this tradition are known as war mages. 14th Deflecting Shroud
They see their magic as both a weapon a nd armor, a re-
source s uperior to any piece of s teel. War mages act fast ARCANE D EFLECTION
in battle, using their spells to seize tactical control of a
s ituation. Their spells s trike hard, while their defensive At 2nd level, you have learned to weave your magic to
skills foi l their opponents' attempts to counterattack. fortify yourself against harm. When you are hit by a n at-
War mages are a lso adept at turning o ther spellcasters' tack or you fail a saving throw, you can use your reaction
magical energy against them. to gain a +2 bonus to your AC against that attack or a +4
bonus to that saving throw.

When you use th is feat ure, you can't cast s pells other
tha n cantrips until the end of your next turn.


Wc,r w.c,~ic? 'Dou llAc.l w-~lu '10~ c; Wc,r Wi'l.c;rA? \1vt IAtc,rA
c,\oo~l flA,"" ~''1 ArHS 11-\ t~rtl', \ tlAiV\4. B~l '10~1rt V\Ot
ArHS«A ii'\ t~rt{«. ~c.l's Ail'1t1oiV\tiV\~, Go clAc,V\~t.


TACTICAL WIT Once per turn when you deal damage to a creature
or object with a wizard spell, you can spend o ne power
Starting at 2nd level, your keen ability to assess tacti cal surge to deal extra force damage to that target. T he ex-
s ituations a llows you to act quickly in battle. You can tra damage equals half your wizard level.
give yourself a bonus to your initiative rolls equal to your

Intelligence modifie r. DURABLE MAGIC

POWER SURGE Beginning at 10th level, the magic you channel helps
ward off harm. While you maintain concentration on a
Starting at 6th level, you can store magical e nergy spell, you have a +2 bonus to AC and all saving throws.
within you rself to later empower your damaging s pe lls.

In its stored form, this energy is called a power surge. DEFLECTING SHROUD
You can store a ma ximum number of power surges
At 14th level, your Arcane Deflection becomes infused
equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of one). with deadly magic. When you use your Arcane Deflec-
Whenever you finis h a long rest, you r number of powe r tion feature, you can cause magical e nergy to arc from
surges resets to one. Whenever you successfully end you. Up to three creatures of your choice that you can
a spell with dispel magic or counterspell, you gain o ne see within 60 feet of you each take force damage equal
power surge, as you steal magic from the spell you
foiled. If you end a s hor t rest with no power su rges, you to ha lf you r wizard level.

gain one power s urge. Aerialist.

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The cha racte r creation rules in the P lay er's Handbook
provide a ll the information you need to de fine your cha r-
acte r in preparation for a life of adventuring. Wha t they
don't do is account for a ll the circ umstances tha t s haped
your character during the years be tween your birth a nd
the s ta rt of your career as a membe r of a class.

W hat did your cha racter accomplis h or experience be-
fore deciding to become a n adventurer? W hat were the
circ ums tances of your birth? How la rge is your fam ily,
a nd what sor ts of relationships do you h ave with your
re latives? Which people we re the greatest influe nces on
you during your formative year s, for bette r or worse?

To a nswer these questions an d more, you ca n use
the tables a nd the advice in this section to compose a
well-developed backstory for your ch aracter-an a u to-
biography of sorts- that you can use to inform how you
role play the ch a rac ter. Your DM can draw from this m a-
teria l as the ca mpa ign proceeds, creating situations and
scenarios tha t build off your previous life experiences.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - t.Even though these pages are full of tables and die rolls,

listhey don't make up a ru les system- in fact, the opposite
eriais true . You can use as much or as little o f this material
F Aas you desire, and you can m ake decisions in any o r-
PDder you want.

nuFor instance, you mi gh t oot want these tables to help
ebeyou d ecide who your parents and s iblings are, because
of Dthat's among the information you've already come up
ionwith. But you can s till use othe r parts, s uc h as the sec-
erstion on life events, to provide added depth a nd d etail.
a dU you're comfortable with letting the dice decide a cer-
ingtain fact about your character, go a head and roll. If not,
usyou can ta ke charge and m ake the decision, choos ing
ifiedfrom among the possibilities on a table. Of course, you
oda lso have the option o f dis regarding the result of a die
n mroll if it conflicts w ith a nother result. Likewise, if the
eetext instructs you to roll on a table, that's not meant to
as bbe take n liter ally. You can a lways make your own choice.

F hAlthoug h these ta bles are m eant to a ugment the
PDs tep-by-step character creation process in the Player's
ThisHandbook, they don't occupy a specific place in that pro-
cess. You ca n use some of t he m early on- for instance, A YOUNG STREET URCH I N P I LFERS A P O UCH ANO, TO HER


Personal Decisions. After you have selected your
cha racter's background a nd class, use the appro-
priate tables to determine how you came to m ake
those c hoices.

Life Events. Your character's existence until now, no
matter how brief or uneventful, h as been marked by one
or more life events-me m ora ble happen ings that have
had an effect on wh o you are today.

Supplemental Tables. Your life has intersected with
the lives of plenty of other people, a ll the way from your
infancy to today. When a resu lt mentions such a person,
you ca n use the supplemental tables (page 72) to add
needed details- s uc h as race, class, or occupation- to
that person. Some tables in the other sections direct you
to one or more of the s upple mental tables, and you ca n

it's possible to de te rmine your paren ts a nd othe r family also use the m a ny othe r time you see fit.

me mbe rs immediately after deciding your character's ORIGINS- - - - - - -
race-but you cou ld a lso wait until la ter in the process.
You might prefer to establis h more facts a bout your The us ual first step in c reating your character's life s tory
c h a racter 's gam e identity-suc h as your class, a bility is to determine your ea rly circums tances. W ho were
scores, and alignme nt- before s upple me nting that infor- your parents? Where were you born? Did you have a ny
mation w ith w ha t's offe red he re. siblings? Who raised you? You can address these ques-
tio ns by using the following tables.

You had p a rents, of course, even if they didn't r aise you.
This m a te ria l is divided into four secti ons, each address- To dete rmine what you know about these people, use
ing a different aspect of your cha racter 's backstory. the Parents table . If you want, you can roll sep a rately on
the table for your mother a nd your father. Use the s up-
Origins. To find out who and where you came from , ple me nta l tables as desired (partic ularly Class, Occupa-
use the "Origins" section. When you're done, you will tion, and Alignment) to learn more about your parents.
have a summary of facts a bout your parents, your sib-
lings, a nd the circumstances under which you grew up.



dl 00 Location

PARENTS 01-50 Home
51- 55 Home of a family friend
dlOO Pa re nts 56-63 Home of a healer or midwife
01-95 You know who your parents are or were. 64- 65 Carriage, cart, or wagon
96-00 You do not know who your parents were. 66-68 Barn, shed, or other outbui ldi ng

Nonhuman Par ents. If your character is a ha lf-elf, a 69- 70 Cave
half-ore, or a tiefling, you can use one of the tables below 71-72 Field
to determine the race of each of your parents. When you 73-74 Forest
have a result, randomly determine which part of the re- 75-77 Temple
sult refers to your father and which to your mother. Battlefield
78 Alley or street

HALF- ELF PARENTS 81-82 Brothel, tavern, or inn

t.d8 Parents 83-84 Castle, keep, tower, or pa lace
rialis1-5 One parent was an elf and the other was a human. 85 Sewer or rubbish heap
Ae6 One parent was an elf and the other was a half-elf. Among people of a different race
DF7 One parent was a human and the other was a half- 86- 88 On board a boat or a ship
89-91 In a prison or in the headquarters of a secret orga-
u Pelf. 92-93 nization
ben8 Both parents were half-elves. In a sage's laboratory
ion of DeHALF- 0RC PARENTS 94- 95 In the Feywild
versd8 Parents 96 In the Shadowfell
mo1-3 One parent was an ore and the other was a human. 97 On the Astral Plane or the Ethereal Plane
de4- 5 One parent was an ore and the other was a half- 98 On an Inner Plane of your choice
99 On an Outer Plane of your choice
ing aorc. 00
us6-7 One parent was a human and the other was a half-

mod8 Both parents were half-ores.
F had8 Parents
is PD1- 4 Both parents were humans, their infernal heritage

Thdorma nt until you came along.

You might be an only child or one of ma ny children.
Your siblings could be cherished friends or hated rivals.
Roll on the Number of Siblings table to dete rm ine how
many brothers or s is ters you have. If you are a dwarf or
an elf, s ubtract 2 from your roll. Then, roll on the Birth
Order table for each s ibling to determine that person's
age relative to yours (older, younger, or born at the

5- 6 One parent was a tiefling and the other was a same time).
Occupation. For each sibling of suitable age, roll on
the Occupation s upplemental table to determine what

7 One parent was a tiefling and the other was a devil. that person does for a living.

8 One parent was a human and the other was a devil. Alignment. You can choose your s iblings' alignments

or roll on the Alignment supplemental table.

B IRTHPLACE S tatus . By now, each of your s iblings might be alive

After establishing your parentage, you can determine and well, a live and not so well, in dire straits, or dead.

where you were born by using the Birthplace table. Roll on the Status s upplemental table.

(Modify the resu lt or roll again if you get a result that's Relation ship. You can roll on the Relations hip sup-

inconsistent with what you know about your parents.) plemental table to determine how your siblings feel

Once you have a result, roll percentile dice . On a roll of about you. They m ight a ll have the same attitude toward

00, a strange event coin cided with your birth: the moon you, or some might view you differently from how the

br iefly turning red, all the milk within a m ile spoiling, others do.

the water in the area freezing solid in midsummer, all Other De tails. You can decide any other details you
the iron in the home rus ting or turning to silver, or some like about each sibling, including gender, personality,

other unus ual event of your choice. and place in the world.



dlO Siblings

2 or lower None
3- 4 ld3
5-6 ld4+1
7- 8 ld6+2

9-10 ld8+3


2d6 Birth Order

2 Twin, triplet, or quadruplet
3-7 Older
8-12 Younger


Who raised you, a nd what was life like for you when you

were growing up? You might have been raised by your

parents, by relatives, or in an orphanage. Or you could
t.have spent your childhood on the streets of a crowded
rialiscity with o nly your fellow runaways a nd orphans to keep
eyou company.

F AUse the Fami ly table to determine w ho raised you. If
PDyou know who your parents are but you get a result that
enudoes not m ention one or both of them, use the Absent
ebParent table to determine what happened.

of DNext, refer to the Family Lifestyle table to determine
ionthe general circumstances of your upbringing. (Chapter
ers5 of the Player's Handbook has more information about
o vlifestyles.) The result on that table includes a number
emthat is applied to your roll on the Childhood Home table,
a dwhich tells you where you spent your early yea rs. Wrap
singup this section by using the Childhood Memories table,
d uwhich tells you how you were treated by other young-
ifiesters as you were growing up.

odSupplemental Tables. You can roll on the Relation-
en ms hip table to determine how your family members or
beother important figures in your life feel about you. You
hascan also use the Race, Occupation, and Alignment ta-
DFbles to learn more about the fa mily members or guard-
This Pians who raised you.

d4 Fate
Your parent died (roll on the Cause of Death sup-
plemental table) .
2 Your parent was imprisoned, ens laved, or other-
wise taken away.

FAMILY 3 Your parent abandoned you.

dlOO Family 4 You'r parent disappeared to an unknown fate.

02 Institution, such as an asylum

03 Temple 3d6 Lifestyle1'

04-05 Orphanage 3 Wretched (-40)

06- 07 Guardian 4-5 Squalid (-20)

08- 15 Paternal or maternal aunt, uncle, or both; or ex- 6-8 Poor (-10)
tended family such as a t ribe or clan
16-25 Paternal or maternal grandparent(s) 9- 12 Modest (+O)
26-35 Adoptive family (same or different race) 13-15 Comfortable (+10)
36-55 Single father or stepfather 16- 17 Wealthy (+20)
56-75 Single mother or stepmother Aristocratic (+40)
76-00 Mother and father 18

*Use the number in this resu lt as a modifier to your roll on the
Childhood Home table.


3d6 + Memory
Cha mod I had several friends , and my childhood was
generally a happy one.
13- 15 I always found it easy to make friends, and I
loved being around people.
16-17 Everyone knew who I was, and I had friends
everywhere I went.
18 or higher


Your character's life takes a particular course depend-
ing o n the choices you make for the character's back-
ground and class.


Roll on the appropriate table in this section as soon as
you decide your background, or at any later time ifyou
choose. Ifa background includes a special decision
point, such as a folk hero's defining event or the spe-
cialty of a criminal or a sage, it's best to make that deter-
mination before using the pertinent table below.

a d0 or lower On the streets d6 I became an acolyte because ...
Home I ran away from home at an early age and found
refuge in a temple.
sing1- 20
dified u21- 30 2 My family gave me to a temple, since they were un-
Rundown shack able or unwilling to care for me.

No permanent residence; you moved around 3 I g rew up in a household with strong religious con-
a lot victions. Entering the service of one or more gods
n mo31-40 seemed natural.
Encampment or village in the wilderness
bee41-50 4 An impassioned sermon struck a chord deep in my
Apartment in a rundown neighborhood soul and moved me to serve the faith .
DF h71-90 5 I followed a childhood friend, a respected acquain-
Small house tance, or someone I loved into religious service.

Large house 6 After encountering a true servant ofthe gods, I was
is P91-110 so inspired that I immediately entered the service
Th111 or higher Palace or castle of a religious group.
d6 I became a charlatan because ...
I was left to my own devices , and my knack for ma-

·~After making this rol l, apply the modifier from the Family Life- nipulating others helped me survive.

style table to arrive at the result. 2 I learned early on that peop le are gu lli ble and easy

to exploit.

CHILDHOOD MEMORIES 3 I often got in trouble, but I managed to talk my way
out of it every time.
3d6 + Me mory
Cha mod I am still haunted by my childhood, when I 4 I took up with a confidence artist, from whom I
3 or lower was treated bad ly by my peers. learned my craft.
I spent most of my childhood alone, with no
4- 5 close friends. 5 After a charlatan fleeced my family, I decided to
Others saw me as being different or strange, learn the trade so I would never be fooled by such
6-8 and so I had few compan ions. deception again.

6 I was poor or I feared becoming poor, so I learned
the tricks I needed to keep myself out of poverty.

9- 12 I had a few close friends and lived an ordinary



CRIMINAL d6 I became a guild artisan because ...

d6 I became a criminal because ... 3 One of my family members who belonged to the

I resented authority in my younger days and saw a guild made a place for me.

life of crime as the best way to fight against tyranny 4 I was a lways good with my hands, so I took the op-

and oppression. portunity to learn a trade.

2 Necessity forced me to take up the life, since it was 5 I wanted to get away from my home situation and

the only way I could survive. start a new life.

3 I fell in with a gang of repro bates and ne'er-do- 6 I learned the essentials of my craft from a mentor

wells, and I learned my specialty from them. but had to join the guild to fi nish my training.

4 A parent or re lative taught me my crim inal spe-

cialty to prepare me for the family business. HERMIT

5 I left home and found a place in a thieves' gu ild or d6 I became a hermit because ...
some other crim inal organization. My enemies rui ned my reputation, and I fled to the
wilds to avoid further disparagement.
6 I was always bored, so I turned to crime to pass the
time and discovered I was quite good at it. 2 I am comfortable with being isolated, as I seek

ENTERTAIN ER inner peace.
d6 I became a n e ntertainer because ... 3 I never liked the people I called my friends, so it

was easy for me to strike out on my own.

Members of my family made ends meet by per- 4 I felt compelled to forsake my past, but did so with

forming, so it was fitting for me to follow their great reluctance, and sometimes I regret making

t.example. that decision.
rialis2 I always had a keen insight into other people, 5 I lost everything-my home, my family, my friends.

eenough so that I could make them laugh or cry Going it alone was all I could do.
F Awith my stories or songs. 6 Society's decadence disgusted me, so I decided to
u PD3 I ran away from home to fo llow a m instrel troupe.
ben4 I saw a bard perform once, and I knew from that leave it behind.
Demoment on what I was born to do.
n of5 I earned coin by performing on street corne rs and NOBLE
rsioeventually made a name for myself. d6 I became a noble because ...
o ve6 A traveling entertainer took me in and taught me I come from an old and storied fam ily, and it fell to
emthe trade. me to preserve the family name.
sing a dFOLK HERO 2 My family has been disgraced , and I intend to clear
ified ud6 I became a folk hero because ... our name.
odI learned what was right and wrong from my family. 3 My family recently came by its title, and that eleva-
n m2 I was always enamored by tales of heroes and tion thrust us into a new and strange world.
beewished I cou ld be something more than ordinary. 4 My family has a title, but none of my ancestors
has3 I hated my mundane life, so when it was time for have distinguished themselves s ince we gained it.
DFsomeone to step up and do the right thing, I took 5 My family is filled with remarkable people. I hope
is Pmy chance. to live up to their examp le.
Th4 A parent or one of my relatives was an adventurer, 6 I hope to increase my fam ily's power and influence.


and I was inspired by that person's courage. d6 I be.came an outlander because ...
5 A mad old hermit spoke a prophecy when I was I spent a lot of time in the wilderness as a young-
ster, and I came to love that way of life.
born, saying that I would accomplish great things.
6 I have always stood up for those who are weaker 2 From a young age, I couldn't abide the stink ofthe
cities and preferred to spend m y time in nature.
than I am.

