F January 2, 2020
Q&A With Can She Hit The Trifecta?
Ben Trecroci After “Raymond”
Happenings Reader And “The Middle”
Since 1988
Is Back With
“Carol’s Second Act”
Television Finally
Makes Room
For Angry Women
2020 Winter
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Q&A with Ben Trecroci 4 8
“Big Trouble in Little China.”
“Jungle Rot.”
“Harrison Ford - Han Solo, Richard Kimble, Indiana Jones!”
“Walk by the lake.”
“The food - especially the pizza!”
“Pub crawl”
“I really like ‘Snowfall’”
Happenings Magazine is published weekly by Carmichael Communications
Editor & Publisher/Frank J. Carmichael • Assistant to the Publisher/Reanna Stockdale • Feature Writer/Editorial Layout/Jason Hedman
Production Manager/Matthew Gonya • Art Department/Jasmine Hundertmark • Special Project Coordinator/Cassidy Gillespie-Dipinto
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Communications: 1420 63rd Street, Kenosha, WI 53143, (262) 564-8800
January 2, 2020 - Volume 43 Number 1
K www.hap2it.com January 2, 2020 HAPPENINGS Page 3
cover Patricia Heaton already has starred on two shows "Just realistically, to be able
that ran for nine years each, Everybody Loves to get into medical school, I
story Raymond and The Middle. Her new CBS would think they would take
sitcom, Carol's Second Act, airs Thursdays at 8:30 your age into consideration,"
Patricia p.m. on CBS and it could be Heaton's third big act. Heaton said. "So if you start at
Heaton 60, and you don't get into your
The synopsis for her new stage," Heaton said. "That's how internship until you're 65, that
Born show: After Carol (Heaton) I want to go. Full hair and would be a problem, right? I am
Patricia Helen Heaton retires from teaching, she makeup when it happens so that 61, and I don't have a problem
March 4th, 1958 (age 61) decides to become a doctor at the photos are good. As long as with [playing a 50-year-old
age 50. She's doing her I'm No. 1 on the call sheet when woman]."
Bay Village, Ohio internship at a hospital with all it happens, so I get top billing in
the recent medical school the news article." Heaton even suggested to
Family graduates who are in their 20s. executive producers Emily
Heaton has been married to English Even if it weren't acting, Halpern and Sarah Haskins that
actor and director David Hunt since "There are people that have Heaton would want to work. they needed to age her to look
1990. They have four sons and as done that, that have gone late in more convincingly 50.
life to do a completely different
of 2002, they divide their time career," Heaton told reporters of
between Los Angeles and the Television Critics
Cambridge, England. Association prior to the series’
debut. "It's unusual but it's a
Getting Started very cool thing to sort of
Heaton got her acting break on the encourage and inspire people
ABC drama Thirtysomethibng. She who feel like they need a change
was cast as an oncologist, leading in their life, to tell them it's not
too late."
to six appearances on the show
from 1989-1991. Carol's Second Act came to Left to right, Sabrina Jalees, Jean-Luc Bilodeau, Patricia Heaton and
Heaton when she had wrapped Lucas Neff star in "Carol's Second Act."
She had her misses... The Middle and found her
Although she is known for her TV personal life in a state of flux. That she's still able to headline "In fact, I kept saying, 'I don't
hits “Everybody Loves Raymond” TV shows only gives her more think people will really believe
"My kids are pretty much out opportunities. I'm in my 50s, right? Do I need
(1996-2005) and “The Middle” of the house, and my second to do gray in my hair?'" Heaton
(2009-2018), it wasn’t all hits for long-running show was done, "I've been working since I asked rhetorically. "I have sort
Heaton. She starred in three short- and I was feeling a bit at sea not was about 16," Heaton said. "I of a dysmorphia about how I
lived sitcoms before she became a knowing what I was doing," started at a department store in look. I've always thought I
star: “Room for Two” (1992-93) Heaton said. "I'm no longer a high school because I never looked like Angelina Jolie until I
“Someone Like Me” (1994), and full-time mom and I don't have a wanted to have to ask anybody looked in the mirror, and then I
“Women of the House” (1995). job as an actress. I very much for money. I wanted to be able to realized I don't."
felt the things that a person like make my own decisions about
Giving back Carol would feel of 'who am I what I want. I value that The producers decided not to
It's not only at work that Heaton without these things?'" independence. So, I've been gray Heaton's hair. It's clear
used to working for a really long enough how out of place Carol
gives back. She also uses her Having launched many TV time." might feel in a class of medical
platform to support humanitarian shows, Heaton was familiar interns.
causes, as an ambassador for the with the sort of anxieties that Heaton doesn't know what to
NGO World Vision. "I was just come with premieres. She do with too much time off. On the set, however, Heaton
recently in Rwanda to talk about a shared some of her "actor's could mentor a cast of
water project and reconciliation nightmares." "I was in Montana for three newcomers. She takes this role
weeks," Heaton said. "I can only seriously and remembers when
programs since it's the 25th "I'm driving on Vine, and I take so much leisure before I she was in their shoes, playing
anniversary of the genocide," stop my car in the intersection, start getting really antsy and I Linda Lavin's daughter on
Heaton said. "I'm very psyched to and I can't get my hands out of have to get back to work. I think 1992's Room for Two.
be a part of bringing clean water to my pocket," the 61-year-old it's an internal thing that you're
said. "I have to abandon the car born with. You want to go out "She was so kind to me, and
about 100 countries." because I'm supposed to be at a and challenge yourself and put she was such a mentor on not
table read that I actually miss. yourself in scary positions to see just about working, but life in
She’s a fan of the party, That was last night. So I think if you can do it. I just think it's L.A. and how you can do life in
but not the POTUS it's a good sign that I'm excited my nature." L.A. and make it great," Heaton
about this." said. "I try to be that for all the
Heaton is honorary chair Carol is still 11 years younger kids on The Middle and try to
of Feminists for Life, an While Heaton has no plans to than Heaton in real life. Heaton make myself available for
organization which opposes change careers, she also has no felt the demands of medicine anything and give advice. It's so
abortion and embryonic stem cell plans to retire. She hopes probably made age 50 the important to have a mentor."
research and supports other pro-life Carol's Second Act takes her absolute latest a person could
causes on the basis of feminism. another nine years. If it lasts embark on for such a career. By Fred Topel
Although a Republican, Heaton longer, or she outlasts the show,
voiced her disapproval of then- she says she still won't stop.
presidential nominee Donald
Trump in 2016: "If he’s the "I think my perfect scenario is
nominee then it won’t be my that I would die on a sound
party." She later stated that she had
"given up politics" following the www.hap2it.com K
Page 4 HAPPENINGS January 2, 2020
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K www.hap2it.com January 2, 2020 HAPPENINGS Page 5
Feature story real estate clients, and even in moments of says. "It feels different to me than even two or
mistreatment of her new friend Judy (Linda three years ago when you go out into the world
Cardellini). to pitch stories, the kinds of stories people will
From 'Dead To Me' to 'Why From a storytelling perspective, Feldman accept."
Women Kill,' Angry Women acknowledges that there has been "a lot of fear
are Getting Their Due on TV around an angry female character" for a long Streaming shows such as Amazon Prime
time. "Women of my generation, we've been Video's "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel" and
taught that you don't show anger -- that you "Fleabag" center on women who often exhibit
irritation, if not quite outright anger with more
Angry women, this is your time. At least on make nice. I think there's a reason why you've, general situations in life, from the respective
TV. From such classic sitcoms as "The up until really recently, seen very two- titular characters Midge Maisel (Rachel
Honeymooners" to more modern
multicams, including "Everybody Loves Brosnahan) upset over how her ex-
Raymond," lead female characters were husband and the comedy club audiences
more often than not portrayed as foils or underestimate her to Fleabag (Phoebe
just general counterpoints to their Waller-Bridge) having a row with her
husbands. Sometimes this was portrayed sister, her sister's husband or her
through hysterical antics; more godmother. Apple TV Plus' "Dickinson"
commonly it was through a straight- follows the titular author (played by
woman role -- one tinged with Hailee Steinfeld) as she, too, grows
disapproval. Television comedies frustrated with the way the men of the
time treat her.
centered on romance or female Oliver admits she was less concerned
friendships have tended to offer a with where her show told its story than
reprieve from such small boxes, but with how. Although the 1996 film of the same
the concern of likeability still at the name was a source of inspiration for
forefront of traditional studios' and "First Wives Club," writing her trio as
networks' minds, there were still limits The Emmy-winning Amazon Prime series “The Marvelous Mrs. black women added another layer to the
on what a female character in a comedy Maisel,” starring Rachel Brosnahan, recently released its third discussion of how angry the characters
season on the streaming service.
was allowed to say, do or simply be. should be.
But times are finally changing. With dimensional, 'nice-washed' characters," she "The angry black woman is a
so many new platforms on which to tell says. So, there is a sense of freedom that comes stereotype and is something you see
stories -- and so many women telling with being able to more fully express emotions depicted too much," she says. "Anger, in
their own stories on these platforms -- comes now. "Jen being as angry as she is definitely particular, is the trickiest emotion when you're
the ability to dive deeper into more nuanced opened up the palate of emotions that all of the writing for women of color because in the back
and specific characters, allowing female other characters could feel." of your mind you're wondering if you're
characters to let go of likeability constraints perpetuating something or hurting the global
and embrace their anger. In Showtime's "On Becoming a God in cause of what black womanhood is. But at the
Central Florida," which was originally same time, I didn't want to shy away from that
"If you go to streaming services and you developed and produced for YouTube before because we do have all kinds of emotions, just
pitch an idea that sounds like it could be on landing at the premium cabler, actress and like everybody else. I try to lead with no fear
network TV, they don't want it," says veteran producer Kirsten Dunst's character Krystal because I think when we get to a place where
showrunner Marc Cherry. "The streaming Stubbs is also a recent widow -- one who gets we're all second-guessing how it's going to be
services say, 'Bring me something that is new involved in a pyramid scheme to push past the perceived, we're limiting the possibilities of
and exciting and something we haven't seen poverty line. what we're writing and creating."
before -- bring me characters we haven't seen
before. And I think this speaks to, in the 500 "Krystal's rage was something she had come Oliver adds that she was not interested in
television series universe we live in, how you've by honestly: She grew up in this system that telling a story of revenge without some heart
got to go to new, exciting, scary places if you're was rigged against the poor and against women, and humor along the way. But it can still be a
going to get any kind of attention whatsoever." so it is class rage; it is gender rage; it is all of tricky tonal balancing act.
that," says showrunner Esta Spalding.
Cherry's "Why Women Kill" for CBS All "More attention is being paid to the way we
Access and Tracy Oliver's "First Wives Club" But while such an emotion can be a portray women," Cherry adds. "The big thing is
for BET Plus both explore women who are character's strength, there is also a cautionary to make sure you can justify what you've done
downright vengeful, with the former exploring tale aspect. "It's her absolute rage that has because when the eyeballs get on it, if you're in
a racially diverse group of women across three allowed her to survive and power through and dangerous waters, you just have to own your
distinct decades (the 1960s, 1980s and present think she deserves better, but also undoes her in point of view. And I think the success to owning
day) whose unhappiness over their partners' some ways," Spalding says. The character may your point of view is to have picked it up and
infidelity lead them to take violent action. The find a way to make use of a gator she kills in a looked at it from all angles."
latter follows three African-American friends moment of extreme emotion after hearing her
on a mission to get back at one's no-good ex. husband was killed by one, but it still gets her And it is in hearing from the audience that
in trouble with the law for poaching, for they do, in fact, relate to such characters that
Netflix's "Dead to Me" also draws a line of example. But it is just this duality that makes proves television is moving in the right
causality between an event and a woman's such storytelling richer, and more real. direction.
response of anger: The show centers on a recent
widow named Jen (Christina Applegate) whose "It's tapping into something that people feel "It was honestly more than I ever could have
intense grief and really unfortunate right now, which is class helplessness and the imagined, and it is honestly what makes doing
circumstances fuel her justifiable anger, notes feeling that they are trapped and can't move up a show like this worth it -- because beyond
creator and showrunner Liz Feldman. in any way in that American dream," Spalding being entertaining, it did actually help people
feel seen in a way they hadn't before," "Dead to
This emotion comes out as everything from Me's" Feldman says.
scream-crying to telling off her neighbor and
By Danielle Turchiano
Page 6 HAPPENINGS January 2, 2020 www.hap2it.com K
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K www.hap2it.com January 2, 2020 HAPPENINGS Page 7
coast to Ed Sheeran 'to take Actor Brian once encountered a man who won a
a breather' in 2020 Tarantina Died of $10 million jackpot from a scratch-
coast Accidental Overdose off ticket and the winner advised
Singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran him to always buy two tickets at a
"The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel" time. Dane said he used that
Jennifer Lopez has announced he is taking a break star Brian Tarantina's cause of method when he visited the On The
likens Super Bowl from recording and touring. "The death was revealed as an accidental Run gas station in Arnold and used
Divide era and tour changed my life drug overdose. Tarantina died Nov. $30 in winnings from a previous
in so many ways, but now it's all 3 at the age of 60 from the ticket to purchase two $300 Million
combined effects of fentanyl, Cash Explosion tickets. "The first
halftime show to over it's time to go out and see heroin, diazepam and cocaine. ticket wasn't a winner," he said. "So
some more of the world," the artist Tarantina was a character actor I started scratching the second one.
known for his roles on "Maisel" I got the 'dollar sign,' which usually
winning Oscar wrote on Instagram. "I've been a bit and "Gilmore Girls." The native means it's like a $30 winner. I
non stop since 2017 so I'm just New Yorker also appeared in guest always scratch off the last number
roles on a number of shows of the prize, and usually it's a small
Jennifer Lopez says landing the gonna take a breather to travel, including "Law & Order," "NYPD zero. This time, it was a big zero, so
Blue," "Miami Vice," "Homicide: I thought it was a $1,000 winner."
Super Bowl halftime show feels write and read." Sheeran said he Life on the Street," "Oz" and "ER." Dane said he cautiously continued
His most recent part was as a scratching. "I kept scratching and
like winning an Oscar. The 50- will stay off of social media until he nightclub emcee on "The zeros kept showing up," he said. "I
Marvelous Mrs. Maisel." scratched it all off and it said
year-old singer and actress said is ready to return to the spotlight. "I Tarantina's "Mrs. Maisel" co-star 'million.'"
Alex Borstein, who portrays Susie
that it's a dream come true to be promise to be back with some new Myerson on Amazon's acclaimed Camila Cabello
comedy, offered her condolences. apologizes for past
headlining the Super Bowl LIV "For my character, Susie has two 'hurtful' language
people in her life that she somewhat
halftime show with Shakira. trusts, Midge and Jackie, and that's Camila Cabello is "deeply sorry"
a huge hole. That's a huge loss," for using "horrible and hurtful"
"It's like winning the Oscar," Ed Sheeran Borstein told Variety on the red language in the past. The 22-year-
Lopez said. "It's the biggest show carpet at the show's Season 3 old singer apologized on Twitter
that there is. It has the biggest music when the time is right and after racist Tumblr posts she
audience. You get to have like this I've lived a little more to actually Brian Tarantina reportedly shared as a teenager
big production. You don't get to have something to write about." resurfaced online. Cabello said
do that on tour. Everything's like, Sheeran, 28, is a Grammy winner premiere. "For me personally as an she's "deeply ashamed" of the
budget-conscious and 'You can do who has released four studio actress, Brian and I were both language she used and pledged to
this and you can do that.' It's a albums and sold more than 150 super, super crabby, we would keep doing "better." "When I was
different experience and I think million records. complain, and I'm going to miss younger, I used language that I'm
it's just like a fantasy for all that." Bornstein said she doesn't deeply ashamed of and will regret
musical artists to be able to play Vet removes stick know if the show will address his forever. I was uneducated and
the Super Bowl and have like that lodged in dog's death. "He passed after we ignorant and once I became aware
12 minutes of an amazing show. I mouth for years completed this season, so what will of the history and the weight and
don't know. There's just they do for the future? I don't know, the true meaning behind this
something exhilarating about it." A veterinarian doing a teeth but this is a terrible loss for us," horrible and hurtful language, I was
Lopez said she and Shakira will cleaning on a rescue dog in Florida Borstein said. deeply embarrassed i ever used it,"
perform their own sets but team removed a stick that was lodged in Cabello wrote. "I would never
up at some point during the show. the canine's mouth for an estimated Advice from winner intentionally hurt anyone and I
The pair have been rehearsing three or four years. The Friends of leads man to jackpot regret it from the bottom of my
their individual songs for now. Strays shelter in St. Petersburg said heart... I use my platform to speak
"We're gonna do something Buddy, an 8-year-old dog rescued A Missouri man said some sage out about injustice and inequality
together, for sure," Lopez said. from a county shelter in November, advice from a $10 million lottery and I'll continue doing that," she
"We haven't gotten there yet. We was receiving a teeth cleaning winner led him to winning his own added. "I can't say enough how
both just started kind of when the veterinarian discovered a $1 million jackpot from a scratch- deeply sorry and ashamed I feel,
rehearsing our own songs for stick lodged horizontally across the off ticket. James Dane of Imperial and I apologize again from the
right now." dog's mouth, wedged between two told Missouri Lottery officials he bottom of my heart."
molars. "It completely sort of
Super Bowl LIV will take place embedded its way into the roof of Camilla Cabello
Feb. 2 at Hard Rock Stadium in his mouth, sort of creating a bridge.
Miami Gardens, Fla. Lopez and It caused both of his teeth to rot on
Shakira were announced as the either side so our vet team had to
halftime show performers in extract both of them." The stick
September. "It doesn't get any appeared to have been lodged in
bigger than this! So excited about place for three or four years.
getting on that #SuperBowlLIV "Thankfully he is going to feel so
#PepsiHalftime stage! @JLo," much better moving forward," the
Shakira tweeted at the time. shelter said in a Facebook post.
Jennifer Lopez
Page 8 HAPPENINGS January 2, 2020 www.hap2it.com K
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January 2, 2020 HAPPENINGS Page 9
on 10
1. Old Town Road (Remix)/Lil Nas X feat. Billy Ray Cyrus WORLD
2. Thunder/Imagine Dragons
3. Bad Guy/Billie Eilish 1. China 1,394M
4. Circles/Post Malone 2. India 1,343M
5. Memories/Maroon 5 3. United States 328M
6. All I Want for Christmas Is You/Mariah Carey 4. Indonesia 268M
7. High Hopes/Panic! At The Disco 5. Brazil 210M
8. Into the Unknown/Idina Menzel & Aurora 6. Pakistan 203M
9. Dance Monkey/Tones and I 7. Nigeria 193M
10. Believer/Imagine Dragons 8. Bangladesh 166M
9. Russia 146M
1. Frozen 2 (Soundtrack)/various artists 10 LEAST
2. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (Soundtrack)/John Williams POPULATED
3. Kidz Bop 40/various artists COUNTRIES OF THE
4. When We All Fall Asleep.../Billie Eilish
5. Fear Inoculum/Tool WORLD
6. The Greatest Showman (soundtrack)/various artists
7. Memories/Maroon 5 Japan's population career opportunities or 1. Vatican City 800
8. Purple Haze 2/Cam’Ron declined by 500,000 fear they may not be 2. Tuvalu 10,200
9. Strictly Only Brothers/SOB X RBE people in 2019 as births able to afford marriage 3. Nauru 11,000
10. It Comes in Waves/The Acacia Strain have fallen to historic and a child. 4. Palau 17,900
lows and deaths have Additionally, only 2.3 5. San Marino 33,420
TOP SELLING OVERALL - CD & VINYL increased. The numbers percent of children were 6. Monaco 38,380
released by the Japanese born outside of marriage 7. Liechtenstein 38,380
1. Frozen 2 (Soundtrack)/various artists Ministry of Health, in Japan compared with 8. Marshall Islands 55,500
2. Fine Line/Harry Styles Labor and Welfare about 40 percent in the 9. St. Kitts/Nevis 56,345
3. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (Soundtrack)/John Williams highlight the aging United States. Japan's 10. Dominica 76,419
4. The Best Of Pentatonix Christmas/Pentatonix nature of the country's population has declined
5. Rumours/Fleetwood Mac population and how its every year since 2007 10 MOST
6. Fully Loaded:God’s Country/Blake Shelton labor system has and the country has been POPULATED US
7. 21/Adele resulted in fewer births. making efforts to
8. Ultimate Sinatra/Frank Sinatra Births fell by 5.9 percent increase the birthrate by CITIES
9. Frozen/Disney Karaoke Series this year to 864,000, offering incentives for
10. Don’t Smile at Me/Billie Eilish dropping below 900,000 parents to have multiple 1. New York, NY 8.4M
for the first time since children and attempting 2. Los Angeles, CA 3.9M
TOP SELLING ROCK - CD/VINYL 1899. Marriage has also to resolve its labor force 3. Chicago, IL 2.7M
declined by 3,000 year- shortage by allowing 4. Houston, TX 2.2M
1. Rumours/Fleetwood Mac to-year to 583,000 as foreigners to work in the 5. Philadelphia, PA 1.5M
2. 21/Adele many people in Japan country. 6. Phoenix, AZ 1.5M
3. Don’t Smile at Me/Billie Eilish put off marriage for 7. San Antonio, TX 1.4M
4. Fear Inoculum/Tool 8. San Diego, CA 1.3M
5. Greatest Hits I/Queen 9. Dallas, TX 1.2M
6. Currents/Tame Impala 10. San Jose, CA 1.0M
7. Back to Black/Amy Winehouse
8. Born to Die/Lana Del Rey as of Tuesday, NNove.mbYer 2.7th TIMES BESTSELLERS
9. The Dark Side of the Moon/Pink Floyd
TOP SELLING COUNTRY - CD/VINYL Weeks This Book Title (Author) Weeks This Book Title (Author)
Listed Week Listed Week
1. What You See Is What You Get/Luke Combs
2. Precious Memories Collection/Alan Jackson 68 1 Where the Crawdads Sing (Owens) 54 1 Becoming (Obama)
3. The Ultimate Hits/Garth Brooks 10 2 The Guardians (Grisham)
4. Golden Hour/Kacey Musgraves 15 3 The Institute (King) 96 2 Educated (Westover)
5. Traveller/Chris Stapleton 4 4 Criss Cross (Patterson)
6. The Essential Johnny Cash/Johnny Cash 8 5 Blue Moon (Child) 10 3 Me (John)
7. Chronicle:The 20 Greatest Hits/Creedence Clearwater Revival 5 6 A Minute to Midnight (Baldacci) 15 4 Talking to Strangers (Gladwell)
8. Travelin’ Thru, 1967-69/Bob Dylan 13 7 The Dutch House (Patchett) 7 5 Sam Houston & the Alamo Avengers (Kilmeade)
9. This One’s For You/Luke Combs 6 8 Twisted Twenty-Six (Evanovich) 10 6 The Body (Bryson)
10. Wildcard/Miranda Lambert 29 9 The Silent Patient (Michaelides) 5 7 A Warning (anonymous)
14 10 The Testaments (Atwood) 2 8 Mobituaries (Rocca/Greenberg)
SOURCE: AMAZON.COM 7 9 Triggered (Trump Jr)
7 10 Finding Chika (Alborn)
Page 10 HAPPENINGS January 2, 2020
www.hap2it.com K
my turn w/Greg Schwem from my house announced that Bruce
Springsteen would be dropping by. I listened to
Billie Eilish, I never knew Saddles. Page and Laine cover “classics” from the post-
my dad’s musical idols World War II era and remember being
either Laine was also my dad’s musical idol. And mesmerized by the amount of sweat on Laine’s
each time he mentioned Laine’s name in the face.
Billie Eilish, I can totally relate. And that’s house where I grew up, I responded in true
saying quite a lot after watching your music Eilish fashion: “Who?” “The man is still working hard,” I thought.
video, When the Party’s Over, in which you
appear to drink your own mascara. It drove Dad crazy. Afterward Laine went table to table, thanking
customers for coming to this sterile lounge atop
However, speaking as a dad, I have a little “How can you not have heard of ‘Mule a hotel lobby. My starstruck dad could only
advice for you since you still live with your Train?’ or ‘Lucky Old Sun,’” my dad asked muster a few words when Laine got to our table.
parents. Read on, please. incredulously, citing two of Laine’s biggest hits.
“You play the guitar, you’re in your room “You’re my all-time hero,” he said.
