IITT''SS HHEERREE!! WWee,rree sskkiippppiinngg oouutt ooff
wwoorrkkITee'SaarrHllyyE,,RssEtta!ayWyiinneggreoouustktipllaapttienegaaonnuddt of
ssooaakkiwinngogrukuppeaeervvlyee,rrsyytabbyiittinogoffosusutummlatmmeeearrndwwee ccaann!!
soaking up every bit of summer we can!
BBeeIIAnAnBeYYTTIooAnoouuuuYrTrrrooiisusutrtrist FFSuSuTFTnunuShumhmTIrnuIrnnhomomIrunTuTomegeghuhTrhreehgehoroh2e2uSouS002tuStu10u18t8nu1n8n
Go To
For More
During these fun filled Summer
months who has time to be sick?
At Zoomy we’re there for you when
you need a doctor NOW, make the
smart choice.
• No appointment
• Most insurances accepted
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“Your time is valuable, so is your Health.
Now you don’t have to sacrifice either.”
Southside Westside Northside
3203 - 80TH ST. 6121 GREENBAY RD. 2801 - 14TH PL.
(In front of Festival Foods) (Located in Piggly Wiggly)
(Suite 150)
262-764-6070 • Zoomycare.com SF2018
Page 2 SUMMER FEVER 2018 View online at www.hap2it.com
Mon. - Fri. 9:00am-5:00pm Sat. & Sun. 9:30am-4:00pm Ron Lester
head of the herd
31807 60th Street • Salem, WI • 847-343-8240
A short, beautiful drive in the country leads you to
Lester’s Bison Farm.
Our mission is to offer the BEST PRODUCT for
After retiring from the United States Marine
Corp, Ron Lester combined his legendary USMC
skills and his passion for the American Bison into a
way of life on his ranch.
Ron established his first herd of Bison in 1973 and
to this day, the Bison roam on over 160 acres of Begin your journey to
Health & Happiness
beautiful green Wisconsin Pastures.
by getting back
The herd is completely hormone free and to real food
grass fed.
What separates Lester’s Bison Farm from the rest?
Quality! We proudly offer Supreme Bison, High End
Pork, Chicken, Seafood, Young Goose, Duck, BISON PRODUCTS
Alligator, Elk, Venison, and Beef. Our products are 95% Lean Ground Bison
Steaks • Sausage • Jerky
all grass-fed, all free range, and all are of higher Bison Ribs • Bison Roast
quality than that sold in top end restaurants. We
also offer free range Brown and Rainbow Eggs from
local farmers and hand crafted award winning
Wisconsin Cheeses and more. We go the extra mile SPECIALTY MEAT
to ensure top of the line products for our customers
at the best prices. COUPON
www.lestersbisonfarm.com EGGS
Ask us about CBD Oil!
View online at www.hap2it.com SUMMER FEVER 2018 Page 3
$20 Summer...
It’s Finally Here!
Summertime is here once again, which means that in
Any Hair Service addition to beautiful Wisconsin weather, residents can look
forward to a plethora of fun-filled events being staged across
Mention “New Look for Summer” When Making Appointment Kenosha County. Summer Fever is your go-to reference for
New Guests. Expires Labor Day. what’s happening in Kenosha this summer. We would like to
extend a heartfelt thanks to the Kenosha Convention & Visitors
‘14 ‘15 ‘16 ‘17 Bureau, whose comprehensive event list made this publication
possible. For the most up-to-date information, be sure to visit
them at www.visitkenosha.com.
Ongoing events............................. 6-16
June events................................ 20-42
Alfresco dining............................ 36-37
Museums..................................... 40-41
July events................................. 42-62
Kids’ events................................ 44-45
Golf.................................................. 54
Parks................................................ 58
August events..............................62-87
September events.......................87-88
3519-52nd Street • Kenosha,WI
The Best Haircut Of Your Life
Or Your Money Back!
We Love Them Tiny & Tall, Scales Feathers Fur & All!
Ask us about...
• Grooming • Dog Training
• Doggie Daycare • Pick-Up & Delivery
We offer a variety of lodging options including Themed Suites, Senior
Suites, Cat Cottages & a Special area for reptiles & birds.
Plus, many activities to keep them busy throughout the day.
12005 Bristol Rd. Bristol, WI (Hwy 45) SF2018
View online at www.hap2it.com SUMMER FEVER 2018 Page 5
Kenosha HarborMarket Anderson Arts Center Exhibitions
Saturdays Now - October 13th, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. June 10th - August 4th: A Lineup of Rogues
56th St. & 2nd Ave. • (262) 914-1252 August 26th - October 12th: Juried Photography Show
A bustling European-style mixed market near Kenosha’s lake- Anderson Arts Center, 121 66th St., Kenosha
front. Summer finds 100+ vendors of organic produce, meats, (262) 653-0481, open Tues. - Sun. 1 - 4 p.m.
cheeses, artisan bakery goods, arts and crafts, prepared foods, Admission is free to this art gallery located inside a historic
entertainment, chef demos, and more - a great place to start off French Tudor mansion on the Lake Michigan shore. Visit
your Saturday. Located on 2nd Avenue, between 54th and 56th www.andersonartscenter.com for more information.
Streets, along 56th Street and at the adjacent Place de Douai.
New this year: Individuals and families who are part of the Great Lakes Dragaway Racing
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program can get up to $20 in
matching funds per EBT card per market day to spend. Tokens Open Tuesday - Sunday. Closed every Monday,
can be purchased in $2 increments at the Friends of the Market except Memorial Day and Labor Day.
booth using their EBT cards. These tokens can be used like cash Great Lakes Dragaway, 18411 1st St., Union Grove
at approved vendor stands that supply foods for the household to (262) 878-3783
consume at home such as breads, cereal, fruits and vegetables, 63 years going strong! Great Lakes Dragaway is the oldest con-
meats, fish and poultry, dairy products, garden seeds that pro- tinuously operating drag racing facility in the world. Open April
duce food, and more. through November. Race your vehicle or watch others. High
horsepower shows every week! Visit www.greatlakesdrag
Wilmot Racing away.com for the most up-to-date schedule.
Every Saturday, April 28th – September 15th Alpaca Art Events
Gates open at 5 p.m. Races start at 6:45 p.m.
Kenosha County Fairgrounds June 1st & 22nd, July 6th & 27th,
30820 111th St., Wilmot • (262) 862-2090 Aug. 3rd & 24th, Sept. 7th & 28th
Come out for an evening of high-speed fun! Visit their website at 4323 7th Ave. • (262) 657-4444
www.wilmotraceway.com for a full schedule of events. Every First Friday of the month, enjoy Family Night at Alpaca Art
(5 - 9 p.m.). Half off studio fees for parents and kids painting on
Aquanut Water Shows this night. Every 4th Friday of the month, enjoy Ladies’ Night at
Alpaca Art (7 - 11 p.m.). Half off studio fees for ladies painting on
Most Wednesdays and Saturdays. Now - September 1st, 6 p.m. these nights. Reservations required. Stop in and see their beauti-
Lance Park, 55 Lance Drive, Twin Lakes • (262) 877-2348 ful new location!
Family focused choreographed Water Ski Show Team performs
on Lake Mary. Free admission and free parking. Visit Wilmot Flea Market
www.aquanutwatershows.com for additional dates, and appear-
ances at local festivals. No show on July 21st and August 11th. Every Sunday (except during the fair, August 12th and 19th)
Kenosha County Fairgrounds, 30820 111th St., Wilmot
Kenosha Pops Concert (262) 716-5716 • Sundays, 7 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Enjoy this weekly outdoor flea market, a family-friendly environ-
Wednesdays, June 13th - August 8th, 7 p.m. ment and a service to our community, as well as a vibrant market-
Sesquicentennial Bandshell, 3601 7th Ave., Kenosha place for people to sell their wares. Offering a wide variety of
(262) 653-4080 antique, tool, craft, produce, and other miscellaneous vendors in
This is the 96th season for the Kenosha Pops Concert Band. attendance each week. Concessions are also available.
Enjoy live musical entertainment at Kenosha's lakefront. Bring Admission is $2 for adults/ $1 for seniors and kids 6-12. Visit
your lawn chairs and a cooler or purchase refreshments from the www.wilmotmountainfleamarket.com for more, including vendor
Friends of the Pops. Concerts are free. information.
Weekly Coffee Bike Ride
Saturdays, 8 a.m.
Harborside Common Grounds, 5159 6th Ave., (262) 652-5111
The Bike Shop at Southport Rigging
takes group rides from Harborside
Common Grounds (5159 - 6th Ave.) in
Kenosha to a coffee shop in Zion, IL
every Saturday morning. It is a weekly
26 mile ride, going until it snows in
November. Weather permitting. The
ride is mostly flat and suitable for all
levels of riders. No sign up necessary,
just show up. If you can't make it one
week, feel free to come the next.
ongoing events
more on page 8
Page 6 SUMMER FEVER 2018 View online at www.hap2it.com
Imported Specialty Groceries • Full Service Deli
Fine Wine & Liquors • Hand Rolled Cigars
Our Outdoor Grill Try Our Grilled
Panini Sandwich!
Featuring “OUR FAMOUS”
Homemade Italian Sausage, ‘16
Usinger’s Brats, Usinger’s Polish
Sausage, All Beef Chicago Style Voted Best Deli
Hot Dogs and 13 different
Paninis. Don’t forget to top off We have the Most Delicious
your sandwich with giardiniera,
peppers, kraut, onions, tomatoes,
sweet peppers, pepper relish,
pickle relish, or eggplant. In
addition, there is a wonderful
selection of sodas, chips, salads,
fruits and desserts!
Kenosha’s Finest Grilled Sandwiches in Kenosha!
Sandwich • Pastrami Reuben • Ralph’s Special – Cappicola
Free Fresh Sliced Onions or • Gorgonzola Roast Beef • Tuscany - Proscuitto
Tomatoes or both with Whole Muffolotta
• Three Cheese Portbella • Grilled Sausage & Spinach
Call Ahead
• Grilled Milano - Eggplant • Southwest Chicken
All Fresh Ingredients, Mortadella, Ham,
Capicollo, Salami. Pepperoni, Provolone Cheese, • Grilled Roma - Fresh Mozzarella • Wild Mushroom Chicken
Lettuce, Mild Peppers, Vinegar & Oil Dressing
• Cutlet Delight - Pork Cutlet • Grilled Italiano - Salami &
12” 9” 7” SLICE $599• Campagnola - Chicken Pepperoni Serving
15 9 6$ 99 $ 99 $ 99 3$ 99 CYHOOUIRCE each Hot!-
*All Sandwiches with Pesto Contain Nuts in
Homemade Italian Sliced Perfect for Your
Party or Event!
Roast Beef
FREE Au Jus - You pay Only for BEEF!
Huge Selection
Over 1000 Varieties Of Beer To Choose from!
ONLY ONE LOCATION 3203 52nd ST. (Hwy. 158) • (262)657-9001 – Kenosha --SF2018
Stock Bike Racing
Mondays, June 11th – August 20th (excluding July 2nd), 6 p.m.
Washington Park Velodrome
1821 Washington Rd. • (262) 344-0488
This is the introduction to track bike racing. Riders as young as three
years old bring their stock bike and a helmet and give track racing a
try. Generally geared to younger riders, adults are also welcome to
race. Open to all ages. Cost: $5 registration first time racing and $3
per night to race. Helmet must be worn at all times while riding a
Tuesday Night Races
Tuesdays, now – August 28th, 7 p.m.
Washington Park Velodrome
1821 Washington Rd. • (262) 653-4080
This is the premier night of racing at the velodrome. Bike racers from
around the Midwest come to compete in various endurance and
sprint events with speeds reaching 35-40 mph in these exciting
races. Information is subject to change due to weather or reschedul-
ing. Visit www.kenoshavelodrome.com for full schedule.
