August 24, 2019
Volume 17 #16
FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800 SMART READER August 24, 2019 1
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Kenosha Rocks!
Chances are you have attended one of the numerous awesome events going on in Kenosha this summer, or you have enjoyed our
beautiful parks on a fabulous day - while there, did something catch you eye? Did something just not look right over there by that
tree… what could it be? ‘Is it garbage?’ you might think. Being a good samaritan, you go over to investigate and realize it is a rock -
gorgeously painted and left there for you to find. You turn it over and painted on the rock are the words “Post on FB - Kenosha Rocks
- Keep or re-hide.” What is this all about?
Well it is a trend which has been popping up in cities across the US - local artists of all ages and talents paint rocks and place them out
in public for others to find in a community game. They simply ask that you take a photo of the rock when your find it and post the pic and
tell them where your found it on the Facebook group - “Kenosha Rocks!” - then either re-hide it somewhere else, or take it home as a gift - it’s your choice.
The idea is simple - decorate rocks that you find in nature with whatever you want and them hide them in various locations all over Kenosha. Make sure
your artwork is appropriate for all ages, as you have no idea who will find it. Be respectful of private property and businesses and have fun - the last one is
most important - have fun! The Facebook group was created in the summer of 2016, but has grown in popularity each summer since, now with over 12,000
members.We reached out to members of the Kenosha Rocks! group and they happily contributed to our report about the latest fun fad to get people outside
and be creative.
What inspired you to join “Kenosha Rocks!”? Special thanks to (pictured from top left):
Carole Baird-Serpe, GiGi Palaske Whitmore,
“I was inspired to join when a friend gave me a rock she
found. It was painted like Humpty Dumpty - very cute - Mary Beth Lindqvist, Rachel Langer,
and said "Kenosha Rocks/FB" on the back. I checked out Nicole Tomsich and Terry Stofferaahn - as well as:
the Facebook page and instantly loved the idea. I love to
paint and I love Kenosha so the idea of leaving little bits (not pictured) Sam Unrath and Don Frederickson
of unexpected happiness all over Kenosha just appealed for their contributions!
to me! - Mary Beth Lindqvist
Some of the best places to find painted rocks are
“One day earlier this year, my daughter and I took a Petrifying Springs and the parks and beaches
walk downtown. She had recently come home from a 6-
month hospitalization so we thought a walk would do us along the lakefront. But you never know, people
both good. We found our first rock, right by Mike's find them all over town.
Chicken and Donuts. She was tickled! We ended up
finding two more that day, and because she was so Be creative when hiding and looking.
excited, I was inspired to start rock painting. I knew it
would make others happy, just like she was.” - Nicole “I don't paint rocks. I find them and re-hide
Tomsich them. My favorite rock was painted by
“I joined Kenosha Rocks when I found my first rock at Kenoshan Melissa Dorff. I like it so much I
Common Grounds. Once I joined I learned that it was a couldn't bear to part with it. I took it on my
kindness movement and there were thousands of people
painting rocks and leaving them all over Kenosha, some vacation this summer and posed it at the
people even travel to different states and counties and places we visited. ie: Mt St Helens,
leave rocks for people to find.” - Sam Unrath
Redwoods State and National Park, Crater
Why would someone want to join the Kenosha Lake and Oregon Caverns. I named it
Rocks Facebook group and get involved with painting Beatle.” - Don Frederickson
“It is relaxing to sit down and paint at the end of the day
and gives us excuses to go outside and enjoy our parks
and lakefront.” - Rachel Langer
“I have gotten such joy out of seeing little kids find my
rocks along the lakefront. I also enjoy doing this with my
granddaughters.You can find inspiration on what to paint
on Google, or just write inspirational words. I am not a
painter by any means, and I copy others work, but it is so
much fun and so relaxing. I look for painted rocks in trees,
art sculptures, and along the lakefront.” - GiGi Palaske
“I paint for fun - hopefully the finder enjoys the rock. My
goal is to make someone smile!” - Terry Stofferaahn
“The secret tip to rock painting is HAVE FUN!!! This
also applies to rock hunting! It's a great way for friends
and family and even strangers from other rock groups, to
get together and make beautiful creations for others to
find. There's no wrong way to paint a rock! And hunting
them is just as exciting! You can literally make a day out of
it.” - Nicole Tomsich
story continues on page 3
Smart Reader is published bi-weekly by Carmichael Communications
Editor & Publisher/Frank J. Carmichael • Assistant to the Publisher/Reanna Stockdale • Feature Writer/Editorial Layout/Jason Hedman
Production Manager/Matthew Gonya • Creative Director/IT Manager/Kelly MacKay • Art Department/Jasmine Hundertmark
Reception/Sarah Coleman • Accounting/James Janssen, Sarah Coleman • Advertising Sales/Sarah Braun, Donna Caliendo, Kimberley Carmichael, Donald Stancato
Distribution/James Acerbi, Amel Bolyard, Roger Clark, Lloyd Dissmore, Robert Edwards, Mark Hendricks, Mike Marifern, Frank Rath, Bob Raucina,
Donald Stancato, Kathleen Vandenberg, Steve Zdraukovic • Editorial & Business Office: 1420 63rd Street, Kenosha, WI 53143
Cover photos credit:Waynes: Mike Wallace & Chad Greenway; Gordon: UPI 262-564-8800 1-800-568-6623
August 24, 2019 - Volume 17 Number 19
2 SMART READER August 24, 2019 FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800
Continued from previous page
Where can someone find
good rocks to paint?
“The beach area at
Southport Beach always has
really nice flat rocks and the
area of beach near the
bandshell at Pennoyer is
another great place for rocks!
If you can't get out to hunt for
blank rocks you can even buy
them by the bagful at Lowe's and
Menards!” - Mary Beth Lindqvist
What are good tips for beginners?
“Glaze the rock first with a satin gloss- I like to
The war onpaint it on. You can find the satin gloss where the
acrylic paints are in any craft store. Once the glaze
plastic bags,is dry, it will be easier to paint and the rock won’t
soak up as much paint. If you are doing multiple
by thecoats of paint, make sure each coat is fully dry
before adding another coat or writing on it. I use
numbersa small travel hair dryer to dry the acrylic paint
more quickly. When the rock is done use a spray
glaze to give it a nice shine and make it At least 127 countries now regulate single-use plastic bags
at some level, with African nations currently in the lead. Some
waterproof.” - Carole Baird-Serpe 34 of them have imposed bans or limits on most forms of
“Pinerest is chock full of ideas for rock painting if single-use plastics and bags. Some have even gone so far as to
you need some inspiration! But really anything you ban imports of single-use plastics and plastic waste from
feel like painting is great! Always remember the more developed countries.
idea is to spread kindness and But the increase in regulations doesn’t necessarily translate
happiness.” - Mary Beth to reductions in plastic winding up in landfills and the ocean.
Lindqvist Bans are far from universal, and they can be difficult to
“Don't forget to enforce. A more effective solution would be to stop the A customer in Nairobi, Kenya, takes his purchases in a cloth carrier in this 2017
write on the back of production of plastic bags to begin with, says Carole Excell, photo.A ban on plastic bags came into force in Kenya, and those found violating the
your rock something acting director of Environmental Democracy Practice at the
like:“Post on FB - Kenosha World Resources Institute. new regulation could receive maximum fines of $38,000 or a four-year jail term.
Rocks. Keep or re-hide.” - Kenosha Rocks!
“If we don’t start caring about restricting production, we TAX PROBLEMS?
will continue to have the same problem,” she says.
Do you have any secret tips to finding a great The United Nations estimates that the world consumes FREE NO OBLIGATION
painted rock? between 1 trillion and 5 trillion plastic bags per year. Little is
IRS • State • Payroll • Business • Individual
“They can be anywhere - from in trees at known about the overall impact of bans on the waste stream.
Petrifying Springs to a parking lot. Kenosha Rocks Some nations have reported a drop in plastic bag UPFRONT, STRAIGHTFORWARD FEES FOR
consumption, but others have seen little or no change. SERVICES WHICH INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING:
is like a year long egg hunt.” - Sam Unrath • Offers in Compromise.
“There’s progress,” Ms. Excell says, “but there’s a lot of • Installment Agreements
What is the most interesting painted rock complexity in actually getting a handle on plastic and the • Lien/Levy Releases, Currently Not Collectible
• Audits
you have come across? waste that it causes.”
Filing back Tax Returns?
“There is an artist named Shidorr. She paints very By Hannah Harn
you have to be compliant before
realistic portraits of people's pets on rocks. She a settlement can be negotiated!
painted my two dogs for me and it is the most “I contact the IRS and/or State on your behalf,
so you don’t have to.”
amazing rock! “ - Mary Beth Lindvist Kenosha Funeral
“Personalized Service… I handle your case from
“The most interesting rock my daughter found Services and start to finish and keep you updated at least
was a blue bird - the rock was the perfect shape” monthly with the progress being made.”
- Sam Unrath Crematory DON’T WAIT! CONTACT PAUL TODAY,
Story compiled and edited by Jason Hedman
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Grieving for the environment,
without saying ‘climate change’
After water submerged her family’s farm in June 2013, in tornadoes, and environmental changes, of course.
one of the worst floods in recent Canadian history, Susan Observers say what’s different now (aside from having a
Heather took a pragmatic, can-do approach to the name to go with the feeling) is the sense that people might
challenges – both physical and financial – ahead. need mental health supports to deal with that sense of lost
But when she learned that the mountain trails in the
foothills of the Rockies where she long sought solace were Like most things related to weather and climate, though,
wiped out, and that beloved High River, the closest sizable the terminology can be polarizing; increasing warnings
town to her farm in southern Alberta, was devastated, a from scientists, such as this month’s United Nations
deep sadness that she compares to mourning rose up in Climate Report about the consequences of a warming
her. planet, serve to stir some while alienating others.
“I remember after the flood thinking, nothing is the same Yet those in the middle like Ms. Heather, who believes
anymore,” she says over coffee in her farmhouse on a warming is a natural progression but agrees humans have
recent day. “All my favorite places are destroyed.” accelerated it, say they still experience the stresses of
That refrain is becoming increasingly common, as change and unpredictability, and their mental health needs
weather patterns and natural disasters are becoming more shouldn’t be overlooked.
intense. Academics have even begun to attach neologisms “There are many people who might deny climate change,
to the feelings: “solastalgia,” coined by an Australian for example, but still have really fundamentally strong
philosopher in 2005, describes a form of distress caused Susan Heather, a farmer and agronomist, stands on a hill overlooking her family relationships to their land and to nature, and that’s
by environmental change, or “ecological grief.” farm in Alberta and the Little Bow River, which flooded in 2013.Today, Heather something we need to tap into,” says Katie Hayes, who is
working on her doctorate at the University of Toronto on
People have long grappled with loss from wildfires, helps other farmers deal with the stress caused by the vagaries of Mother
Nature. See REPUBLICANS on page 22 for more
Two Days Now OPEN Wed. & Thurs. - 4-9pm, Fri. - 3-11pm,
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Environment continued from page 4 Ms. Spark says their intent is not to present a zero-sum sixth anniversary of the flood), those memories came to the
scenario. “Even if you work in an extraction industry, you’re fore. Ecological grief wasn’t introduced as a term, she says; no
the psychological and social consequences of climate change, also allowed to grieve what’s happening,” she says. “Eco-grief one even mentioned the words “climate change.” Instead they
using the 2013 Alberta floods as a case study. “People can should be something that builds compassion rather than focused on their shared anxieties and how to help build
have anxiety about what’s happening to them and maybe not builds barriers between people.” capacity in the Albertan agricultural community to better
see that climate change is a problem that is exacerbating that respond. Ms. Heather says it gave her confidence that she can
ecological degradation.” Another initiative, the Alberta Narratives Project, help, in her work as an agronomist, other farmers facing
attempted to do just that.The organizers held more than 50 mental health challenges.
Where fossil fuels pay the bills workshops with almost 500 participants last year to try and
build more constructive conversations around the province’s For farmers here, a lot of the stresses are financial,
That’s perhaps not truer anywhere than in Alberta, the energy-climate dichotomy, and published recommendations especially as this patch of Alberta has seen three years of
Canadian province at the heart of the country’s resource about how to emphasize all Albertans’ shared identities. One drought.The more intangible loss is often the harder to cope
economy. Albertans also happen to be the Canadians least finding is that shrill language – that climate change is the with – or explain. “When you lose your special place, it’s a
likely to believe that climate change is happening, with only “most important” issue we face and is an “immediate threat” deep feeling.A lot of emotion is attached to places, especially
52% saying they see conclusive or solid evidence, according – breeds distrust. Instead participants preferred to talk about natural places,” says Ms. Heather.“It’s not necessarily a house,
to a 2018 poll conducted for the Ecofiscal Commission, it as an emerging concern among other challenges. but a rock or a tree or a valley that somehow you’re
compared to 61% nationwide. Of those who believe Earth is connected to.”
warming, 54% of Albertans say they believe warming is caused Ms. Hayes avoids the term “ecological grief” altogether in
by human behavior, compared with 70% of Canadians overall. her fieldwork in High River. In part that’s because many in the On this day she’s just returned from a fundraiser for her
area don’t buy into the notion. “When we talked about their parents, who lost their grassland and fencing after a bushfire.
The climate-energy debate has become increasingly experiences with the flood, the big challenge that they had is Ms. Heather says she was devastated – this is where she grew
divisive. The province’s conservative premier, Jason Kenney, that they haven’t wanted to experience a flood like that again. up playing – “but it’s already starting to regrow, and it’s
has railed against foreign environmental groups who he So putting the flood in the broader context of climate change beautiful.” And all that was lost in the flood has since been
claims are seeking to undermine the oil and gas industry. is really scary, because it made people think that this could restored – even if not exactly to its original state.
happen again.”
At the same time, Alberta has been on the front lines of “High River is beautiful, and the mountains are the same,”
disasters in recent years, including the devastating floods in That flood remains so vivid in these parts that when Ms. she says. “And the river. It’s different, but the same.”
2013 and a raging wildfire in 2016 in Fort McMurray, the Heather attended a rural Mental Health First-Aid course
gateway to Alberta’s oil sands. All of this has created mental organized by the High River District Health Care Foundation, By Sara Miller Llana
distress in the province, says University of Alberta professor and it rained the day it was held (coincidentally during the
Vincent Agyapong, who is studying patients with depression
or post-traumatic stress disorder in Fort McMurray. He says The Quest for a 6th Ave
that the climate doesn’t come to the fore when he talks with Guinness World Record
his patients, who tend to see it as more of a scientific or
political question. And yet with changing weather patterns, This year at Cheese-A-Polooza we’re looking for a few
anxiety “is definitely something that’s become an increasing hungry men, women and children to help eat their way
phenomenon,” he says. to becoming the largest cheese-tasting event in history.
Finding hope in community Actually, we’re looking for more than a few people.
We’re looking for 1,001.
