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9783852722474_Lost on the Coast

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Lost on the Coast

9783852722474_Lost on the Coast

e Lost on the Coast LOST ON THE COAST LEVEL e Lost on the Coast Rick & Steve Sampedro Illustrated by Cristiano Lissoni Rick & Steve Sampedro A baby whale is stranded on a beach after an oil spill. It is hot and the whale can’t breathe. Lots of people come to look but no-one knows what to do until Rawiri arrives. Rawiri has got a plan. Is his plan good enough to save the whale? In this book: Structures Animals Ecology 2 Jobs Nature Vocabulary Revised from lower levels Adverbs Asking questions Have to / must / need Imperatives Past simple What are you scared of…? Science class Geography class Use this book in e Dear reader, In this story a baby whale strands on the beach at Didgery Bay. Rawiri comes and helps the whale to get back into the sea and swim to his mother. He also helps you to say some new things in English! Now you can: • use the simple past; • give instructions; • say what you must and need to do. Happy reading! YOUNG READER - FORMATO CHIUSO 190X240H - ANTE 142X240 - LUNGHEZZA TOTALE 664 Level Cambridge Young Trinity Learners English Helbling Young Readers is an exciting series of graded readers for Primary Schools in 5 levels printed in an easy-to-read font.

2 Play Station 1 1 1 Listen and put into order. A One of my favourite hobbies is sailing. B I live in New Zealand in a little village on the coast. C My favourite subjects at school are science and ICT. D I love to read about animals and the sea. E Hi, my name is Rawiri. F Sometimes we also see whales. G I love sports, especially swimming and windsurfing. H At the weekend, I go sailing with my dad and some friends to see dolphins. 2 Match. 3 What are the names of the animals in your language? Tell a friend. crab dolphin jellyfish seagull seal shark whale A F G B C E D

3 2 4 Rawiri is afraid of some sea animals. Listen and tick (4) or . 5 Write. Rawiri is afraid of ………........................................………… , ……….................................………… and ……….................................………… He likes ……….................................………… , ……….................................………… , ……….................................………… and ……….................................………… . 6 What sea animals are you afraid of? Tell a friend. Yes, I am! Are you afraid of jellyfish? A E B F C G D

4 Play Station 1 3 7 Listen and say the chant. Then look, read, match and colour the frames. What’s that on the beach? What’s that on the beach? Look! Look! It’s a whale! Look! Look! It’s a whale! When did it arrive? When did it arrive? Last night on the tide. Last night on the tide Now who is helping? Now who is helping? Everyone is helping. Everyone is helping. Where’s the whale now? Where’s the whale now? In the water, with its mother. In the water, with its mother. B A B D C

5 10 Read the questions. Tell a friend the correct answer. A Which witch is the white witch? B How many whales are on the coast of Wales? C Where do you wear wellingtons? 4 8 Listen and say. A Which witch is the white witch? B How many whales are on the coast of Wales? C Where do you wear wellingtons? 9 Say the sentences in Exercise 8 with a friend. How quick are you? How quick is your friend? A Me: ………......................... seconds B My friend: ………......................... seconds

6 5 Humpback whales are very big. Adults can be 16 metres long and weigh up to 35,000 kilos! And even babies are very big.

They swim long distances looking for food and warm seas. They often swim together in a group called a pod. 7 What are whales? Tick (4). fish mammals reptiles


9 Last week, there was an oil spill and a baby whale, or calf, nearly died. The water was dirty and he swam away from the other whales and got lost. The calf tried to find his mother but he couldn’t see anything. He was very tired so he let the water carry him. He was afraid. Draw lines between the animals and the babies. dog • • kitten bird • • puppy cat • • chick

10 The next morning, the calf stranded on a beach in Didgery Bay. He couldn’t breathe and he was too hot. Look at the picture. Find • a starfish • a shell • a crab • some seaweed.


12 Lots of people came to see the stranded whale. They were all very excited and some people took photographs with their cameras. They all looked, but nobody did anything.

13 Look at the flag . Where is Didgery Bay? Tick (4). Australia The United Kingdom New Zealand South Africa

14 Rawiri loved whales. He loved to read books and watch films about these amazing creatures. He wanted to work with animals when he grew up.