We can help. 97 years of experience Red Witch Tall Ship
has allowed us to confidently say
that we are the very best in the 54th St. & Fifth Ave. • (312) 469-0233
Take to the high seas this summer with no sailing experience neces-
manufacturing of custom orthotics. sary! Relax with a drink and let the pros point up the mainsail lee-
If you’re experiencing foot pain, we ward. The Red Witch docks on the Kenosha Harbor South Seawall,
just steps from downtown Kenosha museums, parks, and more. They
understand that your time is offer public sails weekdays and weekends, and private sails are
precious. Our expert knowledge on available. Visit their website, www.redwitch.com and book your sail
the biomechanics of feet,
high-quality footwear, and custom Durkee Mansion Open Tours
orthotics allows us to provide you
1st and 3rd Saturdays & Sundays, 1:30 - 4 p.m.
with real solutions. Call today to Durkee Mansion, 6501 3rd Ave., Kenosha • (262) 925-8040
schedule an appointment for a free The Durkee Mansion, one of Kenosha’s unique historical landmarks,
consultation with one of our Certified is a cream brick Italianate, Victorian style home located among the
Kemper Center properties on the lakefront. The public is invited to
Pedorthists or visit the link to tour the home through October, when it will then close to prepare for
schedule your appointment online: the holiday season. Recently elegantly redecorated in the 1860’s
period, this home, built for Charles Durkee, features the largest sus-
https://goo.gl/dTsWgZ pension stairway in the state, as well as unique fireplaces in the 2nd
floor bedrooms and parquet floors and louvered windows. Free
6821 39th Avenue • Kenosha, WI • 262.657.9142 admission; volunteers and donations are always appreciated.
Mon - Tues - Wed - Fri 9:30 - 5:30, Thurs 9:30 - 7:00, Sat 9:30 - 4:30, Closed Sundays ongoing events
Page 8 SUMMER FEVER 2018 more on page 11
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BabJieusne& 9Be&r1r0iesBDeeIrnlirctieeiorsauacsvtbaweiliarthrbylbetahfbeoymr paeundrimcfohaoaldsss.e.
July 30 - Aug. 3
Farm Adventure
For Week
Call for of all ages.
Aug. 11 & 12
Sweet Corn FestivalHarSveepstt. F15es&t1i6valSdwGeemueeotssct.ocFrhnuenhfsafo.rrCvetohsoetktkiinmidges.!
Kick off to the Fall season
pumpkin farm fun!
7150 18th St., Kenosha
www.smithpumpkinfarm.com SF2018
View online at www.hap2it.com SUMMER FEVER 2018 Page 9
But choose a rewarding career & you’ll SF2018
never have to work a day in your life.
Join our successful team of achievers!
We're looking for a select number of motivated individuals who
want to positively change their lives forever.
"Your Success is Our Success"
Serving Greater Chicagolaanndd
and SE Wisconsin
7520 39th Ave Kenosha
Page 10 SUMMER FEVER 2018 View online at www.hap2it.com
Kenosha Kingfish Baseball After You Get
Your Best Price,
Now – August 11th Present This Ad For
Historic Simmons Field, 7817 Sheridan Rd. An Additional
(262) 653-0900 • Selected days, various times
The Kenosha Kingfish returns with 36 regu- $200 OFF
lar season home games at Historic
Simmons Field. Some guests this season A New Or Used Vehicle Sale
include retired MLB pitcher Lee Smith,
wrestler Booker T, 90's TV star Dennis Offer good through August 31, 2018
Haskins (Mr. Belding on "Saved By the
Bell"), as well as princess and Star Wars WE’RE YOUR HOME TOWN CHEVY
themed nights! Tickets and merchandise for DEALER THAT BEATS BIG CITY PRICES!
the Kenosha Kingfish are on sale now. For more information on
Meijer 7-game packs, season or group tickets, visit kingfishbase- CHECK US OUT!
ball.com. The Kingfish Ticket Office is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
Monday through Friday at Simmons Field. ROGER PALMEN CHEVROLET...
Southport Light Station Museum Tours
Thursdays - Saturdays, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Sundays, Noon - 4 p.m. ✔PARTS ✔SERVICE
Southport Light Station Museum
5117 4th Ave. • (262) 654-5770 BIG ENOUGH TO SERVE YOU...
Visit the lighthouse and maritime museum, inside the keeper's house SMALL ENOUGH TO REMEMBER YOU!
and climb the 1866 Southport Lighthouse. The tower stands 55 feet
above the lighthouse grounds - imagine yourself as a lighthouse SF2017
keeper in the early days of our fine city. Free admission to the keep-
er’s house. Lighthouse climb costs $10 adults / $5 children 8-12
years old. Must be 8 or older to climb.
Bristol Renaissance Faire
Saturdays and Sundays plus Labor Day, July 7th - Sept. 3rd
Bristol Renaissance Faire, 12550 120th Avenue
(847) 395-7773 • 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Taking its framework from the summer
day in 1574 when Her Majesty Queen
Elizabeth visited the English hamlet of
Bristol, the Bristol Renaissance Faire is
located on 30 wooded acres. The Faire
promises patrons an unparalleled experi-
ence, filled with all the first-rate revelry
Faire-goers have come to expect. Come
partake in a wide array of 16th century
arts, games, food, music, comedy and
dance. The Faire includes 20 entertainment stages featuring nonstop
music, merriment, feats of daring, and an eclectic assortment of
comedic performers who invite their audiences to become part of the
act. Different themes each weekend; visit www.renfaire.com for more
Public Pools
Washington Park Pool, 1800 Washington Rd.
Anderson Pool, 8730 22nd Ave.
Open Tuesdays - Sundays, noon. Admission $5
If our ninety degree Memorial Day weekend is any sign, we are in for
a hot one this summer, and what better way to cool off than to enjoy
one (or both!) of our glorious city's public pools. Washington Park
Pool features a 200 foot long water slide, a drop slide, diving board,
and plenty of deck chairs and tables for mom to soak up some sun
while the kids play in the water. Both locations also provide season
passes, group rates, and birthday parties available at the Public
Works Department. For more information, call (262) 653-4050.
ongoing events
more on page 12
View online at www.hap2it.com SUMMER FEVER 2018 Page 11
Town of Wheatland Volunteer Sail Away Charters
Fire Department's 50th Annual
(262) 515-4479 • www.sailawaycharterskenosha.com
FIREFIGHTER’S Come sail away on your own private ride! Sail Away Charters offers
Festival two-hour sails for up to six passengers at $35 per person (sunset
sails: $45). Ship sails weekdays starting at 5 p.m. and Saturdays at
New Munster Park 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, marriage pro-
posals or "create-your-own" special occasion. Your captain is Bart L.
Saturday June 23, 2018 Mengo, a native of Kenosha who grew up sailing on Lake Michigan.
As a United States Coast Guard licensed captain, he will ensure
Softball all day your experience is enjoyable and safe as you sit back, relax and
enjoy the view gliding across the sparkling blue waters of Lake
Sunday June 24, 2018 Michigan on Athena, a classic 30-foot Tartan Masthead Sloop. Call
Captain Mengo or visit the website to start your high sea adventure!
Softball Starts at 8am
Kenosha History Center
Safety Demonstrations 9am
220 51st Pl. • (262) 654-5770
Euchre Games Starts at 10am The Kenosha History Center preserves the past to teach the future.
Parade Starts at 1pm Admission is free; donations are accepted.
• AMX: A New and Bold Direction
Waterfights Start at 2:30pm Now - September 30th
For the golden anniversary of the AMX in 2018, the Kenosha History
Hamburgers & Brats BEER Center is thrilled to bring together an array of AMX models across
served all day 12 years of automotive history, including two one-of-a-kind proto-
$100 Raffle Dinner • Kenosha Ice Harvesting
50/50 Raffle Now through December
The Kenosha History Center is proud to present their all-new exhib-
with a top prize of $4,000 it detailing the tools and process used to turn frozen water into cold
Only 200 tickets are sold. “hard” cash. Exhibit runs through 2018.
The purchase of a raffle ticket SF2018
FOODincludes a dinner at the firehouse
on the evening of June 24. Drawing
will be held at the end of the
NEW dinner. Contact your favorite
TANKER fireman to purchase tickets
SF2018 Kenosha Public Library
• Southwest, 7979 38th Ave.
• Northside, 1500 27th Ave.
• Simmons, 711 59th Pl.
• Uptown, 2419 63rd St.
Sometimes we need a break, and it's always a nice day to check out
your local library. We are lucky to have four branches of our Kenosha
Public Library, and don't forget about the Bookmobile! There is fun
for all ages at the library. For the little ones, there is preschool sto-
rytime and preschool plus. For the kids up to high school, there are
multiple programs, including: coding mini-camp, digital animation
workshop, kid science, and more. For kids and adults there are
numerous types of genre-specific book clubs which hold monthly
meetings to discuss what they are reading. From mystery lovers to
graphic novels, they cover it all. Plenty for the adults as well with
chess night, adult coloring groups, and Thursday afternoon movies.
ongoing eventsFind an entire list of events at their website, www.kpl.info.
more on page 16
Page 12 SUMMER FEVER 2018 View online at www.hap2it.com
View online at www.hap2it.com SUMMER FEVER 2018 Page 13
Emphasizing Creativity, Independence and Self Esteem
Pre-School Child Care
Educating area children for over 30 years!
Come See The Difference, Tour Anytime!
Now Enrolling For Fall 2018
30 Full Day Child Care
Preschool Enrichment
• Flexible Full & Half Days • Social & Emotional Development • Play Based Curriculum
• State Licensed & Certified teachers • Creative Art Program • Music & Movement
• Indoor & Outdoor Play Areas • Community Awareness
• Multiple Child Discount • Physical & Nutritional Health • Education For All Ages
• Hot Lunch & Snacks Provided • Early Literacy Emphasis
• Kindergarten Readiness
Great options for 4 YEARS OLDS! 4K KUSD program onsite, flexible 4 year old
Preschool Program or ask about our busing from area schools for 4 year olds.
Limited Space Available For SUMMER CAMP! SF2017
Call Today!! Parents Tell Us We Are The Best In Town!
Ages 12 Months to 13 Years
• Outdoor Pool Onsite. We Swim Everyday!
• Sports Instruction • Weekly Field Trips & Outings
(Soccer & Baseball)
4211 GREEN BAY RD. • 262-657-7413 • WWW.KIDSCASTLEWI.COM
Make grilling season BETTER with
Bomber & Brat Buns • Hot Dog Buns • Kaiser Rolls
Plan ahead for your Summer Holiday Parties,
Graduation Parties and Family Picnics!
Paielli’s Bakery SF2018
A family owned and operated
business since 1923.
6020 39th Ave. • Kenosha
Open Mon. - Fri. 6am - 6pm Sat. 6am - 5pm Sun. 6am-2pm
Page 14 SUMMER FEVER 2018 View online at www.hap2it.com
Great food. Good times. Handcrafted cocktails.
Summer outdoor
dining on our
new patio!
The finest
selection of
tequila in S.E.
Authentic Mexican Recipes
“Amazing food. Amazing
ambiance. Amazing staff.”
Dining Hours: Sun. 10am-9pm 9080 76th StREET Pleasant Prairie, WI SF2018
Mon.-Thur. 11am-9pm,
Fri & Sat 11am-10pm 262.694.5400
Tequila Bar Hours: 11am-Close
[email protected]
View online at www.hap2it.com
SUMMER FEVER 2018 Page 15
Farmers’ Markets Animal Crackers Concert Series
Tuesdays : Pennoyer Park, 35th St. and 7th Ave., 6 a.m. - noon Select Wednesdays, 7 p.m. (gates open 5:30)
Wednesdays and Saturdays - Columbus Park, Racine Zoo
2003 54th St., 6 a.m. - noon 2131 N. Main St., Racine • (262) 636-9189
Thursdays - Lincoln Park, 7001 22nd Ave., 3 p.m. - 7 p.m. Enjoy the upbeat music, the beautiful lake view, and delicious
Fridays - Baker Park, 835 65th St., 6 a.m. - noon food. Admission is $30 at the gate. Season tickets available. Visit
When it comes down to what is on your plate when you sit down www.racinezoo.org for a full line-up and ticket info.
to eat a meal, is there anything better than fresh food? One of the
best aspects of summer is the Farmers’ Markets all over our fine Kenosha Dog Parks
city that offer up fresh produce every weekday. Bring the kids and
teach them lifelong good eating habits at these festive, family- • Carlisle Family Dog Park,
friendly, open-air marketplaces where local farmers bring their 4907 7th St.
fresh, locally-grown produce and farm-processed foods to sell • Ingram Park, 5726 93rd St.
directly to the consumer. Other options are the Jerry Smith Anderson Park, 8730 22nd Ave.
