The opioid epidemic continues to garner extensive press coverage and the Trump We at the Hope Council on Alcohol & Other
administration has committed resources in an attempt to diminish its deadly grip on Drug Abuse, Inc. are so grateful to Happenings
America. Every ten minutes someone in America dies of an overdose, and sadly a Magazine for shedding light on the opioids epi-
large number of these drug-related fatalities are happening here in our community. demic in our community. The Hope Council is
We are in the midst of a heroin epidemic. Most everyone would agree it's a daunting, doing what it can to educate others on the preven-
complex problem that at this point appears to be short on solutions. It is our hope, tion and treatment of the disease of addiction, and
our goal, to keep this problem in the forefront, to encourage engagement and dia- with the help of Happenings Magazine, that mes-
logue. This includes a series of knowledgeable guest who will appear the week of sage reaches much farther.
July 9th on Happenings Q&A.
The mission of the Hope Council on Alcohol &
Tune in to Happenings Q&A on AM1050 WLIP, Other Drug Abuse is to reduce the impact of alco-
streaming live at www.wlip.com, or download the hol and other drug abuse in our community by pro-
WLIP app on your smartphone to hear more from viding education, prevention, intervention, and
these upcoming guests. referral services. For more information about those
services, please contact us at (262) 658-8166, email
• A former Deputy Medical Examiner for us at [email protected], or visit our website at
Kenosha County, Lou Denko is currently the Fire Chief of the www.hopecouncil.org. Recovery is possible, that
Wheatland Volunteer Fire Department. Mr. Denko will join the show on treatment truly does work, but we cannot treat our
Monday, July 9th at 1:30 p.m. way out of this current epidemic. Education and
prevention is key.
Lou Denko • Guida Brown is the Executive Director of the
Hope Council and joins the show on Tuesday, July Happenings Magazine’s
10th at 1:30 p.m. (see sidebar to right for more from Brad Schimel efforts to educate the com-
Ms. Brown) munity can go far in offering
hope and helping to heal our
• Brad D. Schimel took office as the Wisconsin community.
Attorney General in January 2015. Tune in to
Happenings Q&A on Wednesday, July 11th at 1:30 Sincerely,
p.m. when Schimel joins the program. Guida Brown
Executive Director, Hope
• Michael Gravely joined the Kenosha County district attorney's
office in 1989, his first job after graduating from law school at the Council
University of Wisconsin-Madison. Mr. Gravely joins Happenings Q&A
Michael Gravely on Thursday, July 12th at 1:30 p.m.
How One Family Created a Deadly Legacy
OxyContin, the multibillion-dollar painkiller at the center of the Justice Department showed that Purdue Pharma knew about abuse of
opioid crisis, first came onto the market in 1996 by Purdue Pharma. OxyContin within the first years of its release, yet they continued to
According to an article titled "The Secretive Family Making Billions push the drug onto consumers. According to an article on The New
From the Opioid Crisis" published on Esquire’s website, more than York Time’s website titled “Origins of an Epidemic: Purdue Pharma
two hundred thousand people have died in the United States alone Knew Its Opioids Were Widely Abused,” there were reports from
from OxyContin and other opioids since 1996. Today, OxyContin is company officials who were investigating Purdue Pharma that
one of the biggest-selling opioids in the United States due to the med- claimed “the pills were being crushed and snorted; stolen from phar-
ication being overprescribed and the aggressive advertising tactics macies; and that some doctors were being charged with selling pre-
used by the family who owns Purdue Pharma—the Sackler family. scriptions.”
OxyContin was just the beginning of many other addictive opioids Though Arthur, Mortimer, and Raymond have all passed away, their
that were created and put on the market. Arthur, Mortimer, and legacy still lives on through their family today. Many members of the
Raymond Sackler are the three brothers of the Sackler family who Sackler family still deny any involvement in Purdue Pharma, despite
started Purdue Pharma in the 1950s. Though all three brothers played continually profiting off of the money made from the company.
a part in making and pushing OxyContin and other drugs onto con-
sumers, Arthur was the brains behind the unethical advertising tactics By Alison Howen
used to get doctors to prescribe the drugs produced by Purdue Pharma
to patients whether they seemed to have a serious need for the drugs
or not.
Arthur employed aggressive marketing campaigns like claiming
Librium could be used for anxiety and Valium could be used for psy-
chic tension. It didn't seem to matter how addictive and dangerous the
drugs were as long as he and his brothers were making money. The
aggressive advertising for Valium was so successful it became the first
$1-billion drug on the market.