15 Rawiri walked over to the whale and touched him gently. The calf’s skin was covered in a layer of oil. All the other people looked. They looked and they took photographs. What do you want to do when you grow up? Tick (4). I want to work with people. I want to work with animals. I want to work on my own.

16 Suddenly, Rawiri turned to the crowd and shouted: ‘Come on! We must help the whale. It’s dying!’ Some people from the crowd answered: ‘It’s too big! What can we do?’ Some adults smiled. They thought Rawiri was just an idealistic kid.

17 How can they help the whale? Talk in groups.

18 But Rawiri had a plan. ‘We need buckets and blankets to keep the whale wet!’ he said. People started to help him. Someone got blankets and buckets. They covered the whale with the blankets and filled the buckets with water. Then they poured the water over the blankets that covered the whale. Lots of people were helping now.

19 Think. Why do they need to keep the whale wet?

20 But Rawiri knew that this wasn’t enough. They had to turn the calf around and push him back into the sea. Rawiri was only twelve but everybody listened to him. ‘A tractor! Bring a tractor and some strong ropes!’ he said.

21 Soon, an old orange tractor pulled the whale calf towards the sea while everybody helped to turn him around. Think. Who do you listen to? Tick (4). your parents your brother or sister your friend your teacher


23 Finally, the whale could swim back to his mother and the rest of his pod. They were waiting for him a few miles off the coast. Soon they were together and they could continue their journey to Patagonia, thousands of miles from Didgery Bay. Humpback whales can live for 60 years and they travel up to 25,000 kilometres a year. How many kilometres does a whale travel in: 5 years? ................................................................. an average life? .................................................................

24 Look at the picture. Where did the oil come from?

25 On the beach, everybody celebrated. They all hugged Rawiri and congratulated him. Rawiri smiled. He felt like a Greenpeace hero. But Rawiri wasn’t happy. Now he wanted to know about the oil on the whale’s skin. He wanted to know who caused the problem. He wanted to stop the problem from happening again.

26 Play Station 2 1 Look, read and put in the right order. Many people took photographs of the whale. They poured water on the whale. A young whale stranded on a beach. A pod of whales swam in the sea. Then a tractor pulled the whale into the sea. Rawiri knew how to save the whale. 2 Look and tell the story to a friend.

27 3 Complete the sentences with the correct verbs. A Last week there …….................…… an oil spill. B A whale calf …….................…… on a beach. C Lots of people …….................…… to see the whale. D Nobody …….................…… anything to help. E A boy called Rawiri …….................…… a plan to save the whale. F People …….................…… him to keep the whale wet. G Then a tractor ……...............…… the whale into the sea. H Rawiri …….................…… to know who caused the problem. 4 Find 18 words from the story (DG). The remaining letters spell the name of a famous book about a whale. What do the remaining letters spell? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ came did had helped pulled stranded wanted was D I S T A N C E S M W H A L E S M B O A A S T R A N D E D M T J C R O W D A B M C O H E R O B C A A H U Y P O D D H Y L S R B L A N K E T S K N O W S P I L L I I E P L A N O I L C N Y K T R A C T O R

28 Play Station 2 6 5 Listen and choose. A Where was the party? B What did Rawiri get? C What does Rawiri want to do? D Where did the oil come from? 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 Didgery Bay Primary School Didgery Bay Public Library

29 7 6 Match the animals to their sizes. Listen and check. 7 Write the names of the animals under the description. SMALL AVERAGE BIG HUGE 8 Do a survey in class. Measure your height. Class Height Survey …………................................................................................…… is the tallest. …………..........................................................................…… is the smallest. I am taller than …………......................................................................… . I am smaller than ………….............................................................…… . 2 metres 3.5 metres 16 metres 15 centimetres A ..................................... B ..................................... C ..................................... D ..................................... A .......................................... B .......................................... C .......................................... D ..........................................

30 Play Station 2 9 Read and match the questions and answers. 10 Think of another question. Ask and answer with a friend. Where did you learn about whales? I read about whales in books and magazines. What do you want to be when you grow up? questions answers To keep its skin wet and make it cool. What is your name? I’m happy that the whale is safe. But I want to find out why this happened. Why did you pour water on the whale? I want to work with animals, so maybe a vet. How do you feel now? Rawiri Tamati. A B C D E

31 teacher doctor footballer actor photographer scientist 11 What do you want to be when you grow up? Ask three friends. 12 Read then finish the report. Use Rawiri’s notes. A group of whales swam in the ocean. Suddenly, they entered a huge black patch. It was oil! After a while, the whales felt confused. One of them, a calf, swam away from the others… currents carry whale to coast whale in danger people looked I had an idea! everyone helped Calf saved!

