See Our Ad On Page 3 F R E E Drive a Little rive a Little Save A LOT! NEW & USED CAR SALES 2012 FORD FIESTA SE $7,777 Stock # K23248A still hopes for a spinoff of his “Rocky” character DOLPH LUNDGREN of “That ‘70s Show” fame could be serving 45 years, if convicted Don’t miss Rick“Elvis” Saucedo see page 25 New Documentary explores the life of Little Richard Danny Masterson THEA VIDALE the former star of the ABC sitcom “Thea” and WWE wrestling manager is Kenosha bound! TSA continues to snag guns at an alarming rate Richard Lewis shares with fans his Parkinson’s diagnosis April 27, 2023 April 27, 2023 The Richest Man in the world is not Elon Musk
Page 2 HAPPENINGS April 27, 2023 April 27, 2023 • • Volume 46 Number 15 Happenings Magazine is published weekly by Carmichael Communications Editor & Publisher/Frank J. Carmichael • Assistant to the Publisher/Reanna Stockdale • Sales/Kim Carmichael, Donald Stancato Reception/Sarah Coleman • Art Department/Glen Kelly, Kristin Monticelli • Editorial Manager/Jason Hedman Carmichael Communications: 1420 63rd Street, Kenosha, WI 53143, (262) 564-8800 21 Grammy-winning singer Kim Petras teams up with Nicki Minaj for her latest single, “Alone” 20 Dolph Lundgren talks about his vision for a film based on his Rocky IV character Ivan Drago 13 Henry Cavill is returning for a third season of the Netflix adventure series The Witcher 10 The rich are still rich, but haven’t been getting richer, according to Forbes recent billionaires list 041323 042023 April 27, 2023 HAPPENINGS Page 3 Kenosha Funeral Services and Crematory Prepay for your funeral now and the price will be guaranteed. 8226 Sheridan Rd. Kenosha, WI 53143 (262) 652-1943 Quality • Value • Service When you need it the most When you need it the most Make An Appointment To Pre-Plan Your Funeral Today Cremation with Rental Casket & Services..$6,775.00 Includes: Professional Service Fee, Embalming, Dressing, Casketing, Cosmetology, 1-hour Visitation, Funeral Services, Transfer of Remains to our Facility, Cremation Fee, and Rental Casket. 042023 PALMENMOTORS.COM Bob has nearly 40 years in the automotive industry. BOB PISCIOTTI SR. (262) 945-0556 063022 Now Working by Appointment to Better Serve You is seeking a dynamic, results-oriented Integrated Marketing Consultant (Sales) to join our rapidly growing Integrated Sales division. The ideal candidate will have established client relationships. You will have a proven track record of success selling multiple forms of media and possess business development skills. You should demonstrate extensive knowledge of how to incorporate well rounded marketing plans to get a client in front of the right audience including radio, digital; omnichannel/multi-channel campaigns, core products and services such as OTT/CTV, targeted display, streaming audio, SEO/SEM, mobile, social, and websites among others. 041323 ALPHA MEDIA KENOSHA/WAUKEGAN/CRYSTAL LAKE INTEGRATED MARKETING CONSULTANT – WIIL/WLIP/WKRS/WXLC/WZSR Email your cover letter and resume to Alpha Media is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Any Large Pizza Only one discounted pizza per coupon per visit. One coupon per customer. Not valid with any other offer. Offer Expires 5/5/23. ONLINE ORDERING IS NOW AVAILABLE AT 2409 SHERIDAN RD. ZION, IL Open Daily 11:00 AM 1-847-872-4868 042723 $2.00 OFF PIZZA HOUSE OPEN FOR CARRY OUT • DELIVERY
Page 4 HAPPENINGS April 27, 2023 Actor, comedian and WWE wrestling manager, Thea Vidale has never been to Kenosha but that is about to change. Vidale is bringing her show to the Kenosha Comedy Club, Friday and Saturday May 5 & 6. This week we caught up with Vidale at her home in Houston, Texas via an interview on Happenings Q&A/AM1050 WLIP. It is Houston where she got her start in the comedy business, recalling that first time she got up on stage. “It was scary, so I just looked at my friends. The audience was laughing and I didn’t get it, I was really amazed at it all.” Many more shows followed, but it wasn’t until Vidale met Rodney Dangerfield, who gave the aspiring comedian her first big break and she began to realize this could be a career. That big break came in 1989 when Dangerfield cast Vidale on the HBO special, ‘Rodney Dangerfield: Opening Night at Rodney’s Place’. It’s where Vidale found herself with Tim Allen, Jeff Foxworthy, Greg Travis, Larry Reeb, Uncle Lar, Sam Kinison and a very young Chris Rock. “Rodney gave me a break and then more good things happened, I wasn’t sure about comedy until that first TV show.” Given the legend surrounding David Lettermen we had to ask Vidale what was her experience on the late night show with her responding, “He’s very strange. He is cool too, kind of aloof. He was scared of my long nails.” Vidale would go on to appear in a number of movies and television shows including: Comedy's Dirtiest Dozen, WWE Raw, Elen, Ugly Betty, The Drew Carey Show. However, Vidale would make history when ABC came calling and she became the first African American female comedian in a sitcom named after her. Thea also earned herself a nomination for a People's Choice Award for favorite female in a new series. The show’s premise showed Vidale as a widowed mother of four who worked in a Huston supermarket by day and ran a single-chair beauty salon on the corner of her porch in the evenings. Her supporting cast included Adam Jeffries, Jason Weaver, Brenden Jefferson, Yvette Wilson, Cleavant Derricks, and Brandy Norwood, whose music career has resulted in her selling over 40 million records worldwide. With low ratings the show only survived one season, however, Vidale would like to take another bite at the apple. “I want to do a new show but this time as a grandparent. Parents today give their kids too much. There’re mothers who just let them do anything. Can we go to the park? Did you do your homework? If you didn’t do your homework, we aren’t talking. I may put you in an Amazon boxthey’ll take you." Vidale, who has four children and nine grandchildren said, “Parents need to take care of their kids. They drop the grandkids off for a couple of hours. That’s two hours. They expect you to keep them all weekend. I’m not made like that." Vidale went on to discuss grandparents who are raising grandkids saying, “Then the parents come back after 5 years. I have a two-year-old grandson I’ve had since he was born. I’m too old to be potty training, I already did that. Our job is to spoil them, not raise them." If you’re a WWE fan you may recall Vidale’s foray into the world of professional wrestling when she transformed into Mama Benjamin, managing her son, Shelton Benjamin’s pro wrestling career. Vidale says, “Shelton was the best athlete. Others were working out while Shelton walked around eating twizzlers, that’s a body he could jump." Vidale went on to say, “I wanted him to win the belt but he is a different fellow. He is quiet and reserved. He felt the big belt was for the audience and I thought the big belt was the big belt, I wanted that belt. And I wanted him to want it and he didn’t.” Unfortunately, Mama Benjamin’s pro wrestling career was cut short when she fainted and EMT’s had to come to the rescue. Vidale recalls “that was fun. When I fainted, I didn’t know my dress would come up. And I kept telling people to pull my dress down, my mama’s watching while trying to be unconscious." The story line was that the fainting was the result of heart arrithimia and she would need a medical procedure. When in reality Vidale says, “I had to bow out because I needed hernia surgery. I had a bunch of hernias. I was supposed to go back, but I didn’t.” It begged to be asked, in jest, so what we see play out in and out of the ring isn’t real? Vidale’s response, “Let me ask you something, if I hit you in the head with a chair and you bleed, ain’t you looking for a gun?” Reflecting on those days Vidale says “I loved being on the WWE and Mr. McMahon, that chest is real, I touched it. That body is bigger than life, oh lord let me touch you." By Frank Carmichael Born Thea R. Vidale November 20, 1956 (age 66) Washington, D.C. Always the Jokester In a recent interview, Vidale said her silliness has occasionally landed her in trouble, especially in her younger days. In second grade she was expelled from school for drawing a stick figure man with three legs. Stern’s Favorite Joke During an appearance on The Howard Stern Show, Vidale shared a joke that really ticked the host. “It was about the Titanic,” she recalled. “There was a lady that is all she talked about - the movie. I told her I enjoyed watching you all drown - like crackers in soup.” Thea Vidale… meet Toby Maguire In the 1989 HBO feature, “Rodney Dangerfield: Opening Night at Rodney’s Place,” the cast included Thea Vidale and a youngster cast as “Boy #3” who at the time was billed as Tobias Maguire in his very first TV role. Thirty Years Ago What a difference 30 years can be. Back in 1993, when “Thea” aired, the ABC sitcom would on occasion snag over 20 million viewers. In comparison, NBC’s highly rated “Sunday Night Football” averaged 19.9 million viewers this past year. A Voice From the Past From 1989-1991, Vidale recorded new voiceover of the Tom and Jerry character Mammy Two-Shoes. Scan the QR code above on your smart phone for a direct link to the pilot episode of ABC’s “Thea” FYI Thea Vidale Tickets for Thea Vidale’s appearance at the Kenosha Comedy Club Friday, May 5th and Saturday, May 6th are available now. Visit now to reserve your seat. Comedian Thea Vidale, who has shared the stage with the legends, comes to Kenosha April 27, 2023 HAPPENINGS Page 5 Watch This Ad, Buy This Drug Drug ads on TV are almost always annoying, and frightening, too, if you listen to the mandatory disclaimers about some of the bad things that might happen if you take the drug. Presumably, the advertised drugs represent an improvement over what's already on the market, but a published study suggests otherwise. It found that less than one-third of drugs commonly advertised on TV have "high therapeutic value," offering at least moderate improvement for patients compared to existing therapies. Drug companies spent $15.9 billion from 2015 to 2021 on TV ads for products that researchers said were rated as low in therapeutic value. More Drug News, Some Good The cost of prescription medicine prices is projected to rise 8% annually over the next three years, reports STAT. But a CDC survey found that in 2021, the percentage of people living in families struggling to pay medical bills over the previous 12 months declined from 14% in 2019 to 10.8% in 2021. That translates to 10.5 million fewer people in families having problems paying medical bills than the 45.5 million in 2019. Body of Knowledge Don't admit it, but everyone farts: Roughly 500 to 1,500 milliliters of gas per day, expelled in an average of 10-20 farts. Nearly all of the gas (99%) is odorless, primarily hydrogen, carbon dioxide, methane and air that you've swallowed. The stinky gas is hydrogen sulfide, a byproduct of digesting foods containing sulfur. Gum and soda can make you fart more due to swallowed air and carbonation. Products that reduce flatulence work by starving the bacteria that produce odorous gas, but this is not a good idea since it can interfere with microbial gut health. The only known mammal that does not fart is the sloth. Get Me That, Stat! In 2021, teen birth rates by state ranged from a high of 26.5 (per 1,000 females age 15-19) in Arkansas to a low of 5.4 in New Hampshire, according to the National Vital Statistics System. Counts 1.4 million: Number of emergency department visits in U.S. for assault in 2020 26,031: Number of deaths from homicide 20,958: Number of homicides involving firearms Sources: National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, 2020; National Vital Statistics System-Mortality data (2021) Best Medicine Patient: "Doc, I'm totally depressed. I feel like I don't want to do anything." Doctor: "Try drinking a gallon of water before you go to sleep." Patient: "What good will that do?" Doctor: "It will give you a reason to get out of bed in the morning." Observation "When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." — Mark Twain (1835-1910) Medical History This week in 1966, a chemist named James M. Schlatter applied for a patent for "Peptide Sweetening Agents," an invention that eventually led to the marketing of aspartame under the name NutraSweet. A few months earlier, Schlatter accidentally discovered the sweetener when, to pick up a paper, he licked his finger and tasted an unexpectedly sweet trace of a substance that, he realized, has earlier splashed onto the outside of a flask he had handled. Last Words "Remember, honey; don't forget what I told you. Put in my coffin a deck of cards, a mashie niblick (a kind of golf club) and a blonde." — Comedian Leonard Chico Marx (1887-1961) "Die, my dear? Why, that is the last thing I'd do." — Comedian Groucho Marx (1890-1977) By Scott LaFee, Creators well news Karaoke is coming to The Wyndham Hotel 5125 6th Avenue Kenosha, WI beginning Wednesday, May 3 Non-Stop Music, Non-Stop Fun 6:30pm - 9:30pm A 042723 ll star