Despite claims made early on by Purdue Pharma that they were
unaware of any drug abuse occurring from the use of OxyContin, until
years after the drug was on the market, a copy of a report from the
A Few Tips and Pointers for Parents
Conversations are one of the most powerful tools parents Psychiatric & Psychotherapy Clinic (262) 654-0487
can use to connect with, and protect, their kids. But, when If you have no insurance, contact the Resource Center at Kenosha
tackling some of life’s tougher topics, especially those about Human Development Services at (262) 764-8555.
alcohol and other drugs, just figuring out what to say can be a Residential treatment options for teens and adolescents
Gateway Foundation
Lead-ins to initiate a discussion with your teenager: Alcohol and Drug Treatment Centers
Lake Villa, Illinois
• “I care about you, and you’re a valued team member. I recovergateway.org • (877) 505-4673
know you’ve been drinking on the weekends. This will cost Rogers Memorial Hospital
you your spot on the team...” West Allis, Wisconsin
rogersbh.org • (800) 767-4411
• “Your health and well-being are very important to me. I Support for Parents and other Loved Ones
know you’ve been using drugs. Let’s talk about this. I need Kenosha Area Support for Parents Hope Council Loved Ones Group
you to be honest with me...” Additional online resources for parents:
• It's OK to Ask Kids About Their Drug Use - KCSAC (PDF)
• “Prescription drugs are dangerous and addictive. I know • Lock Your Meds
you’re abusing them. We need to have an honest conversa- • National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence
tion...” • National Institute of Mental Health
• National Institute on Drug Abuse
Tips to Help Guide Your Teen Toward a Healthy, Drug-Free Life • National Institute on Drug Abuse for Teens
• Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
• Make sure your teen knows your rules and the consequences for break- • Talk with your Kids about Alcohol and Drug Abuse
ing them. • Tips for Talking and What to Say to Prevent Drug and Alcohol Abuse
• Let your teen in on all the things you find wonderful about him.
• Show interest and discuss your teen’s daily ups and downs.
• Tell your teen about the negative effect alcohol, tobacco and other
drugs have on physical appearance.
• Don’t just leave your teen’s anti-drug education up to her school.
Drugs by Another Name
“Molly” may be a friend’s name, but it may not. “Special K” is a break-
fast cereal, but why would your kids be chatting about it? Have they actu-
ally been riding lately? If not, “horse” may not be what you think. Names
for illicit drugs are ever-changing, so if something seems strange in your
child’s communication, check it out. Ask questions of your child and oth-
ers; give it a Google; see if your suspicions are warranted. Communication
is key in preventing alcohol and other drug abuse.
Adolescent Alcohol & Other Treatment Options
Outpatient treatment options teens and adolescents
Aalto Enhancement Center (262) 654-9370
InterConnections (262) 654-5333
Oakwood Clinical Associates (262) 652-9830
Professional Services Group (262) 652-2406
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8 Ways to Secure 5 Things To Know
Your Prescriptions About Narcan
SECURING your medications is an important and easy way for you You could save a life by knowing these answers.
to help keep your family and friends safe. Most people think only those The rate of opioid overdose deaths has nearly doubled over the last five
with little ones or teens need to secure their meds. However, while chil- years in Kenosha County. In 2017, Kenosha County had 57 confirmed
dren are more susceptible to accidental ingestion, anyone experiment- toxicity (overdose) deaths. The most common way to treat an opioid over-
ing with drugs or struggling with a substance use disorder may sneak dose is with Narcan. Here are five of the most commonly asked questions
your medications. about this treatment, knowing the answers and acting on them can help
Furthermore, according to the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids, two- you save a life!
thirds of teens who misused pain relievers in the past year say they got 1. What is Narcan?
them from family and friends. This includes their own homes’ medi-
cine cabinets, making safeguarding medicine in the home vitally Narcan Nasal Spray is the brand name of naloxone hydrochloride.
important. Safe storage and proper medication disposal diminishes the Narcan is the only FDA-approved nasal form of naloxone for emergency
opportunities for easy access. treatment of a known or suspected opioid overdose.
Here are 8 simple steps you can take to SECURE your prescription
1. Use a lockbox rather than a medicine cabinet for your medica-
2. Keep that lockbox in a safe place, such as a locked closet, inac-
cessible to those who may abuse the medications.
