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Published by Happenings Magazine, 2021-05-07 13:33:20

Illinois Happenings 042921

Illinois Happenings 042921

Keywords: Happenings Magazine,Illinois

Your eyeJounneZ11io, 2n0,20Winthrop Harbor & Beach Park!

F This Week in

April 29, 2021




Celebrating All Three
Retired From Zion Benton

Township Highschool

Roger Whitmore Automotive 3525 Rte. 173 Zion IL 60099

Mr Bible grew up in Stoughton WI..In High Lonnie and his wife Kathy have raised four that year.
School he was a shortstop on the baseball team children in his time as AD. That is amazing
and a point guard on the basketball team, He considering the long and late hours worked by Many other top 10 finishes throughout her
graduated in the class of 1984, and was class an Athletic Director, sometimes he even got competitive career.
valedictorian; the number one away from Zion Benton long enough to watch
ranked academic student in his his own kids play sports in the area. From football games, pep rallies, basketball
class! games, summer camps and competitions her
Wishing you much rest and relaxation in most memorable moments come from the
After 4 years of college your post ZeeBee years! Congratulations on a relationships built with her athletes and cheer
Lonnie took a job at Zion Central long and successful career measured by the families.
Middle school where he taught excellence of our athletic program.. All the
history and coached boys and best to Mr. Bible. Many of which she still keeps in contact
girls basketball. He came to with today.
ZBTHS in 1995 to teach US _____
History and to coach boys Following in her footsteps are her current
basketball under Don Kloth. Mr. Linda Norman started her coaching career assistant coaches Mary Keenan and Alyssa
Bible also was the girls 35 years ago as the freshman cheer coach at Amann. Coach Norm, as her cheerleaders call
volleyball head coach. He Zion Benton. her, will be excited to come back to watch the
replaced Eddie Meyers as teams as a spectator.
Athletic Director in 2000. His Over the span of 35 years she has coached
first assignment as AD was to all levels of cheerleading. Youth football Cheering them on from the bleachers! Coach
hire a new football announcer. cheerleading in Zion, Central Junior High in Norman and her husband Jeff have 3 children,
Zion, Roseville-Yorkwood high school co-op Jeffery, Justin and Jenna and 4 grandchildren,
As Athletic Director, Mr. Bible Elijah, Harlan, Grace and Laila. Coach
has earned the respect of every in the Monmouth area, and the Fighting Scots
athletic program in the Lake County area and Norman looks forward to spending
every official who works our games. These college team (Monmouth College). 13 years of more time with her family and
athletic programs and officials know that when going fishing!
you come to Zion Benton you will always be her career as an assistant and 22 as a Head
treated with respect and given fairness in __
competition. Coach. Her career included many successful
Hi, I am Andrew Gomez and I
Being an athletic director is one of the most competitive placements with UCA( universal have worked 29 years at ZBTHS. I
demanding positions in a high school. Juggling taught History at all levels, I
all of the athletic teams and performing groups Cheerleaders Association)SuperCDA Super sponsored the SHADES
who all need their own space, equipment, and multicultural club, I have been the
schedules done to satisfy the coach and their ZB football announcer for 21
goals but also be fair to all the others.. Mr. years, basketball and softball as
Bible has juggled all of those responsibilities well but not as long... not sure how
for over twenty years. Lonnie also has a special long. I was a boys basketball
touch in that he probably knows the name of assistant under Don Kloth. In
every single athlete that competes at Zion- retirement I hope to get back into
Benton. I can personally tell you that in the my non profit organization that
past 20 years, whenever I asked him about a works in schools in South Africa. I
particular athlete he not only knew who I was am currently looking to relocate to
asking about, he could tell me specific things Texas but am still looking! I'm
about that student athlete. That's a rare quality. going to miss this place badly, but
I am excited about the next phase of my
journey! Thank you to all of the staff, students
and friends I have met and made along the way.
Sincerely, Andrew Gomez.

Photos by Gibbie Buchholtz

Cheer and Dance

Association, ICCA (

Illinois Cheerleading

Coaches Association),

North Suburban

Conference and IHSA(

Illinois High School


Linda was inducted
into the ICCA Coaches
Hall of Fame and has
won the state title in
1991 with both the
sophomore and Varsity
levels winning the title

Happenings is published weekly by Carmichael Communications
Publisher/Frank J. Carmichael, Michael Pobiecke • Assistant to the Publisher/Reanna Stockdale • Photographer/Gibbie Buchholtz

Feature Writer/Michael Pobiecke • Production Manager/Matthew Gonya • Art Department/Jasmine Hundertmark
Carmichael Communications 1420 63rd Street, Kenosha, WI 53143


Page 2 HAPPENINGS April 29, 2021

celebrity scoop

Hank Azaria

Henry Albert Azaria

April 25, 1964
New York City, NY

Early life “What happened with this character is a window into an important issue,” Azaria said in a New York
Azaria attended The Kew-Forest Times interview. “It’s a good way to start the conversation. I can be accountable and try to make up
for it as best I can.” Azaria claims that when he came up with the voice of the character in 1990, he
School in Queens' Forest didn’t know the depiction was considered racist. “That represents a real blind spot I had,” Azaria said.
Hills neighborhood. He decided
'Simpsons' Star Hank Azaria Apologizes to
to become an actor after 'Every Single Indian Person' for Voicing Apu
performing in a school play at
Hank Azaria has issued an Simpsons." Seller, the white actor the controversies surrounding
the age of 16, becoming apology for voicing Kwik-E-Mart who portrayed the gawky Hrundi Apu. In the episode "No Good
"obsessed with acting" at the owner Apu on "The Simpsons," a V. Bakshi in the film, wore Read Goes Unpunished," Marge
expense of his academic studies. controversial role he played for 30 brownface and perpetuated Indian purchases an old fairytale book
Both of his parents loved all years despite Apu being Indian. stereotypes. Looking back, Azaria from her childhood to read to Lisa
forms of show business, which said this was "a great example of as a bedtime story. While reading
further spurred him to become an "I apologize for my part in white privilege relative the story, Marge began to realize
creating that and participating in advantage." how culturally offensive the book
actor.. that," Azaria said. "Part of me actually is. Toward the end of the
feels I need to go round to every "At the time, Indian people episode, Lisa looks directly into
Joining this silly single Indian person in this were very upset with that portrayal the camera, saying: "Something
new cartoon show country and apologize." back in 1966," Azaria said. "I that started decades ago and was
After doing voice work only couldn't be possibly passing along applauded and inoffensive is now
once before, for the failed Fox Azaria, who began voicing the structural racism more perfectly, at politically incorrect. What can you
pilot Hollywood Dog, Azaria was convenience store owner in 1990, least in a show business context, do?" She then looks over at a
called on by the producers of The spoke about the recent by taking something that was framed picture of Apu, which has
Simpsons to voice the character controversies surrounding his already upsetting and going, 'Oh, the line "Don't have a cow!"
of bartender Moe Szyslak. By the character on Dax Shepherd's this is wonderful!"' written on it.
second season, Azaria was asked "Armchair Expert" podcast. In
to perform multiple roles and January 2020, he stepped down Indian comic Hari Kondabolu Since stepping down from the
made a permanent member of the from voicing Apu on "The outlined the negative stereotypes role, Azaria said he has "read [and]
Simpsons." The voice actor insists and racial microaggressions that spoke to people who knew a lot
cast. the character was created with Apu's character represents in his about racism, spoke to lots of
good intentions but said there documentary "The Problem With Indian people and went to
There’s still plenty were real negative consequences Apu," which was released on seminars." While he still voices
of work for him to the portrayal. truTV in 2017. Kondabolu brought characters on "The Simpsons," he
in various Indian talents from is now a major proponent for
Although Azaria no longer voices "I really didn't know any Hollywood to share their personal casting actors of color to voice
the characters of Apu, latino better," Azaria said. "I didn't think stories of how white people bullied characters of color. Azaria said he
about it. I was unaware of how them by using Apu's character. slowly came to realize that Apu
character Bumblebee Man, and much relative advantage I had Many people used Apu's was the only representation of
Black characters Lou the received in this country as a white ubiquitous line "Thank you, come Indian people in American pop
policeman and Homer’s kid from Queens." again" as the punchline for their culture for 20 years.
harmful and racist gestures.
co-worker Carl, he still voices Azaria said Peter Seller's By Antonio Ferme
dozens of characters in the show. performance in "The Party" Shortly after the film's release,
inspired Apu's voice on "The "The Simpsons" writers addressed April 29, 2021 HAPPENINGS Page 3
His inspirations
Many of his voices he

utilizes have been
inspired by other actors
or characters including:

Moe Szylak -
Al Pacino

Police Chief Wiggum -
Edward G. Robinson

Officer Lou -
Sylvester Stallone

Dr. Nick - “a bad Ricky
Ricardo impression”

Professor Frink -
Jerry Lewis

The Sea Captain -
Robert Newton

Frank Grimes -
William H. Macy

The Wise Guy -
Charles Bronson

feature story

William Jackson Harper & Aya Cash
found fun in 'We Broke Up'

Despite its title, the new movie use a handheld Steadicam to
We Broke Up is a romantic follow the chaotic action of the
comedy. William Jackson Harper games.
and Aya Cash play the couple that
breaks up. Both actors said they "Can you just dance with the
appreciated how the film finds actors?" Rosenberg said he told the
humor and heart in awkward, operator. "We'll just play some
difficult moments. games."

"When there are tonal shifts, Rosenberg co-wrote the script William Jackson Harper and Aya Cash pretend they're still
that's when things get really fun," with his childhood friend, Laura together in "We Broke Up."
Harper said in a recent Zoom Jacqmin, who said writing a
interview. "Your character has to romantic comedy about a breakup
come from a slightly different necessitated the tonal shifts.
place, but you always want to keep
it as truthful as you can." "There's still some wackiness,
some zaniness, some comedic set
Doug (Harper) dumps Lori pieces," Jacqmin said. "It's equally
(Cash) days before they are to leavened with the story of this very
attend her sister's wedding. Doug real breakup, this couple at a
decides to go, anyway, but Lori crossroads trying to figure out
asks him not to tell her family they what's next for them."
broke up.
If Doug and Lori ever become
The ruse leads to awkward too serious, Bea and Jayson are "A lot of the things that happen Selected
situations in which Lori's sister, there to liven up the movie. in the story have very direct Filmography
Bea (Sarah Bolger), and her Rosenberg said the soon-to-be historical analogues," Harper said.
fiance, Jayson (Tony Cavalero), newlyweds are the characters who "So it does feel like history in a lot Aya Cash
continue to treat Lori and Doug as allow "the audience to smile of ways but it is a fictional story." Begin Again (2013)
a couple. In private, Doug and Lori because you know they're going to The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
discuss where their relationship do something goofy." After Underground Railroad, You’re the Worst (FX, 2014-19)
fell apart. Cash said both sorts of Harper will star on Season 2 of the Mary Go Round (2017)
scenes were equally engaging. Jacqmin and Rosenberg said HBO Max series Love Life. The Game Over Man (2018)
Harper and Cash were their first show jumps back and forth in time
"Acting is acting," Cash said. choices for the roles of Doug and to show its main character's Scare Me (2020)
"Whether it's comedy, drama [or] Lori. However, they said it took different relationships. The Boys (AMAZON, 2020-)
sci-fi, I feel like you just try to several years to find a window in
ground it in reality and let the which both actors were available. Harper said that Season 1 William Jackson Harper
script do the work for you." focused on a young character The Electric Company (PBS,
Cash wrapped You're the Worst (Anna Kendrick)'s immature
One of the film's more broadly in 2019 and Harper finished The relationships. In his season, Harper 2009-11)
comedic scenes is a series of Paul Good Place in 2020. Both went on said Love Life explores more The Good Place (NBC, 2016-20)
Bunyan Day games. Bea asks her to new projects immediately. mature relationships.
wedding party to play summer Midsommar (2019)
camp games she enjoyed as a kid. Harper and Cash said they had "Season 2 is dealing with Jack Ryan (AMAZON, 2019)
watched each other on stage in the someone who's a little more
"If you can end up with a tutu New York theater, but had never grounded," Harper said.
and a horse head mask, then I think met. By the time they worked
you've had a great day," Cash said. together, they had seen each Cash next stars on the Fox
other's TV shows, too. comedy, This Country. The show
Harper said director Jeff follows a documentary crew
Rosenberg allowed the cast to have "We didn't have a whole lot of studying young adults in a small
fun filming Paul Bunyan Day. The time to meet and hang out," Harper town. Cash said she's excited for
sequence involved complicated said. "But there was a familiarity viewers to see her costars.
photography, but Harper said that was already there just because
Rosenberg kept the behind-the- I'd been a fan for so long." "It stars some of the best
scenes issues away from the comedians you've never seen
actors. Harper said he began to film the before," Cash said.
Amazon series, The Underground
"He was having fun, we were Railroad, before We Broke Up, We Broke Up is now available
having fun," Harper said. and returned to finish it after the on video-on-demand.
movie. Thuso Mbedu plays Cora, Underground Railroad premieres
Rosenberg said the main character from Colson May 14. This Country and Love
Whitehead's book. Harper plays Life Season 2 do not have
cinematographer Andrew Aiello Royal, a free man who helps Cora premiere dates.
was nervous about his plans for the By Fred Topel