GUILD ARTISAN 3 I came to understand the darkness that lurks in the
d6 I becam e a guild artisan because ... wilds, and I vowed to combat it.

4 My people lived on the edges of civilization, and I

I was apprenticed to a master who taught me the learned the methods of survival from my famil y.
guild's business. 5 After a tragedy I retreated to the wilderness, leav-

2 I helped a guild artisan keep a secret or complete a ing my old life behind.

task, and in return I was taken on as an apprentice. 6 My family moved away from civil ization, and I

learned to adapt to my new environment.


S AGE I became a sage because ... d6 I became an urchin because . ..
d6 I was naturally curious, so I packed up and went to 3 Monsters wiped out my village, and I was the sole
a university to learn more about the world.
2 My mentor 's teachings opened my mind to new survivor. I had to fi nd a way to survive.
3 possibilities in that field of study. 4 A notorious thief looked after me and other or-
4 I was always an avid reader, and I learned much
about my favorite topic on my own. phans, and we spied and stole to earn our keep.
5 I discovered an old library and pored over the texts 5 One day I woke up on the streets, alone and hun-
I found there. That experience awakened a hunger
6 for more knowledge. gry, with no memory of my early childhood.
I impressed a wizard who told me I was squander-
ing my talents and should seek out an education to 6 My parents died , leaving no one to look after me. I
take advantage of my gifts.
One of my parents or a relative gave me a basic ed- raised myself.
ucation that whetted my appetite, and I left home
to build on what I had learned. CLASS TRAINING

SAILOR lf you haven't chosen your class yet, do so now, keeping
in mind your background and all the other details you
have established so far. Once you've made your selec-
tion, roll a d6 and find the number you rolled on the ap-
propriate table in this section, which describes how you
came to be a me mber of that class.

T he class sections earlier in this chapter have further
s tory suggestions, which you can use in concert with the
material here.

d6 I became a sailor because ...


d6 I became a barbaria n because ...
My devotion to my people lifted me in battle, mak-
ing me powerful and dangerous.

2 The spirits of my ancestors called on me to carry

out a great task.

3 I lost control in battle one day, and it was as if
something else was ma nipulating my body, forcing
it to kill every foe I could reach .

4 I went on a spiritual journey to find myself a nd
instead found a s pirit animal to guide, protect, and
inspire me.

5 I was struck by lightning and lived. Afterward, I
fou nd a new strength with in me that let me push
beyond my limitations.

6 My anger needed to be channeled into battle, or I
risked becoming an indiscriminate killer.
t.I was p ress-ganged by pirates and forced to serve
lison their shi p unti l I fina lly escaped. BARD
Aeria2 I wanted to see the world, so I signed on as a deck- d6
Fhand for a merchant ship.
u PD3 One of my relatives was a sailor who took me to
f De4 I needed to escape my community quickly, so I
n ostowed away on a ship. When the crew found me , I
rsiowas forced to work for m y passage.
o ve5 Reavers attacked my community, so I found refuge
emon a ship until I could seek vengeance.
a d6 I had few prospects where I was living, so I left to
singfind my fortune elsewhere.
odified uSO LDIER
n md6 I became a soldier beca use ...
beeI joined the militia to help protect my community
hasfrom monsters.
DF2 A relative of mine was a soldier, and I wanted to
is Pcarry on the family tradition .
Th3 The local lord forced me to enlist in the army.
I beca m e a bard becau se ...
I awakened my latent bardic abilities through trial

4 War ravaged my homeland while I was growing up. and error.

Fighting was the only life I ever knew. 2 I was a gifted performer and attracted the atten-

5 I wanted fame and fortune, so I joined a mercenary tion of a master bard who schooled m e in the o ld

company, sell ing my sword to the highest bidder. techniques .

6 Invaders attacked my homeland. It was my duty to 3 I joined a loose society of scholars and o rators to

take up arms in defense of my people. learn new techniques of performance and magic.

4 I fe lt a calling to recount the deeds of champions

URCHIN and heroes , to bring them alive in song and story.
5 I joined one of the great colleges to learn old lore,
d6 I beca m e a n urchin because ...
Wanderlust caused me to leave my fami ly to see the secrets of magic, and the art of performance.
the world. I look after myself. 6 I picked up a mus ical instrument o ne day and in-

2 I ran away from a bad situation at home and made stantly discovered that I could play it.

my own way in the world .



d6 I beca me a cleric because ...
A supernatu ral being in service to th e gods called
me to become a divine agent in the world.

2 I saw the injustice and horror in the world and felt
moved to take a stand against them.

3 My god gave me an unmistakable sign. I dropped
everything to serve the divine.

4 Although I was always devout, it wasn 't until I com -
pleted a pilgrimage that I knew my true calling.

5 I used to serve in my religion's bureaucracy but
found I needed to work in the wo rld, to bring t he
message of my faith to the darkest corners of the

6 I realize that my god works through me, and I do as
commanded, even though I don't know why I was
chosen to serve.


d6 I became a druid because ...

I saw too much devastation in the wild places, too

list.much of nature's splendor ruined by the despoil-
eriaers. I joined a circle of druids to fight back against
F Athe enemies of nature.
PD2 I found a place a mong a group of druids after I fled
enua catastrophe.
Deb3 I have always had an affin ity for animals, so I ex-
ofplored my talent to see how I cou ld best use it.
rsion4 I befriended a druid and was moved by druidic
veteachings. I decided to follow my friend's guidance
emoand give something back to the world.
a d5 While I was growing up, I saw spi rits all around
ingme- entities no one else could perceive. I sought
d usout the druids to help me understand the vis ions
difieand communicate with these beings.
mo6 I have a lways felt disgust for creatures of unnatural
eenorigin. For this reason, I immersed myself in the
s bstudy of the druidic mysteries and became a cham-
hapion of the natural order.


d6 I became a fighter because ... MONK I beca me a monk beca use ...
d6 I was chosen to study at a secluded monastery.
There, I was taught the fundamental techniques
2 required to eventually master a tradition.
I sought instruction to gain a deeper understand-

ing of existence and my place in the world.

I wanted to hone my combat skills, and so I joined 3 I st~mbled into a portal to the Shadowfell and took

a war college. refuge in a strange monastery, where I learned how

2 I squi red for a knight who taught me how to fight, to defend myself against the forces of darkness.

care for a steed , and conduct myself with honor. I 4 I was overwhelmed with grief after losing someone

decided to take up that path for myself. close to me, and I sought the advice of philoso-

3 Ho rrible monsters descended on my community, phers to help me cope with my loss.

killing someone I loved. I took up arms to destroy 5 I could feel that a special sort of power lay within

those creatures and others of a simi lar nature. me, so I sought out those who could help me call it

4 I joined the army a nd learned how to fight as part forth and master it.

ofa group. 6 I was wild and undisciplined as a youngster, but

5 I grew up fighting, and I refined my talents by de · then I realized the error of my ways. I applied to a

fending myself against people who crossed me. monastery and became a monk as a way to live a

6 I could always pick up just about a ny weapon and life of discipline.

know how to use it effectively.



d6 I became a rogue because ...

I've always been nimble and quick ofwit, so I de-
cided to use those ta lents to help me make my way
in the world .
2 An assassin or a th ief wronged me, so I focused
my training on mastering the skills of my enemy to
better combat foes of that sort.

3 An experienced rogue saw something in me and
taught me several useful t ricks.

4 I decided to turn m y natural lucky streak into the
basis of a career, though I still realize that improv-
ing my skills is essential.

5 I took up with a group of ruffians who showed m e
how to get what I want through sneakiness rather
than direct confrontation.

6 I'm a sucker fo r a shiny bauble o r a sack of coins,
as long as I can get my hand s on it without risking

PALADIN life and limb.

d6 I became a paladin because ... SORCERER

t.A fantastical being appeared before me and called d6 I became a sorcerer because ...
rialison me to undertake a holy quest. When I was born, all the water in the house froze
Ae2 One of my ancestors left a holy quest unfulfilled , solid , the milk spoiled, or all the iron turned to cop-
DFso I intend to finish that work. per. My family is convinced that this event was a
nu P3 The world is a dark and terrible place. I decid ed to harbinger of stranger t hings to come for me .
ebeserve as a beacon oflight shining out against the
of Dgathering shadows. 2 I s uffered a terrible emotiona l or phys ical strain,
ion4 I served as a palad in's squ ire, learn ing all I needed which brought forth my latent magical power. I
versto swear my own sacred oath. have fought to control it ever since.
mo5 Evil must be opposed on all fronts. I feel com-
depelled to seek out wickedness and purge it from 3 My immediate fami ly never s poke of my ancestors,
ing athe world. and when I asked, they would change the subject.
us6 Becoming a paladin was a natural consequence of It wasn't until I started displaying strange talents
ifiedmy unwave ring faith. In taking my vows , I became that the full truth of my heritage came out.
odthe holy sword of my religion.
s been mRANGER 4 When a monster threatened one of my friends, I
F had6 I became a ranger because ... became filled with anxiety. I lashed out instinctively
PDI found purpose while I honed my hunting skills by and blasted the wretched thing with a force that
Thisbringing down dangerous animals at the edge of came from within me.

5 Sensing something special in me, a stranger taught
me how to control m y g ift.

6 After I escaped from a magical conAagration, I
realized that though I was unharmed, I was not

civilization. unchanged. I began to exhibit unusual abil ities that

2 I a lways had a way with animals, able to calm them I am just beginning to understand.

with a soothing wo rd and a touch.

3 I suffer from terrible wa nderlust, so being a ranger WARLOCK
gave me a reason not to remain in one place fo r
too long. d6 I became a warlock because ...
While wandering around in a forbidden place, I
4 I have seen what happens when the monsters encountered an otherworldly being that offered to
come out from t he dark. I took it upon myself to enter into a pact with me.
become the first line of defense against the evils
that lie beyond civilization's borders. 2 I was examining a strange tome I found in an aban-
doned library when the entity that would become
5 I met a grizzled ranger who taught me woodcraft my patron suddenly appeared before me.
and the secrets of the wild lands.

6 I served in an army, learning the precepts of my
professio n while blazing trails and scouting e nemy


d6 I became a warlock because ... LIFE EVENTS BY AGE Life Events
3 I stumbled into the clutches of my patron after I ac- dlOO Current Age
01 - 20 20 years o r younger
cidenta lly step ped through a magical doorway.

4 Whe n I was faced with a terrible crisis, I prayed to 21-59 21-30 years ld4

any being who wou ld listen, and the creat ure that 60- 69 31- 40 years ld6

answered became my patron. 70-89 41 - 50 years ld8

5 My future patron vis ited me in my dreams an d of- 90-99 51 - 60 years ldlO

fe red great power in exchange fo r my service. 00 61 yea rs or o lde r l d 12

6 One of my ancestors had a pact with my patron, so

t hat entity was determined to bind me to the same LIFE EVENTS
agreement. dlOO Event

WIZARD 01 - 10 You suffered a tragedy. Roll on the Tragedies t able.
11 -20 You gained a bit of good fortu ne. Roll on the Boons
d6 I became a wizard because ... tab le.
An old wizard chose m e from among several candi- 21-30 You fe ll in love or got married . If you get this result
dates to serve an apprenticeship. more than once, you can choose to have a child
instead. Work with you r DM to determine the iden-
2 When I became lost in a fores t, a hedge wizard tity of your love interest.
found me, took me in, and taught me t he rudi-

ments of magic. 31 -40 You made an enemy of an advent ure r. Roll a d6. An

3 I grew up listening to tales of great wizards and odd num ber indicates you are to blame for t he rift,
t.knew I wanted to follow their path. I strove to be
rialisaccepted at an academy of magic and succeeded. 41 - 50 and an even number indicates you are blameless.
Ae4 One of my relatives was an accom plished wizard 51-70 Use the supplemental tables a nd wo rk with your
DFwho decided I was smart enough to learn the craft. 71-75 DM to determine this hostile character's identity
u P5 While exploring an old tomb, libra ry, or tem ple, and the danger th is enemy poses to you.
benI fo und a spellbook. I was immediately driven to 76- 80 You made a friend of an adventurer. Use the sup-
f Delearn all I could about becoming a wizard. 81-85 plemental tables and work wi th your DM to add
n o6 I was a prodigy who demonstrated mastery of the more detail to this friend ly character and establish
ersioarcane arts at an early age. When I became old how your friendship began.
o venough to set o ut on m y own, I did so to learn You spent ti me working in a job related to your
emmore magic and expand my power. background . Start the game with an extra 2d6 gp.
sing a dLIFE EVENTS You met someone important. Use the supplemen-
ified uNo matter how long you've been a live, you have expe- tal tables to determine this character's identity and
odrienced at least one s ignature event that has markedly how this individual feels about you. Work out ad-
n minfluenced your character. Life events include wond rous ditiona l details with yo ur DM as needed to fit this
beehappenings a nd tragedies, conflicts a nd s uccesses, and character into your backstory.
asencounters with the unusual. They can help to explain You went on an adventure. Roll on the Adventures
F hwhy your character became a n adventurer, a nd some table to see what happened to you. Work with your
PDmight sWI affect your life even after they a re long over. DM to determine the nature of t he adventure a nd
ThisThe older a character is, the greater the chance for the creatures you encounte red.
multiple life events, as s hown on the Life Events by Age You had a supernatural experience. Roll on t he Su-
pernatural Events table to find out what it was.

table. Ifyou have a lready chosen your cha racter's start- 86-90 You fought in a battle. Roll on th e War table to

ing age, see the entry in the Life Events column that learn what happened to you. Work with your DM to

corresponds to how old you a re. Otherwise, you can roll come up with the reason for the battle and the fac-

dice to determine you r curre nt age a nd number of life tions involved. It might have been a small conAict

events ra ndomly. between your com mu nity and a band of ores, or it

After you know the nu mber of life events your charac- could have been a major battle in a larger war.

ter has experienced, roll once on the Life Events table 91-95 You committed a crime or were wrongly accused of
for each of them. Many of the results on that table direct 96-99 doi ng so. Roll on the Crime table to determine the
you to one of the secondary tables that follow. Once you nature of the offense and on the Punishm ent table
have determined a ll of your character's life events, you to see what became ofyou.
can arrange them in any chronological order you see fit. You encountered something magical. Roll on the

Arcane Matters table.

00 Som ething truly strange happened to you . Roll on

the Weird Stuff table.



These tables add detail to many of the results on the Life dlO Boon
Events table. The tables are in alphabetical order. A friendly wizard gave you a spell scroll containing

ADVENTURES one cantrip (of the DM's choice).
2 You saved the life of a commoner, who now owes
dl 00 O utcome
you a life debt. This individual accompanies you on
01-10 You nearly died. You have nasty scars on your your travels and performs mundane tasks for you,
body, and you are m issing an ear, ld3 fingers, or but will leave if neglected, abused, or imperiled.
ld4 toes. Determine details about this c haracter by using the

11 - 20 You suffered a grievous injury. Although the wound supplemental tables and working with your DM .

healed, it still pains you from time to time. 3 You found a riding horse.

21-30 You were wounded, but in time you fu lly recovered. 4 You found some money. You have l d20 gp in addi-

31- 40 You contracted a disease while exploring a filthy tion to your regular starting fund s.

warren. You recovered from the disease, but you S A relative bequeathed you a s imple weapon of your

have a persistent cough, pockmarks on your skin, choice.
or prematurely gray hair. 6 You found something interesting. You gain one

41-50 You were poisoned by a trap or a monster. You re- additional trinket.

covered, but the next time you must make a saving 7 You once performed a service for a local temple.

throw against poison, you make the saving throw The next time you visit the temple, you can receive

with disadvantage. healing up to your hit point maximum.


ebenu PDF71-80
version of D81-90
odified using a00
You lost something of sentimental value to you 8 A friendly alchemist gifted you with a potion of
during your adventure. Remove one trinket from healing or a flask of acid, as you choose.
your possessions.
You were terribly frighte ned by something you en- 9 You found a treasure map.
countered and ran away, abandoning your compan- 10 A distant relative left you a stipend that enables
ions to their fa te.
You learned a great dea l d uring your adventure. you to live at the comfortable lifest yle for ld20
The next time you make an ability check or a saving years. If you choose to live at a higher lifest yle, you
throw, you have advantage o n the roll . reduce the price of the lifestyle by 2 gp duri ng that
You found some treasure on your adventure. You time period.
have 2d6 gp left from your share of it.
You found a considerable amount of treasure on CRIME
your adventure. You have ld20 + 50 gp left from
your share of it. d8 Cri me
You came across a common magic item (of the 1 Murder
DM's choice). 2 Theft
been mARCANE MATTERS 3 Burglary
hasdlO Magical Event 4 Assault
PDF1 You were c harmed o r frightened by a spell. 5 Smuggling
This2 You were injured by the effect of a spell. 6 Kidnapping
7 Exto rtion
8 Counterfeiting

3 You witnessed a powerful spell being cast by a PUNISHMENT

cleric, a druid, a sorcerer, a warlock, or a wizard. d1 2 Punishment

4 You drank a potion (of the DM 's choice}. 1-3 You did not commit the crime and were exonerated
S You found a spell scroll (of the DM 's choice} and 4-6 after being accused.
7-8 You committed the crime or helped do so, but
succeeded in casting the spell it contained. nonetheless the authorities found you not guilty.
6 You were affected by teleportation magic. 9-12 You were nearly caught in the act. You had to flee
7 You turned invisible for a time. and are wanted in the community where the crime
8 You identified an illusion for what it was . occurred.
9 You saw a creature being conjured by magic. You were caught and convicted. You spent time in
10 Your fortune was read by a diviner. Roll twice on jail, chained to an oar, or perform ing hard labor.
You served a sentence of ld4 years or succeeded in
the Life Events table, but don't apply the results. escaping after that much time.
Instead, the DM picks one event as a portent of
your future (which might or might not come true).




dlOO Event

01 - 05 You were ensorcelled by a fey and enslaved for l d6
06- 10 years before you escaped.
You saw a demon and ran away before it could do
anything to you.

