Ulgoth's Beard Walkthrough (TotSC)
Normally I'd do Ulgoth's Beard in Chapter 7 but it can be done now
for a challenge!
Each party member will earn about 20k xp each for the TotSC
quests excluding Durlag's Tower (worth approximately 50k xp each)
Preparation for Ulgoth's Beard (TotSC quests) consider to bring:
- Potion of Cloud Giant Strength (STR 23), Invisibility, Defense or
Invulnerability, Heroism and Freedom; Oil of Speed
- Wand of the Heavens, Wand of Magic Missiles
- Useful spells include Magic Missiles (lots!), Fireball, Knock and
Dispel Magic
Ulgoth's Beard: ENCOUNTER Shandalar: Q (cloak from Ice Dungeon) D66:8
SW house: ENCOUNTER Mendas: Q (sea charts from BG NE 1st house; must
talk to Mendas first)
NW house: Talk to Therella: Q (find Dalton)
Inn: ENCOUNTER Hurgan Stoneblade: Q (Soultaker dagger, cult)
Talk to Shandalar to go to Ice Dungeon
Ice Dungeon: Buff with Resist Fear and Protection from Fire for fights with the *Stoneskin
Mid-south: ENCOUNTER Andris, Marcellus and Beyn: fight 9800 xp
Leave north; both north halls have immediate traps
NE hallway has a trap midway along the long straight section and
one more along the next long straight section
ENCOUNTER Cuchol: fight 1800 xp
Floor trap at south exit
ENCOUNTER Garan: fight Garan and Ankhegs 5900 xp
ENCOUNTER Tellan: fight 3k xp (2001 xp in EE 1.3)
ENCOUNTER Dezkiel: fight 1800 xp
Leave dungeon -> teleported
Ulgoth's beard: Finalize Shandalar 500 xp (only)
Leave for Baldur's Gate to find the Sea Maps
BG NE: First house ENCOUNTER Ulf: fight 880 xp; Jacil has a Spear +2 *Spear +2
(Merchants Upstairs: ENCOUNTER Captain Toller Kieres Q (get Baalor Ale for
League Counting sea charts)
BG NNE: Blushing Buy Ale for 900 gp [or PP] from De'Tranion
BG NE: First house: Upstairs: finalize Captain Toller Kieres (gives sea charts) 0 xp
BG East: Sorcerous Sell Winter Wolf Pelts for 250 gp each
Ulgoth's beard: Finalize Mendas 2k gp D67:22
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East dock: ENCOUNTER Mendas: set sail! (Takes 25 days!)
Island: Chieftain's Get primary quest from Kaishas Gan (kill all evil creatures) D92:22
Village: Get minor quests:
Talk to Maralee: Q (baby Peladan)
Talk to Delainy: Q (cloak for town)
South of village: Talk to Evalt: Q (brother Evan)
Talk to Farthing: Q (dolly)
Looting: Not really worth while; best treasure is a Potion of Fire Giant
Strength (STR 22) in the southern square tent
North Island: Middle and west: do minor quests; be prepared for tough fights Cleric7 Ranger6
+6hp->95hp, Level 4 spell
Cabin in NE: ENCOUNTER Dradeel Q (spellbook from ship wreck) x4 (Defensive Harmony!)
Can bash chest to get Belladonna flowers, Holy Cloak and a Staff
Mace +2 (Jaheira can use together with shield) *Staff Mace +2
South Island: Finalize Delainy's quest, she will then ask for the flowers, 0 xp Dynaheir Invoker6
Finalize with Evalt (900 xp) and Farthing (1400 xp) +6hp->36hp *Quarterstaff
TH 18/14 (1)
North Island: NE ship wreck: Enter for immediate fight 8k xp *Potion of Storm Giant
Watch for trapped containers Strength
General strategy is to first scout the place using Stealth.
In general send only protagonist [and Minsc] to begin fighting on *Potion of Cloud Giant
various floors, and then send up the rest of the party when the Strength
enemies are focused on the protagonist.
1) Fights are tough; protagonist full buff and use potions:
- Cloud Giant Strength, Mind Focusing, Invulnerability, Heroism, Oil
of Speed and Fire Resistance (to become healed when Imoen and
enemy mages cast Fireball, etc.)
Khalid [or Minsc] should buff similarly
Now the entire ship can be cleared in one go!
2) Protagonist using Stealth [and Minsc] must become the focus of
all attacks
Other party members can eventually joint the fight and cast Fireball
and Magic Missiles
Level 2: 3) Fight: begin fighting at the north end of the ship 11600 xp
Level 3: 4) Fight: begin fighting at the south end of the ship 9400 xp
Level 4: Before going to next floor Khalid (the only party member with sword
Cabin in NE: proficiency) full buff, including Oil of Speed and Potion of Cloud
Giant Strength, with all best equipment to Khalid
Protagonist only go up to level 4 using Stealth and buffed vs fire
ENCOUNTER Karough: he can't see you but fight all the Wolfweres
firstly to lure Karough from the doorway
Enter the office (one floor trap) and get the Sword of Balduran
which is the only weapon, I think, that can kill the Greater Wolfwere
Fight the Wolfweres first and then Khalid only fight Greater
Wolfwere while others vigorously cast Fireball and Magic Missiles
Finalize Dradeel 5k xp
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South Island: Village: Finalize with Maralee (4k xp) and Kaishas (in hut) Dynaheir Invoker7
+6hp->42hp, Level 4 spell
Outside: ENCOUNTER Delainy x2, TH 17/13 (1)
North hut: ENCOUNTER Dradeel who tells of the caves
Cave: Enter the hidden door *Potion of Storm Giant
Fights; exit at NE D93:20
Outside, ship: Fight 1800 xp, click on ship's mast to leave island
Ulgoth's Beard: ENCOUNTER Baresh *Chain Mail +3 (can
Enter house: fight 3700 xp, 172 gp; Knock the chest for 980 gp IMPORT into BG2)
Quest done!
Chapter 6 could be instigated now, but went to Durlag's Tower
instead, for a bit more of a challenge rather than waiting until getting
19 strength in Chapter 7
BG East: Prepare for Durlag's Tower! D116:14
147k gp
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Durlag's Tower Walkthrough
Preparation for Durlag's Tower: highly recommended to bring 4-6x
Potion of Absorption (should have 5 by now); bring 3x Potion of
Heal and 1x Potion of Perception. Memorize 2-3x Knock, 2-3x
Identify and 1-2x Protection from Petrification
Each party member will gain 50k xp or more from Durlag's Tower
Outside: The merchant on the map (Erdane) sells potions and ammo, and Imoen Mage9
buys wands as well +6hp->60hp Level 5 spell,
Max level reached!
Clear map of Battle Horrors, Doom Guards, Skeletons and
Doppelgangers 16k xp *Scimitar+2
***Tome of
Entrance level: No traps, no loot Understanding (WIS +1)
Store loot in the nearby chest; eventually sell items, gems, scrolls, (#3 of 3)
potions and wands to Erdane
*Staff Spear +2
Upstairs 1: Floor traps: north room: 2; south hall: 1
Trapped chests: south chest, and 2 in the east *Potion of Cloud Giant
South hallway: cast Protection from Petrification and then exit to the
outside balcony Ranger7 Cleric7
Outside balcony: Fight four Basilisks 13400 xp TH 12/7 (2!)
Trapped container with Scimitar+2 (at 2281, 586) Max level reached!