Page 6 HAPPENINGS April 27, 2023 Embrace the traditions: Connecting with Europeans Iused to be put off by European sophisticates, so into their fine wine and stinky cheese and their high-falutin’ “terroir” that created it all. But now I love being a cultural bumpkin. Sure, I’m simple. I was raised thinking cheese is orange and comes in the shape of the bread. Slap it on – voilà! – cheese sandwich. Over in Europe, cheese is not orange nor the shape of the bread. In France alone you could eat a different cheese every day of the year. And it wouldn’t surprise me if people did. These people are passionate about their cheese. I love it when my favorite restaurateur in Paris, Marie-Alice, takes me shopping in the morning and shows me what’s going to be on the menu that night. She steers me into her favorite cheese shop. It’s a festival of mold. Picking up the moldiest, gooiest wad, MarieAlice takes a deep whiff, and groans ecstatically, "Oh, Rick, smell zees cheese. It smells like zee feet of angels." I’m her wide-eyed student. It’s fun to be on the receiving end of all that cultural, gastronomic, and regional pride. I see it as a learning opportunity. Thankfully, people are sophisticated about different things, and when we have the opportunity to connect, it can be good for all. While my father never knew much about cheese, he was sophisticated about pianos. He was a piano tuner in Seattle, and he imported fine pianos. Back in the late ’60s and early ’70s I’d join him on trips to Vienna. He’d take me to the Bösendorfer factory, where the world’s finest pianos were made. I remember thinking they weren’t manufactured – they were birthed. Touring the factory, which filled a former monastery, we learned the procedure for aging the wood, and why the imported felt was made from the wool of a certain kind of sheep. In former monks’ cells, the workers each proudly produced two pianos per year. The result of this lovingly labor-intensive production process: Each piano had its own personality. Bringing that Old World quality to the New World was the joy of my dad’s work. While this old-time quality is gone (such fine, handcrafted pianos are a casualty of our massproduced modern world), perhaps having witnessed it is one of the reasons I’m enthusiastic about sharing the fine points of European culture. Bösendorfers may no longer be produced with such loving care. But, thankfully, the cheese still smells like zee feet of angels. On the road you meet people you’d never meet at home – people who highlight those cultures. I meet a greater variety of interesting people in two months in Europe than I encounter in an entire year in America. At home, we surround ourselves with people like ourselves. It’s just the normal thing to do. We shop, worship, and play where people like us do the same things. One of my favorite countries is Ireland – not because of its sights, but because of its people. In Ireland, I enjoy the sensation that I’m actually understanding a foreign language. People there have the gift of gab – for them, it’s an art form. I think the Irish are such engaging conversationalists because, even if they don’t speak Gaelic (the poetic old Irish language), many think in it. More Irish speak Gaelic than many travelers realize. Often when you step into a shop, you don’t know that the locals were speaking to each other in Gaelic. They turn to you, without missing a beat, and speak in English. When you step away, they slip right back into their language. I love traveling in a Gaeltacht, as Gaelic-speaking regions are called. These are national preserves for the traditional culture – where the government decides, even at the expense of good business, that they will subsidize the continued existence of the Irish language because it’s part of their heritage. It’s very hard for me to keep my busy itinerary in a Gaeltacht because people are so charming and they’ve got all the time in the world to talk. I was deep into one conversation with an old-timer when I asked him, "Were you born here?" And he said, "No, ‘twas about five miles down the road." Later on I asked him, "Have you lived here all your life?" He winked and said, "Not yet." When I’m doing a tour, writing a guidebook, or filming a TV show, if I’m not interacting with people, it’s going to be a flat experience. Cultural bumpkin or worldly sophisticate, if you want rich travel experiences, you’ve got to connect. By Rick Steves travel The French are serious about cheese. TSA confiscates 1,508 guns at airport checkpoints in first quarter of year Officers with the Transportation Security Administration confiscated more than 1,500 guns at airport security checkpoints in the United States during the first quarter of the year, more than 93% of which were loaded. The 1,508 firearms equate to an average of 16.8 intercepted each day during the first three months of the year, the TSA said. The figures represent a 10.3% increase over the same period last year, although the number of passengers traveling through American airports also went up. "Firearms at TSA security checkpoints present an unacceptable safety and security risk to other passengers and I am deeply concerned that the majority of these firearms our TSOs catch are loaded," TSA Administrator David Pekoske said. "If you carry a firearm to the checkpoint, our TSOs will see it and there will be significant penalties, to include federal penalties and additional screening, which may prolong the security screening process. You may still travel with a firearm -- it just must be properly packed in your checked baggage and you must declare it to the airline." Despite differing gun laws from state to state, firearms are prohibited in all carry-on baggage, at TSA checkpoints, or onboard aircraft, regardless of permits or permission. Rules and regulations haven't stopped Americans from attempting to bring firearms through the checkpoints. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the TSA intercepted a record number of firearms. Officers caught 4,432 firearms in carry-on bags or being carried by passengers at checkpoints in 2019. That figure was surpassed in 2021 with 5,972 firearms seized, and again last year. Officers confiscated 6,542 firearms at 262 airports last year. April 27, 2023 HAPPENINGS Page 7 TOP RATED DENTIST IN KENOSHA! SEE OUR GOOGLE REVIEWS i Dr. Kaczynski 10AM- 7PM 9AM- 4PM 042723 Full service dentistry In a small, private atmosphere “Have been going to Kenosha Dentist for just over a year. Have experienced wonderful service. I just had a lower partial made. It's the best that has ever been made for me. I can now enjoy eating nuts , popcorn, And have no food particles get under my partial as they used to. Much thanks to Dr. TOM AND STAFF. I enjoy the family atmosphere that I find at Kenosha Dentist.” -Don Morzfeld 5455 Sheridan Rd. Suite 201 • Kenosha FREE CONSULTATIONS COUPON NEW PATIENTS RECEIVE Any Service With this coupon. Valid through May 31st 2023 $ 100 OFF SAME DAY EMERGENCIES The Law Offices Of Frank J. Parise • Misdemeanors • Felonies • DUIs • Drug Charges • Domestic Violence • Juvenile Law 262-656-9906 Email: ,LLC 020217 7001-30th Ave • Kenosha, WI Experienced Representation Better Call Parise! Opening Day is April 29th BURR OAKS GREENHOUSE GRAINERY GOODS AND GARDEN BIN Open Daily Mon-Fri 9-5, Sat & Sun 9-4 1275 100th Ave. Kenosha • 262-859-2610 Gift Certificates are a wonderful gift for mom! Mother’s Day is May 14th Hanging Baskets Potted Plants Annuals Perennials Vegetables • Herbs Smile, It’s Spring mile, It’ s Spring 042723 DELIVERY HELP NEEDED Part-time position available to deliver Happenings Magazine. Fill Out An Application At 1420-63rd St., Kenosha, WI • Must be a dependable individual w/ your own vehicle & automobile insurance • Must be available on Wednesday afternoons & Thursdays mornings • Must be familiar with Kenosha & Racine • Must be able to lift & carry at least 50 lbs Mon. - Fri. 11am-4pm DELIVERY SR030923
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Page 10 HAPPENINGS April 27, 2023 1 49 1 5 29 3 1 2 1 2 Book Title (Author) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 This Week HARDCOVER NONFICTION Book Title (Author) Outlive (Attia/Gifford) I’m Glad My Mom Died (McCurdy) You Could Make This Place Beautiful (Smith) Spare (Prince Henry) Poverty, By America (Desmond) I Swear (Porter) It. Goes. So. Fast. (Kelly) Got Your Number (Greenberg/Hembekides) Greenlights (McConaughey) The Light We Carry (M.Obama) This Week HARDCOVER FICTION Weeks Listed Weeks Listed 3 36 1 14 4 1 1 2 89 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Dark Angel (Sandford) Lessons in Chemistry (Garmus) The Only Survivors (Miranda) Hello Beautiful (Napolitano) Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and... (Zevin) Hang the Moon (Walls) Lassiter (Ward) Romantic Comedy (Sittenfeld) Things I Wish I Told My Mother (Patterson/DiLallo) Homecoming (Morton) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. TOP SELLING DIGITAL POP SONGS Flowers/Miley Cyrus Good As Hell/Lizzo Last Night/Morgan Wallen Anti-Hero/Taylor Swift I Aint Worried/OneRepublic Unstoppable/Sia Peaches/Jack Black Like Crazy/Jimin As It Was/Harry Styles Trustfall/Pink the hit list SOURCE: AMAZON.COM - MAY INCLUDE PRE-ORDERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. TOP SELLING DIGITAL ALBUMS 72 Seasons/Metallica Star Trek: Picard/series soundtrack Super Mario Bros Movie/original film soundtrack The Ultimate Hits/Garth Brooks Hope/NF One Thing At A Time/Morgan Wallen Love at Last/Lara Downes RokFlote/Jethro Tull The Mandalorian: S3 - Vol.2/series score In Between Thoughts/Rodrigo y Gabriela 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. TOP SELLING OVERALL - CD & VINYL 72 Seasons/Metallica One Thing At A Time/Morgan Wallen Folklore/Taylor Swift RokFlote/Jethro Tull Fly Like An Eagle/Steve Miller Band Midnights/Taylor Swift Reputation/Taylor Swift Portals/Melanie Martinez But Here We Are/Foo Fighters Trustfall/Pink 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. TOP SELLING RAP & HIP HOP - CD/VINYL 72 Seasons/Metallica Fly Like An Eagle/Steve Miller Band Defiance Part 1/Ian Hunter But Here We Are/Foo Fighters The Dark Side of the Moon/Pink Floyd Weezer (Blue Album)/Weezer Back to Black/Amy Winehouse Memento Mori/Depeche Mode Shadow Kingdom/Bob Dylan Abbey Road (Anniversary Edition)/The Beatles 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. TOP SELLING ROCK - CD/VINYL N.Y. TIMES BESTSELLERS Falling stocks, wounded unicorns and rising interest rates translated into a down year for the world’s wealthiest people. Globally, Forbes counted 2,640 ten-figure fortunes, down from 2,668 last year. Altogether, the planet’s billionaires are now worth $12.2 trillion, a drop of $500 billion from $12.7 trillion in March 2022. Nearly half the list is poorer than a year ago, including Elon Musk, who falls from No. 1 to No. 2 after his pricey acquisition of Twitter helped sink Tesla shares. Bernard Arnault, head of luxury goods giant LVMH, takes his place as the world’s richest person, marking the first time a citizen of France leads the ranking. The United States still boasts the most billionaires, with 735 list members worth a collective $4.5 trillion. China (including Hong Kong and Macau) remains second, with 562 billionaires worth $2 trillion, followed by India, with 169 billionaires worth $675 billion. To calculate net worths, Forbes used stock prices and exchange rates from March 10, 2023. Richest Women in the World 1. Bernard Arnault $211B LVMH 2. Elon Musk $180B Tesla. SpaceX 3. Jeff Bezos $114B Amazon 4. Larry Ellison $107B Oracle 5. Warren Buffett $106B Berkshire Hathaway 6. Bill Gates $104B Microsoft 7. Michael Bloomberg $94B Bloomberg 8. Carlos Slim Helu $93B Telecom 9. Mukesh Ambani $83B Diversified 10. Steve Ballmer $80B Microsoft Richest Men in the World 1. Francois Bettencourt Meyers $80B L’Oreal 2. Julia Koch $59B Koch Industries 3. Alice Walton $56B WalMart 4. Jacqueline Mars $38B Candy, Pet Food 5. Miram Adelson $35B Casinos 6. Rafaela Aponte-Diamant $31B Shipping 7. Susanne Klatten $27B BMW, pharmaceuticals 8. Gina Rinehart $27B Mining 9. MacKenzie Scott $24B Amazon 10. Iris Fontbona $23B Mining Bernard Arnault Igor/Tyler the Creator Flower Boy/Tyler the Creator My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy/Kanye West Call Me If You Get Lost/Tyler the Creator Circles/Mac Miller Man on the Moon: The End of Day/Kid Cudi Enter the Wu-Tang/Wu-Tang Clan Greatest Hits/2Pac To Pimp A Butterfly/Kendrick Lamar Hope/NF Francois Bettencourt Meyers April 27, 2023 HAPPENINGS Page 11 The world was experiencing an unprecedented pandemic when rock 'n' roll great Little Richard died at age 87 in May 2020. Amid lockdowns that left people isolated in their homes, producer-director Lisa Cortés wondered why no one had done a biopic or documentary on him. Little Richard, the beloved public figure and TV staple, continued to perform well into his 70s. He was Black and gay at a time when that could mean career ruin. Cortés won an Emmy as a producer for The Apollo, a 2019 HBO documentary about the storied Harlem theater. And she executive produced the Oscarwinning film Precious. Her documentary, Little Richard: I Am Everything, had a limited theatrical release this month and is now available to rent on video-on-demand services like Amazon, Apple, YouTube and others. Cortés places him in his rightful context as a rock 'n' roll pioneer who influenced The Beatles, Bob Dylan, James Brown and Prince, among others. His