3. Safeguard all medicines by monitoring quantities and controlling
4. Taking note of how many pills are in each of your prescription
bottles or pill packets, and keep track of refill schedules. Regularly
check to see if anything is missing. This goes for your own medicine,
as well as for your kids' and other members of the household. If you
find you need to refill your medicine more often than expected, that
could indicate a problem.
5. If your child has been prescribed a medicine, be sure YOU control 2. Why should I know how to use Narcan?
the medicine, and monitor dosages and refills. You need to be especial-
ly vigilant with medicines that are known to be addictive and common-
ly abused by teens, such as opioids, benzodiazepines and stimulants.
6. Warn your youngsters that taking prescription or over-the-counter Addiction has no stereotype and it doesn’t play favorites. You should
(OTC) drugs without a doctor’s supervision can be just as dangerous know how to use Narcan and carry it with you because you just never
and potentially as lethal as taking street drugs. know when you’re going to need it. You could save the life of a friend, a
7. Make sure your friends, parents of your child’s friends, neighbors relative, a co-worker, or a total stranger.
and relatives — especially grandparents — are also aware of the risks. 3. Do you need to be a medical provider to use Narcan?
Encourage them to regularly monitor their own medicines in their own NO! Anyone can learn how to use and give Narcan. The training is
homes. very accessible and once you’re trained, administering Narcan is actually
8. Properly DISPOSE of old, expired or unused medicines (also quite basic. Hint: there are no needles involved!
referred to as off-therapy medications).
4. Is there legislation that protects those who help overdose vic-
Yes! Wisconsin has the Good Samaritan Law and the 2013
Wisconsin Act 194, which states anyone who calls for help or drops off
someone who is experiencing a drug overdose will not be charged with
possession or paraphernalia. ?However, there is a limit. The person who
overdosed is not covered. Also, any other crime committed at the scene is
not protected by law.
Additionally, the 2013 WI Act 200 covers anyone, regardless of med-
ical background from being held liable for administering naloxone when
they act in good faith believing that the person is experiencing an opioid
5. How can I get trained?
Narcan training is very straightforward and non-technical. If you are
interested in taking the short training course, you should contact the
Kenosha County Division of Health Narcan Distribution Program
Hotline at (262) 605-6741 or send an email to
[email protected]
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3 Medication Habits To Start
The Kenosha County Substance Abuse Coalition (KCSAC) invites Furthermore, according to the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids,
you to start three medication habits: DISCUSS; SECURE; DIS- two-thirds of teens who misused pain relievers in the past year say
POSE. Of course, if you’re already doing these, please do continue! they got them from family and friends, including their own homes’
medicine cabinets, making safeguarding medicine in the home vitally
DISCUSS important. Safe storage and disposal of medications diminish opportu-
nities for easy access.
Take control. You are in charge of your healthcare. DISCUSSING
treatment options with your health care provider and being an Learn more about SECURING your medications at save-
informed consumer is the first step. You are in charge of your health- liveskenosha.org.
care. Prescription opioids (such as hydrocodone, oxycodone, codeine,
and morphine) are not right for everyone. They can have some very DISPOSE
serious side effects. It’s OK to ask your doctor, dentist or other health
care provider for more information about their recommendations DISPOSING of your medications properly is the last step in safe
before deciding which is the right choice for you or your loved one. medication habits and can benefit your whole community. Over 90%
of patients who were prescribed opioids after surgery didn’t properly
When you go to see your doctor, write your questions down or have dispose of their leftover medicines. Don’t be one of them!
them handy on your phone so that you can take them with you into the
doctor's office. If possible, bring along a friend or family member who DISPOSE of unused medications so they aren’t tempting or avail-
can jot down notes, listen to the discussion, or ask questions. Always able for misuse by family or friends.
remember, you have the right to ask as many questions as you need in
order to feel comfortable with your treatment plan. DISPOSE of your unused medications when the reason you were
prescribed them is no longer relevant. It’s important to get rid of all
SECURE those partially-used prescriptions that so many of us have laying
around. Holding on to that prescription “just in case” you need it again
Would you know if any pills were missing? The best place to start one day is not a good idea: any accident or impaired driving charge
securing is by ensuring that you’re aware of all medications in your that occurs while under the influence of drugs taken not as prescribed
home and storing them safely. You should also have a discussion with or taken outside the prescribed period can lead to enhanced charges,
your kids and family about the dangers of medicine abuse and let them including charges of possession of controlled substances because,
know you are tracking all of the medications in your home. technically speaking, those medications are illegal.