Return inside and take the north set of stairs
Upstairs 2: Altar: trapped with Dire Charm, cannot seem to de-trap so just send
someone in there solo to get the Tome of Understanding
ENCOUNTER Riggilo: talk; two trapped chests
SW: ENCOUNTER Ghost (Daital): full buff, fight 3750 xp; one
trapped cabinet, murky potion
Upstairs 3: ENCOUNTER Kirinhale: can fight or PP a Staff Spear +2 (1d8+3
Upstairs 2: damage)
Accept her quest (gives lock of hair) -> talk 6 with Riggilo for a
Potion of Cloud Giant Strength (STR 23) -> finalize with her for 4k
xp, and then kill very quickly (hit for 50 damage, i.e. cast Magic
Missiles, Haste) for 3k xp and the Staff Spear +2
East: one trapped chest
South: one trapped cabinet (has Cloak of Protection +1)
Finalize with Riggilo
Entrance level: Drop-off loot near the entrance in a container
Note: Imoen drink 1x Potion of Perception to detect all traps in the
tower and 1x Potion of Master Thievery to unlock all chests
Basement: Fight Ghasts and de-trap floor: west x1, south x1, east x3 and bash
container for 560 gp, Star Sapphire and a Ring of Protection +1
Go through the hidden door…
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Level 1: One floor trap! *Wand of Monster
1a. Explore the large dining hall -> Mallet Handle in a barrel in the Summoning
south; many potions to loot including Antidotes *Potion of Master Thievery
1b. South side rooms: trapped crate and four bookshelves *Potion of Perception x4
Fight Spiders and Doppelgangers 12k xp and a chance of Laeral's *Potion of Insulation
Tear drop; loot scrolls of Monster Summoning II and III; get the Minsc Ranger8
Mallet Head from bookshelf +11hp->88hp
TH 13/8 (2), Level 1 spell,
Note: proceed to the north side room and travel counter-clockwise Max level reached!
around the level. There is no need to walk through the trapped *Monster Summoning II
southern hallway (five dangerous traps!) and III
2. North side rooms: traps in rooms 1, 2 and 3; use the Forge with *Potion of Absorption
the Mallet Head and Mallet Handle to make the Gong Mallet *Potion of Cloud Giant
Room 1: two trapped chests; +2 ammo *Potion of Absorption
Two floor traps to Room 2 *Potion of Cloud Giant
Room 2: trapped container; more ammo Strength
Room 3: Potions of Healing x12; more ammo! *Potion of Master Thievery
Long Hallway to west: one floor trap
3. West room: click the Gong *Oil of Speed x2
4. Circular book room: read (click on) all Books *Sling +1
*Plate +3 (sell)
5. Floor trap at entrance to south-west room *Potion of Master
South-west room with large fireplace: fight Skeleton Warrior 4k xp; Thievery
trapped (first) cabinet containing 2x Oil of Speed, Ruby Ring
Second locked cabinet is not worth knocking open Dynaheir Invoker8
Hall to south/south-east: one floor trap
6. South room: trapped chest of drawers has Grapes, Sling +1,
bullets +2 and 510 gp
Trapped chest has Plate +3 (sell for 4400 gp)
Locked desk requires you to posses a key otherwise is will be locked
even if visiting it after unlocking
7. Room with treasure hoard: has Key to the chest of drawers (has
Switch for Engine) and Glittering Beljuril gem, 2137 gp and a lot
of good ammo!
8. Use the Switch for Engine in the Engine room to the north-east by
clicking on the panel above the engine (climb up the small set of
Return to the south
9.SE room (gym): fight carefully Flesh Golems and a Skeleton
Warrior 8k xp
Hall to NE: floor trap after the engine room
10. Make Wine
North hall: immediate floor trap!
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Level 2: 11. Eventually: finalize the Warders in this order (could be buggy in
North/12:00 (Avarice, 2k xp), then 9:00 (Pride, 2k xp), then 3:00 *Greater Malison
(Fear, 2k xp), and then rest before finalizing at 6:00 (Love, 4k xp) *Haste
Can also re-load if a Warder doesn't want to talk
Big fight 10200 xp, Imoen use Magic Missiles *Spirit Armor
*Monster Summoning II
Loot the Ward Stone and click on the rectangular "well" to open the *Remove Curse
way to Level 2; drop all the Wardstones into a container
Drop excess loot in container; sell gems to Erdane *Protection from Lightning
*Potion of Master Thievery
Bring to the next level: Oils of Speed, Potions of Master Thievery
Save game! This level can be tricky
Room 1 (statues): only need to click on the lower statue (he is
holding a shield) -> bedroom door opens
Note: clicking on the upper statue opens the dummy room, but it is
simpler to complete the bedroom first
Imoen drink a Potion of Perception/Master Thievery to locate and de-
trap the round container (can use Draw Upon Holy Might to open for
346 gp, Greater Malison, Haste scrolls, 4x Potion of Healing)
Room 2 (bedroom): no traps here; buff vs Fire or keep south
Loot three Wardstones from the unlocked containers and the door
to the dummy room will open -> fight Greater Doppelganger 4k xp
Imoen (after drinking 1x Potion of Master Thievery) open cabinet for
331 gp and nice scrolls
Save game!
Room 3 (dummies): 7 floor traps! Hit (fight) west dummy only
and then fight Greater Doppelganger 4k xp, can drop Laeral's tear
Hit east dummy -> throne room door opens
Save game for tough fight ahead
Note: if you have a door problem at this stage, click on the two
statues until the dummy room door opens for you; soon we will be
at the switches room to open all doors
Note: hitting the middle dummy opens the bedroom door; the east
dummy opens the throne room door
Room 4 (throne room): prepare for a tough fight; if playing on hard
difficulty and if sending in the entire party their will be deaths!
Can do solo using Stealth; keep someone back in the circular
entrance room:
Pick-up helmet (Kiel's Helm) and walk back south
ENCOUNTER Durlag Trollkiller and three doors open including the
door to the south (switches room), use Stealth and take refuge
Switches room: click on the four panels to get the "door opened"
messages for all doors
Summon Skeletons into the throne room after the poison clouds
have dissipated; buff and fight Fuernbol and Islanne first
Alternative: bring in 2-3 fighters into the throne room, keep them
south while the poison clouds are present and then fight Fuernbol
and Islanne
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Note: hit the east dummy (again) to open the throne room door *Level 2 Exit Wardstone
*Potion of Master Thievery
Room 5 (switches room): the east dummy to opens this door if not x3
Optional (EE 1.2): Click on the panel switches so that you get the *Kiel's Buckler
"door opened" messages for all doors (if you close a door, then click *Chaotic Commands
again in the same spot to re-open it) -> 4x doors open
This makes it easier to return here if you leave via Islanne from level 57
Hit the east dummy again to re-open the door to the Throne room
Room 6 (torture room): 11 floor traps! Imoen can de-trap only some
of them unless she drank a Potion of Perception
Fight Fuernbol and Kiel 8k xp (new in EE 1.3)
Before going through the Teleportation device consider to dump
nearly all loot upstairs in the tower near the entrance
OR: if you leave the Dungeon and return later: click the east
Gargoyle then click the 5x switches on the panel (room 5) to re-
open doors to the teleporter again (or: Knock the doors?)
You can also deposit all Wardstones you've collected so far into a
container as they are no longer needed (exception: later you will get
the Teleportation Wardstone and Level 2 Exit Wardstone, keep
these ones!)
Loot the Teleportation Wardstone (keep this one!) and click on the
teleporter ->
Room 7 (4 containers and statue just after teleporting): central floor
trap and the 4 small containers are trapped!
Room 8: IMPORTANT: just to the SE of room 7 is a small
room (click on the door to open) with a trapped floor and statue; the
statue contains the Level 2 Exit Wardstone (keep!)
The book on the floor reads "Know no refuge"
South hallway: floor trap just after the bones/skeleton, another one
just after the last "archway"
South: trapped stairs (the stairs are fake)
Stand close to the door just below the fake stairs with the Level 2
Exit Wardstone and the door to the real stairs will open
Room 9 (south, burial): Imoen de-trap the chest and Knock to open;
prepare for a tough fight: fighters use Oil of Speed and potions of
Loot the chest for 432 gp -> immediate fight with 4x Dwarven Doom
Guards 8k xp
The 2nd locked chest contains a Potion of Frost Giant Strength and
Hill Giant Strength
Room 10 (bridges): floor trap at entrance!
At coordinate 2002, 1389: trapped container on wall with 1157 gp
and Chaotic Commands scroll!
Room 11 (winged creatures): 6 floor traps!
NE hall: floor trap
Runes in EE 1.2 are worth 0 gp so drop them all
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Level 3: Can rest in the SW area in room with the fake stairs to get Rest
Interrupted by Kiel, Islanne, Fuernbol or a Doppelganger for 4k xp
several times! (Did 5 times.) Experience points can add up quickly if ***Full Plate (#3 of 3)
you temporarily park a companion or two. -> Minsc AC-4
Can get emerald or Laeral's tear drop; Islanne drops a Traveller's
Robe only 58
Note: in EE 1.2 Durlag Trollkiller appeared momentarily and was
killed for a bonus Full Plate armor! Use the Wand of the Heavens
and Magic Missiles as you must take him down very quickly and do
60 points of damage
Fireball! Take the NW door first
Note: can heal if become buffed with Protection from Fire and
Resist Fire/Cold, or wear a ring of fire resistance = healing from fire
ENCOUNTER Skeleton: must fight the Statues before fighting the
Middle statue: Tarnor drops a Full Plate armor! 15 xp (only), or 1950
xp in EE 1.2
Statue with horns: Bullrush, 950 xp
Moorlock: 1900 xp, Long Sword +1
Hack: 2k xp
Meiala the Sirine: tough fight, use wands; 4k xp, 308 gp, gems, a
pearl necklace and 38 arrows of biting!