scene. The director asked Aiello to

Page 4 HAPPENINGS April 29, 2021

well news Body of Knowledge Medical History

Statins Are Not a Pain Two percent of people have a bifid uvula, This week in 1988, Retin-A got a boost when
which means there is an abnormal split of the a study published in the Journal of the
One of the alleged side effects of statins -- a bit of tissue (like a tiny punching bag) that American Medical Association said the anti-
popular class of drugs used to prevent deaths hangs down at the end of the soft palate in the acne drug could also reduce wrinkles caused by
from heart attacks and strokes -- is the roof of the mouth. The uvula serves multiple exposure to the sun.
perception that they cause muscle pain. A new purposes: It prevents food and liquid from
trial asked older patients who had stopped entering the nasal cavity. It aids in speech. And Sum Body
taking statins (or were thinking about it) it stops you from choking because it triggers the
because of associated pain to go back on the gag reflex should a large piece of food or Eight trace minerals required by the human
drug or take a placebo. They would not know foreign object reach the back of your throat. body:
which they were getting.
Get Me That, Stat! Iron, Manganese, Copper, Iodine, Zinc,
Trial investigators found that there was no Cobalt, Fluoride, Selenium
difference between the groups. While older A new review of eight studies has found that
people more often report aches and pains, study women do better when they are treated by Last Words
author Liam Smeeth told STAT, "we showed female physicians, in large part because female
they are not made worse by statins and their doctors spend more time, on average, with their "That's good. Go on, read some more." --
pain is not caused by statins." patients, resulting in more personalized U.S. President Warren G. Harding (1865-1923)
diagnoses and treatment. Harding reportedly said this to his wife,
Noise Annoys Florence, as she read a complimentary Saturday
Food for Thought Evening Post news piece about him during an
As people age, they tend to struggle more official trip to the West Coast. Harding is
with navigating new environments, which can Polydimethylsiloxane is an inert, nontoxic believed to have died of congestive heart failure
be a sign of impending dementia. It's one and nonflammable compound used as an anti-
reason why older people often shun unfamiliar foaming additive in many cooking oils to help By Scott LaFee
places in favor of places they know well. prevent oil splatter during the cooking process
(think fast food French fries but also
A small study suggests "noise" in the milkshakes). That utility comes from its ability
hippocampus, a key brain region impacted by to remain viscous and elastic at varying
conditions like Alzheimer's disease, may be to temperatures, which also makes it useful in
blame. Researchers compared how young shampoos, lubricants, medical devices and Silly
people and old people learned their way Putty, which is 65% polydimethylsiloxane.
through a virtual reality town while brain
activity was monitored using fMRI. As young Best Medicine
adults improved at recalling which way to go,
activity in the hippocampus fell while rising in Q: Why do phlebotomists always carry red
other navigation areas of the brain. For the pens?
older people, there was no change, suggesting
that too much activity in the hippocampus A: In case they need to draw blood.
might explain deficits in spatial memory, and
subsequent struggles. Observation

"Nineteen percent of doctors say that they'd
be able to give their patients a lethal injection,
but they went on to say that the patient would
have to be really, really behind on payments." -
- comedian Jay Leno (1950-)

Editor’s Note: The information on this page is intended to provide you with helpful health information and is not a substitute for the judgement and expertise of
healthcare professionals. Please be advised that you should always consult with your health care provider regarding any health care issues that you might have.



Scratch Winner 9 Pin Teen Youth
League League Leagues
Takes All
7:00pm 4:00pm
$5 domestic 7:30pm Receive 7:00pm
pitches Great league for There’s a league for all ages
3 per team teenagers to make new - we have bumper leagues
1 Free Pitcher of 9 pins equal a strike, friends - music and fun!
Payout $100/high individual series Beer or Soda Plus 4 person teams, and regular leagues

each week. Payout $700 1st place a 12” Pizza each any combination of
men or women
team winner takes all! week per team


Mixed Senior Mixed Junior/Adult
League League
League FREE Coffee
9:00am 6:00pm
7:00pm & Kringle each
Guaranteed Prize Bowl as a family -
1st Place $500 4 person teams, 3 person teams, morning this league
2nd Place $300 any combination
of men or women any combination of is great family fun!

men or women

““AA FFaammiillyy OOwwnneedd BBuussiinneessss SSeerrvviinngg KKeennoosshhaa FFoorr OOvveerr 9900 YYeeaarrss”” 042921

Guttormsen Recreation Center

((226622)) 665588--88119911 •• 55441111 GGrreeeenn BBaayy RRooaadd •• KKeennoosshhaa,, WWII •• wwwwww..ggrrccbboowwlliinngg..ccoomm April 29, 2021 HAPPENINGS Page 5

The Zion Park District celebrated Earth Day at
the Robert McClory Bike Trail on Thursday April
22nd. Volunteers and employees walked the trail
and helped pick up any trash along the gorgeous
landscape. They also planted a tree to help support

the reduction of C02 in the air. Mayor Billy
McKinney was on hand to promote the fact that
Zion is now a Monarch City! The Monarch City

Dedication is a project that many entities
collaborated on which can be seen by this statement

form Zion-Township Supervisor Cheri Neal, "
Anyone who knows me knows how excited I am
that Mayor Billy McKinney passed a resolution
making Zion a Monarch City USA! Our Zion Park
District has done so much to save the Monarchs it
was a no-brainer! Thank you to everyone who

came out and celebrated Earth Day and the
unveiling of our Monarch City USA signs!!!!"

Photos By: Gibbie Buchholtz

KiwdisthgeatnayFkRidE’Es smmeaalllpfuunrcnheal

Part-time Jonathon Michael Richards and the Zion Scout Troop042921
Servers & 663 worked very hard to beautify the landscape at the
Zion Shiloh House this weekend! Jon Richards designed
Cooks and organized the group to earn his Eagle badge! They
Apply In started promptly at 9:00 and worked diligently
Person. throughout the day! Pizza was bought from Jen G's for
lunch, and the hard working crew enjoyed every bite! If
Located in the historic Metra Station you were not aware, Shiloh House has a lot of exterior
5414-13th Ave. Kenosha
damage and is working hard to raise funds. Drive by
262-220-3634 • Shiloh House and check out their wonderful work!
Tues.-Thurs. 11am-2pm, Fri.-Sun. 11am-3pm
Extended hours coming soon Zinnias will be planted soon!
A Big Thank you to Jonathon Richards & Troop 663!
Page 6 HAPPENINGS April 29, 2021 The Historical Society has a Go fund me page, or send

donations to 1300 Shiloh Blvd, Zion, IL 60099
Photo by: Gibbie Buchholtz

Call for all your
concrete and

Landscaping needs!

262-331-4052 April 29, 2021 HAPPENINGS Page 7

coast to coast Cher recalls years- Man bowls a perfect Firefighters rescue
long effort to game with ball ducklings
Chrissy Teigen: Kim rescue elephant containing his
Cher is looking back on her father's ashes Firefighters in Florida came to
the rescue of a family of ducklings
Kardashian 'gave years-long effort to rescue an An Illinois man who fell into a storm drain near a
her all' in marriage elephant in captivity. The 74-year- paid tribute to his bridge. The Iona McGregor Fire
The 35-year-old model and old singer and actress discussed on deceased father by District said in a Facebook post that
television personality Chrissy The Late Late Show with James bowling a perfect a crew responded to a weekend call
Teigen weighed in on Kim Corden how she helped rescue an 300 game using a from a member of the public who
ball that contained reported a group of ducklings had
Kardashian and Kanye West's some of his dad's ashes. fallen into a storm drain near the
John Hinkle, 39, a two-time NCAA Cape Coral Bridge. The firefighters
split during Watch What Happens bowling champion for Western opened the drain cover and
Illinois University, said his father, Engineer Josh Wright climbed into
Live. Teigen and her husband, John Hinkle Sr., introduced him the opening to lift the ducklings to
and his brother, Joe, to the sport of safety. The baby birds were
singer John Legend, were close bowling when they were very reunited with their mother. "There
young. Hinkle said his two-handed will be no bill for these ducks, it's
friends with Kardashian and bowling technique means he is only all in a days work," the fire district
allowed two finger holes in his ball, said.
West. Kardashian filed for so he had the thumb hole on his ball
filled with some of his father's Ellen talks about ER
divorce from West in February ashes after the older Hinkle died in visit after drinking
2016. "I was talking to my brother marijuana cocktails
after nearly seven years of and told him, 'I'm shooting a 300
with this ball," Hinkle told Ellen DeGeneres described
marriage. On WWHL, Teigen WMBD-TV. "And Joe said, 'Do consuming multiple weed drinks
it!'" Hinkle's prediction came true and then having to drive her wife,
was asked if Legend has kept in April 12, when he rolled a perfect Portia de Rossi, to the hospital for
game. "I had tears in my eyes in the an emergency appendectomy on
touch with West since the split. "I 11th and 12th frames. I couldn't tell Jimmy Kimmel Live. DeGeneres
you where that last ball went, I had said that she is not a fan of how
will say I have definitely been in so many tears just throwing it," marijuana makes her feel but that
Hinkle said. Chelsea Handler recommended she
touch with Kim more than John try a brand of weed drinks called
Late gift earns Cann. "I drank one and I didn't feel
has been in touch with Kanye. If woman a $500K anything so I drank three and then I
took two melatonin sleep pills. And
anyone knows Kanye, it's that he Cher A Maryland woman who I'm laying in bed and I realize she's
received a scratch-off lottery ticket not in bed," DeGeneres said of
is, he goes off the grid. It's hard to as a belated birthday present from Rossi. "She's moaning. I get out of
her brother had to forgive the gift's bed and she's on the ground on all
ever contact Kanye," she said. elephant named Kaavan in tardiness when she won a $500,000 fours.' She goes, 'I'm okay.' I said,
Teigen said Kardashian is "doing Islamabad. Cher said she first jackpot. Elizabeth Coker-Nnam of 'No, unless you're playing Twister
okay" amid the divorce and "tried learned of Kaavan after seeing his Upper Marlboro, Md., told Virginia by yourself, you're not okay.' So I
her best" during the relationship. story on Twitter and tweets calling Lottery officials her brother gave rushed her to the emergency room,"
"I know Kim gave her all for to "#FreeKaavan." Cher thought her a Premier Cash Scratcher ticket DeGeneres said. The daytime talk
everything, and it's honestly a there was "no way" she could help from the Virginia Lottery as a late show host said she drove Rossi to
shame that it didn't work out but ended up reaching out to singer gift a few days after her birthday. the hospital, but that they made it
because I saw them being a Bob Geldof's manager, whom she Coker-Nnam said she forgot about there safely. "I kicked in, like, my
forever relationship, I really did," had met years prior. Geldof's the ticket for a few weeks until she adrenaline because I just had to
Teigen said of Kardashian and manager lived in South Africa and was on the phone with her brother rush her there. It's probably not
West. "I know she tried her best." had experience rescuing elephants. and decided to scratch it off while safe. I shouldn't be saying any of
they were talking, revealing a this," she said.
Teigen also discussed her "I called him, and this is years $500,000 top prize. The winner's
connection with Meghan Markle. later, and I said, 'Hi, you may not brother, who purchased the ticket at Ellen DeGeneres
She said Markle reached out to remember me but this is Cher. Can the B.O.B. at the Pentagon in
her after Teigen and Legend you help me save an elephant?' And Arlington, accompanied Coker-
experienced a pregnancy loss he said, 'Of course,'" Cher said. Nnam to collect her prize. "If I'd
with their son Jack. "She's been "This elephant had been shackled known it was that, I'd have kept it,"
so kind to me ever since we his entire life. He is 37," she added. he said Coker-Nnam said her
connected," Teigen said of "And [Geldof's manager] said, take winnings will help her make sure
Markle. "She had written me the shackles off. Put water in there, her brother gets a memorable gift
about baby Jack and loss. But put a top on his little area that he for his birthday.
yeah, she is really wonderful and lived in. And that is how we
so kind and just as kind as started." Cher said it took four
everyone says she is." Markle is years to move Kaavan from the
married to Prince Harry. The Pakistani zoo to a Cambodian
couple have a son, Archie, and are wildlife sanctuary. "They wouldn't
expecting their second child this release him until I came to get him.
summer. I think that they thought I wouldn't