11 - 15 A devil tempted you. Make a DC 10 Wisdom saving
16-20 throw. On a failed save, your alignment shifts one
step toward evil (if it 's not evil already), and you
start the game with an additional l d20 + 50 gp.
You woke up one morning miles from your ho me,
with no idea how you got there.

21- 30 You visited a holy site and felt the presence of the
31- 40 divin e there.
You witnessed a falling red star, a face appearing in
41 - 50 th e frost , or some other bizarre happening. You are
certain that it was an omen of some sort.
You escaped certain death and believe it was the
intervention ofa god that saved you.

51-60 You witnessed a minor miracle.

61 - 70

erialist.71 -75
enu PDF A76-80
n of86-90
a demo96- 00
You explored an empty house and found it to be dl2 Tragedy
haunted. 8 A terrible blight in your home community caused
You were briefly possessed. Roll a d6 to determine crops to fail, and many starved. You lost a sibling
what type of creature possessed you: l , celestial; 2, o r some other family member.
devil; 3, demon; 4, fey; 5, elemental; 6, undead. 9 You did something that bro ught terrible shame to
You saw a ghost. you in the eyes of your fam ily. You might have been
You saw a ghoul feed ing on a corpse. involved in a scandal, dabbled in dark magic, or
A celestial or a fiend visited you in your dreams to offended someone important. The attitude of your
give a warning of dangers to come. fam ily members toward you becomes indifferent at
You briefly visited the Feywild or the Shadow fell. best, though they might eventually forgive you.
You saw a portal that you believe leads to another 10 For a reason you were never told, you were exiled
plane of existence. from your community. You then either wandered in
d usingTRAGEDIES the wi lderness for a time or promptly found a new
odifiedl 2 Tragedy place to live.
n m1-2 A family member or a close friend died. Roll on 11 A romantic relationsh ip ended . Roll a d6. An odd
beethe Cause of Death supplemental table to find out number means it ended with bad fee lings, while an
hashow. even number means it ended amicably.
DF3 A friendship ended bitterly, and the other person 12 A current or prospective romantic partner of yours
is Pis now hostile to you. The cause might have been a died . Roll on the Cause of Death supplemental
Thm is understanding or something you or the former table to find out how. If the resu lt is murder, roll a

friend d id. dl2. On a l , you were responsib le, whether directly

4 You lost all your possessions in a d isaster, and you or indi rectly.

had to rebuild your life.

5 You were imprisoned for a crime you didn't com- WAR War O utcome
mit and spent ld6 years at hard labor, in jail, or dl2 You were knocked out and left fo r dead . You woke
shackled to an oa r in a slave galley. up hours later with no recollection ofthe battle.
2-3 You were badly injured in the fight, a nd yo u still
6 War ravaged your home community, reducing ev- 4 bea r the awful scars of those wounds.
erything to rubble and ruin . In the aftermath, you You ran away from t he battle to save your life, but
either helped your town rebuild or moved some- 5- 7 you still feel shame for your cowardice.
where else. You suffered on ly minor injuries, and the wounds
all healed without leaving scars.
7 A lover d isa ppeared without a trace. You have been
looking for that person ever since.


dl2 War O utcome 3d6 Alignment

8-9 You survived the battle, but you suffer from terrible 13-15 Neutral good

nightmares in which you relive the experience. 16-17 Lawful good (50%) or lawful neutra l (50%)

10-11 You escaped the battle unscathed, though many of 18 Chaotic good (50%) or chaotic neutral (50%)

your friends were injured or lost .

12 You acquitted yourself well in battle and are re- CAUSE O F DEATH
membered as a hero. You might have received a d l 2 Cause of Death
medal for your bravery. Unknown

W EIR D STUFF 2 Murdered
3 Killed in battle

dl2 What Happened 4 Accident related to class or occupation

You were turned into a toad and remained in that 5 Accident unrelated to class or occupation

form for ld4 weeks. 6-7 Natural causes, such as disease or old age

2 You were petrified and remained a s tone statue for 8 Apparent suicide

a time until someone freed you. 9 Torn apart by an an imal or a natural disaster

3 You were enslaved by a hag, a satyr, or some other 10 Consumed by a monster

being and lived in that creature's thrall for ld6 11 Executed for a crime or tortured to death

years. 12 Bizarre event, such as being hit by a meteorite,

4 A d ragon held you as a prisoner for ld4 months struck down by an angry god, or ki lled by a hatch-

until adventurers killed it. ing s laad egg

t.5 You were taken captive by a race ofevil humanoids CLASS Clas s
rialissuch as drow, kuo-toa, or quaggoths. You lived as a Barbarian
Aeslave in the Underdark until you escaped. dlOO Bard
01-07 Cleric
DF6 You served a powerfu l adventurer as a hireling. You 08-14 Druid
u Phave only recently left that service. Use the supple-15-29 Fighter
benmental tables and work with your DM to determine 30- 36 Mon k
f Dethe basic details about yo ur former employer. 37-52 Paladin
53-58 Ranger
ion o7 You went insane for l d6 years and recently re- 59-64 Rogue
ersgained your sanity. A tic or some other bit of odd 65-70 Sorcerer
o vbehavior might linger. 71-84 Warlock
85-89 Wizard
dem8 A lover of yours was secretly a silver dragon. 90-94
g a9 You were captured by a cult and nearly sacrificed 95-00

usinon an altar to the fo ul being the cultists served.
ifiedYou escaped, but you fear they will find you.
od10 You met a demigod , an archdevil, an archfey, a de-
n mmon lord, or a titan, and you lived to tell the tale.
bee11 You were swallowed by a giant fish and spent a
hasmonth in its gullet before you escaped.
DF12 A powerful being granted you a wish, but you
This Psquandered it on something frivolous.
d l OO Occupation
01-05 Academic

SUPPLEMENTAL TABLES 06-10 Adventurer (roll on the Class table)
11 Aristocrat

The supplemental tables below give you a way to ran- 12-26 Artisa n or guild member
domly determine characteristics and other facts about 27-31 Criminal
individuals who are part of your character's life. Use 32-36 Entertainer
these tables when directed to do so by another table, or 37-38 Exile, hermit, or refugee
when you simply want to come up with a piece of infor- 39-43 Explorer or wanderer
mation quickly. The tables are in alphabetical order.

44- 55 Farmer or herder

A LI GNME NT 56-60 Hunter or trapper

3d 6 Ali g n m e n t 61 -75 Laborer
3 Chaotic evil (50%) or chaotic neutral (50%) 76-80 Merchant
Lawful evil 81- 85 Politician or bureaucrat
4-5 Neutral evil 86-90 Priest
6- 8 Neutral 91-95 Sailor
9- 12 96- 00 Soldier



dlOO Race Leveling up in a class is the main way a character
evolves during a campaign. Some DMs a lso allow the
01-40 Human

41-50 Dwarf use of feats to customize a character. Feats a re an op-

51 - 60 Elf tional rule in chapter 6, "Customization Options," of the

61-70 Halfling Player's Handbook. The DM decides whether they're
71-75 Dragon born used a nd may also decide that some feats are available
76- 80 Gnome in a campaign and others aren't.
81-85 H alf-elf
86-90 Half-ore This section introduces a collection of special feats
that a llow you to explore your character's race fur-
ther. These feats are each associated with a race from

91-95 Tiefling the Player's Handbook, as summarized in the Racial

96- 00 DM's choice Feats table. A racial feat represents either a deepening

connection to your race's culture or a physical trans -

RELATIONSHIP formation tha t brings you closer to a n aspect ofyour
3d4 Attitude race's lineage.

The cause of a particular transformation is up to you

3-4 Hostile and your DM. A transformational feat can symbolize a

5-10 Friendly latent quality that has emerged as you age, o r a transfor-

11-12 Indifferent mation might be the result of an event in the campaign,
s uch as expos ure to powerful magic or visiting a place of

STATUS ancient s ignificance to your race. Transformations a re a

fundamental motif of fantasy literature and folklore. Fig-

DF A6-8
benu P9-12
f De13-15
n o16- 17
Status uring out why your character has changed can be a r ich
Dead (roll on the Cause of Death table) addition to your campaign's story.
Missing or unknown
Alive, but doing poorly due to injury, financial trou- RACIAL FEATS Feat
ble, or relation ship difficulties Dragon Fear
Alive and well Race Dragon Hide
Alive and quite successful Dragonborn Dwarven Fortitude
Alive and infamous D ragon b o rn Squat Nimbleness
Alive and famous Dwarf Elven Accuracy
demo veWHAT'S NEXT? Dwarf Drow High Magic
ing aW hen you're finished using these tables, you'll have a Elf Fey Teleportation
uscollection of facts and notes that- at a minimum- encap- Elf (drow) Wood El f Magic
ifieds ulate what your character has been doing in the world Elf (high) Fade Away
odup till now. Sometimes that might be all the information Elf (wood) Squat Nimbleness
myou want, but you don't have to stop there. Gnome Elven Accuracy
Gnome Prodigy
eenBy using your creativity to stitch a ll these bits together Half-elf Orcish Fury
s binto a continuous narrative, you can create a fu ll-Aedged Half-elf Prodigy
haautobiography for your character in as little as a few Half-ore Bountiful Luck
PDFsentences-an excellent example of how the whole is Half-ore Second Chance
isgreater than the sum of its parts. Halfling
ThDid you get a couple of results on the tables that don't

outright contradict each other but also don't seem to fit Halfling Squat Nimbleness
together smoothly? If so, now is your chance to expla in Human Prodigy
what happened to you. For instance, let's say you were Tiefling Flames of Phlegethos
born in a castle, but your childhood home was in the Tiefl ing Infernal Constitution
wilderness. It could be that your parents traveled from

their forest home to seek help from a midwife at the T he feats are presented below in alphabetica l order.
castle when your mother was close to giving birth. Or

your parents might have been me mbers of the castle's BOUNTIFUL LUCK
staff before you were born, but they were released from

service soon after you came into the world. Prerequisite: Halffing

In add ition to deepening your own roleplaying experi- Your people have extraordinary luck, which you have
ence, your character 's history presents your DM with op- learned to mystically lend to your companions when you
portunities to weave those elements into the story of the see them falter. You're not sure how you do it; you just
campaign. Any way you look at it, addi ng definition to wish it, and it happens. Surely a s ign of fortune's favor!
your character's pre-adventuring life is time well spent.


When an ally you can see within 30 feet of you rolls a • Whenever you ta ke the Dodge action in combat, you
1 on the d20 for an attack roll, an ability check, or a sav- can spend one Hit Die to heal yourself. Roll the die,
ing throw, you can use your reaction to le t the ally reroll add your Constitution modifier, a nd regain a number
the die. The a lly must use the new roll. of hit points equal to the total (minimum of 1).

When you use this ability, you can't use your Lucky ELVEN ACCURACY
racial trait before the end ofyour next turn.

DRAGON FEAR Prerequisite: Elfor half-elf

Prerequisite: Dragonborn The accuracy of elves is legendary, especially that of elf
a rchers a nd s pe llcasters. You have uncanny aim with at-
When angered, you can radiate menace. You gain the tacks that rely on precis ion rat her than brute force. You
following benefits: gain the following benefits:

• Increase your Strength, Constitution, or Cha risma • Incr ease your Dexterity, I ntelJigence, Wis dom, or Cha-

score by l , to a maximum of 20. risma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

• Instead of ex haling destructive energy, you can ex- • Whenever you have adva ntage on an attack roll us ing

pend a use of your Breath Weapon tra it to roar, forcing Dex terity, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charis ma, you can

each creature of your choice within 30 feet of you to reroll one of the dice once.

ma ke a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency

bonus + your Charism a modifier). A target a utomati- FADE AWAY

cally s ucceeds on the save if it can't hear or see you. Prerequisite: Gnome

On a failed save, a target becomes frighte ned of you Your people a re clever, with a knack for illusion magic.

for 1 minute. If the fri ghtened target takes a ny dam- You have learned a magical trick for fading away when

age, it can repeat the saving throw, endin g the effect you s uffer harm. You gain the following benefits:

on itself on a s uccess.
AeriaPrerequisite: Dragonborn • Increase your Dexterity or Intelligence score by 1, to a
PDFYou manifest scales a nd claws reminiscent of your dra- maximum of20.
nuconic an cestors. You gain the following benefits:
ebe• Increase your Strength, Constitution, or Charisma • Immediately after you take damage, you can use a
reaction to magically become invis ible until the end
of Dscore by 1, to a maximum of 20. of your next turn or until you attack, deal damage,
ion• Your scales harden. While you aren't wearing a rmor, or force someone to make a saving throw. Once you
use this ability, you can't do so again until you finish a
ersyou can calculate your AC as 13 +your Dexterity mod- s hort or long rest.
o viJier. You can use a s hield and sti ll gain this benefit.
em• You grow retracta ble claws from the tips of your fin- FEY TELEPORTATION
a dgers. Extending o r retracting the claws requires no
singactfon. The claws a re natural weapons, which you can Prerequisite: Elf(high)
d uuse to ma ke una rmed strikes. If you hit with them, you
ifiedeal s las hing da mage equal to ld4 +your Strength Your study of high elven lore has unlocked fey power
odmodifier, ins tead of the normal bludgeoning da m age that few other e lves possess, except your eladrin cous-
en mfor an una rmed s trike. ins. Drawi ng on your fey ancestry, you can momentarily
as beDROW HIGH MAGIC s tride through the Feywild to shorte n your path from
DF hPrerequisite: Elf(drow) one place to anothe r. You gain the following bene fits:
his PYou learn more of the magic typical of dark elves. You
Tlearn the detect magic s pell and can cast it at will, w ith- • Increase your Intelligence or Charis ma score by 1, to
a maximum of 20.
out expending a spe ll s lot. You also learn levitate and
dispel magic, each of which you can cast once without • You learn to speak, read, and write Sylvan.
• You learn the mis ty step spell a nd can cast it o nce

without expending a s pell s lot. You regain the abi l-
ity to cast it in this way when you finish a s hort or
lo ng rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting abil ity for

this spell.

expend ing a spell s l.ot. You r egain the ability to cast FLAMES OF PHLEGETHOS
those two spells in this way when you finish a long rest. Prerequisite: Tiefling
Charisma is your s pellcasting ability for a ll three s pells.

DWARVEN FORTITUDE You learn to call on he llfire to serve your comma nds .
You gain the following benefits:

Prerequisite: Dwarf • Increase your Intelligence or Charisma score by 1, to
a maximum of 20.
You have the blood of dwarf heroes flow ing through
your veins. You gain the following benefits: • When you roll fire da mage for a s pell you cast, you can
reroll any roll of 1 o n the fire damage dice, but you
• Increase your Constitution score by 1, to a max- must use the new roll, even if it is a nother 1.
imum of20.
• Whenever you cast a spell that deals fire damage, you
can cause Hames to wreathe you until the e nd of your

next turn. The flames don't harm you or your posses- SQUAT NIMBLENESS
s ions, and they sh ed bright light out to 30 feet a nd dim
light for a n addition a l 30 feet. While the fla m es a r e Prerequisite: D warf or a S m all race
present, any creature within 5 feet of you that hits you Yo u a re uncommonly nimble for yo ur race. You ga in th e
with a melee attack takes ld4 fire da mage. following be n efits:

INFERNAL CONSTITUTION • Inc rease your S tre ng th or Dexte rity score by l , to a
ma ximum of 20.

Prerequisite: Tiefiing • Inc rease your walk ing s peed by 5 feet.

F ie ndis h blood runs s trong in you, unlocking a resil- • You gain proficiency in the Acrobatics or Athle tics
ience a kin to tha t possessed by some fie nds . Yo u gain s kill (your choice).
the following be ne fits : You have ad van tage on a ny S tren g th (Athle tics) or
D exterity (Acroba tics) c heck you ma ke to escap e from
• Incr ease your Cons titution score by 1, to a max- being gra ppled .
imum of 20.

You have resistance to cold dam age a nd poi- Woon ELF MAGIC
son damage.
• Yo u have advantage on saving throws agains t be- Prerequisite: Elf(wood)

ing poisoned. You learn t he magic o f t he primeval woods, w hich ar e

revered a nd protected by your people. You learn one

0RCISH FURY druid ca ntrip of your choice. You a lso learn the long-

Prerequis ite: Half-ore strider a nd pass without trace s pells, each of w hich you

Yo ur inne r fury burns tirelessly. Yo u gain the follow- can cast once wit hout expe ndin g a spell s lot. You regain

t he a bility to cast these two sp ells in this way w he n you

ing benefits: finis h a long rest. Wis d om is your sp ellcasting a bility for

t.• Increase your S trength or Cons titution score by 1, to a a ll three s p e lls .
rialismaximum of 20.

e• Whe n you hit with a n attack us ing a s imple or ma r tia l
F Aweapon , you can roll one of the weapon's da mage dice
PDa n additiona l time and add it as extra da mage of the
enuweapon's d a mage type . Once you use this a bility, you
ebcan't use it aga in until you finis h a s hort or lo ng rest.

of D• Immediately after you use your R elentless Endur-
iona nce tra it, you can use your reaction to m a ke one
ersweapon attack.

g a dPrerequisite: Half-elf, half-ore, or human
usinYou have a knack for learning new thi ngs. You gain the
ifiedfollowing benefits:
mod• You gain one s kill proficiency of your choice, o ne tool

enproficien cy of your choice, a nd flue ncy in one la nguage
beof your choice.
has• Choose one s kill in w hich you have proficiency. You
Fga in expe r tise with that s kill, which means your profi-
is PDciency bonus is doubled for any a bility check you ma ke
Thwith it. The skilJ you choose mus t be one that is n't

already ben efitin g from a feature, s uc h as Exp e rtise,

t hat doubles your pro ficie n cy bonus.