Full buff and have full health to carefully fight three Greater Wyverns
5k xp each, use Stealth to first locate and then attack from the north
Note: can get Rest Interrupted here to fight Greater Ghouls 2k xp
Rest and memorize Protection from Electricity, or have enough
Potions of Absorption or scrolls of Protection from Lightning, in
preparation for the upcoming Chess Board battle
Animal Summoning spells are also good for the Chess Board
Long hallway to the south: one floor trap near the large heads; fight
Greater Ghoul 2k xp
Can clear the Skeletons area (five floor traps, one on each platform
except for the northwest one) 1750xp and loot 250 enchanted
Imoen can drink a Potion of Invisibility and de-trap
South garden area: optional area to clear for 11k xp; wear the Ring
of Free Action in case of hitting a trap but the area is quite
dangerous and has no good loot except Bala's Axe, Potion of
Heroism, and a Potion of Master Thievery
Imoen drink a Potion of Perception to find all traps
Central statue is trapped; five or six floor traps
The four caverns or trials could be buggy in BG. It is recommended
to start with the lower trial first (the Phoenix Guards) and work your
way up, ending in the Ice room
The bug we experienced (BG only) sent only two characters to the
Chess Board; bug likely due to difficultly in knowing if the Phoenix
Guards were indeed killed entirely, but could also be that we missed
an Invisible Stalker
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Level 4: Cavern 1 (south): Fire: keep all party members at the back initially; Jaheira Druid8 Fighter6
then use Arrows of Ice to fight the Phoenix Guards +6hp->83hp
Cavern 2: Air: use physical damage; 1x Air Aspect 4k xp, 3x Invisible ***Two-Handed Sword +3
Stalkers 3x 3k xp -> Minsc TH 13/7 (2)
Be very careful in the Air room to fight the Wyvern/Air Aspect as well Khalid Fighter8
as 3x Invisible Stalkers (3k xp each) to be able to finish the level +13hp->104hp
properly TH 12/7 (2)
Max level reached!
Cavern 3: Fission Slime: use Arrows of Fire, 3k xp Jaheira Fighter7 Druid8
+6hp->89hp TH 14/10 (2!)
Note: save game before entering the fourth Cavern; the Chess or Staff +3: TH 14/7 (2)
Board area can be buggy! Max level reached!
*Necklace of Missiles
Cavern 4: Ice: equip Boots of the North; use Arrows of Fire, 3k xp *Oil of Speed
and 4x 975 xp *Potion of Master Thievery
-> entire party is teleported to the Chess Board area! Save game *Wand of Monster
once more immediately! Summoning
Dynaheir Invoker9
CHESS BOARD: +6hp->54hp, Level 5 spell
Everyone drink a Potion of Absorption and become 100% protected x2 (Animate Dead!)
from electricity. The character wearing the Boots of Grounding or Max level reached!
Helm of Defence will now be healed upon taking damage from
Very tough battle! Full buff including vs fear; potion of strength,
Heroism and Mind Focusing are useful here
Can carefully clear up to 8 Pawns (150 xp each) before going for the
King and others; they become Queens (worth 5k xp each) if you
allow them to one-by-one reach your side of the board
If lucky can kill the Queen 5k xp, Bishop 2k xp, Knight 2k xp, and
Rook for 1500 xp; King is worth 2k xp
King drops a Two-handed Sword +3! (1d10+3 = 4-13 damage)
Total fight is worth about 52k xp!
ENCOUNTER Durlag Trollkiller: "…you must expel the new
Walk a bit east to find the hidden door
Slime area:
Wear Ring of Free Action vs Greater Ghouls, or use Spiders Bane
Mid-SE container: Necklace of Missiles in the first container in slime
area at 3056, 1836 (hit "Shift-X" or "Shift-L" to reveal coordinates)
Third container (2870, 2280): 582 gp, Oil of Speed
SE container (3675, 3250): 980 gp
SW containers: 1880 gp; Wand of Monster Summoning
SW through hidden passage/door: ENCOUNTER Grael: 5k xp,
Compass Wardstone (rune)
Islanne (north-west) offers to send you outside: sell gems, rings,
necklaces to Erdane; store loot in a chest in Durlag's Tower; Rest
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Level 2: All doors should be open. In BG you can lock pick some of the
doors; otherwise throw the various switches to get the "door has
Level 3: opened" message for all doors
Level 4:
Imoen can open both doors to the switches room with Open Locks
at 65% skill level; or, bash (STR 20) or use Knock spell ***Sling +3
Failing that, click on the upper statue (statue room) which open the -> Jaheira TH 14/8 (2)
door to the dummy room ***Large Shield +2
-> AC-9
Can get rest Interrupted again (still) in the SW area to fight for 4k xp
each! *Cloak of the Shield
Click on one of the "cavern" area doors to be teleported back to the
Chess Board
Door to SW: one floor trap at entrance to large room; fight Spiders
and Ettercaps
One floor trap in SE corner of the large room (by door)
North area: talk to the Stone Golem:
Question 1: answer 5) Kiel
Question 2: answer 8) Trollkiller
Question 3: answer 1) Thunderaxe ->
Arena I (AR0515) : Stone Golem: answer 3) From the west it came,
and then the south…
North: Burial room:
De-trap two chests: Knock upper chest for 5547 gp, Sling +3 Arla's
Dragonbane and Large Shield +2!
Use Draw Upon Holy Might to bash the lower chest
Click on Grave -> Arena II (AR0515) :
Stone Golem: answer 1) It began with you and your need for a
North: Forge room with anvil: one trapped container with Rune
Return back to a contraption at 2131, 750 and insert Bone
Slime area: take the southern hall to NW:
Treasure room with one trapped chest: knock for Long Sword +1, +4
vs Undead!
Take the hallway that loops slightly north and west: one floor trap
after Treasure room, and watch for other floor traps as well!
Small room with 13950 gp and container with nearly all gems!
The locked crate only contains 72 gp
Click on Throne -> Arena III (AR0515) :
Stone Golem: answer 3) the blame begins with the invaders, but
they attacked with supposed good reason…
Can re-clear slime area for xp's
Talk to Durlag Trollkiller and follow him -> door to south opens! (at
4082, 910)
ENCOUNTER: Clair De'laine: de-trap container
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ENCOUNTER Demon Knight: Imoen cast 2x Summon Animal and *Soultaker Dagger
Resist Fear; Khalid wearing 2x Ring of Fire Protection absorb *Large Shield +1
Demon Knight's first Dispel and Fireball, 15k xp!
ALTERNATE METHOD: use Stealth and click on the Mirror, and
then fight several enemies 9300 xp
Finalize with Dalton; finalize with Claire (0 xp)
Talk to Islanne -> surface; get loot and open any trapped chests
Sell Durlag's Goblets [worth 3300 gp in BG]
Sell loot but be careful not to sell the Soultaker Dagger and keep
useful potions such as Heroism, Cloud Giant Strength etc.,
Invulnerability and Fire Resistance:
Can sell arrows to Carnival ranged tent or to Smithy (has +1's,
arrows of ice and biting)
Beregost: Sell Wyvern Heads and Bandit Scalps to Feldepost's
Note: make sure you get the Pantaloons from Friendly Arm Inn for
eventual export to BG2
Ulgoth's beard: Outside: ENCOUNTER Cult Enforcer: takes dagger! Immediate big fight!
Talk to Hurgan Stoneblade
Outside west
building: Talk to Cult Guard, big fight 4k xp
Preparation for next fights:
Full buff including Spirit Armor, Aid, Protection vs Evil and potions
such as Heroism, Freedom, Cloud Giant Strength and Invulnerability
West building: ENCOUNTER Cult Wizard: immediate very tough fight 4700 xp
Downstairs: do not bring Imoen, Jaheira or Dynaheir!
