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January 16, 2020
Volume 18 - #2
photo courtesy of Carthage College
FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800 SMART READER January 16, 2020 1
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Carthage President John Swallow
looks to the future of the college
John R. Swallow took office in July 2017 as the 23rd president of Carthage
College. He brings an entrepreneurial approach and highly relevant experience as a
former senior administrator, trustee, and faculty member at three small, private
liberal arts institutions.
Seeking to connect Carthage’s pioneering legacy to an even more promising
future, President Swallow began his term by connecting with many alumni and
students, while immersing himself in the College’s history.
Swallow graduated from Sewanee: The University of the South (Tennessee) in
1989 with honors in both mathematics and English literature. He went on to earn
two master’s degrees and a Ph.D. in mathematics, all from Yale University.
He joined the faculty at Davidson College (North Carolina) in 1994, and taught
there for 17 years — 10 of them in an interdisciplinary humanities program.
President Swallow returned to his undergraduate alma mater in 2011. He was
appointed Sewanee’s provost the next year and its executive vice president in 2014,
holding responsibility for the institution’s strategic planning and execution, day-to-
day operations, and operating budget. Under his leadership, applications increased
by 63 percent and diversity among the faculty rose to 18 percent, in line with the
student body. Externally, he embraced the unofficial role of “deputy mayor” in
Sewanee by overseeing downtown planning and partnering with civic groups.
President Swallow has written articles in The Chronicle of Higher Education and photo courtesy of Carthage College
The Huffington Post, plus an undergraduate textbook and more than two dozen Carthage College welcomed its new President, John Swallow, when he moved in during the summer of 2017.
research articles in mathematics. His wife, Cameron, is a high school math and
English teacher.They have two children in college, Bard and Sophie. Swallow recently
delivered this exclusive Q&A with The Smart Reader.
Q: What was your first impression when you Q: After two years as the Get to know Carthage
took your first step onto Carthage College? Carthage President, what do you see as your President John Swallow
biggest accomplishment or most memorable
I first noticed how beautiful and compact the project so far? Q: Do you have any pets?
campus was. It's wonderfully located on the Lake, We have one pet, a Basset Hound named Watson.
and just a few miles from the downtown of a I am proud that Carthage is the first institution Q: What is your favorite Food?
growing city. in Wisconsin to undertake a significant tuition Tacos.
reset. Q: Who do you look up to professionally?
Q: What is the most enjoyable part of your The late Theodore Hesburgh, who was president of
job as President? Q: What are your goals for Carthage in 2020? Notre Dame.
Q: What is your go-to Karaoke song?
I really enjoy helping students, faculty, and staff We hope to launch one or two significant new America's "Horse with No Name"
succeed in making a difference. academic programs while continuing to look at Q: Disney + or Netflix?
how we can further reduce equity gaps Netflix, so far!
Q: What are some challenges you face as Q: Favorite local band?
President? Q: What does a typical day look like for the My wife's band, Flat Creek HWY!
President of Carthage? Q: Best vacation spot?
An essential challenge is that as the number Almost any new city around the world in which I can
of graduating high school students in the Midwest If only there were a typical day — no day is the spend a week relaxing and exploring.
declines, there will be more competition among same! An ideal day for me as president would be an Q: Best advice you ever received:
colleges and universities for those students. hour or so talking to students, faculty, and staff; an Know yourself.
hour developing a relationship with donors and Q: Favorite hobby:
Q: Do you see any areas for improvement at institutional partners; an hour or two of meetings Cycling.
Carthage? with members on my executive staff for Q: Favorite TV Show:
understanding our progress and keeping us Stranger Things
I envision enrolling more first-generation focused; an hour of phone calls, letters, and email; Q: Favorite Movie:
students at the college and expanding Carthage's an hour or two of reading, thinking, and planning; an The Princess Bride
impact in southeastern Wisconsin and beyond. hour of exercise; and an hour or two watching a
While doing this, we must ensure that we take performance or attending a game.A typical day for Tune in to Happenings Q&A
seriously the Lutheran concept of vocation. me as president has a bit of all of these and also on AM1050 WLIP on
time spent traveling by car or plane. Wednesday, January 22nd at
Q: How do you see the relationship between 2pm when Carthage
the college and Kenosha? Q: What are your thoughts on Herzing President John Swallow
University moving to Kenosha? rejoins the show.
The relationship between Carthage and Kenosha
is vital. In the early 1960's Kenosha leaders invited I am thrilled to see more activity in Downtown
Carthage to move to the area in order for the city Kenosha, which will be essential for development.
to have a four-year institution of higher education.
The college is committed to honor that invitation Q: Anything we missed that you want to talk
by providing great value and opportunity for about?
My wife Cameron works with Better Angels, a
Q: What do you think are some of the citizens' organization uniting red and blue
biggest challenges that students face today? Americans in a working alliance to depolarize our
country. She's also a member of the local
Two challenges come to mind immediately. One bluegrass/Americana band Flat Creek HWY.
is the rising rates of anxiety and depression,
nationally.Another is the difficulty in managing one
or two jobs while being enrolled as a full-time
Smart Reader is published bi-weekly by Carmichael Communications
Editor & Publisher/Frank J. Carmichael • Assistant to the Publisher/Reanna Stockdale • Editorial Manager/Jason Hedman
Production Manager/Matthew Gonya • Art Department/Jasmine Hundertmark • Special Project Coordinator/Cassidy Gillespie-Dipinto
Reception/Sarah Coleman • Accounting/James Janssen, Sarah Coleman • Advertising Sales/Donna Caliendo, Kimberley Carmichael, Donald Stancato
Distribution/James Acerbi, Rogr Clark, Robert Edwards, Scott Hartnell, Mark Hendricks, Mike Marifern, Frank Rath, Bob Raucina, Leo Rodriguez, Steve Zdraukovic
Carmichael Communications 1420 63rd Street, Kenosha, WI 53143
Cover photos credit:Waynes: Mike Wallace & Chad Greenway; Gordon: UPI 262-564-8800 • 1-800-568-6623 •
January 16, 2020 - Volume 18 Number 2
2 SMART READER January 16, 2020 FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800
Young progressives flock to Sanders – but
their grandparents prefer Mayor Pete
The Democratic field fea-
tures candidates who
would be the oldest and
youngest presidents ever.
Many of their supporters
seem to value qualities in
candidates that comple-
ment, rather than mirror,
their own.
Kathy McCue has been asking undecided voters a question: Senator Bernie Sanders greets supporters during a campaign rally at Venice Beach in Los Angeles last month.
What kind of world do they want for their grandchildren?
own. Young voters praise Mr. Sanders’ life experience and table in Bettendorf, Iowa, as the couple’s two dachshunds
Most of the time, the response has less to do with policies time-tested commitment to ideals, and are less concerned bark to be held.
than values – such as responsibility, truth, and respect. And about his health and stamina, despite his heart attack this fall.
that’s her segue to talk about Pete Buttigieg, her favorite 2020 Older voters wax enthusiastic about Mr. Buttigieg’s youthful Most important, she adds, Mr. Buttigieg understands that
candidate and the person she thinks would usher in the best vigor and dazzling intellect and aren’t as worried about his the country needs to stop fighting and come together.“More
future. Even though he’s the same age as her children. relatively short résumé. than anything we need a uniter,” says Ms. Ofner. “I think a lot
of boomers feel that way.”
The 2020 Democratic field of presidential candidates has “You might think people my age would automatically
made history for its number of women and candidates of choose someone our age, but I feel like we are ready for a Nestled between Christmas pillows in her living room in
color. It also stands out for its age diversity. If elected, Mr. new generation to lead,” says Ms. McCue. “His age is not a Iowa City, Ms. McCue expresses disappointment that she
Buttigieg, the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, would be problem for me – it’s an asset.There is this idea for fresh, new would have to miss an event with Mr. Buttigieg because it
the youngest president ever on Inauguration Day. Vermont hope coming from him.” coincided with her oldest granddaughter’s fourth birthday,
Sen. Bernie Sanders, former Vice President Joe Biden, and and “Nana” had promised to be there.
Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren would all be the oldest. “We need a uniter”
She, too, highlights his ability to bring people together,
And just as Mr. Buttigieg and Senator Sanders are decades Many Buttigieg supporters – like Linda and Bob Ofner, both suggesting it comes from a willingness to admit when he is
apart, so are many of their supporters. retirees – point out that his youth means he has skin in the wrong. That kind of humility and open-minded approach to
game. Compared to the “old men” in Washington, Mr. problem-solving is “refreshing” in a politician, she says, and
Mr. Sanders’ 2016 primary campaign famously saw the rise Buttigieg will actually be alive long enough to feel the long- reminds her of her years as a teacher, when she encouraged
of “Bernie Bros,” the passionate young supporters who term effects of his policies, says Ms. Ofner from her kitchen
#FeeltheBern and are once again fueling the almost- See SANDERS on page 6 for more
octogenarian’s candidacy. Meanwhile, grandparents such as
Ms. McCue are flocking to Mr. Buttigieg’s campaign.
Much of it has to do with ideology. The bold policies and
uncompromising style of Mr. Sanders, a democratic socialist,
are in line with the views of many young people today, who
lean further left than their elders. Mr. Buttigieg, by contrast,
has tried to define himself as a more centrist figure, and
projects a calm thoughtfulness on the stump that older voters
say they appreciate.
At the same time, many specifically point to qualities in
candidates that complement – rather than mirror – their
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SMART READER January 16, 2020 3
Revolutionary thinking? Colleges let
students opt out of admissions exams.
By moving away from test Students walk on the University of California, Los Angeles campus. A school Hard work’s reward
requirements, colleges are district has sued the University of California system, trying to force it to stop
contributing to a profound This storied Harry Potter-esque UChicago campus fringed
change in the way society requiring standardized tests for admission. with modern architecture is a whole new world for Ms.
measures merit. Instead of Hernandez. Ninety-two Nobel laureates have walked the
a single SAT or ACT result, This neo-Gothic campus, the Midwest’s closest equivalent same stone stairways and underground tunnels she scurries
they’re reinforcing the to an Ivy League school, caused a buzz in the summer of 2018 through between classrooms and libraries.
importance of a student’s as the first top-ranked university to go test-optional.
talents and character. Just as exciting to someone who used to have to drive for
The list of bachelor’s degree-granting institutions that de- miles to get to Walmart, she can hop on her used olive-green
After classes and 4-H Club meetings and homework, emphasize the tests has grown to 1,060 since Bowdoin bicycle and zip to class or a variety of stores in the Hyde Park
Esmeralda Hernandez spent a portion of her spring semester College in Brunswick, Maine, pioneered test-optional in 1969. community in a few minutes.
junior year engaged in a nightly routine familiar to millions of Today, more than half of the “top 100” liberal arts colleges are
American teens: logging on to a website to practice math, on the list, the National Center for Fair & Open Testing But the bike isn’t the only thing accelerating her. Attending
reading, and timed test-taking for the SAT. (FairTest) reports, and about 50 joined in the past year. UChicago is pushing her quickly up the social mobility ladder.
While she scored fairly well, she decided to study more The first student class to include “nonsubmitters” of test At one point, she thought all she could afford was to enroll
over the summer and take the entrance exam a second time. scores arrived at UChicago this fall. Professor Clemens says in a state public university, where she could apply two years’
Her hard work paid off: She earned the highest score in her she can’t tell who they are when she asks a class of first-year worth of credit she earned at community college during her
small senior class in tiny Swainsboro, Georgia. But for a students to “wrestle with important arguments” in centuries- high school years.
farmworker’s daughter whose college aspirations stretched old texts like Hobbes’ “Leviathan.” She trusts that both types
beyond state lines, it still didn’t seem good enough. of applicants will thrive here, though she’ll keep an eye on Her Mexican-immigrant parents didn’t attend college. And
research in the coming years on student performance. her only recent role model who left Swainsboro for an elite
In her home nestled in the woods on a dirt road, she kept university was a family friend from church who went to Yale.
looking longingly at a postcard sent by the University of The massive University of California system might be the But she felt encouraged by her small town – even the woman
Chicago, her top choice.What always caught her eye was the next to go test-optional. Its Board of Regents had been on the other side of the window where she went to pay her
image of a coffee stain on the card, which, when looked at considering dropping the SAT/ACT requirement even before phone bill last summer asked about her plans.
closely, showed the chemical formula for coffee. The quirky students and a school district filed a recent lawsuit, claiming
intellectualism behind the card only reinforced her desire to that the tests have a discriminatory effect because of racial Eyeing a major in political science and/or sociology, she says
attend the elite university. and economic disparities. she’s grateful “to meet a lot more interesting people who all
worked hard throughout their four years to get to someplace
Yet she nearly gave up on her dream school, until she California could prove a “tipping point, because it is the like this.”
discovered it offered full scholarships – and the option of largest recipient of SAT scores in the country [and] it is
applying without submitting an SAT score. Suddenly, hope viewed as the most prestigious public university system,” says She’s sitting at a dark wooden table in Hutchinson
rushed back in, tinged with uncertainty. Robert Schaeffer, FairTest’s public education director. Commons, an Oxford-inspired dining hall and student lounge,
where the global mix of students contrasts with stately rows
“I thought that if I hid my test scores from the school, they Yet the ubiquity of the tests suggests that their demise is of UChicago presidential portraits lining the walls. But even
would ask, what are you hiding?” she says. “But it was also far from inevitable. More than 2.2 million students in the high indoors, the Peach State native is still wearing her beige knit
very freeing in the fact that I didn’t have to be defined by school class of 2019 took the SAT, and 1.8 million took the cap to ward off the cold.
something that was only four hours and didn’t really, in my ACT. Many states require and pay for students to take one of
opinion, define who I was as a person. ...There were so many the exams. Here she anticipates gaining insights from stellar
more things that reflected how intelligent or motivated I professors, internships, and possibly a study-abroad trip to
was.” The nonprofit groups that own the tests push back Paris or Barcelona.At a four-year school, she says, she can “be
vigorously against perceptions that they are unfair or put too a young adult for a while, rather than just getting two years
Few things in life loom over American high school students much pressure on teenagers. Research has shown that when of university experience and then jumping out into a career
more than college admissions tests. After years of toiling to combined with high school GPA, the scores boost colleges’ field.”
earn good grades, years of slogging through Advanced ability to predict GPA and the likelihood that first-year
Placement courses, and years of participating in students will return for a second year. “It’s a measuring tool. UChicago requires applicants to write two essays, one
extracurricular activities to burnish their credentials, many ... You cannot blame the measurement for inequities or about why they want to attend the school, and one based on
students take a test that they’ve been told can either catapult inequalities in society,” says Marten Roorda, CEO of ACT, their choice of five topics.“Can you read and write and think?
or crush their college hopes. based in Iowa. Test makers use rigorous methods to ensure That’s going to be a big indicator of how you do here,” says
the test questions themselves are not biased, he says. admissions officer Marjorie Betley.
But now a movement is accelerating across the country –
with more colleges giving students the choice of either The SAT or ACT can provide opportunities for students, Test-optional swayed Ms. Hernandez to apply, but her
submitting their SAT or ACT scores or not. Public and private like Ms. Hernandez, whose talent otherwise might never have ability to come also depended on a broader set of policies –
colleges from Arizona to Illinois to Massachusetts – including been discovered. Many colleges send out recruitment mailings including financial aid – to open up access for
some of the most elite – have adopted a test-optional model to students with good scores who live in places their underrepresented students. In the first round of test-optional
or are moving toward it. It marks one of the biggest changes admissions officers don’t visit. admissions, in the fall of 2019, UChicago’s applications jumped
in college admissions in the past two decades. 20% overall. But they went up 60% for rural students and 24%
Advocates for the tests also say that high school GPAs are for first-generation students.
The result is a feeling of relief – and liberation – among not comparable, because of highly localized school systems in
both high schoolers and parents, in competitive metropolises the United States. Without a standardized benchmark like a In rural communities,“there’s not a lot of test prep around
and quiet rural towns alike. Perhaps more important, the test result, grade inflation could become a bigger problem, there ... and a lot of students are driving two, three, four
move is contributing to a profound shift in the way schools and “wealthier students [could] game the system by having hours” to get to an SAT or ACT test, says Ms. Betley, director
and society measure a person’s value. Instead of giving the stronger letters of recommendation” or other advantages, of the university’s Emerging Rural Leaders Program. “Testing
impression that admissions is based largely on a single test says Lynn Letukas, who formerly worked for the College has never been the most important part of our application
score, more colleges now proclaim loudly that the totality of Board (which owns the SAT) and co-edited the 2018 book process. ... What better way to stress that than to just take
an individual – yes, the good grades earned, but also the “Measuring Success: Testing, Grades, and the Future of [the requirement] away.”
person’s unique talents and character – is so important that College Admissions.”
a test score is no longer necessary. Ms. Hernandez’s former school, Swainsboro High School,
recently hosted a test-taking session for the ACT.Among the
Rise of the “nonsubmitters” school’s 160 seniors, just over half typically go on to college
– usually within Georgia, says counselor Monica Pace.
Test-optional institutions continue to accept scores from
students who want to share them, as one marker of Those applying for public universities or scholarships have
achievement, and an average of 75% of their applicants still do. to reach a minimum SAT/ACT score, and that can motivate
But the schools are breaking down some long-held notions students to work harder on math and reading, she says. One
about how to take stock of a student’s merit and likelihood student aimed for a scholarship that requires a 1200 on the
of success – largely in the name of equity. SAT. “This recent test, she was so excited,” says Ms. Pace.
“What we do know about higher education is that it “I think she’s taken it three times; she finally got her score.”
reproduces inequality ... and it’s good to try and destabilize
that a little,” says Elisabeth Clemens, a sociology professor at Burden or achievement?
UChicago who was not involved in creating the new test-
optional policy. For parents like Pat Lynch, any move away from the
pervasive presence of the SAT or ACT in high schoolers’ lives
4 SMART READER January 16, 2020 is welcome. Just before noon on a crisp October Saturday,
Ms. Lynch is browsing a catalog in the driver’s seat of her
black Volvo, waiting for her daughter to emerge from the SAT
continued on page 5
Students Continued from page 4 “I thought that if I hid my test scores from the school, they would A growing revolt
ask, what are you hiding? But it was also very freeing in the fact that
at Nashua High School North in New Hampshire. Her Use of the SAT and ACT is “morally impermissible ... and
daughter has already taken the SAT twice at her own Roman I didn’t have to be defined by something that was only four hours the admissions process should no longer be contaminated by
Catholic school, and the ACT once. and didn’t really, in my opinion, define who I was as a person.” – this discriminatory metric,” said Mark Rosenbaum, directing
Esmeralda Hernandez, a student at the University of Chicago who attorney at the nonprofit Public Counsel, in filing a lawsuit
“She’s having a hard time getting a decent score, and she’s Dec. 10 against the University of California system on behalf
a smart kid – all A’s, great GPA, four years of math, four years didn’t submit her SAT scores in her admissions application of students and the Compton Unified School District.
of science – but these tests are a lot of pressure,” Ms. Lynch
says. love them to send it in. I don’t think we would ever get rid of California data from 2019 show that 45% of white students
it or say we’re going to be test-blind.” scored 1200 or above on the SAT, compared with 9% of
She thinks her daughter will apply without scores to the African American students and 12% of Hispanics. The
three out of five colleges on her list that are test-optional. Yet that’s exactly what testing critics in California want at University of California’s Academic Senate had already begun
Colleges are “finding out that this SAT is a racket,” she says. public universities. considering removal of the test requirement and is expected
to make recommendations within a few months.