Eilish, the 17-year-old musical phenom, listening to music all day. Certainly, you should
recently blew up social media when she be familiar with Frankie.” “Why thank you,” Laine replied.
revealed, while being quizzed by Jimmy
Kimmel about the most popular musicians and I calmly tried to explain that, were I alive in After that encounter, Frankie Laine never
bands of 1984, that she had never heard of Van 1948, I probably would have known who Laine made an appearance on my turntable, my
Halen. Ditto for Huey Lewis and Run DMC. was. Furthermore, I didn’t know Dad and Laine Walkman or my iPod. I still snickered when
Twitter users, apparently in sore need of a fight were on a first name basis. Dad sang Laine songs around the house or
following the slow Thanksgiving holiday, piled brought up his name in casual conversation. But
on, with many baby boomers expressing Finally, there came a day when Dad got to at least I knew he was, and Dad was proud that
outrage over the supposed naivete of one of meet his idol and saw to it that I accompanied he initiated that knowledge.
today’s superstars regarding musical legends him. Laine was performing at a suburban
who preceded her. Others fiercely defended Chicago hotel alongside Patti Page, another Billie, you mentioned in the Kimmel
Eilish, saying her musical influences and idols successful singer of the 1940s and ’50s who interview that you still live with your parents. If
need not be from bygone eras. And yes, I just elicited a response of “who?” when Dad told you want to score a few points with them, spend
referred to 1984, when I was 22, as a “bygone me I would be seeing her as well. an afternoon listening to Van Halen. Or The
era.” Police. Or even George Michael or Duran
Playing a Hilton lounge was a far comedown Duran. Then discuss them with your own dad.
The more tweets and opinions I read about for a man with two stars on the Hollywood My guess is you will remember that
this manufactured brouhaha, the more two Walk of Fame. But my dad was as excited as I conversation long after your dad is gone.
words kept popping into my head: Frankie would be had the sports bar around the corner
Laine. Now go reapply your mascara.
In the late 1940s and early ’50s, you would Dear Happenings readers,
have been hard pressed to discuss music
without mentioning Laine’s name. A crooner in Just a note that, beginning in January, I will
the guise of Sinatra, Laine sold over 100 million only be submitting two columns per month to
records and charted three Billboard number one Tribune Content Agency, as opposed to four. So,
hits. Legends such as Ray Charles and Elvis instead of being featured in every issue of
Presley remade songs AFTER Laine first sang Happenings Magazine, I will be cut back to
them. He appeared in seven movies and every other week. Thank you for all your
recorded the theme song to numerous western support this year. I’m looking forward to
pictures, most notably Mel Brooks’ Blazing returning to Kenosha.
By Greg Schwem
As well as being a popular syndicated
columnist, Greg Schwem is also an
occasional headliner at the
Kenosha Comedy Club and has
been a frequent guest on
Happenings Q&A
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on the go travel
Transcending travel
troubles: Defend yourself
against 21st-century
travel scams
Europe is a surprisingly creative place when
it comes to travel scams. Many of the most ATMs are a frequent target for travel scams in Europe - if anyone's around, cover the
successful gambits require a naively trusting keypad when entering your PIN.
tourist, but seasoned travelers can be taken in,
too. We should all be wary of the numerous already withdrawn hundreds of euros from a statements, you see a "fee" for converting
subtle scams - a cabbie pads your fare, a hotel different ATM. It turns out the "tourist" with the transactions to dollars and a poor exchange rate.
business center computer records your selfie stick was actually taking a video as you You've been a victim of what banks call
password, or a waiter offers a special with a entered your PIN on the ATM keypad. His "dynamic currency conversion," which may be
"special" increased price. But if you're cautious accomplice then targeted you in the subway. legal, but is a rip-off.
and not overly trusting, you should have no
problem. Here are some of the latest travel DEFENSE: Check your surroundings before DEFENSE: When a merchant or a bank asks
scams I've discovered on my travels, and how to withdrawing cash from an ATM. If there is if you want to be charged in dollars, always
skirt them. someone suspicious nearby, find a different choose the local currency. Cancel the
ATM. And always cover the keypad when you transaction if they say you must pay in dollars.
You're searching the web for a short-term enter your PIN.
rental in Paris and contact the owner Pierre In Prague two uniformed men stop you on
through Airbnb. Suddenly you get a private Fresh off a long flight into Schiphol Airport the street, flash "Tourist Police" badges, and ask
email from Pierre saying he can give you a and eager to get to your hotel in central to check your wallet for counterfeit bills. After
better deal on the side - avoiding the website Amsterdam, you approach the train-ticket looking through your wallet, they say
commission. The price is right, and the location machine with your credit card in hand. But a everything is fine and leave. You don't even
is fantastic, but Pierre wants you to wire the friendly-looking passerby offers to sell you at a notice some bills are missing until later.
money directly to his bank account. "I've got discount a legit-looking ticket, saying he
others interested too, so you'd better do it accidentally purchased two. Later when you DEFENSE: Never hand over your wallet to
quick," he writes. But once you wire the money, feed the ticket into a turnstile, it doesn't work - anyone. If the "police" insist, tell them you'll do
Pierre disappears along with the listing, and the ticket was either a fake, or already had its it at a police station, not on the street.
there's no way to get your money back. bar code scanned.
There probably aren't more thieves in Europe
DEFENSE: When booking DEFENSE: Never hand over cash (or a card) than in the USA. We travelers just notice them
to someone who's not behind a counter. more because they target us. But remember,
accommodations, never wire money directly to nearly all crimes suffered by tourists are
On your last day in London you find a Union nonviolent and avoidable. If you exercise
a foreign bank account. Stick with a reputable, Jack coaster set you know your sister will love. adequate discretion, stay aware of your
You push your credit card into the reader, and it belongings, and avoid putting yourself into
secure reservation website and use a credit card defaults to running the transaction in "USD" risky situations, your travels should be about as
unless you select "GBP." The shopkeeper dangerous as hometown grocery shopping.
so you can dispute any fraudulent transactions. explains that the U.S. dollar option is a service Don't travel fearfully - travel smartly.
that lets you "lock in" your conversion rate.
In the heart of Barcelona you are about to use Later when you're in Edinburgh, an ATM offers Rick Steves
an ATM when another tourist stands on the two options, "You can be charged in dollars:
sidewalk with a selfie stick and starts taking Press YES for dollars, NO for British pounds." (www.ricksteves.com) writes
pictures. You don't think much about it as you You think "dollars" is the logical choice and
withdraw your money and head into the Metro. press YES. But when you check your bank European travel guidebooks
Five minutes later, after being jostled in a
crowded subway car, you find that your wallet and hosts travel shows on
is missing. When you frantically call your bank,
you find out that someone with your PIN has public television and public
St. Louis opens aquarium in old Union Station building
The St. Louis Aquarium, fish displays, the St. Louis largest city in the United
built as part of a $187 Aquarium includes exhibits States without one.
million redevelopment of the on aquatic life in the nearby
city's Union Station, opened Mississippi and Missouri "I can't tell you how many
on Christmas Day to rivers. In all, there are 44 people come to us and tell us
hundreds of visitors. exhibits, a 250,000-gallon how thrilled they are an
shark tank and 13,000 aquarium's coming to Union
The 120,000-square-foot animals from more than 250 Station," he said in press
facility opened on the 125th species. materials released before its
anniversary of Union opening.
Station, which, long after the Robert O'Loughlin,
last train stopped there, The newly redeveloped
served as a mall. The new chairman and CEO of Union Station began opening
owners of the building broke some attractions in the fall,
ground on the aquarium in Lodging Hospitality including a 200-foot ferris
late 2017. wheel, a carousel, miniature
Management, which owns golf course, restaurants and
In addition to saltwater event space.
the facility, said the company
decided to build an aquarium
because St. Louis was the
Page 14 HAPPENINGS January 2, 2020 www.hap2it.com K
Well News Self-Exam Observations
True or false: There are "true" ribs and
with Scott LaFee "false" ribs. "I know a man who gave up smoking,
A: True. The human body contains 12 pairs drinking, sex and rich food. He was healthy
Body of Knowledge of ribs. The first seven sets of ribs are right up to the day he killed himself." --
considered "true" ribs because they directly Comedian Johnny Carson (1925-2005)
The average human head has roughly attach at the front of the body to the sternum or
100,000 hair follicles, each capable of breastbone. The next three sets of ribs are "Attention to health is the greatest hindrance
producing 20 individual hairs over a lifetime considered "false" because they are not directly to life." --Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher
(though some, alas, quit early). Blondes attached to the sternum but rather connected by who, nonetheless, lived into his late 70s
typically have more follicles, about 146,000, costal cartilage. The 11th and 12th ribs are
while people with black hair have about considered "floating"; they don't attach to the "If a doctor treats your cold, it will go away
110,000, those with brown hair sternum at all. in 14 days. If you leave it alone, it will go away
about 100,000. Redheads have in two weeks." -- Gloria Silverstein
the least-dense hair, at 86,000 To Err Is Bovine
follicles on average. The Food and Drug Administration wants to Best Medicine
re-examine the definition of "milk." Once upon
Best Medicine a time, milk just referred to stuff from cows. Good advice: Condoms should be used on
These days, almond, soy, oat and rice products every conceivable occasion.
The patient sat in the exam are sometimes called milk, though there's
room, waiting and miserable. A nothing particularly dairy about them. The Curtain Calls
doctor walked into the room and agency wants to determine whether parents
looked intently at the patient. think these milk alternatives are nutritious in • In 2009, Vincent Smith II, an employee at
the same way that cow's milk is for kids. the Cocoa Services Inc. chocolate factory in
"Flu?" asked the patient. Camden, New Jersey, was loading chunks of
raw chocolate into a large melting tank when
"No, drove to work today," he was struck and rendered unconscious by
replied the doctor. one of the rotating mixing paddles. Smith was
trapped in the tank, which was filled with
Doc Talk liquid chocolate at 120 degrees Fahrenheit, for
10 minutes before rescuers were able to extract
A "Hasselhoff" is an him. He died shortly thereafter.
emergency room patient whose
injuries are the result of bizarre • In 1982, a 30-year-old golfer named
circumstances. The name refers to George M. Prior died in Arlington, Va. from a
former "Baywatch" actor David severe allergic reaction to Daconil, a fungicide
Hasselhoff, who suffered a freak used on the course he frequented. Prior
injury in 2006 when he hit his unwittingly ingested a toxic amount of the
head on a chandelier while substance through his habit of carrying his ball
shaving. The broken glass severed four tendons tee in his mouth when playing.
as well as an artery in his right arm, which
required immediate surgery. Last Words
Medical Myths "Tell my family and friends I love them. Tell
the governor he just lost my vote. Y'all hurry
Imbibing alcohol on a cold day does not this along, I'm dying to get out of here." --
actually warm the body. Alcohol causes blood Convicted killer Christopher Scott Emmett
vessels to dilate or open, moving warm blood (1972-2008), just before his execution in
closer to the skin and making one "feel" warm. Virginia by lethal injection (He had
In fact, the result is that the imbiber is likely challenged the legality of lethal
losing body heat faster. injections as cruel and unusual
punishment. He lost.)
By Scott Lafee, creators.com
Editor’s Note: The information on this page is intended to provide you with helpful health information and is not a substitute for the judgement and expertise of
healthcare professionals. Please be advised that you should always consult with your health care provider regarding any health care issues that you might have.
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K www.hap2it.com January 2, 2020 HAPPENINGS Page 15
community This tour involves significant stair artist collectives. Email
climbing. Everyone welcome! This is [email protected] with
bulletin board a free event on Saturday, January 11th. questions. Where the big dogs eat!
For questions, call 262-564-6130.
The History of Winter Free Fishing Hop aboard for classic
Mystery Exhibit YouTube basics Weekend all-American food and a
closing soon! YouTube is the most popular online unique dining experience.
video streaming service in the world, Free Fishing Weekend events
From super-sleuths to superheoes, and this class will help teach you the provide great opportunities for people Located in the historic
original art, comics, and books basics. Learn about channels, of all ages to give fishing a try. Fish Kenosha Metra Station
uncover the greatest creators and subscriptions, playlists, and how to anywhere in Wisconsin without a
characters of the genre. Collector and upload your won videos on Tuesday, license or trout stamp on Free Fishing 5414-13th Ave.
writer George Hagenauer shows how January 7th, 4 p.m., at the Southwest Weekend - January 18th and 19th.
the mystery genre grew in America to Library, 7979 38th Ave. Please bring This includes all inland waters and FREE parking in the north lot
become one of the largest influences your own Wi-Fi enabled device or Wisconsin's side of the Great Lakes
in popular culture, from detective check out a library laptop. and Mississippi River. Other fishing 262-220-3634
stores to gangsters and G-men, noir rules apply, such as limits on the www.eatatchucks.com
and pulp fiction, gothic mysteries, Lemon Street Gallery number and size of fish you can keep
masked heroes and caped crusaders, Warehouse Sale and any seasons when you must Featuring national touring acts and
kid detectives, international spies, and release certain fish species. So, pack opening comedians delivering a
much more. General admission is free. This is a great time to take up the family or call your friends and hilarious 90 minute show every
This free exhibit at the Kenosha Public advantage of artists clearing out their head to the water for fishing fun!
Museum closes on Sunday, January studios for the new year at the Lemon Friday and Saturday night
12th. Get out to see it before its gone. Street Gallery and Artspace, 4601 UW-Parkside Art at the
Call 262-653-4140. Sheridan Road! Opening Reception Exhibit
will be held on Saturday, January Wynham Garden Hotel
Behind the Scenes 11th, 6 – 9 p.m. Meet the makers and These exhibits are located in the 5125 Sixth Avenue
Tour of the Simmons enjoy refreshments at the opening Fine Arts Gallery of “The Rita” (Rita
Library reception. The Warehouse Sale will Tallent Picken Regional Center for For tickets:
continue through January 26th (open Arts & Humanities) on UW-Parkside
Enjoy a peek behind the scenes of Wednesdays - Sundays). Lemon Street campus, 900 Wood Road, feature 800-838-3006
our local historic treasure: the Gallery is a creatively driven non- Esther Pearl Watson: Dream Believer, www.hap2it.com
Simmons Library, 711 59th Place! profit visual art organization with a in the Fine Arts Gallery, upper level;
Learn about Zalmon Simmons, Daniel mission to provide quality visual arts and Kevin Miyazaki: Kuroshio, in the or stop in the Happenings
H. Burnham, and the history of this education, sponsor and support FIne Arts Fallery, lower level. This office, M-F, 9am - 5 pm
beautiful building on the Second cultural events, and offer a juried exhibit is open Tuesdays - Thursdays,
Saturday of every month at 2:30 p.m.. forum for artists to exhibit and sell 9 am - 3pm through January 24th. 1420 63rd St.
their work. It is home to nearly 85 Email [email protected] with
member artists as one of Southeast questions. Admission is free.
Wisconsin's most respected non-profit
HAVE A LOCAL EVENT? FAX: (262) 605-8255, OR EMAIL TO: [email protected]
For More Local Events, Check Out The Smart Reader And Its Events Calendar!
Due to the large number of submissions, we cannot guarantee all events will appear in print.
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Page 16 HAPPENINGS January 2, 2020 www.hap2it.com K
movie WANT MORE? ★★★★ excellent
★★★ good
reviews Visit www.hap2it.com and click on the Web Extra ★★ fair
link for in-depth reviews on these films and much more! ★ the worst
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
Starring Carrie Fisher, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Adam Driver,
Oscar Issac, Mark Hamill, Anthony Daniels. Directed by JJ Abrams.
2hr21min ★★★
MPAA rating: PG-13 (for sci-fi violence and action).
"Star Wars: The Rise of the basement and a set of "Star
Skywalker" does the job. It wraps Wars" sheets and pillowcases in the
up the trio of trilogies begun in laundry basket.
1977 in a confident, soothingly In brief, because spoiler
predictable way, doing all that is vigilantes roaming the internet
cinematically possible to avoid come from the planet Touchy:
poking the bear otherwise known as
tradition-minded quadrants of the The first three words of the title (Isaac, a dashing asset as always) are the selling point in "The Rise of
"Star Wars" fan base. crawl are: "The dead speak!" are joined by various newcomers. Skywalker."
Somehow, somewhere, a phantom The most notable is the bow-and-
Thanks to Daisy Ridley, version of Emperor Palpatine, ruler arrow huntress Jannah, played by As stated in this review's opening
primarily, director and co-writer J.J. of the First Galactic Empire, is the splendid Naomi Ackie. Where's crawl: The movie does the job.
Abrams' safety-first approach to sending a signal that he's back in her movie? I want her movie! Abrams keeps it on the straight and
rounding out this portion of business. The Resistance now must narrow. "The Rise of Skywalker"
Disney's crucial income stream face an adversary known as the As for poor, sidelined Rose allows itself no risk, or any of that
retains something like a human Final Order. Ridley anchors a busy (Kelly Marie Tran) ... her radically divisive "Last Jedi" mythology-
pulse. There's nothing as cute as yet simple narrative as Rey, the reduced presence from "The Last bending, with its disillusioned,
Baby Yoda or anything in "The Rise "last hope of the Jedi," who remains Jedi" feels suspiciously like a bone cynical Luke Skywalker, or some of
of Skywalker," for the record. But I in psychic deadlock with Supreme thrown to the previous film's the nuttier detours favored by that
do like the droid BB-8 s new droid Leader and bad boy Kylo Ren myriad haters. Here she's film's writer-director, Rian Johnson.
pal. So that's one thing you can't get (Driver). essentially "third anonymous
at home on "The Mandalorian." female with a blaster on the left." My favorite bit in "The Rise of
The gang introduced in large part She has barely a dozen lines, most Skywalker" is a throwaway sight
It's well-crafted and heavy on by Abrams' entertaining 2015 of them on the order of: "Where's gag, involving the rise not of a
nostalgic cameos from familiar trilogy-starter, "The Force Finn?" Skywalker, but of a couple of Storm
spirits goneby. It embraces and Awakens," remains in prominent Troopers. In this film, they're
supercharges the serial cliffhanger position here, and comports itself as The script by Chris Terrio and equipped with the equivalent of jet
tradition creator George Lucas more of a straightforward rooting director Abrams litters the narrative packs, in addition to hovercrafts
loved enough to embark on a interest than it was in the most with clues and gadgets and chapter- and all the rest of the stuff now on
remake of "Flash Gordon" two recent and controversial "Star enders: a Sith inscription on a knife sale at Target. "They fly now?" one
generations ago. When he couldn't Wars" movie, "The Last Jedi" here, a lengthy lightsaber battle on a of our heroes says. It's not a
secure the rights, Lucas went ahead (2017). Finn (Boyega), dear old storm-tossed spaceshipwreck there. memorable line. Then again, no
and made his own "Flash Gordon." shambling shag-rug Chewbacca The movie takes its sweet time one's going to mount a feverish
And now our household has a half- (Joonas Suotamo, underneath it all) revealing a standard-issue online boycott against it.
dozen semi-operative lightsabers in and take-charge Poe Dameron revelation regarding Rey's ancestry.
The cameos and victory lap encores By Michael Phillips
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K www.hap2it.com January 2, 2020 HAPPENINGS Page 17
Cinema uncapturable sense of awe conjured up by the original series. The movie
never rests, relentlessly ardent in its grasping for mythos."
news NPR's Glen Weldon: "He nails that 42-year-old recipe dutifully --
effortfully, it must be said -- but the flavoring's off. The story doesn't
require him to toss in as many ingredients from earlier films in the saga
'Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker' - as he does here, but he dumps them all (callbacks, references, echoes,
What the Critics Are Saying events, characters) into the mix anyway. The result leaves you feeling not
so much bloated -- the film moves too quickly, and is too much fun for
that -- but certainly overstuffed."
It might come as little surprise that "Star Wars: The Rise of Vox's Alissa Wilkinson: "It's both glutted with plot points and
Skywalker," a culmination to the nine-chapter Skywalker saga, has embarrassingly cautious, precisely calculated to not to poke the hornet's
garnered polarizing reviews. nest of detractors who popped up
The now four-decade-old to voice their displeasure with
franchise, as Los Angeles Times 'The Last Jedi,' with some
critic Justin Chang puts it, complaining about how hallowed
"launched to paradigm-shattering characters developed while others
popularity." "Star Wars" is a brand voiced more overtly racist and
that has a fan-base with few equals, sexist concerns. I can't read
and ardent enthusiasts have been minds, but I think this movie is
nothing if not vocal about the likely to please those fans.
unwieldy direction of the sequel For everyone else, though, 'The
trilogy. Rise of Skywalker' falls
Critics chided director J.J. somewhere between an
Abrams for playing it safe in overstuffed fan-service finale and
landing a series that's been 40 years a yawnfest. If 'The Force
in the making. Others noted the Awakens' kicked off a new cycle
epic finale makes a concerted effort in the franchise and The Last Jedi
to service the fans. set it up to push beyond its
Variety's Owen Gleiberman A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, John Boyega, Daisy Ridley familiar patterns, 'The Rise of
offered one of the more positive and Oscar Isaac return in "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker." Skywalker' for the most part runs
reviews, saying, "No 'Star Wars' screaming in the other direction."
film can fully recapture the thrill of
40 years ago, but as directed by J.J. The Atlantic's David Sims:
"'The Rise of Skywalker' is, for
Abrams, the ninth and final chapter want of a better word, completely
in the saga that George Lucas created may come closer than any "Star manic: It leaps from plot point to plot point, from location to location,
Wars" movie since." with little regard for logic or mood. The script, credited to Abrams and
"Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker" debuted in theaters Dec. 20 and topped Chris Terrio, tries to tie up every dangling thread from The Force
the box office in its opening weekend with $177M domestic and $198M Awakens, delving into the origins of the villainous First Order, Rey's
overseas. Here's what critics have to say about the epic conclusion: mysterious background as an orphan on the planet Jakku, and even Poe's
occupation before signing up for the noble Resistance. The answer to a
Variety's Owen Gleiberman: "'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker' lot of these questions involves the ultra-villainous Emperor Palpatine (Ian
might just brush the bad-faith squabbling away. It's the ninth and final McDiarmid), the cackling, robed wizard-fascist behind the nefariousness
chapter of the saga that Lucas started, and though it's likely to be a of the first six films."
record-shattering hit, I can't predict for sure if 'the fans' will embrace it.
(The very notion that 'Star Wars' fans are a definable demographic is, in People's Kara Warner: "'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker' is a jam-
a way, outmoded.) What I can say is that 'The Rise of Skywalker' is, to packed tribute to George Lucas' legacy and the millions of dedicated fans
me, the most elegant, emotionally rounded, and gratifying 'Star Wars' who've kept the franchise alive and well for decades. And while it lacks
adventure since the glory days of 'Star Wars' and 'The Empire Strikes the more cohesive, streamlined storylines of its predecessors 'The Force
Back.' (I mean that, but given the last eight films, the bar isn't that high.)" Awakens' (2015) and 'The Last Jedi' (2017), 'Skywalker' is buoyed by
always-dazzling visuals, satisfying emotional beats and solid
New York Times' A.O. Scott: “At least since "The Return of the Jedi" performances."
(1983), the point of each chapter has been consolidation rather than
distinction. For a single film to risk being too interesting would be to DOMESTIC BOX OFFICE REPORT
imperil the long-term strategy of cultivating a multigenerational,
multinational fandom. "The Rise of Skywalker" -- Episode IX, in case DECEMBER 20-22
you've lost count -- is one of the best. (It opens Friday.) Also one of the
worst. Perfectly middling. It all amounts to the same thing." 1. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker . . . . . .$177.3 .$177.3 . . . .1 . .4406
Los Angeles Times' Justin Chang: "I suspect that more than a few fans 2. Jumanji: The Next Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$26.5 .$102.3 . . . .2 . .4227
who were incensed by 'The Last Jedi' and its refusal to pander to their 3. Frozen II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$12.9 .$387.2 . . . .5 . .3665
every expectation will be grateful to see Abrams re-ensconced in the 4. Cats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$6.6 . . .$6.6 . . . .1 . .3380
director's chair. Even if you simply watch the movie and ignore some of
the controversy-stirring pre-release chatter, 'The Rise of Skywalker' 5. Knives Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$6.5 . .$89.9 . . . .4 . .2535
nakedly offers itself up in the spirit of a 'Last Jedi' corrective, a return to 6. Bombshell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5.1 . . .$5.5 . . . .2 . .1480
storytelling basics, a nearly 21/2-hour compendium of everything that 7. Richard Jewell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.5 . . .$9.5 . . . .2 . .2502
8. Queen & Slim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.8 . .$36.5 . . . .4 . .1078
made you fall in love with 'Star Wars' in the first place."