ENCOUNTER Tracea Carol: kill seven Cult Guards, 3500 xp, and
then Aec'Letec 16k xp. Use a summoned creature or protagonist as
a decoy and walk Aec'Letec around the room!
NW house: Finalize with Therella (find Dalton) for 300 gp, 0 xp
Inn: Finalize Hurgan Stoneblade (0 xp)
Durlag's Tower and ToSC quests done!
BG SW: Flaming Fist Finalize with Grand Duke Eltan, he gives you a book and 2k gp D123:12
upstairs: Chapter 6 is instigated and you are sent immediately to
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Chapter 6
Resting in Chapter 6 gives another special ability (Draw Upon Holy
In preparation for the Catacombs memorize 2x Find Traps, Fireball,
2x Protection from Petrification, 2x Knock, 2x Identify and 1x
Candlekeep: Talk to the Keeper of the Portal (give book from Eltan)
South: loot the Infirmary/Clinic
Bunkhouse: talk to Parda
North: loot Candlekeep Inn
Priest's Quarters: fight Doppelganger 420 xp
Candlekeep: Note: the easiest way to loot Candlekeep without being jailed is
to not talk to Koveras (on the 2nd floor); otherwise use Stealth
Level 1: ENCOUNTER Karan; Theodon and Jessup *Knock scroll
Level 2: Decent loot: north-west room: Knock scroll; mid-west: Web scroll
*Cloak of Protection +1
Level 3: Recommended to avoid ENCOUNTER Koveras (he approaches the
Level 4: protagonist only, i.e. Imoen, etc. can walk by him) because after *Ring of Protection +1
Level 5: speaking with him the next Guard or Gatewarden to see you will try *Potion of Clarity
to arrest you (perhaps only on level 6) *Potion of Genius
Level 6: *Frost Giant Strength
No decent loot on level 2
No decent loot on level 3
Loot all levels and then return to fight Rieltar in the north end of level
Talk to Shistal (south): fight Greater Doppelganger 4k xp
No decent loot on level 4 either
Mid-south room: read Gorion's letter
North-west room: Knock cabinet for a Cloak of Protection +1
No other decent loot on level 5
Rest in a room in the south corridor -> Dream (Draw Upon Holy
Might special ability gained!)
ENCOUNTER Gatewarden: if you avoided Koveras and did not fight
Rieltar he will talk to you (but what he says about someone in the
outer courtyard seems misleading) and not arrest you.
ENCOUNTER Tethtoril [can PP a scroll of Identify]
[Can PP Ulraunt for a Wand of Sleep]
North-east: Bash to loot a Ring of Protection +1 (don't be seen by
North-east: Knock for a Wand of Magic Missiles
North-west: Knock: 1025 gp
Level 5: Rest and dream if not yet done
Level 3: North: ENCOUNTER Rieltar and Brunos: fight 7575 xp, 970 gp
Scroll of Identify in north-east bookshelf
[Can get the Ring of Protection from Koveras now if in Stealth mode
and if near him?]
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Level 2 or 6: ENCOUNTER Watcher or Gatewarden: talk 3, 2 -> jailed
Jail: ENCOUNTER Ulraunt: you are accused of murder!
ENCOUNTER Tethtoril: teleports party to Catacombs
Secret Library: Loot 2x Identify scrolls, 1x Fireball
Catacombs: Area 1 (SW): ENCOUNTER Phlydia: becomes a Doppelganger!
Immediate floor trap to south-west ***Tome of
Understanding (WIS +1)
Passage 1 (to south-east): (#2 of 3)
Three traps at entrance to room (Imoen drink a Potion of Perception *Ring of Fire Resistance
to detect or use Find Traps) *Potion of Invulnerability
Trapped container has Tome of Understanding (+1 Wisdom), Ring *Oil of Speed
of Fire Resistance (40%) *Potion of Heroism
Imoen use Knock or must have STR 24 *Potion of Invisibility
Imoen use Identify scroll on Tome for WIS 19->20
***Cloak of Protection +2
Passage 2 (to south-west): -> Minsc AC-5
Trap at doorway; trapped container needs STR 20 to bash (use ***Manual of Gainful
Draw Upon Holy Might) Exercise (STR +1)
-> THAC0 12/6 (2) at
Passage 3 (to north-west): Cleric7/Ranger7
Note: skip the two south branches *Wand of Fire
*Potion of Frost Giant
One trap mid-hallway by broken wall and one at end of hallway at Strength
doorway. Fight Phase Spiders 5600 xp
Stairs are trapped; use Knock or have Strength 22 to open the
trapped container which has Cloak of Protection +2, Manual of
Gainful Exercise (Strength +1!) and a Rogue Stone
Imoen use Identify scroll on Manual of Gainful Exercise -> STR 19
which improves THAC0 if your STR was less than 18/00
Area 1 (NW): No traps here. Fight nine Ghasts 5800 xp, loot last pile for a Wand
of Fire, Potion of Frost Giant Strength
Area 2: ENCOUNTER Dreppin: becomes a Doppelganger!
Note: can PP all first using Hide in Shadows, and then fight later
Always walk around the outer edge to avoid the five floor traps
between the columns
Can get good drops from Doppelgangers Dreppin, Reevor, Fuller,
etc., e.g. Laeral's Tear (worth 3k gp), Emerald, Diamond, Pearl
Necklace. Can reload from Area 1 if not satisfied
South-west room: trapped container with Dispel scroll only
North-west: follow "Elminster" down the hallway, fight seven
Doppelgangers and one Greater Doppelganger 6900 xp
Note: can get Rest Interrupted to fight Doppelgangers in this area
Area 3: Immediate full buff
ENCOUNTER Prat: fight 5k xp, can get Laeral's Tear drop;
Throwing Axe +2 (1d6+3 = 4-9 damage; sell), 285 gp
South: buff with Protection from Petrification, fight Greater Basilisks
8k xp (Laeral's tear dropped!)
ENCOUNTER Diarmid; Leave at S/SW -> Chapter 7 is instigated!
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Chapter 7
Resting in Ch. 7 gives special ability Draw Upon Holy Might II
Plan for phase 5: Explore some maps for fun
South of Lighthouse
Help Drizzt Do'Urden
Finish the main plot quest! Final Save created!
Candlekeep: Walk to east side of map
South of Lighthouse: Sell gems, necklaces, etc. at Feldepost's REP+1
Talk to Vai, for the final time, for one more REP+1
Mid-map: talk to Charleston Nib Q (grave) 3, 2, 1 D126:22
NW of Nashkel: ENCOUNTER Gallor: decline his proposal REP+1
Talk to Charleston near the tomb entrance -> inside tomb
Mid-north: Fight Diggers; finalize [talk 2x], 1k xp, REP+1
Open tomb and get Idol
Save game; go outside, fight Doomsayer 4k xp
If not yet done:
ENCOUNTER Laryssa (only): talk 2, fight her 600 xp
ENCOUNTER Brage: answer his riddle (4, death) then talk 1
-> to the Temple in Nashkel, finalize 1k xp, REP+1, 1k gp and
a cursed 2 Handed Sword
Mid map: ENCOUNTER Drizzt Do'Urden: help him defeat the Gnolls
and finalize (the result of your actions is remembered through to
BG2, so do not kill him or pick pocket his Scimitar +3! His weapons
are not needed to win the game)
Drizzt and Gnolls quest bug was possible in BG1: variable
DRIZZTGNOLLS must equal 12
ENCOUNTER Teyngan: fight for 900 xp REP+1
Fight four Half Ogres along top of map, 4x 270 xp
In Beregost: finalize quest with Bjornin for 400 xp, REP+1
Bjornin and Half Ogres quest bug was possible in BG1: variable
OGRESKILLED must equal 4 to finalize
© bg2mez 64
Baldur's Gate endgame IMPORTANT: Check your inventory now in preparation for the
creation of a final save to export to BG2EE or Siege of Dragonspear
BG East: (SoD). Ensure that the Golden Pantaloons, Fallorain's Plate +1 are
in the protagonist's inventory!
In EE 1.3: Check also that you have the weapon you'd like to export
to BG2EE (see list below), if any at all (we do not)!