go get him," she said. Cher's

journey to save Kaavan is

chronicled in the new documentary

Cher & the Loneliest Elephant,

which is now available on

Paramount+. "Elephants are just

like we are. They're so family

oriented and emotional and so I

wanted to free him," Cher said in a

Chrissy Teigen & John Legend trailer for the film released this

Page 8 HAPPENINGS April 29, 2021

Zion Township's Business Manager, Sandra Usher, was beyond frustrated with not being able to host our yearly Senior
Resource Day due to Covid-19. This year she wouldn't take no for an answer. She devised a plan and got the partners,
Benton Township, The Grove at The Lake, Zion Park District on board with Zion Township to host their 19th Annual
Senior Resource Day with a twist. We obviously couldn't host the event indoors at the Zion Park District Sports Arena,
but that didn't mean we couldn't have it! On April 21st , thanks to Sandra's out of-the-box thinking, Senior Resource
Day was held in the parking lot of the Zion Park District Leisure Center. Over 250 seniors from the Zion-Benton area
were able to participate in a Mobile Resource Day. In a drive-up setting, each senior received a goodie bag with items
from 25 organizations and our Senior Resource Guide, to help them connect with the agencies they need to enhance their
lives. The event was a huge success and proof there are gifts and opportunities in every situation if we are willing to look

for them! Photos By: Gibbie Buchholtz

Sheriff's deputies and K9 Dax save man's life initially tracking in a southwest direction. K9 Dax then turned and
tracked to the north, directly to a shed in the rear of the property. Deputy
On April 19, 2021, at approximately 12:20 a.m., Lake County Chase Skrypek opened the door to the shed and found the man inside,
Sheriff's Deputies were dispatched to a home in the 35800 block of unconscious and not breathing. Deputy Forlenza and Deputy Skrypek
North Hunt Avenue, Ingleside, for a report of a suicidal person. carried the man out of the shed and began CPR. Deputy Michael
McCarty arrived and assisted with CPR until paramedics arrived.
While responding to the scene, Lake County Sheriff's
Telecommunicators ascertained a 37-year-old man sliced his wrists open Just prior to the arrival of paramedics, the man began breathing and
and fled from the residence on foot. After learning the man left on foot regained consciousness. He was transported to an area hospital due to
and was in immediate need of medical help and mental wellness his injuries and for a mental health evaluation.
assistance, Sheriff's Deputy John Forlenza and K9 Dax responded to the
scene. Sheriff John D. Idleburg said, "This is yet another outstanding
example of the dedication and devotion our sheriff's deputies have to the
The initial deputies arrived and located a large amount of blood in the Lake County community. The number one priority of everyone working
home. A short time later Deputy Forlenza and K9 Dax arrived at the at the Lake County Sheriff's Office is to always maintain the respect and
scene. K9 Dax conducted an immediate track. K9 Dax located the dignity of every human life - Deputies Forlenza, Skrypek, McCarty, and
man's scent and tracked out the back door of the home and started K9 Dax did just that and undoubtedly saved this man's life." April 29, 2021 HAPPENINGS Page 9

charts The 93rd Academy
Awards Wrap Up
Best Picture Frances McDormand took home her third Best Actress
1. Levitating/Dua Lipa Oscar at last week’s Academy Awards
2. Peaches/Justin Bieber 2020 Nomadland
3. Montero (Call Me By Your Name)/Lil Nas X 2019 Parasite Best Actress
4. Kiss Me More/Doja Cat 2018 Green Book
5. Kings and Queens/Ava Max 2017 The Shape of Water 2020 Frances McDormand “Nomadland”
6. Memories/Maroon 5 2016 Moonlight 2019 Renee Zellweger “Judy”
7. Count on Me/Bruno Mars 2015 Spotlight
8. Good As Hell/Lizzo 2014 Birman 2018 Olivia Colman “The Favourite”
9. Orpheus/Fire(Live fromHollywood Bowl)/Sara Barellies 2013 12 Years a Slave 2017 Frances McDormand “Three Billboards…”
10. Watermelon Sugar/Harry Styles 2012 Argo
2011 The Artist 2016 Emma Stone “La La Land”
TOP SELLING DIGITAL ALBUMS Farther back 2015 Brie Larson “Room”
2001 A Beautiful Mind
1. Chilling Theme/Dery OG 1991 The Silence of the Lambs 2014 Julianne Moore “Still Alice”
2. Time Machine/John Wise 1981 Chariots of Fire 2013 Cate Blanchett “Blue Jasmine”
3. Under the Roof/Brandy Brown 1971 The French Connection 2012 Jennifer Lawrence “Silver Linings Playbook”
4. Chilling Time/DjNord 1961 West Side Story 2011 Meryl Streep “The Iron Lady”
5. Soul/Eric Church
6. Heart/Eric Church Last Sunday, just 9.8 million Farther back
7. Let The Bad Times Roll/The Offspring Americans watched the Academy 2001 Halle Berry “Monster’s Ball”
8. Nurture/Porter Robinson Awards ceremony. Oscars viewership 1991 Jodie Foster “The Silence of the Lambs”
9. McCartney III Imagined/Paul McCartney fluctuates year by year, however the 1981 Katharine Hepburn “On Golden Pond”
10. The Battle at Garden’s Gate/Greta Van Fleet last time the ceremony drew in a U.S.
audience of more than 40 million was 1971 Jane Fonda “Klute”
TOP SELLING OVERALL - CD & VINYL back in 2014. The figure recorded in 1961 Sophia Loren “Two Women”
2021 was the lowest yet, and marked a
1. My Savior/Carrie Underwood drop-off of over 50 percent from the Best Actor
2. Soul/Eric Church 2020 audience.
3. Heart/Eric Church 2020 Anthony Hopkins “The Father”
4. Midnight Memories/One Direction Academy Award 2019 Joaquin Phoenix “Joker”
5. The Dark Side of the Moon/Pink Floyd viewership
6. Fearless (Taylor’s Version)/Taylor Swift 2018 Rami Malek “Bohemian Rhapsody”
7. Starting Over/Chris Stapleton 2021 9.8M 2017 Gary Oldman “Darkest Hour”
8. Plastic Ono Band (Box Set)/John Lennon 2020 23.6M
9. Legend/Bob Marley 2019 29.6M 2016 Casey Affleck “Manchester by the Sea”
10. Fortitude/Gojira 2018 26.5M 2015 Leonardo DiCaprio “The Revenant”
2017 32.9M
TOP SELLING RAP & HIP-HOP - CD/VINYL 2016 34.3M 2014 Eddie Redmayne “The Theory of Everything”
2015 36.6M 2013 Matthew McConaughey “Dallas Buyers Club”
1. Flower Boy/Tyler 2014 43.7M
2. To Pimp a Butterfly/Kendrick Lamar 2013 40.3M 2012 Daniel Day-Lewis “Lincoln”
3. Igor/Tyler 2012 39.3M 2011 Jean Dujardin “The Artist”
4. 2014 Forest Hills Drive/J. Cole
5. At Long Last A$AP/A$AP Rocky source: Farther back
6. The Best of DMX/DMX 2001 Denzel Washington “Training Day”
7. Skool Luv Affair/BTS 1991 Anthony Hopkins “The Silence of the Lambs”
8. Greatest Hits with a Twist/DMX
9. Goodbye and Good Riddance/Juice WRLD 1981 Henry Fonda “On Golden Pond”
10. Licensed to Ill/Beastie Boys 1971 Gene Hackman “The French Connection”
1961 Maximillan Schell “Judgement at Nuremberg”
1. The Dark Side of the Moon/Pink Floyd
3. Fortitude/Gojira
4. Live at Knebworth 1990/Pink Floyd Weeks This Book Title (Author) Weeks This Book Title (Author)
5. The Battle at Garden’s Gate/Greta Van Fleet Listed Week Listed Week
6. Peter Frampton Forgets the Words/Peter Frampton
7. AM/Arctic Monkeys 1 1 Ocean Prey (Sandford) 1 1 On the House (Boehner)
8. Rumors/Fleetwood Mac
9. Greatest Hits/Fleetwood Mac 3 2 The Hill We Climb (Gorman) 6 2 The Code Breaker (Isaccson)
10. Zappa ‘88:The Last US Show/Frank Zappa
1 3 The Devil’s Hand (Carr) 2 3 Broken Horses (Carlile)
11 4 The Four Winds (Hannah) 1 4 Empire of Pain (Keefe)
Page 10 HAPPENINGS April 29, 2021
20 5 The Midnight Library (Haig) 26 5 Greenlights (McConaughey)

3 6 The Red Book (Patterson/Ellis) 37 6 Caste (Wilkerson)
58 7 Untamed (Doyle)
1 7 The Good Sister (Hepworth)
25 8 The Invisible Life of Addie Larue (Schwab) 2 8 Broken (Lawson)
2 9 Finding Freedom (French)
5 9 Win (Coben) 11 10 Think Again (Grant)