Produce & Pumpkin Farm, 7150 18th St., open seven days a • KD Park, 356 89th St.,
week, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m., and Kenosha HarborMarket, Saturdays, 9 Twin Lakes
a.m. - 2 p.m. • Harris Family Dog Park,
24100 75th St., Salem
In the last few years, dog parks
have become much more popular
- both as an outlet to let your
canine friend get some exercise
as well as socialization in a con-
trolled environment. Kenosha is
lucky to have several dog parks on the north and south ends of
town, as well as in Kenosha County. Please be sure to read and
follow all the posted rules before entering each dog park.
ongoing events
Page 16 SUMMER FEVER 2018 View online at www.hap2it.com
SF 2018
View online at www.hap2it.com SUMMER FEVER 2018 Page 17
BANG FOR YOUR BUCK! Assures You Quality & Confidence In Techicians Since 1992
FREE• An Honest Car Buying Experience. 169 Point Inspection &
Vehicle History Report Reconditioning Process
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$ 95• Wiper Blades and System Pressure Check
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• FREE 21 Point Vehicle Inspection One Pound of Freon,
Dye & P.A.G. Oil Includes FREE 21 Point
*Standard wiper blades, Euro style blades extra. WCaasrh WCaasrh Car
*Standard oil up to 5qts. synthetic oil extra. Not valid with any other offer. Must present coupon prior Vehicle Inspection Wash
to service.With coupon only. Expires Sept. 8th, 2018.
Not valid with any other offer. Must present coupon prior to Not valid with any other offer. Must present coupon prior
service. With couWWpitiothhnCCooouunpplooynn.EOOxnnpllyiyr..eEEsxxppSiirereepsstD.De8ecc,..233101s1st,t8,22001133. .
to service. With couWpiothnCoounployn. OEnxlpy.irEexspirSeseDpetc.. 381tsht,,202103.18.
Page 18 SUMMER FEVER 2018 View online at www.hap2it.com
View online at www.hap2it.com SUMMER FEVER 2018 Page 19
Eligible WIC families can pick up their SF2018 Outta Sight Kite Flight
(FMNP) Farmer Market Nutrition Program checks
beginning June 1, 2018. (5) $6 dollar FMNP June 2nd - 3rd, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
checks can be used to buy fresh Kennedy Park, 4051 Fifth Ave. • (414) 305-3145
locally grown produce at authorized Spectators can expect a whale of a good time at the 17th annual
farmer markets and stands Outta Sight Kite Flight. Free and open to the public. Kites and food
from June 1st to October 31st. will be available for purchase.
2018 Kenosha Farmer Markets World of Outlaws Craftsman Sprint Car Series
TUESDAY June 2nd, 7:30 p.m.
Pennoyer Park: 3601 7th Ave. Wilmot Raceway
6am – 12noon 30820 111th St. • (262) 862-2090
WEDNESDAY Free Fun Weekend Ft. Family Nature Faire
Columbus Park: 54th St. & 22nd Ave.
6am – 12noon June 2nd – 3rd
Richard Bong State Recreation Area
THURSDAY 26313 Burlington Rd. Kansasville • (262) 878-5601
Lincoln Park: 18th Ave. & 70th St.
3pm – 7pm Summer Free Fishing Weekend
FRIDAY June 2nd – 3rd
Baker Park: 66th St. & Sheridan Rd. Free Fishing Weekend events provide great opportunities for peo-
6am – 12noon ple of all ages to give fishing a try. Fish anywhere in Wisconsin
without a license or trout stamp. Other fishing rules apply.
Columbus Park: 54th St. & 22nd Ave. Good Old Summertime Art Fair
6am – 1pm
June 3rd, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Kenosha Harbor Market: 56th St. & 2nd Ave. Civic Center Park, 900 57th St. • (262) 654-0065
9am – 2pm The Kenosha Art Association proudly announces the 43rd annual
Good Old Summertime Art Fair. You will find exhibitors of fine arts
Green Acres Farmstand, 2000 63rd St. and crafts, food booths, and music. Free to attend.
WEDNESDAYS, June 20 – August 29, 11am-3pm
MONDAY, July 2, July 16: 11am – 3pm 60th Annual Blessing of the Fleet
MONDAY, July 9, Aug.13: 12n – 4pm
June 3rd, 10:30 a.m.
DAILY Kenosha Yacht Club, 5130 4th Ave • (262) 652-2320
Green Acres: HWY 31 & 60th St. Anyone who wishes to have a boat blessed should arrive at the
8am – 7pm Kenosha Yacht Club dock by 10 a.m. Boats are encouraged to dis-
play their “Brag Flags”. Boats in either marina may stay in their
Jerry Smith Produce: 7150 18th St. slips for the blessing, if desired.
8am – 8pm
Meyer Family Farm
22201 75th St. (Salem) more on page 22
8am – 8pm
View online at www.hap2it.com
Download our Free Farmers Market App.
WIC is a partnership between
RKCAA is an Equal Opportunity
Provider and Employer.
Page 20 SUMMER FEVER 2018
EST. 1968 • OPEN 11AM
1543 22nd Ave
Northside Kenosha
Italian Cuisine with Casual Dining
“Italian Food Made By Italians”
Homemade Fresh From Scratch
Pizza... There’s None Better!
Serving Your Favorite Cocktails, Beer & Wine
HAPPY HOUR Like us on
Tues - Sun. 4 to 6pm
051718 Proud To Be Veteran Owned & Operated
Corner of 8735 Sheridan Rd.
30th Ave. & Roosevelt Rd. Kenosha
Kenosha, WI (262) 697-7417
262-658-2067 6AM DAILY SPECIALS
A/C DINING! Stop In & Check Us Out This Summer
...We’re Mosquito Free And
YOUR CHOICE Served ONLY Wednesday 11 to 9pm Much Cooler & Less Humid
Than Outside!
Roast Beef Dinner $ 95Served with Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Corn & Dinner Roll
6Hot Roast Pork Platter
• •2-Internet Dart Boards Pool
Served with Mashed Potatoes & Gravy •Bowling/Shuffle Board
YOUR CHOICE Served ONLY Thursday 11 to 9pm
Hot Beef Platter
Served with Mashed Potatoes & Gravy
6Hot Roast Pork Platter $ 95
Served with Mashed Potatoes & Gravy
“Cruise Night” SF2018
Monday – Friday 6am til 11am
Hosted By...
FREE Pool Sun. & Tues.
The Midwest Street Machine Association
FREE Soda With A Classic Vehicle SUMMER FEVER 2018 Page 21
Mon. & Tues. 6am to 2pm, Wed., Thurs. & Fri. 6am to 7pm
Sat. & Sun. 8am to 2pm
View online at www.hap2it.com
DILLY BARS WiPnnuerri2tQ0y1u6Aa&wl2i0tay1r7d Discover Wisconsin Preview Party
10 for 9$ 99 Made June 7th, Doors open at 5 p.m. Showings: 5:30 p.m.& 6:30 p.m.
Fresh Rhode Center for the Arts, 514 56th St. • (262) 654-7307
All Season Long! Daily! Kenosha is starring in an upcoming episode of Discover Wisconsin
and come celebrate with a sneak peek party for the community!
Join friends, family, neighbors and co-workers at the historic
Rhode Center for the Arts to watch our hometown shine on the big
screen before its TV debut! Free and open to the public.
Check out our Revolutionary War Reenactment
Summer Blizzard
Flavors & all the June 9th – 10th, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Classic Flavors Petrifying Springs Park, Pavilion #3, 4909 7th St. • (262) 857-1869
The public is encouraged to visit the campsites and experience the
“Kenosha’s Original Dairy Queen lifestyles of soldiers and civilians in the 1770s. Typically there are
- Established 1949” artillery demonstrations, military band concerts, a fashion show,
tomahawk throwing, military and civilian encampments, battles
Open 11:00am - 9:00am Everyday and other displays and demonstrations of military and civilian
4301 Sheridan Rd. • Kenosha • (262)654-3000 lifestyles of the period.
Find more great things to do all summer
long in our ongoing log on pages 6 - 16!
"Preparing the WHOLE Child" Second Saturday
Offering Excellence In Academics + Jesus June 9th. Downtown Kenosha
On the second Saturday of each month, participating Downtown
GOOD SHEPHERD Kenosha businesses and art galleries roll out the welcome mats
LUTHERAN EARLY with extended hours, special promotions and sales, live entertain-
CHILDHOOD CENTER ment, family activities, and much more. Visit www.down-
townkenosha.org for details.
Join Our Education Family Today!
Now Enrolling Preschool 3’s and 4’s Babies and Berries
and Childcare! June 9th – 10th, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Jerry Smith Produce & Pumpkin Farm
Vacation Bible School “Space Station Salvation” 7150 18th St. • (262) 859-2645
For kids pre-school thru 6th grade Interact with the baby ani-
June 18th - 22nd From 9-11:30am mals and enjoy family friend-
ly activities. Bring your kids to
Child Care Hours: Mon. - Fri. 6:30am - 6:00pm see their kids! See goats,
Ages 6 Weeks To 12 Years chicks, lambs, potbellied
piglets, bunnies, and alpaca.
• Small Class Sizes • Private Christian Education At Reasonable Rates $5 general admission fee.
• Educational Experiences Rooted In A Christian Foundation There will be berries avail-
• Preschool 3’s Tues. & Thurs. 9-11:30 • 4’s Mon.,Wed., Fri. 9-12 able for purchase along with
berry themed food, including
strawberry shortcake.
4311 104th St. SF2018 june
Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158 more on page 26
View online at www.hap2it.com
[email protected]
Page 22 SUMMER FEVER 2018
Rons Place...
The Best
Food &
NAo5thxi5nganSdayasLSounmg mIAsSKleaABrOnULTdOiUk!R!e!
Serving up cold
drinks &
delicious food
since 1972.
3301 - 52nd St. • Kenosha 262-657-5907 SF2018
View online at www.hap2it.com SUMMER FEVER 2018 Page 23
Pam Seidl
5320 Green Bay Road • Kenosha, WI
[email protected]
(262) 652-7963
SF2018 052418
Stop by Suburban Lawn & Garden Center and visit Dick Lesko.
After 53 years in business, Dick has learned a thing or two
about growing, planting and caring for a garden,
and he is happy to share his experience with you!
Plant Chatter Is Alive & Well
Just Call 262-551-9021
Page 24 SUMMER FEVER 2018 View online at www.hap2it.com
Visit Our
1st Class Venue
Steps From Lake
If you haven’t been to Madrigrano’s
Marina Shores lately, you haven’t
been to Marina Shores!
Our fully air conditioned mezzanine
level seats 250 and features a
beautiful view of the lake.
The elegant ballroom can accomadate
your wedding and your reception, and has
been known to host concerts, proms and
elegant fundraisers/balls.
In addition we offer smaller conference
rooms & intimate seating areas ideal for
hosting corporate events.
bring us your event, our professional staff
will work with you to make it even better
than you imagined!
www.TheMarinaShores.com SF2017
View online at www.hap2it.com M SMadrigrano
arina hores
302 58th St. • Kenosha • (262)671-1157
SUMMER FEVER 2018 Page 25
Library Park Historic District Walking Tour Artist Reception: Hector Acuna
June 9th, 11 a.m. June 9th, 6 – 9 p.m.
Library Park, 711 59th Place • (262) 654-5770 Re:Vision Gallery, 4625 Sheridan Road • (262) 764-6603
Each Second Saturday, the Kenosha County Historical Society Meet Hector Acuna, an artist currently in an MFA program at
presents this guided walking tour of the historic Library Park Michigan State University. He grew up in Kenosha County and
District. Each tour will last approximately 90 minutes. Explore the graduated from Westosha Central High School. You're invited to
architecture and discover the historical stories associated with the view an eclectic body of his recent work at the reception for this
buildings. Tickets are $10. Contact the Kenosha History Center for solo exhibition. On exhibit June 1st – 23rd. Free admission.
tickets: 220 51st Place, 262-654-5770.
Find more great things to do all summer
Keyed Up Kenosha: long in our ongoing log on pages 6 - 16!
Piano Art Walk Kickoff
Coureurs de Bois
June 9th, 4 – 6 p.m. Trail Run and Relay
Downtown Kenosha • (262) 842-
5354 June 10th, 9:30 a.m.
Downtown Kenosha will host the Petrifying Springs Park
area’s newest (and most musical) 4909 7th St. • (262) 925-0300
public art project this summer! Trail run/walk event. Celebrate the start
Keyed Up Kenosha features twelve of summer. Walk distances include 4 and
upright pianos designed and deco- 8 miles. Run distances are 4, 8, 12, or
rated by local artists and placed 16 miles. 16 mile relay as well. Individuals $33, couples $55.
throughout the Downtown district for Same day registration is available. Email briant@kenosharunning
the community to play and enjoy. company.com with questions.