Not true, say the test makers. Since a new version rolled
out in 2016, the SAT has dropped “all vestiges of the aptitude The growing revolt over testing could bolster a backlash
approach used to develop the early SAT 100 years ago,” against another pillar of the higher education establishment –
College Board spokesman Zachary Goldberg writes in an testing-based merit aid. Some colleges, such as Worcester
email. “Gone are the infamous ‘SAT words,’ penalties for Polytechnic Institute (WPI) in Massachusetts, have already
guessing, and math that isn’t necessary for college work.” stopped considering test scores when handing out
discretionary scholarships.
Ms. Hernandez acknowledges that her hours spent
prepping on Khan Academy, an education platform that Breaking down the connection between “so-called merit
partners with the College Board to help applicants get ready scholarships” and SAT/ACT scores is “the next frontier to
to take the exam with a free online program, did some good. broaden accessibility to higher education,” says FairTest’s Mr.
“I learned certain techniques in algebra ... [and] I got a lot of Schaeffer.
critical reading training. ... I can read extremely fast and still
take a lot of things in.” Admissions shifted to test-optional at WPI in 2007. Since
then, the school has not only seen diversity rise, but also
But the tests still feel like an unnecessary requirement to
many students. story continues on page 6
“Being good at standardized testing is being good at 5125 6th Ave. Kenosha
standardized testing,” says a UChicago first-year student
from California who asked to keep her name private. This Week’s Headliner Next Week’s Headliner Featuring
Freshman Daniel Gendy says he felt a lot of pressure to LIYSA CALLSEN Professional
compare his test scores with those of other potential “TRICKY” ALLEN
applicants on college online forums.The night before he sent Jan. 17th at 8pm Jan. 181th at 7 & 9pm Touring
in his UChicago application, he decided to check the test- Jan. 24th at 8pm
optional box. “I was involved with my high school’s founding Liysa Callsen speaker, coach, at the Comedians
of a robotics team, and I wanted that or other and comedian grew up with Jan. 25th at 7 & 9pm Every Friday at 8pm
extracurriculars, such as fencing, to represent me,” he says. Deaf parents and her husband 5125 6th Ave. KENOSHA
is Deaf too. Its like shes collect- Upcoming Headliner and Saturday at
Some students think too much focus on testing can be a ing Deaf people. Liysa can hear, STEVE IOTT Each show features at least 3 comedians. 7 & 9pm.
detriment to the academic culture. however, American Sign No Drink Minimum! Only $12
Language is her first language. Jan. 31st at 8pm
“Schools are supposed to be about learning and education As a bicultural and bilingual
and just expanding your mind as much as possible,” says individual she developed trans- Feb. 1st at 7 & 9pm
fourth-year UChicago economics and philosophy major Max formational ways of communi-
Marcussen, who hails from a rich Connecticut town where cating for those who want to be heard.
testing and tutoring go hand in hand. With test-optional
admissions, the hope is that “having less emphasis on test Sat. Jan. 18, 2020 • 8pm
scores means that you can focus more here on what actually
matters.” Sounds of Vegas
Several weeks into her first quarter, Ms. Hernandez Sounds of Frank Sinatra(Bill Serritella), Tickets ONLY $10
dropped her calculus class. She had tested into it, and plans
to take it later, but she found that having the optional fourth Sammy Davis Jr. (Elliot Wimbush),
class in her schedule left no time for extracurriculars. Now
she’s enjoying the Model United Nations club and tutoring Whitney Houston (Sonja Hicks) and more
adults for the citizenship test.
Sat. Jan. 25, 2020 • 8pm Vito
Students here say the curriculum challenges everyone, and Zatto
they get tremendous support from professors and peer Rick Saucedo
tutors. But researchers have been curious about whether the as Elvis Sat. Feb. 15 • 8pm
academic outcomes at test-optional schools are different for
those who don’t submit exam scores. A 2018 study of 28 With nearly half a century of musical Tickets ONLY $10
large and small institutions found that nonsubmitters had experience,Rick's love and life of
marginally lower first-year and cumulative college GPAs than music dates back to Chicago in the Vito is a Vegas style singer & entertainer who has earned a reputation for
submitters. But nonsubmitters graduated at equivalent or '60s when he and his brother would delivering quick- witted, spontaneous and high-energy entertainment. Full
slightly higher rates. The report, co-authored by a test- listen to Elvis and The Beatles.
optional supporter, showed that first-generation, low- of hilarious comedy, impersonations, incredible singing, audience
income, female, and underrepresented minority students Tickets ONLY $10 participation and lot’s of good times!
were more strongly represented among those who didn’t
submit test scores. Sat. March 21, 2020 April 18th, 2020
8pm 8pm
Supporters of testing say the growth of diversity on these
campuses can’t necessarily be linked to test-optional Rick Lindy Crystal
policies, because the schools often offer other incentives to Bowersox
students, including financial ones. To help schools with their & the Wild Ones Band
diversity goals, the College Board recently added a feature Tickets starting
called Landscape, which helps give a fuller portrait of who Performing Rock and Roll hits of the
students are and where they come from by putting scores in 1950's, 60's and 70's as well as Surf, at $20
the context of neighborhood and school demographic
information. Rock-a-billy, and original songs.
SAT and ACT scores “can be a valuable indicator for Tickets ONLY $10
certain students,” says Peter Wilson, UChicago’s director of
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STOP IN 1420 63RD ST. OR CALL 1-800-838-3006
FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800 SMART READER January 16, 2020 5
Students Continued from page 5 boosted its academic profile, reports “Measuring Success.” Sanders Continued from page 3
retention and graduation rates. But with costs as much a Hezekiah Owuor, for one, is happy with the approach WPI her students to act in a similar way.
barrier to entry as the admissions tests, leaders decided that took. The student at the technical institute built a computer
tying aid to the exams could hamper their goal to broaden and taught himself to play piano, guitar, ukulele, and drums “He’s how you hope all young men will grow up to be:
access to science and technology degrees. back in his hometown of Mombasa, Kenya. Now he’s the truthful, trustworthy, responsible, no put-downs,” says Ms.
beneficiary not only of test-optional admissions, but of test- Ofner.“At one of his first events people were saying, like,‘Oh,
First, they stopped participating in the National Merit neutral merit aid as well. I wish he were older, I wish this, I wish that’ – but then by the
Scholarship Program, which requires the PSAT in junior year. time he was done talking, everyone was cheering and crying.”
But WPI’s algorithm for its own merit scholarships still used “I never had the resources and facilities to be able to just
SAT/ACT scores. So in the 2016-17 cycle, the school started simply explore,” he says of his interest in combining music and A Civiqs and Iowa State University poll last month of likely
assigning an average test score to applicants who hadn’t computer science. Halfway through his second year at WPI, Democratic caucus attendees found that 25% over the age of
submitted exam results. The next year, they cut standardized he’s planning an independent study “to write code that reacts 65 say they will back the young mayor – more than any other
test scores completely out of the merit aid calculation. to sound and music.” Democratic candidate – while Mr. Buttigieg’s lowest levels of
support are among those between the ages of 18 and 29.
“The public narrative that testing firms often play into is Mr. Owuor sat for the SAT and the ACT in Kenya, putting
this idea that test scores are a proxy for academic quality,” in several hours of studying online each week for about a The opposite is true for Mr. Sanders. The poll found that
says Andrew Palumbo,WPI’s dean of admissions and financial month. On top of exams for his International Baccalaureate 35% of young Iowa Democrats say they’ll support the
aid. Once a critical mass of schools goes test-optional – degree, he didn’t have enough prep time to score as high as Vermont senator – more than any other candidate – while
particularly more nationally known universities – he believes he had hoped, he says. When his counselor told him about just 9% of the oldest cohort favor him.
that notion will fade. “The biggest problem we have now is WPI, he decided to apply without submitting his scores. He
the legacy of standardized test scores – the myth that they believes the school’s test-optional philosophy has not only For most of these voters, the candidates’ main selling points
are the great equalizer upon which you can put everyone side been beneficial to him but has also had a positive effect on are their policies, says Stella Rouse, an associate professor of
by side,” he says. campus culture. politics at the University of Maryland.“This whole idea of,‘We
want someone from our generation to represent us,’ is
Yet some schools have gone in the opposite direction. In “You don’t feel like you are defined by the number that you overblown and over-simplistic,” she says. “Millennials see
2013, the University of Oregon added test scores to its merit got,” he says. “It’s very much an environment of innovation [Sanders’] energy and his politics, and they are drawn to that.
scholarship requirements, while still considering high school and what you can bring to the table – what you can do, as There is a huge cross-generational appeal.”
GPA. The method was more transparent and the school opposed to what this test said that you could do.”
Millennials and the appeal of socialism
By Stacy Teicher Khadaroo
Mr. Buttigieg casts himself as a centrist, which baby
Good Food and a Great Cause! boomers like Ms. McCue and the Ofners see as a good thing.
They miss the “old days” when compromise was still possible
Charlie has partnered with the in Washington.They also oppose “free everything,” which they
Kenosha Shrine Club to benefit Shriners believe other Democratic candidates are promising. The
Hospitals for Children® -Chicago! Now when candidate who comes in second place with this age group, Mr.
you dine at Charlie’s Shriner Diner, half of Biden, holds similar positions on these issues and is selling
the profits go to the Chicago Hospital where himself as able to win over moderates and anti-Trump
children are provided life-changing care Republicans, as well as those who feel nostalgic for a past
regardless of family’s ability to pay. America.
® - Chicago Conversely, Mr. Sanders calls for a “21st-century economic
Bill of Rights,” a reassessment of the country’s vast income
inequality, free college, and “Medicare for All.” These proposals
resonate with America’s youth, says Ms. Rouse, co-author of
“The Politics of Millennials.” Having come of age in the
shadow of the 2008 economic crisis, millennials now find
themselves the best-educated generation in American history
– and the worst paid.
wNKitoeihdftwhsathrYngIoeetyeu’asftfgurotahhnfoFuenJdRnaeyEpnlneEucea.al3rsrcckm1haeaak..l.esle A Gallup poll from 2018 found that 51% of Americans
between the ages of 18 and 29 have a positive view of
AnHEdvee’SsraByyaSHcakitT!. &oStCSouhpnaIn.rlie socialism (the largest percentage of any age group), while just
11:30-1:30 45% have a positive view of capitalism (the smallest
percentage of any age group).
Waving a Bernie poster outside the New Hampshire
Democratic Party state convention earlier this fall in
Manchester, a cat ears headband adorning her pink hair,Alycia
Tsoukalas says Mr. Sanders’ age doesn’t matter to her.
“He’s for a $15 minimum wage, health insurance, LGBT
rights, free college tuition – I mean, I’m in my final year and
I’m scared to graduate,” says Ms. Tsoukalas, a New England
College student who works at a tattoo shop. “I think it’s one
of the coolest things ever that he is one of the oldest
candidates but he’s for us, the young people.”
Now Under New Indira Gonzalez and Alana Lamontagne, nursing assistants
Management! from Manchester and Pelham, New Hampshire, respectively,
agree.They support Mr. Sanders because his proposals would
New GM Eric Colmer invites make their lives tangibly better, they say, which makes it feel
you to stop in and enjoy one as if he really cares about them.
of his signature sandwiches
delivered by one of our trains. “Erasing student debt. Like, if he can get rid of that, then
that’s a lot of peace of mind for us,” says Ms. Gonzalez. “He’s
Tasty Appetizers Including the only one really rooting for college students and people
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Traditional Italian Beef When Ms.Tsoukalas does think about Mr. Sanders’ age, she
(One of Kenosha’s Best) says she sees it as a good thing. He actually participated in the
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“It means he has more life experience,” says Ms.Tsoukalas.
Reuben Sandwich 262-220-3634 “Age is just a number.”
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6 SMART READER January 16, 2020 FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800
Jeff Schmidt, Jeff Schmidt
Financial Advisor at
Edward Jones
6040 39th Ave Suite 5 Kenosha
Brings you
Jill on Money a durable power of attorney, which allows you to appoint spouse beneficiaries of IRA accounts to "stretch" DT2019V4
someone to act as your financial agent in a variety of distributions from an inherited account over their own
Money goals to strive for circumstances. lifetimes. Under the Secure Act, the stretch RMD is gone.
in 2020 Non-spouses who inherit an IRA or 401(k) will (with some
Although I prefer hiring an estate attorney to do it the exceptions) have to take the money out of the account - and
We're a couple of weeks into 2020, which right way and in accordance with state laws, having pay the taxes due at your income tax bracket at the time -
means that millions of Americans are in the something basic, like what's available online, is better than within 10 years of the retirement account owner's death.
midst of doing something different with their nothing.
lives. In his book, "When," author Daniel Pink says that the --Expands the use of 529 money. Anyone with 529
date you choose to motivate yourself is no accident. Changes coming to your education savings accounts can take tax-free withdrawals of
retirement account as much as $10,000 for repayments of some student loans.
"The first day of the year is what social scientists call a
'temporal landmark,'" or a date that stands out from most Congress delivered retirement savers a last-minute By Jill Schlesinger
others on the calendar. New Year's Day certainly qualifies, Christmas gift: the Setting Every Community Up for
and its passage provides us with "a chance to start again" and Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act, which after passing Jill Schlesinger, CFP, is the Emmy-nominated CBS News Business
to leave behind our "mistakes and imperfections." the House in May, was neatly tucked inside a federal Analyst. She welcomes comments and questions at askjill@jillon-
government spending bill that President Trump signed just Check her website at
I'll let you deal with your goals around diet and exercise before the holiday break. The changes were the biggest in Schlesinger’s latest book, “The Dumb Things Smart People Do with
and instead focus on three financial to-dos for 2020. more than a decade. Their Money” tells you what you really need to hear about retire-
ment planning, college financing, insurance, real estate, how to save
Goal #1:Track cash flow While the Secure Act attempts to increase worker money, and more. It might just be the smartest investment you
participation, it also allows for companies to use more make all year.To hear more great financial advice, tune in to
The most common financial resolutions that I come across complicated products and makes it easier to access Happenings Q&A on Tuesday, January 21st at 1:30 pm when Jill
are to save more, spend less and to pay down outstanding retirement accounts in certain instances. Here are some of returns to the show. Find us on your radio dial at AM1050 WLIP or
debt. I'm lumping them into one category, because each the highlights: streaming live online at
requires that you understand how much money is coming
into your household and the amount that you spend. --Increases required minimum distribution age. Currently, For Kenosha Unified Schools
retirement savers are forced to begin withdrawing money
I know it may sound simple, but if you don't get this core from their tax deferred accounts after they turn age 70.5. Paul R. Pulera & Paul T. Pulera
concept right, it's hard to make informed decisions about The Secure Act increases that age to 72 for those who turn
your financial life. To track your cash flow, download a free 70.5 after Dec. 31, 2019. 5455 Sheridan Rd. Suite LL20 • Kenosha
app like Mint or Clarity Money or use your bank's app.
--Ditches the age cap for traditional IRA contributions. (262) 652-9696
Goal #2: Put your money on autopilot Under current law, if you are over 70 1/2 and have wage
income, you are prohibited from putting money into a Securities and advisory services offered through MWA Financial Services, Inc.
With your trusted cash flow in hand, make your life easier traditional IRA. The Secure Act abolishes the limitation. (309)558-3100 Member: FINRA; SIPC Individuals may not be licensed to sell all products.
by using technology to manage due dates on bills and to (There are no age restrictions on Roth IRAs.)
establish auto pay on available accounts. The idea is to SMART READER January 16, 2020 7
synchronize payments for recurring bills when you receive --Changes how retirement account balances are reported.
income. Instead of reflecting the total dollars saved, the Secure Act
will require plan providers to show how much a retirement
If you are paying down debt, establish automatic payments, account value would create in annual income during
even for a small amount, so your most important expenses retirement.
get paid and you can avoid, or at least minimize, penalties and
fees. If you are saving on your own, you can automatically --Makes it easier to include annuities inside retirement
transfer money from your checking or savings account to a plans. Lauded by the insurance industry as a vehicle to create
Roth or traditional IRA. retirement income, annuities can be opaque and expensive,
critics say.Additionally, companies had been reluctant to offer
Goal #3 Embrace the unthinkable annuities in 401(k) plans, due to legal liabilities. The Secure
Act reduces the legal issue, but critics worry that the
Nobody wakes up on Jan. 1 and says, "I want to addition of annuities into 401(k)s could make plans more
contemplate my death," but that is what I am asking you to expensive.
do.As I said in my book, "The Dumb Things Smart People Do
with Their Money," "Of all the off-the-hook stupid mistakes --Increases auto enrollment. Companies can automatically
you can make with your money, failing to have a will is enroll employees in retirement plans and then increase the
indisputably the worst. Not only can it result in massive contribution to up to 10% of annual income.The Secure Act
financial losses for your loved ones, depending on the size of increases the threshold to 15%. Employees can continue to
the estate, but it can also cause them any number of other opt out.
--Expands eligibility for part-timers. Under current rules,
It's important that you overcome the anxieties associated people need to work at least 1,000 hours during a calendar
with this emotional topic and take control. Start with a will, year to access most company plans. Starting in 2021, the
which is a legal document that ensures that your assets are Secure Act allows those who worked at least 500 hours per
passed to your designated beneficiaries, in accordance with year for at least three consecutive years to enroll in
your wishes. In the drafting process, you name an executor, retirement plans.
the person or institution that oversees the distribution of
your assets. --Helps small businesses provide retirement plans.The new
law increases a current tax credit for establishing a
If you have minor children, you need to name a guardian retirement plan from $500 to $5,000; introduces a second
for them. Although it can be hard to agree on a suitable tax credit of $500 for plans that include automatic
person for such an important role, don't let it stop you; make enrollment; and starting in 2012, makes it easier for small
the best choice you can now and then you can always change companies of different types to band together to offer a
it in the future. pooled retirement plan to their employees.
Two other documents are a health care proxy, which --Eliminates stretch RMDs. Current IRS rules allow non-
allows you to appoint someone to make health care
decisions on your behalf if you lose the ability to do so, and
It's war: Are we
in it to win it?
Prior to Iran's missile attacks on
U.S. bases inside Iraq, Secretary of
Defense Mark Esper said, "We are
not seeking war with Iran, but we are
prepared to finish one." Esper said
the U.S. prefers a "diplomatic"
solution to the escalation of tensions
in the region.