Make a compass. Compass Play Station Project 32 You need: A sewing needle (7-8 cm long) A small magnet A piece of cork A small glass A pair of scissors (to cut the cork) 1 Move the magnet over the needle about 10 times. Always move it in the same direction. This way the needle becomes a magnet, too. 3 Ask an adult to push the needle through the cork. Stop when there is the same length of needle on each side. 5 One end of the needle is pointing to the North Pole, the other end is pointing to the South Pole. 4 Gently place the compass onto the water. 2 Cut a small piece of cork. Go to to download this page.

HL-YR_HARRY - FORMATO CHIUSO 190X240H - ANTE 142X240 - LUNGHEZZA TOTALE 664 Picture Dictionary Picture Dictionary Lost on the Coast Lost on the Coast When you see me do the activity. to swim whale dirty to navigate stranded to touch beach crowd blankets bucket to pour ropes tractor to celebrate to hug oil spill YOUNG READER - FORMATO CHIUSO 190X240H - ANTE 142X240 - LUNGHEZZA TOTALE 664 e e Lost on the Coast By Rick & Steve Sampedro ISBN 978-3-99089-455-2 © HELBLING LANGUAGES 2021 Original edition first published 2010 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers. Series editor Maria Cleary Story and activities by Maria Cleary Illustrated by Cristiano Lissoni Design and layout by BNC Printed by Athesia, Italy Typeset using leggimi! an open type font specially developed to promote easy reading. Copyright Sinnos. Helbling Young Readers Scratch here for your CODE. Go to and enter your code to listen to the story and play the games! Big Book for shared reading also available For further in formati on on a ll c u r rent an d u p c oming Yo u n g Re ade r s tit l e s p leas e visit our websi t e hel bli ng. com/e n g lis h . F ree m a teri als for t e ache r s (flas h c a rds, teacher ’s guides, w orksheets a nd p rojects) a re available in t h e D own loads section on . LEVEL a Can I Play? The Beach The Big Fire The Big Wave The Hare and the Tortoise The Three Goats LEVEL c Freddy the Frog Prince Peach Boy Sam and the Sunflower Seeds The Fisherman and his Wife The Sun is Broken The Thirsty Tree LEVEL e Beauty and the Beast Food for the Winter Lola in the Land of Fire Lost on the Coast Lusmore and the Fairies Upside Down LEVEL b A Christmas Present for Barney Bunny Dad for Sale Little Red Riding Hood The Dark in the Box The Kite The Leopard and the Monkey LEVEL d Fat Cat’s Busy Day Henry Harris Hates Haitches Moony Goes on Holiday Skater Boy Theseus and the Minotaur The Selfish Giant

e Lost on the Coast LOST ON THE COAST LEVEL e Lost on the Coast Rick & Steve Sampedro Illustrated by Cristiano Lissoni Rick & Steve Sampedro A baby whale is stranded on a beach after an oil spill. It is hot and the whale can’t breathe. Lots of people come to look but no-one knows what to do until Rawiri arrives. Rawiri has got a plan. Is his plan good enough to save the whale? In this book: Structures Animals Ecology 2 Jobs Nature Vocabulary Revised from lower levels Adverbs Asking questions Have to / must / need Imperatives Past simple What are you scared of…? Science class Geography class Use this book in e Dear reader, In this story a baby whale strands on the beach at Didgery Bay. Rawiri comes and helps the whale to get back into the sea and swim to his mother. He also helps you to say some new things in English! Now you can: • use the simple past; • give instructions; • say what you must and need to do. Happy reading! YOUNG READER - FORMATO CHIUSO 190X240H - ANTE 142X240 - LUNGHEZZA TOTALE 664 Level Cambridge Young Trinity Learners English Helbling Young Readers is an exciting series of graded readers for Primary Schools in 5 levels printed in an easy-to-read font.

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