During Downtown’s June 9th
Second Saturday event, the pianos Flea Market
will debut at their respective locations with local musicians playing
from 4 to 6 p.m. The pianos will remain in place outside local busi- June 10th, 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
nesses throughout the summer, and everyone is welcome to come
and play these artistic pianos. From “Chopsticks” to Beethoven juneRustic Dairyland Antique Mall, 12009 53rd Pl.
and everything in between, visitors are invited to stop and play
their favorite tunes as they explore Downtown Kenosha. Visit Enjoy an outdoor flea market with vendors of all kinds.
www.downtownkenosha.org for more information to come, includ-
ing artist bios, a map of piano locations, and the June 9th perform- more on page 28
ance schedule.
Parties, Family Reunions, Weddings,
Festivals, Construction, Remodeling
Units to fit every need - Standard, Handicap,
Flushable, Handwashing Stations.
We serve: Franksville Paddock Silver Lake Jackpot.rentals SF2018
Antioch Gages Lake Lake Sturtevant
Beach Park Grayslake Paris Trevor
Brighton Gurnee Pleasant Twin Lakes
Bristol Kenosha Prairie Union Grove
Burlington Lake Forest Powers Lake Wadsworth
Caledonia Lake Geneva Racine Waukegan
Camp Lake Lake Villa Round Lake Winthrop
Chain O’ Lindenhurst Beach Harbor
Lakes Loon Lake Salem Yorkville
Page 26 SUMMER FEVER 2018 View online at www.hap2it.com
$2 OFF
Reg. $14.95
HAP Expires 9/1/18.
9$ 95
HAP Expires 9/1/18.
5$ 00
HAP Expires 9/1/18. SF2018
422 Sheridan Rd., Racine 5605-22nd Ave. Inside
262-553-9119 262-455-6290 Johnny
Open Everyday at 7am-2pm
Except Wed.. Open till 8pm
Come check out Ribs are smoked in house daily
Chewy’s NEW menu &
Rib tip / party wings combo w/ fries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.50
our NEW look! Rib tip / catfish combo w/ fries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.50
Rib tip dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.50
$AM1(LeOMxLclNuEdOMDeAs sEApLFeNcYSiaFlUs) WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 5 Party Wings & Catfish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.50
10 Party Wings w/ Fries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.00
Attention all Italian Beef Fries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.50
College Students Gyro or Steak Fries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.50
99¢1/2 Off with Student I.D. Double Cheeseburger w/ Fries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.00
LUSaturday & Sunday Philly Cheese Steak w/ Fries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.50
NCH10% OFF w/ Student I.D. 3 Steak Tacos w/ Rice & Beans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.50
Gyro Cheeseburger w/ Fries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.00
on all menu items 7am-3pm Beef Ribs w/ Fries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10
Babybacks w/ Fries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.50
(exludes specials) Italian Beef Combo w/ Fries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.50
Rhodes 8640 Sheridan Rd. • Kenosha, WI $AVE on
Mon. - Fri 8 to 6 & Sat. 8 to 1
Quality Work At Competitive Rates! $2195Most
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Jay Rhodes - Owner/Operator
Valuable Coupon Valuable Coupon
69• Change Oil & Filter UpTo 5 quarts OIL CHANGE SPECIAL
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View online at www.hap2it.com SUMMER FEVER 2018 Page 27
homemade pizza... done right! Black Panther
Too Hot To Cook? Friday Night Flicks - June 15th, sunset
Nash School, 6801 99th Ave.
WE MAKE HOMEMADE PIZZA... www.hap2it.com
ANY WAY YOU LIKE IT! Enjoy a night under the stars with a movie on
FROM X-THIN TO STUFFED, WE MAKE the inflatable screen! Black Panther tells the
YOUR PIZZA TO ORDER. PICK IT UP OR story of T'Challa, who returns home to the
HAVE IT DELIVERED HOT & FRESH! African nation of Wakanda to take his rightful
place as king when a powerful enemy sud-
EAT IN OUR NEW DINING ROOM! denly reappears. This film is rated PG-13 for
action violence and a brief rude gesture.
Ask about room rental.
Accommodates small parties, showers and luncheons Bloomin’ Bands
CARRY OUT • DELIVERY • DINE-IN June 15th (5 - 10 p.m.) - 16th (3 - 10 p.m.)
Kenosha Moose Lodge #286, 3003 30th Ave. • (262) 515-3408
262-652-6865 Bloomin' Bands features family friendly fun including: live music by
Kenosha area bands and musicians, food and beverages by local
businesses, and a variety of activities for all ages. Free admission;
all are welcome. This event is brought to you by the Kiwanis Club of
Kenosha-Downtown in partnership with Kenosha Crossroads.
Proceeds benefit the Extreme Room Makeover Project, which pro-
vides home renovations to meet the medical and physical needs of
Kenosha children with disabilities. Email meisenhauer1961@
gmail.com with questions.
Open 11AM Wednesday Thru Sunday SF2016
GIVE YOUR PET THE SF2015 Kenosha Creative Space Beach Party
June 15th – 17th
• 10,000 Sq. Ft. climate controlled space. Simmons Island, Downtown Kenosha • (262) 945-9411
• Spacious Indoor-outdoor kennels & runs Kenosha Creative Space will showcase Kenosha’s creative commu-
• Multiple large, secure, outdoor play areas nity during a celebration on Simmons Island.
• 15 luxury themed suites
• Sun filled cat accomodations Free RPG Day
• Training Classes • Grooming
June 16th, noon - 6 p.m.
Comfort is our middle name! Rockhead's Comics & Games
2328 Roosevelt Rd. • (262) 657-5655
5914 128th Ave. Kenosha, WI 53144 RPG stands for "role playing games" - step into another world play-
[email protected] ing Dungeons and Dragons (5th edition), Unisystem:
Heroes/Villains, Savage World, or Dead-Lands. If you are new to the
262.857.9966 • fax 262.857.9977 world of gaming and interested in trying it out, here is your chance.
A great attitude and willingness to learn is much more important
Page 28 SUMMER FEVER 2018 than a knowledge of gaming. Stop in the shop or call for more infor-
Find more great things to do all summer
long in our ongoing log on pages 6 - 16!
more on page 30
View online at www.hap2it.com
View online at www.hap2it.com SUMMER FEVER 2018 Page 29
Kenosha County Dairy Breakfast Father’s Day Kenosha Car Show
June 16th, 6:30 -10:30 a.m. June 17th
Spoerlein Never Rest Farms, 25222 52nd St. • (262) 515-5254 Baker Park, 835 65th St. • (262) 551-8558
This event is fun for the whole family! Enjoy a morning on the farm All makes and models of vehicles are welcome. $5 per vehicle to
that includes: a big farm breakfast, milking demonstrations, a show your car (bring the fleet!) - free for spectators. There will be
Wisconsin products tent with items for purchase, an Agriculture in food vendors, music, 50/50 raffle, door prizes, and trophies will be
Action tent to learn more about the workings of a farm, old-fash- awarded.
ioned children's games, farm toys for sale and much more! The
breakfast includes scrambled eggs with ham and cheese, pan- Food Folks & Spokes
cakes, fresh bread and butter, yogurt, muffin, juice and ice cream.
Cost for the breakfast is $6 / children 6 and under are free. There June 21st, 11 a.m. – 10 p.m.
is no cost to tour the farm. Library Park, 711 59th Place
(262) 654-9622
DairyAir Breakfast Ride All-day entertainment including magic,
food, kids area, balloons, and music -
June 16th, 7 a.m. along with some of the hottest bicycle
Bristol Woods Park, 9800 160th Ave. • (262) 653-2600 races in the area!
Ride your bicycle to the Dairy Breakfast (see above)! Tune up the
bicycle for a 12.6-mile ride to the Kenosha County Dairy Breakfast. Dodgeball Tournament (for adults)
It is a 25-mile ride roundtrip. The ride is moderately difficult with
some hills. People are asked to use their best judgment and par- June 21st, 5 - 7 p.m.
ticipate based on their own skill level. There is no cost to partici- Boys & Girls Club of Kenosha, 1330 52nd St.
pate in the ride. Ride participants are asked to register at Register your team (ages 18 and up) for the annual Dodgeball
eventbrite.com. Tournament to benefit the Boys & Girls Club of Kenosha. Enjoy
friendly competition, food, drinks, and music as you battle to
become the champion! Visit www.bgckenosha.org for registration
Find more great things to do all summer
junelong in our ongoing log on pages 6 - 16!
more on page 32
Supporting Kenosha County Events
One Beer At A Time
Page 30 SUMMER FEVER 2018 View online at www.hap2it.com
64Serving Kenosha LARGESTSelection of
For Single Serve Beers
OYveerars & Craft Beer In Kenosha
The Famous
Selection ofPlus
O&H Fresh Kringle WI
Wide Assortment of Cheese
Fresh Salads / Sandwiches
Beer / Liquor / Wine Beers
Coffee & Cappuccino
Elegant Farmer Pies
Buy One Buy
Ta c o One Liter
Get One of
Free Lou’s Water
Get One Free
at De La Rosa’s
Limit 1 per customer
Limit 1 per customer per day. (In store only.)
per day. (In store only.) Exp. 9/1/2018
Exp. 9/1/2018
52nd Street & Sheridan Road • Kenosha • 262-654-7828 SF201
Kenosha's 24 Hour One Stop Shop 8
View online at www.hap2it.com SUMMER FEVER 2018 Page 31
DT2018V2 Armchair Boogie
Page 32 SUMMER FEVER 2018 June 22nd, 6 – 9 p.m.
Hawthorn Hollow Nature Sanctuary & Arboretum
880 Green Bay Road • (262) 552-8196
Come enjoy an evening of live music at Hawthorn Hollow’s outdoor
amphitheater nestled along the Pike River with bluegrass group
Armchair Boogie. Food, wines, beer, and soda will be available for
purchase; no carry-ins please. $10 admission. All proceeds go to
Hawthorn Hollow.
Greek Festival
June 22nd - 24th
Kimissis Greek Orthodox Church, 1335 S. Green Bay Rd., Racine
Authentic Greek food, pastries, wine, coffee bar, dancers, demos,
and more.
Goddess Mountain Bike Clinic
June 22nd - 24th
Silver Lake Park, 27000 85th St. • (262) 857-1869
All women, 21 and over, are welcome. From beginner to interme-
diate riders, the Goddess Mountain Bike Clinic is for you to
improve your mountain biking skills in an inspiring community of
your peers. This weekend includes: 2 nights of camping, all meals,
professional coaching, mechanics, fittings, and mini-clinics.
Search for the event on eventbrite.com for registration information.
Old School Reunion
June 22nd - 23rd
Wyndham Garden Hotel, 5125 6th Ave.
If you remember old Kenosha staples like Dutch Maid, Red's
Roller Rink, Tic Toc Club, Freeman Record Shop, or American
Motors, come out to see old faces and spend a weekend of remi-
niscing and fun. Visit www.kenoshaoldschoolreunion.com for
June 22nd - 24th
Kenosha Moose Lodge #286, 3003 30th Ave. • (262) 818-6150
Enjoy live entertainment, food, auctions, meat raffles, kids’ games,
and so much more, including Mellencougar performing on
Saturday night and the 25th annual Car Show presented by the
Kenosha Car Club on Sunday. Free admission for spectators.
Pleasant Prairie Triathlon
June 23rd - 24th
Prairie Springs Park, Lake Andrea
The Junior Triathlon will be held on Saturday, June 23rd, with the
main Triathlon, Dualthlon, and Relay on Sunday, June 24th. Visit
recplexonline.com for more information.
more on page 34
View online at www.hap2it.com
A Summer To Remember
We’re here for you, helping make
you feel and look your best. Gift
Hair • Makeup • Manicure • Pedicure also
Facial • Massage • Color Experts available
• ReFirme Laser Skin • Couples Massage 262.694.2011
Tightening • Design Cutting for your 4913 - 75th St.
• Infinity Laser Rejuvenation facial shape Kenosha
• Micro Peal Plus • Tattoo Removal flairstylingstudio.com
• Chemical Peal • Pelleve
• Neocutis Chemical Peal • Tickle Lipo 262.637.8329
• Neocutis Skin Care Line • Body Sculpting 506 Goold St. • Racine
• Microdermabrasion • Eyelash Extensions
When Are “YOU” Going To Call To $AVE $AVE $AVE?