It doesn’t take being a victim of disaster to produce
“ecological grief.” That’s because the world cheese-tasting record, set in 5th Ave
May in Australia, featured 1,000 people. Cheese-A-
Amy Spark trained as an environmental scientist and co- Palooza is teaming up with the Brat Stop, which is 54th Street BSeehrriSnaelress
founded the Calgary-based Refugia Retreats in 2016. They supplying the cheese, to give the Aussies a run for Restrooms
run workshops focused on the intersection between their whey.
ecological change and mental health. Sometimes those
meetings take the form of informational sessions at The cheese-tasting will take AARP Restrooms
universities or community centers, where she and her place Saturday, Aug. 31, at Stage
colleague provide an overview of the growing body of 11 a.m. Participants will KENOSHA HARBOR
research on ecological grief. Sometimes they are spiritual gather just east of 6th FOOD VENDORS
retreats that help participants process their feelings about Avenue and 54th
the loss of cherished spaces – a destroyed landscape or even Street adjacent to the The Clubhouse Bar and Grill
a single tree. AARP stage. Crave Bar
Dildot’s Dinner
The anxiety they see is often not about the changes in the ACTION TERRITORY Fry Daddy’s Steaks and Cakes Blue Sky
present but fears about what is coming or doubts that Jerk and More Inflatables
individual action – say, eschewing plastics – will make a KARAOKE FAMILY STAGE Kona Ice ATM
difference. Much distress comes from disorientation – a Rockit Tacos
sense that rhythms of the seasons aren’t reliable, that birds With your hosts Lori & Captain Carl Costanzo Big Matt’s BBQ Happenings
are chirping at unfamiliar times of year, or that wildfire smoke Reid’s Roasted Corn Info Booth
is coming earlier. Sat. Aug. 31 Sun. Sept. 1st Tequiza El Poblanito
Toasty Cheese
Many people are seeking out such support groups. 1:00 - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Karaoke 1:00 - Karaoke Tres Flores Funnel Cakes
Agnieszka Wolska, a therapist in Calgary, joined the “Eco-
Grief Support Circle” that meets twice a month after losing 2:00 - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cheese Dog Eating 2:00 - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cheese Dog Eating And More
faith, she says, that nature could rebalance itself. She
compares the circles to being at a wake, she says, but it’s also Contest Contest EXHIBITORS Action
where she finds some hope.“Together we have less individual Territory
despair. We can just have connection instead of fear or just 2:30-4:00 - . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Karaoke 2:30-4:00 - . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Karaoke Blue Sky Inflatables Family
sadness,” she says. They sit together over tea and discuss Deir Dezines Leather and Tie-Dye Stage
what’s around them, whether that’s wildfire smoke in their 4:00 - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mac & Cheese 4:00 - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mac & Cheese Eating Face Painting
midst, memories of the 2013 flood, or far-off news of a Fresh Thyme
natural disaster. Eating Contest Contest A Little Piece of Henna
“There is an honesty and there’s a courage and there is a THE KENOSHA COUNTY DAIRY PROMOTION TEAM Porcaro Mitsubishi Restrooms
sense of community,” she says. Power Home Remodeling BSeehrriSnaelress
Yet over herbal tea in a vibrant neighborhood of Calgary, Since Cheese-A-Palooza's inception, the Kenosha County Silent Wind Boutique
Ms. Spark explains that her retreats, in the capital of Canada’s Dairy Promotion Team has played an integral part of the Zoomy Care
oil industry where everyone knows someone employed by it, event. And this year, they return with Bella, a Montbeliarde Z&Z Enterprises
often surface mixed feelings. Holstein cross breed fiberglass
recirculation life-size cow. It's a And More
“I think there’s a lot of fear around using these terms wonderful way for kids to get the feel
because there’s a sense you might be judged,” she says. of milking a real cow without a visit to Zoomy 5K Info ShSotaregleine
“Because if I say I’m experiencing eco-grief, what [people the farm. Bella is not only safe and Booth
assume] I’m really saying is that I am not supportive of the friendly, she also loves children.
industries that gave me my high quality-of-life. So I think
there are these kinds of entanglements of grief and guilt and 2nd Ave
hypocrisy and fear of judgment that get wrapped up in the
context of Alberta.”
FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800 SMART READER August 24, 2019 5
SOURCE: Annie E. Casey Foundation Kids Count Data Center, Save the Children | Jacob Turcotte/Staff Dropout rate
has fallen
Check Out What’s !November 2, 2019 • 7pm Tickets on by nearly
Sale Friday two-thirds.
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Rico Gonzalez dropped out of high school the summer
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Tickets On Sale return and earn his diploma. That changed when a friend
starting Sept. 6. brought him along to a college English class.The visit sparked
a desire in Mr. Gonzalez to hit the books again.
April 3, 2020 • 8pm
“I was kind of blown away that there was a place where
Ralph J. Houghton people wanted to be,” says Mr. Gonzalez. “It wasn’t until I
Performance Center actually had a desire to do something, to be part of
something, that I said ‘OK, it’s time.’”
at Reuther High School
He finished high school, moved through college, and even
Need Your Comedy Fix? TICKETS ARE $12 returned after earning his bachelor’s degree to take additional
courses.And today, he’s an English teacher at Southport High
We’ve Got 90 Min utes of Non-stop Fun PURCHASE AT School in Indianapolis where he shares his story to help his
Featuring 3 Comics Including A National students find their own motivation to learn. Mr. Gonzalez’s
To uring Headliner Plus No Drink Minimum! KENOSHACOMEDYCLUB.COM story is perhaps less common today than it was a generation
ago, according to a new report from the international
Fridays at 8pm & Saturdays at 7 & 9pm CALL 800-838-3006 OR humanitarian organization Save the Children. The report
reveals that U.S. high school dropout rates have fallen by
STOP AT 1420-63RD ST. at the nearly two-thirds over the course of 18 years. In 2000,
KENOSHA BETWEEN approximately 1.6 million teenagers ages 16 through 19 were
out of school – 11% of that age group.Today, that number has
9AM-5PM M-F 5125 6th Ave. KENOSHA dropped to 669,000 teens, or 4%.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON ALL EVENTS “More and more jobs in our economy require degrees –
VISIT HAP2IT.COM CALL 800-838-3006 high school degrees and even higher education degrees, and
we know that is key,” says John Farden, associate vice
OR STOP IN 1420 63RD ST. KENOSHA M-F 9-5 president for U.S. programs at Save the Children. “What is
especially encouraging is that we have also seen some
6 SMART READER August 24, 2019 changes in the disparities.” In the 18-year span of the study –
which reflects the duration of a childhood – the report found
a 75% reduction in the dropout rate among Hispanic youth,
and a 69% reduction among black youth.
“If you think about education as an equity issue, we had
some progress in changing that gap over the last generation,”
says Mr. Farden. He points to public investments in education,
as well as various movements to encourage teens to stay in
school, as playing a role in driving the sustained reductions.
Additionally, he says,“a high school diploma is a prerequisite”
for a lot of jobs and career paths.
“We are definitely seeing improvement,” says Shanan
Chappell Moots, who serves as director for research analytics
and as a research associate professor in The Center for
Educational Partnerships at Old Dominion University in
Norfolk, Virginia. “Not a whole lot of people talk about
dropout rates anymore.They are definitely on the decline.”
Dr. Moots is also a research fellow with the National
Dropout Prevention Center and has conducted extensive
research on the topic. She attributes the decline in the U.S.
dropout rate to a multitude of factors, especially the greater
availability of training for career, technical, and vocational
Many practitioners, she says, are also encouraging holistic
support services that could address behavioral, mental health,
and personal challenges that often present obstacles to
academic success and can otherwise lead to a student
dropping out. Still, Dr. Moots sees a continued need,
particularly in communities where high school graduation
rates can be as low as 60%. Graduation rates have grown just
over the past 10 years, she says, “but we want to do better.”
Beyond reducing teen dropout rates, Mr. Farden believes
there can be improvement on both ends of the educational
spectrum: for younger children to enter school at an earlier
age, and for high school graduates to pursue further
“While we have greatly increased high school education,
access to early childhood education has largely remained
stagnant over the last generation,” says Mr. Farden. “There is
more and more of a sense nationally that we have to look at
this continuum of services – the cradle to career continuum.”
By David Karas
Jeff Schmidt, Jeff Schmidt
Financial Advisor at
Edward Jones
6040 39th Ave Suite 5 Kenosha
Brings you
Jill on Money shop around and ask for lower rates. assumption of a substantial slowdown of per capita health
expenditure growth, the projections indicate that Medicare
How does the Fed rate Auto loans: Car manufacturers often finance new car still faces a substantial financial shortfall that will need to be
cut affect you? loans, which are partially impacted by rate moves. Given that addressed with further legislation."
car sales are declining, some companies may offer better
The Federal Reserve did something it has not done in a rates than others, so be sure to shop for the overall deal as This Trustee statement has been relatively consistent over
decade: it cut short-term interest rates. Citing the well as the rate. the past two decades and has led to a number of potential
"crosscurrents" of slowing global growth, uncertainty over solutions that often get lumped into one headline reform
trade policy, and static prices, it shaved 0.25 percent from the Home loans: Home equity lines of credit are usually linked plan called Medicare for All.
fed funds rate, putting the new range at 2 to 2.25 percent. to the prime rate, so when the Fed lowers its target rate,
HELOC rates follow. Long-term mortgage rates key off the That said, the various ideas are all over the map, ranging
The news was quickly drowned out by an escalation of the 10-year Treasury bond, which the Fed does not control, but from the introduction of a single national, government-run
trade war with China. The Trump administration announced 15 and 30-year mortgage rates are at three-year lows, plan that would cover every American and eliminate private
that, as of Sept. 1, the U.S. would impose a 10 percent tariff according to Freddie Mac. coverage; to an overhaul of Medicare that would allow those
on Chinese goods imported into the U.S. under age 65 to buy in to the plan, or continue to buy private
What would Medicare for All insurance, if they chose to do so; to a new public plan option
These new tariffs would be in addition to the existing 25 mean? that would be offered to individuals through the ACA
percent tariff on $250 billion of Chinese imports and could marketplace.
raise the prices of many consumer goods. Trump then With all the campaign talk about Medicare for All, it may be
delayed duties on certain items such as cellphones, laptops worthwhile to review the existing Medicare program, which To compare the various proposals, The Kaiser Family
and other consumer goods, in the hopes of lessening their was enacted more than 50 years ago (July 30, 1965). Foundation has grouped them into five general categories,
impact on U.S. holiday sales. China has promised to retaliate which may be useful, especially considering KFF's recent poll
if Washington imposes additional tariffs on its products on Medicare is the government's health care plan for those about major features of the Medicare for All proposals.
Sept. 1. over age 65 and for those who are permanently disabled; in
2018, it covered 60 million people and cost $583 billion in The findings were not surprising, given the complexity of
With the most recent tit-for-tat actions, it's now more net spending. There are four different parts of the program: the topic: A majority "of Americans are unaware of the kind
likely the Fed will cut rates again, when it meets in mid- Part A (hospital services and skilled nursing), Part B (doctor of dramatic changes that the plans would bring to the
September. That means it's time to ask the important visits/outpatient services/lab work/preventative services), nation's health care system." While 78 percent correctly
question: How does the Fed rate cut affect you? Part C (Medicare Advantage Plans or private insurance understand that the various Medicare for All proposals would
alternatives to Original Medicare Plans) and Part D increase taxes, 69 percent incorrectly believe that they would
Savers:The past few years have been good ones for savers, (prescription drugs). continue to pay deductibles and co-pays when they use
but the tide could be turning now. It may be worth locking in health care services and 54 percent erroneously think that
longer term CDs with low fees, if you are worried about the The combination of an aging population and rising health they would continue to pay health insurance premiums.
economy losing steam and more cuts in the future. care costs has put Medicare under significant financial
pressure. The program is financed by a combination of As you hear about health care reform, you may be inclined
Borrowers: With rates headed lower, some borrowers general revenues (43 percent), payroll tax contributions (36 to tune out, but that would be a big mistake.There's a reason
could see immediate relief. percent), beneficiary premiums (15 percent), and other that the Trustees "recommend that lawmakers take action
sources, like taxation of Social Security benefits, payments sooner rather than later," because the clock is ticking on the
Credit cards:As interest rates increased over the past few from states, and interest (6 percent). ability of the country to manage this huge and important
years, those carrying balances paid more. According to program., Americans paid banks $113 billion in The portion of the financing that garners the most
credit card interest last year, up 12% from the $101 billion in attention is FICA payroll deductions, because American By Jill Schlesinger
interest paid in 2017, and up 49% over the last five years. workers feel that one directly. Every employee (and Jill Schlesinger, CFP, is the Emmy-nominated CBS
employer) pays a 6.2 percent tax on earnings up to a limit, News Business Analyst. A former options trader
That's because most credit card interest rates are tied to which is currently $132,900 to fund Social Security and CIO of an investment advisory firm, Jill covers
the prime rate, which is about three percentage points above retirement benefits. On top of that, employees and the economy, markets, investing and anything else
the federal funds rate.When the federal funds rate moves up employers pay a Medicare tax rate of 1.45 percent each, for with a dollar sign on TV, radio (including her
or down, the prime rate and credit card rates follow soon a total of 2.9 percent - and there is no limit to the wages nationally syndicated radio show), the web and her
after. subject to the Medicare tax. blog, "Jill on Money." She welcomes comments and questions at
[email protected]. Check her website at
Even a small decrease will be a relief the 44.4% of credit Employee wages paid in excess of $200,000 ($250,000 for
card account holders that do not pay off their balance in full married couples) are subject to an extra 0.9 percent
each month. Medicare tax; employers do not pay the extra tax. SMART READER August 24, 2019 7
The average APRs on credit card accounts assessed While all of that sounds like a lot, it is not enough to pay
interest are now 17.14%, up nearly 4 percentage points in five future benefits. According to the 2019 annual report of the
years, according to the Federal Reserve. Given that the Social Security and Medicare programs, "Notwithstanding the
market remains competitive, cardholders should continue to
my turn job performance from 46% last month, to 43% now. His
op-ed record low approval rating was 38%, also in October 2017.
A troubling poll Other statistics from the Fox poll that should concern
the White House: a record number of men (53%)
During a December 2015 debate disapprove of the president. These include 46% of white
among Republican presidential men and 64% of crucial independent voters.The poll has a
candidates in Las Vegas, former Florida margin of error of plus or minus 3%.
governor Jeb Bush said to Donald
Trump: “You can’t insult your way to None of this seems to bother the president, who
the presidency.” engaged in more insults in a speech last week in
Manchester, New Hampshire, a state he lost to Hillary
Nevermind. Clinton by just .37% in 2016.
The question for next year’s Cal Thomas In that speech Mr.Trump took a “vote for me, even if you
election is whether the insulter-in- hate me, because the Democrats will ruin the economy”
approach.While that may be true, there are intangibles that
chief can use the same tactic to win a second term. It also influence voters, including how America positions
itself before the world.There is no question that President
depends on two other questions: who the Democrats end Trump is pushing back against liberalism, socialism and the
notion that Democrats must always set the agenda and
up nominating and whether voters see that person as too Republicans are left to respond to it. That is what has
solidified uncritical support among his base.
far left (as the leading candidates unarguably are) and two,
But — and this is a very big but — there is also the issue
whether enough voters who held their noses and voted of deportment, something taught at home and in school President Donald Trump
when I was a child. Manners, character, honesty,
for Trump last time will be sufficiently turned off that they consistency and how others see you were also traits something our 45th president might wish to consider:“We
thought important to instill in young men and women. are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies.
will stay home. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our
Is the economy all that matters? Have we become that bonds of affection.The mystic chords of memory will swell
Yes, early polls are usually meaningless, but there are cynical? Perhaps some of his uncritical evangelical when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better
warning signs that should be heeded. supporters might point to a verse which says,“The love of angels of our nature.”
money is the root of all evil.” (1 Timothy 6:10), or
A new Fox News poll suggests potential problems for “Whoever loves money never has enough.” (Ecclesiastes The president might win a second term, insulting along
the president on the second question. The president’s 5:10). the way, but will it have been worth it if he continues to
favorite network (until recently when he began criticizing appeal to the worst devils that are also in our nature?
the goose laying golden eggs for him) shows his disapproval We are, or ought to be, more than what we possess.We
rating has soared to 56%, one point lower than his record are not in a civil war, despite what one might see, read or By Cal Thomas
high in October 2017. His disapproval numbers ticked up hear. This year marks Cal Thomas' 35th year as a syndicated columnist.
sharply last month, rising 5%.
In his first inaugural address, our 16th president said Readers may email Cal Thomas at [email protected].
More troubling is the drop in approval of the president’s
Who are you The Trump administration does not believe in America, not
calling wretched? the way most of us do. Most of us take pride and
inspiration in hearing stories that begin with, “Only in
You have to hand it to Ken America,” followed by details of a person’s rise by
Cuccinelli. fortitude, grit and perseverance.
As President Donald Trump’s Those stories are siren calls to aspiring immigrants.The
United States, despite our political and racial fault lines and
wingman on immigration, in a scant fractures, still extends the promise of upward mobility in
ways not possible in many other nations.The pathways —
few days he managed a trifecta of access to a quality public education, affordable housing and
laws that ensure equality — are increasingly under attack
arrogance, ignorance and hubris. It but remain protected in established law.
was a performance one can only call Cuccinelli’s personal hypocrisy was quickly called out.