If you prefer, an export file can actually be created now, or at any
Note: use Stealth to see if any Flaming Fist Enforcers are around; if
so use the Boots of Speed and Stealth to lure them away from the
party to avoid going to Prison (see below for how to get out of
Near Thieves ENCOUNTER Delthyr (a Harper!): says that Scar has been D129:3
Guild: assassinated and Duke Eltan has a mysterious ailment! Says to
infiltrate the Iron Throne; he goes to Three Old Kegs inn
Near Sorcerous ENCOUNTER Tamoko: be nice (an opportunity to fight her is
Sundries: presented to you just before the final battle, or...). Save game
If caught by a Flaming Fist Enforcer talk 1 if you want to go to prison,
or talk 2,2 or 3,2 and run to escape
Prison: Angelo's trail: do not talk 1 or a party member will be killed!
In prison, walk to Neb and wait for his dialog sequence to progress.
Answer his riddle correctly to escape prison
BG SW: Near Flaming Use Stealth or risk being caught by an Enforcer
Fist HQ: ENCOUNTER Tamoko: agree with her for now; she says go to the
Undercellar to find Slythe and Krystin, and to find Cythandria atop
the Iron Throne ***Full Plate +1
Can then Charm or Dire Charm quickly and fight her (now or upon
her final appearance a bit later), 5k xp and drops Full Plate +1 (AC0,
worth 8500 gp, not needed in EE) [-> Minsc AC-1]
Optional: can enter the Flaming Fist HQ
Flaming Fist HQ: ENCOUNTER Benjy: fight six Mercenary's
Upstairs: ENCOUNTER Kent; Rashad
Talk to Duke Eltan! He gives a letter saying to find Slythe and
Krystin at the Undercellar
Take him to the Harbor Master's Building
NW of the This entrance to the Sewers easily leads to the Iron Throne
Flaming Fist HQ: Enter the Sewers, fight Phase Spiders and Ghasts, 6k xp, go north
and west and exit
BG South: Iron Throne: The Sewer takes you to the basement of the Iron Throne HQ
Optional: clear the Iron Throne
ENCOUNTER Dhanial: informs that Sarevok may be intent on
pushing for war with Amn!
Level 5: ENCOUNTER Cythandria: full buff including Protection from
Fire, Resist Fear, Imoen cast Magic Missiles, fight 4500 xp, loot
includes two letters and the Diary of Sarevok
Harbor Master's Deliver Duke Eltan to the Harbor Master 2500 xp
© bg2mez 65
BG NE: Undercellar: Access through the Blushing Mermaid
ENCOUNTER Slythe and Krystin: fight 8k xp, keep both letters (only
need to kill Slythe!) *Invitation letter
*Short Sword +3
BG North: Outside Ducal Talk to Bill with the Invitation letter to gain entrance
Palace: No point to loot the Palace (loot includes 12k gp, Cloak of Protection 66
+1, 6x diamond, 1x Kings Tears)
Ducal Palace:
Full buff and then talk to Liia Jannath, Belt, several concerned
Noblemen and Sarevok: there are rumors that Amn is preparing for
war! Eltan was poisoned by the Shadow Thieves! Entar was killed
by Shadow Thieves, agents of Amn! Amn wants a war!
Liia retorts "The evidence we have about Entar Silvershield's murder
does resemble the work of the Shadow Thieves, but…"
Sarevok address the evidence and suspicions; Belt objects!
Fight all Doppelgangers
Belt speaks, give him proof -> fight Sarevok (e.g. cast Magic
Belt must survive -> teleported to the Thieves Guild
BG East: Thieves Guild: ENCOUNTER Denkod: go down the stairs after doing a final check
of your inventory
Note: winning the upcoming final battle means you win the game
but your game will also end; you won't be able to continue
exploring, etc.
Check your inventory once more (Fallorain's Plate +1, Golden
Pantaloons), and bring some nice potions to help you win the very
tough final battle.
Exporting to Siege of Dragonspear (SoD)
(Importing Final Save to Siege of Dragonspear)
In preparation for exporting to Siege of Dragonspear (SoD), grab
some valuable items to bring to sell for gold: 25k gp worth of items is
recommended. Your entire party, all their equipment and inventory
will be brought into SoD, so equip or bring the
best stuff. Bags of holding such as Gems Bags, Potion Cases, etc.,
are NOT imported into SoD so you must equip or place into
inventory your individual potions, rings, amulets and necklaces.
Maze: ENCOUNTER Voleta Stiletto: warns of traps ahead
Imoen detect traps while in Stealth mode
Traps on floor are indicated by a green mark on the wall
The first set of traps has 4 individual traps and is in the hallway after
fighting two Doomguard's
Talk to Winski Perorate: he is Sarevok's mentor. Save game
Undercity: Probably get ready for the final battle now since the next fight vs
Rahvin is tough as well (they shoot arrows of detonation!)
Preparation for the final battle
Buff with potions such as:
- Potion of Storm/Cloud Giant Strength
- Potion of Heroism
- Potion of Invulnerability
- Potion of Fire Resistance
- Potion of Magic Protection (+50% magical resistance)
- Potion of Mind Focusing or Agility
Equip the Ring of Free Action
© bg2mez
Temple: ENCOUNTER Rahvin: tough fight 10900 xp
ENCOUNTER Tamoko: be nice, or fight 5k xp 67
Rest and then enter the Temple; keep the party to the left side
(west) only, Imoen de-trap floor trap on the west side and another
near the second small statue; note the traps in the middle of the
room but stay away at all times
Full buff with the best potions; hopefully the protagonist does not
become de-buffed by Semaj or Angelo
ENCOUNTER Sarevok: kill Sarevok (only) 15k xp to win game
Sarevok is vulnerable to Magic Missiles; summon creatures
as decoys i.e. from the Wand of Monster Summoning
Exporting (Final Save) to BG2EE
When Sarevok falls a Final Save is created and you have won! Your
current BGEE game is now finished, congratulations!
This Final Save file can be imported (might need to copy and then
paste into the "save" folder) into BG2EE or SoD.
Note: if you want to import a specific weapon into BG2EE from the
list below, such as the Sling +3, then drop the Ashideena onto the
ground just before Sarevok goes down.
[A more complicated method to export is: reload the Final Save,
check your inventory and then press EXPORT which creates a
character file for importing into BG2EE]
DONE! Time for SoD or BG2EE….see Scribd.com for more walkthroughs:
How to Export from BGEE and Import into BG2EE:
1. Copy/paste the Final Save folder from the BGEE saves folder
into the BG2EE saves folder
C:\Users\...\Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition\save
(1a.) The BG2EE saves folder is created after you have started the
game for the first time:
C:\Users\...\Documents\Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced
List of weapons that can be imported into BG2EE:
New in BG2EE 1.3: One of the following weapons will be imported
(as well as the Pantaloons and Fallorain's Plate +1) if in the
inventory of the protagonist when the Final Save is created, in this
priority order:
The Burning Earth +1
Ashideena +2
Bala’s Axe, Suryris’s Blade +2, The Grave Binder +2, Staff Spear
+2, Staff Mace +2,
Sling +3, Varscona +2, Krotan’s Skullcrusher +2, and Kiel’s Morning
In BG2EE 1.3: The Genie Malaaq in Irenicus Dungeon will award
this weapon when you return his Flask. The Sword of Chaos +2 is
moved to the Cambion.
© bg2mez
Baldur's Gate Siege of Dragonspear
General Notes
*Did not level-up the protagonist at all beyond 161k xp
*Did not level-up party members beyond the 200k xp mark
*Finished the game with protagonist having 340k xp; upon importing the Final Save from SoD into BG2EE 1.3 the xp's were maintained
*Only used the equipment that was with the party upon importing into SoD; did not use any of the new SoD items
*Final battle in SoD was tough, had to use potions generously; key is getting strength to 23 or more, and Protection from Fire
*SoD is a very nicely presented and produced game with a lot of questing to do; not necessarily worth $20 though
Importing into SoD from BGEE
1) Start SoD. The game will find the "save" folder containing your BGEE Final Save.
*Starting the game creates the "sodsave" folder.
*Not necessary any more: Quit the game; copy your BGEE Final Save into the "sodsave" folder
2) In SoD select: Single Player / Import Game / select Final-Save; play on!