P rerequis ite: Haffling

Fortune favors you whe n s omeone tries to s trike you.
You gain the follow ing be ne fits:

• Increase your D exterity, Cons tit ution, o r Ch aris m a
score by l , to a m aximum of 2 0 .

• When a c re ature you can see hits you w ith an a ttack
roll, you can use your reaction to force tha t c reature to
reroll. Once you use this a bility, you ca n't use it again
until you roll initia tive at the s ta rt of comba t or until
you finjs h a s hort or long rest.




S THE DUNGEON M ASTER, YOU OVERSEE turn, you descend up to 500 feet at the end o f that turn.

the game and weave togethe r the story ex- This process continues untiJ the fall ends, either be-
perienced by your players. You're the one cause you hit t he ground or the fa ll is otherwise halted.

who keeps it a ll going, a nd this ch a pter is FLYING CREATURES AND FALLING
for you. It gives you new rules options, as

well as some re fined tools for creating and A flying creature in fligh t falls if it is knocked prone, if
running adventures and campaigns. It is a its speed is reduced to 0 feet, or if it otherwise loses t he

supple me nt to the tools and advice offered ability to move, unless it can hover or it is being held

in the Dungeon Master's Guide. aloft by magic, s uc h as t he fly spell.
The chapter opens with optiona l rules meant to help Ifyou'd like a flying c reature to have a better ch ance of

you run cer tai n parts of the game more smoothly. The s urviving a fall tha n a no n-flyi ng creature does, use this
chapter then goes into g reater depth on several topics- rule : s ubtract the creature's current flying speed from

e ncounter building, random e ncounte rs, traps, magic the distance it fell before calculating falling damage.

items, and downtime-which la rgely relate to how you T his rule is helpful to a flier that is knocked prone but

create a nd s tage your adventures. is still conscious and has a c urre nt flying speed that is

The mate ria l in this chapter is meant to make your greater t han 0 feet. T he rule is designed to s im ulate t he easier. Ignore anything you find here that doesn't c reature flapping its w ings furiously o r taking s imilar
lishelp you, a nd don't hesita te to cus tom ize the things t hatmeasures to slow the velocity of its fall.
eriayou do use. The game's rules exist to serve you and the
F Agames you run. As a lways, make them your own. Ifyou use the rule for rate of fa lling in the previous
enu PDSIMULTANEOUS EFFECTS section, a flying creature descends 500 feet on the turn
DebMost effects in the game ha ppen in s uccession, follow- w he n it fa lls, just as other c reatures do. But if th a t c rea-
ofing an order set by the rules or the DM. In ra re cases, tu re starts any of its la ter turns s till falling and is prone,
rsioneffects can happen at the sa me time, especiaUy at the it ca n ha lt the fall on its turn by s pe nding ha lf its flying
vestart or e nd of a creature's turn. If two or more things speed to counte r the prone condition (as if it were stand-
mohappen at the same time on a character or monster 's ing up in mida ir).
deturn, the person at the game table-whethe r player or
g aDM-who controls that creature decides the order in SLEEP
sinwhich those things happen. For example, if two effects
ified uoccur at the end of a player character's turn, the player Just as in the rea l world, D&D characte rs spend ma ny
ddecides wh ich of the two e ffects happens firs t. hours s leeping, most often as pa rt of a long rest. Most
een moFALLING mons te rs a lso need to sleep. While a c reature s leeps,
as bFalling from a great heig ht is a s ignificant ris k for ad- it is s ubjected to t he unconscious condition. Here a re a
F hventurers and their foes. The rule given in the Player's few rules that expand o n that basic fact.
PDHandbook is s imple: at the end of a fall , you take ld6
Thisbludgeoning damage for every 10 feet you fell, to a maxi- WAKING SOMEONE

A c reature t hat is naturally s leeping, as opposed to be-
ing in a magically or chemically ind uced sleep, wakes
up if it takes any damage or if someone else uses an ac-
tion to shake or slap t he c reature awake. A s udden loud

mum of 20d6. You also la nd prone, un less you somehow noise- s uc h as yelling, thunder, or a ringing bell-also

avoid taking damage from the fall. Here a re two optional awakens som eone that is s leeping naturaUy.

rules that expand on that s imple rule. Whispers don't disturb sleep, unless a sleeper's pas-

s ive Wis dom (Perception) score is 20 or higher and t he

RATE OF FALLING whispers a re within 10 feet of the s leeper. Speech a t a

The rule for falling assum es that a creature immediately norma l volume awakens a s leeper if th e environme nt
drops the e ntire distance whe n it fa lls. But what if a is otherwise s ilent (no wind, birdsong, c rickets, street
creature is a t a high altitude when it fa lls, pe rhaps on sou nds, or the like) and the s leeper has a passive Wis-
the back of a griffon or on board an airs hip? Realisti-
dom (Perception) score of 15 or higher.

cally, a fall fro m such a height can ta ke more than a few SLEEPING IN ARMOR
seconds, extending past the e nd o f t he turn when the fall

occurred . Ifyou'd like hi gh-altitude falls to be properly Sleeping in light armor has no adverse effect on the

ti me-consuming, use the following optiona l rule. wea re r, but sleeping in medium or heavy a rmor ma kes it

When you fa ll from a g reat height, you instantly de- difficult to recover fully during a long rest.

scend up to 500 feet. If you're still falling o n your next


When you finish a long res t during w hich you slept in TOOLS AND SKILLS TOGETHER
medium or heavy armor, you regain only one quarter of
your spent Hit Dice (minimum of one die). If you have Tools have more s pecific applications tha n skills. The
a ny levels of exhaustion, the rest doesn't reduce your History skill applies to any event in the past. A tool s uch
exhaustion level. as a forge ry kit is used to make fake objects and little
else. Thus, why wou ld a character who has the opportu-

GOING WITHOUT A LONG REST nity to acquire one or the other want to gain a tool profi-
cie ncy instead of proficie ncy in a skill?
A long rest is never ma ndatory, but going without s leep
does have its consequences. If you want to account for To ma ke tool proficiencies more a ttractive choices for
the effects of s leep deprivation on characters a nd crea- the cha racters, you can use the methods outlined below.
tures, use these rules.
Advantage. If the use of a tool a nd the use of a skill
Whenever you end a 24-hour period without finishing both apply to a check, and a character is proficient with
a long rest, you mus t s ucceed on a DC 10 Constitution the tool and the skill, consider allowing the cha racter
saving throw or s uffer one level of ex haus tion. to make the check with adva ntage. This s imple benefit
can go a lo ng way toward e ncouraging players to pick
It becomes harder to fight off exhaustion ifyou stay up tool proficiencies. In the tool descriptions that follow,
awake for multiple days. After the first 24 hours, the this bene fit is often expressed as additional insight (or
DC increases by 5 for each consecutive 24-hour period something s imilar), wh ich translates into a n increased
without a long rest. The DC resets to 10 when you finish cha nce that the check will be a s uccess.
a long rest.
Added Benefit. In addition , conside r giving characters

ADAMANTINE WEAPONS who have both a relevant skill and a relevant tool profi-
ciency a n added benefit on a s uccessful check. This b en-

Adamantine is an ultrahard metal found in meteorites efit might be in the form of more detailed information or

and extraordinary mineral veins. In addition to being could s imulate the effect of a different sort of s uccessful

t.used to craft adamantine armor, the metal is a lso used check. For example, a cha racter proficient with mason's
lisfor wea pons. tools m akes a successful Wisdom (Perception) check to
find a secret door in a stone wall. Not only does the char-
eriaMelee weapons and ammunition made of or coated acter notice the door's presence, but you decide that the
F Awith adamantine are unus ually effective w hen used tool proficiency entitles the character to an automatic
PDto break objects. Whenever a n adamantine weapon success on a n Intelligence (Investigation) check to deter-
nuor piece of ammunition hits a n object, the hit is a mine how to open the door.
ebecritical hit.
f DThe adamantine version of a melee weapon or of
ion oten pieces of ammunition costs 500 gp more than the The following sections go into detail a bout the tools pre-
rsnorma l version, whether the weapon or am munition is sented in the Player's Handbook, offering advice on how
o vemade of the metal or coated w ith it. to use the m in a campaign.
sinThe rules are purposely open-ended concerning mun- Components. The first paragra ph in each description
ified udane tasks like tying knots, but sometim es knowing gives details on what a set of s upplies or tools is made
dhow well a knot was fas hioned is importa nt in a dra- up of. A character who is proficient with a tool knows
moma tic scene when someone is trying to untie a knot or how to use a ll of its component pa rts.
eenslip out of one. Her e's an optional rule for determining
s bthe effective ness of a knot. Skills. Every tool potentially provides advantage on a
check when used in conjunction with certa in skills, pro-
haThe creature who ties the knot makes a n Intelligence vided a character is proficient with the tool a nd the skill.
DF(Sleight of Hand) check when doing so. The total of the As DM, you can allow a cha racter to make a check using
is Pcheck becomes the DC for an attempt to untie the knot the indicated skill with advantage. P aragraphs that be-
Thwith a n Intelligence (Sleight of Hand) check or to s lip gin with skill names discuss these possibilities. In each
of these paragraphs, the benefits apply only to someone
out of it with a Dex terity (Acrobatics) check. who has proficiency with the tool, not someone who sim-
This rule intentionally links Sleight of Ha nd with ply owns it.

Intelligence, rather than Dexterity. This is a n example With respect to skills, the system is mildly abstract in
of how to apply the rule in the "Va ria nt: Skills with te rms of wha t a tool proficiency represents; essentially,
Differe nt Abilities" section in chapter 7 of the Play- it assumes that a characte r who has proficiency with a
er's Handbook. tool also has learned about facets of the trade or pro-
fession that are not necessarily associated with the use

In addition, you can consider giving a character extra

Tool proficiencies a re a useful way to highlight a charac- information or an added benefit on a skill check. The

ter's background and tale nts. At the game table, though, text provides some examples a nd ideas whe n this oppor-

the use of tools sometimes overlaps with the use of tunity is relevant.

s kills, a nd it can be unclear bow to use them together in Special Use. Proficiency with a tool usually brings

certain situations. This section offers various ways that with it a particula r benefit in the form of a special use,

tools can be used in the game. as described in this paragraph.

Sample DCs. A table at the end of each section lists
activities that a tool can be used to perform, and s ug-
gested DCs for the necessary a bility checks.


Alc he mist's supplies e na ble a c haracte r to produce use-

fu l concoctions , s uch as acid o r alchemist's fire.

Components. Alchemist's s upp lies include two glass

beakers, a metal frame to ho ld a beaker in place over

a n open fla me, a g lass stirring rod, a small mortar and

pestle, a nd a pouch of common alchemical ingredients,

including salt, powdered iron, a nd purified water.

Arcana. Proficiency w ith alchemist's s upplies allows

you to unlock mo re informa tion on Arcan a c heck s in-

volving potions a nd simila r m ateria ls.

Investigation. When you inspect an a rea fo r clues,

proficie ncy with a lc hemist's supplies grants additional

ins ig ht in to any chemicals or othe r s ubs ta nces that

might have been used in the area.

Alchemical Crafting. You can use this tool proficiency

to create alchemical items. A character can s pend

money to collect raw m a te ria ls, wh ic h weigh 1 pound

for every 50 gp spent. T he DM can allow a character to

make a c heck us ing the indicated skill with advantage.

t.As part of a lo ng rest, you can use alchemist's supplies
listo make one dose of acid, alchemis t's fir e, antitox in,
eriaoil, perfume, or soap. S ubtract half the value of the cre-
F Aa ted item from th e tota l gp worth of raw materi a ls you
PDa re carrying.
of DActivity DC
ionCreate a puffof thick s m oke 10
versIdentify a poison 10
oIdentify a s ubstance 15
demStart a fi re 15
g aNeutralize acid 20
odBrewing is the a rt of producing beer. Not only does beer 10
mserve as a n alcoholic beverage, but the process of brew- Activity 15
eening p urifies water. Crafting beer takes weeks of fer men- Detect poison or impurities in a drink 20
as btatio n, but only a few hours of work. Identify alcohol
Ignore effects ofalcohol
F hComponents. Brewer's supplies include a la rge
PDglassjug, a quantity of ho ps, a s iphon, a nd several feet CALLIGRAPHER'S SUPPLIES
hisof tubing.
Calligraphy treats writing as a delicate, beautiful art.
THistory. Proficiency with brewer 's s u pplies g ives Calligraph e rs produce text that is pleasing to the eye,
usi n g a style that is diffic ult to forge. Their supplies a lso
give them some abi lity to examine scripts a nd de termine
if they a re legitimate, since a calligrapher's training in-
volves long ho urs of study ing writing and attempting to
re plicate its style and design.

Components. Callig rapher 's s upplies include ink, a

you additiona l insig ht on Inte lligence (History) ch ecks dozen sheets of parc hme nt, a nd three quills.

concerning events t ha t involve alcohol as a signifi- Arcana. Alt hough calligraphy is of litt le help in deci-

cant e lement. phering t he content o f magical writi ngs, proficiency with

Medicine. This tool proficiency grants addition a l these s upplies can aid in ide ntifying who wrote a script

ins ight when you treat a nyone suffering from alcohol of a magical n ature.

po isoning or when you can use alcohol to dull pa in. History. This tool proficiency can augment the

Persuasion. A s tiff drink can help soften the h ardest b e ne fit of s u ccessful checks made to a na lyze or inves-

heart. Your proficie ncy w it h brewer 's s upplies can help tigate a ncient writings, scrolls, o r othe r tex ts, includ-

you ply som eone with drink, giving them just enough ing runes etched in stone or messages in frescoes or

alcoho l to mellow t heir m ood. other displays.

Potable Water. Your knowledge of brewing e nables Decipher Treasure Map. This tool proficiency grants

you to purify water that would otherwise be undrink- you expertise in examining maps. You can make an

able. As part of a long rest, you can purify up to 6 gal- In telligence c h eck to dete rm ine a map's age, whether a

lons of water, or 1 gallon as part of a s hort rest. ma p includes any hidden messages, or s imilar facts.


CALLIGRAPHER'S SUPPLIES Nature. Your fami liarity with physical geography

Activity DC makes it easier for you to a nswer questions or solve is-
Identify writer of nonmagical script sues relating to the terrain around you.
Determine writer's state of mind 10 Survival. Your understanding of geography makes it
Spot forged text 15 easier to find paths to civilization, to predict areas where
15 villages or towns might be found, and to avoid becom-

Forge a signature 20 ing lost. You have studied so many maps that common

patterns, such as how trade routes evolve and where

CARPENTER'S TOOLS settlements a rise in relation to geographic locations, a re

Ski ll at carpentry enables a character to construct familiar to you.
wooden structures. A carpenter can build a house, a Craft a Map. While traveling, you can draw a map as

shack, a wooden cabinet, or similar items. you go in addition to engaging in other activity.

Components. Carpenter's tools include a saw, a ham-

mer, nails, a hatchet, a square, a ruler, a n adze, a plane, CARTOGRAPHER'S TOOLS

and a chisel. Activi ty DC
History. This tool proficiency aids you in identifying Determine a map's age and origin 10
Estimate direction and distance to a landmark 15
the use and the origin of wooden buildings and other Discern that a map is fake 15
Fill in a missing part of a map 20
large wooden objects.
Investigation. You gain additional insight when in-

specting areas within wooden structures, because you

know tricks of construction that can conceal areas from COBBLER'S TOOLS

discovery. Although the cobbler's trade might seem too humble for

Perception. You can spot irregula rities in wooden an adventurer, a good pair of boots will see a character

walls or floors, making it easier to find trap doors and across rugged wilderness and through deadly dungeons.
t.secret passages. Components . Cobbler 's tools consist of a hammer,
lisStealth. You can quickly assess the weak spots in a
an awl, a kni fe, a s hoe stand, a cutter, spare leather,
eriawooden floor, making it easier to avoid the places that
F Acreak and groan when they're stepped on. and thread.
Arcana, History. Your knowledge of shoes aids you in
PDFortify. With 1 minute of work and raw materials,
nuyou can make a door or window harder to force open. identifying the magical properties of encha nted boots or
ebeIncrease the DC needed to open it by 5.
the history of such items.
f DTemporary Shelter. As part of a long rest, you can Investigation. Footwear holds a surprising number
ion oconstruct a lean-to or a s imilar s he lter to keep your
ersgroup dry and in the shade for the duration of the rest. of secrets. You can learn where someone has recently
o vBecause it was fashioned quickly from whatever wood vis ited by examining the wea r a nd the dirt that has ac-
emwas available , the shelter collapses ld3 days after being cumulated on their shoes. Your experience in repairing
a dassembled. shoes makes it easier for you to identify where damage
ifiedActivity DC might come from.
modBuild a simple wooden structure 10 Maintain Shoes. As part of a long rest, you can repair
eenDesign a complex wooden structure 15
s bFind a weak point in a wooden wall 15 your companio ns ' shoes. For the next 24 hours , up to s ix
haPry apart a door 20 creatures of your choice who wear shoes you worked on
his PDFCARTOGRAPHER'S TOOLS can travel up to 10 hours a day without making saving
TUsing cartographer's tools , you can create accurate
throws to avoid exhaustion.
Craft Hidden Compartment. With 8 hours of work,

you can add a hidden compartment to a pair of shoes.
The compartment can hold an object up to 3 inches long
a nd 1 inch wide and deep. You make an Intelligence
check using your tool proficiency to determine the In-
telligence (Investigation) check DC needed to find the

maps to make travel easier for yours elf a nd those who compartment.

come after you. These maps can ra nge from large-scale

depictions of mountain ranges to diagrams that s how COBBLER'S TOOLS

the layout of a dungeon level. Activity DC
Components. Cartographer's tools consist of a Determine a shoe's age and origin 10
Find a hidden compartment in a boot heel 15
quill, ink, parchment, a pair of compasses, calipers,

and a ruler.