Based on ancestry records his family had put online,
Trumpian. reporters were able to figure out that his Italian ancestors
would likely have been unable to clear the new hurdles.The
Mary Sanchez Cuccinelli, the acting director of same can be shown for Trump.And me.And likely you, dear
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, on Monday
A lot of people believe erroneously that their ancestors
announced the Trump administration’s new regulation arrived speaking English and with adequate money, licenses
and skills to immediately find a place in America. The
known as the public charge rule. The rule, which could go prevalence of immigrant aid societies and settlement
houses in virtually every city of size a century ago tells uso
into effect in October, places strict limitations on how otherwise. And while administration spokespeople point
out that there have been laws on the books since 1882c
many legally available public aid resources an immigrant can Ken Cuccinelli permitting the exclusion of immigrants who were likely to
become a “public charge,” historians have shown that few
use and still be considered for a green card, or even to nations that the president has already termed “s—hole migrants were denied entry on these grounds.
remain legally in the country. Essentially, the new rule is a Not all immigrants who arrive penniless will end up
But the move is also a staggering affront to the ideal that prosperous, or even comfortable. But they will make at
bar to poor immigrants. we are all created equal, that within the United States a better way for themselves and their families than theyw
fertile soil of opportunity exists for all who wish to could have in the old country. Most likely, it will be thef
Cuccinelli was soon confronted with the civic icon every prosper. second and third generations who follow traditional pathsc
American student of elementary school age has learned of assimilation and find their way.
about: the Statue of Liberty. Inscribed on the pedestal is Estimates are that the administration’s policy change
“The New Colossus,” the famous poem of Emma Lazarus, could curtail the immigration dreams of up to 26 million But the idea that this administration can accurately
which identifies Lady Liberty as “Mother of Exiles” and people.Again, the policy affects legal immigrants who might predict who will rise and who will fail, bets against what the
contains these unambiguous words: “Give me your tired, have even temporarily tapped into public housing U.S. stands for: Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, assistance, medical help or a nutrition program to help
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.” their children. It is wrong, on the merits of the case and from thec
standpoint of the civic faith we all share.
Any schoolkid can tell you what that means, but Trump, asked to comment, chimed in with, “I’m tired of
Cuccinelli had other ideas. On Tuesday, in an interview with seeing our taxpayer paying for people to come into the By Mary Sanchez
National Public Radio, he rephrased this century-old country and immediately go on welfare and various other Readers can reach Mary Sanchez at [email protected]
American ideal with, “Give me your tired and your poor things.”
who can stand on their own two feet and who will not and follow her on Twitter @msanchezcolumn.
become a public charge.” The president is misrepresenting reality, as is so often
the case.
If this was an attempt at wit, it fell flat.
Immigrants use public assistance at much lower rates
The former Virginia attorney general epitomized an than native-born people. They tend to be more
administration hellbent on upending a century of standards entrepreneurial and are more apt to start their own
guiding who gains legal permanent resident status. business.
The Trump administration believes it can predict who Overall, this latest shift underscores a point that the
will flourish in America and who will not. And it wants president might not have meant to convey quite so clearly:
more discretion to do the choosing upfront. It’s a thin veil
for Trump’s hostility to Latinos and immigrants from
8 SMART READER August 24, 2019 FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800
August 24, 2019
health • lifestyle• community • news
Kenosha County Aging & Disability Resource Center
Eat right when money is tight!
Have you ever found yourself choosing Applying is fast, easy, and confidential. Rebecca
between buying groceries and paying for Johnson of the Kenosha County Aging & Disability
medicine at the end of the month? Or maybe Resource Center would be happy to assist you with
you’ve found yourself skipping fruits and the process. Call Rebecca at 262-605-6605. You can
vegetables and opting for cheaper, less also apply online at
nutritious foods so you have money to pay your
utility bill? We believe these are choices no one
should have to make. And that’s why we’d like
to make sure you are familiar with a benefit you
may be eligible for called FoodShare. It’s a
monthly benefit deposited on a debit-like card,
the QUEST Card, to help with buying food. This
can free up money for bills, medications and
other necessities. It’s a completely free benefit
to those who are eligible. Eligibility is based on
income and certain expenses; many people
who are working or receiving Social Security
are eligible.
Plus, claiming FoodShare benefits helps your
local community. The USDA estimates that for
every $5 spent in FoodShare benefits, about $9
circulates through local businesses and to our
farmers. Claiming benefits you are eligible for is
a great way to stretch your grocery budget
while supporting your local community!
Two from Kenosha appointed to
Governor Task Force on Caregiving
This week Gov. Tony Evers today announced 29 Two Kenosha County residents, Anne Rabin (left) and LaVerne Jaros (right), were recently honored by Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers
appointments to serve on the Governor’s Task Force with their appointments to the Governor’s Task Force on Caregiving.
on Caregiving. The Kenosha County Aging &
Disability Resource Center extends their heartfelt plan to support and retain our caregivers so we can The Task Force will focus on addressing the needs
congratulations to Anne Rabin - Family Caregiver, ensure folks in our communities have the resources of all caregivers in Wisconsin. The first meeting will be
Pleasant Prairie and LaVerne Jaros - Director, and they need to live and age with dignity across our held on September 25.
Kenosha County Division of Aging & Disability state.”
Services, as well as the other 27 appointees.
Task Force members will work to develop strategies
to attract and retain a strong caregiver workforce
while improving wages and benefits. They will also
focus on creating a provider registry with the goal of
connecting more families to needed services. Family
members often serve as unpaid caregivers, and many
leave their jobs to care for loved ones, causing
additional financial strain on households.
Said Evers, “Caregivers provide critically important
care and services, and it is essential that we
recognize the important contributions these unsung
heroes make to families in Wisconsin. These Task
Force members bring a wealth of knowledge and
personal experience that will be essential in helping
us improve our direct care system while developing a
FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800 SMART READER August 24, 2019 9
Senior Dining
Dining Menu Fri., Sept. 6: Chicken Marbella, rice Dining Site Call Julie at 1-262-948-9890
Florentine, country blend vegetable, Locations Serves 11:30, M, W, F
August 26 - September 6 bread, orange, romaine salad
Mon., Aug. 26: Meatloaf with gravy, SALAD BAR MENU 19900 128th Street, Bristol
mashed potatoes, stewed tomatoes, Thursdays: 11 a.m - 12:30 p.m. Kenosha Senior Center Call Diana at 262-658-0237
bread, whole orange, beet salad Locations: Westosha Community 2717 67th Street Serves 12:00 Fridays
Center, Bristol, Lakeside Towers, Call Deb at 262-658-9311
Tue., Aug. 27: Enchilada breakfast Kenosha, Parkside Baptist Church, Serves 11:45, M-F REGULAR SENIOR DINING
casserole OR grilled chicken salad with Kenosha SITES/DAYS
bacon ranch dressing, lettuce and Thur., Aug. 29: Chicago style hot dog Lakeside Towers
tomato garnish, banana, southwest with wheat bun, cabbage and white 5800 3rd Avenue * Meals include soup or salad, dessert
black bean soup bean soup, tossed salad, boiled eggs, Call O.B at 262-654-0103 and beverage
variety toppings, cottage cheese, spiced Serves 11:30, M-W; F * Meals are offered for a suggested
Wed., Aug. 28: Beef, au gratin apples, pea salad, milk *Salad Bar Thursdays, 11:00 - 12:30 donation of $3.
potatoes, Harvard beets, roll, mixed Thur., Sept. 5: Dill tuna salad on wheat * Open to anyone age 60+ and a
fruit, kidney bean salad French roll, soup du jour, tossed salad, Parkside Baptist Church spouse regardless of age.
boiled eggs, variety toppings, cottage 2620 14th Place * Reservations must be made by 10:30
Thur., Aug. 29: Chicken Booyah and cheese, chilled peaches, garbanzo & Call Sean at 262-552-7737 a.m. at least 24 hours, one business
vegetables, mashed potatoes, rye kidney bean salad, milk Serves 11:45, M-W; F day in advance. Monday cancellations
bread, spiced apples, mixed salad Training and Support: Volunteers *Salad Bar Thursdays, 11:-00 - 12:30 must be called in the Friday before.
greens participate in program orientation and
are strongly encouraged to attend Boys & Girls Club SALAD BAR DAYS*
Fri., Aug. 30: Turkey pasta salad with program meetings/trainings (6 meetings 1330 52nd Street Locations indicated have a separate
shell rigate, lettuce and tomato, tri bean a year). Call Diana at 262-658-0237 menu for salad bar days, consisting of a
salad, bread, pineapple tid bits, For more information about this Serves 12:00 Wednesdays variety of salad toppings, premade
vegetable soup program/volunteer opportunity please salads, fruit, sandwich and soup. No
contact KAFASI at 262-658-3508 x118 WESTERN KENOSHA COUNTY reservations needed for salad bar days
Mon., Sept. 2: CLOSED LABOR DAY and guests are welcome to arrive
Westosha Community Center anytime between the designated time
Tue., Sept. 3: Italian sausage with bun 19200 93rd Street-Bristol frame.
OR turkey spinach wrap with red Call Ken at 262-358-5554
pepper aioli sauce, lettuce and tomato, Serves 12:00, M-W; F RESTAURANT SENIOR SPECIALS
fruit juice, melon, 15 bean soup *Salad Bar Thursdays, 11:00 - 12:30
Village Pub of Silver Lake
Wed., Sept. 4: Jambalaya, brown rice New Life Bible 307 N Cogswell Drive, Silver Lake
and red pepper, broccoli, corn bread, 112 W. Main Street. Twin Lakes Call Diana at 262-358-5779
pears, salad Call Diana at 262-358-5779 Serves W, F 11:30 - 1:30
Serves 12:00, M, Tu, Th
Thur., Sept. 5: Dilled tuna salad on No reservations needed, arrive anytime
bun, lettuce and tomato, The Sharing Center between designated timeframe.
garbanzo/kidney bean salad, carrots 25700 Wilmot Road (Hwy. C) Suggested donation of $4.00. Choose
balsamic, peaches, melon from a few menu options. Guests under
60 may order from regular restaurant
dear doug
Doug Mayberry fraud preventive genetic health, you shouldn't respond to HHS-TIPS. -- Emma, Doug's granddaughter
Q: This year, I've been unsolicited requests. As medical advances become
surrounded by requests for my more popular, there are more people who see an SUMMER-CLEANING
DNA to do genetic testing for opportunity to make a quick buck.
Medicare. I received phone Q: My home is crammed full of junk. My wife is
calls and had door-to-door As an assistant inspector general for investigations, notorious for hoarding things over the course of the
salesmen approach me, too, Shimon Richmond says: "If anyone calls you, or year, only getting rid of things during her annual
but both ways seemed like sends you an unsolicited request for your Medicare spring-cleaning. She does an amazingly thorough job
obvious fraud. number or to convince you or scare you into taking a in April but then starts the process all over again! In
genetic test, either hang up the phone or say no." the meantime, I have to learn to live in a cluttered
Now, I'm seeing more and more testing offered and home. What can I change?
am wondering if it's legitimate. There was even an If you receive a genetic testing kit in the mail from
event at my local senior center offering DNA cheek anyone other than your physician, refuse the delivery A: Cleaning is a matter of self-discipline and
swabs for a cancer screening. I didn't end up going, or return it to sender. Keep records of the sender's routine. As your wife is good at getting rid of things but
but I know people who did. Are these things safe? name and the date you return the item. seems stuck in her cycle, the obvious solution seems
to be more frequent deep cleans. Don't have only a
A: No. Medicare states that DNA tests must be Instead, these solicitors look to make commissions spring-cleaning -- have one for every season!
ordered by your physician and deemed medically from new clients, and you are unlikely to see your
necessary. In June, the Office of Inspector General DNA results -- or any analysis. Medicare ends up Having too much clutter in your home can be
issued a fraud alert for unsolicited requests for spending thousands of dollars for no benefit. detrimental to your health. Clutter can potentially
Medicare numbers and DNA testing. Seniors are pose a falling hazard and makes it hard to access
targeted by this scam and often don't know they're Other scammers might only be seeking your areas that collect filth.
being taken advantage of. personal information for other types of identity fraud.
To protect yourself, avoid giving your Medicare Work on convincing your wife of the benefits of
Even seemingly above-board presentations can be information to anyone but your physician's office. more regular cleanings and, most importantly, help
scams. Scammers can convince the staff at senior out! An extra pair of hands will help make the task
centers to allow them to administer or promote testing If you'd like legitimate testing, call your primary care seem less onerous. -- Doug
if they seem legitimate enough. provider. If you think you may have been affected by
Medicare fraud, the Inspector General recommends Doug Mayberry makes the most of life in a Southern
Two major tests involved in scams are CGx, which you contact their online hotline or phone line at 1-800- California retirement community. Contact him at
looks for a genetic predisposition to cancer, and PGx, [email protected]
which tests for genetic mutations affecting your
body's response to particular medications.
Although both tests show the great potential of
10 SMART READER August 24, 2019 FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800
social security from working for at least 12 months. You can apply for
and you disability benefits online at or
by calling the Social Security Administration at 800-
You don't have 772-1213.
to be old
to get To the best of my knowledge, there are no laws that
Social prevent you from getting unemployment benefits and
Security Social Security disability benefits at the same time.
If you were to play a word But consider this. To get unemployment benefits, you
are essentially telling the unemployment agency that
association game and the you are ready willing and able to work. To get Social
Security disability benefits, you would be telling SSA
phrase "Social Security" came that you are so disabled that you can't do any kind of
work. I hope you see the conflict there!
up, I bet many of you would Tom Margenau
answer "old people" or "senior Q: I am 60 years old and have multiple physical and
mental problems. I haven't worked in several years. I
citizens." It's normal to associate Social Security with have applied for Social Security disability three times
and been turned down each time. What can I do?
old folks because, well, the majority of Social Security
A: If you were turned down just once for Social
0gbeetntienfgiciaariemsoanrtehlyjuscthtehcakt. But about 30% of people Security disability benefits, I would say that there is a
from Social Security are chance that SSA made a mistake and you should file
an appeal.
nowhere near their golden years. For example, there
If you were turned down a second time, I'd
are about 5 million children who get Social Security on recommend that it might be time to hire a lawyer who
specializes in Social Security disability cases.
a living or deceased parent's account. And there are
But if you've been turned down three times, then I'd
another 10 million people who get Social Security suggest that maybe you simply accept the fact that
you do not meet the legal definition of disability for
adisability benefits. I've saved up some questions that Social Security purposes. Perhaps there is some light
deal with those aspects of Social Security for today's work you can do for a couple more years until you turn
62, at which point you can file for Social Security
column. retirement benefits.
Q: I am 62 and not working. I was planning to wait I am assuming your son is working. If he is, then he If you have a Social Security question,
until age 70 to start my Social Security. But I have a wouldn't be due any benefits as a caregiving parent Tom Margenau has the answer. Contact him at
32-year-old son who has had severe physical and similar to those paid to the mother as explained in the
mental problems since birth. He is living with us. My answer to the first question. In fact, even if he wasn't [email protected].
wife is 58 and has never worked outside the home working, then the family maximum rules would
because she has been a full-time caregiver for our prevent him from being paid anything extra. To say
son. He has never worked and never will. Is there a that another way, if your son was put on the
way I can sign my son up for my Social Security now beneficiary rolls, the family would still get the 175%
and still save my own until I'm 70? maximum payment. It would just be split four ways
instead of three.
A: No, you can't do that. Your son (and your wife)
can get benefits on your record only if you are getting As far as how to file for benefits, that's easy. Your
rbenefits yourself. Because of the extra money that son should call Social Security at 800-772-1213 or go
would be payable to your son and wife, I think you online to
need to strongly consider filing for benefits now.
Q: I am 52 years old. Recently, I had to quit my job
The rules say that a son or daughter who has been because of various physical problems. How do I sign
disabled since childhood is due a monthly up for Social Security disability? And can I do so if I
dependent's benefit on a parent's retirement account. am getting unemployment benefits?
And the rules further say that benefits can also be
paid to the other caregiving parent, assuming he or A: You would be eligible for Social Security
she is not working outside the home. disability benefits if you have worked and paid Social
Security taxes for five out of the last 10 years and if
Let's look at what that would mean in your case. At you have an impairment that is expected to keep you
age 62, you would be paid 75% of your full retirement
rate. And your son would get an amount equal to 50% and Present Kenosha’s Premier
of your full retirement benefit. Your wife is also due the
50% rate. Those benefits would continue for the rest FREE SUMMER CONCERT SERIES Find out more when
of your lives. And if you should happen to die first,
your son would get an amount equal to 75% of your bandmembers join us every
full retirement rate. Your wife would get anywhere
between 75% and 100%, depending on how old she 18th On the 2 SHOWS 11:30AM & 6PM Q aThursday on SR082419
is when you die. THURSDAYS IN JULY &
Year Tune in to
Stage am1050WLIP
AM 1050 WLIP at 2pm
Q: Our son's wife recently died. They had three AUGUST 29 NEED ANOTHER REASON TO COME TO THE PB&J CONCERTS? For the Latest News and PB&J Updates
children who are all under age 18. We just learned go to, that’s where you’ll
they are possibly due Social Security checks. Are Anastos Motors NOT THAT REALLY GREAT MUSIC ISN’T ENOUGH find more band info and exciting new
they? And how do we go about getting them? Welcomes
HOW ABOUT DRAWINGS FOR GREAT PRIZES? additions to this year’s season.