Yes, that would be ideal, but a
diplomatic solution would require Cal Thomas
Iran to reverse course, no longer fund and practice
terrorism, stop developing a nuclear weapon and cease its
repeated threats to destroy Israel.
President Donald Trump responds to missile attacks by Iran against U.S. military bases in Iraq in a national address last week. Nationally Never at a loss to make political hay out of a serious
syndicated columnists Harlan Ullman and Cal Thomas have different opinions on the presidents actions. foreign conflict with American troops in danger, Speaker of
the House Nancy Pelosi criticized the president in a mixed
Optimists will take the lack of an American military message: "We must ensure the safety of our service
response and the president’s comments about how Iran members, including ending needless provocations from the
could become a great and prosperous state through Administration and demanding that Iran cease its violence.
negotiations as positive signs. But that is not how his America and the world cannot afford war."
words will be viewed in Tehran. Iran’s retaliation was an
my turn olive branch. Now that it has been rejected, expect Pelosi said nothing about the endless provocations by
repercussions. Iran, the world's number one sponsor of terrorism.
Trump fails to The administration’s major failing beyond not exploiting In an appearance at the White House, President Trump
take high ground the potential opportunity of engineering a breakthrough said: "As long as I am President of the United States, Iran
in message to Iran with Iran as attempted with North Korea was the absence will never be allowed to have a nuclear weapon." He called
of strategy. After sanctions are imposed, then what? for a greater involvement by NATO in the Middle East
Suppose Iran takes more powerful actions that are without spelling out what that would look like. And he
plausibly deniable or through proxies. The most likely promised more "punishing" economic sanctions on Iran,
responses are the use of Iraqi militias to attack whose economy is already teetering on the brink.
installations in Iraq where Americans are stationed. In
Following the assassination of those circumstances, against whom could Trump retaliate? That the president did not announce or threaten new
Qassem Soleimani and Iran’s firing in military operations against Iran was significant and offers
reprisal of 15 ballistic missiles against Iran’s key aim is to force America from the region. In Tehran an opportunity to de-escalate the conflict.
two bases in Iraq, U.S. President Iraq, the strategy is to turn Iraqis and the government
Donald Trump had a perfect against the United States. How prepared is the United I have written this before, but it bears repeating. Iran's
opportunity to seize the high ground States to respond to these attacks beyond enhancing force theocratic leadership believes war is the path to revealing
in his response. protection and deferring the counter-Islamic State the "12th Imam," their version of the Christian second
missions? And if Baghdad does eject American forces, how coming. The Mullahs of Iran are true believers who it
will that take place? appears are willing, even eager, to die for their cause, or
more accurately have others die in their place.
No doubt, a collective sigh of relief persists across the
Iran’s “retaliation” was minimal and international community. For the moment, outright conflict Here is the formula the "no more war" crowd doesn't
has been deferred.The key word is deferred.This is not a get or refuses to accept. Iran and its proxies kill U.S.
an “olive branch” of sorts. Its missiles Harlan Ullman de-escalation. It is a pause in this battle between troops, along with Iranian and foreign civilians and we are
were aimed to do little damage and to Washington and Tehran. supposed to take it. If America responds to Iran, as
President Trump has done (unlike Obama and Clinton), we
placate a domestic public outraged by Soleimani’s death. What makes this temporary cease-fire even more are the enemy of peace and guilty of "escalating" the
dangerous is the absence of genuine options to reduce conflict.War is never a one-way street, unless one side pre-
Further, Iran telegraphed the attack with warnings to tensions and to allow off-ramps to prevent a regional war. emptively surrenders.Victory must be our goal and should
If Iran ratchets up the pressure, as it will, what options be defined.
minimize casualties. does the president have short of using military force?
But the president chose not to take the high ground. Lurking and soon to be more prominent is impeachment Perhaps feckless European nations, Saudi Arabia and
Nor did it seem that he appreciated that Iran was that will dominate Washington and the president once a other countries will see clearly now that we have been at
operating from a position of weakness, clearly showing trial begins, if it does. Less prominent and still potentially war with these fanatics at least since 1979 when Iranian
Tehran was interested in negotiations. Instead, the damaging is the question of imminence in killing Soleimani. college students belonging to the Muslim Student
president increased the policy of “maximum pressure” If, as the caretaker Iraqi prime minister claims, Soleimani Followers of the Imam's Line seized the U.S. embassy in
with further sanctions. Perhaps the hawks in his was on a diplomatic mission to improve relations with Tehran and held 52 people hostage for 444 days until the
administration have prevailed, assuming that regime change Saudi Arabia, and that can be credibly explained, what does inauguration of Ronald Reagan when the hostages were
is not out of the question. that do to the administration’s credibility? Of course, the released. Maybe the Iranians feared Reagan would do then
justification will be that Soleimani was evil. Still, if he were what Trump has done now, which is to punch back when
In his address, the president was flanked by his national on a diplomatic mission, that cannot be good for the attacked.
security team, including the joint chiefs, no doubt to president.
demonstrate administration unity. His words ranged from Yes, Iran must not be allowed to create nuclear weapons.
belligerent in tone to exaggerations and misstatement of One view is that the situation is akin to someone who Most in the West and Israel believe that. The question is
fact. He began by asserting Iran will never obtain nuclear has jumped off the top of the Empire State building. Passing how to stop them.There are multiple ways, short of armed
weapons. by floor 67, when asked “how are things going” the answer conflict. There will not be an invasion of Iran, but
was “so far, so good.” cyberattacks, computer viruses, targeting missile sites and
Were that true, Trump would never have withdrawn increased sanctions are all options. So is supporting those
from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. He then My fear is that regarding Trump and Iran, “so far so inside Iran who hate their government and wish to replace
announced even tougher sanctions against Iran and asked good.” it.
NATO to play a bigger role in the region. Given that
NATO members are also part of the European Union and By Harlan Ullman
thus supportive of the JCPOA, it seems unlikely what As well as being a recurring guest on Happenings Q&A, Harlan
NATO could do. Ullman is UPI's Arnaud de Borchgrave Distinguished columnist and
serves as a senior adviser at the Atlantic Council. He was a professor
The president asserted that his administration “rebuilt” of military strategy at the National War College and the Naval War Perhaps Iran's retaliatory attack was about "saving face"
the U.S. military, having spent $2.4 trillion in that pursuit. College. His latest book is "Anatomy of Failure:Why America Has for the Iranian regime. Since no Americans were killed, and
Both statements were wrong. And he complimented the President Trump has said that is a red line for him, this
power of the American military while signaling that he did Lost Every War It Starts." Follow him @harlankullman. could be the end of the latest conflict. It will most assuredly
not want to use it. not be the end of this war. But no one should be under any
illusion that what the U.S. and the West does short of
Iran was cited again as the major sponsor of terrorism surrender will affect the stated goals of the fanatics, who
and Soleimani as the leading terrorist. However, that is not are in it to win it.
a universal view. And while Iran and the United Stats have
many areas of conflict, America’s intervention into Iraq in The ultimate question is, are we?
2003 precipitated the catastrophe engulfing the region.
Cal Thomas can be reached at [email protected].
8 SMART READER January 16, 2020 FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800
January 16, 2020 health
Kenosha County Aging & Disability Resource Center community
Staying social as we age news
Remaining active and engaged is one of the most there are tours that even go through multiple countries. seniors a day. Local senior centers offer a hub where
important factors in maintaining good mental and physical Whether you’re looking for a few hours’ diversion or people can gather for exercise classes, meals, book clubs
life at any age. Later life changes like kids moving away, looking to climb the Matterhorn, walking tours are an and so much more.
friends passing away or divorces may bring about isolation. excellent way to stay engaged.
Isolation and loneliness are not necessarily the same thing. While loneliness can itself be isolating, there is nothing
Many people who report the most loneliness may be in If faith is an important part of your life, connecting with wrong with admitting that as life changes, so do our social
unsatisfying marriage or relationships. Being alone doesn’t a church or faith group can create a solid network of needs.Wanting to be more involved in your community or
mean being lonely. However, older age often coincides with friends. Churches often have outside programs or study just wanting friendship is a difficult thing to admit and ask
a decrease in social interaction. Loneliness can have a real groups that can help facilitate closer relationships. There for. Hopefully, these suggestions can become the starting
effect on cognitive health.The U.S. Health and Retirement can also be a comfort to the structure of having a group point for a fulling and active social life at any stage of life.
Study from 1998 to 2010 followed more than 8300 adults or service to go to once a week or so.
age 65 and older. Over the course of the study, participants For information about local volunteer opportunities,
reporting loneliness experienced 20% greater cognitive Senior centers provide affordable programming and Senior Centers and more, contact the Kenosha County
decline than those who did not. Social isolation is a difficult support specifically for older Americans.There are 10,000 Aging & Disability Resource Center at 262-605-6646.
problem to solve completely, but there are ways to get centers across the United States servicing one million
involved to continue being involved and active in the By Serena Jaros
Volunteering is an excellent way to alleviate loneliness
and get out of the house. In a survey of over 10,000 people
in the UK, two thirds reported that volunteering helped
them feel less lonely. Participating in different
opportunities is also a great way to network and create
new opportunities. Because of its relatively low barrier to
entry, volunteerism is accessible for people of all ages and
abilities. Opportunities to volunteer can be found on
websites like or local spaces like a
church or library.
While walking tours aren’t always accessible for
everyone, for those who can partake they are a wonderful
opportunity to travel, meet new people and keep physically
active. For beginners, there are short tours through a city
or part of a park. If you’re looking for more of a challenge,
Don’t be a target for scams!
(NAPSI)—If you spend a lot of time on engagement,” said FINRA Foundation likely to be victimized if they were isolated pitch has been flagged as fraudulent or
social media sites or looking for great President Gerri Walsh. “Social media and and didn’t have anyone to discuss the offer potentially fraudulent by news
online deals, you may wear a bullseye when website scams are flourishing. Every time with, according to the study. Consequently, organizations or members of the public.
it comes to scammers hunting for prey, you respond to a friend request from those who engaged scammers and lost
according to groundbreaking fraud someone you don’t know or click through money were less likely to be married and • Focus on your financial health and
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Education Foundation, BBB Institute for being exposed to a scam.” “Sadly, loneliness and fraud victimization and those with lower levels of financial
Marketplace Trust and the Stanford Center seem to go hand in hand,” noted Walsh. literacy may be more susceptible to
on Longevity. Your chance of falling victim to a scam scammers.
varies by type—for instance, online You’re also more likely to engage and lose
Researchers surveyed more than 1,400 purchase scams, tech support ploys, fake money if you’re feeling financial strain, or • Knowledge is power. Knowing about
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targeted by scammers and reported the method in which you are exposed to the study found. best defense in successfully reducing the
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which tracks scams. Nearly half of those social media or a website, the numbers are Protect Yourself frauds by subscribing to consumer
surveyed did not engage with the fraudster. chilling.When exposed to a scam on social newsletters and seeking out information on
However, 30 percent engaged to some media, 91 percent engaged and 53 percent Take these steps to protect yourself from current scams.
degree but ultimately did not lose money, lost money. The odds of losing money to fraud:
while 23 percent engaged with the website scams were only slightly lower: 81 One-third of consumers who were
fraudster or offer and lost money. percent of consumers in the study who • Ask for input from others. Scammers targeted by a scammer, but did not engage
were exposed to a fraud via a website said try to isolate their victims. Don’t be afraid with the offer, already knew about the
What separates victims from non- they engaged—and 50 percent lost money. to contact a friend, or a company or specific type of scam. In addition,
victims? organization you trust for advice. It also consumers who understood the tactics and
Other factors heighten the likelihood of helps to do additional research before behaviors of scammers tended not to
“The path to victimization begins with falling for a fraud. Consumers were more sending any money. One easy action: Do an engage with fraudsters.
Internet search to see if the website or
FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800 SMART READER January 16, 2020 9
Senior Dining
Dining Menu SALAD BAR MENU For more information about this Rainbow Lake Manor
program/volunteer opportunity please 19900 128th Street, Bristol
Janurary 20 - 31 Offered every Thursday, 11 a.m. - 12:30 contact KAFASI at 262-658-3508 x118 Call Diana at 262-658-0237
p.m. at Westosha Community Center, Serves 12:00 Fridays
Mon., Jan. 20: Roast beef, gravy, Bristol, Lakeside Towers, Parkside Dining Site Locations
mashed potatoes, Brussels sprouts, Baptist Church, Kenosha REGULAR SENIOR DINING
bread, chilled pears, ranger cookie EASTERN KENOSHA COUNTY SITES/DAYS
Thu., Jan. 23: Egg salad on wheat
Tue., Jan. 21: Meatball sandwich OR French roll, tomato Florentine soup, Kenosha Senior Center * Meals include soup or salad, dessert
sliced turkey rollup with spinach and tossed salad, boiled eggs, variety 2717 67th Street and beverage
cheddar on tortilla, lettuce, tomato, toppings, cottage cheese, mandarin Call Deb at 262-658-9311 * Meals are offered for a suggested
bean soup, banana, melon oranges, pea salad, milk Serves 11:45, M-F donation of $3.
* Open to anyone age 60+ and a
Wed., Jan. 22: Spaghetti & meatballs, Thur., Jan. 30: Broccoli quiche, dinner Lakeside Towers spouse regardless of age.
broccoli, garlic bread, peaches, cream roll, vegetable gumbo, tossed salad, 5800 3rd Avenue * Reservations must be made by 10:30
of cauliflower soup boiled eggs, variety toppings, cottage Call O.B at 262-654-0103 a.m. at least 24 hours, one business
cheese, orange smiles, fruit yogurt, milk Serves 11:30, M-W; F day in advance. Monday cancellations
Thu., Jan. 23: Chicken tenders in *Salad Bar Thursdays, 11:00 - 12:30 must be called in the Friday before.
gravy, stuffing, mashed sweet potato, VILLAGE PUB RESTAURANT
bean and tomato medley, cran- Parkside Baptist Church SALAD BAR DAYS*
applesauce, pea salad Offered every Wednesday and Friday, 2620 14th Place Locations indicated have a separate
11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Choose between Call Sean at 262-552-7737 menu for salad bar days, consisting of a
Fri., Jan. 24: Cheese ravioli Alfredo, the breakfast or lunch senior special Serves 11:45, M-W; F variety of salad toppings, premade
zucchini with red peppers, onions, *Salad Bar Thursdays, 11:-00 - 12:30 salads, fruit, sandwich and soup. No
vegetable, roll, cookie, fruit cup Fri., Jan. 24: BREAKFAST: Veg omelet reservations needed for salad bar days
(onions, green pepper, tomato, Boys & Girls Club and guests are welcome to arrive
Mon., Jan. 27: Meatloaf with gravy, mushroom, cheese), hash brown, 1330 52nd Street anytime between the designated time
cauliflower mashed potatoes, stewed orange juice, fruit cup, toast LUNCH: Call Diana at 262-658-0237 frame.
tomatoes, roll, cream of mushroom Lemon baked cod, baked potato, Serves 12:00 Wednesdays
soup, pineapple tidbits coleslaw, rye bread, butter RESTAURANT SENIOR SPECIALS
Tue., Jan. 28: Fish sandwich on roll OR Wed., Jan. 29: BREAKFAST: Village Pub of Silver Lake
caprese pasta salad with grilled Pancakes with caramel banana syrup, Westosha Community Center 307 N Cogswell Drive, Silver Lake
chicken, lettuce, tomato, split pea sausage patty, fruit cup, orange juice 19200 93rd Street-Bristol Call Diana at 262-358-5779
soup, fruit, carrot raisin salad Call Ken at 262-358-5554 Serves W, F 11:30 - 1:30
LUNCH: Meatloaf, mashed potato and Serves 12:00, M-W; F
Wed., Jan. 29: BBQ chicken thigh, gravy, peas and carrots, roll *Salad Bar Thursdays, 11:00 - 12:30 No reservations needed, arrive anytime
oven fries, green beans and onions, between designated timeframe.
bread, Jello, soup Fri., Jan. 31 BREAKFAST: Scrambled New Life Bible Suggested donation of $4.00. Choose
eggs, biscuits and sausage gravy, 112 W. Main Street. Twin Lakes from a few menu options. Guests under
Thu., Jan. 30: Cheese omelet, refried orange juice, fruit cup Call Diana at 262-358-5779 60 may order from regular restaurant
beans, biscuit, apple juice, yogurt, orange Serves 12:00, M, Tu, Th menu.
LUNCH: Baked white fish, baked
Fri., Jan. 31: Swedish meatballs and potato, coleslaw, rye bread, butter The Sharing Center
gravy, mashed potatoes, broccoli, 25700 Wilmot Road (Hwy. C)
bread, fresh melon Training and Support: Volunteers Call Julie at 1-262-948-9890
participate in program orientation and are Serves 11:30, M, W, F
strongly encouraged to attend program
meetings/trainings (6 meetings a year).
dear doug Conflict
Too Late for Put a number to it. A nebulous goal like "I want to write Q: Over the holidays, our family gathering went to hell
Change? down my life story" is less likely to work. Without the in a handbasket. My brother and I have very different
specifics, you're likely to forget about it or do the bare personalities and interests, but we do love each other.
Q: People around me have been minimum.
talking about their plans for the new This year, we were both tired and cranky from travel
year, especially their resolutions for Instead, set a reasonable goal and work backward. and the stress of the season. During a family dinner, we
2020. Once you've chosen your goal, figure out how much time got into a heated debate over politics.
you want to spend on it every day or week. Break the
I always liked making my own Doug Mayberry schedule down into smaller increments. Change works He said some things about my life and past
resolutions but haven't made any for best if you make it part of your routine. Make the most of relationships that stung deeply, and I left angry. We're
the last several years. Because of my age, I make the time you have. -- Emma, Doug's granddaughter both still in town, and he called to apologize the next day.
excuses that any plans don't matter and that my health
could fail me at any time. I've always found it difficult to forgive. What should I
When our family was talking about New Year's
resolutions over the holidays, my son teased me by A: Learn to forgive and forget. Recognize that things
mentioning that I have the same excuse every year. Even got out of hand in the heat of the moment, and that the
if I didn't care to hear that, I realize that he has a point. situation exacerbated small tensions.
How can I make a satisfying goal that doesn't feel like Spending time with our families is a fantastic
a waste of time? opportunity, but it's also exhausting. It's easy to
remember the good moments, but the bad ones have a
A: Make specific goals that fulfill one of your wants or way of inserting themselves.
needs. Many seniors fall into the trap of focusing on the
big picture. Realizing that they're old, they resign It isn't worth it to hold grudges. When a loved one
themselves to their age and stop making plans for the offers a sincere apology and their contrition, forgiveness
future. But resolutions for the future aren't exclusive to is the best option. Whenever you're frustrated, look at
the younger generations. your side of the argument. Did you say or do anything
you regret? Now is the time to make amends.