big hits, "Tutti Frutti" "Good Golly, Miss Molly" and "Long Tall Sally," were coopted and recorded by White artists in the '50s in which his songwriting was present, but his soul was not. In the documentary, Richard laments that he was paid less for his songs than the mainstream acts who re-recorded them. "When he passed away in May of 2020, it was a crazy time for all of us," Cortés said in a recent Zoom interview. "We were in lockdown, and I started hearing his music all over. Such joy, such exuberance, coupled with testimonials from a broad range of people -- Bob Dylan, Dave Grohl from the FooFighters, Elton John. "I'm like, 'Wait a minute, here's this great music. Here's all these people. He's rock 'n' roll.' That just was so compelling when I realized there had not been a feature-length documentary." Born Richard Wayne Penniman in Macon, Ga., in 1932, Little Richard emerged from the South after leaving the family home as a teenager when his religious father refused to accept his sexuality. He found mentors in the Black gay scene of the time that has largely been forgotten and honed his musical talents on the so-called "chitlin' circuit." Cortés uses a combination of contemporary queer scholars, musicians and artists like Billy Porter, John Waters and Mick Jagger to share their views on Richard's life through the intersections of race, culture and queerness to tell a more complete story about the multifaceted star. "I got to explore the multitudes that he contained as a child of the South, as a queer person, as a musician whose contributions were appropriated, obliterated, as someone who, by his very being in declaration of self, was transgressive and changed culture." This includes gospel artist Sister Rosetta Sharpe, now also considered a rock 'n' roll pioneer. While performing in Macon, she gave Richard his first paying job after hearing him sing as a teen when he was working at the Macon City Auditorium. He was also mentored by Billy Wright, an openly gay singer in the '50s who inspired Richard to wear a pompadour hairstyle, pancake makeup and his signature pencil-thin mustache. Richard's grandiosity helped keep him relevant, but obscured some of the more significant parts of his six-decade-plus career. He's been inducted into The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, the Grammy Hall of Fame and the Songwriters Hall of Fame. In 1993, he received a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award. He is credited with helping integrate concert audiences as Black and White teens flocked to his shows. His musicianship, songwriting and kinetic stage presence directly influenced the burgeoning genre of rock 'n' roll. In a pivotal moment in the documentary, viewers see the young Beatles pictured with Richard front and center, as he was one of the biggest superstars in music at the time. "It's a picture that speaks a thousand words because we know who the Beatles are going to become," Cortés said. "We know that Little Richard introduces them to a teenage Billy Preston, who later on is going to be called the fifth Beatle. And we're like, whoa. "Little Richard is part of music history and the inspiration to many artists. Jimi Hendrix is playing in his band. James Brown is brought to Macon, Ga., to record his first hit because of Little Richard. He's a conductor on this little rock 'n' roll train." Despite his public-facing irreverence, Richard struggled with his sexuality, the documentary shows. Though he was once open enough to write "Tutti Frutti" as a celebration of gay sex -- we learn the more explicit version was changed by a collaborator for a more mainstream audience -- after surviving a rough flight returning from a show in Australia. Richard decided his life was spared by angels who weren't happy with his lifestyle. He renounced his music career and his sexuality, enrolling in the Christian Oakwood College (now Oakwood University) and getting married. Though he was a serious student by all accounts, his attempt at his gay conversion didn't last. As shown in the documentary, he returned to the stage for a series of shows in the United Kingdom that were so electric, the attendees vandalized the arena out of sheer excitement. Cortés said the documentary is relevant to the continuing struggles of artists today. A line can be drawn from Richard to Prince to Lil Nas X to any artist viewed as transgressive while making their cultural mark. As a Black director, Cortés said she wanted to frame Richard's life with that in mind. "It always comes down to who tells the story and what is your connection to community. I was very intentional with these incredible Black and queer scholars to reflect on who Richard was and his cultural context," she said. "This history is in keeping with conversations that we are having right now. It is in keeping with the criminalization of drag artists. It is in keeping with people who want to diminish the telling of African American history for AP classes. "It is a part of my joy as a Black filmmaker to make certain that our stories are centered with love, with rigorous interrogation, but are centered in the knowledge of the value of Black cultural product." By Tanya Pendelton 'Little Richard: I Am Everything' director Lisa Cortés shows new side of rock icon Little Richard's life and career are explored in the new documentary "I Am Everything."
Page 12 HAPPENINGS April 27, 2023 Here is a sampling of some films and TV shows now available on your favorite streaming services! For a FULL list of everything new and on the horizon on Amazon Prime, Netflix, Hulu, Disney+ and more, visit Amazon Recently released Gangs of Lagos (2023) Bigger, Stronger, Faster (2008) Chai Lai Angels: Dangerous Flowers (2006) Demon Warriors (2007) Happy Happy (2011) I Melt With You (2011) Magic Trip (2011) Playback (2012) Vanishing on 7th Street (2010) Dead Ringers (2023) Judy Blume Forever (2023) The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, S5 Ep 4 Crazy Love (2007) Syrup (2013) April 28 Citadel (2023) The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, S5 Ep 5 May 1 MasterChef Mexico S1- 4 Babe (1995) Beavis and Butt-Head Do America (1996) Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure (1989) Bound (1996) Bridget Jones: The Edge Of Reason (2004) Carrie (2002) Dallas Buyers Club (2013) Dinner for Schmucks (2010) Drillbit Taylor (2008) Fletch (1985) Gunfight at the O.K. Corral (1957) Howard the Duck (1986) Mamma Mia! (2008) Patriot Games (1992) Space Jam (1996) The Black Stallion (1979) The Doors (1991) Thelma & Louise (1991) AppleTV+ Recently released Ted Lasso S3 Extrapolations S1 My Kind of Country S1 Schmigadoon! S2 Boom! Boom! The World vs Boris Becker Jane S1 The Last Thing He Told Me S1 Ghosted Drops of God S1 May 5 Harriet the Spy S2 Silo Disney+ Recently released The Mandalorian: S3 Finale Secrets of the Elephants Dino Ranch: S2 Going Fur Gold: S1 Saturdays: S1 Matildas: The World at Our FeetS1 April 28 Peter Pan & Wendy(2023) May 2 A Small LightS1 May 3 Eureka!S1, 6 eps Ed Sheeran: The Sum of It All May 4 Star Wars: VisionsS2 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures: S1 HBO Max Recently released *Barry, S4 Premiere *Fired on Mars, S1 Premiere *Diary of an Old Home, S2 *Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace?, S3 Doctor Who: Power of the Doctor *Somebody Somewhere, S2 Premiere April 27 *The Dog House: S4 Premiere *Love & Death, Series Premiere April 28 *Headless Chickens (Pollos sin cabeza) *Warner Bros. 100 Years, Docu Series Premiere April 29 Moonage Daydream, 2022 Hulu Recently released Algiers, America: Two-Episode Docuseries Premiere Quasi (2023) Joyride (2022) Love Me: Complete Season 2 Poker Face (2022) Dear Mama: TwoEpisode Series Premiere Secrets of the Elephants: Docuseries Premiere Saint X: ThreeEpisode Series Premiere Apr 27 There There (2022) Apr 28 Clock (2023) Banana Split (2018) Paradise City (2022) Apr 30 Black Nativity (2013) May 1 Beetlejuice Best in Show Boogie Nights Clash Of The Titans Frank The Haunting in Connecticut Horrible Bosses The Hunger Games IT (2017) The Joy Luck Club The Mask Patriots Day Pokémon Detective Pikachu Selena Speed Twilight May 2 A Small Light: Series Premiere Lucky Netflix Recently released *Ex-Addicts Club (S1) *The Diplomat (S1) *Tooth Pari: When Love Bites (S1) *A Tourist’s Guide to Love (2023) *Chokehold (2023) *Indian Matchmaking (S3) *One More Time (2023) *Rough Diamonds (S1) *Welcome to Eden (S2) *Ada Twist, Scientist (S4) Pinkfong Sing-Along Movie 2: Wonderstar Concert (2022) *John Mulaney: Baby J (2023) The Hateful Eight (2015) The Hateful Eight: Extended Version (S1) *Kiss, Kiss (2023) *Love After Music (S1 *The Good Bad Mother (S1) *Workin Moms (S7) April 27th *Firefly Lane (S2Pt2) *Sharkdog (S3) *Sweet Tooth (S2) *The Nurse (S1) April 28th *AKA (2023) InuYasha (S6) *King of Collectibles: The Goldin Touch (S1) *Wave Makers (S1) May 1st Above Suspicion (2019) After Earth (2013) American Graffiti (1973) Demon Slayer (S3) Pitch Perfect (2012) Rainbow High (S3) Soft & Quiet (2022) The Dilemma (2011) The Glass Castle (2017) The Yellow Birds (2017) Tyler Perry’s The Family That Preys (2008) Vanquish (2021) When the Weather Is Fine (S1) Paramount+ Recently released *Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladiespremiere *FBI TrueS2 premiere *Yonderpremiere America in Black Jeff Dunham: Me The People Supah Ninjas (S1-2) Jack Reacher: Never Go Back *RugratsS2 premiere Cartel Crew (S1-3) Crank Yankers (S6) Fairview (S1) The Adventures of Paddington (S2) *Mike Judge’s Beavis and ButtHeadS2 premiere Cyrano, My Love Middlemost Post (S1) Noah’s Arc (S1-2) The Hills: New Beginnings (S2) Wynonna Judd: Between Hell and Hallelujah YO! MTV Raps Classic (S2) April 30 *Fatal Attractionpremiere Peacock Recently released Access Hollywood, S27, New Episode Below Deck: Sailing Yacht, S4, New Episode *Days of our Lives, S58, New Episode Snapped, S32, New Episode The Voice, S23, New Episode Watch What Happens Live, S20, New Episode The Weakest Link, S3, New Episode American Auto, S2, New Episode Night Court, S1, New Episode The Real Housewives of New Jersey, S13, New Episode Top Chef VIP, S2, New Episode April 27 Access Hollywood, S27, New Episode *Bel-Air, S2, Episode 10 Carol Burnett: 90 Years of Laughter + Love, 2023 *Days of our Lives, S58, New Episode* *The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning, S1, Ep1-8 *Mrs. Davis, S1, Episode 5 Vanderpump Rules, S10, New Episode Watch What Happens Live, S20, New Episode April 28 Access Hollywood, S27, New Episode *Days of our Lives, S58, New Episode Juego de Mentiras, S1, New Episode Law & Order, S22, New Episode Law & Order: Organized Crime, S3, New Episode Law & Order: SVU, S24, New Episode Meet the Press Reports, S6, New Episode Summer House, S7, New Episode Top Chef, S20, New Episode Top Chef: Last Chance Kitchen, S20, New Episode streaming After being ousted from her convent, Sister Simone vows to destroy the one responsible: a powerful artificial intelligence known as Mrs. Davis. Betty Gilpin stars in the new Peacock original series “Mrs. Davis” - new episodes drop weekly on the streaming service April 27, 2023 HAPPENINGS Page 13 AMAZON PRIME • SuccessionEmmy winner Brian Cox is set to star in the British game show, 007's Road to a Million, for Prime Video. Set to premiere later this year, the unscripted series will send twomember teams around the world for global adventures that could win them a grand prize of £1million. APPLE TV+ • Truth Be Told won't return for Season 4 at Apple TV+. Series star and executive producer Octavia Spencerannounced that the crime drama series has been canceled after three seasons. • Apple TV+ has renewed The Reluctant Traveler with Eugene Levyfor a second season.Season 1 premiered Feb. 23 and all episodes are now streaming. Season 1 took Levy to exotic locations in Finland, South Africa, Costa Rica, Venice, Utah, the Maldives, Lisbon and Tokyo. • Apple TV+ announced the holiday special Hannah Waddingham: Home for Christmas. Waddingham won an Emmy for her performance as AFC Richmond owner Rebecca Welton on Ted Lasso, in its third season on Apple TV+. • Brie Larson will star in the upcoming Apple TV+ series Lessons in Chemistry, based on the Bonnie Garmus novel. The new show will premiere in the fall. DISNEY+ • National Treasure: Edge of History will not return for a second season on Disney+ The mystery-adventure series premiered on the streaming service in February and starred Lisette Olivera and Catherine Zeta-Jones. • Everything Everywhere All At Once co-stars and Oscar winners Michelle Yeohand Ke Huy Quan reunite for new Disney+ series American Born Chinese (May 24). HBOMAX • HBO has cast its Alys Rivers forHouse of the DragonSeason 2. Gayle Rankin will play the character, a healer and resident of Harrenhal, in the new season of the fantasy drama. House of the Dragon is based on the George R.R. Martin bookFire & Blood, which recounts the history of House Targaryen. The show takes place about 200 years before the events of the HBO seriesGame of Thrones. HBO has yet to announce a premiere date for Season 2. • Production is underway on Industry Season 3. HBO announced that the cast and crew have started production on new episodes of the HBO and BBC Two drama. HBO shared the news alongside photos