1 10 Stargazer (Hillerman)

music news available on streaming platforms. Ice-T on Grammy win: The Weeknd
Pike also shared a video for the 'My mind was blown'
Keith Urban song that shows him singing and The Weeknd makes
playing acoustic guitar at home. Ice-T discussed how shocked he Ariana Grande doll in
Keith Urban performs Pike broke his silence on was when his band, Body Count, new music video
with Breland, Nile Instagram last week after dropping won a Grammy Award while
Rodgers in 'Out the out of American Idol. "I had to appearing on The Tonight Show 31-year-old singer The Weeknd
Cage' music video leave the @AmericanIdol Starring Jimmy Fallon. Body released an animated music video
competition for personal reasons Count, a heavy metal band fronted for his song "Save Your Tears
Keith Urban performs with but am so thankful I get to play by Ice-T, won Best Metal (Remix)" with Ariana Grande.
Breland and Nile Rodgers in a music for the rest of my life," he Performance for their song "Bum- The video shows an animated
new music video for the song "Out said. "Fellow contestants - miss Rush" "The Grammys to me version of The Weeknd assemble
the Cage." The video shows you all, good luck! Thank you to rhyme with pop. I'm just like, an Ariana Grande doll. The
Urban, Breland and Rodgers everyone for your support... do Grammys are pop you know. So original version of "Save Your
performing amid smoke from a stick around for more musical the fact that Body Count, like the Tears" appears on The Weeknd's
smoke machine on set. It also things soon!" worst group got a Grammy, my fourth studio album, After Hours,
features images of different people mind was totally blown," Ice-T released in March 2020. The
from across the country. "Out the Eminem said. "I just thought it was an Weeknd has released other After
Smoke" appears on Urban's 11th impossibility," he continued. Hours remixes, including
studio album, The Speed of Now Eminem makes NFT Fallon played a clip of Ice-T "Blinding Lights" with Rosalía
Pt. 1, released in September. The announcement finding out that he won the and "In Your Eyes" with Doja Cat.
song is the first track on the album, Grammy and celebrating with his The Weeknd and Grande
which Urban discussed in an Eminem is set to sell his first 5-year-old daughter. previously collaborated on
interview with Billboard the same non-fungible token or NFT, after Grande's song "Love Me Harder,"
month as the album's release. "I Saturday Night Live performed a Ice-T additionally discussed in 2014 and last year’s "Off the
always sequence my albums like sketch on NFTs that parodied that Law & Order: SVU Season 22 and Table."
it's a show. I think if anybody were rapper's song "Without Me." how the season will have fewer
to go back and listen to the first Eminem had retweeted the SNL episodes. "We're filming actually
song on every one of my albums parody by Pete Davidson, Chris right now the last episode. Instead
you'd be like, 'Yeah, that's how you Redd and singer Jack Harlow of doing 22 episodes this season,
open a show; that would be the alongside a thinking face emoji. we only were able to do 17 for
first song on the set list,'" Urban Nifty Gateway, an NFT time restrictions," he said. "We had
said. "It just had all the energy and marketplace, then announced on high COVID protocol. I mean, I've
propulsion and genreless-ness that Twitter that Eminem will be been taking a COVID test every
I wanted to open this particular selling his first NFT. It remains day. But we made it work," he
album as well," he added of "Out unclear what exactly Eminem's continued.
the Smoke." The Speed of Now Pt. NFT will look like.
1 also features the singles "We Billboard Charts
Were," "God Whispered Your The sketch involved Davidson,
Name" and "One Too Many." Redd and Harlow discussing NFTs Hot 100 (pop singles) Billboard 200 (albums)
while performing a new version of
Wyatt Pike releases "Without Me" using lyrics about 1. Rapstar/Polo G 1. Fearless (Taylor’s Version)/Taylor Swift
new song after the digital items. Davidson dressed 2. Montero/Lil Nas X 2. The Best of DMX/DMX
'American Idol' exit up as Batman's partner Robin, 3. Leave the Door Open/Silk Sonic 3. Justice/Justin Bieber
which Eminem had done in the 4. Peaches/Justin Bieber 4. Dangerous/Morgan Wallen
Wyatt Pike has released a song music video for "Without Me." An 5. Save Your Tears/The Weeknd 5. SoulFly/Rod Waves
in the wake of his exit from NFT is a form of cryptocurrency 6. Levitating/Dua Lipa ft. DaBaby 6. Positions/Ariana Grande
American Idol. The 19-year-old and is a unique digital collectible. 7. Kiss Me More/Doja Cat ft. SZA 7. The Highlights/The Weeknd
singer released the original song NFTs can include jpegs, video 8. Up/Cardi B 8. Destined 2 Win/Lil Tjay
"Friday Nights" following his clips, art pieces or tweets that run 9. Drivers License/Olivia Rodrigo 9. Shoot for the Stars.../Pop Smoke
abrupt departure from American on blockchain, a digital ledger that 10. Astronaut in the Ocean/Masked Wolf 10. Future Nostalgia/Dua Lipa
Idol Season 19. "Friday Nights" is verifies authenticity.

Hot 100 (pop singles) Billboard 200 (albums)

1. Where Do Broken Hearts Go/W.Houston 1. Dirty Dancing/soundtrack
2. Wishing Well/Terence Trent D’Arby 2. Faith/George Michael
3. Angel/Aerosmith 3. More Dirty Dancing/soundtrack
4. Devil Inside/INXS 4. Bad/Michael Jackson
5. Anything For You/Miami Sound Machine 5. Kick/Inxs
6. Get Outta My Dreams.../Billy Ocean 6. Introducing the Hardline../TerenceTrentD’Arby
7. Pink Cadillac/Natalie Cole 7. Tiffany/Tiffany
8. Prove Your Love/Taylor Dayne 8. Now and Zen/Robert Plant
9. I Saw Him Standing There/Tiffany 9. Appetite for Destruction/Guns N Roses
10. Girlfriend/Peaches 10. Out of the Blue/Debbie Gibson April 29, 2021 HAPPENINGS Page 11

things people say ThirtyTwentyTen A look back at entertainment news
from this week in 1991, 2001, and 2011.

"In this time, with all of • R&B act Boyz II Men1991
release their debut album
the Internet and social Cooleyhighharmony - with
the hit singles Motownphilly
media and algorithms and and End of the Road, it would
be a huge success, selling
everything that wants us over 9M copies in the US.

to think a certain way, the • Michael Keaton and Rene
Russo star in the new crime
24-hour news cycle, it is drama One Good Cop.

my hope that all of us will • After 14 seasons on CBS, the prime time soap opera
Dallas airs its finale.
teach our kids from now
• Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz
on to remember to just return for the sequel The Mummy
Returns, the action flick features the
refuse hate. Don't hate film debut of wrestler Dwayne “The
Rock” Johnson.
anybody. I refuse to hate
• Girl group Destiny’s Child release
someone because they are their third album Survivor. It will debut
at #1 on the charts and sell over 12M
Mexican, or because they copies worldwide. 2001

are Black or White, or Tyler Perry • After six seasons on CBS the police drama Nash
LGBTQ. I refuse to hate Bridges, starring Don Johnson, airs its final episode.

someone because they are

a police officer. I refuse to hate someone because they are Asian." In

accepting the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award at Sunday’s Oscars

ceremony, actor, filmmaker, and philanthropist Tyler Perry offered up a

message of hope and unity. Perry went on to say he was grateful for his

Oscar and dedicated the award to people willing to recognize the

humanity in others. "That's where healing happens, that's where

conversation happens, that's where change happens. It happens in the

middle. Anyone who wants to meet me in the middle, to refuse hate, to

refuse blanket judgment and to help lift someone's feet off the ground,

this one is for you, too."

"At 83 years of age, I did not 2011 • Kristen Wiig is the star and co-
expect to get this award. I really writer of the new comedy
didn't. I'm very grateful to the Bridesmaids. Melissa McCarthy
Academy and thank you," After would get a Supporting Actress
the conclusion of the Academy nomination for her role.
Awards, Anthony Hopkins
comments via Instagram on • Michael Scott has left the building!
winning his second Academy Steve Carell makes his last regular
Award for Best Actor. Hopkins appearance on the hit NBC comedy
paid tribute to the late Chadwick The Office.
Boseman, who had been heavily
Anthony Hopkins in “The Father” favored to win for his • Stevie Nicks releases In Your Dreams, her seventh
performance in Ma Rainey’s studio album and first in 10 years. It would be her fifth
Black Bottom by saying, "I want solo record to hit the top ten on the Billboard charts.
to pay tribute to Chadwick Boseman, who was taken from us far too
early. I really did not expect this, so I feel very privileged and honored. celebrity birthdays
Thank you." Hopkins was in his homeland of Wales and did not attend
last Sunday’s gala celebrating the best of cinema. 4/29 Uma Thurman 51, Willie Nelson 88,
Jerry Seinfeld 67, Jonathan Toews 33,
"There are some people that their goal was 'I have to have children.' Michelle Pfeiffer 63, Daniel Day-Lewis 64 We all have some pandemic stories,
Mine wasn't. I wasn't looking at life going, 'My life will be unfulfilled but did your partner throw one of your
without children.’ Then I realized that my life had been pretty empty. 4/30 James McVey 27, Travis Scott 29, body parts in the garbage?That’s the
Then when you throw these two kids in there, then you suddenly realize Gal Gadot 36, Kirsten Dunst 39, story Gal Gadot recently shared with
how incredibly empty it was. It fills it all up. It makes it fun." What Johnny Galecki 46,Akon 48 Jimmy Kimmel. “You know in the early
actor admitted to having an empty life until he met his wife and had
children? For the answer and much more fabulous entertainment news, 5/1 Jamie Dornan 39, Tim McGraw 54, days of pandemic when you start
check out our website and click on the Web Extra link! WesAnderson 52, Julie Benz 49 drinking mimosa or sangria or

A. Simon Cowell 5/2 Dwayne Johnson 49, David Beckham 46, whatever at 11am? So I did that, and
B. Hugh Grant Ellie Kemper 41, Christine Baranski 69 then I decided that I’m going to make a
C. Kelsey Grammer cabbage salad because that’s what one
D. George Clooney 5/3 Eric Church 44, FrankieValli 87,
Christopher Cross 70, Bobby Cannavale 51 wants to do,” Gadot, 35, told Jimmy
Kimmel during an interview.
5/4 Mike Dirnt 49, Lance Bass 42,
ErinAndrews 43, WillArnett 51, “Anyway, I started to chop the thing
Randy Travis 62, Mick Mars 70 and I chopped the top of my finger,”
the “Wonder Woman” actress revealed.
5/5 Chris Brown 32,Adele 33,
Henry Cavill 38, Brooke Hogan 33, Gadot’s husband,Yaron Varsano,
Brian Williams 62, Bill Ward 73 proceeded to pick the tip of her finger
up after the accident.While holding his

wife’s fingertip,Varsano became so
disgusted, according to Gadot, that he

threw it in the garbage disposal.