A: If your daughter-in-law was working, and worked EPIC Just fill out this form, drop it in the box the night of the show and Also enjoy great tasting food in the
long enough to be "insured" for Social Security, then we’ll pick the winners when the band goes one break. One entry per household.
the children would get monthly survivor benefits on oasis located directly behind the
her record. How much work she would have needed Name (please print) Meijer/Heating & Cooling Solutions Stage.
in order for her children to be eligible for benefits on
her account depends on her age when she died. If Address Phone
she was older, she might need 10 years of work. But
it could be as few as 18 months of work if she was Email Address Age
very young when she died.
Brought to you by the City of Kenosha and Happenings Magazine.
Each child is technically due an amount equal to
75% of her full rate. But there is a maximum that can
be paid on any Social Security account involving
children. The maximum rate depends on several
factors. But let's say it is 175% in your daughter-in-
law's case. That would mean that each child would
get a rate equal to a little less than 60% of their
mother's Social Security benefit.
FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800 SMART READER August 24, 2019 11
Act today! Stay WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, Mobility & Falls THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, Staying
independent Prevention with Jen Kreuser, Occupational Therapist, Independent with Sandy Riese, RN, Chair, Kenosha
tomorrow Kenosha Visiting Nurse Association County Falls Coalition
The Kenosha County Aging & Disability Resource Knowing when and how many people fall can help Many factors can contribute to falls—eyeglasses,
Center (ADRC), together with the Kenosha County others adopt strategies for staying upright. Learn shoes, alcohol, poor balance, muscle weakness—
Falls Prevention Coalition, is sponsoring a free, Falls safe ways to use adaptive and durable medical resulting in loss of mobility and even death. Learn
Prevention Education Series throughout the month of equipment. what you can do to increase your odds of staying
September. independent.
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, Stop Falls: Home &
Did you know? Community with Scott Krueger, Emergency Medical WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, Safe Use of
• Every 11 seconds an older adult is treated in the Technician, Kenosha Fire Dept. Medications with Melissa Ballak-Moe, Pharmacist,
Emergency Room for a fall. Advocate Aurora Medical Center
• Every 19 minutes an older adult dies from a fall. Tips and tricks to keep from falling at home and in
• Falls increase risk of placement in a nursing public. Important medical information to keep on Changes happen to our bodies as we age, including
home. hand should you need to call 911. the absorption of medications. Learn about
• Many falls are preventable. medications that increase the risk of falls and should
1:30 - 3 P.M. Comfortable be avoided.
1500 27TH AVENUE, KENOSHA Reservations are encouraged. Call the ADRC at
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, Dementia & Falls 262-605-6646.
Risk with Kate Holmes, Clinical Nurse Specialist,
Advocate Aurora Health Center Going on
Learn about dementia, its increased risk for injury Medicare?
and practical ways to avoid falls with dementia.
Kenosha County Aging & Disability Resource
In-Home Care That Center offers free workshops for those who are new
Lets You Age in Place to Medicare, or would like to learn more. The next
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ask amy
seniors edition
reunion brings
back 50 year old
Dear Amy: This may sound silly, Then I get a phone call from my son, who told me that Dear Parent: I envision these tickets being sent back
but my 50th high school reunion is they were not going. He told me it's "not their thing" and and forth through the mail, in an unending loop, powered
approaching fast. One of the people that the event interfered with their three-day weekend by frustration and resistance. You are not out of line. I
who will attend is the "mean kid" who (we had also discussed that before we purchased the suspect there are underlying issues here that have
tormented me. I can't tell you how tickets). He told us to invite someone else. resulted in this current unpleasantness. I hope you can
many times he would follow me in resolve some of these issues, but until you do, do not
the hall, yelling, "HEY, UGLY! I told them it was not my job to try and resell these spend any more money trying to provide these family
tickets or invite another couple. I told him I expected members with special experiences.
YOU'RE SO UGLY YOU SHOULD Amy Dickinson them to pay us $160. I mailed their two tickets to them
and sent them a bill for $160. Why should we get stiffed? You can contact Amy Dickinson via email:
KILL YOURSELF!" According to [email protected]. Readers may send
people who still know him, he has spent the intervening My son said he would be mailing the tickets back to us. postal mail to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY
years honing his witty repartee. I said, "OK, we can't make you do the right thing." Were 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy
we out of line? -- Upset Parent
I've had a long and happy marriage (he's been or "like" her on Facebook
married/divorced four times), a wonderful family, and a
great career (research chemist). I have no idea why it SF2019
still bothers me. Why does it still hurt?
I do not want him to control my behavior. I've thought
carefully about how to react if I see him. I've decided I
won't remember him. I'm also prepared to leave quickly
if I decide I want to. I understand that he's either a sad,
unhappy person or just a nasty jerk, either way, I have
my husband and children. I love your thoughtful advice.
-- Hurting
Dear Hurting: This still hurts because being bullied
and harassed in adolescence is noxious, undermining
and unforgettable. Of course, it still hurts!
You should spare a thought for the wounded life of the
young person who would be so cruel. Only someone
deeply scarred would seek to torment and injure another
young person in such an obvious way.
But enough about him I like your idea to "not know"
this man at the event. If you can't avoid an encounter or
introduction, responding with "...And you are...?" might
make you smile inside. I assume you were not his only
victim. Attend this reunion knowing that you have a
squad of people (all of the bullied, harassed or formerly
lonely high schoolers reading this) cheering you on.
Dear Amy, Six weeks ago we invited our adult married
son and his wife to a special ticketed event. I asked my
son three different times before I made the purchase:
"Are you sure you can and will go?" He and his wife both
said, "Yes, we will go. We said we would go, and we will
go." So I bought the expensive tickets (great seats) four
nonrefundable tickets in all for $340.
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FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800 SMART READER August 24, 2019 13
books Touching down, taking off:
‘Turbulence’ is masterful, compelling
10 best books of Soon after beginning David Szalay’s slender new
August novel Turbulence, I was reminded of Salman
Rushdie’s characterization of the air as a “defining
The lazy days of August offer an excuse – if one location” of the late 20th century, a “place of
was needed – to chill out with a good book. Here, movement and of war, the planet-shrinker and power-
you’ll find titles that provide a welcome diversion, as vacuum, most insecure and transitory of zones,
well as others that introduce you to fascinating people illusory, discontinuous, metamorphic,” because, as
and places you would not have otherwise stumbled Rushdie famously said, “when you throw everything
across. Aren’t books great? up in the air anything becomes possible.”
1. A Better Man by Louise Penny If Rushdie presents air travel as a catalyst for
Chief Inspector Gamache has been given an offer
his superiors were sure he would refuse in “A Better migration and metamorphosis, Szalay suggests that
Man,” Louise Penny’s latest entry in her stellar “Three
Pines” series. Demoted after a high-stakes raid, he’s the casual approach we take to flight creates a
awkwardly sharing the title of head of homicide with
his longtime right-hand man. Meanwhile, a young discontinuity in which fellow citizens of the world
woman has gone missing, her dad is frantic, and the
water and danger are both rising. connect briefly before gliding past one another. Upon
2. Chances Are ... by Richard Russo waking from a nap Turbulence
During a weekend on Martha’s Vineyard, three men during a flight, one by David Szalay
in their 60s meet to renew their college friendship and passenger muses, “This
puzzle over the mysterious disappearance, 40 years had already happened Schribner
earlier, of a young woman with whom they were all in several times, and each 145 pp.
love. Richard Russo’s storytelling, word pictures, and
understanding of character and community are rich in time what she had
psychological detail.
3. A Double Life by Karolina Pavlova experienced was less like sleep than like an odd
A 19th-century Russian novelist and poet, Karolina
Pavlova was deemed a revolutionary not because discontinuity in her presence in the world.”
she explored political topics but for daring to pursue a
writing career. Once banished from the literary canon, Szalay, who lives in Budapest, Hungary, but was section became the character my heart went out to
this new release of her only novel includes both her raised in England, has captured this paradox of the most and from whom it was hardest to wrench myself
prose and poetry that offer astute observations of post-postmodern era through a novel that away. Szalay is particularly adept at immersing us in
Russian society. circumnavigates the globe with lightning speed. the consciousness of men who, whether doctors or
Readers are plunged into a new city and point of view gardeners, rage against their powerlessness in the
4. Cold Warriors by in each section, all of which are titled after the three- wider world and in the smaller world of their personal
Duncan White letter airport codes (“LGW-MAD” for example). There, lives. That he does so with such economy is what
a new character takes center stage, one with whom makes “Turbulence” masterful. Whether it’s a
In this totally involving book, we had only a passing acquaintance from the professor returning to Hong Kong to renew her
Duncan White dramatizes the previous chapter. This structure is similar to that of marriage after an affair, a German cargo pilot
Cold War as waged in “All That Man Is,” Szalay’s earlier, Man Booker prize- mourning the sister he lost as a child, a son in Delhi
literature. He chronicles how nominated novel. Births, deaths, debt, and unrequited nursing his father while also siphoning his money, or
writers from Aleksandr love – along with a few nausea-inducing flights – are a housekeeper desperate for time off to help her
Solzhenitsyn and Richard among the forms of turbulence each character family in Kerala, their inner monologues are so
Wright to Joan Didion and navigates. compelling that I felt a sense of dissonance and loss
Mikhail Sholokhov prosecuted as the curtain fell abruptly on each scene.
a war of ideologies. Geographic barriers may have dissolved with the
ease of hopping from continent to continent, but the Perhaps that dissonance is the point, given the
5. Things You Save in a barriers thrown up by economic disparity, cultural book’s larger motif about the way we live now:
Fire by Katherine Center differences, or simply the solitary nature of the human somehow more connected and disconnected all at
A stellar young firefighter is at her best in condition remain. If anything, in “Turbulence” they once. In any case, I wanted more time with every
emergency situations, but at times she needs appear magnified in the context of globalization, person in Szalay’s book. But that’s the curse of 21st-
rescuing herself. With a bountiful cast of quirky thrown into relief by the apparent ease of traversing century life.
characters and a charming rookie she’s falling for the planet.
fast, help is on the way. The novel is not only By Elizabeth Toohey
delightfully romantic, but also courageous and “Turbulence” is somehow light yet also quite Toohey is an assistant professor of English at
inspiring. moving, offering readers deep, empathetic Queensborough Community College, City University
connections with men and women whose lives differ
story continues on page 15 dramatically from those of one another. Szalay’s of New York.
range is impressive, given the tendency of many
novelists to circumscribe their stories within a
particular culture or social circle, usually the one most
familiar to them. By contrast, Szalay draws his
characters from a variety of nationalities, economic
circumstances, religious identities, and stages of life,
yet all are distinct individuals who are entirely
believable and captivating.
In one section, a man who seemed monstrous – an
absent husband who returns home once a year, only
to ignore his children and abuse his wife – in the next
1. Where the Crawdads Sing (Owens) 1. Educated (Westover)
2. The Bitterroots (Box) 2. How to be an Antiracist (Kendi)
3. Contraband (Woods) 3. Becoming (Obama)
4. The Inn (Patterson/Fox) 4. Born a Crime (Noah)
5. The Art of Racing in the Rain (Stein) 5. Three Women (Taddeo)
6. Blood Truth (Ward) 6. The Pioneers (McCullough)
7. One Good Deed (Baldacci) 7. Sapiens (Harari)
8. The Nickel Boys (Whitehead) 8. Ball of Collusion (McCarthy)
9. The Turn of the Key (Ware) 9. Range (Epstein)
10. The New Girl (Silva) 10. Trick Mirror (Tolentino)
14 SMART READER August 24, 2019 FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800
‘Young Castro’ captures a
revolutionary’s shining dreams
The opening of Jonathan M. Hansen’s “Young 10 best books
Castro: The Making of a Revolutionary” is tropical
and dramatic, shot in Technicolor: our intrepid author, continued from previous page
acting on a tip from a friend, travels to a stately
building in Old Havana to talk with a reclusive, 6. The Yellow
venerable woman named Natalia (“Naty”) Revuelta. House by Sarah
M. Broom
He’s come to interview her about the love of her
life, Fidel Castro. Her commitment to the project
wavers back and forth. At one point she refuses to In this
cooperate, but when Young Castro: The Making of heartwarming yet
Hansen shows her an a Revolutionary
old letter from her lover, clearsighted
her eyes fill up with by Jonathan M. Hansen
tears. “That’s so Fidel,” Simon & Schuseter memoir, Sarah
she murmurs, “that’s so 484 pp.
Broom writes about
growing up in New
Fidel.” Abruptly, her mind changes: “She then stood Orleans. She
up, entered her library, and returned with a thick stack explores what
of paper which she plopped down on my lap, binds us to a house
punctuating the moment with a single, and to a
unceremonious word: ‘HERE.’” Hansen leaves with neighborhood and
the precious bundle, and the rest is history. how these help
Once he’s finished collecting the long-secret shape our identity.
documents from Revuelta in the mansion on the hill,
he gets down to business: He shapes his account to And while she
create as full a portrait as possible of Castro before
he became a political icon of the late 20th century. criticizes the city
Hansen’s book is about Castro before he became a that she loves for
revolutionary icon with a bushy beard, dressed in
military fatigues, who always seemed to be shouting. and Castro was prime minister of Cuba. The account its injustices and for failing to live up to its promise,
We recognize him as the defiant leader of Communist of that remarkable insurgency in “Young Castro”
Cuba, frequent object of U.S. assassination plots, makes for gripping reading. she treasures it as her home.
bane of the Kennedy administration, arch villain of the
Cuban Missile Crisis. This figure looms over In many ways, the most memorable impression is 7. A Good Provider Is One Who Leaves by
Hansen’s account and consistently heightens its of a serious, passionate, constantly evolving man; Jason DeParle
fascination. even in his formative years, Hansen’s Castro is an
impressive combination of revolutionary zeal and Reporter Jason DeParle first met Tita Comodas in
Hansen’s story starts well before Castro’s birth in common-folk compassion. In his famous partnership the slums of Manila three decades ago. His book is
August of 1926 and follows him through his relatively with the Argentine Che Guevara, he’s the deeper, not just an affecting rendering of her family’s
privileged childhood and his student experiences at more contemplative one. experiences but an intelligent, compassionate
the hands of the Jesuits. Castro becomes a voracious analysis of the economic, political, and cultural
political reader and speaker during his time as a law Likewise Hansen gives his readers a global thinker, ramifications of global migration.
student at the University of Havana, deeply involving someone who realized, from early in the
himself in the protests and counter-protests that consolidation of power on his tiny island, that he 8. Careful What You Wish For by Hallie Ephron
roiled the campus in the late 1940s. It was in these would need to step warily onto the world stage. “If
years that Castro became a committed revolutionary. Cuba’s alliance with the Soviet Union troubled U.S. When a professional organizer comes across what
All he needed was a revolution. officials, it unsettled Castro, too,” Hansen writes. seems to be stolen property and then discovers a
“However much Cuba needed money and protection, dead body, the mess is more than she bargained for.
By the time he was arrested in 1953 for organizing it was never his intention to trade dependence on one It definitely does not spark joy. In this thoroughly
an attack on one of General Fulgencio Batista’s imperial juggernaut for dependence on another, and enjoyable twist on the classic murder mystery, her
Cuban military garrisons, he had found that [he] soon learned that condescension and a lack of organizing skills help solve the puzzle.
revolution. In “Young Castro,” those two years in reciprocity were not the province of Americans
prison read like a deep personal transformation, alone.” 9. A State at Any Cost by Tom Segev
when Castro’s already omnivorous reading expanded
to authors like W. Somerset Maugham, A. J. Cronin, In other words, in addition to being exhaustively Tom Segev’s reassessment of the life of David
and Romain Rolland, and when, as Hansen puts it, thorough and gripping, “Young Castro” is also Ben-Gurion, the controversial founder of the modern
he came to the “growing conviction that life was remorselessly sympathetic, far more so than Robert state of Israel, now appears in an English-language
meaningless unless devoted to some higher purpose. E. Quirk’s 1995 biography or Georgie Anne Geyer’s translation. No matter where the reader stands, the
He came to identify that purpose in Cuba’s 1991 “Guerrilla Prince.” Nowhere in Hansen’s pages book, the culmination of years of research, makes for
unrequited dream of Cuba Libre.” is the impulsive, autocratic oaf seen by many of engrossing reading.