of Myha'la Herrold, Harry Lawtey, Kit Harington and other cast members at a table read. • The heist series Lupin, starring Omar Sy, will return for a third season on Netflix in October. NETFLIX • Netflix will invest $2.5 billion in South Korean content over the next four years, boosting its ties to a creative industry that has delivered massive global hits to the streaming platform in recent years. South Korean titles, including shows such as Squid Game, The Glory and Physical: 100, are now "at the heart of the global cultural zeitgeist," Netflix co-chief executive officer Ted Sarandos said. • The Witcher will return for a third season on June 29. The Witcher is a fantasy drama based on the Andrzej Sapkowski book series, which was previously adapted as a series of video games. The TV series follows Geralt of Rivia (Henry Cavill), a monster hunter known as a Witcher, as he strives to protect Ciri (Freya Allan), a princess with powerful magic. • Netflix announced thatthe adult animated series Big Mouth will return for an eighth and final season. Created by Nick Kroll, Andrew Goldberg, Marc Levin and Jennifer Flackett, the kids of Big Mouth face puberty with graphic language and their own personal hormone monsters. Season 7 will premiere later this year with Season 8 in 2024. • Netflix announced additional cast members for its original series Zero Day. Connie Britton, Joan Allen, Jesse Plemons and Lizzy Caplan will join previous announced star Robert De Niro in the cast. De Niro plays a former U.S. President who comes out of retirement to investigate a cyber attack. • Heartstopper is a British teen romantic comedy-drama based on the Alice Oseman webcomic of the same name, will return for a second season in August. PARAMOUNT+ • Horror blockbuster Scream VI began streaming on Paramount+ Tuesday after earning about $108 million at the North American box office. • Peri Gilpin is the latest original Frasier cast member to join the series’ revival at Paramount+. Gilpin will guest star in an episode of the series, reprising the role fo Roz, whom she played throughout the show’s 11-season run on NBC. streaming news FX is teasing the new series The Full Monty. The network shared first-look photos for the show featuring Robert Carlyle, Mark Addy and Tom Wilkinson. The Full Monty is a sequel series to the 1997 film of the same name. The original movie was written by Simon Beaufoy and directed by Peter Cattaneo, and followed a group of unemployed men who form a male striptease act in Sheffield, England, in the 1990s. The new series takes place 25 years later and follows the group as "they navigate the post-industrial city of Sheffield and society's crumbling healthcare, education, and employment sectors." "The comedy-drama will uncover what happened to the gang after they put their kit back on, exploring their brighter, sillier and more desperate moments. It will also highlight how the fiercely funny world of these working-class heroes -- still residing in Sheffield -- has changed in the intervening decades," an official synopsis reads. Carlyle, Addy and Wilkinson reprise their roles, along with Lesley Sharp, Hugo Speer, Paul Barber, Steve Huison and Wim Snape. The Full Monty premieres on FX on Hulu in June. network news Hannah Waddingham Henry Cavill Catherine Zeta Jones Connie Britton Most Popular TV 1. The Diplomat (NFX) 88% 2. Beef (NFX) 98% 3. The Mandalorian (DIS) 90% 4. The Night Agent (NFX) 74% 5. Dead Ringers (AMZ) 84% 6. Succession (HBO) 95% 7. Mrs. Davis (PEA) 89% 8. The Last Thing He Told Me (APP)40% 9. Barry (HBO) 99% 10. Yellowjackets (SHO) 98% includes rotten tomatoes average “tomatometer”
Page 14 HAPPENINGS April 27, 2023 SATURDAY APRIL 29, 2023 7 p.m. on HBO Movie: Moonage Daydream This abstract and ethereal documentary shines the spotlight on one of the most celebrated artists of all time — David Bowie. Director Brett Morgen examines what made Bowie such an icon — often defying the expected and eschewing the traditional music-bio format, valuing experience over explanation. Featuring archival footage from performances that are now legendary, this documentary reminds us what we lost when he died in 2016. 7 p.m. on LIFE Movie: Road Trip Hostage Bitter rivals back in high school, Megan (Natalie Hall) and Alden (Corey Sevier) are surprised to learn of their somewhat parallel lives when they bump into each other, each running her/his own vintage toy company and making a pitch to the same department store executive. As both have family functions back home, they decide to travel together in what becomes a series of misadventures in this romantic comedy. 7 p.m. on TCM Movie: Local Hero Peter Riegert (“National Lampoon’s Animal House”) stars in this gentle 1983 comedy as an oil company executive dispatched to a Scottish fishing village to buy it out for a refining operation. Most of the locals are eager to sell, but the eccentric Ben (Fulton Mackay), whose family has owned the beach for centuries, won’t budge. While Riegert’s character falls in love with the town, his boss (Burt Lancaster) comes up with a novel solution. SUNDAY APRIL 30, 2023 6 p.m. on ABC TIME100: The World’s Most Influential People Time Magazine compiled this list of the 100 most influential people in the world and it’s always interesting to see who made it. From Disney CEO Bob Iger to Elon Musk to President Joe Biden, there are some obvious choices. But there are many unfamiliar names that are worth knowing. Musical performances include those by Doja Cat and Lea Michele. Actress Jennifer Coolidge — also on the list — hosts. 6 p.m. on ESPN MLB Baseball A rematch of the 2022 World Series is on tap tonight at Minute Maid Park, where Yordan Alvarez and the Houston Astros close out a three-game series against Kyle Schwarber and the Philadelphia Phillies. While the defending champion ’Stros have gotten off to a so-so start in 2023, the Phils have been worse, derailed by injuries to key players such as Bryce Harper and Rhys Hoskins. 8 p.m. on PBS Tom Jones on Masterpiece The series premiere of this fourpart television miniseries reimagines “The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling” (Henry Fielding’s classic novel) starring Solly McLeod as handsome and resourceful Tom and Sophie Wilde as the seemingly unattainable heiress Sophia Western. It’s an engaging story of Tom’s complicated journey to find real love. Hannah Waddingham also stars as the seductive and vengeful Lady Bellaston who comes between Tom and Sophia. 8 p.m. on A&E WWE’s Most Wanted Treasures WWE Legends Booker T, Mick Foley and Lita search for the most iconic memorabilia and bring these items back home to share with the WWE universe. Over the season they’ll travel across the country alongside legends such as Stone Cold Steve Austin, DX, Kurt Angle, Goldberg, Bret Hitman Hart and more to track down items that have left a lasting impact on WWE’s culture, such as DX’s Invasion Jeep, Macho Man’s Mega Powers Robe, Austin’s Cement Truck, and “Rowdy” Roddy Piper’s Bagpipes. 8:30 p.m. on FOX Family Guy When Brian’s Instagram is hacked by a person with nefarious intentions, Meg takes Stewie and Brian to Russia, only to realize she’d rather stay there. Meanwhile, Lois deals with long-suffering demons from her teenage self in the new episode “From Russia With Love.” Seth MacFarlane, Mila Kunis, Alex Borstein, Patrick Warburton and Arif Zahir lend their voice talents. 9:01 p.m. on A&E Stone Cold Takes on America For more than two decades, Stone Cold Steve Austin gave his all to wrestling, becoming one of the alltime greats. But his dedication meant sacrificing many of the other experiences life has to offer. In this new series, Austin hits the road in his RV, accepting challenges from fans that push him out of his comfort zone, and make up for lost time. Filled with his unique point of view and incredible feats, this is pure Stone Cold. MONDAY MAY 1, 2023 6:30 p.m. on TNT NBA Basketball It’s down to eight teams in the NBA playoffs as the winners of the First Round get set to do battle starting tonight in the Second Round, otherwise known as the Conference Semifinals. Those that manage to survive these four bestof-seven series move on to the Conference Finals in two weeks. ABC, ESPN and TNT will air coverage of all games in this round. 7 p.m. on TCM Movie: Laugh, Clown, Laugh Professional clown Tito (Lon Chaney) suffers from fits of uncontrollable weeping. Count Luigi Ravelli (Nils Asther) suffers from fits of uncontrollable laughter. They meet and decide to help each other. But the friendship is put to the test as they each fall in love with Simonetta (Loretta Young) in this 1928 drama. Airing as part of the channel’s tribute to cinematographer James Wong Howe, the film is Immediately followed by “Mark of the Vampire,” “The Prisoner of Zenda,” “Algiers,” “Desert Nights,” “Manhattan Melodrama” and “Stamboul Quest.” 8 p.m. on CBS NCIS She may have just been doing her duty, but the internet wants more. Agent Jessica Knight (Katrina Law) goes viral for saving a mother and child from a potentially fatal car accident and she becomes famous in the new episode “In the Spotlight.” Wilmer Valderrama, Rocky Carroll, Brian Dietzen, David McCallum and Sean Murray also star. 8 p.m. on HBO White House Plumbers This limited series premiere takes a behind-the-scenes look at the Watergate scandal as Nixon’s political saboteurs, E. Howard Hunt (Woody Harrelson) and G. Gordon Liddy (Justin Theroux), accidentally topple the presidency they were zealously trying to protect. The satirical drama begins in 1971 when the White House hires Hunt and Liddy, formerly of the CIA and FBI. Soon they’re plotting unbelievable covert ops — including bugging the Democratic National Committee offices at the Watergate complex. Lena Headey, Judy Greer, Kathleen Turner, F. Murray Abraham and Kim Coates also star. 8 p.m. on LIFE A Small Light This new series follows 20- something Miep Gies who hid her boss Otto Frank and his family from the Nazis during World War II. For two years, Miep, her husband Jan, and others helped watch over Otto, his wife Edith and daughters Anne and Margot as well as four others in the secret annex. Miep found Anne’s diary and kept it safe so Otto, the only one of the eight who survived, could later share it with the world. 9 p.m. on ABC The Good Doctor Did everyone RSVP? Shaun Murphy (Freddie Highmore) and Lea (Paige Spara) are heading to the delivery room and everyone from the hospital is also there, except for one very important person. Meanwhile, a tragic accident involving Drs. Perez (Brandon Larracuente) and Kalu (Chuku Modu) pulls everyone away, including Dr. Murphy in the Season 6 finale episode “Love’s Labor.” on the airwaves Justin Theroux and Woodly Harrelson star in the new series which takes a deep dive into the Nixon presidency in 1971 in the new HBO limited series “White House Plumbers” April 27, 2023 HAPPENINGS Page 15 TUESDAY MAY 2, 2023 7 p.m. on ABC The Rookie Nolan (Nathan Fillion), Grey (Richard T. Jones), Bradford (Eric Winter) and the rest of the squad are on high alert after one of their own is shot. When the team continues to suffer a series of close calls, it realizes the division may be a target for a group of masked assailants in the Season 5 finale episode “Under Siege.” Alyssa Diaz, Melissa O’Neil and Shawn Ashmore also star. 7 p.m. on SYFY Movie: The Scorpion King Wrestling icon Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson parlays the role he introduced in “The Mummy Returns” into his own 2002 adventure movie. An ancient assassin, the title character goes his own way — to the displeasure of those who recruited him — after he captures the future-predicting sorceress (Kelly Hu) he’s meant to kill. Director Chuck Russell (“Eraser”) compensates for a lack of substance with epic battle scenes. The film airs as part of a “Happy Rockin’ Birthday” marathon, celebrating Johnson. 7 p.m. on TCM Movie: Come September Robert (Rock Hudson), a wealthy industrialist, arrives unannounced at his luxurious Italian villa to find his majordomo (Walter Slezak) has turned it into a hotel to make some extra money and it’s now filled with young, over-sexed Americans. And Robert’s long-time girlfriend Lisa (Gina Lollobrigida) has decided to marry another man in this 1961 rom-com. Sandra Dee and Bobby Darin also star. The film kicks off a tribute night to Lollobrigida, with five more of her films immediately following. 8 p.m. on ABC The Rookie: Feds Who can you trust? After an internal investigation unit agent is drugged and buried alive in a desert outside of Las Vegas, the Feds director enlists Garza’s (Felix Solis) unit to discreetly investigate potential suspects. Meanwhile, Simone’s (Niecy Nash-Betts) plans for her 49th birthday bash are sidelined in the Season 1 finale episode “Red One.” Other stars include James Lesure, Britt Robertson, Kevin Zegers and Frankie Faison. 8 p.m. on PBS My Grandparents’ War Award-winning Scottish singer/songwriter Emeli Sandé explores her grandparents’ war stories which span World War II, the Mau Mau insurgency in Kenya and the fight for independence in Zambia. The four-time Brit Award winner is best known for her No. 1 hits “Read All About It” and “Beneath Your Beautiful.” 