*Protagonist begins with 161k xp and all equipment as per the BGEE Final Save
*Your entire party, all their equipment and inventory will be brought into SoD except for bags of holding such as Gems Bags, Potion Cases,
etc., so you must equip or place into inventory your individual potions, rings, amulets and necklaces from the bags
*The experience levels of the protagonist and party members, and the equipment and inventory brought into SoD is based on the save file
used to import from BGEE. E.g. for my SoD play through, Rasaad only had 5k xp because I did not travel much with him in BGEE!
Importing into BG2EE from SoD
*Protagonist had 340k xp at the end of SoD; upon importing the Final Save from SoD into BG2EE 1.3 his xp amount was maintained!
*However, Minsc and Jaheira only had 90k xp each upon them joining in Irenicus Dungeon!
*Some items carry over from SoD and are scattered throughout the land; but I do not use these new items or sell them
Baldur's Gate Siege of Dragonspear Walkthrough Day:Hour Notes/Items/Level-ups
Chapter 7...continued
SoD Starting Dungeon Complete the dungeon; consider using Stealth or Invisibility to scout
ahead. No significant loot; we did not use any new items introduced
by SoD *Full Plate armor
*Helm of AC +1
There is one mini-quest which may be overlooked by the torches in *Potion of Invulnerability
the south room of the 2nd level: *Potion of Fire Giant
South room: get the Burnt-out Torch from a small container in the Strength
floor near the colorful torches, the red and yellow ones. The
container is actually a stand for the burnt-out torch, which needs to
be lit and placed back on the stand, 1500 xp
Big fight for 5k xp after opening one of the chests, or cast Sanctuary
and run to obtain the items without a fight
Buy potions and scrolls (e.g. Restoration, Chaotic Commands,
Protection from Evil, Fire) before leaving the dungeon as all of your
gold will be taken from you when you leave the area
All items in the inventory only of your companions carry over but
their equipped and quick-slot items do not! Exceptions: Safana will
carry over all of her equipped and quick-slot items
© bg2mez 68
Imoen will have the items in her inventory and equipped items as
per the file used to import into SoD
After leaving the dungeon, the various NPC's that can join your party
begin with okay but not the best items equipped, which would make
for a slightly more challenging game. Generally they start with +1
magical items
There is no need to bring the following as many potions can be
pickpocketed by Safana in the next are (Baldur's Gate): potions of
Healing, Fire Resistance, Health, Agility or Antidotes
All of the protagonists items are carried over; all inventory from your
party is carried over and placed in your chest next to the bed
All of Imoen's items from the Final Save in BGEE are carried over
and placed in her chest in the south room
When you meet Minsc and Dynaheir (and eventually Jaheira and
Khalid) all of their items will have been reset to nothing special;
however, all of Safana's equipped items, including quick slot items,
are carried over and equipped on her!
When you meet Rasaad, I believe he has equipped items as per
your Final Save imported from BGEE
Plan for phase 1 of SoD: Explore town to gather your companions
Bring your companions back to the Ducal Palace to become
equipped with the items from your chest and Imoen's chest, then
start talking with NPC's and do quests
Do some or no quests in Baldur's Gate
Buy a few nice items from Sorcerous Sundries and then leave town!
Sorcerous Sundries Upstairs: ENCOUNTER Safana and Coran; talk to Safana, she
Elfsong Tavern joins!
Thief level 10, 176k xp, Chaotic Neutral, Open Locks 95, Find Traps
90, Pick Pockets 105. Her equipment is what she had upon leaving
the 1st dungeon
Leave for the Three Old Kegs!
Three Old Kegs 3rd floor ENCOUNTER Minsc and Dynaheir, they join!
Minsc starts with a Composite Longbow +1 (TH +2, damage +3), *Gauntlets of Weapon
Two-Handed Sword +1, Kiel's Helm (resists panic, boosts morale), Skill
Gauntlets of Weapon Skill (TH +1), Greenstone Amulet, Boots of
Grounding, Cloak Protection +1, Ring of Infravision, *Golden Girdle
80 (!) Arrows of Fire and +1's/+2's. This is regardless whether he
has equipped items or not when leaving the 1st dungeon.
Dynaheir starts with a Golden Girdle, Cloak of Protection +1,
Bracers of AC6, Sling +1, Shield Amulet (5 charges), Elixir of Health
(5), and 80 (!) Bullets of Fire and +1's/+2's.
This is regardless whether she has equipped items or not when
leaving the 1st dungeon.
Set their scripts! Set their spells!
© bg2mez 69
Now that we have a Thief that can Pick Pockets (PP)…
Safana use Stealth with Boots of Speed to quickly PP the Letter
from Lord Maxwell. With the Letter talk 1, 1, 2, 1, 2 and
threaten to make the Letter public or to tell the guards (4, 1, 1) for
400 xp, 300 gp and Boots of CHA +1, Cloak of Protection +1. Or,
take PP Lady Araya for the Cloak of Protection +1 and then show
the Letter to Corwin for 500 xp
To maximize: show the Letter to Corwin, then very quickly trigger the
dialog by having someone on e the 3rd floor walk into the room with
Lord Maxwell and threaten to call the guards for the Boots, 200 gp
and 300 xp more
North room: ENCOUNTER Lord Maxwell, Lady Araya and Lord
Therton: plotting against the Council. Wait until later to pickpocket
(PP), or talk now to threaten or fight; fight for Boots of CHA +1,
Cloak of Protection +1, Dagger +1, 800 gp, 90 xp
Or threaten to call the guards, talk 1, 2, 1 -> 200 gp, 300 xp, Boots;
or wait until a thief joins your party and Pick Pocket (PP) the Letter
that Lord Maxwell has. Talk to him and threaten to call the guards
for 600 gp, 300 xp, Cloak of Protection +1, and the Boots
Pretend you want in on the plot but report them to Corwin in the
common room. She and Inspector Tyle will meet you back upstairs.
Dupe the nobles into proceeding to conspire and the inspector will
have heard enough to arrest them. Reward: 750 xp, Emerald (from
Ducal Palace Main floor Talk to Skie Silvershield Q (Skie's grand plan) *Lon's Amulet
Talk to Jospil Q (war at home); he walks around but talk to him 70
Outside again for a Quarterstaff +1 with Lore +10, 250 xp
Iron Throne Basement
Ducal Palace Basement Talk to Entar, Liia, Eltan for background
Now or later: walk south-west in the basement, talk to Ophyllis; he
says to meet him outside the Palace
Can PP a Key, can unlock he door and then de-trap, unlock and loot
the chest just west of him for 1647 gp and some valuable gems and
a Laeral's Tear necklace
ENCOUNTER Korlasz: fight 2500 xp, buff with Remove Fear or
Resist Fear
Open north cell door -> ENCOUNTER Flaming Fist Officer Idianeali:
release him; talk to him again just outside his cell and fight for a
couple of hits and then eventually let him go and agree with his plan;
meet him in the basement of the Iron Throne, Q (false fist)
Leave by talking to Corwin, she informs which NPC's are located in
town for your recruitment drive
SE: ENCOUNTER Ophyllis: Q (missed fortune)
Finalize with Flaming Fist Officer for 250 gp, three (random) potions
and a (random) wand. Loot for 355 gp
Can PP Lon for an Amulet with permanent Bless
Enter the basement and quickly fight the Doppelganger for 700 xp
© bg2mez
Iron Throne Basement Enter the basement and quickly fight the Doppelganger again for
700 xp
Ducal Palace Outside Talk to Teera: Q (Marketplace lady) -> Senna (moneylender) across
from Sorcerous Sundries -> Teera 250 xp
Sorcerous Sundries ENCOUNTER Zelma: fight 500 xp, 89 gp
Talk to Tanorm -> Officer Vida Q (reinforcements) -> Flaming Fist
Headquarters Officer Jenks 1k xp -> Vida 500 xp and Potion of
Talk to Senna the moneylender
Elfsong Tavern Talk to Garrick and then Lady Alyth Elendra, give Potion of Agility
(lowers Minsc's AC by 2 for 3 hours)
Zaviak: gives Spectacles of Spectacle -> fight various elementals *Spectacles of Spectacle
from BG2 in several locations throughout the game. It is not *Amulet of Protection +1
necessary to kill Al-Alai, the fire elemental
Talk to Irina Q (cask of ruby wine); can PP the Helmet -> Get the
"spicy" wine from Ducal Palace basement, north-> finalize 500 xp
Loot chest (near Garrick) for 423 gp
Upstairs: open chests and cabinets for 482 gp; get Sack of
Provender (give to Garachen for a gem from Perron)
Sorcerous Sundries (Shoppe)
Main floor Talk to Halbazzer Drin: Q (potions), gives key to cabinets upstairs
Upstairs Get a the Empty Bottle Case from one of the cabinets; the potions
are yours to keep, as well as the scrolls in the bookcases ->
ENCOUNTER Yashna, Kag and Sethyl: fight 850 xp, 103 gp ->
finalize Halbazzer but MUST tell him about
the robbery now (talk 1, 2, 1) 750 xp, 50 gp, Amulet of Protection +1
(worth 1500 gp)
Kazzrem: vendor: buy a Potion Case and Scroll Case for
convenience. He will buy most items except ammo, wands, rings
and scrolls. Can sell items that have charges, such as Amulets, and
buy them back fully charged!