We are able to quote all the lines of insurance with over 20 companies. NOW
Let Us Come To You!
View online at www.hap2it.com 8119 - 22nd Ave. Kenosha
(262) 455-7474
E-mail: [email protected]
SUMMER FEVER 2018 Page 33
Kenosha Vintage Shop Crawl
June 23rd, 4 - 7 p.m.
Start at Against The Grain Creative Concepts
5521 18th Ave. • (262) 764-9366
Hop on the bus and come crawl to
five of Kenosha's best specialty
shops. This Crawl will feature some
snacks and food along the way, adult
beverages, and soft drinks as well.
This is a ticket-only event so get
yours today and buy one for a friend!
Tickets $25 each. Book your seat on
the bus by visiting www.atgcc.net.
Harborfest 7s Rugby Tournament
June 23rd, 9 a.m.
Kennedy Park, 4051 Fifth Ave. • (262) 880-7602
The 20th Annual Harborfest 7s Rugby Tournament happens at
Kennedy Park. Men’s rugby teams from around the Midwest will
converge in Kenosha to battle for the cup. Several matches will take
place throughout the day with the first kickoff at 9 a.m., and the
championship match is usually around 4 p.m. The public is wel-
come; admission is free. Concessions, brats and burgers will be
sold on-site including a variety of beverages. Or bring your cooler
and lawn chair to sit and watch the battle begin and witness the
fight until a victor emerges.
SF2018 Gateway Rose Society Rose Show
Page 34 SUMMER FEVER 2018 June 23rd, 1 - 4 p.m.
Kenosha Public Museum, 5500 First Ave. • (262) 653-4140
The Gateway Rose Society will display hundreds of beautiful roses
and arrangements at the museum. Free to visit.
Concerts at Kenosha Lighthouse Studio
Thomas Ceschin (acoustic guitarist)
June 23rd, 6 p.m.
Kenosha Lighthouse Studio at North Pier Lighthouse
5001 4th Ave. • (262) 914-6114
Free and open to the public.
Find more great things to do all summer
long in our ongoing log on pages 6 - 16!
more on page 38
View online at www.hap2it.com
$760 to $810 REASONABLY Dine in, carry, delivery
PRICED & WELL and catering.
Limited seating available.
1,000 sq. ft. HEAT INCLUDED! 7321 60th Avenue
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1/2 LB. BURGER With Choice Of With coupon. Not valid with offers. Valid at both locations.
Limit 2 per customer. Not valid for dine-ins. Expires 09/01/18.
Lettuce, Tomato, Onions And Pickles. Served On A Kaiser Roll.
Carryout & Delivery
With Tater Tots And Homemade Coleslaw.
Choice Of Cheese Extra. $6.00 Lasagna Dinner
$ CHOICE CHANGES EVERY WEEK. With coupon. Not valid with offers. Valid at both locations.
Limit 2 per customer. Not valid for dine-ins. Expires 09/01/18.
Carryout & Delivery
2020 Inch Pizza & 12 Wings $
Every Tues. 2pm to 8pm
16 Inch Crust up to 2-Toppings & 12 Wings
1Beef or Chicken $ 50
Tacos Each With coupon. Not valid with offers. Valid at both locations.
Limit 2 per customer. Not valid for dine-ins. Expires 09/01/18.
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Shrimp Tacos Each Tenuta’s Pizza App
5Lobster Tacos $00 now available for iPhone and Android!
SF2018 Order right from your phone!
World Famous
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SWEDISH AMERICAN CLUB 7002 - 30th Ave. and SF2015
Kenosha, WI
KENOSHA’S SOUTHSIDE over 100 varieties
of Cheese!
View online at www.hap2it.com
I94 & Hwy. 50
12304 75th Street
Kenosha WI 53142
SUMMER FEVER 2018 Page 35
alfresco dining
Andy’s Drive-In 2929 Roosevelt Rd., (262) Iguana Wana Mexican Grill & Tequila
658-2067. Pack the kids up and head over Bar 9080 76th St., (262) 694-5400. Enjoy
to this classic drive-in diner. With an old margaritas, mariachis and great
school car show decor, delectable burgers authentic Mexican food on their
and great dinner specials, this is a perfect beautiful new patio.
stop for a tasty and affordable meal. Infusino’s Pizzeria 6800 39th Ave.,
Breakfast also available. (262) 694-4448. Great tasting Italian
Ashling On The Lough 125 56th St., dishes and pizza served with the freshest
(262) 653-0500. Billed as Kenosha's ingredients - be sure to try the virgin
premier Irish pub and restaurant, Ashling crust–delicious!
proudly uses only the freshest and finest Johnny Z’s Pour House 10936 Sheridan
ingredients. Enjoy one of their specialty Rd., (262) 564-5756. Enjoy cold drinks
dishes while enjoying the beautiful and great food, including their awesome
Kenosha harbor view. hot beef, in their relaxing beer garden.
Baker Street 6208 Green Bay Rd., (262) Kaiser's Pizza & Pub 510 57th St., (262)
657-7888. From the ever-changing buffet 653-5897. Recently voted Best Pizza in
to cocktails & karaoke, Baker Street Kenosha, check out their fantastic
Restaurant & Pub is the perfect balance in outdoor seating area in the back of the
casual fine dining. business.
ABig Lou’s Standing Room Only 635 75th fter a long Wisconsin winter, warm weather can’t come La Fogata 3300 Sheridan Rd., (262) 654-
soon enough. Here are some of Kenosha’s favorite spots in 5900. Delicious enchiladas, fajitas, and
St., (262) 658-4776. Just a few blocks which to dine or snack alfresco. tacos pair nicely with one of their
from the shores of Lake Michigan, Big Lou
offers up one of the best Philly steak specialty margaritas in their three-season
sandwiches this side of Lake Michigan! Culver’s Three locations to serve you: 5220 outdoor patio.
Green Bay Rd., (262) 652-2002; 8124
Big Star 1500 Washington Rd., (262) 658-
1572. Now in their 65th year, this classic is Sheridan Rd., (262) 484-4046; and 10484 Lotus Sports Bar 3216 60th St., (262) 652-
only around for the season, so grab it now. Corporate Dr., (262) 857-2663. Salads, 4735. Famous hamburgers, sandwiches,
Enjoy their burgers at their tables, in your sandwiches, and dinners as well as their dinners, appetizers, breakfast and much
car, or take a walk to Washington Park for a famous Butterburgers! Don't forget to try the more served up on their outdoor patio.
picnic. frozen custard flavor of the day.
Mac’s Deli & Sandwich Shop 2302 52nd St.,
Birchwood Grill 7515 125th Ave., (262) 857- The Daily Dose 6010 40th Ave., (262) 925- (262) 654-2065. A Kenosha tradition since
3455. In the midst of the busy I-94/Hwy. 50 8338. Organic teas and coffees from 1937. Enjoy their specialty Italian Beef
intersection, you’ll find a quiet outside oasis Milwaukee’s Collectivo coffee shops plus hot Bomber with a Mac's Nut Bar for dessert!
where you can enjoy your meal or cocktail. paninis and pastries.
Mike's Chicken & Donuts 707 56th St.,
Blue Bear 2920 Taylor Ave., (262) 583-3131. Dairy Queen 2707 22nd Ave., (262) 652- (262) 764-9520. Whether it's a quick donut
Voted Best Breakfast of 2017 by readers of the 6524. Take the family out for a Blizzard or a and coffee on their sidewalk cafe, or a fine
Racine Journal Times - enjoy outdoor dining Dilly Bar. Indoor and outdoor seating dinner on the Mike's Sportsbook upper patio,
on their beautiful patio area. available. you are surely in for a good time at Mike's.
Boathouse Pub & Eatery 4917 7th Ave., DeRango’s Restaurant and Lounge 2135 Milwaukee Burger Company 9901 77th St.,
(262) 654-9922. Enjoy their crackling thin 31st St., (262) 658-8450. This longtime (262) 455-7720. The freshest ingredients are
crust pizza while you take in the greatest Kenosha pizzeria institution now has its own the keys to making an out of this world
harbor view in the city on their beautiful charming outdoor seating area. burger. Enjoy a lunch or dinner at Pleasant
back deck. Prairie’s newest restaurant.
Dolce Vita 7435 117th Ave., (262) 857-3331.
Buffalo Wild Wings 7114 118th Ave., (262) Enjoy some delicious Italian food sitting Noodles & Company 7224 118th Ave., (262)
857-9992. This “wing joint” with its 14 alongside their beautiful outdoor fireplace. 857-3168. Every dish is made-to-order using
signature sauces is also a sports bar, serving fresh produce and authentic ingredients,
everything from salads to appetizers to Elsie Mae’s Bakery & Cannery 5819 6th including many organic items.
burgers. Ave., (262) 914-9198. Have a scoop of ice
cream from their neighboring sister store Our Kenosha Tap 3221 60th St., (262) 657-
Captain Mike’s Beer & Burger Bar 5118 6th Myrtle Mae’s Sugar Emporium on your pie! 5712. Dine-in or carryout from 11 a.m. daily.
Ave., (262) 658-2278. Enjoy one of their Excellent food at a great price. Enjoy a
delicious specialty gourmet burgers while Famous Dave’s 9900 77th St., (262) 697- variety of appetizers, daily specials and soup
sitting at one of their outdoor tables watching 1411. Try their award-winning St. Louis style of the day.
the action in Downtown Kenosha. spareribs and find out what makes them
famous. Paddy O’s Pub 5022 7th Ave., (262) 652-
Casa Capri 2129 Birch Rd., (262) 551-7171. 7233. They claim that their char-grilled
The Stella family has been welcoming guests Franks Diner 508 58th St., (262) 657-1017. burgers are “great, not gourmet!” Enjoy one
to "their home" for generations. They offers After appearing on the Food Network, this with a frosty mug of suds while relaxing in
the finest selection of authentic Italian eclectic establishment has become a local their beer garden.
recipes. celebrity in its own right!
Panera Bread 6935 75th St., (262) 942-1400.
Choo-Choo Charlie’s 5414 13th Ave., (262) Grabs Burger Bar 2324 18th Ave., (262) 764- Their signature items include a large variety
220-3634. Located in the historic Metra train 0848. Craving a good burger? Try out this of bagels, muffins, and croissants, plus great
station. Coming sooon the fun spills onto a spot, which is decorated in booster decor as tasting sandwiches and soups.
private outdoor patio with the sounds of the a tribute to our local colleges.
trains. Pedro’s 2311 Roosevelt Rd., (262) 764-0379.
Harborside Common Grounds 5159 6th Enjoy authentic Mexican cuisine with a
The Clubhouse Pub & Grille 2621 30th Ave., Ave., (262) 652-5111. With a 3-tiered patio burrito and a homemade tamale on their
(262) 551-0886. One of the northside’s great just steps from the lake, this wonderful front patio.
places for Italian specialties. coffeehouse in a historic building has a
breathtaking view. Enjoy their delectable Pete’s Place 4520 8th Ave., (262) 652-6454.
The Coffee Pot On 7th 4914 7th Ave., (262) sandwiches, savory espresso and exquisite The whispers around town say that Pete’s
653-8849. This classic diner displaying the coffee drinks. has the best Friday fish fry in town; stop in
neon "Lunch" sign is a downtown favorite. and check out their beautiful beer garden.
Enjoy their Garden of Eatin' for outdoor House of Gerhard 3927 75th St., (262) 694-
dining. But come early, as they are only open 5212. Enjoy fine authentic German cuisine Sal’s Pizza 7623 Sheridan Rd., (262) 652-
for breakfast and lunch! and American favorites in an enchanting old- 6865. Homemade sauce and dough. No
world atmosphere. gimmicks... just really good pizza.
Page 36 SUMMER FEVER 2018 View online at www.hap2it.com
Sandy’s Popper 5503 6th Ave., (262) 605-3202. Enjoy ice cream and PAOTUIOTDAOROERA SF2018
other treats alfresco.
Sazzy B 5623 6th Ave., (262) 925-8499. Bringing the taste and We Feature 18 Different Tap Beers 050318
atmosphere of the big city to Downtown Kenosha, Sazzy B is the place And 50 Plus Bottle Beers
to be.
Scoops Ice Cream 5711 8th Ave., (262) 657-9866. Now in a new OUR 35TH ANNIVERSARY
location, the #1 ice cream parlor in Kenosha (winner for the past six CELEBRATION
years), goes great with a MB Sweets cupcake.