Arcana, History, Religion. You can use your knowl- COOK'S UTENSILS

edge of maps and locations to unearth more detailed Adventuring is a hard life. With a cook along on the jour-
information when you use these skills. For instance, you ney, your meals will be much better than the typical mi x
might spot hidden messages in a map, identify when the
of hardtack and dried fruit.
map was made to determine ifgeographical features Compon ents. Cook's utensils include a metal pot,
have changed since then, and so forth.
knives, forks, a stirring spoon, and a lad le.


History. Your knowledge of cooking techniques al- FORGERY KIT

lows you to assess the social patterns involved in a cul- A forge ry kit is designed to duplicate documents and to

ture's eating habits. make it easier to copy a p e rs on's seal or s ignatu re .

Medicine. When administering treatment, you can Components. A forgery kit includes several diffe re nt

tra nsform medicine that is bitter or sour into a pleasing types of ink, a va riety of parc hments and papers, several

concoction. quills, seals a nd sealing wax, gold and silver leaf, and

Survival. When foraging for food , you can ma ke do small tools to sculpt melted wax to mimic a seal.

with ingredie nts you scavenge tha t others would be un- Arcana. A forgery kit can be used in conjunction

able to trans form into n ou ris hing meals . with the Arcana s kill to determine if a magic ite m is

Prepare Meals. As pa rt of a short rest, you can pre- real or fake.

pare a tasty meal that he lps your companions regai n Deception. A well-crafted forgery, such as papers pro-

the ir stre ngth. You a nd up to five c reatures of your claiming you to be a noble or a w rit that grants you safe

choice regain 1 extra hit point per Hit Die spent during passage, can lend c redence to a lie.

a s hort rest, provided you have access to your cook's History. A forgery ki t combined w ith your knowled ge

ute ns ils and s ufficie nt food. of history improves your ability to create fake historical

documents or to tell if a n old document is authe ntic.

COOK'S UTENSILS Investigation. When you examine objects, proficiency

Activity DC with a forgery kit is useful for determining how a n ob-
Create a typical meal 10 ject was made a nd whether it is genuine.
Duplicate a meal Other Tools. Knowledge of other tools makes your
Spot poison o r impurities in food 10 forgeries that much more believable. For example, you
Create a gourmet meal 15
could combine proficie n cy with a forgery kit and profi-
15 cie ncy with cartogra phe r's tools to make a fake map.

Quick Fake. As part ofa short rest,you can produce
lisThe perfect tool for anyone who wants to engage in a forged docume nt no more than one page in le ngth. As
eriatrickery, a disguise kit ena bles its owner to adopt a part of a long rest, you can produce a document that is
F Afalse identity. up to four pages long. Your Intellige nce c heck using a
forgery kit determines the DC for someone else's Intelli-
PDComponents. A disguise kit includes cosmetics, hair
nudye, s ma ll props, a nd a few pieces of clothing. gen ce (Inves tigation) check to s pot the fake.

ebeDeception. In certain cases, a disguise can improve FORGERY KIT DC
f Dyour a bility to weave convincin g lies.
Activity 15
ion oIntimidation. The rig ht disguise can make you look Mimic handwriting 20
rsmore fearso me, whether you want to scare someone Duplicate a wax seal
o veaway by pos ing as a plag ue victim or intimidate a gang
emof thugs by taking the appearance of a bully.

a dPerformance. A cunning disguise can enha nce an au-
ingdience's enjoyment of a performance, provided the dis-
usg uise is properly designed to evoke the des ired reaction.

ifiedPersuasion. Folk tend to trust a pe rs on in uniform. If
odyou disguise yourself as an a uthority figure, your efforts
n mto persuade others are often mor e effective.

beeCreate Disguise. As pa rt of a long rest, you can
ascreate a disguise. It takes you 1 mfoute to don such a
F hdisguise once you have created it. You can carry only
PDone s uch disguise on you a t a time without drawing
hisundue a ttention, unless you have a bag ofholding or
Ta si milar method to keep them hidden. Each disguise

Proficie ncy with a gaming set applies to one type of
game, s uc h as Three-Dragon Ante or games of c hance

that use dice.
Components. A gaming set has all the pieces n eed ed

to play a s pecific game or type of game, s uch as a com-

p le te d eck of cards or a board and toke ns .
History. Your mastery of a game includes knowledge

of its history, as well as of important events it was con -
nected to or promine nt his torical figures involved w ith it.

Insight. P laying games with someon e is a good way to
gain unders tanding of their pe rsonality, granting you a

weighs 1 pound. better a bility to discern their lies from their truths and

At other times, it takes 10 minutes to c raft a disguise read their mood.
that involves mode rate c hanges to your appearance, SleightofHand. S leight of Hand is a useful s kill for
and 30 minutes for one that requires more exte n-
c heating at a game, as it allows you to sw a p pieces,
s ive changes. palm cards, or a lter a die roll. Alternatively, engrossing
a target in a game by manipulating the compone nts w ith

DISGUISE KIT dexterous moveme nts is a great dis traction for a pick-

Activity DC pocke ting atte mpt.

Cover injuries or distinguishing marks 10 GAMING SET DC
Spot a disguise being use d by someone e lse 15
Copy a humanoid's appearance 20 Activity 15
Catch a player cheating

Gai n in sight into an opponent's persona lity 15


GLASSBLOWER'S TOOLS This insight proves handy when you make Arcana
ch ecks related to gems or gem-encrusted items.
Someon e who is proficient with glassblower's tools
h as n o t only the a bility to s h ape glass, but a lso s pe- Investigation. When you inspect jeweled objects, your
cia lized knowledge of the methods used to produce proficiency with jeweler 's tools aids you in picking out
glass objects. clues they might hold.

Components. The tools include a blowpipe, a sm all Identify Gems. You can identify gems a nd de termine
marver, blocks, and tweezers. You need a source of heat their value at a glance.

to work glass.

Arcana, History. Your knowledge of glassmaking JEWELER'S TOOLS

techniques a ids you when you examine glass objects, Activity DC
s uch as potion bottles or glass items fou nd in a treasure Modify a gem's appeara nce
hoard. For instance, you can study how a glass potion Determine a gem's histo ry 15
bottle has been changed by its contents to help deter- 20

mine a potion's effects. (A potion might leave behind a LAND AND WATER VEHICLES
residue, deform the glass, or s tain it.)
Proficiency with land vehicles covers a wide range of op-
Investigation. When you study a n area, your knowl- tions, from c hariots and howdahs to wagons and carts.
edge can aid you if the clues include broken glass or Proficiency w ith water vehicles covers anything th at nav-
glass objects. igates waterways. Proficiency with vehicles g rants the
knowledge needed to hand le vehicles of that type, along
Identify Weakness. With 1 minute of study, you can with knowledge of how to repa ir and maintain them.
ide ntify the weak points in a glass object. Any damage
dealt to the obj ect by striking a weak spot is doubled. In addition, a character proficient with water vehicles

GLASSBLOWER'S TOOLS is k nowledgeabl e a bout anything a professiona l sailor
wou ld be fami lia r w ith, s uch as informa tion about the

Activity DC
t.identify source of glass 20
rialisDetermine what a glass object once held
sea and islands, tying knots, a nd assessing weather and
sea conditions.

Arcana. When you study a magic vehicle, this tool pro-
ficie ncy aids you in uncove ring lore or dete rmining h ow
the vehicle operates.

Investigation, Perception. When you ins pect a vehi-
cle fo r clues or hidde n information, your proficiency aids
you in noticing things that others might miss.

Vehicle Handling. When piloting a vehicle, you can
apply your proficie ncy bonus to the vehicle's AC a nd sav-
ing throws.
u PProficie ncy with a n herbalism kit allows you to identify VEHICLES DC
benplants a nd safely collect their useful elements. 10
f DeComponents. An herbalism kit includes pouches to Navigate rough terrain or wate rs 15
n os tore herbs, clippers and leather gloves for collecting Assess a vehicle's condition 20
rsioplants, a mortar a nd pestle, a nd several glass jars. Take a tight corner at high speed

veArcana. Your knowledge of the natu re and uses of
moh erbs can add insight to your magical studies th at deal
dewith plants and you r attempts to ide ntify potions.

g aInvestigation. W hen you ins pect an area overgrown
usinw ith plants, your proficiency can help you pick out de-
ifiedtails a nd clues that others might m iss.

dMedicine. Your mastery of herbalis m improves your
moa bility to treat illnesses a nd wounds by augmenting you r
eenmethods of care with medicinal plants.

s bNature and Survival. When you travel in t he wild,
hayour s kill in herba lism makes it easier to identify plants
DFand s pot sources of food that others might overlook.

is PIdentify Plants. You can identify most plants with a
Thquick inspection of their appearance and smell.
Knowled ge of leatherworking extends to lore concern-
ing an imal hides a nd t heir properties. It a lso con fers
knowledge o f leathe r arm or and s imilar goods.

Components. Leatherworker's tools include a knife,

a s mall ma llet, an edger, a hole punch, thread, and

HERBALISM KIT leather scraps.
Activity Arcana. Your expertise in working w ith leather grants

DC you added ins ight when you inspect magic items crafted

Find plants 15 from leather, such as boots and some cloaks.

identify poison 20 Investigation. You gain added insight whe n s tudy ing

leathe r items or clues related to them, as you draw on

JEWELER'S TOOLS your knowledge of leath er to pick out details that others

Training with jeweler's tools includes the basic tech- would overlook.
niques n eeded to beautify gems. It a lso gives you exp e r- Identify Hides. When looking at a hide or a leather

tise in identifying precious stones. item, you can determine the source of the leather and

Components. J ewele r 's tools cons ist of a small saw a ny special techn iques used to treat it. For example,
and hammer, files, pliers, and tweezers. you can spot the difference between leather crafted

Arcana. Proficiency with j eweler's tools grants you using d warven methods and leath er cr afted using half-

know ledge a bo ut the reputed mystical uses of gems. ling methods.



Activity DC Activity DC
Modify a leather item's appearance
Determine a leather item's history 10 Plot a course 10

20 Discover your pos ition on a nautical chart 15


Mason 's tools a llow you to craft stone structures, includ- Proficiency with painter's supplies re presents you r

ing walls and buildings crafted from brick. ability to paint and draw. You also acquire a n under-

Components. Mason's tools consist of a trowel, a standing of art history, which can aid you in examining

hammer, a chisel, brushes, and a square. works of art.

History. Your expertise a ids you in ide ntifying a stone Components. Painter's supplies include a n easel, can-

building's date of construction and purpose, a long with vas, paints, brushes, charcoal sticks, and a palette.

insigh t into who might have built it. Arcana, History, Religion. Your expertise aids you in

Investigation. You gain additional ins ight when in- uncovering lore of any sort that is attached to a work of

specting areas within stone structures. art, s uch as the magical properties of a painting or the

Perception. You can spot irregularities in s tone walls origins of a strange mural found in a dungeon.

or floors, making it easier to find trap doors and se- Investigation, Perception. When you inspect a

cret passages. painting or a similar work of visual art, your knowledge

Demolition. Your knowledge of masonry allows you of the practices behind c reating it can grant you addi-

to spot weak points in brick walls. You deal double dam- tional insight.

age to such structures with your weapon attacks. Painting and Drawing. As part of a short or long rest,

you can produce a simple work of art. Although your

MASON'S TOOLS work might lack precision, you can capture a n image or

a scene, or make a quick copy of a p iece of art you saw.
t.Activity DC
rialisChisel a small hole in a stone wall 10
AeFind a weak point in a stone wall

Paint an accurate portrait
Create a painting with a hidden message
benProficiency with a musical instrument indicates you are 10
Defamiliar with the techniques used to play it. You also 20
ofhave knowledge of some songs commonly performed
rsionwith that instrument.

veHistory. Your expertise aids you in recall ing lore re-
molated to your instrume nt.

dePerformance. Your abi lity to put on a good s how
g ais improved when you incorporate an instrument
sininto your act.

ified uCompose a Tune. As part of a long rest, you can
dcompose a new tune and lyrics for your instrument. You
momight use th is ability to impress a noble or spread scan-
endalous rumors w ith a catchy tune.
PDFActivity DC
ThisIdentify a tune 10 A poisoner's kit is a favored resource for thieves, assas-
sins, and oth ers who engage in s kulduggery. It allows
you to apply poisons and create them from various
materials. Your knowledge of poisons also helps you

treat them.
Components. A poisoner's kit includes glass vials, a

mortar and pestle, chemicals, and a glass stirring rod.
History. Your training with poisons can help you

when you try to recall facts about infamous poison ings.
Investigation, Perception. Your knowledge of poisons

has taught you to handle those substances ca refully,
giving you an edge when you inspect poisoned objects or
try to extract clues from events that involve poison.

Medicine. When you treat the victim of a poison, your
knowledge grants you added insight into how to provide
Improvise a tune 20 the best care to your patient.

NAVIGATOR'S TOOLS Nature, Survival. Working with poisons enables
you to acquire lore about which pla nts and animals are
Proficiency with naviga tor's tools helps you determine a
true course based on observing the stars. It also grants poisonous.
you insight into charts and maps while developing your Handle Poison. Your proficiency allows you to handle

sense of direction. and apply a poison witho ut r isk of exposi ng yourself to
Components. Navigator's tools include a sextant, a
its effects.

compass, calipers, a ruler, parchment, ink, and a quill. POISONER'S TOOLS DC
Survival. Knowledge of navigator's tools helps you 10
Activity 20
avoid becoming lost and also grants you insight into the Spot a poisoned object
most likely location for roads and settlements. Determine the effects ofa poison

Sighting. By taking careful measurements, you can

determine your position on a nautical chart and the

time of day.


Arcana and History. Your expertise le nds you ad-
ditional insight when examining metal objects, s uch
as weapons.

Investigation. You ca n s pot clues and make deduc-
tions that ot he rs might overlook whe n a n investigation
involves a rmor, weapons, or other metalwork.

Repair. With access to your tools and an open flame
bot enough to make meta l pliable, you ca n restore 10 h it
points to a damaged metal object for each hour of work.

Activity 15
Sharpen a dull blade 15
Repair a suit of armor
Sunder a nonmagical metal object


Perhaps the most common tools used by adventurers,

thieves' tools are designed for picking locks and foiling

traps. Proficiency with t he tools a lso grants you a gen-

era l knowledge of traps and locks.

Comp onents. Thieves' tools include a small file, a set

of lo ck picks, a s m all mirror mounted on a metal ha ndle,

n of Debenu PDF Aerialist.POTTER'S TOOLS a set of narrow-blad ed scissors, a nd a pair of pliers.
rsioPotter 's tools are used to create a variety of cera mic ob-History. Your knowledge of traps grants you insight
vejects, most typically pots and s imilar vessels .
when a nswering questions a bout locations tha t are re-
moComp onents. Potter's tools include potter's needles, nowned for their traps.
a deribs, scrapers, a knife, a nd calipers.
In vestigation and Perception. You gain additional in-
ingHistory. Your expertise a ids you in ide ntifying ce- s ight when looking for traps, because you have learned
usramic objects, including when they were created and a variety of common s igns that be tray their presence.
ifiedtheir likely place or culture of origin.
Set a Trap. Just as you ca n disable traps, you ca n als o
odInvestigation, Perception. You gain additional ins ight set them. As pa rt of a s hort rest, you can create a trap
mwhen inspecting ceramics, uncove ring clues others us ing ite ms you have on hand. The total of your check
eenwould overlook by spotting minor irregularities. becomes the D C for someone else's attempt to discover
or disable the trap. The trap deals damage a ppropriate
s bRecons truction. By examining pottery shards, you to th e ma terials used in crafting it (such as poison or a
F hacan determine an object's original, intact form and itsweapon) or d a mage equal to ha lf the tota l of your check,
PDlikely purpose. whichever the DM deems appropriate.
Activity Varies
Pick a lock
Disab le a trap

A set of tinker's tools is designed to e n a ble you to repair

Activity many munda ne objects. Though you can't manufacture

DC much w ith tinke r 's tools, you can m e nd torn clothes,

Determine what a vessel once held 10 s harpe n a worn sword, a nd patch a tattered s u it of

Create a serviceable pot 15 chain m ail.