SECURE means approaching your prescriptions the same way you Medication Drop Box Locations
would other valuables in your home, like jewelry or cash. Nobody
thinks twice about protecting those items, and the same holds true for DISPOSE of your medications at one of the many medication drop
your medicine. box locations in Kenosha County. You can find a map of these loca-
tions at saveliveskenosha.org. Research indicates that Lake Michigan
Consider a lockbox for your medications. Even one accidental dose is being contaminated by improperly disposed pharmaceuticals; don’t
of an opioid pain medicine meant for an adult can cause a fatal over- be a person making that contamination worse by flushing your phar-
dose in a child or anyone not used to taking this type of medication. ma!
Anyone (including teenagers) in the home or friends who are visiting
may seek out opioid pain medicines for nonmedical use. This is actu- DisposeRx
ally one of the most common sources of opioid supply for abusers.
Don’t leave prescription opioids in the medicine cabinet or out in plain DISPOSE of unused prescriptions using DisposeRx, a simple
view. home medication disposal solution that uses non-toxic polymers to
permanently sequester prescription drugs. DisposeRx works for
SECURING your medications is an important and easy way for powders, pills, tablets, capsules, liquids, and patches, making them
you to help keep your family and friends safe. Most people think only inert and unavailable for illicit use or contamination. The Kenosha
those with little ones or teens need to secure their meds. However, County Substance Abuse Coalition will be handing out free samples
while children are more susceptible to accidental ingestion, anyone of DisposeRx at events throughout the summer and into the fall. Visit
experimenting with drugs or struggling with a substance use disorder saveliveskenosha.org to find out where you can connect!
may sneak your medications.
Please start these three easy medication practices: DISCUSS,
SECURE, DISPOSE. By doing so, you really might SAVE A LIFE.
Starting Discussions With Your
Healthcare Provider
Walking into your healthcare If your doctor thinks your
provider’s office and asking a lot of pain is best managed with a
questions might seem a little intimidat- prescription opioid, then ask:
ing at first. Having an honest discussion
with him or her about the medications Could this treatment
you are being prescribed is part of being interact with my other
a well-informed patient and healthcare medicines, especially ones
consumer. Are you stuck on how to get prescribed for anxiety,
the conversation going? Here are some sleeping problems, or
tips for starting the discussion... seizures?
Why do I need this medication—is It is also very important
it right for me? that you tell your doctor
about all of the medicines
You can start the discussion by ask- you are taking, especially
ing questions, such as: those prescribed to treat anx-
iety, sleeping problems, or
• What medications are you consider- seizure. Even medicines you
ing giving me? take only occasionally, or that
are over-the-counter, could
• Is it an opioid? interact with the opioid pain
medicine. Don't count on
• Why do you think this is the best your doctor to know what medications you are taking, even if they pre-
course of treatment? scribed them to you.
You should have a discussion with your doctor about ways to man- Some good ways to start this discussion are:
age your pain that don’t involve prescription opioids. Some of these
options may actually work as well or better (but have their own side • Write down all of your prescriptions (including dosage and dura-
effects so discuss with your medical professional). tion) and bring the list along.
Options you can discuss include: • Take a photo of your medication bottle labels and bring them along.
• Acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil) • Write down any dietary supplements you take, or bring photos of
the packaging.
• Medications traditionally prescribed for depression or seizures
• Write down any over-the-counter medications you take or bring
• Interventional therapy photos of the packaging.
• Cognitive behavioral therapy Can I share this medication with someone else? Why not?
• Physical therapy and exercise There are both federal and state laws that make using or sharing
your prescription drugs illegal. If you a take a pill that was prescribed
Ask that your doctor prescribe the lowest dose and the smallest quan- to someone else or give that pill to another person, not only is it
tity you may need and find out when to call to follow up on how well against the law, it's extremely dangerous. Doctors write specific pre-
it is working. Find out when and how to stop taking opioids, including scriptions to remedy your specific condition. A pain killer prescription
tapering them. for your knee surgery is not going to be the same prescription your
daughter would get for a jammed finger or toothache. You are not a
Some questions you can ask are: doctor. DO NOT GIVE OTHER PEOPLE YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS!
• Is it OK to stop taking these before the prescription runs out? How can I reduce the risk of potential side effects from this med-
• How will I know if it is OK to stop taking this prescription?