Castro’s critics. The serial womanizer is largely
General Batista released Castro from prison in absent from these pages as well. “Young Castro” 10. Syria’s Secret Library by Mike Thomson
1955, mistakenly believing that he and his cohorts gives no hint of the dictator who would run his country
posed no threat. By 1959, Batista was overthrown into the ground and make it a pariah state. Here we Books may seem like luxuries when every day is a
get the newly minted revolutionary, with the future struggle for survival. But the residents of the war-torn
unwritten before him. Syrian town of Daraya treasure literature and
knowledge. The story of their hidden library will warm
By Steven Humphries the heart and feed the mind – just like the library
New in audiobooks SMART READER August 24, 2019 15
Furious Hours: Murder, Fraud, and the Last Trial of Harper Lee,
by Casey Cep
Read by Hillary Huber; Random House Audio; 11 hours and 30 minutes
Harper Lee published “To Kill a Mockingbird” in her early 30s. Its so-
called sequel “Go Set a Watchman,” really the first draft of “Mockingbird,”
was published just before her death in 2016. She produced little else.
Casey Cep’s investigation into her life reveals a multiple murder case that
she planned to turn into a true-crime novel along the lines of “In Cold
Blood,” which she had helped research for her friend Truman Capote.
The project never came to fruition. Here, Cep enables the background of
the murders to flow into an account of Lee’s life and each part is riveting
for both the writing and Hillary Huber’s pleasing and professional
narration, enhanced with regional accents. Grade: A
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Mayo Clinic symptoms varies; it may be years or lifelong. Know how to remove tick that's
embedded in the skin
Over-the-counter antihistamine a When an antihistamine does not adequately relieve
good first step in combating seasonal allergy symptoms, there are other treatment DEAR MAYO CLINIC:
seasonal allergies options. For example, nonprescription nasal steroid sprays, What is the best way to
such as Flonase, may reduce nasal inflammation and runny remove a tick? We live near a
DEAR MAYO CLINIC: For years, my son, now 14, has nose. But they do not work right away. It can take up to six grassy area and find several
had seasonal allergies, but he's never been formally tested. weeks to receive the full benefit of such medications. If your every summer, and I worry
Every spring, he takes an over-the-counter antihistamine each son is having a tough time managing his symptoms, he might about Lyme disease. But
morning, and his symptoms always have gone away for the not want to wait that long. His primary care provider may be there is so much conflicting
most part. This spring, that's not the case. He's constantly able to offer alternatives that will offer relief more quickly. information online about how
complaining about itchy eyes and feeling stuffy. Should he try to remove a tick properly and
a different medication, or is it time to see his health care A prescription medication called montelukast (Singulair) what to do after.
provider? often can relieve nasal congestion, runny nose and sneezing.
This drug works by blocking symptom-causing chemicals in ANSWER: If you find a tick on your skin, remove it as
ANSWER: When antihistamines are not enough to the body known as leukotrienes. Typically, montelukast is quickly as possible. But removing the tick correctly is also
control seasonal allergy symptoms, it is a good idea to see used along with an antihistamine and a nasal steroid spray. critical.
your primary care provider. He or she can do an evaluation
and recommend other medications that may help. If In addition to medication, there are some self-care steps Ticks can transfer disease-causing organisms (germs) in
symptoms persist, make an appointment for your son with a you can take to reduce allergy symptoms. During spring and one bite. That bite can result in various illnesses, including
pediatric allergist. summer, use air-conditioning at home and in the car rather Lyme disease. These illnesses are often mild, but if left
than leaving windows open. Do not hang laundry outdoors untreated can have long-lasting effects. For this reason, it's
Seasonal allergies, also called "hay fever" or "allergic where pollen can stick to it. important to be aware of the presence of tick habitats, guard
rhinitis," flare up for many people in the spring when against tick bites and know what to do if you get bitten.
blooming trees release pollen - a common allergy trigger. Although it won't keep symptoms from coming back, your Antibiotic treatment usually succeeds in getting rid of the
Symptoms of seasonal allergies include a runny nose; nasal son may receive temporary relief from nasal congestion by infection, especially when started early.
congestion; watery, itchy and red eyes; and sneezing. Using an rinsing his nasal passages with sterile saline to flush out
over-the-counter antihistamine to combat seasonal allergy mucus and allergens from his nose. Squeeze bottles and neti There are steps you can take to prevent ticks from getting
symptoms is a good first step. When that medication pots designed for this purpose are available at most to your skin in the first place.Try to avoid areas where ticks
effectively controls symptoms, no further medical testing or pharmacies. are found, such as tall grasses, shrubs and leaf litter.When you
evaluation is needed. The duration of seasonal allergy go outside, wear long sleeves and pants, as well as sock and
If your son continues to struggle with symptoms despite shoes. If you think you may come in contact with ticks,
H.D. TRAVEL & TOUR using a combination of allergy medications, a consultation protect yourself further by spraying exposed skin with a
with a pediatric allergist would be in order. An allergist can repellent containing DEET or picaridin. You also can apply
(262)637-0812 conduct testing to pinpoint the specific allergens that are permethrin to your clothing. Remember to check yourself,
causing your son's symptoms. family members and your pets for ticks after being outdoors.
Once the allergens have been identified, immunotherapy To remove a tick that is embedded in the skin, grasp the
Tuesdays Tuesdays may be recommended if his symptoms do not improve with tick as close to the skin's surface as possible, using tweezers
Sept 17, Oct 22, Nov 19 Sept 24, Nov 12 a combination of antihistamines, intranasal sprays and if available. Pull upward with a steady, continuous motion.To
Cost $32 per person montelukast. Immunotherapy involves administering small ensure the whole tick is removed, try not to twist it or jerk
Cost $32 per person Rebate $25 per person amounts of allergen that triggers an immune response but it. If mouth parts of the tick remain in the skin, leave the area
Rebate $25 per person not enough to cause an allergic reaction. Over time, the dose alone and let the skin heal. Your body will expel the mouth
of allergens in the immunotherapy is increased, so the body parts over time.
POTAWATOMI FOUR WINDS gets used to the allergen exposure. This process is called
"desensitization." The immune system builds up tolerance to After removal, clean the area with an antiseptic, such as
Every Wednesday Thursdays the allergens, and allergy symptoms begin to diminish.Allergy rubbing alcohol or soap and water. Place the tick in a plastic
Cost $20 per person Sept 5, Oct 10, Nov 7 shots are continued once a month for several years. bag in case you develop any symptoms that may be caused by
Cost $37 per person a tick-borne infection. Early symptoms can include fever,
Rebate $10 Slots Traditionally, shots have been used to deliver chills, headache, joint pain and gastrointestinal upset, which
Food $10 Rebate $15 Slots immunotherapy for allergies. But recently the U.S. Food and can occur in various combinations. Sometimes, a
$10 Food Drug Administration-approved sublingual tablets (different characteristic rash may occur, as well. If you experience any
from sublingual drops) that can be taken orally have become of these and may have been exposed to ticks, see your health
HO-CHUNK / MAJESTIC PINES SR082419 available for allergen immunotherapy. The way they work is care provider right away. Bring the tick with you, if possible.
TWO DAY TRIP similar to allergy shots. But, unlike injections, they do not
require an office visit for every dose. Patients usually take the If the tick that you've removed is swollen and engorged,
July 29 & 30, Sept. 30 & Oct. 1, Nov. 25 & 26 first tablet at the allergist's office. After that, the tablets are discuss with your health care provider whether an antibiotic
taken at home. - Anupama Ravi, M.D., Pediatric Allergy and such as doxycycline should be prescribed to prevent Lyme
Double Occupancy Cost $100 per person Immunology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. disease. Lyme disease, which can cause headache, fever, joint
Singles add $20 Rebate $100 per person pain and other flu-like symptoms, often is accompanied by an
expanding red area that sometimes clears in the center,
$5 off Buffet forming a bull's-eye pattern. In later stages, Lyme disease can
cause lingering joint pain and inflammation, heart palpitations,
Bartenders and various neurological problems.
And Cocktail
Mayo Clinic Q & A is an educational resource and doesn't
Waitresses replace regular medical care. E-mail a question to
Looking for friendly outgoing individuals to MayoClinicQ&A(AT SIGN) For more information, visit
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16 SMART READER August 24, 2019 FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800
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the four-legged report
Pet World Dear Eileen, I applaud you on how you have handled Cape Cod's gray seals
this situation so far. Making sure you're always monitoring attract sharks, causing
withCathy their encounters, making their encounters positive, summer beach closures
Rosenthal tethering Joey so he can't chase Chica, putting up a baby
gate to keep them separated are all things I would Beaches on Cape Cod, Mass.,
Is scared cat recommend to keep your cat safe.These steps have already have routinely closed this
remembering helped Joey make progress. When Chica strolls by, he is summer after shark sightings,
past abuse? turning his head to ignore her, which is exactly what you and the sharks are now
want him to do. regarded as a long-term threat.
Dear Cathy, Our cat, Louis is a rescue we've had for 13
years. We were told he was 1-year-old and had been The goal is to get Joey to ignore the cat and focus on All summer, beaches were
thrown. He did have a fractured tooth. Louis is a doll and you. First, train him to "sit" or "lie down" when Chica is in temporarily closed, with
loves petting, belly rubs and being with us. However, he the room. Second, when he looks at the cat, say his name multiple beaches shut over the
won't let us hold him. Could he remember being thrown, and reward him when he looks at you.Then, give Joey a toy past weekend because of sightings of great white sharks.
or some other trauma involving being held? We'd love to to play with to keep him further distracted. The booming population of gray seals, a protected species
hold him and hug him, but never want to scare him. - for 50 years, is responsible, officials said.
Wendy, East Williston, New York Finally, train Joey to "stay" when the cat walks across the
room and reward him when he listens. Keep him on the "Before when people went to the beaches around here,
Dear Wendy, It's possible that being held in someone's tether for the training. It may take weeks or months, but the biggest concern was how cold was the water.That was
arms could conjure up an unhappy memory of being eventually, you should be able to say his name to get him it. They weren't worried about shark attacks," said Tom
thrown. It sounds, though, like you have a very affectionate to look at you and tell him to "stay" to keep him from King, a local shark expert. "Now people are definitely
cat eager to be loved.With cats, it's not training, but trust running after her if she bolts from the room. afraid.Way fewer people are swimming around, and they're
and positive experiences that are needed before they will not going very far out into the water anymore."
allow you to touch or hold them. You are halfway there Remain vigilant until you are absolutely sure he won't
with the petting and belly rubs. harm her. Nauset Beach, on Cape Cod, had two evacuations of
swimmers from the water on one day. No reports of shark
To continue building trust, encourage Louis to come to As well as being a recuring guest on Happenings Q&A, Cathy M. attacks against people have been made this year, largely
you or sit on your lap and give him lots of affection when Rosenthal is a longtime animal advocate, author, columnist and pet because of quick and regular beach closures by lifeguards,
he does. One day, Louis may stand at your feet mewing to and videos of close encounters posted on social media,
be picked up. (It could take months before he feels ready expert who has more than 25 years in the animal welfare field. when potential danger is observed. Massachusetts State
for this next step.) If he does, sit down on the floor and Send your pet questions, stories and tips to [email protected]. Police helicopters monitor threats from collective schools
pick him up so he is still fairly close to the ground.This will of sharks.
make him feel safer and reduce his fear of being held.
One person was killed by a shark at Newcomb Hollow
Dear Cathy, Six months ago, I adopted Joey, a 3-year- Beach in 2018, and sharks also are a part of the area's
old mixed breed dog. My vet thought he had probably folklore because of the 1974 book and 1975 film Jaws.
been poorly socialized and possibly neglected for a while.
He was terrified of just about everything - getting in the Great white sharks, which can grow to 18 feet long, are
crate, riding in the car, going for walks where he met other now a regular hazard to beachgoers.They appear each year
dogs, being groomed, for a while even being touched, and in May and June and generally swim southward toward
he was aggressive for the first two weeks with the resident Florida in the fall when the water cools.
dog. One by one, with lots of attention and positive
reinforcement, he has overcome those fears and become a The sharks are currently feasting on some of the
wonderful little companion. All in all, he's a star. There's estimated 30,000 to 50,000 gray seals, which can weigh up
just one last problem: He is predatory around Chica, the to 800 pounds each, at the Cape.The resurgence of seals is
resident cat. something of a conservation success story, but a group of
Nantucket Island residents is working to change the Marine
Early on, Joey's predatory body language scared me. He Mammal Protection Act to allow gray seals to be hunted.
got hard-eyed, stared at her, stalked her and never took his
eyes off her. He still does this. I put up a baby gate. I keep Greg Skomal, a shark expert, said there is no reported
him tethered when she's roaming the house. I make sure correlation between climate change and the rise in the
their meetings are always happy (treats for both). number of sharks at Cape Cod.
At times, he seems OK with her when she strolls by CLIPPING THE PUPPY TUB
him. He watches but allows her to smell him and then he STYLING MOTEL
turns his head away from her. We seemed to be making BATHING
progress, enough so that I let them be together with me NMTNAREOIDLEATITCTRRAMAITMENENQDTUBSILAETRHSING & FLEA
being watchful. GFEOTRRFEAALDLY
still watches her like a hawk. However, last night, she got & Playtime
startled about something happening outside the house and
made quick, jerky movements. In other words, she acted 2419 52nd St. Kenosha, WI • Call To Book Your Appointment 262.654.4808
like prey and he responded by getting highly aroused and
After six months, I'm wondering if it's possible for a dog
who behaves this way towards a cat to ever get relaxed
and tolerant about it. What else should I do? -- Eileen,
Tucson, Arizona
FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800 SMART READER August 24, 2019 17
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Nutrition News Wolfgang PEACH COMPOTE ICE CREAM
with Charlyn Fargo Puck’s Kitchen
Makes about 2 quarts whisk the egg yolks until smooth.
Weight Loss Made Easy Cool off with Gradually whisk in the sugar until
homemade ice cream PEACH COMPOTE: thoroughly combined.Whisking
If you knew you could do just three continuously, slowly pour in half of
things and lose weight, would you do This recipe offers a textbook lesson in 3 pounds (1.5 kg) ripe peaches (about the hot cream mixture.Then, while
them? Can it be that simple? No one how to distill the very essence of peaches and then infuse 8 large peaches), pitted and cut into stirring the remaining cream mixture
diet works for everyone, but a look at it into a frozen dessert. It begins by making a compote of thin slices in the saucepan over low heat using a
popular diets finds they all have three fresh peaches, subtly seasoned with cinnamon and a little wooden spoon, slowly pour in the
things in common: eat more vegetables, lemon juice to heighten its flavor and then enhanced with 1 3/4 cups (435 mL) granulated sugar egg yolk mixture. Continue stirring
eat less sugar and eat more whole foods. sugar to help the fruit's natural sweetness shine through at continuously over low heat for
freezer temperatures. 1 whole cinnamon stick several minutes, cooking just until the
If we just do those three things, we can lose weight.And mixture is thick enough to coat the
the best part? You're not arguing with your neighbor over The compote is then combined with a classic ice cream 1/4 cup (60 mL) freshly squeezed back of the spoon evenly. Do not
keto or low-fat or intermittent fasting as to the best eating base made with milk, cream, egg yolks, sugar and vanilla lemon juice overcook.
plan. In my work as a dietitian, I've seen many weight loss bean. Finally, the mixture is sieved to extract every last
plans work, but it boils down to being ready to make some drop of peach flavor while ensuring that you don't wind up ICE CREAM BASE: • Add the peach compote to the
changes. Start with these three and you'll see some weight with hard chunks of frozen fruit. base, removing the cinnamon stick,
oss. 2 cups (500 mL) whole milk and stir thoroughly. Set aside to steep
The result is an ice cream that seems to capture the very for 10 minutes.Then, place a sturdy
1. Eat more vegetables.Vegetables are low in calories, high essence of late summer. Fresh fruit, especially raspberries 2 cups (500 mL) heavy cream wire-meshed strainer over a large
in fiber and high in vitamins and minerals. You can't go and sliced fresh peaches, make a perfect complement to mixing bowl and pour the mixture
wrong having an extra helping. Sadly, only 1 in 10 Americans each serving; unless, of course, you can't resist scooping the 1 vanilla bean pod, cut in half through the strainer, pressing down
meet their produce requirements. Take a veggie challenge ice cream into cones! lengthwise, seeds scraped out and firmly on the solids in the strainer to
and try a new vegetable every day. If you think you don't reserved along with the bean halves extract as much flavor as possible. Set
ike cauliflower, try it prepared a different way. My go-to: ZESTY AVOCADO the bowl inside a larger bowl half-
grilled vegetables.The grill brings out the flavor and makes BLACK BEAN DIP 8 large egg yolks filled with ice cubes and cold water,
everything taste better. and stir the mixture occasionally until
4 medium ripe avocados, divided 1/2 cup (125 mL) granulated sugar well chilled.