Vanity Fair's Richard Lawson: "The final film in this trilogy, 'The 9. Ford v Ferrari . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.8 .$102.0 . . . .6 . .1433
Rise of Skywalker' (out December 20), feels like such a desperate 10. Black Christmas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.8 . . .$7.2 . . . .2 . .2625
scramble to win back fans' affection, to re-create that probably
Page 18 HAPPENINGS January 2, 2020 www.hap2it.com K
what’s new What’s coming to Hulu in January
video & streaming Here's the full list of Blood Diamond Fans of Danny Glover and Mel Gibson can catch the
everything new on Captivity entire Lethal Weapon film series on Hulu this month
new on home video Hulu effective Cinderfella
January 1st. The Conspirator P2 Born on the Fourth of
Abominable The Cookout Pacific Heights July
For a full list of Crazy About Pi Fire with Fire
As the title may suggest, there's a rather everything coming Tiffany’s The Patsy Footloose
large snowman in this animated adventure, to Hulu and other Crisscross The Polar Express Forrest Gump
though he's far from fearsome. The Yeti in streaming services Cube The Pom Pom Girls Hot Shots!
question only wants to get back to his family, in January, visit Cube 2: Hypercube The Possession House of the Dead
and he gets help from a Chinese teenager www.hap2it.com. Cube Zero Shy People Jackie Brown
(voiced by Chloe Bennet, of ``Marvel's Agents Dangerous Curves Star Trek: The King Kong
of S.H.I.E.L.D.'') and her friends (Albert Tsai, Bring It!: S 4 Motion Picture Lethal Weapon
of ``Fresh Off the Boat,'' and Tenzing Norgay Brockmire: S 3 Dennis the Menace Star Trek II: The Lethal Weapon 2
Trainor), who set out on a massive trek with Damages Deputy Dennis the Menace Wrath of Khan Lethal Weapon 3
him toward that end -- but out to thwart them Divided States Strikes Again! Star Trek III: The Lethal Weapon 4
are a millionaire (Eddie Izzard) and a zoologist Fox’s New Year’s Dracula 3000 Search for Spock Little Miss Sunshine
(Sarah Paulson) who have their own intentions Eve Special Drop Dead Sexy Star Trek V: The Night at the Museum
for the creature. Veteran actress Tsai Chin, Glam Masters: S1 Eyes Wide Shut Final Frontier No Country for Old
who's been featured in a couple of James Bond Hoarders: S10 Fierce People Star Trek VI: The Men
movies, also is in the voice cast. DVD extras: Hunting JonBenet’s The Final Cut Undiscovered Pulp Fiction
12 ``making-of'' documentaries; audio Killer: The Untold The French Country Rocky Balboa
commentary by writer-director Jill Culton and Story: S1 Connection Star Trek: Schindler’s List
other crew members; deleted scenes; Making a Model with Girls! Girls! Girls! Insurrection Spaceballs
``Marooned'' short subject. (PG: AS) (Also on Yolanda Hadid: S1 Golden Gate Swimming with Spy Kids 2: The
Blu-ray and On Demand) Married at First The Good Guy Sharks Island of Lost
Sight: S 8 Gone The Tenant Dreams
Party of Five (2020) Grace Unplugged Two Family House Vampire in Brooklyn
Project Runway All Gridiron Gang Unforgettable Welcome Home
Stars: S7 How to Eat Fried Uptown Girls Roscoe Jenkins
Rescue Me Worms Basketball XXX
Secret Life of a Gang Kansas Beauty Shop
Girl: The Untold Knowing
Story: S1 Last Rites
Swamp People: S10 The Last Boy Scout
The Curse of Oak The Little Richard
Island: Seasons 2-3,6 Story
American Buffalo MASH
Arbitrage Mighty Morphin
Bachelor Party Power Rangers: The
The Bellboy Movie
Music from Another
My Best Friend’s
Mystery Team
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K www.hap2it.com January 2, 2020 HAPPENINGS Page 19
happenings •Fri.Jan.10th Fans of The Black Keys can see the band take the stage at the Aragon •Thu.Feb.6th
Jefferson Starship Ballroom on Thursday, January 16th. Aaron Lewis
calendar @Potawatomi @Genesee
Jordan Davis •Fri.Jan.17th Cash Cash x R3hab •Mon.Jan.27th Ray Parker Jr
•Thu.Jan.2nd @Rave/Eagles AJR @Aragon Rex Orange @Potawatomi
Disco Biscuits Svdden Death @Aragon •Mon.Jan.19th Country Juliana Hatfield
@Riviera @Concord Jackson Galaxy Heilung @Aragon @Shank Hall
•Fri.Jan.3rd Steely Dane @Genesee @Riviera •Fri.Jan.31st •Fri.Feb.7th
Albert Lee @Pabst Theatre Eric Benet •Fri.Jan.24th Buckcherry Oleta Adams
@Shank Hall •Sat.Jan.11th @Potawatomi Ohio Players @Genesee @Potawatomi
Southern Accents Herman's Hermits Lil’ Ed and the @Potawatomi Poppy Trippie Redd
@House of Blues starring Peter Blues Imperials •Sat.Jan.25th @Vic Theatre @Rave/Eagles
Disco Biscuits Noone & Gary @Shank Hall Loverboy •Wed.Feb.5th Infamous
@Riviera Puckett •Sat.Jan.18th @Genesee Too Many Zooz Stringdusters
•Sat.Jan.4th @Genesee Dirt Monkey Cold War Kids @Concord @Vic Theatre
Pop Evil w/Like Steve Forbett @Concord @Riviera King Princess Sat.Feb.8th
Machines @Shank Hall @Riviera Brantley Gilbert
@Rave/Eagles Ron Pope @Fiserv Forum
Riley Green @Lincoln Hall Michael
@Rave/Eagles Countess & McDermott
Miles Nielsen & Friends @Shank Hall
the Rusted Hearts @Pabst Theatre Trippie Redd
@Shank Hall Abby Jeanne @Riviera
Trippin' Billies @Turner Hall Subtronics
@House of Blues •Sun.Jan.12th @Aragon
Disco Biscuits Trolls Live! •Tue.Feb.11th
@Riviera @Chicago Theatre John 5
1964 The Tribute •Thu.Jan.16th @Shank Hall
@Pabst Theatre The Black Keys Post Malone
@Aragon @Allstate
The Kenosha Comedy Club welcomes Rodney Lumpkins Singer Justin Bieber announced a new album, tour and single in a
on January 10th and 11th! YouTube video posted on Christmas Eve. The first single,
“Yummy,” drops January 3rd and a North American tour begins in
Get your tickets now at www.hap2it.com and have your seat May and includes two local stops - at Soldier Field in Chicago on June
reserved when Rodney Lumpkins headlines a night of comedy 19th and Bieber will headline Summerfest in Milwaukee on June
at the Kenosha Comedy Club at the Wyndham Garden Hotel 24th. In the new video, Bieber alludes to his past mistakes and says that
in Downtown Kenosha on January 10th and 11th. Rodney is one of his current place in life informs his new music. Bieber has spoken about
the most talented comedians in the country. His unique insight and drug use and mental health struggles.
observations of family, social, and world events keeps audiences
laughing uncontrollably. He has performed in comedy clubs, colleges Music icon Madonna announced an injury has forced her to
and concerts all across the country. Rodney’s clever and quick witted cancel the final date on the North American leg of her Madame
style pushes the right buttons to keep audiences engaged and on the X concert tour. "I consider myself a warrior, I never quit, I
edge of their seats. He has been featured in the Laugh Across America never give in, I never give up!! However this time I have to listen to my
Comedy Festival (Las Vegas), New Orleans Comedy Festival, and the body And accept that my pain is a warning I want to say how deeply
Chicago Comedy Festival. With over 10 years of experience he has sorry I am to all my fans. For having to cancel my last show I spent the
honed the talent and skills necessary to entertain all walks of life. For last two days with doctors Scans, ultra sounds, Xrays Poking and
advance tickets to the Kenosha Comedy Club, visit hap2it.com, call probing and more tears.They have made it very clear to me that if l am
800-838-3006, or stop in the office at 1420 63rd St. to continue my tour -- I must rest for as long as possible so that I don't
inflict further and Irreversible damage to my body." People
magazine reported the star is still scheduled to tour Europe from
January to March. .
Additional dates have been added to this summer’s Motley
Crue, Def Leppard, Poison and Joan Jett tour which will now
begin in June. Six more dates have been announced in addition
to the previously confirmed 22. While the first stop on the Stadium Tour
was originally supposed to be in Miami on July 7, the new start date is
June 23 in Kansas City, Mo., with the last of the latest additions taking
place on July 3 in Cleveland. Fans of the 80s rockers can catch them at
local stops including Miller Park on August 18th and Wrigley Field
on August 28th.
Rock band The Lumineers and rapper Lil Wayne will perform at
the Beale Street Music Festival, as part of the annual Memphis
in May festivities which take place May 1-3. The Lumineers
released their third studio album, III, in September and are promoting
the album with a tour that takes them to the Allstate Arena February
21st and 22nd.
Page 20 HAPPENINGS January 2, 2020 www.hap2it.com K
ThirtyTwentyTen A look back at entertainment news
from this week in 1989, 1999, and 2009.
80s • The five highest grossing films of the 80s
are: “E.T.:The Extra Terrestrial,” “Return of
the Jedi,” “The Empire Strikes Back,”
“Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade,” and
The 2020 tour from Dashboard Confessional gives fans four Michael Jackson • The top selling albums of the 80s are:
chances to see the band. They take the stage on February 26th at Michael Jackson - “Thriller,” AC/DC -
The Rave in Milwaukee, then they perform for three nights at “Back in Black,” Bruce Springsteen -
House of Blues in Chicago: February 28th, 29th, and March 1st. “Born in the USA,” Guns N Roses -
“Appetite for Destruction,” and Whitney
Soul Asylum •Wed.Feb.19th •Wed.Feb.26th Houston’s self-titled debut.
@Turner Hall Church of Misery Dashboard
•Thu.Feb.13th @Reggies Confessional • The five highest grossing films of the 90s 90s
Ginuwine Ben Folds @Rave/Eagles are “Titanic,” “Star Wars: The Phantom
@Potawatomi @Riverside •Thu.Feb.27th Menace,” “Jurassic Park,” “Forrest Gump,” Shania Twain
Lindsay Beaver Supertramp’s Aventura:Immortal and “The Lion King.”
@Shank Hall Roger Hodgson @United Center
•Fri.Feb.14th @Potawatomi •Fri.Feb.28th • The biggest selling albums of the decade
UFO •Thu.Feb.20th Dashboard are: Metallica - “Metallica,” Shania Twain
@Genesee Vader Confessional - “Come on Over,” Alanis Morissette -
Ana Gabriel @Reggies @House of Blues “Jagged Little Pill,” Backstreet Boys -
@Allstate Arena Supertramp’s Aventura:Immortal “Millennium,” and the soundtrack to “The
Soul Asylum Roger Hodgson @United Center Bodyguard.”
@Metro @Potawatomi •Sat.Feb.29th
Maroma & Two •Fri.Feb.21st Dashboard 00s • The five highest grossing films of the 00s
Friends Soulfly Confessional are “Avatar,” “The Dark Knight,” “Shrek 2,”
@Aragon @Route 20 @House of Blues Eminem “Pirates…:Dead Man’s Chest,” and “Spider-
•Sat.Feb.15th The Lumineers Y&T Man.”
Alter Bridge @Allstate Arena @Arcada
@Rave/Eagles Raphael Saadiq Dillon Francis • The biggest selling albums of the first
IL Volo @Vic Theater @Radius decade of the new century are The Beatles’
@Chicago Theatre Sunny Sweeney •Sun.Mar.1st “1,” NSYNC “No Strings Attached,” Norah
•Mon.Feb.17th @Shank Hall Dashboard Jones “Come Away With Me,” Eminem’s
Supertramp’s •Sat.Feb.22nd Confessional “The Marshall Mathers LP” and “The
Roger Hodgson The Lumineers @House of Blues Eminem Show.”
@Potawatomi @Allstate Arena •Mon.Mar.2nd
Electric Guest The Cadillac Three Nektar celebrity birthdays
@Metro @Rave/Eagles @Shank Hall
•Tue.Feb.18th Big Head Todd & •Tues.Mar.3rd 1/2 Shelley Henning 33, Cuba Gooding, Jr.
Supertramp’s the Monsters Howard Jones 52, Dax Shepard 45, Taye Diggs 49,
Roger Hodgson @Vic Theater @Shank Hall Kate Bosworth 37, Tia Carrere 53
1/3 Mel Gibson 64, Danica McKellar 45,
theatre runs 1/9 - 1/12 Cirque du 3/17 - 22 What if Olivia Buckland 26, Victoria Duffield 25,
Soleil - Axel the Play Goes
Blue Man Group @Fiserv Forum John Paul Jones 74, Stephen Stills 75
Briar Street Theatre 1/10 - 1/26 On Wrong? Kate Bosworth related a story on
11/13 - 1/19 Beauty Golden Pond @Uihlein Hall 1/4 Coco Jones 22, Jeanni Mai 41, Live with Kelly and Ryan recently
and the Beast Maddie Hasson 25, Michael Stipe 60
@Racine Theatre 3/27 - 4/5 Akeelah about a close encounter with a
@Paramount Theatre Guild and the Bee 1/5 January Jones 42, Marilyn Manson 51, bear this past summer outside
@Racine Theatre Bradley Cooper 45, Heather Dubrow 51, her LA home.The actress was
lounging by her pool when the
11/15-1/19 2/7 - 2/22 Little Guild Clancy Brown 61, Diane Keaton 74, beast decided to climb over a
Mary Poppins Shop of Horrors 5/8 - 5/24 Mamma Robert Duvall 89, Charlie Rose 78 fence and take dip. It was not the
@Drury Lane @Rhode Center/Arts Mia! first bear encounter for the star
1/6 Norman Reedus 51, Julie Chen 50, and she wasn’t too frightened.
12/13 - 12/22 The 2/21 - 3/8 A Fox on @Racine Theatre Rowan Atkinson 65, Eddie Redmayne 38, "He's been friendly thus far... I've
Wizard of Oz known this bear since he was a
@Racine Theatre the Fairway Guild Kate McKinnon 36 little cub.There's actually two of
Guild them... I saw the cubs jump in our
@Racine Theatre 1/7 Nicolas Cage 56, Lauren Cohan 38, pool when they were, like, super
Jeremy Renner 49, Brett Dalton 38,
Guild Ivan Moody 40, Kenny Loggins 72, small."
Dustin Diamond 43, Katie Couric 63,
David Caruso 64
1/8 R Kelly 53, Genevieve Padalecki 39,
Freddie Stroma 33, Jenny Lewis 44
K www.hap2it.com January 2, 2020 HAPPENINGS Page 21
Take the bite out tire's air pressure. up when temperatures are below freezing, so that
of winter driving the oil in the engine and transmission circulate
Expect the unexpected and get warm.
There's enough not to like about winter
without having your car break down on the road. You've done everything right, but the 5. Change to low-viscosity oil in winter as it
Take these steps while the weather is warmer so possibility still exists you'll be left stranded will flow more easily between moving parts
your body temperature doesn't rise because of some cold winter night. Be prepared by having when it is cold. Drivers in sub-zero temperatures
car problems when the temperatures drop. some essentials to see you through until help should drop their oil weight from 10-W30 to 5-
arrives. Clean the junk out of your trunk and put W30, as thickened oil can make it hard to start
Manual labor in the following: flares, a flashlight, jumper the car.
cables, a shovel, blankets and sand for traction.
Break out your owner's manual, grab an iced Have some non-perishable food in your glove 6. Consider using cold weather washer fluid
tea (remember, you're doing this while it's still box. and special winter windshield blades if you live
warm out) and find a comfy chair. Now, read in a place with especially harsh winter
your manual and make sure you've been doing Don't go conditions.
all the recommended maintenance to this point.
Get the things done that you've neglected and Finally, if the weather is too bad, don't drive in Drivers should also stock an emergency kit
make an appointment to have anything done it. Break out your favorite magazine or with an ice scraper and snowbrush, jumper
that's required in the immediate future. Anything newspaper, grab some hot chocolate and find a cables, flashlight, blanket, extra clothes, bottled
that's a problem now (hard starts, stalling, rough comfy chair. The weather will get water, dry food snacks and needed medication.
idling) can be exacerbated by hazardous winter better...eventually. In addition, the Car Care Council recommends a
conditions. thorough vehicle inspection by a trusted
By Ralph Lee professional service technician, as winter
An ounce of prevention magnifies existing problems such as pings, hard
Six quick tips for starts, sluggish performance or rough idling.
Do a little investigative snooping under the winter driving
hood to prevent trouble before it starts. Check K
your belts and hoses for wear. Make sure all your (NAPSI)—When it comes to winter car care,
fluids are topped off, including the all-important many motorists tend to think of antifreeze and
windshield washer reservoir. When was the last batteries—but vehicles need extra attention in
time your anti-freeze was changed? If you don't winter, especially when the temperatures drop.
know, it may be past time. Don't forget the
battery. Remove your terminals and use warm “Making sure your vehicle is properly
water and baking soda to clean your battery's prepared for all of winter’s elements will help
posts. There's nothing worse than having you avoid the aggravation of an unplanned road
everything mechanically sound only to find your emergency,” says Rich White, executive director,
vehicle won't start because the battery is dead. Car Care Council.
Wiper not wiping? The non-profit Car Care Council offers six
quick tips to help your vehicle perform at its best
It's a blizzard outside, but you're warm and during cold weather months:
toasty in your smoothly running car. Stay warm
by making sure your windshield wipers are in 1. Keep the gas tank at least half full; this
good shape before the blizzard. There's nothing decreases the chance of moisture forming in the
worse-not to mention dangerous-than having to gas lines and possibly freezing.
stop every five minutes, get out of your car and
brush the elements off your windshield because 2. Check the tire pressure, including the spare,
you're wipers aren't working right. Check the as tires can lose pressure when temperatures
rubber and make sure there are no cracks or drop. Consider special tires if snow and ice are a
worn spots on the blade. Make sure the blade problem in your area.
adheres to the windshield as it moves. If it
doesn't, you may need to adjust the arm for a 3. Have the exhaust system checked for
more snug fit. To ensure your wipers aren't carbon monoxide leaks, which can be especially
overly taxed when snow and ice hit, stash a brush dangerous during cold weather driving when
and ice scraper in the car to get as much debris windows are closed.
off the windshield as possible before you begin
driving. 4. Allow your car a little more time to warm
Tired tires www.hap2it.com
The importance of having quality tires to
handle whatever road conditions winter may
hold can't be overstated. Make sure your tread
depth is adequate to handle the conditions for
your area. Look at your tires and inspect them
for tread life and uneven wearing. Check for cuts
and nicks. While you're down there, check each
Page 22 HAPPENINGS January 2, 2020
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K www.hap2it.com January 2, 2020 HAPPENINGS Page 23
No Mechanic Required give you a boost of confidence in your BEFORE PERFORMING ANY
mechanical skills. First, find a rag. Your oil “dip
We all have different skills sets. Some people stick” should be clearly marked. Pull out the MAINTENANCE, MAKE SURE THE
are good with numbers and others are good with stick and wipe it clean. Then stick it back in.
words. Some people work well with others and Now, pull it out again and see how much oil is on ENGINE IS COOL AND HASN’T RUN FOR
some folks work better alone. But there is one the stick. The dip stick will be clearly marked in
skill which anyone can dabble in, while not levels. If you see only in section that has add oil AT LEAST AN HOUR.
being a professional. It’s something that affects printed on it, then you need oil. If oil is in the
most of our lives as most of us own a car, it’s do- safe range, your oil level is good. Another thing you can do is check all your
it-yourself car care. If you’re not mechanically belts and hoses. It should be pretty evident if
inclined, getting your hands dirty under the hood Another fluid that you can check is your they are torn, broken or are in need of
can be intimidating. But there are things you can coolant. The coolant tank is usually white, replacement.
do, that don’t require advanced knowledge of the plastic and semi-transparent. The side of the tank
internal combustion system. should be marked and show if your levels are too You don’t have to be a “gearhead” to perform
low or right where they should be. basic vehicle maintenance. Just don’t try to do
Before we pop the hood, let’s start with something you’re not sure of and always put
something very simple…your tires. Maintaining safety first.
your tires can save on gas, extend the life of tires
and in the end, help your vehicle operate more By Craig Armstrong
efficiently. Your tires have a maximum psi
(pounds per square inch) level. That number will
be imprinted on the tires. Make sure they are
properly inflated from time to time. You don’t
want to fill them to the maximum pressure as the
air inside will expand and contract. If your psi is
44, keep them at around 39.
Now let’s pop the hood and get our hands
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on the 'Brady Bunch' alum Eve Plumb season on Netflix. The first season premiered on
stars in HGTV pilot the streaming service in November.
Brady Bunch alum Eve Star has declined to renew its half-hour
This Week On Our Radar Screen Plumb -- who is also a painter dramedy Sweetbitter for a third season after
and expert home renovator -- middling ratings and mixed critical reviews.
Sat.Jan.4th, 7 p.m. on TCM - Sounder stars in Generation
Four Oscar nominations — including best picture, Renovation, a television pilot PopTV released a new trailer for the sixth and
best actor and best actress — went to this which recently debuted on final season of the comedy series Schitt’s Creek.
beautifully done 1972 film, based on William HGTV. The show co-stars Eve Plumb The series, which stars Eugene Levy and
Armstrong’s novel about the travails of black Plumb's husband Ken Pace Catherine O’Hara, will kick off season six on
sharecroppers in 1933. Kevin Hooks plays the son, and Restored presenter Brett Waterman. January 7th.
who must help his mother (Cicely Tyson) after his Plumb was recently seen, along with her former
father (Paul Winfield) is jailed for stealing meat to sitcom cast-mates, in the cable network's docu- Offshoots and outtakes
feed the starving family. The youth then meets a series, A Very Brady Renovation. "You know
schoolteacher (Janet MacLachlan) who introduces me from TV and film, and, of course, as Jan The Crown star Olivia
him to a larger world. Brady from The Brady Bunch," Plumb said in a Colman has been tapped in
Sun.Jan.5th, 7 p.m. on NBC - Golden Globe press release. "Most people don't know that I star in an upcoming HBO
Awards love older homes, was on a design review board crime drama titled
Break out your best fake smile, all you Hollywood and have redone more than 10 homes of my own Landscapers. Colman is set
stars! British actor and comic Ricky Gervais, who over the years. I loved working on the to portray convicted killer
has a fondness for cracking jaw-dropping, take-no- replication of the Brady Bunch house with my Susan Edwards who killed
prisoners jokes at the expense of the rich and TV siblings in A Very Brady Renovation and her parents and buried them Olivia Colman
famous, returns for his fifth stint as host of this year’s can't wait for viewers to see the work that Brett, in the back garden of her
ceremony. Among nominees, it was a good year for Ken and I do in Generation Renovation." U.K. home alongside her husband Christopher
streaming services: Netflix leads the pack with a Edwards. The four-part series is based on
combined total of 17 film and TV nods, while the More Stephen King interviews with the real-life Edwards family
recently launched Apple TV Plus picked up its first coming to who maintained their innocence. Colman won
Globe nominations for “The Morning Show.” television the Oscar for Best Actress in February for her
Mon.Jan.6th, 8 p.m. on PBS - American role in The Favourite.
Experience Adaptations of Stephen
Based in part on David M. Oshinsky’s book “A Adrien Brody King's tales Jerusalem's Immigrants from around the world try to find
Conspiracy So Immense: The World of Joe their way in the United States in the first trailer
McCarthy,” Sharon Grimberg’s two-hour film Lot and Carrie are in the for upcoming Apple TV+ series, Little America.
“McCarthy” profiles the rise and fall of the Wisconsin works at different cable television networks. The series, which will consist of eight half-hour
senator whose ferocious crusade against Oscar-winning actor Adrien Brody is on-board episodes, are based on true stories that were
communists tested the limits of American decency to star in Jerusalem's Lot for Epix, with filming featured in Epic Magazine. The stories explore
and democracy in the early 1950s. Abetted by to begin in May in Nova Scotia. The story funny and heartfelt tales about immigrants in
attorney Roy Cohn, McCarthy’s crusade played out follows a widower and his children as they deal America. Little America is coming to the Apple
against the backdrop of an intensifying Cold War with dark, family secrets in 1850s Maine. FX TV+ streaming service on Jan. 17.
between the Soviet Union and the United States. and MGM Television are developing a limited
Tue.Jan.7th, 7 p.m. on ABC - Jeopardy! The series about the titular telekinetic teen at the Oscar-winning
Greatest of All Time center of Carrie. No casting has been
The three highest money winners in the history of completed, but the main character is expected to actress Marisa Tomei is to
“Jeopardy!” — Ken Jennings, Brad Rutter and be played by a transgender artist or actress of
James Holzhauer — face off in a multi-night event, color, as opposed to a straight, white female like co-star with Jason
with the first player to win three matches earning a in previous adaptations. King's work has
$1 million grand prize. The two runners up receive inspired numerous TV shows in recent years, Momoa in Netflix's revenge
$250,000 each. Alex Trebek hosts this rivalry, which including The Stand on CBS All Access, The
continues on consecutive weeknights until a winner Outsider on HBO, Castle Rock on Hulu, Mr. thriller, Sweet Girl. "A
prevails. Mercedes on Audience Network
Wed. Jan. 8th, 7 p.m. on PBS - Nature and Creepshow on Shudder. The blockbuster devastated husband vows to
Inspiration for a new episode called “The Whale movies Doctor Sleep. It and It: Chapter 2 are
Detective” comes from a 2015 kayaking experience also based on King's horror stories. bring justice to the people
wildlife filmmaker Tom Mustill and his friend
Charlotte Kinloch had, when a 30-ton humpback Network renewals and Marisa Tomei responsible for his wife's
whale breached the bay waters and barely missed cancellations death while protecting the
landing on them.