Halbazzer Drin: will buy everything except letters
Ducal Palace Outside Finalize with Teera 250 xp
Finalize with Garachen and Perren for a gem
Iron Throne Outside Riggs and Byzon: get Byzon's gold from Riggs, 300 xp
Main floor Talk to Rasaad 500 xp; talk to Lon and Berta, fight for 420 xp
Basement Loot for 355 gp if not yet done
Flaming Fist Outside Stick up for Rolff and Kieran Q (breaking curfew): fight 3x Flaming
Fist Enforcers 1260 xp, Pearl
Talk to Daulston 200 xp
© bg2mez 71
Flaming Fist Headquarters
Talk to Officer Jenks about reinforcements for Vida 1k xp.
Talk to Tiax 1k xp
Sorcerous SundrOieustside Finalize Vida 500 xp and a Potion of Clarity
Three Old Kegs Outside Talk to the pick pockets Asery, Golt and Lluis: fight 1100 xp, 73 gp
Main floor Daytime: talk to Robel -> Katheera (main floor) -> Robel 300 xp, 30
Can pick pocket Lucilla and Autinn for a specialty Mace +1 and *Scimitar +1
Scimitar +1; can fight with Autinn for the Scimitar but Lucilla does
not seem to give you the Mace if you fight with her
Can stop the fight (talk 4); then talk to Nantrin Bellowgryn: do not
accept gold reward of 200 gp -> REP+1
Talk 1 to Nantrin and then 3, 1, 1 to fight with Autinn: 2250 xp for
fighting the three Sailors! Reward: the Scimitar +1 and Nantrin will
give you a drink. Can quickly fight the remaining Sailors for another
750 xp each
Talk 1 to Nantrin and then 3, 4, 1, 1 to fight with Lucilla, 2250 xp for
fighting the three Sailors but the quest does not finalize properly
2nd floor Loot two Pearls in the painting on the wall.
3rd floor Talk Berahli. Turn them in to Corwin 750 xp, or let them off the hook
Sorcerous Sundries for taking your gold -> Battle Axe +1
Can PP Ithtyl Calantryn 3x for a Dagger +1, Oil of Speed *Oil of Speed
Loot the south cabinet for gems. *Wakizashi/Scimitar +1
Talk 2 to Delenda, she calls her guard, Bartleby; fight him for a *Oil of Speed
Wakizashi/Scimitar +1 made for Kensai's
Leave the Inn quickly before being caught by Ithtyl Calantryn or wait
for her to teleport in and PP her 3x again (no consequence)
Kazzrem: vendor: will buy most items except ammo, wands, rings
and scrolls. Can sell items that have charges, such as Amulets, and
buy them back fully charged!
Sell 2x Necklace of Missiles and a Shield Amulet; buy back
Halbazzer Drin: will buy everything except letters; will buy a Laeral's
Tear necklace for 3k gp!
Big sell: 92600 gp
Sell all gems, rings and necklaces for 27k gp!
Sell all potions for 33k gp!
Sell Wands for 2k gp
Sell armor and weapons brought from BGEE for 17k gp!
Sell cloaks and bracers for 10k gp!
Sell 2x Wand of Monster Summoning and buy back fully charged! 80000 gp
Buy some spells to scribe 78000 gp
Buy some ammo 75000 gp
© bg2mez 72
All items in your chest in Ducal Palace will be present in a chest in
camp on the next map. Items in Imoen's chest will not be present
Talk to Corwin about leaving, she says go upstairs to rest. Once you
go up stairs, a cut-scene occurs followed by a forced Rest:
ENCOUNTER Hooded Man, Imoen
Talk to Entar: he already knows of Skie's antics and rewards you D17:7 *Ring of Protection +2
with a ring for showing concern: a Ring of Protection +2
Can PP all outside of Ducal Palace. Can buy/sell all items, and the
merchant is present at the next map as well
Belegarm sells: Buckler of the Fist (AC +3, Immunity: Hold Person),
all arcane spells up to fifth level
Coast Way Crossing: Flaming Fist Encampment
Can PP all (again); Corwin can join (overpowered); Viconia can joins D20:19
(evil, though)
Glint (Cleric/Thief Gnome) joins! He has a belt for Thieves and will
have 50 thieving points to distribute upon leveling-up so drop
Safana for good!
Glint: level-up to Cleric 7 / Thief 8 giving 50 thieving points (PP 3-
>80), +13 hp->66; set spells to include 1x Lesser Restoration and 2x
Dispel; use Sling of Unerring Accuracy and +2 bullets
Equip Kiel's Helm and an Ankheg armor, or Fallorain's Plate +1 or
Shadow Armor +3
Spells to have at all times: 1x Lesser Restoration, 2-3x Dispel
Magic, 2-3x Remove Fear, 3x Fireball, 2-3x Protection from Fire
Walking to Brielle, on the north edge of camp -> Edwin is now
present in your camp (Flaming Fist Encampment)
Cabin Cabin, just NW of camp: loot *Mirror of ID Items
Talk to Takos: Q (heirlooms/treasures)
Talk to Herrod: Q (missing refugees), talk to Teleria (or PP)
N/NW Battle with agents of Caelar Argent 8500 xp MAIN *Potion of Invulnerability
Camp Ivan has a Long Sword +2; Twelve-Fingers has a Composite QUEST *Potion of Frost Giant
Longbow +1 (TH +2, damage +3) Strength
*Potion of Absorption
World map has been updated! *Large Shield +1 (x2)
*Ring of Protection +1
ENCOUNTER Ophyllis *Wand of the Heavens
Talk to Bence Duncan -> world map is updated *Wand of Frost
Map: Coalition Camp
Make sure you are finished with the Coast Way Crossing & Coast
Way Forest BEFORE you travel to the Troll Claw Forest, as the
destinations will become "unreachable" once you travel to the Troll
Claw Forest
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North Trap on ground near Spiders
East of camp Gauth: fight by using the Spectacles, 6k xp
Fight Teleria; use the scrolls of Stone to Flesh on the "statues".
Talk to Prin: Q (ancient menhirs)
Safana sing to the Stone, or hum to the stone to fight a Wraith, 2k
xp and a chance of becoming level-drained!
We only actually did the main quest for the most part, wanting to see
the effect SoD has on BG2
Troll Cave Woods Rasaad is here to join! Edwin and Viconia tag along as well D22:15 Protagonist has 201k xp
Camp Skie appears and knocks-out Bence Duncan! 76000 gp
Note: cannot back-track to the Coast Way Crossing or Coast Way
Forest, destination unreachable
NE ENCOUNTER Voghiln and Jaheira
Jaheira! She joins! She has 200k xp, Club** Quarterstaff* Sling*,
level her up from Fighter 6/Druid 6 (99k xp)
Starts with: Ankheg Plate Mail (AC1), Helm of Glory (AC+1, CHA+1),
Ring of Protection +1, Club +1, Sling +1, Quarterstaff +1, Medium
Shield +1, Boots of the North, Nymph Cloak (5 charges) and +1/+2
Level-up: +23 hp -> 71, TH down by 1 -> TH 8 (1 1/2) with Sling +1,
Gauntlets of Weapon Skill and Bullets +2; Iron Skins! Insect Plague!