9 p.m. on ABC Will Trent When in doubt, keep looking for clues. When an APD agent goes missing, Will (Ramon Rodriguez) examines the crime scene and locates a secret message putting him back on the path to justice. Meanwhile, with his lineage in question, Will realizes the answers he seeks have been in front of him all along in the Season 1 finale episode “A Bad Temper And A Hard Heart.” WEDNESDAY MAY 3, 2023 7 p.m. on ABC The Conners The big day is closing in, and as Mark’s (Ames McNamara) graduation approaches, he considers his relationship with his father. Meanwhile, Louise (Katey Sagal) plans a big graduation ceremony at the Lunch Box in the Season 5 finale episode “The Grad Finale.” John Goodman, Laurie Metcalf, Sara Gilbert and Lecy Goranson also appear. 7 p.m. on CW WCIU The Flash As Iris (Candice Patton) receives word she’s reaching a career milestone, Barry (Grant Gustin) is suddenly nowhere to be found. But as he tries to get back home, he runs across many familiar faces. Coincidence? Meanwhile, Khione (Danielle Panabaker) continues to figure out her powers and Chester (Brandon McKnight) works on a suit for Allegra (Kayla Compton) in the new episode “A New World, Part One.” 7:30 p.m. on ABC The Goldbergs It’s time to say goodbye to the Goldberg family after 10 years of awesomeness with this series finale. It’s been an entertaining — if bumpy — ride over its run with the death of series regular George Segal in 2021 and the departure of patriarch Jeff Garlin a year later. But Beverly (Wendi McLendonCovey), Adam (Sean Giambrone), Barry (Troy Gentile) and Erica (Hayley Orrantia) will forever be ingrained in our love of the ’80s 8 p.m. on ABC Not Dead Yet Nell (Gina Rodriguez) decides to see her ex, hoping for closure. Meanwhile, Sam (Hannah Simone) and Lexi (Lauren Ash) have a joint birthday party for their daughters in the new episode “Not a Fairytale Yet.” Immediately following is the Season 1 finale episode “Not Finished Yet,” where Nell throws a dinner party at her house and Dennis (Josh Banday) has to make a potentially life-altering decision. Rick Glassman and Angela Elayne Gibbs also star. 9 p.m. on ABC A Million Little Things Friendships sometimes run their course. And even if they don’t, television friendships eventually find themselves on the wrong side of programming. This series finale finds Eddie (David Giuntoli), Rome (Romany Malco), Maggie (Allison Miller), Regina (Christina Moses) and Katherine (Grace Park) with personal decisions to make and a sense of growth. It seems that sometimes saying goodbye is harder than expected. THURSDAY MAY 4, 2023 7 p.m. on TCM Movie: The Wizard of Oz The memories! The colors! Toto, too! Almost every child knows the story of Dorothy and her faithful dog blown by a twister to the magical land of Oz. Judy Garland gives an iconic performance as Dorothy in this 1939 classic adaptation of L. Frank Baum’s book. She and Toto follow the yellow brick road, making friends with an unlikely trio along the way. Ray Bolger, Bert Lahr, Jack Haley, Margaret Hamilton and Frank Morgan co-star. 8 p.m. on ABC Grey’s Anatomy Changes need to take place, but how will it shake out? Teddy (Kim Raver) calls an emergency meeting to discuss the intern program. Link (Chris Carmack) wrestles with his own self-doubt as he preps for a massive surgery, and Nick (Scott Speedman) shares some muchneeded guidance with a struggling Lucas (Niko Terho). FRIDAY MAY 5, 2023 7 p.m. on MAX Movie: Moonfall A mysterious force knocks the moon from its orbit and sends it on a collision course with Earth. With just weeks before impact, NASA executive and former astronaut Jo Fowler (Halle Berry) is convinced she has the key to saving us all — but only one astronaut from her past, Brian Harper (Patrick Wilson), and a conspiracy theorist K.C. Houseman (John Bradley) believe her. The trio mount a last-ditch mission into space only to discover that they might have prepared for the wrong mission in this 2022 scifi adventure. 7 p.m. on TBS Movie: Star Wars: The Force Awakens One of the most popular and successful of all movie franchises gets a highly entertaining addition with this 2015 J.J. Abrams-directed chapter, which wisely returns to the original spirit of the series while advancing the saga. Newcomers Daisy Ridley and John Boyega are among the new rebels fighting against the sinister First Order and its formidable young villain, Kylo Ren (Adam Driver, “Girls”). Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher reprise their characters. 8 p.m. on PBS The Articulate Hour In the series premiere episode “Partial Recall,” artists and scholars explore human memory, including the reliability of recall and the ways that memories fuel creativity. It brings together great creative thinkers to explore the big ideas that shape us, bringing unexpected insights into our common humanity that reveal the broad ties that unite us in an often fractious world. Each episode examines a new topic through the lens of arts, culture and science. 8:30 p.m. on CW WCIU The Great American Joke Off Celebrating wisecracks, one-liners and the simple art of telling a great joke, comedians Joe List, Luke Mones, Rebecca O’Neal, Rhys James, Glenn Moore and Josh Johnson are put through their paces by telling as many quick gags as possible on various categories. They must blend different subjects together to create hilarious puns, coming up with riotous set-ups to different punchlines, Jennifer Ani-stan & Casablanc-aargh.” Dulcé Sloan hosts. on the airwaves FOR MORE TV LISTINGS Find them available to download and print at home at
Page 16 HAPPENINGS April 27, 2023 1718 63RD ST. KENOSHA • 262-652-9929 718 63RD ST. KENOSHA • 262-652-9929 Ask about our Spring Detail Packages! 042723 OPPORTUNITY SR092321 Comfortable Housing Pay Only 30% of Gross Income for Rent! 1 Bedroom, Heat, Appliances Oakview Manor Apartments Ages 62+ 4720 Byrd Avenue Racine, WI 53406 Washington Court Apartments Ages 62+ 5101 Wright Avnue Racine, WI 53406 262-632-0732 Oakview Manor Apartments Ages 62+ 4720 Byrd Avenue Racine, WI 53406 Washington Court Apartments Ages 62+ 5101 Wright Avenue Racine, WI 53406 Call Reilly-Joseph Company for an application today! (414) 271-4116 042723 April 27, 2023 HAPPENINGS Page 17042723 041323 WEDNESDAYS THURSDAYS 30%OFF Regular food menu if you pay cash Buy one pizza, get your second pizza HALF PRICE! Ask us about our pasta specials. *Some restrictions may apply 6806 317th Ave. HWY. 50 &317TH AVE. 262-537-4795 Visit us at Dine-in, Carry Out, Delivery, & Catering Available 4pm - 9pm Wednesday-Sunday LUISA’S
Page 18 HAPPENINGS April 27, 2023 More older Americans cutting back on prescription drugs A new study finds that Americans over 50 are interested in cutting back on prescription medications, dovetailing with a movement toward "deprescribing." About 67% said they would seek their doctor's advice before dropping a pill, according to Michigan Medicine's National Poll on Healthy Aging. About 82% of people between 50 and 80 years of age take at least one prescription medicine regularly, the poll found. About 28% think they take too many medicines. More than half of respondents take three or more prescription medications. "While we found that over 90% of older adults who take at least one prescription medicine expect their provider to review their list of medicines at least annually, research has shown this is often not the case," Vordenberg said in a university news release. "This drives home the importance of comprehensive medication reviews, which can often be billed to insurance by clinics and pharmacies as a separate patient encounter." Reasons for deprescribing or reducing a medication include resolution of a temporary health condition; potential problems with other medicines; or the overall benefits and risks of taking it have changed. The poll also found that people who had a health problem or disability that limits their usual activities and those in fair or poor physical or mental health were nearly twice as likely to say they had stopped taking a medication in the past two years compared to those in better health. "Adults ages 65 and older take 4.6 medications per month on average," said Susan Reinhard, senior vice president at the AARP Public Policy Institute. LeBron James reflects on high school team in 'Shooting Stars' Peacock released the teaser for the original film Shooting Stars. The film premieres June 2 on the streaming service. Based on the book by LeBron James and Buzz Bissinger, Shooting Stars tells the story of James' high school basketball team in 2000. James and his real teammates appear discussing their high school games in a basketball gym. Scenes from the film show newcomer Marquis "Mookie" Cook as James. A new coach (Dermot Mulroney) molds James and his friends Lil Dru (Caleb McLaughlin), Willie McGee (Avery S. Wills) and Sian Cotton (Khalil Everage) into a team with fifth teammate Romeo Travis (Sterling "Scoot" Henderson). Moose wanders into Alaska movie theater, eats popcorn Workers at an Alaska movie theater captured photos and videos when a moose wandered into the building to feast on popcorn. One employee recorded video of the moose entering the building and can be heard in the footage calling for manager Ricky Black, who said he was working upstairs at the time. "She was behind the counter. She wasn't in immediate danger from the moose," Black told the Alaska Daily News of the employee. "And she's like, 'Stop laughing. This is serious.'" Employees shouted at the moose and banged on walls until it left with the box still over its snout. Nick Fowler, a wildlife biologist, said moose typically eat a diet of twigs, leaves and other plant materials. "I do not know if popcorn is good for a moose or not. However, I can confidently say that it's not in its natural diet," Fowler said. Woman wins $500,000 from birthday present lottery ticket A Kentucky man bought his wife $100 worth of scratch-off lottery tickets as a birthday present and she ended up winning a $500,000 top prize from one of them. The Louisville man told Kentucky Lottery officials he bought a stack of scratch-off tickets. "It's hard to buy for somebody who has everything, so I thought, I'll give her $100 in scratch-offs," the man told lottery officials. The man placed the tickets in a birthday card and presented it to his wife, who was shocked to discover a $20 Wild Numbers 100X ticket was a $500,000 winner. "She comes walking in the living room and she says, 'Please tell me you didn't give me a joke card.' I said, 'What?' She said it again and I said, 'Babe, I don't joke about money,'" the man recalled. "She says, 'I need you to look at this.' She showed it to me. I was stunned. I looked at it again and I said, 'Yeah, this is unbelievable.'" The man visited lottery headquarters to collect the prize on his wife's behalf. LA man charged with practicing medicine on thousands of patients without a license A Los Angeles man has been charged with practicing medicine on thousands of people, including cancer patients, over several years while pretending to be a doctor. Stephan Gevorkian, 44, of Studio City, owns and operates out of North Hollywood's Pathways Medical where services such as blood tests are conducted and where patients, including those suffering from cancer, viral infections and other serious conditions, receive medical advice and treatment. Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon said in a statement that Gevorkian faces five felony counts of practicing medicine without a certification. The charges come after an undercover investigator sat for a consultation with the suspect on Nov. 17. The district attorney said Gevorkian failed to accurately address abnormal levels of hormones that could indicate a serious medical condition. coast to coast Prosecution critical of Scientology as actor's retrial on rape allegations begins The retrial of Danny Masterson began Monday with former Scientologist Leah Remini in attendance and the prosecution painting a dark picture of the actor's alleged crimes. Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney Reinhold Mueller described how the prosecution says Masterson drugged and "forcibly raped" three women, and how the Church of Scientology protected him. Mueller said this kind of incident was "normal" for at least one victim who for several years dated Masterson, who is perhaps best known for his role in the TV sitcom That '70s Show. The women, named Jane Does in court proceedings, are former members of the church. "I am attending opening arguments in the rape trial of celebrity Scientologist Danny Masterson today," Remini tweeted. "The women who Danny raped deserve justice for what they've been put through, not only by Danny but by Scientology which has tried to destroy them for reporting their rapes." Remini is famously a former member of the Church of Scientology. Since leaving the church, she has been among its most vocal and notable critics. Mueller reportedly explained that some of Masterson's alleged victims reported his abuse to the church, only to be told it was their fault and they must "give [Masterson] sex when he wants it." Under church rules, members of Scientology are forbidden from reporting another member to law enforcement, The 47-year-old actor faces up to 45 years in prison if convicted. Danny Masterson LeBron James S o 5125 6th Ave. Kenosha If It’s Not Live, You’re Not Living!