Personal goals look different at all ages. Even if your
perspective on life has changed, you are still around and No relationship is perfect. Even the most loving bonds
can reap the benefits of your own actions. Nobody knows take care and effort to maintain. Let go of your pride, and
how long they have left on this Earth. Instead of accept the apology. -- Doug
resigning yourself to obsolescence, you can choose to
look forward to every day. Doug Mayberry makes the most of life in a Southern
California retirement community. Contact him at
When crafting a resolution, decide on a concrete goal.
[email protected]. Emma, Doug's granddaughter,
helps write this column.Contact Doug Mayberry at
10 SMART READER January 16, 2020 FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800
social security
and you
Social Security amount of your monthly Social Security check.And wealthy will have to earn $5,640 in 2020 before you get the
Update for 2020 people will pay more than the basic premium -- as much as maximum four credits assigned to your Social Security
$491.60 per month for the richest Americans. account.
It has been my custom for most of the past 23 years to
write a year-end column that summarizes the Social I don't want to get into this complicated issue of People under age 66 who get Social Security retirement
Security changes and updates Medicare premiums other than to make this quick point. or survivors benefits but are still working are subject to
scheduled to take place the Even though they are linked in the minds of most senior limits in the amount of money they can earn and still
following year. citizens, Social Security and Medicare are entirely separate receive all their Social Security checks. That limit was
programs, administered by entirely separate federal $17,640 this year and will be $18,240 in 2020. For every $2
Almost all Social Security agencies, and they have entirely separate rules and a person earns over those limits, $1 is withheld from his or
beneficiaries are familiar with the regulations regarding their benefit and payment structures. her monthly benefits.
most popular and publicized For example, I already explained how Social Security
upcoming change: the increase in COLAs are figured. Part B Medicare premium increases There is a higher earnings threshold in the year a person
monthly benefit checks for 2020 have nothing to do with the consumer price index. Instead, turns 66 that applies from the beginning of the year until
due to the automated cost-of-living they must be set at a level that covers 25% of the cost of the month the person turns 66. (The income penalty goes
running the program. (Taxpayers pick up the remaining away once a person reaches that full retirement age.) That
adjustment, or COLA. In fact, Social Tom Margenau 75%.) threshold goes up from $46,920 in 2019 to $48,600 next
Security recipients have probably Another measuring stick called the "national wage
already received a letter from the Social Security index" is used to set increases to other provisions of the A couple of other Social Security provisions are also
Administration telling them of the expected increase. law that affect Social Security beneficiaries and taxpayers. impacted by inflationary increases. For example, people
Specifically, this includes increases in the amount of wages getting disability benefits who try to work can generally
All Social Security checks are going up 1.6% in 2020.The or self-employment income subject to Social Security tax - continue getting those benefits as long as they are not
COLA is based on something called the Consumer Price - the amount of income needed to earn a "quarter of working at a "substantial" level. In 2019, the law defined
Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers. This coverage" -- and the Social Security earnings penalty limits. substantial work as any job paying $1,220 or more per
is the official measuring stick SSA has used to determine month. Next year, that substantial earnings level increases
COLAs for the past 46 years. If you want to learn more The Social Security taxable earnings base will go up from to $1,260 monthly.
about this measure, check out the website of the folks who $132,900 this year to $137,700 in 2020. In other words,
maintain it: the Bureau of Labor Statistics.You'll find them people who earn more than $137,700 next year will no Finally, the Supplemental Security Income basic federal
at longer have Social Security payroll taxes deducted from payment level for one person goes up from $771 this year
their paychecks once they hit that threshold. This has to $783 in 2020. SSI is a federal welfare program
I always dread mentioning COLAs in this column always been a very controversial provision of the law. (Bill administered by the SSA, but it is not a Social Security
because every single time I do, I am flooded with emails Gates pays the same amount of Social Security tax as his benefit. It is paid for out of general revenues, not Social
from readers complaining that the increase is not enough. plumber!) Normally, I would bet my next pension check Security taxes.
(Maybe not unexpectedly, not once in 23 years has anyone that any eventual Social Security reform package will
ever written to me to say that their COLA increase was include a sharp increase in that wage base. But with the If you have a Social Security question,
too high!) anti-tax Republicans controlling the Senate and the White Tom Margenau has the answer. Contact him at
House, I'm not so sure.
Yet here's the rub: Many economists and social planners [email protected].
believe Social Security COLAs are too generous! (I've Most people need 40 Social Security work credits
explained why in past columns, but I don't have the space (sometimes called "quarters of coverage") to be eligible for
to get into that argument today.) That's why most monthly benefit checks from the system. In 2019, people
discussions of long-range reform for Social Security include who were working earned one credit for each $1,360 in
proposals to reduce cost-of-living increases. Social Security taxable income. But no one earns more
than four credits per year. In other words, once you made
OK, back to the 2020 Social Security COLA. Due to $5,440, your Social Security record has been credited with
these increases, the average monthly retirement check will the maximum four credits or quarters of coverage. Next
be $1,503 in 2020, a $24 increase from the 2019 level.The year, the one credit limit goes up to $1,410, meaning you
maximum Social Security check for a worker retiring at age
66 next year will be $3,011, compared to $2,861 in 2019.
And please note that $3,011 is the maximum for someone
turning 66 next year.That does not mean it is the maximum
Social Security payment anyone can receive. There are
millions of Social Security beneficiaries who get much
more than that, primarily because they work well past age
66 and/or delay starting their benefits until age 70.
Although this is a Social Security column, I must mention
the upcoming increase in the Medicare Part B premium,
which is deducted from Social Security checks for most
people. In 2020, the basic Part B premium will be $144.60,
a $9.10 increase from the 2019 rate. Some people will pay
less than that because of the muddled mess involving the
"hold harmless" provision of the law that essentially says an
increase in the Part B premium cannot reduce the net
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With other caregivers, it’s easier to share your feelings. • Source of
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At support group meetings, heads nod with a lot of from rising rapidly
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You’ll be part of a group where people can talk together, Over 13,000 different species of legumes
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• Dakota grows the most dry beans in the US
Support groups are facilitated by volunteers trained by followed by Michigan
seniors so I decided to get her Reducing Gas:
in the news one before I did." • Change the water several times during soaking.
• Add a teaspoon of fennel seeds when soaking.
Gift from son earns The son arrived at • Simmer beans slowly until they are tender.
woman $100,000 his mother's house • Add digestive aids, like Beano, to help reduce the
lottery jackpot and handed her the amount of gas they produce.
top ticket from his
A New Year's Day gift from a North Carolina woman's stack, which turned Recipe: Black Beans with Corn and Tomatoes
son helped her start the new year with a $100,000 out to be a $100,000 1 15-ounce can low-sodium, no fat added black beans
lottery jackpot. Jacqueline Carpenter of Dallas told winner. 1 cup diced tomatoes, fresh or canned
North Carolina Education Lottery officials her son, 1 teaspoon fresh parsley, chopped
Adrian, was headed home from a hunting trip Jan. 1 and "I didn't believe it," 1/2 teaspoon chili powder
he stopped off at the Country Corner store in Dallas to Jacqueline Carpenter said. "I thought it was a joke, 1 cup frozen corn, thawed
buy a few The Big Spin scratch-off tickets. because he's given me fake tickets before.When I showed 1 clove garlic, pureed or roasted
it to him, he about put a hole in my ceiling he jumped so 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper or more to taste
"I know that my mom enjoys playing those tickets," high.That's when I knew it was real." Preparation:
Adrian said. "I was planning to check on her after my trip, 1. Drain and rinse beans.
The winner said she doesn't have big plans for her 2. In a bowl, combine beans, corn, tomatoes, and garlic.
winnings. "I can't think of a single thing that I want or 3. Add parsley, pepper, and chili powder.
need," she said. "I'm going to give the money to my 4. Combine and serve.
children and grandchildren and make sure they're taken
care of." Yield: 4 servings
Nutritional Information: Per serving: Calories 260,
Comfortable fat 2 g, calories from fat 7%, cholesterol 0 mg, fiber 8
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12 SMART READER January 16, 2020
ask amy I am disgusted by this highly public airing members know him -- and they also
seniors edition of false information and closed-minded know you. You should trust that they
views. It was getting to the point that merely understand and can differentiate
Tired senior needs a opening the social media app was giving me between the two of you. I don't think it
little self-care anxiety, with the anticipation of a new is useful to issue blanket or public
bigoted diatribe from my father. I deactivated apologies for someone else's behavior.
Dear Amy: My husband and I (both retired my account, and I've never felt better! Your father embarrasses himself, but
seniors) belong to a service club. He joined well you should not give him the important
before I did. After a few years of membership, I My immediate family continues to feel role -- and the power -- to embarrass
realized I would have been happier to just stay on mortified by his behavior and this has led to you.
the sidelines, but I hung in there because it was important to some awkward family gatherings. I recently Your father sounds like a bully.You should not trust him to
my husband for us to do things together. looked at my father's social media account on my husband's keep anything private.All the same, you might feel better if you
phone, which I immediately regretted, as his behavior seems to stood up to him: "Dad, I wish you would find a different hobby.
I served in various capacities in our club and spent years in have gotten even worse. I'm afraid to discuss this directly with Your online ranting is quite disturbing." It would be wise for
executive positions. I have now been doing this for 10 years. him, due to his short temper and the high likelihood that he him to get a mental health screening. Being a bigoted bully
The last few meetings I attended were (to me) especially will share our conversation publicly on social media. I want to does not necessarily indicate mental decline, but because your
unpleasant and stressful. I told my husband I am thinking of keep our family matters private. father's behavior seems to be getting worse, there is reason to
resigning as a member. He was initially understanding, but then wonder.
he got upset and threatened to also resign if I did -- his What should I do? Is there a way to make it clear to my You can contact Amy Dickinson via email:
reasoning being: "We don't do enough things together." extended family that his closed-minded beliefs do not align
with my own, without descending into the drama myself? How [email protected].
In reality we never do much of anything separately, and it is can I bring myself to spend time with a person who causes me
sometimes stifling. Before we retired, he was a member of this so much embarrassment? -- Embarrassed SMART READER January 16, 2020 13
service club by himself. We are also members of one other
club, which we both enjoy and would not think of leaving.We Dear Embarrassed: I applaud you for deactivating your
also travel together. social media account in order to avoid being triggered by your
father's (and others') abusive online behavior. You could have
At this point in my old age, I just want to reduce stress and "unfollowed" or blocked him and perhaps experienced the
unpleasantness as much as I can. My health is not the best, I same relief, but -- I wholeheartedly endorse stepping away
have serious family obligations, and want to look after myself. altogether for your mental and emotional health. Now that
Am I really being selfish? Where do I draw the line? -- Stressed you are removed from your father's noxious postings, you are
Out going to have to learn to trust other people. Your family
Dear Stressed: This reminds me of the old joke: A couple SR032319
is asked how often they have sex. The husband says, "Almost 011620
never -- like once a week!," while the wife says, "All the time
-- like once a week!" You two have different perceptions of SF2019
"togetherness." Your husband seems to be adept at getting his
needs met. You? Not so much.
"Self-care" has become a buzzy phrase. It can be challenging
to understand what it really means to take care of yourself.
Many women who have given so much to spouses and children
face the challenge of how to cope (and how others will cope)
when they decide to stop giving it all away.
Your reserves are depleted, and you want (and need) to
save something for yourself. No, you are not being selfish.You
should draw the line wherever you want to, and your husband,
bless him, will have to adjust. You are not responsible for his
feelings, or his behavior. Carving out a few afternoons on your
own at the library, the gym, or sitting by yourself quietly will
revive you, be good for your health, and will likely be good for
your relationship.
Dear Amy: My wife and I are in our late 70s and want to
move into a senior housing facility. We both are healthy
enough to live into our 90s (both our mothers lived past 100),
but we agree that she will probably live longer than I.
She wants to move into a senior facility we became
acquainted with through older friends who lived (and died)
there. I don't want to move there, but she thinks that since she
will live in the facility the longest, her choice gets priority. She
doesn't even want to check out other facilities to find a better
or compromise solution.What should we do? -- Torn
Dear Torn: You two seem very practical regarding your
futures, but I don't think it is particularly useful to apply an
actuarial table to your current situation. Right now, this is not
primarily about where you will die, but about how you will
live.Your wife is not making a rational choice about her future
housing if she hasn't explored the available options.
You don't mention why you don't want to move into the
facility she prefers, but both of your interests and needs
should have equal weight.
For the sake of your relationship, you should both work
hard to have an open mind regarding options.You two should
meet with administrators, take photos, and make pro and con
lists. Ask her to leave her comfort zone and to look at four
places with you, including the place she prefers.
Dear Amy: My father is a stubborn man. He has a lot of
energy and many strong opinions. We do not have a close
relationship. He has recently retired, and now spends much of
his time on social media, posting long-winded political rants,
and engaging in emotional arguments with anyone who dares
to comment on his posts. These "conversations,"
unsurprisingly, often devolve into name-calling and petty
books Winter reading: 10 books being
adapted for big and little screens
Q&A with S.C. Gwynne, Dracula, P.S. I Still Love You, Emma,The Invisible Man and a reimagined version of the book with Zoe Kravitz in the
author of ‘Hymns of the other books are being adapted for film and television. lead role. Kravitz's mother, Lisa Bonet, played Marie in the
Republic’ 2000 movie.
New adaptations will open in theaters and debut on
resident Abraham Lincoln streaming services this month and February 2020 Hulu's series co-stars Da'Vine Joy Randolph, David H.
is such a beloved presence in following the success of such adaptations as the HBO Holmes, Jake Lacy and Kingsley Ben-Adir, and premieres
American history that it series Big Little Lies, based on the Liane Moriarty novel of Feb. 14,Valentine's Day.
seems as if his mythical the same name.
status was inevitable. But 'Emma'
Lincoln’s journey was not
preordained. As the war Some big-name stars are attached to other movies and The 1815 novel by Jane Austen follows the title
ground on into its fourth TV series based on books. Here's a rundown: character, Emma Woodhouse, a "handsome, clever, and
year in 1864, Lincoln rich" young woman who attempts to play matchmaker.The
assumed voters would 'Dracula' book addresses issues of marriage, gender, age and social
throw him out of the White status.
House. What happened? The 1897 novel by Bram Stoker follows Count Dracula,
Historian S.C. Gwynne a centuries-old vampire and Transylvanian nobleman. The Emma was previously adapted as 1996 film starring
chronicles the turnarounds book is considered a masterpiece of the vampire genre and Gwyneth Paltrow. Anya Taylor-Joy, Johnny Flynn and Bill
in his fascinating and immensely readable “Hymns of the influenced many subsequent works. Nighy will star in a remake written by author Eleanor
Republic: The Story of the Final Year of the American Civil Catton and directed by Autumn de Wilde.
War.” Dracula has been adapted for film and TV several times,
including as a 1992 film starring Gary Oldman. Netflix and Taylor-Joy appeared in a teaser trailer for Emma in
Q: What is the state of the Civil War in early 1864 as the BBC are developing a new miniseries starring Danish November.The film opens in theaters Feb. 21.
a presidential election looms? actor Claes Bang, who appeared as Dracula in a trailer last
week. 'The Call of the Wild'
It’s less certain than ever what is going to happen to the
country, and it’s all about whether Lincoln is going to win Netflix and the BBC's Dracula is created by Sherlock The 1903 novel by Jack London is
or lose at the ballot box. He had two requirements: The creators Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat.The show co-stars set in Yukon, Canada, during the
Union gets put back together again and slavery is abolished. John Heffernan as Jonathan Harker, Dolly Wells as Sister 1980s Klondike Gold Rush. The
If Lincoln wins, then everybody knows he’s going to pursue Agatha and Joanna Scanlan as Mother Superior, and is now book follows a dog, Buck, who is
the war until it’s won. But let’s say Lincoln loses. In that streaming on Netflix. stolen from his home and sold into
case, the assumption is that there’s going to be peace. It’s service as a sled dog in Alaska.
not clear what kind of peace, but people are going to come 'The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle'
together and stop the fighting. So it all comes down to one
guy. The 1922 novel is the second The Call of the Wild was
book in Hugh Lofting's Doctor
Q: Why isn’t the war a cakewalk for the North, which Dolittle series. The story follows Harrison Ford previously adapted as a 1935 film
has more men and resources? the titular Doctor Doolittle, a starring Clark Gable. Harrison Ford
doctor with the ability to speak to
One reason is Robert E. Lee.The Confederacy’s Army of animals, as he travels around the will star in a live-action and CGI-animated remake, and
Northern Virginia is the closest thing in American history world.
to an invincible force. They’d won many battles when they appeared in a first trailer for the movie released in
had been outnumbered 2:1. At some point, the idea of Lee
as indomitable becomes as potent as his army in a lot of November. The Call of the Wild is directed by Chris
ways. But the more Lee wins – or doesn’t lose – the more
the South is destroyed. And the war doesn’t end. You see Sanders and co-stars Dan Stevens, Omar Sy, Karen Gillan,
the rise of guerrilla and anti-civilian warfare, the rise of
these horrible prison camps. The economic destruction of In 2018, Robert Downey, Jr., Bradley Whitford and Colin Woodell. The film opens in
the South arises from its essential failure to lose the war. signed on to play Doctor Dolittle in
Robert Downey Jr. theaters Feb. 21.
Q: What is the key to the success of Gen. Ulysses S.
Grant? a feature film. The Iron Man actor appears in a trailer 'Bloodshot'
Lincoln had this problem finding a general who is willing released for the movie, Doolittle, in October that shows Bloodshot is a fictional superhero created by Kevin
basically to go in and hammer, and just keep hammering, and VanHook, Don Perlin and Bob Layton for Valiant Comics.
fight a war of attrition. Grant was that general.The rap on Doctor Dolittle traveling and communicating with The character was introduced in the 1992 comic Eternal
Grant is that he’s a butcher who’s just going to shove these Warrior #4 before making his official debut in Rai #0. He
guys into battles and have them cut into pieces. I admire creatures great and small. possesses superhuman strength and regenerative powers.
Grant very much and think he was a decent guy, but there
was something about him that you can’t deny: He didn’t Doolittle is directed by Stephen Gaghan and co-stars Dave Wilson is directing an adaptation starringVin Diesel
mind sacrificing men. Antonio Banderas, Michael Sheen, Emma Thompson, Rami as Ray Garrison, aka Bloodshot. Sony Pictures released a
Malek and John Cena.The film opens in theaters Jan. 17. trailer in October showing Bloodshot (Diesel) questioning
Q: How bad did things get for Lincoln? his reality and coming to terms with the weapon he has
'Locke & Key' become. The film co-stars Eiza Gonzalez, Sam Heughan,
If you had polled the nation and certainly [if you had Toby Kebbell, Guy Pearce and Lamorne Morris, and opens
asked those in] the corridors of power in August of 1864, The comic book series written by Joe Hill and illustrated in theaters Feb. 21.
a few months before the November election, Lincoln would by Gabriel Rodriguez was first published by IDW
have lost by a significant margin. [Critics said] he was Publishing in 2008. The series follows the Lockes, siblings
mismanaging this terrible war and messing with civil Tyler, Kinsey and Bode and their mom, Nina, who move
liberties. Hundreds of thousands of people were dying, and into a mysterious house after their father's murder.
everything was going just horribly. Lincoln himself was
convinced he was going to lose. He was trying to figure out Netflix is adapting the series as a TV show starring 'The Invisible Man'
how to plan the transition in such a way that he could end Jackson Robert Scott as Bode, Connor Jessup as Tyler,
the war before the new president came in. Emilia Jones as Kinsey and Darby Stanchfield as Nina. The The 1897 science fiction novel by H.G. Wells follows
series hails from Carlton Cuse (Lost) and Meredith Averill. Griffin, a scientist who discovers a way to become invisible
Q: What lessons can we learn from Lincoln? and begins to commit increasingly horrific crimes.