2. Eat less (added) sugar. This may be more challenging, 1-2 tablespoons lime juice, divided
but it gets easier over time as we tame that sweet tooth. 3/4 teaspoon salt FOR SERVING: • Freeze the strained mixture in an
Most Americans consume 19 teaspoons of added sugars 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin ice cream maker, following the
per day. The American Heart Association recommends 6 1/4 teaspoon ground pepper Sliced fresh peaches manufacturer's directions. Serve
teaspoons per day for women and 9 teaspoons for men. 3/4 cup no-salt-added canned immediately, or transfer to a freezer
Think of sugar like your checkbook. If you spend your black beans, divided Fresh raspberries (optional) container and store in the freezer. If
added sugar teaspoons in your flavored creamer, you need 3/4 cup corn the ice cream has frozen solid,
to forget the chocolate chip cookie. Be on the lookout for 1 small jalapeno pepper, seeded • For the peach compote: In a large transfer the container to the
other sugars -- agave, cane juice, maple syrup, honey, fruit and finely chopped saucepan, combine the peaches, sugar, refrigerator for about 30 minutes
juice concentrate, date sugar, brown rice syrup.They are all 2 tablespoons chopped fresh cinnamon stick and lemon juice. before scooping and serving.
sugar with different names. cilantro Cook over medium heat, stirring
• Mash 2 avocados in a medium bowl with a fork. Stir in 1 tablespoon lime juice, occasionally, until the peaches are • Scoop the ice cream into individual
3. Eat more whole foods. Sounds easy enough. Choose salt, cumin, pepper until combined. Cut the 2 remaining avocados into small very soft and the mixture starts to chilled bowls, and garnish with sliced
more whole fruits and vegetables, meat, beans, nuts, seeds, chunks.Add to the mashed avocado mixture along with the beans, corn jalapeno thicken, about 30 minutes. During the fresh peaches along with raspberries
eggs, whole grains, seafood, chicken. Choose fewer and cilantro; stir until combined.Add more lime juice to taste, if desired. Serve last 10 minutes, adjust the heat, stir if you wish.
packaged foods such as potato chips, ice cream, frozen with crudites or tortilla chips. Makes 12 servings, serving size 1/4 cup. more frequently, and watch carefully
pizza, cookies and boxed foods. Overly processed foods • Per serving: 130 calories; 3 grams protein; 10 grams carbohydrates; 10 grams to prevent scorching.
have been linked to weight gain. The fiber in whole foods fat (1 gram saturated); 6 grams fiber; 1 gram sugars (0 grams added); 152
helps fill us up -- and helps us lose weight. milligrams sodium. • While the peaches are cooking,
make the ice cream base. In a clean
large saucepan, combine the milk,
cream and vanilla bean halves and
seeds. Bring to a boil over medium-
high heat. Remove the vanilla bean
• Meanwhile, in a large mixing bowl,
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18 SMART READER August 24, 2019 FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800
auto recommend these five steps to determine if a vehicle has More than 17 million
been flood damaged: unsafe airbags remain
news from the road on U.S. roads
• Take the sniff test. Close all the windows and doors and
How to identify let the car sit for about five minutes. Then, crack open a (NAPSI)—Today, in the U.S., more than 17 million
flood-damaged door and sniff. Mildew and mold have very distinctive recalled Takata airbags remain in vehicles on the road. A
vehicles smells and it doesn't take long for that smell to present defective part inside the airbag can explode when the
itself. airbag deploys, potentially shooting sharp metal fragments
(NAPSI)—Following record-setting rainfall in many areas at the driver and passengers.The National Highway Traffic
of the country, flooding has taken its toll on vehicles. It's • Try the touch test. Get some paper towels and press Safety Administration (NHTSA) has confirmed that 16
important for those considering buying a used vehicle to them against the low spots in the carpet.The paper towels people in the U.S. have been killed, and hundreds of others
be car care aware and check for signs of water intrusion will draw the moisture out and reveal if the carpet is wet alleged to have been injured, by this defect. Affected
or contamination, advises the nonprofit Car Care Council. under the surface. Some carpets can be several inches vehicles include those made by BMW, Chrysler, Daimler,
thick to insulate from heat and sound. If the paper towel Ferrari, Ford, General Motors, Honda, Infiniti, Jaguar, Land
"Purchasing a used vehicle and later learning it has been becomes wet, it could mean water has gotten into the car. Rover, Lexus, Mazda, McLaren, Mercedes-Benz, Mitsubishi,
flood damaged can be very problematic and lead to costly Nissan, Scion, Subaru,Tesla,Toyota and Volkswagen.
issues down the road. Worse yet, these vehicles can be • Investigate the interior. Look under the seats and dash
unhealthy to occupy because of mold and bacteria growing for corrosion and rust and look for exposed metal that is Vehicle manufacturers are sending official recall notices
in the carpet and ventilation system," explained Rich untreated. There are metal springs under the front seats to affected consumers. Consumers also get notifications
White, executive director, Car Care Council. that are usually not painted. If they are rusted, that is a sign through postcards, e-mail, social media and other forms of
the interior has been wet. Look for mud and debris in communication urging them to contact their dealers
The Car Care Council and the Car Care Professionals places they don't belong. immediately to schedule an appointment for a free recall
Network (CCPN), a group of automotive service repair. Even if they haven’t received a communication, all
providers, say it all comes down to how much water the • Inspect the instrument panel. Turn on the key and vehicle owners should check if their vehicle is affected by
vehicle took in and where it can be reached. They perform a bulb test. Make sure every bulb lights up. If a the Takata airbag recall by visiting or
system has an issue, removing the warning bulb can hide it. and entering their vehicle
Many times, vehicles that have flooded have malfunctions in identification number (VIN).
their anti-brake and air bag systems. If the light comes on
and then goes out after the bulb test, that's an indicator Dealerships around the country have replacement parts
that the system is on and has no active faults. available, and the free recall repair should take an average
of one to several hours depending on vehicle make and
• Take it to a professional. Let a service and repair model.
technician inspect your vehicle. He or she can raise the car
and look underneath to see if there is any mud, sticks or The call to action is simple.
rocks in the suspension.A professional can check the oil in
the differentials to make sure they contain no water. Spend • If consumers receive a Takata airbag recall notice,
a few dollars to have it looked over to give yourself peace letter, postcard or e-mail, they should immediately
of mind. schedule a free recall repair at a local dealership.
The Car Care Council is the source of information for • Consumers uncertain whether their vehicles are part
the "Be Car Care Aware" consumer education campaign of the Takata airbag recall should visit
promoting the benefits of regular vehicle care, will be prompted to enter the
maintenance and repair to consumers. vehicle identification number (VIN), upload a photo of the
license plate, or manually enter the plate number. The
For the latest car care news, visit the council's online website will immediately indicate if the vehicle is currently
media room at To order a free under recall for defective Takata airbags.
copy of the popular "Car Care Guide," visit the council's
consumer education website at • A free smartphone app, Airbag Recall, can also be
downloaded, enabling consumers to take a picture of their
Nostalgia Avenue license plate to immediately determine if a vehicle is under
It takes just a few minutes to determine if a vehicle has
a recalled airbag and just a few hours to have an airbag
repaired.Take the time to protect yourself, your family and
your friends.
For more information, visit and
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SMART READER August 24, 2019 19
Our Earth
w/Gretchen Covelli
Downtown Wellness
Let's talk about personal wellness. Overall wellness of Music will nurture and heal your soul. DT Kenosha has some amazing sculptures to admire along a beautiful
the mind, body and spirit. It's something that is an amazing music scene. Live music outdoors can be setting.
somewhat put on the back burner in life until it suddenly found just about every night in a new location. Peanut
because a necessity. Then, in a blink of an eye, it can Butter and Jam, Lincoln Park Live, Twilight Jazz. Pop up Laughter truly is the best medicine. Let's not forget the
become a number one priority. YOU become the priority. events such as Tribute Island, 3rd Annual Pop Up Beer Theater Arts! Visit our Kenosha Comedy Club, Lakeside
Your mental and physical well being. Why does something Gardens, Peace Tree Music Festival. Open Mic and live Players and the Rhode Theater for year round shows and
so fragile get so easily taken for granted? My hope in bands can be found all over during the week in our local events.
writing this is that we start to remember to put our well restaurants. Most recently we had drummy on the beach
being first and foremost. You can not pour from an empty with John Stolfe, Stolfe's Portside Percussion Studio, at the History and Culture! I constantly rave about our
cup and you can not care for those that need you most if 3rd Annual Pop Up Beer Garden on Simmons Island. I amazing museums and library system we have in Kenosha
you have not cared for yourself. Physically and mentally. attended his drum circle and bonfire on the beach and it and I will absolutely add it into my list of wellness. Reading
Trust me when I say, I understand the struggle. The was truly therapeutic. and knowledge is just as important to our overall well
struggle of habit, time, money, childcare, the unknown! being as anything I have listed above. Getting lost in a
Start small, take one step at a time. Make a list, a vision Yoga on the beach! Saturday mornings at Wolfenbuttle novel, a biography, a new cookbook or even (my personal
board, a journal; anything to help you set a new habit. Park with Canella Mullins, offered throughout the summer. favorites) wellness books! Knowledge is power and what
Lucky for you, Downtown Kenosha has a plethora of ways Kids Yoga on the beach was at the Pop up Beer Gardens better way to soak up that knowledge than to visit the
to improve your well being, with many of them being free, (keep a lookout for more to come!) Visit any of the Yoga Historic Simmons Library. Kenosha Public Library, Civil
open year round and family friendly! So, I am here today Studios DT or try Aikido at Kenosha Aikikai Aikido Studio. War museum and the Dinosaur Museum offer an amazing
to tell you that when it comes to Wellness-Downtown Let's face it, old man winter will be showing his face atmosphere of peacefulness, friendly volunteers, history
Kenosha has it ALL! And, well, I'd love to go into detail around here soon enough, start planning those indoor and knowledge! Stroll through to view and read all about
about every single option and business we have available activities. the collections of natural science specimens, and cultural
to you, they don't give me the column space to write that artifacts from around the world. The Civil War museum
much. So I will give you my best tips and suggestions and Peace Tree, House of Nutrition & Modern Apothecary- offers and entire resource room where you can read, play,
I will let you take it from there. After all. This is YOUR everyone heals and processes differently. There is no "one dress up and interact with various Civil War era items. Be
wellness venture. You will absolutely find what works best size fits all" set of rules and guidelines when it comes to sure to check out all the events that are offered among all
for you! your health and well being. So explore your options! three museums and the Kenosha Public Library System!
Vitamins, supplements and remedies can be found at Immersing yourself among what truly interests you and be
Nature; GET OUT OF DOORS and be out as much as Modern Apothecary. House of Nutrition additionally among like- minded people will bring you a whole new
you can, in all seasons! Our beautiful Lakefront is perfect. carries CBD and hemp products. Both have extremely sense of community!
Walk the beach barefoot and get your toes in the sand. knowledgeable and helpful staff, in addition to a plethora
"Earthing" nurtures our nervous systems, moods and of other selections. Head into PeaceTree for healing Hopefully this encourages you to find what works best
emotions. Children today need this more than ever. Put stones, crystals, essential oils and hugs & smiles! All of for you and your wellness journey. I also hope I was able
down any and all electronics (yes, the selfies can wait) and which will heal, soothe and regenerate your soul. to bring a new light to a few of the amazing people and
truly be connected to your surroundings. Take time to sit, businesses we have in Downtown Kenosha.
relax and clear your mind. Start with going on your lunch Massage, acupuncture, energy work, cupping,
break, maybe catching the sunrise or sunset works best for aromatherapy, emotional release, guided Hi there, I’m Gretchen. I own Gypsies Baskets, a small Fair
your schedule. Maybe it's bringing the family and all meditation.....these are just to name a few of the Trade basket business. Most Saturdays you will find me in my
sharing in this activity. alternative therapies offered in DT! Dakini Healing Arts
and Heal Therapies offer these and more! booth at the Kenosha HarborMarket. In between work and
Food; I mentioned lunch, so now that's all I can think travel, you can find me gardening, cooking, conjuring up
about! We have so many healthy options in DT Kenosha Visit our local artists at the outdoor Art Market on
and fuel for our body is incredibly important. The Kenosha Sunday Mornings (through Oct). Get your paint on at homemade products, reading, knitting, volunteering in my
HarborMarket; the variety of healthy choices there on a Alpaca Art or get those hands messy at Lemon Street community and homeschooling my 3 beautiful children. My
weekly basis, all in one location is pretty much ideal. Not Galleries Clay Studio. Or stroll down the Alley Oop family and I enjoy Kenosha and all that the four seasons have
only do you have a huge variety of farm stands to choose project and raise your vibrations with inspirational art and
from, you also have the option of purchasing your selected selfies options! The sculpture walk is also something I to offer here in Wisconsin. We love adventuring through
veggies or join a CSA program/ crop box option and your highly recommend. Majority are located along the nature preserves, shopping Downtown small businesses and
items are all set for you. Raw local honey, cheese, fresh promenade on the southside of Harbor Park. These are
bread and lets not forget flowers! The prepared food restaurants , exploring Museums, absorbing the beauty
options are insane- let's start with Acacia Bowls and among the Art District and strolling along our gorgeous
Avocado Toast from The Fresh Bar. Spring Rolls made with
sweet potato noodles. Even Smoothie options are on lakefront. There is so much to be thankful for in our
hand! Cooking classes are new and are being offered at hometown.
the Dakini Healing Arts Studio "Healing with Food". If you
are on the go during the week and short on time stop into
Nutrition Revolution for a healthy meal replacement
Immersing yourself among plants will improve your
mood, clean the air and help you sleep better! Head over
to Equinox and chat with Maria about the plant that's
perfect for you.
Kenosha Divorce David A. Dove & Lesa I. Dove Stacey Dawn Leidlein & Edward Peter Leidlein
Deposition Report Verneice Marie Eppers & Matthew Urban Eppers Deborah Ruth Leineweber & Gary Vincent Leineweber
Jill Elisabeth Garcia & Samuel D. Sauceda Patti Ann Liebig & Steven Todd Liebig
Tracey Lynn Adetowubo & Oludare A. Adetowubo Sean Willliam Graves & Kristine Ann Graves Connie Renee Massie & Brian James Massie
Angela Breischneider & Douglas Breischneider Ann Elizabeth Hackett & Adam Charles Theisen Allison Lynette Mivshek & James Thomas Mivshek
George John Brown & Elizabeth Marie Brown Randy Edward Hansche & LuAnn Kay Hansche Liam James Moran& Deborah Jean Moran
Jaime Joanne Brown & Mohamed Amoudi Ashleigh Kay Henrichs & Kevin Douglas Pratt Sandra Sue Neuman-Talley & Chester Jerome Talley III
Ties Nicole Brown & Charles Brown, Jr. Rosimar Hernandez & Angel Luis Lopez Ruiz Carly Diane Nochevich & Andrew Michael Nochevich
Susan Mary Cichocki & Abdias Michael Cichocki Quameka Shiet Hicks & Lasericok Cortes Walton Ambrogio Pirovano & Sandra Michel Pirovano
Julie Ann Clarke & Michael Edward Clarke Deanna Marie Hrnciar & Joseph Michael Hrnciar, Jr. Lindy Ann Scheming & Michael Martin Schenning
Maria Cortes & Francisco J. Cortes Ryan S Jaronik & Danielle T Reitz Sandra Soma & Matthew Paul Soma
Sarah Jane Cowick & Lucas C.J. Cowlick Linda Anne Juzenas & Steven Roy Juzenas Ann Elizabeth Steybe & Stewart Wayne Hartley
Karen Marie Crowell & Jacob Sheridan Crowell Richard A Knox & Jessica K Snyder Michelle Josephine Stock & Richard Paul Dunnum Stock
Melisa Cuevas & Carlos Melchor Matthew James LaDuke & Jennifer Ann LaDuke Cynthia Valentine & Mark Valentine
Alaina Michelle Dominguez & Adam Pedro Dominguez
20 SMART READER August 24, 2019
South African restaurant Look Who’s Getting Married!
only serves food made
from insects Marriage License & Waiver Fee Report Getting married? Send us your pics!