Thu. Jan. 9th, 9 p.m. on NBC - Law & Order: The psychological thriller Mr. Robot ended only family he has left, his
Special Victims Unit after four seasons on the USA network. Rami
A desperate father who is frustrated beyond words Malek won an Emmy for his portrayal of a daughter," a synopsis from the streaming
by how the case against his daughter’s rapist is cyber-vigilante suffering from dissociative
proceeding decides to take matters into his own identity disorder, anxiety, and depression. service said. Tomei, 55, is known for her roles in
hands. Nicholas Turturro, Vincent Kartheiser and Malek will next be seen in the James Bond
Demore Barnes guest star; Mariska Hargitay, Ice T, adventure, No Time To Die. the Avengers franchise and films In the
Kelli Giddish and Peter Scanavino also star.
Fri.Jan.10th, 7 p.m. on TCM - Written on the Green Eggs and Ham will return for a second Bedroom, The Wrestler, The Paper, Untamed
Dorothy Malone won an Academy Award as best Heart and My Cousin Vinny.
supporting actress for her uninhibited performance
in Douglas Sirk’s lush, over-the-top melodrama that Eddie Murphy's return to NBC's Saturday
was to some degree inspired by a real-life scandal. Night Live may have brought laughs, the revival
Malone and Robert Stack (also Oscar-nominated) of iconic characters and a few censored
star as the deeply alcoholic offspring of a Texas oil moments, but he also delivered in the ratings, as
baron (Robert Keith), while Rock Hudson plays an the show drew its biggest numbers in two-and-
oil company geologist who harbors a secret desire a-half years. The Dec. 21 episode, with
for the wife (Lauren Bacall) of Stack’s character. musical guest Lizzo, averaged a 2.5 rating in
adults 18-49 and 9.921 million viewers overall,
according to Nielsen Media Research. The
installment — which also featured
the appearance of stars Chris Rock, Tracy
Morgan, Dave Chappelle and more —
currently ranks as the highest-scoring and most-
viewed episode of SNL since Melissa
McCarthy hosted in May 2017.
Page 26 HAPPENINGS January 2, 2020 www.hap2it.com K
B’CAST SPECTRUM 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30 1 AM
22 To Be Announced To Be Announced 48 Hours (N) ’ CBS 2 News at 10PM NCIS: New Orleans ’ NCIS: New Orleans ’ Leverage
4 83
55 Dateline NBC ’ Saturday Night Live ’ News (:29) Saturday Night Live ’ Grace Paid Prog. ThisMinute
77 Dateline NBC ’ Saturday Night Live ’ News (:29) Saturday Night Live ’ 1st Look In Touch Hollywood
9.2 986 NFL Football Wild Card: Teams TBA. (N) ’ (Live) Beat Shazam ’ TMZ ’ (:35) Extra (N) ’
10 10
11 Brad Paisley Thinks Goldbergs Goldbergs 20/20 ’ News at 10pm Castle “Kill Switch” ’ Castle ’ News
12 12
18 18 Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Weekend News Potash Two Men Two Men black-ish Elementary ’ Elementary
24 24
26 Hazel Hazel Jeannie Jeannie Bewitched Bewitched That Girl That Girl Paul Lynde Lotsa Luck Burns Burns Benny
32 13
36 974 Father Brown ’ Shakespea Death in Paradise ’ Austin City Limits (N) Doctor Who “Pyramids of Mars” Burt Wolf Father
50 Doc Martin (N) ’ Father Brown ’ Shakespeare Death in Paradise ’ Victoria on Masterpiece Victoria on Masterpiece Country
55 15
58 8 Brad Paisley Thinks Goldbergs Goldbergs 20/20 ’ News Big 12 Sp Entertainment Tonight (12:05) Forensic Factor Entertain.
A&E 42
AMC 59 FamFeud FamFeud Funny You Funny You Goldbergs Goldbergs Last Man Last Man King King How I Met How I Met Paid Prog.
AP 43
BIG10 63 Heartland ’ Murdoch Mysteries ’ Ring of Honor Wrestling Intervention American Ninja Warrior Video Spotlight Music
BOOM 109
BRAVO 45 Burgers Burgers Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Burgers Burgers Burgers Family Guy Family Guy Jokers ThisMinute ThisMinute
CNN 44 NFL Football Wild Card: Teams TBA. (N) ’ (Live) TBA Preview Bensinger Raw Travel Grace Flipping
COM 54
COOK 158 Great British ›››‡ “Anatomy of a Murder” (1959) James Stewart, Lee Remick. Brad Paisley Storm of the Century Bare Feet
DISN 58 Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law Order: CI Law CI
DLC 153
E! 53 AHL Hockey Iowa Wild at Chicago Wolves. (N) (Live) Chicago P.D. ’ Raw Travel MyDest. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog.
ESPN2 29 Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law Order: CI Law CI
FNC 48
FOOD 67 To Be Announced To Be Announced 48 Hours (N) ’ News Major Crimes Major Crimes Castle “Kill Switch” ’
FX 35 (:06) Live PD: Rewind Live PD “Live PD -- 01.04.20” (N) ’ (Live) Live PD “Live PD -- 01.04.20” ’
GOLF 28 ›› “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” (2009, Action) Shia LaBeouf. Premiere. ››› “Mission: Impossible III” (2006, Action) Tom Cruise, Ving Rhames.
HMM 117 Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees (:04) The Vet Life (N) ’ Vet Life: Bonus Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees Vet Life
HIST 39 B1G Show B1G Show B1G Show B1G Show BTN Basketball in 60 The B1G Show B1G Show B1G Show B1G Show B1G Show Basketball
LIFEMOV 65 Scooby Be Cool Be Cool Be Cool Wacky Wacky Looney Tunes ’ Tom & Jerry
MLB 326 Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley ›› “Couples Retreat” (2009, Comedy) Vince Vaughn. ›› “Couples Retreat” (2009, Comedy) Vince Vaughn.
MTV 52 Undercover Boss ’ Undercover Boss ’ Undercover Boss ’ Undercover Boss ’ Undercover Boss ’ Undercover Boss ’ Paid Prog.
NBCSCH 49 CNN Newsroom “Linda Ronstadt: The Sound of My Voice” (2019) The Seventies “Linda Ronstadt: The Sound of My Voice” (2019) The 70’s
NFL NET 346 (5:50) ››› “21 Jump Street” ›› “Super Troopers” (2001) Premiere. ››› “21 Jump Street” (2012) Jonah Hill, Channing Tatum. South Park
NICK JR. 107 Iron Chef America Iron Chef America Iron Chef America Iron Chef America Iron Chef America Iron Chef America Iron Chef
PBS CREATE 977 Alaskan Bush People Alaskan Bush People The family prepares for a wedding. (N) ’ Alaskan Bush People The Brown family begins anew. ’
SUND 281 Big City Big City Big City Big City Gabby Gabby Raven Roll With It Jessie ’ Jessie ’ Jessie ’ Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad.
TBS 3 Long Lost Family ’ Long Lost Family ’ Taken at Birth Long Lost Family ’ Long Lost Family ’ Long Lost Family ’ Taken
TCM 60
THIS 983 (6:00) “He’s Just Not That Into You” ›› “Sweet Home Alabama” (2002) Reese Witherspoon. ››› “Walk the Line” (2005, Biography) Joaquin Phoenix.
TLC 40
TNT 33 College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) NFL Rewind (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportCtr
TRAVEL 72 College Basketball Texas at Baylor. (N) (Live) College Basketball Pepperdine at Gonzaga. (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live) UFC Reloaded
TV LAND 61 Watters’ World (N) Justice With Jeanine The Greg Gutfeld Show Watters’ World Justice With Jeanine The Greg Gutfeld Show Watters
USA 34 Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners
VH1 50
WE 26 (6:10) “The Waterboy” (:15) ››› “Pitch Perfect” (2012) Anna Kendrick, Skylar Astin. ’ (10:55) ›‡ “What Happens in Vegas” (2008) Paid Prog.
››‡ “Despicable Me 3” (2017) ’ ››‡ “Despicable Me 3” (2017) ’ ›‡ “Fantastic Four” (2015) Miles Teller. ’ The Boss
Pregame NBA Basketball San Antonio Spurs at Milwaukee Bucks. (N) Postgame Football Badgers Pregame NBA Basketball: Spurs at Bucks
Golf Central (N) (Live) PGA Tour Golf Sentry Tournament of Champions, Third Round. PGA Golf
Christmas at the Plaza “Winter in Vail” (2020) Lacey Chabert. Premiere. “Love on the Slopes” (2018) Katrina Bowden. “One Winter Proposal” (2019)
“Holiday for Heroes” “Holiday Hearts” (2019) Ashley Williams. “Our Christmas Love Song” (2019) Alicia Witt. A Godwink Christmas: Me
Beach Beach Island Life Island Life Bahamas Bahamas Mexico Mexico Island Life Island Life Bahamas Bahamas Mexico
Ancient Aliens: Declassified (N) ’ (:03) Ancient Aliens: Declassified ’
Surviving R. Kelly (Season Finale) (N) Hopelessly in Love (Premiere) (N) (Part 1 of 3) (:33) Surviving R. Kelly (:29) Surviving R. Kelly Love
“V.C. Andrews’ Gates of Paradise” (2019) “V.C. Andrews’ Web of Dreams” (2019, Drama) “V.C. Andrews’ Gates of Paradise” (2019) Web
Svengoolie “It Came From Outer Space” Star Trek ’ Buck Rogers The Invaders “The Pit” Lost in Space News
›››‡ “The Natural” (1984, Drama) Robert Redford, Robert Duvall. MLB Network Presents World Series Film Pirates
All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word The 11th Hour Lockup: Cincinnati Lockup: Cincinnati Dateline ’
Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous.
Lockdown “Gangland” Lockdown: On Lockdown ’ Lockdown “Gangland” Lockdown: On Lockdown ’ Lockdown
NBA Basketball Boston Celtics at Chicago Bulls. (N) (Live) Postgame Bulls NBA G League Basketball: Knicks at Bulls Ninja
Monster Jam Supercross Pre Motorcycle Racing Monster Energy Supercross: Anaheim. (N) (Live) Monster Jam
GameDay GameDay GameDay GameDay GameDay GameDay GameDay NFL Total Access (N) NFL Total Access ’ NFL Total Access ’
SpongeBob Henry Danger ’ Friends ’ Friends Friends Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’
Bubble Bubble Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Abby Abby Butterbean Butterbean Corn & Peg Max, Ruby Max, Ruby Rivets
Green Ml ›››‡ “The Green Mile” (1999) Tom Hanks. A condemned prisoner possesses a miraculous healing power. ››› “The Bourne Legacy” (2012)
(6:00) Milwaukee PBS Weather Milwaukee PBS Weather Milwaukee PBS Weather
Baking Baking Best of Joy Best of Joy Rudy Maxa Rudy Maxa Fresh Ciao Italia Kevin Ciao Italia Belton Ellie’s Real Best of Joy
(6:30) ›››‡ “Gladiator” (2000) Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix. ››› “The Patriot” (2000, War) Mel Gibson, Heath Ledger, Joely Richardson.
“Edge of Tomorrow” ›››› “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial” (1982) Henry Thomas. Futurama Futurama Hell Den TZGZ Futurama The Boy
(6:00) “Liar Liar” (1997) Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Full Frontal ››‡ “27 Dresses” (2008) Katherine Heigl, Malin Akerman. Bride Wars
›››› “Sounder” (1972, Drama) Cicely Tyson. ›››‡ “Louisiana Story” (1948) Romance ›››‡ “The Big Sleep” (1946) Lauren Bacall Kiss-Death
Mike Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ CBS 58 News Broke Girl Broke Girl Mom ’ Mom ’ ››› “Paranormal Activity” (2007)
Say Yes to the Dress (Season Premiere) (N) ’ Say Yes to the Dress Say Yes to the Dress Say Yes to the Dress ’ Say Yes
››‡ “Red 2” (2013, Action) Bruce Willis. (:15) ››‡ “Red” (2010) Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman. ››› “Collateral” (2004) Tom Cruise.
Dragon Dragon Burgers Burgers Family Guy Family Guy Dragon One Punch Dr. Stone Fire Force Food Wars! Slayer Black
Paranormal Caught on Camera Haunted Hospitals Ghost Adventures Paranormal Caught on Camera Haunted
Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes
Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men
Top Chef Junior Press Play: Best of the Web (N) Mike Junk Junk Get Out Get Out Masha Masha Moon and
xXx ››‡ “The Hitman’s Bodyguard” (2017) Ryan Reynolds. Dare Me “Coup d’État” Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago
(6:30) ›› “Daddy’s Little Girls” (2007) ’ ›› “Good Deeds” (2012) Tyler Perry, Thandie Newton. ’ Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out
Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Law CI
K www.hap2it.com January 2, 2020 HAPPENINGS Page 27
B’CAST SPECTRUM 4 AM 4:30 5 AM 5:30 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM
2 2 Jdg Judy Jdg Judy Morning News CBS 2 Sunday Morning News (N) ’ CBS News Sunday Morning (N) Face the Nation (N) Paid Prg. NFL
5 83 Paid Prg. Paid Prg. The Race TODAY’S TMJ4 News Sunday Today Meet the Press (N) Morning Alliant Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg.
7 5 Flipping Chicago NBC 5 News at 5am NBC 5 News at 6am Sunday Today NBC 5 News at 8am Meet the Press (N) News Paid Prg. Vets-Pets
10 6 Weird Nature In Touch Mass Planet DIY Sci Wake-Up News at 7 Wake-Up News at 8 Fox News Sunday DW-TV Tip-Off Basket
12 7 Paid Prg. Hazelton News Sunday News Sunday Good Morning ABC7 Eyewitness News Sunday Morning This Week J. Osteen
24 9 Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Singsat’n Morning News Morning News Winston Mass Paid Prg. Animals Adven.
32 10 Wash Hoover Rogers Tiger Clifford Nature Nature Wild Wild Xavier Odd Biz Kid$ Saman Nouveau Here Nw
38 Hope-Masters Curious Curious Dinosaur Tiger Clifford Arthur Go Luna Nature Wild Xavier Molly Odd Travel
55 12 Farm Rpt Game 12 News-Sun Good Morning 12 News This Morning Sunday (N) UpFront This Week Matter Kds
18 ROH Wrestling Home. Stellar Black The Duplantis Our Is Building Attkisson Water Mad Dog Larry Paid Prg. Paid Prg.
AMC 24 Cheaters ’ 3 Wide Cars.TV Our Is Mt. Faith Mass Christian Truth of God Mass Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg.
DISC Flipping Animal Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Icons P. Stone Apostolic Church J. Osteen David In Touch Paid Prg. Stellar
ESPN 13 Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Coffee Paid Prg. In Touch Good Day Chicago Sunday (N) ’ Fox News Sunday Paid Prg. Tip-Off Basket
FX 974 Journeys Daytrip Two Lifestyle Travels Darley Nature ’ British Baking Martha Cooking Field Trip Cook Milk
LIFE Camp Meeting To Be Announced Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: LA
NICK Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. J. Osteen In Touch Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Worship Catholic Free Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. At Home
SYFY 15 Camp Meeting To Be Announced Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: LA
TCM 8 Leverage Paid Prg. Andy G. Andy G. Andy G. CBS 58 Sunday CBS News Sunday Morning (N) Face the Nation (N) Grace NFL
TOON 42 Income Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Stories The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ Behind Bars Behind Bars Behind Bars Behind
VH1 59 ››› “Mission: Impossible II” (2000, Action) Tom Cruise. ››› “Mission: Impossible III” (2006, Action) Tom Cruise. Transformers: Revenge
54 Sex Toys PiYo Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Parks Parks Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office
41 Locations Outdoors Seasons Operation Fish Saltwater Silver Sports Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Afraid
58 Jessie Ladybug Gravity Gravity Gravity Gravity Gravity Gravity Big City Big City Bunk’d Coop Raven Just Roll Gabby
30 NFL Rewind SportsCenter SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) Postseason NFL Countdown (N) (Live)
17 Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Jeremiah Paid Prg. ›‡ “What Happens in Vegas” (2008) (:10) ››› “Pretty in Pink” (1986) Molly Ringwald. Ferris Bueller
35 Paid Prg. Outages Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Mike Mike Mike Weekly ››› “The Secret Life of Pets” (2016) ››‡ “Ghostbusters” ’
39 Coin Coin Coin Coin Corvettes Corvettes Corvettes Corvettes Counting Cars “Ghost Rider” A ghost-hunting vehicle. ’ Cnt. Cars
36 Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. In Touch Truths Amazing Jeremiah J. Osteen Paid Prg. Married-Sight Supernanny ’ Student’s
52 Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic.
56 Mom ’ (:27) Mom Sponge. Sponge. Jurassic 44 Cats Rangers Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Alvinnn!!! Jurassic Sponge. Sponge. Sponge.
51 Knife Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. ››› “Dumb & Dumber” (1994) Jim Carrey. ’ ›‡ “Dirty Grandpa” (2016) ’
55 (3:00) “Haywire” Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Zone Zone Zone “Kill Switch” (2017) Dan Stevens. (:35) “Abduction”
3 Raymond Raymond Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Friends Friends Friends Friends ››‡ “The Mummy” (1999) Brendan Fraser.
60 Touch of Evil ›››‡ “The Broadway Melody” ››‡ “Sally” (1929) Marilyn Miller. ›››‡ “The Big Sleep” (1946) MajorMnr
33 NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans ››› “300” (2006) Gerard Butler, Lena Headey.
57 Aqua Home Gumball Gumball Bakugan Power Teen Teen Teen Teen Ben 10 Teen Teen Teen Teen
34 Chicago P.D. ’ CSI: Crime Scene Paid Prg. Paid Prg. In Touch Paid Prg. Dare Me Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law-SVU
50 Martin ’ Martin ’ Martin Martin ’ Martin ’ Martin ’ Wayans Wayans Wayans Wayans Wayans Wayans Wayans “Think Like a Man”
B’CAST SPECTRUM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 6 PM 6:30
2 2 NFL NFL Football Wild Card: Teams TBA. (N) ’ (Live) College Basketball News 60 Minutes (N) ’
5 83 Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Supercross A1 PGA Golf To Be Announced News News Globes Arrivals
7 5 Cham Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Access Hollywood PGA Golf To Be Announced News News Globes Arrivals
10 6 College Basketball Sports Gone Wild Cops ’ Preview To Be Announced Last Man Standing
12 7 Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. World of X Games CFB 150 CFB 150 CFB 150 CFB 150 Paid Prg. Paid Prg. News ABC Funny Home Videos
24 9 Sports Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Gold Gold Family Classics: Monkey Chic.Best WGN News Paid Prg. Paid Prg.
32 10 Contrary Mack Wash Antiques Roadshow Classic Gospel ’ Lawrence Welk Served? Wine Downton Abbey Variety
38 Hoover Pritzker Library Field Trip Il Volo: Ten Years ’ Pink Floyd Show Les Misérables Les Misérables
55 12 Rock- oh baby! Paid Prg. World of X Games CFB 150 CFB 150 CFB 150 CFB 150 Paid Prg. Paid Prg. ABC News Funny Home Videos
18 Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. “Stevie D” (2016, Comedy) Chris Cordone. ›› “The Hot Flashes” (2013, Comedy) Murdoch Mysteries
AMC 24 Paid Prg. Made Holly Sheriffs Sheriffs Game Immor Short List Outdoor Burgers Burgers Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Two Men Two Men
DISC Greta World’s World’s The Listener ’ Major Crimes Major Crimes Mother Mother King King Mike Mike
ESPN 13 College Basketball To Be Announced Inside Preview Last Man Standing
FX 974 Lidia Food 50 Kitchen Great Performances at the Met “Manon” ’ Nouveau News Arts Weekend Around Wiscon
LIFE NCIS: LA NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles
NICK At Home Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Extra (N) ’ FamFeud FamFeud FamFeud FamFeud AHL Hockey Chicago Wolves at Rockford IceHogs. (N) (Live)
SYFY 15 NCIS: LA NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles
TCM 8 NFL NFL Football Wild Card: Teams TBA. (N) ’ (Live) College Basketball News 60 Minutes (N) ’
TOON 42 Behind 60 Days In ’ Live PD The year’s top moments recalled. Live PD ’ (Part 2 of 2) Live PD Live PD Live PD Live PD
VH1 59 “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” ››› “X-Men” (2000, Action) Hugh Jackman. ››› “X-Men 2” (2003) Patrick Stewart, Hugh Jackman.
54 Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office (:15) ›› “Super Troopers” (2001) Kevin Heffernan South Pk
41 Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid
58 Jessie Jessie Jessie Sydney Sydney Sydney Raven Raven Raven Big City Big City Big City (:25) ››‡ “Home” (2015)
30 NFL Playoff Playoff High School Football Spartan Race ’ Spartan Race ’ SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N)
17 “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” ’ (12:55) › “Mr. Deeds” (2002) ’ ›‡ “The Waterboy” (1998) ’ (:05) ››› “Pitch Perfect” (2012) ’
35 (10:00) “Ghostbusters” (2016) ››‡ “Now You See Me” (2013) Jesse Eisenberg. ›› “Now You See Me 2” (2016) Jesse Eisenberg. ’ Baby
39 Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Counting Cars ’ Counting Cars ’ Counting Cars ’ American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers
36 (:00) “A Student’s Obsession” “A Teacher’s Obsession” (2015) “Bad Sister” (2016) Ryan Newman. “Sleeping With My Student” (2019)
52 Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic.
56 Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Casagran Loud Loud Loud Loud Loud Loud The SpongeBob Musical: Live on Stage!
51 Dirty ››› “The Hangover” (2009) Bradley Cooper. ’ ›› “The Hangover Part II” (2011) Bradley Cooper. ››› “The Hangover” (2009) ’
55 (10:35) ›‡ “Abduction” (:01) ›› “Gamer” (2009) Gerard Butler. (2:59) ››› “Edge of Tomorrow” (2014) “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial”
3 ››‡ “The Mummy Returns” (2001, Adventure) ›› “The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor” ››› “Kong: Skull Island” (2017) Tom Hiddleston.
60 “The Major and the Minor” (:15) ›››‡ “Bus Stop” (1956) ››› “Beach Party” (1963) (:45) ››‡ “Annie” (1982) Aileen Quinn.
33 ›› “300: Rise of an Empire” (2014) ››‡ “Snow White & the Huntsman” (2012) (:15) ››‡ “The Wolverine” (2013) Hugh Jackman. Premiere.
57 Teen Gumball Gumball Gumball Gumball Unikitty DC Girls Teen Teen Teen Teen Gumball Gumball Gumball Gumball
34 Law-SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU
50 (10:30) ››‡ “Think Like a Man” ’ ›‡ “Obsessed” (2009, Suspense) Idris Elba. ’ ›› “Daddy’s Little Girls” (2007) Gabrielle Union. Deeds
Page 28 HAPPENINGS January 2, 2020 www.hap2it.com K
B’CAST SPECTRUM 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30 1 AM
22 God Friended Me (N) NCIS: Los Angeles (N) Madam Secretary ’ CBS 2 News at 10PM J. Osteen Madam Secretary ’ Madam Secretary ’
4 83
55 The 77th Annual Golden Globe Awards (N) ’ (Live) News at 10 News Live Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog.
77 The 77th Annual Golden Globe Awards (N) ’ (Live) News Sports Sun House 1st Look House Paid Prog. Paid Prog.
9.2 986 Simpsons Bless Burgers Family Guy FOX 6 News at 9 (N) News Sports Bensinger Seinfeld ’ (12:05) Elementary ’ Elementary
10 10
11 Darndest Things Shark Tank (N) ’ Shark Tank ’ News at 10pm Inside Edit. Windy City Wipeout ’ (Part 2 of 2) Wipeout
12 12
18 18 black-ish black-ish Last Man Last Man News Replay Chic.Best S.E.E. Chi Potash Two Men Two Men Mom ’ Mom ’
24 24
26 Family Ties Two Dads Wings Coach A Living A Living Designing Designing Murphy NewsRadio Becker ’ Becker ’ Alice
32 13
36 974 Pride and Prejudice Pride and Prejudice Secrets of Henry VIII’s Thou Shalt Not Kill ’ Shakespea R. Steves Pride and Prejudice
50 Victoria on Masterpiece Victoria on Masterpiece Jane Austen: Check ... Interview Chicago Austin City Limits (N) Bluegrass Doc Martin
55 15
58 8 Darndest Things Shark Tank (N) ’ Shark Tank ’ News News UpFront Matter Forensic Factor News
A&E 42
AMC 59 Batwoman ’ Supergirl ’ World’s World’s Attkisson Celebrity Street Raw Travel Paid Prog. Outdoors World’s
AP 43
BIG10 63 Two Men Two Men Ring of Honor Wrestling ›› “Along Came a Spider” (2001, Mystery) Whacked Cars.TV ’ Intervention Cheaters
BOOM 109
BRAVO 45 Batwoman ’ Supergirl ’ Broke Girl Broke Girl Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Funny You Funny You Entertainers Comedy.TV
CNN 44 Simpsons Bless Burgers Family Guy Fox 32 News Final Word Inside Preview Bensinger Whacked Paid Prog. Paid Prog.