Take your medicine exactly as prescribed by your doctor. If you are
• What should I watch for if I stop taking this prescription early? still feeling pain, call your doctor; do not take an extra dose. Learn to
identify serious side effects so you and your family will know when to
• How should I taper my usage to make sure I don't have any with- call a doctor or go to the hospital. Ask your pharmacist if your prescrip-
drawal issues? tion comes with a Medication Guide (paper handouts that come with
many prescription medicines) for more information.
What if I have a history of addiction with tobacco, alcohol or
other drugs? What if there is a history of addiction in my family? Good questions to ask include:
Tell your doctor about any history you have had with substance mis- • How will I know if I am having a side effect from this prescrip-
use or addiction to alcohol or other drugs, or if you have a history of tion?
smoking cigarettes. You should also tell your health care provider if
anyone in your family has had a problem with substance misuse, or • What should I do if I think I am having a bad reaction?
• What should I do if I don't feel like the prescription is working?
Some ways to start this discussion include:
• Is there anything I can do to make sure I don't get any of the side
• This is a little uncomfortable, but will this prescription be OK if I effects?
have my daily drink?
• How will vaping or smoking react with this prescription?
• Sometimes my friends and I use [fill in the drug] on the weekends,
how will that react with this prescription?
• I have family members with some addiction problems, am I OK to
take this prescription? What do I need to watch out for?
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Let’s Answer the
Call to Halt This
Epidemic Together
Tune In To Happenings Q&A Radio On HB2017
AM 1050 WLIP Weekdays From 1-3pm
When Frank Carmichael And Happenings 2529 75th Street Kenosha, WI (262) 653-8002
Staff Members Visit With Interesting Guests,
Both Local And From Around The Country. HAPPENINGS EXTRA 2018 Page 11
Medication Dropboxes Kenosha Area
Drop Box Locations
DISPOSE of your unused/expired medications at one of the many medication
drop box locations in Kenosha County. Drop boxes are a simple solution because Kenosha County Public Safety Building
you literally, walk up and drop your prepared (see 'Rules of the Box' below) 1000 55th Street
items into the box and walk away. The host of the drop box location takes care Collection Hours: Mon-Fri 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. excluding holidays
of final disposal from there. Many of them are available 24-hours a day, for your
convenience. Pleasant Prairie Police Department
8600 Green Bay Rd.
ACCEPTED ITEMS ITEMS NOT ACCEPTED Colletion Hours: 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week
Prescription drugs Biohazardous materials Somers Fire and Rescue Department
7511 12 St. (Highway E)
Over-the-counter medications Illegal drugs Collection Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 4:30pm
Ointments and creams Needles/sharps or syringes
Pet medications
Sprays/ Liquids/ Inhalers
Village of Salem Lakes
9814 Antioch Rd. (Highway 83), Salem
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 4:00 pm excluding holidays
Recognizing an Opioid Overdose Twin Lakes Police Department
920 Lance Dr., Twin Lakes
During an overdose, opiates overwhelm certain receptors in the brain, interrupting a key Collection Hours 24 hours a day / 7 days a week
part of the body’s impulse to breathe. Breathing slows dangerously or stops. Reversing this
process quickly is crucial because without breathing and oxygen, brain damage and death University of Wisconsin – Parkside (Tallent Hall)
can occur. Quickly recognizing the signs of an opioid overdose and acting appropriately 900 Wood Rd.
could make all the difference. Located in Parkside University Police Office
Collection Hours: 24 hours a day / 7 days a week
Signs include:
Good Value Pharmacy (in Festival Foods)
• Will not wake or respond to your voice or touch 3207 80th St #100
• Breathing is very slow, irregular or has stopped Collection Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. – 9 p.m.,
• Fingernails and lips turning blue or purple Sat. 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
• Slow heartbeat and/or low blood pressure
• Center part of their eye is very small—sometimes called “pinpoint pupils” Walgreens
Not all of these signs will be present. If you see these signs, call 911. If prepared, admin- 3805 80th St.
ister Narcan (naloxone hydrochloride). Collection Hours: 24 hours / 7 days a week
When used as directed Narcan (naloxone hydrochloride) can reverse the effects of opi-
oids—temporarily restoring breathing and wakefulness. Learn more about Narcan at Walgreens
https://www.saveliveskenosha.org/learn-more/narcan-information/. 4810 Washington Ave., Racine
Collection Hours: 24 hours / 7 days a week
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