Find a weak point in a ceramic o bject 20 Components. Tinke r's tools include a variety of ha nd

tools, thread, need les, a whetstone, scra ps of cloth a nd

SMITH'S TOOLS leather, and a s mal l pot of glue.
History. You can de te rmine the age and origin of ob-
Smith's tools allow you to work metal, beating it to
alter its s hape, repair da mage, or work raw ingots into jects, eve n if you have only a few pieces re maining from
useful items. the origina l.

Components. Smith's tools include hammers, tongs, Investigation. Whe n you inspect a da maged ob-
charcoal, rags, and a whe tstone. ject, you gain knowledge of how it was damaged and
how long ago.


Repair. You can restore 10 hit points to a damaged ob- SPELLCASTING
ject for each hour of work. For any object, you need ac-
cess to the raw materials required to repair it. For me tal This section expands on the spellcasting rules pre-
objects, you need access to an open flame hot enough to sented in the Player's Handbook and the Dungeon Mas-
make the metal pliable. ter's Guide, providing clarifications and new options.


Activity DC Many spells create obvious effects: explosions of fire,
Temporarily repair a disabled device 10 wa lls of ice, teleportation, and the like. Other spells,
Repair an item in half the time 15 such as charm person, display no visible, audible, or oth-
Improvise a temporary item using scraps
erwise perceptible s ign of their effects, and could easily
20 go unnoticed by someone una ffected by them. As noted

WEAVER'S TOOLS in the Player's Handbook, you normally don't know that

Weaver's tools allow you to create cloth and tailor it into a spell has been cast unless the spell produces a notice-

articles of clothing. able effect.

Components. Weaver's tools include thread, needles, But what about the act of casting a spell? Is it possible

and scraps of cloth. You know how to work a loom, but for someone to perceive that a spell is being cast in their

such equipment is too large to transport. presence? To be perceptible, the casting of a spell must

Arcana, History. Your expertise lends you additional involve a verba l, somatic, or material component. The

insight when examining cloth objects, including cloaks form of a material component doesn't matter for the

and robes. purposes of perception, whether it's an object specified

Investigation. Using your knowledge of the process of in the spell's description, a component pouch, or a spell-

creating cloth objects, you can spot clues and make de- casting focus.

If the need for a spell's components has been removed
ductions that others would overlook when you examine

list.tapestries, upholstery, cloth ing, and other woven items.
riaRepair. As part of a shor t rest, you can repair a s ingle

Aedamaged cloth object.
DFCraft Clothing. Assuming you have access to suf-

u Pficient cloth and thread, you can create a n outfit for a
bencreature as part of a long r est.
n of DeWEAVER'S TOOLS by a special abi lity, such as the sorcerer's Subtle Spell
rsioActivity DC feature or the Innate Spellcasting trait possessed by
o veRepurpose cloth many creatures, the casting of th e s pell is imperceptible.
emMend a hole in a piece of cloth 10 If an impe rceptible casting produces a perceptible ef-
a dTailor an outfit 10 fect, it's normally impossible to dete rmine who cast the
15 spell in the absence of other evidence.
difieWoodcarver's tools a llow you to craft intricate objects IDENTIFYING A SPELL
mofrom wood, such as wooden tokens or arrows.
Sometimes a character wants to identify a spell that
enComponents. Woodcarver's tools consist of a knife, a someone else is casting or that was a lready cast. To do
begouge, a nd a small saw. so, a character can use their reaction to identify a spell
as it's being cast, or they can use an action on their turn
hasArcana, History. Your expertise lends you additional to identify a spell by its effect after it is cast.
DFins ight when you examine wooden objects, such as figu-
is Prines or arrows. If the character perceived the casting, the spell's ef-
fect, or both, the character can make an Intelligence (Ar-
ThNatur e. Your knowledge of wooden objects gives you cana) check with the reaction or action. The DC equals
15 + the spell's level. If the spell is cast as a class spell
and the character is a member of that class, the check
is made with advantage. For example, if the spellcaster
casts a spell as a cleric, another cleric has advantage on
the ch eck to identify the spell. Some spells aren't asso-
ciated with any class when they're cast, such as when a
monster uses its Innate Spellcasting trait.

some added insight when you examine trees. This Intelligence (Arcana) check represents the fact

Repair. As part of a short rest, you can repair a s ingle that identifying a spell requires a quick mind and famil-

damaged wooden object. iarity with.the theory and practice o f casting. This is

CraftArrows. As part of a short rest, you can craft true even for a ch aracter whose spellcasting abil ity is

up to five arrows. As part of a long rest, you can c raft W isdom or Charisma. Being able to cast spells doesn't

up to twenty. You must have enough wood on hand to by itself make you adept at d educi ng exactly what others

produce them. are doing when they cast their spells.


Activity DC A spell specifies what a caster can target with it: any
Craft a small wooden figurine 10 type of creature, a c reature of a certain type (humanoid
Carve an intricate pattern in wood 15 or beast, for instance), an object, an area, the caster,

or something else. But w hat happens if a spell tar-
gets something that isn't a valid target? For example,


someone might cast charm person on a creature be- O tl\ GRl\M 2. 1:
lieved to be a humanoid, not knowing that the target is CONE TEMPLATE
in fact a vampire. If this issue comes up, handle it using
the following rule.

If you cast a spell on someone or something tha t can't
be affected by the spell, nothing happens to that target,
but if you used a spell s lot to cast the spell, the s lot is
still expended. If the spell normally has no effect on a
target that s ucceeds on a saving throw, the invalid target
appears to h ave succeeded on its saving throw, even
though it d idn't attempt one (giving no hint tha t the c rea-
ture is in fact a n inva lid target). Otherwise, you perceive
that the s pell did nothing to t he targe t.


The Dungeon Master's Guide includes t he following

short rule for using areas of e ffect on a grid.

Choose an inte rsection of squa res as the point of

origi n of an area of effect, then follow the rules for t hat

kind of area as normal (see the "Areas of Effect" section

in chapter 10 of the Player's Handbook). If an area of ef-

fect is circular a nd covers a t least h alf a square, it affects

that square.

That rule works, but it can require a fair amount of SPHERE T EMPL ATE

t.on-the-spot adjudication. This section offers two a lte rna- DIAGRAM 2 .3 : SQ.Ul\RE
rialistives for determining the exact location o f an area: the AREA USING TOKEN S
Aetemplate method and the token method. Both of these
DFmethods assume you're using a g rid and mi niatures of
u Psome sort. Because these methods can y ield different
enres ults fo r the number of squares in a given a rea, it's
Debnot recommended that they be combined at the table-
ofchoose w hichever method you a nd your players find eas-
ionier or more intuitive.
emThe template method uses two-dimensional shapes
a dth at represent different a reas of effect. The a im of the
singmethod is to accurately portray the length and width
d uof each area on the grid and to leave little dou bt about
ifiew hich creatures are affected by it. You'll need to make
odthese templates or find premad e ones.

en mMaking a Template. Making a template is s imple. Get
bea piece of paper or card stock, and cut it in the shape of
hasthe area of effect you're us ing. Every 5 feet of t he area
Fequals 1 inch of the template's size. For example, the
PD2 0 -foot- rad ius s phere of the fireball spell, which has a
This40-foot diameter, would translate into a circula r te m-
plate with an 8-inch diameter.

Using a Template. To use an a rea-of-effect te mplate,

apply it to the grid. If t he te rrain is flat, you ca n lay it on

the s urface; othe rwise, hold the template a bove the s ur-

face and take note of which squares it covers or partially

covers. If any part of a s quare is under the template, th a t

s quare is included in the area of effect. If a creature's

miniature is in a n affected square, that creature is in

the area. Being adjacent to the edge o f the template

isn 't enough for a s quare to be included in the area of

effect; the square must be entirely or partly covered by

the template.

You ca n a lso use this method w ithout a grid. Ifyou do

so, a creature is included in a n area of effect if a ny part DtAGRAM 2.4 : 5Q.UARE
of the miniature's base is overlapped by the te mpla te. AREA WI T H T OTAL CovER


DIAGRAM 2.5 : CONE S US ING T OKENS'InsfHyaonaunapdrTlebahaocoioeskfaefPotfefreDmcptFlp,alscahuitnecag,hsfotahlbsleoaewaecssoanolnlcemtihaoetoreraddDulIialiAfenriGseeeRa,iAdnoMortufi2hg.seGi-:inLIgNEaS UdEbSIeeaNUccGmohsTminoOtoegKksEvTeNaenoSkdrgsieoenieoossnr.iEonotvshiefdereDry ta5eo-skbfqeoeunoatntrshueqa,utPnayoroDteuaFoptflaaaAncneeianrortineearatlsihoesecftteg.iforfeindc.t

nates from a spellcaster, t he template s hould extend out of lines. If a n area's token is in a s quare, that s quare is

from the caste r a nd be positioned however the caster included in the area of effect. It's that s imple.

likes within the bo unds of the rules. D iagra ms 2.3 t h rough 2.6 s how this method in action,

Diagrams 2.1 and 2.2 show the templa te m ethod us ing dice as the tokens.

in action. Circles. This method depicts everything using

squa res, and a circula r a rea of effect becomes s quar e in

TOKEN M ETHOD it, whe ther the area is a sphere, cylinder, or radius. For

The token method is meant to ma ke a reas of effect ins ta nce, t he 10-foot radius of flame strike, which bas a

tactile and fun . To use t his m ethod, grab s ome dice or dia meter of 20 feet, is expressed as a square that is 20

other toke ns, w hich you're going to use to re present your feet on a s ide, as s hown in di agram 2.3. Diagram 2.4

a reas of effect. s hows that area w ith tota l cover inside it.

Rather than fa ithfully representing the s hapes of the Cones. A cone is represented by rows of tokens on t he

different areas o f effect, this me thod gives you a way to grid, extending fro m t he cone's poin t o f origin. In the

create square-ed ged vers ions of them on a grid easily, as rows, the s quares a re adjoining s ide by side or corner to

described in the followi ng s ubsections. corne r, as s hown in di agra m 2.5. To determine the num-


ber of rows a cone contains, divide its length by 5. For STEP 3: DETERMINE NUMBERS AND
example, a 30-foot cone contains six rows.
Here's how to create the rows. Starting with a square
adjacent to the cone's point of origin, place one token. T he process for building fights that feature only one leg-
The square can be orthogonally or diagonally adjacent endary monster is simple. T he Solo Monster Challenge
to the point of origin. In every row beyond that one, Rating table shows you which cha llenge rating (CR) to
place as many tokens as you placed in the previous row, use for a legendary creature opposing a party of four to
plus one more token. Place this row's toke ns so that six characters, creating a satisfying but difficult battle.
their squares each s hare a s ide with a square in the For example, for a party of five 9th-level characters, a
previous row. If the cone is orthogonally adjacent to the CR 12 legendary creature makes an optimal encounte r.
point of origin, you'll have one more token to place in the
row; place it on one end or the other of the row you just For a more perilous battle, match up the characters
created (yo u don't have to pick the s ide chosen in dia- with a legendary creature whose cha llenge rating is 1 or
gram 2.5). Keep placing tokens in this way until you've 2 higher than optimal. For an easy fight, use a legendary
creature whose challenge rating is 3 or more lower than
created a ll of the cone's rows. the challenge rating for an optima l encounter.
Lines. A line can extend from its source orthogonally
or diagonally, as shown in diagram 2.6.

Character Party Siz

ENCOUNTER BUILDING level 6 Characters S Characters 4 Characters

This section introduces new guidelines on building com- 1st 2 2

bat encounters for an adventure. They are an a lternative 2nd 4 3 2
to the rules in "Creating Encounters" in chapter 3 of the
Dungeon Master's Guide. This approach uses the same 3rd 5 4 3

math that underlies the rules presented in that book, but 4th 6 5 4
5th 9 8 7 makes a few adjustments to the way that math is pre- 6th 10 9 8
riasented to produce a more flexible system. 7th 11 10 9
8th 12 11 10
AeThis encounter-building system assumes that, as DM, 9th 13 12 11
DFyou want to have a clear understanding of the threat 10th 14 13 12
u Pposed by a group of monsters. It will be useful to you if 11th 15 14 13
benyou want to e mphasize combat in your adventure, ifyou 12th 17 16 15
Dewant to ens ure that a foe is n't too deadly for a group of 13th 18 17 16
ofcharacters, and if you want to understand the relation- 14th 19 18 17
rsionship between a character's level and a monster's cha l- 15th 20 19 18
velenge rating.
16th 21 20 19
moBuilding an encounter using these guidelines follows 17th 22 21 20
dea series of steps. 18th 22 21 20
sing aSTEP l: ASSESS THE CHARACTERS 19th 23 22 21
ified uTo build an encounter using this system, first take stock20th 24 23 22
odof the player characters. This system uses the charac-
n mters' levels to determine the numbers and challenge
eeratings of creatures you can pit them against without
as bmaking a fight too hard or too easy. Even though char-
F hacter level is important, you s hould also take note of
PDeach character's hit point maximum and saving throw
hismodifiers, as well as how much damage the mightiest
Tcha racters can dea l with a single attack. Character level
If your encounter features multiple monsters, bala nc-
ing it takes a little more work. Refer to the Multiple
Monsters tables, which a re broken up by level ranges,
providing information for how to balance encounters fo r

and cha llenge rating a re good for defining the difficu lty characters of 1st-5th level, 6th- 10th level, 11th- 15th

of an e ncounter, but they don't tell the whole story. You'll level, and 16th- 20th level.

make use of these additional character statistics when First, you need to note the challenge rating for each

you select monsters for an encounter in step 4. creature the party wi ll face. T hen, to create your encoun-

ter, find the level of each character on the appropriate ta-

STEP 2: CHOOSE ENCOUNTER SIZE ble. Each table shows what a single character of a given

Determine whether you want to create a battle that pits level is equivalent to in terms of challenge rating-a
one creature against the characters , or if you want to value represented by a ratio that compares numbers of
use multiple monsters. If the fight is against a single characters to a single monster ranked by challenge rat-
opponent, your best candidate for that foe is one of the ing. The first number in each expression is the number
game's legendary creatures, which are designed to fill of characters of the given level. The second number tells
this need. If the battle involves multiple monsters, de- how many monsters of the listed cha llenge rating those
cide roughly how many creatures you want to use before characters are equivalent to.

continuin g with s tep 3.

For example, reading the row for 1st-level ch aracters smalle r than it is. For example, to ma ke an easy e ncoun-

from the 1st- 5th Level table, we see tha t one 1st-level ter for a party of five ch aracters, put them up against

character is the equiva lent of two CR 1/8 monsters or monsters that would be a tough fight for three charac-

one CR 1/4 monster. The ratio reverses for higher c ha l- ters. Likewise, you can treat the party as up to ha lf again

lenge r at ings, where a single monster is more powerful la rger to build a battle t hat is potentially deadly, though

than a single 1st-level cha racter. One CR 1/ 2 creature is still no t li kely to be an a utomatic defeat. A party of four

equivalent to three 1st-level ch aracters, while one CR 1 cha racters facing a n encounte r designed for s ix charac-

opponent is equivalent to five. ters would fall into this category.

Let's say you have a party of four 3rd-level characters.

Using the table, you can see that one CR 2 foe is a good WEAK MONSTERS AND HIGH-LEVEL

match for the entire party, but that the characters w ill CHARACTERS
likely h ave a hard tim e handling a CR 3 creature.
To save space on the tables a nd keep them simple, some
Using the same guidelines, you can mix and match of the lower cha llenge ratings are missing from the high-
c ha llenge ratings to put togethe r a group of creatures er-level tables. For low challe n ge ratings not a ppearing
to oppose four 3rd-level c haracters. For exam ple, you on the table, assume a 1:12 r atio, indicating that twelve
could select one CR 1 creature. That's worth two 3 rd- c reatures of those ch allenge ratings are equivale nt to
level characters, leaving you with two c ha racters' worth one c haracter o f a specific level.

of mons ters to allocate. You could the n add two CR 1/4 STEP 4: SELECT MONSTERS
monsters to account for one other character a nd one CR

1/2 mons ter to account for the final character. In total, After using the tables from t he previous step to deter-

you r encou nte r has one CR 1, one CR 1/2, and two CR mine the challe nge ratings of the monsters in your en-

1/4 creatures. counter, you're ready to pick individual monsters. This

For groups in which the characters a re of different lev- process is more of a n art tha n a science.
els, you h ave two options. You can gro up all characters a
of the same level. together, match them w ith monsters,
a nd then combine all the c reatures into one encounter.
Alternatively, you can determine the group's average
level and treat each c haracter as being o f that level for
the purpose of selecting appropria te monsters.