COM 54
COOK 158 Around WI Foodie Nature ’ Neanderthal ’ Neanderthal ’ POV A family flees Afghanistan. (N) Bluegrass Gospel
DISN 58 NCIS: Los Angeles ’ Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. Chicago
DLC 153
E! 53 Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Mod Fam Mod Fam Dateline ’ Dateline ’ Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog.
ESPN2 29 NCIS: Los Angeles ’ Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. Chicago
FNC 48
FOOD 67 God Friended Me (N) NCIS: Los Angeles (N) Madam Secretary ’ News Madam Secretary ’ Madam Secretary ’ NCIS: New Orleans ’
FX 35 Live PD Live PD Live PD Live PD Court Cam (N) ’ Alaska PD ’ Live PD Live PD Live PD Live PD Court Cam
GOLF 28 ››› “X-Men: First Class” (2011, Action) James McAvoy. Premiere. ››‡ “X-Men: The Last Stand” (2006) Hugh Jackman. X-Men Origins
HMM 117 (:01) Lone Star Law ’ (:01) Lone Star Law (N) (:02) Lone Star Law (N) (:03) Lone Star Law ’ Lone Star Law ’ Lone Star Law ’ Lone Star
HIST 39 College Basketball B1G Postgame Basketball Basketball Basketball Ten’s Best Basketball
LIFEMOV 65 Scooby Be Cool Be Cool Be Cool Wacky Wacky Looney Tunes ’ Tom & Jerry
MLB 326 Housewives-Atlanta Married to Medicine (N) Watch Housewives-Atlanta Married to Medicine Blind Date Blind Date Blind Date Blind Date
MTV 52 Shark Tank ’ American Greed American Greed American Greed American Greed American Greed Paid Prog.
NBCSCH 49 Impeachment-Trump CNN Special Report (N) CNN Special Report The Nineties The Nineties The Nineties Newsroom
NFL NET 346 South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park
NICK JR. 107 Delicious Delicious Delicious Delicious Food Paradise Food Paradise Delicious Delicious Delicious Delicious Food Par.
PBS CREATE 977 Naked and Afraid “Luke’s Journey” (N) ’ Naked and Afraid ’ (:02) Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid “Luke’s Journey” ’ Afraid
SUND 281 Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Star Wars Big City Raven Roll With It Jessie ’ Jessie ’ Jessie ’ Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad.
TBS 3 Untold Stories of ER Untold Stories of ER Untold Stories of ER Sex Sent Me Untold Stories of ER Untold Stories of ER Stories ER
TCM 60
THIS 983 Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley E! After Party (Live) E! Live From the Red Carpet Botched
TLC 40
TNT 33 NFL Rewind (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt NFL
TRAVEL 72 (6:00) Professional Fighters League Championship. Playoff Playoff UFC Fight Night SportsC.
TV LAND 61 Life, Liberty & Levin (N) The Next Revolution Watters’ World Life, Liberty & Levin The Next Revolution Watters’ World Fox News
USA 34 Guy’s Grocery Games Worst Cooks Beat Flay Beat Flay Beat Flay Beat Flay Worst Cooks Beat Flay Beat Flay Beat Flay
VH1 50
WE 26 Pitch (:45) ››‡ “The Notebook” (2004, Romance) Ryan Gosling, Rachel McAdams. ’ (10:55) ›› “Letters to Juliet” (2010, Drama) ’ Paid Prog.
(6:30) ›››‡ “Baby Driver” (2017, Action) Weekly Weekly (:05) ›››‡ “Baby Driver” (2017, Action) Ansel Elgort. ’ Weekly Americans
NHL Hockey: Flames at Wild Postgame Red Bull Crashed Ice (N) ’ Swing World Poker NHL Hockey: Flames at Wild
PGA Golf Golf Central (N) (Live) PGA Tour Golf Sentry Tournament of Champions, Final Round.
(6:00) “Winter in Vail” “A Royal Winter” (2017) Merritt Patterson. Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Frasier ’
Crossword Mysteries A magician winds up dead. Magnum, P.I. Magnum, P.I. Magnum, P.I. Magnum, P.I. Magnum
Holmes & Holmes (N) Holmes & Holmes (N) Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Holmes & Holmes Rehab Rehab Rehab
American Pickers ’ (:02) American Pickers (:05) American Pickers (:05) American Pickers (:03) American Pickers American Pickers ’ Pickers
“Abducted on Air” (2020) Perrey Reeves. (:03) “From Straight A’s to XXX” (2017, Drama) (:01) “Abducted on Air” (2020) Perrey Reeves. A to XXX
Surviving R. Kelly Surviving R. Kelly Surviving R. Kelly Surviving R. Kelly Surviving R. Kelly Surviving R. Kelly Surviving
Columbo A perfect crime is foiled. Collector Flintstones Honeymn. Van Dyke Van Dyke Twi. Zone Twi. Zone Hitchcock Hitchcock News
››› “Rookie of the Year” (1993) Gary Busey MLB Network Special MLB Tonight Mr. October MLB Tonight October
(6:00) Kasie DC (N) Dateline ’ Dateline ’ Dateline ’ Dateline “Tangled Web” Dateline ’ Dateline ’
Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. (12:15) Ridiculousness Ridiculous.
One Strange Rock A Day on Mars (N) A Day on Mars One Strange Rock Rock
Bensinger Poker Heartland Poker Tour Blackhawks Postgame World Poker Tour UFA Tennis Invesco Series QQQ.
NHL Hockey: Red Wings at Blackhawks NHL Hockey Nashville Predators at Anaheim Ducks. (N) (Live) NHL Alpine Skiing Auctions
NFL GameDay Prime NFL Football AFC or NFC Wild Card: Teams TBA. ’ NFL GameDay Prime NFL Football AFC or NFC Wild Card: Teams TBA.
›› “Journey 2: The Mysterious Island” (2012) Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’
Bubble Bubble Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Abby Abby Butterbean Butterbean Corn & Peg Max, Ruby Max, Ruby Rivets
Hangover ›› “The Hangover Part II” (2011) Bradley Cooper. ’ ››› “Dumb & Dumber” (1994) Jim Carrey, Jeff Daniels. ’ ›‡ “Dirty Grandpa”
(6:00) Milwaukee PBS Weather Milwaukee PBS Weather Milwaukee PBS Weather
Baking Masterclss Lidia Healthful Rick Steves Table Taste Nick Taste Nick Food 50 Lidia
›››‡ “Dirty Harry” (1971) Clint Eastwood. (:15) ››› “Magnum Force” (1973, Action) Clint Eastwood. (:45) ››‡ “The Enforcer” (1976) Tyne Daly
E.T. Terrestrial ››‡ “Hancock” (2008) Will Smith. Premiere. Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Stickman
››› “Transformers” (2007, Action) Shia LaBeouf, Tyrese Gibson. ››› “Transformers” (2007, Action) Shia LaBeouf, Tyrese Gibson. Kong: Skull
›››› “Fiddler on the Roof” (1971, Musical) Topol, Norma Crane. (:15) ›› “Bachelor Bait” (1934) (:45) “Bardelys the Magnificent” (1926)
Mod Fam Mod Fam NCIS: New Orleans ’ CBS 58 News Broke Girl Broke Girl Mod Fam Mod Fam Wipeout ’ Carbonaro
90 Day Fiancé ’ Sister Wives The family moves to Flagstaff, Ariz. 90 Day Fiancé ’ 90 Day Fiancé ’ Sister Wives “Kicked Out” ’
››› “Thor: Ragnarok” (2017) Chris Hemsworth. Premiere. (:45) ››› “Guardians of the Galaxy” (2014) Chris Pratt. (12:15) ››‡ “The Wolverine”
Burgers Burgers Joe Pera Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Family Guy Family Guy Rick, Morty Mike Ty. Sheriff Metal Amer. Dad Family Guy
Expedition Bigfoot Expedition Bigfoot Expedition Bigfoot (N) Lost in the Wild (N) Expedition Bigfoot Expedition Bigfoot Bigfoot
Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Misery
King King King King Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men King King King
American-Jr. American-Jr. Junk Junk Junk Junk Get Out Get Out Masha Masha Moon and
Law & Order: SVU (:01) Dare Me Dare Me (N) Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam (12:01) Dare Me Law-SVU
(6:30) ›› “Good Deeds” (2012) Tyler Perry. ’ ››‡ “Think Like a Man” (2012) Michael Ealy, Jerry Ferrara. ’ ›› “Meet the Browns” (2008) ’
Law & Order ’ Law & Order ’ Law & Order ’ Law & Order ’ Law & Order ’ Law Order: CI Law CI
K www.hap2it.com January 2, 2020 HAPPENINGS Page 29
B’CAST SPECTRUM 4 AM 4:30 5 AM 5:30 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM
2 2 News News CBS 2 Morning CBS 2 Morning CBS This Morning Let’s Make a Deal The Price Is Right News
5 83 Early Tdy News TMJ4 News TMJ4 News Today The Morning Blend Today 3rd Hour Today
7 5 News News News News NBC 5 News at 6am Today Today 3rd Hour Today-Hoda News
10 6 Holly News Wake-Up News at 5 Wake-Up News at 6 Wake-Up News at 7 Wake-Up News at 8 Real Milwaukee Wendy Williams News
12 7 Morning News News at 5am News at 6am Good Morning America Kelly and Ryan The View News
24 9 WGN Early Morning News WGN Morning News Rachael Ray News
32 10 Varied House Ready Arthur Curious Nature Wild Molly Xavier Go Luna Tiger Tiger Sesame Pink Dinosaur
38 Varied World Chicago Tonight Cat in Pink Curious Nature Wild Molly Xavier Go Luna Tiger Tiger Sesame
55 12 Morning News 12 News This Morning Good Morning America Kelly and Ryan The View News
18 Access Varied Celebrity Business ES.TV Recipe Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Joyce M. Funny Funny Doctors
AMC 24 Shep Varied Caught Jerry Springer Judge Varied Justice Judge Court Injury Ct. Caught Court Court Paternity
DISC Justice Court Court Paternity The Jam The Jam Injury Ct. Protec Jerry Jerry The People’s Court Court
ESPN 13 Good News News News Good Day Chicago Good Day Chic. Wendy Williams The Real
FX 974 Varied Programs Yoga Happy Body Allaire C. Sit/Be Fit Travel Burt Wolf Quilt Art Painting Paint
LIFE Meeting Varied Paid Prg. Les Feld Law CI Varied Law CI Varied Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Varied Programs
NICK Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Church Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. America The 700 Club Dateline Wendy
SYFY 15 Meeting Varied Paid Prg. Les Feld Law CI Varied Law CI Varied Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Varied Programs
TCM 8 News News CBS 58 News CBS 58 News CBS This Morning Let’s Make a Deal The Price Is Right Young
TOON 42 Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Joyce M. First 48 Varied First 48 Varied Programs
VH1 59 Walk Varied Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Movie Varied Programs
54 Sex Toys Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. ’70s ’70s ’70s ’70s Varied Programs
41 Varied Programs
58 Jessie Jessie Puppy Puppy T.O.T.S. Bluey Mickey Mickey Mickey T.O.T.S. Puppy Puppy Muppet Giganto Vampir
30 SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter Get Up First Take SportCtr
17 Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Super Super Super Super Super 700 Club The 700 Club Movie Varied Programs
35 Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Movie Varied Programs
39 Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Varied Programs
36 Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Joyce M. Varied The Closer The Closer The Closer The Closer King
52 Ridic. Ridic. Varied Programs
56 George George F. House Sponge. Jurassic Sponge. PAW PAW Bubble Bubble PAW PAW Blue PAW Ryan
51 Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom King King King
55 Movie Varied Zone Varied Programs
3 Broke Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends
60 Movie Varied Movie Varied Programs
33 NCIS: New Orleans Charmed Charmed Charmed Charmed Supernatural Supernatural Supernat.
57 Chicken Burgers Gumball Gumball Gumball Gumball Teen Teen Teen Teen Craig Craig Gumball Gumball Victor
34 Varied Programs CSI: Varied NCIS: LA Varied NCIS Varied Programs
50 Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince Varied Programs
B’CAST SPECTRUM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 6 PM 6:30
2 2 Young & Restless Bold The Talk Hot Hot Dr. Phil Jdg Judy Jdg Judy News CBS News ET
4 83 Minute The List Kelly Clarkson News News News News News News
5 5 Today News News Days of our Lives Kelly Clarkson Ellen DeGeneres NBC 5 News at 4pm News News News Holly
6 6 TMZ Live Jdg Judy Jdg Judy FOX 6 News at 4 FOX 6 News at 5 News TMZ
7 7 News Days of our Lives Access Daily General Hospital Inside Jeopardy News at 4pm News ABC News Wheel
9 9 Maury DailyMail DailyMail WGN Early WGN Evening News
10 10 News Jdg Judy Jdg Judy Live PD Cops Nature Odd Varied Programs PBS NewsHour
11 Dinosaur Go Luna Nature Wild Molly Xavier Arthur Odd PBS NewsHour
12 12 News GMA3: Strahan Windy City Live The Dr. Oz Show Tamron Hall Ellen DeGeneres News ABC News ET
18 18 FamFeud Funny America America 25 Words 25 Words FamFeud Funny FamFeud FamFeud
24 24 News WGN Midday News Mel Robbins Maury Steve Wilkos Show Hot Hot Jerry Jerry Two Men Two Men
26 Judge Mathis Judge Mathis Tamron Hall King King Mike Mike
32 13 Cat in Sesame Tiger Curious Wild 25 Words Extra Dish Nat. TMZ Live Fox 32 News at 5 Big Bang Big Bang
36 974 Downton Abbey Varied Programs TMZ Amanpour-Co Varied Programs
38 Pink Pink Nature Tiger Sesame
50 15 America 25 Words FamFeud FamFeud FamFeud FamFeud
55 8 News GMA3: Strahan General Hospital
58 42 CBS 58 News News CBS Jeopardy Wheel
59 Doctors Access Daily Jerry Springer
A&E 54 Office Office Varied Office Office Office
AMC 41 Paternity Divorce Divorce True Crime Files
COM 58 Jessie Jessie Gabby Raven Bunk’d Bunk’d
DISC 30 Court Steve Wilkos Show Jerry Springer Around Pardon SportsCenter Varied Programs
DISN 17 Simpsons Simpsons Movie
ESPN 35 The Real Fox 32 News The Dr. Oz Show
FREE 39 Loud Loud Loud Loud
FX 36 For Home Sew Sara’s British Baking Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men
LIFE 56 Varied Programs American American Movie
MTV 51 Movie Fam. Guy Fam. Guy
NICK 55 Wendy Hatchett Hatchett Judge Judge Divorce Divorce Caught Caught Varied Programs
PARMT 3 Total Total
SYFY 60 Varied Programs Teen Teen
TBS 33
TCM 57 Young News Bold The Talk Inside Jeopardy Dr. Phil Love & Hip Hop
TNT 34
TOON 50 Varied Programs
VH1 Movie Varied Programs
Varied Programs South Pk South Pk South Pk
Varied Programs
Mickey T.O.T.S. T.O.T.S. Amphibia Ladybug Ladybug Big City Big City Big City
NBA: The Jump Noon Question
(:00) SportsCenter NFL Live Middle Middle Simpsons Simpsons
Movie Middle Middle Middle Middle
Movie Varied Programs
Varied Programs
King King King King King King King Varied Programs
Varied Programs Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge.
King King Two Men Two Men
PAW Blaze PAW Sponge. Sponge. Varied Loud
Friends Friends American American Two Men Two Men
King King King King King Varied Programs Varied Programs
Varied Programs
Movie Varied Programs Teen Teen Teen Teen
Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends
Movie Varied Programs Movie
Supernat. Supernatural Varied Programs
Victor Gumball Gumball Gumball Gumball Gumball Infinity
Varied Programs
Varied Programs Varied Programs
Page 30 HAPPENINGS January 2, 2020 www.hap2it.com K
B’CAST SPECTRUM 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30 1 AM
22 Neighbor Bob Heart All Rise (N) ’ Bull (N) ’ News Late Show-Colbert James Corden Comics News
4 83
55 America’s Got Talent “The Champions One” (N) (:01) Manifest ’ News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Late Night-Seth Meyers Late-Lilly Paid Prog.
77 America’s Got Talent “The Champions One” (N) (:01) Manifest ’ News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Late Night-Seth Meyers Late-Lilly NBC News
9.2 986 9-1-1 “Malfunction” ’ (:01) Prodigal Son ’ FOX 6 News at 9 (N) News Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ (:35) Extra Live PD (:35) Cops encore
10 10
11 The Bachelor Peter Weber begins his search for love. ’ News Jimmy Kimmel Live! ’ Nightline (12:07) Windy City Live News
12 12
18 18 black-ish black-ish Last Man Last Man WGN News at Nine (N) News Goldbergs Goldbergs Two Men Two Men Mom ’ Mom ’
24 24
26 A Living 3’s Comp. Family Ties Growing Designing Murphy Johnny Carson ’ Coach ’ NewsRadio Becker ’ Dear John Wings
32 13
36 974 Antiques Roadshow American Experience “McCarthy” (N) ’ “The Lavender Scare” Democracy R. Steves Amanpour-Co
50 Chicago Tonight (N) ’ Antiques Roadshow American Experience “McCarthy” (N) ’ BBC World Amanpour-Co Jane Austen:
55 15
58 8 The Bachelor Peter Weber begins his search for love. ’ News Jimmy Kimmel Live! ’ Nightline ET (:37) Rachael Ray (N)
A&E 42
AMC 59 Supergirl ’ Crisis Aftermath Goldbergs Goldbergs Last Man Last Man King King How I Met How I Met Dish Nat.
AP 43
BIG10 63 Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Family Guy Burgers Simpsons Family Guy Burgers DailyMail DailyMail Sheriffs Cheaters
BOOM 109
BRAVO 45 Supergirl ’ Crisis Aftermath Broke Girl Broke Girl Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Funny You How I Met Family Guy Burgers The Game
CNN 44 9-1-1 “Malfunction” ’ (:01) Prodigal Son ’ Fox 32 News at Nine Mod Fam Big Bang TMZ (N) ’ Later-Leon Extra (N) News Paid Prog.
COM 54
COOK 158 News BBC World Grantchester Call the Midwife ’ BBC World PBS NewsHour (N) ’ NOVA ’ Track Ah’d Baking
DISN 58 Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Law Order: CI Law CI
DLC 153
E! 53 Chicago P.D. Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Chicago P.D. Mod Fam Simpsons Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog.
ESPN2 29 Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Law Order: CI Law CI
FNC 48
FOOD 67 Neighbor Bob Heart All Rise (N) ’ Bull (N) ’ News Late Show-Colbert James Corden The Mel Robbins Show
FX 35 Live PD Live PD Live Rescue “Live Rescue -- 01.06.20” (N) ’ Live Rescue ’ Live PD Live PD Live Rescue ’
GOLF 28 ›››› “Titanic” (1997) Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet. A woman falls for an artist aboard the ill-fated ship. ››› “The Devil Wears Prada” (2006, Comedy)
HMM 117 (:01) Alaska: The Last Frontier: The Frozen Edge Alaskan Bush People Alaskan Bush People Alaska: The Last Frontier: The Frozen Edge ’ Alaskan
HIST 39 Wm. Basketball Campus BTN Football in 60 Big Ten Elite BTN Football in 60 Ten’s Best BTN Football in 60 Basketball
LIFEMOV 65 Tom Jerry Be Cool Be Cool Be Cool Bunnicula Bunnicula Looney Tunes ’ Tom & Jerry
MLB 326 Below Deck (N) Below Deck (N) Watch What Below Deck Blind Date (:31) Dare Me (:31) Below Deck
MTV 52 American Greed American Greed American Greed (N) American Greed American Greed American Greed Dateline ’
NBCSCH 49 Anderson Cooper 360 Cuomo Prime Time (N) CNN Tonight CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 Cuomo Prime Time Tonight
NFL NET 346 The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office Daily Show Lights Out South Park South Park South Park Daily Show South Park
NICK JR. 107 Best Thing Best Thing Best Thing Best Thing Good Eats Good Eats Good Eats Good Eats Best Thing Best Thing Best Thing Best Thing Good Eats
PBS CREATE 977 Diesel Brothers (N) ’ Dirty Mudder Truckers Twin Turbos (N) ’ Diesel Brothers ’ Diesel Brothers ’ Dirty Mudder Truckers Twin Tur
SUND 281 Bunk’d ’ Gabby Sydney Roll With It Coop Sydney Bunk’d ’ Gabby Raven Raven Sydney Sydney Coop
TBS 3 Monsters Inside Me ’ Monsters Inside Me ’ Monsters Inside Me ’ Monsters Inside Me ’ Monsters Inside Me ’ Monsters Inside Me ’ Monsters
TCM 60
THIS 983 Botched Botched (N) Nightly Pop (N) Botched Botched Botched Botched
TLC 40
TNT 33 (6:30) College Football LendingTree Bowl -- Louisiana vs Miami (Ohio). (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportCtr
TRAVEL 72 Wm. Basketball College Basketball Basketball NFL Live Around Interruption Now/Nev.
TV LAND 61 Tucker Carlson Tonight Hannity (N) The Ingraham Angle (N) Fox News at Night Tucker Carlson Tonight Hannity Ingraham
USA 34 Kids Baking Kids Baking Food Challenge Chopped “Sweet Heat” Kids Baking Food Challenge Chopped
VH1 50
WE 26 (5:00) “The Notebook” ››› “Pretty in Pink” (1986) Molly Ringwald. The 700 Club ’ ››‡ “17 Again” (2009) Zac Efron. ’ Paid Prog.
››› “American Made” (2017) Tom Cruise. ’ ››› “American Made” (2017) Tom Cruise. ’ ›‡ “No Good Deed” (2014) ’
Pregame NBA Basketball Milwaukee Bucks at San Antonio Spurs. (N) Postgame Basketball Badgers Pregame NBA Basketball: Bucks at Spurs
(6:00) PGA Tour Golf Sentry Tournament of Champions, Final Round. Golf Central (N) (Live) “Seve: The Movie” (2014) José Luis Gutiérrez, José Navar.
“Winter Love Story” (2019, Romance) Jen Lilley. “Love in Paradise” (2016, Comedy) Luke Perry. Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls
Magnum, P.I. Magnum, P.I. Magnum, P.I. Murder, She Wrote Murder, She Wrote Murder, She Wrote ’ Murder ...
Love It or List It Love It or List It (N) (:02) Love It or List It (:01) Love It or List It Love It or List It (12:02) Love It or List It Love-List
American Pickers ’ American Pick. (:05) American Pickers (:05) American Pickers (:03) American Pickers American Pick. Pickers
›› “Diary of a Mad Black Woman” (2005) (:03) Hopelessly in Love (Part 1 of 3) (:01) ›› “Diary of a Mad Black Woman” (2005) Love
“My Mom’s Darkest Secrets” (2020) Nia Roam. “A Daughter’s Plan to Kill” (2019) Claire Coffee. “My Mom’s Darkest Secrets” (2020) Nia Roam. A Daught
Andy G. Andy G. G. Pyle Green Acre Heroes Heroes C. Burnett Perry Mason Twi. Zone Hitchcock Hitchcock Mannix
The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! MLB Tonight MLB Now MLB Tonight MLB Now MLB Ton.
All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word The 11th Hour Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word 11th Hour
Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous.
Drain the Titanic Drain the Oceans (N) Drain Alcatraz Drain the Oceans Drain Alcatraz Nazi Megastructures Nazi
Bulls NBA Basketball Chicago Bulls at Dallas Mavericks. (N) (Live) Postgame Bulls Bensinger NBA Basketball: Bulls at Mavericks
NHL Hockey: Oilers at Maple Leafs (:45) NHL Overtime (N) NHL:WintClass Motorcycle Race Monster Jam
NFL Football AFC or NFC Wild Card: Teams TBA. NFL Total Access ’ NFL Football AFC or NFC Wild Card: Teams TBA. ’ NFL Total
SpongeBob SpongeBob Most Musical Family Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ (:45) Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’
Bubble Bubble Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Abby Abby Butterbean Butterbean Corn & Peg Max, Ruby Max, Ruby Rivets
Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops (N) Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’
(6:00) Milwaukee PBS Weather Milwaukee PBS Weather Milwaukee PBS Weather
Kitchen Field Trip Yoga Jazzy Weekends Backyard R. Steves Best of Joy Field Trip Kitchen Simp. Ming Cook Yoga
(6:00) “The Enforcer” ››‡ “The Devil’s Advocate” (1997) Keanu Reeves, Al Pacino. ››‡ “The Devil’s Advocate” (1997) Keanu Reeves.