Sat. July 28th
Shirl’s Drive-In 7943 Sheridan Rd., (262) 654-1968. With freshly LIVE MUSIC & SPECIALS ALL DAY LONG
made sandwiches and custard, find out why they claim to serve the 3RD ANNUAL SPANKY’S SHOOTOUT
best hamburgers and dessert treats in Kenosha. Sat. Sept. 15th At Bristol Oaks 11am Shotgun
Sir Arthur’s Pub 3501 14th Ave., (262) 654-9958. A beautiful,
grandiose beer garden in which you can enjoy a cold beer and their “Wednesday Fishbowl Frenzy Night”
famous Friday fish fry and more.
Slip 56 506 56th St., (262) 764-8040. The patio is open for the season! Fishbowl Drinks $5
Stop by for one of their delicious and unique sandwiches.
Skybox 2901 60th St., (262) 656-7111. Want to enjoy your lunch With 10 Drinks to Choose From
outside but the rain is coming down? Skybox has a fabulous covered
beer garden in which to enjoy your lunch. Serving up great food daily Saturday & Sunday “Mid-Day Happy Hour”
from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., as well as some evenings. ALL-U-CAN DRINK 11am TO 3pm
Spanky's Bar & Grill 2325 52nd St., (262) 657-7883. Proudly serving
Kenosha for 35 years, with some of the best pub food around. Great Spanky’s Bloody Marys, Mimosas, Coors Light & Miller Lite $15
daily food and drink specials. 18 beers on tap and over 50 bottled
beers. HAPPY HOUR Mon. – Fri. 3 to 6pm
The Spot 2117 75th St., (262) 654-9294. Since 1945, The Spot has been
serving up delicious cheeseburgers and their homemade root beer in a $2 Rails $2 Domestic Bottles $1 Domestic Taps
frosty mug, all delivered by a smiling carhop. As one reviewer stated,
The Spot “deserves to be in the museum of hamburger awesomeness.” Like us on Facebook for Daily Specials & Events
Stan’s Place 1510 Washington Rd., (262) 652-4630. Open daily at 11
a.m., Stan’s serves up mouthwatering burgers, subs, and even pizza. facebook.com/spankyskenosha
Sturino’s 1543 22nd Ave., (262) 551-8532. Enjoy deck dining with www.spankyskenosha.com
summertime items as well as their authentic Italian dishes and pizza -
all with fresh ingredients and made from scratch! 2325 - 52ND ST. • KENOSHA, WI • (262)657-7883
Swede's Pub 510 56th St., (262) 577-5858. Enjoy a great burger and
beer on their sidewalk patio while taking in the bustle of Downtown STOGNREICLRLEEK
T.G.’s 4120 7th Ave., (262) 658-8080. Enjoy fabulous food, including FREE
their signature hot beef! Plus retro cocktails and over 40 craft beers to
try while relaxing in their secluded patio garden. FULL
Tacos El Rey 2000 Birch Rd., (262) 551-0970. Family operated for over BAR Steaks • Chops • Ribs • Pizza Sandwiches
30 years. Enjoy their famous combination plate while you dine on
their intimate patio. A Unique Dining Experience
Taco City/Red Hot Chicago 8022 22nd Ave., (262) 652-6680. Where
else can you get a burrito and French fries? This winning combination 206 Sheridan Rd. • Winthrop Harbor, IL (847) 746-2020 or Fax (847) 746-3590
is perfect for a casual family night out - inexpensive and with a www.stonecreekgrillrestaurant.com
plethora of choices. Open 7 Days A Week
Tenuta’s Delicatessen & Liquors 3203 52nd St., (262) 657-9001. Drive
down 52nd Street this summer and it will be hard to avoid this famous Mon. Thur. 11am 10pm • Fri. & Sat. 11am -11pm • Sun. 11am 9pm
authentic Italian grocery store as the smells from their grill will lure
you in for a mouthwatering sausage or panini sandwich. FREE Appetizer
Trolley Dogs 5501 6th Ave., (262) 652-3647. They won’t put ketchup
on your hot dog, but they will have it on the table for you to help with $20 purchase
yourself to your “sin.” Be sure to try out the Trolley Dog - a hot dog
and a tamale on the same bun! (up to a $6.99 value!)
Villa D’Carlo 5140 6th Ave., (262) 654-3932. A family owned With this ad. Alcohol excluded. Limited on coupon. Not valid with any other offer.
downtown landmark for over 50 years never disappoints. Enjoy
summer on their outdoor cafe as you enjoy fine Italian dining Expires 09/01/18
alongside birds, charming flower arrangements and a beautiful view of
the harbor. Watch all the
Wine Knot 5611 6th Ave., (262) 653-9580. Relish a touch of casual games here
elegance. Stop in for wine, live music and fine food at this downtown
hot spot located along the trolley tracks. VIDEO GAMING IS HERE!
View online at www.hap2it.com SUMMER FEVER 2018 Page 37
hometownmeatsdeli.com Kenosha’s Premier The Amazing Nature Race!
Full Service
Enjoy “Cooking Out” June 24th, 1 p.m.
All Summer With Top Meat Department Richard Bong State Recreation Area
Quality Meats For: 26313 Burlington Rd. • (262) 878-5600
• Birthdays • Father’s Day 4924-60th St. Richard Bong State Recreation Area announces its first-ever
• Graduation Parties Ph. 652-9840 Amazing Nature Race! This is an adults-only afternoon of outdoor
• Or Any Occasion challenges. Teams of two will race through the park, competing
WEEKLY against time and each other to complete a series of fun and moder-
SPECIALS ately active outdoor challenges. Sign in at the park from 12:30 – 1
p.m., race begins at 1 p.m., dinner and awards are 5 – 6 p.m. Teams
“HOT BEEF”OUR FAMOUS With Gravy or will need to find their way to a variety of locations in the park, suc-
Italian Juice cessfully complete the challenge, and get their “passport” stamped
for their chance to win a fabulous handmade trophy! Station topics
Try Our On Site Homemade: • Brats • Turkey Brats • Steak Brats may include: Kayaking, fishing, wildlife or plant identification, bik-
ing, brain games, construction, or target practice. Experience will
• Smoked Cheddar Brats & Philly Steak Brats • Mild Italian Sausage be helpful but not necessary! Registration is $70 per team of two
and includes a t-shirt, bag of swag, dinner with sampling of beer
• Polish Sausage • Sirloin Squares • Jerky & Snack Sticks (14 Flavors) from Lakefront Brewery and soda from Sprecher. Participants
must be 21 or older and bring one bike and a vehicle for driving
-PLUS- BEST SUB between stations. Registration deadline is June 10th. Call (262)
SANDWICHES 878-5607 or (262) 878-5609 for information.
PIG • A Variety Of Delicious Steaks
• Lean Baby Back Pork Ribs PARTY SUBS Southport Sound
ROASTS • Skinned & Deboned Chicken Breasts UPON REQUEST
Twilight Jazz Concert Series
ALL YEAR • Variety of Salads, Deli Trays & More June 26th, 7 p.m.
Anderson Arts Center, 6603 Third Ave., (262) 653-0481
CATERING AVAILABLE FOR ALL BUDGETS! SF2018 A free concert series sponsored by area businesses. Grounds open
at 6 p.m. Bring lawn chairs and/or blankets.
11 MEAT PACKS FOR FREEZER $55.95 TO $387.95
Christopher's Project
• Specializing in Automatic Transmissions SF2018
• 28 Years Experience • Each Unit Custom Built Lincoln Park Live Music Series
• All Work 100% Guaranteed June 27th, 5:30 p.m.
• We Do More Than Transmissions - ASK US! Lincoln Park, 6900 18th Ave.
Christopher’s Project celebrates the music of Motown.
Roar and Pour
June 27th, 6 - 8 p.m.
www.mattransmissions.com Racine Zoo, 2131 N. Main St., Racine • (262) 636-9189
Enjoy unlimited beer tasting, a commemorative glass, and hors
(262) 891-7164 d'oeuvres at this popular zoo fundraiser.
Despicable Me 3
Friday Night Flicks - June 29th, sunset
Nash School, 6801 99th Ave.
Enjoy an evening of free family entertainment
with a movie under the stars! In Despicable
Me 3, redeemed crime lord Gru meets his
long-lost twin brother for the first time and the
reunited siblings find themselves in an uneasy
situation. This film is rated PG for action and
rude humor.
Jelly Belly Carnival
June 28th - July 1st
Jelly Belly Visitor Center, 10100
Jelly Belly Lane • (866) 868-7522
Enjoy rides for the whole family and
other activities. The indoor Jelly
Belly Train Tour is free, but there is a
cost for tickets for Carnival rides.
Attendees can purchase unlimited
ride tickets for the entire weekend.
Page 38 SUMMER FEVER 2018 more on page 42
View online at www.hap2it.com
‘14 Voted The Best
Pizza West Of I-94
‘13 ‘15 ‘16 since 2011, but we
‘12 have been serving
‘17 amazing italian
food and
pizza for SF2018
over 20
Hwy 50 at 317th Ave.,
Wheatland WI
Dine in • Carry Out
Delivery • Full Service Bar
Open: Tues. • Wed. • Thurs. 4-9 • Fri. & Sat. 4-10 • Sun. 4-9
Follow us on Facebook. 6806 317th Ave. (Corner of HWY. 50 & 317th Ave.)
Luisaspizza.co • 262-537-4795
8th Annual
July 19-22, 2018 FREE
Thursday 4pm-10pm Admission
Friday 4pm-10pm
Parking $10/Vehicle
Saturday 6am-10pm
Sunday 6am-10am Evergreen
Presented by: School Grounds,
817 W Main St,
Triple Crown Products Waterford
• Beer Garden/Entertainment Fri. 4-midnight • Sat. 11am-midnight • Sun. 11am -6pm • 2018 Womens’ National Balloon Pilot Competition SF2018
• Balloon Launch* approx. 6:15pm Fri. & Sat. • Mad Science Sat. 12-3pm
• Business Vendor Village • Balloon Pilot Competition*
• Inflatable Amusements • Pancake Breakfast Saturday 6am -11am
• Evening Balloon Glow*Friday & Saturday approx. 8:15pm • Tethered Rides* Sponsored by Edstrom Industries
• Helicopter Rides*
• Arts & Crafts Market (Contact 262-534-5911 for space availability)
• Food Vendors • Kids Entertainment Stage
• Kids’ Activities • Outdoor Family Movie Night Presented
• Drone Racing Fri. & Sat.
by TDS Telecom “Moana” Sat. 8:30pm
* Weather Permitting
View online at www.hap2it.com SUMMER FEVER 2018 Page 39
Located in the heart of our city’s east side, the Kenosha Public Museum, Dinosaur Discovery Museum, and the Civil War Museum
all offer interesting and educational highlights to a day of shopping in downtown Kenosha. Open your mind and experience a bit of history as you spend time
absorbing the fine culture of the fabulous downtown Kenosha experience. Bring the kids to our fine museums for an educational and affordable day of fun!
Museum Munchkins TWSA Gallery Talks For Honor and Family: Three
Families in the Civil War
Kenosha Public Museum Kenosha Public Museum
Wednesdays, 9:30 a.m. June 10th and July 8th, 2 p.m. Civil War Museum
A fun program designed to get you and your preschool- Take a guided tour through the Transparent Watercolor Now – January 6th
er excited about science and the world around them. Society of America exhibit. TWSA artists will walk visi- Trace the roots of three American families and how they
Free admission and a different theme each week. tors through the gallery to talk about special techniques impacted history in ways large and small. Discover how
and point out special aspects of the paintings. family genealogy and heirlooms come into museum
Imagination Studio collections, and the important role they play in under-
Second Friday Lecture Series standing our shared heritage. This exhibit is free.
Kenosha Public Museum, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
June 9th, July 14th, August 11th, and September 8th Civil War Museum at noon Gateway Rose Society Annual
On the second Saturday of each month, kids are invit- Topics: June 8th - What is a Zouave? July 13th - The Rose Show
ed to explore their creative side while they take part in Romance of War. August 10th - The Dakota War of
hands-on investigations, perform experiments and 1862. Kenosha Public Museum
make projects all inspired by science, technology, engi- June 23rd, 12:30 p.m. - 4 p.m.
neering and math. Free admission. Topics: June 9th: Museum Crawl Stop and smell the roses and arrangements during this
Weather; July 14th: Rainbows; August 11th: Wind and judged show in which only the best of the best roses
Air. Kicks off at Kenosha Public Museum are included.