August 5th - 18th Email [email protected]
A South African company is promoting sustainable
protein alternatives with a pop-up restaurant serving only John Lesko & Cindy Marie Tenuta SR082419
foods derived from insects. The Insect Experience, a pop- Robert Michael Mc Keown
up located at the GoodFood hall in Cape Town, features & Regina Evelyn Rotermund 2723 Sheridan Road - Zion, IL
only menu items that use various edible insects as sources William Leighton Hendricks (847) 872-4000
of protein. The pop-up is operated by Gourmet Grubb, a & Jessica Renee Mattera
company founded by food scientist Leah Bessa and her SR020919
partners. The company offers EntoMilk, a milk alternative Robert Louis Mantooth & Brittany Lynn Rizzo
made from the black soldier fly, as well as dairy-free ice Chad Daniel Thompson & Felicia Kay Rivera DT2019V1
cream made from the milk. Dale Andrew Derksen & Christin Elizabeth Gelden
Lucas Ellioit Dickinson & Samantha Ann Chmela 5617 - 6th Ave. SR082419
"We sort of wanted to try and create a viable protein Christopher David Hassler & Kristen Ann Benetti Kenosha
alternative that is sustainable and ethical and could really Javier Angle Thompson & Emily Guadarrama
create quite a positive change going into the future," Bessa Adam James Zielsdorf & Emily Ann Saylor 657-7673
told CNN. The Insect Experience is billed as South Africa's M-F: 9AM-5PM
first restaurant to use insects as the exclusive source of Corey Allen Wesinger & Edith Ann Moore Sat: 10AM-2PM
protein. The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization Antonio Rocco Montemurro Delivery Available
recognizes more than 1,900 insect species as edible for & Maria Elizabeth Patrizzi
humans. The Insect Experience is aiming to remain open
through the middle of 2020. Aric Christopher Palmer & Rebecca Lynn Ribar 10909 Sheridan Road
Dylan David Petersen & Jacqueline Rose Jones Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158
Your Voice
Dane Curtis Manker & Lisa Virginia Bender 262.948.9339
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kind - thanks San Francisco Robert Alan Gauss & Melanie Jo Heide
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“I was able to taste crickets Christopher Frank Piazza & Emily Anne Berg Includes any shirt, tie, belt
and other bugs at our muse- or suspenders & socks. Perfect for Wisconsin’s Largest Full Service SR020919
Jordan Allen Posie & Jenna Helen Klimt Sizes 34 short to 48 long wedding Men’s Clothing Store
um downtown. Delicious! Sean Benito Guargena parties
I've also eaten turtle.”
- Donna Dioszegi & Kristina Marie Kortenkamp Downtown Kenosha 262-652-0648 • M-F 10-5, Sat. 10-2
Tyler Ray Sorenson
“Cheetos in liquid
nitrogen!” & Kameron Jeanne Mandernack
- Barbie Clarke Eugene Charles Madsen, Jr.
& Reba Renee Repinski
“Pink fish egg/duck egg
soup in Beijing as part of Devin William Zabler & Kendra Leigh O’Leary
fancy, multi-course Peking Kenneth Rodney Steffens & Patricia Carol Schaden
Duck Dinner.” Jason James Wilfert & Paige Marcella Caskey
- Jennie Tunkieicz John Thetford & Katherine Nicole Ketchum
“When I graduated Jungle Anthony Frederick Neumann & Edvelyn Villegas
School in Panama back in Thomas Uraeus Knudtkins
79, our graduation feast con-
sisted of Howler Monkey & Veronica Georgette Watkins
and Boa Constrictor meat. Jonathon Dale Lang
Although I ate some, I never
searched it out again.” & Elona Shane Labrador Sigler
- Kim Dary Jeremy Joseph Sowma & Carly Krista Ristau
Zachary Paul Jones & Michelle Lynn Gaertner
“Ants- picked off a plant in
Australia.” Jake Patrick Broderick
& Rebecca Ann O’Grady Moore
- Julie Rittmiller Jason David Betchel & Jennifer Virgina Sertich
Andrew David Otis & Jenna Marie Lasco
Joshua Bryant Scalish & Ashley Elizabeth Scott
Q&A with
Mario Bilotti
of Express Lube
Q. How long have in been in business?
A. 14 years in business
Q.What made you get into the auto field?
A. My love of cars and working with people.
Q.What make Express Lube different then all the other auto shops?
A. Locally owned and operated and the head guy is always here.
Q. How much has the auto business changed with all the new
A. Tremendously, fluids more specific, more synthetics, many more
varieties of oil, and fierce competition.
Q.What's the most unique animal you found in someone's engine?
A. Squirrels, mice, birds. One partial raccoon and a hoof from a deer.
Q.What all does Express Lube offer?
A. We offer oil service and related services, tires, brakes, tune-ups.
exhaust. suspension. U-Haul rentals. and more
Express Lube, 2111 12th Street, Kenosha, is open Monday - Saturdays.
Call them at (262) 552-8310 for more information.
FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800 SMART READER August 24, 2019 21
Kenosha OWI’s Spotlight on
Gina A Arb, Burlington (OWI 4th) New Kenosha
Adam Ali Ata, Chicago (OWI 1st) Art Market
Françoise Beckmann, Chicago (OWI 1st)
Clayton B Berger, Grayslake (OWI 1st) New in Kenosha this summer is Kenosha's first all
Chester P Burton, Mount Pleasant (OWI 1st) original outdoor art market. This market takes place
Dillon T Cantrell, Kenosha (OWI 2nd) every third Sunday in Union Park from 10am- 2pm June
Victor David Casiano-Colon, Racine (OWI 1st) through October, with the next ones being held on
Lorena Chavez, Des Plaines, IL (OWI 1st) Sundays, September 15th, and October 20th. Union Park
Serafín Clavel Sanchez, Milwaukee (OWI 1st) is located on Seventh Avenue and 46th Street. The
Miguel Cortez, Chicago (OWI 1st) market features original art, music and more special
Jill E Cox, Kenosha (OWI 4th) events. Union Park Tavern is conveniently located across
Sergio J Duran Lopez (OWI 2nd) the street and will be featuring a special Sunday Brunch.
Gabrielle B Flann, Racine (OWI 1st) Enjoy a variety of originally made art created by area
George A Fuller, Racine (OWI 5th/6th) artists, as well as local acoustic artists.Union Park also
Ronald N Hill, Kenosha (OWI 2nd) has a variety of playground equipment so the kiddos can
Peter O Klein, Genoa,WI (OWI 1st) play and not be bored. Find them on Facebook for more
Christopher G Mackey, Milwaukee (OWI 2nd) information!
Lupe Martinez, Jr., Round Lake Beach, IL (OWI 1st)
Alyssa A Nash, Kenosha (OWI 3rd)
Guy A Phillips, Zion (OWI 1st)
Kristina L Pruitt-Ziegler, Kenosha (OWI 2nd)
Jason A Quist, Kenosha (OWI 2nd)
Latroya D Rinvil, Kenosha (OWI 1st)
Joseph J Rodrigues, Kenosha (OWI 2nd)
Devonta E Stevens, Kenosha (OWI 4th)
Erica L Stevenson, Kenosha (OWI 1st)
Glenda G Vasani, Kenosha (OWI 2nd)
Michael J Warosh, Pleasant Prairie (OWI 2nd)
Daniel P Wasilewski, Burlington (OWI 1st)
Steven E Wilson,Willow Springs, IL (OWI 1st)
Thomas D Wilton, Kenosha (OWI 5th/6th)
Thomas J Windhorst, Kenosha (OWI 3rd)
Employment/Opportunities • Lost & Found • Miscellaneous • Real Estate • Rentals • Rummage Sales • Vehicles • Wanted
E-mail your 170 character classified to: [email protected] CLASSIFIED DEADLINE IS WEDNESDAY,
Please include your contact information in the classified.
(Name and Phone number / e-mail address) First 3 words will be boldface type.
REMINDER: ICE FISHING EQUIPMENT auger - fishing KENMORE VACUUM used twice,direct drive TECHNOLOGY BROKER experienced wanted CHILD-CARE 3rd Shift 10:30 PM to 8:30 AM CAREGIVER Self-employed live-in caregiver
PLEASE RESUBMIT AD TO RUN shanty 4men - vexlar locator piano - $500 call beltless system,bare floor fr iendly,all by retired/disabled DoD consultant to Air Force Winthrop Harbor, IL $50 per week discount with 20 years experience giving 24 hr. care
FOR EACH ISSUE. MAXIMUM 3 after 9 a.m. 262-496-0559 attatchments,extra bags..$225.00 262-764- to sell software to major companies, must for 2 children Call 262-748-8001 or 262-705- references. Looking for job. If you need me,
LISTINGS PER PERSON. 2881 Jody have military security clearance or ability to 3310 please call Teresa 262-497-0502.
DISCOUNT WATERBED SUPPLIES pass military security clearance along with HAVE YOU RECENTLY had surgery or just
MISC mattresses, liners, heaters, conditioner - for PARKING LOT LINE STRIPER Graco 3400- proven experience, contact DSK, P.O. Box want to start your day with a water program JOBS WANTED I will clean, do shopping,
all styles of waterbeds - complete softside 5 HP 3 years Old- $2600.00 LV- 866, Kenosha, WI 53141 with heated pool at Jane Vernon School? run errands, etc. Also does seamstress work.
LADY'S SENIOR AQUACISE Reuther High waterbeds. Deals-A-Plenty 262-656-1617. [email protected] 6:45-7:45 a.m. All ages welcome. Contact Please call Gayle 224-565-8882.
School Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 8- CLEANING LADY WANTED for twice / month Linda 262-654-6485.
9AM. Call Jean 262-656-2077 ANTIQUE ROLL TOP DESK, antique sewing TOW DOLLY 2010 Master Tow tilt bed tow coverage of 700 sq ft apt; veteran / realtor PROFESSIONAL LED teeth whitening for a CUT AWAY GRASS Edging to last - not
machine, 2 upright freezers, antique refrigerator dolly. Asking $1000 PH 262-997-7512 disabled rates negotiable, help needed; 262- fraction of the price! $99 at cabana tan spa. stringline - will help drainage. All with cleanup
KENOSHA STEAMPUNK SOCIETY We're pristine cond. Call for details 262-705-9237 - 729-7330 and 847-340-3446 call to book: 262-843-2411. 20 minute session and haul away. Just call 262-654-2509.
looking for more members! We meet 2nd priced fair. This is serious - must see - DONJOY ICEMAN cold therapy unit! Helps = a bright white smile!
Monday & 4th Wednesday of every month at reduce pain and swelling after surgery hips, VETERAN / REALTOR wanted to share house NURSING CARE/CONSULTATION: YARD CLEAN UP Junk, brush, dog waste,
Rockhead's on Roosevelt Rd. & 24th Ave. BUYING OLD POSTCARDS: Old Paper, Old knee etc. or accidents! Speeds up rehab! for tasks in lieu of some rent; 262-729-7330 $35.00/hour. Call or text to (262)758-1974 anything to haul away. Just call262-654-2509.
Find us on Facebook Groups under Advertising,Black & White Photo’s, Pocket $50.00 and 847-340-3446 FAST COMPUTER SERVICE including network I AM LOOKING FOR WORK AS: Home
Kenosha Steampunk Society. Join the Knives, Gillette Razors, Straight Razors, support, spyware removal, upgrades and PC caregiver, cat sitter, seamstress, babysitter,
facebook group for Fountain Pens, Anything Interesting.Please MEN'S KNAPP Work Shoes. Size 7 EEE. HELP WANTED Looking for someone to cut repair. For friendly service with a smile, call running errands. I am available Monday-
Call or Text Stan262-496-1822 New. $50.00 Phone 262-658-1291. and split 1-2 cords of wood. Small size logs. Vikkex today! Phone (262-694-7746) Friday. If you are interested in an of the
ARBOR WEDDING/SPECIAL EVENT High Pay cash - 262-694-1131. HANDYMAN SERVICES plumbing painting positions listed please contact me at 224-
quality greenery/flowers with clear lights. ORGAN/PIANO 44" wide lowry roll - top - SENTRY SAFE 26 inches high,16 inches carpentry installations most home repairs free 565-8882 (Gayle)
Great Condition. Must See-Pics Available 262- double keyboard full octave pedal - with bench deep, 13 inches wide, Combination ava LOOKING FOR REASONABLE PRICED estimates call 262-620-4745 or 262-671-9480 PIANO LESSONS RACINE Interested in
358-0259 - like new $300. PERSON TO CUT LAWN WITH MY MOWER: EXPERIENCED CAREGIVERS For all your beginning piano lessons? I'm located in the
DONJOY ICEMAN cold therapy unit! Helps IN TREVOR AREA: 262-222-3173 in-home needs. Serving Kenosha, Pleasant downtown YMCA. 262-902-8500 Dennis
STEAMPUNK STORE UPTOWN! More DISCOUNT WATERBED SUPPLIES reduce pain and swelling after surgery rotator Prairie, Bristol and Somers.Call June 262-
previously loved leather than ever before! mattresses, liners, heaters for all styles of cuff, hips, knee etc. or accidents! Speeds up WANTED TO BUY: vintage movie posters, 215-1292 or Ron 262-237-2670 June RENTAL/REALESTATE
Boots, Shoes, Vests, Steampunk Accessories, waterbeds + complete soft side flotation beds! rehab! $50.00 comic books, LP records, vintage toys, horror CARING TOUCH MASSAGE your session
goggles. I am stocking more items several Deals-A-Plenty HUMIDIFIER SOLUTION: one 64 fluid ounce VHS, horror memorabilia, science fiction pulps is personally designed to your body's needs FLORIDA RENTAL short term. If you are
times a month now, I'm expanding the stock, and one 32 fluid ounce container. Both for $5.00 and magazines, video store promotional items. using techniques & pressure for best results interested, email me at [email protected].
keep looking! Go to STEAMPUNK GENERAL 2016 ARTIC CAT 500UT ATV Green poly email your interest to [email protected] Call: 262-237-0318 $75hour $45half hour-text or call Karen 262- ST. PETE - TREASURE ISLAND FL Gulf
STORE inside DON'S HOBBIES 2219-63rd quick release plow w/ backrest, 2-in hitch, 748-6273T front condo rental, monthly rental. 2019 avail
Street Kenosha. Call Paul @ 262-705-2268 Adult owned like new 28 mls, used for plowing FOR SALE CEMETERY LOT Sunset Ridge WANTE EYELASH EXTENSIONS DISCOUNT Certified April-December. Info [email protected]..
(24/7 Cell/Voicemail). Facebook: Steampunk drive/yard work Asking $6000 Cemetery Section 7 Lot 102 Price $4,100.00 eyelash artist. Classis full set: $50 fills: $30! FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM 5632 Pershing
General Store. We can build your Steampunk Call Jean (386) 322-0185 SERVICES Get your appt now text 262-287-6796. IG: Blvd, Kenosha. Non-smoker only, security
Dreams for You!WASHINGTON DC $674 May WASHING MACHINE Free, Call Paul 262- thegirlisfabulash for pics. deposit, references required. $105/week. Call
2-8, 2019 Meals / Lodging includied Racine / 818-2204 DINING TABLE 847-630-6227 and 4 chairs FRIENDLY TECH Serving all your techincal BABYSITTING young lady good with kids 262-652-5252
Kenosha pickup. (262)977-6891 Excellent condition, wooden chairs, Formica needs. Friendly and reasonalble rates. can watch 1 or 2 children call 262-620-4745
[email protected] TREES LANDSCAPING Quality 4’ & white topped table $150" Computers, television, network, I’ll even HOUSE CLEANING woman + a bucket - 5 GRAVE SITES in same lot. Racine Mound
pinesm white fir, blue spruce, red cedars, teach you if you need help finding your reliable, dependable. Also clean vacant houses. Cemetery. 262-748-4343..