(6:00) “Hancock” (2008) ›› “G.I. Joe: Retaliation” (2013) Bruce Willis Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Shadows
Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Conan Brooklyn Brooklyn Conan Jokers Jokers Jokers
Scandal (:15) ››› “Red Dust” (1932) Clark Gable. ›››› “The Maltese Falcon” (1941) Scandal Little
Dateline ’ Dateline ’ CBS 58 News Chicago P.D. Broke Girl Broke Girl Mod Fam Mod Fam Mom ’
90 Day Fiance: Watch Party (N) ’ 90 Day Fiancé ’ 90 Day Fiancé ’ 90 Day Fiance: Watch Party ’ 90 Day
››› “Ant-Man” (2015, Action) Paul Rudd, Michael Douglas. ››‡ “Riddick” (2013) Vin Diesel, Karl Urban, Jordi Mollà. Bones ’ Bones ’
Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Burgers Burgers Family Guy Family Guy Rick, Morty Chicken Mike Ty. Sheriff Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Burgers
Paranormal Ca. Beyond the Unknown Beyond the Unknown Paranormal Ca. Paranormal Ca. Beyond the Unknown Unknown
Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro
Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King King King King King Two Men Two Men Raymond
Get Out Get Out Get Out Get Out Spies! Spies! Junk Junk Get Out Get Out Masha Masha Moon and
WWE Monday Night RAW (N) ’ (Live) Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam NCIS: LA
Love & Hip Hop (N) ’ Love & Hip Hop Miami Love & Hip Hop ’ Love & Hip Hop Miami Love & Hip Hop ’ Love & Hip Hop Miami Hip Hop
Criminal Minds Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds “Jones” Criminal Minds ’ Law Order: CI Law CI
K www.hap2it.com January 2, 2020 HAPPENINGS Page 31
B’CAST SPECTRUM 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30 1 AM
22 NCIS “In the Wind” (N) FBI “Fallout” (N) ’ FBI: Most Wanted ’ News Late Show-Colbert James Corden Comics News
4 83
55 Ellen’s Game of Games Ellen’s Game of Games Zoey’s-Playlist News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Late Night-Seth Meyers Late-Lilly Paid Prog.
77 Ellen’s Game of Games Ellen’s Game of Games Zoey’s-Playlist News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Late Night-Seth Meyers Late-Lilly NBC News
9.2 986 The Resident (N) ’ 24 Hours-Hell FOX 6 News at 9 (N) News Seinfeld ’ (:05) TMZ (:35) Extra Live PD Seinfeld encore
10 10
11 Jeopardy! The Greatest mixed-ish black-ish Emergence “15 Years” News Jimmy Kimmel Live! ’ Nightline (12:07) Windy City Live News
12 12
18 18 black-ish black-ish Last Man Last Man WGN News at Nine (N) News Goldbergs Goldbergs Two Men Two Men Mom ’ Mom ’
24 24
26 A Living 3’s Comp. Family Ties Growing Designing Murphy Johnny Carson ’ Coach ’ NewsRadio Becker ’ Dear John Wings ’
32 13
36 974 Finding Your Roots Finding Your Roots Dave Chappelle: The Mark Frontline (N) ’ POV Shorts R. Steves Amanpour-Co
50 Chicago Tonight ’ Finding Your Roots Dave Chappelle: The Mark Frontline (N) ’ BBC World Amanpour-Co Antiques
55 15
58 8 Jeopardy! The Greatest mixed-ish black-ish Emergence “15 Years” News Jimmy Kimmel Live! ’ Nightline ET (:37) Rachael Ray (N)
A&E 42
AMC 59 Batwoman ’ Black Lightning ’ Goldbergs Goldbergs Last Man Last Man King King How I Met How I Met Dish Nat.
AP 43
BIG10 63 Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ Coaches Burgers Simpsons Family Guy Burgers DailyMail DailyMail Sheriffs Cheaters
BOOM 109
BRAVO 45 Batwoman ’ Black Lightning ’ Broke Girl Broke Girl Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld Funny You How I Met Family Guy Burgers The Game
CNN 44 The Resident (N) ’ 24 Hours-Hell Fox 32 News at Nine Mod Fam Big Bang TMZ (N) ’ Later-Leon Extra (N) News Paid Prog.
COM 54
COOK 158 News BBC World Durrells in Corfu Resistance (Part 1 of 6) BBC World PBS NewsHour (N) ’ Victorian Slum House Nouveau Baking
DISN 58 Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds “JJ” ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Law Order: CI Law CI
DLC 153
E! 53 Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. Mod Fam Simpsons Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog.
ESPN2 29 Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds “JJ” ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Law Order: CI Law CI
FNC 48
FOOD 67 NCIS “In the Wind” (N) FBI “Fallout” (N) ’ FBI: Most Wanted ’ News Late Show-Colbert James Corden The Mel Robbins Show
FX 35 The First 48 ’ First 48: Shocking First 48: Shocking The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ First 48: Shocking First 48
GOLF 28 ››› “The Hunger Games” (2012) Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson. ››› “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire” (2013) Jennifer Lawrence. Walk:Dead
HMM 117 (:01) Treehouse Masters: Branched Out (N) ’ (:01) Barnwood Builders (:01) Barnwood Builders Lone Star Law: Uncuffed ’ Lone Star
HIST 39 College Basketball College Basketball Iowa at Nebraska. (N) (Live) Postgame B1G Show B1G Show B1G Show B1G Show B1G Show Basketball
LIFEMOV 65 Scooby Be Cool Be Cool Be Cool Bunnicula Bunnicula Looney Tunes ’ Tom & Jerry
MLB 326 Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules (N) Blind Date Vanderpump Rules Matchmaker
MTV 52 Shark Tank ’ Shark Tank ’ The Profit (N) The Profit “SJC Drums” The Profit The Profit Dateline ’
NBCSCH 49 Anderson Cooper 360 Cuomo Prime Time (N) CNN Tonight CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 Cuomo Prime Time Tonight
NFL NET 346 The Office The Office Drunk Drunk Drunk Drunk Daily Show Lights Out South Park South Park South Park Daily Show South Park
NICK JR. 107 Burgers Burgers Burgers Burgers Man, Food Man, Food Man, Food Man, Food Burgers Burgers Burgers Burgers Man, Food
PBS CREATE 977 Moonshiners Moonshiners (N) ’ To Be Announced Moonshiners ’ Moonshiners ’ To Be Announced Moonshine
SUND 281 Bunk’d ’ Gabby Sydney Roll With It Coop Sydney Bunk’d ’ Gabby Raven Raven Sydney Sydney Coop
TBS 3 Doctors Behind Bars ’ Pregnant Behind Bars Pregnant Behind Bars Addicted ’ Doctors Behind Bars ’ Pregnant Behind Bars Pregnant
TCM 60
THIS 983 (6:30) ›› “Step Up” (2006) Mario ››› “Dirty Dancing” (1987) Jennifer Grey. Nightly Pop The Kardashians The Kardashians Kardashian
TLC 40
TNT 33 College Basketball College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportCtr
TRAVEL 72 College Basketball College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Around Interruption Now/Nev.
TV LAND 61 Tucker Carlson Tonight Hannity (N) The Ingraham Angle (N) Fox News at Night Tucker Carlson Tonight Hannity Ingraham
USA 34 Chopped Chopped (N) Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped
VH1 50
WE 26 ››› “The Blind Side” (2009, Drama) Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw. ’ The 700 Club ’ “A Cinderella Story: If the Shoe Fits” (2016) ’ Paid Prog.
›››‡ “Avatar” (2009, Science Fiction) Sam Worthington, Voice of Zoe Saldana. ’ ›› “Terminator Genisys” (2015) Arnold Schwarzenegger. Mike
College Football: San Diego County Credit Union Holiday Bowl Badgers Basketball World Poker College Basketball
(6:00) ››‡ “Tommy’s Honour” ››‡ “Tommy’s Honour” (2016) Peter Mullan. Golf Golf Central Lessons PGA TOUR
“Unleashing Mr. Darcy” (2016) Ryan Paevey. “Snowcoming” (2019, Romance) Lindy Booth. Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls
Matchmaker Mysteries Murder, She Baked The sheriff is murdered. Murder, She Wrote ’ Murder, She Wrote ’ Murder, She Wrote ’ Murder ...
Home Town Fixer to Fabulous (N) Move and Improve (N) Hunt Intl Hunters Fixer to Fabulous Move and Improve Hunt Intl
Digging Deeper Curse-Island (:03) Kings of Pain (N) Curse-Island Digging Deeper Curse-Island Kings of
››‡ “The Holiday” (2006) Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, Jude Law. (:03) Supernanny ’ (:01) ››‡ “The Holiday” (2006) Cameron Diaz, Jude Law.
“Is My Daughter Really Dead?” (2019, Suspense) “A Mother on the Edge” (2019) Debs Howard. “Is My Daughter Really Dead?” (2019, Suspense) On Edge
Andy G. Andy G. G. Pyle Green Acre Heroes Heroes C. Burnett Perry Mason Twi. Zone Hitchcock Hitchcock Mannix
›››‡ “The Natural” (1984, Drama) Robert Redford, Robert Duvall. MLB Tonight MLB Now MLB Tonight MLB Now
All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word The 11th Hour Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word 11th Hour
Siesta Key (N) ’ Teen Mom: Young Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous.
Ice Breakers Life Below Zero (N) Running Wild Running Wild Running Wild Life Below Zero Justice
Pregame NHL Hockey Calgary Flames at Chicago Blackhawks. (N) (Live) Blackhawks Postgame Poker NHL Hockey: Flames at Blackhawks
NHL Hockey: Avalanche at Rangers (:15) NHL Overtime (N) Mobiles Caffeine American Ninja Warrior American Ninja Warrior Ninja
NFL Football AFC or NFC Wild Card: Teams TBA. ’ NFL Total Access ’ NFL Football AFC or NFC Wild Card: Teams TBA. ’
SpongeBob SpongeBob Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends Friends Friends ’ (:45) Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’
Bubble Bubble Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Abby Abby Butterbean Butterbean Corn & Peg Max, Ruby Max, Ruby Rivets
(6:30) ›‡ “Grown Ups” (2010) Adam Sandler. Ink Master (N) ’ ›‡ “Grown Ups” (2010) Adam Sandler, Kevin James. ’ › “That’s My Boy”
(6:00) Milwaukee PBS Weather Milwaukee PBS Weather Milwaukee PBS Weather
Kitchen Field Trip P Allen Classical Bare Feet Travel R. Steves Best of Joy Field Trip British Baking Cook P Allen
(5:00) “Face/Off” (1997) ›››‡ “Predator” (1987, Action) Arnold Schwarzenegger. ›››‡ “Predator” (1987, Action) Arnold Schwarzenegger. Face/Off
“G.I. Joe: Retaliation” ››‡ “Ghost in the Shell” (2017) Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama (:45) “The Whole Truth”
Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan New Girl New Girl Conan Jokers Jokers Jokers
››› “The Fountainhead” (1949) Gary Cooper. ››‡ “Bright Leaf” (1950) Gary Cooper. ››› “John Loves Mary” (1949) (:45) “The Hasty Heart”
Dateline ’ Dateline ’ CBS 58 News Chicago P.D. Broke Girl Broke Girl Mod Fam Mod Fam Mom ’
My Big Fat Fabulous Life (Season Premiere) (N) Hot & Heavy ’ I Am Jazz ’ My Big Fat Fabulous Life ’ Hot &
›› “London Has Fallen” (2016) Gerard Butler. ›‡ “Geostorm” (2017, Action) Gerard Butler. NCIS: New Orleans ’ NCIS: New Orleans ’ NCIS: N.O.
Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Burgers Burgers Family Guy Family Guy Rick, Morty Chicken Mike Ty. Mr. Pickles Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Burgers
The Dead Files (N) Famously Afraid (N) Kindred Spirits The Dead Files Fa. Afraid
Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Ad. Ruins Ad. Ruins Ad. Ruins Ad. Ruins Misery
Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King King King King King Two Men Two Men Raymond
Lunch HZipzer Next Step Next Step Dragons All Hail The Noise The Noise Next Step Next Step All Hail Dragons The Deep
Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Dare Me Chicago
Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out
Law & Order ’ Law & Order ’ Law & Order ’ Law & Order ’ Law & Order ’ Law & Order ’ Law
Page 32 HAPPENINGS January 2, 2020 www.hap2it.com K
B’CAST SPECTRUM 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30 1 AM
22 Undercover Boss ’ Criminal Minds “Under the Skin; Awakenings” ’ News Late Show-Colbert James Corden Comics News
4 83
55 Chicago Med (N) ’ Chicago Fire (N) ’ Chicago P.D. “Mercy” News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Late Night-Seth Meyers Late-Lilly Paid Prog.
77 Chicago Med (N) ’ Chicago Fire (N) ’ Chicago P.D. “Mercy” News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Late Night-Seth Meyers Late-Lilly NBC News
9.2 986 Flirty Dancing (N) ’ Almost Family (N) ’ FOX 6 News at 9 (N) News Inside Seinfeld (:35) Extra Live PD Seinfeld ’ encore
10 10
11 Jeopardy! The Greatest Mod Fam Single Stumptown (N) ’ News Jimmy Kimmel Live! ’ Nightline (12:07) Windy City Live News
12 12
18 18 black-ish black-ish Last Man Last Man WGN News at Nine (N) News Goldbergs Goldbergs Two Men Two Men Mom ’ Mom ’
24 24
26 A Living 3’s Comp. Family Ties Growing Designing Murphy Johnny Carson ’ Coach ’ NewsRadio Becker ’ Dear John Wings ’
32 13
36 974 Nature (N) ’ NOVA ’ (Part 1 of 5) NOVA ’ NOVA ’ To Catch a Comet ’ R. Steves Amanpour-Co
50 Chicago Tonight (N) ’ Nature (N) ’ NOVA (N) Ozone Hole BBC World Amanpour-Co Finding Your Roots
55 15
58 8 Jeopardy! The Greatest Mod Fam Single Stumptown (N) ’ News Jimmy Kimmel Live! ’ Nightline ET (:37) Rachael Ray (N)
A&E 42
AMC 59 Riverdale ’ Nancy Drew ’ Goldbergs Goldbergs Last Man Last Man King King How I Met How I Met Dish Nat.
AP 43
BIG10 63 Dateline ’ Dateline ’ Family Guy Burgers Simpsons Family Guy Burgers DailyMail DailyMail Sheriffs Cheaters
BOOM 109
BRAVO 45 Riverdale ’ Nancy Drew ’ Broke Girl Broke Girl Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld Funny You How I Met Family Guy Burgers The Game
CNN 44 Flirty Dancing (N) ’ Almost Family (N) ’ Fox 32 News at Nine Mod Fam Big Bang TMZ (N) ’ Later-Leon Extra (N) News Paid Prog.
COM 54
COOK 158 News BBC World Prime Suspect: Tennison Mum ’ BBC World PBS NewsHour (N) ’ We’ll Meet Again ’ Around Baking
DISN 58 Blue Bloods ’ Blue Bloods ’ Blue Bloods ’ Blue Bloods ’ Blue Bloods ’ Law Order: CI Law CI
DLC 153
E! 53 Chicago P.D. ’ Dateline ’ Dateline ’ Chicago P.D. ’ Mod Fam Simpsons Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog.
ESPN2 29 Blue Bloods ’ Blue Bloods ’ Blue Bloods ’ Blue Bloods ’ Blue Bloods ’ Law Order: CI Law CI
FNC 48
FOOD 67 Undercover Boss ’ Criminal Minds “Under the Skin; Awakenings” ’ News Late Show-Colbert James Corden The Mel Robbins Show
FX 35 Live PD (N) ’ (Live) America’s Top Dog ’ Live PD (N) ’ (Live) Alaska PD ’ Live PD ’ America’s Top Dog ’ Live PD ’
GOLF 28 ››› “I Am Legend” (2007) Will Smith. ›› “Deep Impact” (1998, Drama) Robert Duvall, Tea Leoni. (:34) ››› “The Sum of All Fears” (2002)
HMM 117 (:01) I Was Prey: Under Attack ’ (:01) I Was Prey ’ (:01) I Was Prey ’ I Was Prey: Under Attack ’ I Was Prey
HIST 39 College Basketball College Basketball Illinois at Wisconsin. (N) (Live) Postgame Journey B1G Show B1G Show Journey B1G Show Basketball
LIFEMOV 65 Scooby-Doo! Be Cool Be Cool Bunnicula Bunnicula Looney Tunes ’ Tom & Jerry
MLB 326 Housewives/NJ Real Housewives-Dallas Watch Housewives/NJ (:45) Blind Date Housewives-Atlanta Real Housewives-Dallas
MTV 52 Shark Tank ’ Shark Tank ’ Five Day Biz Fix (N) Five Day Biz Fix (N) Five Day Biz Fix Five Day Biz Fix Dateline ’
NBCSCH 49 Anderson Cooper 360 Cuomo Prime Time (N) CNN Tonight CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 Cuomo Prime Time Tonight
NFL NET 346 South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park Daily Show Lights Out South Park South Park South Park Daily Show South Park
NICK JR. 107 Man Fire Man Fire Man’s Greatest Food Delicious Delicious Delicious Delicious Man Fire Man Fire Man’s Greatest Food Delicious
PBS CREATE 977 Alaskan Bush People Man vs. Bear (N) ’ Naked and Afraid Alaskan Bush People Man vs. Bear ’ To Be Announced Alaskan
SUND 281 Bunk’d ’ Gabby Sydney Roll With It Coop Sydney Bunk’d ’ Gabby Raven Raven Sydney Sydney Coop
TBS 3 Trauma Down Under ’ Trauma Down Under ’ Trauma Down Under ’ Trauma Down Under ’ Trauma Down Under ’ Trauma Down Under ’ Trauma
TCM 60
THIS 983 Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Nightly Pop Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City
TLC 40
TNT 33 NBA Basketball: Nuggets at Mavericks NBA Basketball Milwaukee Bucks at Golden State Warriors. SportsCenter SportsCenter (N) (Live)
TRAVEL 72 College Basketball College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportCtr UFC Top Around Interruption Now/Nev.
TV LAND 61 Tucker Carlson Tonight Hannity (N) The Ingraham Angle (N) Fox News at Night Tucker Carlson Tonight Hannity Ingraham
USA 34 Guy’s Grocery Games Guy’s Grocery Games Guy’s Grocery Games Guy’s Grocery Games Guy’s Grocery Games Guy’s Grocery Games Grocery
VH1 50
WE 26 (5:00) “The Blind Side” Party of Five “Pilot” ’ Party of Five (N) The 700 Club ’ Party of Five “Pilot” ’ Party of Five Paid Prog.
›››‡ “Hidden Figures” (2016) Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer. ’ ›››‡ “Hidden Figures” (2016) Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer. ’ Americans
Badgers Spotlight Spotlight Pregame NBA Basketball Milwaukee Bucks at Golden State Warriors. Postgame World Poker Basketball
PGA Tour Golf Asian Tour Golf Hong Kong Open, First Round. (N) (Live)
“Winter in Vail” (2020, Drama) Lacey Chabert. “Love on the Slopes” (2018) Katrina Bowden. Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls
Aurora Teagarden Aurora Teagarden Mysteries “A Very Foul Play” Murder, She Wrote ’ Murder, She Wrote ’ Murder, She Wrote ’ Murder ...
Property Brothers Property Brothers Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Property Brothers Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl
Forged in Fire Forged in Fire (N) (:03) Vikings (N) (:05) Forged in Fire ’ Forged in Fire (12:06) Forged in Fire Vikings ’
Married at First Sight (N) Supernanny (N) ’ Married at First Sight (:01) Married at First Sight Nanny
“His Deadly Affair” (2019) Gina Holden. “Suburban Swingers Club” (2019) Dana Davis. “His Deadly Affair” (2019) Gina Holden. Swingers
Andy G. Andy G. G. Pyle Green Acre Heroes Heroes C. Burnett Perry Mason Twi. Zone Hitchcock Hitchcock Mannix
›‡ “Major League II” (1994) Charlie Sheen. MLB Tonight MLB Now MLB Tonight MLB Now MLB Ton.
All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word The 11th Hour Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word 11th Hour
Catfish: The TV Show True Life Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous.
Locked Up Abroad (N) Locked Up Abroad (N) To Catch a Smuggler Locked Up Abroad To Catch a Smuggler Locked Up Abroad ’ Locked Up
NBA Basketball Chicago Bulls at New Orleans Pelicans. (N) Postgame Bulls Spotlight NBA Basketball Chicago Bulls at New Orleans Pelicans.
NHL Hockey: Capitals at Flyers NHL Hockey Dallas Stars at Los Angeles Kings. (N) (Live) NHL DRL Drone Racing (N) Drone
NFL 100 Greatest ’ NFL 100 Greatest ’ NFL 100 NFL 100 NFL Total Access ’ NFL 100 Greatest ’ NFL 100 Greatest ’ NFL 100
SpongeBob SpongeBob Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ (:45) Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’
Bubble Bubble Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Abby Abby Butterbean Butterbean Corn & Peg Max, Ruby Max, Ruby Rivets
››› “The Hangover” (2009) Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms. ’ ››› “The Hangover” (2009) Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms. ’ Movie ’
(6:00) Milwaukee PBS Weather Milwaukee PBS Weather Milwaukee PBS Weather
Kitchen Field Trip Ellie’s Real C. Stretch Burt Wolf Samantha R. Steves Best of Joy Field Trip Kitchen Simp. Ming Cook Ellie’s Real
Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal
“Ghost in the Shell” ››› “Troy” (2004, Adventure) Brad Pitt, Eric Bana, Orlando Bloom. (:01) ›››‡ “Arrival” (2016) Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner.
Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Full Frontal Conan Full Frontal New Girl Conan Broke Girl Broke Girl Broke Girl
›››› “Some Like It Hot” (1959) Tony Curtis. (:15) “The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre” (1967) (:15) ›››‡ “Scarface” (1932) Paul Muni. Al Capone
Dateline ’ Dateline ’ CBS 58 News Chicago P.D. ’ Broke Girl Broke Girl Mod Fam Mod Fam Mom ’
My 600-Lb. Life “Lindsey’s Story” (N) ’ 1000-lb Sisters (N) ’ My Feet Are Killing Me My 600-Lb. Life “Lindsey’s Story” ’ 1000-Lb.
All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite (N) (Live) ››‡ “The Longest Yard” (2005, Comedy) Adam Sandler. ››› “Hellboy II: The Golden Army” (2008)
Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Burgers Burgers Family Guy Family Guy Rick, Morty Chicken Mike Ty. Sheriff Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Burgers
Paranormal Ca. Paranormal Ca. Ghosts-Camera Paranormal Ca. Paranormal Ca. Paranormal Ca. Ghosts
Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes Hack Hack Hack
Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King King King King King Two Men Two Men Raymond
Lunch HZipzer Next Step Next Step Dragons All Hail The Noise The Noise Next Step Next Step All Hail Dragons The Deep
WWE NXT (N) ’ (Live) (:08) ››‡ “Bad Boys” (1995, Action) Martin Lawrence, Will Smith. Law & Order: SVU Law-SVU
Black Ink: Chicago VH1 Special ’ Black Ink: Chicago Love & Hip Hop Miami Black Ink: Chicago Love & Hip Hop ’ Hip Hop
(6:00) ››› “Pretty Woman” ››› “Pretty Woman” (1990) Richard Gere, Julia Roberts. ››‡ “Last Holiday” (2006, Comedy) Queen Latifah.
K www.hap2it.com January 2, 2020 HAPPENINGS Page 33
Pick up the Newest Issue Today! the things people say
#Downtown Kenosha Magazine “That’s one of the things that make
it kind of dreamy — everything’s
MAGAZINE Online at kinda the same. They did a little
downtownkenosha.org remodeling in the offices, but it was
still the same spirit… and it’s still
& hap2it.com the same big burst of nostalgia.”
Eddie Murphy tells Today host Al
Want to advertise in the 120519 Roker that returning to the
greatest publication of Saturday Night Live set was a
All-time?! Next issue surreal experience. The 58-year-old
actor and comedian recently
is out Feb. 3rd 2020 returned to the show for the first time in 35 years.
Contact “Downtown Donny”
"I would, if they paid me and I could do it with somebody. I don't want
262-564-8800 all that pressure on me, because I'mma lose my hair and then I'mma
[email protected] really have to wear wigs all the time. Too much stress." On a recent
episode of The Tonight Show, Tiffany Haddish says she would host the
010220 Oscars on a couple of conditions. Haddish said she would host solo if
she was paid "a lot of money." The 39-year-old actress and comedian
announced the Oscars nominations in 2018 and presented an award
with Maya Rudolph at the 2018 ceremony. She said at SXSW in March
2018 that she'd be open to hosting the Oscars in the future.