Page 12 HAPPENINGS April 29, 2021

These beautiful trees are in full bloom in downtown Zion, Illinois. The trees are named ChanteClair, French for the
Rooster because the trees bloom so early in the year. Delaine Rogers provided some information on these beautiful trees,
Delaine was our Zion Commissioner in 2003. Delaine said that she, Mayor Lane Harris, & Brian Usher Director of Public
Works, planted the trees in 2003. That is the year that the City of Zion won the Metropolitan Area Award for best downtown

Streetscape Project. I hope you all enjoy our little drive through downtown Zion to check out these magnificent trees!
Photo by: Gibbie Buchholtz

IUP General Feed Store which has been
serving the Zion community since 1924, was
purchased by the Richards Brothers in late
2019. Despite the challenges of the pandemic
they've been hard at work on expanding the

store and bringing in new products. In
addition to selling all types of bird, dog & cat
food they also carry many other pet foods &

a custom grass seed from Ross Aiuppy
himself. The store has a vintage feel & look,
including the newest addition of an old soda

machine that has been used in other
businesses in Zion in past years. Stop in and

check it out! Photo by: Gibbie Buchholtz

042921 April 29, 2021 HAPPENINGS Page 13

on the airwaves Offshoots & outtakes streaming Strangers. Kidman, who portrays
SpaceX CEO Elon Musk is set the resort's director, promises her
LeVar Burton to guest host the May 8 episode of Ewan McGregor nine visitors that she can heal and
Saturday Night Live in New York. transform them in 10 days, in the
'Jeopardy!' taps LeVar "Let's find out just how live DISNEY+ clip. No release date has yet been
Burton, Robin Roberts Saturday Night Live really is," Maya Erskine has joined the announced.
as new guest hosts Musk, 49, tweeted. Pop star Miley
Cyrus, 28, will serve as the cast of Star Wars: Obi-Wan Elisabeth Moss
Jeopardy! announced five new evening's musical guest. The NBC Kenobi. Erskine joins previously
guest hosts will helm the game series is now in its 46th season. announced stars Ewan McGregor Elisabeth Moss says The
show in the coming weeks, and Hayden Christensen, who Handmaid's Tale Season 4 fulfills
including LeVar Burton and CBS announced it has renewed will reprise their roles as Obi-Wan the "promises" of past seasons. "I
Robin Roberts. Also joining the NCIS: Los Angeles, starring Chris Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, do feel like we have built
37th season of the trivia show will O'Donnell and LL Cool J, for a aka Darth Vader, respectively. something over the past three
be George Stephanopoulos, 13th season. The network also said Moses Ingram, Joel Edgerton, seasons that quite rightly needs to
David Faber and Joe Buck. They it had ordered a spinoff called Bonnie Piesse, Kumail Nanjiani, be kind of fulfilled, and I think
are among several celebrities who NCIS: Hawaii. No casting has Indira Varma, Rupert Friend, that we do that this season," Moss
have temporarily filled in as host been announced for the new series. O'Shea Jackson, Jr., Sung said. The Handmaid's Tale co-
in the months after long-time host Both investigative dramas will air Kang, Simone Kessell and stars Joseph Fiennes, Yvonne
Alex Trebek's death from cancer during the 2021-22 television Benny Safdie also have roles in Strahovski, Alexis Bledel, Ann
in November. Burton, best known season. the series. Production will begin Dowd and Samira Wiley. Season
as the host of Reading Rainbow this month. The series take places 4 will premiere April 28.
and for his roles in Roots and Star CBS announced earlier that it 10 years after the events of Star
Trek: The Next Generation, joins ordered additional seasons of Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005),
the show after a social media Young Sheldon, Tough as Nails, which showed Anakin turn to the
campaign and fan petition to bring Blue Bloods, Bull, Magnum, P.I., Dark Side and become the Sith
him on board. He'll host the show NCIS and S.W.A.T. lord Darth Vader.
July 26-30.
Among the previously
announced hosts, CNN anchor Annie Murphy Netflix released a trailer
Anderson Cooper began his two- for Master of None Season 3, set
week stint on the show last week to premiere May 23. The third
and will be followed by 60 season of the series, created
Minutes correspondent Bill by Aziz Ansari and Alan Yang,
Whitaker May 3-14. Call Me Kat will focus on Denise (Lena
actor Mayim Bialik hosts May 31- Waithe) and her partner, Alicia
June 11, Today co-anchor (Naomi Ackie).
Savannah Guthrie hosts June 14-
25 and CNN medical Kevin Can F**k Himself, a new Selena Gomez Kate Bosworth, Laura
correspondent Sanjay Gupta series starring Emmy-winner Kariuki, Andie MacDowell,
hosts June 28-July 9. Good Annie Murphy, is coming to HBOMAX Dermot Mulroney, Emma
Morning America co-anchors AMC in June. The network said in Pasarow and Belmont Cameli
Stephanopoulos and Roberts will a press release that the dark Selena Gomez's series Selena are set to star in a Netflix film
host July 12-16 and July 19-23, comedy series will have a two- + Chef will return for a third adaptation of Sarah Dessen's
respectively; Squawk on the Street episode premiere June 13 on season on HBO Max. New young adult novel, Along for the
co-host Faber will host Aug. 2-6; AMC+ and June 20 on AMC. episodes of Selena + Chef will Ride.
and Fox sportscaster Buck will Subsequent episodes will start premiere later this year and will
host Aug. 9-13. Previous guest streaming on AMC+ one week follow Gomez as she continues Netflix has announced it will
hosts included Jeopardy! record- ahead of their airings Sundays on her cooking adventures at home
holder Ken Jennings, Jeopardy! AMC. Kevin Can F**k Himself with a new roster of all-star chefs release Season 2 of its Norwegian-
and Wheel of Fortune Executive centers on Allison McRoberts to help her.
Producer Mike Richards, (Murphy), the prototypical sitcom language, coming-of-age
journalist Katie Couric, The wife. The series follows Allison Bethany Frankel's business
Doctor Oz Show host Dr. Mehmet after she finally wakes up to -- and competition series, titled The Big series, Ragnarok, on May 27.
Oz, and Green Bay Packers revolts against -- the injustices in Shot with Bethenny, is coming to
quarterback Aaron Rodgers. her life. "Kevin Can F**k Himself HBO Max on April 29. Most Popular TV
breaks television convention and
Page 14 HAPPENINGS April 29, 2021 blends multi-camera comedy with HULU 1. Shadow and Bone (NFX) 85%
single-camera realism to make us
ask: 'who and what have we been Nicole Kidman welcomes 2. Falcon and Winter Soldier (DIS) 88%
laughing at all of these years?'" an Melissa McCarthy, Regina Hall
official description reads. Mary and more to her health and 3. Mare of Easttown (HBO) 91%
Hollis Inboden, Eric Peterson, wellness resort in the latest teaser
Alex Bonifer, Brian Howe, and trailer for Hulu's Nine Perfect 4. For All Mankind (APP) 100%
Raymond Lee round out the cast.
5. Them (AMZ) 63%

6. Made For Love (HBO) 93%

7. The Serpent (NFX) 68%

8. Rutherford Falls (PEA) 93%

9. ZeroZeroZero (AMZ) 94%

10. The Nevers (HBO) 47%


on the airwaves happy existence eventually is The COVID pandemic has put a new spin on the reality show Bar Rescue,
shattered by someone else: rich starring JonTaffer, as it kicks off its 8th season Sunday night on
SATURDAY Edgar Linton (David Niven), who Paramount.
MAY 1, 2021 seems to be a more suitable
match for Cathy. Director William Obama, former CIA director Leon 9 p.m. on FX
1:30 p.m. on NBC Wyler’s classic 1939 version of the Panetta, mission commander Pose
147th Kentucky Derby Emily Bronte novel earned an Admiral William McRaven and This groundbreaking — and
It’s time for the Run for the Roses Oscar for its cinematography. former Secretary of State Hillary Emmy-winning — drama series
again, as the 147th Kentucky Clinton, as well as — for the first set in the LGBTQ ballroom scene
Derby kicks off today at Churchill SUNDAY time — clandestine military of late 20th-century Harlem opens
Downs in Louisville, Ky. — and MAY 2, 2021 planners and members of the its third and final season in 1994,
serves as the first jewel of horse assault force that killed bin Laden. when the ballroom circuit where
racing’s Triple Crown. Sometimes 2:30 p.m. on ABC she became a star feels like a
labeled as the “most exciting two NBA Basketball 7 p.m. on LIFE distant memory to Blanca (Mj
minutes in sports,” the race is run Two teams with a shot at locking Movie: How I Met Your Murderer Rodriguez), who is juggling being
by three-year-old Thoroughbreds up the top playoff berth in the East Mack Meyer has attracted legions a mother with working as a nurse’s
who sprint 1-1/4 miles. In 2020, square off today in Milwaukee, of fans with her true-crime podcast aide during the height of the HIV
jockey John Velazquez rode the where Giannis Antetokounmpo “How I Met Your Murderer,” but epidemic, as well as exploring a
Bob Baffert-trained colt Authentic and the Bucks hope to make a she’s stunned to find herself the new romance (Jeremy Pope,
past heavy favorite Tiz the Law for statement in their home game center of a story when she “Hollywood”). Meanwhile, Pray Tell
the victory. against James Harden and the discovers her husband, Henry, (Emmy winner Billy Porter)
Brooklyn Nets. The Nets drew first was involved in the death of Lily, grapples with serious health
7 p.m. on HBO blood in the season series in his high school sweetheart. After issues of his own. Indya Moore
Movie: Tenet January, when Kevin Durant’s befriending a new neighbor, Oliver, also stars.
Director-writer Christopher Nolan three-pointer with 36 seconds and doing some investigating with
(“Inception”) spent more than five remaining gave them a thrilling him, Mack links Lily’s death with 9 p.m. on PARMT
years working on the screenplay 125-123 victory at Barclays other local murders, making her Bar Rescue
for this characteristically head- Center. fear that she may be sharing her Jon Taffer continues his cross-
spinning 2020 sci-fi action thriller, life with a serial killer. Rachele country tour of some of the worst
which follows a CIA agent called 6 p.m. on ESPN Schank, Chris Zylka and Billy drinking establishments in
the Protagonist (John David MLB Baseball Armstrong star in this 2021 thriller. America as this reality series
Washington), who learns how to Bitter NL East rivals go at it tonight opens Season 8. His objective isn’t
manipulate time, then uses that in the City of Brotherly Love, 9 p.m. on NBC to ridicule businesses on the brink,
ability to prevent an attack from where the J.T. Realmuto and the Good Girls but rather to see whether he can
future forces determined to Philadelphia Phillies will complete The new episode “Carolyn With a help the distressed owners with
annihilate present-day mankind. a three-game home series against Y” finds Ruby and Annie (Retta, practical advice from his own
Given only a limited release in Francisco Lindor and the New York Mae Whitman) getting frustrated experiences in the food and
theaters due to the COVID-19 Mets. The home field has been key with Beth (Christina Hendricks), a beverage industry. This season,
pandemic, the film failed to break to both teams in their season situation that isn’t helped when which reflects the heavy toll taken
even at the box office, despite series so far as the Phils took two Rio (Manny Montana) asks Beth to by the COVID-19 pandemic,
good reviews. Robert Pattinson, of three in Philly in early April and recruit a new team member. focuses primarily on the bar and
Elizabeth Debicki, Michael Caine the Amazin’s swept three at Citi Elsewhere, Stan (Matthew Lillard) restaurant scene in Las Vegas.
and Kenneth Branagh co-star. Field a week later. is wary of involving Beth in new
business ventures, and Annie is more...
7 p.m. on LIFE 7 p.m. on A&E convinced to take Ben (Isaiah
Movie: Revenge Delivered Biography: Macho Man Randy Stannard) out of private school.
Celebrated obstetrician Dr. Savage
Victoria Brooks (Olunike Adeliyi) is A&E’s ongoing series of feature-
considered by most of her peers length biographies of some of the
as among the best in her field, but WWE’s most memorable wrestling
she’s thrown off her game when legends continues with this profile
she begins to sense that of one of the most colorful and
something is “off” about one of her charismatic Superstars ever to set
new student residents. That foot inside the ring. Savage, who
uneasiness turns to something far became known for his memorable
more chilling, though, when catchphrases, flashy robes and
Victoria starts to suspect this outsize personality, won two WWE
young woman is the daughter of Championships, four WCW/WCIU
someone from her past — and World Championships, and
now she has sought out Victoria reigned for 14 months as
with revenge on her mind. Mary Intercontinental Champion.
Antonini and Samantha Brown
also star in this 2021 melodrama. 7 p.m. on HIST
Revealed: The Hunt for Bin Laden
9 p.m. on TCM Based on the 9/11 Memorial &
Movie: Wuthering Heights Museum’s unprecedented access
Poor but sincere Heathcliff to American intelligence and
(Laurence Olivier) loves privileged military personnel, this new two-
Cathy (Merle Oberon) on the 19th- hour documentary chronicles the
century English Moors, despite 10-year effort to find Osama bin
her brother’s (Hugh Williams) Laden, the al-Qaeda leader and
resentment of him. The couple’s mastermind behind the 9/11 terror
attacks. Featured interviews
include former President Barack April 29, 2021 HAPPENINGS Page 15