FOR EVENT TICKETS & MORE ACTS VISIT HAP2IT.COM STOP IN 1420 63RD ST. M-F 10am-4pm OR CALL 1-262-564-8800 042723 Wednesdays • 7pm This isn’t your Nana’s Bingo Game Fun Prizes...No Cover ROCK & ROLL S o BINGO Music FREE 5125 6th Ave. Kenosha 125 6th Ave. Kenosha April 29th 7:30 PM RICK “ELVIS” SAUCEDO $10 In Advance $13 at Door May 13th • 7:00 PM $27 In Advance • $30 at Door JUNE 30 & JULY 1 ANDY BENINGO • JULY 7 & 8 LARRY REEB JULY 21 THE LITTLE MERMEN • AUGUST 4 & 5 JIM FLORENTINE TOM COTTER May 19th & 20th 8:00 PM $18 In Advance $22 at Door BILL BORONKAY May 12th & 13th 8:00 PM $14 In Advance $17 at Door Music NATHAN TIMMEL April 28th & 29th 8:00 PM $14 In Advance $17 at Door THEA VIDALE May 5th & 6th 8:00 PM $18 In Advance $22 at Door SHADES OF HUNKS May 20th • 7:00 PM $10 In Advance • $13 at Door VINYL REMIX May 13th • 7:30 PM $10 In Advance • $13 at Door YESTERDAY’S CHILDREN May 26th & 27th 8:00 PM MIKE BALL $16 In Advance $19 at Door JIMMIE “JJ” WALKER June 16th & 17th 8:00 PM $25 In Advance $29 at Door Music No Drink Minimum! If It’s Not Live, You’re Not Living! f It’s Not Live, You’re Not Living! In Residency 6/24 & 7/21 Music May 20th PAT MCCURDY 7:30 PM $10 In Advance $13 at Door
Page 20 HAPPENINGS April 27, 2023 '1923' actor Brandon Sklenar joins Blake Lively in 'It Ends with Us' 1923 actor Brandon Sklenar has joined the cast of the new filmIt Ends with Us. Sklenar will star withBlake Livelyand Justin Baldoni in the forthcoming adaptation of the Colleen Hoover novel. It Ends with Usfollows Lily Bloom, a woman who falls for a neurosurgeon, Ryle, while living in Boston. At first, Lily believes she's found her soulmate but begins to doubt the relationship over time. In addition, her high school love interest, Atlas, comes back into her life. Lively will play Lily, with Baldoni as Ryle and Sklenar as Atlas. Baldoni will direct and executive produce the film in addition to starring. Sklenar is known for playing Spencer Dutton on the Yellowstone prequel 1923, which completed its first season on Paramount+ in February. Save the date! Dolph Lundgren embraced lighthearted 'Best Man,' waiting for 'Drago' script WEEKEND BOX OFFICE REPORT April 21st - 23rd, 2023 1. The Super Mario Bros Movie (w3) $59.3M 2. Evil Dead Rise (w1) $24.5M 3. The Covenant (w1) $6.3M 4. John Wick: Chapter 4 (w5) $5.8M 5. Dungeons & Dragons (w4) $5.5M 6. Air (w3) $5.4M 7. The Pope’s Exorcist (w2) $3.4M 8. Renfield (w2) $3.2M 9. Beau is Afraid (w2) $2.8M 10. Suzume (w2) $1.6M FLASHBACK TO THIS WEEKEND IN 1996 1. Primal Fear (w3) $6.5M 2. The Substitute (w1) $6.0M 3. James and the Giant Peach (w2) $5.2M 4. The Birdcage (w7) $4.7M 5. Fear (w2) $3.9M movie news Mark your calendars so you don’t miss these hot upcoming theatrical releases! May 5: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 May 26: The Little Mermaid June 2: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse June 16: Elemental June 30: Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny July 21: Barbie July 28: Haunted Mansion Best Sellers-Movies & TV 1. Jesus Revolution 2. The Super Mario Bros Movie (2023) 3. Super Mario Bros (1993) 4. John Wick: Chapter 4 5. Ant Man & the Wasp: Quantumania 6. Yellowstone: Season Five, Pt 1 7. 65 8. Perfect Planet 9. 80 For Brady 10. Top Gun: Maverick - may include pre-orders Dolph Lundgren said his latest action movie, The Best Man, now availalbe on video on demand, allowed him to show a lighter side. Lundgren, 65, plays Anders, a Special Ops squad leader attending his teammate's (Luke Wilson) wedding when mercenaries hold the wedding party hostage. "My characters' a bit of a drunk," Lundgren said in a recent Zoom interview. "It's not a totally dead serious role. It's a bit of a lighthearted role, so I tried to have fun with it." "There is a deep heart to my and Luke Wilson's relationship," Lundgren said. "It's never really mentioned what it was, but obviously something within the military and probably involved losing a bunch of buddies." Lundgen said Wilson added humor to their scenes, too. When Anders shows up at the wedding, Lundgren said, Wilson improvises dialogue about his appearance. "He came in with his big improv like, 'Well, there's a big blonde guy sitting at the bar," Lundgren said. "He kind of cracked me up. Sometimes, like in life, you deal with the hardest situations using humor, especially in the military." Lundgren also will return in this year's sequels The Expendables 4 and Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom. The actor still hopes to make a spinoff of his Rocky character, but has rejected one unsatisfactory script for Drago. "There was a script that nobody really liked," Lundgren said. "I didn't like it." Creed II showed Ivan Drago (Lundgren) and his son, Viktor (Florian Munteanu), returning to the Ukraine after an unsuccessful attempt to rehabilitate their boxing careers. Viktor appeared in Creed III, helping Adonis (Michael B. Jordan) train. Lundgren said he is interested in a story that explores the Dragos fleeing the Ukraine because of the current war with Russia. He said the producers are trying to hire a new writer, and Lundgren hopes he might be able to film Drago next year. "That's where the movie should open," Lundgren said. "These characters are now coming to America for obvious reasons, trying to escape a war." Lundgren also got to see a different side of Ivan Drago when Sylvester Stallone released a director's cut of Rocky IV, the character's debut, in 2021. Rocky IV: Rocky vs. Drago used alternate takes from the 1985 sequel and made Drago more of a human political pawn of Russia than a cold boxing machine. "It was more of an indie version of the original movie," Lundgren said of the Rocky IV director's cut. "[Stallone] just did something a little more personal, a little more along the lines of the first Rocky, where the characters are slightly more dimensional." The Expendables is another franchise in which Stallone invited Lundgren to participate. In the films, Barney Ross (Stallone) leads a team of mercenaries played by action movie legends past and present. Lundgren has appeared in all four Expendables. Lundgren said he shares scenes with new addition 50 Cent in the fourth film. Aquaman cast Lundgren as King Nereus, the leader of the underwater kingdom of Xebel. Warner Bros. has not revealed the plot of the Aquaman sequel, but Lundgren said the new quest covers more territory than the first film. "It's like a treasure hunt," Lundgren said. "They need something to save the planet, of course." The Expendables 4 opens Sept. 22. Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom opens Dec. 20. Dolph Lundgren Brandon Sklenar April 27, 2023 HAPPENINGS Page 21 Shakira to be honored at Billboard's first Latin Women in Music gala Colombian singerShakirawill be honored at Billboard's inaugural Latin Women in Music gala. Shakira, 46, will be named Woman of the Year at the first-ever event in May. The Latin Women in Music gala will and air May 7 at 8 p.m. on Telemundo. The new event "celebrates Latin female artists, executives and creatives who are proactively working for positive change, inclusion and gender parity in the music industry." Ivy Queen and Jacqueline Bracamontes will host the gala, with Ana Gabriel, Emilia, Evaluna, Goyo and Thalia to also receive special awards. Shakira has sold more than 95 million records worldwide and is the topselling female Latin artist of all time. The singer had the biggest Spanish-language debut of 2022 with her song "Monotonía" featuring Ozuna, and became the first woman to reach the Top 10 on the Billboard Hot 100 with a song in Spanish with "Shakira: BZRP Music Sessions #53," released in January. "Shakira is the ultimate Woman in Music. Thanks to her, Latin women all over the world have been empowered to write and perform deeply personal music. She created a movement all on her own, and continues to be more relevant than ever today, with grace, a deep tradition of giving back, and enormous talent. She is the definition of a Woman in Music," Billboard chief content officer for Latin/Español Leila Cobo said in a statement. The 2023 Billboard Women in Music gala took place in March andnamed SZA as Woman of the Year. U2 announces dates for Las Vegas shows U2 has announced dates for its upcoming series of shows at the Sphere in Las Vegas. The rock band said that it will launch itsU2: UV Achtung Baby Live at Sphere show at the Sphere at the Venetian Resort in Las Vegas in September. The residency show will mark U2's first live concerts in four years. The band will perform Sept. 29 and 30, then Oct. 6, 7, and 8. The Sphere is a cutting-edge music venue featuring immersive sound, a 16K resolution screen, and 4D technology that allows the audience to experience sensations including scent, temperature changes and wind. U2's Bono and The Edge recalled their first time seeing the venue in aninterviewwith USA Today. "It was like, 'Oh, my goodness, this is groundbreaking on so many levels.' This is a whole new art form," The Edge said. "This is lightyears ahead of anything else out there. We think this is a quantum leap for the sensory impacts of a rock 'n' roll concert. It's immersive cinema that is so believable you can travel to another space and time, even another planet," he added. "And it's an incredible digital arts canvas for the world of U2 live concerts. It's really exciting making this technology our own." Cole Swindell to launch 'Twelve' tour in October Cole Swindell is going on tour in 2023. The 39-year-old country music singer announcedTwelve, a new North American tour. No Milwaukee or Chicago dates have been announced yet. Nate Smith, Conner Smith, Avery Anna and Greylan James will join Swindell as special guests on select dates. Swindell released his fourth studio album,Stereotype, in April 2022. Kim Petras recruits Nicki Minaj for new song 'Alone' Kim Petras and Nicki Minaj have teamed up on a new song. Petras, 30, released a single and lyric video for the song "Alone" with Minaj last Friday. "Alone" is a dance club track that samples the Alice Deejay song "Better Off Alone." Petras celebrated the release with aphotoof herself and Minaj on Instagram. "Call me Kim Petty! Alone is out NOW!!!!! Barb dreams come true," she captioned the post. Petras said in aninterviewwith USA Today that she is a Barbz, or Minaj fan. "I think I've tried to write songs for Nicki since I started getting good at writing. It's always been a big dream. She's so inspirational as a lyricist and she constantly pushes herself and always drops the freshest [music]," she said. Ed Sheeran explores depression in single Ed Sheeran is back with new music. The 32-year-old singersongwriter released a single and music video for the song "Boat" last Friday. In "Boat," Sheeran explores depression by using a boat as a metaphor. The "Boat" video is directed by Mia Barnes and shows Sheeran amid the waves. "Boat" appears on Sheeran's forthcoming sixth studio album -, aka Subtract, set for release May 5. Sheeran announced Subtract in March. He released a single and music video for "Eyes Closed," a first song from the album, the same month. In addition to his new album, Sheeran will appear in the documentary Ed Sheeran: The Sum of It All, which premieres May 3 on Disney+. music news FLASHBACK - THIS WEEK IN 1996 Hot 100 (pop singles) 1. Because You Loved Me/Celine Dion 2. Always Be My Baby/Mariah Carey 3. Nobody Knows/The Tony Rich Project 4. Ironic/Alanis Morissette 5. Down Low/R Kelly ft Ronald Isley 6. 