"Merry Christmas and happy
holidays everyone!! On our 2 year
anniversary I returned the favor and
asked PK to marry me... and he said
yes. We talk about equality but
actions speak louder than words. Men
should get engagement rings too and
this is what PK deserves. Can't wait
to marry you babe.” Via Instagram,
retired Olympic skier Lindsey Vonn
shares the news of her propsal to
fiancé, NHL player P.K. Subban.
"I think it's a story of humanity and something that we can all rally
around. I went through this with my own father. He was an educator
for 25 years, they put him in jail for $25 worth of illegal substances for
seven years. So I was familiar with having that type of sunkenness in
a sense. So when I put that skin on of Walter McMillian it was easy for
me to get to it.” On Jimmy Kimmel Live, Jamie Foxx discusses his
latest film, Just Mercy. Foxx portrays the real-life Walter McMillian
in the film, who had his wrongly convicted death row
sentence overturned by lawyer Bryan Stevenson, who later started the
Equal Justice Initiative. Just Mercy opens nationwide on Jan. 10.
“You got the best party in Miami history. I’m bringing out my friends
who are Miami legends… It should be the best lineup ever at the Super
Bowl.” What former NBA player is boasting about hosting a Super
Bowl LIV party to end all parties? For the answer and much more
fabulous entertainment news, check out our website
www.hap2it.com and click on the Web Extra link!
A. Dwayne Wade
B. Penny Hardaway
C. Shaquilee O’Neal
D. Kobe Bryant
Page 34 HAPPENINGS January 2, 2020 www.hap2it.com K
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K www.hap2it.com
B’CAST SPECTRUM 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30 1 AM
22 Sheldon Unicorn (:01) Mom Carol’s-Act Evil “Room 320” (N) ’ News Late Show-Colbert James Corden Comics News
4 83
55 Superstore Good Will/Grace Harmony Law & Order: SVU News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Late Night-Seth Meyers Late-Lilly Paid Prog.
77 Superstore Good Will/Grace Harmony Law & Order: SVU News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Late Night-Seth Meyers Late-Lilly NBC News
9.2 986 Last Man Standing (N) Deputy “10-8 Outlaws” (:01) FOX 6 News at 9 News Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld (:35) Extra Live PD (:35) Cops encore
10 10
11 Jeopardy! The Greatest (:02) Truth and Lies: Jeffrey Epstein (N) ’ News Jimmy Kimmel Live! ’ Nightline (12:07) Windy City Live News
12 12
18 18 black-ish black-ish Last Man Last Man WGN News at Nine (N) News Goldbergs Goldbergs Two Men Two Men Mom ’ Mom ’
24 24
26 A Living 3’s Comp. Family Ties Growing Designing Murphy Johnny Carson ’ Coach ’ NewsRadio Becker ’ Dear John Wings
32 13
36 974 Around Adelante This Old House Hr Outdoor WI Foodie Around MotorWeek Railway Journeys R. Steves Amanpour-Co
50 Chicago Tonight (N) ’ Betty White: First Lady of Television Carol Burnett: A Celebration ’ BBC World Amanpour-Co Nature ’
55 15
58 8 Jeopardy! The Greatest (:02) Truth and Lies: Jeffrey Epstein (N) ’ News Jimmy Kimmel Live! ’ Nightline ET (:37) Rachael Ray (N)
A&E 42
AMC 59 Supernatural ’ Legacies ’ Goldbergs Goldbergs Last Man Last Man King King How I Met How I Met Dish Nat.
AP 43
BIG10 63 Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Family Guy Burgers Simpsons Family Guy Burgers DailyMail DailyMail Sheriffs Cheaters
BOOM 109
BRAVO 45 Supernatural ’ Legacies ’ Broke Girl Broke Girl Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld Funny You How I Met Family Guy Burgers The Game
CNN 44 Last Man Standing (N) Deputy “10-8 Outlaws” Fox 32 News at Nine Mod Fam Big Bang TMZ (N) ’ Later-Leon Extra (N) News Paid Prog.
COM 54
COOK 158 News BBC World Maigret “Maigret Sets a Trap” ’ Maigret ’ BBC World PBS NewsHour (N) ’ History Detectives ’ WI Foodie Baking
DISN 58 Chicago P.D. “8:30 PM” Chicago P.D. “My Way” Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ Law Order: CI Law CI
DLC 153
E! 53 Chicago P.D. ’ Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Chicago P.D. ’ Mod Fam Simpsons Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog.
ESPN2 29 Chicago P.D. “8:30 PM” Chicago P.D. “My Way” Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ Law Order: CI Law CI
FNC 48
FOOD 67 Sheldon Unicorn (:01) Mom Carol’s-Act Evil “Room 320” (N) ’ News Late Show-Colbert James Corden The Mel Robbins Show
FX 35 The First 48 (N) ’ Alaska PD (N) ’ 60 Days In (N) ’ The First 48 “Chopper” The First 48 ’ Alaska PD ’ 60 Days In
GOLF 28 ››‡ “Safe House” (2012, Action) Denzel Washington. ››‡ “A Walk Among the Tombstones” (2014) Premiere. The Walking Dead ’
HMM 117 (:01) Lone Star Law: Uncuffed (N) ’ Lone Star Law (:01) Lone Star Law ’ Treehouse Masters: Branched Out ’ Treehouse
HIST 39 Women’s College Basketball Maryland at Iowa. The B1G Story BTN Live B1G Show Heartland B1G Show Journey B1G Show Basketball
LIFEMOV 65 Scooby-Doo Boo Bros. Be Cool Be Cool Bunnicula Bunnicula Looney Tunes ’ Tom & Jerry
MLB 326 (6:30) Project Runway Project Runway (N) Watch Housewives-Atlanta Housewives/NJ Vanderpump Rules Matchmkr
MTV 52 Shark Tank ’ Shark Tank ’ Shark Tank ’ Shark Tank ’ Shark Tank ’ Shark Tank ’ Dateline ’
NBCSCH 49 Anderson Cooper 360 Cuomo Prime Time (N) CNN Tonight CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 Cuomo Prime Time Tonight
NFL NET 346 The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office Daily Show Lights Out South Park South Park South Park Daily Show South Park
NICK JR. 107 Man, Food Man, Food Man, Food Man, Food Best Thing Best Thing Best Thing Best Thing Man, Food Man, Food Man, Food Man, Food Best Thing
PBS CREATE 977 Homestead Rescue (N) Reclaimed (N) ’ Building Off the Grid ’ Homestead Rescue ’ Reclaimed ’ Building Off the Grid ’ Homestead
SUND 281 Bunk’d ’ Gabby Sydney Roll With It Coop Sydney Bunk’d ’ Gabby Raven Raven Sydney Sydney Coop
TBS 3 Hoarding: Buried Alive Hoarding: Buried Alive Hoarding: Buried Alive Hoarding: Buried Alive Hoarding: Buried Alive Hoarding: Buried Alive Hoarding
TCM 60
THIS 983 Very Cavallari Very Cavallari Nightly Pop Very Cavallari Botched Botched Botched
TLC 40
TNT 33 Wm. Basketball College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportCtr
TRAVEL 72 College Basketball College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Around Interruption Now/Nev.
TV LAND 61 Tucker Carlson Tonight Hannity (N) The Ingraham Angle (N) Fox News at Night Tucker Carlson Tonight Hannity Ingraham
USA 34 Restaurant: Impossible Restaurant: Impossible Beat Flay Beat Flay Beat Flay Beat Flay Restaurant: Impossible Beat Flay Beat Flay Beat Flay
VH1 50
WE 26 Pirates-Tides Party of Five “Pilot” ’ Party of Five The 700 Club ’ ››› “Beetlejuice” (1988) Michael Keaton. ’ Paid Prog.
››‡ “Bad Moms” (2016) Mila Kunis. ’ ››‡ “Bad Moms” (2016) Mila Kunis. ’ ››› “Ted” (2012, Comedy) Mark Wahlberg, Mila Kunis. ’
Wild Pregame NHL Hockey Minnesota Wild at Calgary Flames. (N) (Live) Postgame Wild Pregame NHL Hockey: Wild at Flames
(6:00) PGA Tour Golf Sony Open in Hawaii, First Round. (N) Golf C’tral Asian Tour Golf Hong Kong Open, Second Round. (N) (Live)
“Love on the Sidelines” (2016) Emily Kinney. “Winter Castle” (2019, Romance) Emilie Ullerup. Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls
Time to Dance “Our Christmas Love Song” (2019) Alicia Witt. Murder, She Wrote ’ Murder, She Wrote ’ Murder, She Wrote ’ Murder ...
Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Christina Christina Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Christina Christina Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl
American Pickers ’ American Pickers (N) (:03) American Pickers (:05) American Pickers (:03) American Pickers American Pickers ’ Pickers
Married at First Sight (N) Supernanny (N) ’ Married at First Sight (:01) Married at First Sight Nanny
“The Babysitter’s Revenge” (2020) Bree Turner. ›‡ “House at the End of the Street” (2012) “The Babysitter’s Revenge” (2020) Bree Turner. House
Andy G. Andy G. G. Pyle Green Acre Heroes Heroes C. Burnett Perry Mason Twi. Zone Hitchcock Hitchcock Mannix
Baseball (Part 3 of 9) MLB Tonight MLB Now MLB Tonight MLB Now
All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word The 11th Hour Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word 11th Hour
Floribama Shore (N) ’ Ex on the Beach (N) ’ Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous.
Alaska State Troopers Alaska State Troopers Alaska State Troopers Alaska State Troopers Alaska State Troopers Air Crash Investigation Air Crash
Pregame NHL Hockey Nashville Predators at Chicago Blackhawks. (N) Blackhawks Postgame All Access NHL Hockey: Predators at Blackhawks
NHL Live NHL Hockey Nashville Predators at Chicago Blackhawks. (N) (:15) NHL Overtime (N) NHL:WintClass American Ninja Warrior Ninja
NFL Football AFC or NFC Wild Card: Teams TBA. ’ NFL Total Access ’ NFL Football AFC or NFC Wild Card: Teams TBA. ’
SpongeBob SpongeBob ››› “Kung Fu Panda” (2008, Children’s) ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ (:45) Friends ’ Friends Friends
Bubble Bubble Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Abby Abby Butterbean Butterbean Corn & Peg Max, Ruby Max, Ruby Rivets
›› “The Hangover Part II” (2011) Bradley Cooper. ’ Movie ’ ›› “The Hangover Part II” (2011)
(6:00) Milwaukee PBS Weather Milwaukee PBS Weather Milwaukee PBS Weather
Kitchen Moveable Food 50 Classical Americas Travel R. Steves Best of Joy Moveable British Baking Cook Food 50
Law & Order “Entitled” Law & Order ’ Law & Order ’ Law & Order ’ Law & Order “Mega” Law & Order ’ The Firm
(6:00) “Mad Max: Fury Road” (2015) ››‡ “Saban’s Power Rangers” (2017) Naomi Scott ›› “Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer” Land
Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan Brooklyn Brooklyn Conan Brooklyn Brooklyn Brooklyn
››› “The Phenix City Story” (1955) I Am Some (:45) ›››‡ “Gaslight” (1944, Suspense) Charles Boyer. ››› “Before Stonewall” (1984)
Dateline ’ Dateline ’ CBS 58 News Chicago P.D. ’ Broke Girl Broke Girl Mod Fam Mod Fam Mom ’
Dr. Pimple Popper ’ Dr. Pimple Popper (N) My Feet Are Killing Me 1000-lb Sisters (N) ’ Dr. Pimple Popper ’ Dr. Pimple Popper ’ My Feet
NBA Basketball: Celtics at 76ers NBA Basketball Houston Rockets at Oklahoma City Thunder. Inside the NBA (N) NBA Basketball: Celtics at 76ers
Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Burgers Burgers Family Guy Family Guy Rick, Morty Chicken Mike Ty. Sheriff Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Burgers
Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures (N) Ghost Adventures (N) Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Ghost Adv.
Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro
Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King King King King King Two Men Two Men Raymond
Top Chef Junior Next Step Next Step Dragons All Hail The Noise The Noise Next Step Next Step All Hail Dragons The Deep
›› “Bad Boys II” (2003, Action) Martin Lawrence, Will Smith, Jordi Mollà. Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Chicago
Black Ink: Chicago Black Ink: Chicago Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out
Growing Up Hip Hop Growing Up Hip Hop (N) Growing Up Hip Hop Growing Up Hip Hop Growing Up Hip Hop Growing Up Hip Hop Hip Hop
Page 36 HAPPENINGS January 2, 2020 www.hap2it.com K
B’CAST SPECTRUM 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30 1 AM
22 Hawaii Five-0 (N) ’ Magnum P.I. (N) ’ Blue Bloods (N) ’ News Late Show-Colbert James Corden Comics News
4 83
55 Lincoln Rhyme Dateline NBC (N) ’ News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Late Night-Seth Meyers Late-Lilly Paid Prog.
77 Lincoln Rhyme Dateline NBC (N) ’ News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Late Night-Seth Meyers Late-Lilly NBC News
9.2 986 WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N) ’ (Live) FOX 6 News at 9 (N) News Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld (:35) Extra Live PD (:35) Cops encore
10 10
11 Housewife Fresh-Boat 20/20 ’ News Jimmy Kimmel Live! ’ Nightline (12:07) Windy City Live News
12 12
18 18 black-ish black-ish Last Man Last Man WGN News at Nine (N) News Goldbergs Goldbergs Two Men Two Men Mom ’ Mom ’
24 24
26 A Living 3’s Comp. Family Ties Growing Designing Murphy Johnny Carson ’ Coach ’ NewsRadio Becker ’ Dear John Wings
32 13
36 974 Wash Hoover Midsomer Murders Midsomer Vera Surgeon is shot dead. ’ (:05) Happy Valley ’ R. Steves Amanpour-Co
50 Review Wash Check ... Interview Country Music Country music grows in popularity. Antiques BBC World Amanpour-Co Betty
55 15
58 8 Housewife Fresh-Boat 20/20 ’ News Jimmy Kimmel Live! ’ Nightline ET (:37) Rachael Ray (N)
A&E 42
AMC 59 Penn & Teller: Fool Us Whose? Whose? Goldbergs Goldbergs Last Man Last Man King King How I Met How I Met Dish Nat.
AP 43
BIG10 63 CSI: Miami ’ CSI: Miami ’ Family Guy Burgers Simpsons Family Guy Burgers DailyMail DailyMail Sheriffs Cheaters
BOOM 109
BRAVO 45 Penn & Teller: Fool Us Whose? Whose? Broke Girl Broke Girl Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld Funny You How I Met Family Guy Burgers The Game
CNN 44 WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N) ’ (Live) News Flannery Mod Fam Inside Big Bang TMZ (N) ’ Extra (N) Preview Paid Prog.
COM 54
COOK 158 News BBC World Country Music Country music grows in popularity. BBC World PBS NewsHour (N) ’ How We Got to Now Outdoor Baking
DISN 58 NCIS: Los Angeles ’ NCIS: Los Angeles ’ NCIS: Los Angeles ’ NCIS: Los Angeles ’ NCIS: Los Angeles ’ Law Order: CI Law CI
DLC 153
E! 53 Chicago P.D. ’ CSI: Miami ’ CSI: Miami ’ Chicago P.D. ’ Mod Fam Simpsons Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog.
ESPN2 29 NCIS: Los Angeles ’ NCIS: Los Angeles ’ NCIS: Los Angeles ’ NCIS: Los Angeles ’ NCIS: Los Angeles ’ Law Order: CI Law CI
FNC 48
FOOD 67 Hawaii Five-0 (N) ’ Magnum P.I. (N) ’ Blue Bloods (N) ’ News Late Show-Colbert James Corden The Mel Robbins Show
FX 35 (:06) Live PD: Rewind Live PD “Live PD -- 01.10.20” (N) ’ (Live) Live PD “Live PD -- 01.10.20” ’
GOLF 28 ››› “Taken” (2008, Action) Liam Neeson. ››› “Taken” (2008, Action) Liam Neeson. (:05) ›› “Road House” (1989) Patrick Swayze, Kelly Lynch.
HMM 117 (:01) Tanked: Sea-Lebrity Edition (N) ’ (:01) Tanked ’ (:01) Tanked ’ Tanked: Sea-Lebrity Edition ’ Tanked ’
HIST 39 Hockey Break College Wrestling Wisconsin at Minnesota. (N) B1G Show B1G Show Journey B1G Show B1G Show B1G Show Wrestling
LIFEMOV 65 Scooby-Doo & Ghoul Be Cool Be Cool Bunnicula Bunnicula Looney Tunes ’ Tom & Jerry
MLB 326 Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Movie ››‡ “Million Dollar Arm” (2014)
MTV 52 Shark Tank ’ Shark Tank ’ Shark Tank ’ Shark Tank ’ Shark Tank ’ Five Day Biz Fix Dateline ’
NBCSCH 49 Anderson Cooper 360 Cuomo Prime Time (N) CNN Tonight CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 Cuomo Prime Time Tonight
NFL NET 346 South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park Bill Burr South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park
NICK JR. 107 Worst Cooks Worst Cooks Worst Cooks Worst Cooks Worst Cooks Worst Cooks Cooks
PBS CREATE 977 Gold Rush “Episode 13” ’ Gold Rush “Epic Fails” Outback Opal Hunters Gold Rush “Episode 13” ’ Gold Rush
SUND 281 Bunk’d (N) Gabby Owl Hse. Roll With It Coop Sydney Bunk’d ’ Gabby Raven Raven Sydney Sydney Coop
TBS 3 Untold Stories of ER Untold Stories of ER My Crazy Birth Story Untold Stories of ER Untold Stories of ER Untold Stories of ER My Crazy
TCM 60
THIS 983 (6:00) ››› “Knocked Up” (2007) ››› “Wedding Crashers” (2005, Comedy) Owen Wilson. ›‡ “That Awkward Moment” (2014) Parks
TLC 40
TNT 33 NBA Basketball New Orleans Pelicans at New York Knicks. NBA Basketball: Warriors at Clippers (12:05) SportsCenter (N) SportCtr
TRAVEL 72 College Basketball High School Basketball SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Around Interruption Now/Nev.
TV LAND 61 Tucker Carlson Tonight Hannity (N) The Ingraham Angle (N) Fox News at Night Tucker Carlson Tonight Hannity Ingraham
USA 34 Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners
VH1 50
WE 26 Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy The 700 Club ’ ››‡ “Dr. Seuss’ the Lorax” (2012) ’ Paid Prog.
››› “Spider-Man: Homecoming” (2017, Action) Tom Holland. ’ Weekly ››› “Straight Outta Compton” (2015) O’Shea Jackson Jr. ’
Football Basketball Badgers Pregame NBA Basketball Milwaukee Bucks at Sacramento Kings. (N) Postgame Ring of Honor (N) Badgers
(6:00) PGA Tour Golf Sony Open in Hawaii, Second Round. (N) Golf C’tral Asian Tour Golf Hong Kong Open, Third Round. (N) (Live)
“A Royal Winter” (2017) Merritt Patterson. “Christmas Under the Stars” (2019, Romance) “All for Love” (2017) Sara Rue, Steve Bacic. Rainbow
Murder, She Baked Crossword Mysteries A magician winds up dead. Murder, She Wrote ’ Murder, She Wrote ’ Murder, She Wrote ’ Murder ...
Dream Dream Dream Dream Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Dream Dream Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl
UFOs: White House UFO’s: Top Secret Alien Files: Special Edition UFOs: Secret Missions UFOs: White House UFO’s: Top Secret Alien Files: Sp.
Hopelessly in Love Hopelessly in Love (N) (Part 2 of 3) (:03) Hopelessly in Love (Part 2 of 3) (11:59) Hopelessly in Love
“Baby Monitor Murders” (2020) Natalie Sharp. Movie “I Want My Babies Back!” (Premiere) (N) “Baby Monitor Murders” (2020) Natalie Sharp. Movie
Andy G. Andy G. G. Pyle Green Acre Heroes Heroes C. Burnett Perry Mason Twi. Zone Hitchcock Hitchcock Mannix
Baseball (Part 4 of 9) MLB Tonight MLB Now MLB Tonight MLB Now
All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word The 11th Hour Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word 11th Hour
›‡ “Rush Hour 3” (2007) Jackie Chan. ’ Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous.
Drugs, Inc. To Catch a Smuggler To Catch a Smuggler Drugs, Inc. To Catch a Smuggler To Catch a Smuggler Lockdown
NBA Basketball Indiana Pacers at Chicago Bulls. (N) (Live) Postgame Bulls Football H.S. Lites NBA G League Basketball: Mad Ants at Bulls
College Hockey Dakar Rally Curling Japan vs United States. IBU Truck Tech Detroit Mecum
NFL Football AFC or NFC Wild Card: Teams TBA. ’ NFL Total Access ’ NFL Football AFC or NFC Wild Card: Teams TBA. ’
All That ’ SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ (:09) Mom
Bubble Bubble Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Abby Abby Butterbean Butterbean Corn & Peg Max, Ruby Max, Ruby Rivets
››› “Dumb & Dumber” (1994) Jim Carrey, Jeff Daniels. ’ ››› “Dumb & Dumber” (1994) Jim Carrey, Jeff Daniels. ’ ››› “Beverly Hills Cop” (1984)
(6:00) Milwaukee PBS Weather Milwaukee PBS Weather Milwaukee PBS Weather
Kitchen Moveable Milk Street Milk Street Milk Street Bangs Milk Street Milk Street Milk Street Milk Street Milk Street Kitchen
Law & Order ’ Law & Order “Standoff” Law & Order “Return” Law & Order ’ Law & Order “Amends” Law & Order “Thin Ice” Law
Saban’s Power Rangers ›› “Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters” (2013) Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Hansel
(6:00) ›› “We’re the Millers” ››‡ “This Is 40” (2012) Paul Rudd, Leslie Mann. ELEAGUE (N) ›‡ “Gone in Sixty Seconds”
››‡ “Written on the Wind” (1956, Drama) ››› “Magnificent Obsession” (1954, Drama) ››› “All That Heaven Allows” (1955) Multiple
Dateline ’ Dateline ’ CBS 58 News Chicago P.D. ’ Broke Girl Broke Girl Mod Fam Mod Fam Mom ’
Dr. Pimple Popper (N) My Feet Are Killing Me My 600-Lb. Life “Supersized: Lindsey’s Story” Dr. Pimple Popper ’ My Feet Are Killing Me My 600-Lb
››› “The Dark Knight Rises” (2012, Action) Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway. ›‡ “Jonah Hex” (2010, Action) Arrow “The Offer” ’ Arrow ’
Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Burgers Burgers Family Guy Family Guy Rick, Morty Mike Ty. Joe Pera Dream Eric Andre Family Guy Family Guy
Kindred Spirits (N) Kindred Spirits (N) Ghost Loop (N) Trending Fear (N) Kindred Spirits Kindred Spirits Ghost
Impractical Jokers Impractical Jokers Impractical Jokers Laff Mobb Jokers Jokers Jokers Laff Mobb Laff Mobb Laff Mobb
Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King King King King King Two Men Two Men Raymond
Top Chef Junior Next Step Next Step Dragons All Hail Top Chef Junior Next Step Next Step All Hail Dragons The Deep
Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley
›› “Good Deeds” (2012) Tyler Perry, Thandie Newton. ’ Movie ’ ›› “Boomerang” (1992) Eddie Murphy. ’
Love After Lockup Love After Lockup (N) Extreme Love (N) Love After Lockup Extreme Love Love After Lockup Love
K www.hap2it.com January 2, 2020 HAPPENINGS Page 37
B’CAST SPECTRUM 4 AM 4:30 5 AM 5:30 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM
2 2 Game Matter CBS 2 News CBS This Morning: Saturday (N) ’ Lucky Innova Mission Pet Vet Hope- Friends NFL
5 83 Paid Prg. Paid Prg. TMJ4 News Live at Daybreak Saturday Today (N) ’ Cham Earth Earth Con Vets-Pets New Leaf
7 5 1st Look Paid Prg. NBC 5 News at 5am NBC 5 News at 6am Today (N) ’ News New Leaf Vets-Pets Earth Earth Con
10 6 Estate MyDest. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Space Earth Wake-Up News at 7 Wake-Up News at 8 Builders House Paid Prg. Tip-Off Basket
12 7 Paid Prg. Paid Prg. News Saturday News Saturday Good Morning ABC7 News Saturday Morning Good Morning Football
24 9 Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Adelante Morning News Morning News Healthy Weekend House Xplora Heartland
32 10 Vera ’ House Antiques Roadshow Garden Garden Woods. Wood This Old House Hr Outdoor Fly Travel R. Steves Baking
38 Finding Your Roots Review Dinosaur Sesame Sesame Pink Pink Tiger Tiger Step It Mexican This Old House Hr Poland
55 12 Paid Prg. Hazelton 12 News-Sat Good Morning 12 News This Morning Saturday (N) Hanna Ocean oh baby! Hearts of Football
18 Access Daily (N) ’ Traveler Raw Street Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Into Wild Into Wild Into Wild This Old Animal T. Invention Heartland
AMC 24 Shepherd’s Chapel Holly Athlete Black Our Is Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Wild Am. Dr. Scott Amato Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Icons
DISC Justice Court Dog Tale Pets.TV Career Halsted Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Into Wild Into Wild Into Wild This Old Animal T. Invention Ninja
ESPN 13 Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Coffee Paid Prg. Planet Space Good Day Chicago Saturday (N) ’ Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Earth Tip-Off Basket
FX 974 Country Music “Hard Times (1933-1945)” Happy C. Around Foodie Around Wiscon Garden Garden For Home Beads Quilt Art
LIFE Camp Meeting Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law-SVU
NICK Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Church Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. DIY Sci Nature Rescue Missing Biz Kid$ Think Big Paid Prg.