on the airwaves Olive Holt stars in the new Freeform series Cruel Summer, airingTuesday 7 p.m. on CW/WCIU
nights on the network and available to stream on Wednesdays on Hulu. Kung Fu
MONDAY An officer-involved shooting in
MAY 3, 2021 Bonesetter’s Daughter,” helped 9 p.m. on FREE Chinatown leaves the Asian
turn Tan into a global icon for Asian Cruel Summer community stunned in the new
7 p.m. on FOX Americans, and she is lead singer Kate (Olivia Holt) is sent episode “Sanctuary.” Jin and Mei-Li
9-1-1 of the Rock Bottom Remainders, a completely reeling by the lawsuit, (Tzi Ma, Kheng Hua Tan) are
The members of the 118 rush to band that also includes such but she pulls herself together and forced to relive a past traumatic
the scene of a hit-and-run bestselling writers as Stephen prepares her defense, while also experience, while Henry and Nicky
accident, where they are shocked King, Scott Turow and Dave Barry. finding friendship with an unlikely (Eddie Liu, Olivia Liang) are
to find a familiar face in critical ally in the new episode “You Don’t startled by what they discover
condition in the new episode “First 8 p.m. on HIST Hunt, You Don’t Eat.” Elsewhere, about the weapons.
Responders.” Elsewhere, Buck Pawn Stars the annual Wallis family hunting
(Oliver Stark) helps Athena In the first of two new back-to-back trip turns into the setting for an 7 p.m. on TCM
(Angela Bassett) investigate the one-hour episodes, “Pawn Stars important first meeting. Chiara Movie: 12 Angry Men
case of a missing woman last seen and Movie Stars” finds Rick Aurelia, Froy Gutierrez and Andrea Eleven of the jurors in a young
in a casino, and Josh (guest star summoning actor Dennis Quaid to Anders also star. man’s murder trial are ready to
Bryan Safi) recalls the 2006 help him authenticate a signed declare him guilty and go home as
emergency that inspired him to poster for Quaid’s upcoming movie WEDNESDAY soon as they get the case. But the
become a 9-1-1 operator. Peter release. Elsewhere, Corey MAY 5, 2021 12th insists they actually
Krause and Jennifer Love Hewitt negotiates for an official platinum deliberate; after all, a life is at
also star. album from Bruno Mars. Next, in 7 p.m. on CBS stake. His “not guilty” vote forces
“Rick’s Gotta Have It,” Rick sorely Kids Say the Darndest Things the others to take a hard look at
7 p.m. on PBS hopes to strike a bargain to A year after ABC canceled this their perceptions, prejudices and
Antiques Roadshow acquire such mementos as a reboot of a vintage kid-centric priorities. Henry Fonda’s portrayal
This flagship PBS series has personal cigar box once owned by series, Tiffany Haddish returns to of the holdout juror is one of his
enjoyed a 25-season run to date President John F. Kennedy, an host this CBS revival, which will air best performances. Lee J. Cobb,
by focusing on everyday collectors iconic guitar from the collection of in a new half-hour format. One Ed Begley, E.G. Marshall and Jack
who bring their treasured items to music superstar Jimi Hendrix and thing that definitely isn’t changing: Klugman also star in this 1957
be assessed. This month, however, Steve McQueen’s Mustang from Haddish’s delightful chemistry with drama.
brings three new and “Bullitt.” her young guests who are even
unprecedented “celebrity edition” more willing than ever to share 8 p.m. on CBS
specials, in which noteworthy TUESDAY their unvarnished opinions to SEAL Team
personalities from comedy, film, MAY 4, 2021 Haddish, since the COVID-19 In a new episode called “Do No
TV, literature, movie and sports pandemic meant jettisoning the Harm,” the Bravo team is ordered
present some of their own favorite 8 p.m. on CW/WCIU studio audience that was part of to bring a defecting Boko Haram
things. The specials, which air here Supergirl the older formats. lieutenant into custody, but the
and the next two Mondays, feature Cast member Chyler Leigh makes mission goes badly off the rails
such stars as Olympic figure her directorial debut in the new 7 p.m. on NBC when the target gets attacked;
skater Nancy Kerrigan, comics Jay “Prom Again!,” a flashback episode Chicago Med Elsewhere, Sonny (A.J. Buckley)
Leno and John Hodgman, actress that sees young Kara (guest star An automobile accident sends drops the ball as Bravo’s
S. Epatha Merkerson, broadcast Izabela Vidovic) experiencing Goodwin (S. Epatha Merkerson) representative on the USS
journalist Soledad O’Brien and exposure to kryptonite for the first into an emotional spiral as she Keating, and the entire team pays
fashion designer Christian Siriano. time. Meanwhile, the time-traveling tries desperately to help a young the price as a consequence.
Nia and Brainy (Nicole Maines, boy and his mother in the new
8 p.m. on CW/WCIU Jesse Rath) find themselves episode “What a Tangled Web We 8 p.m. on NBC
Black Lightning trapped by aliens, and a young Cat Weave.” Elsewhere, Natalie’s Chicago Fire
Black Lightning (Cress Williams) Grant (guest star Eliza Helm) (Torrey DeVitto) secretive behavior A mysterious yet clearly desperate
dispatches an urgent SOS call to poses a threat to Supergirl ever finally draws the attention of Drs. caller who is in grave peril relies on
Gambi (James Remar) in a new getting out of the Phantom Zone Marcel and Halstead (Dominic Kidd (Miranda Mayo) to rescue her
episode called “The Book of again. Rains, Nick Gehlfuss). Oliver Platt and her brother in a new episode
Reunification: Chapter One.” also stars. called “Don’t Hang Up.”
Elsewhere, Lynn (Christine Meanwhile, the firehouse team
Adams) finds herself in some very helps Cruz (Joe Minoso) prepare
serious trouble as well. Nafessa himself for fatherhood.
Williams, Jordan Calloway,
Chantal Thuy and Marvin Jones III 8 p.m. on CW/WCIU
also star. Nancy Drew
Nancy’s (Kennedy McMann)
8 p.m. on PBS birthday dinner with Carson (Scott
American Masters Wolf) is rudely interrupted when
Filmmaker James Redford’s last Detective Tamura (guest star
completed documentary before his Ryan-James Hatanaka) shows up
death from cancer in 2020, “Amy with a warrant to arrest her for
Tan: Unintended Memoir” profiles contempt of court in the new “The
the groundbreaking Chinese- Siege of the Unseen Specter.”
American author whose debut Elsewhere, George, Bess and Ace
novel “The Joy Luck Club” (Leah Lewis, Maddison Jaizani,
catapulted her to commercial and Alex Saxon) summon up one of
international success. Her their ancestors in an attempt to
subsequent works, including “The locate the spirit of Odette’s
Kitchen God’s Wife” and “The Englishwoman lover,


Page 16 HAPPENINGS April 29, 2021

on the airwaves as an excuse to ditch his doctor- TCM is airing the Academy Award winning classic 1961 musical
recommended yoga classes with West Side Story onThursday night.
THURSDAY Vanessa (Nancy Travis) in the new
MAY 6, 2021 episode “Yoga and Boo-Boo.” movie ever made. It certainly has shoot, while Dominique (Michael
Elsewhere Kristin and Ryan acquired cult status as a camp Michele) looks for help when she
7 p.m. on NBC (Amanda Fuller, Jordan classic, and this new 90-minute runs into obstacles trying to
Manifest Masterson) become convinced special — airing as part of the launch her new fashion line.
In the first of two new back-to- that Mandy and Kyle (Molly 2021 TCM Classic Film Festival — Elsewhere, Anders (Alan Dale) is
back episodes, “Precious Cargo” McCook, Christoph Sanders) are features a company of comics in a stunned by what he finds after
finds Michaela (Melissa jealous of their relationship — and reading of Wood’s script, as doing some digging. Sam
Roxburgh) questioning Ben’s vice versa. adapted by Dana Gould. Underwood and Grant Show also
(Josh Dallas) developing Performers include Maria star.
relationship with Eureka, where 8 p.m. on CW/WCIU Bamford, Bobcat Goldthwait,
the plane wreckage is being Legacies Laraine Newman, Bob Odenkirk, 8 p.m. on PBS
stored. Meanwhile, Ben also Hope and Landon (Danielle Rose Paul F. Tompkins, Baron Vaughn
attracts the attention of some new Russell, Aria Shahghasemi) and Gary Anthony Williams. Great Performances
adversaries who resort to embark on a new mission after Wood’s cheesy original airs
desperate measures to get some receiving some inspiration from immediately afterward. The great British actor Toby Jones
answers. Elsewhere, Saanvi Cleo (guest star Omono Okojie) in
(Parveen Kaur) proves her worth the new episode “You Can’t Run 8 p.m. on CBS (“Wayward Pines”) gives a
by making a scientific From Who You Are.” When their Magnum P.I.
breakthrough, but Angelina (Holly plans take an unexpected turn, This detective show reboot wraps heartbreakingly good
Taylor) approaches a breaking however, Josie and Wade (Kaylee up its third season with
point. Bryant, guest star Elijah B. Moore) “Bloodline,” with Magnum and performance in the title role of a
step in to offer a hand. Elsewhere, Higgins (Jay Hernandez, Perdita
7 p.m. on CW/WCIU Lizzie (Jenny Boyd) gets MG Weeks) taking on a stalking case sad-sack estate manager in early
Walker (Quincy Fouse) to help her learn involving a girl and a man with
Now that the Sidestep bar is more about Finch (guest star experience in espionage. On a 20th-century Russia in Irish
legally in their name, Walker, Courtney Bandeko). Matthew more personal note, Ethan (guest
Stella and August (Jared Davis also stars. star Jay Ali) invites Higgins to join playwright Conor McPherson’s
Padalecki, Violet Brinson, Kale him on a trip for Doctors Without
Culley) set out to put their stamp 8 p.m. on HIST Borders, just as Magnum has (“The Seafarer”) new translation of
on the place in the new episode Swamp People started to warm up to other
“Encore.” While Micki and Trey Troy and Pickle have just started possibilities with his partner. Anton Chekhov’s dramatic
(Lindsey Morgan, Jeff Pierre) work their new season when a biting Zachary Knighton and Stephen
through the aftereffects of his and unexpected cold front Hill also star. CBS recently greenlit masterpiece “Uncle Vanya.”
storm-related injuries, Liam threatens their operation in the Season 4 of this series.
(Keegan Allen) turns to his father new episode “Gators on Ice.” Filmed without an audience in
(Mitch Pileggi) for some career Elsewhere, Don and Jacob are
advice. After confronting Clint forced to shoot their way out of a London’s Harold Pinter Theater
(guest star Austin Nichols) about tough spot, while Zach and Joey
Trevor (guest star Gavin resort to using an old-school trick after the COVID-19 pandemic
Casalegno), Stella makes a to lure gators into biting.
dangerous decision that could Meanwhile, Liz pulls out her own shuttered the city’s West End in
have lasting ramifications for the bag of tricks to find a solution to
Walker family. this unpredictable weather. 2020, director Ian Rickson’s