He had this absolute steadfastness. There were so many Netflix released a poster for the series this month that The Invisible Man was previously adapted as a 1933 film
places where he could have wavered, given in a little bit, and teases the story's magical keys.The show premieres Feb. 7. starring Claude Rains. Universal Pictures is developing a
said, “Let’s get together at the peace table, and we’ll work remake starring Elisabeth Moss as a woman hunted by an
it out and stop this war.” He wouldn’t do it. He wanted to 'P.S. I Still Love You' unseen person after her abusive ex-boyfriend's (Oliver
treat the Southerners in a kindly way after the war. But he Jackson-Cohen) suicide.
just simply wouldn’t budge on the question of abolition of The 2015 book is a sequel to Jenny Han's young adult
slavery. His success came after perseverance that was novel To All the Boys I've Loved Before. The book follows Moss appeared in a trailer in November that shows her
almost unimaginable. the romance between high school students Lara Jean character, Cecilia Kass, desperately trying to prove to
Covey and Peter Kavinsky. authorities that she is being targeted by someone who
By Randy Dotinga can't be seen. The film is written and directed by Leigh
To All the Boys I've Loved Before was adapted as a 2018 Whannell and opens in theaters Feb. 28.
14 SMART READER January 16, 2020 Netflix movie starring Lana Condor and Noah Centineo as
Lara Jean and Peter. Condor and Centineo confirmed plans 'All the Bright Places'
in 2018 for a Netflix adaptation of P.S. I Still Love You.
The Netflix film, titled To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You, The 2015 young adult novel by Jennifer Niven follows
is directed by Michael Fimognari and co-stars Jordan Fisher, Theodore Finch and Violet Markey, two teenagers from a
Janel Parrish and Anna Cathcart.The movie premieres Feb. small Indiana town who bond during a school project.The
12. book explores themes of mental illness and young love.
'High Fidelity' Netflix is adapting the book as a feature film starring
Justice Smith as Theodore and Elle Fanning as Violet. The
The 1995 novel by Nick Hornby follows Rob Fleming, a streaming service shared a poster last week that shows the
record shop owner in London.The character re-examines characters sharing a romantic moment.
his failed relationships and his future following a breakup
with his girlfriend Laura. All the Bright Places is directed by Brett Haley and co-
stars Alexandra Shipp as Kate, Keegan-Michael Key as
High Fidelity was previously adapted as a 2000 film Embry and Luke Wilson as James. The movie premieres
starring John Cusack and set in Chicago. Hulu is developing Feb. 28.
‘Our Wild Calling’ argues for
emotional connection with animals
In the early 2000s, I spent much of my time following, Bella Abzug:
interviewing, and writing about some of the most Liberal trailblazer in a
dedicated environmentalists and conservation scientists in broad-brimmed hat
southern Africa. These were animal people, the sort who
could spot the nearly invisible tail of a lion through waving “There are those who say
blond grasses, or who could differentiate individual I’m impatient, impetuous,
elephants by the notches in their ears. uppity, rude, profane, brash,
and overbearing,” one-of-a-
They respected nature, and animals. But only a few kind U.S. Rep. Bella Abzug
believed that other animals felt human-like emotions. once characterized herself.
Anthropomorphizing wild animals was a mistake, they “But whatever I am – and
would tell me again and again. No matter what we think we this ought to be made very
see in the elephant’s gaze – or the dog’s, for that matter – clear – I am a very serious
it is foolhardy to assume that other creatures feel anything woman.”
akin to our own sentiments.
In “Battling Bella: The
For years, this was the widely accepted dogma of the Protest Politics of Bella
scientific community and beyond. But as Richard Louv Abzug” by Leandra Ruth
argues in his fascinating book, “Our Wild Calling: How Zarnow, this serious woman is the subject of a serious
Connecting With Animals Can Transform Our Lives – And political biography, one that’s more narrative than the
Save Theirs,” it might well have been misguided. excellent 2007 volume from Suzanne Braun Levine and
Mary Thom and likely appealing to a broader audience than
Over the past decade, a spate of new research suggests Alan H. Levy’s groundbreaking 2013 book. Extensively
that most animals, whether dogs or bats or octopuses, researched (the end notes run almost 100 pages) and
have complicated emotional, sensory, and social lives. engagingly written, “Battling Bella” places Abzug firmly in
Whether because of new behavioral observations or the context of her time – the contentious politics of the
state-of-the-art DNA analyses or brain scans, a growing 1970s – as well as positions her as a trailblazer whose
number of scientists are willing to argue that we have brash style anticipated the personality-driven culture of the
more in common with these other creatures than we are 21st century.
distant from them.
Born in 1920 in New York City, Abzug received her law
Our Wild Calling: How Connecting With degree from Columbia in 1944. Her political career began
Animals Can Transform Our Lives — in 1970 when she won a seat in the House of
And Save Theirs Representatives and earned the nickname “Battling Bella.”
by Richard Louv In 1972 she lost a Democratic primary race against William
Fitts Ryan, who died before the general election (Abzug
This is no small idea. Indeed, once one sheds the concept certain animals. And he looks at ways people “cross over” won in the general election against Ryan’s widow). Zarnow,
of human exceptionalism, along with the long legacy of into animal worlds, and the results from doing so. assistant professor of history at the University of Houston,
French philosopher René Descartes’ theory of the “bête relates that Abzug was a natural at street-level campaigning.
machine,” a new sort of worldview starts to open. What Taken together, Louv’s argument is somewhat familiar. “Her strategy was not to play up to femininity but to
happens when a person starts to imagine her life within a His bestselling 2005 book “Last Child in the Woods” deconstruct it by presenting herself as sincere, confident,
network of emotional species; a world not centered popularized the notion of a “nature deficit disorder” and and forward,” she writes.“Her magnetic charisma won over
around human goals or careers, but part of a tapestry of argued that our health and happiness depended on a many, who often called out, ‘Hey, Bella’ as she made her
beings all going about their interconnected lives? What return to the natural word.Again, in “Our Wild Calling,” he rounds.”
happens when one starts to think about the commute to argues for a shift in the way we not only approach nature,
work in terms of the impact it might have on the songbirds but how we position ourselves within it. Abzug stayed in Congress until 1977. In that time, she led
who might nest by the traffic light? Or when one stops not the Women’s Movement, championed important legislation
only to watch, as Louv did, the intricacies of the ground “Our moral challenges will intensify as we recognize that in defense of minority and gay rights, and helped to found
squirrels digging around one’s home, but to imagine that our connection to other animals is unattainable through the National Women’s Political Caucus. Zarnow refers to
maybe these little rodents feel happy, or sad, or something technology alone and is deeper even than biology,” he 1972 as “a breakthrough year for women in politics” – 75
in between? writes. “Our coexistence with animals is essential to the women ran for Congress and three ran for president. In
survival of all species. Consequently, protecting our deciding whom to support, Abzug relied on her no-
One result, Louv argues, is a reduction in what he sees extended family is ultimately an issue of rights – the rights nonsense political instincts and backed candidates
as an epidemic of “species loneliness.” People, he writes, of human beings to a nature connection and the rights of according to “her ideological leanings and pragmatic
have become increasingly isolated not just from each nature itself.” assessment of their viability.”
other, thanks to everything from long working hours to
technology, but from the rest of the animal world. Our “Our Wild Calling” is part theology and philosophy, and Abzug, Zarnow writes,“saw the disruption of male elites
lives are spent increasingly on concrete and with ear buds; part science and culture journalism. Louv’s writing most in power as a necessary measure to upend the grip of
our habitat destruction and farming methods have lowered shines when he is focused on the latter; his reporting from patriarchy, a system embedded in US law and government.”
species diversity around us; our technology has us looking reptile shows and scientific labs give as much insight as any
at screens instead of at the world. And according to many philosophical musings. But the larger picture also comes The sometimes seedy bare-knuckled politics of the time
studies, we are suffering from it. through as essential.“Our Wild Calling” makes one see the permeate the book, and much to her credit, Zarnow
world differently; as a place more interconnected, seldom pulls punches; Abzug is presented here with her
Louv points to the increase in pet ownership and the personal, and full. failings as well as her triumphs. Readers are told, for
desire for backyard animals such as chickens as attempts instance, what a terror Abzug could be toward staff
to compensate for this species disconnect. He explores By Stephanie Hanes members, and the scurrilous behavior of her 1972
the various mystical connections that people (and campaign against the sick and dying Ryan isn’t skirted.
sometimes full societies) have claimed to have had with
Ultimately, this approach serves to elevate Abzug; with
NEW YORK TIMES BEST SELLERS her big hats and her beaming smile and her short temper
and her blunt honesty, she becomes in Zarnow’s handling
PRINT & E-BOOKS NONFICTION PRINT & E-BOOKS FICTION an intensely admirable flesh-and-blood character. Her
personal life is treated in less detail than her political
1. Educated (Westover) 1. Where the Crawdads Sing (Owens) struggles, but this is almost certainly what she herself would
2. Talking to Strangers (Gladwell) 2. The Guardians (Grisham) have wanted. And Zarnow’s focus on her subject’s central
3. Catch and Kill (Farrow) 3. The Last Wish (Sapkowski) importance never wavers. “For much of her life,” she
4. Becoming (Obama) 4. The Wives (Fisher) writes,“Abzug gained strength by working at the periphery
5. Just Mercy (Stevenson) 5. Such a Fun Age (Reid) as a defender of the defenseless – workers, racial and
6. Why We Sleep (Walker) 6. The Silent Patient (Michaelides) sexual minorities, political radicals, new immigrants, and
7. Say Nothing (Keefe) 7. The Dutch House (Patchett) women – in challenge of the status quo.”
8. Maybe You Should Talk to Someone (Gottlieb) 8. Daisy Jones & the Six (Reid)
9. Midnight in Chernobyl (Higginbotham) 9. The Giver of Stars (Moyes) By Steve Donoghue
10. The Pioneers (McCullough) 10. A Minute to Midnight (Baldacci)
FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800 SMART READER January 16, 2020 15
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Mayo Clinic by conditions such as multiple sclerosis or spinal cord Cheap processed
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Conditions that qualify for Americans unhealthy
treatment with medical cannabis The drug approved by the FDA for epilepsy is a liquid
differ among states medication that's sold under the brand name Epidiolex. It can The convenience and
be used for patients age 2 and older to treat two rare and lower cost of processed
DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Medical marijuana is now legal in severe forms of epilepsy: Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and foods is hard to resist.
the state where I live.What conditions can it be used for and Dravet syndrome. Epidiolex is a pharmacy-grade product But ready-to-eat meals
how effective is it? Do people who use medical marijuana composed almost entirely of CBD. It's the first FDA-approved and snacks are making
need to be concerned about addiction? drug that contains a purified drug substance that comes from Americans obese and
marijuana. unhealthy, a new study
ANSWER: Medical marijuana, also called medical cannabis, suggests.As more people
can be helpful in treating a variety of conditions.The specific Examples of additional conditions that may benefit from eat cheaper processed
disorders it can legally be used to treat vary from state to treatment with medical cannabis, and are approved for its use foods, they are getting
state. To date, it appears to be most effective for treating in some states, include anxiety and depression, amyotrophic fatter, said researcher Leigh Frame, from George
muscle spasms, chronic pain and nausea. The U.S. Food and lateral sclerosis (ALS), inflammatory bowel disease, Tourette Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences, in
Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved a form of syndrome, post-traumatic stress disorder and autism. Washington, D.C.
medical cannabis to treat severe childhood epilepsy. There is Additional study is needed to further define the specific
no convincing evidence that cannabis used to treat medical benefits medical cannabis may have for these and other "When comparing the U.S. diet to the diet of those who
conditions leads to cannabis dependence. related disorders. live in 'blue zones' -- areas with populations living to age 100
without chronic disease -- the differences are stark," she
Marijuana comes from the Cannabis plant. In its leaves and If you are interested in exploring medical cannabis as a said in a university news release.
buds are substances called cannabinoids. The plant contains treatment option for a disease or condition you have, talk
more than 100 cannabinoids, but two are of particular with your health care provider. If your provider isn't familiar "Many of the food trends we reviewed are tied directly to
interest for medical purposes: THC (delta-9 with it, ask if there's another clinician in his or her practice a fast-paced U.S. lifestyle that contributes to the obesity
tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol). THC is the who can answer your questions. In states where medical epidemic we are now facing," added Frame, executive
primary mind-altering ingredient in marijuana that makes cannabis is legal, the state's department of health often has a director of the university's Office of Integrative Medicine
people "high." CBD does not trigger changes in the brain that website with details and resources to help patients who want and Health.
lead to a high. to learn more about the benefits and risks of medical
cannabis. - Jon Ebbert, M.D., Community Internal Medicine, The foods most tied to weight gain? They include potato
Possession of marijuana is illegal under federal law in the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. chips, sugar-sweetened beverages, sweets and desserts,
U.S. However, 30 states and the District of Columbia refined grains, red meats and processed meats, the
currently have laws legalizing medical cannabis in some form. Mayo Clinic Q & A is an educational resource and doesn't researchers said. Lower weight gain and weight loss are
To obtain medical cannabis in those states, your health care replace regular medical care. E-mail a question to associated with whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
provider certifies that you have a condition that allows you to
buy medical cannabis from an authorized dispensary. MayoClinicQ&A(AT SIGN) For more information, visit Americans are getting too little fiber, and more food additives like emulsifiers and gums, the researchers
The conditions that qualify for treatment with medical determined. In animal studies, emulsifiers in processed foods
cannabis differ considerably among the states where it's legal. have been shown to alter the microbiome -- the community
Some states have only a few qualifying conditions, while of microorganisms in the body -- increase blood sugar, cause
others have dozens. excessive hunger, increase weight and damage the liver, the
study authors said.
A recent report from the National Academies of Science
reviewed and summarized the medical literature published Human trials have found that ultra-processed foods
about medical cannabis, specifically examining its effectiveness decrease the feeling of fullness, cause you to eat faster,
and safety. It concluded that medical cannabis was particularly worsen inflammation and cholesterol, and lead to weight
effective for easing chronic pain, especially pain caused by gain, the team added. On the other hand, people who eat
nerve damage. It can effectively control nausea and vomiting less meat and more high-fiber and minimally processed
and is often used to manage those symptoms in people foods suffer from fewer chronic diseases and obesity. They
undergoing chemotherapy. Medical cannabis also has been also tend to live healthier longer, investigators have found.
shown to be useful in relieving painful muscles spasms caused
States that expanded Medicaid saw 6% fewer opioid-related deaths
The "opioid epidemic" continues to plague "Opioid overdose affects people from Indeed, the ACA, also known as Kravitz-Wirtz and her colleagues used data
the United States, claiming the lives of nearly every state and all walks of life, and is related Obamacare, allows states to expand on overdoses involving any opioid --
50,000 Americans annually, according to new to large economic costs and emotional Medicaid coverage to include people under including methadone and heroin -- from the
research. A study published in JAMA suffering, in addition to substantial morbidity age 65 with annual household incomes at or National Vital Statistics System.
Network Open suggests a way to reduce the and mortality," study co-author Nicole below 138 percent of the federal poverty
number of deaths caused by both intentional Kravitz-Wirtz, assistant professor with the level. It also stipulates that expanded They found that Medicaid expansion --
and unintentional overdoses, as well as other Violence Prevention Research Program at Medicaid services provide coverage for the which was enacted by 32 states and the
drug-related causes, may be simply improving UC Davis and a Faculty Affiliate with NYU treatment of mental health and substance District of Columbia between 2014 and the
access to affordable healthcare services. Langone's Center for Opioid Epidemiology use disorders. The Medicaid expansion end of the study period in 2017 -- was
and Policy, told UPI. "Many of these negative component of the legislation took effect in associated with a 6 percent lower rate of
In an analysis of nearly 400,000 opioid- outcomes are preventable. Historically, 2014 and, since that time, 36 states and the total opioid overdose deaths compared with
linked fatalities over a 17-year period, the access to these lifesaving interventions has District of Columbia opted to enhance their non-expansion states. In addition, counties in
authors found that states that expanded not been ideal. ACA-related Medicaid programs. expansion states had an 11 percent lower
Medicaid coverage under the Affordable expansion has considerably improved access rate of death involving heroin and a 10
Care Act saw 6 percent fewer deaths since to these and other behavioral health In their assessment of opioid-related percent lower rate of death involving
2014 than those that didn't make the change. services." deaths in 3,109 counties within 49 states and synthetic opioids other than methadone.
the District of Columbia from 2001 to 2017,
16 SMART READER January 16, 2020
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Brings you
the four-legged report
Pet World shots that the vet Animal Control
recommends. The spayed and
with Cathy neutered cats don't fight, mark Home intruder was a Firefighters save two
Rosenthal their territories or have more confused deer after ‘cat-in-tree’ call
kittens. In addition to shelter,
Reducing tension make sure they have a source Police responding to a report of a Firefighters in Vermont said a call
between cats of clean water. I have a heated breaking and entering in Baltimore about a cat stuck in tree became more
water bowl that never freezes. arrived at the home and discovered an urgent when the animal's owner
Dear Cathy, I have a months. Pheromones can help Living on a wooded property, unusual intruder -- a deer. Officers attempted to retrieve their pet alone
beautiful 4-year-old spayed reduce stress between cats. the cats supplement their diet arrived at the home expecting to find and also became stranded up the tree.
female cat who was diagnosed The collars only last 30 days, by catching many field mice, a human burglar inside the house, but The cat's owner called on Christmas
with congenital heart disease. so you will have to purchase moles and voles. - Jim, Ft. they were instead confronted by a Eve to report their cat was struck up
She was raised with another them again. Also, put a few Salonga, New York large male deer. Police said the deer a tree, but the department's only
female cat that we got at the drops of Rescue Remedy into had crashed into the home through a ladder truck was assisting the
same time. I also have a 7- their water. Rescue Remedy is Dear Jim, Taking care of small window and was unable to find a Williston Fire Department with a fire
month-old spayed kitten. They a tincture that helps with feral cats is straightforward: path back outside. The homeowners at the time.The owner decided to take
are inside-outside cats. stress and can be found at They need to be fed and given said they arrived at the house about 8 matters into their own hands and
However, Sadie, the one with health food stores or online fresh water daily; they need to p.m. and called police when they climbed the tree until they also
congenital heart disease, is pet stores. be fixed; and they need shelter noticed the damaged window and became stranded on a branch. "We do
mean to the other two. What in extreme hot and cold blood on their floor. Police and animal love our furry friends, obviously, but
is causing this? - Janet, Gate Let me know if these things weather. Providing these things control officers were able to guide the cats do obviously tend to come down
City,Virginia help ease the tension in the to an abandoned cat or to a deer out the front door. It was last on their own," firefighter Marie
home. kitten born to an abandoned seen running into the nearby woods. Bouchine said. The ladder truck was
cat are some of the kindest The homeowner said the deer caused able to rescue the cat and its owner.