July 13th, 6 - 10 p.m.
Time Traveler Rescue The 8th Annual Museum Crawl is a progressive after- How To Be An Indian
hours party at the Dinosaur Discovery Museum (5608 In The 21st Century
Kenosha Public Museum Tenth Ave.), Civil War Museum (5400 First Ave.), and
June 29th, 6 p.m. Kenosha Public Museum. Featuring exhibits, live music, Kenosha Public Museum
This is a call for junior agents who can figure out what food and drinks, raffles, photo opps, and more fun than August 11th
went wrong - the time machines are malfunctioning! should be allowed at a museum! You must be 21 years Louis V. Clark III, an Oneida author, discusses his book,
Needed are adventurous familes to search for clues, or older. This is a ticketed event. Pre-registration followed by a Q&A, and book signing. Admission is free.
solve puzzles, and perform experiements to save the required. book will be available for purchase.
day! Registration: $12. One adult required to register
View online at www.hap2it.com for 1-3 children. The Grand Review!
Transparent Watercolor Society Civil War Museum
of America 42nd Annual National June 23rd, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Juried Exhibition Come celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Civil War
Museum with a day of music and theater, a living histo-
Kenosha Public Museum ry encampment, and family activities and games that
May 5th – August 5th are based on the science of the Civil War. Admission
The Transparent Watercolor Society of America dis- will be free all day.
plays 80 paintings from some of the nation's top trans-
parent watercolor artists in this popular annual show. For more events and classes spanning the arts, astron-
The wide range of themes includes abstracts, portraits, omy, baskets, Civil War, cultures, glass, kids work-
landscapes, city scenes and more, all using the trans- shops, painting, science, stamping, summer camp and
parent watercolor painting method. This exhibit is free. more, visit museums.kenosha.org.
View online at www.hap2it.com Kenosha Public Museum Dinosaur Discovery Museum Civil War Museum
5500 First Avenue, Kenosha • 262-653-4140 5608 Tenth Avenue, Kenosha • 262-653-4450
5400 First Avenue • 262-653-4141
www.kenoshapublicmuseum.org www.dinosaurdiscoverymuseum.org www.thecivilwarmuseum.org
Open Sunday - Monday 12-5pm, Tuesday - Saturday 9am-5pm Open Tuesday-Sunday 12 - 5 pm • Free Admission
Sunday-Monday 12-5 pm and Tuesday-Saturday 9am-5pm
Free Admission The Dinosaur Discovery Museum opened in August, 2006 Closed Holidays
in a renovated 1908 Beaux Arts historic landmark. Learn
The Kenosha Public all about meat-eating dinosaurs - what they looked like, Admission: Adults: $7, Kenosha City/Somers Residents: $5,
Museum is a natu- what they ate and how they behaved. See life-scale replicas of Age 15 or under with adult: Free
ral science and fine Tyrannosaurus rex, Ceratosaurus, Gallimimus and much more.
arts museum, accredited Discover the link between dinosaurs and modern-day birds. The Civil War Museum focus-
by the American The Carthage Institute of Paleontology is a collaborative partner es on the contributions of
Association of Museums. in the museum, as they operate the on-site paleontology lab. the Upper Middle West -
After 70 years in a reno- Visit the lab and see the results of their most recent excavation, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois,
vated post office build- a juvenile tyran- Iowa, Indiana, and Michigan - to
ing, the Kenosha Public nosaurus! Be sure the Civil War. Despite the fact that
Museum moved into its new facility at Kenosha’s lakefront in 2001. See to stop in the gift no battles were fought in this
the woolly mammoth excavated in Kenosha County. Stroll through the shop for a dino- region, these states played a vital
Four Season Native American Village. Enjoy world-class art by Chagall, souvenir. The new role by providing troops and supplies to the cause. The exhibits con-
Picasso and Dali. Your children will enjoy exploring the arts and sci- museum is a “dino- centrate on personal stories of people from all walks of life and cir-
ences in the Field Station, a popular hands-on activity area. Enjoy mite” success, with cumstances. Men, women and children from various ethnic back-
changing exhibits and free family programs and events. Shop in the over 40,000 visitors grounds experienced life during and after the war in different ways. It
Mammoth Market gift shop. The museum attracts 135,000 visitors annually. is through the unique focus on these stories that the museum visitor
annually from all 50 states and 25 foreign countries. will learn about the causes and effects of the Civil War and its impact
on the region. The museum includes a veterans’ memorial gallery,
resource center, archives and gift shop.
Now offering a new menu “Eat & Drink Inside or Outside at Kenosha’s Rooms
Only Authentic Water Front Pub” available at
Visit the Boathouse Deck with a Harbor View Serving all your Favorite reasonable rates
Summertime Cocktails, Beer, and Full Menu, Inside or Outside. MERRY YACHT INN
Live Entertainment On The Weekends
Check Out Our New Happy Hour
Mon. - Fri (3pm- 6pm)
Featuring 7 New Appetizer Plates
SUMMER FEVER 2018 Page 41 4917 7th Avenue • Kenosha, WI Bring Your Fresh Catch in 32 Selections of Beers Served in
and Let Us Prepare It for You Frosted Mugs & 32 Selections Of
53140 • (262) 654-9922 Fried • Baked • Broiled • Blackened
Teas Served in 32 oz. Mugs
Boat Slips For Rent By Day, Week, or Month Served with fries, roll and coleslaw
www.boathousekenosha.com $11.00 per person
open 7 days a week 11:00 a.m. for Bar &
Restaurant Saturday & Sunday Breakfast
beginning at 7am
A Little Bit Libertyfest
Different But...
A Whole Bite June 29th – 30th
Better! Lance Park, 55 Lance Dr., Twin Lakes • (262) 877-2220
Enjoy fun for all ages! Admission is free. Presented by the Twin
At Dr. Lee’s office, our quality care, along with our Lakes Area Chamber & Business Assoc.
sensible payments plans, ensure a bright dental
Find more great things to do all summer
future for you and your family. Your dental health is long in our ongoing log on pages 6 - 16!
our main concern, and your comfort our priority.
Kenosha Kindness Day for KAFASI
Our Staff Is Friendly To The Core!
June 30th, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Dr. Rand A. Lee Pennoyer Park, 3601 7th Ave. • (262) 308-6033
This event, open to the public, benefits Kenosha Area Family and
Family Dentistry Aging Services, Inc. Senior citizens can learn about services
offered by KAFASI. The event also features live music, mini health
clinic, games, bounce house, free food, and raffles. Admission is
Cars & Coffee
June 30th, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Gateway Classic Cars, 9949 58th Pl. • (618) 589-9952
Cruise in to Gateway Classic Cars every last Saturday of the
month for Cars & Coffee. Enjoy delicious donuts, coffee and these
sweet rides. There’s no admission fee and everyone is welcome.
3103-75th St. • 694-6055 111215
PROTECT YOUR EYES... SF2016 Firecracker 10k Run & 5k Walk/Run
LOOK GREAT! July 1st, 8:30 a.m.
Library Park, 711 59th Pl. • (262) 654-9622
STOP BY TO CHECK OUT OUR HUGE Celebrate the holiday and your healthy lifestyle with an exhilarat-
SELECTION OF BRAND NAME ing run through historic downtown Kenosha! Hundreds of partici-
pants come from near and far to compete in a race that winds its
SUNGLASSES way through the Third Ave Historic District and Kenosha’s fabulous
FROM NAMES LIKE... lakefront. For the participant and spectator alike, this race is hard
to beat! The race is USATF Certified, and there will be 3 water sta-
THOMAS EYE CARE tions located on the course for the safety of the runners. For more
info and to view a course map, visit: http://bit.ly/Yfirecracker. There
Jeffrey R. Thomas, O.D. • Donna Brunello, O.D. will be no race day registration. Last chance registration: Saturday,
www.thomaseyecare.net June 30th from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the YMCA, 7101 53rd St.
2305 30th Ave. • 597-20/20 Kenosha Civic Veterans Parade
Page 42 SUMMER FEVER 2018 July 1st, 1 p.m.
“A Salute to Our Troops” is the theme for the 2018 Kenosha Civic
Veterans Parade. Continuing its community generosity, Snap-on is
again the lead sponsor for the parade. The parade travels from the
Uptown district to Downtown. Visit www.kenosha.org for more
more on page 46
View online at www.hap2it.com
• Outside Area With Covered
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New Full We have a great outdoor On site facebook.com/newwaveauto
Menu area for grilling and catering
Everyday! enjoying the sunshine! available SUMMER FEVER 2018 Page 43
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View online at www.hap2it.com
Summer School Programs kids Lincoln Park Summer
The goal of the Summer School program is to pro-
vide interventions and enrichment consistent with Monday – Friday, noon - 6:00 p.m.
the approved curriculum of the Kenosha Unified June 18th - August 24th
School District. In the programs at the elemen- Lincoln Park Oribiletti Center, 6900 18th
tary and middle school levels, the objective is to Ave.
provide opportunities for personalized learning in
The Lincoln Park Summer Program is back
reading and math that encompass collaboration, for the 2018 Summer! This free program is
creativity, critical thinking, and communication offered to youth ages 6-18. Lunch will be
around meaningful learning targets. At the high school level, the served daily at 1:30 p.m. Schedules will adjust daily with programs
objective is to provide high school students credit recovery oppor- such as organized outdoor sports, arts & crafts, music, games
tunities and to improve the graduation rate. In addition, Summer room, educational activities, movies and much more. Visit
School provides learning opportunities in the areas of music, the- www.bgckenosha.org for more.
ater, and Department of Recreation Summer Activities for
Children programs. For a full schedule, visit www.kusd.edu. Pinot's Pallette
Summer AM Adventure Program 9020 76th St., (262) 818-6519
Young budding artists now have a day camp they can call their
Mondays – Fridays, 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. very own. Pinot’s Pallette Little Brushes Day Camp offers a unique
June 15th - August 24th (building closed Wednesday, July 4th opportunity to celebrate every child’s creativity. It’s a summer to
and week of August 27th-31st) remember with special themed weeks: June 11th - 15th, Bumpin’
Boys & Girls Club of Kenosha, 1330 52nd St. • (262) 654-6200 Beach; June 25th - 29th, Visit to the Zoo; July 9th - 15th,
Looking for fun activities for your child (ages 6-12) to participate in Magnificent Nature, and July 23rd - 27th, Mystical Creatures. Visit
all day? Check out the Summer AM Adventure Program at the their website at www.pinotspalette.com/pleasantprairie for details.
Boys & Girls Club of Kenosha. Fee is $16 per day per individual
or $60 per week. Visit bgckenosha.org for more. Under the Sea Bash
Summer Quest Camp August 4th, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Woman's Club of Kenosha, 6028 8th Ave.
Mondays – Fridays, noon - 5 p.m. Hosted by the Fairytale Birthday Company and Exceptional
June 15th - August 24th (building closed Wednesday, July 4th Events of Kenosha, come out and see their magically transformed
and week of August 27th-31st) coral reef ballroom for an afternoon of entertainment you will
Boys & Girls Club of Kenosha, 1330 52nd St. • (262) 654-6200 never forget. Each child will have a fantastic journey under the
Summer Quest Camp is included as part of the yearly member- sea. Find them on Facebook for more details, including tickets.
ship to the Boys & Girls Club of Kenosha ages 6 -12. All partici-
pants must have a current membership. Membership costs are Kids’ Camps at the Museum
$20.00 per year per individual or $30 per family (siblings only).
Lunch will be served daily from noon - 1:30 p.m. Schedules will The Kenosha museums offer several different Summer Camps for
adjust daily with programs such as organized gym activities, pho- kids of all ages. Visit their website at museums.kenosha.org for a
tography, STEM programming, Games room tournaments, dance full list and registration details.
classes, field trips and more!
Join The Work Force! Why don’t mummies get a summer break?
Why don’t fish get a summer break?
Are you a teenager looking for some extra cash? Find people Because they’re always in school!
looking for babysitters or light lawn work through family members, They are afraid to unwind!
friends or call the Boys & Girls Club of Kenosha, (262) 654-6200
and ask about obtaining a work permit.