7 p.m. on TCM FRIDAY acclaimed revival includes a
Movie: West Side Story MAY 7, 2021
Tonight’s encore showing of this superb cast that also includes
Oscar-winning 1961 adaptation of 7 p.m. on CW/WCIU
the Broadway musical, which Charmed Richard Armitage (“The Hobbit”
casts Natalie Wood and Richard Now airing in a new Friday time
Beymer as young lovers Maria period, this supernatural reboot movie trilogy), Roger Allam, Anna
and Tony, serves to kick off this continues its third season with
year’s edition of the TCM Classic “Witchful Thinking,” a new episode Calder-Marshall, Rosalind Eleazar
Film Festival. The event is being that finds the Charmed Ones
held virtually again this year due (Melonie Diaz, Madeleine and Peter Wight.
to COVID-19 considerations, with Mantock, Sarah Jeffery)
three stars from the film — Rita embarking on a quest. They’re 8 p.m. on CW/WCIU FOR MORE TV LISTINGS
Moreno, George Chakiris and seeking an ancient relic that they Dynasty
Russ Tamblyn — participating hope will help them cure their As Season 4 opens with “That Find them available
remotely to offer their personal magical allergy, but they’re Unfortunate Dinner,” Fallon and to download and
recollections. Moreno and unprepared for the outcome. Liam (Elizabeth Gillies, Adam print at home at
Chakiris both earned supporting Meanwhile, Josefina (guest star Huber) are planning their nuptials,
Oscars for their performances. Mareya Salazar) reaches an with some decidedly unsolicited
important decision about her input from mother-of-the-bride
8 p.m. on FOX future. Alexis (Elaine Hendrix). Later,
Last Man Standing Alexis and Jeff (Sam Adegoke)
Mike (Tim Allen) tries to use 7 p.m. on TCM announce their new status as a
Chuck’s (Jonathan Adams) injury Plan 9 From Outer Space Table power couple via a glitzy photo
Ed Wood’s ultra-low-budget 1957
sci-fi flick “Plan 9 From Outer
Space” has been called the worst April 29, 2021 HAPPENINGS Page 17

Meet your 2021 Zion-Benton Varsity Girls SoftBall Team. These pictures were taken Saturday morning, April 17th, 2021.
They are; Angeli Calderon, Olivia Johnson, Chloe McLaughlin, Angelina Zungia, Jenna Villalobos, Allison Loucas, Nadia
McCabe, Brenna Morley, and Assistant Coach Ryan Geary. Good luck girls, I hope you have a fantastic season! Photo by:

Gibbie Buchholtz

Meet your 2021 Zion-Benton JV Girls Softball Team. These pictures were taken on Thursday, April 15th, 2021. They
are from left to right, back row; Coach Riann, Rosley Brown, Alexie Schubring, Samantha Gomez, Clarisa Villalobos,
Alana Caraballo, Julisa Cardenas and front row, Jasyah Agee, Olivia Gundy, Elivia Scott, and Melanie Reyes. Good

Luck girls, I hope you have a fantastic season! Photo by: Gibbie Buchholtz

Page 18 HAPPENINGS April 29, 2021

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movie news Gloria Estefan in for follows Henry (Driver), a standup
Father of the Bride comedian, and Ann (Cotillard), a
Vin Diesel welcomes James Cameron singer of international renown. The
audiences back Gloria Estefan has joined the birth of the couple's daughter,
with 'F9' promo James Cameron: cast of the Father of the Bride Annette, a mysterious girl with an
'Avatar' sequels take remake. Estefan joins previously exceptional destiny, changes their
Actor Vin Diesel introduced viewers into 'whole announced stars Andy Garcia and lives. "Every Leos Carax film is an
footage from F9 in a new promo new areas' Adria Arjona. "A resounding event," Cannes Festival president
video celebrating the magic of YES was my answer to the Pierre Lescure said in a statement.
going to the movies. "It's been a Avatar director James invitation to join my good friend, "Any this one delivers on its
while. The roads were a little Cameron says the film's sequels the incredibly talented Andy promises! Annette is the gift that
empty. Places where we used to will take viewers into "whole new Garcia, for this new and lovers of cinema, music, and
gather went quiet. We went areas." The 66-year-old filmmaker wonderfully warm and funny culture were hoping for, one that
through a year that tested us," discussed Avatar 2 and Avatar 3 incarnation of the classic, Father of we have been yearning for during
Diesel said in the 2 1/2-minute during The Tonight Show starring the Bride!" Estefan said in a the past year."
clip, referring to the coronavirus Jimmy Fallon. When asked how he statement to Deadline. The remake
pandemic, which kept people can top Avatar, the highest- is based on the 1991 film Father of 'Music,' 'Absolute
isolated and at home for months. grossing film of all time, Cameron the Bride, starring Steve Martin, Proof' earn multiple
jokingly said he cries at the Diane Keaton and Kimberly Razzie Awards
"But we are starting to see the prospect. "I cry. I just sit here at Williams, and the 1950 movie
promise of a new day. For more my desk and I cry, because there's starring Spencer Tracy, Joan Sia's critically panned film,
no way," he said. "It's just too Bennett and Elizabeth Taylor. Music, scored a leading three
Vin Diesel much pressure, dude, you know?" Razzie Awards. Razzies presenters
More seriously, Cameron said the 'Annette,' starring have been calling out bad cinema
than 100 years, there's one place sequels will stay true to the Adam Driver, to open for 41 years.
where we all came together to be original 2009 movie while taking Cannes
entertained, to escape, to go viewers in a new direction. "No, Music "won" for Worst Actress
someplace new -- the movies. look, we just try to be kind of true The 2021 Cannes Film Festival (Kate Hudson,) Worst Supporting
There is nothing like that moment to what people loved about the first will open with Adam Driver and Actress (Maddie Ziegler) and
when the lights go down, the film and take it into, you know, Marion Cotillard's movie Worst Director (Sia.)
projector ignites and we believe." whole new areas, like a lot of our Annette. Festival organizers said
A trailer for F9 then kicks into scenes are in the ocean. And so I'm that Annette will screen during the Absolute Proof was named
gear. Directed by Justin Lin and set combining things that I love, like festival's opening night July 6. Worst Picture and its star, Mike
to debut in theaters on June 25, the making Avatar and going into the Annette marks the English- Lindell, was voted Worst Actor.
action movie stars Diesel, ocean. I love all that stuff," he said. language debut of French director
Michelle Rodriguez, Tyrese Kate Winslet, who will star in Leos Carax. The film is a musical Rudy Giuliani earned the Worst
Gibson, Chris "Ludacris" Avatar 2 and 3, said in an interview featuring an original story, music Supporting Actor dishonor for his
Bridges, Jordana Brewster, that she plays a "water goddess" in and lyrics by pop duo Sparks. appearance in Borat: Subsequent
Nathalie Emmanuel, John Cena the new movies. The sequels Simon Helberg co-stars Annette Moviefilm.
and Sung Kang. started production in New Zealand takes place in Los Angeles and
in June 2020. 365 Days earned the Worst
Screenplay title and Dolittle was
deemed Worst Remake, Rip-Off or

Weekend Box Office Report

DVD Best Sellers Blu-Ray Best Sellers April 23 - 25, 2021 $23M
1. Mortal Kombat $21M
1. The Office: complete series 1. The Dead Zone Collector’s Edition 2. Demon Slayer the Movie: Mugen Train $4.2M
2. Soul 2. Wonder Woman 1984 3. Godzilla vs Kong $1.7M
3. Roe v Wade 3. Harry Potter: The Complete Collection 4. Nobody $1.7M
4. Harry Potter: The Complete Collection 4. Donnie Darko (4K Ultra HD) 5. Raya and the Last Dragon $1.4M
5. Minari 5. Brotherhoood of the Wolf 6. The Unholy $720K
6. Blood In, Blood Out 6. But I’m a Cheerleader: Director’s Cut 7. Tom and Jerry $522K
7. The Chosen, Season 1 7. Drunken Master 8. Together Together $342K
8. News of the World 8. The Pianist 9. The Girl Who Believes in Miracles $264K
9. Wonder Woman 1984 9. Minari 10. The Courier
10. Tombstone 10. The Mortuary Collection

1. Beetlejuice $6.2M

2. Casual Sex? $3.8M

3. Colors $3.8M

4. Above the Law $3.1M 5. Biloxi Blues $2.8M

Page 20 HAPPENINGS April 29, 2021


Tantalizing Tangier everywhere, and gardens bloom Rock of Gibraltar. of traditional folk culture. But I'm
As we've had to postpone our with lush, new greenery. The free to skip the tiresome photo
travels because of the pandemic, I difference is breathtaking. The in colorful flowing robes walk to ops, the kickback-oriented
believe a weekly dose of travel city, long exotic, is now likeably sweat shops adjacent to the port -- shopping stops, and the tourist-
dreaming can be good medicine. exotic. happy to earn $15 a day sewing trap lunch spot. I visit places that
Here's one of my favorite for big-name European clothing can't handle large groups. And I
memories from Morocco -- a I hike up to the venerable Hotel lines. enjoy the services of a
reminder of the fun that awaits us Continental, where I stay when knowledgeable and English-
at the other end of this crisis. visiting. Hotel Continental takes For little more than the cost of speaking local friend all to myself.
me back to Bogart days. taking a standard tour, you can He swats away hustlers and other
As I stand on the bow of my Gramophones gather dust on hire a private guide. With the guides.
ferry, the Rock of Gibraltar dressers under dingy lights. Day luxury of my own guide, I venture
disappears in the mist behind me, after day, a serene woman paints a into the old town. He leads me While the tangled lanes of old
while the fabled Pillars of figure-eight on the loose tiles with directly into the market. The scene Tangier are a cauldron of activity,
Hercules marking Africa appear her mop. is a wonderland, with everything rooftop tea houses let you enjoy a
ahead of me. I enjoy the thought on sale -- except for pork, privileged tranquility while
that you encounter more cultural In the morning, roosters and the forbidden to Muslims. Mountains eavesdropping on all the
change by taking this hour-long call to prayer work together to of brilliant olives, a full palette of commotion. Perched like a sultan,
ride from Spain to Morocco than wake me, along with the rest of spices, children with knives happy I sip chai -- my chipped antique
you do by flying all the way from this world. When the sun gets high to perform for my camera. Each glass filled with tea leaves,
the U.S. to Spain. enough to send a rainbow animal is slaughtered in steaming water, and lots of sugar,
plunging into the harbor amid accordance with halal: in the name as locals like it. Below us a tour
For years, when I sailed from ferries busily coming and going, I of Allah, with a sharp blade, its group passes, walking in a tight
Tarifa across the Strait of Gibraltar stand on my balcony and survey head pointed to Mecca, ritually single file. Clutching their purses
to Tangier, I braced myself for a Tangier kicking into gear. Women drained of its blood. and day bags nervously to their
city known as the armpit of bellies like paranoid kangaroos,
Morocco. Tangier was long Most tourists I see on the streets they trundle past one last gauntlet
neglected. It was an "international are with large groups day tripping of street merchants hoping only to
city" -- favored by the West and over from Spain. A typical day- get safely back onto their ferry
therefore disdained by the trip tour includes the round- trip and "home" to Europe. I'm so
previous king of Morocco, who ferry crossing and a guide who comfortable, and they are so
made a point of diverting national meets you at the port. All offer the nervous and embattled. The scene
investment away from Morocco's same five-hour experience: a city seems pathetic, reminding me of
fourth city. bus tour, the famous ride-a camel some kind of self-inflicted hostage
stop, a drive through the ritzy crisis.
Hopping off my ferry, I'm eager palace neighborhood, a walk
to get up to date with the city. I've through the market, a quick bit of Do yourself a favor: Visit
heard that everything changed snake charming, a visit to a sales- Tangier . . . but not as part of a tour
when the current king, starved carpet shop, and lunch. group.
Mohammed VI, took the throne.
He believes Tangier should be a With my private guide, I walk By Rick Steves
great city once again. As a essentially the same route and
symbolic show of support, the first catch the same colorful glimpses
city he visited after his coronation
was Tangier.