Chaotic Commands! TH 5 (2) with Bard Song and Bless
Voghiln is also here, he joins! He is a Skald (Bard) Level 7 (70k xp),
STR 18, DEX 16, has 200k xp, Bastard Sword* Axe* Sword &
Shield* Two-Weapon Style* and 1 more pip upon leveling-up! Starts
with Bracers AC6, War Hammer +1
Level-up: +24 hp -> 80, 1 pip -> Longbow* (or Shortbow), with
Bracers of Archery, using The Deadshot +2 (TH +3, damage +2) or
Longbow +1 or Eagle Bow +2; Arrows +2; has Stoneskin! Can
achieve TH 5 (2) with Bard Song and Bless
Jaheira tells of a magic circle (portal) into Bridgefort, must find
activation stone, perhaps located in a ruined Temple of Bhaal in the
Talk to Lieutenant Otilda: Q (Irregulars/Half-Orcs). Locate the Half-
Orcs just to the east of camp; can get them to leave for 6k xp, 105
gp but it is better to convince them to join the cause against the
Talk to Rend (or Kava whom will give a quest to fetch some ale),
fight them for a few hits each to gain their trust; they are now not a
threat, finalize with Otilda 6k xp
Traps: due north of camp in grass
To Boareskyr Bridge Waylaid! In the cave: enter the pool for a big fight, drop includes *Sling +2
Sling +2 with damage +2 and +1 fire damage
Boareskyr Bridge ENCOUNTER Crusader Sargent Q (find Keherrem)
No need to enter the cave in the NE
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Forest of Wyrm's East: container has Bastard Sword +2 (for Voghiln) *Bastard Sword +2
Spiders Cave
Cave (NE) Fight Green Dragon Morentherene 16k xp, Greater Wyvern 2k xp QUEST
x2, raid dragon's hoard 3k gp + King's Tears, Star sapphire,
Emeralds and Diamonds (can raid this upper container without
having to fight!)
Next cave Greater Shadow can be fought using the Spectacles
Ruined Temple ENCOUNTER Madele: Q (find a way to free her/Ziatar)
Fight Ziatar 3k xp
Free Madele (killed her as she left 650 xp)
Free Keherrem
Fight Neothelid 20k xp
Trap on floor in next hallway
Fight Akanna and 2x Aerial Servants 22k xp
Optional: de-trap, unlock cabinet
Get potions in the next large room
De-trap floor in next hallway
ENCOUNTER Darskhelin (Mind Flayer!)
Fight Jhan Redmoons 2k xp
Boareskyr Bridge Finalize with Crusader Sargent 3k xp all! Cleric Lev 8
Talk to Kharm; he's looking for the Wardstone. Skald Lev 11
Once in the camp, talk to the mage in the NE; they attack en masse!
Drink a Potion of Invisibility and leave immediately for your base
Troll Cave Woods Return to Troll Cave Woods, get equipment for Khalid from your
chest, and then return to Boareskyr Bridge. Help has arrived at
Boareskyr Bridge! Cast Invisibility 10' Radius first, to be invisible
upon arrival
Major save game
Boareskyr Bridge Do some fighting with your allies
Khalid joins! He has 200k xp, Long Sword*** Longbow** Axe*
Drop Voghiln. Khalid level-up to Fighter 8, +13 hp -> 90.
At some point the drawbridge to the west (Bridge Fort) allows
passage to the small island
Vichand dies -> ENCOUNTER Flaming Fist Mage: says that MAIN REP+2
Corporal Duncan sent her. The wooden gate to the north is now QUEST
open, REP+2
Clear the enemies near the explosive barrels; return to the center
area of the camp -> ENCOUNTER Skie and Bence Duncan, and the
barrels are moved so that you can cross the bridge
Coalition Camp ENCOUNTER Marshall Nederlok
ENCOUNTER General Stonehand and Torsin de Lancie: Q Map updated: Dead
(Hephernaan) Man's Pass
Talk to Phossey Dugdeep; Explosives and Dousing Rod given;
decline the poisoning scheme MAIN
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Talk to Helvdor about the Bottle and he asks for a new pair of boots *Seal of Caelar
(Q) REP+1
Malden Col is the traitor! PP the Seal of Caelar, which allows you to
interact with Crusaders without fighting, such as outside of
Dragonspear Castle and the Underground River Entrance
Report to Nederlok to finalize for 6k xp, REP+1
Dead Man's Pass ENCOUNTER Refugees: fight wolves, REP+1, 112 gp REP+1
Dragonspear Castle Leave map at NW
Underground River Skie is here (south, east); talk to Nederlok at camp 800 gp D40:5
NE Show the Seal of Caelar to the Crusader Officer at the entranceway
to the courtyard of Dragonspear Castle
Mid map
Cave Talk to Sindret with the Troll Shackles, fight Troll 4k xp; or, let the
West Crusaders fight the Troll; when Troll is near death and laying on the
ground talk, talk to Sindret 4k xp and potions
Castle Basement
Talk to Jamven, hit once to free him; he gives a seed to be planted D41:1
Dead Man's Pass in some roots 78000 gp
ENCOUNTER Murs (Ogre; dialog triggers even though you are
invisible): offer to help, Q (source of the screams/Blind Albino), Q
(the lost)
Directions for tunnels: north, all the way west, and then north again
to a large gate to Dragonspear Castle
Talk to Cyclops with Seal of Caelar to pass without fighting
Spectacle finds new creature (Vidyadhar) near Floss and Gurgle
Place Barrel of Bwoosh! 4k xp all! Protagonist has 250k xp
Must continue the Accessing the Warrens quest now; to do so, talk MAIN
to the guard in NW regarding accessing the door QUEST
Place Potion of Fire Breath in the fire pit 6k xp; the main quest is
advanced and you can enter the basement of Dragonspear Castle
(no need to report back to camp at this time)
Talk to ogres in cages. Free them by clicking on their cage; finalize *Ring of Fire Protection
with Murs for a Ring of Fire Protection (40%), 6k xp (40%)
NW: talk to Rhonda about the Ogres guarding the lift
Take the Lift
Troll Pen Key
Use Stealth; free Daeros Dragonspear 18k xp
Can avoid fighting by using Stealth or Invisibility!
ENCOUNTER Waterdhavian Guard
Rest -> dream (Corwin and child)
ENCOUNTER Caelar Argent, Torsin de Lancie, Stonehand,
Nederlok, Hephernaan; we are going to war, 5k xp all!
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Camp ENCOUNTER Bence Duncan *Short Sword +3
Several fights. Full buff including Chaotic Commands for the final
Dragonspear Castle fight in middle pathway. Final battle drop includes Short Sword +3
Avernis ENCOUNTER Nederlok; Ophyllis is here, too, gives SS +2 with
protection against mind control
Get the Pantaloons, Fallorain's Plate +1, and the weapons/items in
your inventory for import into BG2EE; this is the last time your chest
of loot will be available to you
Bring 20 Potions of Healing
Bring if you have, or can buy a bit later:
Scrolls for all: Protection from Evil, Chaotic Commands, Protection
from Fire
Potions for all: Fire Resistance, Oil of Speed, Agility
Fighters: Potion of Invulnerability, Strength to 23 or 24, Heroism
Arriving nets 20k xp all!
Fight Ashatiel 5k xp, use Wand of Heavens and Dispel her
Walk to the castle main gate: ENCOUNTER Caelar
Talk with General de Lancie
Belegarm is here, with 10 more scrolls of Chaotic Commands and D42:20
Protection from Fire, and potions galore; buy Potions of Heal (need 74500 gp
about 20 for the final battle)
De-trap and unlock chests *Potion of Strom Giant
Strength (STR 24) x2
Enter the portal to Avernis 20k xp all!
Spectacles can find an Idylethia
Protagonist can fight solo: drink a lot of potions; use Protection from
Evil, Chaotic Commands, Resist Fear
ENCOUNTER Thrix: begin fight solo and then fall back to the party;
kill the Hellcat first
Use scrolls on all for final battle: Protection from Evil, Chaotic
Commands, Protection from Fire
Use spells: Resist Fear, Chant, Bless, Aid, Protection from Fire,
Resist Fire/Cold
Potions for all: Fire Resistance, Oil of Speed, Potion of Agility
Equip: Boots of Grounding, Boots of Avoidance
Fighters: potions of Invulnerability, Strength to 23 or 24, Heroism
Try to keep Fire Resistance at 90 or higher
Ended with 169x2 = 338k xp at Cleric 7 / Ranger 7 (did not level-up!)
Imported Final Save into BG2EE: had 161x2 = 322k xp!
If we were to play BG2 from here, we would roll-back the
protagonist's xp amount to 161k xp. Enjoy another round of BG2!!!
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