The above guidelines a re designed to c reate a fight
that will challenge a party while still being winnable.
If you want to create an easier e ncounter that w ill

0challenge cha racters but not threaten to defeat them,

you can treat the party as if it were roughly one-third

This PDF has been modified using


Character - - - - - ----...hallenge Rating·-------
Level 1/8 1/4 1/2 1 2 3 4 5 6

1st 1:2 1:1 3:1 5:1

2nd 1:3 1:2 1:1 3:1 6:1

3rd 1:5 1:2 1:1 2:1 4:1 6:1

4th 1:8 1:4 1:2 1:1 2:1 4:1 6:1
5th 1:12 1:8 1:4 1:2 1:1 2:1 3:1 5:1 6:1


Character - - - - - - - - - - - - C h a l l e n g e Rating· - -- - - - - - - - - -
1/8 1/4 1/2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
6th 1:12 1:9 1:5 1:2 1:1 2:1 2:1 4:1 5:1 6:1
7th 1:12 1:12 1:6 1:3 l :1 1:1 2:1 3:1 4:1 5:1
8th 1:12 1:12 1:7 1:4 1:2 1:1 2:1 3:1 3:1 4:1 6:1
9th 1:12 1:12 1:8 1:4 1:2 1:1 1:1 2:1 3:1 4:1 5:1 6:1
10th 1:12 1:12 1:10 1:5 1:2 1:1 1:1 2:1 2:1 3:1 4:1 5:1 6:1


nu P13th
f D15th
- - - - -- -- - - - - - - \ . h a l lenge R a t i n g • - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1:6 1:3 1:2 1:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 3:1 4:1 5:1 6:1
1:8 1:3 1:2 1:1 1:1 2:1 2:1 3:1 3:1 4:1 5:1 6:1
1:9 1:4 1:2 1:2 1:1 1:1 2:1 2:1 3:1 3:1 4:1 5:1 6:1
1:10 1:4 1:3 1:2 1:1 1:1 2:1 2:1 3:1 3:1 4:1 4:1 5:1 6:1
1:12 1:5 1:3 1:2 1:1 1:1 1:1 2:1 2:1 3:1 3:1 4:1 5:1 5:1 6:1
emo vCharacter
a dLevel
- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -Challenge Rating·- - - - - - - - -- -- - - - --
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
d us17th
1:5 1:3 1:2 1:1 1:1 1:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 3:1 4:1 4:1 5:1 5:1 6:1
1:7 1:4 1:3 1:2 1:1 1:1 1:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 3:1 3:1 4:1 4:1 5:1 6:1
1:7 1:5 1:3 1:2 1:1 1:1 1:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 3:1 3:1 4:1 4:1 5:1 6:1 6:1
1:8 1:5 1:3 1:2 1:2 1:1 l :1 1:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 3:1 3:1 4:1 4:1 5:1 6:1 6:1
1:9 1:6 1:4 1:2 1:2 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 3:1 3:1 4:1 4:1 5:1 5:1 6:1
F has bstack up agai ns t your group. Hit points, attacks, and
PDsaving throws are all usefuJ indicators. Compare the number of creatures in the encounter, you can come up
hisdamage a monster can deal to the hit point maximum of with different options for building the e ncounter.
Teach character. Be wary of any monster that is capable

of dropping a character with a single attack, un less you The events that unfold during an encou nter have to do
are designing the fight to be especially deadly. with a lot more than swinging weapons a nd casting
spells . The most interesting confrontations also take
In the same way, compare the monsters' hit points to into account the personality or behavior of the monsters,
the damage o utput of the party's strongest characters, perhaps determining whether they can be communi-
again looking for targets that can be killed with one cated with or whether they're a ll acting in concert. Other
blow. Having a s ignifica nt number of foes drop in the possible factors include the nature of the physical envi-
first rounds of combat can make an encounter too easy. ronment, such as whether it includes obstacles or other
features that might come into play, and the ever-present
Likewise, look at whether a monster's deadliest possibility ofsomething unexpected taking place.
abi li ties call for saving throws that most of the party
members are weak with, and compare the characters' Ifyou al ready have ideas for how to flesh out your
offensive abilities to the monsters' saving throws. encounter in these ways, go right a head and finish your
cr eation. Otherwise, take a look at the following sec-
If the on ly creatures you can choose from at the de- tions for some basic advice on adding flavor elements to
s ired challenge rating aren't a good match for the char- the simple mechanics of the fight.
acters' statistics, don't be afraid to go back to step 3. By
altering your challenge rating targets and adjusting the



To address the question of a monster's personality, you Consider what might ha ppen in an encounter a rea if the
can use the tables in chapter 4 of the Dungeon Master's characte rs were to ne ver enter it. Do the guards serve in
Guide, use the Monster Personality table below, or s im- s hifts ? What other characters or monsters might visit?
ply jot down a few notes based on a creature's Monster Do c reatures gathe r there to eat or gossip? Are the re
Manual description. During the b a ttle, you can use these any natural phenomena-such as strong winds, earth
ideas to inform how you portray the monsters a nd their tremors, or rain squa lls-that sometimes take place
actions. To keep things s imple, you can assign the same in the a rea? Random events ca n add a fun element of
personality traits to a n entire group of monsters. For ex- th e unexpected to a n e ncounter. Just when you think
ample, one band it gang mi ght be a n unruly mob of brag- a fight's outcome is evident, an unforeseen event can
ga rts, while the members of another gang are a lways on make things more compelling.
edge and ready to flee a t the first sign of danger.
A number of the tables in the Dungeon Master's Guide
MONSTER PERSONALITY can s uggest random events. The tables used for e ncoun-
ter location, weird locales, and wilderness weather in
d8 Personality chapter 5 of that book are a good s ta rting point for out-
door e ncounte rs. The tables in a ppendix A can be useful
1 Cowardly; looking to surrender for indoor and outdoor e ncounte rs-esp ecially the tables
for obstacles, traps, and tricks. Finally, consult the ra n -
2 Greedy; wants treasure dom e ncounte r tables in the n ext section of t his book for
3 Braggart; makes a show of bravery but runs from


4 Fanat ic; read y to die fighting QUICK MATCHUPS
5 Rabble; poorly trained and easily rattled

The guidelines above assume that you a re con cerned
about balance in your combat encounters and have
enough time to prepare them. Ifyou don't h ave much
time, or if you want s impler but less precise guidelines,
the Quick Matchups table below offers an alternative.

This table gives you a way to match a characte r of
a certain level with a numbe r of monsters. The table
lists the challenge ratings to use for including one, two,
and four monsters pe r cha racter for each level. For in-
s tance, looking at the 3rd-level entry on the table, you
can see that a CR 1/2 monster is equivalent to one 3rd-
level ch a racter, as are two CR 1/4 mons ter s a nd four
CR 1/8 ones.
6 Brave; stand s its grou nd
list.7 joker; taunts its enemies
ria8 Bully; refuses to believe it can lose Character 1 Monster 2 Monsters 4 Monsters
nuDo riva lries, h atreds, or attachments exist among the 1/8 1/8
ebemonsters in an encounter? I.f so, you can use s uch re- 1/ 4 1/4
f Dlationships to inform the monsters' behavior during 1/4 1/2
n ocombat. The death of a much-revered leader might 1/2 1/2
rsiothrow its followers into a frenzy. On the other ha nd, a
vemonster might decide to flee if its s pouse is killed, or a
emomistreated toady might be eager to s urrender a nd betray
a dits m aster in return for its life.
ifiedd6 Relationship
mod1 Has a rival; wants one random ally to suffer
en2 Is abused by o thers; hangs back, betrays at first

s beopportunity
ha3 Is worshiped; allies will die for it
PDF4 Is outcast by group; its a llies ignore it
This5 Is outcast by choice; cares only for itself
1st 1/ 4
2nd 1/2
3rd 1/2

6 Is seen as a bully; its allies wa nt to see it defeated 5th 2
6th 2

7th 3 1/2

9th 4 2 2
A few ele ments that make a battlefield som e thing other 10th 4 2 2
than a large a rea of flat ground can go a long way to- 11th 4 3 2
ward spicing up a n e ncounte r. Consider setting your e n- 12th 5 3 2
counte r in an area that wou ld provide c halle nges even if 13th 6 4 3
a fight were not taking place the re. What potentia l perils 14th 6 4 3
or other features might draw the characters' attention, 15th 7 4 3
eithe r before or during the fight? Why are monsters lurk- 16th 7 4 3
ing in this a rea to begin with-does it offer good hiding 17th 8 5 4
places, for instance? 18th 8 5 4
19th 9 6
To add deta ils to a n encounter area at random, look to 20th 10 6
the tables in appendix A of the Dungeon Master's Guide
to de te rmine room and area features, p ote ntial hazards,
obstacles, traps, a nd more.



A WORLD OF POSSIBILITIES 18-20 l d3 winged kobolds with ld 6 kobolds
21-25 The partially eaten carcass of a m ammoth, from

Chapte r 3 of the Dungeon Master's Guide provides guid- 26-29 which ld4 weeks of rations can be harvested
ance o n us ing ra ndom encounters in your ga me. This 30- 35 2d8 hu nters (tribal warriors)
section builds o n that guida nce, offering a host of ran- 36- 40 l half.ogre
dom encounte r tables for you to use w he n you dete rmine 41 - 45 Single-file tracks in the snow t hat stop abruptly
that a ra ndo m encounter is going to ta ke place. ld3 ice mephits

Using the mo ns te r lists in appendi x B of tha t book as

a basis, we've built a set of tables for each environme nt 46- 50 l brown bear

category: arctic, coas ta l, desert, fo rest, grassla nd, hill, 51 - 53 ld6 + l ores

mo unta in, swa mp, Underdark, underwa ter, a nd urba n. 54- 55 l polar bear
Within each category, sepa rate tables a re provided for 56- 57 ld6 scouts
each of the fo ur tiers of play: levels 1- 4, 5- 10, 11- 16, 58- 60 l saber-toothed tiger
and 17-20. 61 -65 A frozen pond with a jagged hole in the ice that ap-
pears recently made
Eve n though you can use these tables "out of the box,"
the advice in the Dungeon Master's Guide s till holds

true: tailoring s uch tables to your ga me can re inforce 66-68 l berserker

the themes and flavor of your campaign. We e ncourage 69-70 l ogre

you to customize this ma te ria l to ma ke it your own. 71 - 72 l griffon

In the tables, a name in bold refers to a stat block in 73-75 l druid

the Monster Manual. 76- 80 3d4 refugees (commoners) fleeing fro m ores

list.FLIGHT, OR FIGHT, OR ? 81 l d3 veterans
eriaEach of the results on these tables represents a certa in 82 ld4 orogs
F Akind of cha llenge or potentiaJ cha llenge. 83 2 brown bears
84 l ore Eye ofGruumsh with 2d8 ores
PDIf yo u let the dice have their way a nd the result is a 85 ld3 winter wolves
nularge number of mons ters, the generated encounte r 86- 87 ld4 yetis
ebemight be too difficult or dangerous for the characters in 88 l half-ogre
f Dtheir present circums ta nces. T hey might wa nt to flee to 89 l d3 manticores
n oavoid contact, or no t to approach a ny closer after per- 90 l bandit captain with 2d6 bandits
rsioceiving the monsters from a dista nce. 91 l revenant
92-93 l troll
o veOf course, you also have the freedom to adjus t the 94- 95 l werebear
emnumbers, but it's importa nt to remember that not every 96- 97 l young remorhaz
a de ncounter involving a mons ter needs to result in combat. 98 l mammoth
ingAn encounter might indeed be the prelude to a battle, 99 l young white dragon
usa parley, or some other interaction. W hat happens next 00 l frost giant
ifieddepends on what the cha racte rs try, or what you decide
odis bound to occur.

n mT he tables also include entries for what the Dungeon
beeMaster's Guide calls "encounters of a less monstrous
asnatu re." Ma ny of these results cr y out to be cus to mized
F ho r detailed, which offers you a n opportunity to connect
PDthem to the s tory of your campaign. And in so doing,
Thisyou've taken a s tep towa rd ma king your own persona l-
ized encounter table. Now, keep going! ARCTIC ENCOUNTERS (LEVELS 5-10)

dl 00 Encounter
01 - 05 2 saber-toothed tigers

06- 07 l d4 half.ogres

08-10 l d3 + l brown bears

11-1 5 l d3 polar bears

16-20 2d4 berserkers

21-25 A half-ore druid tending to an injured polar bear. If

ARCTIC ENCOUNTERS (LEVELS 1-4) the characters assist the druid, she gives them a

dlOO Encounter 26- 30 vial of antitoxin.
01 l giant owl 31-35 2d8 scouts
02- 05 l d6 + 3 kobolds 36-40 2d4 ice mephits
06- 08 ld4 + 3 tra ppers (com moners) 2d6 + l zombies aboard a galleon tra pped in the
09-10 l owl 41- 45 ice. Searchi ng the shi p yields 2d20 days of rations.
11 - 12 2d4 blood hawks 46-50 l manticore
13-17 2d6 bandits 51 - 53 2d 6 + 3 ores
ld6 + 2 ogres



54-55 2d4 griffons dlOO Encounter

56- 57 1d4 veterans 01 - 02 2d10 revenants

58- 60 1 bandit captain with 1 druid, ld3 berserkers, and 03- 04 2d8 trolls

2d10 + 5 bandits 05-06 2d10 werebears

61 - 65 1d4 hours of extreme cold (see chapter 5 of the 07-08 1 frost giant

Dungeon Master's Guide) 09-10 2d4 young remorhazes

66-68 1 young remorhaz 11- 20 1d4 frost giants

69- 72 1 ore Eye ofGruumsh with ld6 orogs and 2d8 + 6 21-25 A circular patch of black ice on t he ground. The air

ores temperature around the patch is warmer than in

73- 75 1 revenant the surrounding area, and characters who inspect
76- 80 A howl that echoes over the land fo r l d3 minutes the ice find bits of machinery frozen within.

81-82 ld3 mammoths 26-35 1 ancient white dragon

83-84 1 young white dragon 36-40 An adventurer frozen 6 feet under the ice; 50%

85-86 2d4 winter wolves chance the corpse has a rare magic item ofthe

87-88 ld6 + 2 yetis DM's choice

89-90 1d2 frost giants 41- 50 1d3 abominable yetis

91-92 ld3 werebears 51-60 ld4 remorhazes

93- 94 1d4 trolls 61-65 A 500-foot-high wall of ice that is 300 feet th ick and

95- 96 1 abominable yeti spread across ld4 miles

1 remorhaz 66-75 ld4 roes
1 roe 76-80 The likeness of a stern woman with long, flowing
2d4 young remorhazes hair, carved into the side of a mountain
81-90 1dl0 frost giants with 2d4 polar bears
91- 96 1d3 adult white dragons
97-99 2d4 abominable yetis
1 ancient white dragon with ld3 young white
00 dragons
ebendlOO Encounter
f D01 1 abominable yeti
ion o02-04
o v11-20
ld6 revenants
1d4 + 1 werebears
ld3 young white dragons
dem21-25 A blizzard that reduces visibility to 5 feet fo r l d6
g ahours
n mod41-50
bee51- 60
DF has61 - 65
1 roe dlOO Encounter
A herd of 3d20 + 60 caribou (deer) moving through 01 1 pseudodragon
the snow 2d8 crabs
ld4 mammoths 02- 05 2d6 fishers (commoners)
ld8 + 1 trolls 06-10 ld3 poisonous snakes
A mile-wide frozen lake in which the preserved ld6 guards protecting a stranded noble
corpses of strange creatu res can be seen 11 2d4 scouts
This P66- 75 2d4 young remorhazes 12-13
14- 15

76-80 A crumbling ice castle littered with the frozen bod- 16-18 2d10 merfolk

ies of blue-skinned humanoids 19-20 ld6 + 2 sahuagin

81- 90 1 adult white dragon 21- 25 1cl4 ghouls feeding on corpses aboard the wreck-
91- 96 ld8 + 1 frost giants age of a merchant ship. A search uncovers 2d6

97- 99 ld4 remorhazes bolts of ruined silk, a SO-foot length of rope, and a

00 1 ancient white dragon barrel of salted herring.