Walking out of the port, I see
the king's grand-scale restorations
-- the beach has been
painstakingly cleaned, pedestrian
promenades have popped up

Airline offering aerial tours of Chernobyl

A Ukrainian airline is April 25, the 35th anniversary of
commemorating the 35th the disaster.
anniversary of the Chernobyl
Nuclear Power Plant disaster by The airline said the plane will
offering an aerial tour of the site. pass over the city at an altitude of
2,950 feet, the minimum allowed,
Ukrainian International Airlines and in-flight information will be
announced it is teaming with provided by guides from
Chernobyl Tour, a company Chernobyl Tour.
specializing in Exclusion Zone
tourism, to offer an aerial tour of Tickets for the Embraer 195
the nuclear power plant site and passenger jet flight, which will
the abandoned city of Pripyat on begin and end at Kiev's Boryspil
Airport, are on sale for $106. April 29, 2021 HAPPENINGS Page 21

what’s streaming

For a full list of Disney+ Been going stir crazy stuck at home for the past year? Well take a virtual vacation with the Griswolds in the
everything new and hilarious 1983 classic National Lampoon’s Vacation, streaming May 1st on Peacock -
on the horizon on April 30
Amazon Prime, Adventures in after reliving the family’s experience with Aunt Edna, Cousin Eddie and their cross-country trip to Walley
Netflix, Hulu, Wonderland World,you might be glad you stayed home.
Disney+ and Disney Ducktales
more, visit (S3) The Witches Of Harold & Kumar Go Part II Peacock Disney Junior Mira Eastwick, 1987 to White Castle Back to the Future
Oklahoma! Tyler Perry’s The Haunting in Part III May 1
Here is a partial list Marvel Studios: Madea’s Witness Connecticut Barney and Friends Along Came Polly,
of some of the great Assembled Protection, 2012 How Stella Got Her S13-14 2004
upcoming titles The Mighty Ducks: Varsity Blues, 1999 Groove Back Best of the Best Alpha Dog, 2007
which will be Game Changers – Welcome To I Am Legend Dead Again in An American Tail,
streaming in the Ep106, “Spirit of the Sarajevo, 1997 The Iron Giant Tombstone 1986
next few weeks. Ducks” When Harry Met Machete Due Date The Bourne Identity,
Big Shot: Episode Sally, 1989 Once Upon a Time in Fun with Dick and 2002
Amazon 103, “TCKS” Willy Wonka & the the West Jane Boy Erased, 2018
May 4 Chocolate Factory, Predator G.I. Joe: The Rise of Casino, 1995
May 1 Star Wars: The Bad 1971 Predator 2 Cobra Catwoman, 2004
Alien: Resurrection Batch: Ep101 Won’t You Be My Race for Your Life, Green Zone Crank, 2006
(1997) Neighbor?, 2018 Charlie Brown Hachi: A Dog’s Tale Crank 2 High
Aliens (1986) HBO Max Reservoir Dogs JT LeRoy Voltage, 2009
Almost Famous Hulu Sahara Madagascar: Dazed and Confused,
(2000) May 1 Shattered Europe’s Most 1993
Angels & Demons 17 Again, 2009 April 28 The Spy Next Door Wanted Elizabeth, 1998
(2009) Abraham Lincoln: *The Handmaid’s Step Up 2: The Mystic River Elizabeth: The
Bound (1996) Vampire Hunter, Tale: S4 Premiere Streets Never Back Down Golden Age, 2007
Flight (2012) 2012 April 30 Step Up 3D Notting Hill Evan Almighty, 2007
Green Zone (2010) Anaconda, 1997 The Judge (2014) True Lies Resident Evil: Green Lantern, 2011
Gunsight Ridge Baby Boom, 1987 May 1 Vampire in Brooklyn Afterlife Half Baked, 1998
(1957) Barry Lyndon, 1975 Are You the One? Vantage Point Resident Evil: Hellboy, 2019
Hidalgo (2004) Black Hawk Down, S4-6 Wall Street: Money Extinction The Hobbit: An
How Stella Got Her 2001 Bad Girls Club S7, 9, Never Sleeps S.M.A.R.T. Chase Unexpected Journey,
Groove Back (1998) The Cable Guy, 1996 10, 15 We Were Soldiers Scarface 2012
Leatherheads (2008) The Dirty Dozen, Blind Date S1 What’s Love Got to Sitting in Limbo Kick-Ass 2, 2013
Nanny Mcphee 1967 Dating #NoFilter S1- Do with It Stargate King Kong, 2005
(2006) Dumb & Dumber, 2 Zack and Miri Make State of Play Leap Year, 2010
Nanny McPhee 1994Intruder, 1991 I Am Cait S2 a Porno The Land Before Miami Vice, 2006
Returns (2010) Free Willy, 1993 Married to Medicine Time Mystery Men, 1999
One Fine Day (1996) Frida, 2002 S1-6 Netflix The Land Before National Lampoon’s
Reign Of Fire (2002) Good Morning, Shahs of Sunset S1-6 Time II: The Great European Vacation,
Resident Evil: Vietnam, 1987 Texicanas S1 April 30 Valley Adventure 1985
Apocalypse (2004) Happy Feet Two, An Elephant’s *The Innocent The Lovely Bones National Lampoon’s
Resident Evil (2002) 2011 Journey *The Mitchells vs. The Pelican Brief Vacation, 1983
Rio (2011) Happy Feet, 2006 The Assassin The Machines The Sweetest Thing Parenthood, 1989
Sahara (1983) Igor, 2008 Dances with Wolves *Pet Stars The Whole Nine Public Enemies, 2009
Scent Of A Woman Insomnia, 2002 Detective Dee: The *The Unremarkable Yards Tales from the Hood,
(1992) The Interview, 2014 Four Heavenly Kings Juanquini: S2 Under Siege 1995
The Age of Adaline Jackie Brown, 1997 Dinosaur 13 May 1 Waist Deep Top Five, 2014
(2015) Magic Mike, 2012 Fascination Aliens Stole My Your Highness Vegas Vacation, 1997
The French Menace II Society, Goodnight Mommy Body Zack and Miri Make Waterworld, 1995
Connection (1971) 1993 Grace of Monaco Angelina Ballerina a Porno White House Down,
The Green Hornet Mortal Kombat, 1995 Hannibal Rising S5-6 Zombieland 2013
(2011) My Baby’s Daddy, Harold & Kumar Back to the Future The Wood, 1999
The Indian in the 2004 Escape from Back to the Future
Cupboard (1995) Mystery Date, 1991 Guantanamo Bay
The Men Who Stare Norbit, 2007
At Goats (2009) Precious, 2009
The Outsider (1980) Rabid, 1977
The Secret Life Of Rudy, 1993
Bees (2008) Rush Hour 2, 2001
The Sixth Sense Rush Hour 3, 2007
(1999) Rush Hour, 1998
The Sweetest Thing Senseless, 1998
(2002) Serpico, 1974
The Towering Serving Sara, 2002
Inferno (1974) Summer Rental, 1985
Unbreakable (2000) Tenet, 2020
Vantage Point (2008) The Perfect Man,
The Tuxedo, 2002
The Wings Of The
Dove, 1997

Page 22 HAPPENINGS April 29, 2021

in the stars April 29, 2021
May 5, 2021

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Watch your money as this week begins and put your ambitions
aside. You may not have the funds to embark on a new financial adventure, but you might

make a successful change later in the week.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Some obstacles that block you in the week ahead may force you

to wait until you find your way around them. This can be a good thing, as the experience can
make you more efficient, grounded and organized.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Some difficulties are temporary, so patience might be the lesson

to learn as this week unfolds. Although intentions are good, someone could easily misinterpret
your meaning, or you may not understand theirs.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): If someone lets you down, look for a soft, safe landing place. In

the week ahead monitor, your own behavior; show respect for the rules and toe the line, but

be forgiving and kind toward others.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Loved ones may not seem as affectionate as you might hope in the
first half of the week. But just because someone is unresponsive or preoccupied doesn't mean

that they don't love or care about you.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): As the week begins, try to be above board rather than disguising
your worries or ignoring problems. Be conscientious about your duties and obligations, and
be protective of your health.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Be more attentive on the job. In the week to come, you may ignore

ACROSS 57 Laszlo Kreizler, in a Caleb 19 Old PC monitors details or conflate instructions because you are distracted by fantasies. Pay more attention to
1 Egyptian god with an ibis head Carr novel 23 Adidas rival your loved ones and friends.
6 One who crosses the line 60 Nylons 24 Yelp user, say
10 Blight-stricken tree 61 Scream-evoking horror film 26 Brightest star in Lyra SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You may be reminded in the upcoming week that you're just
13 "Donnie Brasco" actress technique ... and a hint to what's 28 River of Pisa
Anne hiding in five puzzle rows 29 Gps. with copays one branch among all the trees of the forest. Do your humble part as a member of the whole,
14 Flap 63 Broadway orphan 30 Ride-sharing option but don't begin anything new during the next few days.
15 Corp. leaders 64 US Open stadium namesake 31 Ballet divisions
17 Lay to rest 65 Surrealist Paul 32 Early movie mogul SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You may be swept away on a magic carpet ride of
18 With 42-Across, part of a 66 Paragon 33 Gaelic language
psychologist's battery 67 It may be gross 35 Take out __ romance and wishful thinking as the week unfolds. The problem may be that others are seri-
20 Seven-time Wimbledon win- 68 Barrie pirate 36 Island rings
ner 69 Leaders of industry 39 Fox River, in TV's "Prison ous-minded. Try to remain grounded and sensible.
21 Wisconsin city on the DOWN Break"
Mississippi 1 Fried chicken choice 41 Spot of wine? CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You may regret completing some major transaction or sign-
22 HDTV part, for short 2 Painter __ de Toulouse- 44 Source of a homeopathic oil ing an agreement. Wait until the middle of the week to start any remodeling or major repair
24 They may be civil Lautrec 47 They may be fake
25 Singing stars 3 Two quartets 49 Slangy nose projects, as there should be fewer impediments to success. SOLUTION
27 "60 Minutes" regular 4 Jay Powell chairs it 51 Chooses
31 Strong brew 5 That girl 52 Church song AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): If you can't say something good
34 Deadly 6 Orchestra sect. 54 Passport producer about someone, say nothing at all. Praise is a more effective tool
37 West Point team 7 Not very friendly 55 Willow twig than criticism. You'll be able to achieve your ends much easier
38 Prom adornment 8 "What __": "Ho-hum" 56 Lively dances
40 Hear about 9 Amazon crime series based 57 "The Birth of a Nation" in the second part of the week.
42 See 18-Across on Michael Connelly novels actress __ Naomi King
43 Stella __: Belgian beer 10 Satellite communications 58 A deadly sin PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): As trees grow, they will provide
45 Düsseldorf direction giant 59 "If u ask me" shade and may bear fruit. But their value develops slowly over
46 Hard work 11 Grazing sites 62 Shoebox letters
48 Bridge seats 12 Soft shoes 63 "Breaking Bad" network time. Anything worthy of your efforts may need more time to
50 __ Zee: Hudson River area 16 That girl
53 Divine fluid mature, so don't expect quick results in the week ahead.



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