Page 44 SUMMER FEVER 2018 View online at www.hap2it.com
Kid's Castle Experience Nature Discover the RecPlex
4211 Green Bay Rd., (262) 657-7413 • Richard Bong State Recreation Area Did you know that the Pleasant Prairie
Teaching self-regula- 26313 Burlington Rd., Kansasville RecPlex, 9900 Terwall Terrace, is the
tion, self-respect, (262) 878-5600 largest municipal recreation facility in
and confidence in an • Pringle Nature Center America? They are open 7 days a week
educational and fun 9800 County Hwy. MB, Bristol offering sports programs, an ice arena,
preschool program. (262) 857-8008 swimming pool, special events and so
much more. Visit their website at recplex-
Donna's Gymnastics Scamps
online.com and become
5717 6th Ave. • (262) 818-8888 5711 77th St. • (262) 694-0805 amazed with what they
Fun and educational programs for pre- In addition to providing quality programs provide to the community.
school and school-age boys and girls. for kids preschool and up, Scamps is also
Including: tumbling, cheerleading, and available to supply fun at your next birth- Mom’s Night
more. day party! With The Kids!
Busy Bee Allendale Academy June 8th, 5:30 p.m.,
Lakeview Studio
9918 12th St., (262) 859-2283 7507 7th Ave. • (262) 654-1430 Calling all moms! Looking
Provides a full schedule of activities for For preschool through age 12, they value for some quality time with
your child which stimulates his or her educational excellence, unwavering dedi- your child and an opportu-
mind and body. cation, and outstanding child care. nity to make a unique
present for Father's Day?
Classic Violins Here We Grow Look no further! All materi-
als will be provided along
4003 80th St. • (262) 577-5488 6032 8th Ave. • (262) 652-0700 with some tasty treats.
Offering violin, viola, and cello lessons for A loving and structured environment Price: $38 per project. For more details,
students of all ages and levels of experi- where children can grow and develop as please email Alyssa Carter at
ence. individuals. [email protected].
Actors Craft Diver Dan’s Kickin' It Kickball
4900 7th Ave. • (262) 705-0194 3927 30th Ave. • (262) 652-9399 July 13th, 5 p.m.
Does your child have a flair for the dra- Learn to swim as early as 6 months old at South Ball Fields
matic? Bring your children ages 6 -15 to Diver Dan’s with The American Red Cross Grab some of your friends and some
join their Acting Camp, ending in a staged Swimming and Water Safety programs in grown-ups to form a team of 8 (4 adults, 4
performance. their ninety degree warm water pool. Plan children, 7 and up) and enjoy some friend-
your next birthday party with a pool theme ly competition! Registration is $32 per
Music Center at Diver Dan’s. team. Visit recplexonline.com for more info.
7700 Green Bay Rd. • (888) 697-9393 Family Olympics
Providing lessons for kids looking to play
the drums, piano, guitar, bass, or sing. Saturday, August 18th, 10:30 a.m.
South Ball Fields
Church Daycare & Similar to track and field day - have a fami-
Preschool Available ly bonding day of two adults and two chil-
dren playing several games and meeting
• St. Joseph Academy different families. Registration: $25 for fam-
2401 69th St. • (262) 654-8651 ily of 4, $3 for extra family members.
• Holy Rosary
2215 43rd St. • (262) 925-9481 Summer Camp
• Good Shepherd Lutheran
4311 104th St. • (262) 694-0964 Weekly and daily programs for youths with
• Kenosha Bible disabilities. Confidential registration and
5405 67th St. • (262) 652-4507 $75 fee required; visit the website, recplex-
online.com, for more.
Summer Day Camp Youth Programs at UW-Parkside
Kenosha YMCA, 7101 53rd St. The summer youth camps at UW-Parkside focus on skills that kids
The YMCA provides kids ages 5-15 with summer fun and adven- can build at an early age that could blossom into future passions
tures that promote a healthy spirit, mind, and body. Different pro- and even careers. With camps in coding, engineering, robotics,
grams for various age groups and each week a variety of activities mindfulness, and technology, there's something for everyone.
will focus on a different theme. Some groups featured are: Discover what their future holds today! Visit www.uwp.edu for
Callahan Kids Camp (K-6th), Camp Adventure, and Teen Scene more information on a multitude of programs.
Camp. Visit www.kenoshaymca.org for more information.
the summer of kids
View online at www.hap2it.com SUMMER FEVER 2018 Page 45
SF2018 Celebrate America featuring Fireworks
Is Your Business July 3rd – 4th
HarborPark, Downtown Kenosha • www.hap2it.com
Without An Accountant? A full lineup of multiple stages of entertainment, the Pier Pups, car-
nival, food, crafts, kids' fun and more will be offered along the lake-
WE CAN HELP! front, leading up to the Festival Foods Fireworks on July 4th.
• Full accounting services including new clients Dinghy Parade
payroll & tax reporting
July 4th, noon - 2 p.m.
Make your appointment to go Southport Marina, Downtown Kenosha
over your accounting needs today. Decorate your dinghy, or just come out to cheer on your favorite.
Open All Year To Somers Parade Mile
Serve You Better.
July 4th, 1:30 p.m., (262) 925-0300
772-284-0305 One mile road race which starts the Somers' Fourth of July Parade.
Event follows the parade route. Run to the cheers of the parade
Kathy Kessler Accounting - Payroll & Tax Preparation spectators. Individuals $12. Online registration ends June 28th.
Same day registration is available. Email briant@kenosha running-
Registered Tax Return Preparer company.com with questions.
Over 25 Years Experience In Tax Preparation & Accounting First Fridays at the I-94 Visitor Center
July 6th, 12 - 3 p.m.
I-94 Visitor Information Center (I-94 & Hwy. 165)
The first Friday of each month, the Kenosha Area Convention &
Visitors Bureau hosts a free, fun, informative, and tasty Open House
at its I-94 Visitor Information Center.
Concerts at Kenosha Lighthouse Studio
Daddy Long Legs (blues/rock duo)
July 6th, 7 - 9 p.m.
Kenosha Lighthouse Studio at North Pier Lighthouse
5001 4th Ave. • (262) 914-6114
Free and open to the public.
SF2018 Bristol Renaissance Faire
Opening Weekend: Kids Admitted Free
July 7th - 8th, 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.
12550 120th Ave. • (847) 395-7773
Kids admitted free on
opening weekend.
Children age 12 &
younger are admitted
free when accompanied
by paying adult. Coupon
not required for child tick-
ets. Limit 6 children per
adult. The Faire contin-
Breakfast and Lunch served Daily ues every Saturday and
Hot Panini Sandwiches Sunday up to and including Labor Day with different themes each
Homemade Soups • Fresh Salads
weekend. Visit renfair.com/bristol for more information. Open rain or
Biscuits and Gravy
Sweet Potato Hash julyshine.
Serving Collectivo
Coffee & Tea
All Organic & Fair trade!
ODuitndionogr 6010 40th Ave • 925-8338 SF2018
OPEN Mon-Fri 6am-3pm Sat. 7am-2pm Sun. 8am-2pm more on page 48
Page 46 SUMMER FEVER 2018 View online at www.hap2it.com
Corporate to casual, we cover it all! From elegant dinners &
corporate lunches to large outdoor parties you can count on us!
Our philosophy is to provide a consistent level of high-quality delicious food with exceptional customer service.
We are a full-service caterer – to the areas finest venues.
Visit us @ chefdavids.com (262) 925-8800
View online at www.hap2it.com SUMMER FEVER 2018 Page 47
Rods for a Reason Car Show Rotary Club Softball Tournament
July 8th, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. July 12th - 15th, Lincoln Park, 6900
Petrifying Springs Park 18th Ave.
4909 7th St. •(262) 857-1869 A Kenosha tradition returns for the 46th
This event is in support of the Wisconsin year! Register your team today, or just
Make A Wish Foundation. All proceeds from come out to cheer on your favorites!
this event stay local, going to Make A Wish Visit www.kenoshawestrotary.org for
children in the Kenosha/Racine area. more.
The Cars Time Forgot Car Show Matt Meyer & the Smooth Riders
July 8th, 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. July 13th, 6 – 9 p.m.
Lake Lawn Resort, 2400 Geneva St., Delavan • (262) 728-7950 Hawthorn Hollow Nature Sanctuary & Arboretum
Their 15th annual car show located on the shores of beautiful Lake 880 Green Bay Road • (262) 552-8196
Delavan. Admission is free. Visit www.carstimeforgot.com for more. Come enjoy an evening of live music at Hawthorn Hollow’s outdoor
amphitheater nestled along the Pike River with rock and blues act
Dropping Daisies Matt Meyer and the Smooth Riders. Food, wines, beer, and soda
will be available for purchase; no carry-ins please. $10 admission.
Tuesdays at the Shell All proceeds go to Hawthorn Hollow.
July 10th, 6 p.m.
Sesquicentennial Bandshell in Pennoyer Park Museum Crawl
3601 7th Ave. • facebook.com/MAAM
Rock group Dropping Daisies kicks off this popular music series at July 13th, 6 - 10 p.m., 5500 First Ave • (262) 653-4140
Pennoyer Park. Admission is free. The 8th Annual Museum Crawl is a progressive after-hours party
at the Dinosaur Discovery Museum (5608 Tenth Ave.), Civil War
King Solomon Museum (5400 First Ave.), and Kenosha Public Museum.
Featuring exhibits, live music, food and drinks, raffles, photo ops,
Lincoln Park Live music series and more fun than should be allowed at a museum! You must be
July 11th, 5:30 p.m. 21 years or older. This is a ticketed event. Preregistration required;
Lincoln Park, 6900 18th Ave. visit museums.kenosha.org for info.
Enjoy reggae music from King Solomon. Admission is free.
Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Felix and Fingers: Dueling Pianos
Friday Night Flicks - July 13th, sunset
Peanut Butter & Jam Concert Series Nash School, 6801 99th Ave.
July 12th, Two shows: 11:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. www.hap2it.com
Veterans Memorial Park Pack up the lawn chairs and a cooler and
625 52nd St. • (262) 564-8800 • www.hap2it.com come out for a movie under the stars! In this
High energy piano play- sequel to Star Wars: The Force Awakens,
ers will get the crowd up Luke Skywalker begins training the young
and moving their feet. Rey, while villain Kylo Ren grows stronger in
This is a free summer the force. This film is rated PG-13 for sci-fi
concert series on the
Meijer stage, now in its julyaction and violence.
17th year and presented
by Happenings
Magazine, the City of
Kenosha, and this week’s
co-sponsor, Anastos Motors! Enjoy great music, tastes from food
vendors, and a million dollar view over the Lake Michigan harbor
across the street.
more on page 50
Paddle Board & 4017 75th St. Kenosha
Kayak Rentals
(across from Pershing Plaza)
$25 1/2 Day
$45 Full Day (262) 577-5217
PFD and Paddle Mon. - Sat. 10 -7 • Sun. 11-4
“For All Those Who Play”
We buy used sporting goods daily
Baseball • Soccer • LaCrosse • Golf • Disc Golf • Football • Bikes • Fitness Equipment • and more!
Page 48 SUMMER FEVER 2018 View online at www.hap2it.com
SF2018 SF2018
SUMMER FEVER 2018 Page 49
View online at www.hap2it.com
71st Annual Mt. Carmel Festival Kenosha's Secret Garden Walk
July 13th - 15th July 14th, 9 a.m.
Columbus Park, 2003 54th St. • (262) 652-7660 Enjoy a self-guided tour of six glorious Kenosha area private gar-
Come for the cannoli, stay for the entertainment! Three days of dens! Presented by the Four Seasons Garden Club. Tickets: $8 in
great music, food that is second to none, including their home- advance/$10 day of the tour. Accompanied children under 12 free.
made spaghetti dinner and so much more. Free admission. Tickets available at: Jack Andrea’s, 2401 60th St., (262) 652-4217.
Second Saturday
July 14th. Downtown Kenosha
Bristol Progress Days On the second Saturday of each month, participating Downtown
July 13th - 15th Kenosha businesses and art galleries roll out the welcome mats
Hansen Park, 8600 200th Ave. • (262) 857-2447
For three days in July, Bristol becomes the site of good ol' family with extended hours, special promotions and sales, live entertain-
fun. Admission is free. Visit bristolprogressdays.com for a sched-
ule as the time approaches. ment, family activities, and much more. Visit www.down-
St. Lucy's Festival townkenosha.org for details.
July 13th - 15th more on page 52
Saint Lucy Catholic Church
3101 Drexel Ave., Racine • (262) 554-1801
Family fun and free admission.
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