1,2,3,4 (Sumpin New)/Coolio 7. Sittin Up In My Room/Brandy 8. Woo-Hah!/Busta Rhymes 9. You’re The One/SWV 10. Count on Me/Whitney Houston Billboard 200 (albums) 1. Jagged Little Pill/Alanis Morissette 2. Falling Into You/Celine Dion 3. The Score/Fugees 4. Anthology 2/The Beatles 5. Tiny Music/Stone Temple Pilots 6. Resurrection/Geto Boys 7. Daydream/Mariah Carey 8. Whats the Story Morning Glory/Oasis 9. All Eyez On Me/2Pac 10. Waiting to Exhale/film soundtrack BILLBOARD WEEKLY CHARTS Hot 100 (pop singles) 1. Last Night/Morgan Wallen 2. Search & Rescue/Drake 3. Flowers/Miley Cyrus 4. Kill Bill/SZA 5. Creepin’/Metro Boomin,Weeknd,21 Savage 6. Calm Down/Rema & Selena Gomez 7. Die For You/The Weeknd 8. Boy’s A Liar, Pt 2/PinkPanthress & Ice Spice 9. Anti-Hero/Taylor Swift 10. Ella Baila Sola/Eslabon Armado X Peso Pluma Billboard 200 (albums) 1. One Thing At A Time/Morgan Wallen 2. Hope/NF 3. Midnights/Taylor Swift 4. SOS/SZA 5. Portals/Melanie Martinez 6. Dangerous/Morgan Wallen 7. Gettin’ Old/Luke Combs 8. Meteora/Linkin Park 9. Heroes & Villains/Metro Boomin 10. Un Verano Sin Ti/Bad Bunny Shakira Kim Petras Cole Swindell
Page 22 HAPPENINGS April 27, 2023 HAP2IT.COM Saturday, May 13th • 7PM • Age 21+ The Wyndham Garden 5125 6th Avenue, Kenosha, WI Don’t Miss The #1 Male Revue Show on Tour! TO PURCHASE TICKETS VISIT HAP2IT.COM STOP IN 1420 63RD ST. KENOSHA M-F 10AM-4PM ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS CALL HAPPENINGS AT 262-564-8800 042723 Open Tues.-Sat. @ 4pm Est. 1968 Est. 1968 Old Fashioned, Old Style Authentic Italian Cuisine! Pasta & Pizza From Scratch! Veteran Owned & Operated STURINO’S TOUR OF ITALY FOR TWO Only $ 2995 ! Cheese Garlic Bread, Lasagna, 3 Raviolis, 1/2 Order of Gnocchi, Choice of two meatballs or one Italian sausage. Served w/ soup or salad for each person. For Truly Old School Italian Dinners At It’s Best! 042023 1543 22nd Ave. Northside Kenosha 262-551-8532 1543 22nd Ave. Northside Kenosha 262-551-8532 (Kitchen Help Wanted - Apply In Person) Kitchen Help Wanted - Apply In Person) The Best Handcrafted Cocktails At The Best Prices Truly The Best Fish Fry In Town! Made To Order “None Better” Now Featuring Our Daily Specials & Our Full Menu Our Portions are good sized at a reasonable price! Best Affordable Food & Drink Prices & Daily Specials! 030923 10, 15, 20, & 30 Yard Roll-Off Boxes • Spring / Summer Clean-up • Remodeling • Demolition • Roof Tear-offs • Concrete Tear-out • New Construction April 27, 2023 HAPPENINGS Page 23 Aging & Disability Resource Center Kenosha County TRAINING PROGRAM FREE to Kenosha County residents. Call Susan Johnson at Kenosha ADRC, 262-605-6602 Offered both virtually and in-person 6 weeks , Wednesdays, May 3 — June 7, 2023 1 — 3 p.m. Savvy Caregiver for family caregivers of persons with dementia Professional-level training for the non-professional. GAIN: Knowledge to manage daily care Skills to assess the abilities of your family member and adjust your approach as needed Confidence to set and achieve caregiving goals 042023 5403 52nd St. • 262-656-1717 Kenosha, WI 53142 • bandlofficefurniture.com031623 Locally Owned & Operated for Over 30 Years New and Like New TABLES Thank You For Supporting Our Local Family Business! Great selection of new and uesd tables for your home, break room, restaurant, or office. 7850 Sheridan Rd. Kenosha 262-657-1646 SAVE AT THE PUMP BEAT THE HEAT 1234YF FREON SERVICE AVAILABLE $40 OFF 042723 $9999 $6999 R134A AC SYSTEM INSPECTION & RECHARGE FUEL SYSTEM SERVICE & INSPECTION STARTING AT Expires 5/31/23 Includes up to 2lbs. of Freon. Expires 5/31/23 Open Wednesday & Thursday at 4pm Friday, Saturday & Sunday at Noon ATTENTION PIZZA LOVERS Delicious homemade pizza Friendly customer service CARRY OUT • DELIVERY 262-652-6865 homemade pizza... done right! 010622
Page 24 HAPPENINGS April 27, 2023 April 27, 2023 through May 3, 2023 ARIES (March 21-April 19): You could reach your goals by displaying unwavering devotion to your cause. Validate yourself; you might not receive the personal glory you hope for if you are one small part of a large team. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Purpose can satisfy more than pleasure. Plant a tree or find other ways to support Mother Earth. Connect with some idealistic friends or immerse yourself in passionate environmental or humanitarian efforts. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): It’s easier to get along with people if you go along with their ideas, but that may not be the best strategy long term. A slip of the tongue or brief misunderstanding could be forgiven with a quick apology. Give someone the benefit of the doubt. CANCER (June 21-July 22): When you handle hot stuff, it can be a good idea to use hot pads. Your enthusiasm could irritate someone who thinks you are being pushy. Do not hesitate to spend a few extra dollars if you want to obtain the best quality. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Hang a flag or root for the home team. You can share in the rewards when there is a team effort. You could make social headway by agreeing to a compromise, by making an apology, or by politely ignoring a difference of opinion. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Do not be shy about sharing your thoughts but at the same time be receptive to the opinions of others. Be tolerant when someone makes impulsive decisions so you can keep the lines of communication wide open. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22):You could have the imagination to turn an idea into something profitable. Join forces with other people to achieve your personal ambitions. Look for the perfect opening to ask for favors or request preferential treatment. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): There may be an opportunity to find common ground and form relationships with people who share your interests and ideals. If a close relationship has undergone a rift, today might be a suitable time to knit things back in place. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): This could be the best day to try to kiss and make up. Family spats can quickly be forgotten if you exercise some diplomacy. Address the needs of other people before your own and everything will be fine. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Make field goals in your business and financial affairs or score points by profitably using astute observations. You can power through problems but should be cautious about new and unproven investments. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Count on a generous partner who can make your life brighter. Because you might be busy with your obligations, you may develop a blind spot. Double check your receipts and credit card statements. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): You can be comfortable and demonstrate good taste without spending too much cash. Avoid impulse purchases just to show off or to be in lockstep with current trends. Purchase the best your money can buy. ACROSS 1 Opening for recorded music 7 Pass 13 Placid 14 Cheese-making sites 15 Judicious use of an Egyptian goddess? 17 In concert 18 Scott who played Danno on "Hawaii Five-0" 20 Source of some cruise ship beer? 25 Caesar's last gasp 26 Most exposed 27 Like microbes, before microscopes 29 Lover of Aphrodite 30 39.37 inches, in Ipswich 33 Really enjoy 35 With 40-Across, good advice for correcting a manuscript? 40 See 35-Across 42 Some brass 43 Frisbees, e.g. 44 Salon supply 45 One on a regimen, perhaps 49 Mountain guide 51 Cornerstone word 52 What a theater hopes its "Bus Stop" revival will be? 56 Evidence of surgery 57 Soffits are under them 58 Audiophile's flat, say? 65 Big 12 rival of the Longhorns 66 Knowledgeable (in) 67 Indications of humanity? 68 Upper crust groups DOWN 1 Franchise whose opening themes are songs by The Who 2 Paris' Rue __ Martyrs 3 Indian honorific 4 Guitarist Paul 5 Where Mark Watney was stranded for about 560 sols, in a 2015 film 6 Wonderland service 7 Raring to go 8 Rest 9 Tentacle analog 10 Fragments 11 Law group 12 Passed-down property 14 Kierkegaard, e.g. 16 "Get on it!" 19 Field role of early TV 20 Demean 21 Capacitance unit 22 Roman fountain 23 Stupefy 24 Nomadic shelter 28 Mature eft 30 Just what the doctor ordered 31 U.S. Cabinet-level dept. 32 Family __ 34 Theme park offering 36 More vast 37 "The Great Movies" series author 38 Actor Fiennes 39 One of ten in Baldwin's "Notes of a Native Son" 41 "Hey" assistant 45 Court figs. 46 If 47 Captivate 48 Lethargy 49 Sharp turn 50 Hiker's stopover 53 Gets closer to 54 Openings 55 Mendes of fashion 59 Brian of Roxy Music 60 "__ Rosenkavalier" 61 CT scan relative 62 January Ga. hours 63 Previously called 64 NFL scores horoscope in the stars SOLUTION TUESDAY NIGHT TUESDAY NIGHT 9 Pin League 7:00pm Teen League 7:00pm Great league for teenagers to make new friends - music and fun! WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON WEDNESDAY NIGHT THURSDAY MORNING Youth Leagues 4:00pm There’s a league for all ages - we have bumper leagues and regular leagues Senior Mixed League 9:00am 3 person teams, any combination of men or women Guaranteed Prize 1st Place $500 2nd Place $300 THURSDAY NIGHT Junior/Adult League 6:00pm Bowl as a family - this league is great family fun! Receive 1 Free Pitcher of Beer or Soda Plus a 12” Pizza each week per team Mixed League 7:00pm 4 person teams, any combination of men or women Make reservation for s BOW OPEN LING grcbow online at “A Family Owned Business Serving Kenosha For Over 90 Years” Guttormsen Recreation Center (262) 658-8191 • 5411 Green Bay Road • Kenosha, WI • “A Family Owned Business Serving Kenosha For Over 90 Years” Guttormsen Recreation Center (262) 658-8191 • 5411 Green Bay Road • Kenosha, WI • SPRING BOWLING LEAGUES NOW FORMING! 