Dear Janet, If she has Dear Cathy, I read your things anyone who cares about thousands of dollars worth of damage The department said owners should
always been a bit testy, then column regarding feral cats. I animals can do. inside the house. give cats 24 hours to see if they come
her personality or increasing adopted eight feral cats a down from trees on their own.
age may be just making her a number of years ago and Thanks for showing how Pig finds a new life
little less patient with her they're all healthy and well-fed. easy it is to take care of these after slaughterhouse Cat turns up two
housemates. If this is a new Only one of them lives in the homeless felines. escape years after hurricane
behavior though, then it could house with my wife and me.
be related to the addition of They all have shelters with Dear Cathy, For the A small pig rescued after apparently A Florida sheriff's office said a cat
the new kitten in the home, or heated pads if they want to second time in my life, I escaping from a slaughterhouse will found by deputies outside a district
the congenital heart disease stay warm on really cold days. recently made the sad mistake receive a new home instead of ending station on Christmas Everwas found
could be making her feel less Being a big softie, I feed them of force-feeding a dying cat. In up as an entree.Wilbur, a 6-month-old to be a pet missing since Hurricane
herself. When animals feel ill, twice a day and my neighbors both cases, separated by a few piglet, was rescued by Amy Roman and Irma, two years earlier. Deputies took
they are more likely to lash out wonder why some fool is decades, my force-feeding only her team from 100+ Abandoned Dogs the cat to veterinarian and a microchip
at other animals as a means of ringing a bell every day at 4 made their last hours of Everglades Florida when neighbors was found bearing the feline's owner's
ensuring they aren't attacked p.m. The cats come running miserable. I will never do it spotted him running loose through an contact information. The owner told
in a weakened state. I am out of the woods knowing that again. When a cat has stopped apartment complex. Locals told deputies the cat, named Eva, had gone
assuming all of the felines are it's time for dinner. Even after eating and is clearly in its last rescuers they believe the piglet missing during Hurricane Irma two
fixed as that can contribute to feeding them for five-plus days, the message the cat is escaped from a nearby years earlier. The feline's whereabouts
issues, too. years, they only allow me to sending is that it is time to say slaughterhouse. Roman said Wilbur from the storm until being found
approach them when I have goodbye. In both cases, I has bonded with her and some of the outside the station are unknown.
Regardless of what's causing food. thought the food would turn dogs at the rescue. Roman said plans
it, we can address the stress things around, but when the are being made for Wilbur to have a Man rescues dog from
between your cats. Talk to The things I want to stress body starts shutting down, this new permanent home with a rescue killer elevator door
your vet to make sure Sadie is is that the first order of only creates added stress for on the west coast of the state. "I don't
getting all she needs medically. business when you discover the cat. Anyway, this has been have the space for a 200 pound pig.As A Florida man was caught on camera
Then, because they are indoor- you have feral cats living on my experience. - Mary, via much as I would love to have him springing into action to rescue a dog
outdoor cats, buy a feline your property is to trap them email, mom to five cats forever," she said. "It's going to tear being choked by its own collar when
pheromone collar for each of and get them spayed or the heart out of my chest. I love, I'm an elevator door closed on its leash.A
them to wear for the next few neutered. Spring for some Dear Mary, Don't be too crying already thinking about him security camera at Olympus Harbour
hard on yourself. It's not easy leaving." Island Apartments in Tampa was
saying goodbye to an animal recording when elevator doors closed
companion, and it's perfectly on a dog's leash with the canine
normal that you would want outside the elevator and its human
to do whatever you could to companion inside. The elevator starts
save your pet's life. I think the to travel up, pulling the dog upward by
longer we have pets, the more its collar. Mohammed Awad jumped
respectful we become of end- into action to rescue the dog. "I'm
of-life issues. I applaud you for basically trying to break the leash away
realizing that it's OK to let go from the dog's neck," Awad told
when it's their time. WTSP-TV. "You can see in the video,
my first try I couldn't get it and I
As well as being a recuring guest basically looked up and thought in one
on Happenings Q&A, Cathy M. second, 'I can't do this, it's too hard but
Rosenthal is a longtime animal I'm going to try it one more time and
give it everything I have.' Awad said the
advocate, author, columnist and pet dog likely had only a second or two to
expert who has more than 25 years spare when he was able to finally pull
it free.
in the animal welfare field. Send
your pet questions, stories and tips
to [email protected].
FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800 SMART READER January 16, 2020 17
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Nutrition News Wolfgang Puck’s Kitchen
with Charlyn Fargo
Fortify yourself during winter with
Mini Resolutions this easy garlic soup recipe
If your resolution in 2020 is to and whole grains. We all know that there are four astronomical
lose weight, try these six mini Swap brown rice for white, eat the seasons in the year: spring, summer, autumn and
resolutions that will upgrade your skin on a baked potato and choose winter. But, in our daily lives, we divide up the year
health. Even write them on your whole-wheat bread. Start the into so many more seasons: the holidays just past,
calendar -- one for each week, to month with adding two fruits and New Year's resolutions have just begun; it's back-
help remind you. Research has vegetables a day as snacks. Or add to-school season, tax season, vacation season, and
found it helps to break down chia or flax to your oatmeal, cereal on and on.And many of those specialized seasons
resolutions into smaller action or yogurt. overlap each other.
plans for success.
Drink more water.Take a week to Right now, we're in a real seasonal pileup, as while I know the old joke about how someone
Make protein a part of every give up soda, tea, coffee or whatever resolutions and cold and flu season come right on who eats a lot of garlic can't get close enough to
meal. Go beyond that steak for sweetened beverage you typically top of winter.With that in mind, I'd like to share a other people to pass along germs, the garlic in this
dinner. We need protein in the drink.A glass of water before a meal simple recipe to help you deal with all the many soup actually turns mild and sweet tasting thanks
morning, too. Consuming a meal also can help reduce hunger. Try demands this time of year may bring: my Cream of to blanching in boiling water as the first step in the
with protein makes us feel fuller packing a bottle of water with you Garlic Soup. recipe.
and helps us eat fewer calories wherever you go.
overall. Add a hard-boiled egg to First, consider your resolutions. You may have Finally, there's winter itself. To me, few foods
your breakfast, powered peanut Try new recipes, especially those sworn that you'll save some money this year by chase away the chill of this season more effectively
butter to your oatmeal or a cup of that align with your goal of eating enjoying more home-cooked meals. This recipe than a hot bowl of soup to start a meal. To help
Greek yogurt or high-protein cereal healthier. Most of us buy the same will help you achieve that goal by producing you get the most flavorful results, I'm also happy
to your fruit. things at the grocery store and fix delicious food from inexpensive ingredients - to share my simple recipe for super-quick rich
the same rotating 6-10 meals. primarily garlic cloves and potatoes - in only about chicken stock, which takes minutes to prepare and
Add more plants to your meals. Consider a vegetable or meal half an hour. The soup may also help you reach a will help make store-bought stock or broth taste
I'm not advocating a total vegetarian challenge for a month so you don't weight-loss goal, because it's a dish that satisfies surprisingly close to homemade. Start with a
meal plan, but I do think all of us can eat the same food fixed the same the appetite by being sipped slowly, spoonful by good-quality product that's lower in sodium.
benefit from a more plant-based way. spoonful. (And you can cut the fat and calories Simmer the stock while you're prepping other
diet, which can help reduce the risk from the relatively small amount of cream, just 3 ingredients for whatever recipe in which you'll use
of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, Q:What is metabolic syndrome? tablespoons per serving, by substituting it. In addition to the enhancements I list, you can
cancer and obesity. You can swap buttermilk.) also include leftover chicken bones, other
half the meat in your tacos with A: It's a group of conditions vegetable trimmings or other mild fresh herbs.
beans, add more veggies in your rather than a single disease. These Cold and flu season brings its own stuffy,
lasagna or go a step further and related health problems include too sniffling challenges. But garlic, an abundant Here's to a happy, thrifty, healthy, warming and
have meatless Mondays for a much belly fat, high triglycerides, ingredient in this recipe, has a long anecdotal flavorful bowlful!
month. high cholesterol, high blood history as a popular folk remedy for such illnesses.
pressure and high blood sugar. While medical researchers are still divided on
Start your meals with a broth- When you have at least three of whether or not garlic actually works to fight
based soup or salad. They can fill these issues, your chances for heart viruses and relieve congestion, some studies have
you up and help get more nutrients disease, stroke and diabetes are found evidence that those who eat it regularly get
in your diet. Go easy on the increased. To prevent metabolic ill less often and suffer less severe symptoms.And
dressing, nuts and cheese on the syndrome, lose weight, exercise and
salad, and boost the carrots, cut back on calories. CREAM OF GARLIC SOUP
cucumber and tomatoes.
Charlyn Fargo is a registered Serves 6 • Return the garlic cloves to the pan, add the container.You can also garnish with chopped
Focus on fiber.We need 25 to 35 dietitian at Hy-Vee in Springfield, potatoes and stock, and season lightly with chives, if you wish.
grams of fiber a day -- most of us Illinois, and the media representative For the soup: salt and pepper. Bring to a boil; reduce the
get about half that. Foods high in for the Illinois Academy of Nutrition heat and simmer until the potatoes are SUPER-QUICK RICH CHICKEN STOCK
fiber include fruits, vegetables, beans 2 cups (500 ml) peeled garlic cloves tender enough to piece easily with a fork or
and Dietetics. sharp knife tip, about 20 minutes. Makes about 3 quarts (3 L)
1 large baking potato, about 3/4 pound (375
LOWER SUGAR SWEET POTATO g), peeled and cut into 1-inch (2.5-cm) cubes • Pour in the cream. Over medium heat, 3 quarts (3 L) low-sodium store-bought
CASSEROLE bring back to a gentle boil. chicken stock or broth
2 cups (500 mL) super-quick rich chicken
3 pounds sweet potatoes (5 to 6 medium) minutes. Set aside until cool enough to handle, stock (recipe follows) or good-quality • Meanwhile, prepare the basil oil: Put the 1 medium yellow onion, peeled and cut into
1/2 cup evaporated whole milk about 15 minutes. Peel potatoes; discard skins. canned chicken or vegetable stock or broth basil, parsley, and oil in a blender and blend chunks
2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted Place potatoes in a large bowl; mash until until smoothly pureed. Pour through a fine-
2 teaspoons vanilla extract smooth. Cool completely, about 20 minutes. Stir Kosher salt meshed strainer into a glass bowl; set aside. 1 medium carrot, peeled and cut into chunks
1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt in milk, butter, vanilla, salt, pepper and egg yolks. Rinse out the blender thoroughly.
1 teaspoon black pepper Spread mixture evenly in 2-quart glass baking Freshly ground white pepper 1 medium celery stalk, trimmed and cut into
2 large eggs, separated dish coated with cooking spray.Whisk egg • Working in batches if necessary to avoid chunks
Cooking spray whites in a medium bowl until frothy. Stir in 3/4 cup (185 mL) heavy cream overfilling, transfer the soup to the blender
3/4 cup chopped walnuts walnuts, oats, brown sugar and cardamom. and blend until smoothly pureed, carefully 1 sprig fresh thyme
1/4 cup old-fashioned rolled oats Sprinkle evenly over sweet potato mixture. Bake Chopped chives (optional garnish) following the manufacturer's instruction to
2 tablespoons light brown sugar at 350 F, uncovered, until top is toasted and avoid spattering.Transfer the soup to a clean 1/2 bay leaf
1/2 teaspoon ground cardamom edges are bubbling, 40 to 50 minutes. Serves 12 For the basil oil: saucepan and gentle rewarm over low heat,
• Preheat oven to 350 F. Wrap potatoes (serving size: about 1/2 cup). adjusting the seasonings to taste. 1 teaspoon whole black peppercorns
individually in foil.Arrange on a baking sheet. 1/4 cup (60 mL) packed fresh basil leaves
Roast at 350 degrees until very tender, 60 to 75 • Per serving: 220 calories; 5 grams protein; 31 • To serve, ladle the soup into heated bowls. 1 medium leek, trimmed, halved lengthwise,
grams carbohydrates; 8 grams sugars (2 grams 1/4 cup (60 mL) packed fresh Italian parsley Drizzle with a small spoonful of basil oil, thoroughly rinsed, and cut into chunks
added); 9 grams fat; 4 grams fiber; 327 milligrams leaves refrigerating the remainder in an airtight
sodium. • In a small stockpot or large saucepan,
1 cup (250 mL) extra-virgin olive oil combine all the ingredients. Bring to a boil
over medium-high heat, skimming frequently.
• First, blanch the garlic: Put the garlic cloves Reduce the heat and simmer gently for
in a medium saucepan and add cold water to about 30 minutes. Strain before use.
cover. Bring to a boil over high heat; reduce
the heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Drain
18 SMART READER January 16, 2020 FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800
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Man with implanted
chip unlocks Tesla
with his hand
'Homemade gas A Utah man is blurring the line between man and Cars trapped in
station' found in machine by implanting chips in his hands that allow him to, tumbleweeds for
Las Vegas back yard among other things, unlock his Tesla. Ben Workman said he hours
currently has four chips implanted in his hands, including an
Firefighters in Las Vegas shared photos of an unusual electronic Tesla key that allows him to unlock his car with Transportation crews worked over New Year's Eve to
discovery in a resident's back yard -- a potentially a wave of his hand. free 10 cars trapped in tumbleweeds on a highway in West
dangerous "homemade gas station." Las Vegas Fire and Richland, Wash. Crew used snowplows to break through
Rescue shared images showing a pair of large fuel tanks "I play tricks on people who don`t know I have it in my the tangled mass and the road was closed for 10 hours.
and a gas pump that was found in the back yard of a home. hand. I try and convince them a banana is the key and then Washington State Patrol District 3 Trooper Chris
The post said firefighters, police and code enforcement I hold a banana up and [the chip] unlocks the door," he Thomson said some areas were piled 20-30 feet high.
officers responded to the location. told KSTU-TV.The other chips in Workman's hands allow Witnesses said they were experiencing heavy winds the
him to unlock doors at work, log on and off of his previous afternoon, according to KEPR, and the winds
"This is not only illegal in the city, it is a hazard to computer and share contact information using the same created the giant tumbleweeds.
neighbors & first responders who may respond there for technology as Apple Pay and Google Pay. He said most of
an emergency, like a fire. Citations are possible and the chips were installed by a family member, but he Car submerged in
certainly any costs for abatement for any environmental required the help of a piercing studio to implant the Tesla pool at Florida hotel
impacts it caused," the department said. key. Workman said he also has a magnet implanted in his
left hand that he uses for "magic tricks." Police in Florida said no one was injured when a driver
The post said the hose appeared long enough for accidentally backed their car up into a hotel swimming
"curbside fill-ups." The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Car wedged in pool. The West Palm Beach Police Department shared
Department said the investigation is ongoing. pedestrian lane on photos on Facebook showing the car submerged in the
New York bridge swimming pool at the Holiday Inn Express. Police said the
Squirrels repeatedly driver, an adult, accidentally reversed into the pool from
target Jeep, cause Police in New York said it took hours to remove a car the hotel's parking lot. The driver and a passenger were
$700 in damage that apparently drove onto the narrow pedestrian lanes of able to get out of the vehicle safely and were not injured.
a bridge and became wedged in place.The New York Police
A Colorado man said squirrels have squeezed into the Department said the the Honda became stuck in a Firefighters coax
inner workings of his vehicle three times and caused about pedestrian lane on the Pulaski Bridge, which connects snake out of car
$700 worth of damage. Gary Seago said the trouble began Brooklyn and Queens, just after 3 a.m. Police said the dashboard
in late November, when his Jeep was making unusual driver apparently exited through a window and had left the
noises and mechanics discovered an animal, likely a scene by the time officers arrived. Crews spent several A British fire department shared video of firefighters
squirrel, had chewed a fuel injector plug in half. Mechanics hours cutting and tilting the vehicle to dislodge it from its working carefully to extract a 3-foot snake that had
said squirrels and other animals are sometimes drawn to position and push it to where a tow truck could haul it concealed itself inside the dashboard of a car. The
the engine compartments of vehicles because they away. Police said they are seeking the driver of the vehicle, Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service said firefighters
consider the soy-based tubes and wires to be a food which sustained heavy damage while being removed, to stationed in Eastleigh met with a woman who drove to the
source. Seago said repairs were made, but the same part find out how it ended up wedged in the unusual spot. station and told them the 3-foot albino corn snake she had
was again destroyed by a suspected squirrel the next day. There were no injuries reported from the incident. been given by a friend the previous day had slithered into
He said the squirrels returned for a third time a few weeks the dashboard of her Ford Fiesta.The woman said she had
later and destroyed another, more expensive part in the attempted to coax the snake out of its hiding spot with a
engine compartment. Seago said he is now trying to keep dead mouse, but ended up driving to the fire station the
the squirrels away with deterrents including moth balls, next day when the pet remained concealed. Firefighters
strobe lights and high-pitched noises. used a tiny camera to look inside the dashboard and locate
the snake. They ended up turning on the car's heat to
A Pittsburgh woman encountered a different sort of convince the snake to slither out in search of a cooler
squirrel-related car trouble in October when one of the climate. The snake was not harmed and was returned to
animals stashed grass and more than 200 walnuts under the care of its new owner.
her hood. Holly Persic said the squirrel had apparently
been using her vehicle as walnut storage for weeks.
FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800 SMART READER January 16, 2020 19
Get fit as the 60th from 72 counties in 2019 (1 healthiest – 72 The game is rigged. Those that took the “Red Pill” (The
unhealthiest). There are many factors that go into this Matrix Reference- for those not familiar with this term
with Louie Arecco ranking and you are welcome to learn more about it. But meaning wanting to embrace and live the truth), do not
my point is simple, our regional society does not have the marketing dollars and most importantly the
he year just ended and many of us are encourage or support a healthy lifestyle. From the family necessary resources to clean the information noise. Let’s
looking forward to learning from our activities encouraged by the media, to the rewards you be real, working out and eating healthy takes effort. It takes
mistakes to guarantee a better future. receive at school, or the teacher, or nurse, or doctor that time to “learn” to like it by changing your habits. It is a lot
The New Year brings hope, specially when it comes to our is unhealthy, or the predatory advertising about diets, or easier giving in to the lazy ways. Therefore, it is a lot easier
health and fitness. It is no secret that most New Year pills, or damaging ideas that anyone attempting to call your to cling to the information that supports our current state
Resolutions end by mid-February. What are the factors attention about being unhealthy is judging you. Buyer to justify our lack of effort.
that make most of the population fail at such an important beware does not work when the information you need is
decision? Don’t feel bad, the game is rigged! What you polluted by billions of dollars of confusion. I am not here For a large majority that won’t take the red pill, this
need to feel bad about is that you keep falling for it! to judge free speech, what I am just simply pointing out is article is just another fitness fanatic rambling without
the power of those that benefit from you not being healthy. understanding your personal circumstances. If that is the
Remember the 2008 Pixar movie WALL-E? If you didn’t case, there isn’t much anyone can say to change your mind.
see this movie, I highly recommend it. It is not only If you are lucky, perhaps a life changing event will deliver
entertaining, but it also shows an amazing parallel to our you to the steps of a place that can help you reclaim your
current path of evolution. The movie was about a polluted health- or perhaps not. After all, we humans get used to
earth due to human trash to the point that life was anything. However, if you really want to take action, but not
impossible on earth. As a result, the main corporation that just “give-it-a-try”, If you are done being numbed by clever
controlled all commerce created a spaceship where all advertisement, overnight solutions, or accepting experts
humanity lived. For 700 years, WALL-E, short for Waste that insult your intelligence with gimmicks and empty
Allocation Load Lifter Earth-class attempts to clean earth promises; I have some advice to give you a real chance to
in hopes that someday humans can return to earth. fully live a life as a participant and no longer be an
Although making our planet into a wasteland is a topic spectator; (1) Make the decision that you will take control
worth discussing, it isn’t my intent in this article. The movie of your health. It doesn’t mean it will be easy (in the
shows what life had become at the spaceship. Technology beginning), but you are worth it. Yes, circumstances might
had created so much comfort that walking was bring adversity and setbacks, but does not mean stopping
unnecessary. Over time humans had forgotten how to walk the journey. Stopping the journey is the only option not
and their bodies were damaged making it even more acceptable. (2) Write down how will your life change by
difficult. Is this a crazy idea that can only exist in fictional changing your lifestyle. It is important to know the effects
children movies? – Not anymore, as there are many of your decision. Your decision will not only impact you,
examples in Western Culture of similar cases. The but it will impact your loved ones. I have seen people make
interesting part of this movie is not only that a large great friends, meet their perfect partners through fitness,
powerful corporation had built comfort and consumerism and erroneously matched couples split. If someone close
to the point of atrophy, but also that once earth was to you creates barriers for you to take care of yourself,
cleaner and was ready to receive humans again, the system that relationship needs to be re-evaluated. (3) Make a
fought against giving us back our freedom of choice; public pledge. This is a tough proposition to most people.
attempting to keep humanity in the dark in order to It makes you feel vulnerable because the fear of failing. The
protect it. difference is that failing does not happen unless you quit.
The fist item in this list is to decide to do it, not to try. So,
The Wisconsin Health Rankings places Kenosha County making a public pledge should be a no-brainer. (4)
Surround yourself with people that enjoy taking care of
Kenosha History themselves. Find a serious health club, one that has
qualified professionals and experience to help you. If your
Nicholas Pirsch home with Mitchell automobile. mentors set you up on a vicious circle to perpetuate your
misery, fire them immediately. As a comparison; if you
The Nicholas Pirsch home is at the corner of 7th Ave and 60th Street, a brick Italianate built in the 1840s and stands as one of the depend on Alcoholic Anonymous, would you listen to their
oldest surviving homes in Kenosha. Pirsch owned a wagon factory at 214 Exchange Street (approximately the southwest corner of 5th advice if they served you a drink before they start the
meeting? Anything worth doing requires commitment.
Avenue and 56th Street). His son, Peter Pirsch, would begin manufacturing fire apparatuses around 1899. School, relationships, sports, hobbies, etc. There isn’t
The Mitchell automobile pictured here was owned by Nicholas's son-in-law, Dr.Thomas McGrory, a local dentist. Dr. McGrory is behind anything worth doing that does not require commitment.
Look for a place that will not tell you what you want to
the wheel, with his wife Celia Pirsch McGrory. The Mitchell automobile was manufactured by Mitchell-Lewis in Racine beginning in hear, but instead professionals that will hold you
1903, and until it was purchased by Nash Motors in 1923. It would continue to be manufactured by Nash under the "Ajax" and "Light accountable for your actions. Let’s be clear, this does not
give them permission to be rude, but you should also be
Six" name for several years. aware of your defense mechanisms because everyone
Photo copyright of the Kenosha County Historical Society. Want to learn more about old Kenosha? Visit claims to want to hear the truth, until they are told
something they don’t want to hear. It is a lot easier to use
and plan your next visit to the Kenosha History Center at 220 51st St. (on beautiful Simmons Island). this moment to feel attacked, blame the messenger, and
Call 262-654-5770 for hours. have a reason to through the towel. Finally, (5) promise
yourself that you are worth keeping your word to yourself.
Here is a reality check for you; if you can’t keep your word
to yourself, is your word worth much? Now, don’t take this
final statement as a reason to shy away from committing to
this journey, instead, commit to the journey because
reclaiming your health will also regain your own trust.
2020 is the opportunity to start fresh. It is the year that
you take control. It is the year that you stop blaming
circumstances for your inability to Make Healthy Happen.
It is the year that you reclaim your health. 2020 is your
My name is Louie Arecco and I have been in the industry of
Health and Fitness for 14 years. My education and
professional experience has served me well for the amazing
career of fitness. I hold an Economics Degree from University
of Illinois in Champaign Urbana, a Master in Business
Administration from Loyola University of Chicago, and spent
most of my professional life working with Fortune 500
companies. By no means I know everything about fitness, but
I do have an amazing team and collectively we help people
change their lives effectively. My passion and challenge is
helping my clients stay in a fitness lifestyle.
20 SMART READER January 16, 2020 FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800
Head Look Who’s Getting Married!
outside this
winter – to Marriage License & Waiver
a Kenosha Fee Report
County Park!
December 23rd - January 6th SR082419
by Jim Kreuser
Zachary Hampton Barr Wedding Cakes DT2019V1
Just because it’s winter in Wisconsin doesn’t mean you & Nicole Marie Terletzky
have to stay indoors. In fact, our Kenosha County Parks Ours Come in all shapes, sizes and prices.
offer many reasons to get outside and enjoy the season. Peter Alan Bose We’re creative yet cost effective.
& Betsy Johana Romero Urrego
And new this year, there is warm way to get some relief Andre Sarpy & Beverly Jane Cozart Being Sweet to You Is Our Business!
at Petrifying Springs Park. A year-round, heated restroom
facility on the south end of the park, near the Biergarten Ladonnis Marquis Buggs 3526 Roosevelt Rd, Kenosha, WI 53142 (262) 652-3984
and the Carlisle Family Dog Park, opened last summer and & Nicole Elizabeth Leto
is now in its first winter of service to park visitors. Jesse James Glithero 5617 - 6th Ave.
& Rachael Louise Westermeyer Kenosha
We’re excited to offer this new amenity, paid for in part
by the county’s share of revenue generated at the Jeffrey Keith Bergin 657-7673
Biergarten. It’s a good thing to keep in mind when you’re & Christine Ann Brigham M-F: 9AM-5PM
out at the sledding hill, cross-country skiing, or going for a Sat: 10AM-2PM
wintery walk in the park. Norman Robert Werth Delivery Available
& Kimberly Kay Poweska
What’s there to do during winter in Kenosha County Boyd Darren Schwartz & Tiffaney Sue Block
Parks? Here are a few ideas:
Jeffrey Robert Dvorak
• Sledding hills are available at Fox River Park (lighted), & Kimberly Dawn Mitchell
Petrifying Springs Park (lighted) and Silver Lake Park.
Travis William LaBadie
• Silver Lake Park offers more than 2.5 miles of groomed & Jamie Lynn Feasby
cross-country ski trails and over 10 miles of single-track Jimmy Lee McCracken Jr
trails. Kenosha County Parks also maintains a ski trail on & Georgia Marie Hauschild
UW-Parkside’s Wayne E. Dannehl National Cross Country Charles Murray Saxon
Course, just across Highway JR from Petrifying Springs & Judith Sue Capponi
Park. Christopher William Michael Cintron
& Anastasia Marie Sanchez
• Pringle Nature Center in Bristol Woods Park offers Matthew John Wlodarek
snowshoe rentals for use on more than four miles of trails & Christine Nichole Betz
within the park. Michael James Mac Krell
& Leah Carol Wallace
• Ice fishing is available at the Kenosha County Veterans Scott William Martin
Memorial Park (formerly known as KD Park), Old Settlers & Samantha Dorothy Zick
Park and Silver Lake Park.
Another option, new this year, is the FlightScope golf
simulator in the clubhouse at Petrifying Springs Golf Regular or Slim Fit
Course. Thanks to technology used by many professional
golfers, you can “play” more than two dozen golf courses 179$ 00 Mike Bjorn's
around the world – and dream of your rounds to come on Includes any shirt, tie, belt
our county golf courses after the spring thaw. or suspenders & socks. Perfect for Wisconsin’s Largest Full Service SR020919
Sizes 34 short to 48 long wedding
Find out more about the simulator at parties, and about all that our parks
have to offer year-round at Men’s Clothing Store
Jim Kreuser has been Kenosha County executive since 2008. Downtown Kenosha 262-652-0648 • M-F 10-5, Sat. 10-2
He will be blogging regularly about county government issues
Radish,Amaranth,Arugula. These are the most nutritious, is mostly aesthetically pleasing, I love being able to see the
and events.You can contact him at 262-653-2600 or at however, I encourage you to grow your favorites as they roots in the jar. The trick to using jars however is
[email protected]. all have nutritional value! My only caution is to avoid using drainage. Begin with rocks at the bottom of your jar, then
untreated seeds, choose certified organic. Next you add organic soil and fertilizer, add seeds and water (each
Our simply add seeds to organic dirt, place them in areas with herb requires different amounts of moisture to thrive).
Earth good natural light (or a grow lamp) and make sure to give The downfall to mason jar herbs is they are limiting. If you
adequate moisture. Give seeds enough "personal space" want a huge bounty of basil, for example, you will need a
with Gretchen Covelli for growth. Within a few weeks time you will be ready to much larger container/pot. You could also grow multiple
"harvest"! Simply snip the microgreens off at soil level plants as an alternative, especially if you are using basil
Winter greens after the first two 'true' leaves of the plant emerge. Best frequently in recipes. Again, each herb requires its own
to harvest just before serving for maximum nutritional individual care (ie: temperature, sunlight and moisture)
I don't know about you, but I dream about my garden all value. My best suggestion is to think of which herbs you use the
year long! Granted, when it's mid-summer and the weeds most and which herbs your home can accommodate.
are going crazy with little else to show for, I might be Sprouts - Seed suggestions: Alfalfa (easiest to begin Chives, for example, require full sun or partial shade, so
regretting my life choices just a bit (insert sarcasm). This with), Broccoli, Sunflowers, Lentils, Buckwheat, Garbanzo, would grow best in a south or east facing window. This
time of year however is when I am the most starry-eyed, Green Peas. Supplies are super simple- 1 quart glass wide would be something to consider when planning out which
my ambitions and goals are extreme! The Holidays are mouth Mason or Ball jar, cheesecloth and the rim of the lid seeds to begin. Culinary herbs will differ from
over, my house is back to some normalcy and all I want to or rubber band. Seeds of your choice. Basic steps are microgreens and sprouts as they are a continuous growth.
do is go dig in the dirt. Since we live in Wisconsin and our initially soaking seeds then rinsing seeds every 12 hours, You prune and harvest and they continue to grow, harvest
dirt is frozen, however, I have to find alternatives. I also storing in a dark place and allowing the seeds to work time is just a bit longer however.
miss having fresh greens at the ready. So.....solution? their own magic. You will see a yield of sprouts within a
Sprouts, microgreens and culinary herbs. Sprouts and few days (roughly 3).. Please know these are very basic introductory
micro- greens are incredibly easy to grow and yield very instructions. Planting just the idea of possibilities for fresh
quickly. Not to mention they are nutritional Culinary Herbs - Seed suggestions: basil, chives, cilantro, greens during the winter. I highly encourage you to dig
powerhouses, packed with vitamins, minerals and proteins dill, mint, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage, thyme. My deeper and research what works best for you. (all puns
that are easier to digest. Culinary herbs are bit more favorite way of growing culinary herbs is in Mason jars, this intended)
finicky, but once you find the right placement for them in
your home, they prosper all on their own. Here are a few Thank you for taking the time to read and share this
suggestions to get you started. space with me. I wish you many blessings in this New Year
full of peace, love and happiness. Remember to give
Microgreens - Seed Suggestions: Broccoli, Kale, Peas, yourself grace, hold those you love the most close to you
and be present in your everyday. -Gretchen-
Hi there, I’m Gretchen.
I own Gypsies Baskets, a small Fair Trade basket business.
Most Saturdays you will find me in my booth at the Kenosha
HarborMarket. My family and I love adventuring through
nature preserves, shopping at downtown businesses and
restaurants, exploring the museums and the art district, or
strolling along our gorgeous lakefront.
FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800 SMART READER January 16, 2020 21
Plan your
event in
by Meridith Jumisko
Here at the Kenosha Area Convention & Visitors Bureau, Boat Association, go snow tubing at Wilmot Mountain, visit
we are often contacted about event space.When it comes a local brewery or Petrifying Springs Biergarten, attend a
to planning the perfect special event in the Kenosha Area, Please keep in mind that many restaurants will open Kenosha Kingfish baseball game, or enjoy a round of golf.
our team is here to help. From sports tournaments, outside of normal hours to accommodate special events The options are endless (and, of course, depend on the
conferences, and corporate meetings to weddings, and groups, and also offer catering off-site. time of year).
reunions, and group tours, we’ve got the expertise to find
just the right venue for your needs. Looking for more fun party ideas? The Kenosha YMCA You need not leave town to have a fun event! Contact us
offers a variety of party packages. Depending on your today for event planning assistance! Log on to
If you’re planning a wedding, party, meeting or other interests, you can have a pool party, an obstacle course for details on these and more places.
special event this year, we have some venue ideas for you. festivity, a dance party, a science-themed gathering, or a You can also call us at (262) 654-7307 or visit one of the
Many of these options are in historic buildings or offer rock-climbing adventure. Birthday parties for all ages can two Visitor Information Centers that we staff: at 600 –
additional amenities such as museum exhibits to explore. be held at Robin’s Nest Cakery. Or you can have a pie- 52nd Street, Suite 140 in Downtown Kenosha and at I-94
making party at Elsie Mae’s Bakery & Cannery. & Hwy. 165. Our new 2020 Kenosha Area Visitors Guide
Our hotels with abundant event space include The Stella is now available.
Hotel & Ballroom and Wyndham Garden-Kenosha We also have many icebreaker, team-building, and pre-
Harborside. Country Inn & Suites and Hampton Inn & and post- meeting activities for your event. Zipline and Meridith Jumisko is Public Relations Director at the Kenosha
Suites each have a meeting room for modest sized groups. climb at Boundless Adventures, sail on the Tall Ship Red Area Convention & Visitors Bureau. Contact her at
Consider Carthage College or University of Wisconsin- Witch, ride the Electric Streetcar, paint at Alpaca Art
Parkside for large event spaces with ample technology Pottery Painting or Pinot’s Palette, laugh together at the [email protected] or drop her a tweet @MJ_Kenosha
access. Kenosha Comedy Club, fish with the Kenosha Charter
Banquet facilities include Circa on Seventh, Kemper
Center, and Parkway Chateau at Brat Stop. Unique venues
also include The Civil War Museum, Fusion-Kenosha
Performing Arts Association, GFWC Woman’s Club of
Kenosha, Italian American Supper Club, Kenosha Creative
Space, and the Kenosha Public Museum.
The O at Backyard Dream Studios offers day passes or
memberships for individuals and professionals in a co-
office space setting, with space to meet with clients, work
quietly, and conference room access. In its off-season,
Wilmot Mountain has indoor and outdoor facilities
available for weddings, banquets, 5K runs, meetings, and
much more.
Numerous restaurants offer private rooms for gathering.
MISCELLANEOUS Weather Tec Car task. Call 262-515-1967. CAREGIVER SELF-EMPLOYED live-in
MatsHonda CRV 2007-2011 front and caregiver with 20 years experience giving
FREE CLASSIFIEDS! cargo (used one season) $65 each or DRUM LESSONS Private instruction. 24 hr. care references. Looking for job. If
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BOX . $250 RETAIL ! NOW $125 . to read music. Call Tom for details. 262- CUT AWAY GRASS Edging to last - not
847-372-6722 stringline - will help drainage. All with
CEMETERY SINGLE LOT for Sale. Tree- 818-2869. cleanup and haul away. Just call 262-654-
shaded area near Christus statue, Sunset 2509.
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$4,000. (386) 322-0185 or jean- waste, anything to haul away. Just call262-
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ter, running errands. I am available
vehicle your home energetic compassion- Monday-Friday. If you are interested in an
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Child-care 3rd Shift 10:30 PM to 8:30 AM beginning piano lessons? I'm located in
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information On services available. work
705-3310 HAVE YOU RECENTLY had surgery of
just want to start your day with a water pro-
PROFESSIONAL LED TEETH WHITEN- gram with a heated pool at Jane Vernon
school? 6:00-7:00 AM Contact Linda (262)
Please include your contact information in the classified. ING for a fraction of the price! $99 at 654-6485
(Name and Phone number / e-mail address) First 3 words will be boldface type. AFFORDABLE CAREGIVER SERVICES
WANTED cabana tan spa. call to book: 262-843- for all ages $15 HR (1 hour min a month up
NO ANIMALS. • NO PERSONALS ALLOWED. to 24 hr care available). Call 262-358-7057
MODEL TRAINS O and G gauge wanted 2411. 20 minute session = a bright white more information or make a appointment
for Charlie’s Shriner Diner. Please call Dennis
Cassidy (262)564-8800 smile!