26- 27 ld4 winged kobolds with ld6 + 1 kobolds

0 28- 29 2d6 tribal warriors
30-31 3d4 kobolds
Crc,i.'1 tki...~1 k"'W"' c,l( tk• ti....<. 32-33 2d4 + 5 blood hawks
t{o'-" "'-•v•r k"'ow wkc,l's ~'-"st c,ro"""'J. 34-35 ld8 + 1 pteranodons
36- 40 A few dozen baby turtles s truggling to make their
t k• cor,,...t r or btki"'J. tkc,t ).oor or way to the sea

).ow"' '"' t kc,t tit wk•r• \ tkrtw 41 - 42 ld6 + 2 giant lizards
c,l( t kol< ).wc,rvtl. 'Dw;rv•l ""'i~kl b• CHAPTER 2 I DUNGEON MASTER 'S TOOLS
).ow"' l k•r• slit(. ~''1 rt kc,rJ.;-
~''1 bo'-""'Ct. So""'tli""'tl.

dlOO Encounter dlOO Encounter

43-44 ld6 + 4 giant crabs 36- 40 A stoppered bottle containing an illegible note and
45-46 2d4 stirges half buried in the sand
47- 48 2d6 + 3 bandits 41 - 43 3 sea hags
49- 53 2d4 sahuagin 44-46 l d8 + l harpies
54-55 ld6 + 2 scouts 47- 50 ld4 plesiosauruses
56-60 l sea hag 51-53 ld4 manticores
61-65 A momentary formation in the waves that looks 54-56 2d4 ogres
like an enormous humanoid face 57-60 ldlO griffons
66- 70 l druid 61-65 A battle at sea between two galleons

71-75 ld4 harpies 66- 70 l d4 + 3 merrow

76-80 A lone hermit (acolyte) sitting on the beach, con- 71- 75 A pirate crew consisting of l bandit captain, l
templating the meaning of the multiverse druid , 2 berserkers , and 2dl2 bandits, all searching

81 ld4 berserkers 76-80 for buried treasure
82 ld6 giant eagles 81-82 A severed humanoid hand tangled in a net
83 2d4 giant toads 83-84 l water elemental
84 ld4 ogres or ld4 merrow 85-86 l cyclops
85 3d6 sahuagin ld4 banshees {night only)

86 ld4 veterans 87-88 2d4 veterans

87 ld2 plesiosauruses 89-90 l young bronze dragon

DF A91-92
u P93-94
f Deben95-96
n o97- 98
o v00
l bandit captain with 2d6 bandits 91 - 93 ld3 cyclopes
l d3 manticores 94-95 l young blue dragon
l banshee l sahuagin baron with ld3 sahuagin priestesses
ld4 + 3 griffons 96 and 2d8 sahuagin
l sahuagin priestess with l d3 merrow and 2d6 l djinni
sah uagin 97 l roe
l sahuagin baron 98 l marid
l water e lemental 99 l storm giant
l cyclops 00
l young bronze dragon
usindlOO Encounter dlOO Encounter
ified01 2d8 giant wolfspiders
od02- 03 3d6 pteranodons 01 ld4 banshees (night only)
en m04- 05 2d4 scouts 02- 04 l cyclops
be06-07 ld6 + 2 sahuagin 05- 08 ld6 + 2 manticores
has08 l sea hag 09- 10 ld8 + 2 veterans
DF09- 10 ld4 + l giant toads 11-20 l young blue dragon
his P11- 15 3d6 sahuagin 21-25 A nest of l d6 dragon turtle eggs
T16- 20 2d6 giant eagles 26-35 ld4 sahuagin barons
36- 40 A trident partially buried in the sand
41 - 50 l young bronze dragon
51 - 55 l marid

21- 25 A pseudodragon chasing gulls through the air 56-60 ld6 water elementals

26-29 l d2 druids 61-65 2d6 ghasts crawling over ld6 wrecked ships and

30-32 2d4 + 1 giant toads feeding on the dead

33-35 l commoner singing a dirge {day only) or 66-70 1 djinni

l banshee {night only) 71 - 75 ld3 young bronze dragons

76-80 A beached whale, dead and bloated. If it takes any

dama ge, it explodes, and each creature within

30 feet of it must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving

throw, taking 5d6 bludgeoning damage on a fai led

save, or halfas much damage on a successful one.

81- 82 2d4 cyclopes

83-84 l storm giant

85-86 l d3 young blue dragons

o version of Debenu PDF Aerialist.dlOO
dem87- 88
ing a89- 90
us91 - 93
od98- 99
en m00
1 adult bronze dragon
1 adult blue dragon dlOO Encounter
ld3 roes 01 3d8 scorpions
1 dragon turtle 02 2d4 vultures
1 ancient bronze dragon 03 1 abandoned mule
1 ancient blue dragon 04 2d6 commoners with 2d4 camels bound for a dis-
PDFdl OO Encounter tant city
This01-10 1 roe OS ld 6 flying snakes

11 -20 1 storm giant 06 2d6 hyenas or 2d6 jackals (

21 - 25 An adult bronze dragon fighti ng an adult blue 07 1d6 guards escorting a noble to the edge of the

dragon to the death desert, all of them astride camels

26-40 2d6 cyclopes 08 1d6 cats

41 -50 1 adult bronze dragon or 1 adult blue dragon 09 1 pseudodragon

51-60 ld3 djinn or l d3 marids 10 1d4 poisonous snakes

61-70 1 dragon turtle 11-13 2d4 stirges

71- 75 ld3 roes 14- 15 1d6 + 2 giant wolf spiders

76-80 ld 6 + 2 waterspouts that dance on the water before 16- 17 1 scout

stopping abrupt ly 18-20 2d4 giant poisonous snakes

81-90 ld6 young blue dragons 21-25 Si ngle-file tracks marching deeper into t he d esert

91-96 1 ancient bronze dragon 26-27 4d4 kobolds

97-99 1 ancient blue dragon 28-29 1 jackalwere

00 ld3 + 1 storm giants 30- 31 3d6 tribal warriors


dlOO Encounter dlOO Encounter
32-33 ld6 giant lizards 18-20 ld8 + 1 giant vultures
34-35 1 swarm of insects 21 - 25 A stone obelisk partly buried in the sand
36-40 An oasis surrounded by palm trees and containing 26-28 1 ogre with ld3 half-ogres
the remnants ofan old camp 29-35 l dlO giant hyenas

41-44 3d6 bandits 36-40 l d6 + 1 empty tents
45- 46 ld4 constrictor snakes 41-43 ld6 + 2 thri-kreen

47- 48 2d4 winged kobolds 44- 46 2d4 yuan-ti purebloods

49-50 1 dust mephit 47-50 ld6 + 3 death dogs
51-52 ld3 + 1 giant toads 51-52 ld4 giant scorpions

53- 54 1d4 giant spiders 53 1 fire elemental
55 1 druid 54-55 1 hobgoblin captain with 3d4 hobgoblins
2d4 hobgoblins ld6 + 2 ogres
56-57 56

58 1 wight 57-58 ld4 lamias

59-60 1 ogre 59-60 1 air elemental
61-65 A brass lamp lying on the ground 61-65 A meteorite resting at the bottom of a glassy crater

66-67 ld4 giant vultures 66 1d4 + 1 wights

68 1 phase spider 67-68 1 young brass dragon

69 1 giant constrictor snake 69-70 1 bandit captain with ld3 berserkers and 3d6

70-71 1 gnoll pack lord with ld3 giant hyenas bandits

t.72 ld6 + 2 gnolls 71- 72 1 cyclops
rialis73-741 mummy 73 ld4 couatls
Ae75 1d3 half-ogres ld4 yuan-ti malisons
DF76-80 A pile of humanoid bones wrapped in rotting cloth 74-75 Strong winds that kick up dust and reduce visibility
u P81-821 lamia 76-80 to ld6 feet for ld4 hours
ben83 1 hobgoblin captain with 2d6 hobgoblins 1 revenant with 1d3 wights
f De84 2d4 death dogs 81-83 ld8 + 1 phase spiders
ion o85-86ld4 giant scorpions 84-85 ld6 + 2 weretigers
ers87 1 yuan-ti malison with 1d4 + 1 yuan-ti purebloods 86-87 2d4 gnoll fangs ofYeenoghu
o v88-891 bandit captain with 1 druid and 3d6 bandits 88-90 1 young blue dragon
dem90 2d4 thri-kreen 1d4 cyclopes
g a91 1 air elemental 91 ld3 yuan-ti abominations
usin92 ld3 couatls 92 ld4 medusas
ified931 fire elemental 93 1 guardian naga
od94 ld4 gnoll fangs ofYeenoghu 94 ld3 young brass dragons
en m95 1 revenant 95 1 efreeti
be96 ld4 weretigers 96 1 roe
has97 1 cyclops 97 1 gynosphinx
DF98 1 young brass dragon 98 1 adult brass dragon
his P991 medusa 99
T00 1 yuan-ti abomination 00


dlOO Encounter

DESERT ENCOUNTERS (LEVELS 5-10) 01 1 yo_ung brass dragon

dlOO Encounter 02- 05 4d6 gnolls
01 ld6 scouts 06- 10 3d10 giant hyenas
02 2d4 jackalweres 11 - 12 ld8 + 1 lamias
03 2d6 hobgoblins 13- 14 2d4 gnoll fangs ofYeenoghu
04 ld4 + 3 dust mephits 15- 17 ld6 + 2 giant scorpions
05 ld6 swarms ofinsects 18-20 2d4 phase spiders
06 1 giant constrictor snake 21-25 A desert caravan consisting of 1d6 merchants {no-
07- 08 1 lion bles) with 2d6 guards
09- 10 2d4 gnolls 26-27 ld6 + 1 couatls
11- 12 2d6 giant toads 28-30 ld4 fire elementals
13- 17 1 mummy 31 - 32 1 hobgoblin captain with 3d10 + 10 hobgoblins
33-35 2d4 wights


dlOO Encounter

36-40 ld6 square miles of desert glass

41 - 42 l young blue dragon

43-45 ld6 + 2 weretigers FOREST ENCOUNTERS (LEVELS 1-4)
46- 48 ld4 air elementals dlOO Encounter
49-50 ld6 + l yuan-ti malisons

51-55 ld4 medusas 01 1 giant owl

56-60 ld4 revenants with 3dl2 skeletons 02 ld4 cats
61-65 A plundered pyramid 03 2d4 woodcutters (commoners)
66-70 ld4 young brass dragons 04 1 badger or ld4 poisonous snakes

71-75 ld3 yuan-ti abominations 05 2d8 baboons
76-78 ld6 + 2 cyclopes 06 ld6 + 3 hyenas
79-82 l adu lt brass dragon 07 1 owl

83-85 1 purple worm 08 1 pseudodragon

86 ld2 young blue dragons 09 1 panther

87-88 1 mummy lord 10 1 giant poisonous snake

89 ld3 guardian nagas 11 ld6 + 2 boars

90 1 adult blue dragon 12 l d4 + 1 giant lizards

91 ld 2 gynosphinxes 13 l ape or l tiger

92-93 ld3 efreet 14 2d6 tribal warriors with ld6 mastiffs


eria96- 97
F A98- 99
u PD00
1 androsphinx 15 ld6 + 2 giant bats or 3d6 flying snakes
ld4 roes 16 l scout or 2d4 guards with ld8 mastiffs
1 adult blue dracolich 17 ld8 + l winged kobolds
l ancient brass dragon 18 ld3 constrictor snakes
1 ancient blue dragon 19 ldlO + 5 giant rats or 2d6 + 3 giant weasels
f DebenDESERT ENCOUNTERS (LEVELS 17-20) 20 ld4 + 1 needle blights with ld6 + 3 twig blights
ion odlOO Encounter 21-25 A lost, weeping child. If the characters take the
ers01-05 child home , the parents rewa rd them with ld3 po·
demo v06-10 26 tions ofhealing.
1 adult brass dragon 27 1d8 + 1 giant frogs
ld2 yuan-ti abominations with 2d10 + 5 yuan-ti 28 4d4 kobolds
malisons and 4d6 + 6 yuan-ti purebloods 29 ld3 black bears
g a11-14 30 3d6 stirges
usin15- 18 31 1 satyr
ified19-22 32 2d4 kenku
od23-25 33 ld3 vine blights with ld12 awakened shrubs
DF has been m26- 30 34 l d4 swarms of ravens
is P31-35 35 l faerie dragon (yellow or younger)
Th36- 40 36- 40 ld4 + 2 giant badgers
ld6 + 2 medusas A you ng woodcutter (scout) racing through the for-
ld2 purple worms est to rescue a lost friend
2d4 cyclopes
An abandoned city made from white marble, empty
during the day. At night, harmless apparitions
roam the streets, replaying the final moments of
their lives.
ld3 young blue dragons
1 mummy lord
1d4 hours of extreme heat (see chapter 5 of the

Dungeon Master's Guide) 41 2d4 blink dogs

41-50 ld3 guardian nagas 42 1d8 + 1 sprites

51-60 ld4 efreet 43 lcf6 + 2 elk

61-63 An old signpost identifying a single destination , 44 ld4 lizardfolk or 3d6 bandits

called Pazar 45 1d4 + 4 wolves

64- 72 ld4 roes 46 2d4 giant wolf spiders

73-80 ld3 gynosphinxes 47 1 swarm of insects or 2d8 blood hawks

81- 85 1 adult blue dracolich 48 ld6 + 2 pixies

86- 90 1 androsphinx 49 l brown bear
91- 96 1 ancient brass dragon
so 1d4 + 3 goblins

97-99 1 ancient blue dragon 51 ld3 dryads

00 ld4 adult brass dragons 52 1 awakened tree


a demo version of Debenu PDF Aerialist.Encounter
sing1 phase spider
d uld6 harpies
difiel ettercap or ld8 + l ores
mol goblin boss with 2d6 + l goblins
beenl ankheg
asl giant constrictor snake
F hld4 bugbears or 2d4 hobgoblins
is PDl pegasus
ThA stream of cool, clean water flowing between the
dlOO dlOO Encounter
S3 81 l wereboar or ld4 giant boars
S4 82 ld6 + 2 giant spiders
SS 83 ld4 centaurs or l d4 giant elk
S6 84 l ore Eye ofGruumsh with 2d4 + 2 ores
S7 8S l gnoll fang ofYeenoghu
S8 86 ld4 gricks
S9 87 l bandit captain with 2d6 + 3 bandits
60 88 l d4 wererats
89 l couatl (day) or l banshee (night)
trees 90 l gnoll pack lord with l d4 giant hyenas
67 l d4 half-ogres or l ogre 91 2d4 berserkers or l d4 veterans
69 l faerie dragon (green or older) 92 l lizardfofk shaman with l d3 swarms of poisonous
71 l werewolfor ld8 + l worgs snakes and ldlO + 2 lizardfolk

72 l druid harvesting mistletoe 93 ld4 displacer beasts

73 l will-o'-wisp 94 l d3 green hags
7S ld4 dire wolves or l giant boar 9S l hobgoblin captain with 2d6 hobgoblins and ld4
ldlO giant wasps giant boars

l owlbear or l giant elk 96 l yuan-ti malison with ld6 + l yuan-ti purebloods

2d6 gnolls 97 l d3 weretigers

ld6 giant toads 98 l gorgon or l unicorn

ld6 web cocoons hanging from the branches, hold- 99 l shambling mound

ing withered carcasses 00 l yuan-ti abomination



dlOO Encou nter 82 2d4 displacer beasts

01 2d4 vine blights 83 l d4 shambling mounds

02 2d6 hobgoblins or 2d6 ores 84 l hobgoblin captain with 3dl0 hobgoblins and 4dl2

03 2d4 apes or 2d4 satyrs goblins

04 ld3 will-o'-wisps 85 l yuan-ti abomination

05 ld4 swarms of poisonous snakes 86 l d8 + l phase spiders

06 l ore Eye ofGruumsh with l d3 orogs and ld8 + 2 87 ld4 trolls

ores 88 2d4 yuan-ti malisons

07 l d3 constrictor snakes or l d4 tigers 89 l oni

08 l goblin boss with 3d6 goblins 90 ld4 unicorns

09 l faerie dragon (a ny age) 91 l d6 + 2 weretigers

10 l brown bear or l d6 + 2 black bears 92 l young green dragon

11 -13 ld4 giant boars 93 ld4 gorgons

14-15 l d8 + l giant spiders 94 l d6 + 2 gnoll fangs ofYeenoghu

16-17 l lizardfolk shaman with 2d4 lizardfolk 95 l treant

18 ldlO giant toads 96 l d4 revenants

19 ld4 ankhegs 97 l grick a lpha with l d6 + l gricks

20 ld 3 awakened trees (day) or l banshee (night) 98 l d4 giant apes

21-25 A small shack almost hidden by the deep forest. 99 l guardian naga

26 The interio r is empty aside from a large cast-iron00 l adult gold dragon
29- 30 list.oven. FOREST ENCOUNTERS (LEVELS 11-16)
31 - 3 2 erial couatl
F Ald4 ogres or ld6 + 2 half.ogres dlOO Encounter
33 PDl gnoll pack lord with l d4 + l giant hyenas
34 enuld6 wererats 01-03 l werebear
35 Debld4 gricks 04-05 ld4 druids performing a ritual for the dead (day
36-40 n ofld8 + l yuan-ti purebloods only) or ld4 banshees (night only)
rsiold6 pegasi
41 -42 o veAn o ld stone archway of obvious elven design. Any06- 07
43 emcharacter who passes und er it makes Wisdom (Per-08- 10
44 a dception) checks with advantage for l hour. 11 - 15
singld6 + 2 dryads
45-46 d ul d4 giant elk
47-48 difiel d8 + l harpies
49- 50 mol bandit captain with l druid and l d6 + 5 bandits
51-52 een2d4 dire wolves
53-54 as b2d4 bugbears
55- 56 F h2d4 centaurs
57-58 is PD3dl0 blink dogs
59- 60 Thl d4 owlbears
61- 65 ld3 couatls
ld3 gnoll fangs ofYeenoghu with 2d6 + 3 gnolls
66-67 2d4 displacer beasts
70-71 16-20 ld6 + 2 veterans
72- 7 3 21-25 A pool of clear, still water. Gold coins litter t he bot-
74-75 tom, but they disappear if removed from the poo l.
76- 80
26-30 l d4 + l green hags with l d3 owlbears
81 31-35 ld6 + 2 werewolves
36- 40 A small woodla nd shri ne dedicated to a mysterious
cult named the Siswa

41 - 45 ld6 + 2 phase spiders

46-50 2d4 yuan-ti malisons
51-52 ld3 werebears
53-54 l d4 revenants

l d8 + l berserkers 55-56 l young green dragon

ld3 green hags 57-58 ) d4 trolls
A clear pool of water with l d6 sleeping animals 59-60 ld6 + 2 wereboars
lying around its edge 61-65 A group of seven people (commoners) wearing ani-
l d4 werewolves mal ma sks and ambling through the woods

l werebear 66-67 ld4 gorgons
ld8 + l ettercaps 68-69 ld3 shambling mounds
2dl0 elk 70- 71 l treant
l d4 veterans 72-73 ld4 unicorns
An old tree with a wizened face carved into the 74-75 ld6 + 2 weretigers
trunk 76-80 Peals of silvery laughter that echo from a distance
ld4 wereboars 81-82 l guardian naga

83-84 l young gold dragon


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