042723 9 pins equal a strike, 4 person teams, any combination of men or wo men Join A League Open Bowl FREE all Summer!! April 27, 2023 HAPPENINGS Page 25 May 5th & 6th at the 5125 6th Ave. KENOSHA You Don’t Want To Miss... THEA VIDALE 042023 Get your advance tickets at or stop in at1420 63rd St. Kenosha between 11am - 4pm Mon. - Fri. Call for more information 262-564-8800 First African American female comedan to have a televison series named after her. 1402 52nd Street Kenosha 262-764-4651 Saturday, April 29th ROTTEN BROS 8-11:30pm LIVE ENTERTAINMENT EVERY FRI. & SAT. 1st Time Here 7-11 PM Call for Pick Up or GRILL OPEN LATE 11AM - MIDNIGHT Best Happy Hour In Town! Monday-Friday 10:30am-6pm (Classic, Alternative, & Acoustic Rock) Sunday, May 14th • 2PM-7PM • Lucky Winner Gets $100 Benefit In Memory Of Chad Michael Dunn • $10 Donation Friday, May 19th • Dinner & Show • Frank Sinatra Tribute w/ Jim Namio Saturday, May 13th 3PM-9PM Benefit For Don Olson $10 Lucky Winner Gets $100 Food • Raffles • Music Saturday, May 6th Kentucky Derby Friday, May 5th Cinco de Mayo Bash Slaughter Party • Ventura The Hooks • In Bound Friday, April 28th CHAD FOSTER Drink & Food Specials & 4 Bands Specials All Day!!! Live Music Featuring: Punk Rock Rebellion • 8 PM Friday, May 12th • 3 Man Dart Ball Tourney • Call Mark at (262) 620-0911 (Playing Country Hits) 042723 It’s Back! Under The Big Top!!! S Daily pecials New Menu 7220 122nd Ave. Kenosha Located in the Best Western Executive Inn LIVE MUSIC Sat. April 29th • 6 - 9 PM Karen Shook Sat. May 13th • 7 - 10 PM Steven Zane *WEEKLY HAPPY HOUR * M - F 5 - 7 PM $2.50 Domestics Tuesdays • Trivia • 6 - 9 PM 2 Pool Tables • Food • Slot Machines Friday • Karaoke • 7 - 10 PM Every Other Thursday BINGO 6 -8PM Play for Drinks Open Mon. - Sat. 5 PM - 11 PM 4520 8th Ave. Kenosha • 262-652-6454 or 262-652-0978 LIVE MUSIC Mon. - Fri. 11am - Bar close • Sat. & Sun. 9am - Bar close Friday Fish Fry 11am-9pm Thursday, April 27th • 8PM THE RHYTHM DOGS BLUES JAM Saturday, April 29th • 8PM •CY’S PIANO JAM • 4PM• Every Tuesday 7-9pm Live Trivia With MICHELLE GEORGE 9pm KARAOKE with TNT ENTERTAINMENT (Americana) (Dueling Duet) 042723 THE ROUNDABOUTS Friday, April 28th • 9PM KERRY SPITZER & BRENT MITCHELL Saturday & Sunday • 9AM - 3PM LATE RISERS BREAKFAST serving our 042723 Congratulations to BOB C. for winning NASCAR, or should I say congrats to CONNIE as everyone knows BOB has no luck at all. 2 JOHNS you almost had 8 in a row, but now you’re on a losing streak, just ask JIMMY & PAULY about that $h*t! Don’t forget NASCAR this Sunday! BENEFIT! BENEFIT! BENEFIT! for CHUCK aka WHEELCHAIR CHUCK this Sunday, April 30th at noon. Let’s all come on down to the LUDE and show our support, bring a dish, bring a raffle prize! This Sunday noon come on down show CHUCK how the LUDE rolls! See you all on Sunday, later… 042723 6929 39th Ave, Kenosha, WI 53142 Friday, May 5th Every Thursday Night SAVE THE DATE! SAT. MAY 13th All Day & Night LUCCI’S 5 YEAR ANNIVERSARY PARTY! Cinco de Mayo Party Margarita & Modelo Specials LIVE MUSIC KARAOKE Open Thurs.-Sun. at 5 PM ‘til legal bar close Every Thursday & Sunday • 9pm Friday, May 5th • 8pm JILL PLAISTED BAND Saturday, April 29th • 8pm PEACETREE ALLSTARS 042723 Dollar Off Everything Happy Hour 5 - 8 PM Thurs. - Sun. HOT NUTS (Today’s Hot Sounds w/ a Nutty Twist) Friday, April 28th • 8pm w/ Special Guest Chris Sipos Sundays 6am-11am Buy your 1st Drink Get 2nd Drink FREE Domestic & Rail $3 Bloody Marys 072320 Happy Hour Mon-Fri 6am-11am 3pm-6pm 5305-60th St. Kenosha, WI 262-654-3190 NIGHT LIFE NIGHT LIFE NIGHT LIFE
Page 26 HAPPENINGS April 27, 2023 this week in pop culture history 4/27 Lizzo 36, William Mosely 36, Ace Frehley 72, Sheena Easton 74 4/28 Melanie Martinez 28, Jessica Alba 42, Penelope Cruz 49, Jay Leno 73, Ann Margret 82, Too Short 57 4/29 Uma Thurman 53, Willie Nelson 90, Jerry Seinfeld 69, Jonathan Toews 35, Master P 53, Michelle Pfeiffer 65, Daniel Day-Lewis 66, Eve Plumb 65, Kate Mulgrew 68, Carnie Wilson 55 4/30 Travis Scott 31, Gal Gadot 38, Kirsten Dunst 41, Johnny Galecki 48, Wayne Kramer 75, Akon 50 5/1 Jamie Dornan 41, Tim McGraw 56, Wes Anderson 54, Julie Benz 51 5/2 Dwayne Johnson 51, David Beckham 48, Lily Allen 38, Ellie Kemper 43, Christine Baranski 71 5/3 Desiigner 26, Frankie Valli 89, Christina Hendricks 48, Christopher Cross 72, Bobby Cannavale 53 In a concert last Friday night in Knoxville, Tennessee, Lizzo filled the stage with drag queens in a glittery protest against the state's legislation designed to restrict drag performances in public. birthdays May 1, 1939 Batman first appears in Detective Comics #27 April 28, 1968 The Broadway musical Hair opened at the Biltmore Theatre in New York City. The production ran for 1,729 performances, finally closing on July 1st, 1972 April 28, 1973 Pink Floyd’s The Dark Side Of The Moonwent to No.1 in the US. The album went on to enjoy a record-breaking 741 discontinuous weeks on the Billboard chart, and has now sold over 45 million copies world-wide April 30, 1976 The Who's drummerKeith Moonpaid nine cab drivers to block-off both ends of a New York street so he could throw the contents of his hotel room out of the window April 29, 1980 Black Sabbathbegan their first tour with vocalist Ronnie James Dio, who had replacedOzzy Osbourne. April 30, 1983 Michael Jacksonstarted a three week run at No.1 on the US singles chart with Beat It April 30, 1988 Young singer Celine Dion wins the 33rd Eurovision Song Contest April 28, 2003 Apple launched the iTunes store, the first widely successful legal music download service April 30, 2004 Mean Girls, a teen comedy film starring Lindsay Lohan hits theaters May 2, 2008 The first film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is released with Robert Downey Jr in Iron Man May 1, 2015 Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars gave The Gap Band a writing credit on their huge hit Uptown Funk, due to its similarities with their track Oops Up Side Your Head May 3, 2018 The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences vote to expel Bill Cosby and Roman Polanski "I feel like my biggest memories here was never having enough money for food on the weekends. Feeling like I wanted more ... Everything was about deprivation. Everything was about deprivation, or feeling like I couldn't do it or I didn't deserve it.” EGOT winner Viola Davis says she was struggling to embrace being the guest of honor on the red carpet ahead of receiving the 48th Chaplin Award from Film last week. "The last three and a half years, I've had sort of a rocky time and people said, 'I haven't heard from you, are you still touring?' Here's really what happened. Three and half years ago I was in the middle of a tour and I finally ended it with a show and I said, 'You know I'm at the top of my game, after 50 years almost I'm going to call it quits.’” 75-year-old actor and comedian Richard Lewis says he’s been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, but had made the decision to retire from stand up comedy prior to his health challenges. Lewis said he will focus on writing and acting and recently shot an episode of the HBO show Curb Your Enthusiasm which stars longtime friend Larry David. “Everything I own smells like champagne, beer and grass.” Actor Ryan Reynolds posts to Instagram after celebrating an important win for the Wrexham FC soccer club last weekend. The team, the third oldest soccer team in the world, was purchased by Reynolds and Rob McElhenney in 2021 and advanced to the professional ranks with their recent win for the first time in 15 years. Their purchase was documented in the FX series Welcome to Wrexham, which detailed the club’s transformation under the new ownership. “I've had to deal with the ups and downs of [weight and body image] my whole life, and definitely the road makes it harder to find good food and find time to exercise and all of that. It took me a minute to adjust all of that. It was the fans who helped me with that, because girls would come up to me and be like, ‘Thanks for just being normalsized and confident in who you are, no matter what size you are.’ And that always saved me for my own self when I would get doubtful or worried about it. I feel so thankful that we could lift each other up in that way. I think that's part of the reason I have the career I have.” While promoting her upcoming cookbook-as-memoir, which singer said her grueling touring schedule made “those first couple of years not very healthy”? For the answer, visit! A. Adele B. Katy Perry C. Miranda Lambert D. Kacey Musgraves things people say Viola Davis Ryan Reynolds
I94 & HWY. 50 KENOSHA 262-857-2011 042723 Saturday, May 6th • $10 Saturday, May 13th • $10 May 20th • $10 REBEL RADIO SHOWCASE Featuring JUDAS RISING w/ WRATH & Others WE’RE NOT JUST BRATS SPORTS BAR • LIVE MUSIC • GRILL • CHEESE MART Bringing You Great Acts For Over 60 Years Including: Saturday, April 29th $10 10 Years • 38 Special • Adelita's Way • Bar 7 • Billy Vera & The Beaters • Billy Joe Royal • Bodeans • Brian Hyland Buckinghams • Bucky Covington • Cavo • Charlie Daniels Band • Charm City Devils • Cheap Trick • Chris Cagle Crossfade • Dixie Chicks • Dokken • Dr Bop & Headliners • Eddie Money • Flyleaf • Foghat • Gary Lewis & The Playboys Great White • Halestorm • Hinder • Ides of March • Jackyl • Jet • Jo Dee Messina • Johnny Winter • Josh Thompson Joan Jett & the Blackhearts • Kenny Wayne Shepherd • Lonnie Brooks • Loverboy • Mark Wills • Michael Coleman Molly Hatchett • Nazareth • New Colony Six • Night Ranger • Peter Noone • P.O.D. • Pop Evil • Puddle Of Mudd • Ratt Robin Trower • Royal Bliss • Saliva • Seven Mary Three • Sevendust Shinedown • Sick Puppies • Slaughter • Styx Sugarland • Tres Hombres • Texas Hippie Coalition • The Glen MIller Orchestra• The Waco Brothers • The Guess Who The Kinleys • Theory of a Deadman • Tonic • Trace Adkins • Twista Uli Jon Roth • Violent Femmes • Wade Hayes • Warrant Friday, May 19th • $10