White Photos Call /Text Stan 262-496- NURSING CARE/CONSULTATION:
1822 FOR RENT FURNISHED room 5632
TECHNOLOGY BROKER experienced $35.00/hour. Call or text to (262)758-1974 Pershing Blvd, Kenosha. Non-smoker only,
wanted by retired/disabled DoD consultant security deposit, references required.
to Air Force to sell software to major com- FAST COMPUTER SERVICE including $105/week. Call 262-652-5252
panies, must have military security clear-
REMINDER: PLEASE RESUBMIT AD TO Kenosha (November 7, 1942 - June 21, ounce and one 32 fluid ounce container. ance or ability to pass military security network support, spyware removal, VEHICLES
RUN FOR EACH ISSUE. Maximum 3 2019) . Here's a brief video of her life: clearance along with proven experience,
Listings Per Person. Both for $5.00 email your interest to contact DSK, P.O. Box 866, Kenosha, WI upgrades and PC repair. For friendly serv- 1993 CADILLAC SEDAN DEVILLE
86Jm28 53141 Leather interior, runs good, many new
MISC [email protected] CLEANING LADY WANTED for twice / ice with a smile, call Vikkex today! Phone parts, 168K $1950 OBO Call 847-454-
FOR SALE month coverage of 700 sq ft apt; veteran / 3372
KENOSHA STEAMPUNK SOCIETY FOR SALE CEMETERY lot Sunset Ridge realtor disabled rates negotiable, help (262-694-7746) 2005 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN 214K
We're looking for more members! We meet MEN'S DRESS SHOES Black tuxedo. Like needed; 262-729-7330 and 847-340-3446 MILES SEE IN KENOSHA AT 4121-7TH.
2nd Monday & 4th Wednesday of every new. Size 7M, 7.5M, 8.5M $25 each. 262- Cemetery Section 7 Lot 102 Price VETERAN / REALTOR WANTED to share EXPERIENCED CAREGIVERS For all AVE. 53140 262-237-1343 RUSS CALL
month at Rockhead's on Roosevelt Rd. & 358-0259 house for tasks in lieu of some rent; 262- OR TEXT $14502005
24th Ave. Find us on Facebook Groups VINTAGE REDWING SPONGEWARE $4,100.00 Call Jean (386) 322-0185 729-7330 and 847-340-3446 your in-home needs. Serving Kenosha, 2008 SATURN AURA 167K MILES SEE
under Kenosha Steampunk Society. Join mixing bowl.Local advertising in bottom:IT HELP WANTED Looking for someone to IN KENOSHA AT 4121-7TH. AVE. 53140
the facebook group for PAYS TO MIX WITH ROOSEVELT ROAD Dining Table 847-630-6227 and 4 chairs cut and split 1-2 cords of wood. Small size Pleasant Prairie, Bristol and Somers.Call 262-237-1343 RUSS CALL OR TEXT
previously loved leather than ever before! OBO -Leave message at 262-658- Excellent condition, wooden chairs, LOOKING FOR REASONABLE Priced June 262-215-1292 or Ron 262-237-2670 CAR
Boots, Shoes, Vests, Steampunk 1740Over 25 John Wayne VHS Tapes for Person To Cut Lawn With My Mower: In 2011 CHEVY MALIBU 184K MILES SEE
Accessories, goggles. I am stocking more $75 139 Geneva GT Racine, WI 6-71-41 Formica topped table $150" Trevor Area: 262-222-3173 June IN KENOSHA AT 4121-7TH. AVE. 53140
items several times a month now, I'm OR 6-71-4311. WANTED TO BUY: vintage movie posters, 262-237-1343 RUSS CALL OR TEXT
expanding the stock, keep looking! Go to DINING ROOM TABLE 34" wide by 33" INTERNALS FROM CAMPER a. 3 burner comic books, LP records, vintage toys, EYELASH EXTENSIONS DISCOUNT $3750 NICE CAR THAT YOU CAN DRIVE
STEAMPUNK GENERAL STORE inside deep two 10" leaves and one 18" leaf total horror VHS, horror memorabilia, science ANYWHERE
DON'S HOBBIES 2219-63rd Street length of 71" with leaves includes four stove. b. heater. c. inverter. d. ss sink. e. fiction pulps and magazines, video store Certified eyelash artist. Classis full set: $50 2005 TOYOTA ECHO with hand control S.
Kenosha. Call Paul @ 262-705-2268 (24/7 upholstered chairs $125 Please call 262- promotional items. Call: 262-237-0318 Service Records available. One owner.
Cell/Voicemail). Facebook: Steampunk 619-1796 if interested side door for pop-up camper. f. steel BUYING OLD GILLETTE RAZORS- fills: $30! Get your appt now text 262-287- 847-872-1022 Laurie
General Store. We can build your 1963 MOBILE TRAILER Home 55'X10' 2 STRAIGHT RAZORS Call or Text STAN
Steampunk Dreams for You!Washington bedrooms, living room, bath, laundry steps. & more. $45.00 for all. Call 262- 262-496-1822 6796. IG: thegirlisfabulash for pics.
DC $674 May 2-8, 2019 Meals / Lodging room. $2,500.00 as is Handy man special WANTED: OLD ADVERTISING-OLD
includied Racine / Kenosha pickup. OBO. Call Barbara at (262) 455-3953 764-0831 W.R.Buck Email at PHOTOS OLD KENOSHA-RACINE- BABYSITTING YOUNG LADY good with
(262)977-6891 KENMORE VACUUM used twice,direct CHICAGO ITEMS Call or Text Stan 262-
[email protected] drive beltless system,bare floor friendly,all [email protected] 496-1822 kids can watch 1 or 2 children call 262-
IF YOU SPEAK GERMAN or are enthusi- attatchments,extra bags..$225.00 262- n 262-496-1822
astic about the German language and cul- 764-2881 Jody SCHWINN STATIONARY EXERCISE 620-4745
ture, come and join us. There are no mem- PARKING LOT LINE STRIPER Graco SERVICES
bership fees and attendance is whenever 3400- 5 HP 3 years Old- $2600.00 LV- bike w/book-holder $40. Small Paragon House cleaning woman + a bucket - reli-
you are available to join. Meetings are [email protected] AFFORDABLE GRAPHIC DESIGN Need
held in the Kenosha and Racine area. This TOW DOLLY 2010 Master Tow tilt bed tow kiln w/stand 20" high w/ 14 1/2" internal a graphic design job done on a budget? able, dependable. Also clean vacant hous-
is an excellent group to practice speaking dolly. Asking $1000 PH 262-997-7512 I can help. E-mail me at
German as members' language skills are DONJOY ICEMAN cold therapy unit! diameter $125 OBO. (262) 634-4957 Ask [email protected]. es. Call for estimates - Sandy 262-221-
from beginners to advance and we all have Helps reduce pain and swelling after sur- FRIENDLY TECH Serving all your techin-
a good time. Please contact me, if you are gery hips, knee etc. or accidents! Speeds for Dennis cal needs. Friendly and reasonalble rates. 2289
interested in joining - Susan Blust at up rehab! $50.00 Computers, television, network, I’ll even
[email protected]. MEN'S KNAPP WORK Shoes. Size 7 BABY CLOTHES $.25 and up, Coffee pot teach you if you need help finding your way HOUSES AND OR business sun shine
LIONS CLUB BINGO Come have some EEE. New. $50.00 Phone 262-658-1291. around your new computer. Help with any
fun! Every Wednesday, 2700 9th St. DONJOY ICEMAN cold therapy unit! for parties $10, Exercise Bike $75 OBO, klean is having a special this month for first
Winthrop Harbor. Pregames, raffles, pull Helps reduce pain and swelling after sur-
tabs 5-7 pm, bingo 7-9:30 pm. Call 847- gery rotator cuff, hips, knee etc. or acci- Women's bike $175, Lawn mower 14 yrs time customers free upholstery cleaning
912-3825 for more info. dents! Speeds up rehab! $50.00
PLEASE REMEMBER RITA RINELLI of HUMIDIFIER SOLUTION: one 64 fluid old $175 OBO, 2 toaster ovens $10 - 2106 with at basic cleaning for only $39.95 262-
30th Street 287-5103
SAME LOT. RACINE MOUND CEME- person to help take care of my senior
TERY-1147 WEST BLVD.$750, EACH! mother. Wages are negotiable. Need
LOT B-BLOCK 25! handyman work and odd jobs, please call
[email protected] 1-262-898-0605 Racine Area
MANTIS COMPOST TWIN for sale CNAS TO JOIN wellness team at Barton
$175.00 OBO. Booklet included. Call 262- of Zion, five star assisted living. Send
554-6907 Al or Linda. resume [email protected]
EXPENSIVE BIRDFEEDERS Several to apply within at 3500 Sheridan Road Zion,
choose from. Will sacrifice for $15.00 each. IL 60099 847-872-1500
Call or text 262-758-1974. FREE HOME HEATING Fuel Oil Removal
FOR SALE: 2-Lower Crypts in I will remove your unused home heating
Mausoleum. West Lawn Memorial(9000 fuel oil for free..clean and safe . Inquire
Washington Ave. (9,000). about tank removal also ... 262 818 1967
[email protected] ..ask for dave
ADULT PONCHO for wheelchair recipient. TYPING. I am an experienced legal secre-
Green waterproof outer material with tary with excellent typing skills wanting to
fleece lining. In excellent condition. $25. type for you at home. Please contact Alicia
262-654-3329 at 256-658-4484.
VIOLIN, CASE, BOW $175 Paragon Kiln TAX & BOOKKEEPING. 30 Years experi-
$99 Schwinn Exercise Bike $45 All in good ence Audits handld enrolled agent appoint-
condition. (262) 498-6375 ment only call 262-595-8242
22 SMART READER January 16, 2020 FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800
TO PLACE A LISTING: can register online at The Origami Flowers as a Small Act of Kindness
e-mail to: [email protected]; or mail to: Community Calendar c/o Carmichael library has scheduled children and family storytimes,
Communications, 1420 63rd Street, Kenosha, WI 53143-4451. Please include all pernient crafts for children and adults, genealogy networking Stop by the Field Station of the Kenosha Public , 5500
information including the who, what, where, when, why, and how much. Listings may be groups, computer classes, and more. For a complete list First Ave., during Kindness Week (January 18th - 25th)
of our January and February programs, visit their to create two paper flowers – one for giving away, and
edited for length and are none are guaranteed to be included. website for a full schedule. Community Library one for a collaborative art project. Admission and
supports children and youth by giving them participation is free.
ONGOING EVENTS opportunities to excel and learn through our
educational resources, classes and staff assistance.They Harriet Tubman: Alive and Free
Hold Your Horses! promote literacy and a love of reading as we bring
people, information and ideas together to enrich lives This heart rendering performance of the trials and
This is a display of Civil War Museum artifacts and and build community. tribulations of the most renowned leader of the
history surrounding the First Regiment Wisconsin Underground Railroad talks about life as a slave and
Cavalry. On display though May 2020 at the Civil War Fire and Ice Festival how certain food and customs are being carried forth in
Museum, 5400 First Ave. the world today.The program concludes with a
On Saturday, January 18th, break out of that winter powerful song filled first-person characterization of
Kenosha Winter HarborMarket confinement by coming to the Downtown Racine Harriet Tubman alive and free.This program is being
Corporation’s Fire and Ice Festival on Monument held in conjunction with Kindness Week on Saturday,
Find about 25-35 vendors inside an all new location this Square from 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.This free community January 25th at 1pm at the Civil War Museum, 5400
year - inside the Kenosha Masonic Center, 115 56th St, event will feature ice sculpting, bonfires, food trucks, live First Ave.
including cheeses, bakery goods, art, crafts, prepared music, craft beer, and a Fire and Ice themed scavenger
foods, and more - every Saturday from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. hunt taking place throughout downtown Racine.The Leave No Child Inside: Snow Day!
food trucks include Meat on the Street, I Love Tamales,
Comedy Shows at Kenosha Comedy Club and Reid’s Roasted Corn! This is also the kick-off day Join the Pringle Nature Center, 9800 160th Ave., on
for the Downtown Restaurant Week, where you can get Saturday, January 25th for a celebration of winter in the
Every Friday and Saturday the Kenosha Comedy Club 15% off your bill at participating locations (alcoholic park! Stations will be set up with activities intended to
at Wyndham Garden Hotel, 5125 Sixth Avenue, presents drinks excluded). facilitate self-guided play in nature. Children must be
a hilarious 90-minute show that features two opening accompanied by an adult. Come and leave as you like
comedians plus a touring headliner. Show stars at 8 p.m. Bands Needed for Benefit Concert between 10am and 3pm. Admission is free, no pre-
on Fridays, two shows on Saturdays, 7 p.m. or 9 p.m. registration required.
Tickets are $12 and available at or at Calling all musicians! Your help is needed to ensure that
the door. the 28th annual Thoughts for Food benefit concert for Owl Prowl
the Racine County Food Bank is a success! During its
Senior Center New Member Orientation 28 years,Thoughts for Food has provided tons of food On Saturday, January 25th at 8:30 p.m., come out to
and hundreds of thousands of dullard to those friends Bong Recreation Area, 26313 Burlington Road, for this
Stop in at 9:00 am on the last Wednesday of every and neighbors in need throughout Racine County.The annual event to discover why owls are the perfect night
month and learn more about the Kenosha Senior benefit will be held on March 7th at multiple venues hunters. Dress for the weather because you will go
Center, 2717 67th St. Get a tour and get your throughout Downtown Racine and the River North outside to search for these predators. Meet at the
questions answered. area. Information and band sign-up at thoughts Visitor Center but prepare to drive. Vehicle admission, or contact [email protected]. sticker is required: $8 per day for vehicles with
Two New Exhibits at the Wisconsin plates (seniors $3) / $11 for vehicles with
Kenosha History Center Hot Chocolate Festival out-of-state plates. Annual state park admission sticker
also available.
The Year 2020 is the 100th anniversary of the Wisconsin’s Chocolate City and home of May’s annual
ratification of the 19th Amendment to the United States ChocolateFest keeps the flavorful festivities flowing this Observatory Open House
Constitution.The amendment prohibits states and the winter with Hot Chocolate Fest, January 17th - 19th.
federal government from prohibiting citizens from In addition to celebrating its namesake, hot chocolate, Come enjoy an evening of star gazing and telescope
voting on the basis of their sex.Wisconsin, Illinois, and the three-day annual celebration features a variety of viewing on Saturday, January 25th, from 6 - 10 pm at the
Michigan were the first three states to ratify the outdoor winter activities, Hot Chocolate Competitions, Hawthorn Hollow Schoolyard Observatory. A variety of
amendment, doing so in June of 1919. Just over a year Chili Cook-offs, vendor fairs and much more.Visit telescopes will be on hand with volunteers to guide you
later the last of 36 required states—Tennessee— voted for a full list of events. seeing the night’s brightest objects.You are also
to ratify.The History Center would like to join in the welcome to bring your own binoculars or telescopes.
centennial celebrations with our own exhibit looking at In The Making: Upcycled Snowglobes Admission is free. Held weather permitting (check
the generation of Kenosha's suffragettes who achieved @Hawthorn_Holllow on Twitter for last-minute
their goal. Our "Votes for Women" exhibit was For teens and adults. Come on out to DIY, chat, and updates). Email [email protected] with
researched, written, and constructed by Carthage reap the many benefits of crafting - stress relief, questions.
College intern Mia Morton.The Kenosha History dexterity, and a sense of accomplishment, not to
Center, 220 51st Place (on Simmons Island), has another mention having something to take home with you on Kenosha Polar Plunge
new exhibit on display looking at 19th century Tuesday, January 21st, 5:30 pm at the Southwest
medication. "Nostrums and Panaceæ" gives a view into Library, 7979 39th Ave.. In-person registration will be It’s snow joke! Last year the Kenosha Polar Plunge
the rapid evolution of the trade of the pharmacist, from available at the reference desk 1 hour before the raised over $51,000 to support Special Olympics
medieval herbal practitioner, to a peddler of quack program begins. Spaces are first come, first served.Visit Wisconsin’s year-round program of sports training and
patent medicines and electrical gizmos, to a modern for more. competition for children and adults with intellectual
health professional. Can you guess which is a medicine disabilities. Ready to freeze for a reason in 2020? Come
and which is a false cure-all? 2020 Dragon Boat Races at Lake Andrea out to the Brat Stop, 12304 75th St., on Saturday,
February 1st to show us your brrravery and support!
Oneida Traditions – The 2020 Annual Dragon Boat Races will be held on Check-in and register between 10am and 1pm with the
Voices of the Onayote’a-ká Exhibit Saturday, August 22, from 9am - 4pm at Lake opening ceremony at noon, polar plunging will begin
Andrea. Are you looking for an amazing team building shortly after and the party will run until 5pm with food,
Original artworks by Oneida artists Karen Ann Hoffman event? Are you and your friends competitive and like to beverages, raffles, silent auction and music - all benefiting
and Dawn Dark Mountain are on display at the Kenosha learn new things? Sign up to form a team to race now. the Special Olympics.
Public Museum, 5500 First Ave., through March 15th. Early bird pricing is available until January 31, 2020.
General admission is free.The museum is open Monday They are looking for 40 teams of 22 people each age 12 Kenosha Restaurant Week
- Saturday 10 am - 5 pm, and Sundays noon - 5 pm. or older that have a willingness to learn something new
and BE AMAZED by what 20 novice paddlers can do Kenosha Restaurant Week is a nine-day celebration of
Winter Free Fishing Weekend together! Each team will race in 3 heats. NO our community’s delicious local dining scene and kicks
EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! Practice, including the off Saturday, February 1st. Restaurant Week is for
Free Fishing Weekend events provide great basics of paddling, racing and fun, is available and foodies and those who like great deals! More than 40
opportunities for people of all ages to give fishing a try. strongly encouraged. Proceeds from this event will local, one-of-a-kind restaurants across Kenosha County
Fish anywhere in Wisconsin without a license or trout benefit United Way of Kenosha County. Get a boat, will be offering delicious multi-course meals at tasty
stamp on Free Fishing Weekend - January 18th and sign up to volunteer, sponsor the event, or come see savings.The talented chefs behind Kenosha’s most
19th. This includes all inland waters and Wisconsin's us. We would love to see you! Please contact United popular restaurants have cooked up special fixed-price
side of the Great Lakes and Mississippi River. Other Way of Kenosha County at unitedway@kenosha menus for Breakfast or Brunch ($10), Lunch ($10) and
fishing rules apply, such as limits on the number and size or by phone 262-658-4104. Dinner ($20 and $30). Be sure to pick up the January
of fish you can keep and any seasons when you must 30th issue of The Smart Reader for an exclusive
release certain fish species. So, pack up the family or call Restaurant Week feature.
your friends and head to the water for fishing fun!
Community Library offers winter
programs for all ages
The Community Library. 24615 89th St., Salem, has
planned dozens of programs to help people in our
community overcome the winter doldrums this season.
During January, Community Library will once again
compete in the nationwide Beanstack Winter Reading
Challenge.The initial group goal is to read 50,000
minutes. Participants will log their reading minutes on
Beanstack, our online reading tracker.The reading
challenge doesn't stop there. Participants who continue
to read and log their minutes through February 15 will
be entered into a Community Library drawing. One
reader from each age group logging at least 300 minutes
will be selected randomly for a grand prize. Participants
FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800 SMART READER January 16, 2020 23
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24 SMART READER January 16, 2020 FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800