IF YOU SPEAK German or are enthusiastic American arborvite $20.00 each planting INTERNALS FROM CAMPER a. 3 burner way around your new computer. Help with Call for estimates - Sandy 262-221-2289
about the German language and culture, come available. Call 262-654-2509 stove. b. heater. c. inverter. d. ss sink. e. any task. Call 262-515-1967. HOUSES AND OR BUSINESS sun shine VEHICLES
and join us. There are no membership fees side door for pop-up camper. f. steel steps. klean is having a special this month for first
and attendance is whenever you are available FOR SALE Contents of storage units & & more. $45.00 for all. Call 262-764-0831 JOURNEY ELECTRICIAN I am a licensed time customers free upholstery cleaning with 2005 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN 142K
to join. Meetings are held in the Kenosha warehouse space contents. A lot of everything, W.R.Buck Email at [email protected] electrician seeking employment in electrical at basic cleaning for only $39.95 262-287- MILES STOW-N-GO RUNS AND DRIVES
and Racine area. This is an excellent group antiques, etc. Call Steve to look at stuff at field or any maintenance work. Call Travis 5103 VERY GOOD. SEE IN KENOSHA AT 4121-
to practice speaking German as members' 262-664-4287 FIVE GRAVE SITES IN SAME LOT! RACINE- 337-501-7732 LOOKING FOR a caring, loving male person 7TH. AVE. 53140 RUSS 262-237-1343 CALLOR
language skills are from beginners to advance MOUNT CEMETERY! 1147 WEST BLVD to help take care of my senior mother. Wages TEXT $1995
and we all have a good time. Please contact IRON PIPE DIES 6 pieces 1/2, 3/4, 1, 1 1/4, $800.00, A PIECE! 262-748-4343 ODD JOBS WANTED Minor plumbing, are negotiable. Need handyman work and 2004 HYUNDAI SONATA 175K MILKES.
me, if you are interested in joining - Susan 1 1/2, 2 inches 2 ratchets very good condition electrical, doors, windows, painting, drywall odd jobs, please call 1-262-898-0605 Racine SEE IN KENOSHA AT 4121-7TH. AVE. 53140
Blust at [email protected]. $125.00 Call: 262-942-1553 SCHWINN STATIONARY Exercise bike patching, clean up, gardening, and more. call Area RUSS 262-237-1343 CALL OR TEXT RUNS
w/book-holder $40. Small Paragon kiln w/stand 262-705-6625. CNAS TO JOIN wellness team at Barton of AND DRIVES GREAT. NEEDS NOTHING.
HUGE GARAGE SALE --40428 Belle Foret 3 200 LITER POLY Wine Barrels, very clean, 20" high w/ 14 1/2" internal diameter $125 Zion, five star assisted living. Send resume 1983 HONDA 650 Nighthawk- Nice Shape
Dr., Wadsworth, IL. August 29, 30, 31. 9am ready for use $100 each OBOCall George: OBO. (262) 634-4957 Ask for Dennis WOMAN AND A BUCKET. House Cleaning, [email protected] apply within 7200 Miles- $1900.00 [email protected]
to 5pm. LOTS of stuff! Furniture, lamps, 262-942-1553- Dependable And Reliable, Free Estimates at 3500 Sheridan Road Zion, IL 60099 847- 2007 CHEVOLET IMPALA 4 Door sedan.
household, dog crate, toys, clothes, new sink BABY CLOTHES $.25 and up, Coffee pot Also Clean Vacant Houses. Call Sandy at 262- 872-1500 Model is LT. V-6 eng. $945.00.Email at:
top, decor and more!Contact info..Regina AMANA DISHWASHER white. Very good for parties $10, Exercise Bike $75 OBO, 748-3938. FREE HOME HEATING FUEL OIL REMOVAL [email protected]. or call 262-764-
[email protected] condition. Selling due to upgrade. You pick Women's bike $175, Lawn mower 14 yrs old I will remove your unused home heating fuel 0831 W.R. Buck
Thank you!Sent from my Sprint Samsung up. $175. 262-358-0259 $175 OBO, 2 toaster ovens $10 - 2106 30th PRESSURE WASHING SERVICE gutters, oil for free..clean and safe . Inquire about tank
Galaxy S® 6. Street patios, driveways, and more. Affordable and removal also ... 262 818 1967 ..ask for dave
MEN'S DRESS SHOES Black tuxedo. Like reliable. Call Joe for a free estimate 262-344- TYPING. I am an experienced legal secretary
ESTATE SALE --1806 22nd St. Kenosha, WI new. Size 7M, 7.5M, 8.5M $25 each. 262- WANTED 5926 with excellent typing skills wanting to type for
Sat: Aug 24th 9:30 - 5:00 Sun: Aug 25th 358-0259 you at home. Please contact Alicia at 256-
1:30 - 5:00 Furniture, Glassware, Knick WANTED: OLD BEER advertising-cash paid DRUM LESSONS Private instruction. Band, 658-4484.
Knacks, Misc. Items VINTAGE REDWING SPONGEWARE mixing for signs, clocks, neons, thermometers, tavern orchestra, marching and drum set. Rock and TAX & BOOKKEEPING. 30 Years experience
bowl.Local advertising in bottom:IT PAYS TO and liquor store displays, etc. 847-872-2926 many other musical styles. Learn to read Audits handld enrolled agent appointment
FOR SALE MIX WITH ROOSEVELT ROAD HARDWARE music. Call Tom for details. 262-818-2869. only call 262-595-8242
CO. KENOSHA WIS $125. OBO -Leave VETERAN IN NEED of clerical and or $ales
ORGAN/PIANO - 44" wide lowry roll - top message at 262-658-1740OVER 25 JOHN work for holiday flex hours years of experience RELIABLE DRYER REPAIR Gas/electric all
double keyboard, full octave pedal with bench. WAYNE VHS TAPES FOR $75 139 Geneva real estate insurance for local firms must pay brands. It's far less expensive to repair than
$300 like new 262-886-5858847-740-0496 GT Racine, WI 6-71-41 OR 6-71-4311. bill$ and past debt$ 262-729-7330 or 847- to replace.
340-3446 Ron
DINING ROOM TABLE 34" wide by 33" deep OFFERING SENIOR CARE and childcare
two 10" leaves and one 18" leaf total length WANTED TO BUY Old Postcards~Back & Kenosha area experienced in cpr alzheimers
of 71" with leaves includes four upholstered White Photos Call /Text Stan 262-496-1822 and parkinsons dependable vehicle your home
chairs $125 Please call 262-619-1796 if energetic compassionate 262-748-6171
1963 MOBILE TRAILER Home 55'X10' 2
bedrooms, living room, bath, laundry room.
$2,500.00 as is Handy man special OBO. Call
Barbara at (262) 455-3953
22 SMART READER August 24, 2019 FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800
Family focused choreographed Water Ski Show Team AUGUST 31ST - SEPTEMBER 1ST
calendar performs on Lake Mary in Twin Lakes most Wednesdays HARBORPARK, 400 54TH ST • (262) 564-8800
and Saturdays through September 1st at 6 p.m.. Free
TO PLACE A LISTING: admission and free parking. Visit All things cheese will be celebrated during the two-day
e-mail to: [email protected]; or mail to: Community Calendar c/o Carmichael for additional dates, and Cheese-A-Palooza festival along the Kenosha harbor.
Communications, 1420 63rd Street, Kenosha, WI 53143-4451. Please include all pernient appearances at local festivals. No show on August 10th. Wisconsin is known worldwide for its dairy production,
information including the who, what, where, when, why, and how much. Listings may be Call (262) 877-2348 for details. and Happenings Magazine presents this event celebrating
our great state’s tastiest product - cheese! Featuring
edited for length and are none are guaranteed to be included. FARMERS’ MARKETS multiple stages of live entertainment, food eating
When it comes down to what is on your plate when you contests, food vendors, family friendly activities, and
Ongoing/Various dates sit down to eat a meal, is there anything better than fresh more.
KENOSHA HARBORMARKET food? One of the best aspects of summer is the Farmers’
SATURDAYS, 9 AM - 2 PM, HARBORPARK Markets all over our fine city that offer up fresh produce CAR SHOW TO BENEFIT OUR WOUNDED
Fun for the entire family, visit the bustling European-style every weekday. Bring the kids and teach them lifelong VETERANS
mixed market presenting 150+ vendors each week good eating habits at these festive, family-friendly, open- SEPTEMBER 1ST, 8 A.M. – 4 P.M.
during the outdoor season. Fresh organic vegetables, air marketplaces where local farmers bring their fresh, SIMMONS ISLAND • (262) 620-4301
meats, cheeses, eggs and flowers from local producers, locally-grown produce and farm-processed foods to sell
and a wide variety of delicious prepared foods and directly to the consumer. All markets open based on The show is open to all cars, trucks, motorcycles and
beverages. Find artisan bakery goods and handcrafted produce availability.Tuesdays: Pennoyer Park, 35th St. and military vehicles. $10 show entry. Spectators free. The
soaps, candles and all media of art and craft. Enjoy live 7th Ave., 6 a.m. - noon. Wednesdays and Saturdays: organizers are accepting donations of used unbroken
entertainment in three locations, chef demonstrations Columbus Park, 2003 54th St., 6 a.m. - noon. Thursdays: toys, books, puzzles, and games for children. 100% of all
and educational booths. Lincoln Park, 7001 22nd Ave., 3 p.m. - 7 p.m. Fridays: Baker funds raised go to our wounded warriors. Not affiliated
COMEDY SHOWS AT KENOSHA COMEDY CLUB Park, 835 65th St., 6 a.m. - noon. with the Wounded Warrior Project or any other national
Every Friday and Saturday the Kenosha Comedy Club at or state wounded warrior organization.
Wyndham Garden Hotel, 5125 Sixth Avenue, presents a TUESDAYS AT THE SHELL
hilarious 90-minute show that features two opening TUESDAYS THROUGH AUGUST • 6 P.M. KENOSHA COMIC BOOK AND COLLECTIBLES SHOW
comedians plus a touring headliner. Show stars at 8 p.m. SESQUICENTENNIAL BANDSHELL I SEPTEMBER 1ST, 10 A.M. - 3 P.M.
on Fridays, two shows on Saturdays, 7 p.m. or 9 p.m. N PENNOYER PARK RADISSON HOTEL & CONFERENCE CENTER,
Tickets are $12 and available at or at 3601 SEVENTH AVENUE • (262) 496-9400 11800 108TH ST.
the door.
This is a free outdoor concert series presented by Come out for a great collection of pop culture
SECOND SATURDAY Musicians Assisting Advancing Music, the City of Kenosha, memorabilia.
DOWNTOWN KENOSHA Happenings Magazine, and more sponsors. Each week
On the second Saturday of each month, participating features a talented group from the area performing WALK IN THE WOODS ART FAIR
Downtown Kenosha businesses and art galleries roll out original and cover songs in a variety of genres. August SEPTEMBER 7TH, 10 A.M. - 4 P.M.
the welcome mats with extended hours, special 27th Boys N Toys.. HAWTHORN HOLLOW
promotions and sales, live entertainment, family activities, NATURE SANCTUARY AND ARBORETUM
and much more. Visit for _____________________________________ 880 GREEN BAY RD
details. On Second Saturdays, the Kenosha County FOOD TRUCK TOUR
Historical Society presents this guided walking tour of AUGUST 24TH, 5 P.M. - 10 P.M. The Walk in the Woods Art Fair has grown to be one of
the historic Library Park District. Each tour will last PETRIFYING SPRINGS PARK (5555 7TH ST, the more popular and well respected in southeastern
approximately 90 minutes. Explore the architecture and PAVILION #1 Wisconsin, where over 60 artists display their creations
discover the historical stories associated with the along the wooded trails and gardens of Hawthorn
buildings. Tickets are $10. Contact the Kenosha History The Traveling Food Truck Tour is excited to welcome the Hollow. Fine art ranging from jewelry to acrylic and
Center for tickets: 220 51st Place, 262-654-5770. Petrifying Springs Park in Kenosha as an official host of water color paintings, from photography to wood
ALL-AMERICAN: KENOSHA STYLE the 2019 tour. Join them all summer-long as Milwaukee's sculpting, glass and garden art will all be available for
The Kenosha History Center, 220 51st Place, preserves best food trucks and carts gather at the Petrifying Springs purchase.We also feature live entertainment throughout
and celebrates Kenosha’s automotive and industrial Park for an evening full of family fun. This event is free! the day, face painting, food & beverages for sale, and a
heritage. The common thread among the cars in this Guests can purchase food and beverages from the Silent Auction. A $5 donation per vehicle is requested.
exhibit, open through September, is the paint scheme that vendors of their choice. Discover great new street eats Come and enjoy a beautiful day combining fine art with
AMC made famous: red, white and blue. This is a with food trucks/carts and enjoy a craft beer tent, live music and nature.
collection of cars which represents Kenosha, and music, and fun games, like giant Jenga, giant Connect Four,
America: big, bold, fast, and quirky. bean bags, and kids’ games. SUMMER’S LAST STAND PICNIC
VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK, 625 52ND ST. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28TH, 5:30 P.M. We're running out of summer and we want to squeeze
• (262) 564-8800 LINCOLN PARK FLOWER GARDENS, every drop (of beer) out of it! Summer is powering
This is a free summer concert series, presented by the 7001 22ND AVE. down, but we've still got this last chance for summer fun
City of Kenosha, Happenings Magazine, and other at this "street picnic" loaded with music from Royal Sons
sponsors with a lunch show and an evening show on The Mary Lou and Arthur F. Mahone Fund, a component of a Guns, Earthmother, The Copper Children, Sun Silo,
eight Thursdays this summer. August 15: Since grabbing of the Kenosha Community Foundation, with support of and more. Enjoy great food from Twisted Cuisine and
the world’s attention as a star on season 6 of NBC’s hit Lincoln Neighborhood residents, community Captain Mike’s and the great beer from Public!
show “The Voice”, Twin Lakes native Megan Rüger has organizations and the City of Kenosha, are pleased to
delivered high-octane performances, mixing loud rock announce this free annual concert series ‘Lincoln Park KENOSHA STREETCAR DAY
with pop melodies. August 29th - Epic. Live!’ SEPTEMBER 7TH • 10 A.M. – 4 P.M.
Climb the 72 steps to the top of Kenosha’s historic 1866 OBSERVATORY OPEN HOUSE 724 54TH ST • (262) 653-4287
lighthouse and experience a one-of-a-kind view over AUGUST 31ST, 7:30 P.M. - 11:30 P.M.
Lake Michigan and Kenosha. (On a clear day, you can even HAWTHORN HOLLOW SCHOOLYARD OBSERVATORY Featuring tours of the “streetcar barn,” interactive
see the Chicago skyline!) You’ll ascend the very same 880 GREEN BAY RD. • (262) 552-8196 displays, vendors, and more. Ride all the operating
spiral staircase that devoted lighthouse keepers of streetcars! Presented by Kenosha Streetcar Society,
Kenosha’s past did! Must be 8 years or older to climb. Come enjoy an evening of star gazing and telescope Kenosha Area Transit, and more participants. This is the
SENIOR CENTER NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION viewing. A variety of telescopes will be on hand with seventh annual Kenosha Streetcar Day. Email
Stop in at 9:00 am on the last Wednesday of every month volunteers to guide you seeing the night’s brightest [email protected] with questions.
and learn more about the Kenosha Senior Center, 2717 objects. You are also welcome to bring your own
67th St. Get a tour and get your questions answered. binoculars or telescopes.Admission is free. Held weather BARK FOR LIFE
permitting. Email [email protected] with SEPTEMBER 8TH • 11 A.M. - 3 P.M.
KENOSHA CLASSIC CRUISE-IN CAR SHOW They kindly request your “pawticipation” in the 2019
AUGUST 31ST • 9 A.M. – 4 P.M Bark for Life, a non-competitive walk/vendor/activities
DOWNTOWN KENOSHA event for dogs, their owners, and all others in an effort to
come together to raise funds for the American Cancer
Come show off your car and see what the downtown Society. The event Honors the caregiving qualities of
area has to offer.The 16th annual event is free and open canine companions, Celebrates survivors, and
to all makes and models of vehicles and motorcycles. Remembers our loved ones both human and canine, who
Featuring All The King’s Men and “Elvis”. Gates open at 7 were lost to cancer.Visit
a.m. for show cars. Enter at 56th Street and Seventh for more.
Avenue. Donations will be accepted of non-perishable
food for the Salvation Army. For more information
contact Tony at (262) 818-6410 or Alex at (262) 385-
7707. Rain date September 7, 2019.
FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800 SMART READER August 24, 2019 23
Now OPEN Wed. & Thurs. - 4-9pm, Fri. - 3-11pm,
Sat. - Noon-Midnight, Sun. - Noon-9pm
refreshing drinks, served up with a
beautiful view of the harbor
(Food Coming Soon)
5125 6th Ave. KENOSHA • 262-564-8800 082219 SUNDAY BRUNCH
Every Sunday • 9am - 1pm
Advertise Here Adults $14 • Children 5-12 $8 • Children under 5 $3
For As Little As $25! (Price includes Coffee, Tea, & Milk)
$3 Bloody Mary & Mimosa Special
SR021419 4917 - 7th Ave. Harbor Side Menu
For Reservations Call 654-9922
• Chef Attended Omlete Station • Array of Homemade Salads
• Fresh Fruit
• Broasted Chicken
• American Fries
• Yogurt and Granola Station
• Eggs Benedict
• Biscuit & Gravy
• Cinnamon French Toast and
Pancakes made to order
• And So Much More! DESSERT BAR
Menu Items Subject to Change
Without Notice
5320 Green Bay Rd. Kenosha, WI
24 SMART READER August 24, 2019 FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800