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Published by Angelina Kostova, 2023-09-12 00:41:31

THINK_l2 final test

THINK_l2 final test

Name Class Date Th ink Level 2 Final Test page 1 of 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 FINAL TEST VOCABULARY 1 Complete the sentences with the words in the list. Th ere are three extra words. cheerful | coverage | appointment | forwards | hired | release | sitcom | smog 1 My brother made an to see the doctor last week. 2 Oh no! I haven’t got any network and I can’t go online. 3 She drove and parked the car in the last parking space. 4 He’s going to his new single this week – I can’t wait to hear it! 5 Have you a DJ for the party yet? 5 2 Correct the sentences by changing the underlined word. 1 Danny always loves to notice the rules so he’s always gett ing into trouble. 2 My mum was really intelligent when she had her operation; she said she was ok but I knew she was worried. 3 She’s found a new job. Th at’s why she gave in her reuse this week. 4 He break out as a waiter but now he manages the restaurant. 5 It’s important to brave plastic bags to protect the environment. 5 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the list. do | get | have | make | take 1 You should more exercise, if you want to feel bett er. 2 I’m going some research as part of my science project. 3 We my parents really angry when we got back at 2am and woke them up. 4 She her brother into trouble when she told her parents he hadn’t gone to school. 5 Th ey fun at the party but it’s going to take them a long time to tidy up. 5 4 Choose the correct option: A, B or C. 1 I was late to training because I had the bus. A lost B missed C found 2 You’d bett er her advice if you want to get the job. A give B advise C follow 3 You need to in the right password to access your account. A activate B key C post 4 I wasn’t sure but he me to stay on the team because they needed me. A persuaded B warned C picked 5 Th ey don’t want to get married they’ve fi nished university and found good jobs. A when B as soon as C until 5

Think Level 2 Final Test page 2 of 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 GRAMMAR 5 Match the sentence halves. 1 He’s not as 2 They played better than us but some 3 You’ve met her before, 4 I don’t really like pop music. 5 It’s far 5 6 Circle the correct options. 1 I won’t go to the doctor’s, unless you come / don’t come with me. 2 I’d buy a plane and learn to fly if I win / won the lottery. 3 I wish it were / wasn’t the last day of the holiday – I’ve had lots of fun. 4 If he’d got there five minutes earlier, he wouldn’t have missed / miss his flight. 5 We might will have / have dinner at a restaurant, if dad doesn’t want to cook tonight. 5 7 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the list. There are three extra verbs. arrive | call | leave | study | use | borrow | destroy | spend 1 The village was by the tsunami. 2 You should him to say sorry because he’s really upset. 3 Dan’s train is at Paddington at 3.30pm today. 4 When my mum was a child she used to all her money on comics. 5 The teacher told us hard for the exam. 5 8 Choose the correct option: A, B or C. 1 is my favourite subject – I love finding out how things work. A The Science B Science C A Science 2 She worked than her workmates so she was promoted. A hard B hardly C harder 3 In my primary school we sing songs, paint and we didn’t have any homework! A use to B used to C didn’t used 4 My dad us that he was going to change his job. A told B said C expected 5 We for hours when we reached the top of the mountain. A climbed B were climbing C had been climbing 5 a haven’t you? b Really? Neither do I. I prefer indie. c of them are professionals. d hotter today than it was yesterday. e tall as Sid but he’s a bit older than me.

Th ink Level 2 Final Test page 3 of 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 READING 9 Read the article. Th en complete the gaps 1–5 with the phrases A–H. Th ere are three extra phrases. A Kings were law makers. B Th ese ancient laws were lost during the Dark Ages. C Draco was a law giver and wrote D Th ree thousand years ago the Ancient Egyptians 10 10 Decide if the sentences are T (true) or F (false). 1 Laws were fi rst made in Europe. 2 Ur-nammu was a ruler in Iraq. 3 Laws in Ancient Egypt were not writt en down. 4 In Greece they believed it was good to have an external person to judge cases. 5 Th e Dark Ages were a time of tolerance. 6 Draco was a Greek king. 7 Politicians didn’t make the laws in Ancient Greece. 8 Indian laws were made to help people from diff erent cultures live together. 9 Britain changed the Ancient Indian laws. 10 Laws were useful in the past, but we don’t need them in modern society. 20 Read the article. Th en complete the gaps 1–5 with the phrases A–H. Th ere are three extra phrases. Living by the rules Why do we have so many laws and rules in society? We have to do what we’re told at home, school, work and in the street. So where do our laws come from? 1 had a civil code to control their citizens. People think it was recorded in 12 books. These rules were based on the idea of tradition, rhetoric (the ability to speak in public and persuade an audience) equality and justice. Later, Ur-nammu who ruled Sumer (which is in Iraq) created the fi rst law code with both crimes and punishments, with laws based on conditional sentences ‘If someone …, then they will be…’. Then in 1760 BC, the law was written on stones that everyone could see. One of the stones was found in the 19th century by British archaeologists who translated the laws into modern languages. 2 holy law, human decree (what people say should happen) and custom (what is usually done). The law was used to prevent conff ict between Greek states (when Greece was made of different city states) and problems between citizens of the same state. They believed that having an external person to judge the cases meant that problems were solved more easily. 3 At this time if a member of your family was killed, you killed a member of the murderer’s family and this often started a blood feud and lots of people were killed. The law helped prevent this by using an external person to look at the facts and make a fair decision that everyone would accept. 4 the fi rst known written law of Ancient Greece in the seventh century B.C. He decided that the punishment for murder would be exile - when the murderer left the country forever. Law givers were important because they were not kings or politicians but normal people. This made them more impartial and ensured equality and fairness. 5 religious tolerance and pluralism (the belief that many different people can live together) and were written in a text called ‘Manusmriti’ around 100 B.C. This inff uenced societies across south-east Asia but was replaced by common law during the British Empire. In conclusion, in any modern, multicultural society, we need to make sure that everyone agrees what is right and wrong. If we didn’t have laws, there would be many more social problems and society would not function. Rules and laws might be boring but they can make the difference between peace and chaos. E Th e fi rst law came from F Th e Ancient Greeks used to talk about G Multiculturalism requires more laws H In Ancient India the fi rst laws were based on the ideas of

Think Level 2 Final Test page 4 of 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 WRITING 11 Complete the sentences for you. 1 I’ve just . 2 I’m much better at than . 3 You’d better if you want to . 4 People might in a hundred years’ time 5 If I had known I would . 10 12 Write an essay about one of the following subjects (100 – 120 words): • Living in a modern society requires everyone to play by the rules • Doing sport is the best medicine • Everyone can make a difference to the environment You can use the following structure to help you plan the essay: 1 A general introduction to the subject 2 Agree with the statement with examples 3 Write about other arguments which don’t agree with the statement and give examples to support them 4 Write a conclusion with your opinion TOTAL SCORE 100 20

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