SYFY 15 Camp Meeting Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law-SVU
TCM 8 Andy G. Garden Paid Prg. Andy G. CBS This Morning: Saturday (N) ’ Lucky Innova Mission Pet Vet Hope- Friends NFL
TOON 42 Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Flipping Vegas ’ Flipping Vegas ’ Flipping Vegas ’ Zombie Flip Zombie Flip Top Dog
VH1 59 The Walking Dead Rifleman Rifleman Rifleman Rifleman Rifleman Rifleman ››‡ “Rambo: First Blood Part II” ›› “Road House” (1989)
54 Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Parks Parks Office Office Office (:45) The Office ’ Office Office Office Office
41 Destroy Martin Experien. Destroy Fishing Next Bite Chasin’ Chasin’ Guardians-Glades Dirty Jobs ’ Dirty Jobs ’ Dirty Job
58 Jessie Jessie Ladybug Ladybug Gravity Owl Hse. Big City Big City Big City Big City ››‡ “Despicable Me 3” Gabby Gabby
30 NBA Basketball NFL SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) Postseason NFL Countdown (N) (Live) Basket
17 Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Middle Middle Middle ››‡ “Dr. Seuss’ the Lorax” (2012) ’ ›› “Alvin and the Chipmunks” (2007)
35 Compton Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Mike Mike ›› “A Million Ways to Die in the West” (2014) ’ ››› “Neighbors” (2014) Seth Rogen.
39 Coin Coin Coin Paid Prg. Swamp People Swamp People Swamp People (N) Outlaw
36 Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. “Psycho Wedding Crasher”
52 Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic.
56 George George Sponge. Sponge. LEGO Sponge. Rangers Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Casagran Loud Sponge.
51 Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. ›› “Super Troopers” (2001) ’ ››› “Beverly Hills Cop” (1984) Eddie Murphy. ’
55 (3:00) “Karma” Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Zone Zone ››› “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” (2001) Daniel Radcliffe.
3 “The Mummy” Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Brooklyn Brooklyn Brooklyn Brooklyn ››‡ “Two Weeks Notice” (2002) Break Up
60 Female Wonder “Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House” Bravest Adventure-Jane The (:07) ›‡ “Clipped Wings” Maid for Gentle
33 NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans ››‡ “Blade” (1998) Wesley Snipes. Blade II
57 Burgers Burgers Gumball Gumball Teen Teen Teen Titans Go! Total Apple Teen Teen Teen Teen Teen
34 Dateline “Inferno” CSI: Crime Scene Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. ›› “Couples Retreat” (2009) Vince Vaughn. Sex-City Sex-City
50 Cheaters Cheaters Cheaters Cheaters Cheaters Cheaters Cheaters Cheaters Cheaters Cheaters Cheaters Cheaters Cheaters Cheaters Cheaters
B’CAST SPECTRUM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 6 PM 6:30
2 2 NFL College Basketball Baylor at Kansas. (N) ’ (Live) Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. News News Ent. Tonight
5 83 Premier League Soccer: Spurs vs Reds Goal To Be Announced Monster Jam ’ Paid Prg. Paid Prg. News News News Paid Prg.
7 5 Premier League Soccer: Spurs vs Reds Goal To Be Announced Monster Jam ’ To Be Announced News News Cham Holly
10 6 College Basketball College Basketball Creighton at Xavier. Cops Cops ’ Estate MyDest. Access Hollywood News Seinfeld
12 7 College Football: FCS Championship Football Is US: College Game Hanna Jeopardy Wheel News ABC Jeopardy Wheel
24 9 Into Wild Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Friends Friends Healthy Weekend Chic.Best S.E.E. WGN News Friends Friends
32 10 Baking Martha Cooking Sara’s Milk Mexican Field Trip Lidia Poland Kitchen Cook Foodie Articulate Lawrence Welk
38 Lidia Cook Saman Chefs Simply Kitchen Kitchen Cooking Martha Milk Check ... Legacy List Antiques Weekend
55 12 College Football: FCS Championship Football Is US: College Game Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. News ABC News Paid Prg.
18 Paid Prg. At Home Paid Prg. Street Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Raw Home. House ROH Wrestling FamFeud FamFeud
AMC 24 Career Pets.TV Nashville Music 3 Wide ›‡ “Next Day Air” (2009) Mike Epps Athlete Coaches Whacked Game Ninja Warrior
DISC Ninja Ninja Warrior Carbon Carbon Minute Minute Jokers Jokers Burgers Burgers Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Broke Broke
ESPN 13 College Basketball College Basketball Creighton at Xavier. Whacked Weird Extra (N) ’ TMZ (N) ’ Mod Fam Mod Fam
FX 974 Sew Sewing Quilting Knit Fit Stitch Nature (N) ’ Ozone Hole NOVA Start Up Weekend Antiques Roadshow
LIFE Law-SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU
NICK Paid Prg. ››‡ “Paranormal Activity 3” (2011) “Stevie D” (2016, Comedy) Chris Cordone. MyDest. Raw Immor Whacked Inside Bensin
SYFY 15 Law-SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU
TCM 8 NFL College Basketball Baylor at Kansas. (N) ’ (Live) TBA To Be Announced TBA News Jeopardy Wheel
TOON 42 Top Dog 60 Days In ’ 60 Days In ’ Live PD “Live PD -- 01.03.19” ’ Live PD “Live PD -- 01.03.20” ’
VH1 59 ›› “Road House” ››› “The Princess Bride” (1987) ››‡ “Addams Family Values” (1993) ›››‡ “Ghostbusters” (1984) Bill Murray.
54 Office Office Office Office ››› “The 40-Year-Old Virgin” (2005) Steve Carell. ›› “Tommy Boy” (1995) Chris Farley. › “Joe Dirt” (2001)
41 Dirty Job Dirty Jobs ’ Dirty Jobs ’ Dirty Jobs ’ Dirty Jobs ’ Moonshiners ’ Moonshiners ’ Moonshiners ’
58 Gabby Sydney Sydney Bunk’d Bunk’d Bunk’d Coop Coop Just Roll Jessie Jessie Jessie Jessie Raven Raven
30 College Basketball College Basketball College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live)
17 Alvin and Chipmunks: Squeakquel ››› “Holes” (2003) Sigourney Weaver. ’ (:10) ›››‡ “The Jungle Book” (2016) ’ Iron Man
35 ›› “Daddy’s Home” (2015) Will Ferrell. ››‡ “The Heat” (2013) Sandra Bullock. ’ ››› “Spider-Man: Homecoming” (2017) Tom Holland. ’
39 (:00) ››› “The Outlaw Josey Wales” (1976) ›››› “Unforgiven” (1992) Clint Eastwood, Gene Hackman. Ancient Aliens ’ Ancient Aliens ’
36 “Psycho Stripper” (2019) “Psycho Mother-in-Law” (2019, Suspense) “Psycho Brother-In-Law” (2018) “Psycho Ex-Girlfriend” (2018, Suspense)
52 Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. ››› “Rush Hour” (1998) Jackie Chan. ›‡ “Rush Hour 3” (2007) Jackie Chan. Ridic. Ridic.
56 Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Loud Loud Loud Loud Loud Loud Loud Loud Loud Loud
51 ››› “Friday” (1995) Ice Cube. ’ ›› “Next Friday” (2000) Ice Cube, Mike Epps. ’ ›‡ “Friday After Next” (2002) ››› “Friday” ’
55 (:33) ››› “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” (2002) Daniel Radcliffe. ›››‡ “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” (2004) Potter
3 (:00) ›› “The Break-Up” (:15) ›‡ “Fool’s Gold” (2008) Kate Hudson ››‡ “This Is 40” (2012) Paul Rudd, Leslie Mann. “Horrible Bosses”
60 (:00) “Gentleman’s Agreement” Godzilla, King of the Monsters! (:45) ›››› “Zorba the Greek” (1964) Alan Bates (:15) ›››‡ “Ride the High Country”
33 (:00) ››‡ “Blade II” (2002) ›› “Blade: Trinity” (2004, Horror) Wesley Snipes. ››› “The Dark Knight Rises” (2012) Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway.
57 Ninjago Gumball Gumball Gumball Gumball Craig Craig Victor Victor Gumball Gumball Gumball Gumball Apple Apple
34 Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City
50 Cheaters Cheaters Cheaters Cheaters Cheaters Cheaters Cheaters Cheaters Movie ’ “Lottery Ticket” ’
Page 38 HAPPENINGS January 2, 2020 www.hap2it.com K
K www.hap2it.com January 2, 2020 HAPPENINGS Page 39
Racine County
Dining Sites Menu
7 Sites to Jan. 1-15 Menu
Serve You
Call 833-8766
Lunch is served!
Monday - Friday at Noon.
Call before 9:30am the previous day (Monday-Friday) to reserve or cancel a meal.
Racine County Nutrition Sites serve seniors 60 years or older and spouses of any age
Volunteer Meals on Wheels
Drivers needed
Choice of 1% skim milk or juice
121919 Menus subject to change Diabetic Dessert offered
It’s the year of the
Located in the historic Metra Station
He’s Back! Stop In And Say HiTo Charlie 5414-13th Ave. Kenosha
Every Sat.& Sun. 11:30-1:30 262-220-3634 • www.choochoocharlies.com
Daily thru Sat. Jan. 4th 11am - 7pm
Sundays 11am-3pm
Closed New Year’s Day Jan. 1st
Page 40 HAPPENINGS January 2, 2020 www.hap2it.com K
in the stars January 2, 2019
horoscope January 8, 2019
ARIES (March 21-April 19): When you set out to be a live wire, sometimes the
sparks fly. You may be too charming for anyone to criticize, but be cautious and con-
sider others' feelings. Follow up on promises in the week ahead.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You've heard of "rubbing someone the wrong way," but
you can avoid problems if you focus on rubbing people the right way. In the week
ahead, you might enjoy friendly friction that leads to unexpected romantic moments.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): This is the week when you are happy to ring out the old
and ring in the new. You may hear from friends and relatives anxious to get your input
on their latest family dramas or just to make plans for the new year.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Make an effort to make your home an ideal environ-
ment. Take a few hints from decorating magazines to create more pleasant and har-
monious surroundings. There might be a holiday bonus or unexpected reward in your
next paycheck.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Some people in your immediate environment could be walk-
ing on the wild side. As this week unfolds, your eagerness to be a team player will
act as a stable counterbalance if things get out of hand.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Stay abreast of the latest technological news in the week
ahead. A nugget of information might be just what you need to make one of your cre-
ative efforts better than average. Take warnings about common scams to heart.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): The week ahead might be fraught with somewhat uncom-
fortable or surprising situations. Because you want everyone to think you are better
than average, you might not be as forthcoming about your mistakes as you should be.
ACROSS frontier" 22 Like Death Valley SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Remain awake to make dreams come true. Taking the
1 New England NFLers 54 Young zebras 24 Bodyguard, typically easy way out might create other problems that end up causing more work. During the
5 Workforce 56 "Gross!" 26 Lambs' moms
10 __ salad 59 __ avail: fruitless 27 Not many week to come, focus on being patient and avoid giving in to knee-jerk reactions.
14 Cornell who founded 60 Old-timer's moniker 28 Indulge, with "on"
Cornell 62 Skunk cabbage feature 29 Sealed tight SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Some things might not make sense, but that
15 Actress Tierney 63 More flimsy, as an 33 Summer cooler doesn't mean you can't be sensible. Use good sense when handling your money in the
16 Passionate god excuse 34 Bakery offering week ahead. There may be some crossed wires or a few communication mix-ups
17 Nerd's moniker 64 Ballet move 35 Presents too aggres-
19 Unexciting 65 Attention getter sively today.
20 Actress Gabor 66 Krispy __ 36 Cave in
21 Blends 67 Man, but not woman 37 Pigged out (on), briefly CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): During the week ahead, it might be wiser to avoid
22 Destination for the last DOWN 39 Taunting remark unnecessary spending. It is possible that what seems like an attractive purchase or an
flight? 1 First name in skunks 42 Italian noble family investment opportunity that will further your ambitions is really trouble in disguise.
23 In the cellar 2 Sea of __: Black Sea 43 Take __: decline to par-
25 Detective's moniker arm ticipate AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You may feel confident that others are being sincere
27 Speak to 3 Court calendar entry 46 Enticement
30 Michelle who was the 4 __ Diego 47 Prevent, in legalese in the upcoming week. You may see proof that someone is SOLUTION
youngest female to play in 5 Silvery food fish 48 Apple players
a PGA Tour event 6 Airport waiter 49 Compact acting in your best interests. Any misgivings and concerns
31 Bubbles up 7 Dealership lot array 48-Down
32 Didn't like leaving 8 At risk of being slapped 50 "My concern is ... " that occasionally arise may be unfounded.
38 Ending for marion 9 A long way 51 "You've got the wrong
39 Traitor's moniker 10 Rats person!" PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): You may be indifferent to
40 Gung-ho 11 Former New York sena- 55 Attention getter the details. However, you might be confused if you merely
41 Lawn-trimming tool tor Al D'__ 57 Cry out loud skim the contents or read the CliffsNotes version. There
43 Anti-inflammatory brand 12 Word with book or 58 "Look ma, no hands!" may be an opportunity to make a satisfying purchase in
44 Sixth sense, initially opera 60 March on Washington
45 Coming to a point 13 "Clean Made Easy" monogram the week ahead.
47 Genius' moniker vacuum brand 61 Prefix with gram
52 Bonny one 18 Pill amounts
53 Captain Kirk's "final
GIFT CARDS • Fully tray of Mostaccioli • 2 Loaves of Garlic Bread • Half Tray of Slaw • 4 Dozen Kaiser Rolls
• Full tray of Italian Potatoes • Full Tray of House Salad • 3 Dozen Dinner Rolls • Full Pan of Salad
7321 60th Avenue • Kenosha
• 5 lbs. of Italian Beef • Full Tray of Italian Potatoes • Full Tray of Italian Potatoes
115• 2 Dozen Kaiser Rolls $ 00 • Full Tray of Sweet Corn $ 105Feeds 25-30 people $ 00
Football Sunday Dine-in Deals 110 105Feeds 20-25 people $ 00 00
Watch the Game Here Feeds 20-25 people Prices exclude sales tax & not available with other
Feeds 30 people offers or existing coupon.
1/2 off Bloody Marys & Appetizers Prices exclude sales tax & not available with other
$2 Domestic Beers • $3 Rail Drinks offers or existing coupon. Prices exclude sales tax & not available with other Prices exclude sales tax & not available with other
offers or existing coupon.
offers or existing coupon.
Carryout, Delivery & Dine-In Carryout, Delivery & Dine-In Carryout & Delivery 010220
Proudly serving the Kenosha area for over 25 years 23 20” Party Thin Crust $7.00 Medium Thin Crust
Cheese & 2 Toppings
$Chicago Style Pizza &$ 95 PizzaCheese&
Wings 2 Toppings & 12 Wings Not valid with other offers. Kenosha Location only.
15Deep Dish Pizza Limit 2 per customer. Not valid for dine-ins. Expires 2/2920.
Large 2-topping Not valid with other offers. Limit 2 per customer. Not valid for dine-ins. Expires 2/29/20.
K www.hap2it.com January 2, 2020 HAPPENINGS Page 41
pcUraBwL A FREE CAB RIDE HOME or A D.U.I., Which is it?
With the combined help of the 58 Below•8 Bit Barb & John's Hangar•Bartley House•Bill's Corner Club•Bindelli's City Zoo•Boat House•Bourbon Legends
Kenosha City Tavern League and Brat Stop•Bristol Renaissance Faire•Bulls Eye•Captain Mike's•Carl & Doug's•Casa Capri•Century Pub•Champion's•Chaser's•Cheers
Keno Cab, 654-3511, the Safe Ride Chutes & Ladders•Clay's Tap•Club Bene's•Clubhouse•Coffee Pot•Coins•Cortese•Crystal's•Culinary Infusion•Denny's•DeRango's•Diann•Fec's Place•
Fireside•Franks Diner•George's Club Highview•Gordy's•Grabs Burger Bar•Guttormsen Recreation Center Hattrix•Hill's Hotrod Hideout•
program can get you a free
cab ride home when your driving Icky Ricky's•Iguana Wana•Interlude II•Jantz's Club•Joey's on Lathrop•Johnny Z PourHouse•John's Dock
Kenosha Country Club•Kenosha Kingfish•Kenosha Midnight Liquor•Kenosha Moose #286•Lucci's Grand View
may be impaired.
Don & Joan at 58 Below 840 Neil & Natalia at Fec’s Place 847
Sara & Kelly at Lucci’s Grandview 660 Dave at Interlude II 832 Scott & Rex at Fec’s Place 842
5305-60th St. Kenosha, WI 4520 8th Ave 262-652-6454
Open 365 Days A Year from 8am
Daily Lunch Specials until Legal Bar Closing Time
Open til gone Kenosha’s One of the
FREE #1 Friday Fish Fry! Biggest Selections
Jell-O Shots of German Tap
unionparktavern.com ‘19 Eight Years In A Row! 3-9pm Beer in Kenosha
When the
PACKERS Score Every Weekend Serving Food
7 Days A Week
Happy Holidays from Everyone here At 9pm
at George Club Highview Monday tacoNite
Fri. Jan. 3rd 1 for $2 or 3 for $5
MHOURHAPPY Spitzer & Sams
Now Serving
$DGB4e$So6.ut33ayMm0(u2pea6nmBYo0srlomndatoyiu--nrDmsc.oBdr61-i1do11ps-n&1atyakamFmDRFmyrrmriba)iiensls.e&k (Americana) Nachos
Monday thru Friday
Pasties 1 for $6 or
2 for $10
Sat. Jan. 4th Monday thru Friday
Dirty Otis Band Homemade Soups,
Chilli & Sandwiches
We Proudly Serve (Blues) Friday Fish Fry 3-9pm
MONDAY 16oz. Coors Light $2 Fri. Jan. 10th Saturday Broasted
WEDNESDAY Old Style Bottles $1.75
Brittany Lumely & Friends Chicken 3-9pm &
THURSDAY Highlife Bottles $2 Now Serving
Stop In & Check Out Our Burgers
(Indie Folk)
Sat. Jan. 11th Sunday Brunch
$2 Lord Calvers Biscuits & Gravy 9am-3pm
7 Days a week Earthmother
FREE Pool on Mondays (Jam Rock)
W/Purchase (Except during leagues) Mon. - Vinyl Night 8pm • Tues. - Karaoke 9pm • Wed. Open Mic 010220
• Thurs. Open Jam 8:30pm • Sun. Cy’s Piano Jam 4-7pm
Page 42 HAPPENINGS January 2, 2020 www.hap2it.com K
9PM-?? Tuesday No Cover
SohrNoDiogathntDcAearwtthasye! Ken the DJ December 31st
FREE Champagne Toast at midnight Party Favors
Wed. January 1st • 6am Sign up 7:30am Start
★$4,000 ADDED★ • 1st Place Guaranteed $2,000!
$15 Entry • Breakfast 6:30AM-11:00AM • Grill open all day
Call Mark for discounted hotel rooms 262-620-0911
Sat. January 11th
A Summer Fest and State Fair favorite
“Real Classic Rock” from Green Bay
Journey, Def Leppard, Van Halen, Styx, REO & more
Sat. January 18th • Sign up at 3:00 • Starts at 4:00
Open Blind Draw
Dart Ball Tournament 2 Person $ ADDED $
Sat. January 25th • 4:00PM - 9:00PM 010220
DianeBenefit/Fundraiser for Epping
Diane has Lymphoma Brain Cancer •$9 Donation
One lucky person will win $100
(Winner need not be present)
Food • Beer • Prizes • Raffles • 50/50 • Auction
Selling Your Home Soon?
Ask Your Listing Agent To Market
Your Home In Homes Plus!
OPEN 11A.M. Home of Kenosha’s original Hot Beef Advertise
DAILY Your Bar Or
$2 Mexican Every Nightclub Here!
Tuesdays Friday Call 564-8800
Tacos/Drinks Fish Fry
Free Live Trivia at 5pm January 2, 2020 HAPPENINGS Page 43
with Michelle
George at 7pm 010220
SERVING 5523 6th Ave. 4120 7th Ave. • 658-8080
FOOD Downtown Kenosha tgskenosha.com Open 7 days a week
Hope everyone had a fantastic New Years!! EARLY BIRD SPECIALS New Charging Stations So You Can Stay Plugged In!
2020 is nothing but a good thing. MON. – SAT. 11AM TO 4PM
$1.50 Cans $2.00 Rails Open Mic
K.O.T.H is down to 28 people & JIMMY’S
still in it!! He’s bobbing & weaving, Wisco Wednesday Every Thursday
Steak & lobster is still on the menu! $1 Off All WI Craft Beers 9pm-11pm
JIMMY went golfing on Christmas Day 1/2 Off Cheese Curds EVERY
so he’s feeling good! FRIDAY
That means it’s safe to come on in & see him. TYRANENA
Sat. Jan. 4th
When the packers win JIMMY BOURBON BROWN
makes more $$$$$ so (American Brown Ale)
2020 the year of the money! Wild Card Weekend Raffles NIGHT Drink
So JIMMY, LEA, TIMMY, SANDI ,BEV & DAVE Jan. 4th & 5th Specials
say come on in and spend some money! Happy Birthday LIVE MUSIC
Happy new year......later Mike Schmaling, Don Borden, D SSat. Jan. 11th
Rick Zdanowicz, Jesse James
K S SLast One Standing
It’s easy to be World Famous Just sign up at
www.bratstop.com join our email list and receive
a monthly coupon • Entertainment Updates
A Birthday Gift & More
For offers you can’t refuse!
Saturday, January 4 • 8pm
Elvis Presley Birthday Celebration
starring David “E” Kirby and the
Memphis Cadillacs
Advanced Tickets $12 At the Door $15
Buy your tickets NOW!
By calling 262-748-6375
Saturday, January 11 Saturday, January 18
Fast Times Halfway to Tribute Island
$10 Cover A high energy My Metal Heart
band that rocks
the 80’s music and $10
life style. A very Cover
fun to watch
band, after one
song you would
think you went
back in time in a
DeLorean to the
great decade we
call the 80's.
Saturday, February 22
Too White Crew And Bella Cain
Country Hip Hop Bash 010220
Doors are at 6pm, show starts at 8pm starting
with Bella Cain, followed by Too White Crew.
Both bands play two 1 hour sets each, alternat-
ing back and forth. Buy tickets now at
Hap2it.com. This show WILL sell out!
This Week’s Headliner Next Week’s Headliner Featuring
Jan. 3rd at 8pm Jan. 10th at 8pm Touring
Jan. 11th at 7 & 9pm
Jan. 4th at 7 & 9pm atthe Comedians
Upcoming Headliner 5125 6th Ave. KENOSHA
Once one of the country's LIYSA Every Friday at 8pm
fastest rising sportscasters, CALLSEN Each show features
Bill Boronkay enjoyed stops in at least 3 comedians. and Saturday at
Clarksburg, WV, Evansville, IN Jan. 17th at 8pm No Drink Minimum!
and Kansas City before finally Jan. 18th at 7 & 9pm Only $12 7 & 9pm.
landing in sunny Cleveland,
OH where he was assigned
various hazardous duties.
Along the way, Boronkay won
5 Emmy’s, one of which is proudly displayed in
his mother's home office behind a lamp.
Sat. Jan. 11, 2020 • 8pm Sat. Jan. 18, 2020 • 8pm
of Vegas
Sounds of Frank Sinatra(Bill Serritella),
Sammy Davis Jr. (Elliot Wimbush),
Whitney Houston (Sonja Hicks)
and more
Sat. Jan. 25, 2020 • 8pm Sat. March 14, 2020
Way to Rick Lindy
& the Wild Ones Band
April 3rd, 2020 April 18th, 2020
8pm 8pm
Live at The Crystal
Ralph J. Houghton
Performance Center
at Reuther High School
STOP IN 1420 63RD ST. OR CALL 1-800-838-3006
Kenosha-HAPPENINGS-January 2, 2020